Promoter The Kawartha
Locally Owned and Operated
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Friday, October 6, 2017 Volume 27, Issue 19
Your Source for Community News
City Hall • Crayola Sale • Explore Photo Contest
Delivered through Canada Post to EVERY HOME in the City of Kawartha Lakes. Also available in stores throughout Trent Lakes and Curve Lake.
Happy Thanksgiving
October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
United Wayfor for the City City Kawartha Kawartha Lakes United Lakesisisisexcited excitedto tolaunch launch UnitedWay Way forthe the City of of Kawartha Lakes excited to launch our 2017 Campaign our our 2017 2017 Campaign Campaign
As partofofour our 50thyear yearwe weare are celebrating the Champions ofofCity Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes is excited launch AsUnited part 50th celebrating the Community Community Champions Cityofto ofKawartha Kawartha As part of our 50th year we are celebrating the Community Champions of City of Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County. Be a part of your community and lend your voice to share why Lakes and Haliburton County. Be aour part 2017 of your community and lend your voice to share why Campaign Lakes and Haliburton County. Be a part of your community and lend your voice to share why you support United Way and inspire others to do the same. you support United Way and inspire others to do the same. you support Way and the inspire others toChampions do the same. As part of our 50th year weUnited are celebrating Community of City of Kawartha
Lakes and Haliburton County. Be a part of your community and lend your voice to share why you support United Way and inspire others to do the same.
United Way CKL United Way CKL CKLSale 29thUnited AnnualWay Crayola 29th Annual Crayola Sale United Way CKL 29th Annual Crayola Sale October 14th, 8am-12pm October 14th,Crayola 8am-12pm 29th Annual Sale October 14th, 8am-12pm 354 Angeline St South 354 Angeline St South October 14th,St 8am-12pm 354 Angeline South ONLY St SALE CASH 354 Angeline South CASH ONLY SALE CASH ONLY SALE CASH ONLY SALE
Be a Community Champion
United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes, 50 Mary St. W., Lindsay, ON K9V2N6 ●Tel: (705) 878�5081● Fax: (705) 878�0475 ● ●Charitable Registration Number: 10545 4508 RR0001
Be a Community Champion
Mr. Mrs. Ms. Address Mr. Mrs. Ms. Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Ms. Ms. Mr.
United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes, 50 Mary St. W., Lindsay, ON K9V2N6 ●Tel: (705) Fax: (705) 878�0475 Be Be a878�5081● Community Champion a Community Champion ● 50 ●Charitable Registration Number: 10545 4508 RR0001 United forfor the City ofof Kawartha Lakes, Mary St.St. W., Lindsay, ON K9V2N6 ●Tel: (705) 878�5081● Fax: (705) 878�0475 UnitedWay Way the City Kawartha Lakes, 50 Mary W., Lindsay, ON K9V2N6 ●Tel: (705) 878�5081● Fax: (705) 878�0475 First Name Last Name ● ●Charitable Registration Number: 10545 RR0001 ● ●Charitable Registration Number: 10545 45084508 RR0001 City Province Postal Code First Name Last Name First Name Last Name First Name Last Name I would like to receive e�mails about United Way news and events City Province Postal Code City Province Postal Code City Province Postal Code
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We do not sell or rent our donor lists as they are confidential. For information on Canadian Charities visit www.cra� or call 1�800�267�2384
DONORS PLEASE SIGN DATE ALLALL DONORS PLEASE SIGN DATE *Tax receiptsPLEASE will beSIGN issued for donations of $10 or more. DATE ALL DONORS *Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $10 or more. We are committed to protecting your privacy. Information you provide is used to help us in our campaign, receipt your donation, and respond to information requests. We are committed toyour protecting your privacy. not sell orand rent our donor lists information as they are confidential. Information you provide is used to help us in our campaign, receiptWe yourdodonation, respond to your requests. *Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $10 or more. For information on Canadian Charities visit www.cra� or call We do not sell or rent our donor lists as they are1�800�267�2384 confidential. We are committed to protecting your privacy. information Canadianreceipt Charities www.cra� or call 1�800�267�2384 Information you provide is usedFor to help us in ouron campaign, yourvisit donation, and respond to your information requests. We do not sell or rent our donor lists as they are confidential. For information on Canadian Charities visit www.cra� or call 1�800�267�2384
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Locally Owned and Operated
Promoter on Facebook 48 Main St., P.O. Box 535 City Hall pg. 6 and Follow us on Twitter ahtrBobcaygeon, awaK fo ON ytK0M iC f1A0 o snoipm ahC ytinumm Horoscope pg.o10C eht gntiarbelec era ew raey ht05 ruo fo trap sA yhw ahs ot eciov ruoy dnCrossword el dna ytinumpg.m13oc ruoy fo trap a eB .ytnuoC notrubilaH dna sekaL Trades & Services TEL.: 705-738-6188 .emas ehtClassified od ot srehto epg. ri27 psni dna yaW detinU troppuThanksgiving s uoy Bounty pg. 33 FAX: 705-738-4187 Photo: Kawartha Promoter Health & Wellness pg. 36 Circulation 40,000 Distributed throughout the Kawartha Lakes Area Publisher/Director/Manager: Max Miller Editor: Deb Crossen Advertising Sales Manager: Laura Williams Sales Representatives: Belinda Wilson Pat Warren Art Director: James Goodliff Production/Office Manager Melissa Goodliff
Earth and other higher beings. OVER Mother They have taught me tolerance, unity THE and faith. I am thankful for the experiences LKC yaWBACK detinU that I have had through career choices FENCE and paths that have led me to places As this is the Thanksgiving issue of in the world I would never otherwise elaS aloyarC launnA ht92 The Kawartha Promoter, I think it’s only have seen and people I would never
fitting that I write some thanks. otherwise have met. I am thankful for, of course, my I am thankful for you, the readers family. They stand by me no matter how of The Kawartha Promoter who give me many “boner” moves I make or mood the opportunity to inform, enlighten The Promoter is a local, independently owned and operated swings I throw at them. I am especially and, hopefully, entertain. newspaper. The opinions and views expressed are those thankful for my “little” brother, who of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of This Thanksgiving, take a little time The Promoter. Liability for incorrectly displayed or placed takes time out of his busy life to take to reflect on your life and thank those advertisements is limited to publishing corrections or providing advertising credit to be applied on subsequent advertisements me fishing when I need it the most. My in your life who give you a reason to at the advertiser’s discretion. husband deserves a special thanks for wake up in the morning. All text, photos, graphics, artwork and other material published enduring 31 years of good times, bad in The Kawartha Promoter or on its website are copyrighted and may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed times and everything in between. without permission. I am thankful for my friends who Publisher reserves the right to reject, revise, cancel, omit, discontinue, decline to publish or suspend any advertisement make me laugh, give me advice when I for any reason in its sole discretion, without liability or penalty to Publisher, and without notice to the Advertiser. least want it and ground me when I’m The Publisher of The Kawartha Promoter has made every effort feelingof justyour a wee home bit full of myself. to ensure that the place information in this publication at Why thewas correct comfort and family in press time. The Publisher does not assume and hereby disclaims I am thankful for my community any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption our knowwho that building your trustthedoesn’tWhat’s In Our Next Issue caused byhands? errors or omissions, whether We such errors or omissions has shown me time and again result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. pride we should all take in prices, where we flashyHallowe’en • Snowbirds come from offering bargain basement Call Laura at 705-738-6188 to book live and with whom we share it. promotions, or other fun andthankful games. It comes I am for the spiritual from your ad space today. Deadline is Wednesday, October 11 teachings of those who are in tune with
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2015-06-22 1:54 PM
October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
Village Voice The Promoter reserves the right to edit Letters to the Editor for length and clarity. Please include your email or mailing address and daytime phone number (not for publication). All opinions expressed are those of the writer
Problems with Solar Development
Glenna Burns’ article on solar developments in Trent Lakes makes no mention of two problems associated with solar energy. What specifically is included in the mitigation plan to protect our avian populations (i.e., birds and bats), and what assurances does the municipality have that the disposal of the panels and all the arsenic, cadmium and rare earth metals will be done in a responsible manner and not cost the taxpayer? Ken Johnson, Lindsay, On
Bobcaygeon’s Amazing Terry Fox Run
Sunday, September 17, 2017 was a wonderful afternoon filled with enthusiasm and dedication for Terry Fox and Cancer Research. The start/finish line was again located at The Kawartha Lakes Retirement Residence. The residents and staff provided fantastic encouragement for the participants. So many community volunteers contributed their time and talents to make our Terry Fox Run extremely special and successful. Local businesses and organizations generously provided donations that
greatly contributed to the success of the day. And finally, we thank the amazing participants and “teams for Terry” who so graciously raised funds for the Terry Fox Foundation. Bobcaygeon’s Terry Fox Committee members are thrilled with the support of our community! We are proud to announce that the amount raised this year in Bobcaygeon’s Terry Fox Community Run is just short of $10,000. Donations can still be made online at Please join us next September when we strive, as a community, to support cancer research. As Terry Fox said, “It’s got to keep going without me”. Connie Picken Bobcaygeon
The Salesman
In the last edition of The Kawartha Promoter, Dorothy Hannon wrote about her experiences with a gentleman who claimed to be a deaf mute. He produced an identification card and a note which indicated that he was trying to provide for the needs of his family. I too met this fellow and I too purchased one of his items. I bought a fidget, which spins out many colours in the Joseph’s Technicolor Dream Coat tradition. Like Mrs. Hannon, I was met with scepticism by friends and family over my purchase. Perhaps I was indeed taken but I choose to believe that I was not. There are so many needy people out there in the world but the multitude of scammers makes the joy of giving a challenge at times. Sad to say, but in so many ways we have all been forced to become sceptics in this modern world of ours. There is one thing about my encounter of which I took note. This man was not a beggar. He was a salesman, a working man with a product to sell and the price was more than reasonable. I appreciate this. In fact, I am actually enjoying my latest purchase and of course my grandkids love it. I extend my thanks to my entrepreneurial friend. Please look me up if you are ever back this way. Peter Howard Bobcaygeon, ON
Quarry Opposition
Recently I wrote a letter and sent it to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests. This is part of what was written. I am writing this letter to object to the licensing of 2329059 Ontario Inc (Rockridge Quarry) at Flynn’s Corners in the Municipality of Trent Lakes, County of Peterborough.
October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
e or both days col ecting/ towards the Auxil ary or Intensive Care quipor.
