Friday, April 3, 2015
Your Community News Magazine
OP ERAT E D Volume 25, Issue 6
Easter Resurrection:
Celebrating light and colour
Rethinking war • CKL goes green with Blue Dot • Jr A hockey comeback Delivered through Canada Post to homes in Bobcaygeon, Dunsford, Fenelon Falls & selected homes in Lindsay. Look for our newsstands throughout the City of Kawartha Lakes.
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Contents The Promoter:
48 Main St., P.O. Box 535 Bobcaygeon, ON K0M 1A0 TEL.: 705-738-6188 FAX: 705-738-4187 Circulation 15,000 Distributed throughout the Kawartha Lakes Area Publisher/Director/Manager: Max Miller Editor: John Bird Advertising Sales Manager: Pat Thurston Sales Representatives: Deb Mahoney Pat Warren Art Director: James Goodliff Production/Office Manager Melissa Goodliff Bobcaygeon Online: Deb Mahoney
Village Voice
pg. 4
City Hall Crossword
pg. 6 pg. 12
Trades & Services
pg. 20
pg. 20
Health & Wellness
pg. 25
pg. 28
Local Events
pg. 29
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From My Perch
Cover: Stock
1: Two letter writers this week are causing me to rethink my last column (thanks James and Lance). My father also flew in Halifax bombers; opposing war is not being against our troops. But the writers’ main points are well taken. The Second World War was a “just war.” The Nazis needed to be stopped. That may be the case with ISIS too—another brutally genocidal and ideologically purist movement bent on military domination. The treatment of Germany by the Allies after World War I, however, sowed the seeds for the rise to power of Hitler and the Nazis. Likewise, the West’s approach to the Middle East The Promoter is a local, independently owned and operated news magazine. The opinions and views expressed are those may well have sowed the seeds for of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of the rise of militant and fundamentalist The Promoter. Liability for incorrectly displayed or placed advertisements is limited to publishing corrections or providing Islamic movements like the Taliban, advertising credit to be applied on subsequent advertisements Al-Qaeda, ISIS and Boko Haram. at the advertiser’s discretion. The West (including Canada) has not always acted with the best of motivations in the Middle East, and now we are reaping the results. Muslim fundamentalism didn’t spring from nowhere, and it doesn’t have
supporters for no reason. We are not entirely innocent victims. European colonial powers had a history of redrawing national boundaries in the region to suit themselves. I suppose, having played a role in creating this mess, we now have a responsibility to help clean it up. I’m not sure what our best course of action is, but I’m willing to concede it may be military. Let’s please continue open and thoughtful debate. 2: I saw a powerful documentary last Sunday. The Highway of Tears tells stories of systemic violence against Indigenous women in Canada that is up to 350 percent higher than against Canadian women overall. The violence continues; Indigenous mother, grandmother (and sex worker) Cindy Gladue, was killed by rough sex in Edmonton in 2011. The admitted killer was acquitted even of manslaughter by a jury with no Indigenous members. This woman’s preserved vagina was actually displayed in the courtroom. Generational poverty, residential schools, systemic violence, and high unemployment all play a role. Our government says we don’t need a national inquiry ( Highwayoftearsdocumentary).
April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter
Village Voice The Promoter reserves the right to edit Letters to the Editor for length and clarity. Please include your email or mailing address and daytime phone number (not for publication). All opinions expressed are those of the writer.
Canada’s good rep born in WWII
Re: March 20 From My Perch. First of all, you were born some 18 years after the actual reason why Canada became so welcomed by Europeans. In 1939, we, as part of the British Empire, declared war on Nazi Germany. We joined Britain in their “invasion” (your word, not mine) of the Nazi regime that was systematically taking over the world, country by country. Many folks in the United States and Ireland were sympathetic to the Nazi cause. However, U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt finally convinced his country to join the British coalition in their invasion of the German regime. Southern Ireland, who had been refueling German war ships, reluctantly joined the Allied attackers. Canada gained such a reputation, during the Allied attacks and liberation of France, Holland, Poland, etc., that wherever they travelled Canadians were welcomed with open arms. Appreciative Hollanders, as a result of our attacks, have annually furnished Ottawa with thousands of tulip bulbs, which flower into a huge display of colour each spring at Parliament. ISIS has emphatically espoused to take over the world and rid it of all but their believers. Their method of attack has many faces: kidnapping and decapitation of infidels peacefully visiting Iraq and/ or Syria; secretly establishing terrorists throughout the democratic and non-Muslim empires in order to kill the peaceful infidels and ultimately wipe them out; using computers to lure young, impressionable children into their fold, etc. I noticed that you used unnecessary quotation marks to emphasize peacekeeping when our troops were stationed in Kosovo and Somalia. You painted all our forces with the same brush by bringing up the one incident where a few soldiers reportedly beat a young Somalian to death. I was a police officer for 33 years, 11 of those years in the homicide squad. I investigated hundreds of murders, but it never entered my mind to suggest or even hint that all Torontonians may, in any way, be of the same ilk as the perpetrators.
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April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter
The 9/11 incidents were not attacks on the U.S. alone, but these buildings housed the International Trade Centre, and people from many nations, including Canada, were victimized. From your editorial, I would conclude that you are anti-U.S., but we owe much to that country. Our standard of living depends largely on our association. You tend to write about only one side of situations, so that it appears the coalition, as you call it, are the perpetrators. In some cases, the United Nations has backed the coalition. Thank God we have such a neighbour as the U.S.A. Many democratic nations have felt the onslaught of ISIS, all because of their different religious beliefs. The vast majority of our Canadian Muslims are peace loving and would not consider a different way of life. Bill C-51, in my opinion, is far from a kneejerk reaction. It is designed specifically to protect us from rising acts of terrorism which, contrary to what you suggest, are no fault of ours. The very thought of its misuse is a “cry wolf” response. Even if such a thing should occur, our court system would certainly disallow proceedings. James Majury Bobcaygeon
Choose peace, but don’t back down
My Dad, Hal Mitchell, was a Flight Sergeant and flew missions over Germany in a Halifax bomber during WW2. He was humbly proud to have served his country, and was able to live the rest of his life in peace here in the worlds greatest nation. He died this month at the age of 95. My big Brother, Greg Mitchell, was inspired by my Dad’s example, so became a career soldier in the Canadian Armed Forces. He excelled at his profession and rose to the rank of Brigadier General before retiring. He completed two peacekeeping tours in Cyprus, as just one example of his long and distinguished career. I think all Canadians should back our Canadian Armed Forces, as peacekeepers whenever possible, but as peacemakers when necessary. There will be times we need to fight for people who are not able to protect themselves. We did not “attack Afghanistan,” but we fought the Taliban terrorists, to help protect the people of Afghanistan. I disagree that “we have often left chaos in our wakes, even sparked the violent rise of ISIS” as you stated. ISIS is against everything that Canada stands for. There is no peace to be kept with terrorists. We need to ask ourselves, “What is our responsibility to the global community?” The times are rapidly changing, and the peacekeeping model of 1957 is not necessarily going to work these days. Sometimes we are forced to head in directions we don’t care to go. I think that Canadians will always choose peace first, but we also won’t back down from terrorists. Lance Mitchell Lindsay
Awaiting chip truck bylaw wording
I believe that a second chip truck in Bobcaygeon may not be a bad thing, but as I understand it the change to the bylaw to allow a second chip truck is not about a second chip truck, but about changing the bylaw that states only one chip truck is allowed. A change could mean that chip trucks appear on every corner or anywhere for that matter. Would you want one outside your house? I think that we need to see the wording in any bylaw change. For those who feel sorry for Mr. (Allan) Latto, please remember that he flaunted the law when a cease-and-desist order was given by the city—for which he was fined, twice. Dave Mackay Bobcaygeon
