Promoter october 4 2013

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Friday, October 4, 2013






Your Community News Magazine

O P E R AT E D Volume 23, Issue 19



“Doctor” Pleads Guilty • Harvest Happenings • Thanksgiving Delivered through Canada Post to homes in Bobcaygeon, Dunsford, Fenelon Falls & Lindsay

Fall into



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The Fall Into Savings event is an instant rebate promotion applicable on the purchase of select GE and GE Profile brand appliances and runs from October 5th to November 3rd, 2013 inclusively. The promotion “The Next Generation of Appliances” applies on the purchase of select GE and GE Profile appliances and runs from October 5th to November 3rd, 2013 inclusively. The GE Café promotion “Instant Savings” applies on the purchase of select GE Café brand appliances and runs from September 1st to October 15th, 2013 inclusively. The GE Monogram “Your Kitchen Was Made For This” applies on select GE Monogram appliances only and runs from August 1st to December 31st, 2013 inclusively. See stores for details. Advertised prices apply during the promotion period only, while quantities last. While we strive for accuracy in product descriptions and pricing, which can be amended without prior notice from the manufacturer, we cannot be held responsible for technical or typographical errors which may appear in the flyer or promotional print materials.


October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter

Contents The Promoter:

48 Main St., P.O. Box 535 Bobcaygeon, ON K0M 1A0 Circulation 15,000 Distributed throughout the Kawartha Lakes Area Publisher/Director/Manager: Max Miller Editor: Lisa Gervais Advertising Sales Manager: Pat Thurston Sales Representatives: Christine Schiarizza Deb Mahoney Art Director: James Goodliff Production/Office Manager Melissa Goodliff Bobcaygeon Online: Deb Mahoney TEL.: 705-738-6188 FAX: 705-738-4187 The Promoter is a local, independently owned and operated news magazine. The opinions and views expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of The Promoter. Liability for incorrectly displayed or placed advertisements is limited to publishing corrections or providing advertising credit to be applied on subsequent advertisements at the advertiser’s discretion.

City Hall

pg. 4

Trades & Services

pg. 8


pg. 13

Bobcaygeon Map

pg. 20

Health & Wellness

pg. 28


pg. 36


pg. 33

Let’s be friends. Like The Promoter and on Facebook for current local news and events!


After local resident Joe Berta raised a flag about a possible BlueGreen Algae bloom on Pigeon Lake, I asked the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit if there was an advisory out. I was surprised by manager environmental health Richard Ovcharovich’s answer. The health unit no longer issues advisories. Instead, they are doing public education. Hence, a poster entitled “BlueGreen Algae: Get to Know Its True Colours” has been advertised. But, the health unit says it is not in response to an issue on the Pigeon. It is just to make people aware that Blue-Green Algae might happen – and indeed probably will happen every Spring and Fall – and what they should and shouldn’t do. Otherwise, the health unit would have to observe the water, take samples and have them analyzed and with only one lab in Ontario, delayed test results could put more people at risk, not to mention that it is impossible to track blooms, which change, move, dissipate and

Cover: Brielle McIlmoyle enjoys the midway at the Bobcaygeon Fall Fair. She and her family took in The Daddy Of Em All on Saturday, Sept. 28. Photo by Lisa Gervais

reappear. That is why the health unit is going with the public education approach - likening it it to educating the public about poison ivy. I did ask if it was more about cost-cutting and Ovcharovich conceded it “may be” but added the health unit had worked with cottage associations and Kawartha Conservation to get the word out and the change (now into its second year) was being positively received. Mind you, the Peterborough County-City health unit told me that health units are still working with the Ministry of the Environment, which may or may not investigate when they get a call. (Incidentally, they did look into Berta’s complaint and found Blue-Green Algae and the PCCHU did put something on their website). As for health units no longer issuing advisories, I’m not convinced the change has been positively received. Residents are well-advised to get their hands on the poster ( since they are now responsible for tracking blooms in the city - or try their luck with the MOE (1-800-268-6060).

October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter


City Hall

by Gord Killen

Dunsford Tower

At the Sept. 24 meeting, City of Kawartha Lakes council was again asked to consider an application to permit a 45-meter self-supported internet telecommunications tower by Xplornet Communications Inc. at 2189 Thurstonia Rd. in Dunsford. Area residents Debbie Patterson and Ken Ryall spoke against the application. They said they were worried about radiation; thought the company could use one of two existing towers in the area; and felt Xplornet’s Health Canada studies were old and out of date. Patterson also felt the area is being adequately served by Cable Cable. Les Narday and Jim Pine of Xplornet said they’d met all of the city’s requirements, including public consultation; they were fully compliant with Health Canada Safety Code 6; and that the tower is for internet use, not cell phones, so radiation is not an issue. Ward 13 Coun. Pat Warren asked about using existing towers in the area, to which Xplornet replied that they need the right equipment at the right height to be able to supply signals to those who are under-served in the area. Ward 4 Coun. Glenn Campbell wondered whether satellites or two smaller towers could

provide the same service. Xplornet agreed but felt the tower gives subscribers an alternative. Council referred the report back to staff for further review of the latest information from Health Canada Code 6.

Provincial Gas Tax

From 2008 to 2012, the city received an average of $605,567 annually through the provincial gas tax program for transportation services. In 2013 the amount was $428,489, a reduction of $242,914. Any monies allocated to the city by the province that are not used within a specific period of time must be returned to the province. Ward 12 Coun. Gord James asked council to form a task force consisting of the CAO, director of corporate services, city treasurer, himself and Ward 8 Coun. Donna Villemaire (former appointees to the transit advisory committee), with a mandate to review the background information and reporting requirements for provincial gas tax funding; and that the task force report back to council no later than the second meeting in October of this year with an update. The motion easily passed.

Academy Theatre

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October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter



The Academy Theatre brought back a request for $100,000 in annual operating funding from the city. Ward 9 Coun. Andy Luff lobbied for the money, saying the theatre fulfills a cultural need in the city and needed to be assured of annual operating funding. Ward 2 Coun. Emmett Yeo replied that while that is true, “I have had other e-mails, Settlers Village, Globus Theatre, to name just two. How do we fund them all?” Yeo went on to say that only 5% of the population uses the Academy. James said that it would be opening a Pandora’s Box to approve funding since the theatre is a private enterprise. It was pointed out that since 2007 the Lindsay Legacy CHEST Fund has provided the Academy with $330,258.47 for renovations and equipment purchases, although not operational costs. The motion for funding was defeated 14-3. Luff


Village Voice

The Promoter reserves the right to edit Letters to the Editor for length and clarity. Please include your email or mailing address and daytime phone number (not for publication). All opinions expressed are those of the writer.

Letters to the editor

I am writing in reference to your article “Gary Poole remembered” (Sept. 20, 2013). I became acquainted with Gary by telephone in the early 1980s. I was working in Toronto in the insurance claims business. I received a call from Gary, to discuss an insurance claim for damage to an outboard motorboat owned by one of his customers and the cost of temporary replacement, while repairs were being done. His charges were most reasonable. I retired in the early 1990s and moved to Bobcaygeon. During our early years in this town we bought an 18-foot motorboat which I hauled back and forth to Sturgeon Lake on my trailer. One day as I was on my way home, the boat parted company with the trailer in mid-intersection. I telephoned Gary for help and he came to my rescue most promptly retrieving the boat from the roadway to his shop for repair. It was ready soon afterwards and his charges were reasonably minimal. He was a gentleman and a scholar and I shall never forget him. God rest his soul. Bruce E. McTaggart Bobcaygeon

Boats untied

The Sept. 20 issue of the Promoter had an article about traffic on the Trent-Severn Waterway and reasons that it could be down. There are a lot of local boats travelling on a regular basis back and forth to their favourite places such as Bobcaygeon and Fenelon Falls. I would think that some of that traffic may think twice about staying over in Bobcaygeon. On Friday Sept. 27, my husband and I took our boat to Bobcaygeon so that we may have dinner, go to the fair, stay for the parade and shop in the village. We think that Bobcaygeon is a wonderful place to visit and the fair weekend there on the boat is a tradition with us. Well no longer. During the early hours of Saturday, about 3:30, our boat was untied by a young man who I saw running away when he realized that I had woken up. I got up just as he pushed our boat away from the wall on the Sturgeon side of the lock. I was quick enough to jump off the bow and we retied our boat. Our neighbour was not so lucky, as they were floating in the middle of the reach, sound asleep. It took us some time to rouse them – yelling and honking our horn. Finally, they too were safe again. We checked all other boats around us and thought that we were the only victims until we walked to the lock and looked down. It was worse there, with at least six boats and one houseboat tangled in the middle of the reach. Again, it took some time and effort to bring everyone to safety. The police were called, first just to alert them

that this had happened but we called a second time when we realized that there was a possibility that we had missed some poor person who was now floating down the river unaware. They never indicated that they would even come. Really, what could they do? The cowards had already run away. It certainly made everyone nervous though to think that we still had the rest of the night to get through and to know that there was nobody around who cared enough to watch out for us. This was not funny to anyone that night or on any other night that the cowards come out and untie the boats. Lives can be lost, people injured, and property (boats) damaged. We did not stay to shop or spend another night in the village. As we left, a family who had just arrived to go to the fair and stay overnight on their boat was worried about staying. As we began to tell friends of our experience, it was obvious that it had already spread – everyone had already heard. All I can say is that all were grateful that someone woke up, but now will think twice about making their destination a place where they may be at risk. I would think that it would be a good idea for a security guard to be visible on fair weekend. What is the point of going to all the time and expense to put in new docks and hydro when people will be afraid to stay and use it? If these people were to be caught, they should be charged to the full extent of the law for endangering the public in that way. You are cowards and you know who you are. You must be aware that the village works hard to bring in tourist dollars and these dollars probably give you a part-time job or full time jobs for your parents. Are you really wanting to jeopardize that? And for what? - you ran away.