I strongly oppose this new quarry license for many reasons; however, I do not oppose quarries, just irresponsible development. As a resident and taxpayer of Bobcaygeon, I am discouraged by the increased onslaught of heavy truck traffic that we are forced to endure. These heavily loaded and speeding trucks run lights and stop signs; force bikes, other vehicles and pedestrians off the road; create dust and noise; ruin bridges and roads; and discourage tourism. The concentration of quarry development in Trent Lakes is a burden for everyone in the Kawarthas. As yet, no one has done cumulative traffic studies or social and environmental impact studies. This new license is requesting to load and ship to market 24/7. This is totally unacceptable. Weekend traffic here is already heavy with tourists and cottagers without adding trucks loaded with gravel and dimension stone into the mix. Trucks already start running around 4am and many travel well into the evening, making liberal use of engine brakes and horns. Global warming is upon us, yet I see no effort by authorities to slow industry and mining in pristine environments like Trent Lakes. Instead, it seems like there is a frenzy to rape the environment as quickly as possible. The question is, who benefits from this new license? Certainly not the citizens of the Kawarthas or the water, air and animals. Why do new license applicants not have to show market need for a mineral resource that cannot be replaced, ever? The MNRF needs to step up and defend the environment and citizens, not be an enabler of quarries. If one were a conspiracy theorist, there would be questions about MNRF funding and quarries and questions about why most quarry representatives are former MNRF employees. Please accept my objections. I hope for once the AGENT MNRF thinks long and hard about why it would be better to leave the rock where it is for future generations.
Duck Hunt Too Close to Home
Starting in early summer, we enjoyed watching when this season’s new ducklings would gather around my grandson as he was swimming in Sturgeon Lake. There were five in total, a female mallard and four small ducklings. There were two left last night, the Mallard and one duckling. Tonight, there are none. There’s even gunfire tonight in the swamp to our south, close behind the cottages on Pleasant Point. This is happening under a dark sky. Are they using flashlights? I question if this small space allocated for hunting is safe, considering that in your recent publication, perhaps meant for large game hunting, it states that being within 4km is dangerous. Our cottage and others are much closer, less than 1km. The hunting area has protected species such as beavers. Are they target practice for the nightly and dawn-hour artillery? I fully understand that responsible outdoor enthusiasts are looking forward to hunting season. However, I wonder if small game and duck hunting in this area and the regulations as such should reviewed. I’ve tried to read the Federal and Provincial hunting regulations and admittedly, I’m confused. Bob Whittaker Bobcaygeon 705-340-3045 TRUST A LOCAL AGENT
Glenna Burns
GENT Bobcaygeon
Diana McDonald
Y ears
offers a heartfelt Thank You for making our offers our annual Tag TagDays Dayssuch suchaafundraising fundraisingsuccess! success! Y ears
Area Resident for Over 30 Years
Diana McDonald
Area Resident for Over 30 Years
Area Area Resident for for Over 3030 Years Resident Over Years
Area Resident for Over 30 Years
offtoto auxiliary volunteers and Hats off all all auxiliary volunteers and their their friends and family who donated their friends and family who donated their ininvaluable timeon onone oneor orboth both days days collecting/ collecting/ valuable time counting donations towards the Auxiliary counting donations towards the Auxiliary pledge of $150,000 for Intensive Care pledge of $150,000 for Intensive Care equipequipment and a Ventilator. ment and a Ventilator. Special Thanks to all the businesses who Special Thanks to all the businesses who alallowed our canvassers access to their lowed our access to their customcustomers canvassers — in Lindsay, Bobcaygeon, ers — in Lindsay, Coboconk, Coboconk, Little Bobcaygeon, Britain, Omemee and Little Britain, Omemee and Fenelon Falls. Fenelon Falls.
October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
City Hall City to Recycle Construction and Demolition Waste By Pat Warren
Construction and demolition waste really fills up landfills. It is estimated to be about 30 to 50 percent of all garbage being sent to the landfill sites. C&D materials are bulky and are challenging to compact. Many materials generated through C&D activities can be recycled or provide a fuel source. For all of these reasons, this waste is considered a resource and an important material type to divert from City landfills. Reclay StewardEdge Environmental Business Consultants completed a feasibility study and recommended the City undertake a pilot recycling program at both the Fenelon and Lindsay Ops landfill
We’re getting content ready for the 2018 Explore tourism guides. These beautiful, full-colour glossy books are distributed throughout southern Ontario. Each book contains a listing of events in our areas and we want to make sure your event is included! Please email the details to to ensure your event gets listed. For a “bigger bang”, take out an ad for your event in the 2018 Explore books, too. See page 20 for more details.
sites. It was found that the other sites in the City of Kawartha Lakes do not receive much of this type of waste. The 22-month pilot will start March 1, 2018 and end on December 31, 2019 at a cost of $133,500 for 2018 and $155,000 for 2019. The consultants believe the initiative will save money in the long run by increasing the life of the landfill sites. It is anticipated that at least 10 percent of C&D waste going to these two sites will be diverted through this pilot program. However, the 10 percent reduction is very conservative and could be as high as 20 percent or more based on Reclay’s experience from other municipalities. According to the study, benefits include: 1. A potential reduction in required cover material as there is less waste added to the landfill site; 2. Potential savings on fuel as there is less waste to compact; and 3. Increase in the life of the landfill site. However, the driving factor for moving this recycling program forward is the conservation of landfill space. According to Reclay, the space, if valued at the industry standard of $150/tonne equates to savings of landfill space valued at an estimated $200,000 per year from both landfills. This is the estimated savings per year if the City had to build a new landfill site. Therefore, this is the savings per year to defer closing the landfills. Over the anticipated 19 years of landfill life remaining at the Lindsay Ops site, the City could gain an additional 3.2 years of capacity at existing fill rates. As well, over the anticipated 7.6 years of life remaining at the Fenelon site, the City could gain an additional 0.5 of a year of capacity at existing fill rates. Should the C&D waste diverted from this pilot be greater than 10 percent, additional landfill life will increase, saving even more money and landfill capacity. Companies will be sought, through an RFP process, to take the recycled materials from the landfill. This is a big step towards the goal of becoming a Zero Waste municipality in the future.
776 Technology Drive Peterborough 705-868-8237 Website: Facebook: @hjoutfitters 6
October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
Mayor Andy Letham has proposed a pilot project which would permit no charge residential household waste and leaf and yard drop off in the Spring and Fall at landfills. Council adopted the resolution that for two weeks around the May long weekend and two weeks around the Thanksgiving long weekend in 2018, residents are permitted to drop off unlimited residential household waste and leaf and yard waste at landfill sites during regular operating hours. During the pilot, clear bags are still required for residential waste drop off. The City will continue to charge for black bags and/or mixed waste that is dropped off. “I hope that this enhancement to residential waste service will not only encourage those who have been dumping garbage to put it where it belongs, but also give a break to those who diligently clean up their cottages and homes twice a year. As with every enhancement to service levels, there is a cost. We will assess lost revenues from landfill fees for those 4 weeks while balancing public demand for the service going forward,” explained Mayor Letham. The 2018 Waste and Recycling Calendar will include the dates of the pilot project. The City website and MyWaste app will be updated accordingly and additional public communication about the pilot will be rolled out next year.
Legion News “At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.” For hall rentals or more information about ongoing activities, please call the individual Legion Branch. We welcome submissions to Due to space, please keep the submissions to a total of 60 words for your Branch. Next deadline: Wednesday, October 11.
Branch 67 Lindsay (705) 324-2613 • Pub Fare Lunch – Tuesdays, Thursdays, noon to 2 pm • Full Dinners – Fridays, 11:30am to 1:30pm • Meat Roll – Saturdays, 2 pm • Live Entertainment – Saturdays, 7:30 to 11:30 pm, free • Sir Sam Seniors progressive euchre every Tuesday - 1pm • Big Buck Bid euchre 4th Wednesday of every month -11am
Branch 184 Woodville & District (705) 439-2397 • Country Music Jam third Sunday of each month from 1 pm to 4 pm. Backup band Reg Benoit, Ralph Cashen, and Lester White - $5 admission -Musicians & Singers free admission. Bar will be open, food available, door prizes, dancing, 50/50 draw. • Dances the last Saturday of each month beginning September 30. 8pm to 11pm featuring The Gary Peters Band. $10 per person – light lunch at 11pm.
Branch 238 Fenelon Falls (705) 887-3041 The kitchen at the Branch will be closed from October 11 to October 25 for improvements - most courtesy of a grant from New Horizons for Seniors. Unfortunately this means that lunches will not be available during this period and the hall will not be available for rental. Regularly scheduled events will continue in the auditorium where possible. We apologize for any inconvenience during this time and thank you for your patience and support.
Small Business Week™ 2017 BREAKFAST IN BOBCAYGEON Thursday October 19, 7:30 a.m.
Diane Steven
Manager CoKL Small Business Centre
What The City of Kawartha Lakes is doing for small business in The Kawartha Lakes area
Bruce Averill First Data
Payment solutions for your business $25. pp call 705-738-2202 to reserve
• Dart League - Tuesdays, 7:30 pm • Men’s Snooker League - Wednesdays, 7 pm • Tai Chi - Thursdays, 10 am • English Pub Night* - first Friday each month, 5-7 pm • Meat Roll* - third Saturday each month, 2:30 pm, • Drop-in Shuffleboard - Sundays, 1:30pm
Branch 239 Bobcaygeon (705) 738-2710 • Monday Darts starts in October – 7pm • Wednesday Darts – 7pm • Big Bucks Euchre last Monday of each month – 10:30am • Pasta Monday - 5 to 7pm (except Thanksgiving)
• Hamburger Thursday – 4:30 to 7pm with Euchre at 7pm • Karaoke Friday - 8pm • Meat Roll Saturday - 2 pm • Shuffleboard Sunday - 2pm
Branch 441 Kinmount (705) 488-3462 • Bingo – Fridays, 6:45 pm • Meat Draw – Saturdays, 5 pm • Seniors Cards – Mondays, 1 pm
• Drop-in Cards – Tuesdays, 7 pm • Big Buck Bid Euchre - Third Wednesday of month, 11 am
Branch 497 Omemee (705) 799-5095 • Mixed drop-in Darts - Tuesdays - 7:30pm • Progressive Euchre – every second Saturday of month
Branch 519 Coboconk (705) 454-8127 • Sunday October 15. 1pm - 5pm. Country Music Jamboree. Admission $8.
