June 14 2013

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Friday, June 14, 2013

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Your Community News Magazine

Volume 23, Issue 11

Father’s Day • Coby Fresh Water Sumit • Bikefest Distributed throughout the Kawartha Lakes Area

Nortech Home Improvements “Excellence For Your Home”

Nortech Home Improvements is on a mission. With a major move to a new location, their building will soon be a feature landmark in Bobcaygeon on Highway 36 near Edgetown Ford. Nortech is known throughout the region, first and foremost as being a family owned and operated company that provides superior workmanship and quality products. After 15 years, the McNellys continue to build the business on their reputation for integrity and service. The newly renovated showroom features textures, tones and hardwood chosen to create an inviting space and ambiance for viewing Nortech’s wide range of products. “We’re very excited to be able to develop this property and turn it into something that is appealing and will serve our community,” says Dani McNelly, Sales and Marketing Assistant. Their diverse product lines, chosen for high energy efficiency and outstanding performance, are primarily Canadian and includes vinyl


Come visit us at 3300 County Rd 36 (near Edgetown Ford) 2

JUNE 14, 2013 - The Promoter

and wood windows, entry doors, sunrooms, solariums, awnings, gazebos, decks, porch enclosures, patio doors, and storm doors. Every person on staff is trained to provide in-depth product knowledge and excellent personalized service designed to meet the needs of homeowners, cottage owners, builders and contractors. Dani notes, clients are always impressed by the expertise and professionalism demonstrated by our in house installation technicians. Nortech serves Kawartha Lakes, Peterborough, and Haliburton regions. Hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 to 4:30, or evenings and weekends by appointment. Customers receive free, no-obligation, on-site consultations and estimates. Plans for a Grand Opening are underway. In the meantime, drop by, say hello. See the new showroom and experience the friendliness and superb quality products you’ll find at Nortech Home Improvements.

Contents The Promoter:

48 Main St., P.O. Box 535 Bobcaygeon, ON K0M 1A0 promoter@nexicom.net www.thepromoter.ca Circulation 13,000 Distributed throughout the Kawartha Lakes Area Publisher/Director/Manager: Max Miller Editor: Susan Simmons Advertising Sales Manager: Pat Thurston Sales Representatives: Christine Schiarizza Debbie Mahoney Art Director: James Goodliff Production/Office Manager Melissa Goodliff Bobcaygeon Online: Debbie Mahoney TEL.: 705-738-6188 FAX: 705-738-4187 The Promoter is a local, independently owned and operated news magazine. The opinions and views expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of The Promoter. Liability for incorrectly displayed or placed advertisements is limited to publishing corrections or providing advertising credit to be applied on subsequent advertisements at the advertiser’s discretion.

Village Voice

pg. 4

City Hall

pg. 5


pg. 14


pg. 34

Trades & Services

pg. 27

Health & Wellness

pg. 30


pg. 36

Local Events

pg. 37

Let’s be friends Like The Promoter and Bobcaygeononline.com on Facebook for current local news and events!

Paper Cuts Profiles

I got my double chin from my father. Oh, and some cryptic advice that made no sense to me at the time. I was a kid. It was delivered during one of the visits my sister and I made to see him in Toronto. The bus trips were unpleasant enough for us because I inevitably experienced motion sickness; my sister had to sit beside me and be the big sister. The advice from dad to this daughter: “Don’t chew gum in public. And don’t sniff – blow your nose.” He said both were crude habits and, “You never know when you’ll meet the Queen.” That may have been the only advice he gave me. I don’t recall. Katharine Hepburn said, “We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, the teachers – but never blame yourself. It’s never your fault. But it is always your fault, because if you wanted to change you’re the one who has got to change.” The main street in Brechin, Ontario is currently decorated with colourful summer flowers. They aren’t contained

Cover: Winning entry for The Promoter Father’s Day Contest: Kris Burns and Grace. Photographer is Brian Wunderlich.

in planters hooked to light posts. The flowers spill from baskets – bicycle baskets attached to brightly painted two-wheelers. There are many bikes in many sizes and colours. They stand in front of buildings and businesses and along the bridge. It’s a fascinating and creative project that is most certainly fulfilling its purpose for the village. In 1817, a Baron von Drais de Sauerbrun invented what he called a walking machine. It was the first version of the bicycle. It would seem the Baron possessed a superb imagination although he didn’t think it through enough to invent pedals. However, if the man was also a father, no doubt he did his children proud. I never did get the chance to know my father well, but I was proud of his work. Eventually, I figured out his advice. Life works that way sometimes. In the words of Groucho Marx, “She got her looks from her father. He’s a plastic surgeon.” Mine was an artist. And a fine one at that. To my grandsons’ awesome dads – and to you – wishes for a Happy Father’s Day.


June 14, 2013 - The Promoter


Village Voice

The Promoter reserves the right to edit Letters to the Editor for length and clarity. Please include your email or mailing address and daytime phone number (not for publication). All opinions expressed are those of the writer.

Our Trees Do Matter

Oops! A few weeks ago Bobcaygeon lost another rare and unique tree. It was a Kentucky Coffee tree, which is associated with the Deciduous Forest Region of Canada. Bobcaygeon is situated in the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence Forest Region. This tree was cut down on King Street. Last year, a large Hackberry tree was cut down on Main Street. As a Professional Forester for the past 37 years specializing in the management of tree(s) commonly found in the Deciduous Forest Region, I have encountered only “two” other specimens of the Kentucky Coffee tree. I am in no way advocating the restriction of cutting trees. However, its unfortunate most landowners do not know the rarity or uniqueness of the trees they are destroying.

Interestingly but sadly, everyone is encouraged to plant trees but little is done to promote caring for the trees we already have growing. I was told I should have said something to the landowner when I first recognized the tree. In hindsight I should have but then any certified arborist cutting down the tree should have known what species of tree he was cutting and told the owner. A tree Cutting By-law may or may not prevent the destruction of another rare or unique tree to Bobcaygeon or the City of Kawartha Lakes that isn’t the point; that’s another important conversation. The point is does it really matter to the residents of Bobcaygeon if we lose any more rare and unique tree(s) that could add something more special to the resumé of living in Bobcaygeon without interfering with the landowner’s rights. Regardless, henceforth, I will inform any landowner of any rare or unique tree I happen to come across and then, they can decide. L. Matsumoto Bobcaygeon

Unlock The Summer

On behalf of the Unlock the Summer 2013 committee, we take this opportunity to thank the number of people who took time out of their busy lives to support this event; dignitaries, volunteers, community members, area visitors, family and

ROSS FORBERT AND HELENE FORBERT MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND NOTICE Ross Forbert and Helene Forbert, by their last Will and Testament provided for the creation of a Scholarship Fund. The primary purpose of the said Fund is to provide financial assistance to students who are resident within the geographic limits of the Village of Bobcaygeon, and will be in full-time attendance at a post-secondary educational institution for the 2013-2014 academic year. The Executors invite all students who reside in the geographic Village of Bobcaygeon, and who will be attending a post-secondary institution for the academic year 2013-2014 to submit in writing a request to participate in the Scholarship Fund. A written request must be received on or before JUNE 30, 2013, and be directed to The Ross Forbert and Helene Forbert Memorial Scholarship Fund, c/o Robert J. Walker, 4 King Street West, Box 243, Bobcaygeon, Ontario K0M 1A0.


JUNE 14, 2013 - The Promoter

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friends. Special thanks are extended to our many sponsors and the Chest Fund, whom without their support this event would not be possible.

Committee members: Joy and Jerry Mous (My Favourite Things), Lisa and Charlie Bourne (Savoury’s), Carly Poole (Buckeye Marina), Tom and Wendy Hunt (Remax), Louise Lavere (City Economic Development Officer), Monica Poole (Buckeye Outdoors), Event Director, Dave Poole (Buckeye Surf and Snow.)


My husband and I have been members of the Royal Canadian Legion for 25 years. I purchased four Barberry bushes and planted them in the garden in front of the (Bobcaygeon) Legion. They were a donation. They were good-sized bushes and they were pulled out because the holes are right there. What we don’t understand is why people would not have respect for the Legion or anyone’s personal property. Marilyn Dewing, Bobcaygeon


We would really appreciate, if whoever “picked up and took away” our sandwich board sign at the corner of #36 and King Streets would put it back or return it to the Bistro (no questions asked). When we noticed it missing, we checked with the municipal office to make sure we hadn’t broken a sign by-law of some sort by where we placed the sign and were advised after they checked that no staff had picked up the sign. We don’t think it was

JR. GOLF CAMP (CPGA Instruction)

“a kid vandalizing” because the thing weighed over 50 lbs. and needed handles to carry it, so we can’t chalk it up to vandalism.

