April 19 2013

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Friday, April 19, 2013

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Your Community News Magazine

Volume 23, Issue 6


Where’s Robin Contest • Accommodations • Classifieds Distributed throughout the Kawartha Lakes Area

“An absolute knockout...with a stunning location on Sturgeon Lake.” — Toronto Sun


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April 19, 2013 - The Promoter

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26 Country Club Drive, Fenelon Falls 705-738-5111 • www.eganridge.com

Contents The Promoter:

48 Main St., P.O. Box 535 Bobcaygeon, ON K0M 1A0 promoter@nexicom.net www.thepromoter.ca Circulation 13,000 Distributed throughout the Kawartha Lakes Area Publisher/Director/Manager: Max Miller Editor: Susan Simmons Advertising Sales Manager: Pat Thurston Sales Representatives: Christine Schiarizza Debbie Mahoney Art Director: James Goodliff Production/Office Manager Melissa Goodliff Web Design: Tara Blythe Bobcaygeon Online: Debbie Mahoney TEL.: 705-738-6188 FAX: 705-738-4187

The Promoter is a local, independently owned and operated news magazine. The opinions and views expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of The Promoter. Liability for incorrectly displayed or placed advertisements is limited to publishing corrections or providing advertising credit to be applied on subsequent advertisements at the advertiser’s discretion.

Village Voice

pg. 4

City Hall

pg. 5

Trades & Services

pg. 12


pg. 14


pg. 20

Local Events

pg. 21

Health & Wellness

pg. 23


pg. 29

Let’s be friends “Like The Promoter on Facebook” In partnership with Bobcaygeononline.com

Paper Cuts What To Do

When I hear somebody say they’re bored, it strikes me as odd. Long before the invention of computers and smart phones, a mentor of mine said, “Only boring people get bored.” If you enjoy your own company, it’s impossible to be bored. Even if you’re lousy company, you always have options: read a book, write a letter, play a mind-challenging game. Create. Explore. Research. Learn. You can build something, or paint something; cook or bake and give it away. Initiate a conversation. Do a favour. Enjoy a walk and discover the things you rarely notice. We’ve talked about all of this. None of these options get overused or worn out. Last week, people in numerous regions endured power outages and (yet another) snow day. As I read a Facebook newsfeed after the fact, I was fascinated by posts by folks complaining of hours spent with “nothing to do.” These remarks appeared right along with comments from friends like Julie. She praised her children. Her post: “My kids are awesome! 7 hours without

Cover Photo: Forsythia, Maya Donenfeld

power, and they got along, played together and used their imaginations to make the most of their day.” I know Julie and what she invests in her kids. Her investment is the time, guidance and development of the life tools they’ll use to grow into competent, open-minded people. They’re learning what it means to take the initiative in positive ways. Youth who are taught early on that it’s up to them to think for themselves are more likely to become the adults who instigate the actions that are thoughtful, responsible and right. This is how we cultivate intelligent and productive citizens. Our world desperately needs individuals who possess a clear sense of identity and the kind of social conscience that translates into action and influence. I write this in the wake of the unspeakable evil that hit the Boston Marathon. Again, we’re enveloped in sadness and horror. Yet, it is one more powerful reminder to rediscover hope, promise and a fundamental belief in the goodness of humanity. Now, more than ever, it’s imperative we sharpen our problem-solving skills and reinforce the meaning of perseverance. Ours is a world that will never be easy, safe – or boring. editor@thepromoter.ca

April 19, 2013 - The Promoter


Village Voice

The Promoter reserves the right to edit Letters to the Editor for length and clarity. Please include your email or mailing address and daytime phone number (not for publication). All opinions expressed are those of the writer.

To the Editor

We would like to commend Fred and Heather Strang for closing the ValuMart on the statutory holiday of Good Friday as well as on the optional day of Easter Sunday. In our view this seems to reflect a caring for the well-being of their employees, and their families, by allowing them the time off to rest and to gather together over a festive meal. Statutory holidays are disappearing for retail workers who are routinely denied the time and


Legion News

“At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.” Branch 67 Lindsay (705) 324-2613

• L ive Entertainment Saturday evenings 7:30 to 11 pm. Open to the public. Visit www.lindsaylegion.ca for details. • Saturday, April 20 – Cowboys Don’t Cry Live. Admission is free. • Monday, May 6, 9 to 3:30 pm. Community Legal Clinic. Call 1-800-461-8953 by April 29.

Branch 238 Fenelon Falls (705) 887-3041 • N ew email account for Event Enquiries: fenelonlegion.events@gmail.com • Every Friday, 12 to 5 pm. Income Tax Clinic for local seniors. Cost: $20 includes up to ten “T” slips and e-filing. Portion of fee is donated to Branch. Sign up at Branch or e-mail br238rcl@gmail.com for appointment time. • April 19: Name That Tune starts at 7 pm Tex Mex at 8 pm. • April 27: Karaoke & Potluck with Gail and John, 4 to 8 pm. Come out and join us for some fun, laughter and good food!

Branch 239 Bobcaygeon (705) 738-2710 • F riday nights in April, Amateur Karaoke Contest. No cover charge; $5 entry fee. Great prizes.

John McGrath Branch 441 Kinmount (705) 488-3462 • April 30, 11 am – 1 pm. Lunch: Liver ‘n onions and alternate $7. • Tuesday Lunches 11 am to 1 pm. For only $7 come out and let us serve you your choice of liver ‘n onions or delicious alternate. Last Tuesday of each month, beginning April 30. • Weekly Bingo Fridays at 6:45 pm and weekly Meat Draws Saturdays at 5 pm.

Branch 497 Omemee (705) 799-5095 • April 26: Spaghetti Dinner and Silent auction. • Country Music Jams every 2nd Saturday, 1 pm: April 20 & May 4. Bring your acoustic guitar fiddle or banjo and join in the fun.

Branch 519 Coboconk (705) 454-8127 • Friday April 26: Lunch 11:30 - 1:00. Chicken or Liver & Onions $7.00 includes coffee & dessert. • Wednesday May 1, 11 am: Big Buck Bid Euchre. $10 p.p. includes light lunch.

Your Legion Branch is a vital part of the community. The Promoter invites area Branches to submit brief updates on your Legion News. Please send your submission, 50 words or fewer, to editor@thepromoter.ca Deadlines alternate Wednesdays starting April 24.


April 19, 2013 - The Promoter

opportunity to share holidays with friends and family, unlike most other workers. It appears to us that the drive to make money has increasingly trumped the deeper values of family, celebration and community. We would like to encourage people to take the time to shop before a holiday (the way we used to!) and avoid shopping on statutory holidays. And if one has run out of that important staple – that’s what convenience stores are for. Convenience. Can we not, as a community, take a few days a year to engage in activities not concerned with commerce, money-making, consumption and profit margins? A few days a year set aside to recall ourselves to the simple pleasures of living? Gretchen Mehegan, Pascale Garrett Bobcaygeon

Speak Out, Don’t Bottom Out

I live on Dunn Street and it is the busiest street in Bobcaygeon. There is Settlers’ Village, the playground, the school, the cemetery, and so much traffic. School buses, tandem trucks, cars – all of them drive too fast for the safety of the people using the area. When I go out on my scooter, it bottoms out on the sidewalk so I am forced to use the road. There are elderly people who walk their dogs, and they must use the road, too, sometimes at 7 or 8 o’clock in the evening. It’s worse when there is snow and the sidewalks are too dangerous to walk on. The school students have to walk on the road, too. It is dangerous. I contacted our MPP twice, and he did come and do a walk-about but he didn’t contact me after. I have since called again but haven’t had a response. The sidewalks are dangerous to use, the roads have potholes and the traffic is too fast for this busy street. We need to start a petition. Fix it! Bonnie Searle, Bobcaygeon

Ask about our breakfast club

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Great food! Great music! 50 MAIN ST. BOBCAYGEON 738-6574

ANNOUNCEMENT Lindsay & District Chamber of Commerce

The Lindsay and District Chamber of Commerce has reached an agreement with the Lindsay Agricultural Society and Andy Letham to work together to streamline operations through back office support. As of April 9, Andy Letham is the Executive Director of the LDCC with responsibilities to oversee daily operations and work with the membership to move the Chamber forward for the benefit of the whole community. This is a great opportunity to raise the community profile for both organizations and we all look forward to some exciting times ahead as we work together to help promote business and economic development in the City of Kawartha Lakes. For further information, please contact Andy Letham, Manager, Lindsay Agricultural Society at aletham@lindsayex.com or by phone at 705.324.5551.

