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15,000 copies of each distributed throughout southern and central Ontario.
Winning entries will be published in either Explore Bobcaygeon, Explore Buckhorn, or Explore Fenelon Falls 2023 with photo credit (each publication has a distribution of 15,000 copies).
All entries have the opportunity to win prizes from local sponsors.
To submit images for the contestplease email to ads@thepromoter.ca
Please include full name, contact information, and general area if you know. No limit on image quantity, the larger the image size the better. Contest submission closes February 24, 2023.
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Village Voice pg. 4
City Hall pg. 4
Crossword pg. 12
Horoscope pg. 13
Trades & Services pg. 14
Classifieds pg. 15
As I write this, it’s Bell Let’s Talk Day, an effort by the Canadian business giant to support mental health across the country. While the issue of mental health shouldn’t just have one day, I want to use this opportunity to do what I can to remove the stigma associated with it by opening up about my ongoing battle.
I started talking to a therapist about 10 years ago. I was struggling with the loss of my Mom, the increased responsibility of things at home due to John’s ongoing health issues, feelings of inadequacy about my job and, frankly, just getting older. There were some really, really dark days in there and I finally admitted I needed help.
That admission was one of the toughest, I have to say. On good days I felt strong and had an “I’ve got this” attitude. But when the depression rolled in (and believe me it came in waves), I didn’t feel so strong anymore. I suppose it was in one of these moments that I
reached out. I still speak to my therapist on a regular basis, to talk things out or just to check in.
I hear a lot about the challenges faced by today’s young people with bullying, cyberstalking and anxiety about school, friends, and life. I can’t imagine being a kid today with all this going on. Perhaps it is this wave of “new normal” for our kids that has put mental health on the radar. That’s the good thing that’s come out of it, at least.
How often have we said, when hearing of a celebrity’s death by their own hand ... “Wow, who would have thought they had mental health issues? They seemed to have it all.”? Unfortunately, it also happens in our own backyard, all too often. And even though it may not make the news, it’s still a tragedy.
Let’s all make a promise to keep the talk of mental health going and applaud those who come forward to ask for help. If you, or someone you know, is dealing with their mental health, please reach out.
The Promoter reserves the right to edit Letters to the Editor for length and clarity. Please include your email or mailing address and daytime phone number (not for publication). All opinions expressed are those of the writer.
The Bobcaygeon Kinettes had a very successful November and December 2022.
In November, we donated a total of $9,500 from the Peterborough Kinsmen TV Bingo back into the Bobcaygeon Community. You can purchase Bingo Cards at Village Gate Variety, King’s Mini Mart, Daisy Mart and Lakeside Jug City. Play TV Bingo on CHEX TV every Saturday night from 7pm to 7:30pm. Thank you to everyone for purchasing Bingo Cards so we can give back to our Community.
We had three new members installed into our Kinette club in November. Welcome ladies.
In December, we delivered approximately 120 hot Christmas dinners for our Friendship Dinner with the help of our many volunteers. We then continued to prepare for our Kinette Santa Claus Parade which was a huge success. Thank you to all our sponsors, participants, volunteers and spectators for making the parade the success that it was.
If you are interested in coming out to a Kinette meeting to see what we are all about contact Shirley at 705-731-7998 or wendykimmett@bell.net.
Wendy Kimmett, Kinette Club of BobcaygeonIn an effort to minimize the negative impacts of Short Term Rentals on residents, and to support the positive economic impacts on residents and the municipality, City of Kawartha Lakes Council asked staff to continue monitoring complaints during summer of 2022 and bring a report to Council by March 31, 2023.
Along with the complaints and feedback that the municipality continues to receive and track, Kawartha Lakes is seeking broader public input in the form of a survey.
“Short Term Rentals are a very popular type of accommodation that over the last few years, through various booking platforms, has become very accessible to tourism. They bring both positives and negatives to the communities where they are located. We want to hear from everyone who may have interest in this topic. Please be sure to voice your opinion on Short Term Rentals in Kawartha Lakes by completing the survey before it closes on February 15,” said Aaron Sloan, Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement and Licensing at the municipality.