October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
Small Business Week™ 2017 Monday October 16 11am – 12:30pm Omemee - Building your Business Model Canvas - KLSBEC Coronation Hall 1 King Street West Omemee 6:30 – 7:30 pm Bobcaygeon Networking Event - Hosted by Impact 32 Kawartha Coffee Company 49 Bolton St., Bobcaygeon Tuesday October 17 5 – 7pm Employment Law Seminar - VCCS Employment Services Whitney Town Centre 370 Kent Street West, Lindsay 6:30 – 9:30 pm Digital Marketing Workshop - Hosted by Impact 32 Kawartha Coffee Company 49 Bolton Street, Bobcaygeon Wednesday October 18 7 – 9am SB Week Breakfast - Lindsay & District Chamber of Commerce Lindsay Golf & Country Club 282 Lindsay Street South, Lindsay 11am – 12:30pm Fenelon Falls - Building your Business Model Canvas - KLSBEC Fenelon Falls Community Centre 27 Veterans Way, Fenelon Falls 1– 4pm Fenelon Falls Open House Fenelon Falls & Area Chamber of Commerce 15 Oak Street, Fenelon Falls 3:30pm – 5pm Coboconk/Norland Building Your Business Model Canvas KLSBEC- Coboconk Service Centre 9 Granby Road, Coboconk 5pm – 7pm Coboconk/Norland Chamber of Commerce Networking Session The Pattie House 6673 Highway #35, Coboconk Thursday October 19 7:30 – 9am SB Week Breakfast - Bobcaygeon & Area Chamber of Commerce Embers Grillhouse 38 Bolton St, Bobcaygeon 11am – 12:30pm Bobcaygeon - Building Your Business Model Canvas - KLSBEC Bobcaygeon Service Centre 123 East St., Bobcaygeon Friday October 20 Noon Small Business Innovation Awards - Kawartha Lakes CFDC Victoria Room, 2nd Floor, City Hall 26 Francis Street, Lindsay (check website for updates)
Apply for a Small Business Innovation Award at
October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
By Deb Crossen
Don Crowe was a legend in Minden and will be missed by the organization and the community. The eldest son of the founders of Kawartha Dairy, Jack and Ila Crowe, Don passed away in September at the age of 77. His parents founded Kawartha Dairy in 1937 in Bobcaygeon. In the 1960s, Don and his late wife, Opal, took on the responsibility of a second Kawartha Dairy location in Minden. According to the post on social media after his passing, Kawartha Dairy representatives said, “Don was someone you were unlikely to forget, even if you met him only once. Generous, kind, hard-working and thoughtful were just a few of the ways to describe him, and his gentle nature and good humour simply had a way of making you feel good.” Don and Opal were married for 51 years and had five sons. His family also consisted of 10 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. In December 1998, Don and Opal were awarded the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award. Here’s what was said about them at the time: “For many years, Donald and Opal Crowe have quietly assisted organizations and individuals in need in the Minden area. Through their family business, Kawartha Dairy, they provided free refreshments for community events and, every summer for a number of years, held a barn dance and donated all profits to a community project. Whether donating funds to furnish a room at a senior citizens complex, holding a benefit dance for a person injured in an accident, or donating emergency freezer space, the Crowes continually demonstrate their concern for their community and their willingness to help out their neighbours in need.” Kawartha Dairy says, “Don was one of a kind and will be truly missed by all who knew him.”
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705-457-7797 October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
October 6 to 19 Melodie McCullough
Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19) Facing conflict with further conflict is often the easy way out, Aquarius. And it’s always tempting to retaliate, rather than do the tough work of compromising and resolving. Try flexibility and an openness to all options. Pisces (Feb. 20 to March 20) One of the traits of a Pisces is “creativity”. Many follow a career in art, music and culture. So even though you may not work in such a field, there’s no reason to ignore your inventive and imaginative sides. This can take many forms – find yours! Aries (March 21 to April 20) There’s nothing quite like a fall romance, Aries, and it looks like you’re in luck! The stars, the moon, the planets are all saying this is your time!
Leo (July 24 to Aug. 23) The world needs more people like you, dear Leo! You are intelligent, but that’s not the main reason you are such a blessing. Rather, it is your integrity, commitment to the causes you believe in, and your great honesty. There may be some who don’t “get” this about you – but, most do – and who cares about the others? Virgo (Aug. 24 to Sept. 23) You may receive a fortuitous letter or email correspondence in the coming days, Virgo, that will mean you have to make some serious choices. Consult with those whose advice you value. Libra (Sept. 24 to Oct. 23) It’s Thanksgiving! That lovely time of year when we have so much for which to be thankful. Appreciate the basics, Libra -- food and shelter – but also the love and companionship of our families and friends. And try to find something good in the strangers you meet, also!
Taurus (April 21 to May 21) Beware of false friends and manipulators, Taurus! While most people are good, there are always a few bad apples waiting to fall from the tree and bonk you on the head. Keep your eyes open and your head up!
Scorpio (Oct. 24 to Nov. 22) While the weather may have turned colder, and the winds have become mightier, it doesn’t mean we have to give in and give up when it comes living in and enjoying the nature all around us. It is good for one’s mental health, Scorpio, to be outside in the elements!
Gemini (May 22 to June 22) There may be an “end” to something you have enjoyed over the past while, but this does not mean there is not a new “beginning”, something just as great and wonderful, but only in a different form. So don’t be sad … keep looking and moving forward.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23 to Dec. 21) Self-doubt is part of living, Sagittarius. Everyone has it. But don’t let it consume you! Work at strengthening your trust in YOURSELF, and thinking good thoughts about YOU.
Cancer (June 23 to July 23) “Very little grows on jagged rock. Be ground. Be crumbled, so wildflowers will come up where you are.”: Rumi. Be kind, Cancer. Let yourself be a fertile growing place for kindness and all things good – and watch the enchantment that evolves and spreads upward from your garden.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan 20) Continue to grow – slowly but surely – towards your goals and the person you wish to be. It may be difficult, as there will be those who wish to promote their own interests, and you may get caught up in this. Try to stand firm.
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October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
In September, the United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes (UWCKL) kicked off its 50th anniversary campaign with $50,000 in donations. Almost $45,000 was from the fundraising event in May that featured Canadian astronaut, Col. Chris Hadfield. Nexicom also pledged $3,000 as its continued sponsorship of the annual Nexicom United Way Bonspiel. “Over the course of last year’s 50 Strong Campaign, we had hundreds of people lend their voice to the campaign with ‘selfies’ and sending messages through photos taken at events,” said Penny Barton Dyke, Executive Director for UWCKL. “At the Crayola Sale, we had people from across the province recognizing the extraordinary contributions of Crayola and the LEX. It made people think about our community and the caring leadership for 50 years.” UWCKL will be launching a social media Community Champion Campaign. It will feature businesses and individual leaders with the goal of ensuring there is help and hope for 30,000 people. Since 1986, the United Way has invested over $7.9 million into agency funded programs. Nearly $1 million of that total has been directed into community development work, and projects over the last decade. Help Crayola go for the $1 million mark As Saturday, October 14 comes closer, plans for the 29th Annual Crayola Sale are well underway. Crayola Canada has donated just over $950,000 to the United Way for the City of Kawartha Lakes (UWCKL) and the funds are from both the annual sale and the employees’ workplace campaign. Crayola Canada has announced they are aiming to make the $1 million total gift at this sale. Mike Soehner, Human Resources Manager at Crayola Canada says, “At Crayola, we believe every person in the community deserves an opportunity for a quality and colourful life. We are very fortunate that the annual Crayola Sale can assist children, youth, and adults in the City of Kawartha Lakes. The sale started simply as a yard sale with a few Crayola products added in. It was the beginning of a long-term relationship and, thanks to the efforts of countless volunteers from Crayola, the UWCKL, and the community, it has grown to its current form. This year, we are very proud to say that we have an opportunity to attain the $1 million mark in total donations. Please come out and help us achieve that goal.” Duncan Gallacher, Board President of UWCL notes that more than 150 volunteers help at each sale. “Businesses and citizens have worked with this United Way and its agencies to help deliver help in real time and across our rural villages and hamlets. Help Crayola over the top this year. Share our social media posts and bring friends to reach the goal of $1 million, but to also help us with our goal -- changing 30,000 lives,” he adds. The sale takes place at the LEX Fairgrounds on Saturday, October 14 from 8am to 12pm. This is a CASH only sale.
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LINDSAY SQUARE MALL Hours: • Mon - Fri 9:30 - 9pm • Sat 9 - 6pm • Sun 11 - 4pm October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
BAD NEWS/GOOD NEWS Too hot for school?
By Pamela VanMeer, Kawartha411
The thought of their kids, red-faced and sweating in school, is just too much for some parents. We’ve seen record-breaking temperatures in the last few weeks and many schools don’t have air conditioning. Day after day, the schools seemed to get hotter and hotter and as the temperatures went up so did the anxiety for some parents. The humidex reached almost 40 degrees Celsius and some parents in the Toronto area pulled their kids out of school. In Mississauga, one mom kept her kids out of school for three days after one of them developed a heat rash. In Montreal, some called on the government to impose “heat days” but Quebec Education Minister Sebastien Proulx said he doesn’t plan to impose “heat days” any time soon. He told Global-TV news, “If it’s too hot in a class, we change classes; if we have to go outside, we’ll do just that.” Some teachers in Peterborough had to go home for the day. Shirley Bell with the Elementary Teachers Federation told CHEX-TV, “We had teachers that went home ill on Monday, that are possibly home ill on Tuesday, because of the effects of heat on Monday.” The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario says the extreme temperatures affect children’s ability to learn and can cause health issues. The union called on the Province to do something such as installing air conditioning systems or setting up cooling stations. The good news is our kids have access to free,
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October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
worldclass education, even if it does get uncomfortably hot at times. In 2015, the total number of illiterate adults throughout the world reached 745.1 million. In sub-Saharan Africa, many girls do not get an education because early marriage laws are not enforced. Thirty countries have adult literacy rates below 70 percent; 22 of these countries are in subSaharan Africa. In most developing countries, public school is not free. The costs of books, uniforms, and teachers’ salaries are borne by the students’ families according to Unicef. The province has said it would cost millions of dollars to put air conditioning in schools, money that could be used for actually teaching the students. This is money that some of the countries listed above would love to have. Many teachers, even in Canada, are forced to buy supplies out of their own pocket for their classroom and now some are wanting to spend millions on air conditioning? Yes, the heat makes it uncomfortable and difficult to concentrate, but not nearly as uncomfortable as the conditions many kids face around the world. Who knows? Maybe this could be used as a “teaching moment” where our kids could be taught what real hardship is and what kids go through in other countries. You can find more local news and reports on
4 1 1
Happy Thanksgiving Thank you for your support this season. See you all next year. ROSS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Final Market - October 6 Auxiliary
Time on Your Hands? ROSS MEMORIAL Special skills & experience HOSPITAL to offer? Auxiliary Enjoy engaging with the public? Time on Hands? Timeneed onYour Your Hands? We urgently more volunteers Special skills & experience skills &positions experience to offer? toSpecial fill essential to offer? in Patient Enjoy engaging with public? Care, the Gift Shopwith andthe the Café — Enjoy engaging the public?