Theresa Meier Lindsay

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October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter


Lindsay “doctor” pleads guilty

By Lisa Gervais

LINDSAY - Arun Reddy used a massage therapist’s healthcare number to fraudulently run the Lindsay Medical Laser Therapy clinic before officials swooped in on him last March. Det. Const. Rob Brown of the Toronto Police Service shared some of the details of the case with The Kawartha Promoter after Reddy,31, pleaded guilty in the Ontario Provincial Court in Toronto Sept. 16 to Fraud Over $5,000. According to a press release from Aviva Canada, Reddy received a suspended sentence and was placed on 12 months probation on condition he not apply as a physician anywhere in Canada and not submit invoices to insurance companies for services rendered. He also made restitution payments totaling more than $50,000. Aviva spokesman Glenn Cooper told The Kawartha Promoter “Mr. Reddy managed to register himself as a healthcare provider in the system used by Ontario healthcare providers to administer treatment plans and submit invoices to automobile insurance companies.” Brown said investigators found the massage therapist did not know that Reddy was using the healthcare number. He said Reddy had made an application to The College of Physicians and

Surgeons of Ontario for a license but had been rejected. A spokesperson for the college would only say that Reddy was never licensed by the college. Brown said he spoke with a number of former clients of Reddy’s clinic and while there was no issue with the service they received, there was a billing issue. Cooper said that “routine internal controls that monitor healthcare provider accreditation” eventually caught up with Reddy. Brown said there may have also been a tip. The police officer said it was a clear-cut case and police arrested Reddy after he had apparently fled to Alberta. Asked what, if anything, could be done differently so this type of thing does not happen again, Cooper said “there needs to be continuous evaluation of regulations governing assessment and treatment by healthcare providers and clinics that support the Ontario automobile insurance system.” For locals concerned about someone passing themselves off as a doctor, Cindy Snider said the Kawartha Lakes Health Care Initiative “makes sure that family doctor recruits are licensed by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. New recruits are also interviewed and credentialed by the primary care group that they are joining. Also, Curriculum Vitaes (CVs) of potential recruits from outside Ontario are reviewed through HealthForceOntario.”

Sunday October 13, 2013

Thanksgiving Buffets~ Brunch & Dinner Call for reservations 705.738.5111 1.888.452.5111 26 Country Club Dr., Fenelon Falls 6

October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter

Smile Cookies are gone, but the smiles they’ve left in our community will last forever. Thanks to your support, Tim Hortons will be donating the entire proceeds to Bobcaygeon Public School and Langton Public School Breakfast Programs in Bobcaygeon and Fenelons Falls.

Š Tim Hortons, 2009

October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter


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October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter

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October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter


Harvest Happenings FENELON FALLS – Area businesses interested in entering the Harvest Happenings’ inaugural scarecrow festival have until today (Friday, Oct. 4) to let organizers know of their intention to create a character for next Saturday’s (Oct. 12) display. Scarecrows have already been spotted at some area businesses as Harvest Happenings’ fever takes hold.

Harvest Happenings takes place on the Saturday of the Thanksgiving long weekend in the downtown. It is a child-friendly, small-town event that runs from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. with store draw happenings at 4 p.m. The downtown businesses will have draw prizes available after purchase and wagon rides, popcorn, balloon twisters, pumpkin

Grr8 Finds Markets

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10 October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter

Fall Handbag for Harvest Happenings


The Butterfly Boutique Fall in Love in Our Fall Collections Oct. 11th (9:30-8), 12 (9:30-8), 13th (10-5) th

24 Colborne St. Fenelon Falls 705-887-2245

painting, family wagon rides, harvest tarts and treats. It is hoped scarecrows will be visible inside and outside of businesses before being moved to harvest headquarters at Slices N’ Scoops. Any participants who wish to take part should first contact organizers and then bring their scarecrow down to Slices N’ Scoops and label it with their business name. photo top right: A scarecrow inside Grr8 Finds. photo bottom right: A scarecrow sitting atop the tires @ Wilson Motors.


FENELON FALLS – Donna Geary will share her knowledge of retail window displays on Wednesday (Oct. 9) at the Fenelon Falls Downtown Revitalization Team’s ‘Creating Store Windows that Sell.’ Retailers are invited to join Geary, a visual merchandising expert and trainer, as she shares retail window design techniques. “We’re excited to have Donna share her expertise,” coordinator Kimberly Callaghan. “This event will help stores plan their holiday displays and work on ideas for future window displays.” Cost is $30 per person, including light lunch and refreshments. It will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Senior Citizens’ Club of Fenelon Falls, 58 Murray St., Fenelon Falls. 

 Sign up online at, or contact Kimberly Callaghan at to register.

Join us in Fenelon

Saturday Oct. 12th

9 - 4 pm Deals & Draws

Harvest Happenings

At Participating Stores

(Headquarters at Slices n’ Scoops)

9 - 1 pm • Pumpkin Painting • BalloonTwists • Popcorn Shop • Family Wagon Rides • NEW Harvest Tarts & Treats

1st Annual Scarecrow Festival Store Grand Draws held @ 4pm!

Buy a “Sunflower” & all proceeds go towards SPCA Kawartha Lakes in memory of Andrew Bremner

Harvest Happenings Event Sponsored By:


• Kathy’s Pet Foods • Apples of Gold by The Livery Stable • Kawartha Blinds • B. Armstrong Contracting • Kawartha Store, The • Bert’s appliances • Lindsay Buick GMC / Lindsay KIA • Big Event Floral & Decorating, The • little Pie Shack, The • Blue Oak Bed & Breakfast • MR Flooring • Boathouse Restaurant, The • Nolan’s Restaurant • Bob Burns Books • Oak St. Pilates Rehabilitation • Bodiworx by Stacie • Palmer Insurance • Butterfly Boutique, The • Peace Valley Diner • Cornerstone Home Furnishings • Re/Max All-Stars – Fenelon Falls, • Corral, The Mike & Jocelyne Barkwell • Corrie St. Croix of Investors Group – Fenelon Falls • Royal Canadian Legion, Br. 238 – Fenelon Falls • DC Design Gallery • Dockside Bar & Grill • RWH Construction • Salon 31 • Dollars Worth • Saw Horse Carpentry • Dr. Robyn J. Somerville - Dentist • Seams Fitting • Fenelon Falls & District Lions Club • Fenelon Falls Curling Club • Sharney’s Diner • Fenelon Falls Fishing and Hunting • Slices N’ Scoops-Headquarters • Sobeys • Fenelon Falls Pharmasave • Something Good To Go!!! • Fenelon Falls Real Estate • Stokes on Trent • G. Hart & Sons Well Drilling Ltd. • George Wilson Motors • Subway • Tim Hortons - Fenelon Falls • Grr8 Finds Markets • Gus Brown Edgetown Ford/Lincoln • Trish’s Hair Design • Val’s Country Cupboard • Handley Lumber Ltd. • Highlands Propane • Watson’s Village Shop • Way We Were, The • Janet’s home accents • Jardine Funeral Home • JDS Automotive Training and Autosports

October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter 11


Just a few weeks ago, many students left home for the first time to go to college or university. Although it was a very long time ago – September 4, 1975 – I can remember that day in my life as if it were yesterday. I was so excited that I didn't even consider it an emotional experience. I was eager to leave home and to be out on my own. Time to kick up my heels! I was in disbelief, then, when it came time to say good-bye to Mom and Dad: I got a big lump in my throat and couldn't say anything. But, off my cousin and I went to the city. You will laugh at the most rebellious thing I did that year – I got my ears pierced. My mom had always insisted that if God had intended for people to have pierced ears, God would have created us with holes in our ear lobes! Guess who bought me most of my earrings, though? Mom. Our first trip home came at Thanksgiving. As my cousin and I drove into Lockeport, we couldn't believe how small it seemed. Were there really only six streetlights? Life had changed forever. The genie had been let out of the bottle. I had become an adult. You may have children and grandchildren coming home at Thanksgiving after being away for the first time. Enjoy them, listen to their stories, don't ask too many nosy questions, hug them, kiss them and let them know how glad you are to have them home.

