The Kawartha Promoter, October 16 2015

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Friday, October 16, 2015






Your Community News Magazine

OP ERAT E D Volume 25, Issue 20

Don’t let fall’s magic distract you VOTE OCT. 19

HKLB candidates’ final pitch • CKL tax pressure • Curling is coming Delivered through Canada Post to homes in Bobcaygeon, Dunsford, Fenelon Falls & parts of Lindsay. Free in stores in Kawartha Lakes, Trent Lakes and Curve Lake October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter


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Contents The Promoter:

48 Main St., P.O. Box 535 Bobcaygeon, ON K0M 1A0 TEL.: 705-738-6188 FAX: 705-738-4187 Circulation 15,000 Distributed throughout the Kawartha Lakes Area Publisher/Director/Manager: Max Miller Editor: John Bird Advertising Sales Manager: Pat Thurston Sales Representatives: Pat Warren Belinda Wilson Art Director: James Goodliff Production/Office Manager Melissa Goodliff

Village Voice

pg. 4

City Hall

pg. 7


pg. 12


pg. 13

Trades & Services

pg. 20

Health & Wellness

pg. 30


pg. 32

Local Events

pg. 33

Let’s be friends. Like The Promoter and on Facebook for current local news and events!


When you read my next column, our country will be in a brand new political situation. It’s very likely we’ll have a new minority government, but whether New Democrat, Liberal or Conservative is still anyone’s guess as we head for the Oct. 19 climax. It’s also possible we’ll be deadlocked, with the NDP, Greens and Liberals scrambling to put together a coalition government. It’s not unprecedented. We had a coalition government in Canada once before—during WW I. It worked. We’re very polarized in this country right now, with Harper’s The Promoter is a local, independently owned and operated Conservative Party taking us further into news magazine. The opinions and views expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of small-c territory than the “Progressive The Promoter. Liability for incorrectly displayed or placed Conservatives” ever did. advertisements is limited to publishing corrections or providing advertising credit to be applied on subsequent advertisements On the other pole, Liberals, NDPs at the advertiser’s discretion. and Greens seem closer than ever before in their opposition to Harper— making a coalition seem possible. Voters, too, are finding themselves in a similar situation. Harper has his rock-solid supporters of course. But many Green, Liberal and NDP supporters are agonizing over whether

Cover: Autumn Forest Photo: James Goodliff

to support their traditional party, or the candidate they feel has the most chance of defeating the Conservative. I think we’ve served our readers in the Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock riding fairly well in this election, giving them 11 chances in as many issues, to hear their candidates thoughtful responses to specific questions. I regret that we have not done as well by our Trent Lakes readers, as we only belatedly realized redistribution has taken you to another riding: Peterborough-Kawartha. We are under no illusions, however, that any of you, in as important a national election as this one, are relying on the little Kawartha Promoter for all your voting info. My only wish is that you DO VOTE. Your vote has likely never counted for as much as it does in this dead-heat election. And don’t let your decision be ruled by fear of the other. There are no others; we are all one family. If we’ve learned anything from our community life in the Kawartha Lakes, it should be that we are all sisters and brothers, and we make a better world when we have our common welfare at heart.

October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter


Village Voice The Promoter reserves the right to edit Letters to the Editor for length and clarity. Please include your email or mailing address and daytime phone number (not for publication). All opinions expressed are those of the writer.

Tempus fugit for Boyd Island

As chair of the Boyd Island Project Committee (BIPC) I take this opportunity to update you on the status of our project. The BIPC is a committee of volunteers working with Kawartha Land Trust (KLT) to accept a donation of Boyd Island for long-term stewardship. Boyd Island is a 1,170-acre property in the middle of Pigeon Lake, presently owned by Mike Wilson. It has been the subject of several development proposals over the years, but remains undeveloped. Mr. Wilson has generously agreed to donate the property to KLT, reserving two lots for himself, provided the deal closes this year. KLT’s Board of Directors has determined that KLT needs to raise a capital fund of $1 million by Nov. 30 in order to close the deal and provide long-term funding of $35,000 per annum for taxes, insurance and land administration. KLT intends to preserve the property in its natural state, and hold the property in trust according to its long-term stewardship principles, thus contributing to the ecological health of the lands and water, and maintaining its natural and archaeological heritage. The property will continue to be available for public use, treading lightly, without development. Many generations have enjoyed visiting the property over the years, and KLT will develop a full stewardship plan in consultation with the local community after closing. The BIPC has been actively fundraising since the kick-off open house in Bobcaygeon on Aug. 29. We have advertised in the media, consulted with local government, and spoken to countless individuals, groups and associations. Last weekend we marched in the Bobcaygeon Fall Fair Parade, and sponsored a

Do you have a news tip or idea? We would like to hear from you

booth at the exhibit hall for two days. We are gratified at the tremendous support we have received to date. We have several lead donors, including Mr. Wilson at $100,000, the Municipality of Trent Lakes at $75,000, and the BIPC members at $50,000. Our total is approaching $600,000, and the momentum is building. We are sincerely thankful for all contributions to date, and for the effort of all involved. Time marches on. We still have $400,000 to go. We urge anyone who has thought about donating to do so before time runs out. It would be a great disappointment to miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Preserve Boyd Island. Now’s the time. Chris Appleton Fenelon Falls

Come on community groups

The board of the North Pigeon Lake Ratepayers Association (NPLRA) has sponsored an acre in the Save Boyd Island campaign—with our own personal money. We challenge all community organizations to match us. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that has come to Kawartha Land Trust (KLT) to protect the 1,200 acres of Boyd Island (aka Big Island) from development forever. Kawartha Land Trust is half way to the $1 million that it needs to raise by Nov. 30 (see Trent Lakes pledges $75,000 to island campaign, Oct. 2, page 8). North Pigeon Lake Ratepayers Association is supporting KLT 100 percent. We are proud to be working with numerous volunteers to passionately raise money for KLT to secure the island for the public to enjoy for generations to come. Together we can accomplish this. Join us by sponsoring your own acre. Janet Klein, President NPLRA Bobcaygeon

Boyd Island: Dare to Care

It is not every day that community members are given the ability to determine exactly what will happen to a beautiful island of over 1,200 acres right in their backyard. If we are courageous and generous enough in the next few weeks, Boyd Island will remain an incredible natural habitat vital to the ecology of our

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October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter

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area, and will be enjoyed by generations to come. The efforts of many groups such as the North Pigeon Lake Ratepayers Association have set the bar high, and they are to be commended for their outreach to many community associations in our area. I am also proud of the many residents of Port 32 who have responded to a door-to-door campaign and sent in pledges and donations to the Kawartha Land Trust. If you have not yet made a contribution to the KLT don’t delay. Challenge your neighbours, your friends, your teammates. Dare to care. We may never have another chance at preserving and protecting this unique environment.

• Pub Fare Lunch – Tuesdays, Thursdays, noon to 2 pm • Full Dinners – Fridays, 11:30 am to 1:30 pm, roast beef, liver and onions, plus special • Meat Roll – Saturdays, 2 pm

The crown jewel in the economic action plan

Branch 184 Woodville & District (705-439-2397) • Ladies Auxiliary Luncheon – Oct. • Halloween Dance – Oct. 31, 8 22, 11:30 am-1pm pm. Wear a costume for prizes

Line Pinard, Bobcaygeon

Canada’s oil-and-gas-production industry started in the 1800s. In recent decades, our energy policy has been highly focused on the oil sands. These sands produce bitumen or tar, a substance better suited to paving roads. It takes gobs of energy, water, and imported diluting agents to extract it, and to make it suitable to flow through a pipe. It takes an abundance of taxpayer money (e.g., subsidies, grants and tax exemptions). It is the world’s most expensive form of oil. But what do we have from this industry today? Basically nothing. Even Alberta’s Heritage fund standing at $17.7 billion is consumed by debt and deficit. Meanwhile, our national debt approaches $1 trillion. Not measured in this statistic is the cost of polluting the atmosphere, which the insurance industry measures in trillions of dollars. In the 1970s, Norway became an oil-and-gasproducing country. Within eight years, Norway created excellent social services for its entire population. Plus, Norway’s Sovereign Wealth Fund recently surpassed $1 Trillion (U.S.), and growing. What does Norway do that we don’t? Watch this video: FREE TRADE: FOR WHOSE BENEFIT: On first glance the words “free” and “trade” sound appealing. Yes, trade agreements can be beneficial. But these agreements are negotiated by the political elite (your government) partnered with the global corporate elite. Negotiations are held in secret, leaving populations beholden to their works, normally with little public discussion or opportunity for citizen input. During the 1993 election, the Liberals did oppose NAFTA, but quickly endorsed it once in power. Just how beholden citizens have become is alarming. Investor-to-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) clauses allow foreign investors to bypass domestic courts and sue the host country before a panel of


Legion News “At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.”

Branch 67 Lindsay (705) 324-2613 • Live Entertainment – Saturdays, 7:30 to 11:30 pm, free, open to all • Blue Christmas Tea & Bazaar – Saturday, Oct. 24, noon-3 pm. free; luncheon $5 (under 5-$2). kitchen nook, craft table, touch and take table, bake table.