We urgently needfundraising more volunteers to fill essential other main activities, We urgently need more volunteers positions in Patient Care, the Gift Shop and the and on the Auxiliary Board as well. to fill essential positions in Patient Cafe — other main fundraising activities, and on Meet with Member Kevin in the Auxiliary Board as well. and Care, theBoard Gift Shop theSawka Café — the Rotunda, Ross Memorial Tues Octoother main fundraising activities, Meet with Board Member Kevinand Sawka in the OctoRotunda, ber 3, from 10-12 or 1-3, Thurs Ross Memorial Tues October 3, from 10-12 1-3, and and5,on the10-12 Auxiliary asorwell. ber from or 1-3.Board Thurs October 5, from 10-12 or 1-3. Meet in with Member Kevin Sawka Park theBoard long term parking and bringinin Park the longstub term parking and bring in the parking the in Rotunda, Ross Tues Octoparking forMemorial validation to exit. stub for validation to exit. ber 3, from 10-12 or 1-3, and Thurs OctoVolunteer applications also available at ber Information 5, from 10-12Desk or 1-3. Volunteer applications also available at the the anytime. Information Desk anytime. Park in the long term parking and bring in the parking stub for validation to exit.
Volunteer applications also available at the Information Desk anytime.
The Promoter Crossword # 210– By Charon Down 1 Oak or ash for example (4) 2 Work to hard (6) 3 Heroic tale (4) 4 To be, in France (4) 5 Pig minders (10) 6 Short snort in a bar (4) 7 First Roman emperor (8) 8 Streisand hit and a magazine (6) 13 Neckwear (3) 14 Unsaid but understood (5) 15 Wipe out completely (10) 16 Monopoly purchase (5) 18 Grotesque waterspout (8) 21 Mature (3) 22 Annie, for one (6) 26 Soldier's helmet (slang) (3,3) 28 Theatre seating section (4) 29 The old grey one (4) 30 Long sentence (4) 31 Every single one (4) Across 9 Gun the engine (3,2) 10 Terraced home (4,5) 11 Otitis symptom (7) 12 Bridge call for President's opponents? (2-5) 13 "Rainbow" fish (5) 15 Partner for aah (3) 16 Monopoly token (3) 17 ovum (3)
19 20 23 24 25 27 29 32 33
Guilty one (7) Caspian for one (3) Go bad (3) "____the season" (3) Wood shop machine (5) Suspicious loiterer (7) Mixture, in Marseilles (7) Everglades resident (9) Euro forerunner in France (5)
Solution to Crossword # 209
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Bobcaygeon Proud
By Kirk Winter
When Tom and Wendy Hunt relocated from Guelph to the Bobcaygeon area in 2004, they had many things they wanted to do, and the north Kawarthas have been the beneficiary of their considerable contributions. Tom, an appliance company executive, and Wendy, a financial planner and investment specialist for one of Canada’s largest banks, first were looking for a new career opportunity where they could work together. Their natural gregariousness and love of helping people led them to a second career in real estate. After a brief stop working for one of the large real estate chains, the Hunts created Hunt4Dreams Realty Inc. with an office in Bobcaygeon. They have never looked back. Tom and Wendy are passionate about the Kawarthas, and the possibility of sustained growth and prosperity for its residents. Both believe that all you have to do is get people to experience the Kawarthas once, and they will come back time and time again, spending money here, benefitting the economy and possibly, when the time is right, relocating here permanently. The Hunts shared with me, “that you can’t just take from the pot of life. You have to fill it up too.” They have given their time freely to a number of community initiatives that help bring attention to Bobcaygeon and the surrounding area. Their combined contributions are staggering for the diversity and sheer number of hours given. Tom has been the Director of the Canada-U.S. Walleye Tournament for the last six years. In late May, more than 140 fishing teams descended on Bobcaygeon competing for $70,000 in prize money and trophies. The economic spin off of this tournament alone for the area exceeds $150,000. Significant local and corporate support makes the tournament possible, along with the labour of almost 80 people who volunteer their time. Tom was a Director for the Bobcaygeon Chamber of Commerce for 11 years. For five years, he organized the Unlock the Summer festival that jumpstarts the traditional cottaging/tourism season in the Bobcaygeon area. Tom has been working diligently with the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Trent Severn Waterway to help improve fish stocks in the surrounding lakes, realizing that sport fishing is a cornerstone for local tourism. Wendy and Tom have sponsored the Kawartha
Carving Competition for the last five years. This event attracts more than 100 accomplished carvers to the area. Wendy is involved with Kawartha Settlers’ Village, a display of pioneer culture that the Hunts call, “the area’s best kept secret.” The major fundraiser for Settlers ‘Village is the Festival of Trees every November, and Wendy and Tom give their time freely to this worthwhile venture. Wendy and Tom give back on a daily basis as well - sponsoring a 10-day play series at the Lakeview Arts Barn, acting as judges at Cruisefest, sponsoring Jr. A hockey, or becoming an important supporter of the town food bank. Tom was honoured to receive the Citizen of the Year Award from the Bobcaygeon Chamber of Commerce in 2016, recognizing his considerable contributions to the community. We are fortunate to have the Hunts in our midst, and Guelph’s loss was certainly Bobcaygeon’s gain. They are an inspiration to us all.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kawartha LakesHaliburton and those involved with In-School Mentoring will have a new supply of crafts and games thanks to United Way City of Kawartha Lakes and The Mona Hall Legacy Fund. The organization received funding to enhance the In-School Mentoring program, resulting in the production of a Mentor Handbook, Cookbook, promotional videos and the purchase of some much needed supplies for the visits. Tradewind Toys and Gifts assisted the organization with this purchase by providing a discount and helping the staff select some unique games and activities that will stimulate the volunteer and child’s minds. The organization looks forward to the participants utilizing these new games and activities, and thanks United Way and Mona Hall Legacy Fund for the important support. Call Big Brothers Big Sisters at 705-324-6800 if you are interested in participating in the In-School Mentoring Program or visit www.bigbrothersbigsisters. info. Imagine who children will become with your help.
On-Premise Wine Making 6 Water St.
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Did You Know ? 14
October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
Ad design is complimentary with ad placement in The Kawartha Promoter. Some restrictions may apply.
By Deb Crossen
T h a n k s g iv in g ket Farmers’ Mar 7 Saturday Oct
m unds 8am - 1p ro g ir a F n o e g y Bobca
Canadian households (4.2 million) purchased turkey and turkey products for Thanksgiving 2016. Since Thanksgiving coincides with the Fall harvest, that’s the most likely reason why squash, turnips, potatoes, carrots and sweet potatoes are also on the menu. Pumpkin and apple pie usually make the grade for dessert – again because it’s harvest time! (I remember the time my Mom made pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving and, forgot to add sugar to the canned pumpkin in the filling! Ewwww!!) Taking advantage of many people having an extra day off work, the Canadian Football League came up with The Thanksgiving Day Classic, an annual doubleheader. This year, it’s the Montreal Alouettes against the Edmonton Eskimos. Not to be outdone in November, the NFL offers up a tripleheader on their Thanksgiving Day in November.
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It’s Thanksgiving and in preparation for this issue, I did a little research about the first Thanksgiving. Many of us are aware of the American story about how Thanksgiving started, when the Pilgrims and members of the Wampanoag Nation gathered at Plymouth for an autumn harvest celebration. Imagine my surprise when several of my sources indicated that “origin” was incorrect. According to, that’s not quite how it went down. The Wampangoag people were not “invited” to dinner, nor did they take part in the three-day feast to celebrate the Pilgrim harvest. They were simply camped nearby to protect the new settlers. So then I went to check the first Thanksgiving in Canada. Here’s what canadianencyclopedia. com says: “The first official, annual Thanksgiving in Canada was celebrated on 6 November 1879, though Indigenous peoples in Canada have a history of celebrating the Fall harvest that predates the arrival of European settlers. Sir Martin Frobisher and his crew are credited as the first Europeans to celebrate a Thanksgiving ceremony in North America, in 1578. They were followed by the inhabitants of New France under Samuel de Champlain in 1606. In 1957, Thanksgiving was proclaimed an annual event to occur on the second Monday of October.” Many people eat turkey at Thanksgiving. In fact, according to the Turkey Farmers of Canada, 2.6 million whole turkeys were purchased by Canadians at Thanksgiving in 2016. That’s 40 percent of all whole turkeys that were sold over the year. It seems as if some don’t want the whole bird - 30 percent of all
Thanksgiving Weekend Shoppe Hours Sat. & Sun. 9:30am - 5:30pm Monday closed
Granny Birds Wool Shoppe
October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
Thanksgiving is the time families and friends gather for the feast. That usually includes a turkey dinner complete with all the trimmings. If you’re lucky, you’ll have plenty of help in the kitchen! Here are some tips from Peterborough Public Health to ensure a safe and healthy holiday. • Make sure you’re buying a turkey that has been properly refrigerated. You can tell by the colour of the bird, the smell (there shouldn’t be any) and the temperature of the packaging. If you think anything is off, don’t buy the bird. • When you get home from the store, place your turkey in a pan or container which will keep meat
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juices from dripping or spilling. Store your turkey on the lowest shelf of the fridge to prevent bacteria from contaminating other foods or surfaces. • The safest way to thaw poultry is in the refrigerator or under cold running water (allow one hour per pound). In the case of a large turkey, allow several days in the fridge to thaw – five hours per pound is a good rule of thumb. • Prepare raw poultry on non-porous surfaces which are easier to clean and sanitize. Thoroughly wash and sanitize any utensils, cutting boards or counter surfaces that raw meat touches. Sanitize by using a solution of 5 ml (1 teaspoon) of household bleach with 1 litre (4 cups) of water. • Always wash your hands thoroughly before handling any food and after handling raw meats. • It takes thorough cooking to kill harmful bacteria and prevent food poisoning. Cook the poultry to an internal temperature of 82°C (180°F). Use a probe thermometer and check the temperature of the thickest part, usually the thigh or breast away from the bone. If you’ve got small children on the loose in the kitchen, make sure that all the handles of the pots and pans boiling away on the stove are turned inward. Remind the kids that the oven door is hot and should not be touched. Always refrigerate your leftovers as soon as dinner is done to avoid bacteria build-up. If there’s a lot left over, share among your guests.
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PLASTERING REPAIRS & RENOVATIONS 16 October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter Dante
The Fenelon Falls 4th Annual Turkey Trot Fun Run takes place on Saturday, October 7 at 10am. This family-oriented event promoting active living takes place at Garnet Graham Park at the Fenelon Falls beachfront. The course along the waterfront trail includes a 1km, 5km and 10km option. The two main goals of the event are to promote family and individual active living, and to increase the profile of the Fenelon Falls community. Following the race, visitors to the village can take part in the many activities offered by local merchants and sponsors of Harvest Happenings. Harvest Happenings is an annual event hosted by the Fenelon Falls DBIA featuring fun activities for all As this is a family and community oriented event, all proceeds are donated directly to local community family events including Canada Day, Santa Day, and the Easter Eggstravaganza. Check it out at for more information.
There are plenty of activities to plan when the family gets together for Thanksgiving. But here are some that may require some time to put together, but can make your holiday more special. Plan an annual “Giving Day” that involves every member of your family. Collect clothes, toys, and food
and donate them to local shelters. Even animal shelters need food and toys for their “residents.” Make plans to donate blood as a family. It’s the season of giving, so give the gift of life. Sign up to help serve food at a local homeless shelter, women’s shelter, etc. Do something nice for your neighbour. Maybe they could use a few hours of free child minding so they can run errands, rake the leaves from their lawn or take a pre-cooked meal to an elderly or single neighbour who doesn’t have family in the area. Visit a local seniors’ residence or nursing home to play cards or just have a conversation.