Fen gets new park Fenelon Falls briefly got a new park Sept. 20 when members of the Downtown Revitalization Team created a small park within an on-street parking space as part of international PARKing day. Pictured are: Wendy Scott, Lynne Burgess, Deb Churchill, Kim Callaghan and Caroline Fenelius-Carpenter.

Bring your pet to church

FENELON FALLS – The public is invited to bring their pets to St. James Anglican Church in Fenelon Falls Sunday (Oct. 6) at 4 p.m. for the blessing of the animals. A short liturgy will take place in the community garden, weather permitting, or in the parish hall if it rains. There will be pet treats following the service. Contact the church at 705-887-3527 for more information. Last year at Christ Church Coboconk, Cindy Baldwin’s horse, Pebbles, received a blessing from the Rev. Susan Spicer.

Lucille’s Window Treatments

12 October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter

Custom draperies window treatments Custom and priVaCY BLinds (705) 328-0070

The Promoter Crossword # 115 By Charon 1








25 Church fundraiser (6) 26 Room to navigate? (8) 27 Showing her face (8) 28 First stage of grief (6) Down 2 Paparazzo's pursuit (5) 3 Easily frightened (5) 4 Not artificial (7) 5 Shrill sounds (7) 6 Liberty (7) 7 Item to follow (4,5) 8 A guy for all the gals (6,3) 14 Encore (4,5) 15 Coke or Pepsi e.g. (5,4) 18 Trudeau's party (7) 19 Don't cry over this milk (7) 20 Voted in (7) 23 Morning in Monaco (5) 24 Raja's land (5)





















Across 1 Exactly right say the Brits (4,2) 5 An underhand sort of game (8) 9 He takes the train, daily (8) 10 Create a cryptogram (6) 11 Where Alice went (10) 12 It's hot in here (4)

13 Cattle locating devices (8) 16 Mrs in Marseilles (6) 17 Chicken scratch (6) 19 Kind of column or committee (8) 21 Could describe a hat or a boiled egg (4) 22 Wedding party member (10)

Solution to Crossword #114 1 8



























G T 17















































E 28









V 18

























G 20




M 27



U 23



B 19




E 16



H 12







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Coats for kids’ time

LINDSAY - The Boys & Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes, Lindsay Dry Cleaners, Kent Cleaners and the Canadian Red Cross are doing the 17th annual Coats for Kids event this Fall. The public is asked to bring gently-used coats, hats, scarves and mittens in good condition to the dry cleaners from Sept. 30 to Oct. 11. Coats will be available for pick-up at the Boys and Girls Clubs beginning Oct. 15.

Omemee bassoonist joins youth orchestra

OMEMEE - An Omemee musician is one of the latest additions to the Kawartha Youth Orchestra. In a media release, the orchestra said Rebecca Jury, bassoon, had joined their ranks. She joins some returning members from the City of Kawartha Lakes, including: Kaitlyn Allan, violin, Omemee; Michael Diamandakos, violin, Omemee; Sarah Johnston, flute, Lindsay. The next event for the orchestra will be “Feast for the Senses” gala, the KYO’s major fundraising event, on Sat. Nov. 9 in the Market Hall Theatre, Peterborough.

Tree of Life campaign underway

BOBCAYGEON - Shoppers’ Drug Mart’s 2013 Tree of Life Campaign in support of women’s health will continue until Oct.11. The Alzheimer Society is again the charity of choice. Fund development coordinator Debra McCarthy said it is a significant contribution from the Bobcaygeon community. Three quarters of Canadians diagnosed with Alzheimer’s are women and they carry the greater load of care-giving when the family is affected by dementia. In 2012, Shoppers’ presented the society with a cheque for $1,292 - 100% of which was used for local programs and services in Bobcaygeon. “I am so grateful to Anand Shaw and his support of our work as there is an increasing demand for our services everywhere,” McCarthy said. The public can contact the local office by calling 1-800-7650515 or going to

Weekends 10 am - 4:30 pm

42 Colborne St. West Lindsay 705-324-0755

Joan McCormick, board member of the Alzheimer Society of Peterborough, Kawartha Lakes, Northumberland and Haliburton receives a cheque from Shoppers Drug Mart Bobcaygeon owner pharmacist Anand Shaw for $1,292, proceeds of the 2012 Tree of Life Campaign. Submitted.

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School round-up

KAWARTHA LAKES – Trillium Lakelands District School Board Gr. 3 and 6 students showed an overall improvement in reading and writing with math still needing some improvement, according to newlyreleased Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) results from testing last spring. Meanwhile, the board said it fared well in the province in EQAO data from Gr. 9 math testing. Thirteen board schools will receive Parents Reaching Out (PRO) grants from the Ministry of Education. In a press release, the board said that $11,765 will be used by the schools to implement projects and initiatives to help them become better with engaging and involving parents. Successful local schools include: Dunsford District ES: $775 to combat cyber-bullying; Fenelon Falls SS: $1,000 for a healthy family lifestyle program; Langton PS: $1,000 for healthy families – happy families; Leslie Frost PS: $725 for a growing and learning together program; Parkview PS: $1,000 for an enhanced parent/caregiver resource library; Rolling Hills PS: $1,000 for reaching out and Scott Young PS: $575 for Gr. 5 orientation. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education has asked school boards across the province to join them in community consultations with the local board hosting one on Nov. 6 in Lindsay. For more information please visit Photo Above: Petra Smith-Merkley, McRae Douglas and Aurora McLean-Blodgett prepare for the Terry Fox Run at Bobcaygeon Public School Sept. 26. All-Stars Realty Inc., Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated

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Student wins biz comp

LINDSAY - When the winners for the 11th annual high school business plan competition were recently announced, Arianna Hunter was in Europe working for the summer. The IE Weldon Secondary School student was thrilled to learn she’d won the grand prize. “I have been dreaming of being a wedding planner, the topic of my business plan, for years and have spent two years perfecting it. I am going to Carleton University in the fall for Entrepreneurship where I am excited to further educate myself in the business world and take one step closer to my dream,” Arianna said. All high school students from Gr. 9 to 12 are invited to develop a business concept and create a formal business plan. The plans are reviewed by judges who are volunteers with the youth program Summer Company through the Kawartha Lakes Small Business Enterprise Centre (KLSBEC). Diane Steven, Arianna Hunter and Andrew Wallen of Kawartha Lakes Community Futures Development Corporation at the high school business plan competition awards ceremony. Submitted

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October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter 15

Roots & Ramblings Working with children

BOBCAYGEON - Encouraging children to contribute to their community through gardening is one of the mandates of our horticultural society. Each spring our volunteers teach the local Gr. 3s about germination, soil, fertilization and planting. The students then plant tomato and marigold seeds in pots which they carefully tend in their classroom for the next few weeks.


Legion News “At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.”

Branch 67 Lindsay (705) 324-2613 • Live entertainment Saturday evening from 7:30 to 11 p.m. Open to the public.

Branch 238 Fenelon Falls (705) 887-3041 • Every Monday – ladies pool 6:30 p.m. • Every Tuesday – mixed darts 7:30 p.m. • Every Wednesday – Bingo $500 jackpot must go 6:45 p.m. and men’s snooker 6:30 p.m. • Every Sunday – drop-in shuffleboard 1:30 p.m. • Every Thursday and Friday – lunch 11:30 a.m. $7

Branch 239 Bobcaygeon (705) 738-2710 • Every Sunday – open shuffleboard – 1 p.m. • Youth darts – Sunday, 11 a.m. • Wednesday night Legion darts – 7:30 p.m. • Hamburger Thursday – 4 to 7 p.m. • Karaoke with Merle – Friday, 8 p.m. • Fun euchre – Thursday – 7 to 9:30 p.m. • The last Monday of the month – big buck euchre John McGrath Branch 441 Kinmount (705) 488-3462 • Tuesday lunches - 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. For only $7 come out and let us serve you your choice of liver ‘n onions or delicious alternate. Last Tuesday of each month. • Weekly bingo Fridays at 6:45 p.m. and weekly meat draws Saturdays at 5 p.m. • Sat, Oct. 19 at 5 p.m. – dinner and loonie auction. Cost $10 includes delicious dinner and dessert. • Sunday, Oct. 27 at noon – fall fashion show and luncheon featuring women’s fashions from Gauze2Go. Cost $10 includes lunch.

Branch 497 Omemee (705) 799-5095 • Omemee bluegrass jam sessions every Saturday from 1 to 5 p.m. • Tickets are now on sale for the pre-Remembrance Day dinner.

