Promoter The Kawartha
Locally Owned and Operated
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Friday, June 16, 2017 Volume 27, Issue 11
Your Community News Magazine
Issue Features: Fathers’ Day • Health & Wellness • City Hall Delivered through Canada Post to EVERY HOME in the City of Kawartha Lakes. Also available in stores throughout Trent Lakes and Curve Lake.
Go Fishin’ with Dad!
June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
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Promoter The Kawartha
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Locally Owned and Operated
48 Main St., P.O. Box 535 Bobcaygeon, ON K0M 1A0 TEL.: 705-738-6188 FAX: 705-738-4187 Circulation 40,000 Distributed throughout the Kawartha Lakes Area Publisher/Director/Manager: Max Miller Editor: Deb Crossen Advertising Sales Manager: Laura Williams Sales Representatives: Belinda Wilson Pat Warren Art Director: James Goodliff Production/Office Manager Melissa Goodliff The Promoter is a local, independently owned and operated news magazine. The opinions and views expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of The Promoter. Liability for incorrectly displayed or placed advertisements is limited to publishing corrections or providing advertising credit to be applied on subsequent advertisements at the advertiser’s discretion. All text, photos, graphics, artwork and other material published in The Kawartha Promoter or on its website are copyrighted and may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission. Publisher reserves the right to reject, revise, cancel, omit, discontinue, decline to publish or suspend any advertisement for any reason in its sole discretion, without liability or penalty to Publisher, and without notice to the Advertiser. The Publisher of The Kawartha Promoter has made every effort to ensure that the information in this publication was correct at press time. The Publisher does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.
City Hall Crossword Horoscope Trades & Services Health & Wellness Classified
pg. 5 pg. 12 pg. 19 pg. 20 pg. 26 pg. 28
Cover: Bass fishing season opens June 17 for most of Kawarthas; June 24 for the rest. Photo Credit: Kawartha Promoter files
Shortly before my Mom passed away 6 years ago, I had a dream about my Dad. He passed away in 1989 and, until that night, I had not seen him in my dreams. He was standing alone in a white room, with his arms outstretched. I walked into his arms and he hugged me. No words were exchanged, just that hug. I woke up feeling comforted and happy. Shortly after the Nigerian Civil War (also known as the Biafra war) broke out in 1967, images of starving children and adults hit the TV screens and newspaper front pages here in Canada. Dad joined the Canadian relief effort known as Canairelief as their operations manager, responsible for organizing the supplies and medicine to help those in the war-torn country. He was gone months at a time and, as a
child, I had no idea the real dangers he faced. Their aircraft was shot at by rebel forces, enemy bombers demolished airstrips and landing areas and, at one time, Dad contracted yellow fever and almost died. But he accomplished his mission – to help those in need. Dad was a hero, at least to me. He showed me that believing in one’s own abilities, trusting his fellow man and standing by your convictions were ultimately the most important ways to live your life. After my Dad was diagnosed with cancer in 1988, I spent a lot of time with him, even though I was a newlywed. I’d take Dad to doctor’s appointments, sit in the Agincourt Mall food court and talk for hours about his life. I remember asking him, “Do you have any regrets?” He said, “I wish I’d been a better father.” Don’t worry about that, Dad. To me, you were the best and always will be. Happy Father’s Day.
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Village Voice
The Promoter reserves the right to edit Letters to the Editor for length and clarity. Please include your email or mailing address and daytime phone number (not for publication). All opinions expressed are those of the writer.
The Fenelon Falls & District Lions Club held their second annual Walk for Dog Guides on Saturday, May 27. In spite of the weather, the walkers raised $1,219 in cash donations and an expected $250 in online pledges. Thanks to all who donated. And our thanks to this year’s national sponsor, PetValu, as well as Three Islands Vet Services, Fenelon Animal Clinic and, of course, Marlene Jackson from PetValu in Bobcaygeon. After the walk, we had a “guess how many dog biscuits in the jar” contest, which was won by Logan Bowles. All of the funds raised go directly to providing specially trained dog guides to Canadians with medical disabilities. Dog guides bring safety, independence and increased mobility to people from communities across the country. Please visit for more information. Please also join us next year for this important fundraiser. Lion Ken Le Masurier Fenelon Falls & District Lions Club
I am writing to inform the residents of the City of Kawartha Lakes that the City has a Burn By-law, which was enacted to regulate open air burning within the City. It states that no permit is required for open air fires not larger than 60cm (24”) in diameter which are supervised at all times by an adult, and the fire area is a minimum of 15 metres (49.2’) from any building or other structures and 5 metres (16.4’) from any fences, trees, brush piles, property lines or combustible materials. Few properties in Lindsay could meet these requirements. The By-law also states that no person shall have an open fire that causes an adverse effect on the health,
Friends of the Library Lindsay Branch
Annual Poetry and Prose writing contest. (Maximum - 1,500 words) Adults and Youth (11-18), Closing Date June 30, 2017 Submit to main office - Lindsay Public Library.
On-Premise Wine Making 6 Water St.
(Across from the locks)
Fenelon Falls 705-887-1864 4
June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
safety or well-being of persons or property within the City. Since the City-wide burn ban ended on April 30, many residents in Lindsay have been having outdoor fires. The smoke from these fires is not only a nuisance, it is a health hazard. According to the Canadian Clean Air Alliance’s “The Health Hazards of Wood Smoke,” wood smoke, much like cigarette smoke, contains hundreds of dangerous air pollutants, gases and fine particulates that can cause cancer and other serious health problems. Smoke particles invade neighbouring homes, getting into our hair, clothing, curtains, furniture, etc., forcing us to breathe them 24/7, causing breathing problems and asthmatic attacks for many. Breathing wood smoke in any quantity is not good for anyone. Why should we be subjected to the secondhand smoke from our neighbours’ outdoor fires – ESPECIALLY AGAINST OUR WILL? Everyone has the right to breathe fresh air. In the nice weather, people like to get outside to enjoy the fresh air, to sit on their porch, garden, go for walks, bicycle rides, etc. People like to open windows to let the fresh air in and to cool off their homes in the evening, some also like to hang laundry outside to dry. We can’t do that due to smoke-filled air. I think the City of Kawartha Lakes should implement and enforce a Zero Tolerance Policy to open-air burning in densely populated areas of the City.
Brenda McLean Lindsay
I attended a Trent Lakes Council meeting recently and listened to a report from a Human Resource Consultant who had conducted an Organizational Review. I was pleased to hear such a positive report. I heard things such as “for the majority, a spirit of cohesiveness” and “alignment to meeting the needs of the Municipality and the people that it serves.” I also read in the report that Trent Lakes “has an extremely solid foundation” in regard to staff aligning to meet the needs of the Municipality and the people they serve. It was always evident to me that Council supported staff in many ways and this was also commented on in the report. Good news is always refreshing! Congratulations! Janet Klein President North Pigeon Lake Association
City Hall Library May Be Moving By Pat Warren
At the meeting of June 6th, City of Kawartha Lakes Council voted in favour of releasing funds from a reserve designated for the expansion of the Bobcaygeon Library. As reported more than a year ago, Council chose to use most of the $1.2 million designated for the expansion of the current Bobcaygeon Library on Canal Street, to lower the tax burden in 2016. However, more than $200,000 was left in a reserve. A Bobcaygeon Library Concept Design for the Municipal Service Centre will be completed at a cost of $20,000. The Service Centre is located at the corner of King St. and East Street (Highway 36). Ward 7 Councillor Brian Junkin spoke against the resolution, stating that due to public feedback, a previous Council had decided not to move the library to the Municipal Service Centre location. He also said the building is used by many municipal services and community groups. Councillor Stauble asked staff whether the Library Board was in favour of the possible move and Craig Shanks, Director of Community Services, answered “the Library Board is in favour of looking at all options.” David Harvie, CEO of the Kawartha Lakes Public Library said, “The Library Board is doing its due diligence in requesting this feasibility study and has not made any decision on the matter. The Board has not ruled out renovating the current branch as a possibility. Once this report is completed and shared with Council and the community, the Library Board will be able to propose a solution that best meets the needs of library patrons in Bobcaygeon.” The Bobcaygeon Branch is the second busiest library in the City of Kawartha Lakes and requires more room to better serve the public.
