The Kawartha Promoter - July 14, 2017.

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The Kawartha

Locally Owned and Operated

Friday, July 14, 2017 Volume 27, Issue 13

Your Source for Community News

Ontario Fiddle and Step • Bobcaygeon Beach Volleyball • Health and Wellness Delivered through Canada Post to EVERY HOME in the City of Kawartha Lakes. Also available in stores throughout Trent Lakes and Curve Lake.

Summertime Fun! July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter



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Promoter The Kawartha

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Locally Owned and Operated

48 Main St., P.O. Box 535 Bobcaygeon, ON K0M 1A0 TEL.: 705-738-6188 FAX: 705-738-4187 Circulation 40,000 Distributed throughout the Kawartha Lakes Area Publisher/Director/Manager: Max Miller Editor: Deb Crossen Advertising Sales Manager: Laura Williams Sales Representatives: Belinda Wilson Pat Warren Art Director: James Goodliff Production/Office Manager Melissa Goodliff The Promoter is a local, independently owned and operated newspaper. The opinions and views expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of The Promoter. Liability for incorrectly displayed or placed advertisements is limited to publishing corrections or providing advertising credit to be applied on subsequent advertisements at the advertiser’s discretion. All text, photos, graphics, artwork and other material published in The Kawartha Promoter or on its website are copyrighted and may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Publisher reserves the right to reject, revise, cancel, omit, discontinue, decline to publish or suspend any advertisement for any reason in its sole discretion, without liability or penalty to Publisher, and without notice to the Advertiser. The Publisher of The Kawartha Promoter has made every effort to ensure that the information in this publication was correct at press time. The Publisher does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.

City Hall Crossword Trades & Services Horoscope Health & Wellness Classified

pg. 5 pg. 12 pg. 20 pg. 23 pg. 25 pg. 28

Families love spending time at Bobcaygeon Beach. Photo Credit: Promoter Files

OVER THE BACK FENCE Since moving to Buckhorn 17 years ago, I’ve had an interesting and varied career path. I’ve enjoyed all the jobs I’ve held and now I feel at home here in Bobcaygeon at The Kawartha Promoter. One thing I know is that communications and relationships are key. I rely on phone/email/Facebook relationships to try to offer content from all over the very large City of Kawartha Lakes, Trent Lakes and, sometimes, beyond. It can be difficult, too. If I don’t know who you are, or what your event is, I rely on event and organization websites to get the most up-to-date information available. Since expanding our distribution, the deadline for content is now a week before it appears on the street.

That means the timeline for research and writing is shorter, so I also rely on the event organizers to get in touch with me. If you have an event or issue that you’d like our readers to know about, please send me the information by email to You can even send me an article along with high resolution photos. I do read them all, and, depending on space limitations in the paper, do my best to get them in print. If I edit the article for grammar/spelling or space, I will send it back to you for approval to make sure I get the information correct. Working together with the great communities that make up the City of Kawartha Lakes, the Kawartha Promoter becomes more relevant to readers. My email is always open!



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Village Voice

The Promoter reserves the right to edit Letters to the Editor for length and clarity. Please include your email or mailing address and daytime phone number (not for publication). All opinions expressed are those of the writer.

Bobcaygeon Wehs

My Canada 150th experience was memorable... For me it started with the grand opening at Anderson Park and the kiddie races that followed. To see all those people dressed in red and white was inspiring in its own way, but to have my own grandkids and family there to share the big birthday bash with me made it so very special. I couldn’t help thinking about how hard the Canada Day committee and volunteers worked to make it all happen. So many people were involved. Many of you are former students, colleagues and friends. While it would be impossible to name all of you, a special thanks is in order for committee members, Dave Adams, Sandra Adams and Alexis Philips. Please accept my personal thanks for all you have done. For those of you retiring from the “job” after so many years of volunteer service, take a well deserved bow for a job well done! You have made our community a better place. It is encouraging to hear that others have stepped forward to carry the torch. Amongst the throng assembled, there was one individual present to whom this community owes a great deal of thanks. Marg McLean is not only the co-chair of the Canada Day Committee but she is the grand matron of our community. From the time I began my teaching career at BPS in 1971 to the present, Marg was there at so many school assemblies and community events to present awards, speak to students and others. She remains a vital force in our village. Marg always exemplifies the kind of spirit that makes our community and nation great. Thank you Marg. It was good to see you at this year’s Canada Day celebrations. May you be present at many more. In previous articles, I wrote about our incredible, Canadian Wehs. To these ramblings I conclude by adding my footnote, “Long live our Bobcaygeon Yehs!” Peter Howard Bobcaygeon

Generous Community

Thank you for the support of those people who recently attended the Bobcaygeon Food Bank Annual General Meeting.

The Kawartha Promoter

Supported entirely by our advertisers. We encourage you to choose the businesses that you see in these pages.

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July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter

Crystal Longo President Bobcaygeon Helps Food Bank

Disappointment in Solar Project Decision

I am very disappointed with Council’s decision to support this solar project. It is a single-event employer, virtually zero ongoing employment and we, the taxpayers of this City and the rest of Ontario will be on the hook for absurd subsidies for some 20 years to follow. If there was any kind of solid business case to be made for solar or wind projects, private enterprise would be flocking to the concept WITHOUT any promises of lucrative subsidies. Carl Rennick Fenelon Falls, ON

Bobcaygeon Canada Day Kudos

My wife and I were visiting Bobcaygeon on the Canada Day weekend and we were very delighted with the celebrations that occurred. We would like to say a big thank you to all the people who put this event together. All their hard work is very much appreciated. The parade down the main street was fantastic and the firework display in the evening was awesome. Please pass on our appreciation to all concerned. John Hill Brampton, ON

Vote Correction

In the June 30th edition of The Kawartha Promoter, Pat Warren’s article found on page 4, states that the three Councillors who were not in support, were Stauble, Junkin and Dunn. That is incorrect, it was a recorded vote and the Councillors who voted against were Stauble, Junkin and Martin. I would greatly appreciate a correction on this as I have received numerous inquiries as to why I supported it when I said I hadn’t. Mary Ann Martin Councillor, Ward 15


We are privileged to help over 200 local residents including adults and children. This could not happen without our almost 100 volunteers! At the AGM we also reported on the multiple local businesses that give their unwavering support. Many have been giving support to the Food Bank for years. Then we have the numerous residents who collect food and donate money. We live in a generous community! Many thanks!

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City Hall The City’s All a-Buzz By Pat Warren

At the Council meeting on June 27th, COKL became the 7th Bee City in Canada. Council supported the resolution from the Environmental Advisory Committee and Bee Canada to designate COKL a Bee Friendly City. Susan Blaney of the Environmental Advisory Committee championed the process for designation of this very important initiative. Pollinators are vital to our very existence. Honey bees have experienced massive die-offs but our wild native bees are in trouble, too. These insects are responsible for the growth of 30 percent of our crops and 90 percent of all wild plants. Certain pollinator species are in decline due to habitat loss, climate change, pesticide use, and disease/parasites. A diverse and resilient pollinator community is a key component of a sustainable city. Bee City is not about regulation. It is about education, celebrating diversity, and the interrelatedness of Nature. As people learn about what is harmful, they will adjust their land use practices making our environment healthier for these very important pollinators. The designation carries no cost other than signage. A committee will be formed under the Environmental Advisory Committee consisting of community leaders, city staff and local experts to coordinate current efforts and projects making sure new projects such as public education, and new habitat creation are nurtured and celebrated.


At the Council meeting on June 27th, Enbridge representatives Mark Wilson and Steve McGill presented the merits of bringing natural gas to Fenelon Falls and Bobcaygeon. They were also seeking Council’s support of the development. Enbridge has committed $100 million to the projects with no cost to the municipality. The Province of Ontario has opened up funding of $42 million for the gas projects, allowing residents to hook up to a greener approach to heating and running their homes. However, to access the $42 million from the province, the City must partner on the project by deferring taxes on the pipe infrastructure for 10 years. The City would lease the land to Enbridge and then collect taxes on the pipeline. The tax deferral amounts to about $3 million over 10 years but if the project does not move forward, the City wouldn’t receive any taxes after 10 years and into the future. The tax deferral will not have a negative impact on the City’s bottom line. Also, the application to the Province must be submitted by the end of July to qualify for the large grant. If approved, Fenelon Falls would be online first in late 2018 and Bobcaygeon would follow in 2019.