Branch 238 Fenelon Falls (705) 887-3041 • Drop-in Shuffleboard - Sundays, 1:30 pm, all welcome • Karate-jitsu - Sundays 6 pm, all welcome • Ladies’ 8-Ball and Mixed Shuffleboard Leagues Mondays, 6:30 pm • Dart League - Tuesdays, 7:30 pm • Bingo - Wednesdays, 6:45 pm; doors open at 5, all welcome • Men’s Snooker League Wednesdays, 7 pm

• Tai Chi - Thursdays, 10 am, all welcome • Hot Lunches - Thursdays and Fridays, 11:30 am-1 pm • English Pub Night* - first Friday each month, 5-7 pm, all welcome • Meat Roll* - third Saturday each month, 2:30 pm, all welcome * to confirm

Branch 239 Bobcaygeon (705) 738-2710 • OctoberFest Party – Saturday, Oct. 17, 4 pm • Big Buck Euchre - Monday, Oct. 26, 10 am • Triple M Country Kitchen Brunch – Sundays, 11am-2 pm • Pasta Night – Mondays, 4 pm

• Darts – Wednesdays, 7:30 pm • Hamburgers – Thursdays, 4-7 pm, Fun Euchre – 7 pm • Karaoke with Merle – Fridays, 8 pm • Meat Roll – Saturdays, 2:30 pm • Shuffleboard – Sundays, 1 pm

Branch 441 Kinmount (705) 488-3462 • Bingo – Fridays, 6:45 pm • Meat Draw – Saturdays, 5 pm • Seniors Cards – Mondays, 1 pm • Drop-in Cards – Tuesdays, 7 pm

• Lunch – Last Tuesday of month, April to October • Big Buck Bid Euchre - Third Wednesday of month, 11 am

Branch 497 Omemee (705) 799-5095 • Country music jams - Oct. 17 and every 2nd Saturday, 1pm • Doubles darts – Tuesdays, 8 pm

• Mixed darts – Thursdays, 8 pm • Progressive Euchre - second Saturday of month, 12:30pm.

Branch 519 Coboconk (705) 454-8127 • Country Jamboree - Sunday, Oct. 18, 1-5 pm, $7, open mic-$5, light lunch • Fish, Chips and Karaoke with John and Gail Goode – Friday, Oct. 23, food from 5:30-7 pm, $8

• Fundraiser Dance with DJ Dave – Saturday, Oct. 24, 8 pm-1 am, light lunch, door prize, Dutch auction table, $5

Our Local Royal Canadian Legion News is a free service offered by The Kawartha Promoter. E-mail to Next deadline: Friday, October 23. October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter


private “arbiters” bypassing democratic election and conflict of interest rules; a shocking sell out of our sovereignty. With respect to Trans Pacific Partnership, a US Senator has said: “[They] can’t make this deal public because if the American people saw what was in it, they would be opposed to it.” A cautionary reminder: a corporation’s legally defined mandate is to pursue, relentlessly and without exception, its own self interest, regardless of the often harmful consequences it might cause to others. Canada has lost much in these agreements and continues to do so. Yes, people have got rich, the one-percent have done very well. For the rest of us, consolation has been offered: we do pay lower tariffs on some foreign-made hockey gear. More information: John Main Bobcaygeon

Signs of our times?

The Kawartha Carving Competition, run by senior citizen volunteers, has been around for 38 years, the last eight in Bobcaygeon. Our entrants (tourists) come from North Bay, Picton, London, Kitchener and all points in between. Signs are up the day before and taken down

the day of the competition, as our entrants need directions to the Curling Club. On Saturday, Sept. 12, the signs were gone at pick-up time. Monday, we determined a bylaw crew had done a “sweep” on a rainy Saturday (admirable dedication), and the signs were already in the garbage. The last sign picked up was within a block of us, and it would seem reasonable to inform us we needed a permit (we didn’t know this), and that the signs would be confiscated if not removed. Susan Murchison (chief building official) informed me that a free Special Event Permit allows signs two weeks prior to, and 48 hours after, the event. If not removed, we would be contacted, and if still not removed, then the signs would be confiscated (a reasonable approach). Initially funded by the Heritage Fund, the carving competition now has great support from local businesses. But we would like our signs replaced, as we do not have the funds to do that ourselves. Letters outlining the problem were sent to Mayor Andy Letham and councillors Brian Junkin (Ward 7) and Kathleen Seymour-Fagan (Ward 13), who was the only one to bother replying. To date, there has been no resolution. A sign of our times.

Dwayne McMurter Bobcaygeon



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October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter

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2015-05-14 1:53 PM

City Hall Big jump in Kawartha Lakes OPP costs By Pat Warren

The City of Kawartha Lakes is looking at a big jump in the cost for Ontario Provincial Police services in its rural areas for 2016, after Ontario changed the method of billing municipalities for policing. The increase will only affect taxpayers outside the Lindsay and Ops areas, which are covered by the city’s own police force. According to preliminary estimates, the cost for 2016 will jump from around $75 to $94 for every $100,000 of assessed value in residential homes. Additional increases will be phased in over five years, at a possible rate of $40 per year. All property types, including residential, commercial, industrial, farm, managed forest, pipelines and multi-residential, will share in the cost of the service. Because OPP billing is also affected by the number of calls, the fee hike could increase or decrease depending on call volume. The city has had relatively low costs for OPP policing over the years while other jurisdictions were paying more per household, so the province revised billing to put everyone on an equal playing field. The new OPP funding model will be revenue neutral for the province overall. In 2000, the province downloaded the cost of policing to municipalities. Prior to that the province paid for policing in many rural jurisdictions The municipal service that polices Lindsay Ops has historically been more expensive in comparison to the OPP service. In fact, 2015 policing costs in the city (per $100,000 of residential assessment) break down to $284 for Lindsay, $179 for Ops, and $75 for the OPP in the rest of the city.

CKL’s tax pressure set to explode

Facing budget estimates that show a 12.59 percent tax pressure for 2016, Kawartha Lakes council will hold a special meeting Oct. 22 to go over next year’s proposed operating and capital budgets. “We can’t continue to pay for all of the assets we have,” says Mayor Andy Letham. “We have used reserves to offset large tax increases in the past and those reserves no longer exist. We have reached a point where we either need to reduce

the number of assets we have or increase taxes or debt to pay for them all.” That’s why, last spring, Letham initiated the largest ever review of all city operations, services and service levels—the Core Service Review. On Oct. 6, council got a stark reminder of the challenges ahead, as CAO Ron Taylor delivered a brief but sobering overview of the city’s fiscal realities heading into 2016. “We have been hearing for months now about many of

October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter


the budget pressures leading to a more than $10 million anticipated shortfall for 2016,” said Taylor. “As budget deliberations edge closer many of those pressures are becoming much more apparent.” “On the positive side,” he added, “all staff have worked diligently to bring forward recommendations that maintain previous-year operating expenditures.” Here’s Taylor’s breakdown of currently projected tax pressures for 2016: • 7.57 percent for capital projects, due to the number of city assets and the overall aging infrastructure • 3.08 percent from increased Ontario Provincial

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Police charges for policing the rural areas of CKL (see related story, Big jump in Kawartha Lakes OPP costs); • 1.08 percent due to cuts on the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund; • Only 0.11 percent on the operating side.

Beautiful Buckhorn By Glenna Burns

The branding slogan “Beautiful Buckhorn” could become the focus for renewing the hamlet and turning it into a significant tourist destination. The village will be in for rebranding and renewal if Trent lakes and Selwyn municipalities agree to go ahead with some of the proposals presented by Jim Dyment, a partner with the firm MHBC urban design and architecture. In an Oct. 6 presentation to TL council, Dyment, who has worked in over 50 communities in Ontario, offered an overview of suggested priorities to create a more welcoming and improved Buckhorn infrastructure. He focused on improving parking, sidewalks and walking trails, signage, landscaping, commercial beautification. After visiting the community and meeting with residents, Dyment said he’d “never seen a community with a level of volunteers that is so high.” He envisions Buckhorn as a destination people will want to visit just to see how beautiful it is. The main issue for council is to now decide what the priorities are for Buckhorn and how much they want to spend. Councillor Dick Perssons said “We’ve been working on this for many years. Glad to see it coming together.” The Economic Development Committee will continue to explore Dyment’s proposals on Oct. 20.