Re-use Pilot Project By Pat Warren
COKL and Habitat for Humanity are teaming up on an exciting new “pilot project”. The win-win plan will divert usable items from the Lindsay Landfill and raise funds for this important social enterprise. The City of Kawartha Lakes Environmental Advisory Committee brought the idea forward to City staff. Meetings were held with the ReStore run by Habitat for Humanity. Landfill staff were trained at the store on what items could be repurposed. Now, there is a bright yellow container at the landfill that holds diverted usable items. The “pilot project” has been successful so far, diverting goods worth $565 for the ReStore. Items such as household goods, tables, chairs, mirrors, tools, implements and other reusable items are on the list. Sarah Mountenay, ReStore Director of Development and ReStore Operations said, “Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore social enterprise mandate is to keep items out of landfills so they can be repurposed
Legion News “At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.” For hall rentals or more information about ongoing activities, please call the individual Legion Branch. We welcome submissions to Due to space, please keep the submissions to a total of 60 words for your Branch. Next deadline: Wednesday, June 21.
Branch 67 Lindsay (705) 324-2613 • June 25 – 2pm - The Adam Graeme Comedy Stage Hypnosis Show Admission $15. Tickets available at canteen bar. • Pub Fare Lunch – Tuesdays, Thursdays, noon to 2 pm • Full Dinners – Fridays, 11:30am to 1:30pm • Meat Roll – Saturdays, 2 pm • Live Entertainment – Saturdays, 7:30 to 11:30 pm, free • Sir Sam Seniors progressive euchre every Tuesday - 1pm • Big Buck Bid euchre 4th Wednesday of every month -11am
Branch 184 Woodville & District (705) 439-2397 • Country Music Jam third Sunday of each month - Reg Benoit, Lester White & Ralph Cashen - $5 admission -Musicians & singers free admission. Bar will be open, food available, door prizes, 50/50 draw.
Branch 238 Fenelon Falls (705) 887-3041 • Ladies’ 8-Ball and Mixed Shuffleboard Leagues - Mondays, 6:30 pm • Dart League - Tuesdays, 7:30 pm • Men’s Snooker League - Wednesdays, 7 pm • Tai Chi - Thursdays, 10 am • Hot Lunches - Thursdays and Fridays, 11:30 am-1 pm • English Pub Night* - first Friday each month, 5-7 pm • Meat Roll* - third Saturday each month, 2:30 pm, • Drop-in Shuffleboard - Sundays, 1:30pm • Karate-jitsu - Sundays 4 pm
Branch 239 Bobcaygeon (705) 738-2710 • June 17 - 7 pm - Tribute to Elvis Presley featuring John and Mason Cigan Tickets $23 (at bar or call 705-738-2710), light buffet at intermission • June 24 – Open Mic and Jam Session – 7pm • July 1 – Canada Day Steak Dinner with Live Music – details to follow • Pasta Night Mondays - 5 to 7pm - $10/plate • Hamburger Thursdays – 4:30 to 7pm • Karaoke Fridays with Merle – 8pm Branch 441 Kinmount (705) 488-3462 • Bingo – Fridays, 6:45 pm • Meat Draw – Saturdays, 5 pm • Seniors Cards – Mondays, 1 pm • Drop-in Cards – Tuesdays, 7 pm • Big Buck Bid Euchre - Third Wednesday of month, 11 am Branch 497 Omemee (705) 799-5095 • Mixed drop-in Darts - Tuesdays - 7:30pm • Progressive Euchre – every second Saturday of month Branch 519 Coboconk (705) 454-8127 • June 23 – Progressive Euchre – 7pm start - $5 – Pot Luck Lunch • June 30 – Lunch 11:30 to 1pm – Pork Loin or Liver and Onions - $9 – Followed by Country Music Jam 1 to 4 – Open Mic and Local Talent. Food bank donations appreciated. • July 1 – Annual Beef and Pig Roast - $10 – Meat Roll at 3pm, Dinner at 5pm
June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
and the revenues used to fund the home building program.” All the surplus revenues raised at the ReStore go to administrative costs of running the charity. All direct monetary donations go 100 percent to the home building program. Last year the ReStore in Lindsay diverted 226 tons and this year, with the partnership and other initiatives, the goal is to divert 258 tons. Dave Kerr, Manager of Environmental Services for COKL said, “Staff loves the project since usable items are now being diverted from the landfill. This project will save landfill capacity and helps Habitat for Humanity at the same time creating partnerships with the community and is in line with the city’s waste management strategy.” The public can either take their reusable items to the ReStore on Mary Street in Lindsay or to the Lindsay Ops Landfill.
Asset Management Plan By Pat Warren
Adam Found, Manager of Corporate Assets presented the Asset Management Plan to City of Kawartha Lakes Council on May 30. The plan is a roadmap for how the City can be prepared to meet the needs of today and into the future. He explained that an Asset Management Plan is a living document for continuous improvement by managing everything the city owns. This list is extensive and COKL is asset rich with $3.2 billion in holdings. However, this can be a challenge due to the City’s needs to manage assets over time. These
Bobcaygeon & District Horticultural Society
Annual Garden Tour Tea and Market - July 8, 2017
include roadways, natural resources such as aggregate, community centres, arenas, airport, and equipment. Staff took all these assets and put a monetary value to them. They then developed a plan to manage those assets with a focus on the depreciable capital replacement needs (when an asset is required to be replaced and how to fund it). Most of the assets in COKL are in fairly good shape but there are many challenges ahead such as the road needs plan. It is estimated in the next 5 years, the City will need $12.2 million to keep the good roads good and another $87 million to fix the bad roads. Also, Victoria Manor is mandated to be replaced by 2025. It is expected to cost $28 million which will be debentured over time. The Province will pay principal costs but the City has to pay the interest. Other growth-related projects in the plan are the Fenelon Falls second bridge crossing, the Colborne Street Bridge project, Jennings Creek Bridge and culverts, parks, facilities, fleet, water and wastewater. Also, an administration centre and cultural centre could be considered in the future. These two projects are ineligible to receive development charges but most other growth infrastructure projects are eligible. The plan is required by all municipalities in Ontario, in order to continue receiving grants. COKL has secured $7.6 million in grants by the Corporate Assets Division since its inception three years ago. The good news is that the City is in an aboveaverage financial situation in comparison to other municipalities and has the ability to fund more projects by debenture.
Trent Lakes Municipal corporation received an A grade on its Organizational Review but there is always ‘room for improvement’. Ian McArdle, representing Pesce and Associates Human Resources Consultants, congratulated the municipality on its current organization. “It’s extremely successful..good staff..good morale..not complacent. These things need nurturing, they don’t just happen. Basically it’s a ‘good news’ story.” Every corporation must look forward to the future and maintain open lines of communication between staff and administration in order to be successful.