City Hall

By Gord Killen

Proposed Kennel Bylaw

The Council Chambers were ‘standing room only’ on the main floor of the chamber, all there to show their displeasure over the Proposed Kennel Licence Bylaw. And well they should. No less than four Debutants (John Bell, Barbara Adrian, Linda Kuypers and Carl Willis) addressed Council, all citing the vagueness and ambiguity of the aforementioned draft. Council quite rightly voted to

Bobcaygeon’s Biggest Summer

Jim Brough, President Lindsay & District Chamber of Commerce

At the Bobcaygeon Curling Club Friday, May 31st 2 pm until 7 pm Saturday, June 1st 7 am until 4 pm

Hand of Man Craft Sale October 18, 19, 20

If you have been looking for quality, well-priced sporting goods, garden tools, house wares, furniture, electrical appliances and equipment, toys, games, books or collectibles, look no further! It can all be found at the Club’s Yard Sale on the dates shown above. As if this is not enough excitement for you, we will also be holding a Bake Sale on site with all kinds of home-baked “incredible edibles.” This year’s event will have the largest selection of items at the best prices seen since our last Yard Sale two years ago. So… be sure to come to the Club at the Fairgrounds to find those treasures you were looking for as well as those you might not have realized you wanted! Also, should you have some gently used items, other than clothing or tires, that you would like to donate for this event, we would certainly appreciate them. The Club will be open to receive donations at the following times:

at the Morrow Vendor Space Available Building For Information: 155 Lansdowne St. www.thehandofman.ca Peterborough or call Beverly at: 705-748-6820

The Bobcaygeon Curling Club is a not-for-profit organization and a strong supporter of our local community.


• Saturday, May 11th and Sunday, May 12th: 9 am to 2 pm. • Monday, May 27th: 12 noon to 4 pm. • Tuesday, May 28th and Wednesday, May 29th: 7 to 9 pm. • Thursday, May 30th: 12 noon to 4 pm.

April 19, 2013 - The Promoter


defer any decision until Staff review and take into consideration the concerns of kennel owners. What I find remarkable is that this document has already been modified apparently as the result of ‘public input’ and yet still does not meet the basic requirements necessary to be enacted. As the first debutant John Bell, of the Ontario Sporting Dog Association stated, “It’s a complete disaster”. I wonder how it got to the floor for Council’s decision in its present form. Didn’t anyone other than John Paul Newman, Sr. Licensing Officer, vet it?

Kawartha Lakes Health Care

A request for funds has been received from the KLHCI from the thus far successful Doctor Recruitment drive in the amount of $23,500. This is in line with the agreement between the City and the KLHCI.

Performance Management System

Back on February 06, 2013 at a Special Council Meeting, moved by Councillor Elmslie, seconded by Councillor Dunn, the CAO Mark Fisher was directed to investigate a performance management program for Staff. On April 09, Mark Fisher the CAO recommended adoption by Council of a performance management system in the form of a Balanced Score Card and Lean Six Sigma. Huh? Fisher says that an internal team had examined a number of performance models and worked collectively to bring this system before Council for its approval. Fisher believes that the new system is a valued proposition. In a recorded vote Council approved a transfer from the Cost Containment Reserve in the amount of $362,150 to finance this project.

Those opposed to this initiative, Councillors Villemaire and James, cited their concern that it seemed that the CAO’s recommendation was a single source offer and would like to see other options. I am not defending the CAO but he did cite in his report that “An internal team has examined performance model(s)”. Have a little faith Councillors. One other opponent, Glenn Campbell, suggested that he could not support the selection of this particular company since in their proposal they “couldn’t spell”. I have to agree that if a proposal of this magnitude contains spelling errors it should give one cause for reflection. One of the statements in the report by the CAO is that, “typical success outcomes include a unified sense of mission, a greater identification with the organization and a 5:1 ratio of return on investment on or about the first year of implementation.” Really? By my calculation that would be a saving of $1,810,750. We will see.

Water Rate Increase

The Water and Sewer User Rate By-Law will be adopted with the increased rates stipulated therein to be in place as of May 1, 2013, which equate to an approximate 3.0% combined water and wastewater rate increase over 2012 rates. As of December 31, 2012, the outstanding Water and Wastewater debt balance was $32.5M. This figure is projected to increase to just over $35M by the end of 2013. According to one Councillor, we currently have the third highest water rate in Ontario. The City must continue to press senior levels of government for support. One can only hope.

Harvey Historical Society Annual Meeting. Sunday, May 5 at Galway Hall (Galway Rd, next to Fire Station) 2-4 pm. Special Guest Speaker: DOROTHY DUNCAN. Topic: Food Grown and Eaten by Pioneers. Everyone Welcome! 705-738-0100.

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WhErE’S rObiN? 14/03/11 8:22 PM

The Promoter’s Spring Robin is hidden in an advertisement within this April 19, 2013 edition.

FiND iT & WiN! 3 awesome prizes compliments of:

Bigley Shoes, Houghton Creek & Janet’s Home Accents. 6

April 19, 2013 - The Promoter

visit www.Bobcaygeononline.com for details

Spring Message

Spring is finally here and on April 21, Settlers’ Village will host the annual Earth Day Event. I have to thank John Bick, Al Ingram, Richard Feddy, Liz Gilmour and Gail Thomassen for pitching in to make this celebration even bigger and better. It is the perfect setting to hold this festival. Bobcaygeon has blossomed due to the hard work of volunteers like these, making Bobcaygeon one of the nicest places to live or visit! Our Village has some of the most committed volunteers in the City of Kawartha Lakes but we need new volunteers to come out and help these wonderful folks make our Village even better. Many organizations such as the Horticultural Society, Settlers’ Village, Environmental Action Bobcaygeon, The Bobcaygeon and Area Chamber of Commerce, The Bobcaygeon Farmers’ Market, Kinettes, Lions, the Royal Canadian Legion, The Boyd Museum, The Bobcaygeon Senior’s Centre, Bobcaygeon Music Council, Bobcaygeon Helps Food Bank and others could use help from new volunteers. Spring is the perfect time to get involved. If you have a few hours to spare, please step up to the plate and help make Bobcaygeon shine even brighter! Hey, you might have some fun!

Tourism Office 8 (RTO8) and Parks Canada, other municipalities and various relevant groups. The “vendors” – business, accommodations, restaurant and marina owners and historic site and park operators and waterway lockmasters – are key to its success. Their roles begin with having their business descriptions, hopefully with photos, as micro-sites on the www.discoverplaystay.ca website. The link to their own websites will increase the search engine optimization and assist visitors in finding their enterprises online. Directly participating means having one or more drop-boxes on their premises to collect the coupons provided to clients and customers, periodically remitting the visitor-signed coupons to a central office


THE LX SERIES TCJF 14.5 Seer Split Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps with R-410A Refrigerant.

Pat Warren

Bobcaygeon Chamber of Commerce

Attracting travellers and their disposable incomes and even polishing a region’s image to entice new businesses and new permanent residents has become a hotly-contested, province-wide, public-civic joint exercise. In our region, the program’s name is Discover Play & Stay in the Trent-Severn Waterway (DPS), with the Bobcaygeon and Area Chamber of Commerce a willing and active participant. As explained by city Economic Development Department Tourism Development Officer Laurie Bell at the Chamber’s recent Before 9/After 6 session, our region encompasses the city of Kawartha Lakes, which is presently the lead player amongst Peterborough and Northumberland counties, the federal Regional


KEEP COOL! For more information, use the contact information below.