CKL Roundup By Pat Warren

WIND OPPOSITION BRINGS COURT ACTION: Council is challenging a “bad faith” ruling that ordered it to pay $55,000 to “wpd,” a wind-power development company. In August, council passed an “unwilling host” bylaw to stop access to Wild Turkey Road, and hence wpd’s proposed wind turbine development, which was challenged by wpd, the wind turbine company in question. Wpd challenged the bylaw and the courts ruled the city had acted in “bad faith,” and ordered it to pay $55,000 to wpd. Council, which strongly opposes wind turbines in the Oak Ridges Moraine, voted to challenge the court decision and took $150,000 from reserves to appeal the ruling. They cited protection of the environment and residents’ concerns as reasons for opposing the development. CKL LIBRARIES RULE: CKL’s 17 library branches support the public good, Jamie Morris, chair of the Kawartha Lakes library board, and David Harvie, 1:54 PM

CEO of Library Services, told city council Oct. 6. In fact, they said, library usage increases during difficult economic times. The libraries are also economic drivers for the community. A 2014 economic impact study of the city’s library system showed for every dollar invested in the library, residents received $7.05 in benefits, including use of the collections, references and databases, access to technology, library programs, and employment. OFF-SEASON LANDFILL HOURS: While the Lindsay Ops and Fenelon landfill sites retain the same hours year round, others are reduced for fall and winter, as follows: • Eldon—Wednesdays, 9-5 and Saturdays, 11-5 • Laxton—Thursdays, 11-5 and Sundays, 12-4; • Somerville—Mondays, 11-5 and Fridays, 11-5 LEAF COLLECTION: If your regular waste collection is Monday or Wednesday, the city will pick up your leaf and yard waste on Friday, Oct. 23 and Friday, Nov. 6. If your garbage is collected Tuesday or Thursday, leaf and yard collection will be Friday, Oct. 30 and Friday, Nov. 13. You can also take leaf and yard waste to any the City of Kawartha Lakes landfill sites year round, free of charge. For collection, leaf and yard material must be set out at the curb by 7 am in brown paper yardwaste bags or in tightly-tied bundles no more than 36 inches (7.5 cm x 91 cm) in length. Branches must not be more than three inches thick. PROMOTING LOCAL ARTISTS: Works by photographer Barb Callander on the walls in city hall launched an initiative to showcase local artists and celebrate artistic talent across Kawartha Lakes. Oil painter Brenda Stonehouse’s work is on display this month. “We wanted to brighten up the walls for staff, residents, business people and visitors coming into City Hall,” explained Kawartha Lakes Mayor Andy Letham. To have your works displayed for a month, contact Andrea Walders at awalders@city.

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email Fred Walker at 23 Veterans Way, Fenelon Falls (at the legion) Kawartha Land Trust is proud to announce that the following are proud supporters of the Boyd Island Campaign: • Coach Lamp Homes • Kinette Club of Bobcaygeon • North Pigeon Lake Ratepayers Association • Big Bald Lake Cottagers Association • Ontario Dog Trainer • Westbrook Products Limited • Blue Pigeon Resort • Norma Long • Bobcaygeon Horticultural Society We would also like to encourage others to do the same!

Luncheon Specials Monday to Friday

Corned Beef on Rye Every Weekday Open seven days a week 50 Main st., Bobcaygeon

How ? Make a pledge • Make a donation • Sponsor an acre ($1,000) With our deadline of November 30th, you can help us reach our goal and preserve Boyd Island! For more information and pledge forms, please see or call: or 705-743-5599


October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter


Trent Lakes Roundup By Glenna Burns

NAY TO QUARRY EXPANSION: Trent Lakes Council voted to “not support” a proposed expansion and increased hours for Harvey Ridge Quarry near Bass Lake, and will forward their decision to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests (MNRF), who will make the final decision as the quarry is on Crown Land. Mayor Bev Matthews said “residents in the area are already complaining about the noise” from area quarries. WAIT ON DEWDNEY HAUL ROUTE: Council voted 4-1 to receive a proposal by Paul Ritchie of Dewdney Mountain Farms to the Ledge Road

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haul route, but to wait for the results of an Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing before considering it further. Councillor Terry Lambshead said an OMB hearing will reconvene in Toronto in November on this mega-quarry development and suggested council should wait until after that event to pursue this issue. INTEGRATED WATERSHED MANAGEMENT: It is important to have integrated water management across the very complex Trent River watershed, Ted Spence told Trent Lakes municipal council Sept. 15. Not only does the Trent Severn Waterway depend on constant water levels to function, but so do all the upper lakes and reservoirs in the system. Spence, who chairs the Coalition for Equitable Water Flow (CEWF), told council the broad approach and scientific expertise the TSW can provide is needed now more than ever. He said it would be foolish to restructure the system now, as there has been some movement to localize its management. NOGIES CREEK WATERWAY: Rob Messervey from Kawartha Conservation updated council on the progress of the Nogies Creek Waterway, which will include canoe routes, interpretive sites, fish sanctuaries and studies by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forests, Fleming College and Trent University. The waterway could also incorporate Boyd Island, when the property goes to a land trust, and the James McLean Oliver Ecological Centre on Mill Line Road. HAVE YOUR SAY ON WETLANDS: Trent Lakes has an abundance of wetlands that need protection, Marie Windover told council, adding there is an important provincial discussion paper on wetland conservation that needs public comment by the end of October (see it here: public/files/er/wetlandsdiscussionpaper_en.pdf). Nearly 70 percent of pre-settlement wetlands in Southern Ontario have already been lost to other uses. Yet most of the wetlands in the Nogies Creek and Bass Lake regions remain undocumented. Wetlands are among the most productive and diverse ecosystems. They provide: wildlife habitat, water filtering, erosion reduction, shoreline

YoU have BeTTeR ThinGS To Do - LeT Me Do YoUR LeaveS! • Snow Ploughing • Cottage Check • Junk Removal & Clean Up • Pressure Wash Walkways, Driveways etc. • Mini Backhoe Service • Lawn Care • Trees, Perennials & Shrubs for sale • Garden Restoration Servicing Bobcaygeon, Buckhorn & Surrounding Area.

10 October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter

stabilization, groundwater recharge, carbon dioxide absorption, recreation and food sources. With more severe weather of global climate change, wetlands are key in lessening floods and property loss. Submit comments to: The Environmental Bill of Rights (, posting number 0124464);; or www. PLAQUE HONOURS LAND DONATION: Council held a small ceremony and plaque unveiling last month, to commemorate Bill and Ruth Maitland’s donation of the land for the current municipal building, and where the fire hall is now being built. The Maitland’s made their 2003 donation to honour the memory of two long-time Mill Line Road residents, Maggie and Tom Richie. The property—on County Road 36—was once a portion of the Richie farm. CKL says no to Boyd Island: N o n - a c t i o n spoke louder than words as Kawartha Lakes Council voted Oct. 13 to simply “receive” a letter from Trent Lakes Mayor Bev Matthews asking the city to “match or surpass” her municipality’s $75,000 pledge to support Kawartha Land Trust’s (KLT) acquisition of Boyd Island. In other words, the financially strapped city chose not to donate to the Save Boyd Island campaign. Ward 6 Councillor Brian Junkin, who brought

Mayor Matthew’s letter forward for discussion, said Bobcaygeon has always considered the 1,170-acre island in Pigeon Lake to be part of the community, even though it lies in the political domain of Trent Lakes municipality. He asked councillors and staff to consider supporting the campaign as individuals, since the city felt it was unable to do so. Boyd Island owner Mike Wilson has agreed to donate the property to KLT, reserving two lots for himself, provided the deal closes this year. The land trust says it needs to raise a capital fund of $1 million by Nov. 30 in order to close the deal. That would provide long-term funding of $35,000 per annum for taxes, insurance and land administration.

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15 17






The Promoter Crossword # 163 - By Charon 5 6 7 8 29 Completely lifeless (5-4 Down 1 Series of changes from 10 birth to death (4,5) 2 Evening prayers (7) 3 Push the boat out (6) 12 4 Creative thought (4) 13 5 La Scala offering (5,5) 16 6 It flows between enemies (3,5) 7 Gene changing industry (7) 8 School assignment (5) 20 21 13 Dreariness (10) 22 16 To rebuke (9) 17 Rowing team leader (8) 24 19 Programme or instruction 25 leaflet perhaps (7) 27 21 Tiny Tim's instrument (7) 22 Nun's headgear (6) 23 Mexican pyramid builder (5) 29 25 Two tone cookie (4)


Across 1 Making things even (9) 6 Best selling book (5) 9 A long narrow slit (7) 10 Back breaking (7) 11 Compel by force (6) 12 "Madame Bovary" subject (8) 14 Theatre group (4) 15 Cinderella's wicked nemesis (10)

18 20 23 24 26

Decorative needlework (10) Kickstart a battery (4) Type of guitar (8) Water down (6) Cultivation of soil for crops (7) 27 Filled to satisfaction (7) 28 Interrupt on the dance floor (3-2)

Solution to Crossword # 162 1



K 8











L 11













K 20


















































O 26



















M 12









S 14






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S 21









O 23




R 17




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Horoscopes October. 16 - 29, 2015 Melodie McCullough

headed your way. Enjoy it while you can, we say.

Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19) Nothing can dim the light that shines within you, Aquarius. Tell yourself this loudly and often. You are a beacon for all others.

Scorpio (Oct. 24 to Nov. 22) With October nearing an end, it’s time to settle down and prepare for the long winter ahead. But, hey, it’s not all bad. You can plan now for that perfect winter get-away, either in the snow or the warm climes. Do it.

Pisces (Feb. 20 to March 20) Some exciting news is coming your way, dear Pisces, possibly via snail mail. Keep your eyes and ears open, and don’t forget to check your mailbox.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23 to Dec. 21) What kind of lasting impression will you leave on this world, Sag? For what do you wish to be remembered? Don’t wait until the end. Search now

for the answers, and act accordingly. Live your life now for the legacy you wish to leave behind. Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20) “Life stands before me like an eternal spring with new and brilliant clothes”—Carl Friedrich Gauss. We wish we could paint a beautiful picture for you, dear Capricorn, of vivid colours for you to see, and dazzling adventures for you to experience. Can you, instead, imagine it—your life spreading out before you with no end of possibilities in sight?