Our Local Royal Canadian Legion News is a free service offered by The Kawartha Promoter. If you would like to make a submission, please send a 50-word or less e-mail to Next deadline: Friday, Sept. 27 16 October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter

When these seedlings are ready for transplanting, the children carry them to Kawartha Settlers’ Village and proudly plant them and other vegetable seeds in the Children’s Garden. Prior to that day, they learn to prepare the garden by pulling weeds, adding soil and moo poo (their favourite task). All the food raised in the Children’s Garden goes to the Bobcaygeon Food Bank. This year we received a $150 grant from the Ontario Horticultural Society for a children’s project. One of our directors, Barry Scully and the children planned a Butterfly Way Station which was planted at the Peace Garden north of the school. The children were asked to bring plants that would attract butterflies. “The success of the Butterfly Project got off to a great start because of several key players. Jane Austin, the principal of Bobcaygeon Public School was very enthusiastic about this project and welcomed us with open arms. Angie Kimble, the Gr. 2 teacher at BPS, a strong supporter of our efforts, found a perfect link between her Insect Unit and the project. Lastly, Ms. Kimble`s learners were keen to learn about plants enjoyed by butterflies and were most enthusiastic as they actively prepared the soil and planted flowers to attract our delicate winged beauties.” The principal, teachers, and pupils are to be applauded. They truly made a difference for this project and for the butterflies. Submitted by Joyce Bryon & Barry Scully, Bobcaygeon & District Horticultural Society

Bobcaygeon and area Chamber of Commerce

BOBCAYGEON – It’s been 18 years as one of Bobcaygeon’s signature events, and the Chamber of Commerce-organized Cruisefest still packs them in, with antique and classic vehicles arriving this year from as far afield as Fort Erie and Ottawa. Despite the overcast weather – owners of such lovingly-restored vehicles don’t like rain splotches marring their shining paint finishes – the 2013 event attracted 202 entrants, including several unusual vehicles and a half-ton pick-up whose owners had actually come to Bobcaygeon to visit friends who, as it turned out, weren’t home. The couple then toured the village, noticed the advertising signs, joined in and, would you believe, took home a Cruisefest trophy. Between 600 and 1,000 local and area residents and visitors took in the show, a number that’s believed to be the biggest ever. Thanks to our corporate sponsors, food and music suppliers, the Kawartha Lakes Fire Rescue (Bobcaygeon) members for their Jaws of Life demonstration and committee members and volunteers. The 50/50 draw took in $810, with half the chamber’s $405 donated to a Kawartha Lakes Fire Rescue (Bobcaygeon) community project.

Memorable Dates: Farmers’ Market, Bobcaygeon Fairgrounds, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Thanksgiving weekend Saturday, Oct. 10.

WATEROPOLIS Tried & Tested in Kawartha Lakes I’m often asked if WRAIN conducts research. We don’t have a research lab or researchers on staff; we rely on our partners who make up the Water Research & Innovation Network. One of the key members of WRAIN is Fleming College’s Office of Applied Research, specifically their Centre For Alternative Wastewater Treatment (CAWT). The CAWT offers applied research and business development services to industry and community organizations. They provide experienced professional researchers, scientists, technologists and students to help design, develop, test, prototype, verify, or improve products and services. Over the past five years, the CAWT has secured more than $8 million in research funding for their clients. They are currently expanding their facility to offer more services. The CAWT’s researchers have extensive expertise in many innovative and leading edge water and wastewater treatment technologies. They use their expertise to design and build demonstration projects for a variety of applications in agricultural, industrial, municipal, residential, and aquaculture sectors. They consult on projects all over the world including India and China. They are currently working on a research project in Nunavut. Visit to see some of their spectacular photos. For more information about the CAWT at Fleming College, visit -Submitted by Tonya Kraan

What’s happening at Kawartha Settlers’ Village

BOBCAYGEON - Kawartha Settlers’ Village held its Harvest Festival Sept. 14 and would like to thank volunteers, businesses that provided decorations as well as Liz Gilmour for her lovely harvest displays. Pie-baking contest winners were Shirley Risebrough and Jennifer Lacombe. Sylvia Reinecker and Gilmour provided raffle items. The next event is the Haunted Village, Oct.19 from 6:30 to 9 p.m., with admission by donation. This year’s theme is “Haunted Carnival.” Tour the village, bob for apples, get your face painted, watch a magic show, see the fairy godmother, participate in crafts, have your fortune told, see the mad barber of Bobcaygeon, and visit the Drive Shed for the children’s fun house. Older kids will enjoy the “freaks, wonders, and human curiosities” in the Carriage House. The event will end at 8:45 p.m. as everyone participates in the parading of the wicker man, followed by his burning. Dressing up is encouraged and children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Mark your calendars: the 16th annual Kawartha Lakes Festival of Trees is from Nov. 14 to 17. If you would like to help contribute to this great fundraiser please contact 705-738-6163. For more information about Kawartha Settlers’ Village and any of its events, visit www. - Submitted by Jessica King,


October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter 17

Happy Thanksgiving It’s Cool to Curl If you’re looking for a fun activity to help you keep active this winter, come join us at the BOBCAYGEON CURLING CLUB. New members are always welcome and it’s a great way to meet and make new friends. Novice curlers are introduced to the game of curling in a safe and positive environment. If you have never curled before come out and take free lessons Oct. 15-18 from 7-9 PM. Whether you are an experienced curler or a novice you are invited to attend our Open House October 19th to check out our facilities and excellent ice making capabilities. Our fees are very competitive and our curling season runs from late-October to the end of March. Our draws run Monday through Friday and include Ladies, Mens, Juniors and Mixed curling. Our member’s ages go from 6 to 86 with a broad range of skill and abilities. We also have a licensed lounge for a relaxing gettogether after curling and we hold several social events throughout the season. So if you want to be cool! Check out our website at Or contact Geoff Cross at 705-738-6548

Come Celebrate the Harvest

KAWARTHA LAKES - The 11th annual Kawartha Farmfest event takes place Saturday (Oct. 5). It is an opportunity to celebrate the fall harvest by touring 15 farms, markets and attractions on a self-guided tour, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Participants can travel to as many sites as they like throughout the day. Directional Farmfest signs will guide visitors to the nearest site. This year’s program will feature a variety of farms ranging from pumpkins to horses to cattle and more. Admission stickers are $5 for adults, and children under 14 are free. The price includes a complimentary guide and map with a description of each location. Kawartha Farmfest stickers can be purchased through selected city municipal service centres and libraries, the chambers of commerce in Lindsay, Fenelon Falls and Bobcaygeon, Lindsay, Bobcaygeon and Fenelon Falls farmers’ markets and

Harmony Farm

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3290 Cty. Rd. 121 705-488-3300 Kawartha Settlers’ Village presents

Haunted Village

Saturday, October 19th, 2013 6:30pm - 9:00pm Admission by donation

Come and see our Haunted Carnival! For event activities please visit

Thank you to our Corporate Sponsors

18 October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter

Voice lessons, workshop and concert program Fall session with Cicela Månsson (BMus,RMT) Beginners welcome. Piano lessons for beginners also available.

705.731.9661 Kawartha Dairy Stores in Bobcaygeon and Lindsay. Stickers will also be available at all of the host sites on the day of the tour. Full details are on www.

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20 October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter


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BOBCAYGEON FALL FAIR Photos by Lisa Gervais

One of the many floats in the Bobcaygeon Fall Fair parade.

Lily Cooper feeds the baby goats during this past weekend’s Bobcaygeon Fall Fair.

Antique cars, such as this one, were out in force for the Bobcaygeon Fall Fair parade last Saturday.

This ostrich and rider entertained the crowds lining the parade route during the Bobcaygeon Fair. 22 October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter

Shop & Enjoy at Farmer’s Market

Saturdays 8-11 at the Bobcaygeon Fairgrounds

Copa for kids- Cround school instructor Brian Brown puts kids through their paces on Sunday, Sept. 22 during the third COPA Flight 101 put on by the Kawartha Lakes Flying Club. About 100 kids learned avout aviation and got a 20-minute joy flight to Fenelon Falls and back. Submitted

Some things don’t change... Still delivering genuine service, creative marketing skills and total dedication to clients.


real estate broker

Direct line 705 344 3443 call direct/text 705 344 3443 office/24 hr pager 1 800 9302 or 7051731 0444 304 9302 Office/24 hr304pager 800

Bolton Street Street BOBCAYGEON at68Bolton office only by appointment so please call me on my direct line or ask for me in person.

Keira Richie, Caitlyn Gregory, Delcia Reynolds and Emma Hewitt check out a giant pumpkin at the recent Lindsay Exhibition.

Max Miller, publisher of the Kawartha Promoter, speaks at the United Way City of Kawartha Lakes launch at Eganridge.


FULL FULL PACKAGE INCLUDES: * Consultation * Con * Co-ordinate change of addre * Co-o office and utilities office * Arrange booking day for mo Community Support Services * Organize and sort personal * Arra 705-340-3258 705-749-4940 Community Support Services according to your wishes * Orga * De-clutter professionally pac 705-340-3258 705-749-4940 belongings acco * Arrange for removal or sale EXPANDING TO INCLUDE A * De-c items SENIOR’ RE-LOCATION SERVICE belod * Set up & supervise moving Our goal is to ensure peace of mind * Arrange belongings*inArra new l EXPANDING TO INCLUDE A and to make your move as smooth * Clean up and hand in keys f item as possible from start to finish. SENIOR’S RE-LOCATION SERVICE * Arrange for repair or painting for house sale * Set Our caring team of workers are Fully insured * Assist withyour finding real estat Our goal to ensure of mind Our goal is toisensure peace ofpeace mind and to make * Arra * Follow up in new location and to make your move as smooth

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* Available tailored to your needs.