Legion News “At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.” For hall rentals or more information about ongoing activities, please call the individual Legion Branch. We welcome submissions to Due to space, please keep the submissions to a total of 60 words for your Branch. Next deadline: Wednesday, July 19.

Branch 67 Lindsay (705) 324-2613 • Pub Fare Lunch – Tuesdays, Thursdays, noon to 2 pm • Full Dinners – Fridays, 11:30am to 1:30pm • Meat Roll – Saturdays, 2 pm • Live Entertainment – Saturdays, 7:30 to 11:30 pm, free • Sir Sam Seniors progressive euchre every Tuesday - 1pm • Big Buck Bid euchre 4th Wednesday of every month -11am

Branch 184 Woodville & District (705) 439-2397 • Country Music Jam third Sunday of each month - Reg Benoit, Lester White & Ralph Cashen - $5 admission -Musicians & singers free admission. Bar will be open, food available, door prizes, 50/50 draw.

Branch 238 Fenelon Falls (705) 887-3041 • Ladies’ 8-Ball and Mixed Shuffleboard Leagues - Mondays, 6:30 pm • Dart League - Tuesdays, 7:30 pm • Men’s Snooker League - Wednesdays, 7 pm • Tai Chi - Thursdays, 10 am • Hot Lunches - Thursdays and Fridays, 11:30 am-1 pm • English Pub Night* - first Friday each month, 5-7 pm • Meat Roll* - third Saturday each month, 2:30 pm, • Drop-in Shuffleboard - Sundays, 1:30pm • Karate-jitsu - Sundays 4 pm

Branch 239 Bobcaygeon (705) 738-2710 • July 19 – Trip to Rama - 9 am departure - $20/person includes bus transportation, lunch buffet and a light meal on return to Bobcaygeon Legion at 5 pm. Sign up at the bar – no refunds • Pasta Night Mondays - 5 to 7pm - $10/plate • Hamburger Thursdays – 4:30 to 7pm • Karaoke Fridays with Merle – 8pm • Closed Sundays in July and August

Branch 441 Kinmount (705) 488-3462 • Bingo – Fridays, 6:45 pm • Meat Draw – Saturdays, 5 pm • Seniors Cards – Mondays, 1 pm • Drop-in Cards – Tuesdays, 7 pm • Big Buck Bid Euchre - Third Wednesday of month, 11 am Branch 497 Omemee (705) 799-5095 • Mixed drop-in Darts - Tuesdays - 7:30pm • Progressive Euchre – every second Saturday of month Branch 519 Coboconk (705) 454-8127 • July 28 - Progressive Euchre - 7pm start - $5 per person - Pot Luck Lunch

July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter


Fenelon Falls has already completed an Environmental Assessment. Councillor Junkin said that he was not in support of the deferral of taxes and said other heating companies did not have the advantage of a tax deferral, so he wouldn’t be supporting the resolution. Councillor Stauble felt that the tax deferral would only benefit Bobcaygeon and Fenelon Falls. Mayor Andy Letham said that the City needs to support the incentive to bring natural gas to Bobcaygeon and Fenelon. In the end, there was a recorded vote with all Councillors in favour except Councillor Junkin who voted against. Councillors Yeo, Seymour Fagan, and Macklem were absent.


By Deb Crossen

Many people are talking about the wet weather ... it seemed like it rained every day in June. We reached out to Geoff Coulson, a Warning Preparedness Meteorologist with Environment Canada to get the facts. Their station at Trent University in Peterborough picked up approximately 97.1mm in June compared to an average June rainfall of 83mm. At Peterborough Airport, they reported 129.9mm for June and the long-term average June rainfall is 79.9mm. That puts it at the wettest June since 2015. They have another volunteer observation site about 20 km southwest of Lindsay. This site recorded

146.6mm for June. While there isn’t a sufficient period of record at this site to have an average June rainfall, Geoff says roughly speaking this site should get between 85 and 100mm of rain in June based on nearby sites. This was the wettest June at this site since June of 2015 when 205.4mm fell. No matter how you look at it, the grass is green, the trees are lush and the gardens are happy!


In recent years, many of our local elementary and secondary schools have been under the microscope by the school boards. Several of them, including Lakefield District Secondary School, were closed due to low enrollments. Now, the province is taking steps to strengthen the quality and delivery of education in rural and Northern communities. Based on feedback heard during in-person rural education engagements and from on-line survey respondents this spring, Ontario’s new plan will support rural and Northern students and communities through a series of steps, including: • Overhauling the process that school boards use to review schools for potential closure. While the process is under review, school boards will not begin any new reviews, with the exception of those reviews that would support joint-use projects between school boards or for student safety. • Providing a new Rural and Northern Education Fund for this September to further enhance students’ learning experience in rural schools, with better programming such as French immersion, arts education and guidance counselling. • Providing increased funding for co-operation between school boards including planning and building joint-use schools. • Continuing investments in broadband speed, special education supports and experiential learning opportunities for rural and Northern students.

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July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter

BAD NEWS/GOOD NEWS Slow Moving Turtles No Match For High-Speed Society

By Pamela VanMeer, Kawartha411

There’s a turtle crisis in the Kawarthas this summer. The Ontario Turtle Trauma Centre, near Peterborough, says more than 500 injured turtles were taken into the centre over a 3-week period. That’s more than are usually brought in over a six-month season. Officials have also noticed unprecedented turtle mortality on roads with a dead turtle being found on almost every kilometre of road in central and western areas of the region. Turtles are one of the oldest reptile groups and some are highly endangered. Seven of the eight species of turtle in Ontario have been designated as “species at risk”, according to the Conservation Centre. Human behaviour has contributed to the destruction of their habitat. Many of the marshes, swamps, bogs and fens that turtles once called home have been drained, filled, or otherwise altered. Roads have been built through several of the remaining wetlands and as a result, road mortality is now a major threat to turtles. Many of the turtles killed on the road are on their way to nesting sites to lay their eggs. Every egg lost is a big deal for the survival of the species. Only .001 percent of eggs will make it to maturity, so any that don’t get the chance make it that much harder for the species.

We need turtles. Aquatic turtles feed on floating food ingesting mosquito larvae. A further decline in turtle numbers would probably mean an increase in mosquitoes. Turtles help us learn about our surroundings as well. They are what is classified as an “indicator species.” Research has shown that when the health or behaviour of a turtle population changes, it can be linked to environmental issues. The good news is the Ontario Turtle Trauma Centre has a solution. They want to install tunnels that run under the roads for migrating turtles. Over 900 potential sites have been identified in the region. The cost per site would be under $2,000. They hope to raise $300,000 to install over 100 underpasses. The money raised will provide the organization a financial base so they can apply for grants that match their funds. This will support biologists and experts needed to oversee the project. You can donate at In Bobcaygeon, Hunt4Dreams Realty on Bolton Street has started fundraising for the Ontario Turtle Trauma Centre. They are accepting donations to help with the expense of saving and caring for the injured turtles. You can find more local news and reports on


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July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter



The Lindsay Recreation Complex Pools are closed for improvements. Evidence of the improvements to the pools at the Lindsay Recreation Complex will not be highly visible, with the exception of tile markings, grouting and perimeter repairs. The majority of the work is being done in the mechanical room and under the floor of the small pool. Work includes upgrades to the safety alarm and installation of

mechanical equipment, pumps and filters. The emergency stop system for both pools will be upgraded, and both pools will receive depth and safety tile markings. The summer months were chosen for this work due to traditionally lower usage rates, as outdoor swimming in lakes and backyard pools becomes more widely accessible. Programming and staffing at Forbert Memorial Pool in Bobcaygeon (16 River Park Road) has been increased to accommodate additional usage.