Aries (March 21 to April 20) Be prepared for a joyful escapade. Whatever you do, don’t turn your back on invitations to explore something new. So much awaits you, Aries. Taurus (April 21 to May 21) Money is always a concern, we know. It is for most of us. Plan, budget, plan, budget and try your best to save. It’s hard, but we feel the time is right for you to meet this challenge head-on. Gemini (May 22 to June 22) There is NO excuse for abuse. Ever. If you find yourself in a situation, or you see someone else in a situation you think may be abusive, do something. Bystanders can and do have lots of power. Cancer (June 23 to July 23) We can’t promise you a whirlwind romance in the next few weeks, Cancer, but we can tell you that you are well-loved by everyone who knows you—and that’s worth everything and more. Leo (July 24 to Aug. 23) Your sensitive nature is well-known to your co-workers, family and friends. They depend on you for your compassionate responses to what are at times trying ordeals. Hold onto your thoughtful and sympathetic ideals. Virgo (Aug. 24 to Sept. 23) Lies, lies, lies. Sometimes it seems we are surrounded by them, Virgo, and you may have been dealing with some fabrications lately. Handle with cool composure. Don’t get dragged into the fray. And, of course, always tell the truth. Libra (Sept. 24 to Oct. 23) Sis, boom, bah. Get ready for some action in the “love” department, Libra, because it’s

All proceed from the evening will go to Cancer Research, as well as support for a young local cancer patient. Makayala McImoyle

$60.00 NO REFUNDS October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter 13

Election Insight The 11th and last in The Kawartha Promoter’s ongoing Q-and-A series with the federal election candidates for Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock (HKLB). Please vote.

QUESTION: Thank you all for your thoughtful responses to our questions in the last 10 issues of the paper. Please give us a summary of why you believe voters in this riding should cast their ballots for you. Jamie Schmale, Conservative Party A strong economy, low taxes, jobs, free trade, income credits—we’re cutting tax, increasing benefits, and spending in the right places. Our streets will be safer, and the rights of victims and law-abiding citizens will always be put ahead of criminals, with real penalties for violent crime. We’ve created over one million jobs since the recession. We’re protecting our farmers and manufacturers. We’ve spent $202,125,142 in our riding. We’re cutting payroll taxes by 20 percent, freezing CPP rates. We’ll cut taxes on small business

again, so they can hire more full-time, high-wage employees. We’ve made free-trade agreements with 39 countries. We’ve introduced credits for single seniors, apprentices, first-time homebuyers and homerenovations. We’re spending billions on income splitting and the Universal Child Care Benefit. We reduced EI payroll costs and we’ll cut rates again. There’s still much to do. I can’t wait to get started. Vote Jamie Schmale on Oct. 19. William MacCallum, Green Party A bright and promising future awaits this riding through the bold new ideas that would be implemented if I were your Member of Parliament. Our riding would join the 21st century with thriving small business, innovative opportunities for young people made accessible by free tuition, and great local jobs. I would listen to you, and always put your collective best interest first, instead of my party’s. This is not only allowed but expected of me as a Green Party MP, unlike the other parties. The science is clear. We must act urgently or we will lose the chance to prevent runaway climate change.

Vote David Marquis on Oct. 19th

The two way race between Liberals and Conservatives continues, NDP nine points back of front runners - Nanos Nightly Election Tracking Highlights (3-day tracking ending October 6)

If you want to ensure defeat of the Stephen Harper government vote Liberal on Oct. 19th David’s Qualifications • Former Brock Councillor • Active Conservationist • Small Business Owner • Husband & father of 5 Liberal Party Platform • Middle Class Tax Cut • Canada Child Benefit • Largest Infrastructure Investment in Canadian history The Liberal Party has the right plan for Canada and David has the right experience to bring the benefits of our plan to this riding. Vote David Marquis on Oct. 19th Campaign office: 6 Cambridge St. North, Lindsay, 705-880-1500 Email: Facebook: davidmarquis.hklb Twitter: @marquishklb

Authorized by the Official Agent for the David Marquis Campaign

14 October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter

One of the solutions is a Carbon Fee and Dividend, which would slash greenhouse gas emissions and put money in your pocket directly, without raising taxes. Places with a price on carbon (British Columbia, California, parts of Europe) are thriving and leading the world. We can join them. David Marquis, Liberal Party Thanks for the opportunity to present our ideas in your paper these past few weeks. It has been an honour to represent the Liberal Party in this election and a great pleasure to meet folks from every corner of our riding and hear their ideas and hopes for the future. I believe the Liberal Party plan to reduce taxes for the middle class, increase child benefits and invest in our future with Canada’s largest infrastructure investment is the right plan for Canada and for HKLB. I also believe my years of experience in municipal politics, in business and in agriculture will reap benefits for the constituents in this riding that my fellow candidates can’t offer. My knowledge of conservation and water management fits well in a region with lakes and

rivers from end to end. I am dedicated to working for real change. Please support me with your vote on Oct. 19. Mike Perry, New Democratic Party I want to get the federal government moving again to help people and build our communities. I have a record of getting results locally whether it’s raising money through our United Way, bringing our local blood labs back, or recruiting new doctors to our area. I have worked for the federal government in Ottawa and know how to get things done. I will work tirelessly—with new ideas and approaches—with the people and communities for our riding. This is my home. I grew up in Fenelon Falls, with family roots in Norland and Kinmount. I work in Lindsay and live with my wife Jill just outside Little Britain. Jill will be a family doctor here next year. I want to make politics about people again and end partisan bickering. I am a strong, new choice that people can count on. Together, we can have the Canada and communities we want.

A strong, passionate voice for our community.

People. Mike is running for office to help people and build vibrant communities that include our seniors, young people, business owners and farmers. Mike is a listener and will be a voice for all people in our communities. Community. Mike has always been involved in the communities in our area. From health care to job creation to youth and our seniors, Mike knows the issues that matter and he gets results. Experience. Mike is a lawyer and social worker with nearly 10 years experience with the federal government. He has negotiated at the United Nations and managed multi-million dollar projects. Locally, Mike is Executive Director of the Kawartha Lakes Family Health Team. Read more about Mike and his track record of results at:

“Mike stands for all of us! Are you ready for change?”


– Camille Parent, small business owner & seniors' advocate, Omemee

2 Kent Street West Lindsay, ON K9V 2Y1

October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter 15

It’s Easy Being Green Don’t feed the ducks—No butts

By Julia Taylor (

My whole life I have enjoyed the lakes—the old “L” dock at the Fenelon beach, boating, and wakeboarding, fishing, and kayaking. Snowmobiling and ice fishing in the winter, soaking in the breeze and cooling off in the summer. Never did I feel a responsibility to take care of the lake ... until one sunny day a few years ago (cue dream-sequence violin music). It was a Sunday afternoon, and my husband and I were out fishing in our old tin boat on the south end of Sturgeon Lake near the floating cottages. A family of ducks came to say hello, and as we watched the little ducklings, we saw one scoop up a cigarette butt into his mouth. Oh no, what will happen to that baby duck after eating a butt? Will he die? Then the baby spit the butt out—phew. I wondered: “Why is there a cigarette butt floating in our lake?” Then it dawned on me. “Me—that’s why.” I’ve been an on and off smoker since I was a teenager—a terribly hard habit to kick—and even Doe an g &att BiradBrezw a t S M lik for Ange &


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though I would never litter and care about the environment, I threw my butts out the window of my truck. Maybe because my truck didn’t come with an ashtray? Maybe because the butt is so small that I didn’t think it was litter? I don’t know why. But at that “duckling” moment, I visualized the butt landing on the shoulder, eventually making its way to the ditch, and then flowing into the lake that I love so much. From that day on I had an ashtray in my truck. And if I was somewhere else with no ashtray, I extinguished it and put it in my pocket. From that day on—my garbage, my responsibility. One cigarette butt contaminates one litre of water—our lake water. And one cigarette butt is enough to poison an animal. Our Kawartha lakes give so much to us. Let’s give back by taking care of them and keeping litter—including cigarette butts—out of them. Did you know that recycles cigarette butts and gives money for them to a charity of your choice? Check it out.

Made-to-order day raises $8,000 for Boyd Island

By Glenna Burns

Sunday, Oct. 11 was a “made-to-order’” day for the Boyd Island Boat Cruise event held to raise funds for the preservation of Boyd Island. Over $8,000 was raised to support the Boyd Island preservation fund. Captain Randy Hinton sailed The Kawartha Spirit around Boyd Island on a two-hour, colours excursion that delighted the passengers. Miriam Newton and Roger Leclerc spearheaded the event on behalf of the North Pigeon Lake Ratepayers Association. Families and friends enjoyed the good food donated by local businesses, and the interesting commentary on the ecology and history of the island. Boyd Island Committee chair Chris Appleton reminded cruisers that the window to acquire the island is quickly closing and efforts to finish the deal

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16 October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter

with the owner Mike Wilson must continue now at “full steam ahead.”