We take the stress out of relocating!

October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter 23

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News briefs

LINDSAY – The Toronto Maple Leafs alumni are coming. The Kawartha Lakes Food Source has announced a fundraising game for Mar. 8 in Lindsay. Details will be announced in coming months. LINDSAY – Sgt. Paul Richards retired his police badge Monday, Sept. 30 after 35 years serving the community of Lindsay and the City of Kawartha Lakes. Sgt. Richards started working with the Lindsay Police Service in June,1978 after a short stint as bylaw officer with the Town of Lindsay. He was promoted to sergeant in June 1996 and has served as a use of force instructor relating to firearms for more than 20 years. His colleagues and family members joined him for a celebratory lunch at the station. QUEEN’S PARK – MPP for Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock Laurie Scott has been named PC Critic for Tourism and Culture in addition to her ongoing role of Critic for the Ontario Women’s Directorate. PC Leader Tim Hudak made the announcement on Sept. 30. “My riding of Haliburton-Kawartha LakesBrock sees tens of thousands of tourists to the area every year,” said Scott “so leading this portfolio is very exciting for me.”


By David Sparkes

Years ago, when video cameras first began to make an impact, I purchased what now would be considered an extremely bulky and hard to handle camcorder. It was my pride and joy and I determined to record all important events for

e d a m Home ng & Cooki g Bakin Great food! Great music! 50 MAIN ST. BOBCAYGEON 738-6574 24 October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter

posterity. Mistake. Today, when I see so many people with their heads bent and one arm outstretched, concentrating on their smart phones, I think to myself.....mistake. Living in the moment requires full participation; otherwise, it seems to me you are missing the moment. Of course, in some circumstances the use of these ubiquitous gadgets can be downright dangerous and you can create an entirely different moment to experience. The mistake with the video recorder was to take myself away from being a participant and immerse myself in recording the event. In doing so, you view things through the very limited eyes of the camera. Sure, you have this great record of what happened but it’s as if you were not present at the time. You were an observer. Now, with the technology available to us, bulky camcorders are not necessary and those smart phones can be used for taking videos as well as texting, tweeting and playing all manner of games. People seem to be mesmerized by those things; unable to put them away for fear of missing something. And in doing so they are missing something: they are missing the moment. You can run –but you can’t hide, from those tyrannical cell phones. There was a time when you were out of touch when you left the office or your home. Nowadays there are employers who expect their staff to be available 24 hours a day regardless of what they might be doing (pause to reflect on the possibilities). Unless you are bold enough to simply switch off the cell phone, you are on call. City dwellers can escape to the subway where signals cannot seek them out; but that will change soon. Remember when the powers that predict told us we were in for a life of leisure thanks to the high tech revolution? I read somewhere that some concert halls and theatres are considering having designated areas where people can use their messaging devices. It seems that some of us have to report how much they are enjoying the performance to their multiple acquaintances while missing the very thing they are reporting. What is that all about? Imagine trying to explain to today’s teenagers that there was a time, not so long ago, when you contacted an operator to make a phone call and for overseas calls you had to book in advance. Then you had to sit around waiting for the call to come through. We’ve come a long way baby, now we have to find a way to stop missing the moment. Tweet me if you agree!


Waterfront associations invited to second meeting

COBOCONK - On Sept. 22, 2013 a steering committee made up of waterfront organizations from across the City of Kawartha Lakes met in Coboconk to determine the name, mandate and objectives necessary to represent the needs and concerns of their waterfront membership. Kawartha Waterfront Association was recommended as the name and the purpose is to share collective experience, knowledge and skills that exist in waterfront communities throughout the City of Kawartha Lakes, the city said in a press release. The release added that three main recommendations were agreed upon by the steering committee, including: the new name; a mission statement of “a unified waterfront voice for a better Kawartha Lakes”; and strategic objectives: protect water quantity and quality in the Trent-Severn community; advocate for waterfront interests in city relations; promote compatible land-use planning policies and support the viability of a healthy local economy. These recommendations will be discussed at a meeting scheduled to take place on Oct. 6th at 9 a.m. at the Coboconk Lions Hall, 9 Grandy Rd., Coboconk. All waterfront property associations are welcome to attend. To pre-register, contact Andrea Walders at 1-888-822-2225 extension 1310.

Kawartha Concerts kicks off

LINDSAY - Kawartha Concerts has announced its line-up for the 2013-2014 concert season, promising that “great music comes to life.” “This year’s line-up features world celebrated Canadian performing artists in live performances that promise chamber music excellence,” a press release stated. In Lindsay, it is called the ‘ovation’ series while in Peterborough it is the ‘bravo’ series. Opening night is Oct. 5 while the season closes May 3, 2014. The local line-up includes: • Gryphon Trio with James Campbell on clarinet: Sat., Oct. 5, 8 p.m. at the Glenn Crombie Theatre, Frost Campus, Fleming College, Lindsay. • Pianist Marc-Andre Hamelin, Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2014, 8 p.m. at the Cambridge Street United Church, Lindsay. • Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra with the Vesuvius Ensemble, Sat., Feb. 8, 8 p.m., at the Cambridge Street United Church, Lindsay. • Couloir, with Ariel Barnes on cello and Heidi Krutzen on harp, Sat., Mar. 22, 2014, at the Glenn Crombie Theatre, Frost Campus, Fleming College, Lindsay. Visit or call 1-866-563-4078 or 705-878-5625 for tickets and information.

Another Successful Carving Competition

BOBCAYGEON - The 36th annual Kawartha Carving Competition in Bobcaygeon Sept. 14 was again a successful show and attracted competitors from an even wider area in Ontario. According to committee chair Doug Hodgins, 75 carvers from as far away as North Bay, London, Niagara Falls and Belleville submitted entries in a variety of classes. “Certainly one of the highlights of the show was the winner in the Beginner Class,” he said. “Elevenyear-old Caleb Posthumus of Peterborough has been carving for only about six months and he left with a first prize ribbon for his carving of a rooster. I think that youngster has a lot of carving talent in him and we will likely see a lot of his work in the future.” The list of other winners included: Maurice Daoust of Lakefield in the Novice Class, Larry Rankine of Oshawa in Intermediate, Scarborough’s Bill Hamilton who won both the Open Class and Best of Show, Pete Frost of Peterborough who won the $500 Purchase Award and Oshawa’s Bob Solomon who captured the $300 Purchase Award. “Without all of our local sponsors, help from the hosting carving clubs in Buckhorn, Bobcaygeon and Lindsay and, of course, a group of highly talented carvers from across Southern Ontario, we would never have been able to have such a good day,” Hodgins said. Next year’s competition will again be held on the second Saturday in September in the Curling Club in Bobcaygeon.

Caleb Posthumus holds his first place ribbon in the beginner class. Submitted

Donna M. Wood Licensed Paralegal Commissioner For Taking Affidavits

Bob Solomon captured the $300 purchase award. Submitted

86 Main St., P.O. Box 1430 Bobcaygeon ON K0M 1A0 T: 705.738.9841

Toll Free: 1.855.738.9841

Personal Injury

Small Claims Matters Landlord Tenant Disputes

October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter 25

Christmas with the King

LINDSAY - On Friday, Dec. 6, Canada’s own Tim ‘E’ Hendry stars as the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll when he takes the stage in his second Academy Theatre concert appearance. Tim and his band, the dynamic ‘Yes Men’, will be performing not only some of Elvis’s traditional songs but a variety of gospel and seasonal favourites. Tim has garnered an enormous fan base over the past 10 years as a result of his achievements, most notably his crowning as 2013 ‘King of the World’ Elvis Tribute Artist World Champion on Aug. 16 in Memphis, TN and earlier in 2013 as Grand Champion at the Philadelphia Elvis Festival. In 2012 Tim was proclaimed the Grand Champion at the Toronto Elvis Festival following his 2010 Grand Champion win at the prestigious

Collingwood Elvis Festival. Since his tribute debut in 2003, Tim’s portrayal of the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll has become one of the most sought after acts in North America. In addition to his outstanding vocal ability, Tim is an accomplished musician, playing both drums and guitar. “Tim has become our Elvis of choice in recent years as we’ve enjoyed following his meteoric rise within the ETA world,” comments Paul Coulter of Springtime Entertainment, the show’s producer. “Tim’s solid ‘first person’ portrayal of Elvis, along with his outstanding presentation skills (voice, gestures, dance moves), are the key elements in maintaining the illusion that the audience is really seeing and hearing Elvis.” Tim’s admiration and respect for Elvis and his music is reflected in every performance.



2013 Memphis TN

King Of The World

Elvis Tribute Artist World Champion

2013 Philadelphia Elvis Festival Grand Champion 2012 Toronto Elvis Festival Grand Champion 2010 Collingwood Elvis Festival Grand Champion

RESERVED SEATING LINDSAY ACADEMY THEATRE 2 Lindsay Street South Lindsay K9V 2L6 BOX OFFICE: 705-324-9111 or 1-877-888-0038 ONLINE SALES

26 October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter

Fire rating

Information on the current fire rating for Kawartha Lakes is now available anytime by calling 705-324-9411 or 1-888-8222225 and pressing 8. “People can now access our fire rating information 24/7,” said fire prevention Inspector Brian McCuaig. “For residents, cottagers or visitors this is a convenient way to get the most up-to-date information.” The fire rating is also posted on the city’s website at and on fire rating index signs throughout the municipality. All burning in the city is regulated by a burn by-law which is also available at

Studio tour is on

Lucia McHardy, Janet McDougall and Carol Nichol (pictured below) are looking forward to the City of Kawartha Lakes’ 28th annual Victoria County Studio Tour, to be held Oct. 4 and 5 and 12 and 13 this year. This year’s tour features 16 studios and 23 artists and artisans from Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls, Coboconk, Head Lake, Kirkfield and Lindsay who will throw open their doors from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both weekends. As usual, it is a free, selfguided tour. For more information, you can e-mail vcstudiotour@, check out their website , call 705438-5567 or check out Twitter @ VCStudioTour

Concerts in the Park continues all winter...

BOBCAYGEON - Organisers of the Bobcaygeon Music Council’s upcoming concert season say there is something for everyone. “We program a wide variety of professional musicians to perform in our community and in schools in the extended community,” said spokeswoman Cicela Mansson. Peterborough native Caroline Cole, a Juilliard graduate now living in New York City who is an international award-winning harpist opens the series on Oct. 26. The Divas – Catherin Carew, Cicela Månsson and Leslie Bickle – present the most well-known opera and musical theatre pieces on Jan. 31. Ken Lavigne, previously one of the Canadian Tenors, brings his brand of Broadway cabaret to town on Mar. 30. A Stradivarius violin comes to town on May 2 with the Krechkovsky/ Loucks violin piano duo, Denzal Sinclaire and Bill Coon. Organizers are promoting a deal for all five concerts for $100 (a $25 savings), single tickets $25, children/youth free. Call 705-731-9661 to reserve your ticket. Seating is limited. See for more information.

Grand opening Retirement Suites of Kawartha Lakes held its grand opening on Saturday, Sept. 28 in Bobcaygeon. Here, Suzie Cranley is joined by Mayor Ric McGee and Cranley’s parents, Fred and Marie-Paule in cutting the ribbon. StirrupCup_13_1-23_ECH 2013-09-10 7:46 PM Page 9

Rugged tweeds, rich woolens and traditional British country essentials ~ for a timeless, classic look.


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Caroline Cole standing by her harp. Submitted.

189 County Road 49, Bobcaygeon Tel: 705-738-1956 Fax: 705-738-1956

October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter 27

Health & Wellness How Does Skin Tightening Technology Work?

In the last decade some exciting new technologies have arrived on the market promising to tighten up sagging skin on the face, neck and just about anywhere else on the body. Initially, these treatments were very painful, but in the last few years the technology has improved to the point where they no longer hurt (and now actually feel good!) These treatments work by tightening up and thickening the collagen strands in the skin and connective tissues just below the skin. To best understand this, think of these collagen strands as miniature springs. With time and aging, these “springs” become lax and decrease in size and strength resulting in sagging skin.

28 October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter

By applying heat in a very controlled way, the skin tightening machines act to tighten up these collagen “springs” and if repeated several times also act to thicken and strengthen them resulting in a tightening of the skin and an improved appearance. This technology results in gradual change with visible initial results and steady improvement for a period of about six months following the treatments.

Dr Peter Ursel has been offering cosmetic treatments for more than 15 years. Consultations are available at 705-328-1747. Get his free cosmetic report “How To Look Younger NOW!” at

Community cares

KAWARTHA LAKES - Residents in the City of Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County currently have the opportunity to give their input towards a new way of delivering health and support services that is being proposed for the two areas. Six local health care organizations, including Community Care City of Kawartha Lakes, are involved in the development of an Integrated Governance and Service Delivery Model. The undertaking has been initiated by the Central East Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) so that access to services will be improved, taxpayer dollars will be effectively spent to deliver services, and the agencies involved will be better positioned to respond to future changes and increased demands for services. The Integration Planning Network (which also includes Ross Memorial Hospital and the Victorian Order of Nurses in the City of Kawartha Lakes) has proposed a draft model of service delivery that would see some significant changes in Haliburton. In the City of Kawartha Lakes, our local hospital and Community Care would continue to operate as separate entities but would collaborate in as many ways as possible to achieve efficiencies and improvements in service delivery. Under the proposed draft model, accountability for Adult Day programs provided in Lindsay by the VON would be transferred to Community Care. Public input, comments, questions and suggestions on the draft model are being sought until Oct. 11. The full draft proposal and a short

questionnaire is online at People wishing a printed copy of the survey can obtain one at any Community Care office, and return it with their comments prior to Oct. 11. Mike Puffer is Director of Marketing & Development for Community Care City of Kawartha Lakes Health and Support Services. E-mail:

Drive-thru flu shot clinics en route

LINDSAY - The Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit is offering free ‘drive-thru’ flu vaccination clinics in Port Hope and Lindsay on Saturday, Oct.19. These clinics are designed to accommodate individuals with certain medical conditions or special needs who want their flu shot but are unable to attend a community flu shot clinic. The clinics are geared to people who: are frail with DO YOU SUFFER FROM? significant difficulty walking, use a wheelchair, are recovering • Shoulder Impingement • Tennis or Golfers Elbow from back or heart surgery, are • Tendonitis of the Knee or Foot • Heel Spur recovering from a stroke or brain • Carpal Tunnel • Frozen Shoulder injury, have serious auditory/ visual conditions, require a guide or companion dog, are oxygen dependent, are developmentally/ Have you tried everything, mentally challenged or have and been everywhere, been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s can help! and still haven't found relief? disease. Because the clinics are A non-invasive alternative to surgery, popular and space is limited, Shockwave Therapy promotes accelerated local residents are asked to make recovery of injured soft tissue, bone, heel an appointment prior to Oct. 11. and joint pain. Therapy sessions are The drive-thru clinic is scheduled approximately 20-30 minutes in length, as follows: alleviating pain and restoring mobility. • Lindsay on Saturday, Oct. 19, at Polito Ford Lincoln located at Call today to find out more about how Kent Street and Highway 7. To Shockwave Therapy can help you get out book an appointment, call the of pain and start enjoying life again! health unit office in Lindsay at (705) 324-3569. Local residents are reminded that flu shots are free and are the most effective way to prevent the spread of influenza this winter For Informative Research Studies & Links Research: according to the health unit. The health unit will also be offering regular community • 91% improved for Calcific Tendinitis flu shot clinics, beginning on • 77% improvement for Tennis Elbow Oct. 30 and continuing through November in Haliburton County, • 90% improvement for Plantar Fasciitis Northumberland County and the City of Kawartha Lakes. For more information, call your local health unit office or visit Dr. Ian Horseman, 3 King Street, Bobcaygeon 705-738-5600 .



October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter 29



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Two Locations to Serve You Better

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* on select models

Autism Awareness Month

KAWARTHA LAKES - October is Autism awareness month in Canada. One of our goals is to raise awareness and recognition in Kawartha Lakes and surrounding areas We are families in this community who have awesome children who happen to look the same as most other children but they have the special challenges of Asperger’s and Autism. We love them and want their lives to be the best we can make for them. We are hoping to enhance local resources to allow for recreation and safe supervised social opportunities that are currently unavailable. Help us help our community become more aware, tolerant and understanding. Our parent/caregiver support group meets the third Tuesday of every month in Lindsay at Loblaws Community Room from 7 to 9

Lindsay Family Dentistry Dr. Sami Ullah • Dr. Marjan Illahi


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Evening appointments available

705 324 7150 • 705 324 6170

Email - 30 October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter

p.m. Please come to support ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) for knowledge and a warm hug. - Submited by Kawartha Lakes Autism

Promoting healthy workplaces

KAWARTHA LAKES - If you want to make a healthy workplace part of your business, now is the time to get started. October is Healthy Workplace Month and it is the perfect opportunity for local organizations to make strides to improve the health and well-being of their employees, the Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit said in a press release. Research shows that when organizations create a healthy work environment, they enjoy a better bottom line, higher productivity, less absenteeism and improved staff morale. “Employees also benefit, as they feel like they have more control and say in their work and are better able to balance work-life commitments,” says Lisa van der Vinne, a health promoter with the health unit. In general, workplace health efforts can include practices, policies or activities that make the work environment a better one for employees. “We know that workplace health is alive and well at many organizations in our region, so the purpose of Healthy Workplace Month is for these workplaces to build on their success,” says van der Vinne. “For other businesses thinking about what to do in terms

of workplace health, October is a good time to see how they can get started.” The health unit is promoting the Healthy Workplace Month website (www. as a guide for what local organizations can do in October. The website includes ideas, information, resources and weekly activities that can be used throughout the month. This year’s theme for Healthy Workplace Month is ‘Mental Health at Work’ and van der Vinne says it is a timely and topical one in 2013. “Mental health is a very big issue in workplaces. More and more organizations are working to reduce psychological harm for their employees, promote good mental health and support those recovering from mental illness.”

Wednesday & Thursday By Appointment


October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter 31

Cyclists raise $7,000 for shelter

FENELON FALLS – Eighty riders braved a steady downpour to benefit charity in the 10th Annual “Kawartha Lakes Classic” Cycling Tour Sept. 21. Participants ranged in age from six to 80, almost half of whom travelled from outside of the City of Kawartha Lakes – some from as far afield as Stratford and Ottawa – to join in the wet fun. A record-breaking total of more than $7,000 was raised for A Place Called Home (APCH), a non-profit

organization in Lindsay providing shelter and support services to the homeless. The day’s top fundraiser was Louise Davison of Kirkfield, who collected more than $1,440 in pledges. Nicole Bryant, APCH’s manager of shelter and outreach services said “The money raised will go to support our core program, the shelter and will directly benefit all of the 350-plus individuals and families that the shelter sees each year. My hat is off to the Kawartha Cycling Club, the numerous volunteers, and all of the riders who participated in this very successful ride.” Tourism development officer Laurie Bell unveiled a new map featuring six road cycling routes throughout the region with a corresponding route signage program announced earlier in June. They can be downloaded from http://explorekawarthalakes. com and will soon be available in printed form.

Fenelon Falls

Santa Claus Parade Theme:

“Light Up The Night”

Saturday, November 30th at 5:00 p.m.

Brandon Spencer leads this pack during the Kawartha Lakes Classic Cycling Tour, Sept. 21, that raised more than $7,000 for A Place Called Home. Photo by Deb Craven.

w g g No erin Dou e off Fre n te


Win the “Judges’ Choice” prize. Entry deadline: Nov. 11th.


Organization: Mailing Address: Contact Person: Phone: E-mail: All floats must be decorated in a Christmas theme with lights. Total Length of Entry: Type of Trailer: Being Pulled by (truck, tractor, horse etc.): Music:


The Parade Committee reserves the right to refuse any floats that are deemed inappropriate.

Apply on-line at: (See Parade-Enter a Float) Or by fax to: (705) 887-6912 Mail: 101 Reindeer Lane, Fenelon Falls, ON K0M 1N0

For more information call Barb Fletcher (705) 887-3276 or

32 October 4, 2013 The Kawartha Promoter The -Promoter

Float Ad

s i ’ g Lui• Pizza



FREE in-town Delivery 32 King St. E. BoBcaygEon (Across from the LCBO)



Oct. 4 to Oct. 18, 2013 Melodie McCullough

Aries (March 21 to April 20) Try not to analyse every aspect of your life, dear Aries. You sometimes think too much! The answers to your questions will come when you least expect them – but they will come. Taurus (April 21 to May 21) Don’t be afraid to connect on an intimate level, Taurus. Find a safe space and share your thoughts and fears. Be heard by those you trust and who will not judge you. Gemini (May 22 to June 22) Oct. 11 is International Day of the Girl! So why not do something special for all the girls in your life? Celebrate with them! Perhaps the best thing you can do, Gemini, is set a good example of the strength and courage of women everywhere. Cancer (June 23 to July 23) Do you find yourself constantly seeking the approval of others, Cancer? Are you worrying about what you “should” do, rather than what you “want” to do? Identifying what you want will put you in touch with who you are and what you fancy. Leo (July 24 to Aug. 23) All good things must come to an end. We know, we know – it’s such a cliché! You want these moments to last forever. We understand! Try not to look to the past, but onward, upward and skyward! Virgo (Aug. 24 to Sept. 23) Here comes the sun! Time to dust off those hiking boots and get out there! We mean this both literally and figuratively, Virgo. Take a good, brisk walk outdoors to brighten your spirits and then try something new – emotionally. Go the extra mile and see what you will find!

mythology. The name Pegasus is derived from the Greek pegai which means “springs” or “waters.” So, dear Libra, we are urging you to “spring” forth at this time – discover something new in yourself, and share it all around! Scorpio (Oct. 24 to Nov. 22) “Mental health is the ability to love, the ability to work, the ability to play, and the ability to use your mind soundly.”: Ashley Montagu. It’s all about balance, Libra. Work, relaxation, hobbies, friends --- they all matter and they all count towards a healthy you! Sagittarius (Nov. 23 to Dec. 21) We sense things have settled down for you, Sag, -- everything nice and orderly -- and that’s a good thing! Just don’t get in a rut and let things slide. You’ve worked too hard for too long to let it slip away. Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20) The places of our childhood have changed so much. The home we grew up in has been torn down. The things we held dear are gone. Time marches on, and so does everpresent “progress”. Change is always hard to accept, dear Capricorn. BUT – you have your memories. All the good times, all the stages on which you acted, have made you who you are today. Nothing will ever change that! Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19) Waiting to win the lottery? Planning and dreaming about all that money? Why not believe in the infinite possibilities within yourself to make your life fulfilled? Be content with yourself just the way you are. Pisces (Feb. 20 to March 20) Pisces – the leaves are falling and the seeds are scattering. Just like all of nature, you have within you the ability to use the gifts you have been given and pass on the love you have received. Share the wealth!

Libra (Sept. 24 to Oct. 23) This is your phase, Libra. The Great Square of the Pegasus constellation dominates the northern sky, first catalogued by the Greek astronomer, Ptolemy,1 in 13-10-01 the 2nd century and Banner-print2.pdf 11:56 AM named after Pegasus, the winged horse in Greek



1 of 4




c e r t i fi c a t e s

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Visit for all the contest details and to enter October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter 33






Friday, Aug 23, 2013

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Your Community News Magazine

LAKES AR EA Volume 23, Issu e 16

WE DELIVER ... ... by Canada Post to 9,500 P.O. Boxes in Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls, Lindsay, Dunsford Also available at retailers throughout the Kawartha Lakes and online at Stay in Touch while you’re away for the Winter ... Subscribe!

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Call today to discuss your ad 705-738-6188 or email 34 October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter

PHOTO CONTEST for the Tourism Guides Explore Bobcaygeon and Explore Fenelon Falls 2014

We are looking for everything that makes living in the Kawartha Lakes special. Submit your Images to

Make sure to include your full name, no limit on number of entries. Images will be Juried by The Promoter, Spitting Images Canvas Studio, and local photographer Fred Thornhill. Winning entries will be published in either Explore Fenelon Falls or Explore Bobcaygeon 2014 with photo credit.

Visit for more details.


One lucky winner will win a 20x16 canvas print from Spitting Images Canvas Studio

October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter 35

Classifieds SERVICES

AVM Lawn Care & Landscapers Fall clean up. Leaf raking, fertilizing, sodding & landscaping. FREE consultation. Experienced and professional. References provided. 705-341-9323 ____________________ DON’T LET YOUR MONEY GO OUT THE WINDOW Call HH GLASS & METAL Window and door installation and repair. Metal work and weather caulking, journeyman glazier. Call Harold at 705.887.1770 or cell 705.341.1617 ____________________ RELIABLE MAN WITH TRUCK & TRAILER Dump runs, chainsaw and log splitting, brush removal, small moving jobs. Call John 705-738-3214 Leave message. _____________________ GREGG MACNEIL LANDSCAPING 705-793-9437 Interlocking brick, armour stone, retaining walls, decks, driveways, walkways, patios, stairs & repairs to all.

ORIGINAL MAN WITH TRUCK 15 yrs experience Lowest prices. Grass cutting, Painting, Garbage removal, property maintenance, long or short distance moves. No job too small! Bruce 705-738-6321 ____________________ GOPHER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Property clean up. Yard maintenance, roof repairs/ maintenance, eavestrough cleaning, dump runs, private security. Monica Stanley 705-738-6364 ____________________ NOBLE’S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Clean up of yards, grass cutting & trimming, shrub & hedge trimming, dump runs and more. Affordable rates. Tim & Ryan Noble (Hickory Beach) Fenelon 705-887-9527 _____________________ FLAGLER PAINTING Full service interior & exterior repairs. All types to home & cottages, drywall to trim work. ____________________ Serving the Kawarthas CERAMIC TILE for 21 years. Quality installations. Call Gord Flagler Very reliable. Call Ted for 705-731-0714 an estimate. 705-454-9826


Septic & Holding Tank Pumping

#1 IN THE #2 BUSINESS Portable Toilets Available Theo Finley • 738-3424 • Bobcaygeon 36 October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter

20 words or less for $25.00 + H.S.T. Deadline for next issue October 16, 2013.