DARLING INSURANCE & JWK INSURANCE Peter Blodgett and David Kennedy of Darling Insurance (Bobcaygeon) Limited, and Greg Kruk and James W. Grieve of JWK Insurance Broker, are pleased to announce the merging of their companies and the formation of Sentinel Risk Insurance Group Limited. The new insurance brokerage is able to serve prospective and current clients from across Central Ontario with ease, whether it’s in person at one of their professional offices in Bethany, Bobcaygeon, Brooklin, Fenelon Falls, and Liberty Village, Toronto, or through their use of today’s virtual technology. David Kennedy and Greg Kruk met as teenagers and they have been good friends since, both personally and professionally. When they were both looking at ways to expand their respective insurance brokerages, they decided to join forces with the opening of a shared office in Toronto in 2015 - Liberty Village Quotes. The new sales-focused venture allowed them to test news ideas and technologies, and also investigate new products and opportunities that they had each wanted to focus on. The success of both the office and their working relationship encouraged David and Greg to consider broader opportunities, and with the agreement of their respective business partners Peter Blodgett and James W. Grieve, the idea of Sentinel Risk Insurance Group Limited was born. Sentinel is well positioned to expand upon JWK’s sales culture and commercial expertise, while being able to take advantage of technical and administrative services provided by Darling Insurance’s head office. David, Greg, James, Peter and the staff at Sentinel Risk Insurance Group are all looking forward to the new opportunities available to them. Working together, they continue to offer professional expertise and guidance to their clients in all areas of insurance – automobile, property, farm, recreational and commercial. They are personifying Darling Insurance’s long standing motto of being ‘Proud of Our Past, and Positive About Our Future’, and applying it to a future that is all their own. For more information, please visit:


July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter

New Syrian Family to arrive this summer

Submitted by Line Pinard, BARC

Earlier this spring, the Bobcaygeon Area Refugee Committee (BARC) announced that we were expecting the Al Bashir Family to join us and their relatives, the Al Awads, in Bobcaygeon after having lived in a refugee camp in Lebanon for several years. Sadly, after much discussion and soul searching, the Al Bashirs made the difficult decision not to come to Canada. Once their final decision was made, the committee immediately made the request to sponsor a new Syrian Family. We are very pleased to announce that the Dawarah family, currently living in a camp in Abu Dhabi, are set to arrive in Canada on July 24th. We very much look forward to welcoming The Dawarahs - Tarek, Safa and their six-year-old son Mohamed - to Bobcaygeon and our surrounding community. We will update you on their journey to Canada in the weeks ahead.


Although the Fenelon Fair is still a month away, you can plan in advance by buying your one-day coupon for the midway now! This year’s new midway provider, Family Run for Family Fun is offering advance one-day coupons at only $20 each instead of $25 at the midway ticket box at Fair time. Ride for hours for one low price. You will turn your coupon in to the midway ticket box for a wristband good for Saturday 10am to 5 pm. You can do the same again on Sunday with another coupon and ride from 11am to 5 pm. The coupons are available in Fenelon Falls at Sobey’s, Alliance Agri-Turf and Barn and Bunkie. The Fenelon Fair runs August 11, 12, 13 and 17. Follow the Fenelon Agricultural Society on Facebook for all the latest updates.




Submitted by Joyce Bryon

This year is the 48th year for our Contest. The fiddling and step dancing you will enjoy on July 28 and 29 at the Bobcaygeon Arena reflect the heritage of pioneers in Ontario. The settlers who came to Canada 150 years ago from England, Ireland, Scotland and Europe to start a new life, held socials where fiddling and step dancing was their entertainment. Fiddle and step dancing is part of our Canadian heritage and now 150 years later we still carry on this tradition. The Ontario Open Fiddle and Step Dance was incorporated February 13th, 1975 to sponsor and promote the annual Fiddle and Step Dance Contest at the Bobcaygeon Arena, and to promote and encourage the perpetuation of the art of old time fiddling and step dancing. We are a family-oriented event with contestants of all ages. The contest begins at 7pm on Friday, July 28. The 15 and under classes will perform Saturday, July 29 starting at 10:30 in the morning. Finals and Trophy performances will be held at 7pm Saturday evening, with Mayor Andy Letham welcoming the audience. Catering will be provided by the Bobcaygeon Kinettes. Thank you to all our sponsors here in Bobcaygeon and the Bobcaygeon Legacy CHEST Fund and the City of Kawartha Lakes.


throughout Canada each year helping to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for churches, charities and other community organizations. The 2017 Old Time Jubilee is a two-hour live stage presentation of sensational step dancing, country gospel songs and perennial favourites, and lots of family humour. Scott Woods has captured all the major Canadian fiddling titles. This event is part of a Canada 150th Celebration. Bring your family and friends and join us for some toe-tapping fun, lots of laughs and some good old tunes. This show will put a song in your heart, a bounce in your step and a smile on your face. And, as an added attraction the “Mitchell Family” from Omemee will also perform. Ticket prices are $25 for adults, $10 for children 12 years and under. Get them early though, as many of the shows sell out well in advance of the concert. Tickets are available now, from the Lions, Fresh Country Foods in Fowlers Corners, or you can reserve by phone at 705-799-6257.

Shop & Enjoy at Farmers’ Market Saturdays 8-1

at the Bobcaygeon Fairgrounds

Submitted by Ethel Hawman

“Upbeat” and “Uplifting”. These two words describe The Scott Woods Show coming Saturday, July 22 at the Omemee Curling Club. This is a benefit concert on behalf of Omemee Lions, Lioness and Lindsay East Lions. The TRUST Scott Woods Band AGENT travels extensively A LOCAL


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JULY 28 - 29 • WWW.FIDDLECONTEST.CA • AT THE BOBCAYGEON ARENA July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter



Submitted by Nancy Newton

Four young women graduating from our local high schools have been recognized for their peer leadership with the RoseMary Reid Positive Influence Award from Soroptimist International of Kawartha Lakes. Soroptimist International of Kawartha Lakes joins with the local schools in their annual recognition activities by presenting the award to a female graduating student from each of the city’s four secondary schools who models values, beliefs and attitudes that inspire others. The modest cash award is presented to a young woman for being an exemplary role model to her peers, focusing on positive character traits rather than academic or athletic achievement. The 2017 recipients are: • Alexandra Tesic, I.E. Weldon Collegiate • Claire Allore, Lindsay Collegiate and Vocational Institute • Harmony McNish, Fenelon Falls Secondary School • Jaden Mifsud, St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School The award is named for RoseMary Reid, a longtime member of Soroptimist International, initially from the Peterborough club and more recently York Region. Active at all levels of the organization, RoseMary recently completed her term as President of Soroptimist International of the Americas, overseeing clubs in 20 countries and territories.



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July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter


With many road construction projects underway in Haliburton County, members from the Haliburton Highlands detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are reminding motorists of the importance of construction zone safety and reducing speed when entering construction zones. Drivers are advised to proceed with caution when approaching a construction zone and to obey all warning signs, people and/or devices directing traffic through the area. It is an offence under the Highway Traffic Act (HTA) to disobey STOP or SLOW signs displayed by a traffic-control person. Lower speeds are often posted in construction zones to increase worker safety and to reflect increased road hazards such as construction vehicles, uneven or gravel surfaces and narrowed lanes. Motorists are reminded that speeding fines are doubled in construction zones when workers are present. Information on roads and construction projects in Ontario can be accessed through the Ministry of Transportation’s Traveller Information Services, which provides road information for provincial highways in Ontario, by calling 5-1-1 or by visiting the MTO Ontario 511 website at


In March, 17-year-old Alexis Wilson of Fenelon Falls realized there was a lack of theatre and arts programs for young people in the area. So she founded a local children’s theatre company called Tiny Talents Arts Company. With the help of the Summer Company program, a government program that gives young entrepreneurs guidance and a grant to start their own summer business, Alexis has been able to create a summer camp for kids that includes seven weeks of arts camps. The Musical Theatre Camps are held in Fenelon Falls at the Shiloh Christian Centre. Alexis has developed themes such as Hollywood Week, Disney Week and Musical Theatre Week. At the end of the summer there will be a full production of Aladdin Jr. You can contact them at 705-887-2740 or for more information and to register. For a schedule you can check out their Facebook page @TTACFenelon.


Kawartha Lakes Public Library CEO and Chief Librarian David Harvie will be leaving in July to take up a position as CEO/ Library Director of the Georgina Public Library. David came to the City of Kawartha Lakes in 2015, bringing with him years of library experience in Brantford as Manager of Information Technology and Technical Services and Stratford as Systems Librarian and Director. In his years here, David diligently applied his technical skills to bring the library system into a era of connectivity. This has been a positive move for residents of City of Kawartha Lakes. David oversaw the installment of WiFi internet access at 12 branches and dramatically increased digital resources that now make up a quarter of the library’s collection. In addition he implemented new digital services like Freegal (free music downloads) and Flipster (free online access to magazines) and initiated work on a new library website that has a planned launch at the end of July. “David’s had a big impact on our library system,” commented Library Board Chair Jamie Morris. “We appreciate all he’s done and wish him well as both he and our libraries move on to the next chapter.”

The Kawartha Promoter Supported entirely by our advertisers. We encourage you to choose the businesses that you see in these pages.