Revitalizing Rosedale

By Jennifer Wilson

Volunteers and local companies and organizations are banding together to make a real difference in Rosedale. Their once vibrant and well-used parkette had become overgrown and a dumping ground for rusting equipment and garbage. A concerned group of residents (ROR – Residents of Rosedale) got together to make a difference, and their efforts are easily seen. They have cleaned up the once overgrown and littered area, and have planted $1,600 worth of trees from Trees Canada and Shields Home Hardware. Recently, the volunteers spent a gruelling day digging, planting thousands of plants and shovelling mulch to form a pollinator garden and a riparian garden along the shoreline at the new park. The end result is going to be amazing. Next step is to lay the gravel paths and groundcover seeding, and to place the donated

James A. Goodliff Painting the Canadian Landscape

benches and picnic table. What a wonderful example of what a small group of concerned citizens can accomplish…Go ROR.. If you would like to get involved, please contact the Coboconk, Norland & Area Chamber of Commerce at 705-454-1110.

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the awards presentation, balloon and basket Who are these raffles and an Extraordinary Women Celebration extraordinary women? Raffle with prizes including a $1,300 Happy Days dinary Women Nominees Find out who the extraordinary women are in Kawartha Lakes—in business, communications, mentoring, volunteering, in sheer determination, and just plain overall extraordinary. (Hint: one of the nominees is our own Kawartha Promoter publisher, Max Miller.) The Extraordinary Women of Kawartha Lakes Awards will honour women in these categories who make an extraordinary contribution to life in our community at a presentation dinner and fundraiser Oct. 22 at the Lakeview Arts Barn (LAB). The evening will feature a three-course meal,

in Business


houseboat rental, an $800 travel voucher from DeNure Tours, and overnight stays at Eganridge Inn and Spa and Westwind Inn. The award winners from the 2013 event will participate in presenting these 2014 awards. The goal of the awards is both to promote awareness of women’s achievements, and to raise money for Women’s Resources programs and services, including: an 18-bed shelter for women and their children fleeing violence; a 24-hour crisis-support line; risk assessment and safety planning; counselling services for women, children and teens; second-stage housing; and a resource library available to the community. Tickets for the event and the raffle are $75 each with a $45 charitable receipt and are available by calling 705-878-4285 ext.223 or online at www. You can also get them at Women’s Resources or Vicky’s Values.

Extraordinary Volunteer Darlene Hallett Valerie Harris Verna Humphries Alice Jordan Robin Nisbet Susan Simpson Doreen Sinclair All-Stars Realty Inc., Brokerage Penny Wagstaff Donna M. Wood Ellen Woodward Independently owned and operated

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Extraordinary WomanBobcaygeon Darlene Callan Join us in welcoming Cathy Caverly Lori Ann Moffatt Administrative Assistant Tammy Harris to our dynamic team! We are delighted that Lori Ann has decided Diane Jung to take a new career path in the travel She brings with her extensive CongratulationsConsuelo to all the Kuettner industry. experience in office management, customer service and all administrative tasks including Extraordinary Women! research and scheduling. Lori Ann is Carol May working towards becoming a designated TICO licensed travel consultant. Kawartha Lakes Cathy Hopkins-Poole Diane Reesor Sales representative Susan Taylor Cell. 705 738-7007 73 Bolton Street, 705-324-9181 · 35 William St. N., Lindsay Bus. 705 738-2378 Bobcaygeon Carol Timlin 18 October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter Karissa Ward T: 705.738.9841

And the Nominees are: Extraordinary Woman in Business: Nicki Dedes, Danielle French, Liz Grimes, McCarthy & Murray

Extraordinary Woman: Darlene Callan, Cathy Caverly, Tammy Harris, Diane Jung,

Consuelo Kuettner, Carol May, Diane Reesor, Susan Taylor, Carol Timlin, Karissa Ward

Extraordinary Communicator: Laurie Jean Bell, Max Miller, Debra J. Soule, Denise Waldron Extraordinary Determination: Angela Burke, Lynn DeRocher, Kristina Francis, Ashley Lymer, Karen Marren, Ruby Millar Extraordinary Mentor: Mary Auld, Teresa Beggs, Joanne Burns, Heather Chapman, Shana Kelly, Pam Koekebakker Extraordinary Volunteer: Darlene Hallett, Valerie Harris, Verna Humphries, Alice Jordan, Robin Nisbet, Susan Simpson, Doreen Sinclair, Penny Wagstaff, Ellen Woodward

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October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter 19

Caygeon Chamber’s end-of-year business

By Bob Hughes

With its community events and activities over and done for this year, all that’s left on the Bobcaygeon and Area Chamber of Commerce agenda are two gatherings. The first is the Annual General Meeting, to be held in the City of Kawartha Lakes Service Centre, Tuesday, Nov. 10 at 7 pm. The business proceedings and the election of directors will be followed by light refreshments. The second event, of special interest to business owners and employees, is the annual, limitedseating (24) Small Business Week breakfast, at 8 am, Thursday, Oct. 22 in Bolton Street’s Wheatsheaf Café. It will feature a keynote speaker from the Kawartha Land Trust, who will talk about the million-dollar fund-raising efforts to preserve Boyd (Big) Island in Pigeon Lake. Members of the public who come into our office to get their vehicle and driver’s licenses, or health cards, will find a familiar face behind the desk in the Chamber office. Sheri Bates has returned after a two-year absence to take up the newly created post of supervisor in charge. Farewell and best wishes to Denise Noble. Finally, an apology to director and real-estate entrepreneur Tom Hunt for omitting his name from the list of people thanked for helping renovate the Chamber’s offices. Sorry, Tom, and thank you.

Blown top didn’t stop pop’s—and son’s— fundraising

Just weeks before Shahzil Mohamed and his father Shaukat were to head off on a fundraising trek through Cotopaxi National Park in Ecuador (see “Tackling the volcano to “Save the Children’,” Aug. 7, page23) the Cotopaxi volcano erupted for the first time in 75 years, It sent plumes of volcanic ash and steam high into the sky, and was emitting a nearly continuous stream of ash and steam. There were also reports of mild tremors. The Ecuadorian government declared a national state of emergency and the volcano was being monitored 24 hours a day, but there was still quite a bit of uncertainty on the ground. As a result, the Remedy’s Rx Ecuador Challenge in support of Save the Children Canada was officially cancelled—and Shahzil and Shaukat had to cancel their own planned adventure. It’s not all doom and gloom, however. Thanks to many generous donors, Mohamed father and son raised almost $9,000 for Save the Children. They are thankful for the support, and promise the donations will still be directed to Save the Children’s “Children Lead the Way” program. With the Canadian government’s matching grant, this will translate to almost $36,000 in the field.

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October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter 21

Choristers Corner: Thinking of Christmas

Summer is gone, schools are open and Chorister practices have resumed. It’s time to think of the Christmas concert, and the music that Bob Plummer has chosen is wonderful. There’s lots of work ahead for us to learn, but that is one of the fun challenges for this group. The choir welcomed one new member, Joan Todd, who sings in the soprano section. We hope additional people will be interested in joining our team, especially for the tenor and bass sections. Although the Choristers primarily sing, they do have fun as well. In August we held a corn roast and potluck dinner. It was a good social time for everyone to re-acquaint and catch up on news and happenings. The weather co-operated and even the mosquitos took a holiday. Our director and his wife, Laura, are taking a short holiday next week, so Debbi Risebrough will put the ladies through their paces in a sectional practice. The men will have their turn further down the road.

Open House at the Bobcaygeon Curling Club

Discover (or rediscover) curling Tuesday, Oct. 20, from 7-9 pm, when the Bobcaygeon Curling

Fenelon Falls Curling Club Registration for the 2015-16 season is now open. We offer curling clinics to provide instruction for new members and league play begins in the last week of October.

Club has an open house. Come out and give the game a try—the club provides the equipment. All you need is comfortable clothing, gloves and clean running shoes. It’s a fun way to stay fit and keep active this winter. And if you think throwing that big rock down the ice from that “crouched” position (called “the hack”) looks too demanding, don’t worry. The club also offers “stick curling,” which allows you to fire the rock from a standing position, using a “delivery stick.” It has become very popular with many of their members. (See photo) New members are always welcome at the Bobcaygeon Curling Club. It’s a great place to meet people and make new friends. Novice curlers are introduced to the game in a safe, positive environment and receive free lessons at the beginning of the season as part of their membership. For more information visit BobcaygeonCurlingClub. com, or contact Geoff Cross at 705-738-6548.

Want a fun way to stay fit and keep active this winter?