Free enterprise all the way
A special thank you to Kathleen SeymourFagan, in her first term as a councillor for CKL, for stepping up and championing free enterprise in her riding. KSF ‘s leadership of passion and integrity to do what is right, and to make good things happen for all, is her role and is appreciated. Here’s to more success! Nancy Griffin Dunsford
The Promoter promotes
We were away this weekend so I just had the opportunity to read my Promoter. I knew it must be good though, because at least 10 patients commented on your article on Monday, John. Crystal Longo Bobcaygeon Helps Food Bank President
Please help with this study
In 1983, the Ontario Child Health Study raised concerns about one in five children experiencing mental health challenges, with very little care. In response, Ontario initiated community-based programs to support families and children. Since then, rising income inequality and other demographic shifts have increased family stress. These changes have raised concerns about child and youth mental health among government, educators and the public. We need accurate information. Researchers from McMaster University are conducting the 2014 Ontario Child Health Study in your community. Statistics Canada is inviting 13,500 families to participate across 180 communities. However, I recently learned that many families are hesitant to participate. Why? In the 1983 study, 91 percent of families participated. If you get a call from Statistics Canada asking you to participate in the Ontario Child Health Study, I urge you to say “yes.” Lynne Franke Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit
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Branch 441 Kinmount (705) 488-3462 • Bingo Fridays at 6:45 pm and weekly meat draws Saturdays at 5 pm • Big Buck Bid Euchre the third Wednesday of the month at 11 am • Seniors cards - Monday afternoons at 1 pm • Drop-in cards -Tuesday evenings at 7pm • Lunch the last Tuesday of each month from April to October. $7
Branch 497 Omemee (705) 799-5095 • Men’s darts - Tuesdays at 7:30 pm • Country music jams every 2nd Saturday at 1 pm (Next one April 4) • Progressive euchre every 2nd Saturday at 12:30 pm • Doubles Darts - Tuesday at 8 pm • Mixed Darts - Thursday at 8 pm Our Local Royal Canadian Legion News is a free service offered by The Kawartha Promoter. E-mail to Next deadline: Tuesday, April 7. April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter
City Hall ‘Clean environment is a right’ says CKL
The City of Kawartha Lakes narrowly missed a place in history by becoming the first municipality in Ontario to adopt the “Blue Dot” resolution supporting clean water, air and safe food. But at least we’re second, after Hamilton inched us out by adopting its own Blue Dot resolution last week, just ahead of CKL’s March 24 council decision to do the same. “I have never been more proud to be a citizen of the City of Kawartha Lakes,” Bill MacCallum commented after the vote. “I believe that council showed great foresight in enshrining the right to a healthy environment for current and future residents.” The City of Kawartha Lakes resolution recognizes: • “That people are inextricably linked to the environment; • “That all people have the right to a healthy sustainable environment, particularly but not limited to, the right to breath clean air and the right to access safe food and water; • “That as an environmental strategy, the City of Kawartha Lakes, respects, protects and promotes these rights for the benefit of existing and future generations of people.” It also directs staff to forward the resolution “to the federal and provincial Ministers of Environment calling for a renewed commitment to the current environmental protection and conservation legislation such as the Oak Ridges Morraine Conservation Plan, the Green Belt Plan and all legislation relating to the environment, water and air protection, including the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act.” The issue originally came to council Jan. 20, when Mayor Andy Letham invited area residents Brian Smith and William MacCallum—along with Leah Mathers’ Grade 3 class from Fenelon Falls’ Langton Public school—to make a presentation on the Blue Dot Movement that was pioneered by the Dr. David Suzuki Foundation. They said this growing national grassroots movement is based on the idea that people have a basic human right to a healthy environment, including fresh water, clean air and safe food. That right, they argued should be included in Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. As directed by council, staff brought a report and proposed resolution back to the March 24 meeting,
which was moved by Ward 11 Councillor Pat O’Reilly. It didn’t go through without a hitch, though. The first vote failed in a tie because some council members balked at wording they felt committed the city to “fulfill” the environmental initiatives. Ward 7 Councillor Brian Junkin came to the rescue with a rewording that removed the offending phrase. Ward 16 Councillor Heather Stauble offered a friendly amendment that included reference to environmental policies the upper levels of government have already adopted, and the result passed. As far back as 2002, the city had made an “Environment First” declaration in principle. It also adopted its Sustainability Plan in 2013.
Bobcaygeon to get its second chip truck By Pat Warren
The great French fry debate has come to an end. City of Kawartha Lakes Council supported Councillor Kathleen Seymour-Fagan’s resolution directing staff to amend the current bylaw to allow a second chip truck in Bobcaygeon—even though the city received more letters against the proposal than in favour … and even though the councillor in whose ward the chip truck will be situated, spoke against the resolution. Ward 7 Councillor Brian Junkin said he supports “bricks-and-mortar eating establishments that pay business taxes and are open year long.” Earlier in the year, the city had asked residents to write to the clerk to state whether they supported a second chip truck. Although many letters of support did come in—and are now part of the record to council—the city actually received more letters opposing the second chip truck. However Councillor Seymour-Fagan said she had received input last year from more than 60 people and 15 restaurant owners who supported a second chip truck. City staff will be bringing a reworded bylaw back to council for its consideration. The issue arose after Allan Latto sought to open a chip wagon last year in Bobcaygeon’s north end, near the site of the popular Caygeon Lanes bowling alley and banquet hall that burned down in June 2013. Latto was refused because a bylaw on the books stipulated that only one chip wagon could operate in the village at a time. Seymour-Fagan said she supported entrepreneurship and “the city is open for business.”
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Time for changes to Kawartha Lakes Wards?
Kawartha Lakes council has asked staff to conduct an “in-house” review of ward boundaries, which could potentially lead to a reduction in, or realignment of, the city’s current roster of 16 wards. Among issues the review will consider: •R epresentation by population, some wards have more electors than others; •P rotection of communities; • Cottagers and other non-resident electors; •N atural and built features, including lakes, rivers, roads, telephone exchanges; • Effective representation, all options should consider the overriding principle of effective representation for all electors. Council ordered the review, in a resolution moved by Ward 4 Councillor Andrew Veale, after receiving a report from Clerk Judy Currins that had been requested by the previous council. Currins’ report included a work plan with time frames. Council must have a final decision, including completion of any appeals to the Ontario Municipal Board, by June 2017, in preparation for the 2018 municipal election. The work plan also includes gathering input from the public and approval by the province. Ward 2 Councillor Emmett Yeo said this was the third time this question had come before council and nothing ever came of the previous motions. He is against reducing representation, he said. Ward 16 Councillor Heather Stauble felt that reducing the number of wards and/or councillors would make more work for councillors—in theory, a part-time position. Ward 9 Councillor Isaac Breadner supported
the resolution. He said representation would not be diminished. Ward 11 Councillor Pat O’Reilly noted the city is already doing a core-services review, and so it should also include a review of council. And Veale reiterated that his motion was only to ask for the review, not to close off any options.