Everyone is welcome to visit the Short Term Rentals Jump In project page on the City’s website (www. kawarthalakes.ca) to learn more about the project and to participate in the survey. You can also visit the Short Term Rentals page on the website to learn more about the topic.
The deadline to complete the Short Term Rental Survey is February 15, 2023. Once the survey has closed, the next step will be to host a Public Meeting to discuss the findings of the survey and to discuss the draft by-law. The Public Meeting will likely take place at the end of February. The municipality will share the exact date of the meeting once it is confirmed.
Members of the City of Kawartha Lakes Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are investigating a grandparent scam after an unidentified suspect attended a home in Omemee demanding money. This news release is a re-post by the municipality on behalf of the OPP.
The grandparents in this situation saved themselves from falling victim to the scam by taking these three steps:
• Stop - take a moment to think and question
• Challenge - reject, refuse, or ignore
• Protect - contact authorities
At approximately 4:30pm on January 4, 2023, officers were dispatched to the call, where a suspect identified themselves as an officer with “Whitby Police” and told the complainants that they were to pay $9,000 for their grandson’s bail.
Despite many factors that made the scam sound convincing, such as placing someone on the phone who sounded like their grandson, the grandparents took a moment to stop and challenge the scammers by asking for the address where their grandson was, which did not correlate with the caller’s initial story. The victims then hung up the phone believing it may be a scam and called their grandson confirming that he was okay and not in jail.
Shortly after hanging up the phone, a person attended victim’s address, requesting the bail money. After they realized they would not be receiving any money, the fraudster quickly left the residence, walking away to a vehicle that was parked down the street.
The OPP would like to remind the public to be leery of ever handing out money or personal information, and to always take a moment to Stop, Challenge, and Protect. If unsure, call a friend, family
member or police if you have concerns you may have been contacted by a potential scammer. Do not be pressured into making quick financial decisions and ask for contact information, so you can contact them later, once you have taken the time to think about it or consult with someone else and realize that it was a scam.
On September 2, 2022, Lock 36 - The Kirkfield Lift Lock suffered a mechanical failure, resulting in the site’s closure for the remainder of the 2022 navigation season.
Parks Canada advises that a contract has been awarded to undertake repairs to return the site to full service.
The scope of work will include;
• Repairs to the structural, mechanical and electrical components.
• System improvements to increase safety controls and access improvements to critical system components.
• Backup system improvements to minimize impacts on future maintenance activities.
The contractor will mobilize to the site in the near future with the goal of having the asset fully operational by the beginning of the 2023 navigation season.
In order to aid with trip planning for boaters and land-based visitors for the 2023 season, updates on the progress can be found on the Parks Canada website. Updates will also be provided via email on a regular basis to interested parties as part of an email subscriber list. If you would like to receive these emails, please contact them at trentsevern@pc.gc.ca and include “Kirkfield Lift Lock” in the subject line.
The Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge, District Health Unit (HKPR District Health Unit) has announced new members to the HKPR District Health Unit’s Board of Health effective immediately, with David Marshall being appointed Chairperson and Olena Hankivisky appointed Vice-chair for the Board of Health.
The Board of Health consists of elected officials from the funding municipalities (The City of Kawartha Lakes, County of Haliburton, and Northumberland County) and provincial appointees. HKPR District Health Unit welcomes new and returning members to comprise the 2022-2026 Board of Health, including:
• David Marshall, Chairperson – Provincial Appointee
• Olena Hankivsky, Vice-chair – Northumberland County
• Bob Crate – Northumberland County (returning)
• Tracy Richardson – City of Kawartha Lakes (returning)
• John Logel – Northumberland County
• Mike Perry – City of Kawartha Lakes
• TBD – County of Haliburton
“At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.”
For hall rentals or more information about ongoing activities, please call the individual Legion Branch. We welcome submissions to editor@thepromoter.ca.
Deadline for the next issue is Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Branch 77 Lakefield (705) 652-7988
• February 4 – Ice-Bar Party as part of Polarfest Weekend – 1pm. BBQ hosted by Rob, Kevin, Sue and friends. Indoor music by George Terpstra.
• Tuesdays – Darts – 7:30pm
• Thursdays – Shuffleboard – 1pm
• Thursdays – Darts – 7pm
• Fridays – Snooker – 1pm
• Fridays – Shuffleboard – 7pm
• Saturdays – Weekly Meat Draws – 4pm
• Call 705-652-7988 for current events
Branch 238 Fenelon Falls (705) 887-3041
• Hall rental available –Contact Branch
Branch 239 Bobcaygeon (705) 738-2710
• January 28 – Robbie Burns Dinner –Doors open at 5pm, Dinner at 6pm sharp. Address the Haggis and enjoy a Roast Beef Dinner. Musical Entertainment by Upkilter. Tickets $30pp for Legion members, $35pp for non-Legion members.
• February 14 – Valentine’s Day Dance
– 2pm – Music by DJ Dave – Sweet
Branch 441 Kinmount (705) 488-3462
• Fridays - Bingo - $500 Progressive jackpot; $300 must go each week
Branch 497 Omemee (705) 799-5095
• January 28 – Dance featuring Heartland Country – 7pm to 11pm includes a light meal. Tickets are $15 per person.
Branch 519 Coboconk (705) 454-8127
• January 27 – Lunch & Music – 11:30am to 1pm – Hot Beef Sandwich or Liver & Onions $13. Followed by Country Music Jam from 1 to 4pm – Open Mic & local talent. Food bank donations would be appreciated.
• Tuesdays – 1pm – Euchre
refreshments, prizes and fun
• Wednesday - Drop in darts - 7p.m. $5 per person
• Thursday - Drop in shuffleboard6:30 pm. Cost is $5pp per week
• Tuesday Night Doubles Dart League
– Competitive league – 8pm - $5pp per night – Limited to 40 players, please call the Branch to register
• Saturdays - Meat Draw - Weekly at 5pm
• Tuesdays – Darts – 7:30pm
• Thursdays – Mixed Darts – 7:30pm
• Fridays – Drop-in Coffee Time – 8am to 10:30am
• Tuesdays – 7pm – Open Darts
• Saturdays – Music & Meat Roll – Music starts at 2pm – Meat Roll at 3pm
• 1st Wednesday – Big Buck Bid Euchre –10am - $15pp
• For more information contact Legion 705-454-8127
Branch 184 Woodville & District (705) 439-2397
• January 28 - Robbie Burns Dinner & Music
• Tuesdays - Country Line Dancing Lessons – 7 to 9pm - $10 per person
Branch 67 Lindsay (705) 324-2613
4th Thursday – Luncheon – 11:30am to 1pm - Serving soup, sandwich and dessert with tea or coffee. $10pp. Take out orders, please call 705.439.2397.
• For information about upcoming events and regular activities, call the Legion Branch at 705-324-2613 or follow us on Facebook
“Atthe going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.”
The Board of Health ensures that HKPR District Health Unit’s strategic, business and operational plans, policies and activities are consistent with the Ministry of Health’s policy directions as communicated by the Minister of Health. On behalf of the Board of Health, the Medical Officer of Health manages the delivery of public health programs and services in agreement with the mission, vision and values of the HKPR District Health Unit.
“Strengthening partnerships with local community agencies and municipalities will be a focus for the Board of Health this term,” says David Marshall, Chairperson for the HKPR District Health Unit. “We will work together to increase the awareness of the role of public health and the programs and services provided within the HKPR district areas, so we can work together to improve the health of our communities.”
Kawartha Lakes Fire Rescue Service responded to a structure fire on the morning of Saturday, January 7. Fire crews were able to extinguish the fire quickly and a mother and child were lucky to escape the blaze despite not having any working smoke alarms in the home.
Ontario reported an alarming number of fire fatalities in 2022. There were 133 fire-related deaths, including the loss of young children and families in several communities across the province. A very high percentage of these fatalities occurred in homes without working smoke alarms.