For membership information visit:

or call (705) 887-2611

22 October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter

Bobcaygeon Curling Club

Please join us at our


Tuesday Oct. 20th 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. Try curling using our equipment and instruction. All you need is comfortable clothing and clean running shoes. For membership information visit: or call Geoff Cross at (705) 738-6548

Roots & Ramblings Gardens Beautiful: From one wow to another

By Ruth McIsaac, President, Bobcaygeon and District Horticultural Society

Every year I’m amazed at how many outstanding gardens—small or large—Bobcaygeon has to share. They’re all unique, with hidden nooks and crannies for quiet reflection. Flashes of colour from different perennials, shrubs and annuals greet you as you wander from one wow to another. Peeking out from this array of plants are beautiful garden ornaments that add creativity to each garden. Gardeners have spent hours of love, nurturing, enjoyment and care to create these many local private and public gardens and landscapes. All our public gardens and bridge baskets were stunning this year. So many people have said thank you to the Horticultural Society volunteers for helping to make our village beautiful. Here is the list of our 2015 Gardens Beautiful winners as chosen by our panel of judges through the summer. Congratulations: • Commercial Property: Kawartha Dairy, 89 Prince St. • Residential Garden: Ruth and Bill Maitland, 493 County Rd 36.

• Container Garder: June Jokinen, 156 Minns Ave. • Vegetable Garden: Rosanne Tully, 29 Head St. • Water Garden: Randy and Sue Hinton, 155 Riverside Dr. • Community Organization: Bobcaygeon Post Office, Bolton St. • Special 2015 Award (Senior’s Labour of Love): Lloyd and Margaret Ingram, 15 Balaclava St.

KL home sales tie September record

Home sales recorded this September through the MLS System of the Kawartha Lakes Real Estate Association Inc. were well above September 2014 levels. Here are the facts: • Residential sales numbered 150 units in September, up 11 percent from 2014, and tied with 2003 for the best September ever. • Home sales for the first nine months were nearly 20 percent ahead of the same period last year, and may set a record this year. • There were 203 new residential listings on the MLS System in September, up almost six percent over 2014. • The 562 active residential listings on the system at the end of September, were down 18 per cent from 2014. • At current rate of sales, it would take 3.7 months to sell the homes listed at the end of September 2015, down from 5.1 months last year.


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October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter 23

Minaajim: Good Stories from Curve Lake First Nation The Hockey Dog

As told by Doug Williams to Julie Kapyrka

Curve Lake was home to all kinds of dogs in my lifetime. I want to acknowledge how amazing some of these animals were. Among them was a remarkable sled-dog who used to pull a toboggan around for a few old guys. He also hunted with several people in the community, and loved to play with the children. His name was Go-kosh, meaning “pig”— because he was always so ravenous for any kind of food. No one claimed him as their own. He was a community dog, a friend to everyone. Go-kosh would come watch us play ice hockey on the lake. He loved to watch Shaanigun, with his “home ratter” (that’s what we called a home-made hockey stick), skating rings around everyone else and scoring amazing goals. Remember Shkin, the skater who was legendary at evading the game wardens? Well Shaanigun was his son and seemed born to skate. Go-kosh also loved to watch John the goalie who was as quick as an ochii (house fly). Then there was Vern who was an oversized kid who was good at hockey simply because he was always in the way; and Ephie, the referee, who had

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everybody in the penalty box for most of the game. Donnie was really good at checking people and using his derriere to flip players right over his body. Perry had really beautiful equipment, skates, gloves, jerseys—he was a good team player and we called him “The Captain.” Then there was Junior, a gentleman who was known as the Jean Beliveau of Curve Lake. He never lost a fight. Go-kosh loved to watch them all play hockey. One day, we were all playing hockey down at Henry’s Gummeeng (Landing) near the ice road, the one for cars and other vehicles. Everyone was down there watching the game, including Go-kosh. Across the lake came a huge lumber truck, one of those 18-wheelers. Well Go-kosh loved to chase vehicles too and he started running after that truck. The ice road would get these huge ruts in them and poor Go-kosh slipped into one of them and nine wheels ran over him. We all looked on in disbelief. Our favourite dog had been run-over. But Go-kosh got up. And then he gives us a silly, stupid dog smile and runs off into the nearby marsh. And that was the last we ever saw of him. May Manitou rest Go-kosh’s soul. He was a good dog. There were a few dogs around over the years similar to Go-kosh, who were friends and helpers to all, amazing animals within our communities, but that is another story….

Bigley’s bonspiel is for the ladies

The Bigley’s Bobcaygeon Curling Club Ladies Bonspiel is set for Saturday, Nov. 21. But if you want to get a team together to compete, you need to act quickly. Registration forms (with cheques) must be

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submitted by Oct. 31. You can find the forms on the Bobcaygeon Curling Club website, www., or contact Diane Hamer at Organizers will hold a random draw on Nov. 2 to determine which teams will play in this year’s spiel. Applicants will be notified immediately of the outcome. The entry fee of $180 per team gets you: Two eight-end games, continental breakfast, lunch, post-game snacks and dinner with wine. There will be prizes for the top four teams and for the highest score with one win.

A ‘Solitary Man’ brings Neil Diamond tribute

Tribute artist Mark Thomas will bring his Neil Diamond tribute to a 2:30 pm Sunday Matinee concert, Nov. 1 at the Bobcaygeon Lion’s Hall. Thomas has an international reputation for his portrayal of singer-songwriter Diamond. Tickets are $23 from the Lions Club on Bingo nights, Luigi’s Pizza, the Cosmopolitan Salon and Spa, or by phoning 705-738-1666, with proceeds to support the Lion’s Club and the Bobcaygeon Helps Food Bank. Sponsored by promoters Paul and Lynn Coulter of Springtime Entertainment, who also did the sold-out Elvis tribute show last June.


THANK YOU SPONSORS for you support

SUNDAY, NOV., 1ST 2015 @ 2:30PM Bobcaygeon Lions Club Hall General Admission $23.00/pp inc. HST

Bank of Montreal Bert’s Appliances Bigley Shoes & Clothing Bobcaygeon Electronics Bobcaygeon Hearing Services Bobcaygeon Home Hardware Boyer Chevrolet (Lindsay) British Empire Fuels Buckeye Marine Cable Cable Connections Catherwood Family Godfathers Pizza (Bobcaygeon) Green Acres Trailer Park Hendren Funeral Homes Highlands Propane Hull, Raymond & Elizabeth Investors Group (Bobcaygeon) Jermyn Lumber Just for the Halibut/Evelyn Tullock Kawartha Dairy Kawartha Total Foot Care Centre Kitchen Designs Studios Luigi’s Pizzaeria Norma Long Patrick’s Tire Service Sobeys (Fenelon Falls) Strang’s Valu Mart TD Waterhouse Teeuwen Turner Moore, CGA


In-Club regular play – 4 days/nights per week In-Club and Competitive tournaments


Starring International Tribute Artist MARK THOMAS as NEIL DIAMOND

A non-perishable food item for the Bobcaygeon Food Bank appreciated

Ticket Locations PHONE ORDERS


For General Info: call: 705-738-1958 or 705-738-4339

Luigi’s Pizzeria • 32 King St. East Cosmopolitan Salon & Spa 21 Main St. Bobcaygeon Lions Club 55 main St. (at Mon. night Bingo)

[Type text]

Proudly Sponsored by: • Springtime Ent. • Cosmopolitan Salon & Spa • Luigi’s Pizzeria

October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter 25

Let us be mindful

Altamae Thomas Eberlee, the daughter of longtime village doctor, W.D. Thomas, brought in her late father’s 1980 book, The Hub of the Kawarthas, with the request that we reprint this concluding paragraph from the book. We’re happy to do so, with the additional reminder that our forefathers (and foremothers) would not have been able to settle here without the agreement of the original peoples, the Anishinaabek, who already lived here in intimate relationship with these shining lands and waters—and who still do.



VOICESOFSHOWTIME. Sunday October 25th 2015 2:00pm Great Songs! Great Memories! Great Entertainment! Trinity United Church 42 William St. Bobcaygeon $25

adult. students/youth free

Tickets available at My Favourite Things, Bobcaygeon Electronics, Stokes on Trent (Fenelon Falls) or call 705.731.7497 to reserve your ticket.

Bobcaygeon Legcy C.H.E.S.T. Fund

26 October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter

“Our final view is from a vantage point on the crest of a hill overlooking the village. This is most impressive if the observation is made on a moonlit evening when one may observe the twinkling lights of the 500-acre village, nestled on the basin of the ancient Algonquin River. “Around the rim, one notes the silhouettes of lovely pines rearing their heads above the horizon in an atmosphere free from the pollution of smoking factory chimneys. “The moonbeams trace a path of light across the lake, defining the trail by which our forefathers arrived, and casting shadows over Verulam Cemetery, their final resting place. “As we scan the horizon, the reflected lights of Peterborough, Omemee, Lindsay, Cameron, Fenelon Falls, Coboconk, Kinmount and Buckhorn mark the boundaries of our inheritance, the rim of our symbolic wheel. “Within the boundaries are the lands in which our forefathers settled, and made it possible for us to enjoy the fruits of their labours. “Let us be mindful of our duties to preserve and protect its natural beauties of woodlands, waterways, and fertile farmlands for the enjoyment of future generations.” -from The Hub of The Kawarthas (page 149), by Dr. W.D. Thomas.