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April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter
TL’s mining advisory committee set to go
By Glenna Burns
The committee members for Trent Lakes’ new Mining and Aggregate Advisory committee have now been selected. They are: Adri Eastman, Bernie Fuhrmann, Janet Klein, Don Young and Marie Windover, plus Councillors Dick Persson and Peter Raymond. One of the big issues at the table as soon as the committee meets will almost certainly be the upcoming appeal of the Ontario Municipal Board decision regarding the Dewdney Mountain Farm Quarry. Lawyer Graham Andrews, representing the appellants against the quarry asked council on March 17 to throw its support behind the appellants. Councillor Raymond responded, saying “we will await results of discussions between lawyers on that item.” Marie Windover, one of the new members for 2015, feels this committee should become broader thinking than its predecessor. A similar committee operated in the municipality years ago, and was important in the development of the Official Plan for Trent Lakes in 2004. Windover said she would like to see the committee take a more educated, informed look at the whole issue of water resources, wetlands
resources and mineral resources as connected entities. “I hope the committee can bring some clarification to the natural and existing features of such a unique area of biodiversity,” she explained. Don Young of CDR Young Aggregates, Fraserville (Pontypool), represents the mining industry on the committee. The Mining and Aggregate Advisory committee was first discussed by council on January 6, when clerk Bob Angione submitted a report to council that urged council to re-establish it. In the report he said “the cumulative impact of new quarry operations in the municipality has become a concern for council and ratepayers.” The City of Kawartha Lakes released its own Aggregate Policy Review draft on March 19. The policy is currently in OMB appeal. The public will be able to review the revised CKL document and speak to its creators in the Victoria Room at City Hall in Lindsay on Wednesday, April 15, from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. At 2 pm, council will hold an open “Public Meeting” in the council chambers to hear delegations and receive input from the public. Trent Lakes municipal leaders will be closely watching the developments in aggregate policy in CKL.
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April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter
Training fuTure piloTs aT lindsay airporT Did you know there’s a school in Lindsay that attracts students from all around the world? Fly Canadian is a modern international flight school, owned and run by airline professionals, that operates out of the City of Kawartha Lakes’ very own Lindsay Airport. Since the school located here in 2012, pilots in training have come to Lindsay to study from places like Germany, Brazil, Sudan, Cameroun, the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan and Shanghai. Right now there are 11 international students enrolled at the school, says Sabine Lohrbach. They usually stay for about a year, studying full time to earn any combination of license levels, including basic visual flight rules, instrument flight rules, private or commercial, and multi-engine. The school offers all the training and flight testing required to qualify students for any of these levels, says chief pilot and instructor Gerry Roque. That
also includes preparation for the mandatory Transport Canada written exams. “We’re a fully accredited, international, private career college,” adds Sabine—an allin-one flight-training centre. Fly Canadian currently has four airplanes in operation, including a twin-engine Piper Seneca, as well as an on-ground flight simulator (it will be upgrading soon to a stateof-the-art Red Bird simulator). The school is not just international either, Sabine points out. The company also has local students, ranging in age from their teens to retired, studying part-time towards various license levels, some just as a hobby. And if you’re just interested in taking a flight over your home or cottage and surroundings, that can easily be arranged too—for flights of an hour or more and for one to five passengers at a time. Owned and operated by airline professionals, Fly Canadian offers modern airline training techniques to start pilots on the
right track from day one of their flying journey. Fly Canadian’s training focuses not only on the core technical and flying skills, but also human-factors skills, including more awareness of the environment, human limitations and performance, crew resource management and threat-and-error management. Lindsay is a great location for the school, says Sabine. It’s a totally different atmosphere from Toronto, and the airport has undergone many renovations including a new apron, tarmac and expanded parking facilities. Fly Canadian is putting the City of Kawartha Lakes on the international map.
April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter
PREttY As A PiCtuRE!! $269,900 ( Mls 1408492) 2 bedroom 2 bath bungalow nicely appointed across from Sturgeon Lake in beautiful Bobcyageon. This lovely home would make a perfect starter empty nester or weekend escape from the city!!! This property has been lovingly maintained all you have to do is move in!! Close to all amenities – and unlike many homes in this price range offers a double car garage with conveniant inside entry. Call Anne for further information & to arrange a private tour 705-791-8383
Avoid cottage country at all costs
I went to my first dance—and not coincidentally kissed my first girl—at our cottage on Crystal Lake just south of Kinmount. It was a magical place for growing up. We caught endless sunfish, perch and bass. We watched fish, crayfish, frogs and turtles—and even a loon— from underwater with masks and snorkels. We once sat in our canoe in mid lake as half-adozen loons did a beautiful dance around us in the sunrise mists, punctuated by their haunting calls. We got our first introduction to countless wild things—beavers, mink, flying squirrel, salamanders, bears (at the dump), herons, osprey. We drove our first motorized vehicle—a plywood rowboat built by our dad and a deafeningly Anne Preston, Real Estate Broker ForBroker Friendly No Pressure Anne Preston, Real Estate loud, three-horse outboard from the 1930s. 705-791-8383 705-791-8383 Assistance With Your Real The cottage—and cottage country—captivated Estate Needs Call , Sales Representative Jim Wessels Jim Wessels, Sales Representative me so much that I moved here as an adult, as soon 705-791-0462ANNE PRESTON • REAL ESTATE705-791-0462 as I could figure out how to make a living. BROKER HOME OFFICE: 705-438-5178 HOME OFFICE: 705-438-5178DIRECT: 705-791-8383 I love it here, and I want to keep it for myself. So I suggest you don’t even think about buying waterfront here. Not Intended To Solicit Any Person Under Conttract To Another Brokerage It’s no fun. Honest.
10 April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter
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Promoter Crossword # 149 – By Charon 1
Down 1 They search the internet (8) 2 Silver-tongued (8) 3 Greatest Show On Earth (5-4,6) 5 All square (4) 6 Guys behind 3 down (6,3,6) 7 Part of the head or a place to worship (6) 8 Repetitive chant (6) 11 Quaint hotel (3) 14 Implore (3) 17 Moroccan headgear and city (3) 18 Place to put your idols (8) 19 Preordained (8) 22 Church sale or oriental market. (6) 23 Something to beg when you're sorry (6) 24 "Much ___ About Nothing" (3) 27 Doofus (4)
10 11
13 14
16 17 20
26 27
Across 1 It may be held (6) 4 Word for word (8) 9 What the nose perceives (6) 10 Charon's occupation (8) 12 Dessert wine (8) 13 Frequently accused in murder mysteries (6) 15 "La Loge"artist (6) 16 Coffee choice (5)
Solution to Crossword #148
20 21 25 26 28 29 30
Acquiesce (5) Stick (to) (6) Slowly, to a conductor (6) Nearest in position (8) Taken for ransom (8) Substance in wheat flour (6) Excellent seat for 3 down ? (8) 31 Pedalled (6)
1 9
O 25
A 26
T 15
T 28
U 20
V 16
P 12
E 13
L 11
L 29
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NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING TO CONSIDER THE REPEAL OF OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 8 TO THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES OFFICIAL PLAN Fenelon Falls, Omemee, and Woodville Secondary Plans Take Notice That the Planning Committee will hold a Public Meeting on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, City Hall, 26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario, to consider the proposed repeal of OPA No. 8. The Planning Committee, on behalf of the Council of the City of Kawartha Lakes, will consider a by-law that will repeal Official Plan Amendment No. 8 (OPA No. 8) to the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. The intent of OPA No. 8 was to introduce updated community land use polices and schedules through an amendment to the City’s Official Plan that provide additional support for the continued sustainable growth of the above noted urban settlement areas. On August 12, 2014, the Council of the City of Kawartha Lakes adopted OPA No. 8 to the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan through the passing of By-law No. 2014-235; however, due to errors in provision of Notice with respect to the Public Meeting for and passage of By-law No. 2014-235, the adoption of OPA No. 8 was not carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act. The purpose and effect of the By-law will be to repeal OPA No. 8. The lands affected by this By-law are identified as the urban settlement areas of Fenelon Falls, Omemee, and Woodville. Additional Information relating to the proposed repeal of OPA No. 8 is available from the City of Kawartha Lakes Development Services Department – Planning Division, Lindsay Service Centre, 180 Kent Street West, Lindsay, during regular office hours. Any Person May Attend the Public Meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed repeal of OPA No. 8. At the public meeting presentations that would take longer than ten minutes should be presented in written form and summarized verbally. All submissions will be considered. If You Wish to Be Notified of the Recommendation and/or the Decision in respect of this matter, provide your name, address and postal code either on the appropriate form at the Public Meeting or by mailing such request to the address provided below. DATED AT THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES THIS 19th DAY OF MARCH, 2015. ( Original Notice )
For more information please contact: Ron Taylor Director of Development Services 705-324-9411 Ext. 1239 180 Kent St. W., Lindsay, K9V 2V6
Richard Holy Manager of Policy Planning 705-324-9411 Ext. 1246
April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter 13
By Bob Hughes
It’s almost that time again—Friday, May 22 to Sunday, May 24—when 270 anglers in 135 boats will hit the water in Bobcaygeon’s Canada-U.S. Walleye Tournament, which at 35 years is Ontario’s longest-running live-release walleye event. Like all such community events, this Bobcaygeon and Area Chamber of Commerce endeavour is successful because of its volunteers. That’s why this article is a reminder to those who’ve held it together year-on-year, and an invitation to others to join for the first time.