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October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
OUR BRANDS GIVE BACK! For the second consecutive year, the management and staff at Buckeye Surf and Kawartha Lifestyle in Bobcaygeon are proud to announce the pledge of $7,000 on behalf of their customers. The donation is awarded to the Gord Downie Foundation at SUNNYBROOK Hospital for Brain Cancer Research. The funds are derived from a $5 portion of each sale of Buckeye’s ever popular Bobcaygeon Hip-Town product. Hip-Town was created last summer as a result of the unfortunate diagnosis of brain cancer to Tragically Hip’s Gord Downie. Our 2016 donation for this cause was $23,000 largely due to a huge outpouring of support created by the local street concert last August, and the band’s connection to our town and folk through the famous song, “Bobcaygeon.” In addition to the Bobcaygeon Hip-Town pledges, we are pleased to announce that through the sales of our newly created Lake Life branded apparel, it has been possible to make a $2,000 donation to the Boyd Island Land Trust to aid in the volunteer efforts to sustain projects on Boyd Island. The Impact 32 committee will also receive a $2,000 donation to be directed towards additional dockage projects in the Bobcaygeon area. The Buckeye Surf and Kawartha Lifestyle staff wish to thank our loyal customers for their continued support of our company’s charity initiatives. It gives us great pleasure to give back through our exclusive brands purchased by our customers.
$7,000 $2,000 Available Exclusively at:
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October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
12 Bolton St, Across from Lock 32 705-738-9283
We are almost there….
Please contact Jennifer at or 705-454-1110.
Have you noticed the big, beautiful new dock at Mill Pond in Coboconk? It makes a statement that our community is serious about improving the recreational and business opportunities for our residents, business owners, and tourists. This is one of several projects underway right now! The Coboconk, Norland & Area Chamber of Commerce has been working hard to find funding and partners to begin implementing the new Downtown Revitalization Strategic Plan, recently accepted by Council this past Spring. Our first project is the renovation and construction of multiple public boat docks and ramps in Coboconk and Norland. The goal of this project is to improve safe access to our lakes and rivers and provide a functional and attractive way to bring seasonal residents, residents, and tourists into the downtowns by boat. With safe and attractive docking, there is also an opportunity for new recreation businesses to start up. The locations of the new and improved docks include: Coboconk Lions Park, Coboconk’s Mill Pond, Riverside Park, as well as the Norland boat ramp and dock on Government Dock Road. We have been successful in bringing several partners to the table for this project, including the Canada’s Fresh Water Summit Organizing Committee who have committed $10,000 to the project, and the Shadow Lakes Association who have committed $2,500 to enhanced docking opportunities coming from Shadow Lakes into Coboconk (Mill Pond). We are pleased to also partner with the City of Kawartha Lakes to improve these City properties: Council approved budget to renovate the boat launch in Norland in this year’s budget, and also committed approximately $19,000 in 50/50 Capital Funding for the docks. To maximize the impact of the CKL funds, the Chamber has worked to leverage these dollars with a grant for $32,000 from the Eastern Ontario Development Program and the Kawartha Lakes CFDC. This is a $125,000 project and we only need $8,000 more to reach our target and complete all the projects. Would you like to get involved? Call us to talk about how you can help and recognition opportunities. Thank you to all partners for your support of this project! Volunteer Opportunity Would you like to help out with the 2nd Annual Winter Frostival? It’s tons of fun and we would love to have you!
Coming Events: Friday, October 6 Sweet Scent Farm’s Corn Maze Norland Youth Group – Grades 6 to 12 Leave from Pioneer Baptist Church at 6:30 pm, returning at 9:30 pm. For more info call Tania 705-454-8225.
Submitted by Jennifer Wilson
Saturday, October 7 9am to noon Coboconk Food Bank Thanksgiving Bake Sale at Christ Church, Coboconk Donations of baked goods gratefully accepted. For more info: Sunday, October 15 1pm to 5pm Country Music Jamboree at the Coboconk Legion. Admission is $8.
Local Businesses & Community Working Together. We Invite You To Be A Part Of It!
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Contact: Jennifer Wilson Email: Phone: (705) 454-1110 6666 Hwy 35, P.O. Box 177, Coboconk
October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
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October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
In 2016, three local women started a unique way of fundraising in the City of Kawartha Lakes. It’s called “100 Women Who Care”. The movement started in 2006 in Michigan as a way to raise money efficiently and quickly for local charities. There are now 52 Chapters across the country and numbers are growing! Women have embraced this simple concept that can make a difference to their local communities and provide powerful assistance to the charities that support the people who live there. 100 Women Kawartha Lakes is a giving circle of women from the Lindsay, Bobcaygeon and Fenelon Falls area who care about our local community and want to contribute to its wellbeing, vitality and people. Three times a year, the women meet for one hour and jointly select a local registered charity or not-forprofit organization that will receive a $100 cheque from each of the members (or per team). The members vote that evening for the winning charity and write their cheques to the chosen organization. The local chapter has donated a total of $74,300 into the community and supported five registered charities & not for profits since 2016. The recipients have been: Kawartha Lakes Food Source, A Place Called Home, The Kinsmen Toy Drive, Community Care Low Income Dental Program and our last one was Victorias Quilts: Kawartha Lakes Chapter. Their next meeting is October 24 at the Academy Theatre in Lindsay. You can find out how to join and more information at
Submitted by Leora Burman
Talking Circles, an ancient and effective platform for building community and consensus, are being used to share first-hand knowledge of what is occurring on the land and with our wildlife. The Land Knowledge Circles project has been launched by The Land Between, cottage country’s own conservation organization. Proceedings from the Circle meetings will be published to validate the voice of landowners and resource users, and also to provide a solid basis for resource management by interested groups, organizations and potentially governments too. The Land Between charity, in partnership with Curve Lake First Nation and Hastings Stewardship Council, invites stakeholders to help us understand the condition of our land. The events are free and lunch is served. Registration is required so the team can accommodate all interested citizens. The project is a pilot funded by the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration’s Partnership Grant Program. It is hoped that Circles will be held biannually to maintain these important relationships with landowners in our communities, and to monitor changes in our local environments. A Land Knowledge Circle will be held on Saturday, October 14 at the Buckhorn Community Centre from 10-4. To register or find out more information, visit or call Leora at 705-4574838.
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October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
It’s Easy Being Green The Jar Equation
By Julia Taylor
I had been reading about taking jars and reusable containers to cut back on waste while grocery shopping. I remember thinking “wow, that’s kind of intense” and it sounded like it would take a lot of organizing and planning. I wasn’t willing to commit to it at the time. I also considered myself to be a pro-recycler so I didn’t think it had much of an impact anyway. Later on that year, I figured out I had been ‘wishcycling’. This is when I was recycling every little bit of plastic no matter what it was. I assumed that because we recycle plastic numbers 1 through 7 in Kawartha Lakes that everything goes in the blue bin, but that is not the case. I discovered that a lot of the bags I
TIME IS RUNNING OUT to participate in the Ontario Micro-fit Program! You may be eligible to participate in one of our No Cost Solar Programs FOR FREE!
was recycling were not, in fact, considered plastic bags and where not, in fact, recyclable among many other things I had been wishcycling. I also discovered that the creation and recycling of plastics was energy- and resource-intensive. So how could I reduce my plastic waste and recycling to reduce my carbon footprint? I knew the answer was to reduce my food packaging waste. I was a little reluctant but decided to give it a try. At first I wasn’t ready to switch to shopping in bulk, so I took my reusable containers on my weekly trip to the butcher shop. They were a little surprised by my request but where happy to offer that to me as a service. I kept a stash of containers in my car (Chinese takeout - you know the ones) so I was always prepared. Next, I made the switch to bulk, which took a little more organization and a little bit of time to stock up on jars. I had to have the right-sized jars for the products I was purchasing, but after a few trips it was a new habit. According to staff, at the time I was the only person doing this out of all of their customers. They called me the jar lady! To my satisfaction, shopping with jars not only reduced my waste by 50 percent but also cut my grocery bill down by 25 percent. In Kawartha Lakes, I can shop at Burn’s Bulk Foods, Nesbitt’s Meat Market, Country Cupboards, and the Bulk Store with my jars, containers, and mesh bags. Please help me lose my nickname by participating in this carbon footprint reducing, money saving, healthy shopping habit!
THE NO COST SOLAR PROGRAM IS ENDING VERY SOON! SOLAR IS THE BESTBEST WAY TO PRICE GUARANTEE - 10 YEAR WARRANTY Brighten inOFFSET RISING HYDRO BILLS. c your home Contact us with natural light. for a free No s in-home design Brighten Get Your Solar System and get Contact us your home consultation paid up to for a free 70 $3000 Upfront!with natural light. 2 hour installation Receive 20 LED Bulbs just for signing up!
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October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
WINTER outlook
From our trusted friends at The Farmer’s Almanac (who are never wrong), comes this prediction for our winter weather. Their experts are saying October’s temperatures will be lower than average, sitting at about 7 Celsius and that we could see above-average amounts of precipitation. Here’s the kicker – their early models show flurries the week of October 10-14. Don’t panic, that will turn to rain later in the month. They’re also predicting that winter temperatures will be above normal with the coldest weather coming in mid-November, early and late December, early January and early and mid-February. Precipitation and snowfall will be above normal, according to them, with the snowiest periods in late November, the middle to end of December and early to mid-March. April and May will be a bit cooler than normal. All in all, so far, the winter’s looking fairly normal for those of us used to living here.
it’s closing time ... A checklist for your cottage courtesy of
Weller Home & Cottage With Summer 2017 behind us, it’s that time again ... and there’s so much to do! Don’t worry! The following list will give you a head start and help you get organized:
□ Roof: Inspect it for any points of weakness & repair as needed.
□ Eaves troughs and downspouts: Clear them out for good water drainage.
□ Overhangs/Sheds: Consider supports for snow load.
□ Trees & dead branches: Trim around buildings. Ice and snow load can bring them down fast.
□ Dock: Lift/remove/store all movable sections. □ Boats/Canoes/Kayaks: Winterize. Stack and chain them together, out of view. □ BBQ & Propane Tanks: Clean the BBQ and disconnect the tank. Store in a protected place.
Walls - Attics - Vapour Barrier - Soffit Repair FREE ESTIMATES 705-341-7203 •
□ Under Cottage: Spread mothballs and fill holes with steel wool to deter wildlife.
□ Septic/Outhouse: Get it pumped or cleaned out,
if needed. Also consider adding “good” bacteria to help breakdown waste over the winter.