Tel: 705.738.2121 Fax: 705.738.6346 Tel: 1.888.472.6006 68 County Road 36 N Just North of Bobcaygeon www.britishempirefuels.ca

Selling Cottages, Homes, Farms, Rural Properties

Kawartha Lakes Realty Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated

Member of Kawartha Lakes & Toronto Real Estate Boards Call for a Complimentary Opinion of Value Home Office - Twin Bear Farm, Cty Rd. 8, Bobcaygeon April 19, 2013 - The Promoter


EARTH DAY SUNDAY APRIL 21st 1 to 4 p.m.

or the Chamber office. Getting the visitors to do their part will be through a large number of “great” prizes, Laurie Bell said. The program will run year-round. A full explanation of the program’s participation and procedures will be presented to all stakeholders at city-organized workshops on Friday, May 10 and Monday, May 13. Places and times will be announced. For your memory’s Tickle File: Awards Dinner and Evening, April 20; Before 9/After 6, May 21; Canada-U.S. Walleye Tournament, May 24-26; Unlock the Summer, June 2.


Life Within Our Community Craft and gardening activities for children Bobcaygeon Farmers’ Market vendors Environmental Displays Nature Walks

As I look down the streets of Fenelon, I get excited with the prospect of spring finally arriving, renovations being done, new businesses moving in, changes being made, playgrounds coming together, new ideas being tested. ENVIRO DRUM GROUP As is true in any community, change requires Phone: 705-738-6163 hard work, people working together, people trying new things and thinking outside of the box, people taking a chance, attending meetings and being a part of something bigger than them. We all have ideas about what should be done 85 Dunn St., or what we would do. What is exciting is when new Bobcaygeon Ont. faces come to meetings and mix with people who www.settlersvillage.org have been down this road before; mothers sitting at a ball park wondering why there isn’t a playground in their area and coming up with fabulous, fun ideas to raise money to make things happen, or community Need a healthy Need a healthy change? change? clubs, groups and committees gathering to create Need healthy change? Learn a about how about to make how the most Learn to make theand most run a successful event. htlaeh a deeN out of life andof improve your the health. Need a healthy Learn about how to make mostchange? out life and improve your health. As families, attending and donating time to out of life and improve your health. m ot woh tuoba nraeL Learn about how to make the mostevents can involve us. Hockey teams can participate vorpmi dna efil fo tuo out of life and improve your health. in cleaning up their town. As individuals, we can Take a FREE 6-Week Take a FREE Take6-Week a FREE 6-Week attend open meetings and have our say – or we can Chronic Pain Chronic Pain Need a healthy change? ChronicWorkshop Pain W-6 EERF a ekaT Self-Management Self-Management Workshop Take a FREE 6-Week simply say thank you to the countless hours that these Learn about how to make the most Self-Management Workshop niaP cinorhC Chronic Pain William PlaceRetirement Retirement volunteers spend creating, preparing and initiating out ofWilliam life and Place improve your health. nemeganaM-fleS Self-Management Workshop Community William Place Retirement Community these things that make our community great. 140 William Street North William Place Retirement 140 William Street North eR ecalP mailliW Community Get involved. When we get involved, amazing Lindsay Take a FREE 6-Week Community Lindsay ytinummoC 140 William Street North Chronic Pain Thursdays, things can happen. 140 William Street North ertS mailliW 041 Thursdays, Self-Management May 2—June 6, Workshop 2013 Lindsay

By Caroline Fenelius-Carpenter Lindsay yasdniL May 2—June 6, 2013 William Place Retirement Thursdays, Caroline is the mom of young kids, has aging parents and ,syadsruhT “My healthy change Community Are youThursdays, living with chronic pain due May 2—June 6,such 2013 is to eathealthy seven change servings 140toWilliam May 2—June 6, 2013 North health condition works in long-term care. As a volunteer, she believes that if we 2 ,6 enuJ—2 yaM of“My Are an youongoing livingStreet with chronic pain due fruit and vegetables Lindsay as diabetes, arthritis, repetitive is to eat seven servings work together, we can still create great things. to an ongoing health condition such “My healthy change Thursdays, healthy strain injury, lower back with pain, chronic pain due Are you living of“My fruit egnaand hc yours? yvegetables htlaeh ychange M“ May Are you living with chronic pain due as 2—June diabetes, arthritis, repetitive 6, 2013 c htiw gnivil uoy erA isWhat’s is eat to eat sevenservings servings to seven toto anan ongoing health condition such Learn effective ways to: s g n i v r e s n e v e s t a e o t s i Tellofusfruit online strain injury, lower ongoing back pain,? health condition such and at: vegetables tlaeh gniogno na ot “My st as with diabetes, arthritis, repetitive healthy change Getliving started with exercise ofWhat’s sfruit elbategand eyours? v dnvegetables a tiurf fo Areyou chronic painarthritis, due as diabetes, repetitive itirhtra ,setebaid sa is bit.ly/healthychange to eat seven servings healthy eating strain injury, lower to Learn anand ongoing health condition suchback pain, effective ways to: Telland us online at: vegetables strain injury, lower back pain, rewol ,yrujni niarts of fruit What’s yours?  Reducearthritis, fatigue repetitive (Left) Kelli Lovell and Saskia Sevink celebrate the asdiabetes, Get started witheffective exercise ways to: Learn ?Tell sruous y sonline ’tahW at: What’s yours?  Manage symptoms strain injury, lower back pain, bit.ly/healthychange Official Opening of Century 21 Pinnacle Realty Ltd. and healthy eating w evitceffe nraeL What’s yours?  Get started with exercise Learn effective ways to:  Improve your quality of life :taus enilnonline o su lleT at: Tell Learn effective ways to:  Reduce fatigue online at: htiw detrats teG  Tell us bit.ly/healthychange and healthy eating Get started with exerciseBrokerage on Bolton Street, Bobcaygeon.  Get startedwith exercise 5545 or visit  971 Manage egnahcyhtlaCall eh/yl1 .tib866and  symptoms Reduce fatigue eating nitae yhtlaeh dna bit.ly/healthychange healthy eating bit.ly/healthychange and healthy It’s a welcoming storefront at the site of the new www.healthylifeworkshop.ca  Improve your quality of life  Manage symptoms  Reduce fatigue eugitaf ecudeR   Reduce fatigue to find a workshop in your area  Manage symptoms Century 21 Pinnacle  Improve today! your quality of life motpmys eganaM   Improve your quality of life  or Manage symptoms Call 1 866 971disponible 5545 visit Bientôt uq ruoy evorpmI  Realty Ltd. Brokerage en Call971 1 français! 866 5545 oryour visitquality of life  www.healthylifeworkshop.ca Call 1 866 5545971 or Improve visit offices. Existing and www.healthylifeworkshop.ca www.healthylifeworkshop.ca siv ro 5455 179 668 1 llato C find a workshop in your area today! to findto a workshop in866 your 971 area today! find a workshop in your area today! new clients will all be Call 1 5545 or visit .pohskrowefilyhtlaeh.www Bientôt disponible Bientôt disponible Bientôt disponible welcome to connect aera ruoy ni pohskrow a dnif ot www.healthylifeworkshop.ca en français! en français!

Saskia Joins 21 Century

elbinopsid tôtneiB !siaçnarf ne


en français! to find a workshop in your area today!with

Bientôt disponible en français!

April 19, 2013 - The Promoter

Saskia Sevink at the new business location.

Happy 6th Birthday, Butterfly Boutique! Calling all Fashionistas‌

The Butterfly Boutique is celebrating her 6th Birthday! Enjoy sweet treats plus gift giveaways and the big draw for a $100 gift card. Oh, and No Sales Tax! The Butterfly Boutique was recently remodeled with a fresh, new shabby chic feel. We continue to bring new trendy one-of-a-kind handbags, clothing, jewels and more. Some of our name-dropping Canadian lines are Pink Martini, Cest Moi, Venus Fashion, Soul Catchers 3, Lovely Girl, Passions, S & Q. Our amazing collections are brought to you at affordable pricing with comeback customer service! Wishing you a Fashionable Spring!

Natasha, Cheryl and Meg

Please join us at our Celebration Open House: Friday April 19, 10 to 5 Saturday April 20, 10 to 5 Sunday April 21, 11 to 4

24 Colborne St. Fenelon Falls 705-887-2245 www.thebutterflyboutique.ca April 19, 2013 - The Promoter


How Do You Choose a Financial Planner or Advisor? The terms “financial planner” and “financial advisor” are used broadly; in fact, anyone can call himself or herself a “financial planner” or “advisor.” What sets some apart are their education and training, and their qualifications. For ease of reading, this section uses the term “advisor” to mean a financial professional with training and expertise that is recognized within the financial sector. Choosing the right advisor depends on the kind of help you are looking for. Different advisors offer different products and services, and their professional designations can provide an indication of their qualifications and expertise. What’s important is that you’re confident your advisor has the experience and expertise necessary to help you reach your financial goals.