What’s needed, you ask? Official Greeter. Says “Hi!” at the Bobcaygeon Arena door (free admission). Ticket Sellers. Stationed at a nearby table or wanders the floor. End-of-dock Assistants/Fish Carriers. These speedy individuals help move the fish from the boats to the weigh station and the live-release tanks. Messengers/Runners. Reserved for the fleet of foot who can quickly carry the latest catch results to the computer specialist. There will be other jobs. Lynda Wheeler (705738-0377) is the contact person. There’s a Meet and Greet session in the service centre, King and East streets, at 7 pm, Thursday, April 16. There could be a FISH in YOUR FUTURE.
There could be a
FISH IN YOUR FUTURE Be a Canada-U.S. Walleye Tournament Volunteer
Bobcaygeon Arena
May 22-23-24
Call 705-738-2202
Trent Lakes council now has a code of conduct displayed on the wall of the council chambers for anyone participating in council deliberations. Mayor Bev Matthews says she hopes these words will set the tone for council for the next four years. •Treat everyone with Dignity and Respect •Listen to all points of view •Be honest in discussions •Follow the Rules of Procedure
With Hypnotherapist
6 4 7 - 6 4 8 - N E W- U
$50 CASH
14 April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter Missed event? Download Matt's audio sessions!
NOTICE OF AN OPEN HOUSE AND PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES OFFICIAL PLAN Aggregate Policy Review (formerly draft Aggregate Secondary Plan) Take Notice That the Planning Committee will hold a Public Meeting on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Main Floor, City Hall, 26 Francis Street, Lindsay, Ontario, to consider this Official Plan amendment. The purpose and effect of this amendment is to identify and protect mineral aggregate resources and to require that the utilization of these resources maintains public health, public safety and environmental integrity of the natural heritage. The proposed policies and related map schedules identify aggregate resource areas, haul routes and environmental and social features. This amendment affects all land within the City of Kawartha Lakes. Any Person May Attend the Public Meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed amendments. At the public meeting, presentations that would take longer than ten minutes should be presented in written form and summarized verbally. All submissions will be considered. If you wish to be notified of the decision of the City of Kawartha Lakes in respect of these matters, provide your name, address and postal code either on the appropriate form at the Public Meeting or by mailing such request to the address provided below. Also Take Notice That the current aggregate polices and schedules have been appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board. Any persons, who wish to make submissions to the Ontario Municipal Board with respect to these aggregate policies and schedules, should contact the Ontario Municipal Board (Phone #1-866-448-2248) to make arrangements to request status at the Hearing in connection with the on-going Official Plan appeal process. Please quote OMB File #PL-120217. A person who or public body that is already a party/participant to the on-going appeal is not required to file any further notice. If a person who or public body that requests party/participant status at the Hearing in connection with the on-going appeal process does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the City before the Amendments are endorsed and forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board, the Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. Additional Information relating to this Amendment is available for inspection at the City of Kawartha Lakes Development Services Department – Planning Division, 180 Kent St. W., Lindsay, during regular office hours – 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and on the City’s website. OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, April 15, 2015, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm Victoria Room, City Hall, 26 Francis St. E., Lindsay
The City of Kawartha Lakes invites residents to review the final draft version of its policies for the long term protection and management of sand, gravel and bedrock (aggregate) resources within the municipality. The purpose of the Open House is to provide members of the public with an informal opportunity to review the draft Aggregate Policies and Schedules, and ask questions of the planning team. Copies of the Aggregate Polices and related Schedules will be available at the Open House and on the City’s website. DATED AT THE CITY OF KAWARTHA LAKES THIS 19th DAY OF MARCH, 2015. ( Original Notice ) For more information please contact: Ron Taylor Director of Development Services 705-324-9411 Ext. 1239
Doug Carroll Manager of Planning 705-324-9411 Ext. 1240
April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter 15
Gamiing offers Easter Eco-Egg Hunt
Spring is in the air. That is something to celebrate, and the Gamiing Nature Centre is doing just that with its annual Easter Eco-Egg Hunt— Saturday, April 4, from 11 am to 4 pm. It operates like a traditional scavenger hunt, with a twist. Gamiing volunteers have hidden eggs around the 100-acre property on the west shore of Pigeon Lake for participants to find. Each egg will also have a photo of a bird that nests at Gamiing, along with its nest and eggs. Other games include forest bingo, hunting with your senses and other popular family games. As always at Gamiing, admission is by donation. Proceeds will support the centre’s EcoGuardian programs. Yummy refreshments will be available. The event is rain or shine, so come prepared for the weather. Rubber boots are recommended, and fun is promised. The Gamiing Nature Centre is located at 1884 Pigeon Lake Road, between Bobcaygeon and Lindsay. The new entrance will be open; follow the signs for parking. Visit, or contact or 705-799-7083.
Where to worship this Easter
Saturday, April 4th 9:00 a.m. - Noon (Rain or Shine) Eggstravaganza
begins at Headquarters located at: Slices N’ Scoops 10 Water St.
Face Painting, Balloon Twister, Colouring book giveaway, Easter Bunny Hunt & Candy Prize Bag!
16 April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter
Happy Easter everyone. Here is a list of Easter church service times for the local churches that responded to our request for this information. BOBCAYGEON
• Bethel Christian Fellowship
• St. Aloysius Roman Catholic
Good Friday Service — 10:30 am Easter Sunday — 10:30 am
• Trinity United Church
Good Friday — 10:30 am Easter Sunday Sunrise Service — 6:45 am at the lake below Post Office (115 Bolton St.) with breakfast to follow at the church. Easter Sunday—10:30 a.m
• Our Lady Queen of Peace Roman Catholic Holy Thursday — 5 pm Good Friday — 3 pm Easter Vigil — 6 pm Easter Sunday — 9 am
Holy Thursday —7 pm Good Friday — 5 pm Easter Vigil — 4 pm Easter Sunday — 11 am
• Fenelon Falls Baptist
Good Friday—10 am Easter Sunday—9 and 11 am
• Fenelon Falls Salvation Army Good Friday—10:30 am Easter Sunday—10:30 am OMEMEE
Trinity United
Good Friday — 10:30 am Easter Sunday Sonrise Service at the beach (Sturgeon Street south) — 7:30 am Easter Sunday Breakfast — 8:30 am Easter Sunday — at 10:30 am
Friendly Staff & Great Service
open GooD FriDaY 9-5 Saturday 7 - 8
easter Sunday 9 - 5
Watch for our inStore SpecialS Good Friday Please suPPort your local FooD BaNK
62 Bolton St. Bobcaygeon 705-738-2282 Check out our flyers at April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter 17
Oh yeah, Storm is a-comin’
Caygeonites should brace themselves for a storm this fall—a Junior A, ice-hockey storm. Stephane and Sandi Laveault are bringing a Junior A hockey team to the village in the form of the Bobcaygeon Storm. The Storm will make a much-desired replacement to the Bobcaygeon Bucks, who also played in the Greater Metro Hockey League until they folded after the 2013-14 season. The team will play against others from Toronto and areas mostly north and northwest of the city (currently 22 listed on the website), including Bracebridge, Parry Sound, Almaguin (Burke’s Falls), Meaford, Port Colborne, Orangeville, and even as far as Temiscaming, Quebec (just over the border from North Bay, Ontario). There are four teams from Toronto itself. Our nearest competitor in the league right now will be the Rama Aces. The new team hopes to recruit local players as much as possible, but will cast its net across Canada, the U.S. and even into Europe. So it is already inviting applications from both hockey players and people willing to billet out-of-town players in their homes during the hockey season. If you’re interested, visit: The team will have up to 28 players on its roster.