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Those areas are where Trent Lakes needs to do some work, according to the report. Basically the report focused on the overburden of responsibilities carried out by the municipal CAO and the need for more interaction between departments and staff. The CAO’s duties currently include the responsibility for all Human Resources. McArdle explained that the CAO needs to spend time adding ‘strategic’ value to the organization rather than the ‘minutiae of day-to-day details.’ McArdle also talked about the ‘silo’ effect, where various departments don’t know what other departments are doing. While the administration knows the ‘big picture’ of all departments, productivity is lost when departments themselves don’t collaborate. Labour and management relations also need some work, according to McArdle. Unionized staff leadership should be part of the equation and invited more often to participate in decision making. “In general, women’s work is less valued than men’s work,” therefore pay equity needs to be reviewed on a consistent 3 to 5 year basis, stated McArdle. Councillor Peter Raymond said, “I think your recommendations have hit the nail on the head. Especially the duties of the CAO are way too much.” The Organizational Review also had other significant recommendations for council and staff to consider and implement in order to get that sought after A plus.
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It is with a happy heart and much love, that I celebrate the changing ownership at THE FULL CUP CAFE. Thank you to ALL my wonderful customers and all the great people who have worked with me through the years, especially my dear friend Maicey Benjamin. You are my family and I will miss you!! Most of all, thank you to Zach, Cody, and Donny for all of your love and support through endless early nights and even earlier mornings. You guys are awesome!! Congratulations Lloyd. I wish you much success in your new venture!
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June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
A pilot project is underway between the Municipality of Trent Lakes and Peterborough Public Health to provide water testing sample pickup at the municipal office. In the past, water testing bottles could be picked up by water well users at the municipal office but you had to drive to Peterborough in order to drop them off for analysis. Now you can pick up your testing bottles and
drop the samples off at the municipal office. The pick up days will be announced on the municipality’s website. If the new service is well used it could become permanent.
Active Transportation support By Glenna Burns
Trent Lakes Council has passed a resolution to support the County of Peterborough’s Active Transportation Master Plan (ATMP) and to include the plan as part of the municipality’s next Official Plan update. Active Transportation simply means humanpowered travel. Only 15 percent of all Canadians between the ages of 18 and 65 are meeting daily physical activity needs. We need to get moving to be healthy and live longer but the infrastructure of our communities does not always make that possible. The Active Transportation Plan will hopefully remove that roadblock. The ATMP proposes that all new road construction include paved shoulders. In fact, the plan for Peterborough County is for both County Roads 28 and 36 to have this added pavement. Councillor Peter Raymond asked about the costs to taxpayers of adding more pavement and the additional safety issues with so many aggregate trucks travelling county roads. Doug Saccoccia, from the County explained that it would be an extra $50,000 per kilometre up front to add paved shoulders. He stated that through reductions in maintenance costs, the municipality would save that amount over 15 years. A huge cost in road maintenance is the breakdown and wear on the edges of the road where it meets the gravel. As far as safety is concerned, Saccoccia said that it would be safer when everyone had more room with paved shoulders. Mayor Bev Matthews said, “Maybe people would practice more and get out there (if we had the necessary YORK REGION EQUIPMENT infrastructure). There aren’t enough people getting the Keswick 905-478-1553 exercise they need.” Markham 905-604-1797
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June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
BAD NEWS/GOOD NEWS By Pamela VanMeer, Kawartha411
It’s Easy Being Green By Julia Taylor
National Aboriginal Day should be a statutory holiday!
National Aboriginal Day is just around the corner but I bet many of you have never even heard of it. June 21 is a day set aside to celebrate the heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding achievements of First Nations, Inuit and Metis. In 1995, the Sacred Assembly, a national conference of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people chaired by Elijah Harper, called for a national holiday to celebrate the contributions of Indigenous Peoples. One year later, National Aboriginal Day was announced. Unfortunately, June 21 falls on a weekday this year so many won’t be able to take advantage of the day that was meant to explore the beauty of Canada’s Indigenous people. What’s the point if everyone is working? Why isn’t it a national holiday? Some are calling for a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. It doesn’t matter what you call it as long as it is a recognized day for everyone to learn and listen. The good news, is this year Accessible Media will be on the ground broadcasting festivities live from The Forks in Winnipeg. Just a few weeks ago the Yukon Territory took a bold step and announced June 21 as a statutory holiday. In a statement the Community Services Minister said, “We are enabling all Yukoners to celebrate Indigenous peoples’ history, culture, traditions and continuing contributions across Canada and here at home.” Let’s see if any other provinces or territories follow suit. You can find more local news and reports on
I finished working when I was six months pregnant with my first child because of the physical nature of my work. I quickly realized that I might need something that gave me purpose outside of changing diapers and cooking meals. I considered volunteering but was hesitant to commit myself to time out of the house. Would they let me bring my baby to stock shelves at the food bank? I sat idle for a few more months, and then one day I came across an ad for new members for the Environmental Advisory Committee and I just knew I had to take the chance! I was passionate about the work done by the committee and the meetings were in the evening. I was sure my husband could handle a few hours alone with baby while I went out and had some adult time. I quickly found out that this was the extra meaning and fulfillment I needed. Meetings were monthly (and soon became quarterly), 99 percent of the work I was doing could be done at home on my schedule, and if subcommittees formed and extra meetings were
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involved, they could be conveniently arranged to fit my schedule, and I could bring baby if I needed. Volunteering has become a staple in my emotional health, not just as a stay-at-home mom, but as a human being. I get to work on issues that I care deeply about, and bring initiatives to life in my community. Not to mention my resume health! I’m getting experience in a field I previously would have never qualified to work in, plus making connections and earning valuable references for my resume for when I return to work. It even improved my social life. I meet new people all the time who are as excited as I am about environmental initiatives, I have connected with some well-known industry celebs, and attended cool events for free with insider access. Last but not least, I even landed a pretty cool writing gig for my favourite local newspaper! Should you want to get involved with some local environmental initiatives, currently the Environmental Advisory Committee, the Fenelon Landfill Public Review Committee (have some ideas on waste collection and landfill fees in CKL?), and the Kawartha Conservation Foundation are recruiting enthusiastic members. Information can be found on their websites. Environment not your thing? Pick your passion and there is sure to be a local group doing advocacy work on its behalf that needs your help. Volunesia- (noun) That moment when you forget you are volunteering to help change lives, because it’s changing yours.
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The Promoter Crossword # 202– By Charon 31 Separate into parts (5) 32 Deadlocked, as a jury (4) 33 Hard of hearing (4) Down 1 Math exponent (9) 2 Biblical tower site (5) 4 Type of cheque from a chilly bank (4,5) 5 Varnish ingredient (5) 6 Head honchos in the provinces (8) 7 Professional sewer (9) 8 Like potato chips (5) 9 Bring together (5) 15 "The Scarlet _____" (9) 17 Six (4-5) 19 National symbol (5-4) 20 A diminutive fruit (8) 24 Take power forcefully (5) 25 Russian rulers (5) 26 Third rock from the sun (5) 16 Dryer's companion (6) 28 Police ID (5)
Across 1 Ear part (4) 3 Ski lift (1-3) 6 Gas dispensers (5) 10 Totally lose it (2,7) 11 Distinguish oneself (5) 12 All in the family (7) 13 Making a din doing it (7) 14 Use a keyboard (4)
18 21 22 23 25 27 29 30
Solution to Crossword # 201 Big Blue (3) It's "the word" (3) Baby's noisemaker (6) Put one's foot down (4) Cleft in a cliff (7) Put out of commission (7) Cancel (5) Symbol of sharpness (5,4)
Wanted Gold & Silver
Cash paid for Jewelry • Coins • Sterling Watches • Medals • Antiques etc. R. Carruth 705-887-1672
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June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
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June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter MOF3025_01_Ad_5.7x10_APPROVED.indd 1
2017-05-31 4:40 PM
Local MP Jamie Schmale, concerned about the declining walleye population in area lakes, has launched a website in an effort to save them. For the past two years Schmale has tried to get the Peterborough branch of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) to make a positive impact on the dwindling walleye fishery in HaliburtonKawartha Lakes-Brock. “Walleye once thrived here. Fishing lodges overflowed in towns like Bobcaygeon and Lindsay. But as the walleye population diminished, so did fishing tourism,” said Schmale. “It’s time to fix the spawning beds and get our fish the water they need to survive.” Schmale continues, “There is an opportunity for both levels of government (the provincial MNRF and the federal Trent-Severn Waterway) to sit down and discuss meaningful change at the local level. But that discussion has been declined by the Peterborough MNRF. That’s why I’m turning to the public.”