Words and music at Trinity

Trinity United Church, Bobcaygeon will host the Reunion Choir on Fri. Oct. 30, a 50-voice choir out of Fenelon Falls (directed by Barb Vant Erve and accompanied by the church’s new music director Shirley Lambert). The concert begins at 7:30 pm at 44 William Street. Admission is by donation, with proceeds to fund brick replacement on the historic church hall and a new accessible entrance. Leave with your heart filled with a variety of music—from gospel to show tunes—and your tummy with some pre-Halloween treats and refreshments. The following Sunday, Nov. 1, Kawartha Promoter editor John Bird will be the guest speaker at the 10:30 am service when Trinity celebrates its 150th anniversary. Bird, who likes to work to deadline, is still pondering his topic for the anniversary address, but promises something intriguing and challenging. Lunch will be available after the service, and all are invited to attend and help celebrate.

The Kawartha Promoter is supported entirely by our advertisers. We encourage you to choose the businesses that you see in these pages. We do.

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October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter 27







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705-738-6188 or email: 28 September 18, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter


We are looking for everything that makes the Kawartha Lakes special.

Submit your images and help showcase our beautiful region.

Winning entries will be published in either Explore Fenelon Falls or Explore Bobcaygeon 2016 with photo credit (each publication has a distribution of 20,000 copies). All entries have the opportunity to win prizes from local sponsors.

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F H A C O N D E N S E D F R E N C H N C AL L C AP S F H A C O N D E N S E D F R E N C H S HAD E N C AL L C AP S F HA C O NPlease D E N S E D include F R E N C H S HAD D N C ALand L C APcontact S fullEname information. No limit on image quantity. B a s k e r v i l l e A L L C AContest PS

submission closes Nov. 16, 18,2015 2015 October - The Kawartha Promoter


Health & Wellness Cindy wins provincial award

Congratulations to Bobcaygeon’s Cindy Snider, the family doctor recruitment and retention coordinator for the Kawartha Lakes Health Care Initiative (KLHCI). The Rural Ontario Medical Program (ROMP) has given her the ROMP 2015 Community Medical Education Coordinator award. Cindy coordinates medical education learners in PHOTO (courtesy of ROMP): Kawartha Lakes (CKL), Cindy Snider and Dr. Peter Wells including medical students and clerks, plus family medicine residents. In 2014/2015, she helped facilitate 54 medical electives throughout the community, giving the learners an opportunity to discover firsthand the many benefits of practicing and living in CKL. “Medical education coordination, community development, recruitment and retention, she does it all and then some,” said Dr. Peter Wells, ROMP Executive Director, in presenting the award. “Her commitment to the City of Kawartha Lakes community to assist community members in obtaining local health care has been remarkable.” “We continuously receive feedback on how Cindy has exceeded the learners’ expectations,” says KLHCI President Robyn McNabb.


The change is here from summer to fall, Snowbirds are soon to leave us all. Have your dentures checked and done, Before an accident finds you the sorry one. For quality service you deserve, Come see us. We’ll help those dentures Stay well preserved. Don’t delay, Make an appointment today.

Bernt Fiebiger Denturist 103 Main St., Bobcaygeon

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30 October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter

Focus on strengths of ADHD kids

An article in Canadian Psychology suggests current classroom strategies to help children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are missing half of the equation—the child’s strengths and abilities. About 5-10 percent of school-age children in Canada are diagnosed with ADHD; meaning they have problems with inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. These children often struggle in the classroom and have negative interactions with teachers and peers. For children with ADHD, their parents and teachers, the excitement of a new school year can be overshadowed by the stress of coping with academic and social challenges. They are typically portrayed in a negative light. But attempting to “fix” deficits tends to create a negative bias, leading parents, teachers—and the children themselves—to focus only on what is going wrong. Such children are often prescribed drugs and behaviour management, which can have both positive and negative effects. On the other hand, focusing on a child’s strengths (while acknowledging their weaknesses) can nurture positive behaviour and foster resilience. Authors Dr. Emma Climie, University of Calgary, and Dr. Sarah Mastoras, Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, argue that identifying and building on the strengths, resources, and abilities of children with ADHD may help parents and teachers see beyond frustrating behaviours to better help them develop positive strategies and coping mechanisms. These strategies can then help children to compensate for areas of deficit, leading to more positive classroom experiences that may in turn protect them from developing depression and/or anxiety. The research review suggests some alternative classroom practices that sound like they could benefit all students: • fostering positive relationships with staff and using goal-directed solitary play to buffer a child from peer rejection; • incorporating a child’s interests into classroom activities to encourage focus, motivation, and perseverance; • encouraging inclusion through group activities with a variety of roles that validate each child’s strengths;

• using enthusiastic teaching with active participation and novelty to maintain interest; • identifying and promoting promising friendships; and • giving children helper roles in the school to promote their sense of self-worth and responsibility.

Learn from UK’s dismal health-care mistake

Private surgery and procedure clinics are a “colossal and expensive failure” in the United Kingdom (UK) and Ontario should learn from the UK’s “dismal experience and not expand their use,” says Frank Dobson, a former UK health minister. Dobson was in Ontario for a series of media conferences, including one at the Haliburton Legion on Sept. 17, sponsored by the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU) and the hospital division of the Canadian Union of Public Employees. The Ontario government plans to expand the use of private specialty clinics to deliver procedures and surgeries now provided by local community hospitals. But Dobson said this model of care is not working well in England. There is concern about care quality, he explained, and private clinics have walked away from surgery contracts, leaving thousands of patients in the lurch. Nearly 6,000 patients a year in the UK are transferred to public hospitals following operations at private clinics that have gone wrong. That country’s experience with private clinics includes contract flipping and the outright collapse of one private facility in the riding Dobson represented

as MP for 35 years, until this spring. This is Dobson’s second visit to Ontario. In 2007 he revealed that UK private clinics were being paid 11 per cent more than public hospitals for the same type of surgeries. Ontario’s Auditor General reported in 2012 that more than 97 per cent of the private clinics operating in Ontario are private, for-profit corporations subject to lower regulatory oversight, inspection and infection-control standards than public hospitals, said OCHU regional vicepresident Kevin Cook.


If you are an older adult who has resisted the need to avail yourself of a hearing aid that could help you overcome your hearing loss, you may have more to lose than a few snippets of conversation. Recent research shows that older adults with even mild to moderate hearing loss may experience cognitive decline about 41 percent faster than those with normal hearing. This translates into undergoing a decline in brain function about three years sooner than would otherwise be the case. While no direct link between hearing loss and cognitive decline has been established, it is thought that hearing loss leads to social isolation and loneliness, which are also associated with cognitive decline. The most common treatment for hearing loss is wearing properly fitted hearing aids. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, patients are reluctant to follow treatment advice and often delay treatment for several years after recognizing that they are having difficulty. It’s important for health care workers to discuss hearing with their patients and to be proactive in addressing any hearing declines over time. To schedule a hearing assessment, please call us. P.S. Some researchers theorize that the brain is forced to allocate more of its resources to processing the hearing of hearing-impaired individuals, which compromises its abilities in other areas such as thinking and remembering.

October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter 31


Deadline for next issue: Wednesday, October 21, 2015. 20 words or less for $25 + H.S.T. E-Mail:

In Loving Memory Of EMMA W. BURKINSHAW Sept. 21, 1902 - Oct. 16, 2000 NEVER TO BE FORGOTTEN “EMMA”

Fifteen years have passed on by since you were called above. Resting there beside “our Bev”, your daughter, my “special love” Those whom “we love” go out of sight but “never” out of mind. They are cherished in the hearts of those they leave behind. Life brings much that alters, time brings much that’s new. One thing “never” alters, that’s memories dear, of you. Only those “who have lost” can tell, the loss of “loved ones” without farewell. Sleep on “dear Emma”, take your rest. They miss you most who love you best. Some day we will meet again, some day I know not when. To clasp your hands in the better land and be with “you all” again. Always in my thoughts and forever in my heart. Your loving son-in-law, Bill Mercer


Septic & Holding Tank Pumping

#1 IN THE #2 BUSINESS Portable Toilets Available Theo Finley • 738-3424 • Bobcaygeon 32 October 2, 16,2015 2015- -The TheKawartha KawarthaPromoter Promoter

SERVICES ORIGINAL MAN WITH TRUCK 15 yrs experience Lowest prices. Grass cutting, Painting, Garbage removal, property maintenance, long or short distance moves. No job too small! Bruce 705-738-6321 ____________________ GOPHER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Dump runs Eavestrough cleaning Moving assistance Private security Yard clean up Monica Stanley 705-738-6364 ____________________ CERAMIC TILE Quality installations. Very reliable. Call Ted for an estimate. 705-454-9826 ____________________ GREGG MACNEIL LANDSCAPING 705-793-9437 Interlocking brick, armour stone, retaining walls, decks, driveways, walkways, patios, stairs & repairs to all.


DRY CLEAN KINDLING Hand packed. Approx. 35lbs $10 Free local delivery 705-738-3214 Leave Message


LAKEWOOD CONDOMINIUMS Brand new condominium for rent for Dec 1st occupancy. Beautiful new building in Bobcaygeon, well appointed suite, covered parking. 705 706 3199 ____________________ WINTER RENT Furnished 800 sqft new apartment on second floor with balcony, central Bobcaygeon, 2 bathrooms, laundry, $1000/month included utilities, internet, basic TV. 705 731 1083


Furniture,Glass, China, Military Medals etc. Duck Decoys, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Dollars, Gold, Coins, Pocket Watches etc. Anything old. R. Carruth. 705-887-1672.