Let u$ maximize your return. Maximum Refund Guarantee*

Don’t be afraid to meet with several potential advisors before choosing one. To make the most of your meeting, draw up a list of questions you want to ask. Be sure to take detailed notes. One main factor to consider: Is the advisor registered? By law, sellers of mutual funds, stocks and bonds must complete training and be registered with a provincial or territorial regulator. You can check that the advisor or firm you are considering is registered, and you can find out what kind of registration they hold. Simply visit the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) website and use the National Registrant Search. It includes the names of all individuals and firms registered in Canada, with the exception of those registered with the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC). To find out whether an individual or firm is registered in Ontario, use the OSC’s Check registration resource. Source: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, www.fcacacfc.gc.ca

Stephen R. Fulford Chartered Accountant

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Offer available from March 28th to May 2nd, 2013

Offer available to Canadian residents only. Offer is not available to dealers, builders or contractors.

April 19, 2013 - The Promoter 11

Local Trades & Services

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12 April 19, 2013 - The Promoter

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April 19, 2013 - The Promoter 13


For April 19 to May 3, 2013

Aries (March 21 to April 20) Career wise, Aries, you always seem to strive for the top. This is a result of your Aries’ character – a born leader who loves to take charge. However, at times, you may seem domineering. But your genuineness and receptiveness to new ideas will win over your co-workers time and again. Don’t falter! Taurus (April 21 to May 21) As a Taurus, you love beauty, music and art and often have a talent for these. Why not put this to work for you, and maybe gain a little extra income? You never know – you could be the next da Vinci or Rembrandt. Well, let’s not get carried away! But … don’t be afraid of where your imagination can lead you. Gemini (May 22 to June 22) It is not how others see you, but how you see yourself that is important. When you look in the mirror, Gemini, do you inspect yourself through the eyes of others? We hope not! Live your life the way you, and only you, want to. Cancer (June 23 to July 23) Our advice during this phase is to slow down, Cancer. The waning crescent moon May 2 to 3, at the end of this period, glows with peacefulness and connects us to a simpler, less frantic time. Have you read the book, In Praise of Slow, by Carl Honore? Now might be the time –we recommend it. Leo (July 24 to Aug. 23) Time to spread those wings, Leo! During April, Leo rules over the southeast sky. Delight in the Lyrids meteor shower in the northeast April 20 to 22 and watch the full moon rise on the 25th. Take in the beauty of the world and all it has to offer.

By Melodie McCullough

Virgo (Aug. 24 to Sept. 23) You don’t have to follow the crowd – and you shouldn’t, especially when you know it’s wrong. Rather, show them you are your own person and you will gain their respect. There is nothing wrong with being different in this fine world of ours! Libra (Sept. 24 to Oct. 23) The spring new moon (April 17) invited you, dear Libra, to experience its freshness – and a cleansing and purification in anticipation of the opportunities awaiting you. Heal and be healed. (This moon is called the pink moon after the moss pink herb, or wild ground phlox, one of the earliest flowers of spring.) Scorpio (Oct. 24 to Nov. 22) It’s spring! Time to rejoice in the newness of the earth! What better way than to attend Earth Day activities April 21 at Kawartha Settlers’ Village in Bobcaygeon? Celebrate the planet and help yourself feel good, too. Go green! Sagittarius (Nov. 23 to Dec. 21) Your originality and artistic gifts have been well documented. Now sit back and enjoy the compliments of others. Take pride in what you have accomplished, and keep on truckin’. Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20) Chase that worry worm away, once and for all, Capricorn! You deserve better. You deserve to live your life in peace. Remember: The things that make us fume and fret are the things that haven’t happened yet! Aquarius (Jan.21 to Feb. 19) “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved,” Helen Keller. Take comfort in these words, dear Aquarius, for your soul may be tried during this time. Never give up! Pisces (Feb. 20 to March 20) Before blabbing rumours around, please find out the truth. If not, you may end up red-faced and feeling foolish. It is always a good idea to remember that someone is innocent until proven guilty.

Get the right boat insurance. Enjoy a worry free boating season, knowing that you have the right coverage and support in the event of a claim. It’s all about you at Stewart Morrison Insurance. Call or visit our office nearest you for details.

Bobcaygeon 705-738-6000

14 April 19, 2013 - The Promoter


Kawartha Cooks

Featuring Christopher Tuberdyke

Orecchiette with Zucchini and Roasted Cherry Tomato Sauce Orecchiette means ‘little ears’ in Italian. Personally, I think they look more like little bowls. Either way, it’s a wonderful shape for picking up this fuss-free sauce. 1 500 gram package dried Orecchiette 3 pints cherry tomatoes 2 zucchini, halved and sliced into half moons 3 shallots, diced 2 cloves garlic, diced 3 cups vegetable stock 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar For more information call 705.324.7323 x 502 pinch sugar 1 bunch basil, chopped Or email hospiceinfo@community-care.on.ca 1/4 cup finely grated Romano cheese 2 tablespoons butter olive oil salt/fresh pepper 1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Toss tomatoes with salt, fresh pepper and enough olive oil to coat. Place in a baking dish and roast 30 to 35 minutes until tomatoes begin to burst and caramelize. Remove from oven and set aside. 2. While tomatoes are roasting, sauté zucchini in 1 tablespoon olive oil until tender and slightly brown. Set aside. 3. Place roasted tomatoes in a blender along with vegetable stock, balsamic vinegar, pinch sugar, salt/ pepper. Pulse until just combined. 4. Melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add shallots and cook 2 to 3 minutes. Add garlic – continue cooking another minute or two until tender. Add tomato mixture and bring to simmer, drop the heat down to low and let it reduce until thickened – about 15 minutes. 5. While sauce is reducing, cook Orecchiette in a large pot of boiling salted water – about 10 minutes until just al dente. 6. Drain pasta reserving a bit of the pasta water. Toss pasta with zucchini and tomato sauce. If it looks dry add a bit of the pasta water. Grate in cheese and add chopped basil. Cook over low heat until just combined – 1 to 2 minutes. 7. Serve garnished with a bit more grated cheese and chopped basil.

Hospice Volunteer Training VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! On the Web: Hospicekl.ca

Do people tell you that you are a good listener? Then Hospice needs YOU! Enroll in our Volunteer Training today! Hospice Core Volunteer Training* 30-hours Begins April 30, 2013

Advanced Bereavement Volunteer Training* 18 hours Begins June 11, 2013

Prospective volunteers will gain an understanding of supporting individuals with life-limiting illnesses, attitudes towards death and dying, listening, communication and more. Participants will also receive an introduction to bereavement and the grief process.

Upon completion of the pre-requisite Core Volunteer Training, participants will develop a deeper understanding of the grieving process and how to support others through various grief experiences. Topics such as grief theory and myths, grief responses to traumatic/ sudden death, grief and depression, self care and more will be examined.

*Fee applies to assist with costs. *This course is the pre-requisite for those wishing to take the Advanced Bereavement Training.

Visit: www.hospiceKL.ca

*Fee applies to assist with cost of materials. *Following completion of this course, participants have the opportunity to further their skills in Grief Group Facilitation (12 hours) training.

Join Our Caring Team! With a vast array of services at Community Care, there is a volunteer opportunity for everyone! Volunteer April for as 19, 2013 - The Promoter 15 little as two hours once a month, or as much as you can!