CHEERS Ice cold beer on tap. Refrigerated trailer available for your next event. Also keeps white wine, food chilled. Contact Harold. 705-887-1770 H 705-341-1617 C _____________________ EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS Custom-fit clothing alterations. Call April. 705-738-2396 ____________________ B&G AUTO Truck and tractor repair to all makes of diesel and gas vehicles, light & heavy duty. MTO Inspection Depot. 2369 Pigeon Lake Rd. 705-799-5161 / 705-341-5247 ____________________ SPRAY FOAM & BLOWN FIBERGLASS Proudly Serving area since 1956 Greg O’Dell Insulation. Estimates. Call 705-738-3804 ____________________ CHIMNEY SWEEP Protect your home and family; get your chimney cleaned. Call James at 705-340-2123 _____________________ SUE’S CLEANING Efficient, friendly service. Reasonable rates. Call any time after 4 p.m. 705-341-8831


FENELON FALLS Short or long term 1 & 2 bedroom bungalowstyle efficiency units, completely redecorated, new paint, carpet, hard surface, drapes, tub surrounds, light fixtures, includes stove & fridge, block to downtown, beach & park on 1/2 acre property. *All Inclusive* No smoking/pets. Ref. 905-435-7303. _____________________ FOR RENT Professional office/ store space 79 Bolton Street. Approx 400 sq ft of storage with parking. Available immediately. Call 416-920-3382. _____________________ House for Rent 3 bedroom, waterfront. $1400 per week. Bobcaygeon. _____________________ BOBCAYGEON Bobcaygeon, 1100 sq.ft. 2 bedroom upper duplex, 4 appliances, available Sept. 1, $800 monthly plus utilities. References required, no smoking, no pets, 705738-9018 _____________________ FOR RENT Office space, 2 rooms, private entrance and washroom. Central Bobcaygeon. No smoking, references. $500 per month. 705-738-6188

Kinmount & Area Aritsians Guild THANKSGIVING HARVEST HOMECOMING STUDIO TOUR Sat. Oct. 12 & Sun Oct 13 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. For brochure go to 705-488-2938

BOBCAYGEON 1 bedroom apartment. Eat-in kitchen, 4 pc bathroom, ground floor. N/P, N/S Working - retired couple. $750 incl 705-731-0169 _____________________ BOBCAYGEON Suitable for SENIORS or SINGLE PERSON For Rent, 1400 sq. ft. 2 bedroom main floor of house, including appliances, AVAILABLE Oct 20, $1050.00 monthly includes heat, hydro. 1st and Last month’s deposit required. References required, NO SMOKING, NO PETS, CHILDREN or LAUNDRY FACILITIES 705-738-6964 or 705738-8634


FIREWOOD Seasoned quality hardwood, $295 per bush cord. Semi - dry hardwood, $245 a bush cord; 35% moisture content. Delivered, Bobcaygeon and area. Double and single loads of logs also available. Wood available to see in Bobcaygeon Robin 705-738-5540

FOR SALE 2012 Nissan Pathfinder V6, Grey, AC, PW, CD, Seats 7 $28, 000 w e-tested cert. 705-879-5395 Leave message _____________________ For Sale High gloss black wall unit. 3 sections on wheels. Excellent condition $300 King size mattress. Clean, excellent shape $100. King size foam, clean $50. Jacuzzi-grey, never used. $500. 705-738-5843 _____________________ SPRAY FOAM & BLOWN FIBERGLASS Proudly Serving area since 1956 Greg O’Dell Insulation. Estimates. Call 705-738-3804 _____________________ FOR SALE 2 Bicycles 1 female / 1 male Both are in excellent condition. $50 for pair. also: 1 treadmill reasonable offer Call 705-738-3474 _____________________ Optiway Fortress Scooter year 2000. 2 batteries, good condition, low mileage. $500 Call 705-731-0714

BUSINESS FOR SALE: Established Tanning Salon for sale in Bobcaygeon. Pricing and timing are negotiable. For details please contact Michele at 705-868-8836 _____________________ FOR SALE 12 place setting Corelle dinnerware with salt & petter sugar & cream, cannister set, cutting board, 2 platters, etc. Like new-asking $100. Phone 705-738-6398 _____________________ ELLA’S KALEIDOSCOPE 54 MAIN ST. BOBCAYGEON HAPPY THANKSGIVING ONE DAY ONLY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12TH, WE PAY THE TAX. LOTS OF NEW FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. BOOK YOUR TAROT READING WITH DIANE.


Appliances, batteries, electronics, steel, copper, aluminum, cars. Anything metal. FREE pick-up. Call Andy 705-793-2145 705-793-2668

HELP WANTED Cleaner required for 2 evenings per week for a Bobcaygeon Dental office. Please call 705738-2828. Ask for Linda.


WOMEN’S FUN HOCKEY Fun Sunday night out! WOMEN’S PICK-UP HOCKEY in Bobcaygeon. ALL skill levels welcomeincluding beginners. Must sign-up in advance. Call Mary 705-738-1313.


Furniture, glass, China, military medals etc. duck decoys, clocks, jewelry, silver dollars, gold, 50 cent pieces, pocket watches etc. Anything old. R. Carruth. 705-887-1672.


Thank you Bobcaygeon for your support in tagging on Sept. 13 & 14 for the Ross Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. We raised $1 840 for the hospital MRI. - Dawn Fraser

Local Events

OCT 5- Evening of music and dance, Bobcaygeon Senior Citizens’ Hall, 7:30 p.m. Bring a snack, coffee & teas supplied; $3. OCT 5- Friends of the Osprey Kawartha Lakes annual Meeting, Kawartha Region Conservation Authority Field Center Building 227 Kenrei Rd. Lindsay. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Call: Rob 705-324-5801 or Simon 705-793-2361for more info. OCT 8- Hospice Core Volunteer Training. 8 sessions Tuesdays & Thursdays 1- 4 p.m. Hospice, Lindsay. Call 705-324-7323 ext 503 to register. OCT 8- Fenelon Falls and area seniors are invited to the monthly Diners Club luncheon held by Community Care, noon, $7 per person. Call 705-324-7323 to reserve. OCT 9- Come and join the New Horizons Club of Coboconk and learn to play Pickleball, 10 a.m. OCT 10- Basic foot care services for seniors and people with special needs are offered by Community Care, City of Kawartha Lakes on the second and fourth Thursday in

Kirkfield. Pre-booked appointments required. Call 705-3247323 to book an appointment or inquire about the foot care services and fees. OCT 11- Circle of Hope Luncheon for the newly bereaved, 12- 1:30 p.m. Hospice, Lindsay. Call 705-324-7323 ext 504 to register. OCT 11- The Salvation Army Fenelon Falls Pretty Awesome Day, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. A full PA Day program, $5 per child. Children need to bring a nut-free bagged lunch. Preregistration is required. 705-887-3031. OCT 13- Dunsford United Church invites you to our 152nd Anniversary and Thanksgiving Worship Service at 10 a.m. All are welcome. OCT 15- Soroptimist International of Kawartha Lakes monthly club meeting KL Police Services community room, 6 p.m. Contact: Dorothy Huhtalo, 705-454-9826 or dhuh@ OCT 15- - Lindsay Asperger Autism Support Group monthly meeting. 7 - 9 p.m. in the Community Room


LINDSAY- The Lindsay Downtown Business Improvement Association (LDBIA) recently presented six cheques of $676.06 each to six local charities chosen for the 20122013 charity meter program in downtown Lindsay. Coins collected at the clearly-marked meters between July and July raised a combined $4,506.36 split evenly between: Five Counties Children’s Centre, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kawartha Lakes-Haliburton, Habitat for Humanity City of Kawartha Lakes, Learning Disabilities Association (Lindsay chapter), A Place Called Home and Community Care’s elder abuse prevention network.

The second year of the program began this past July 1 with six new charities: Community Care, Lindsay minor hockey, Kawartha Lakes Food Source school programs, Safe Communities’ helmet and life preserver program, Telecare and Crimestoppers. The charity meters are a joint LDBIA and City of Kawartha Lakes initiative. Meanwhile, the LDBIA also unveiled the reopened parking lots one and eight in downtown Lindsay which have been repaved, feature park and display signs and have new bicycle racks.

Representatives of charities receiving funding from the charity meters were on hand to receive their cheques recently. They included Ed Call, Karen Anderson, Carolyn Fox, Paul Gill, Janna Stewart and Lorrie Polito.

From left to right – Jim Garbutt, Steve Podolsky, Charlie McDonald and Ward 12 Coun. Gord James try out one of the new pay and display machines in Lindsay.


BOBCAYGEON - The Ladies Auxiliary of Br. 239 Bobcaygeon Legion recently raised $1,866.70 with a summer raffle. The proceeds were divided equally between the Kawartha North Family Health Clinic and The Humane Society of Kawartha Lakes. Raffle winners were: Kelly Lovell, Tish Peirson, Jen Yuke, I and G Whitney and Lorraine Graham of Bobcaygeon. The Ladies Auxiliary is a small group of volunteers who raise money for the Legion, their community and surrounding areas by holding raffles, dinners, crafts and bake sales. The ladies also participate in zone cribbage, euchre and bid euchre tournaments. They recently won a euchre tournament in Sunderland and now advance to the provincials. In May, 2014, the Ladies Auxiliary will celebrate their 60th anniversary, a milestone in their history. Anyone wishing to join this enterprising group can call 738-1708.

Left to right: Past president Shirley Outram, Kawartha North Family Health Clinic nurse practitioner Amy Pruet and executive director Gary Horner and raffle convenor Ruth Sheppard with the recent donation. Submitted.

38 October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter

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October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter 39

40 October 4, 2013 - The Kawartha Promoter

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