□ Plumbing: If your hydro will be off, drain the entire system—water heater, tanks, pipes, taps and traps. Add plumbing antifreeze. □ Heating: If your hydro will be on, set a low-temp
thermostat at 5 degrees Celcius. Consider an automatic generator to prevent freeze ups during power outages.
□ Fireplace/Woodstove/Chimney: Inspect for creosote levels. Block off flues. Close dampers. Block pipes to prevent bird & rodent entry.
□ Fire Hazards: Get rid of old papers, boxes and rags. Unplug all appliances.
□ Photos: Do a walkthrough and take pictures of
everything. If an unfortunate loss occurs (fire, theft, weather), it will help with an insurance claim.
□ Anything you’re not sure of? Call in an expert.
It’s always better to play it safe when it comes to your prized ‘home away from home’. And remember ... If you’d like someone to monitor and oversee your property this winter, give us a call!
705-928-0724 October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
For more than 45 years, the Borelians Community Theatre has been entertaining audiences in Port Perry. It was founded by a group of teachers with a commitment to staging quality amateur theatre, presenting Canadian work and contemporary classics. This season, the troupe’s productions focus on strong female characters. October 12 to 21, it’s Lettice and Lovage, a comedy by Peter Schaffer, the playwright who brought Amadeus and Equus to theatre. This satire is centred around a flamboyant countryside tour guide who loves to dramatically embellish upon British history. However, her life is forever changed in an instant when she meets her surprising counterpart: a fact-obsessed, Londonbased official who is in desperate need of distraction. Their second production, running February 15 to 24, 2018, is Sisters - a Canadian drama by Wendy Lil. It tells the story of one of Canada residential schools and a nun who eventually burns it to the ground. Performances take place at the Town Hall 1873 Centre for the Performing Arts in Port Perry. You can find out more about this enterprising group or order tickets at
Submitted by Bob Pennock
On September 18, more than 140 enthusiastic supporters of a new Mixed Probus Club attended a meeting at St. James Anglican Church in Fenelon Falls. Another 40 people expressed interest but couldn’t attend, bringing potential membership numbers to 180.
Have you heard BOB lately? BOB listened to you!
This dictates that we will have to change the venue for the October meeting to the Fenelon Falls Seniors Centre in order to accommodate all who wish to attend. Those at the meeting voted overwhelmingly to seek a Charter from Probus Canada. The founding meeting has been scheduled for Monday, October 16 with registration starting at 9:30am. Robert Pennock, one of the organizers, said, “This response supports our belief that there is a need in the community for an organization like Probus.” Anyone not yet registered should contact Bob Pennock by phone 705-887-2147 or email to robert.
Pencho Rabgey, a retired Lindsay resident, was born and raised in Tibet. Twenty years ago, he took his retirement savings and built a school in his home village of Chungba in Tibet. Rabgey said he wanted to give these children an opportunity at an education. More important, though, he wanted to challenge the stereotypes that these children, the product of Tibet’s poorest rural families, were not capable of going to post-secondary institutions. This year, students of the first class at the Chungba Valley School are now graduating from universities around the world, including Trent University and the University of Toronto. According to Rabgey, these students, who graduated last June, have returned home to their village to assist development work and prepare the next generation for the educational challenges they will face. For the last 14 years, a group of dedicated volunteers, inspired by Pencho and Tsering Rabgey have hosted a 3-day celebration called MachikFest. It includes the screening of Valley of The Heroes directed by Khashem Gyal, a presentation at a local high school, and the Saturday dinner featuring Tibetan food, a bazaar and Silent Auction. The Machik Dinner is on Saturday, October 14 at the Victoria Park Armories in Lindsay. The bazaar of Tibetan handicrafts starts at 5pm, with dinner at 6:30pm. Tickets are $40 going toward their goal of $28,000. Contact Kathy Anderson for tickets at 705-3242037 or visit for more information.
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October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
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The Fall into Savings event is an instant rebate promotion applicable on the purchase of select GE brand appliances and runs from October 7th - October 29th, 2017. The “Save up to 20% off event” applies on the purchase of select GE Café appliances and runs from October 2nd - December 31st, 2017.
October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
“Save up torebate $16000promotion event” applies on the purchase of selectof Monogram packages and runs from September 31st, 2017. See onoff all promotions. Advertised prices apply during GE theCafé promotion periods only, while quantities The Fall into Savings eventThe is an instant applicable on the purchase select GEkitchen brand appliances and runs from October1st 7th--December October 29th, Thestore “Saveforupdetails to 20% event” applies on the purchase of select appliances and runs from Octoberlast. 2nd - December 31st, 2017. While we strive forapplies accuracy product descriptions pricing, which canpackages be amended without priorSeptember notice from 1st the -manufacturer, we cannot be held responsible or typographical errors which mayduring appear in promotion the flyer or promotional The “Save up to $16000 event” oninthe purchase of selectand Monogram kitchen and runs from December 31st, 2017. See store for detailsfor ontechnical all promotions. Advertised prices apply the periods only,materials. while quantities last. While we strive for accuracy in product descriptions and pricing, which can be amended without prior notice from the manufacturer, we cannot be held responsible for technical or typographical errors which may appear in the flyer or promotional materials.
PHOTO CONTEST For the 2018 Tourism Guides: • Explore Bobcaygeon • Explore Buckhorn • Explore Fenelon Falls
We are looking for photos that make the Kawartha Lakes special.
Submit your images and help showcase our beautiful region. Winning entries will be published in Explore Fenelon Falls, Explore Bobcaygeon or Explore Buckhorn 2018 with photo credit. (each publication has a distribution of 20,000 copies)
All entrants have the opportunity to win prizes from local sponsors.
Stay tuned for prize details! To submit images for the contest - please email to Please include full name and contact information. No limit on image quantity. Contest submission closes Nov. 17, 2017
October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
By Glenna Burns
Since 2012, a group of property owners on Quarry Road and Nogies Creek have been fighting the application for a quarry near their homes. The application has gone through several layers of approvals and appeals between Dewdney Mountain Farms (who will operate the quarry), the Municipality of Trent Lakes, the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), and the property owners. After the OMB hearing in Trent Lakes in 2014, the property owners banded together to launch an appeal, saying the hearing decision was flawed. On September 26, three judges at the Divisional Court in Oshawa ruled on that appeal. “The appeal will be allowed in part,” were the opening words of the final decision. According to the appellants’ lawyer, Eric Gillespie, there were four distinct errors of law in the final OMB decision that needed to be addressed. These errors revolved around the Blandings turtle (an endangered species found in the area); the Hearings Chair allegedly ignored testimony from one of the appellants’ expert witnesses; alleged hypothetical evidence used to determine potential noise levels of the operating quarry and trucks; and the lack of a mitigation plan for truck traffic noise and dust on Quarry Road.
The court ruled in favour of Dewdney Mountain Farms on the first three issues but awarded the fourth error in law to the appellants. The court ruled that property owners along the potential haul route of Ledge Road and Quarry Road must be party to any haul route agreement between the Municipality and the quarry. This ruling means the case will likely at some point return to the OMB. The appellants gave no indication that they would appeal the other three rulings of the court.
The Bobcaygeon name “Hip Zone” to celebrate the town’s connection with The Tragically Hip just got even better. Licensed t-shirts for the band are now being screen printed in Bobcaygeon by 76 North Street Inc. They’ll be available in retail stores across Canada as of October 1. The Hip helped put Bobcaygeon on the map in 1999 when their song, “Bobcaygeon” was written. The following year, the band won the 2000 Juno Award for single of the year for the song. So it is certainly fitting that the official Tragically Hip shirts are printed right here in Bobcaygeon.
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October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
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October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
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3.06 x 1.5 1/12 3.06 x 2.35 1/8 6.3 x 1.5 3.06 x 3.15 1/6 6.3 x 2.35 3.06 x 4.8 1/4 6.3 x 3.16 3.06 x 6.46 1/3 6.3 x 4.8 3.06 x 9.725 1/2 7 x 10.625 *Full Page 7 x 10.625 *Inside Cover
Promoter The Kawartha
Locally Owned and Operated
October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
Issue Dates 2017
Rosedale Sadowa Sebright Sturgeon Pt Uphill Valentia Victoria Road Woodville
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Fenelon Falls Fraserville Glenarm Janetville Kinmount Kirkfield Lindsay
Little Britain Manilla Manvers Norland Oakwood Omemee Pontypool Reaboro
The deadline for all material is 10 days prior to publication date. august
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3 Issues 6 Issues 9 Issues 12 Issues
Not For Profit
Includes online publication with more than 1 million hits on The Kawartha Promoter website in 2016. Prices are per issue. Dimensions are in inches, and include colour. Plus HST.
Call 705.738.6188 or email today to get in on the action! Advertising Sales – Laura Williams – Editor – Deb Crossen – Publisher – Max Miller –
Your source forCommunity News
The Fenelon Falls Horticultural Society and Home Hardware joined forces with Trees Canada for a tree planting on Arbor Day, September 27, at the Fenelon Falls Cemetery. Rockwood Forest Nursery provided the eight native trees that were planted. The plant site at the Cemetery was chosen because there are many very old trees that need to be replaced. This is the first year that the Horticultural Society and Home Hardware have hosted this event with Trees Canada with refreshments supplied by Tim Horton’s in Fenelon Falls. Pictured are Erin of Trees Canada; Dave Jackett, owner of Home Hardware Fenelon Falls; and his employees Gord and Jane. (Submitted by Laurie Jones)
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Submitted by Joanne Hough
A sunny day set the stage for the 25th Anniversary of Ridgewood School in Coboconk. More than 200 former staff, students and community members attended the celebration held at the school on September 23. In attendance were representatives of several levels of government. MP Jamie Schmale and MPP Laurie Scott presented certificates to Vice Principal Gordon Wood. Mayor Andy Letham and former Principal and Anniversary Committee member Brian Hough brought greetings and congratulations to the school community. Director of Education, Larry Hope and Trustee John Byrne sent greetings via a video message. Special guests, Trustee Don Alton, Barbara Truax, Dave Moloney , Counsellors Emmett Yeo and Pat O’Reilly were also in attendance. The formal presentations concluded with a slide show and the singing of the school song written and
Fabulous Breakfasts! Hand Cut Peameal Steaks Sensational Omelettes Delicious Fruit Pancakes Apple Fritter French Toast
led by former teacher, Debbie Fogwell. Attendees were encouraged to sing along with Tim Rowat as he led several familiar Canadian songs while they enjoyed cake, ice cream, lemonade and cold water. Visitors spent considerable time greeting old friends and former staff. Albums from the four original school communities - Coboconk, Burnt River, Kinmount and Norland - were displayed in the library with memorabilia from the last 25 years of the Ridgewood community. Visitors travelled from Barrie, London and Haliburton and several e-mail messages were received from former staff and students throughout the province.