Storyteller brings dragons to the Library
There will be dragons at the Bobcaygeon and Lindsay libraries this Saturday, April 4, when master storyteller Jonathan Kruk brings his “story theatre” program, “The Dragon Who Stole Spring and other Adventure Tales,” to Kawartha Lakes. School-aged kids can look forward to adventures featuring a horse of power from Russia, and a riddle tale showing who is the mightiest—and of course, dragons. Children will be encouraged to step into parts of the program to help act out the stories. Kruk is a master storyteller from New York who has performed on national American television shows, like CBS Sunday Morning, AlJazeera America and the National Geographic Channel. He is known for one-man performances of the Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow and A Christmas Carol. His recordings have garnered Parents’ Choice and other awards. “We are thrilled to have Jonathan perform for us,” says Diane Lansdell, a supervisor with the CKL library system. “You will be captivated.” At his last appearance here, two years ago, Kruk enchanted all with his lively theatrical style of storytelling. Kruk will be at the Bobcaygeon branch at 10:30 am, and at the Lindsay branch at 2 pm.
SPRING IS IN THE AIR • Mercury and Volvo • Full Service Marina • Wi-Fi • Covered Slips Available • Birch Point Boat Haulage
South Shore Sturgeon Lake 442 County Road 24 Bobcaygeon 705-738-2473 - Fax 705-738-2500 18 April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter
We’ve Got The Goods!
The fourth in a series on Shopping Locally Do it because you can By Louise Lavere Social media was abuzz when Target announced earlier this year that it would close its Canadian stores. Tweets and Facebook posts lamented the loss of the big-box retailer in Lindsay: Where would we shop now? For many, it seems, the knee-jerk reaction is to shop out of town. Instead of heading out of town, drive across town—to Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls, or Lindsay— where you’ll find local merchants offering great merchandise and personal service. Starbucks may be gone, but you can get a great cup of coffee at locally owned and top-notch coffee shops in all three of these communities, plus others—and each with its own unique ambiance to boot. Here are a few more local shopping options: Clothing – Kent Street in Lindsay, Colborne Street in Fenelon Falls and Bolton Street in Bobcaygeon are lined with shops offering clothing and shoes for men, women and children. Home furnishings and décor—King Street in
Bobcaygeon boasts a half-dozen unique new and vintage home décor shops in a two-block area. Fenelon Falls and Lindsay both have furniture and appliance stores, not to mention resale shops brimming with unique, budget-conscious options. Sporting and outdoors—Lindsay and Bobcaygeon have excellent shopping for sporting and outdoor enthusiasts, with a new one slated to open later this spring in Fenelon Falls. Toys and games—I’m happy to point out that I opened Gigi’s Toys in Bobcaygeon in 2013, joining Lindsay’s Kent Street toy and hobby shops. Look beyond Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls, and Lindsay, and you’ll find many more locally-owned and operated retailers throughout Kawartha Lakes. You may not find every single thing you’ll ever need or want here, but you can come pretty close—and you’ll keep the economic impact of your shopping dollars right here at home.
A few of our local retailers that carry excellent products Bobcaygeon Art & Printing Spitting Images
Coboconk Hardware Shields Home Hardware 6663 Hwy #35
FENELON FALLS Antiques Grr8 Finds 27 & 29 Colborne St. Appliances Bert’s Appliances 54 Colborne St. Cornerstone Home Furniture 73 Colborne St.
Bedding Bert’s Appliances 54 Colborne St. Collectibles Grr8 Finds 27 & 29 Colborne St. Furniture Cornerstone Home Furniture 73 Colborne St. Houghton Creek Jewellery Johnson Jewellers Gauze 2 Go 140 Kent St.
Men’s Wear Nisbett’s Clothiers, Men’s Formal Wear & Rentals Women’s Fashion Brittany & Bros. Gauze 2 Go 140 Kent St.
Lindsay Footwear Brittany & Bros. Furniture Kate & Co. Home Accents Kate & Co.
HOME ACCENTS & DECOR 100 Kent Street West, Lindsay
705 880 5283
April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter 19
April 3-April 16, 2015 Melodie McCullough
Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19) Don’t let yourself get worn down, Aries. Get lots of structured sleep time. Something is on the horizon and you need to be both mentally and physically prepared to handle it. Watch for a hand-delivered letter. Pisces (Feb. 20 to March 20) The motifs of rebirth surround us at this time of year, Pisces. As you witness all the outward signs, consider what this renaissance can mean for you, inwardly, and act on it. Aries (March 21 to April 20) Trust is a big issue for you right now, Aries. Learning to trust again after a betrayal or significant hurt can be one of the toughest things you’ll ever do. But, trust us –it is worth it. Taurus (April 21 to May 21) It is important to name and accept your feelings, Taurus. If you think that you never learned to do this, and it is now too late, think again. It is never too late to change our behavior, our habits, and our ways of thinking, all for benefit. Gemini (May 22 to June 22) Gemini, a love you have just discovered will flourish and grow, under your gentle nurturing. Honesty is very important in this relationship—but we sense you have already figured that out.
Cancer (June 23 to July 23) Remember, dear Cancer, that you, and you alone, are responsible for your happiness and tranquility. You can’t find it in things or in another person. It comes from within YOU. Leo (July 24 to Aug. 23) You will receive many lovely compliments, Leo, in the coming weeks, from comments on your statuesque demeanor to your on-the-job aptitude. Accept all with the humility for which you are known. Virgo (Aug. 24 to Sept. 23) Being authentic. This seems to be one of today’s newest buzzwords. But what does it mean, Virgo? Well, let’s start with this: being who you really are and finding meaning and purpose in your life. Or as Shakespeare would tell us: “To thine own self be true.” Either way, it’s a good way to be. Libra (Sept. 24 to Oct. 23) Find your inspiration in a peaceful, quiet space, Libra. Collect your thoughts. Decode your problems. Take a tiny step. Scorpio (Oct. 24 to Nov. 22) “Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are travelling the dark journey with us. Oh be swift to love, make haste to be kind”—Henri Frederic Amiel. Sweet words, Scorpio, sweet words. Sagittarius (Nov. 23 to Dec. 21) Hang in there, Sag You have been through the wringer lately. But the days are getting longer and the sun is rising high. And oh how bright and beautiful everything will soon be. Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20) We’re proud of you, Capricorn. You’ve been making a good effort at breaking some bad habits, and forming new, beneficial ones. Keep at it. Tomorrow will be easier than today.
Local Trades & Services For all your boating needs. Leo Groenendyk Rob Owen
705-341-3077 •
20 April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter
Support our local small businesses!
Local Trades & Services
Support our local small businesses!
JERMYN LUMBER Your dream kitchen by
Style • Quality • Affordability 57 North St., Bobcaygeon 738-2412 1-877-958-3835
Handy - Andy Basements & Renovations
Basement Finishing • Washrooms Kitchens • Framing • Drywall • Flooring Call Andy @ 705-328-9810 for a free estimate
All-Stars Realty Inc., Brokerage Independently owned and operated
Cathy Hopkins-Poole Sales representative Cell. 705 738-7007 Bus. 705 738-2378
73 Bolton Street, Bobcaygeon
ELECTRIC Owner: Kirk Kimble ECRA/ESA Lic. 7009784
For all your electrical needs
April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter 21
Help keep our city beautiful
What’s Happening at the Lindsay Gallery Annual Secondary School Students Juried Exhibit March 18 to April 25, 2015
Awards & Reception for Student Juried Exhibit Saturday, April 25 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm Refreshments. Admission is free.
The Growing Artist Society
Calling all high school students! Find a quiet place at the Gallery Wednesday from 3 pm - 5pm Just bring your sketch book and drop by. No registration. Admission free. Refreshments
Artist’s Network
Calling All Artists! An informal monthly get together for artists to Meet, Network and Share April 22, 2015 6:30 - 8:00 pm Admission is free. Refreshments
April Tea Tyme
Wednesday April 15, 2015. 11:30am to 1:30pm Guest Speaker: Roger Hill from Hill’s Florist ‘It’s Time for Flower Power!’ Tickets $20.00 per person
Please contact the Gallery at 705-324-1780 or for information and ticket sales The Lindsay Gallery is located on the second floor of The Lindsay Public Library, 190 Kent Street West, Lindsay.
As melting snow reveals the candy bar wrappers, pop cans and other detritus of winter, the City of Kawartha Lakes is encouraging residents to join its annual 20-Minute Community Clean-Up (formerly the 20-Minute Makeover). It’s a self-directed, garbage pick-up in your neighbourhood or local park that you can do any time during Earth Week, April 19-25. In that spirit, the Bobcaygeon Lions Club is already organizing its own “clean-up day” in and around town on Wednesday, April 22, from 10 am to noon and from 4 to 6 pm. The club invites folks to meet at the Lions Hall, 55 Main St (across from the Full Cup Café). Contact Isabel at 705-731-0116 Groups or individuals interested in the 20-Minute Community Clean-Up can register through the Waste and Recycling section of the City of Kawartha Lakes website or pick up a registration form at any Municipal Service Centre. Staff will contact group representatives, and work to provide garbage collection teams with gloves, bags, and other materials. The deadline for group registration is April 15. After the cleanup, staff will gather tallies together and help participants share their efforts. Of course, if you want, you can just go out and pick the garbage out of your ditch.
Repurposed Treasures
FOR SALE! From 6” - 20” wide in a variety of lengths Some over 110 years old...
Discover our world of antiques, unusual, whimsical, collectible, decor-able ...plusCabinets, furniture and so much more...
BID on some fineTreasures..Next Silent Auction April 11-18 .Visit Website for details 54 Anne Street - north of the Trent-Severn bridge - west side of Hwy # 36 705 300 2196
OPEN: Wed., Thurs., Sat.: 10 - 5 -
22 April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter
Sun.:12- 4.
Child poverty a reality—here, now
More than 70 of the 370 students at Bobcaygeon Public School are likely living in poverty, Principal Jane Austin told a meeting on child poverty at Trinity United Church in March. The figure is extrapolated from statistics developed by Trillium Lakelands School Board’s Poverty Working group. It says one in five children within the board experience child poverty. ww Austin told the information and sharing meeting, sponsored by Trinity United Church Women, that she faces child poverty every day at her school. The school and board try to ease the problem in a variety of ways. About 40 community members turned out for the meeting. Someone noted that the Dunsford Food Bank has seen a 30 percent increase since Christmas, and the Bobcaygeon Helps Food Bank aids 600 people. Another suggested that politicians need to see who are coming to the food banks. Other participants supported community gardens to provide healthy and affordable food, and better paying jobs with health coverage, and drew attention to CKL’s new Housing Help Centre to assist vulnerable community members with housing, and a poverty-reduction action plan available at Other panelists included Cambridge Street
Experienced Legal Advice for your Residential & Recreational Transactions & Estate Planning
United Church’s Bill Huskinson, a member of CKL’s Poverty Reduction Coalition, federal New Democratic Party candidate Mike Perry and federal Conservative candidate Jamie Schmale. Possible future steps include: meeting with City of Kawartha Lakes Council and the Poverty Reduction Coalition; organizing a federal allcandidates meeting on the issue; participating in the May 6-8 Poverty Reduction Summit in Ottawa; and organizing a meeting in Bobcaygeon in early May to explore setting up a local bursary program.
Great BREAKFASTS! Hand Sliced PEAMEAL Fantastic OMELETTES Fresh Fruit did you know? PANCAKES we have a great selection Homemade of Gluten Free choices. COCONUT CREAM PIE
HOME-MADE BAKING AVAILABLE Open seven days a week 50 Main st., Bobcaygeon
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Some tips for Canadians over 65
At 65, even though it’s no longer an official retirement age, many things change related to your taxes. Here are some tips from H&R Block ( • Split your pension and save: Seniors are allowed to split up to half of their eligible pension income with a spouse or commonlaw partner. Income splitting allows some seniors to enjoy a significant tax reduction. In the situation where the lower-income spouse has very little income, the tax savings are substantial.
• Get your benefits: Any senior receiving Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) through Old Age Security should file on time to ensure their benefits continue uninterrupted. • Transfer amounts: If your spouse is unable to completely offset his or her age amount, pension income and disability amount against tax payable, he or she may transfer the unused portion to your return. • Caregiver amount: If you live with your children and you are over 65, they may be able to claim a caregiver amount for you if your income is less than $20,002. The caregiver amount is increased by the $2,058 family caregiver amount when the dependant is infirm. • Foreign pension income: Pensions from foreign countries may be taxable under the terms of a treaty. Always check with a tax professional to find out if the pension you receive from
a foreign source is taxable in Canada. • Split your CPP and save: You may be able to split part of your Canada Pension Plan benefits with your spouse depending on how long you lived together while contributing. This is an advantage if one senior is in a higher tax bracket. Apply to Human Resources & Social Development Canada using Form ISP-1002 ahead of tax time. • Add up those Medical expenses: If you purchase medical insurance for a visit to another country, it is considered a medical expense. Medical expenses are calculated based on income so it is normally more beneficial for the lower income spouse to claim them. And if you have to travel to obtain medical treatment that was not available where you live, you may be able to claim the cost of transportation, meals and accommodation.
e-file plus other online services
Income Tax Service 96 Main St, Bobcaygeon 705-341-3969 / 705-738-2628 P.O. Box 452, Bobcaygeon
TurnerMoore LLP Certified General Accountants
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Providing a full range of business and personal accounting services including bookkeeping, corporate filings, estate returns, and tax planning. 24 April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter
Together with you, we are Partners Building Success! Tel: 705-738-1581
Kawartha Care cares—about your well being Step into the old, red-brick, Kent Street home that houses the Kawartha Care Wellness Centre, and right away you know you’re in good hands. The atmosphere of warm friendliness and welcoming, competent care is so strong you feel it immediately. Little wonder. The clinic is run by four professional women with years of health-care experience between them—with the emphasis on care . . . and caring. “We’re not a five-minute, in-and-out operation,” says chiropractor, acupuncturist and owner Dr. Manju Asdhir. “We’re a one-stop clinic, and we’re proud of the amount of genuine care and effort we put into looking after our patients. “We take time to build rapport with them; their wellness is our number one priority. They become like members of our family.” The proof is in the pudding, she adds, noting that “word of mouth is our number one referral source. That’s a great compliment.” It shows just how happy the patients are with the care and treatment they receive at Kawartha Care. Dr. Asdhir launched her practice in 2013 in a shared arrangement with Dr. Charles Norohna. But by last summer her patients base had grown so much she moved to her current location beside Ross Memorial Hospital at 282 Kent St. W. Here, she has been able to add registered massage therapist Rebecca Foster to the roster and a foot-care nurse—all managed with warmth and competence by Gail Bunting, who sets the tone immediately when you enter
the front office. Together the four women bring decades of experience to their practices. Another great advantage is the free parking right behind the building. Nowadays, that’s gold. As a chiropractor, Dr. Asdhir specializes in a gentler form of the practice, using an “impulse adjusting instrument” to offer precise, localized treatment. Her adjustments are so gentle they are suitable for anyone from tender babies to the fragile elderly—and all ages in between. Add in Dr. Asdhir’s skills in acupuncture, and she has a perfect mix, she says, for the population spread in the Kawarthas, where she happily chose to establish herself. Kawartha Care Wellness Centre is open Tuesday to Friday, 9 am to 6 pm, with some evening treatments available by appointment. Be sure to contact them for your wellness needs.