The website ( highlights the current problems faced by walleye here and also provides a form where constituents can add their support. “I would like to see the worn out spawning beds dug deeper in Bobcaygeon and Lindsay—they are oversilted, too smooth, and too high,” said Schmale. “I also think water should be managed in a way that is more walleye-friendly. If we used the top-loading stop log dams throughout the year, it would improve the health of not only the walleye population but of the whole ecosystem. In April, higher water levels are needed if we hope to protect the life under the water line.” All names collected by September 1, 2017 will be attached to a letter that will go to the Honourable Kathryn McGarry, Minister of Natural Resources & Forestry.
The month of May has been deemed the wettest in 133 years for the Kawarthas. And, since the beginning of June, with cooler temperatures and rainy days, local farmers have been hit hard. Traditionally, the strawberry season begins the third week in June and runs for several weeks. But due to the weather conditions, it looks like that season has been delayed by at least a week. And, if Mother Nature doesn’t cooperate with warmer, dry air, it could be even longer.
Our local family is happy to service Kawartha Lakes and the surrounding area. At Kawartha Blinds, we offer a variety of window coverings for residential and commercial spaces; which include custom made & fitted products at affordable prices. The Cordick’s Lisa/Zach/Ian 705.887.5965
Call today for a free consultation! 14
June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
Sales R epresentative 705-738-1419 1-877-666-SO LD
The Farmer’s Almanac says the summer will be dry and hot, so it is coming. But it might not be soon enough for some local events that feature the humble berry.
Shop & Enjoy at Farmers’ Market
TD Summer Reading Club
Saturdays 8-1
Public libraries throughout the Kawartha Lakes are taking part in the annual TD Summer Reading Club. Children are invited to join at their local branch and take part in all the events and activities planned especially for them. Kawartha Lakes Public Library branches as well as those in Trent Lakes and other municipalities will hold the official registration for “Get Your Summer Read On” on Saturday, June 17. Register your child and they will receive their summer reading kit and information about library events throughout the summer. TD Summer Reading Club is Canada’s biggest, bilingual summer reading program for kids of all ages, all interests, and all abilities. This free program is cocreated and delivered by 2,000 public libraries across Canada. It celebrates Canadian authors, illustrators and stories and is designed to inspire kids to explore the fun of reading. Visit or www. to view their Calendar of Events and for more information.
at the Bobcaygeon Fairgrounds WHaT are your Insurance neeDs? Life, Disability & Travel Insurance Individual & Group Health Plans
Steve Oliver 705-738-4400 Toll Free: 888-543-2412 Bobcaygeon
The Kawartha Promoter
Andrew Oliver 613-967-2226 877-910-2226 Belleville
Supported entirely by our advertisers. We encourage you to choose the businesses that you see in these pages.
We are Insurance Brokers representing several companies. Providing Insurance Solutions Since 1988
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3399 Unit A 9th Line, Innisfil 866-436-3471 June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
Happy Fathers Day
“When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.” –Mark Twain (1835–1910)
On Sunday, June 18, it’s time to honour our Fathers and Father figures. According to the farmer’s almanac, Father’s Day has a modern origin. The idea came to Mrs. John Dodd while listening to a Mother’s Day sermon in 1909. Her father, William Smart, had raised his six children alone on his farm in Washington after his wife died giving birth to their sixth child.
Bond St. & John St. (old arena) May 19 - Oct. 6
Check us out on facebook (Fenelon Falls Farmers’ Market)
Mrs. Dodd proposed a celebration of a “father’s day” to take place on June 5 (that was her father’s birthday). The idea received strong support, but the good ministers of Spokane asked that the day be changed to give them extra time to prepare sermons on the unexplored subject of fathers. The first Father’s Day was observed on June 19, 1910, in Spokane, Washington, and soon other towns had their own celebrations. Despite widespread support, Father’s Day did not become a permanent national holiday until 1972, when President Richard Nixon signed a law declaring that it be celebrated annually on the third Sunday in June.
What to Do with Dad
Unlike Mother’s Day, when we can just get Mom some flowers and a card, trying to decide how to spoil Dad on his day can be tricky. Of course, cologne, sports-related items and his favourite candy would do, but it’s fun to put your mind to something “outside the box.” Here are a couple of suggestions: • Participating in Father’s Day fun runs and other events in which the proceeds go towards charity or prostate cancer research. • Taking fathers or father figures out to the movies, the park, the zoo, or another place of interest. • Any type of outdoor activity (if that’s your Dad’s thing) like fishing, lawn bowling, boating or hiking.
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PLASTERING REPAIRS & RENOVATIONS June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter Dante
One Job at a Time!
Submitted by Lisa Fontyn
I would like to talk to you about my Dad. He has been very close with his friend/ neighbour for many, many years. His friend is Tom Nimmo, you may know of him. They would talk every day and have a few drinks, discuss life’s events, help each other with chores and take turns picking up the newspaper. On Saturday, May 13 Dad had gone to check on his friend, as he does every day. Tom told Dad he wasn’t feeling very well at all, which had been the norm for awhile. Tom had been to doctors and hospitals for this reason frequently, but this day was going to be very different. As my Dad turned around and was walking back to his place after their discussion, he heard a loud bang. My Dad turned around and found Tom on the ground, face down, with no vital signs. Dad didn’t waste any time – he ran back to the phone, called 911 giving them the address, then rushed back to his friend’s side. He jumped into action
Have you heard BOB lately? BOB listened to you!
Friday Night Pickerel Dinner
and turned Tom over. He started CPR and managed to bring him back to life only to hear Tom say, “What the hell are you doing?” (to put it politely). But that was Tom. My Dad had given him a second chance. Tom was taken to hospital, where he was able to see his son and say his last words and goodbye before he passed away. Unfortunately, we lost Tom and Beaver Lake will never be the same. He will never be forgotten. My Dad, Don Savage, is not only a brave man who can be counted on by his friends and family, but he is also my hero! In my heart and mind my Dad will never be forgotten, either. I love you Dad. Your daughter Lisa and your family are so proud of you.
The Kawartha Promoter
Supported entirely by our advertisers. We encourage you to choose the businesses that you see in these pages.
CANADA DAY Open ‘til 10:00 pm BBQ from 6:00 pm Free Fireworks Display 8:30 pm Free sparklers and hot dogs for the kids! (12 & under)
FATHER’S DAY SPECIAL ALL DAY IN THE RESTAURANT Plus a gift for Dad (while supplies last)
Check out our newly renovated store!
June 30th 4pm-7pm
Pick up your Canada Day swag and Fireworks Enjoy a bite in our Licensed Restaurant We have all your summer activity needs: Fishing • Camping • Picnic Water Toys • Garden Décor Locally-made Products
please call for reservations
Bring Dad in for breakfast Sunday June 18 Open seven days a week 50 Main st., Bobcaygeon
OPEN DAILY 7:30 am – 3:00 pm
After Canada Day 7:30am-4pm Tuesday to Thursday and Sunday. 7:30am-8pm Friday and Saturday.