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The Promoter Crossword # 204 – By Charon

27 Citrus fruit (4) Down 1 Proletariat (5,5) 2 Highlands musician (8) 3 Ski lift (1-3) 4 Fox or turkey follower (4) 5 Without deviation (8) 6 Disregard or snub (6) 7 Liquid rock (4) 13 Desert refuge (5) 15 Borough of the city of Saguenay,Quebec. (10) 17 As a rule (8) 18 Kids freezer treat (8) 20 Penny-pinching (6) 23 Not quite closed (4) 24 American, to a Brit (4) 25 Sketch (4) Solution to Crossword # 203

Across 8 Meditative discipline (4) 9 City in England and Alabama (10) 10 It can flare or be short (6) 11 Abstain from alcohol (8) 12 Mexican beach resort (8) 14 From that point on (6) 16 "Aquarius" musical (4)

17 18 19 21 22

Not nice at all (5) Picked up the tab (4) Request (3,3) Winter road clearer (8) Promoting good health (8) 25 Small and delicate (6) 26 Setting for classic Bogart movie (10)

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July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter

For 40 years, the Buckhorn Fine Art Festival brings artists together to share their works with visitors. For several years, there has been a Fine Art Competition for individuals, young and older, who identify themselves as hobby or professional. All entries for the Buckhorn Fine Art Competition are displayed through the duration of Festival weekend and some are available for purchase. There are several categories in the competition. For more information about the competition, visit The Buckhorn Fine Art Festival also has an outlet for youth art. The Youth Art Display is one aspect of the festival that has been developed to encourage children’s creativity and nurture budding interest and skills in the Visual arts. Each year, a specially designated area is set aside within the Festival to display the work of young artists for the duration of the Festival. The objective is “to provide a venue for children and youth (aged 6 to 12 years) to share their two and three dimensional works of art with a larger audience in a non-competitive environment”. For more details, call 705-657-1918 (toll free at 877-300-9766). Deadline for submissions for the Youth Art Display is August 4, 2017. The Buckhorn Fine Art Festival takes place at the Buckhorn Community Centre August 19 and 20, with the Opening Night Garden Party on Friday, August 18. For more information, visit



To mark Canada’s 150th anniversary, the Fenelon Falls Legion is giving the Village two descendant saplings from the original Vimy Ridge Oaks acorns. The saplings are to be planted at the Cenotaph and the Veterans’ area of the Fenelon Falls Cemetery. Branch President, Wes Arscott says, “We hope that these saplings will thrive and be a living memorial to all Veterans who made the true north strong and free.”

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Bringing entertainment to audiences of all ages, Globus Theatre is proud to announce their 2017 Children’s Series. Thanks to a sponsorship by Stewart Morrison Insurance and the artsVest Kawartha Lakes program at Business of the Arts, ticket prices for the Children’s Series has been kept to $5 each (plus HST). Here’s the schedule: Saturday, August 5 – 11am - Raising the Barn – Kid’s Style: Adventure into a world of music, mystery and madcap characters! For ages 6 to 12. Saturday, August 26 – 11 am - Peter Pan: Dufflebag Theatre takes the audience on a zany journey through Never Never Land. Fun for all ages!




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July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter


Our series continues on the Canada Post offices throughout our region who help make our communities great.

Pontypool Post Master has Deep Ties in the Community

By Kirk Winter

When Tammy Jones arrives for work every day as the Post Master in Pontypool, she knows she is following in the footsteps of some pretty important people in her life. Members of Tammy’s extended family, including her grandfather, mother, and aunt, have all worked as rural route drivers with the Pontypool post office as



Tough Truck Challenge Weekly


home base until the early 1990s. Tammy began working for Canada Post 17 years ago in Fraserville, just outside of Peterborough. As a term employee, Tammy’s travels also took her to Norwood and Omemee. When the Post Master job came up in Pontypool in October of 2009, Tammy was thrilled to continue her family’s service to the people of south Manvers. The post office and its rural routes cover a very large area from Manvers-Scugog Town Line in the west, to Gray Road in the north, Glenmorgan Road in the east, and Boundry Road in the south. While Tammy, Denise Allen, and Lorne Wilson service and assist 300 families in Pontypool, Cathy Winacott and Chrystal Baker take care of the extensive rural routes serviced by the Pontypool post office. Cathy has 370 homes on her 100-kilometre route, while Chrystal services 180 families on her daily 65 kilometre drive. Tammy says despite the steady growth in the area she and her staff are still on a first name basis with many of her customers, and providing a high-quality customer experience is what her staff aims for every day. The post office has been particularly busy this year selling Canada 150 coins. The Canadian Mint and Canada Post have clearly hit a home run with their attractive and collectable coin sets celebrating Canada’s sesquicentennial. Tammy has also noticed a steady increase in parcel service as her customers continue to move away from brick and mortar stores and turn to the internet for their shopping needs. The Christmas rush that began this year in mid-November was one for the ages, and certainly bore this retail phenomenon out. Tammy enjoys her busy days at the post office, and looks forward to many more servicing her customers in the bustling community of Pontypool.



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One Job at a Time!


Submitted by Annette Poeta

Women’s Resources of Kawartha Lakes received an incredible donation from the 1st Fenelon Falls Brownies Sparks, Rangers and their leaders. A number of baskets were carefully prepared and included items women need when moving into a new apartment, such as a mop, paper towel, laundry

detergent, dish soap and cleaning supplies. These baskets will be distributed through Amy’s Program;,a short-term safe and affordable housing initiative for women rebuilding after abuse. Rebuilding after abuse has many challenges that many do not realize; uncertainty, financial and emotional stress, as well as fear of the unknown. The local business community recognized the need to help and contributed to this effort. Special thanks to Fenelon Falls Home Hardware, the Fenelon Falls Rotary Club, Killaby Auto Repair and Lilac Lodge of Bobcaygeon for their contributions. Pictured from left to right are: Emily Percival, 1st Fenelon Falls Rangers; Annette Poeta, Rangers Leader; Sierra Killaby, 1st Fenelon Falls Brownies; Ava Orton, 1st Fenelon Falls Guides; Jared Killaby, Honorary Spark; Amanda Killaby and Christina Orton, Brownie Leaders.

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TELUS WATERCRAFT RIDE FOR DAD Join the fight against prostate cancer. Join us Sunday July 23 (Pre-registration Recommended) for an on water scavenger hunt followed by a BBQ dinner and a chance to win great prizes. For more info contact Boats and PWCs welcome


July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter


3rd Annual Kinmount Highland Games a success

won some medals.”dad says. The Highland Dance Competition is just one of the many events taking place throughout the day. “We have a heavy events competition which involves things like sheath toss and stone throwing, we have pipes and drums, we have six different bands represented from all over the province and thats always a fun time when they get together and play en masse. We have the highland dance competition, we have loggers sports, we have children activities and artisans.” Austin told Kawartha 411. There’s something for everyone. The event is organized by a group of 6 volunteers and a lot of help from the community. “We are very

By Pamela Vanmeer

KAWARTHA LAKES- Kinmount went back to it’s Scottish roots on Saturday hosting the 3rd annual Kinmount Highland Games. “I think it’s a really wonderful way for us to celebrate our Scottish heritage, says Jane Austin, one of the organizers of the games. “We were a community founded by Scottish settlers that had emigrated to Canada to find a new

life and a new way of being and have done a fantastic job of creating a community that really takes care of one another.” It was the Fraser Family’s first year attending the Highland Games. “The girls were dancing in the Highland Dance competition this morning, they both

Have you heard BOB lately? BOB listened to you! 16

July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter

committed in Kinmount to our different volunteer organizations so on the committee itself there are six of us but we draw upon lots of different people so we couldn’t do it without the Agricultural Society, we have the Kinmount and District Lions Club, the local churches, the Kinmount Committee for Planning, so theres lots of us that work together.” Austin says. With the games being relatively new Austin says they still have work to do to get people out to the event. “Its something that we know we will need to work hard to grow and to get the word out there that we are the best games around, the best games in town but we are committed to doing that because we think its important.” The next Highland Games will be held on the second Saturday in July in 2018 in Kinmount. For more information go to https://www.