Kawartha Lakes Fire Rescue Service would like to remind homeowners that you can, and when appropriate, will, be charged for failing to install smoke alarms where required. Failure to comply with the Fire Code smoke alarm requirements can result in a $360 ticket or fine of up to $50,000 for individuals
or $100,000 for corporations.
“There is zero-tolerance for missing or nonfunctional smoke and carbon monoxide alarms,” explained Fire Chief Terry Jones, Kawartha Lakes Fire Rescue Service. “Every home must have a working smoke alarm on every storey and outside of all sleeping areas. It’s important to test your alarms each month to ensure that they’re working. Planning and practicing a home fire escape plan is also a key part to your family’s safety.”
On average, Ontarians believe they have five minutes to evacuate a house fire. The grim reality is in most cases you have 60 seconds or less. Having working smoke alarms in your home is crucial when it comes to early fire detection and giving yourself and your family as much time as possible to get out of the burning building.
Submitted by Bruce Clark
In the summer of 2023, the Canadian Voyageur Brigade Society - CVBS- will undertake a voyageur canoe brigade along the Trent Severn Waterway to help celebrate the opening of the new Canadian Canoe Museum. Paddling from Georgian Bay to Little Lake in Peterborough - from Lock 45 at Port Severn to Lock 20 at Ashburnham - the Brigade will traverse some 240km of meandering waterways, through sheer natural beauty and countless historic locales.
The Canadian Voyageur Brigade Society has evolved from the 2008 David Thompson Brigade. In the summer of 2008, a group of over 160 modern day adventurers retraced the canoe route of explorer David Thompson in commemoration of the bicentenary of his travels in 1808. Launched from Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site in Alberta they paddled through over 30 host communities in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and northwestern Ontario on a 63-day journey. Covering 3,600 kilometres they reached Old Fort William on Lake Superior, in time for their annual Great Rendezvous.
Following the success of the this event, in 2011 another Brigade traced Thompson’s exploration of the Columbia River, with modern day voyageurs paddling from Invermere BC, across the international border through Montana, Idaho Washington and Oregon to the Pacific Ocean. Additional brigades have followed, on the Rideau Canal, the Athabasca River and in 2017 seven brigades were organized across Canada as part of Canada’s Sesquicentennial celebration.
Most recently CVBS sponsored and supported the 2022 Peace River Brigade. Paddling from the British Columbia border to the Town of Peace River, Alberta. Eight Voyageur canoe crews traced this historic route of 230 km over six days of paddling. Stops included the Historic Fort Dunvegan, a restored former North West Company post from 1805, and the Fort Fork cairn where Alexander Mackenzie overwintered in 1792 before completing his journey to the Pacific Ocean.
CVBS ensures that planning and administrative support materials, skills, and funds are available to support future brigades. The goal of the CVBS and the
The Kawartha Promoter Supported entirely by our advertisers.
We encourage you to choose the businesses that you see in these pages.
Junior Achievement of Northern and Eastern Ontario (JA-NEO) will host its inaugural JA Business Hall of Fame (BHF) for the City of Kawartha Lakes on May 11, 2023, recognizing the City of Kawartha Lakes’ exceptional business leaders. These inductees strengthen our economy and community through their exemplary accomplishments of vision, leadership, and commitment to excellence in business over a lifetime. Each inductee is widely regarded as an inspiring role model and mentor to the students JA-NEO serves.
“JA-NEO is excited to unveil the inaugural class of inductees to first ever JA Business Hall of Fame for the City of Kawartha Lakes,” said John McNutt, President, and CEO, of JA-NEO. “These exceptional business leaders are helping to inspire and show local youth that starting your own business can be rewarding and last multiple generations much like the business leaders being honored today.”
The inductees will be formally inducted at the inaugural JA Business Hall of Fame at Mackey Celebrations in downtown Lindsay.
The 2023 JA Business Hall of Fame inductees are:
• Tania-Joy Bartlett –
New Beginnings Contracting Services
• Jim Bogar (Posthumously) – Cameron Steel
• Jack and Ila Crowe (Posthumously) –
Kawartha Dairy
• Nicki and Dedes Costas –
Olympia Restaurant
• Liz Grimes – Cathy Allan Ladieswear
• Ted Smith – TS Manufacturing
• Jeff Strybosch –
Kawartha Wholesale Bakery
• Jason and Karissa Ward –
Ward Lawyers Professional Corporation.