Accommodations COUNTRY LIVING SHOW Fenelon Falls

Organizers for the 29th Annual Fenelon Falls Country Living Show (previously the Home & Cottage Show) expect to draw many new visitors. It’s scheduled for May 3 to 5 in the new Fenelon Falls Community Centre. “The show attracts many people to Fenelon Falls and we should see about 2,500 to 3,000 visitors as

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spring gets underway and they look forward to their summer activities,” show manager Ross Hawe said in a press release. The show will include more than 100 display booths featuring a wide variety of area businesses. A full roster of seminars and presentations will be offered on subjects such as gardening tips, boat safety and enjoyment, emergency services, woodworking for the young, and cooking ideas for summer entertaining. Also new this year will be an active “Kid’s Play Centre” and “Zoo-To-You” exotic pet zoo, and a phenomenal display of antique outboard motors will take place in a central area. There will be a food court in the main hall providing delicious food for visitors and exhibitors. The popular silent auction will take place for all three days with the winners announced at 3 pm on Sunday, organizers said. The show offers a wide variety of services of interest to country home and cottage owners. It’s a chance to get out and see what is available for

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16 April 19, 2013 - The Promoter

cottage and home renovations, plus many other services from roofers to landscapers, to contractors, to water purification specialists, furniture and appliances, hot tub products, and real estate. The show runs from 4 to 9 pm on Friday, 10 am to 6 pm on Saturday and 10 am to 3 pm on Sunday. Admission is just $3 for all three days, with children under 12 admitted free, if they attend with an adult. For information, call Carol Halton or Denise Chartier at the Fenelon Falls Chamber of Commerce office 705.887.3409.

Earth Day

Kawartha Settlers’ Village Kawartha Settlers’ Village is pleased to host “Enviro Drums,” a percussion group from Toronto. They will perform at our Earth Day Celebrations on Sunday April 21, starting at l:30 pm. This dynamic group performed at Langton Public School last year. They use plastic recycle bins, water jugs and bottles, balls, metal tools, wooden objects and more, which are played along with background music. They are an exciting, energetic group eager to pass on the message of recycling. For more information, go to drumsinu@sympatico.ca We invite children to make their own recycled instrument and bring it along and join in with the band. There will be a prize for the most creative,

interesting and best sounding instrument. Look around your home to see what you can find in your recycle box to make an instrument. Boxes, milk cartons and jugs, plastic bottles, tin cans, paper towel rolls, jars, aluminum pie plates. You can fill any of these containers with macaroni, rice, beans or seeds to make a shaker. Bring wooden spoons or kitchen utensils to play your recycled drums. Submitted by Liz Gilmour

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Pigeon Lake Resort H O U S E K E E P I N G COT TAG E S

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Earth Day is upon us this weekend. That should ignite an urge to reconnect with the great outdoors. Now is the time to help with a roadside cleanup, plant a tree, or go for a hike. We will be at Settlers’ Village this Sunday afternoon, helping children to assemble birdhouses and transplant seedlings. We look forward to observing them beating on their homemade recycled instruments which they are invited to bring to accompany the ENVIRO DRUM Group. It will soon be time to awaken the gardens as well as our appetites for local fresh food. The end of April is an ideal time for planting peas, spinach and radish. If you are thinking this year of growing some food plants but have limited space, consider containers. Not only are they suitable for tomatoes,

peppers, and strawberries, but squash, climbing beans and potatoes can be grown this way. I have ordered some container blueberries this year. Some gardeners insert colourful and highlytextured vegetables in their flower beds. Blue Kale, blood–leafed Beets, rainbow Swiss Chard and the many types of vibrant salad greens add interest, if and when the posies take a break. Landscaping with Edibles is the topic of our Thursday, April 18 meeting at 7 pm. Do not forget the bountiful array of wild foods which Mother Nature provides throughout the season. For eons, the First Peoples of the Kawarthas supplemented their fish and game diet with plants from the forest and marshes. The Maple Syrup season is at an end. But there is still time to harvest Springtime Leeks and Fiddleheads, and in May look for the delicious Morel Mushroom. Then the berry season begins and lasts until August. Good Gardening and Good Eating. John Bick Bobcaygeon & District Horticultural Society

Annual General Meeting

Members of The Kawartha Region Arts and Heritage Society are invited to the Annual Meeting on Sunday May 5th, 2 pm at the Henderson House, Kawartha Settlers Village, 85 Dunn St., Bobcaygeon.

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April 19, 2013 - The Promoter 19

Classifieds SERVICES

ORIGINAL MAN WITH TRUCK 15yrs experience Lowest prices. Snow removal Painting Garbage removal, Property maintenance Long or short distance moves. No job too small! Bruce 705-738-6321 ____________________ GOPHER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Spring Property clean up. Roof Repairs/ Maintenance Eavestrough Cleaning Dump Runs Private Security Monica Stanley 705-738-6364 ____________________ EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS Custom-fit clothing alterations. Call April 705.738.2396 ____________________ NOBLE’S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Clean up of yards, grass cutting & trimming, shrub & hedge trimming, dump runs and more. Affordable Rates Tim & Ryan Noble (Hickory Beach) Fenelon 705-887-9527 _____________________ CERAMIC TILE Quality installations. Very reliable. Call Ted for an estimate. 705-454-9826


FLAGLER PAINTING Full Service Interior & Exterior Repairs - all types to Home & Cottages. Drywall to trim work. Serving the Kawarthas for 21 years. Call Gord Flagler 705-731-0714 ____________________ A.V.M. LAWN CARE & LANDSCAPING Experienced and professional. Our quality services include: Aerating, landscaping, lawn care, masonry, garden design & maintenance, spring cleanup, over-seeding, sodding, fertilizing. 705-341-9323 ____________________ B&G AUTO Truck and tractor repair to all makes of diesel and gas vehicles, light & havy duty. MTO Inspection Depot. 2369 Pigeon Lake Rd. 705-799-5161 / 705-341-5247 ____________________ DON’T LET YOUR MONEY GO OUT THE WINDOW Call HH GLASS & METAL Window and door installation and repair. Metal work and weather caulking, journeyman glazier. Call Harold at 705.887.1770 or cell 705.341.1617

4 Paws DIY


705-738-2739 79 William St. Bobcaygeon

20 April 19, 2013 - The Promoter

20 words or less for $25.00 + H.S.T. Deadline for next issue April 24, 2013.

DOUGLAS CANOES Re-canvasing, repairs, restorations and fibreglass work available for canoes and small boats. Custom made canoe book cases. Restored canoes for sale. 705-738-5648 farrdj@nexicom.net www.douglascanoes.ca ____________________ Lawn cutting, trimming, yard clean-up, dump runs, small hedges trimmed, chain sawing, gutters cleaned (bungalows only), minor lawn mower repairs. Grant Noble 705-887-3391 Cell: 705-879-0481 ____________________ GREGG MACNEIL LANDSCAPING 705-793-9437 Interlocking brick, armour stone, retaining walls, decks, driveways, walkways, patios, stairs & repairs to all.


Solid oak dining set. 6 chairs, buffet and hutch. $2000 or best offer. 705-328-9950 _____________________ MOVING Contents sale Sofa set, chairs,tables, pictures, lamps, dishes, bike, carpets, microwave, kitchen items and more. For viewing call 705-738-3745


FENELON FALLS Short or Long term 1 & 2 bedrm bungalow style efficiency units, completely redecorated, new paint, carpet, hard surface, drapes, tub surrounds, light fixtures, includes stove & fridge, block to downtown, beach & park on 1/2 acre property. *All Inclusive* No smoking/pets. Ref. 905-435-7303. _____________________ Bobcaygeon Long-Term Rental on Water. Deck and Dock. Open concept living. 1 bedroom. Fireplace, stove and fridge. Suitable for bachelor 50+. $850 monthly. No smoking, no pets. Available May 1. References. Phone J. Sporer 705-738-3251 or leave message. Thank you. _____________________ 2 BDRM NORTH LINDSAY APARTMENT FOR RENT Basement, Private entrance, private laundry, large eat-in kitchen, large living room, large closets. 6 appliances. No smoking. No pets. References. 1st & last. $1100 per month plus utilities. Available February 1st. Call 705-731-7181 and leave message.


Septic & Holding Tank Pumping

#1 IN THE #2 BUSINESS Portable Toilets Available Theo Finley • 738-3424 • Bobcaygeon

COMMERCIAL SPACE BOBCAYGEON Excellent, high visibility location. Available May 1 $950 monthly + utilities. 950 sq. ft. Lots of parking. 705-738-2178 _____________________ One Bedroom Apartment for rent near Bobcaygeon Bright, basement apartment. Private enterance, 3 appliances, heat, hydro, basic cable, internet, parking. No smoking, prefer no pets. References $850 month. 705-201-1223

Large 2 Bedroom 11/2 baths. Available June 1. $1025 month. First months rent + $500 damage deposit. Water, heat, hydro, fridge & stove uncluded. 722 Cty. Rd. 36 N beween Bobcaygeon and Buckhorn. 705-7386619 or 705-344-1880. _____________________ Bobcaygeon 2 bdrm upper duplex. Nice residential area near the Dairy. 4 appliances, complete new interior, $800 + utilities monthly. References required. No smoking or pets. Call 705-738-9018.