Honouring First Nations


By Glenna Burns

The Two Row Wampum is one of the oldest treaty relationships between the ONKWEHONWEH (original people) of Turtle Island (North America) and Europeans. In 1613, when Dutch traders and settlers began moving up the Hudson River into Kanien’keha:ka (Mohawk) Territory, the treaty was made between the Dutch and the Haudenosaunne (Iroquios). Initially, the Dutch proposed a patriarchal relationship with the First Nations people, placing them as fathers and the Haudenosaunee as children. According to Kanien’keha:ka historian Ray Fadden, the Haudenosaunee rejected this idea and instead proposed the following: “We will not be like Father and Son, but like Brothers. (Our treaties) symbolize two paths or two vessels, travelling down the same river together. One, a birch bark canoe, will be for the Indian People, their laws, their customs, and their ways. The other, a ship, will be for the white people and their laws, their customs, and their ways. We shall each travel the river together, side by side, but in our own boat. Neither of us will make compulsory laws nor interfere in the internal affairs of the other. Neither of us will try to steer the other’s vessel.” The Dutch agreed with the principles of the Two Row. They were well aware of the political and military strength of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy (which included the Kanien’keha:ka). As was their custom for recording events of significance, the Haudenosaunee created a wampum belt out of purple and white quahog shells to commemorate the agreement. John Borrow, an Indigenous legal scholar and the author of ‘Canada’s Indigenous Constitution’, describes the physical nature of the Two Row Wampum as follows:

“The belt consists of two rows of purple wampum beads on a white background. Three rows of white beads symbolizing peace, friendship, and respect separate the two purple rows. The two purple rows symbolize two paths or two vessels travelling down the same river. One row symbolizes the Haudenosaunee people with their laws and customs, while the other row symbolizes European laws and customs. As nations move together on side-by-side on the River of Life, they are to avoid overlapping or interfering with one another.” The Two Row Wampum treaty made with the Dutch became the basis for all future Haudenosaunee relationships with European powers. The principles of the Two Row were consistently restated by the Haudenosaunee spokespeople and were extended to relationships with the French, British and Americans under the framework of the Silver Covenant Chain agreements. It was understood by the Haudenosaunee that the Two Row agreement would last forever - that is, “as long as the grass is green, as long as the water flows downhill, and as long as the sun rises in the East and sets in the West.”


July 15 & 16 Scugog First Nation Pow Wow

August 19 & 20 Summer Art Show Whetung Ojibwa Centre, Curve Lake August 19 & 20 Rama First Ntion Pow Wow September 16 & 17 Curve Lake First Nation Pow Wow

Did You Know ?

Ad design is complimentary with ad placement in The Kawartha Promoter. Some restrictions may apply. July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter


It’s Easy Being Green My Recycle-isation

By Julia Taylor

During a recent meeting, I enjoyed a treat that came packaged in a plastic container with a recycle symbol on it. At the end of the meeting when I wanted to dispose of the container I could only find a garbage can. This garbage can, lined with a clear bag, was full of paper, pop cans, and plastic bottles. It most likely would have been left behind on pickup day because it contained more than 20 percent recyclables. My guess is that everyone threw their recyclables in that can because there was no recycling container immediately available. I have been in this situation before -- at public events when there is no recycling bin, or the garbage cans are overflowing, or when there is no ashtray and everybody just throws their cigarette butts on the ground. I was about to do the same. My mind raced. My hands quivered. Why was there no recycle bin? How could I, Julia Taylor, environmental advocate...not recycle??!! I wouldn’t do it! I held it in my hands and left the room feeling awkward and sad. Oh, I thought, I can just take it home. I have a recycling bin at home! I realized then that I will never again be forced to put my garbage on top of a heaping pile of Tim

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Horton’s cups with a trash can buried deep beneath, and that never again will I have to throw my recycling in a garbage can. It is my garbage after all. Right after my enlightening realization on my way out the building from the meeting, there was a recycling bin - just 100 feet away in the hall!

h    CONGRATS, JULIA!

Fenelon Falls resident, environmental advocate and a columnist for The Kawartha Promoter, Julia Taylor has been elected Chair of the Kawartha Conservation Foundation. “I believe very strongly in the work that Kawartha Conservation does,” said Julia. “It is very important work, and something that I’m very passionate about.” Julia writes the popular column, ‘It’s Easy Being Green’ in The Kawartha Promoter. She is a member of the City of Kawartha Lakes Environmental Advisory Committee and Fenelon Landfill Public Review Committee, Ms. Taylor said her focus as Chair of the Foundation will be member recruitment as well as developing grant and funding opportunities while increasing events at Ken Reid Conservation Area.

Volunteers injured at Garnet Graham Park

   

By Julia Taylor

The title may be a little exaggerated but picking up 15 or so pounds of goose droppings every day is no easy task. Volunteers have reported sore backs from bending over to scoop, and injured wrists from holding onto large bags of droppings in one hand for so long. It is a task that members from the ‘Take Back the Beach’ crew do not give up on. “People are coming back to the beach now,” a City staffer from the Parks and Rec division says, and that makes the group proud, but... “The geese are winning,” says Gay Fletcher, the organiser of Take Back the Beach. “So far this season we were able to keep up with the clean up; however, recently it has become overwhelming.” In the past, the team has focused on the beach area, but with the new splash pad, the other end of the beach will need to be a priority too, creating even more work for the small group of volunteers. But, many hands make lighter work and less (exaggerated) injuries. If you enjoy a poop-free beach and fewer beach closures, here is what you can do to help... • If you are walking by and see the geese, shoo them away. • If you are at the beach and see a volunteer picking

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July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter

12 My S, Fl Fll

12 My S, Fl Fll

12 My S, Fl Fll

up goose droppings, offer to help. • If you plan on spending some time at the beach, bring a small shovel and a plastic bag and dispose of any droppings you see. If you have an hour a week, you could commit to helping pick up the droppings. Please contact Gay Fletcher at 705-887-3516 or brianandgay@hotmail. com. We can all do our part to ensure that we can enjoy our beautiful beach and to keep Fenelon Falls ‘The Jewel of The Kawarthas’

Bring your own mug

Submitted by Janet Klein

North Pigeon Lake Association would like to thank those who recently came out to hear the “Cottage Succession” seminar we hosted. Your support is always appreciated. Our AGM is coming up on Saturday, July 22 at the Bobcaygeon Lawn Bowling Club beginning at 10am. Speakers include the OPP on local crime trends, plus securing our properties when unoccupied and Kawartha Conservation speaking on wells, how drought and flood affect them and well maintenance. There will be question periods on each topic. Representatives for Boyd Island and Kawartha Lake Stewards Association will also be present. Come out and renew your membership or join! There’s a barbeque at noon and, in keeping with trying to reduce waste, please bring your own mug for coffee.

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In Loving Memory of My Wife Beverly Belban Mercer September 14, 1936 - July 16, 2005

Never To Be Forgotten Bev Miss Me - But Let Me Go

Miss Me ~ But Let Me Go When I come to the end of the road And the sun has set for me The lights are dim in the gloom filled room Why cry for a soul set free. Miss me a little ~ but not too long And not with your head bowed low Remember the love that we once shared Miss me ~ but let me go. For this is a journey that we all must take And each must go alone It’s all part of a master plan A step on the road to home. When you are lonely and sick at heart Go to the friends we know And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds Miss me ~ but let me go. Miss ~ But Let Me Go I “miss” and will “love you forever Bev” But I will “never” let you go You will always be my “special angel” And our parents too God bless you “Sweetheart” “Love always and Forever” Your loving husband Bill July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter



By Deb Crossen

In our last issue, we asked librarians in Trent Lakes and the City of Kawartha Lakes to provide us with a list of authors that Canadians should read. I received an email from a local author, essentially slapping my wrist for not including local authors. It was not my intention to exclude anyone, so I went looking for information. I found, a website for and about authors in the Kawartha Lakes. There’s quite a list of those who live here in our neck of the woods. I think it’s important that we support and promote our local authors. Please visit the website, look for local authors’ works in bookstores and libraries, and attend appearances and signings. Happy reading!


In the last few weeks, the OPP have been busy on the roadways, trails and waterways. On the roadways, drivers of vehicles and motorcycles have been charged for speeding and, in the case of cars and trucks, distracted driving. An ATV rider near Kinmount was airlifted to a Kingston hospital after he was involved in a collision with a tree. Luckily, his son whom he was helping learn to ride an ATV, was not as seriously injured. The adult rider wasn’t wearing the proper safety equipment. On our waterways, a number of boaters have been caught for impaired boating by the OPP’s marine unit. It should go without saying to not drink and drive or operate a boat, or take an ATV for a spin, but I’ll say it anyway.

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July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter

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July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter


Shoreline naturalization workshop

Kawartha Conservation, in partnership with the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, will be hosting a shoreline naturalization workshop on Saturday, July 22 in Kirkfield. This is the second workshop on shoreline naturalization in conjunction with LSRCA. “This is a really great opportunity for shoreline residents to hear about not only the importance of shoreline naturalization, but also how they can protect their shoreline and the lake with low-cost projects,” explained Kawartha Conservation Stewardship Technician Kelly Gibson. Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority Integrated Watershed Management Specialist Kaitlyn Read will lead off the event with an overview and purpose of the workshop as well as a discussion on

why natural shorelines are so important. Leora Berman, from The Land Between, will also be leading a discussion and providing technical expertise on how to plan a shoreline naturalization project that will benefit the region’s unique landscape. The shoreline area, also known as the ‘ribbon of life’, is an area extending several metres on either side of the shoreline of lakes, rivers and wetlands, from shallow water up onto drier land. It is a sensitive and critical life zone where up to 90 percent of the wildlife in lakes, rivers and wetlands is found. Kawartha Conservation’s Kelly Gibson will provide attendees with case studies on shoreline naturalization projects and best management practices. “We have had a great response to our previous workshops and it is wonderful to see the interest from our shoreline residents in how they can improve and naturalize their shoreline areas,” said Ms. Gibson. “We are looking forward to sharing our knowledge with shoreline residents on July 22 as we discuss the importance of shoreline naturalization.” The Shoreline Naturalization Workshop will be held from 10am to 12 noon on Saturday, July 22 at the Kirkfield and District Lions Club located at 973 Portage Road, Kirkfield.

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Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19) It may not be the time of the official “dawning of the Age of Aquarius”, but so what? It can be your “dawning” whenever you want it to be, Aquarius. New days await you - you just have to make them happen! Pisces (Feb. 20 to March 20) Try not to take yourself too seriously, Pisces. There are lots of other people out there. Instead of obsessing about yourself, find someone who needs a helping hand – and your worries may seem rather small. Aries (March 21 to April 20) Jingle, jive and jazz it up, Aries. It’s summer and that means it’s time to make music, either real or imaginary! Dancing is great exercise, and music is a great communicator, so let it work its magic. Taurus (April 21 to May 21) “Often the prickly thorn produces tender roses.”: Ovid. Is there someone in your life right now whom you find “prickly”, Taurus? Try to look upon them in a new way, give them some gentle, needed advice or encouragement. You never know how many roses could bloom because of you! Gemini (May 22 to June 22) Looking for love, Gemini? Start small! Make a new friend and let the relationship grow as it will. Be open. Give yourself – and what could be a promising connection – a chance. Cancer (June 23 to July 23) We all have many, many dreams about the future, Cancer. Dreams of what might be possible to make a better life for ourselves and our loved ones. Don’t be discouraged if your dreams are many and your chances few! They are not impossible. Today, do something to move toward ONE of those dreams.

Leo (July 24 to Aug. 23) It’s vacation time, Leo! Lucky you. Stay safe and enjoy the many adventures about to unfold. And don’t forget to write home! Virgo (Aug. 24 to Sept. 23) What do you lose when you make a mistake? Is it the scorn of your co-workers or others “out there” that you fear? Mistakes, while not pleasant, are important! We can learn so much from them, and one of the most important things we can learn is that it is not others who matter. It is YOUR response, and what YOU take away from your errors that counts. Libra (Sept. 24 to Oct. 23) Chinese proverb: “Let each sweep the snow from his own door; let him not be concerned about the frost on his neighbour’s tiles.” In other words, Libra, take care of your own business! Scorpio (Oct. 24 to Nov. 22) Does it sometimes seem like the world sails by for everyone else with ease and grace, while you, dear Scorpio, must work, work, and work to achieve your needs and wants? Don’t be fooled! Other people are going through hard times, too, but their tribulations aren’t always apparent. Remember this. Sagittarius (Nov. 23 to Dec. 21) Now you’re talkin’! We sense you are back to your old self after a brief, but intense, slide towards despondency. Make sure to take good care of yourself, physically and emotionally, dear Sag, because a lot of people care a lot about you! Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan 20) It’s time to zero in and focus on the tasks you wish to accomplish this summer, Capricorn. They may be onerous tasks or enjoyable tasks, but, whichever they are, they need your undivided attention. Try to stay organized and don’t let distractions get in the way. You CAN do it.




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July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter



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July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter

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3 Issues 6 Issues 9 Issues 12 Issues $100




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Includes online publication with more than 1 million hits on The Kawartha Promoter website in 2016. Prices are per issue. Dimensions are in inches, and include colour. Plus HST.

Call 705.738.6188 or email today to get in on the action! Advertising Sales – Laura Williams – Editor – Deb Crossen – Publisher – Max Miller –

Your Source forCommunity News

Health & Wellness Canada Day Gift

A couple from Toronto were at their cottage just north of Minden for the Canada Day long weekend and got a great gift! Jacob William Zeman was born to Lesli Zeman and Nicoleta Hakki at Ross Memorial Hospital on Canada Day at 5:11am. Little Jacob was 6 lbs 12 oz. Everyone’s doing fine. Congratulations!


By Benjamin Stone

Ninety-five percent of our behaviours and thoughts come from our subconscious mind. Only 5 percent is controlled by our conscious mind (the creative mind where we can be present). Due to this, we are not able to constantly pay attention to the some 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts the average person has per day. Psychology has shown 70 percent of our thoughts are self-sabotaging and defeating. Scientifically speaking, we are being influenced by the catabolic process (breaking down of things) instead of the anabolic process (building up of things). This leads us to “react” to life situations, instead of “responding” to the situation. It also can be responsible for the breaking down of our bodies’ immune system and inviting diseased states. From the ages of 0-7 years old, we are in theta brain waves, which is a state where we are strictly downloading (programming) information into the subconscious (data warehouse) from our environment. For example, our biggest teachers are our parents. By the time we are 7, our subconscious has been “programmed” and we start to have conscious mind. When this happens, for the majority of our lives, we are now subject to the ‘programs’ of the subconscious mind that were put there by our parents and the environment we lived in.

How can we change our thoughts, feelings and beliefs to change our lives and thrive? There are three ways: 1) Habituation 2) Hypnosis 3) Energy Psychology In an upcoming article, I will speak about each of the three methods to re-programming your subconscious mind, and change your life forever.


According to CBC and CTV news, Health Canada is in the process of conducting testing of the Banana Boat Sunscreen in light of more than 130 complaints over the past two months. Several mothers have contacted the federal agency saying their babies have suffered burn injuries after using the product. While Banana Boat Canada has said its products are safe, Health Canada officials say they are “reviewing the adverse reaction reports to confirm or rule out a potential association between the reported health concern and the product.”

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* Clean up and hand in keys for apartment move as smooth asWe possible take from start to finish. as possible from start to finish. * Arrange for repair or painting to prepare the stress 25 July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter DAY PARTIAL PACKAGES for house sale out of Our caring team of workers are Fully insured * Available tailored to your needs. Our caring team of workers are fully insured * Assist with finding real estate agent


Road safety is a three-way street, as motorists, cyclists and pedestrians all have a responsibility to share the road and be safe. With the return of nicer weather, the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit is encouraging road users to respect each other’s right to be on the road. “Whether you’re out on two wheels, four wheels or two feet, it’s important to be safe, courteous and watchful for each other,” says Lisa Kaldeway, a Health Promoter with the HKPR District Health Unit. “Put simply: it’s the same roads, same rules, and same rights!” Given the size and potential impact of motor vehicles, drivers especially need to be vigilant, she notes. For example, drivers should yield to pedestrians and bicyclists when in or entering a crosswalk. When approaching a cyclist or pedestrian along the roadway, it’s the law that motorists must leave at least one metre of clearance when passing. It’s also important for motorists to obey the posted speed limit, completely stop at each stop sign and red light, and never text while driving. “Put your hands on the steering wheel and keep your eyes on the road,” says Constable Jackie Hildenbrand of the Kawartha Lakes OPP. “Distracted driving, such as using a hand-held device to talk or text is illegal and incredibly dangerous! We need to say, ‘enough is enough,’ and tell motorists to put away their phones.” Constable Hildenbrand also has advice for pedestrians. When walking along a road, pedestrians should always face traffic. If trying to cross a road, she suggests pedestrians do so at crosswalks or traffic lights

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Grief Support Program Gets Off the Ground