Women who serve as the primary wage earners for their families and seek financial assistance to continue their education or receive training can now apply for the Soroptimist Live Your Dream: Education and Training Awards for Women. The Kawartha Lakes club will provide a $1,500 cash grant to its award recipient, who will then advance to the Soroptimist Eastern Canada Region level where additional funds will be awarded. Applications and more information are available on-line at or by contacting Carolyn LaPorte, Chair at soroptimist.kawarthalakes@ The application deadline is November 15.
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October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
Classifieds SERVICES
ORIGINAL MAN WITH TRUCK 15 yrs experience Lowest prices. Grass cutting, Painting, Garbage removal, property maintenance, long or short distance moves. No job too small! Bruce 705-738-6321 ____________________ GOPHER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Dump runs Eavestrough cleaning Moving assistance Private security Monica Stanley 705-738-6364 ____________________ GREGG MACNEIL LANDSCAPING 705-793-9437 Interlocking brick, armour stone, retaining walls, decks, driveways, walkways, patios, stairs & repairs to all. www.greggmacneil ____________________ CERAMIC TILE Quality installations. Very reliable. Call Ted for an estimate 705-454-9826 ____________________ MUSIC LESSONS DUNSFORD Piano • Voice • Brass •Performance. Unique vocal and performance teaching method. Any style level. 705-300-3561
Deadline for next issue: Oct. 11, 2017 Call 705-738-6188 20 words or less for $28 + H.S.T. E-Mail: TLC GARDEN DESIGN/ LANDSCAPING INC LINDSAY, ON (17 years in business) Book Now for Garden Spring Cleanups & Maintenance Call KAY @ 416-568-1228 or kaysiescott@ “NO JOB TOO BIG NO JOB TOO SMALL” ____________________ LOW LEGAL FEES HIGH CUSTOMER SERVICE Prompt answers to your questions PETER KRATZMANN LAWYER 705-731-2170 FREE POWER of ATTORNEY with mention of this ad. ____________________ UNLIMITED INTERNET 40M Cable $29.95/m 120M Cable $59.95/m 50FTTN $39.95/m No Contract Free Activation $59 Modem Deposit Call 1.866.757.4455 or visit Use promocode R5H31 for one year price guarantee! ____________________ Junk-Away Rubbish Removal Snow removal starting at $25 Junk removal starting at $60 Hauling/delivery service available (705) 931-JUNK (5865) Use Promocode: promoter for 15% off!
TNT Music Music lessons in Little Britain, Kawartha Lakes Teaching fundamentals of music that inspires you. Learn drums, guitar and basic piano. email: phone: (705) 786-0862 ____________________ GLASS & METAL REPAIR Windows and doors You ma need only the glass replaced. Call Harold 705-887-6608 ____________________ Gold & Silver Buyers James Gold & Silver Buyers “The People You Can Trust” Professional, Respectful, Confidential Buying: Coins, Sterling silver tableware, gold jewellery, gold watches, coin collections, old Canadian Paper money, and Militaria. Estates are welcome. Peterborough Square Mall 360 George St N. Peterborough (705) 874 3800 We are local and support your community.
OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Central Bobcaygeon location. 2 rooms 400 sq ft Private entrance. Private washroom. $750 per month.705-738-6188.
NEWER MATURE LIVING lakefront 2 bed condo with dock, deck & attached garage in Bobcaygeon. Comes with kitchen appliances $1600 + utilities. No petes, no smoking. 705-731-9565 ____________________ EDGEWATER CONDOMINIUMS Lakefront Penthouse Unit 1900 sq. ft., 2 bedrm / 2 Baths + Den in secure Building/Parking/Laundry Appliances Incl. $2500 mth Available Oct. 1st Call 705-772-7878 for details
DRY CLEAN KINDLING Hand packed. Approx 35lbs $10.00 Free local delivery. 705-738-3214 Leave message. ____________________ SAILBOATS 16’-28’ Complete, sails, cover & trailers $1500-$4200 Ready for great fall sailing 705-738-6468 ____________________ 2015 SUZIKI BOULEVARD C50 4200kms Balance of warranty to May 2021 Certified. Ready to go. 705-879-5395
Little Britain Jr “C” Merchants Provincial Junior Hockey League 2017 - 2018 Jim Orr Division
October Home Game Schedule Saturday, October 7 - Clarington - 7:30 pm Saturday, October 14 - Uxbridge - 7:30 pm Saturday, October 21 - North Kawartha - 7:30 pm Saturday, October 28 - Lakefield - 7:30 pm
October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
WANTED: POP CULTURE ITEMS Vinyl records (rock, jazz, blues), rock memorabilia, pre-1990 comic books, toys, vintage costume jewelry, sterling & gold jewelry. All types of retro / mid-century items. House calls made at your convenience. Robert or Penny 705-324-2699 ____________________ A1 JOHNNY JUNKERS Top cash paid for good used or scrap vehicles Environmentally friendly green disposal Free pick-up 905-424-1232
WANTED Canada & USA coins Coin collections Silver dollar coins 1967 and earlier Silver & gold jewellery broken or not Sterling items eg. Birks Sterling flatware Jurgen 705-340-1504
Furniture,Glass, China, Military Medals etc. Duck Decoys, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Dollars, Gold, Coins, Pocket Watches etc. Anything old. R. Carruth. 705-887-1672.
Newcombe, Albert Hibbert Resident of Alderwood in Toronto from 1950-2014 Longterm employee of Hertz and Toronto Transit Comission. Longterm summer resident of Raby’s Shore Drive, Fenelon Falls. World War II Veteran, North Nova Scotia Highlanders. Peacefully and with much dignity with family at his side, at Ross Memorial Hospital, Palliative Care Unit, in Lindsay, on Friday, September 22, 2017. Al Newcombe of Bobcaygeon was in his 95th year. Beloved husband of the late Nora Grace Newcombe (nee Gambell). Loving father of John Newcombe and his wife Pat of Bobcaygeon. Dear brother of Vivian Grundy of B.C. and pre-deceased by brothers, Elmer and Carman Newcombe and sister Eileen Toole. He is survived by his sister-in-law Audrey Newcombe of Kingston as well as many nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews. Al held a special place in his heart for his dear friends, Robert Graham and Brunhilde Bruecher both of Fenelon Falls, with whom many fond memories have been shared. Also fondly remembered by Hughie, Bev and Alexis who loved her Poppa Al. The family of Al Newcombe will receive friends at the JARDINE FUNERAL HOME, CREMATION & TRIBUTE CENTRE, 8 Princes’ St. W., Fenelon Falls on Tuesday, October 3, from 11:00 a.m. until the time of funeral service in the chapel at 1:00 p.m. Interment to follow at Fenelon Falls Cemetery. If desired memorial donations would be preferred to the Salvation Army Fenelon Falls Citadel, P.O. Box 819, Fenelon Falls, ON, K0M 1N0. A special thank you and appreciation for the staff of Case Manor Nursing Home in Bobcaygeon who cared for Al so tenderly as well as staff of the Palliative Care Unit who helped Al in his final hours. To leave an on-line condolence make a memorial donation or light a memorial candle please visit: 34
October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVES Orillia • Port Perry • Oshawa • Peterborough areas. Resumes only kawarthasalesmanager@ ____________________ WANTED STUDENT to assist senior with house and garden chores. 705-738-4659
WATERCOLOURS BY SIETZE at the Boyd Gallery Month of October ____________________ Parent support group! Need some ideas or support or want to share experiences, come and join.. Monday evenings in Bobcaygeon contact for info 705-879-4080 or 705-308-0738
Johnston, Cornelia “Corry” (nee Vuyk) It is with a sad heart that we announce the death of Cornelia Johnston (Chalklin) on September 17, 2017 at the age of 82 years. Corry, as she was affectionately called by her friends passed away peacefully at home in Bobcaygeon after a long and courageous battle with Cancer, with her devoted husband Bert Johnston, by her side. Corry spent her younger days as a “keep fit” instructor in Toronto and later enjoyed many years of line dancing as well as instructing with her friends. Corry always kept a very immaculate home and was a wonderful cook. She enjoyed spending her winters in Florida with Bert and in her spare time enjoyed walking, sewing, line dancing, knitting, cooking and keeping up with the news. Corry leaves behind her Husband Bert, her children Donna Pass, spouse of Tim Hobbs of Warkworth, and Doug Chalklin, Spouse of Vickie, of Kapuskasing; her Grandson, Grant Anderson of Subury; her brother, Al Vuyk, husband of Grace, of Havelock; her step-children, Randy Johnston and Yvonne Johnston and stepgrandchildren, Matthew Brown and Jeremy Brown. She was predeceased by her parents, Ecoba and Al Vuyk, and her first husband Alfred Chalklin. Visitation will be held on Saturday, September 23, 2017 between the hours of 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM at Knox Presbyterian Church, Bobcaygeon. A Funeral service will take place following the visitation at 2:30 PM with Rev. Ann Blane officiating. Interment will follow the visitation at Verulam Cemetery, Bobcaygeon. The family of Corry would then like to invite family and friends back to the church hall to share in a time of fellowship and refreshment. As expressions of sympathy memorial donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society or the Knox Presbyterian Church. Friends may send condolences, arrange flowers, or make a donation by contacting THE HENDREN FUNERAL HOME – MONK CHAPEL at www.hendrenfuneralhome. com or by calling 705-738-3222.
Healthy wellness adult group! In need of help or support to become healthier? Is overall wellness a struggle? Come and join us for an adult based 6 week group: 1 hour sessions Wed pm’s in Bobcaygeon Call or email for more info 705-879-4080 or 705-308-0738
HOUSE CONTENT SALE 50 McGibbon Blvd., Lindsay October 7 & 8 10am 2pm It all has to go, so no reasonable offer refused
Local Events
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This section is only for Local Charitable Events. We do provide Not-for-profit rates for more in-depth advertising
Adult Day Programs - Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls , Little Britain, Lindsay & Omemee. Community Care - Call 705-324-7323 OCT 6 - Bobcaygeon Seniors’ Centre Mini Bucks euchre 7pm $5 All Non-Members are welcome. OCT 6 - Bobcaygeon Seniors’ Centre Big Bucks Euchre $10 (lunch included) nNoon. Non-members welcome. )CT 6 & 7- Bobcaygeon Library & Boyd Museum Book Sale 9am-2pm OCT 10, 17, 24 & 31 - Diners Club seniors luncheon, 70 Murray St., Fenelon. 705-324-7323 to reserve SEPT 26 - “The Beat Goes On” heart health series, 65 Melbourne St. W., Lindsay, 1:30 p.m. Free. This month’s topic: Exercise for Heart Health. 705-324-6111 ext 4145. OCT 11, 20, 23 & 27 - Basic foot care services for seniors and people with special needs, 70 Murray St., Fenelon Falls. Pre-booked appointments. 705-879-4100. SEPT 26, OCT 13, 20 & 27 - Basic foot care services for seniors and people with special needs, Bobcaygeon Senior Citizens Centre Pre-booked appointments required. 705-879-4100. OCT 14 - Bobcaygeon Seniors’ Centre Mini Bucks Bid Euchre 7pm $5 Non-members welcome . OCT 14 - Fenelon Falls Legion potluck Karaoke 6-10pm OCT 14 - Harvest Craft & Gift Sale 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Senior Citizens’ Club.Fenelon Falls. Admission: Food Bank donation. OCT 19 - Circle of Hope for the Bereaved, support group for those who have recently lost a loved one. 2 Kent St. W., Lindsay, noon - 1:30 p.m. 705-879-4123 to register. OCT 19, 26 - Basic foot care services for seniors and people with special needs. 1027 Portage Rd., Kirkfield. Pre-booked appointments required. 705879-4100 OCT 20 - St. John’s Anglican Church, Dunsford , Roast Pork Dinner at Dunsford Community Centre. 5 - 7 pm. Adults $15, Children $6. Tickets 705-793-2372 or at the door. SUN - Royal Canadian Legion Fenelon Falls Euchre 1pm $5 All skill levels are invited. 3rd SUN - Ladies auxiliary for Kinmount RCL BR.441 breakfast 8am -noon. MON - Bobcaygeon Senior Centre Mahjong 1 p.m. $3 2nd MON - Lindsay Creative Quilters’ Guild Meetings 35 Lindsay Street N, Lindsay 1–3:30pm 1st TUES - Dunsford Seniors Club Pot Luck, noon; 1:30 pm for Euchre. 1st TUES- Free clinics are now at the Bobcaygeon Seniors Centre, 10:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. No appointments are needed.
TUES - “Expanding the World of Literacy After School Program” Kinmount library 4:30 pm. Call 705 488-3199 TUES - Amateur photography club that meets alternate Tuesdays, 10 am, Bobcaygeon Library. $2 each for the use of the room. TUES - Omemee Legion Doubles darts @ 8pm. TUES - Bobcaygeon Pickelball at Bobcaygeon Curling Club 7-9 pm Drop-in fee $3 TUES - Bobcaygeon Cruisers, Beach Park, Bobcaygeon. 6 pm till dusk unless it is raining. Classic Cars, sports cars, trucks & other interesting vehicles are welcome. If you don’t have a car come, talk & look. Info: 705 738 5319 2nd TUES - The Kawartha Settlers’ Village Quilters meet at Wray House, Bobcaygeon. New members & guests welcomed. Contact: 2nd TUES - Bobcaygeon Seniors’ Centre Mini Bucks Bid Euchre 7pm. $5 For info call Carol 705-793-1096 3rd TUES - Free clinics are now at the Bobcaygeon Seniors Centre, 10 a.m. - noon. No appointments are needed. 1st WED - Crime Fiction Book Club in the Carnegie Room, Lindsay Library to discuss works by certain authors. 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm. Call the Library for more info. WED- Scrapbooking and paper crafters meet from 9:30noon at the Salvation army church in Fenelon Falls. Beginners welcome, call church for details. WED - Bobcaygeon Senior Centre Carpet Bowling $3 7 p.m. Contact: Al 705-738-1749 WED - Dunsford Seniors Club 1pm for Bid-Euchre. THURS-TOPS-Take off pounds sensibly at the Bobcaygeon Legion 6:30 p.m. All welcome. THURS - Omemee Legion mixed darts @ 8pm. THURS - Bobcaygeon Seniors Centre Cribbage 1pm $3 THURS - Bobcaygeon Pickelball at Bobcaygeon Curling THURS - Sages - weekly exercise group, 9:30 am. Kirkfield Lion’s Hall $2. Tai Chi every 2nd week. 705-438-3011. OCT 22 - Kirkfield Museum Old Fashioned Variety Concert 7pm. By donation 705-438-5454 OCT 25 - free blood pressure monitoring at Burnt River Community Centre, 10:30 a.m. - noon. No appointment necessary. OCT 26 - Bobcaygeon Seniors’ Centre Bus to Casino Rama $5 Bus leaves at 8:30. For info call Lorraine 705738-4978 NOV 5 - Kirkfield Museum Remembrance Service 2:30 p.m. 705-438-5454 NOV 12 - Kirkfield Museuem presents Mr. Larry Cotton to discus his recently published book on the Trent Severn Waterway from the time of first settlers till WWl. 2:00 p.m. By donation 705-438-5454 October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
By Kirk Winter
The Canadian Mental Health Association has released its year end statistics for 2016, and their findings are staggering. One in five Canadians struggles with mental health issues on a daily basis. Mental illness affects people of all ages, education, income levels and cultures. According to the CMHA, by the time Canadians turn 40, 50 percent of the population will have dealt with mental illness. What is more maddening about this report is that one half of all people struggling with anxiety or depression has never seen a mental health professional for assistance with their issue. Even in 2016, the stigma and discrimination attached to mental illness presents a serious barrier to not only diagnosis and treatment, but also acceptance by the friends and family of the person struggling, and the community at large. A survey done in 2008 confirms that the stigma of sharing your condition publicly is still massive. Only 50 percent of those diagnosed tell their extended family. Forty-two percent of Canadians said they would not socialize with someone they knew to be
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mentally ill. Fifty-five percent of Canadians would not marry a person they knew to be mentally ill. Finally and shockingly, 46 percent of Canadians believe that the diagnosis of mental illness is used by the individual as an excuse for bad behaviour. When faced with these numbers, no wonder many with mental illness suffer in silence. That isolation only worsens the situation for the sufferer. I am high functioning autistic. There, I said it. You now know what everyone in my orbit has known for almost 30 years. I have Aspergers Syndrome, as does my oldest son. Aspergers is the gift that keeps giving because it takes Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Anxiety Disorder and a dash of depression and mashes them all together into a wild and surprising mix of emotional highs and lows. I am blessed because I have seldom received any negative blowback from friends, co-workers or colleagues who, for the most part, have been interested and supportive. I have tried to take an active role in my own treatment plan, and with the help of my therapists, family doctor, wife, children and friends have many more good days than bad. I have tried to deal with my illness through constant public engagement, dietary changes and exercise. I know for some people drugs are a necessary lifeline, but they have never come close to working for either my son or me so we’re drug free. In any given week, one half million Canadians can’t work due to mental illness. Every year, another 350,000 permanent disability cases are approved across Canada for someone with mental illness. Mental illness is real, and these people are really hurting. The biggest favour you can do for someone dealing with mental illness is be a non-judgmental listener.
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* Clean up and hand in keys for apartment move as smooth asWe possible take from start to finish. as possible from start to finish. * Arrange for repair or painting to prepare stress Promoter 36 October 6, 2017 - The the Kawartha DAY PARTIAL PACKAGES for house sale out ofare Fully insured Our caring team of workers * Available tailored to your needs. Our caring team of workers are fully insured
If they have trusted you enough to share, consider yourself a very special person in their life. You might be the only person they have shared with. Encourage them to seek professional help starting with their family doctor. Make sure they don’t suffer in silence.
An increase in violent incidents and staff injuries at the Ross Memorial Hospital has prompted a strong reminder to the community that aggressive and violent behaviour will not be tolerated. Anne Overhoff, Vice President Patient Care and Chief Nursing Officer said, “Our staff works hard, day and night, to help every patient in their time of need. It is difficult, demanding work. The team should be able to provide care without fear of threats or physical attack by patients and visitors. Assault is a crime and it will be treated as such.” Dr. Bert Lauwers, RMH President and CEO, says people will see changes as the Hospital escalates its response to violent behaviour. “Our staff is our most valuable asset,” said Dr. Lauwers. “We are taking significant steps to protect our frontline people in high-risk areas such as the Emergency Department. These measures include an increase in security guards and, at times, police presence. We will also be making physical changes to the Emergency Department and implementing the use of personal alarms for staff safety.”
In September, the Hospital engaged experts from Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences to do a site visit and identify areas where safety and security can be enhanced. That team, including Forensic Psychiatrist Dr. Phillip Klassen, reviewed violence prevention strategies and made a number of recommendations which will be summarized in a full report. Violence prevention efforts are the focus of two RMH committees: one targets the Emergency
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October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
Department specifically; the other addresses safety needs throughout the Hospital. Education and training are important components of the violence prevention program which incorporate several elements (training, policies, culture, environment) for assessing, preventing and managing workplace violence. To complement the increase in efforts within the Hospital team, the Emergency Department Violence Prevention Task Force initiated a poster campaign in the spring to emphasize to patients and visitors that dealing with violence is not part of the job.
Free Workshop
Local residents will have the opportunity to talk about maximizing appointments with healthcare professionals at an upcoming free workshop. The Community Care Health & Care Network and the Central East LHIN Self-Management Program are collaborating to present “Getting the Most From Your Healthcare Appointment”. The workshop takes place
Whether you use a cell phone or wear a hearing aid, you want to get the most life out of the batteries that make them work. With this in mind, take care to store them in a cool, dry place. While overheating can lead to loss of energy, leaking, and rupture, there is no advantage to storing batteries in the refrigerator; doing so can cause condensation inside the battery package, which can damage batteries and shorten lifespans. Most zinc-air button batteries last for up to three years when kept at room temperature in a dry environment. Most hearing aid batteries are powered by oxidizing zinc with oxygen in the air; therefore, do not remove the tab until ready to use. An extremely important fact to keep in mind is that any battery is toxic if swallowed, and it is crucial to keep all batteries (and hearing aids) away from children and pets. Swallowing a battery is a medical emergency and demands immediate attention by a physician. At our clinic, your well-being is our number one priority. Can we help you achieve better hearing? We are trained to work with people to identify, treat, and prevent hearing loss. P.S. Wait at least one minute after removing the plastic tab from a zinc-air button battery before inserting it into a hearing instrument. Doing so allows the battery to fully power up and maximizes its effectiveness.
on Monday, Oct. 16 at the Kawartha Lakes Retirement Residence in Bobcaygeon. The workshop will focus on what to do before, during and after an appointment with a health professional. The interactive workshop will use a variety of learning resources including information sharing, videos, tools and a resource manual supporting the individual with integrating the skills into their next appointment. The workshop at 60 West St., Bobcaygeon is from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Pre-registration is required by calling Community Care at 705-324-7323 ext 232.
With nearly 1 in 8 women destined to be affected by breast cancer during their lifetime, it’s little wonder why October is dedicated to raising our awareness of it. While October is a great time to help support the cause by “running for the cure” or getting involved in the plethora of other initiatives, it should also serve as a reminder to safeguard your own personal health. Thanks to today’s innovative diagnostic procedures and medical treatments, those with serious medical conditions are enjoying a better quality of life, and living much longer. If it’s time to get a mammogram, do it. It can be uncomfortable, but it’s one of those necessary procedures that could save your life. To find out more, check with your health practitioner or visit
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October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
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October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter
October 6, 2017 - The Kawartha Promoter