April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter 25
Health & Wellness Raising the flag for autism
Donna Thomson, Chairperson, Kawartha Lakes Autism Support, and Mayor Andy Letham were to raise a flag at noon on April 2 for World Autism Awareness Day—and on behalf of Autism Ontario—at the Lindsay Library on Kent Street.
It’s the third year of Canada’s participation and recognition of World Autism Awareness Day. The event was to show support for Parents and Caregivers with a child, youth or adult with an Autism Spectrum Disorder and to help Kawartha Lakes Autism Support raise Autism Awareness in the city.
‘Fix society, not us,’ is LGBTQ message
Hearing loss has the potential to affect health and well-being in ways some never might have imagined. Recent research indicates that older individuals with hearing loss have accelerated loss of brain tissue in addition to a higher risk of poor physical and mental health, dementia, falls, and hospitalizations. The study tracked 126 participants, who underwent yearly magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to trace brain changes for up to a decade. In that time, researchers found that people with hearing loss at the beginning of the study had quicker rates of brain atrophy than those with normal hearing. In fact, those with diminished hearing lost more than an additional cubic centimeter of brain tissue annually compared to those with normal hearing. We feel it is important that our patients understand about hearing, hearing devices, and options that are available in today’s market. We take the time to show, explain, and educate our patients every step of the way.To schedule a hearing consultation, please call our clinic. We provide comprehensive audiological assessments. We educate our patients so they can make an informed decision about their hearing needs. P.S. It is recommended that adults have their hearing assessed at least every decade through age 50 and at three-year intervals thereafter.
26 April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter
LGBTQ (that’s Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans or Queer) students hear anti-gay slurs an average of 26 times a day; 26 percent of these youth are told to leave home, and they account for 30 percent of suicides. Some of them have also experienced OHIPsupported attempts to change their sexual orientation or gender identity. Erika Muse, a Hamilton resident was sent for such “therapy” when she was 16. Muse described it as “not therapeutic, but abusive.” It left her “feeling violated and hurt,” she said. The therapist’s treatment,
which was paid for by OHIP, left her suicidal and depressed for years. Bill 77, recently introduced at Queens Park by MPP Cheri DiNovo, would prevent such practices. Known as the Affirming Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Act, it would also prohibit health care professionals from carrying out any practice seeking to direct or change the self-identified sexual orientation or gender identity of a patient under the age of 18. “My message to parents of LGBTQ youth is simple,” says Dr. Kristopher Wells of ParentsCanada. “You need to love your child for who they are or you will lose them. They will become withdrawn, depressed, and may even run away. And sadly, some
will even take their own life when they feel there is no hope for the future. A local chapter of PFLAG (Canada’s only national organization that helps all Canadians with issues of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression) meets in Lindsay on the second Monday of every month. This month it’s April 9 at 7 pm in the Upper Room at Lindsay’s Cambridge Street United Church. For more information visit or call 705-652-0477.
SPECIAL OFFERS (With patient exam and cleaning)
Zoom Whitening for $99 (Reg. $499)
Direct Billing of Insurance
Kent St. W.
Lindsay St. N.
705-878-3695 |
Victoria Ave. N.
Albert St. N.
Offers expire June 30th, 2015. Call us for details.
Angeline St. N.
Free Take-Home Whitening Kit (Reg. $199)
Durham St. W. Mary St. W.
189 Kent St. W., #206, Lindsay April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter 27
Classifieds SERVICES ORIGINAL MAN WITH TRUCK 15 yrs experience Lowest prices. Grass cutting, Painting, Garbage removal, property maintenance, long or short distance moves. No job too small! Bruce 705-738-6321 ___________________ GOPHER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Roofing shovelling Ice dams Dump runs Eavestrough cleaning Private security Monica Stanley 705-738-6364 ____________________ CERAMIC TILE Quality installations. Very reliable. Call Ted for an estimate. 705-454-9826 ____________________ DOUGLAS CANOES Recanvasing, fibreglassing and Restorations. Restored canoes and bookcases for sale. 25 yrs experience. PH. 705-738-5648 email: ____________________ GREGG MACNEIL LANDSCAPING 705-793-9437 Interlocking brick, armour stone, retaining walls, decks, driveways, walkways, patios, stairs & repairs to all.
Deadline for next issue: Wednesday April 8, 2015. 20 words or less for $25 + H.S.T. E-Mail: EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS Custom-fit clothing alterations. Call April. 705-738-2396 ____________________ FENELON COMPUTERS 705-879-4356 Mobile service, repairs, upgrades, virus removal, Wifi, network installations, iPad, data security. Training available. Flexible hours.
FENELON FALLS Short or long term 1 & 2 bedroom bungalowstyle efficiency units, completely redecorated, new paint, carpet, hard surface, drapes, tub surrounds, light fixtures, includes stove & fridge, block to downtown, beach & park on 1/2 acre property. *All Inclusive* No smoking/pets. Ref. 905-435-7303. ____________________ BOBCAYGEON 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 4 appliances. Walkout, fireplace, newly renovated. No pets. $850 - first and last + utilities. 705-738-2801 ____________________ SALON SPACE FOR RENT BOBCAYGEON Excellent location. Avail. May 1. Share with nail technician. Suitable for massage, esthetician or hair stylist. 705-738-5988
DUNSFORD 2 bedroom house for rent + utilities. Short or long term. Call for information. 705-793-1569 ____________________ BOBCAYGEON WATERFRONT A stunning 2 bedroom, 1 bath second floor unit with drive in garage located on the Trent Severn Waterway. Hardwood and ceramic floors throughout. A large deck off dining room with stairs down to the yard and dock. Available April. No smoking. No pets. Call 705-731-9565 or
WANTED HUNTING PERMISSION Responsible bow hunter. Archery only. Local cottager seeks to lease or obtain permission to hunt on land. Will negotiate a substantial fee. Neil 416 518 1619 ____________________ OLD JUNK WANTED! Got a barn, house, garage, attic crammed with old stuff? We want it! Furniture / Antiques / Salvage / Whatever! 705-957-5702 ____________________ WANTED: Nostalgia and Pop Culture Items Vinyl records (rock, blues, jazz and soul), music memorabilia, pre1990 comic books and toys, vintage costume jewellery, sterling & gold jewellery, Kawartha history books & memorabilia. All types of retro / mid-century items. House calls made at your convenience. Robert or Penny 705-324-2699
Furniture, glass, China, military medals etc. duck decoys, clocks, jewelry, silver dollars, gold, 50 cent pieces, pocket watches etc. Anything old. R. Carruth. 705-887-1672.