There was also another new business’s sign beside ours on the corner and it was left and not touched, but ours was gone. Really? We can’t believe it. It’s not the cost of the sign to be replaced that’s bothering us (although it will cost us to replace it – it was solid wood with a chalkboard on both sides with wood trim and chrome handles – it’s more about what the sign’s ‘disappearance’ represents. Are we upsetting someone? We choose to open a business here in Bobcaygeon that supports the town by hiring local people to work in our restaurant, by shopping at the local grocery store, by shopping at the local LCBO and Beer Store for our restaurant supplies. We support and shop at local shops for kitchen equipment and supplies, office supplies and medicinal needs at the local pharmacy. We eat at local restaurants and support those businesses and their families. We bank at a local bank and pay taxes that support the town. We have our vehicles serviced at a local auto shop. We bought a home here four years ago, BY CHOICE and opened a business here BY CHOICE because we CHOOSE to live in Bobcaygeon! There have been a number of incidents that have occurred since we opened the restaurant and we shrugged them off the best we could. Now this. Again, I reiterate ... “really”? Lynn, Mark and Chef Mike Wilson Bistro 49

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City Hall

By Gord Killen

Water Issues

Due to the Walkerton tragedy of May, 2000 where residents were becoming sick and dying due to contaminated water from a well adjacent to the town’s water supply, other municipalities are now risk averse (thank God) and are extremely cautious regarding the water that comes from our taps. No one wants another Walkerton. It seems as if the Sword of Damocles was hanging over Councillors’ heads during the meeting while water was being discussed. After attending the Council session of May 28 the issue of water seems to be a most perplexing and frustrating topic that needs to be dealt with. A recap may be in order for all of us to capture the seriousness of this problem. • Staff to advise the owners of undeveloped properties within the Village of Fenelon Falls which are currently zoned to permit residential, commercial, institutional and industrial development, that the development of their property is temporarily suspended until after the Public Works Department, Water and

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Wastewater Division confirms sufficient sanitary service capacity is available for the permitted development. • That Genivar be confirmed as the single source provider of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) at a cost of $780,000. This is the continuation of a program that is already in place. The system allows the monitoring of the City’s 70 Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants from anywhere and at any time. Should a malfunction occur, alarms would automatically be sent to operational stations so that the appropriate action can take place. Concern was expressed by a number of Councillors over Genivar being the only option and a costly one at that. • The necessity of hiring a Risk Management Officer (RMO) and a Risk Management Inspector (RMI). The 2 positions may be amalgamated. Also the cost of training the individual(s) is of some concern. • The Ministry of the Environment is considering ordering the City of the Kawartha Lakes to take over the running of the Lakeview Water Coop, which could add to the problem. Ward 13 Councillor Pat Warren is to meet with the residents in the near future. • Depending on who you ask CoKL have either the 6th or the 3rd highest water rate in Ontario. • The City has an outstanding debt of $30+ millions related to our water system. During the usual give and take of discussions related to the ever-rising cost of water in the City, the Mayor observed that Council can never seem to get ahead of the problem. In my research I noticed that Walkerton has a Clean Water Training Centre. Who is availing themselves of this resource? I trust that we are. It seems to me that there must be other communities in Ontario and elsewhere that are facing the same dilemma, the seemingly ever-rising cost of water. Time to get ahead Mr. Mayor!

Solar Projects

After May 28 all applications for solar development on farms on agricultural land classed 1 through 4

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JUNE 14, 2013 - The Promoter

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will be rejected. This was in response to a letter from the Agriculture Advisory Board who are concerned that field - sized prime agricultural land was being used for solar energy projects and is “a threat to the future of the agricultural sector of Kawartha Lakes.” The report from the Board also noted that there is strong pressure to plant grain due to the current high prices.

Disaster Relief Fund

Now that the Provincial Government has assured the City of Kawartha Lakes some monetary assistance, Council moved quickly to set up a Disaster Relief Committee. They are Gord Miller, Hazel MacInnis, Belinda Wilson, Chris Handley, Eric Watson, Rene van der Meijden, Ted Swift and Penny Barton-Dyke.

Cliff Notes

Back for Second Season Cliff Notes, the treble choir named for the rock faces at Fenelon Falls’ Lock 34, is poised for its second season, and is recruiting new members. The choir, directed by soprano Cicela Månsson and accompanied by pianist Ruth Eberts, performed at several key community events this year, including an opening set for string trio Infinitus, one of the concerts presented by the Bobcaygeon Music Council. “I’m amazed at how far Cicela has taken them in just one year,” says parent and community board member Diane Engelstad. “I can hardly wait to hear what they will do next season.” The repertoire is varied, including musical theatre, folk, classical and world music. “Along with developing vocal flexibility, confidence, and working as a team,” says Månsson, I want to help the singers develop as musicians and have lots of fun along the way.” The choir, for treble voices in grades 5 through 12, rehearses in Fenelon Falls Wednesday nights from 7:00 to 8:30 pm (September – April). The cost of the program is $300 for 24 sessions (may be paid in 2 installments). The new season starts September 25, 2013. Registrations received before June 30 will get a $25 Early Bird discount. Please call 705.731.9661 for more information and to register.

uth Unlimited

North Kawartha Yo

The 7th Annual Bowl-a-Thon exceeds target. The North Kawartha Youth Unlimited, supporting local youth in the Fenelon Falls and Bobcaygeon areas, wishes to thank the following contributors for helping us exceed out fund raising target. Local people helping local youth Business sponsors: • Harbour House, Niagara-on-the-Lake • FoodLand, Bobcaygeon • Squeaky Clean Window Cleaning • SolidTrustPay • Kawartha Dairy • Strangs Valu-Mart • Jaydeez Fashions, Bobcaygeon • Tim Hortons • The Book Gallery, Bobcaygeon • The SOURCE, Bobcaygeon • Home Hardware, Bobcaygeon • Just For The Halibut GRILLHOUSE • BOON DOCKS DECOR • My Favourite Things • Godfather’s Pizza • Pick N Save, Bobcaygeon • Donatella Ristorante • Kawartha Lakes Business Equipment (KLBE) • Kawartha Hearing Center • British Empire Fuels • The Promoter Support team: • Youth Workers Martin Chipp-Smith and Melissa Shepski • Awards team – Theresia Ruddock and Joan Wesley • Planning Team members and B-a-T Chair – Jelle Visser And lastly, the superb work of all the Team Captains and their bowlers. June 14, 2013 - The Promoter



By David Sparkes

Our three and a half year old granddaughter surprised us recently by telling us, “Mom and Dad say I can have a dog”. The parents had previously told us, in no uncertain manner, that this was out of the question and I guess this showed on our faces. Then our little angel added “Yes, they said I can have a dog when I become an adult”. There’s more than one way to say “no”. It seems to me that today’s parents somehow feel that it is wrong to say no to their children. Surely, this is an essential part of the learning process and part of the responsibility that parents have in preparing their offspring for the real world. One of the world’s greatest philosophers said “You can’t always get what you want” (or maybe he sang it) – but on the other hand he also couldn’t get “no satisfaction”! These days you read and hear a lot about “entitlement” and it is not too hard to find examples of people who have an exaggerated sense of their place in society and what they are entitled to take for their own. Perhaps this begins with parents who just can’t find it in their hearts to deny their children anything their little heart desires. Often the kids are just seeing how far they can push things and a simple “no” is all it takes to give them the answer. And you don’t always have to justify your answer with an explanation. Grandparents can always see things so clearly or perhaps they just think that’s the case. It is a lot easier when you don’t have to deal with the pressures of being a parent 24/7. The world changes so quickly and it is increasingly harder to adapt to those changes as you age. Different times require different measures. Things are not always what they seem. I recently received an e-mail from my sister touting the miraculous qualities of green coffee beans. That seemed a little strange to me but even more suspicious was the subject line which was simply “Salutations”.


Bobcaygeon Curling Club

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JUNE 14, 2013 - The Promoter

I seriously doubt that my sister has ever used that word. Sure enough, it transpires that she has been victim to a scheme where her e-mail contacts are hijacked and messages sent out in her name. This is not the first time I have encountered this scam but it is disconcerting to realize how we can be fed false information. So it takes a special kind of parent to be able to prepare their children for the world in which we live. That being the case, it is probably better that grandparents offer advice only when asked and to trust their children to do what is best for their own. The words of another song come to mind. “I wish I was a little bit younger, and knew what I know now”. Oh well!

DID YOU KNOW That Legally…

Now that summer is finally here, our teenage children may be heading out for their first summer job. Wish them luck, but, arm them with their rights under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Many young adults take work involving manual labour. They do not realize that they can, and should refuse work if it is unsafe. Many are too shy, and inexperienced to speak up as they are afraid to lose their new job. Unfortunately, many take on the job even though they know that they may be injured. Take some time with your children... google the Act, and let them know that they need to keep safe! Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act workers have four key rights: 1. To participate in the health and safety process, mostly through the JHSCs (Joint Health and Safety Committees found in workplaces with 20+ workers); 2. To refuse unsafe work; 3. To stop unsafe work through certified members of the JHSC; 4. To know about workplace hazards. Further, under the Act ‘the employer may not penalize a worker in any way for exercising his rights under the OHSA, including this right to refuse unsafe work.’ If you feel that you have suffered a reprisal you may contact a paralegal for more advice, or file a complaint with the Ontario Labour Relations Board. Donna M. Wood Wood Paralegal Law Office, Bobcaygeon 705.738.9841

Donna M. Wood Licensed Paralegal Commissioner For Taking Affidavits

86 Main St., P.O. Box 1430 Bobcaygeon ON K0M 1A0 T: 705.738.9841 F: 705.738.9842 Toll Free: 1.855.738.9841 Provincial Offences Small Claims Matters Landlord Tenant Disputes

A Father’s Day Story Thank you for submitting Father’s Day photos and heart touching stories for this issue of The Promoter. Here we share Laurie Bickle’s story and photo, along with the winning entry featured on our cover. My husband Steve, daughter Tracey and I live on a farm in the Bobcaygeon area. The photo of my dad was taken June 2012. Whenever he and my step-mom came to visit us on the farm, he wanted to know what he could do to help out. When ALS struck him, he still came for visits but he could no longer help out around the farm. My step-mom, Suzie, is originally from Sacramento California and was a great sport in adapting to our Canadian winters. Being the primary caregiver of my dad with ALS, she needed some ‘girl-friend’ time in her sunny south. Dad lived with us for the two weeks when Suzie was away in June. We hired a local university student to come in daily from be with dad because all three of us work outside the home. Dad sat out on the back deck by the pool, and watched our Percheron horses in the paddock next to the house. These days were the best days for my dad and me.

I cherish these memories and think of him often. In September, on the 18th, dad succumbed to the disease but will live forever in my memory. You can see in the picture that dad is wearing a scarf, hat and jacket, and had a blanket over his legs even though it was June. The jacket was his, the hat came from my sister who lives in Boston and the scarf and blanket are mine. This is my dad. Christopher M. Hrushowy. All who knew him called him Chris. I want others can see how happy he was here, out on the farm.

Laurie Bickle

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June 14, 2013 - The Promoter


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10 JUNE 14, 2013 - The Promoter

Bikefest Canada Extravaganza 2013

Sparkling chrome and shining paint and the thunderous roar of motorcycles galore. Again on June 23rd hundreds of motorcycles will make their annual trek to the streets of Bobcaygeon for the 3rd annual Bikefest Canada event. Many of the same events that have in the past attracted motorcycle enthusiasts from around the Kawarthas and beyond are slated for return. These include live bands and a large vendor mall stretching from one end of town to the other. Among products featured are: hearing protection, clothing, and motorcycle parts, paint techniques, tattoos, souvenirs, and more. Local restaurants and food outlets are geared up to keep bikers and tourists well fed and watered. Participants will also have the opportunity to purchase super draw tickets, which will afford the chance to share in cash winnings while at the same time contributing to local charities. Don’t forget to try your luck at the beanbag toss. There you will choose your favorite make: Honda, Kawasaki, HarleyDavidson, Yamaha, or Ural and try to hit your chosen target to win a prize. Also stop by one of the kiosks situated throughout town to purchase your Bikefest shirts, water or soft drinks. For those who require accommodation, all hotels and

motels in Bobcaygeon encourage you to reserve as soon as possible. In addition, there is the option this year to camp at the local fairgrounds. Campsites are available for just $20 per person per night. Check-in 4 to 8 PM to receive your wristband. Showers and washroom facilities are available on site. For details, please visit bikefestcanada.ca or www.facebook.com/bikefest.bobcaygeon. The Bikefest committee, like everyone else, is hoping for good weather and another safe and enjoyable family event. Remember “Four wheels move the body; two wheels move the soul.” Submitted by the Bikefest Committee


Bobcaygeon hosts an exciting array of activities for this event. Here’s a snapshot of the fun you can expect at the 2013 Bikefest: Camping begins Saturday at the Bobcaygeon Arena campground. Bikefest Events start 9 am, Sunday, June 23. Biker-friendly church service at Village Baptist Church at 10:30 am, Sunday.

Show and Shine features14 Categories: 1.Radical Chopper 2.Asian Touring 3.American Touring 4.American Custom 5. Asian Custom 6.Sport Bike 7.Sportster 8.Trike 9. Vintage 10.Women Rider’s 11. Best Paint 12.Sidecar Division 13.Rat Division 14.Trailer Division Judging all day awards given out at 2 pm. More than 100 vendors and groups including Classy Chassis, Longley Harley Davidson, Ural Motorcycles and many, many more. Bands will entertain all day and there will be a Toonie Toss and other games to support local charities. More details? See www.bikefest.ca Submitted by Cheryl & Danie Farrell

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June 14, 2013 - The Promoter 11


Kinmount Model Railway & Museum

Bobcaygeon Splash Pad It’s A Go For Summer

The Bobcaygeon Splash Pad Committee celebrated the official opening of the newly built Splash Pad at the Tommy Anderson Park thanks in part to a $73,700 grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF). Said Heather Harrison, Co-director, Bobcaygeon Splash Pad Committee, “Without the OTF grant, our committee would still be raising funds and the Splash Pad would not have opened for several more years.” The Committee, in partnership with the Bobcaygeon and Area Chamber of Commerce, worked closely with City of Kawartha Lakes Parks and Recreation to raise the funds and construct a Splash Pad at Tommy Anderson Park in Bobcaygeon. The Splash Pad was built in memory of Bobcaygeon residents Monty and Nancy Crowe and will be available for use to all of the children in the community.




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Submitted by Charles Cooper, Secretary-Treasurer Kinmount Model Railway & Museum

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Nestled in the former Kinmount railway station is a little jewel of a visitor attraction called the Kinmount Model Railway & Museum. It occupies the former agent’s office and baggage room (the waiting room is a tourist information office). In the baggage room is a very-well-done (though we say so ourselves, but the many who have left comments agree) replica operating model railway in 1:87 (H0) scale of the former railway between Kinmount and Haliburton. This layout was originally built by a group of local model railroaders for the Kinmount Fair in the early 1990s, but is now a permanent display. Over the years it has been upgraded, and has recently undergone a major scenic overhaul to refresh the layout, to make it look more prototypical and to add a lot more detail – and this is an ongoing project. The Museum part of the display already has a number of artifacts and pictures that are on display in the agent’s office, outside the station and in the baggage room along with the layout. When the City of Kawartha Lakes acquired the station building from the CNR at the time the line was abandoned, it was lovingly restored with local help to its original appearance, and thankfully the magnificent original BC fir wall paneling in the waiting room and the agent’s office was preserved as an impressive example of early interior station design common to many Ontario country stations that have now vanished. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN The attraction is operated and staffed by a small group of volunteer railway modellers and colindarlingdesign.ca historians, and is well worth a visit. It is financially darlingdesign@accel.net supported by the City of Kawartha Lakes with a 705•755•0814 modest grant and with admissions by donation. The exhibit is wheelchair accessible, and there is free parking in the surrounding station area.d For hours of operation, see www. kinmountrailwaymuseum.com.


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12 JUNE 14, 2013 - The Promoter kblinds-cards.indd 5

14/03/11 8:22 PM

Royal Canadian Legion Honours Seniors in Fenelon Falls

The month of June is seniors’ month in Ontario. The Royal Canada Legion, Branch 238 Fenelon Falls is hosting its sixth free seniors’ luncheon. Our goal is to honour the senior citizens of Fenelon Falls in recognition of the contributions they have and continue to make in keeping our community strong and prosperous. Seniors play important and vital roles in our individual families, in our communities and in our country. Many of the events that take place in Fenelon Falls have organizing committees that are heavily weighted with seniors who share their skills and experience for the benefit of their community. Arlene Colman, Seniors Chairman, advises that the luncheon will celebrate our local seniors letting them know just how important they are to us and providing them with an opportunity to gather and socialize. The entertainment by Belinda Wilson has been such a hit in previous years and we are very pleased to have her back again this year for your toe-tapping pleasure. The luncheon is for seniors in the community of Fenelon Falls who are 65 years of age and older. This is an opportunity for local seniors to meet old friends, make some new friends, and enjoy a meal and entertainment. Seniors with special needs are encouraged to attend and we will do our best to accommodate. Community Care has generously volunteered to provide transportation where required. The luncheon will take place Tuesday, June 18th starting at noon. Doors open at 11:30 am. Attendance is limited to 120 and registration is required. Call Arlene Colman at 705.454.1849 and confirm your attendance today. The seats tend to fill up quickly, so call early to avoid disappointment. The seniors of Fenelon Falls play key roles in supporting families and friends, volunteering with charities, churches and service clubs. Their contributions are a wonderful reminder to all of us that we can make a positive difference in our Village and in the lives of others post 65. Fenelon Seniors have worked hard and continue to contribute much to the prosperity we all enjoy today.

This is the Branch’s way of saying thank you to the seniors of Fenelon Falls. Arlene Colman, Seniors Chairman RCL Fenelon Falls

Youth Unlimited Hooray for Summer Camp

We present the schedule for the 2013 Youth Unlimited Summer Camp: • July 15 – 19: Sports in Bobcaygeon; • July 22 – 26: Cooking in Fenelon Falls; • July 30 – August 2: Cooking in Bobcaygeon; • August 6 – 9: Sports in Fenelon Falls; • August 12 – 16: Art in Bobcaygeon. Questions? Contact melissa@youthunlimitedkaw. com or 705.341.8445.

Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) representative, Brian Markle, presents a plaque to the Ontario Open Fiddle and Step Dance Contest. Also present were MPP Laurie Scott, Ontario Open President, Karel Beck and Brian Junkin, Councillor. The event took place at the Karen Reed and Crossbow Concert, June 8, at Knox Presbyterian Church Hall.



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June 14, 2013 - The Promoter 13

The Promoter Crossword # 107 By Charon 1









Down 1 Takes a nap (6) 2 Drill command (9) 3 Lawrence's steed (5) 4 Spreads out (7) 6 Hobbies (9) 7 Bucolic and rustic (5) 8 The whole gang (8) 11 Wineglass part (4) 15 They can go overboard (9) 17 Purpose (9) 18 Give an ultimatum (8) 20 Dial backwards (4) 21 Part of SUV (7) 22 Didn't sit on the bench (6) 24 Deliberately lost (5) 25 Place with a big wall (5)

10 11







18 19


21 22








Across 1 Seized quickly (8) 5 Menacingly wild (6) 9 Give a ballpark figure (8) 10 What to do with a fever (6) 12 Advisory group (5) 13 "But of course!" (9) 14 W.C. or Gracie (6)

Solution to Crossword #106

16 19 21 23 25 26 27 28 29

Special assignment (7) An overactive toddler (7) Drops in on (6) Bring about (9) Shortcut for a ship (5) It may need clearing (6) What`s going on (8) Most up-to-date (6) Stayed behind (8)

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A 10














































N 27



U 30














N 18


































P 32






















N 31








L 29



I 25



Y 21





D 14








A 12




N 33





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Jewelry • Coins • Sterling • Watches • Medals • etc.

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Accessibility Awareness Recognition Awards

The Kawartha Lakes Accessibility Advisory Committee was pleased to present the sixth annual Accessibility Awareness Recognition Awards at City of Kawartha Lakes Council on Tuesday, June 4th. The awards recognize residents of the municipality who have been involved with accessibility issues, promote “Accessibility Opens Doors” for all people within Kawartha Lakes and demonstrate outstanding contribution within the last year. Congratulations to this year’s winners: • Outstanding Contribution awards went to: Business: Monk Funeral Services, Glen and Melda Clark; Community Group: Community Living Kawartha Lakes; City of Kawartha Lakes Employee: Todd Bryant, Transit; Individual, Adult: Mike Reaman; Education: Harold Williams. Outstanding Design – Janetville United Church. The Barbara McArthur Memorial Award of Distinction was presented to two recipients this year, Julie McQuade and Amy Boyle. For approximately thirty years Julie McQuade has helped children in her role as an Educational Assistant. Her calm demeanor and caring nature make her an exceptional assistant. She finds inventive way to include her students with peers whether it is organizing a casual card game or board game or coming up with a way to include all children in schoolyard games. She helps those youth who might feel excluded, feel included. Amy Boyle has selflessly fostered thirteen puppies for the Lions Club Dog Guides programme, beginning when she was twelve. As a foster dog parent, Amy

is responsible for the puppies 24/7. The puppies go everywhere with their foster parent including school, social engagements, restaurants and movies. It is the foster parent’s responsibility to teach the puppies how to behave and ensure that the puppies do not cause any commotion. Amy has been a staunch supporter and participant in the Lindsay Dog Guide Walk, raising funds to provide dogs to clients. Photo: left to right, front to back: John Albin, Todd Bryant, Glen Clark, Mike Reaman, Amy Boyle, Harold Williams, Councillor Steve Strangway; 
Melda Clark, Julie McQuade, Helen Shea, Margaret McGill, Barb Condie, Elizabeth Peeters; 
Diane Engelsted, Darla Kennedy, Debra Bumstead, Mary Margaret Boone
Mayor Ric McGee, Melinda Ferguson

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* Clean up and hand in keys for apartment move as smooth asWe possible take from start to finish. as possible from start to finish. * Arrange for repair or painting to prepare the stress DAY PARTIAL PACKAGES for house sale out of Our caring Our team of workers are Fully insured * Available tailored to your needs. caring team of workers are fully insured * Assist with finding real estate agent relocating!

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* Follow up in new location

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June 14, 2013 - The Promoter 15

Kawartha Cooks

Featuring Christopher Tuberdyke

Kale Chips

Kale Chips. No, really – I’m serious. This simpleto-make snack is totally addictive, delicious, and can be seasoned in all sorts of ways. Oh yeah, it’s also way better for you than a bag of potato chips. They’re not fried, contain only a very tiny bit of oil, and the low heat preserves the nutritional content of kale. Which, by the way, is super high. It’s one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet with huge amounts of vitamin A, C, and K. So, next time you get the munchies, bake up a batch of these guys! What you need: 1 bunch of Kale 1 tablespoon olive oil Sea salt Chili flakes (optional) Parchment paper 2 baking sheets What you do: 1. Preheat your oven to 275 degrees. If you have a convection option, use it! It’s made for jobs like this. (If you don’t that’s fine – you’ll just need to keep yours in the oven a little longer and rotate the trays half way through.) 2. Wash kale and thoroughly dry. Wet kale = soggy

chips (and that’s a sad thing). Remove ribs and tear leaves into 2 inch sized pieces. Toss them in a bowl with the olive oil making sure to coat. Sprinkle with salt and chili flakes. 3. Arrange kale on parchment lined baking sheets in a single layer. Do not crowd – they won’t get crispy. 4. B ake for 15-20 minutes until crisp and brown around the edges. Enjoy as is or season as desired. Enjoy! Seasoning Ideas: Lemon zest and black pepper Freshly grated Parmesan Chili powder and lime zest Smoked paprika














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16 JUNE 14, 2013 - The Promoter


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Bobcaygeon and District

Chamber of Commerce To the locals, they’re affectionately the “Townies.” In reality, they’re the cottagers, travellers, boaters and others who bring us their lifestyles, love of Nature, protection of the environment, personal friendships and, important for our businesses and economy, their purchasing power. Considering their numbers – an estimated 25,000 arrive by water and another 40,000 come by vehicle to their cottages or to stay at our motels and resorts – their presence among us is a benefit that keeps on giving. With its services and connections, the Bobcaygeon and Area Chamber of Commerce fosters goodwill with our cottagers, attracts vacation-bound tourists, promotes our area as good for business enterprise and helps keep our village among Canada’s top ten retirement communities. According to office manager Ruthanne Wilson, that translates into about 6,000 enquiries over a “season” that’s only six months long – an average of more than 250 phone calls, emails and in-person enquiries each Monday to Saturday week during that time. Business contacts and information centred on the Explore Bobcaygeon booklet jointly produced by The Promoter and Chamber are the heart of this

service, but the Chamber also employs a reference system that helps hospitality sector members keep their occupancy numbers up. As well, a significant number of visitors use the speedy, “with a smile” vehicle licensing and health card services instead of enduring the long, impersonal line-ups at home. And the Chamber has also fulfilled its economysupport mandate by partnering with Parks Canada and the Trent-Severn Waterway in two Big Bob Channel dockage projects. Intended to provide small-craft docking that allows cottagers to shop downtown, the first, built a number of years ago, involved its own money and the talents of two directors of the day. The second project, whose first stage extended that development and was dedicated during the Chamber’s Unlock the Summer 2013, involved using its not-for-profit status to help facilitate the fund-raising efforts of an independent community committee. Welcome, our friends. May your stays among us be enjoyable and memorable. Bob Hughes, Secretary

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Coboconk News Fresh Water Summit Message from Our Mayor

As summer begins to heat up, this weekend we will enjoy hospitality in Coboconk as we celebrate the 4th Annual Freshwater Summit. On Friday, June 14th, come to Coboconk to join in the festivities to officially open the Freshwater Summit, beginning at 7 pm at the Wharf. A boat parade will ascend to the Summit beginning at 8 pm, featuring live music by Loose Connections and appetizers by Kay’s Place. This licensed event will conclude at 11 pm. Saturday morning begins with a Pancake Breakfast at Christ Church starting at 9 am and a Bake Sale at Knox United Church at 10 am. Don’t miss the Antique

& Classic Boat Show and if you’re feeling strong, test your strength in the Northern Lyte Strongman Competition at Legion Park. There is something for everyone including International Model Power Boats, a Kids’ Zone and refreshments at the Legion Park & Lions Park. So make a day of it and come to Coboconk where you can launch a boat in Balsam Lake and travel anywhere in the world by water. See you at the Summit! Calling on Waterfront Property Owners Associations – A meeting will be hosted on Sunday, July 7th beginning at 9 am at the New Fenelon Falls Community Centre at 27 Veterans Way, Fenelon Falls. The purpose of the meeting is to bring waterfront

Join us in Coboconk Friday, June 14th & Saturday, June 15th for

Canada’s Fresh Water Summit

Mayor Ric McGee & Councillor Emmett Yeo

w w w.explorek awar t ha l a ke s.co m June 14, 2013 - The Promoter 19

Fresh Water Summit Festival June 14 & 15

Friday Night Event 7pm-11pm Opening Ceremonies at the Wharf 7pm Live Music by Loose Connections Licensed Event Appetizers by Kay’s Place $5 Boat Parade 8:00pm (Contact Saucy Willow to enter boat parade 705-454-1218 - all welcome)


Saturday Event 9am-3pm Bake Sale 10am-12noon Knox United Church in the Park Antique and Classic Boat Show Pancake Breakfast 9-11am Christ Church Refreshments available from the Lions Club and the Legion

KIDS ZONE 10am-3pm International Model Power Boats in the Lions Park Zoo to You-Interactive Display Northern Lyte Strongman Competition in Legion Park Hawks Shadow & Mrs. Twist Uncle Waldo’s Wacky Tacky Variety Show Community Displays Wrain Launch The Food Bank will be accepting non-perishables Fill out a survey to win prizes

Saucy Willow Inn

www.canadasfreshwatersummit.ca 20 JUNE 14, 2013 - The Promoter

property associations together to create a network and provide greater input into government. In addition, with a strategic focus on water and water quality in Kawartha Lakes, it is important to engage the stewards of our lakes and rivers, you, the property owners. Due to the fact that space is limited, we welcome one or two members from each waterfront property owners association in Kawartha Lakes to the meeting so that these representatives may take details back to their members. The meeting will feature presentations by Tonya Kraan on the Water Research and Innovation Network, (WRAIN) Kawartha Conservation on Lake Management Plans and Associations with strong roots in Kawartha Lakes. To pre-register for this meeting, please contact Cody Welton at 705.324.9411 or 1.888.822.2225, extension 1310, or cwelton@city. kawarthalakes.on.ca.

Thank you. I look forward to a strong turnout from all associations. Warmest summer regards, Ric McGee, Mayor

Coby’s Hopping

What’s happening in Coboconk? What’s not happening in Coboconk? Our village is a buzz with activity! The Coboconk Lions are doing a fabulous job on the Lions Park, the makeover of the park is in progress, and the fountain may even be installed by the time this goes to print. We can’t wait to see the amphitheatre they have planned for

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6663 Hwy. 35, Coboconk. Phone: 705.454.3342 Fax 705.4541901 June 14, 2013 - The Promoter 21

Celebrates the Fresh Water Summit Beside the Beer Store 6716 Hwy. 35 COBOCONK 705.454.2277

Supporting Entrepreneurs Supporting Entrepreneurs Supporting Entrepreneurs Businesses Working Together Businesses Working Together Businesses Together Supporting Entrepreneurs Supporting Entrepreneurs Retaining & Creating Jobs Businesses Together Businesses Working Together RetainingWorking & Creating Creating Jobs Retaining Jobs Retaining & & Creating Creating Jobs Retaining Jobs

the west side of the park. WRAIN just launched the Phytolinks in the pond, come see what they’re all about. The Coboconk Norland and Area Business group unanimously agreed to proceed with the formation of a Chamber of Commerce; expect great things from this group. A subcommittee of that group led by Paul South is busy adorning the village with Welcome flags, each one generously donated by local businesses and organizations. The Pattie House reopened on the May holiday weekend. The Summit Committee is in overdrive preparing for the 4th Annual Fresh Water Summit Festival on June 14 –15. Please join us Friday night for the boat parade, music and tasty treats by Kay’s Place. On Saturday, start your day with a pancake breakfast at Christ Church. Move on to the Lions Park for the KidsZone, hop over to the Legion Park for the Northern Lyte Strongman Competition, and back to the Lions Park to check out the International Model Power Boats. Be sure to fill out a comment card for a chance to win great prizes – including a prize package Trinity Taxi and Riverside Inn as well as a gift certificate from the Pattie House. The friendly village of Coboconk invites you to come for a visit. It could be your new favourite destination for fun. Councillor Emmett Yeo

What’s Next for your Business? What’s yourBusiness? Business? What’s Next Business? What’sNext Next for for your Denise Williams What’s Next forand your Business? Denise Williams Business Retention Expansion Officer

Denise Williams

Deniseand Williams Economic City of Kawartha Lakes BusinessDevelopment, Retention Expansion Officer Business Retention and Expansion Officer Business Retention Expansion Officer Economic Development, City of Kawartha Lakes Denise Williams • 705-324-9411 ext 1492 180 Kent St. W., Lindsay

Economic Development, of Kawartha Kawartha Lakes Economic Development, City of • 180 Business Retention Expansion dwilliams@city.kawarthalakes.on.ca 705-324-9411 ext 1492 and Kent St.Officer W.,Lakes Lindsay Economic Development, CityKent of Kawartha Lakes 705-324-9411 ext Kent St.W., W.,Lindsay Lindsay dwilliams@city.kawarthalakes.on.ca 705-324-9411 ext1492 1492 • 180 St. dwilliams@city.kawarthalakes.on.ca dwilliams@city.kawarthalakes.on.ca 705-324-9411 ext 1492 • 180 Kent St. W., Lindsay


Greetings from Coboconk

June is a busy month here in Coboconk. The summer residents are returning after a long winter to open up their cottages for the summer. Campers are heading to Balsam Lake Provincial Park to enjoy summer fun. Coby’s Fresh Water Summit kicks off June 14 with opening ceremonies at 7 pm followed by the live band “Loose Connections”. The festivities continue on to June 15 kicking off at 9 am with a pancake breakfast and a variety of activities planned around the town for the whole family to enjoy!


l l a B T N i a a-D P Call for Bookings

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Must be a min. of 8 pe

r group. Must be pre-


705-454-3762 • 584 Baseline Rd. CoBoConk 22 JUNE 14, 2013 - The Promoter

orate groups

booked for availabilit


Coboconk is the highest point of navigable fresh water in the world, with Balsam Lake being the highest point in North America in which you can circumnavigate the world, so please stop by and help us celebrate this notable, annual event. June 15, Coboconk Seniors Club will host a bake sale at the Coboconk Jail from 11 – 3. They would also like to invite all seniors in the area to join in their many activities: luncheons, dinners, trips, line dancing, exercising and many more. For more information, contact Edith Nurse 705.454.9087. The Coboconk Legion will be hosting their weekly meat roll on June 29 featuring turkeys & hams, beginning at 3:00 p.m. On a special note, I’d like to mention that the Norland Community Center is very proud to present international singer/songwriter Ember Swift along with the band Long Shen Dao on June 30 from 7:30 – 10 pm. Please don’t miss this rare opportunity to see these performers as they have travelled from China to perform this benefit concert for the new Norland Community Center. Tickets $25 through Murray Walker at 705.454.8622 or at the door. If you wish to have your group’s community events published, please email me your info to suncityff@hotmail.com by June 30.

Canada’s Fresh Water Summit Gold Sponsor

Annual General Meeting Saturday July 6, 2013 at 9:00 AM Norland Community Center

Welcome Everyone To The

Fresh water Summit Compliments of

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Submitted by Carolyn Gould

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June 14, 2013 - The Promoter 23

Thank You! The Coboconk Fresh Water Summit Committee would like to send a “Way to Go” to our many sponsors who helped make our 4th Annual Fresh Water Summit Festival possible. This event truly represents a community coming together. Thanks to the Outstanding Generosity of our Sponsors!

Platinum Sponsors Coboconk Legion Branch 519 Shields Home Hardware Everstart WRAIN Silver Sponsors Coboconk Lions Club Gold Sponsors Balsam Lake Association John Bryant Insurance Traditional Styles Shepherd’s Environmental Services Indian Point Association Kay’s Place Barb Curry The Saucy Willow Inn First Class Painting Buck and Up Emmett Yeo Trinity Taxi Bare Contracting Service Shadow Lake Association Full Circle Accounting Services Pattie House Riverside Inn

Bronze Sponsorship

Souter’s Variety • Subway • McAllister Electric • Koch Construction • Ron Rocchio - Re/Max All-Stars • Houghton Creek • Coby Go-Karts Tyler P. Higgins

Committee Members

• Paula Brohm - The Hair Shop • Barb Curry - Coboconk Train Station Committee • Morgan Dollack & Terry Seal - First Class Painting & Contracting • Paul Faulkner - Coboconk Legion • Ian Forester - Bare Contracting Service • Bev Hathaway - The Beverly Spa • Catharine Kerstemen - The Saucy Willow Inn • Brian Rennick - Trinity Full Gospel Church • Alfie Peneycad - Coboconk Train Station • Rosa Sharpe - Lures & Tours • Paul & Marie South - Shields Home Hardware • Sharon & Emmett Yeo

w w w.c anadasfreshwatersummit.c a 24 JUNE 14, 2013 - The Promoter

Rubber Ducky You’re So Fine

Announcing the 2013 Bobcaygeon Lions Annual Rubber Duck Race Winners: First prize $500 won by Sherryl Barrett, ticket #812. Second prize $250 won by Lloyd Lindgren, ticket #243. The second prizewinner graciously donated his winnings to Lions Club Camp Kirk in Kirkfield, along with all earnings after prizes. Funding was made available through the Government of Canada’s Eastern Ontario Development Program (EODP) and administered locally by the Kawartha Lakes Community Futures Development Corporation (KLCFDC) through the Management of FedDev Ontario.

Fenelon Falls

Shop ‘Til You Drop

Saturday June 29 7pm-12 MIDNIGHT

Airbrush Tattoos


Midnight Madness th Balloon Twister

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June 14, 2013 - The Promoter 25


Tried & Tested in Kawartha Lakes The City of Kawartha Lakes is committed to improving and protecting water quality in our lakes and rivers. In this issue, I am pleased to share information about an engineered floating wetland system developed by C&M Aquatics. C&M has been working with the City’s Water & Wastewater staff and the Centre For Alternative Wastewater Treatment (www.cawt. ca) at Fleming College to introduce a new product called PhytoLinks™. This project is supported by the Ministry of the Environment’s “Showcasing Water Innovations” program. PhytoLinks™ is a floating, modular system that C&M hydro seeds with native plants. Once established, the plants trap ‘undesirable nutrients’ such as phosphorous and eColi in their root system. The roots can be harvested in the future to remove the ‘undesirable nutrients’. Find information about PhytoLinks at www. lakefieldherald.com/KLSA/KLSA_2012_final. pdf. You may download the article written by Rob Gamache for the Kawartha Lake Stewards Association.

Thank You The Bobcaygeon Curling Club (BCC) biannual Yard & Bake Sale was held May 31 and June 1. It was a huge success. Thank you to the Members of the BCC as well as many of you in the broader Community of Bobcaygeon for your generosity in donating your ‘gently used’ articles. In addition, thanks to the Members of the BCC for donating baked goods for the Bake Sale. A very special thanks to all the Volunteers who made this event such a success story. Stu Stephen

26 JUNE 14, 2013 - The Promoter

WRAIN is proud to be a sponsor of this year’s Fresh Water Summit. On June14th and 15th we will be in Coboconk to answer your questions about this project and the City’s plans for economic growth in the water sector. For more information about WRAIN, visit www.wrain.ca. By Tonya Kraan Manager of Innovation

Canada/US Walleye Tournament Wins Big

The Bobcaygeon & Area Chamber of Commerce, the organizing committee and volunteers are proud to announce the 33rd Annual Canada/US Walleye Tournament, was another tremendous success in its rebirth of the event! It was held on Sturgeon Lake, May 24-26, 2013, at the Bobcaygeon Arena on Mansfield Street in Bobcaygeon. The stakes were high this year, and the field of 125 teams participating in this tournament won BIG, very BIG! The total payouts in cash and prizes amount to over $67,000. The lucky first place team #124 of Doug Coombs and Bob Hayford received a cheque of $10,000. They were a local team from the City of Kawartha Lakes in a small boat and low HP motor. The second place Team #114 Pat O’Connor and Bernard Balian took away $5,000. Third place Team #003 of Last Year’s Champion Dan Risorto and his new partner Mike Allen scooped up $3,000 with more cash wins all the way down to the 25th place. Food, laughs and fishermen everywhere sharing true stories! Okay, forget that true story thing. Planning has already started for next year’s 34th Annual Canada/US Walleye Tournament and Sports Trade Show! to be held May 23, 24 and 25, 2014 at the Bobcaygeon Arena. On the Friday night registration, 50 early bird teams were signed up for the 2014 Canada/US Walleye Tournament. The rest have to wait until Tuesday, October 15, 2013, at 9 am at the Chamber Office, or online starting at 9 am. This is a live release tournament and the

Organizing Committee members have seriously taken into consideration the proper handling of the fish, providing the competing anglers the Canada/ US Walleye Rules and Regulations and the revised regulations of the Ministry of Natural Resources. www.bobcaygeon.org/CanUsWalleyetournament.html The success of the Canada/US Walleye Tournament was made possible by the strong support of the fishing industry, other businesses near and far, and the team of superb volunteers who demonstrated their interest with financial support or donations of great prizes and services. Winners of many other categories were rewarded with more cash and prizes. For all details, see www. bobcaygeon.org/CanUsWalleyeTournament.html. or contact the Bobcaygeon and Area Chamber of Commerce. Submitted by Tom Hunt, Director

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June 14, 2013 - The Promoter 27

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28 JUNE 14, 2013 - The Promoter

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June 14, 2013 - The Promoter 29

Health & Wellness Cancer Support Group Assisted by Community Care

There’s good news for participants in a local cancer support group who had been concerned for the future. Beginning in September, Community Care City of Kawartha Lakes Health and Support Services will provide the Lindsay Cancer Support Group with meeting space and facilitation, through

the agency’s Hospice services. “Our agency has committed to help the cancer support group,” says Jill Sadler, Director of Hospice Services with Community Care. “We feel this is a perfect marriage for both organizations. Our mandates, purposes and goals complement each other in many ways.” In May, organizers with the Lindsay Cancer Support Group expressed fears that future meetings might cease, due to a number of factors. Since 1991, the group has held regular monthly meetings to provide an opportunity for local residents living with cancer or who have been affected by cancer to come together and share their stories and feelings with others who have had similar experiences. The group was struggling with continued on page 32

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30 JUNE 14, 2013 - The Promoter

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June 14, 2013 - The Promoter 31

continued from page 30 finding future leadership and meeting space. Sadler attended the group’s May meeting, where the uncertainty, along with new ideas, was discussed. Hospice, which already offers a variety of support groups for people dealing with grief, bereavement and illness, can assist with the group’s facilitation, she said. “Hospice will provide the meeting space, leaders, refreshments and the support group members have agreed to be responsible for reminder notices

to participants about upcoming meetings.” The meetings will be held on the fourth Monday of each month at Community Care Village House, 65 Melbourne St. W., Lindsay. There is no charge to attend. Over the summer, Hospice staff will meet with current facilitators, discuss program content and structure for the coming months’ meetings, and plan education, topics and speakers. “Our hospice facilitators have training that will be of great help

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32 JUNE 14, 2013 - The Promoter

to the cancer support group. We are very excited to be able to help and to add this cancer support group to the list of programs and services that our agency offers local residents,” Sadler says. Community Care provides a wide range of health and social support services that address the health needs of people of all ages. For further information about the cancer support group, contact Hospice at 705.324.7323 or e-mail at hospiceinfo@community-care. on.ca.

Submitted by Jill Sadler, Director of Hospice Services Community Care

Community Cares

You have to like the theme that the province has selected for the 2013 Seniors Month in Ontario: The Art of Living. If we could change just one thing, we would make the theme The Art of Living Well. We certainly agree with the Ontario Seniors’ Secretariat that June is a great time for seniors to celebrate their lives and the many ways they continue to make our province a better place to live. The theme has been selected to celebrate how Ontario seniors have created their own unique approach to living. Locally, there will be a great opportunity for residents to familiarize themselves with programs and services offered in this community, at the upcoming Seniors Information Fair. Presented each year by MP Barry Devolin and MPP Laurie Scott, the Seniors Information Fair will be June 26 at the Lindsay Exhibition fairgrounds. There is no cost to attend, but those interested in taking in the event should RSVP to the MP or MPP’s office. The half-day event will feature special speakers dealing with topics that will be of interest to seniors. In addition, many local agencies will be on hand with information and assistance for anyone seeking to find out how to utilize their services. Inevitably, many people at the event go away armed with new knowledge about what programs are available to them.

Often, people are hesitant to ask for information about services that they might need one day until it is too late. The Seniors Information Fair is a great chance to stock up on such information, in order to be prepared for a time when it will be useful to have. See you there! Mike Puffer is Director of Marketing & Development for Community Care City of Kawartha Lakes Health and Support Services. E-mail: mpuffer@community-care.on.ca


The Bobcaygeon Horticulture Society maintains a number of gardens throughout the village. They include the Municipal Service Centre beds, Shea Park and the Legion Corner bed. Boaters appreciate the Lock 32 gardens as well as the Cenotaph. The Need Street Triangles, The King Street bed, Bridge of Heroes and Boyd Street Corner offer particular challenges. Finally, Market Square and the gardens of Settlers’ Village are a prime focus. Traditionally, public gardens rely on masses of colourful annuals. In 2013, more than 50 flats of annuals will be planted in these beds. But annuals are expensive and high maintenance. There has been a shift to shrubs, small trees and perennials to extend the period of attractiveness into, hopefully, a full 12 months. Hardy and multiplying bulbs such as daffodils, alliums and anemone (wind flowers) remind us that spring has actually arrived even though snow may, indeed, fall on Mother’s Day! With last year’s notes in hand, all gardeners attempt to improve on the previous season. This year the Market Square planters will receive a

facelift. Plants which have literally outgrown their usefulness will be removed and/or divided. Pernicious weeds must be eradicated and serious pruning of shrubs will occur. This will open up space for smaller shrubs and perennials with a longer season of colour. The BHS has been beautifying our village for many years. None of us are Founding Members, but many are of us are vintage! We would welcome newcomers with an interest in horticulture and a desire to volunteer in our many projects. Please join us at the following public functions this summer: at Knox Church Hall : June 20th – CBC’s Ed Lawrence at 7 pm; June 13th – Annual Garden Tour; August 7th – flower and vegetable Show and Tea. Linda Friend The Bobcaygeon and District Horticultural Society: Our Roots Are Strong and Growing Photo: Volunteer Beautification Team, Jo Hayes, Diane Hearse and Carol Peters. “More volunteers needed!”

June 14, 2013 - The Promoter 33


For June 14 to 26, 2013

Melodie McCullough

Aries (March 21 to April 20) In many facets of our lives, it is not the mistake or the encounter that matters most, but our “reaction” to that “action”. Mistakes are a fact of life – it is the response to the error that counts. And if someone treats you badly – the way you handle it is up to you. Remember, Aries, you are in control!

Leo (July 24 to Aug. 23) Your strength is as the strength of ten, because your soul is pure! That’s an old saying, dear Leo, but right about now we think it applies to you. We know you’re going through a tough time -- making decisions and caring, not just about yourself, but others around you, too. But as always, your integrity will lead the way!

Taurus (April 21 to May 21) Summer is upon us, Taurus! Time to

Virgo (Aug. 24 to Sept. 23) In times of turmoil, Virgo, you are

Gemini (May 22 to June 22) A pivotal celestial event takes

Libra (Sept. 24 to Oct. 23) Do you appreciate your family, Libra?

kick back a little, lighten up and enjoy the ride! Maybe take in some local theatre at the Lakefield Arts Barn, or relax in your backyard with friends and neighbours. Whatever you choose – count your blessings!

place this month, during your phase, Gemini. The summer solstice, on or about June 21, is the longest day of the year and the first official day of summer. This achievement has been celebrated around the globe since ancient times. Why not imagine yourself at one of these festivals and embrace the spiritual and symbolic dimensions, and the Earth’s newfound warmth?

Cancer (June 23 to July 23) “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream,” C.S. Lewis. Ah! No truer words were ever spoken. Don’t let anyone or anything stand in the way of new dreams, dear Cancer. The world is yours to discover and seize.


Legion News “At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.”

Branch 67 Lindsay (705) 324-2613 • Live Entertainment Saturday Evenings at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 67 in Lindsay from 7:30 to 11:00 p.m. Open to the public. Visit www.lindsaylegion.ca for more information.

the one whom others turn to for help. You are sensible, discreet and wise – all traits that serve you well and let you assist and comfort others. While it may not seem so at the time, these strengths are greatly appreciated! Do you really appreciate your family? Where would you be without them? Take a few moments today to let them know how much they mean to you – won’t you please?

Scorpio (Oct. 24 to Nov. 22) Scorpio – being emotionally

reserved, yet intense and sensitive, you often display opposite traits simultaneously. This can confuse others, especially family members. Speak out loud what is important to you, but with calmness and assertiveness, not aggressiveness.

Sagittarius (Nov. 23 to Dec. 21) It is time, dear Sag, to take an introspective look in the mirror. You really must try harder at not blaming others for your misfortunes. Take responsibility. You can make a difference. You are the one! Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20) Oh dear, Capricorn. Your emotions

keep sliding up, down and all around these days. Try to keep following that diet. And by “diet” we mean a healthy, nutritious meal plan, not an obsession with losing weight. Get the exercise you need. Chase those blues away!

Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19) Is it possible? Love is everywhere you look! Lucky you, Aquarius. We sense your happiness. Please share it and spread it around!

Pisces (Feb. 20 to March 20) Do you find yourself shrinking into your shell these days, Pisces? It’s something many of us go through at some point. Take little steps! Don’t rush yourself! These things take time. Be brave, my friend!

Branch 239 Bobcaygeon (705) 738-2710 • June 15: 7 to 11 pm. Legends Tributes Show, Tickets $ 10 at the Bar. Light lunch. • Fridays at 8 pm, Karaoke with Merle. • Saturdays at 2.30 pm, Meat Roll. • Thursdays: 4 pm. Hamburger Night. • All events open to the public. Watch for Canada Day Events! John McGrath Branch 441 Kinmount (705) 488-3462 • Tuesday Lunches: 11 am to 1 pm. For only $7 come out and let us serve you your choice of liver ‘n onions or delicious alternate. Last Tuesday of each month. • Weekly Bingo Fridays at 6:45 pm and weekly Meat Draws Saturdays at 5 pm.

Your Legion Branch is a vital part of the community. The Promoter invites area Branches to submit brief updates on your Legion News. Please send your submission, 50 words or fewer, to editor@thepromoter.ca Deadlines alternate Wednesdays starting June 5.

34 JUNE 14, 2013 - The Promoter

The Rotary Club of Fenelon Falls will be hosting a Bike Rodeo on Saturday June 22, 2013 9am-12pm at the Fenelon Falls Community Centre. Helmet checks, bike safety checks and a road safety obstacle course are provided at no cost. All school aged children are invited to participate. For more information please contact Christine Keenan at christine.keenan@reveraliving.com or at 705-887-2100.

Roots & Ramblings Bobcaygeon & District Horticultural Society The Bobcaygeon Horticulture Society maintains more than 30 public gardens. These include the Municipal Service Centre, Shea Park, Legion Corner, King Street planter, Need Street Triangles, Trent Canal, Bridge of Heroes, Boyd Street Corner, Market Square and Settlers’ Village. Like home gardens, public gardens sometimes need a facelift. This year it is Market Square`s turn. Plants which have literally outgrown their usefulness will be removed and/or divided. Pernicious weeds are being eradicated and serious pruning of shrubs will occur. This will open up space for smaller shrubs and perennials with a longer season of colour. On Thursday, June 20 at 7 pm, join us in Knox Hall, as we all take a break to meet gardening guru, Ed Lawrence. Recently retired as Ottawa’s head horticulturalist, Ed’s many responsibilities included the oversight of the 85 acre historic grounds and greenhouses of Rideau Hall, as well as the residences of the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition. Ed’s gardening expertise has gained popular recognition through CBC Radio’s “Ontario Today” noontime gardening phone-in show heard every Monday. Author of the best-selling book “Gardening – Grief and Glory”, Ed is the elder statesman of environmentally-responsible gardening. Soap and water, dormant oils, integrated pest management (i.e. good bugs eating bad bugs), even the use of beer in small bowls to eliminate slugs from your garden are among the benign remedies that Ed has used and promoted over the years.

“There’s nothing like sowing seeds and seeing them germinate,” explains Ed. Gardening is like this little miracle you get to watch. You’re dealing with life – it’s another form of life, of course – but you’re dealing with life, constantly. Gardening,explains Ed, might just be the one great equalizer between people.

Submitted by Linda Friend & Sandra McCormack

WATCH FOR IT In Your Next Issue

Happy Birthday Canada! Midnight Madness in Fenelon Falls Contact Pat Thurston, Sales Manager The Promoter 705.738.6188

Have you ever heard of companion gardening?

Let us show you things like how “Carrots Love Tomatoes” 12 Lindsay St. S. Lindsay 705-324-5200


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June 14, 2013 - The Promoter 35

Classifieds SERVICES ORIGINAL MAN WITH TRUCK 15yrs experience Lowest prices. Grass cutting, Painting Garbage removal, Property maintenance Long or short distance moves. No job too small! Bruce 705-738-6321 ____________________ GOPHER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Property clean up. Yard Maintence Roof Repairs/ Maintenance Eavestrough Cleaning Dump Runs Private Security Monica Stanley 705-738-6364 ____________________ NOBLE’S PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Clean up of yards, grass cutting & trimming, shrub & hedge trimming, dump runs and more. Affordable Rates Tim & Ryan Noble (Hickory Beach) Fenelon 705-887-9527 _____________________ FLAGLER PAINTING Full Service Interior & Exterior Repairs. All types to Home & Cottages. Drywall to trim work. Serving the Kawarthas for 21 years. Call Gord Flagler 705-731-0714


DOUGLAS CANOES Re-canvasing, repairs, restorations and fibreglass work available for canoes and small boats. Custom made canoe book cases. Restored canoes for sale. 705-738-5648 farrdj@nexicom.net www.douglascanoes.ca _____________________ AVM Lawn Care & Landscapers Specializes in sodding, over-seeding and landscaping. A thick healthy green lawn and good landscaping adds VALUE to your property. FREE consultation. Experienced and professional. References provided. 705 341-9323 ____________________ DON’T LET YOUR MONEY GO OUT THE WINDOW Call HH GLASS & METAL Window and door installation and repair. Metal work and weather caulking, journeyman glazier. Call Harold at 705.887.1770 or cell 705.341.1617 ____________________ RELIABLE MAN WITH TRUCK & TRAILER Dump runs, chainsaw and log splitting. Brush removal, small moving jobs. Call John 705-738-3214 Leave message.

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705-738-2739 79 William St. Bobcaygeon

36 JUNE 14, 2013 - The Promoter

20 words or less for $25.00 + H.S.T. Deadline for next issue June 19, 2013.

Lawn cutting, trimming, garage clean-up, dump runs, small hedges trimmed, chain sawing, gutters cleaned (bungalows only), minor lawn mower repairs. Grant Noble 705-887-3391 Cell: 705-879-0481 _____________________ GREGG MACNEIL LANDSCAPING 705-793-9437 Interlocking brick, armour stone, retaining walls, decks, driveways, walkways, patios, stairs & repairs to all. www.greggmacneillandscaping.com

____________________ ABSOLUTE HOUSE CLEANING Busy People! No spare time! Want a clean house? Absolute can help you! Free estimates. Fully insured-bondable. Karen 705-887-7683 ____________________ SENIOR CAREGIVING Need help with the challenges of daily living? I can help with housekeeping, cooking and local errands. Bobcaygeon area. Call Cathy at 705-341-1262. ____________________ Lawn Care Cutting, trimming. Fall leaf clean up. Serving Coby, Fenelon, Burnt River area. Reasonable, reliable. Call Bruce 705-454-3498

CERAMIC TILE Quality installations. Very reliable. Call Ted for an estimate. 705-454-9826 ____________________ MIDTOWN ROOFING AND EXTERIORS 20% off labour for the month of June. 10 spots available. Kawartha Lakes: 705738-7847 Peterborough: 705-657-7847


FENELON FALLS Short or Long term 1 & 2 bedrm bungalow style efficiency units, completely redecorated, new paint, carpet, hard surface, drapes, tub surrounds, light fixtures, includes stove & fridge, block to downtown, beach & park on 1/2 acre property. *All Inclusive* No smoking/pets. Ref. 905-435-7303. _____________________ FOR RENT Professional office/ store space 79 Bolton Street approx 400 sq ft of storage with parking. Available immediately. Call 416-920-3382. _____________________ Fenelon Falls smoke - free one bedroom apartment. All inclusive. Fridge and stove, suitable to seniors. Parking. References. 705-887-3268


Septic & Holding Tank Pumping

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House for Rent 3 bedroom, waterfront. $1400 per week. Bobcaygeon. vandent@hotmail.com _____________________ Bobcaygeon Uper 2 bedroom duplex, in nice residential area, close to everything. 4 appliances, no smoking, no pets. References required. $800 plus utilities monthly. Call 705-738-9018


Pontoon Boat & trailer for sale. 40 horsepower moter. 705-887-4183


Appliances, batteries, electronics, steel, copper, aluminum, cars. Anything metal. FREE pick-up. Call Andy 705-793-2145 705-793-2668


Are you Stuck? Move Beyond Grief/Loss Join me in an afternoon of Secret Therapy The Zpoint ProcessTM This meditative healing process enables you to release difficult emotional attachments using repeated statements and cue word. ...You Will... •Let go of painful feelings •Learn how to meditate without meditating •Gain lasting inner eace and deep relaxation •Release the five stages of grief/loss. ...Gathering Place Ella’s Kaleidoscope... 54 Main St., Bobcaygeon

Sunday, June 23, 2013 11:00am.- 1:00pm. Admission $25 ...Also at Ella’s - Tarot Readings... Most Thursdays thru Saturday11:00 am Last Reading - 3:00 pm.

LET’S RE-ORGANIZE Your Kitchen, Basement, Office, Garage or Just Your Closets Professional Organization Specialist Will Asssist You With Any Size Job Call Kay at (705) 793-2070 or E-mail kgsb@bell.net

Local Events

Look for my sign out front or give a call. ...For more information call - Diane... 705-931-0907

Multi Family Yard Sale Several homes on Prince Street West, Bobcaygeon. Saturday, June 22 8-1. CANCELLED if raining.



YARD SALE at FENELON SENIOR’S SAT. JUNE 22 FROM 8 a.m. - NOON Donation drop off Fri., June 21, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. A bit of everyting for sale.The selection is AWESOME B.Y.O Bags & your loonies, toonies & small bills

Furniture, glass, china, military medals etc. duck decoys, clocks, jewelry, silver dollars, gold, 50 cent pieces, pocket watches etc. Anything old. R. Carruth. 705-887-1672.

PRIVATE ESTATE SALE Two large homes combined into one. 7 Bronte Lane - Scotch Line and County 24, lakeside. Substantial household items. Including some high end furnishings. Large lot of women’s high end casual and business wear, some brand new. 3 wedding dresses, 1 brand new, unworn, designer. Men’s and kids clothes. Large lot of wedding décor for summer and fall weddings. (retired wedding planner). 200 plus candles, battery operated, remote controlled, flickering, scented and not. Some antique toys, glassware. Snowmobile gear/wear. Kids toys. Unique line of boats and shells of unfinished boats. Outboard motors. Refreshment stand in support of a local kids charity. Rabbit petting zoo for the kids. Saturday June 29th 8am - 4pm. Sunday June 30th 8am - 1pm.

This section is only for Local Charitable Events. We do provide Not-for-profit rates for more in-depth advertising

JUNE 15-Spaghetti Dinner + Silent Auction. Lakeside Baptist Church, Haliburton. 5 - 7 pm. $10 Adults $5 kids under 12. cdnssm@bellnet.ca or 705-887-3625 for info JUNE 15-Elvis tribute, Fenelon Falls United Church. $15. Tickets available at Sweet Bottoms Cafe, Cornerstone Furniture and Memory Lane Motors or call Barbara at 705-887-3579, or the church office at 705-887-3040 JUNE 16- Father’s Day. Village Baptist Church will feature the movie, “Undaunted” in the morning service starting at 10 am. Everyone is welcome. JUNE 17-Soroptimist International of Kawartha Lakes – Information Meeting, 5:50 - 6:30 pm, Bobcaygeon Library. Contact: Dorothy Huhtalo, 705-454-9826 or dhuh@xplornet.ca JUNE 18-LINDSAY ASPERGER AUTISM SUPPORT GROUP 7p.m. - 9p.m. 705-324-0765 JUNE 18-‘Meet the Nurse’. 10 am - noon, Ontario Early Years Centre, Lindsay. 705-324-3569 for more info. JUNE 18-Fundraising Book Sale for the Friends of the Lindsay Library.10a.m - 6p.m.. Downstairs in the Carnegie Room of the Lindsay Library. Payment is by donation. JUNE 19- Community Care’s Greet and Eat Luncheon in Bobcaygeon. Knox Presbyterian Church. $11 per person

with lunch served at noon. Anyone new wishing to join can call the Community Care office at 705-324-7323 x 656 to be added to the reservation list. JUNE 20-‘Think About It’ - Healthy Baby Healthy Brain Family Fun Time, Ontario Early Years Centre, Fenelon Falls. Resources and fun activities for parents and young children to promote healthy brain development. Call the Health Unit at (705) 324-3569 for more details. JUNE 22-Book Sale for the Friends of the Lindsay Library. 10:30 a.m. - 2:30p.m. Downstairs. Handicap accessible. JUNE 22-Second Chance” Trio will be performing a free concert of Gospel music. Village Baptist Church. 6:30 pm. Refreshments will be available following the concert. JUNE 23-Village Baptist Church will feature a Biker service in conjunction with the annual Bobcaygeon Bikefest, starting at 10:30 am. All are welcome. JUNE 26-Community Care’s diners luncheon, Burnt River Community Centre. Lunch served at noon. Call 705-3247323 x 656 to be added to the reservation list. JUNE 27-Basic foot care services for seniors and people with special needs are offered by Community Care. Kirkfield. Pre-booked appointments required. Call 705324-7323 to book or inquire about the foot care services


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Retirement Suites of Kawartha Lakes Life For the Young At Heart You’re retired! Put up your feet and relax. Have a nap. Or you could go for a walk. Dance, practice your yoga poses. Sing. See a movie. Join the Green Thumb Club or read a book. Play. Learn. Enjoy freshly cooked meals and lively conversations with your dining companions, or special occasions with your family. Splashes of sunlight, friendly faces, conscientious staff, and delicious food – all you envisioned retirement could be. Affordable luxury. “The people who live here are the people who are young at heart,” says Erin O’Grady, Director of Resident Relations. Retirement Suites of Kawartha Lakes is, “A family owned and operated residence with experience dating back to 1959.” This includes Suzie Cranley and Paul, her partner of 25 years. Suzie explains, “This is not a heavy care facility. It’s a retirement residence. It’s an active living community with on-site health services available.” Now is a time when people want to enjoy a highly improved quality of life. There’s a wellness centre with access to physiotherapy, fitness equipment and indoor walking track. Suzie says their General Manager, Gillian Downs, has a nursing background and extensive experience with seniors and their families. They share a similar philosophy and passion, as do the rest of the staff, all of whom have their roots in this community. That’s just part of it. The stunning building itself has incorporated the Kawartha feel with the beauty of the stone, elegant carpeting and the stunning aquarium. Lovely accommodations range from Studio to one and two bedroom Suites, all outfitted with private bathrooms and kitchenettes, patios, terrace balconies or walkouts to garden patios. And the security of a safe environment with 24-hour supervision. Service features three nutritious meals daily, with attention to special dietary needs. Over all, residents have a real purpose to get up each morning. Suzie explains retirement residences have had a definite stigma that people lose their independence. “The reality is, we gain more.” Suzie adds, “I love our logo. We selected geese because they are mates for life and when they are in V formation, they are always there for each other.” Retirement Suites of Kawartha Lakes. Bright, beautiful, home. You’ve earned it. 38 JUNE 14, 2013 - The Promoter

June 14, 2013 - The Promoter 39

40 JUNE 14, 2013 - The Promoter

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