Support from the Shoppers Drug Mart Foundation will help Community Care’s Grief Support services in the development of a new Coping With Infant Loss program with a $5,000 donation. The Foundation’s generous support comes through Shoppers’ local community involvement program and the Putting Women’s Health First funding stream. As an extension to existing grief programs that Community Care offers through Hospice Services, Coping With Infant Loss will be designed to help parents with the intense feelings following the unexpected and shocking loss of a pregnancy or a baby’s life. “Losing a baby in any way is one of the most difficult experiences that a mother will ever endure,” said Ryan Alexander, Manager of Community Care’s Hospice Services. “Mothers need a professional with expertise in perinatal bereavement. Complicated grief occurs in a large portion of such bereavement cases. That’s where our Coping With Infant Loss program will be of help.” The Coping With Infant Loss program will allow participants to receive support through monthly group sessions. One-to-one support will also be available. Organizers hope that the program will help parents experience change in feelings of hopelessness, pain and their overall mental and physical wellbeing. For further information visit

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– not in the middle of the block or between parked cars. When crossing, people should also make sure drivers see them before they go into the road; if the driver is stopped, pedestrians should make eye contact before stepping out into the road. To increase their visibility, pedestrians are also encouraged to wear bright or lightcoloured clothing or reflective strips at dusk or when it’s dark. Cyclists also need to do their part to share the road, says Art Hornibrook, an avid local cycler and member of the Kawartha Cycling Club. “Cyclists have the same rights and duties as other drivers and need to follow the same traffic laws. That’s the safest – and smartest – way to ride,” he notes. Cyclists should always bike on the right with traffic, signal all turns, come to a complete stop at every stop sign and red light, ride straight in a predictable manner, use a properly-fitting bike helmet, and be visible by wearing bright colours and using lights – especially in the early evening and night. Hornibrook also encourages cyclists to be aware and alert, ready to anticipate the next move of drivers, pedestrians and other cyclists.

July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter

New Patients Welcome Emergency Care- Root Canals Implants - Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Please Let the Dogs Out!

The Kawartha Lakes Police Service wants to remind us that pets should not be left unattended in motor vehicles during the warmer weather. Leaving pets in hot cars is a life threatening ordeal. Within just 15 minutes an animal can endure brain damage, or even death from heatstroke. If you see a pet in an unattended vehicle that may be suffering from heat exhaustion, please call 310-SPCA (7722), 24/7 if in Ontario; Local SPCA or Humane Society; or Local police. Please remember to take proper care of your pets, and remind friends and family to do the same. Let’s keep all pets out of hot, unattended vehicles! #NoHotPets


Summer is here and one of the best parts of being in Kawartha Lakes is enjoying our many lakes and rivers. However, being near the water also requires attention to safety. City of Kawartha Lakes First Responders want to remind the public about the following water safety tips: • A personal floatation device (PFD) should be worn at all times when using any type of watercraft, whether or not it is motorized. Even the use of a stand-up paddleboard on a calm day can become dangerous if the paddler falls into a weedy area and experiences entanglement and panic. Furthermore, if a breeze picks up, the board can be carried beyond reach very quickly; • Never underestimate the power of current. Swimmers and waders can be swept away in an instant, particularly when caught by the current in rivers or in abrupt drop-offs; • Jumping or diving from cliffs and bridges is extremely dangerous as underwater hazards such as logs, sunken vehicles, rocks and other debris may exist. The force of hitting the water can sometimes result in the swimmer losing their breath, and possibly causing internal injuries that may immobilize them; • Swimming near any kind of dam, waterfall and hydro-

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✔ Difficulty Wearing CPAP ✔ Dry, Stuffy Nose, Dry Mouth ✔ Difficulty Falling Asleep ✔ Annoyed By The Noise Mask, Skin Irritation or ✔ Leaky Pressure Sores ✔ Feeling Claustrophobic

generating station presents many unseen hazards. The surface of the water may appear calm but undertows could exist. When caught in an undertow, a swimmer might not be able to escape and may be pulled under the surface of the water. The areas around hydro dams are especially dangerous because water flow and current can increase without notice; • Only participate in recreational water sports during daylight hours. Any person who is waterskiing, wakeboarding, etc. must wear an approved PFD and should review hand signals with the boat operator. Never leave the dock without a spotter in the boat and always let go of the tow rope after falling. Never climb into a boat from the water unless the propeller is stopped; • Always supervise children who are in and around water. Ensure that they are wearing a proper fitting PFD. For more swimming, boating and water safety tips visit


An “acoustic neuroma,” the most common inner ear tumor, begins growing within the inner ear. “Vestibular schwannoma,” as the tumor is also known, forms when Schwann cells, which wrap themselves in layers around the auditory nerve, grow too rapidly. It is important to recognize the early symptoms of acoustic neuroma (dizziness, hearing loss, and ringing in the ears) and treat it because the tumor may grow so large that it can press on parts of the brain that control vital body functions. Most acoustic neuromas are treated with surgery. From a preventive point of view, some research shows that prolonged exposure to loud noise increases the risk of developing acoustic neuroma, which is one more reason to wear hearing protection. Early diagnosis of an acoustic neuroma may help keep the tumor from growing large enough to cause serious consequences, such as total hearing loss or a life-threatening buildup of fluid within your skull. To schedule a hearing test, please give us a call. We offer an array of affordable hearing aid options to meet every budget, cosmetic, and hearing loss need. Our team is committed to providing you and your loved ones with clear and up-to-date solutions. P.S. Hearing rehabilitation through the use of hearing aids and assistive listening devices can enhance an acoustic neuroma patient’s ability to communicate with others and significantly improves a patient’s quality of life.

July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter


Classifieds SERVICES

ORIGINAL MAN WITH TRUCK 15 yrs experience Lowest prices. Grass cutting, Painting, Garbage removal, property maintenance, long or short distance moves. No job too small! Bruce 705-738-6321 ____________________ GOPHER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Dump runs Eavestrough cleaning Moving assistance Private security Monica Stanley 705-738-6364 ____________________ GREGG MACNEIL LANDSCAPING 705-793-9437 Interlocking brick, armour stone, retaining walls, decks, driveways, walkways, patios, stairs & repairs to all. www.greggmacneil ____________________ CERAMIC TILE Quality installations. Very reliable. Call Ted for an estimate 705-454-9826 _____________________ DOUGLAS CANOES Recanvassing, fibreglassing, Restored canoes for sale. Original canoe bookcases 25 yrs experience PH 705-738-5648 Em:


Deadline for next issue: July 19, 2017 Call 705-738-6188 20 words or less for $28 + H.S.T. E-Mail: TLC GARDEN DESIGN/ LANDSCAPING INC. Lindsay, On 17 years in business Spring/Fall Cleanup, garden reno, planting, maintenance programs, container gardens Call Kay C: 416-568-1228 NO JOB TOO BIG NONE TOO SMALL ____________________ MUSIC LESSONS DUNSFORD Piano • Voice • Brass •Performance. Unique vocal and performance teaching method. Any style level. 705-300-3561


ARTICLES FOR SALE Woodworking tools, large and small, electric and hand, complete list with asking prices, contact Bob at


LAKEWOOD CONDOMINIUMS 1152 sqft 1 Bedrm / 2 Bath+ Den in Secure Building / Covered parking / Laundry / Appliances Incl. $2000/ month Available July 1. Call 705-731-6117 for details. ____________________ OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Central Bobcaygeon location. 2 rooms 400 sq ft Private entrance. Private washroom. $750 per month.705-738-6188

July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter

COMMERCIAL SPACE available approx. 400 sq ft plus storage Bolton St. location, on-site parking Ideal for hair salon Avail June Call 416-906-7058/ 647-519-4658


SENIORS WITH DOG Seeking 1 or 2 bedroom bungalow or winterized cotage long term. 705-887-0983


WANTED: POP CULTURE ITEMS Vinyl records (rock, jazz, blues), rock memorabilia, pre-1990 comic books, toys, vintage costume jewelry, sterling & gold jewelry. All types of retro / mid-century items. House calls made at your convenience. Robert or Penny 705-324-2699 ____________________ WANTED Canada & USA coins Silver dollar coins 1967 and earlier Silver & gold jewellery broken or not Sterling items eg. Birks Sterling flatware Jurgen 705-340-1504 _____________________ WANTED Batteries, electronics, steel, copper, aluminum, cars. Anything metal. FREE pick-up. Call Andy 705-793-2145

A1 JOHNNY JUNKERS Top cash paid for good used or scrap vehicles Environmentally friendly green disposal. Free pick-up 905-424-1232


Furniture,Glass, China, Military Medals etc. Duck Decoys, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Dollars, Gold, Coins, Pocket Watches etc. Anything old. R. Carruth. 705-887-1672.


ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVES Orillia • Port Perry • Oshawa • Peterborough areas. Resumes only kawarthasalesmanager@


SMALL CONTENT SALE Saturday July 15 1-3pm Mostly boathouse contents. 8 Fire Route 94E Bobcaygeon on Pigeon Lake. Cash only. ____________________ YARD - CRAFT - MISC SALE 284 Crosby Dr. Lakeview Estates Bobcaygeon July 15& 16 8am - 1pm ____________________ HUGE GARAGE SALE TOOLS, TOOLS, TOOLS Pigeon Hollow Park, Bobcaygeon 3 miles north of Hwy 36 Fri. July 14 3-7 Sat. July 15 8-5 Sun. July 16 8-3

Fenelon Falls United Church Home & Cottage YARD SALE Breakfast & Lunch BBQ Saturday July 22nd, 2017 8:30am - 12:30pm non-church members are welcome to participate $10 per table DONATIONS APPRECIATED (no clothing) Contact: Donna Hawe 705-454-0019 for further details


DAD Not a day passes by, Dad that you don’t cross my mind. Not all of you departed when you left our earth behind. In my heart there is a place that only you can hold. Filled with loving memories more priceless than gold. I know you still hear me Dad so please know this is true that everthing I am today is all because of YOU

EBERLEE; ALTAMAE JENNIFER Altamae died peacefully on June 29, 2017 in Lindsay, ON. She leaves behind her daughter Jennifer (Jeff) and son Doug; her grandchildren Will, Nick, Joe, Sam, Emily, Ellie and Anna; her step-grandsons Christopher and Andrew; her step-great grandson Jack; her sisters Judy (Kerry) and Francie; and many cousins, nieces and nephews. Altamae was born in Lindsay on October 17, 1936. She grew up in Bobcaygeon and is a graduate of Lindsay Collegiate Institute and the University of Toronto (Victoria College). She excelled in many areas during her early years, including winning a Canadian junior water ski championship (slalom) in 1950. Professionally, Altamae was both a social worker with the Children’s Aid Society and a member of the Ontario Parole Board. Throughout her adult life, Altamae devoted much time to volunteer work, serving on numerous boards in Whitby and the surrounding area, including United Way (President), Parents Anonymous (Chair), John Howard Society (Vice-Chair), Whitby Arts (Vice Chair), Red Cross, Legal Aid, Oshawa Symphony and Family and Children’s Services. In addition, she served as a member of the national boards of both United Way and Mission Air. She was a recipient of the Peter Perry Award for outstanding service to the community, the Volunteer Service Award (Ontario) and the Queen’s Jubilee Medal. Altamae will be remembered for many things, but most of all her generosity of heart. In keeping with Altamae’s wishes, there will be no service. There was a celebration of her life held at Eganridge Resort and Spa, 26 Country Club Drive, Kawartha Lakes, on Monday, July 10, from 1pm to 3pm. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Ross Memorial Hospital in Lindsay. Friends may send condolences, or make donations by calling 705-738-3222 or at

Love Carolee

Local Events

This section is only for Local Charitable Events. We do provide Not-for-profit rates for more in-depth advertising

Adult Day Programs - Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls , Little Britain, Lindsay & Omemee. 705-324-7323 JUL 14 - Ham & Salad Supper & Silent Auction, Fenelon Falls Senior Citizens’ Club. Tickets at the door $15 JUL 14, 21& 28 - Basic foot care services for seniors and people with special needs 9 a.m. 4 p.m., Bobcaygeon Senior Citizens Centre Pre-booked appointments required, 705-879-4100. JUL 15 - Friends of the Library Open House, Kinmount Library 9am-1pm JUL 15 - Tailgate sale Christ Church Anglican, BBQ hot dog, hamburger or sausage & cold drink $4. 8:30 - noon JUL 16 & 30 - Progressive Euchre, 1pm Delta Bingo & Gaming Lounge. $10 entry fee plus $2 for Lone Hands. Info:705-750-8137 JUL 17, 24 & 31 - Nordic Pole Walking, Wilderness Trail, Bobcaygeon. 9:30 a.m. 705-324-7323 to register. JUL 18 - Friends of the Library book sale downstairs in the Lindsay Library 10 am – 6pm JUL 18 & 25 - Weekly Diners Club seniors luncheon 70 Murray St., Fenelon Falls, noon. 705-324-7323 to reserve. JUL 19 - Diners Club seniors luncheon, Royal Canadian Legion, Bobcaygeon, noon. 705-324-7323 to reserve. JUL 19 - Free blood pressure monitoring service, Royal Canadian Legion, Bobcaygeon, 10-11:30a.m. JUL 20 - Sexual Health Clinic, 4:30-6:30 pm. Confidential access to cervical screening, low-cost birth control, pregnancy testing & sexual health teaching. Testing & treatment of STIs. Appointment:1-866-888-4577 ext. 2205 JUL 20 - Circle of Hope for the Bereaved - free support group for those who have recently lost a loved one. 2 Kent St. W., Lindsay, noon - 1:30 p.m. 705-879-4123 to register.

JUL 20 - Thursday Night Dinner 70 Murray St., Fenelon Falls, 5 p.m. 705-324-7323 to reserve. JUL 20 & 27 - Basic foot care services for seniors and people with special needs 1027 Portage Rd., Kirkfield. Prebooked appointments required. 705-879-4100 JUL 21, 24 & 28 - Basic foot care services for seniors and people with special needs, 70 Murray St., Fenelon Falls. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Pre-booked appointments required, 705879-4100. JUL 22 - Friends of the Library book sale downstairs in the Lindsay Library 10:30 am – 4pm JUL 24 - Big Bucks Bridge, Bobcaygeon Seniors’ Centre, noon. $10 Lunch included 705-738-6930 JUL 24 - Sexual Health Clinic, 10 am - noon. Confidential access to cervical screening, low-cost birth control, pregnancy testing & sexual health teaching. Testing & treatment of STIs. Appointment: 1-866-888-4577ext. 2205 JUL 24 - Cancer Support Group at Village Housing, Lindsay, 2 to 4 p.m. 705-324-7323 to register. JUL 27 - Bobcaygeon Seniors Centre bus to Casino Rama $5 per person, leaves 8:15am. Sign up sheet in the Hall. 705-738-4978 for info JUL 27 - Sexual Health Clinic, 2-4 pm. Confidential access to cervical screening, low-cost birth control, pregnancy testing & sexual health teaching. Testing & treatment of STIs. Appointment:1-866-888-4577, ext. 2205. JUL 27 - 3 day book sale at the Library & Boyd Gallery 9am–2pm Proceeds to the The Boyd Museum JUL 27 - Stroke Survivor Support Group for stroke survivors, family and caregivers. Case Manor, Bobcaygeon., 1:30 3:30 p.m. 705-324-7323 ext 111 for details. July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter


Lindsay’s young lawn bowlers came away from the Ontario youth championships with lots of hardware and now go on to the Nationals in August. Lindsay’s Cori Millard (pictured above receiving her award from Steve Schuknecht, Ontario Lawn Bowls Association Youth Director) took home gold for the girls; Braedon Bain took silver for the boys, while Michael Fraser claimed bronze. (Submitted by Club Photographer Barb Schuknecht)

Heartland Farm Mutual recently presented a $5,000 cheque from the iHeartCommunity Fund to Impact 32 in Bobcaygeon. The donation will contribute to the fundraising drive for additional docking space for boats at the Bobcaygeon Lock and will help fund the new bike sharing initiative. Pictured left to right: Larry Nickel, Heartland VP; Dave Kennedy, Darling Insurance and Impact 32 volunteer; Carlos Rodrigues, Heartland CEO; and Carly Pool, Impact 32 founding member.

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James a. Goodliff Contemporary Canadian artist UpCOming ShOWS And tOUrS: Tour De Forest: August 5-6. Haliburton Art & Craft Festival: July 21 – 23. Kawartha Arts Festival: September 2-3.


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July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter



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The GE Appliance Centre GE Days event runs from July 8th - July 30th, 2017 inclusive, and is applicable on select GE and GE Profile brand appliances. Please see your local retailer for details. Advertised prices apply during the promotional period only, while quantities last. While we strive for accuracy in product descriptions and pricing, which can be amended without prior notice from the manufacturer, we cannot be held responsible for technical or typographical errors which may appear in this ad.

July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter



July 14, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter

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