____________________ HH GLASS Windows, screens, glass WANTED units, metal brakes. Your NOSTALGIA AND POP windows may need only CULTURE ITEMS glass replaced. Vinyl records (rock, Caulking jobs too. blues, jazz and soul), Call Harold music memorabilia, pre705-887-6608 1990 comic books and toys, vintage costume ____________________ jewelry, sterling & gold WAGGING WALKS jewelry, Kawartha history Dog walking and other books & memorabilia. pet services All types of retro / mid$15 per half hour century items. House $18 per hour calls made at your Pick up and drop off convenience. Robert or Bonded and insured Penny 705-324-2699 705 928 4157

WANTED Appliances, batteries, electronics, steel, copper, aluminum, cars. Anything metal. FREE pick-up. Call Andy 705-793-2145


CRAFT SALE Sat. Oct. 24 9:30-2 Victoria Place Clubhouse Cty. Rd. 17, Bobcaygeon Homemade crafts and bakegoods. Luncheon available for $7 ____________________ CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Trinity United Church, 42 William St., Bobcaygeon Sat. Nov. 21st, 2015 10:30 am – 1:30 pm Luncheon $10. Served continuously from 11 am – 1 pm Celiac friendly Tickets:contact Church office 705-738-5135 From 10 – 1 - Mon.-Fri.


BOBCAYGEON BADMINTON CLUB Meets Tuesday in the Bobcaygeon Public School at 7pm. Running shoes, racket and safety glasses are required. Adults only. Seasonal fee is $15. For information call Jim 705-738-3305

PROMOTER CLASSIFIEDS WORK Circulation 15,000 Reach over 36,000 readers Call 705-738-6188 or


Local Events Adult Day Programs - Monday, Wednesday & Friday (except holidays) at Trinity United Church, Bobcaygeon; Monday, Tuesday & Friday at Fenelon Falls United Church. 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Call for information and rates. Adult Day programs are also offered in Little Britain, Lindsay and Omemee. 705-324-7323 OCT 16 - Roast beef dinner, Cambridge St. United Church, Lindsay. Seating from 5-7 p.m. $17 in advance, $20 at the door, $8 children 5-10. Takeout available. Everything homemade! 705-324-3547 OCT 17 - Bobcaygeon Senirs Center Thanksgiving dinner 1 - 4 $15 Tickets are required for this event and they can be purchased from any board member. OCT 17 - Grannies for Grannies fall luncheon, Fenelon Falls United Church 11:30 a.m. Tickets $15. Proceeds to the Stephen Lewis Grandmothers campaign. For more information 705-887-3232 OCT 18 - Soup & sandwich lunch with coffee, tea and dessert, Fenelon Falls Senior Citizens’ Club, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. $10. OCT 20 - Church Open House, 7-8:30pm. Learn about the life and work of Trinity United, 44 William St., Bobcaygeon. Refreshments available. Call Rodney for info: 738-5136. OCT 20 - Thursday Night Dinner for seniors at 70 Murray St., Fenelon Falls, 5 p.m. Call 705-324-7323 to reserve a seat.

OCT 21 - Free blood pressure monitoring service at Knox Presbyterian Church, 10 - 11:30 a.m. No appointment necessary. OCt 21 - Diners Club luncheon for seniors at Knox Presbyterian Church, Bobcaygeon, noon. Call 705324-7323 to reserve a seat. OCT 22 - Stroke Survivor Support Group. For stroke survivors, family and caregivers. At Case Manor, Bobcaygeon, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Call 705-324-7323 ext 111 for details. OCT 22 & 29 - Diners Club luncheon presented by Community Care, at 70 Murray St., Fenelon Falls, noon. Call 705-324-7323 to reserve a seat. OCT 23 & 26 - Foot Care Clinicat 70 Murray St., Fenelon Falls, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Call 705-3247323 to reserve an appointment. OCT 24 - Blue Christmas Tea & Bazaar, Lindsay Legion Noon-3 pm. free; luncheon $5 (under 5-$2). (705324-2613) MON - Bobcaygeon Senior Centre Mahjong 1 p.m. $3 1st TUES - Dunsford Seniors Club Pot Luck at noon and 1:30 pm for Euchre. TUES- Pickleball, Fenelon Falls Community Centre 7 - 9 p.m. $4 drop in fee. For more info call Jane 705-4541358 or email TUES - amateur photography club that meets every other Tuesday at 10 am in the Bobcaygeon Library. We pay $2 each for the use of the room. TUES - Attn mature badminton players: come out and play at the Bobcaygeon Public School 7-9 pm. Bring clean running shoes and raquet. Call Jim at 705-7383305 for more info. TUES - Omemee Legion Doubles darts @ 8pm. TUES - Coffee Talks 10:30-11:30 Creating a welcoming space for people of all cultures and faiths. Trinity United Church, Fellowship Room. E-mail “Jo” for more info 2nd TUES - The Kawartha Settlers Village Quilters meet at the Wray House, Bobcaygeon. New members and guests welcomed. Contact: info@settlersvillagequilters. ca. 1st WED - Crime Fiction Book Club in the Carnegie Room of the Lindsay Library to discuss works by certain authors. 6:30 pm to 7:45 pm. Call the Lindsay Library for more information. WED- Scrapbooking and paper crafters meet from 9:30 till noon at the Salvation army church in Fenelon Falls. Beginners welcome, call church for details. WED - Bobcaygeon Senior Centre Carpet Bowling $3 7 p.m. Contact: Al 705-738-1749 WED - Dunsford Seniors Club 1pm for Bid-Euchre. WED - Pickleball 7 - 9 p.m. Bobcaygeon Public School. $3/person. WED - Afternoon tea at the Fenelon Museum in July & Augus, 2-4 p.m. $5 Contact the Museum for more info. THURS-TOPS-Take off pounds sensibly at the Bobcaygeon Legion 6:30 p.m. Come see us. All welcome. THURS - Omemee Legion mixed darts @ 8pm. FRI-Pickleball, Fenelon Falls Community Centre 9 a.m. - noon. $4 drop in fee. For more info call Jane 705-4541358 or email SAT - Omemee Legion Country music jams. 1pm Alternate Saturdays beginning Oct. 3rd 2nd SAT - Omemee Legion Progressive Euchre12:30pm.

October October16, 2, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter 33

Dreaming about films by the falls

Films by the Falls ( is celebrating an award for its first year of operation by bringing the thoughtful drama “I’ll See You In My Dreams”, to the screen Oct. 27, at the Fenelon Falls Secondary School. “In this vibrant, funny, and heartfelt film, a widow and former songstress discovers that life can begin anew at any age,” says the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). “With the support of three loyal girlfriends (June Squibb, Rhea Perlman, and Mary Kay Place), Carol (Blythe Danner) decides to embrace the world, embarking on an unlikely friendship with her pool maintenance man, pursuing a new love interest, and reconnecting with her daughter.” Written and directed by Brett Haley, the film stars the Tony and Emmy winning legendary leading lady Blythe Danner as Carol Peterson, a woman who discovers with the help of her daughter and a sassy group of friends that an undefined life can be defined at any time. The Kawartha Lakes Film Circuit received an award for Best Special Event in September at the first ever Film Circuit Achievement Awards, held in Toronto during TIFF. The award was in honour of the 1st Anniversary Event for Films by the Falls which was held at Fenelon Falls Secondary School on March 31. Doors open for I’ll See You In My Dreams at 6:30, with the feature presentation beginning at BOBCAYGEON


M A R K E T P L A C E ca Antiques l Collectibles l Treasures

TREASURES ARRIVING DAILY! Visit us soon Fall Hours: Wed-Sat 10a-5p Sun. 12-4pm 54 Anne St., Bobcaygeon. 705.300.2196

34 October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter

7:30. Tickets for I’ll See You In My Dreams are $10 and will be available at the door on Oct. 27, or in advance at Sweet Bottoms Coffee, 19 Colborne St, Fenelon Falls. Films by the Falls screens movies on the last Tuesday of each month. The Fall season runs from September to November 2015; the Winter/Spring season runs from January to May 2016.

This Kawartha Life: An occasional series Our Rope-Driven Woot Was A Hoot

By Glenna Burns Way back around 1902, the new Horseless Carriage was taking off. Sam McLaughlin was developing his McLaughlin-Buick Model F in Oshawa. Meanwhile, in Bobcaygeon, J.H. Moore, owner of his own Carriage Works, was developing the WOOT automobile. That’s right, Bobcaygeon could have been the auto manufacturing centre of Ontario had the WOOT taken off. The WOOT was named after its designer’s initials, William Orton Orville Thomas. It was gas powered and rope driven with a stinging top speed of 10 miles per hour. It ran on a two-cycle, single-cylinder, Wade engine made by the Oregon Chain Saw Company. The Moore Carriage works, situated where the Bank of Commerce stands today, built just three of those beauties. Sadly the road conditions were mostly mud and paths, a terrain not suitable to the new-fangled WOOT. In 2006, Norman and Marion Helm Kay proudly donated their restored WOOT--one of the three--to Kawartha Settlers’ Village, where it is on display today. Go take a look.

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36 October 16, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter

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