McKENDRY, Dorothy May (nee Southam)

Peacefully at Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, Ontario on Saturday April 13, 2013, at the age of 96. Dorothy will be remembered by her many cousins, nieces, nephews and many friends. Predeceased by her husband Otto McKendry (1974), her brother James Southam (1989), Grace (2002), her sister Jean Jones (1995), Roy (1982), and her sister-in-law Jean McKendry (1993). Her strength, kindness, and sense of humour will be dearly missed. The family would like to thank the staff in the Ross Memorial Hospital, Emergency Dept, 3rd floor Medical and Palliative Care for their care. A special thank you to Dr. B. MacMillan for his thoughtfulness and kindness. At Dorothy’s request there will be graveside service at Fenelon Falls Cemetery, on Saturday, May 4, 2013 at 11:00 a.m., followed by a lunch at Jardine Funeral Home, 8 Princes’ St. W., in Fenelon Falls, for family and friends. If you wish, donations to the Heart & Stroke Foundation, Fenelon Falls United Church (U.C.W.) or the charity of your choice would be appreciated. Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to JARDINE FUNERAL HOME, CREMATION & TRIBUTE CENTRE, 8 Princes’ St. West, Fenelon Falls. To leave on-line condolences, make a memorial donation, or to light a memorial candle please visit: www.jardinefuneralhome.com

FOR RENT Professional office/ store space 79 Bolton Street approx 400 sq ft of storage with parking. Available immediately. Call 416-920-3382 _____________________ 4 BEDROOM FARMHOUSE for rent. Bobcaygeon area, short or long term. $960 + utilities. Available May 1. 705-738-7836


YARDSALE April 27th 9-1 7 Stanley Dr. (by Eganridge) Moving. Great variety of items.

INDOOR YARD SALE April 20th 8a.m.-3p.m. 1982 Bty Rd 8 Bobcaygeon Downsizing, all must go. Childs bedset-white, 2 kitchen tables, 2 chairs. New duvet. Lots of small stuff.


Furniture, glass, china, military medals etc. duck decoys, clocks, jewelry, silver dollars, gold, 50 cent pieces, pocket watches etc. Anything old. 705-887-1672.

DEWSBURY, Norah Alice (nee Brown)

Peacefully, at Mackenzie Health Hospital, Richmond Hill, surrounded by her loving family, on the afternoon of Monday, April 8th, 2013, in her 96th year. Long-time resident of Richmond Hill, formerly of Bobcaygeon. Beloved wife of the late George Blakely Dewsbury, cherished Mother of Gary (Helen), Anne (Reg), Susan, Lucille (Brent), Scott (Sherrie) and baby Lee. Dearest Nana to Carolyn and Steve, Caroline, Christopher and Kelly Ann, Shelby and Ruilan. Dear sister of the late Grace Hobbs and the late Robert Brown. Loving Aunt to Ernie and Micheline, Roy and Betty, and Ellie and the late Tony. Fond cousin to Jack. Sadly missed by her many friends and neighbors. A private family Burial Service has taken place. A Memorial Service will take place on Saturday, April 27th at 11:00am in the Chapel of St. Mary’s Anglican Church, 10030 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, L4C 1T8 (entrance from Major Mackenzie Drive West). Luncheon reception to follow in the Church hall. Donations to St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, In Memory of N. Alice Brown Dewsbury would be appreciated by the family.

Local Events

visit us on Facebook for our complete listing

APR 24-Community Care Diners’ Luncheon at the Burnt River Community Centre, lunch served at noon. Call the Community Care office at 705-324-7323 x 656 for reservations. APR 28-Trinity United Church, Bobcaygeon. Return of the Osprey. 12:15 p.m. 11:30 a.m. Lunch “Subway” (Lunch by donation) Sign list or call: 705-738-5135

April 19, 2013 - The Promoter 21

Congrats to Langton P.S.

Four children from Langton P.S. in Fenelon Falls attended the Tim Bits Elementary School Provincial Curling Championships from April 4 to 7, in Gananoque, Ontario and proudly represented their school and the Fenelon Falls Curling Club. They finished strong in the top 20 teams out of 64 schools from across Ontario! The community was behind them all the way with generous donations from the Lion’s Club, Rotary Club, Langton P.S. and the Kawartha Lakes Volunteer Firefighters Association. Pictured from left to right is Heather LeCraw, Coach, Nevin Swanson, Grace Hollinger, Kayla Burke (skip) and Devin Cook.

Want a Fantastic Garden?

Complete Indoor & Outdoor Growing Supplies

If you LOVE Gardening

12 Lindsay St. S. Lindsay 705.324.5200 www.kawarthahydroponics.ca

What Should a Beginner Grow?

When you are starting, it’s nice to grow just a little bit of something that’s fast, easy, and at its best when freshpicked. A good way to start is a small garden bed or container for salads. A square 3x3 feet or a half-barrel can give you many tasty salads if you keep picking the outside leaves. Give each little plant its own space and enough water, and success with lettuce will teach and inspire you. You might want to add some spinach (if it is still cool) or some chard for cooking greens. They are easy to grow, you can cut them over and over, and the chard comes in a rainbow of colours. To eliminate all worry about what varieties to plant when, you can get the Spring Salad Collection, with 4 different colors and types of lettuce, an herb, and an edible flower all selected for spring planting. To keep it really simple, you can buy a few tomato plants from a local nursery once the weather is warm, rather than trying to grow them from seed this year. Submitted by Kawartha Hydroponics

22 April 19, 2013 - The Promoter

Health & Wellness Spring Clean Your Body, Too

Spring can be a perfect time to cleanse the body. Forget the detox pills or kits to do it – your body can detoxify quite easily if you give it the right food! Beetroot: Full of vitamins B3, B6, C and betacarotene, and a valuable source of iron, magnesium, calcium and zinc – all necessary to promote optimal detoxification and elimination. Beets also support optimal gallbladder and liver health, organs that are vital for breaking down and removing toxins. Lemons: Stimulates the production of enzymes and helps to convert toxins into a water-soluble form that can be easily excreted from the body. Drinking warm-lemon water in the morning will help to alkalize the blood and balance out the acidity of the foods we’ve consumed. Broccoli Sprouts: Contain a compound called Sulforaphane which engages the liver to pump up detoxification process in the body and protects the cells from the damage of oxidization, which is why Sulforaphane has anti-cancer qualities. Chia: High in omega-3, calcium, and fiber, Chia helps to reduce inflammation in the body and since soaked Chia is gelatinous it helps to soak up toxins in the bowel and release them in waste. Need more information on how food can help you cleanse your body? Contact Melissa Christoffersen, RNCP at Live.Naturally. at 59 William Street, Bobcaygeon.

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From Dr. Oz and mainstream news features to social media, consumers are being made increasingly aware of the risks of spa pedicures. Spa aesthetic services are not regulated, which can be problematic.

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Admission is free. Refreshments will be served. Space is limited. Call The Posture Clinic 705.738.5600 April 5, 2013 - The Promoter 23

One concern is that potentially lax spa sanitary conditions can result in the spread of fungal and other infections, and so it is that the pedicure actually becomes the pedi-cause! Joking aside, inadequately sterilized spa instruments can transmit lifethreatening diseases such as HIV and hepatitis, as well as other serious blood-borne illnesses. Another concern is that some people rely on spa nail and skin services when they have true

medical foot health needs that should really be addressed on a regular basis by a chiropodist. This is especially the case for people at high risk such as diabetics, those with circulatory problems, or chronic disease. What’s one to do? Enter the medical pedicure or “medipedi.” When provided by the office of a chiropodist, medipedis bridge the gap between spa beautification and proper foot health services. Medical care is provided by a regulated

foot specialist with the skills and expertise to diagnose and treat all foot problems, while aesthetic care is performed under the chiropodist’s direct supervision. And, patients can rest assured that all of it is taking place in a medically sterile environment. Additionally, there’s the opportunity to align the medical and aesthetic care, such as with the application of antifungal nail polish or cosmetic nail lacquers that restore the appearance of fungal toenails while medical treatment of the fungus is ongoing. In the end, it’s about combining spa pampering with specialized foot medical care to offer the best of both worlds in a safe environment. For those with private health insurance benefits, the cost for the medical portion of the visit may also be covered where their plan includes treatment by a chiropodist / podiatrist.

Submitted by Kawartha Total Foot Care Centre


Berries are rich in plant chemicals called polyphones, which appear to increase the clearance of toxin proteins in the brain according to a recent study. With AD - Alzheimer’s Disease, brain cells become clogged with protein toxins as mentioned in Leslie Beck’s book “Longevity Diet” Research suggests that blueberries, in particular, benefit the brain. Compounds in blueberries seem to play a role in brain nerve cell communication, increasing not only the birth rate of new cells, but improving short term memory and motor skills, Rosie Schwartz reports in “The Enlightened Eater’s Whole Food Guide”. The book “The Rising Tide: The Impact of Dementia in Society” lists certain spices such as Cur cumin, found in turmeric, lower the incidents of Alzheimer’s disease. 24 April 19, 2013 - The Promoter



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April 19, 2013 - The Promoter 25

One reason is that spices and herbs i.e.: curry, ginger and garlic help cut back on salt use, which can lower blood pressure. This in turn lowers the risk of both stroke and dementia. Cur cumin also protects the brain in other ways such as calming brain inflammation and encouraging white blood cells to gobble up proteins that gum up brain function. Fish, especially fatty fish is number one when it comes to brain protection. Salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines and trout are all rich in hearthealthy Omega 3 fatty acids. Beck notes that a four-year study of older adults found that those who ate fish once a week were 60% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s. Beck states that DHA, an Omega 3 fatty acid found only in coldwater fish, is the only one that makes it to the brain. Lentils are low in fat, loaded with dietary fibre and are rich in Folate and Vitamin B12. Folate helps keep down an amino acid called homocysteine, which, in high levels has been linked to an elevated risk of Alzheimer’s. Supplementing with Omega 3 during pregnancy is associated with significantly higher IQ in children. Numerous studies suggest it may help with disorders like ADD and ADHD. The Chinese herb Lion’s Mane, enhances mental clarity, boosts immune system and

regenerates brain cells and Ginkgo Biloba users report processing information quicker. Submitted by Muriel M Grant D.C., N.D. Total Life Care

Community Cares

One of the strategic goals of Community Care City of Kawartha Lakes is to ensure that the programs and services presented are reflective of the needs of the community, and that we maximize available resources. This can mean regularly evaluating demand for programs and being flexible in order to respond to changing needs. As a result of that evaluation, the agency is expanding the Adult Day program that operates in Bobcaygeon. Beginning May 6, the Adult Day program will be available on Mondays as well as the traditional Wednesday and Friday sessions that run at Trinity-Providence United Church on William Street. As a result of the change, the Adult Day program in Fenelon Falls will be cut back to two days a week (Tuesday and Friday), since demand for the Monday service there was very low. The Adult Day program offers activation, social interaction and caregiver respite, through a range of supervised social, physical and recreational activities. The program is designed to meet the needs of each client and is presently offered several times per week in four different communities. This change means no reduction in programming, but lets the agency respond to growing needs in the Bobcaygeon area. Activation and socialization are two of the main goals of the Adult Day program, and these are best achieved in settings where regular attendance is higher than what was being averaged on Mondays in Fenelon Falls.

Wednesday & Thursday By Appointment


26 April 19, 2013 - The Promoter

That’s better use of the agency’s resources, and good news for anyone interested in the program. Contact our offices to find out more about Adult Day or any Community Care program. Mike Puffer is Director of Marketing & Development for Community Care City of Kawartha Lakes Health and Support Services. E-mail: mpuffer@communitycare.on.ca


Funding for Community Health Centre

Community Care “to expand access to our primary health care, health promotion, dental, seniors and youth services so that we can better reach out to all populations of the community we serve.” A 2012 study from the Institute of Clinical Evaluative Studies found that compared to other models of health care, the CHC approach was more effective than other primary care models in keeping people out of emergency departments of local hospitals. Officials estimated that the entire process towards the

opening of a new facility may take between three and five years. It is hoped that as many Community Care programs and services as possible can be consolidated into the future new space. “CHCs can play a huge role enabling the province’s new action plan to make Ontario the healthiest place to grow up and grow old,” Ms Danbrook said. “We hope this is just the start of a series of steps to expand access to community-governed models that do such a good job promoting health and wellbeing.”

Varicose Veins? Varicose Free Vein Report!Veins?

The Ontario Government has announced that it will invest $7.4 million in a capital project to help construct a new facility for the City leg of Kawartha IfCommunity you haveCare visible veins, you must read this Free Varicose Vein Report! 20 year vein If you have visible leg veins, you must read thisproblem Free Varicose Vein needs Lakes Community expert, Dr. PeterHealth UrselCentre. reveals essential veins facts that everyone with leg veins Report! 20 year vein expert, Dr. Peter Ursel reveals essential veins This means that many more people to know. Inside this revealing report you'll learn: facts that everyone with problem leg veins needs to know. Inside this living in the City of Kawartha Lakes revealingFree report you’ll learn: will have access to a primary Vein Report! The hidden cause of varicose veins and why you should not ignore this important ■ health care model in the next few information. There areleg many myths about what veins - vein • The hidden cause of varicose veins and why you should not ignore this If youCommunity have visible veins, you must read this Freecauses Varicosevaricose Vein Report! 20 year years, officials with important information. There are many myths about what causes varicose expert, Dr. Peter Ursel reveals essential veins facts that everyone with problem leg veins needs true cause. Care say.learn the to know. Inside this revealing you'll learn: veins -report learn the true cause. ■ The4 types announcement was of vein treatments currently available. You'll be • 4 types of vein treatments currently available. You’ll be surprised just how made on Monday,■just April 8 by cause surprised how much vein treatment technology The hidden of varicose veins and why youhas should not ignore thiscertain important much vein treatment technology changed and why traditional Ontario has Minister of Rural Affairs information. There are many myths about what causes varicose veins changed and why certain traditional vein vein treatments should be avoided at all costs. Jeff Leal, on behalf of thelearn Ontario the true cause. • 5 complications that can happen if treatments should avoided at all costs.available. You'll be 4 typesbe of vein treatments currently ■ Long-Term Ministry of Health and you delay treatment. Many doctors 5 complications that can happen if you delay treatment. ■ surprised just how much vein treatment technology Care. The province is committing ignore vein problems and dismiss them changed andproblems why certain traditional vein doctorshas ignore vein and dismiss funding Many to 17 Community Health as unimportant. Discover why them some treatments should be avoided at all costs. Centres as in unimportant. Ontario. Community complications are very serious andare how Discover why some complications 5 complications that can happen if you delay treatment. ■ to avoid them. Care’s CHC is the only community very serious and to ignore avoidvein them. Manyhow doctors problems and dismiss them • 2 critical tests you need to have before health centre in the Central East unimportant. why some complications are 2 critical testsasyou need toDiscover have before any vein ■ vein treatments. Learn why vein LHIN region receiving such and any very serious how to avoid them. treatments. Learn why vein mapping is essential to mapping is essential to treatment capital, however. ■ 2 critical tests you need to have before any vein treatment success. Community Caretreatments. CKL Learnsuccess. why vein mapping is essential to • 5 questions you need answers to before treatment 5 questions you need answers to before you choose a ■ Executive Chief Officer Cathysuccess. you choose a vein clinic. Don’t schedule 5 questions answers to before you choose a Danbrook said the ■funding isschedule an you need vein clinic. Don’t treatment without clear treatment without clear answers to vein clinic. Don’t schedule treatment without clear investment that will yield a high answers to these questions to thesethese questions questions return in the future. “Theanswers primary Plus a whole lot ■ Plusmore..... a whole lot• Plus a whole lot more..... more..... ■ health care model of the CHC has been proven to improve a local population’s health, reduce Get Your Free GetReport YourToday! Free Report Call Call705 705328328-1747 1747 Getand Your Free health disparities eases the Report Here’s 4Today! ways: Today! Here’s 4 ways: For Free Vein For Free Vein Here’s pressures on the rest of our health 4 ways: 1. Go to www.veinbook.com to download your system,” she said. Consultation 1. Go to www.veinbook.com to Consultation your free copy The1. Go local CHC has download your your free copy to www.veinbook.com to download your Or approximately clients 2. Or who, call 1 (705) 998 0248 (24 hrs) order Or line. your1,500 free copy prior to its opening in 2009, didOr Orr call 1 (705) 998 0248 (24 hrs) 2. O 3. Read on your smartphone: Scan this QR not have a local family doctor line. line. 2. Or call 1 (705)code: 998 0248 (24 order hrs) order or nurse practitioner. Currently Or Or located at 108 Angeline St. S. 3. Read on your smartphone: 3. Read on your smartphone: Scan this QR in Lindsay, the CHC will benefit Scan this QR code: from the code: opportunity to build a new facility that will allow

Free Vein Report!

Varicose Veins?

Call 705 328- 1747 For Free Vein Consultation

April 19, 2013 - The Promoter 27

Help With Extra Helpings

Strang’s Valu-Mart and Bobcaygeon Helps Food Bank are partnering for the Extra Helping™ National Spring Food Drive from April 19 until May 9. Food banks across the country provide hundreds of thousands of Canadians in need with food essentials, a need which becomes increasingly critical in the spring as donations received during the holidays deplete. To help address this vital need for donations, Strang’s Valu-Mart store is calling

Dr. Rene Boljkovac

DENTAL OFFICE The purpose of this letter is to dispel any misinformation circulating in the community and put some clarity on my personal and professional situation. First and foremost, all is normal at Bobcaygeon Dental Centre and the continued development of the Kawartha Health Centre. The practice is on solid financial ground and I will continue to practice dentistry on an on-going basis. Yes, it is true I have had to close down three practices due to variables beyond my control. All patient files from both offices were transferred in accordance to regulatory rules to ensure all patients were taken care of. In order to protect my family, I have had to declare personal bankruptcy. However, this does not preclude me from operating as a dentist. I, and the rest of the team at Bobcaygeon, will continue to service your dental healthcare needs. I encourage you to contact me directly at 705-738-2828 if you have any comments, questions or concerns. Dr. Rene Boljkovac

100 EAST ST. SOUTH BOBCAYGEON 705.738.2828 28 April 19, 2013 - The Promoter

on the community to donate non-perishable food items or make cash donations. Purchased food donations or cash may be left at Strang’s Valu-Mart during this time. C’mon, Bobcaygeon!

Plant a Row – Grow a Row

City of Kawartha Lakes Launches Plant a Row – Grow a Row is a national program that encourages gardeners and farmers to plant, grow and harvest an extra row of vegetables for hungry people in their communities. Come hear some terrific speakers, learn about Grow A Row, your local Food Banks, nutrition, and have your vegetable gardening questions answered. Share in a rich tradition of local farmers and gardeners sharing with those in need. Saturday April 20, 10:30 am Lindsay Branch Scott Jowett. CoKL Pick a Row – Grow a Row Coordinator, Megan Stong from the Health Unit, Roberta Sommerville of Kawartha Lakes Food Source, and Master Gardener Jamie Morris will answer questions about the Lindsay community garden and vegetable gardening. Saturday April 27, 10:30 am Kirkfield Branch Liza Hancock, CoKL Pick a Row – Grow a Row Coordinator, Megan Stong of the Health Unit, Sandy Shad from the Woodville Christian Food Bank. Question and Answer session will follow with local growers. For more information please contact Liza Hancock and Scott Jowett at 705.438.8544, lizaholly@yahoo.com

The Promoter Crossword # 103 By Charon “Flying Things” 1








Down 1 Another wading bird (4) 2 Sicilian spouter (4) 3 His word is law (8) 4 Not mono (6) 5 Molar menders (8) 6 Something worth saving (6) 7 Was able to buy (8) 8 It may be pencilled in (8) 11 Yo-Yo Ma's instrument (5) 15 Gives in or yields (8) 16 Charmed gift (8) 17 Self governing nation was a grocery store? (8) 19 :-), for example (8) 20 Brilliant display (5) 22 Stretch out (6) 24 Bird in a cage (6) 27 Ages and ages (4) 28 Abominable snowman (4)






















Across 9 Eccentric sees flying things in church (4,2,3,6) 10 Throw to the wind (7) 12 Bulb cover (7) 13 Burdensome bird (9) 14 Thinking man's sculptor (5) 15 Got serious after drinking (7)

18 Not a saver (7) 21 Wading bird for Kelsey Grammer? (5) 23 Sir John A. (9) 25 Like leftovers (7) 26 Lack of sophistication (7) 29 Preoccupied by a buzzing sound? (3,2,4,6)

Solution to Crossword #102 1 9



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Board of Trade

Poised to Bring Citywide Business Unity There are moments in time when the opportunity for significant, positive change is present within a community. The dream of providing this type of opportunity to the City of Kawartha Lakes business community was conceived by a variety of community stakeholders this past summer and has recently made the final steps in seeing this realized. The Kawartha Lakes Board of Trade will function as an umbrella organization that is a strong, unified voice for all businesses within the City of Kawartha Lakes. Although specific mandates and programming will be developed after additional consultation with the business community, the organization seeks to develop resources for expediting business development, incubate strategies that foster meaningful economic growth, and provide a powerful and valuable voice in helping shape legislative policy. A spokesperson for the recently incorporated organization noted “there is significant support from businesses around the city. What we’ve heard from business owners has been extremely positive and encouraging. Despite the complexities that are to be expected in the process of forming such a broadbased organization, the vast majority of those in the business community recognize that the truly important steps of the process—such as incorporating, securing

funding, and consulting a wide range of stakeholders from all communities—have been, and continue to be, in very capable hands. Many of these key steps have been accomplished and the entire process is moving forward with great prospects and potential.” The Board of Trade will be an independent organization, run by the business community. A spokesperson for the organization added, “It is important for the organization to be an arms-length organization in order to effectively provide valuable and accurate dialogue with policy makers. Operating in this fashion also allows the Board of Trade to stay in touch with the real concerns, solutions, and successes of the business community throughout the entire city.” With the support of an extensive list of key community stakeholders, including the Kawartha Lakes Community Futures Development Corporation (KLCFDC), Fenelon Falls & District Chamber of Commerce, Bobcaygeon & Area Chamber of Commerce and the Kawartha Lakes Associated Chamber of Commerce, the Lindsay and District Chamber of Commerce (LDCC) will finalize the remaining foundational groundwork for the Board of Trade before passing the torch to a transition team lead by the United Way of City Kawartha Lakes. The transition team will be holding public consultations and further facilitating the collaborative, democratic, development of the organization’s mandate and programming. The Kawartha Lakes Board of Trade anticipates being a fully functioning, autonomous organization–with it’s own elected board of directors– within the next two months. Separate contact information for the Board of Trade will be established in the coming months.

Spice It Up!

By Christopher Tuberdyke

Spring-cleaning is a time to freshen up your home after being shut in all winter. We tackle cobwebs, flip mattresses, clean out our fridges and freezers – but what about our spice racks? This may sound silly, but that basil in your cupboard isn’t supposed to be beige. There is a notion that spices should be rotated twice a year. This is unnecessary and wasteful. Spices and herbs stored in airtight containers can last years. Ground spices begin to loose their potency the moment that they are ground. While they will last up to two years, it’s a much smarter choice to buy them whole and grind them as needed. A spice grinder is a cheap investment (and an old coffee grinder works great) and a whole spice, like peppercorns, can last up to 4 years, if stored properly. If your dried spices smell flat, it’s time for them to go. Herbs don’t last quite as long, but will be fine for about a year. To test for freshness, pinch some between your fingers – if they are fragrant and green they’re okay. If not, it’s time to add them to your shopping list. Happy cleaning! 30 April 19, 2013 - The Promoter

April 19, 2013 - The Promoter 31

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