The BHF event allows JA-NEO to recruit vital volunteers, investors, and partners to help deliver their programs at no cost to students or schools. Proceeds from the event help JA-NEO meet the growing demand for financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship programs, providing essential support to facilitate the future success of every JA student.
Since 1919, JA has delivered hands-on, experiential learning in financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship. JA is one of few organizations with the scale, experience, and passion to build a brighter future for the next generation of innovators, entrepreneurs, makers, and managers. JA is supported each year by nearly half a million corporate volunteers and reaches 10 million young people.
2023 Trent Severn Voyageur Canoe Brigade is to “Pass the Paddle”; that is to offer the opportunity for the skills and enjoyment of big canoe paddling to be passed onto the next generation of paddlers across Canada. This goal is fully supported by the Canadian Canoe Museum.
The tentative timeline for Trent Severn Brigade 2023 is July 28 to August 7, 2023. And while the number of canoes and paddlers participating will be unknown until registration, there has already been interest from across the country!
If you’d like to find out more, or how you or the community can become engaged, please visit https:// voyageurbrigade.org.
The Kawartha Lakes Parks and Recreation Division is pleased to announce the return of their Indoor Triathlon event scheduled to take place on Sunday, March 5 at the Lindsay Recreation Complex.
Open to participants 16 years of age and older, this is the perfect event for those new to triathlons or individuals looking to train for the upcoming triathlon season.
The event takes place in the Lindsay Recreation Complex Fitness Studio and Pool and participants will have 15 minutes for each discipline. There will be no set length; participants will aim to achieve their personal best during the 15 minute time period with a 5 minute transition in between each wave.
This event is proudly sponsored by Fresh FueLL and Elite Performance and Wellness. Prizes will be awarded to the overall top 3 finishers.
Pre-registration is required for all participants. The cost is $60 plus HST per person or $50 plus HST for active Membership holders. Participants who register prior to Friday, February 3 will receive a complimentary commemorative long sleeve technical t-shirt.
Limited space is available. Registration is now open through the link on the City’s website (www. kawarthalakes.ca) under Activities and Recreation.
The Kawartha Lakes Parks and Recreation Division has added Women’s Shinny to their drop in program line up this winter. The program takes place at the Little Britain Community Centre on Sundays from 1pm to 2pm.
This is non-contact and open to players 16 years of age and older and not for intended for organized
teams. Full equipment, including a CSA-approved helmet, is required.
The cost per session is $6.70 per player. Participants are able to register up to 2 weeks in advance, limited space will be available. Pre-registration is required through the link on the City’s website (www. kawarthalakes.ca) under Activities and Recreation.
The municipality expects all participants to respect all bodies, boundaries, capacities, experiences, feelings, identities, names, pronouns, and spaces. The above mention of gender reference the lived experiences of the players and, as such, includes transgender and transitioning people. The municipality welcomes and encourages our patrons to apply for programs accordingly. The municipality affirms the rights of our patrons to use the Change Room and Washroom facilities accordingly
Canada’s best Snowmobile, Snow Bike and UTV racers roll into Lindsay Ontario to compete at the “FXR Kawartha Cup” Snowcross at Lindsay Exhibition on January 28 and 29.
Snowcross racing is a family sport, there are (22) racing classes of competition starting with a kid’s division for 4 to 10-year-olds racing on miniature snowmobiles, classes for Novice kids, Juniors Boys & Girls, Trail Sport classes for first time racers, Sport and Pro classes.
• Kids and amateur racing start at 9am on both Saturday and Sunday.
• Pro Snowmobile and Snow Bike racing will take place Saturday and Sunday with the “PRO Main Events” starting at 2pm to 5pm.