705 887 3116 5584 Hwy 35 at Rosedale
June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
Stewardship Summit Saturday, July 15 9am - Noon Cambray Community Centre 2255 Elm Tree Road, Cambray
Connect with professionals who can provide support for your environmental project Learn about what’s happening in your community to protect water quality Take ac�on to keep your local lakes healthy and beau�ful
The residents of Case Manor Care Community of Bobcaygeon are ready to honour Canada on its 150th birthday with a flag raising on June 29 at 2pm. The flag, received from the Federal Government, will be presented to Monica Cara, Executive Director of Case Manor. Rev. Yvonne Kendrick of Lakes Community Church, Bobcaygeon, who is also the minister at Case Manor, will bless the flag. The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 239 of Bobcaygeon will raise the flag, escorted by a colour guard. The festivities will begin at 12:30pm with a BBQ for only $5. All monies received will go to the United Way to assist seniors in our community.
COPA For Kids Lindsay
For informa�on, and to take the online survey: KawarthaConserva� Stewardship@KawarthaConserva� 705.328.2271 x240
The Kawartha Lakes Flying Club (COPA Flight 101) Lindsay is holding their 6th annual COPA for Kids on Saturday, June 24 (raindate Sunday, June 25). COPA stands for Canadian Owners and Pilots Association. There are 16 pilots involved in this year’s event with 15 planes and one helicopter. There are two time slots for the flights – 8am to 12pm and 1 to 3pm. Children between the ages of 8 and 17 will receive a free 20-minute flight out of the Kawartha Lakes Municipal Airport in Lindsay. Last year, the Flying Club flew 138 kids. This year, they would like to see registrations of 200 kids. Registration details are at
GOLF CAMP With Class “A” PGA of Canada Professional
705.887.3144 18
June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
Fun for kids ages 7 and up, learning rules, etiquette and technique. Weekly sessions starting July 3.
June 16 to June 29 Melodie McCullough
Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19) Something to remember, Aquarius: Behind the clouds there is always blue sky. Somewhere there are flowers in full bloom. You must create your own blue sky and smell your very own flowers. No one else’s will suffice. Pisces (Feb. 20 to March 20) We all stumble, Pisces, at some point. But it’s important to remember there are friends, family, coworkers, possibly even strangers, willing to lend a helping hand when needed. Don’t be afraid to take that hand and grasp it. Aries (March 21 to April 20) Never be afraid to ask what you think is a “stupid” question, Aries. In the end, you’ll look a lot sillier if you don’t ask and then mess up. So, jump in there, and ask away! Taurus (April 21 to May 21) A new love may be on the horizon, dear Taurus, although you may have to wait patiently for it to show itself. Find other things to do, so you don’t obsess about it. Gemini (May 22 to June 22) If you wake up in a bad mood, chances are you will stay that way all day long. Make an effort to break the cycle. Find one small thing to make you happy and then one more. See what you can do! Cancer (June 23 to July 23) “A person often meets her/his destiny on the road she/he took to avoid it.” Jean de La Fontaine. Yes, Cancer, we never know what lies ahead or which road will lead to the future, for which we are looking. So, don’t worry, all will unfold as it should. Leo (July 24 to Aug. 23) Losing yourself in a love relationship can be scary, Leo. It can also be self-limiting. Remember that
you, too, are important, and don’t forget to focus on what is important for you, as well as your partner. Love, like everything else in life, is a balancing act! Virgo (Aug. 24 to Sept. 23) Your health, and possible ill health, may be a concern to you during this zodiac phase, Virgo. Take good care of yourself. You know what needs to be done – good nutrition, moderate exercise, sound sleep habits, and, definitely don’t forget to keep an eye on your mental health and emotional stability, as well! Libra (Sept. 24 to Oct. 23) You can expect a mysterious event in the coming days, dear Libra. Try not to make too much of this. There are mysteries around us every day. But this one will probably keep you guessing, for a few days, at least. Please don’t let it upset you – it’s not worth it! Scorpio (Oct. 24 to Nov. 22) It’s time to share the wealth, Scorpio. We don’t mean your money, but your time and exuberance for life. You have so much to give to others – you may not even realise this – but you do! So, please, share it far and wide. Sagittarius (Nov. 23 to Dec. 21) Now is not the time to rush headlong towards dramatic changes, Sag. Calmly think of your objectives and what you will need to reach them, and then, slowly, but surely, make them happen. Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20) Have faith. Yes, Capricorn, faith is often needed – faith that you are on the right track, faith that what you believe in is just, and faith that you have the right to your beliefs. Whatever you do, don’t back down!
The Kawartha Promoter
Supported entirely by our advertisers. We encourage you to choose the businesses that you see in these pages.
Coldwell Banker® pioneered Ultimate Service® in Canada 15 years ago, providing a signed written pledge to deliver quality service based on an individual consumer’s specic needs. So it’s probably no coincidence that for a remarkable 15th year in a row, Coldwell Banker® Real Estate received a 98%* overall customer satisfaction rating in a survey of more than 75,000 Canadian home buyers and sellers.* It’s a claim no other real estate brand in Canada can match!
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*Based on survey responses from over 75,000 Canadian home buying and selling customers to December 31, 2016. 98% of customers responding were satisfied with the service delivered by their Coldwell Banker representative. Not intended to solicit buyers and sellers under contract
June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
Local Trades & Services Support our local small businesses! To advertise in the Trades & Services section please call Laura at 705.738.6188
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Dante (705) 341-2073 Cell: (416) 318-3170
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June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
Saville Computers
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June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
Real Estate by Allana Harkin
June 28th – July 8th A new but enthusiastic realtor attempts to declutter, simplify and add a touch of ‘fengshui’ for a client with even less curb appeal than his house! Hilarious Canadian comedy about making a sale!
LEISA WAY stars in
Oh, Canada We Sing For Thee! July 11th – July 22nd Also starring Fred Smith, Bobby Prochaska, Nathan Smith and the Wayward Wind Band Join Leisa Way and her fabulous band in celebrating the music of Canadian greats! A cavalcade of non-stop hits by Canada’s biggest stars!
Raising the Barn
A Dinner Theatre Experience by James Barrett & Sarah Quick July 26th – Aug 5th
Join us, for a theatrical journey into a ‘barn with a past’...a past full of zany characters, comedy, music, mystery and mayhem!
A world premiere comedy about cows, vows & credentials
The Fixer Upper Written by Lorne Elliott Aug 8th – Aug 19th
Arts Council Launches Season
The Kawartha Lakes Arts Council is set to launch their season of programming with an evening of networking with artists and a feature presentation under the summer solstice. The event will focus on using social media to promote art to a wider audience. A presentation at 7pm with Christine Briggs is entitled “Connecting the Arts and Social World.” The event takes place at South Pond Farms in Pontypool on June 21 from 6 to 9pm. The cost is $15 for KLAC members, $20 for guests and includes one glass of wine and summer snacks. Tickets can be purchased at the door or online. For more information, visit
Submitted by Wendy Kimmett
Summer is here for the Kinettes! The Bobcaygeon Kinettes have had a very busy spring. All of the Easter Eggs were sold to help our very worthy causes. Thank you to all those who purchased eggs. Our “Spring Fling” has come and gone. What a great success. Everyone who attended enjoyed the day. Thank you to all those who came out to our event and a big thank you to Paradiso Boutique and the ladies who modelled in the Fashion Show. This event helped us meet our Cystic Fibrosis goal.
A play full of Maritime mirth - sly insults & wry plans set among the backdrop of cottage renovation and family manipulation! CBC funnyman, Lorne Elliott’s take on life in PEI.
BEST PRICE GUARANTEE - 10 YEAR WARRANTY Brighten in Dr. Sean Merrit wanders into the small town of your home Stewiacke, Nova Scotia. Recently dumped by his Contact us fiancée, he’s looking for a new start and soon meets four local women, each with their own interesting life stories. with natural light. A new comedy from Canada’s most popular playwright for a free No in-home design Brighten Book your tickets now! Theatre Season Voucher - $157.50 Contact us your home consultation for a free 70 Dinner Theatre Season Voucher - $277.50 with natural light. 2 hour installation Halfway There by Norm Foster Aug 23rd – Sept 2nd .