Appliances, batteries, electronics, steel, copper, aluminum, cars. Anything metal. FREE pick-up. Call Andy 705-793-2145 ____________________ WANTED Good old firearms and bows. Dig ‘em out, dust them off. Emm’s Sports pays cash. 705-324-5563
HELP WANTED GRADE 10 MATH TUTOR REQUIRED Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls area preferred. ASAP. 705-879-7664
DERRICK’S LAWN CARE Complete Lawn Care
Septic & Holding Tank Pumping
Senior’s Discount Available
#1 IN THE #2 BUSINESS Portable Toilets Available Theo Finley • 738-3424 • Bobcaygeon 28 April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter
Derrick Soper
Lindsay Ontario City of Kawartha Lakes 705-879-3244
LOOKING FOR PART TIME WORK? Job opening for casual work. Male with physical disability needs part time attendants for personal assistance and household tasks. Able to lift and follow directions of employer pertaining to care. Wage negotiable. Please call (705)738-6457.
The annual meeting for the Verulan Cemetery Plotholders wil be held at the cemetery office April 15, 2015 at 7:30 pm. to receive the treasurer’s and auditor’s reports and to elect directors for the year. Keith Baxter Sec - Tres. 705-738-5846
It is hard to find the words to express our gratitude for the overwhelming support we have had from all our friends and neighbours during this difficult time. John and I have felt blessed to have lived in this community. The food, cards, visits, phone calls, donatins and love were very much appreciated. Thank you also to Kawartha North Family Health Team (Amy & staff) and Paramed (Julie) for their visits and care. From the family of the late John (Nic) Nickels
Youell, Doris (nee Haylock)
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Doris Youell on Friday, March 27, 2015 at the age of 96. Doris was the loving wife of the late Gordon Youell and pre-deceased by her brother Edward Haylock and his wife Beryl. She will be fondly remembered and greatly missed by her nephew Bob Youell, his wife Karen and by her step-daughter Lynda Horner. Doris and her family immigrated from England to Montreal when she was a child and as a young adult she was an accomplished athlete in track and field. Doris had a long term career with Ingersoll-Rand before retiring to winter in Florida with her husband Gord and their beloved dachshunds. The family would like to thank Dr. MacMillan and the staff at Retirement Suites of Kawartha Lakes in Bobcaygeon for their exceptional care and compassion. A special thank you Bill and Nan Riddell of Bobcaygeon for being such wonderful caring friends to Doris. A private family service will be held in Arundel, Quebec where Doris will be laid to rest. For those who wish, a memorial donation can be made to the OSPCA in Doris’ name. Arrangements have been entrusted to THE HENDREN FUNERAL HOMES, MONK CHAPEL, Bobcaygeon. Friends may send condolences, arrange flowers or donations by visiting or by calling 705-738-3222.
Local Events APR 3 - Dunsford United and St. John’s Anglican Good
Friday Service, 10 am at Dunsford United Church. APR 4 - All you can eat Pancake Breakfast with fresh maple syrup 8 a.m. Norland United Church. Adults: $7 Children under 12: $3, Preschoolers: Free APR 5 - Dunsford United Church Easter Sunday Celebration, 10 am. APR 7, 14 & 28 - Faith & Floor Hockey for kids and parents/guardians. 6:30-7:30, Trinity United Church Hall. Contact Rodney: 705-738-5136, 2revrod@gmail. com APR 10 & 17 - Foot Care Clinic Bobcaygeon Senior Citizens Centre 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., & April 24 & 27 at 70 Murray St., Fenelon Falls, 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.. Pre-booked appointments required. 705-324-7323 APR 11 - St. James Anglican Church Fenelon Falls Musicathon,10 am - 5 pm FREE admission. APR 11 - Coboconk New Horizon Seniors yard & bake sale 9 am - 2pm, Lions Hall. Vendors wanted. Table rentals $10 705-887-6892 APR 12 - Toronto Male Voice choir performing at Cambridge Street United Church, Lindsay 3:30 pm Call: 705-324-3547 APR 14 - Seniors luncheon at 70 Murray St., Fenelon Falls and April 15 at the Royal Canadian Legion, Bobcaygeon (both at noon). Call to reserve a seat. 705-324-7323 APR 16 - Bobcaygeon & District Horticultural Society – Keynote Speaker –Martin Galloway –“Recent Trends in Horticulture” @ Knox Presbyterian Church Hall, Bobcaygeon Tickets: $10 – Contact: Ruth McIsaac 705738-2397 APR 17 - Fenelon Falls United Church dessert & loonie auction. 6:30 pm. APR 17 - Baked ham dinner at Cambridge Street United Church, Lindsay 5-7 pm. Call 705-324-3547 APR 21 - Kawartha Lakes Autism Support monthly meeting 7-9 pm. Loblaws Lindsay, upstairs in the Community Room. Confirm attendance to Donation of a Loonie to help offset expenses. MON - Bobcaygeon Senior Centre Mahjong 1 p.m. $3 MON - Line dancing Bobcaygeon Seniors Centre 7 pm. $6 Contact: Janet Martin 705-887-7510 1st TUES - Dunsford Seniors Club Pot Luck at noon and 1:30 pm for Euchre. TUES- Pickleball, Fenelon Falls Community Centre 7 - 9 p.m. $4 drop in fee. For more info call Jane 705-4541358 or email TUES - Bobcaygeon Badminton Club for adults, Bobcaygeon school gym 7-9 p.m. during fall 2014 $15 for the season. TUES - “Coffee Talk” Creating a Welcoming Space For People to Form Friendships and Supportive Community 10:30-11:30, Friendship Room, Trinity United Church. Contact “Jo” 705-738-9032 TUES - amateur photography club that meets every other Tuesday at 10 am in the Bobcaygeon Library. We pay $2 each for the use of the room. TUES - Attn mature badminton players: come out and play at the Bobcaygeon Public School 7-9 pm. Bring clean running shoes and raquet. Call Jim at 705-7383305 for more info. 1st WED - Crime Fiction Book Club in the Carnegie Room of the Lindsay Library to discuss works by certain authors. 6:30 pm to 7:45 pm. Call the Lindsay Library for more information.
April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter 29
WeldonCOSSA: IE Weldon’s curling team won three games straight to take the Central Ontario Secondary School Athletics title in Stirling last month. The Weldon team beat last year’s COSSA champs, Moira (7-3), followed by Norwood (6-4) and East Northumberland (8-4). Pictured, from left, are: Craig Kennedy (teacher/ coach) Dan Woodhead, (lead), Logan Pillsworth (skip), Ethan Pillsworth (vice) Matt Mepstead (second) and Katie Ford (teacher/coach).
Barb Dunleavy and Vic Dunleavy
Choristers Corner
When Irish eyes are smiling At the last practice there were a few more snowbirds who had returned. It won’t be long before everyone is back. Our sing-a-long with the residents was a truly Irish one, and rightly so as it was St. Patrick’s day. It was a good practice and the music is getting more familiar every week. In the year 2000, Barb Dunleavy had a dream that one day Bobcaygeon would have a choir of
Have you heard BOB lately? BOB listened to you! 30 April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter
its own. After hearing some people sing one night at the Legion she declared that she had found her choir and a director George Hedge. Until recently Barb has managed the group and along with her husband, Vic, has sung with the Choristers since the very beginning. Unfortunately they now both have had to take a leave due to health problems although they are faithful followers and volunteers. We miss them both. Please join all the Choristers in wishing them both all the very best as they celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. Enjoy the warmer weather, sing in the shower, or join us some Tuesday night at the Retirements Suites. Don’t forget to think about us for light entertainment at your event. Just call Laura Plummer at 705-7311060.
No buses on Good Friday
Lindsay Transit and Rural Transit buses will not operate on Good Friday, April 3. Normal service will resume on Saturday, April 4.
Ask about having a custom painting just for you!
James A. Goodliff
April 17 Edition • Deadline April 3 • Featuring A Special City of Kawartha Lakes 8 page supplement with important information you need to know T H E
What People Really Read! 48 Main St. Bobcaygeon 705.738.6188 F: 705.738.4187
40,000 Distribution throughout Kawartha Lakes Guaranteed Delivery April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter 31
32 April 3, 2015 - The Kawartha Promoter