• UTV Side x Side Off Road vehicles will race on Saturday only after all the Pro Snowmobile finals
Tickets are $40 for Day Pass; $20 Kids and Seniors Day Pass; $30 Kids and Seniors Weekend Pass; $60 Youth/Adult Weekend Pass. Spectator admission tickets are available at the gates both days.
Submitted by Stephanie McPherson
Trent Lakes Public Library is proud to help other organizations in the community as much as possible. One such example is donating to the Lakefield Animal Welfare Society (LAWS).
With our free yarn exchange program, TLPL encourages people to make blankets for the animals at LAWS and we will donate them.The library also donates all outdated newspapers to the animal shelter. LAWS needs blankets and towels for cats and dogs, as well as black garbage bags.
We would like to thank LAWS for all you do to help our furry friends!
Anne Overhoff, Ross Memorial Hospital’s Vice President Clinical and Chief Nursing Executive, will be retiring on February 24, 2023.
Overhoff has been in nursing for 39 years, having spent the last 14 years at Ross Memorial Hospital (RMH). She joined the Ross family as Director of Clinical Care and Medical in 2009, before ascending to her current role on the hospital’s Senior Team in 2017.
Overhoff has left an undeniable impact on our hospital and community. Among her achievements during her time at the Ross:
• Serving as Chief Nursing Executive through the COVID-19 global pandemic;
• Implementing a COVID-19 ward on the Surgical Unit, as well as overseeing the COVID-19 Assessment Centre and more than 60,000 vaccinations in the community;
• Overseeing the implementation of Epic for the clinical care team, the largest digital clinical information system upgrade in RMH history;
• Improved nurse-to-patient ratios;
• Reduction in the number of Alternate Level of Care (ALC) patients, resulting in improved patient flow;
• The introduction of Nurse Practitioners to work closely with hospitalists on acute and post-acute care
In retirement, Overhoff is looking forward to being able to spend more time with her family, enjoy the outdoors, and travel.
Ross Memorial has hired an interim Vice President Clinical and Chief Nursing Executive, which will be announced in the near future.
The Kawartha Lakes Parks and Recreation Division is pleased to announce the return of March Break Camp to the Lindsay Recreation Complex this spring.
March Break Camp will run Monday March 13 through Friday March 17, 9am to 4:30pm. Open to campers ages 6 through 12, this fun filled week will feature an assortment of activities including daily swimming and much more.
Pre-registration is required and campers must register for the full week. Camp fees are $180 per child for the week. Limited space is available. Registration is now open through the link on the City’s website at www.kawarthalakes.ca.
Get your toes a-tappin’ at the Downeyville Hall on Saturday, February 18 to support the Ontario Open Fiddle and Stepdance Contest.
Admission is $15 for adults, $10 students, $35 for family with those 5 and under free. There will be a cash bar and light lunch will be served.
Doors open at 6:30pm, dancing will begin at 7pm. The Downeyville Hall is located at 340 St. Luke’s Road.
The Boyd Heritage Museum is holding monthly book sales on the second Saturday and the fourth Saturday of each month from 9am to 12 noon. Please enter through the back parking lot entrance at 21 Canal Street in Bobcaygeon.
They are also continuing to accept used books. You can drop them off any day between 10am and noon. Just go to the old library entrance, ring the bell and someone will come and help you.
You can find out more information at www. theboydmuseum.com.
The Buckhorn Community Centre is inviting you to celebrate family and heritage at Blizzard FEST on Saturday, February 18 from 10am to 4pm.
There will be lots of activities for the whole family including crafts, snowshoeing, horse-drawn wagon rides and carnival games.
New for 2023 is the Chili Cook-off, where competitors offer up their best chili dish to see who can win the Judges’ Choice and People’s Choice Awards. If you think your chili is the best, why not enter? Visit www.buckhorncommunitycentre.com for all the rules and pre-registration form.
Admission is by donation. You can find out more information about Blizzard FEST at www. buckhorncommunitycentre.com.
When does “forgetful” become a cause for concern? According to the Alzheimer Society of Peterborough, Kawartha Lakes, Northumberland, and Haliburton, more people are afraid of dementia than any other health condition, including cancer, heart disease and stroke. Unfortunately, the social stigma of the disease may prevent people living with dementia from seeking help, it can cut care partners off from support networks and it may stop people from wanting to learn more.