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June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
2 hour installation. No structural modifications to your home. Call today
Kinettes were busy selling food items at the Kinettes Food Booth at the Canada/US Walleye Tournament on May 26/27 and Unlock the Summer’s Downchild Blues Band Concert. Look for our food booth at the Fiddle and Step Contest in July as well. At our final meeting for our Kin Year in June, our newly elected executive will be installed by our Zone Deputy Governor Al. This will wind down our year and Kinettes will take some time off and start to prepare for the beginning of a new Kin year in September. If you are interested in coming out to a meeting to see what we are all about or are thinking you may like to be a member of this community-minded group of ladies, contact one of the Bobcaygeon Kinettes.
Just in time for the opening of the Trent Severn Waterway’s 2017 season, Cable Cable has made free wireless internet (WiFi) access available at the Coboconk, Fenelon Falls and Bobcaygeon locks. Mayor Andy Letham said, “Having WiFi available at the locks is a feature that boaters will appreciate. It’s an added bonus to the beauty and amenities they will find as they enjoy Kawartha Lakes this summer.” The project was completed by Cable Cable with the assistance of local supplier Lindsay Broadband. Cable Cable Inc. is based in Fenelon Falls and is currently providing free WiFi throughout public spaces in the municipality including various arenas, community centres, libraries, parks and the Lindsay Exhibition.
The 38th Woodville Community Festival Celebrates Canada’s 150th Birthday
Woodville Festival 50/50 tickets available Friday and Saturday
Walls - Attics - Vapour Barrier - Soffit Repair FREE ESTIMATES 705-341-7203 •
Gold Sponsors - With our thanks! • City of Kawartha Lakes 150th Grant • Andrew Veale Lindsay Kia/Lindsay Buick GMC • Stewart Morrison Insurance • Floor Trends • Woodville Farms • Woodville and District Lions Club
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Parks Canada Permits Available Parks Canada Permits Available.
Coady Grant (289) 600-6660 June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
Promoter The Kawartha
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Issue Dates 2017 The deadline for all material is 10 days prior to publication date. June
40,000 Distribution throughout Kawartha Lakes
Cameron Cavan Coboconk Dalrymple Dongola Downeyville
Dunsford Ennismore Fenelon Falls Fraserville Glenarm Janetville
Includes online publication with more than 1 million hits on The Kawartha Promoter website in 2016. Prices are per issue. Dimensions are in inches, and include colour. Plus HST. Kinmount Kirkfield Lindsay Little Britain Manilla Manvers Norland Oakwood Omemee
Pontypool Reaboro Rosedale Sadowa Sebright Sturgeon Pt Uphill Valentia Woodville
Call 705.738.6188 or email today to get in on the action! Advertising Sales – Laura Williams – Editor – Deb Crossen – Publisher – Max Miller –
Use our design service, or provide your own camera-ready artwork - it’s up to you! Effective, custom, quality design.
A full range of award winning design services It’s as easy as one phone call. You can have your marketing materials designed by the same great team who brings you The Kawartha Promoter and Explore tourist guides. Our designs have been featured in national and international award-winning publications. 705-738-6188 • 48 Main St., Bobcaygeon 24
June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
By Kirk Winter
Sometimes when we choose our career it is because we have had an excellent role model who has shown us a career is both interesting and has value. Michelle Dool, the Post Master in Burnt River, grew up in a Canada Post family. Her mother, a long time Canada Post employee, is currently the Post Master in Beaverton. Michelle learned at a very young age the important role the postal service plays in rural communities across Canada. Michelle joined the postal service 5 years ago working two and a half years as a “term”, filling in at many post offices across central Ontario. She then worked six months at the post office in Little Britain before the position in Burnt River became available. A week spent filling in at Burnt River piqued her interest in the community and its people. Michelle was impressed by the community spirit and volunteerism on display in this small village between Fenelon Falls and Kinmount. Burnt River was sent reeling in the late 1980s when the public school closed. But rather than focus on the negative, the community pulled together. With the help of local government, they repurposed the old school into a community hub that features the post office, fire hall and until a year ago, the local library. Michelle was initially intimidated taking over at Burnt River from June Hunter, a local legend and wellloved pillar of the community. Michelle, on her own time, spent weekends familiarizing herself with the village and drove the extensive rural route served by the Burnt River post office in order to provide the level of service that people had grown used to. Michelle loves the small town atmosphere, and Location: Lindsay Central Exhibition Fairgrounds
June 17, & 18, 2017 9-5 each day
enjoys knowing her customers as people. The post office itself services 50 families in the village, and working closely with Kim Timmins, the rural route driver, another 200 on the rural route. Whether Michelle is dealing with customers, giving directions to tourists or collecting used books whose sale supports the Canada Post Community Foundation that benefits children’s charities, she hopes she will be able to give back to Burnt River as much joy as they have given to her. LINDSAY KINSMEN WITH HEART: The Lindsay Kinsmen Club has a long and proud history, helping with a variety of local fundraising and service projects. The organization recently presented a cheque for $7,000 to the Ross Memorial Hospital Foundation to benefit the Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Program. Pictured (left to right): Keith McDonald (Kinsmen President), Rick Merrell, Erin Coons (RMHF Executive Director), Doug Dent and Jim Spence.
Congratulations to Monica Bertrand-Jardine!
June 25 years as a licensed funeral director for Monica Junemarks marks 25 years as a licensed funeral Bertrand-Jardine. She has Bertrand-Jardine. spent her entire career right here director for Monica She June marks years as a licensed director for Monica in the25 Kawartha for funeral almost of those has spent her Lakes, entireand career right 13 here in theyears she Bertrand-Jardine. She has licensee. spent herMonica entirecelebrated career right here was the only female Kawartha Lakes, and for almost 13 of those with the in the Kawartha Lakes, and for almost 13 of those graduating class of 1992 at Humber College on years June 1st.she
years she was the only female licensee. Monica Admission: was the only female licensee. Monica celebrated with the celebrated with the graduating class of 1992 at Adults $8.00; graduating class of 1992 at Humber College Humber College on June 1st. on June 1st. Children under 12 FREE, parking is FREE
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Jardine Funeral Home • 8 Princes’ Street West, Fenelon Falls, ON (705) 887-3130 • Find us on Facebook •
Princes’ West,Street Fenelon Jardine Funeral HomeStreet • 8 Princes’ West, Falls Fenelon Falls, ON (705) 887-3130 (705) 887-3130 • Find us on Facebook • Find us on Facebook June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
Public Health Inspectors from Peterborough Public Health (PPH) have started beach sampling for this year’s swimming season. Public beaches in the City and County and Hiawatha and Curve Lake First Nations will be regularly tested to ensure water quality conditions are safe for recreational use. The routine inspection program for all public beaches runs until August. Public beaches in the County are sampled at least once a week, except for Chandos Beach, Quarry Bay Beach, White’s Beach, Belmont Lake Beach and Kasshabog Lake Beach which are sampled at least once in June, July and August. Here are some things that you are able to do to ensure the water quality stays safe: • Do not feed waterfowl • Do not let children swim in soiled diapers • Pick up your garbage
Only 30 percent of hearing-impaired adults aged 70 years and older who could benefit from wearing a hearing aid have ever worn one. Even fewer adults between ages 20 and 69 years who could benefit have ever worn hearing aid. If these individuals and others need more reason to wear a hearing instrument, a recent study provides proof that properly fitted, high-quality hearing instruments work. The study involved 154 adults aged 55 to 79; all had mild-tomoderate hearing loss. All participants received a complete hearing evaluation prior to treatment. While each was fitted with a high-end digital mini hearing aid in both ears, those fitted by hearing specialists expressed more satisfaction with the results than those fitted with over-the-counter preprogrammed devices. Hearing aids are suitable for most people, but may be less effective for people with profound hearing impairment or certain conditions. A hearing specialist can advise you about whether a hearing aid is suitable for you. To schedule a hearing test, please give us a call. We offer an array of affordable hearing aid options to meet every budget, cosmetic, and hearing loss need. Our team is committed to providing you and your loved ones with clear and up-todate solutions. P.S. Today’s digital hearing aids can be programmed to specifically target each individual’s particular type of hearing loss in a range of listening environments.
• Clean up after your dog Water samples are submitted to the Peterborough Public Health Ontario Laboratory for bacteriological analysis. The water samples will be tested for E. coli bacteria, an indicator of fecal contamination in the water. It takes approximately 24 hours for PPH to receive and analyze the water quality results from the lab. Local residents can find the most recent status of public beaches at any time by visiting www. or by calling PPH at 705743-1000, ext. 232 during office hours. Residents are also encouraged to follow Peterborough Public Health on Twitter @Ptbohealth for beach updates throughout the summer.
Genetics, EpiGenetics and Energy Psychology
By Benjamin Stone
Hello fans of health and wellness – I am excited to share a health-filled summer season with you! In studying my PhD and doctorate in Natural and Integrative Medicine in quantum science, I’ve decided to share some lessons. According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, a cellular biologist and my professor, our environment influences the some 50 trillion cells in our bodies. Our environment consists of water, food (nutrition), air and sound, but also energy - our thoughts, feelings,
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June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
beliefs and emotions (energy in motion). Outdated science in current textbooks in many medical schools teaches that we are subject to the trappings of our genes. DNA that expresses a predisposition towards a certain disease means we are subject to that outcome and have to accept it. Leading science in genetics, epigenetics (the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself), means we are not trapped by a particular outcome that the underlying DNA (genetic code) may state. We are able to influence and change the expression of our genes with our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, emotions and nutrient choices to ensure we are always thriving as humans are meant to. Every thought or feeling we have is energy, and also releases chemicals into our bodies that influence every single one of our cells. It is VERY important to be mindful of our choices. In our next article, we will go into more details on science and solutions.
Now, through enhanced collaboration between patients and their caregivers, primary care providers, care coordinators, hospitals, community based agencies and other health care and social services providers, local residents across the Central East Local Health Integration Network (Central East LHIN) are benefitting from the development of individual Coordinated Care Plans that more effectively meet their goals and ensure smoother transitions in the health care system. Since the launch of this coordinated care planning initiative, over 3,000 patients from across the LHIN’s seven sub-regions have benefitted from a Coordinated Care Plan. This approach to care effectively demonstrates how increased communication ensures that patients with complex health needs are identified and better supported to achieve the best possible health outcomes. To learn more, visit the Central East LHIN website at
Across Ontario, patients with complex health care needs and their caregivers can find themselves struggling with health concerns that threaten their independence and function leading to frequent visits to hospital emergency departments and caregiver fatigue. As well, quality of care and patient experience can be impacted as patients and caregivers are challenged to navigate the system with their health care journey.
GENTLE CARE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Times are changing at Bobcaygeon Family Dentistry - Come check us out! “Our Dental Office Provides”
• Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) ... no need to be anxious about your appointments • Family Friendly Dental Care ... helping to keep your teeth looking and feeling great • Dental Implants .... experience total comfort and confidence with implant supported teeth • Cosmetic Dentistry ... helping to enhance the look and function of your smile
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NEW PATIENTS WELCOME - Call us to book your next appointment 100 East Street, South, Bobcaygeon Located at the corner of East Street, South and Mill Street
(705) 738-2828 June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
Classifieds SERVICES
ORIGINAL MAN WITH TRUCK 15 yrs experience Lowest prices. Grass cutting, Painting, Garbage removal, property maintenance, long or short distance moves. No job too small! Bruce 705-738-6321 ____________________ GOPHER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Dump runs Eavestrough cleaning Moving assistance Private security Monica Stanley 705-738-6364 ____________________ GREGG MACNEIL LANDSCAPING 705-793-9437 Interlocking brick, armour stone, retaining walls, decks, driveways, walkways, patios, stairs & repairs to all. www.greggmacneil
Deadline for next issue: June 21, 2017 Call 705-738-6188 20 words or less for $28 + H.S.T. E-Mail: DOUGLAS CANOES Recanvassing, fibreglassing, Restored canoes for sale. Original canoe bookcases 25 yrs experience PH 705-738-5648 Em: ____________________ CERAMIC TILE Quality installations. Very reliable. Call Ted for an estimate 705-454-9826 _____________________ Do you have an embroidery machine but don’t have the faintest idea on how it works? You have this wonderful machine, but now what? Marjorie can help! Call 416-275-7157 ____________________ TLC GARDEN DESIGN/ LANDSCAPING INC. Lindsay, On 17 years in business Spring/Fall Cleanup, garden reno, planting, maintenance programs, container gardens Call Kay C: 416-568-1228 NO JOB TOO BIG NONE TOO SMALL
OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Central Bobcaygeon location. 2 rooms 400 sq ft Private entrance. Private washroom. $750 per month.705-738-6188.
____________________ YAKIMA SKYBOX 21 carrier and all rails and claws. Napa sells for $1100. Asking $550. Only eight days usage. 705-799-0860
18’x4’ dock - $150 10’x4’ dock - $75 2x6 treated lumber construction. Pick up. Call 705-738-3601
LAKEWOOD CONDOMINIUMS 1152 sqft 1 Bedrm / 2 Bath+ Den in Secure Building / Covered parking / Laundry / Appliances Incl. $2000/ month Available July 1. Call 705-731-6117 for details. ____________________ COMMERCIAL SPACE available approx. 400 sq ft plus storage Bolton St. location, on-site parking Ideal for hair salon Avail June Call 416-906-7058/ 647-519-4658 ____________________ ROOM FOR RENT Private bathroom, nonsmoker, must love pets, parking, laundry. Suitable for single male. $700 inclusive 705-816-3452
ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVES Orillia • Port Perry • Oshawa • Peterborough • Lindsay areas Resumes only kawarthasalesmanager@
Furniture,Glass, China, Military Medals etc. Duck Decoys, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Dollars, Gold, Coins, Pocket Watches etc. Anything old. R. Carruth. 705-887-1672.