The experts say that dementia rates are increasing along with our aging population. A conservative estimate of the number of people living with dementia in our community is 12,750 people. However, the actual number is significantly higher.
As Alzheimer Awareness Month winds down, the Alzheimer Society of Peterborough, Kawartha Lakes, Northumberland, and Haliburton wants you to know they are the first place to call with any questions. They provide front-line assistance to people living with dementia and their care partners.
It’s important to know that you don’t need a diagnosis of dementia to contact them. The Alzheimer Society has a roadmap for navigating the first steps in living with dementia: they have answers to the “what now?” questions. Their experienced, compassionate client support coordinators can help with practical, creative solutions to the problems that arise when living with dementia.
They offer a wide range of services and programs that can help you navigate through this. If you or someone you know is dealing with dementia or caregiving, please reach out to see how the Alzheimer Society can help.
You can find a lot of information on their website at www.alzheimer.ca/pklnh. Or give them a call at 1-800-561-2588.
Twelve licensed Gund Teddy Bears have been donated to Kawartha Lakes Fire Rescue to help to comfort children who have been involved in a fire or other emergencies.
The teddy bears were donated by Rob and Monica Jardine of Jardine Funeral Home in Fenelon Falls in collaboration with one of their funeral home suppliers, Life Expressions.
As a Volunteer Firefighter with Kawartha Lakes Fire Rescue, Rob was a part of a training session at Station 22 Fenelon Falls where the benefits of having comfort or trauma teddies available for children who have experienced a tragic emergency were discussed.
At the time of the training session, the station did have a few stuffed animals that had been donated over the years but they were not in the best shape.
“Through my time as a Volunteer Firefighter, I’ve responded to many emergency incidents where children have been involved and I know first hand that holding a teddy bear can help provide kids in stressful or traumatic situations with a sense of comfort and security,” said Jardine.
Station 12 Cameron, Station 19 Coboconk, Station 20 Burnt River, and Station 22 Fenelon Falls all received three bears each.
The Gund Teddy Bears have the Kawartha Lakes Fire Rescue logo on their paws and they will be used to help bring comfort to children who have been involved in traumatic experiences.
Kawartha Lakes Fire Rescue and the City of Kawartha Lakes would like to thank the Jardine family, Jardine Funeral Home and Life Expressions for their thoughtful donation.
The Fenelon Falls & District Chamber of Commerce has a new website. Featuring updated information, an expanded business directory, and lots of photos of our gorgeous region, the website showcases a fresh design and is hosted on an updated platform. Please check it out by heading to www.explorefenelonfalls.com.
Chamber members are also encouraged to view their business profile in the directory and ensure the current information is correct. The new website has the capacity to host a longer write-up and up to five photos for each business.
To update your business profile/information, please email hello@explorefenelonfalls.com with your expanded descriptions and new photos.
From explorefenelonfalls.com
We know that gardening may not be foremost on your minds, but ...
The Fenelon Falls Horticultural Society will be holding its annual “Spring Into Gardening” Plant Sale on Saturday, May 27 from 8am to 2pm. Plans are to make it bigger and better than before and the sale will be held at the Maryboro Lodge Museum!
The organizers are looking for local vendors to join this event. If you are a vendor interested in participating, please contact the Fenelon Falls Horticultural Society at ffhorticultural@hotmail.com.
Check out what the Buckhorn Community Centre has to offer.There are many different daytime fitness activities to choose from. They also offer badminton and volleyball in the evenings.
There’s also the Fitness Room available from Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. You can take advantage of free weights, up-to-date cardio equipment, etc. The fee is $10 per month or a $50 fitness-room membership for a year. You must be a member of the BCC to use the Fitness Room.
For more information, visit www. buckhorncommunitycentre.com.
Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19) Why not try forest bathing, Aquarius? Experiencing nature is said to reduce stress, as well as produce physical benefits. Get out and discover something new about winter’s wonderland.
Pisces (Feb. 20 to March 20) “Think for yourself and let others enjoy the privilege of doing so, too.”: Voltaire. Don’t be too quick, Pisces, during the coming days, to start a verbal fight over someone else’s opinion, to which they are entitled! It’s not worth it!
Aries (March 21 to April 20) During this phase, Aries, consciously work at banishing any bad thoughts that upset you or regrets from your past, perhaps, that cannot be changed. You will sleep better!
Taurus (April 21 to May 21) Embrace the silence of winter – indoors and out! This is a time to dream inside your home of gardens to grow and warm spring days in which to bask, Taurus, while you can also wrap yourself up in the stillness of an outdoor wintery walk.
Gemini (May 22 to June 22) Love well. Love long. While the end of a relationship can be very hard –due to a break-up, separation through distance, or death – know, Gemini, that every particle of that relationship enriched your life in some way.
Cancer (June 23 to July 23) Do you find yourself with “self-limiting beliefs”, Cancer? Beliefs that are holding you back from achieving your goals? Counter these with positive statements that boost your selfesteem and morale. This CAN be done.
Leo (July 24 to Aug. 23) Now is the time, Leo, to spend your days with a loved one who may be failing in health. Your warm and quiet presence will be greatly appreciated by them.
Virgo (Aug. 24 to Sept. 23) Try not to take things – or yourself – too seriously, Virgo. Part of this falls into the “don’t worry” category. Understand that you share the same doubts and confusions that others are going through and focus on the big picture!
Libra (Sept. 24 to Oct. 23) Your health is your first priority, Libra, during the days ahead. Be mindful of your strengths – and definitely your weaknesses – and don’t push things too hard.
Scorpio (Oct. 24 to Nov. 22) “Like the body that is made up of different limbs and organs, all mortal creatures exist depending upon one another.”: Hindu proverb. You can’t go through life, Scorpio, doing everything on your own – now is the time to ask for help!
Sagittarius (Nov. 23 to Dec. 21) The old adage tells us “don’t make promises you can’t keep”. Well, Sag, the most important promises you make are the ones to yourself. Be sure to follow through! Don’t let excuses block your path.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20) It’s okay to slow down, Capricorn! Everything has a time and place –and life isn’t a race to the finish line. Stop and smell those beautiful roses, or fall in love with a winter’s night sky.
Dump runs
Eavestrough cleaning
Private security
Monica Stanley
54 Bolsover Rd. Bolsover, On.
In church Services start at 10:00 a.m. Sundays
All Welcome and for further information
please call 705 426-9382
Bolsover Pines Seniors Club - 50+ 16 Bolsover RD.
Community Centre Bolsover
Euchre as usual at 1 p.m.
Regular Weekly events unless above noted changes
Membership is $10 (good until May 2023) with weekly games for $3 per day.
Masks are optional and we sanitize chairs and tables and provide hand sanitizer. Please do not attend if you have any sickness or cold etc. or have been in a place where Covid has been detected. Thank you
Tuesdays 1:00 p.m.
Wednesday 1:00 p.m. drop in with Darts, Bid
Euchre, Colouring etc.
Thursday 1:00 p.m. Bridge
Tea and Coffee served at half time except Wednesdays. Doors open at 12:30 p.m.
Wednesday’s programs will continue on through the rest of the year. Come and enjoy a fun afternoon with a great bunch and help keep this community centre open. Please check our web page https:// bolsoverseniors.life or on Facebook.
Thursdays 9:30 a.m. Kirkfield Lions Club 973 Portage Rd \hwy 48 (left entrance of building) Kirkfield, On K0M 2B0
Cost $3 per class
Progam is geared for older adults and can be done sitting or standing
The exercises focus on improving cardiovascular endurance, balance, muscle strength and flexibility. Come join this fun group
For more info
705-324-7323 ext 186 or info@ccckl.ca
We are proud to support our local businesses and community organizations.
The online version of The Kawartha Promoter allows us to provide you, our loyal readers, with news from around the region. Please support local businesses however possible. And give thanks to all the volunteers, medical professionals, and necessary services.