WANTED: POP CULTURE ITEMS Vinyl records (rock, jazz, blues), rock memorabilia, pre-1990 comic books, toys, vintage costume jewelry, sterling & gold jewelry. All types of retro/mid-century items. House calls made at your convenience. Robert or Penny 705-324-2699
MEMORIAL SERVICE To celebrate the life of Robert (Bob) Mitchell Sept. 15, 1931 - Feb. 28, 2017 Husband of Marjory (nee Taylor) Former resident of Bobcaygeon Date: Saturday, June 17, 2017 Time: 1.30 p.m. Trinity United Church, Bobcaygeon 28
June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
WANTED Canada & USA coins Silver dollar coins 1967 and earlier Silver & gold jewellery broken or not Sterling items eg. Birks Sterling flatware Jurgen 705-340-1504
Local Events
WANTED Batteries, electronics, steel, copper, aluminum, cars. Anything metal. FREE pick-up. Call Andy 705-793-2145
Buckhorn Community Centre FARMER & CRAFT MARKET 8:30AM - 1PM Tuesdays June 27 - August 29 705-657-8833
REACH 80,000
people with The Kawartha Promoter Classifieds
This section is only for Local Charitable Events. We do provide Not-for-profit rates for more in-depth advertising
Adult Day Programs - Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls, Little Britain, Lindsay & Omemee. Call 705-324-7323 JUNE 16 & 23 - Tobacco Talks’ Quit-Smoking Support Program 9:30am - 4:30pm, Health Unit office, Lindsay. Drop-in or book appointment. For more info, call (705) 324-3569 or 1-866-888-4577, ext. 2240. JUNE 16 - Knox Church Truck & Tailgate sale 8am-noon, Bobcaygeon. Baked goods, plants, crafts & treasures. JUNE 17 & 18 - Kawartha Antique Power 39th Annual Heritage Show featuring Allis-Chalmers tractors 9a.m., Lindsay Fairgrounds. JUNE 19 - The Manvers Historical Society Buddhist tour to celebrate 50 years of Buddhism in North America. Bus trip only. For tickets and info please call 705-277-2751 or email JUNE 20 & JUL 18 - Friends of the Library book sale downstairs in the Lindsay Library 10 am – 6pm JUNE 24 & JULY 22 - Friends of the Library book sale downstairs in the Lindsay Library 10:30 am – 4pm JUNE 20 - Big Bucks Bid Euchre, noon. $10.(Includes lunch) Info: 705-793-1096 JUNE 22, 26 & 29 - Sexual Health Clinic provides clients with confidential access to cervical screening, low-cost birth control, pregnancy testing and sexual health teaching. Testing and treatment of STIs provided. For more info, or to make an appointment 1-866-888-4577, ext. 2205. JUNE 24 - Bethel Birthday Balooza, celebrating Bethel’s 125th Birthday & Canada’s 150th. 48 Sunrise Rd., Omemee. Tickets $10 reserve at 705-799-8118. Food & drinks available for purchase. JUNE 28 - Valentia Church & Community Centre Strawberry Supper. Adults $15, children 12 & under $7, Preschool free. Advance tickets only 786-2818. JUNE 28 - ‘Tobacco Talks’ Quit-Smoking Support Program/ Drop 4:30-5:30 pm, Health Unit office, Lindsay. Drop-in or book appointment. For more info, call (705) 324-3569 or 1-866-888-4577, ext. 2240. JUNE 29 - Bus to Casino Rama. Leaves 8:30 sharp; arrives back 4 $5 Info: 705-738-4978 JUNE 30 - Annual Lakehurst Hall Strawberry Supper. Adults $15, Children (6-10) $5 Two sittings 5 & 6:30 pm. Reserve your spot now to avoid disappointment. 705-657-1080. JUL 2, 16 & 30 - Progressive Sunday afternoon Euchre, 1pm Delta Bingo an Gaming Lounge. Funds support Peterborough Hospice Paediatric Room. $10 entry fee plus $2 for Lone Hands. Cash prizes, 50/50. For info call 705750-8137 JUL 7 & 8 - Bobcaygeon Library books sale Fri 9-4 & Sat 9-2. JUL 8 - Bobcaygeon & District Horticultural Society annual Garden Tour. For tickets and info: www. JUL 8 - Pancake & Sausage Breakfast, The Salvation Army, Fenelon Falls. $6 Tickets available Kawartha Lakes Food Source, Little Britain United Church, Little Britain-Mariposa Food Bank & Fenelon Falls Food Bank or at the door.
JUL 8 - Strawberry Social 7 pm, contining through Midnight Madness. 54 Colborne St. Fenelon Falls. Hosted by and in support of The Salvation Army Fenelon Falls Home League. JUL 15 - Friends of the Library Open House, Kinmount Library 9am-1pm MON - Bobcaygeon Senior Centre Mahjong 1 p.m. $3 MON & WED - Pickleball 7 - 9 p.m. Bobcaygeon Public School. $3/person. 1st TUES - Dunsford Seniors Club Pot Luck, noon; 1:30 pm for Euchre. 2nd MON - Lindsay Creative Quilters’ Guild Meetings 35 Lindsay Street N, Lindsay 1–3:30pm TUES - “Expanding the World of Literacy After School Program” Kinmount library 4:30 pm. Call 705 488-3199 TUES - Amateur photography club that meets alternate Tuesdays, 10 am, Bobcaygeon Library. $2 each for the use of the room. TUES - Omemee Legion Doubles darts @ 8pm. 2nd TUES - The Kawartha Settlers’ Village Quilters meet at Wray House, Bobcaygeon. New members & guests welcomed. Contact: 1st WED - Crime Fiction Book Club in the Carnegie Room, Lindsay Library to discuss works by certain authors. 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm. Call the Library for more info. WED- Scrapbooking and paper crafters meet from 9:30noon at the Salvation army church in Fenelon Falls. Beginners welcome, call church for details. WED - Bobcaygeon Senior Centre Carpet Bowling $3 7 p.m. Contact: Al 705-738-1749 WED - Dunsford Seniors Club 1pm for Bid-Euchre. THURS-TOPS-Take off pounds sensibly at the Bobcaygeon Legion 6:30 p.m. All welcome. THURS - Omemee Legion mixed darts @ 8pm. THURS - Bobcaygeon Seniors Centre Cribbage 1pm $3 LAST THURS - Bingo, Fenelon Falls Senior Citizens Club. 5pm SAT - Omemee Legion Country music jams. 1pm Alternate Saturdays. 2nd SAT - Omemee Legion Progressive Euchre 12:30pm. 3rd SAT - Friends of the Library book sale, Kinmount Library. 3rd SUN - Ladies auxiliary for Kinmount RCL BR.441 breakfast 8am -noon.
Promoter The Kawartha
Locally Owned and Operated
What’s In Our Next Issue
happy Birthday canada! It’s time to kick it up a notch and celebrate Canada Day in the Kawarthas. Make sure our readers know what you have to offer! Call Laura at 705-738-6188 to book your ad space today. Deadline is Wednesday, June 21. June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
Our Canadian Wehs
As promised in the last edition of The Kawartha Promoter, here is Part II of “Our Canadian Wehs” from Peter Howard. Here’s a bit of what’s been happening since 1967... For one thing, in 1969, bilingualism came into effect. As a result, we now have two official languages, mes amis. As well, we’ve grown significantly in number since 1967, from 20 million to almost 36 million today. We have always been a nation of immigrants but even more so today. One out of every five Canadians is foreign born. Furthermore, we are now an ethnically diverse society. Since the multi-cultural policies introduced in 1971, the cultural mosaic has become a Canadian reality. Although some might dispute it, I believe this diversity is a strength. We present a positive role model to the world; we portray Canada as an integral part of the global village. I believe it says a lot when any nation is one that people want to come to rather than leave. Without being too political, I can’t help but contrast our current Canadian humanitarian immigration policies with those of our recently less-tolerant neighbour to the south.
While we aren’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination, we’ve come a long way toward achieving, the “Just Society” proposed by Pierre Elliott Trudeau in 1968. Indeed, over the 50 years since our centennial, we Canadians have opened our arms to accommodate so many in need of help. This has never been more evident than over the past year when Canadians opened their hearts and pocketbooks to welcome so many Syrian refugees fleeing oppression. In recalling the post-centennial era there is an image that will forever capture the spirit of what can be accomplished by just one individual. The statue overlooking Lake Superior near Thunder Bay is that of a heroic young runner. His face reflects determination and courage. He has an artificial leg. It is nearly impossible to view this memorial without tearing up. Terry Fox was such an inspirational Canadian and his legacy lives on in the effort made each year by so many Canadians to raise money and awareness for cancer research. Indeed, the Marathon of Hope has been a unifying force for all Canadians and a model for the rest of the world. As an aside, did you know that the nation (excluding Canada) with the greatest participation in the annual Terry Fox Run is not America; it’s Cuba? - ¡Increíble!
Citizens for Direct Democracy Presentations - Discussions - Questions
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June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
June 16, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter