E Paper-A Section -1-48-09 July, 2020

Page 1

*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A1

SANDEEP AHUJA CHS 604-996-6862



Life Insurance

Mortgage Loan Insurance



Large Variety of Indian Mouth-watering Sweets We do Catering for all Occasion Special Discount for Gurudwara & Mandir

#301 8128-128St Surrey BC V3W1R1

knyfw Aqy AmrIkw ivc sB qoN v~D piVAw jwx vwlw hrmn ipAwrw pMjwbI hPqwvwrI AKbwr



mW bolI dw mwx vDweIey

krnI SruU krIe y



M wbI ivc ` g ` pj ivc l` rW

swry Awpx E! yG Aw

49 Anmol svIts 100% vYSno Bojn

s$ y Aqy it`kIAW fwlr dy 2 RESP -smoRRSP

Estate Planning

Tel: 604-590-5200 Fax:604-596-5700 Toll Free: 1-877-584-5200 Vol. 27 Issue No. 28, Ending Date:July 16 2020


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kYnyfw: no-Plwie sUcI ivc Swml do is`K kr rhy hn AwpxI hoxI dI aufIk! 80 dy dhwky qoN is`KW aupr AijhIAW ielzwmbwjIAW jwrI hn, ies leI ij`Qy vI is`KW aupr k`tVvwd dy ielzwm l`gdy hn auh mwmly S`kI huMdy hn: blpRIq isMG

604 379 7212

ausny pwikswqn Srn lY leI sI[ausdy bwkI pRIvwr pqnI Aqy b`icAW nMU kYNnyfw rihx dI iezwzq iml geI sI[ausdw pRIvwr gwhy-bgwhy aunw nMU pwiksqwn imlx jWdw rihMdw hY[ aunHW dy ibzns pwrtnr prvkwr isMG

Mortgage Broker/ Real Estate Course

• Toll Free:1 855 267 2836

Neetu Bedi Manager, Mobile Mortgage Specialist

iKcoqwx:donw FingerprintingcIn-Bwrq FornvINAllid`Purposes lI:Bwrq Aqy cIn dy ivsyS

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dul`ey srI ny vI 17 meI, 2018 ƒ vYnkUvr qoN torWto jw rhy jhwz, PlweIt 702, iv`c svwr hox dI koisæS kIqI jdoN vYstjYt ny ienHW kwrnW krky hI aunHW ƒ jhwz cVHn qoN rok id`qw[ ie`k srkwrI AiDkwrI (bwkI sPw ey10 qy)

mulkW dy ibAwnw iv`c v`fw AMqr!

Visa applications, citizenship, security license AiDkwrIAW iv`cprocessing, kwr hoeI g`lbwq qoN vY n kU v r,: Bgq isM G brwV(45) trM tpassports o bwAd N ikhw jw irhw hY ik POjW & nameBwvy change 24 AprYl, 2018 ƒ vYnkUvr ieMtrnYSnl ip`Cy h`t geIAW hn pr jo srkwrI eyArport qoN jhwz iv`c svwr hox dI koisæS ibAwn jwrI kIqw igAw aus iv`c bhuq kIqI jdoN aunHW ƒ d`isAw igAw ik auh Aijhw AMqr hY[ Bwrq ny cIn nwl srh`d qy nhIN kr skdy ikauNik auh kYnyfw dI no-Plwie pihly vwlI siQqI bxwauNx qy jor id`qw sUcI iv`c hn[Bgq isMG brwV jo ik sMq jrnYl hY jdoN ik cIn ny sImw bwry koeI g`l isMG iBMfrW vwilAW dy BqIjy lKbIr isMG dw hI nhIN kIqI aultw dubwrw d`isAw ik bytw hY[ lKbIr isMG A`j k`l pwiksqwn iv`c glvwn vYlI ausdI sImw iv`c hY[ Bwrq v`loN ieh ikhw jw irhw hY ik g`lbwq dw muK ivSw SwqI rih irhw hY[auh vI iqMn ku dhwky pihlW kYnyfw bhwlI dw sI[AgWh qoN AijhIAW Gtnwvw qoN bcx gy sbMREAL D bxwESTATE ky r`KxytYshn[srh` BST, leI FOODcMSAFE, t dI iqAwrId vIqy krvwNdy iv`c riPaUzI bx ky AwieAw sI pr kYnyfw sYnw kmWfr SwqI bxweI r`Kx vwly qOr qrIikAw qy kMm krngy[ (bwkI sPw ey08 qy) srkwr ny aunw dI ArzI mnjUr nhIN kIqI Aqy

Special l`Kyvwly ijaU lrz Tutoring jgrwauNPromotion vwly

sony dy gihxyDuring KrIdxSummer qy vycxVacation leI vDIAw ryt vwsqy sMprk kro

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kolIjn sriviss ilmitf

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muk`dmw nw ij~qx qy koeI PIs nhI leI jwvygI[ swfyy kOl pRoPySnl Aqy qzrbykwr stwP hY[ AsIN pMjwbI, ihMdI Aqy aurdU ivc g~l krdy hW




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Mandeep Randhawa,



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Food Safe sB qoN v~D ryt Aqy pYsy 24 GM t y AM d r phM ucwx dI gwrMtI Course Bwrq iv~c pYsy Byjx Aqy sikErtI $ mMgvwax leI imlo AYkscyNj il.

srI qy AYbtsPorf ivc suKjIq is~DU (dODr vwly) AYbtsPorf

604-746-3131 srI (Registration begins) 604-593-7300 #307 8128, 128th St Surrey



gwrf kors

gyVw ij~Qy mrjI lwau, qusIN ieMfIAw nUM pYsy ijs rwhIN mrzI itkt swfy koloN hI bxvwau Byjo pr swfy nwl ryt zrUGRADE r cYk kro ssqI1-12 ieMfIAw jwx leI itktW bu~k

24 Food Safe Course


Air Canada Direct hrmIq isMG Ku`fIAW Sunday YVR to Delhi


9:30 am to 3:30 pm

nUM trWsvrlf trYvl ‘c imlo

#119, 12888, 80th AVE, Surrey sMqoK isMG is~DU

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WALIA FOREX LTD$ kI duinAw dy iksy vI kony iv`c pYsy Byjx jW mMgvwaux leI imlo

604-543-7300 Send money





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ArivMdr isMG klsI AvInIq isMG klsI

Business Solutions

& credit counselling services

#205-12033-92A Ave, Surrey #1A – 2497 Clearbrook Rd, Abbotsford

iksy vI qrW dI rYijfYNiSAl jW kmrSIAl pRwprtI KrIdn jW vycx leI sMprk kro[

AsIN kmrSIAl, rYjIfYNSIAl, trYvl, Awto, AsIN koeI vI kImq bIt krWgy mrIn Aqy hr qrHW dI ieMSorYNs krdy hW Open 7 days a week


Baljit Singh 778-861-0324

#2A-2599 Cedar Park Pl. Abbotsford, BC V2T 3S4


Manjit S. Dhami Cell: 604-812-3931

T: 604.599.5222, C: 604.812.3931 #102-7500,120th St.(Scott Rd), Surrey

• E`px~ krz` 50% qoN v~D q@k Gt`aux ivc • E`eI.sI.bI.sI. dy krzy ivc • kRYift k`rf krzy ivc • iekMm tYks / jI.EYs.tI krzy ivc • bYNkrpsI ivc

20 virHAW qoN v`D dw qjrbw

AsIN Swm Aqy vIkAYNf qy vI ApwieMtmYNt lYNdy hW muFlw slwh mSvrw iblkul muPq Aqy gupq


Ajinderpal S. Mangat


Food Safe Course

EsIN quh`fI md@d kr skdy h~...


604-543-7300 604-543-7300 604-543-7300 604-951-8984 604-543-

We also Buy & Sell US Dollars/Euro & Pounds



qusIN krzy ivc ho?

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krvwauxIAW hox jW 24 GMitAW ivc pYsy (ALL SUBJECTS) Byjx/mMgvwaux leI A~j hI Pon kro

GMitAW ‘c Awpxy pYsy Byjx jW mMgvwaux leI

REAL ESTATE & FOOD SAFE tYst dI iqAwrI vI krvwauNdy hW Details on Page A11



is~DU mnI

SECURITY COURSE AYsYks Collision SSEX Services Ltd. (BST)

Email: saveonfloors@hotmail.com

Injured in an accident? ICBC claim? We can help. AweI.sI.bI.sI. Aqy prsnl ieMjrI klym


A2 - The Punjab Guardian *July 10 - July 16, 2020

July 10 - July 16

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*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A3

sODw swD nMU bcwaux leI srkwr muV srgrm hoeI; puils jWc ƒ gYr-kwƒnI d`isAw

cMfIgV:-gurU gRMQ swihb jI dI byAdbI nwl sbMiDq mwmilAW dI jWc TMfy bsqy 'c pwaux vwlI sIbIAweI iek vwr muV srgrm ho geI hY[ pr ieh srgrmI jWc ƒ qyj krn leI nhIN, blik pMjwb puls dI is`t dI jWc ƒ rokx leI kIqI jw rhI hY[ ijvyN quhwƒ pqw hI hY ik ipCly idnIN is`t ny byAdbI mwmilAW ivc fyrw isrsw nwl sbMiDq doSIAW ƒ giRPqwr kIqy hY Aqy hux qk dI jWc dy ADwr 'qy fyrw isrsw muKI gurmIq rwm rhIm ieMsw ƒ bqOr doSI nwmzd kr ilAw hY[ pr hux sIbIAweI ny Adwlq ivc ArzI drj krky ApIl kIqI hY ik ies mwmly ivc jlMDr ryNj dy fIAweIjI rxbIr isMG K`tVw dI AgvweI 'c c`l rhI pMjwb puls dI jWc 'qy rok lweI jwvy[ sIbIAweI dy vDIk AYspI Ainl kumwr ny mohwlI dI sIbIAweI Adwlq dy j`j jIAYs syKoN ƒ mMglvwr Swm iek eI-myl ByjI ijs ivc ikhw igAw ik is`t dI jWc rokI jwvy[ ies ArzI 'qy bu`Dvwr ƒ suxvweI hoeI[ sIbIAweI Adwlq ny pMjwb srkwr ƒ jvwb dwKl krn leI kih idqw hY[ mwmly dI suxvweI ƒ 10 julweI qk mulqvI kridAW j`j jIAYs syKoN ny ikhw ik sIbIAweI ny pMjwb puls dI is`t v`loN auhnW mwmilAW dI jWc krn 'qy ieqrwz pRgt kIqw hY ijhVy mwmly jWc leI sIbIAweI kol hn[ d`s deIey ik jUn 2015 ivc gurU gRMQ swihb jI dI byAdbI dIAW GtnwvW vwprn qoN bwAd nvMbr 2015 ivc aus smyN dI bwdl srkwr ny iehnW iqMn mwmilAW dI jWc sIbIAweI ƒ dy id`qI sI[ iehnW iqMn mwmilAW ivc- 1 jUn ƒ burj jvwhr isMG vwlw ipMf dy gurduAwrw swihb qoN corI ho06 ey /2013 gurU gRMQ swihb dy srUp; 24-25 sqMbr ƒ brgwVI Aqy burj jvwhr isMGÇvwlw July 31-Aug. ipMfW ivc lwey gey h`Q ilKq postr; Aqy 12 AkqUbr ƒ brgwVI ipMf dIAW glIAW ivc gurU gRMQ swihb jI dy AMg pwVH ky su`tx dy mwmly Swml hn[ Bwrq dI jWc AjYNsI sIbIAweI v`loN jWc ivc kIqI jw rhI iF`l dy clidAW pMjwb srkwr ny iehnW mwmilAW dI jWc sIbIAweI qoN vwps lYx dw AYLwn kIqw sI[ hlWik iehnW mwmilAW dI jWc Ajy vI sIbIAweI dy kol hY pr nwl hI pMjwb puls dI jWc tIm vI AwpxI jWc kr rhI hY[

nypwl 'c BwrqI inaUz cYnlW dy pRswrx 'qy rok kwTmMfU - nypwl ny srh`dI ivvwd qoN bwAd kwrvweI krdy hoey BwrqI inaUz tI. vI. cYnlW dy pRswrx 'qy rok lw id`qI hY[ AwiKAw jw irhw hY ik nypwl ny ies ƒ lY ky koeI AiDkwrk AwdyS jwrI nhIN kIqw hY pr nypwl dy tI. vI. Awprytr BwrqI inaUz cYnlW dw pRswrx nhIN kr rhy hn[ nypwl ivc bYn kIqy gey cYnlW ivc fI. fI. inaUz ƒ Swml nhIN kIqw igAw hY[


Bwrq iv`c igxqI 8 l`K qoN pwr

nvIN id`lI :Bwrq iv`c kronw lgwqwr v`D irhw hY[igxqI 8l`K qoN pwr ho geI hY[BwvyN ik ieh srkwrI AMkVy hn pr gYr srkwrI sUqrW anuswr hwlq mwVI idSw iv`l qyzI nwl v`D rhy hn[iesqoN ielwvw kiovf-19 mhwmwrI ny BwrqI kwrobwrIAW, ^ws krky Coty Aqy dirmAwny kwrobwrIAW 'qy BwrI Asr pwieAw hY[ ie`k audXog sMgTn dy srvyKx muqwbk ies mhwmwrI ny krIb 12 &IsdI kwrobwrI dy suipnAW ƒ cUr-cUr kr id`qw hY,ijs nwl auh Str fwaUn krn

ƒ mzbUr ho gey hn[




AsIN iemIgRySn dy PylH kysW dIAW AnykW ApIlW ijqIAW hn qusIN Awky nqIjy dyK skdy ho

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ieMfIAw nUM pYsy Byjx Aqy mMgvwaux leI vDIAw qy iemwndwr srivs qy BrosyXog nwm


$450,000 $550,000 $650,000 $750,000


$315,000 $385,000 $455,000 $525,000


1 1 1 1

Million Million Million Million


$302 /YEAR $346 /YEAR $407 /YEAR $467 /YEAR

swfy dPqr hPqy dy s~qy idn svyry 9 vjy qoN Swm 9 vjy q~k Ku~lHdy hn

Discounts may to individual and policy Discounts may vary vary due to due individual circumstances circumstances and policy requirements. Rates subjectrequirements. to change without notice Rates subject to change without notice.

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A4 - The Punjab Guardian *July 10 - July 16, 2020

l`dwK ivvwd : Bwrq dI v`fI kwmXwbI, iqMn QWvW qoN ip`Cy htI cInI POj

id`lI:- srkwrI sUqrW Anuswr cInI POjIAW dw l`dwK 'c ihMsk JVp vwlI jgHw qoN ip`Cy htx dw islislw jwrI hY[ vIrvwr ƒ cInI POj pYtroilMg puAwieMt (pIpI)-17 qoN vI ip`Cy ht geI[ d`sxXog hY ik ies qoN pihlW cInI POjI pIpI-14, 15 qoN ip`Cy htI sI[ Bwrq dI kUtnIqI kwrn hux q`k cInI POjI iqMn QWvW qoN ip`Cy ht geI hY[ au`Qy hI cIn ny Awpxy POjIAW dI igxqI vI pihlW qoN kw&I G`t kr id`qI hY[ d`sxXog hY ik ies qoN pihlW pUrbI l`dwK dy hwt spiRMgz 'c tkrwA vwly Kyqr qoN cIn ny Awpxy swry AsQweI FWicW ƒ htw ilAw sI[ BwvyN hI cIn ip`Cy ht igAw hovy pr BwrqI POj cInI POjIAW dI vwprI 'qy sKq nzr bxwey hoey hY Aqy Kyqr 'c ho rhI hr gqIivDI ƒ lY ky Alrt hY[

iSv sYnw AwgU suDIr sUrI i^lw& mwmlw drj AMimRqsr : is`K Drm dy i^lw& B`dI SbdwvlI bolx leI puils Qwxw jMifAwlw gurU ny iSv sYnw nyqw suDIr sUrI dy i^lw& kys drj kIqw hY[ blbIr isMG mu`Cl pu`qr crn isMG vwsI mu`Cl dI iSkwieq 'qy Aqy is`K sMgTnW ivc ros dy bwAd puils ny kwrvweI krdy hoey suDIr sUrI Aqy aus dy swQI hrdIp Srmw dy i^lw& Dwrw 153 ey dy qihq kys drj kIqw igAw hY[

cIn-pwiksqwn AwriQk lWGw hr hwl ’c mukMml krWgy:iemrwn ieslwmwbwd: izkrXog hY ik Bwrq ny ies pRwjYkt ’qy cIn kol ivroD pRgtwieAw sI ikaUNik ieh mkbUzw kSmIr ’coN ho ky inkldw hY[pwiksqwn dy pRDwn mMqrI iemrwn ^wn ny ikhw hY ik aUnHW dI srkwr cIn-pwiksqwn AwriQk lWGw hr hwl ’c mukMml krky rhygI[ aUnHW ikhw ik 60 Arb fwlr dw ieh pRwjYkt dovyN mulkW ivckwr dosqI dw sUck hY[ pRwjYkt dI qr`kI ’qy nzrswnI bwry s`dI geI mIitMg ƒ sMboDn kridAW iemrwn ^wn ny ikhw ik ieh pRwjYkt pwiksqwn dy smwijk-AwriQk ivkws leI lwhyvMd hY Aqy ies nwl dyS dw Biv`K sunihrw hovygw[ iemrwn dw ieh ibAwn aUs smyN AwieAw hY jdoN iek idn pihlW cIn dy ivdyS mMqrI vYNg XI ny pwiksqwnI hmruqbw Swh mihmUd kurYSI nwl Pon ’qy ies pRwjYkt bwry ivcwr vtWdrw kIqw sI[ vYNg ny ies pRwjYkt ƒ mukMml krn ’c qyzI ilAwaUx leI ikhw sI[ izkrXog hY ik Bwrq ny ies pRwjYkt ’qy cIn kol ivroD pRgtwieAw sI ikaUNik ieh mkbUzw kSmIr ’coN ho ky inkldw hY[





NEED A ALPHA MORTGAGE please put new picture

House Corporation ? also the MORTGAGE website address in both, also correct the abbotsford address it should be 32475 simon ave. Also for the directory ad, move "relines and rebases" to a separate line. If iu have to in order create space remove "denturists are denture specialists". Please send revised Gurinder S. Toor proofs. ThankMortgage u. Consultant

mOrtgyj dy mwihr

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(York Business Center)

iksy vI qrW dI ieMSorYNs krvwaux leI BrosymMd nwm


FINfsw v`loN bwdl dI qulnw ieMdrw gWDI nwl

AMmiRqsr (jsbIr isMG p`tI)SRomxI AkwlI dl dw pRDwn bxn 'qy suKdyv isMG FINfsw ny Awpxy ihmwieqIAW nwl s`cKMf hirmMdr swihb Sukrwny vjoN nqmsqk hox auprMq sRI Akwl qKq swihb m`Qw tyikAw Aqy srb`q dy Bly dI Ardws kIqI[ auprMq p`qrkwrW nwl g`lbwq kridAW FINfsw ny d`isAw ik auh gurU Gr rwjsI sPlqw leI ASIrvwd lYx Awey hn[ aunW muqwbk pwrtI dw pihlw inSwnw SRomxI gurdvwrw pRbMDk kmytI, SRomxI AkwlI dl qy sRI Akwl qKq swihb ƒ bwdlW qoN Awzwd krvwauxw hY[ rxjIq isMG bRhmpurw dy aunW ieh doS r`d kIqy ik auh Awpxy byty pRimMdr isMG FINfsw ƒ mu`K-mMqrI bxwauxw cwhuMdy hn[ aunW Bwjpw nwl imlIBugq dy doSW ƒ vI r`d kIqw[ auh bRhmpurw ƒ pwrtI dw srpRsq bxwauxw cwhuMdy sn pr aunW ieh pySkS r`d kr id`qI[ FINfsw ny pRkwS isMG bwdl dI qulnw ieMdrw gWDI nwl kIqI, ijs ny 25 jUn 1975 ƒ AYmrjYNsI lw ky lokqMqr Kqm krn dw Xqn kIqw[ AYmrjYNsI iKlwP A`j dy idn 9 julweI 1975 ƒ Akwl qKq swihb qoN morcw lwieAw sI[ A`j AsW vI 9 julweI ƒ bwdlW qoN SRomxI kmytI, AkwLI dl qy Akwl qKq swihb Awzwd krwaux leI Ardws kIqI qW jo ienW muk`ds AsQwnW 'c lokqMqr qy mrXwdw bhwl ho sky[ FINfsw muqwbk bwdlW dw AkwlI dl iek kMpnI bx ky rih igAw hY[ SRomxI kmytI 'c AQwh BiRStwcwr PYilAw hY[ aunW sOdw-swD dy nwl hor doSI nwmzd krn leI zor id`qw BWvyN bwdl vI ikauN nw hox[ ies mOky j`Qydwr jgdyv isMG qlvMfI dI bytI bIbI hrjIq kOr qlvMfI ny ikhw ik pwrtI bx geI hY, hux auh idn-rwq kMm krngy[

cox inSwn q`kVI Aqy dPqr qy vI dwAvw TokWgy brnwlw:- swfw hI AkwlI dl AslI hY[AsIN pwrtI dy cox inSwn ‘q`kVI’ Aqy dPqr qy vI dwAvw krWgy [ieh ibAwn hn AkwlI dl dy nvyN pRDwn suKdyv isMG FINfsw dy[aunHw ikhw ik AsIN suKbIr nMU SromxIN AkwlI dl dI pRDwngI qoN lwh id`qw hY[aunw ny cImw dy ibAwn qy itpxIN kridAW ikhw ik swfw hI dl AslI SromxIN AkwlI dl hY[pMjwb pRsq AkwlI Aqy kWgrsI swfy dl iv`c AwauNx leI rwzI hn[

Kwilsqwn dw haUAw bxwky is`K nOjvwnW qy qS`dd dI inKyDI sMgrUr:-SRomxIN AkwlI dl AMimRqsr ny ikhw ik Kwilsqwn dw haUAw KVw krky is`K nOjvwn qy qS`dd kIqw jw irhw hY[SromxIN AkwlI dl AMimRqsr ieh brdwSq nhINN krygw[SRomxIN AkwlI dl AMimRqsr dy nOjvwn AwgUAW ny ikhw ik lok qMqrI FMg nwl AsINN Kwilsqwn dI mMg kr skdy hw[Kwilsqwn dw nwArw mwr skdy hW, postr lw skdy hW[ieh AiDkwr suprIm kort qoN ismrnjIq isMG mwn ny lY ky id`qw hY[ijQy ikqy vI Kwilsqwn dy nw aupr puils qMg krdI hY qW swfy vkIl rMjn l`Knpwl Aqy ismrjIq isMG nwl sMprk kro[ NEWTON DENTURE CLINIC INC.

jy qusIN dMd lvwauxy hn jW iPr lgvwey hn dMd purwxy hn hux nvyN lgvwauxy hn blrwj ig`l nUM Pon kro quhwfy lvwey dMd iF`ly hn jW tu`t gey hn blrwj nwl ApwieMtmyNYNt bxwau qy Kwxw cMgI qrHW KwE jy quhwfy swry dMd nhIN inkly pr Kwxw TIk qrHW nhIN Kw huMdw qW blrwj nUM imloieh quhwfI syvw leI srI Aqy AYbtsPorf ivc hn

pMjwbI Aqy AMgryzI boldy hW

muPq slwh leI kwl kro:


blrwj isMG ig`l






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*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A5

gYNgstr dUby XU pI puls ƒ dy igAw gyVw aujYn : XU pI ivc 8 pulsmYnW dy kql dy sMbMD ivc loVINdy gYNgstr ivkws dUby (48) ƒ m`D pRdyS puls ny vIrvwr svyry nwtkI AMdwz ivc ieQoN dy mhwkwl mMdr qoN giRPqwr krn dw dwAvw kIqw[ aujYn dy fI sI AwSIS isMG ny d`isAw ik dUby ƒ mhwkwl mMdr ivc jWidAW isikEirtI gwrf ny pCwx ilAw qy ausqoN bwAd ausƒ kwbU kr ilAw igAw[ m`D pRdyS dy gRih mMqrI nroqm imSrw ny dUby dy PVy jwx qoN bwAd ikhw, ''hmwrI pulIs iksI ko nhIN CoVqI[ hmwry jWbwz pulIs jvwnoN ny ausy Dr dbocw['' mu`K mMqrI iSvrwj cOhwn ny dUby dI giRPqwrI dw ishrw lYNidAW ikhw, ''ijhVy socdy hn ik mhwkwl mMdr ivc m`Qw tyk ky pwp Dohqy jwxgy auh Bgvwn ƒ glq smJdy hn[ swfI srkwr iksy AprwDI ƒ nhIN C`fygI['' iesqoN bwAd smwjvwdI pwrtI dy pRDwn AiKlyS Xwdv ny tvIt krky pu`iCAw ik srkwr spSt kry ik dUby ny Awqmsmrpx kIqw ik ausdI giRPqwrI hoeI[ aunHw ikhw ik XogI AwidiqAwnwQ dI srkwr ausdw Pon irkwrf jnqk kry, qW jo pqw l`gy ik ausdIAW iknHW-iknHW nwl g`lW huMdIAW rhIAW[ kWgrs ny ies 'qy pRqIikirAw kridAW ikhw ik dUby ƒ mukwbly ivc mwry jwx qoN bcwaux leI m`D pRdyS ivc giRPqwrI krweI geI[ ausny ikhw ik m`D pRdyS dy gRih mMqrI nroqm imSrw hn, ijhVy XU pI AsMblI coxW ivc kwnpur dy ieMcwrj sn[ cyqy rhy dUby Bwjpw smyq keI pwrtIAW dw mYNbr rih cu`kw hY[ ausdy XU pI dy kuJ Bwjpw AwgUAW nwl krIbI sMbMD d`sy jWdy hn[ piRAMkw gWDI ny ikhw ik Alrt dy bwvjUd dUby aujYn pu`j igAw[ iesqoN imlIBugq dw pqw l`gdw hY[ m`D pRdyS srkwr 'qy sB qoN iq`Kw hmlw kul ihMd XUQ kWgrs dy AwgU sRIinvws bI vI ny soSl mIfIAw 'qy cl rhI vIfIE dw hvwlw dy ky kIqw[ vIfIE ivc dUby mhwkwl mMdr ivcoN nMgy pYr bwhr Aw irhw hY qy aus nwl injI isikEirtI gwrf hY[ sRIinvws ny pu`iCAw, ''ikhVy kox qoN nzr AwauNdw hY ik ies dihSqgrd ivkws dUby ƒ puls ny giRPqwr kIqw[ sB kuJ sikRpitf sI, ieh vIfIE gvwhI hY['' sRIinvws ny m`D pRdyS dy gRih mMqrI nroqm imSrw dy ies ibAwn ƒ vDIAw mzwk disAw ik m`D pRdyS dI puls Alrt sI[ aunHw pu`iCAw ik puls eynw Alrt sI ik dUby ƒ au`cI Awvwz ivc kihxw ipAw ik auh hI ivkws dUby hY[ XU pI puls pihlW hI ds cu`kI sI ik dUby m`D pRdyS pu`j igAw hY[ sRIinvws ny ieh vI pu`iCAw ik dUby kwnpur qoN PrIdwbwd qy auQoN aujYn ikvyN pu`j igAw, jd

srh`dW sIl sn qy puls Alrt sI[ kI auh imstr ieMfIAw bx ky aujYn pu`jw[ kwnpur dy ipMf ibkrU ivc mwry gey ispwhI rwhul idvwkr dI BYx nMdnI ny vI svwl kIqw hY ik eynI cYikMg dy bwvjUd auh aujYn ikvyN pu`j igAw[ ikqy puls ny ausdI mdd qW nhIN kIqI[ idvwkr dy ipqw Em kumwr ny ikhw ik dUby ny mhwkwl ivc Awpxy nW dI prcI ikvyN ktvweI[ PwieirMg ivc mwry jwx vwly ispwhI jiqMdr dy ipqw qIrQ pwl ny ikhw ik dUby ny clwkI nwl Kud ƒ bcwA ilAw hY[sUqrW muqwbk dUby svyry krIb 8 vjy mhwkwl mMdr pu`jw Aqy isikEirtI vwilAW ƒ sMjy d`q dI iPlm Klnwiek vwly stweIl ivc ikhw, ''mYN hUM ivkws dUby, kwnpurvwlw[ pulIs ko bqw do['' vwierl vIfIE ivc auh mMdr kMplYks dy AMdr soPy 'qy Awrwm nwl bYTw nzr Aw irhw hY[ mMdr dy AiDkwrIAW ny nW nw Cwpx dI Srq 'qy d`isAw ik cMdy dI rsId ktwaux vyly dUby ny Awpxw nW d`isAw qy ikhw ik puls ƒ aus bwry sUcq kr idE[ dUby ny bcx leI Bys nhIN bdilAw hoieAw sI qy nw hI kol koeI hiQAwr r`iKAw sI, ikauNik mMdr kMplYks ivc hiQAwr iljwxw mnHW hY[ XU pI dy iek irtwierf fI jI pI ny ikhw, ''iek igixAw-imiQAw Awqmsmrpx hY[ auh iek hPqy iqMn rwjW dI puls qoN sPlqw nwl bcdw irhw[ ausƒ pqw sI ik jy ausny XU pI puls A`gy Awqmsmrpx kIqw qW mwirAw jwvygw['' iek hor sInIAr puls APsr ny ikhw ik giRPqwrI/Awqmsmrpx bhuq hI igxy-imQy FMg nwl hoey hn[ auh sur`iKAq rwj ivc Awqmsmprx krnw cwhuMdw sI[ auh kort ivc Awqmmmrpx ies krky nhIN krnw cwhuMdw sI ik auQy puls vwly cu`k lYxgy, ies krky ausny mMdr ƒ cuixAw[ jy puls ny koeI hor glqI nw kIqI qW hux ausdw ijsmwnI nukswn nhIN hovygw[ dUby dI giRPqwrI XU pI dI spYSl twsk Pors dI v`fI nwkwmI mMnI jw rhI hY[ auh ipCly iek hPqy ivc ausdy pMj swQIAW ƒ ieh kihky mwr cu`kI hY ik jdoN aunHW ƒ rokx leI ikhw qW aunHW golI clw id`qI qy jvwbI PwieirMg ivc mwry gey[



AmrIkw-kYnyfw dIAW 162 gurdvwrw kmytIAW ny Bwrq srkwr dI inMdw kIqI

vwisMgtn:-AmrIkww kYnf y w dIAW 162 gurdvwrw kmytIAW Aqy pMQk jQybMdIAW v`loN hwl iv`c ivdySI is`KW nMU dihSqgrd AYlwnx dy mu`dy aupr sKq kdm c`uikAw igAw hY[aunw ikhw ik ivdySI is`K BwrqI is`KW dI pIVw smJdy hn[aunw ikhw ik AsINN kOmI Gr leI ie`kju`t rhWgy[aunw icqwvnI id`qI jykr is`K kOm nMU bdnwm krn leI BwrqI styt dIAW cwlW jwrI rhIAw qW ivdySW iv`c AwauNx vwly BwrqI APsrW ,rwjnIqkW aupr mn`uKI AiDkwrW nMU kuclx leI kys drz krvwey jwxgy[

pMjwb dy ikswn 20 julweI ƒ sVkW 'qy tRYktr lwauxgy

cMfIgVH : koronw vwiers kwrn lwgU lwkfwaUn dw shwrw lYNidAW kyNdr srkwr ny ipCly mhIny 3 AwrfInYNs jwrI kr ky nvW mMfI isstm Aqy ikswnW dIAW &slW ^rIdx dw AiDkwr kMpnIAW qy injI vpwrIAW ƒ dyx dw islislw SurU kIqw hY[ ies ƒ lY ky pMjwb dy ikswnW Aqy Awm lokW 'c BwrI ros pwieAw jw irhw hY[ ikswn jQybMdIAW dy JMfy hyT ikswn ies mu`dy 'qy srkwr nwl Awr-pwr dy mUV 'c hn[ ies dy ivroD 'c ikswn jQybMdIAW dy nwl-nwl pMjwb dI kWgrs srkwr vI KulH ky swhmxy Aw geI hY[ kWgrs srkwr ies nvyN isstm ƒ rwjW dIAW SkqIAW 'qy hmlw Aqy &Yfrl isstm 'qy mwrU s`t krwr dy rhI hY jdoN ik pMjwb ivc ikswn jQybMdIAW ies nvyN mMfI isstm ƒ pMjwb dy swlwnw 65000 kroV dy ArQcwry ƒ Fwh lwaux vwlw kdm ds rhIAW hn[ rwj srkwr ieh vI kih rhI hY ik vpwrI qy kMpnIAW, &sl ^rId dw soDw bwhro bwhr hI krngIAW, swlwnw 3700 kroV dI Aw rhI rkm bqOr mMfI &Is Aqy idhwqI ivkws PMf ^qm ho jwvygw Aqy ivkws dy kMm ruk jwxgy[

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A6 - The Punjab Guardian *July 10 - July 16, 2020

nON is`KW ƒ ‘A`qvwdI’ AYlwn ky modIikAW ny lokqMqr dI d`bI sMGI : vrlf is`K pwrlImYNt

inaUXwrk 7 julweI (eyjMsIAW): Bwrq srkwr dy gRih mMqrwly v`loN Azwd is`K rwj leI XqnSIl Aqy Bwrq v`loN kIqIAW jw rhIAW mnu`KI AiDkwrW dIAW aulMGxw ƒ dunIAW swhmxy aujwgr krn vwly nON is`KW ƒ ‘A`qvwdI’ AYlwn ky swbq kr id`qw hY ik Bwrq srkwr h`kI mMgW leI Avwz auTwaux ƒ nwjwiez, gYr jmhUrI Aqy gYr kwƒnI qrIky nwl dbwauxw cwhuMdI hY [ ieh nW qW isrP muFly mun`KI AiDkwrW dw aulMGx hY blik AMqrrwStrI kwƒnW dy vI ault hY [ Bwrq srkwr v`loN Awpxy h`kW leI Avwz auTwaux vwly is`KW ƒ ‘A`qvwdI’ grdwnxw koeI nvIN g`l nhI hY blik smyN smyN qy is`KW dy Aks ƒ dunIAw iv`c Krwb krn leI ieho ijhy h`QkMfy vrqy jWdy hn [ id`lI dI sqw qy kwbz Bwrq dI bRwhmxvwdI srkwr v`loN cwxkIAw nIqI dw muzwhrw kridAW Ajy kuJ smW pihlW hI ieh AYlwn kIqw sI ik is`KW dIAW swrIAW kwlIAW sUcIAW Kqm kr id`qIAW hn qW iPr hux ieh kwlIAW sUcIAW ik`QoN Aw geIAW hn [ vrlf is`K pwrlImYNt dw mMnxw hY ik ipCly idnW iv`coN ijs qrHW nwl bygunwh is`KW ƒ JUTy kysW iv`c PswieAw igAw hY ies qoN swbq huMdw hY ik Bwrq srkwr is`KW ƒ jbr nwl dbw ky jylHW iv`c is`tx vwlI nIqI qy auhnW dw Gwx krn dI cwly c`l peI hY [ dunIAw iv`c s`c Aqy JUT dI t`kr hmySW rhI hY Aqy gurU ky is`K ny hmySW s`c dy rwh qy c`lxw hY [ s`c qy rwh qy c`lidAW JUT qy c`lx qy biz`d qwkqW rwh iv`c roVy zrUr AtkwauNdIAW hn pr is`K iehnW AOkVW dI prvwh nw kridAW hoieAW AwpxI s`c dI mMizl v`l vDdw rihMdw hY [ Bwrq srkwr dy gRih mMqrwly v`loN jwrIAW kIqIAW iksy qrHW dIAW kwlIAW sUcIAW dI AsIN koeI pRvwh nhIN krdy Aqy AsIN ies sUcI iv`c Swml swry is`KW dy nwl hW Aqy Awpxy sWJy inSwny Azwd is`K rwj leI ho? qqpr ho ky A`gy vDWgy Aqy zulm ƒ mwq pwvWgy [

srkwr sw& kry ik ivkws duby ny srMfr kIqw jW aus ƒ igRPqwr kIqw igAw : AiKlyS

lKnaU- smwjvwdI pwrtI dy muKI AiKlyS Xwdv ny kwnpur ‘c 8 puls mulwzmW dy kql dy doSI Aqy AprwDI ivkws duby dI m`D pRdyS dy aujYn ‘c vIrvwr ƒ giRPqwrI ‘qy svwl cu`ky hn[ aunHW ny ikhw ik aùqr pRdyS srkwr sp`St kry ik ieh ‘Awqmsmrpx’ hY jW ‘giRPqwrI’[ AiKlyS ny tvIt kIqw,’’Kbr Aw rhI hY ik kwnpur kWf dw mu`K doSI puls dI ihrwsq ‘c hY[ jykr ieh s`c hY qW srkwr sw& kry ik ieh Awqmsmrpx hY jW giRPqwrI[ nwl hI aus dy mobwiel dy sI.fI. Awr. (kwl iftyl irkwrf) jnqk kry, ijs nwl AslI imlIBgq dw prdwPwS ho sky[

byAdbI mwmly ‘qy, hux q`k hoeI isAwsq, nhIN imilAw ienswP:jQydwr biTMfw: sRI Akwl q^q swihb dy kwrjkwrI jQydwr igAwnI hrpRIq isMG dw kihxw hY ik sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI dI byAdbI qy hux q`k isAwsq hI hoeI hY[ ies qy koeI ienswP nhIN imilAw hY[ aunHW pMjwb srkwr qoN mMg kIqI hY ik ies mu`dy qy jldI qy s^q kwrvweI kIqI jwvy[ aunHW ikhw ik jykr hux gurmIq rwm rhIm au`pr AYPAweIAwr drj kIqI geI hY qW aus ƒ vwrMt dy zrIey pMjwb lY ky Awauxw cwhIdw hY[ jykr kuJ sbUq imldy hn qW aus dy au`pr mwmlw drj krky aus ƒ s^qI nwl szw dyxI cwhIdI hY[

suDIr sUrI dy ibAwn nwl ivdySW ‘c rihMdw BweIcwrw ^&w lUvn bYljIAm, (AmrjIq isMG Bogl)-iSv sYnw dy Awpy bxy AwgU suDIr sUrI vloN ivdySW ‘c rihMdy pMjwbIAW jW BwrqIAW dy pirvwrW bwry soSl mIfIAw ‘qy id`qy ibAwn bwry ivdySW ‘c v`sdy BweIcwry vloN s^qI nwl lYNdy hoey sUrI ƒ qwVnw kIqI Aqy pMjwb srkwr ‘qy BwrI ros pRgt kIqw hY [ smUh jQybMdIAW Aqy isAwsI AwgUAW vloN ibAwn jwrI kridAW ikhw ik ieh sB srkwrW dI imlIBugq nwl ho irhw hY, ikauNik kYptn srkwr hr p`KoN &ylH hox kwrn lokW dw iDAwn BVkwaux ‘c l`gI hY [ bYljIAm qo ieMtrnYSnl is`K kOwsl dy pRDwn BweI jgdIS isMG Burw ny ikhw ik sikauirtI dy lwlcI ieh lok qrHW-qrHW dy ibAwn dy ky lokW dIAw nzrW ‘c nwiek bxn ‘c l`gy hoey hn [

cIn AmrIkw leI sB qoN v`fw ^qrw isAwtl, -AmrIkI sur`iKAw eyjMsI AYP. bI. AweI. ny cIn ƒ AmrIkw leI sB qoN v`fw ^qrw d`isAw [ AYP. bI. AweI. dy fwierYktr instoPr vry ny A`j vwiSMgtn ivKy p`qrkwrW nwl g`lbwq dOrwn ikhw ik cIn dy srkwrI jsUs AmrIkw dy Biv`K leI v`fw ^qrw hn [ aunH W ikhw cIn ny ivdyS ivc bYTy Awpxy cInI nwgirkW ƒ inSwnw bxwauxw SurU kr id`qw hY qW ik auh vwps cIn Aw jwx [ AYP. bI. AweI. fwierYktr ny ikhw ik cIn dunIAw dI iekmwqr mhWSkqI bxn dI koiSS kr irhw hY [

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ivAwh SwdI, jnm pwrtI, AYnvrsrI jW CotI v~fI iksy vI qrW dI pwrtI vwsqy Pon kro

cIn iKlw& lwmbMdI, AmrIkI sMsd ‘c ib`l pyS vwiSMgtn : kronw mhwmwrI leI cIn dI izMmyvwrI qYA krn leI AmrIkw AMdr lwmbMdI SurU ho geI hY[ AmrIkI rwSpqI fonwlf trMp SurU qoN hI kronw vwiers dI auqpqI qy &YlwA leI cIn ƒ izMmyvwr TihrwauNdy Aw rhy hn[ hux AmrIkw AMdr cIn ƒ aus dIAW ZlqIAW leI ktihry ‘c KVHw krn leI AmrIkw dy sMsd mYNbrW ny srgrmIAW vDw idqIAW hn[ iesy qihq cIn vloN koronw mhWmwrI dw Pwiedw cu`kx dIAW koiSSW dI jWc dI mMg ƒ lY ky AmrIkI sMsd ‘c ib`l pyS kIqw igAw[



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*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A7

mr rhI Psl myrw bVw ipAwrw imqr qy ieMmIgrySn dw vkIl ey rwjpwl isMG hoTI[ aus BUf M IAW suf M IAW vwlw myrw AwrtIkl pVky Pon kIqw qy bVI iPkr qy APsos krn vwlI gl dsI[ iek kuVI koeI bweI ku swl dI[ stUfNY t vIjy qy AweI hoeI sI, aus Apxy mW bwp ƒ ivjtr vIjy leI AplweI krn leI swpWsriSp bxwENxI sI[ aus jd ApxI jwxkwrI dyx leI ipMf dw nW kup-rhIVw disAw qW hoTI hurIN kihx lgy spWsriSp qW cl kuVI bxw idMdI pr ieEN ds qyry ipMf dI KwsIAq kI hY[ kuVI kihMdI Awm ipMfw vrgw ipMf ey KwsIAq kI ho skdI pr Eh kihMdw nhI, ies ipMf dI ieiqhwsk mh`qqw kI hY? kuVI isr mwr geI! hoTI hurIN kihMdy cl kuVIey spWsriSp dw 100 fwlr muAwP, soc ky jy ipMf Apxy dw ieiqhws ds deyN pr Es kuVI koly ieko isr hI bicAw sI mwrn leI ijhVw Bwr pwENx nwlo Pyrnw sOKw sI[ pr hoTI hurIN ieiqhws dy kwPI SudweI ny Eh kihMdy kuVIey kMm qy kYS qUM 50-60 fwlr bxw leyNgI pr dyK lY ieQy qyrw 100 bcdw[ cl qUM ieEN kr Awhw myrw kMipaUtr ck qy gUgl qy Apxw ipMf src krky ds dyh ik ies dw ieiqhws kI hY? pr qusIN hYrwn hovogy ik kuVI Es ivc Borw rucI nw ik mYN pMj imMt kF lvW? mYN dyiKAw ik suMfIAW-BUMfIAW qW mYN QoVw itkwxy lY AwdIAW sn pr ies vwrI grmI ny vt k`Fy ikqy qy mINh dI kxI nw! mINh dy Bry frMmW nwl mYN qrlw ijhw kIqw ik pOdy myry bc jwx pr Eh isr eI nw cuk rhyM sn? mW dIAW ieiqhwsk lorIAW dIAW TMfIAW bUMdW ny pOdy ivc jwn pwENxI sI pr mW ivcwrI ihMdI frwimAW dy sVdy klySW ivc aulJ ky rih geI ijs ƒ Gr vwly dI rotI nwloN vI ijAwdw

iPkr ies gl dw huMdw ik Aj ss aus dI ny skuMqlW ƒ ikqy GroN qW nhI kF dyxw ivcwrI ƒ? qy Es mW dy inAwxy dw nWm vI frwimAW ivcoN Aw irhw hY? gurduAwrw ieiqhws dI Gt pr mry swDW dIAW brsIAW qy pRcwrk rwhIN scKMf dy itkt ijAwdw vMfdw ijs ivcoN ivAwh vwly progrwm nwloN vI ijAwdw Awmdn huMdI[ dysI mIfIAw? Eh qy jy hor kuqKwny qoN QoVw bwhlw ivhl iml jwey qW hIr s`sI mgr fWfy mINfy ho pYNdw[ Enw jor imrjy dy mrn qy nhI lgw huMdw ijMnw ienw dw qy gwENx vwilAW dw lg jWdw[ ieqhws? ikhVw ieiqhws? ieh gl krnI qW ipCWhiK`cU hY nw! kuJ iek hor hoxgy pr ienw ivcoN rMglw pMjwb vwly idlbwg cwvlw ƒ dwd dyxI bxdI ijhVw juArq nwl qy lgwqwr ieiqhws dI gl krdw irhw hY ibnw ies hIxBwvnw qoN ik[mYN ikqy ipCWhiK`cU nw ho jwvW? hux qy svyry auTidAW hI hwry ikswn qrW aupr ƒ dyKdW ik mINh dy Crwty AwENx ijhVy myrI Psl bcw skx nhIN qW frMmW idAW pwxIAW nwl PslW kd qk bcdIAW rih skdIAW! ik skdIAW? Xwd rhy ku`p rhIVw Eh mYdwn sI ijQy AbdwlI ny vfw GlUGwrw krky Kwlsw jI dw krIbn 30 hjwr bMdw iek idn ivc v`iFAw sI ijs ivc bIbIAW bcy qy bjurg vI Swml sn[ hYrwn krn vwlI gl ieh ik iek swl pihlW pwxI pq dI eySIAw dI mShUr lVweI ivc do lK mrhitAW ƒ Agy lw ky duVwENx vwly AbdwlI ƒ kyvl pMj mhIinAW ivc AMmirqsr dI lVweI ivc Kwlsw jI ny burI qrW hrwieAw qy AbdwlI ny lhOr ikly ivc vVn qk ipCy BEN ky nw[dyiKAw sI[-gurdyv isMG s`DyvwlIAw

cIn ny swrI dunIAw dw BwrI nukswn kIqw-trMp

vweIt hwaUs dy ies ibAwn qoN qurMq bwAd rwStrpqI fonwlf trMp ny tvIt krky ikhw ik cIn ny AmrIkw smyq swrI dunIAw dw BwrI nukswn kIqw hY qy swrI dunIAw koronw mhWmwrI dw nukswn J`l rhI hY [ ieh isr& cIn dI bdOlq hY [ swrI AwriQkqw bMd peI hY [ ie`Qy vrnxXog hY ik cIn d`KxI cIn swgr Aqy pUrbI cIn swgr ‘c inrMqr qxwA dI siQqI pYdw kr irhw hY [ cIn lgpg swry d`KxI cIn swgr ‘qy Awpxw dwAvw krdw hY jdoN ik vIAqnwm, iPlipnz, mlySIAw, bUnyeI Aqy qwievwn dy vI iesi ^`qy ‘qy Awpxy dwAvy hn pr hux AmrIkw cIn ƒ dwdwigrI nhIN krn dyvygw[

AmrIkw ny fbilaUAYcE ’coN bwhr hox bwry XUAY`n ƒ jwxU krvwieAw vwiSMgtn:- trMp pRSwsn ny AiDkwrq qOr ’qy notIiPkySn jwrI kr ky fbilaUAYcE ƒ Alivdw kihx bwry sMXukq rwStr ƒ jwxU krvw id`qw hY[ AmrIkw ny AwlmI p`Dr ’qy v`D rhy kronwvwiers sMkt dy bwvjUd ivSv ishq sMgTn nwloN nwqw qoV ilAw hY[ AmrIkw ny fbilaUAYcE ’qy cIn dy h`k ivc Bugqx dw doS vI lwieAw sI[

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A8 - The Punjab Guardian *July 10 - July 16, 2020

Random Acts of Canadian cuxOqI Bry simAW ivc idAwlqw BrpUr kwrjW dw jsæn mnwauNdw hY

RBC dw nvW pRogrwm hmdrdI vwly plW ƒ pYdw krn Aqy Kojx leI kYnyfIAnjæ ƒ auqsæwih~q krdw hY[ torWto, jUn 22, 2020—PrMt lweIn qoN PrMt lwAn q~k, kYnyfIAnjæ Awpxy pirvwr, gvWFIAW Aqy ieQoN qIk ik AxjwxW leI svwrQhIx kwrj krn leI jwxy jWdy hn[ dieAw dy kwrjW leI aumr dI koeI h~d nhIN, rMg, ilMg Aqy smwijk bMdsæW nhIN huMdIAW Aqy auhnW ny muskrwhtW, hMJUAW Aqy pRsMsw nwl kimaUintIjæ ƒ nyVy nyVy ilAWdw hY jo kYnyfIAn leI ArQ-BrpUr hY[ iehnW AOKy smyN ivc kuJ cMgIAW KæbrW ƒ PYlwaux leI mdd vwsqy, RBC ny RAndom acts ow CAnAdiAn lWc kIqw hY[ ieh ibhqrIn qrIikAW ƒ idKwaux leI nvIN nYsænl kwl hY ijhnW rwhIN kYnyfIAn auswrU rUp ivc AsrAMdwjæ kr rhy hn Aqy ivsæv mhWmwrI dy smyN ivc, qxwA BrpUr ijæMdgI ivcoN auBrn leI iek dUjy dI, AwpxIAW kimaUintIjæ dI Aqy Awpxy dysæ dI mdd kr rhy hn[ kYnyfIAnjæ AwpxIAW khwxIAW ƒ ~~~[rAndomActsowcAnAdiAn[com `qy post krky sWJIAW kr skdy hn[ hryk hPæqy, RBC KusæIAW ƒ PYlwaux leI khwxIAW ƒ sWJIAW krygw Aqy smu~cy kYnyfw ivc kIqy jw rhy AdBu~q idAwlU kwrjW dw jsæn mnwvygw[ RBC dy prsnl Aqy kmrsæIAl bYNikMg dy gru~p hY¤f, nIl mYklwgil~n dw kihxw hY, “koivf-19 ny bhuq swry qrIikAW nwl kYnyfIAnjæ dy jIvn ivc ivGn pwieAw hY, pr ie~k Ajyhw gux Afol hY ijs nwl auh iek dUjy dI mdd kr rhy hn[ ieh khwxIAW l~ckqw Aqy dwn dI ibrqI ƒ pRdrsæq krdIAW hn jo kYnyfIAnjæ ƒ pirBwsæq krdIAW hn-ijhnW dw snmwn hoxw Aqy jsæn mnwauxw cwhIdw hY[ swƒ Aws hY ik ieh khwxIAW dUsirAW ƒ vI kuJ Ajyhw kuJ krn leI pRyrq krngIAW Aqy idAwlqw dI lihr ƒ jwrI r~KxgIAW jd q~k ik kYnyfw ies mhWmwrI qoN bwhr nhIN inkldw[” RBC swry kYnyfIAnjæ Ajyhy ivcwrW ƒ A~gy ilAw ky RAndom acts ow CAnAdiAn ƒ Kojx Aqy ies ivc Bwg lYx, ijhVy auhnW dI kimaUintI ivc swhmxy Awey hn jW auhnW ny Awp isrjy hn Aqy ies kimaUnl AwnlweIn

spys rwhIN AwpxIAW sPælqwvW ƒ sWJIAW krn[ hyTW idqIAW kuJ audwhrxW auhnW kYnf y IAnjæ dIAW hn ijhnW ny AwpxIAW kimaUintIjæ leI kuJ cMgw kIqw: • Pys mwskW Aqy hYNf sYnytweIjærjæ dI Gwt kwrn, kuJ lokW ƒ nykI krn dw mOkw imilAw hY[ jOrfn ny $31,000 iek~Ty kIqy Aqy AwpxI kimaUintI ivc 7,000 qoN ijæAwdw hYNf sYnytweIjær dIAW boqlW PærI vMfIAW[ iesy dOrwn, 87 swl dI Elgw ny 160 Pys mwsk bxwey Aqy iksy vI loVvMd leI iehnW ƒ AwpxI porc ivc r~K idqw[ • grmIAW ivc kYNp kYNsl hox kwrn, kYnyfIAn jæYjæ ipAwinst QONpsn kMmjoær vrg dy b~icAW ƒ Awrts splweIjæ dyxw cwhuMdw hY[ ausdw grmIAW dy AKæIr q~k 1,000 sweIfvwk cwk bwksjæ dwn krn leI $30,000 iek~Ty krn dw tIcw hY[ • 5 swl dI rYcl GoiVAW ƒ ipAwr krdI hY Aqy XU-itaUb `qy khwxIAW pVHidAW, AwpxIAW vIfIEjæ bxwauNdI hY[ ausdw Cy lokl qbyilAW dy GoiVAW leI PIf Aqy hYlQkyAr dI mdd vwsqy $50,000 iek~Ty krn dw tIcw hY[ • kwielw ny tYrItrI dy srkwrI Plwvr, PwiervIf Plwvr dy gu~ldsqy, Pst nysæn bIifMg dy purwqn qrIikAW nwl iqAwr krn leI, XUkon ivc AwpxI kimaUntI dIAW AOrqW ƒ iek~Ty kIqw[ ieh guldsqy kwielw dy swQI PrMtlweIn hYlQ kyAr vrkrW dy mnobl ƒ aucw cu~kx leI iqAwr kIqy gey[ • pirvwrk mwlkI vwly inAwgrw tRylrjæ ny PrMt lweIn hYlQ vrkrW dI mdd leI 40 AwrvI dwn kIqy qW ik auh Awpxy Gr dy kol pirvwr nwloN v~Kry rih skx[ • stIv jwxdw hY ik Bu~K kI huMdI hY[ ies leI jd koivf-19 krky torWto ivc kimaUintI gru~p bMd hoxy sæurU ho gey qW ausny ik~cn-24 bxwieAw Aqy hux q~k 30,000 Kwxy loVvMdW ƒ pRdwn kr cu~kw hY[ iehnW bwry Aqy ho r idAwlqw vwly pRyrnwdwiek kwrjW bwry ijæAwdw jwxkwrI leI www.randomactsofcanadian.com qy jwE[ RBC bwry rwiel bY N k AwPæ kY n y f w mksd-pU r n,

AsUl-pRsq phuMc nwl ibhqr kwrgujwrI pRdwn krn vwlw ivsæv iv~qI Adwrw hY[ swfI sPælqw 85,000+ krmcwrIAW sdkw hY jo swfI idæsætI, kdrW-kImqW Aqy kwrjsæYlI ƒ jIvn ivc ilAwauNdy hn qW ik AsIN Awpxy gwhkW dI pRPu~lqw Aqy kimaUintIjæ dy AmIr hox ivc mdd kr skIey[ kYnyfw dy s~B qoN v~fy bYNk Aqy mwrikt pUMjIkrn `qy ADwrq dunIAW dy s~B qoN v~fy bYNkW ivcoN ie~k hox krky, swfw Aiv~sækwr kyNdrq iviBMnqw vwlw ibjæins mwfl hY Aqy AsIN kYnyfw, AmrIkw Aqy 34 hor dysæW ivc

(mu`K pMny dI bwkI)

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cIn-Bwrq iKcoqwx:donw mulkw dy ibAwnw...

jo ibAwn cIn dw hY iehI g`lbwq Bwrq Aqy cIn dy POjI kmwfrW iv`c vI hoeI sI[aus smyN vI cIn dw ieh ibAwn sI ik AsIN srh`d qy SwqI chuMdy hW[dono p`K ies leI kdm auTw rhy hn[hux vI ivvwd vwly sQwn pYNgwng JIl au~qy cInI sYinkW dI siQqI iv`c koeI bdlwv nhIN AwieAw[ cIn dy ivdyS mMqrI Aqy BwrqI AiDkwrI AjIq fovl nwl mIitMg qoN bwAd Bwrq dw ibAwn hY ik dono dySW nMU mOjUdw smJOqw srh`d dw sKqI nwl pwlx krnw cwhIdw hY[ies siQqI nMU bdln leI ie`k qrPw kwrvweI nhIN krnI cwhIdI[jdoN ik dUsry pwsy cIn dw ibAwn hY ik sImw Kyqr iv`c AijhIAW Gtnwvw qoN bcx leI sMcwr swDn mjbUq krn dI g`lbwq kIqI geI hY[srh`d bwry koeI g`lbwq nhIN hoeI[cIn dy ivdyS mMqrI ny sp`St rUp iv`c duhrwieAw ik glvwn GwtI iv`c ihMsk JV`p leI Bwrq juMmyvwr hY[cIn Awpxy dwAvy aupr jor idMdw rhygw[aunw ikhw mOjUdw siQqI iv`c kOx glq hY sp`St hY[cIn AwpxIN DrqI Aqy sImW Kyqrw dI rwKI jwrI r`Kygw[cIn ny ikhw dono p`K donw dySw duAwrw kIqy dsKqI smJOqy dw pwln krngy Aqy srh`dI Kyqr iv`c siQqI Aswn bxwauNx leI dono Xwqn krngy[


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*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A9

BwrqI-AmrIkI BweIcwry v`loN inaUXwrk iv`c ‘bweIkwt cIn’ pRdrSn

inaUXwrk:-ie`Qy ieiqhwsk tweImz skueyAr iv`c iek`Ty hoey v`fI igxqI BwrqI-AmrIkIAW v`loN ‘Bwrq mwqw kI jY’ Aqy hor dyS BgqI dy nwAry lgwaUNdy hoey cIn i^lw& pRdrSn kIqw igAw[ ies dOrwn pRdrSnkwrI mMg kr rhy sn ik Bwrq i^lw& kIqy gey hmly leI cIn dw AwriQk bweIkwt kIqw jwvy Aqy ies ƒ rwjnIqk qOr ’qy vI v`K kIqw jwvy[ ies dOrwn inaUXwrk Aqy inaU jrsI iv`c rih rhy BwrqIAW Aqy BwrqI AYsosIeySnW dI PYfrySn dy AiDkwrIAW ny ‘cIn iv`c bxIAW vsqW dw bweIkwt kro’, ‘BwrqI mwqw kI jY’ Aqy ‘cInI hmilAW ƒ roikAw jwvy’ dy nwAry lgwey[ pRdrSnkwrIAW ny kronwvwiers mhwmwrI dy m`dynzr mUMh ’qy mwsk pihny hoey sn Aqy h`QW iv`c q^qIAW PVIAW hoeIAW sn ijnHW ’qy iliKAw sI, ‘‘AsIN ShId hoey Awpxy nwiekW ƒ slwm krdy hW[’’ ies pRdrSn iv`c iq`bq qy qwievwn mUl dy lokW ny vI SmUlIAq kIqI Aqy cIn i^lw& nwAry lgwey[ aunHW cIn dw AwriQk bweIkwt krn dw hokw id`qw[

modI dIAW AwriQk nIqIAW brbwd krn vwlIAW :rwhul nvIN id`lI: modI srkwr au`qy hmlw bolidAw rwhul gwDI ny ikhw ik dyS dw AwriQk ivkws ruk igAw hY[AwriQk pRbMD krn iv`c modI srkwr burI qrW PYlH hoeI hY[ies ivqI swl iv`c AwriQk ivvsQw iv`c BwrI igrwvt pweI geI hY[[modI srkwr dIAW AwriQk nIqIAW kwrx l`Kw pRIvwr brbwd ho jwxgy[ rwhul ny ikhw hux cu`p rihx dw smw nhIN hY[

cIn nwl ryVkw: aubYsI dy modI srkwr nMU iqMn svwl id`lI: lok sBw mYNbr AsdudIn aubYsI ny cIn v`loN vwps jwx dIAW KbrW qy qnz ksidAw ikhw ik jdoN koeI swfI srh`d iv`c AwieAw hI nhIN qW vwps jwx dw kI mqlb hY[ausny iqMn svwl kridAW ikhw ik ‘nMbr ie`k kI iesdw mqlb hY ik jo cIn chuMdw hY auh kr id`qw jwvygw’?nMbr do pRDwn mMqrI modI muqwibk koeI swfI srh`d iv`c AwieAw hI nhIN qW cIn POj dI vwpsI ikQoN?nMbr iqMn cIn qy Brosw ikauN jdoN ik ausny 6 jUn nMU vI vwps jwx leI sihmqI pRgt kIqI sI[

Bwrq dy rwjdUq qrnjIq isMG sMDU qy vwiSMgtn styt dy gvrnr jy. ienslI ivckwr ivcwr-vtWdrw i sAwtl, (gurcrn isMG iF`loN)-AmrIkw ivc Bwrq dy AMbYsfr qrnjIq isMG sMDU (smuMdrI) Aqy vwiSMgtn dy gvrnr jy robrt ienslI drimAwn vIifE kwn&rMs rwhIN vwiSMgtn qy Bwrq ivckwr AwriQk qOr 'qy mzbUq hox vwsqy ivcwr-vtWdrw kIqw igAw[ donW nyqwvW ivckwr g`lbwq pRBwvSwlI rhI Aqy KyqIbwVI sihq syvwvW AweI. tI. rItyl qy eyArospys leI iek-dUsry ƒ sihXog dyx leI sihmqI hoeI[ Bwrq Aqy vwiSMgtn styt ivckwr vpwrk nwqw vDwaux leI auswrU g`lbwq hoeI[ ipCly swl 2019 ivc 1.23 imlIAn fwlr dw Bwrq qoN tYkstweIl, mYtl, kMipaUtr, ibjlI, iPSrIj qy KyqIbwVI Awid Aqy vwiSMgtn qoN trWspotySn KyqIbwVI dw swmwn, ibjlI, dw swmwn, Bojn qy kMipaUtr Awid ilAWdw igAw[ BwrqI ieMfstrI dy srvy Anuswr AmrIkw ivc 14 BwrqI kMpnIAW 143 imlIAn fwlr vwiSMgtn styt 'c ^rc kr rhIAW hn, ijs nwl 4167 nOkrIAW imlxgIAW[ iesy qrHW vwiSMgtn dIAW kMpnIAW Bwrq ivc fI&YNs, rItyl qy Bojn Awid ivc ^rc kr rhIAW hn[


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- Skilled Workers (Points System), Adoptions - hr qrHW dy ieMmIgrySn dy PylH hoey kysW dIAW ApIlW ij`qx dy mwhr (York Centre), Surrey - Entrepreneurs,Provincial Nominations & PR - 2005 qoN A`j q`k (2018) AnykW ApIlW ij`qIAW - Student, Worker, Visiter, Super & US Visas - Farmers (Under/Above) 40 Yrs. become PR SKILLED WORKERS OF ALL CATEGORIES BECOME P.R FAST - Federal Skilled Trades Persons become PR THROUGH EXPRESS ENTRY - Arranged Employment & Refugee Claims. pVHIAW ilKIAW SRyxIAW dy lok AykspRYs AYNtrI nwl CyqI pI Awr ho skdy hn - Nanny, Citizenship, Passports & PR Cards

Email: balwinderbrar2004@yahoo.ca

BALWINDER S. BRAR M.Sc., (D.Sc.) Member of ICCRC - R408159

Cell: 604-644-4590



swfI kwmXwbI dy sbUq vyKo

BC V3W 3A8

ieMmIgrySn sbMDI syvwvW : -

ieMmIgrySn dy PylH hoey kysW dIAW ApIlW spWsriSp (pqI-pqnI-mwpy-b`cy) pVHy ilKy kwmy (nMbrW dy AwDwr qy, god lYxw) CotI SRyxI dy vpwrI qy sUibAW dI nwmzdgI stUfYNt, kMm, ivjtr, supr qy XU.AYs vIjw ikswn 40 swl qoN hyTW Aqy au~pr vwly PYyfrl dsqkwrI kwmy qy pI Awr nOkrI dw bMdobsq qy riPaUjI kys nYnI, istIjniSp, pwsports qy pI.Awr kwrf

A10 - The Punjab Guardian *July 10 - July 16, 2020

kYnyfw: no-Plwie sUcI ivc Swml do is`K...

(mu`K pMny dI bwkI)

ny iliKAw “mYc ifnweIf[” do swl bwAd smrQk hY qy AijhI soc r`Kx vwilAW dI vI ieh dovyN no Plwie sUcI iv`coN Awpxw nW mdd kr irhw hY[ dUjy pwsy XYlo kwr rYNtl dy htwaux dI lVweI lV rhy hn pr globl kwrobwrI BweIvwlW brwV qy dul`ey v`loN ienHW doSW inaUz v`loN hwsl kIqy dsqwvyz drswauNdy hn qoN ienkwr kIqw igAw hY qy Awpxy nWvW ƒ no ik aunHW ƒ ies sUcI iv`c ikauN Swml kIqw Plwie zon vwlI sUcI iv`coN k`Fx leI PYfrl igAw[ srkwr v`loN kiQq qOr au`qy ieh doS Adwlq kol ApIl vI kIqI hoeI hY[ lwieAw igAw hY ik ieh dovyN A`qvwd ƒ Sih ie`Qy d`sxw bxdw hY ik ienHW doSW dy sbMD dyx vwilAW iv`c Sumwr hn[Bgq isMG brwV iv`c iksy ƒ vI cwrj nhIN kIqw igAw hY[ jo ik brYNptn(EntwrIE) dy ikrwey au`qy kwrW ieh mwmlw ies smyN Adwlq dy ivcwr ADIn dyx vwlI kMpnI dw mwlk hY,ƒ ienHW dsqwvyzW hY ies leI ienHW dovW v`loN koeI it`pxI nhIN iv`c pwiksqwn dI AweIAYsAweI KuPIAw eyjMsI kIqI geI[ pbilk syPtI mMqrI ib`l blyAr nwl rl ky Bwrq iv`c 2017 iv`c hmlw krn dy AwiPs v`loN vI iesy kwrn ies au`qy koeI dI swijæSæ rcx dw doS sI[ ieh vI AwiKAw it`pxI nhIN kIqI geI[ AwrsIAYmpI ny is`Dy igAw ik ieh hmlw nkwrw kr id`qw igAw[ qOr au`qy ienHW ivAkqIAW bwry iksy qrHW dI ieh doS pbilk syPtI kYnyfw dIAW irportW koeI g`lbwq nhIN kIqI qy AwiKAw ik auh aus iv`c vI lwey gey qy ies qoN bwAd ienHW dovW smyN hI jWc dI puStI krygI jdoN cwrijz lwey dy nWvW ƒ no Plwie sUcI iv`c Swml kr id`qw jwxgy[ vrlf is`K AwrgynweIzySn AwP kYnyfw igAw[ hwlWik ienHW ƒ gupq dsqwvyzW dw drjw dy lIgl kwauNl blpRIq isMG ny AwiKAw ik id`qw igAw pr ienHW dy soDy hoey sMskrx PYfrl kYnyfw qy Bwrq drimAwn Aiqvwd dy twkry Adwlq iv`c pyS kIqy gey[ iensweIt QrYt leI sihXog sbMDI hoey smJOqy kwrn ies qrHW ieMtYlIjYNs dI pRYzIfYNt qy kYnyfIAn sikaUirtI dy doS S`k dy Gyry iv`c hn[ Bwrq qy kYnyfw ieMtYlIjYNs srivs dI swbkw ivSlySk jYiskw v`loN ieMiqhw psMd gr`upW ijvyN ik ieMtrnYSnl fyivs ny AwiKAw ik ienHW PweIlz iv`coN keIAW is`K XUQ PYfrySn (AweIAYsvweIAYP) nwl iv`c drj vyrvw AYnw ivsQwr iv`c hY ik hYrwnI lVn dw qh`eIAw pRgtwieAw igAw sI[ ieh huMdI hY[ smJOqw pRDwn mMqrI jsitn trUfo dy Bwrq dOry doSW dI gMBIrqw qy ijs ihswb nwl jwxkwrI dOrwn kIqw igAw sI[ jdoN ieh fIl hoeI sI pyS kIqI geI hY aus qoN ieMj hI l`gdw hY ik qW fbilaUAYsE ny ieh icMqw pRgtweI sI ik ies mwmly aùqy XkIn krn leI sIAYsAweIAYs BwrqI AiDkwrIAW v`loN sWJI kIqI jwx vwlI kol kwPI dmdwr AwDwr hY[ ienHW dsqwvyzW sUcnw qoV mroV ky pyS kIqI jwvygI qy mnu`KI iv`c ieh vI drj hY ik sIAYsAweIAYs v`loN h`kW! leI lVn vwly is`K kwrkuMnW dI zubwn bMd ienHW ivAkqIAW ƒ 2018 iv`c no Plwie sUcI krn dIAW koisæSW dy ihswb nwl kIqI jwvygI[ iv`c nwmjd kIqw igAw sI[ iek AYfvweIzrI blpRIq isMG ny ikhw ik ieh 80 dy dhwky kmytI ijs iv`c sIAYsAweIAYs, AwrsIAYmpI qoN is`KW aupr AijhIAW ielzwmbwjIAW jwrI qy trWsport kYnyfw Swml hn, v`loN vI ienHW ƒ hn, ies leI ij`Qy vI is`KW aupr k`tVvwd ies sUcI ivc Swml r`Kx dw PYsl kIqw igAw[ dy ielzwm l`gdy hn auh mwmly S`kI huMdy hn[ iek sIkRyt kys dI sMKyp irport Anuswr AwpxI ApIl iv`c AwpxyN qy l`gy doSW dy srivs dw mMnxw hY ik brwV kYnyfw siQq jvwb iv`c, Bgq isMG brwV ny ikhw ik auh KwilsqwnI leI gqIivDIAW, Kws qOr au`qy hmly kdy vI AweIAYsvweIAYP mYNbr nhIN sI Aqy krvwaux leI PMf ie`kTy krn iv`c ruiJAw ausdw ipqw lKbIr isMG 2002 qoN ies gru`p hoieAw hY[ dsqwvyzW iv`c ieh doS vI lwieAw iv`c srgrm nhIN hY, ausny AweIAYsvweIAYP igAw hY ik brwV, Awzwd dyS Kwilsqwn dy lIfriSp C`f id`qI sI[ kYnyfIAn KuPIAw bxwaux, hmly krvwaux iv`c mdd krn, Bwrq irpo r tW dy Anus wr, 2015 iv`c brwV ny st One Call For All Your Painting Needs iv`c hmly krn dy ierwdy nwl hiQAwr jmHW pwiksqwn dw dOrw kIqw, ijQy ausny kiQq qOr krn iv`c vI Aihm BUimkw inBwA irhw hY[ ‘qy gurjIq isMG cImw nwm dy ie`k ivAkqI 42 swlw srHI, bIsI vwsI prvkwr duley nwl Bwrq iv`c hmlw krn dI Xojnw bxweI[ au`qy vI AijhIAW gqIivDIAW iv`c Swml hox ijs ivAwkqI nMU Bwrq hmly leI ByijAw wxy qy nvydw N GrW, qy hr qrH Nt dw dokMSm krdy hW[ swfIAWigAw Special doSdPqrW hY[ dsqwvy zW Wiv`dycpyieh vI lwieAw ausnMU puils ny igRPqwr kr ilAw Aqy Discount igAw hY ik du l ` e I vI KwilsqwnI lihr dw au s ko l o golOn w brUd Aqy kYS pRwpq hoieAw[ bhuq vwijb hn[ hor jwxkwrI leI sMprk kro mndIp puryvwl


qusIN pyNt krvwaux bwry socdy ho? Repaint


swnUM vDIAw qjrbykwr vrkrW dI loV hY qjrby Anuswr qnKwh id`qI jwvygI

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ll or a

nti pai

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dsqwvyzW ivc doS lwieAw igAw hY ik puils dIpu`Cig`C dOrwn aus AwdmI ny ikhw ik cImw ny aunHW ƒ kYS iek`Tw krn Aqy pMjwb ivc hmly krn leI inrdyS id`qy sn[ ieh vI doS lwey gey ik brwV ny ipCly idnIN jdoN Bwrq dw dOrw kIqw sI Aqy ey ky 47

rweIPlW smyq hiQAwrW dy pRbMDn iv`c aunHW ƒ isDWqk isKlweI id`qI sI[ pr dsqwvyzW qoN ieh sMkyq nhIN imldw ik gurjIq isMG cImw, ijs ƒ gurjIvn isMG kwdIAW vI ikhw jWdw hY, 'qy koeI doS hY jW nhIN[

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koivf dy bwAd soSl ifstYNisMg Aqy sYnItweIizMg dIAW pUrIAW swvDwnIAW r`Kdy hoey AsIN dubwrw quhwfI syvw leI KulH cu`ky hW





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*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A11

gurdvwrw nwnk invws ÅÆ siqnwmu

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw

krqw purK inrBau inrvYr

vwihgurU jI kI Pqih

Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid]

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gurduAwrw swihb jI iv`c AYqvwr dy dIvwn iPr SurU kIqy gey hn jI[ smW svyry 10:30 qoN 11:30 vjy qk ijs ivc kIrqn kQw qoN auprMq Ardws qoN bwAd kVwh pRswid dI dyg vrqweI jwvygI[

not : koivf-19 krky Ajy gurduAwrw swihb ivc cwh jW lMgr dw pRbMD nhIN hovygw jI[ * gurduAwrw swihb iv`c 50 qoN v`D sMgq iek`Ty hox dI mnwhI hY jI[ rozwnw pRogrwm

Swm dw dIvwn

svyry 5:00 vjy pRkwS gurU gRMQ swihb 6:00 vy qoN 6:45 vjy inqnym 7:00 vjy qoN 7:30 vjy kIrqn dIvwn 7:45 qoN 8:00 vjy Ardws smwpqI

Swm 6:00 qoN 6:25 vjy rihrws swihb Swm 6:25 qoN 6:45 vjy kIrqn Swm 8:00 vjy suKAwsn syvw

ivSyS suKmnI swihb pwT hr AYqvwr svyry 5:45 qoN 6:45 vjy pMjwbI klws : gurduAwrw swihb ivKy pMjwbI klwsW ArMB hn[ b`icAW nUM mwq BwSw Aqy ivrsy nwl joVx leI dwKl krvwau[ zrUrI sUcnw :

hor vDyry jwxkwrI leI gurduAwrw swihb dI vY~bsweIt ‘qy jwE


zrUrI sUcnw : Awp jI nUM sUicq kIqw jWdw hY ik gurduAwrw nwnk invws ieMfIAw klcrl sYNtr AwP kYnyfw 8600 - nMbr 5 rof ircmMf ivKy hr mMglvwr Aqy vIrvwr Swm nUM 7 vjy qoN 3:30 vjjy q`k Xogw dIAW klwsW l`gdIAW hn[ hor vDyry jwxkwrI leI Pon 604-274-7479

not : jykr iksy pirvwr ny sMgrWd jW hor iksy idn lMgr dI syvw lYxI hovy, qW hyT ilKy nMbr ‘qy sMprk kr skdy ho[ sMgqW dy dws:

blvIr isMG jvMdw (pRDwn) 604-649-5366

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cYn isMG bwT (sk`qr) 604-274-4492

gurduAwrw swihb dw Pon nMbr (604) 274-7479

A12 - The Punjab Guardian *July 10 - July 16, 2020



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*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A13

kronw pIVq p`qrkwr v`loN eymz dI 2.4 iblIAn fwlr dw ividAwrQI lon moiVAw hI nhIN igAw : AwfItr jnrl : PYfrl AwfItr jnrl v`loN jwrI kIqI geI nvIN irport iv`c ieh pwieAw igAw hY cOQI mMizl qoN Cwl mwr ky ^udkuSI ik ieMtorpWtolOi,emY Nt AYNf soSl ifvYlpmYNt kYnyfw (eIAYsfIsI) v`loN post sYkMfrI ividAwrQIAW dI

nvIN id`lI:-koivf-19 dy ielwj leI eymz ’c dw^l 37 swlw p`qrkwr ny A`j dupihr vyly hspqwl dy trOmw sYNtr dI cOQI mMizl qoN kiQq Cwl mwr ky KuædkuSI kr leI[ p`qrkwr iek ihMdI A^bwr nwl kMm krdw sI qy au`qr-pUrbI id`lI dy Bjnpurw ielwky dw vsnIk sI[ Cwl mwrn qoN POrI mgroN mrIz ƒ hspqwl dy AweIsIXU ’c ilAWdw igAw, ij`Qy fwktrW ny aus ƒ bcwaux dI pUrI koiSS kIqI[ fIsIpI (d`Kx-p`CmI) dyvyNdr AwrIAw ny ikhw ik sbMDq p`qrkwr ƒ kronw pwzyitv pwey jwx mgroN 24 jUn ƒ trOmw sYNtr ’c dw^l krvwieAw igAw sI[ sUqrW ny ikhw ik ies p`qrkwr dI hwl hI iv`c idmwg dy itaUmr dI srjrI hoeI sI[

mdd leI aucycy kdm nhIN c`uky gey hn[irport iv`c AwiKAw igAw ik post sYkMfrI ividAwrQI, ijhVy iv`qI mdd hwsl krdy hn, Awpxy muV AdwiegI sbMDI Prz ƒ smJdy hn[ pr iPr vI 2.4 iblIAn fwlr dy Anpyf lon pey hn[ irport iv`c AwfItr jnrl ny AwiKAw ik eIAYsfIsI v`loN post sYkMfrI ividAwrQIAW ƒ id`qy jwx vwly iv`qI sihXog ƒ shI FMg nwl mYnyj nhIN kIqw igAw[ rIpyAmYNt AisstYNs plYn leI krzw lYx vwly dI muV AdwiegI dI smr`Qw dw iDAwn vI nhIN riKAw igAw[

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zmIn jwiedwd nwl juiVAw koeI kMm ijvyN

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pI sI AY~s lYNf silXUSnj ieMk:



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smUh sMgq nUM bynqI hY jI kronw vwiers dy kwrn srkwr dy hukmW dI pwlxw kridAW hoieAW Awp sB dI ishq dI qMdrusqI nUM iDAwn ivc r`KidAW ies Sin`crvwr Aqy AYqvwr dy pRogrwm bMd kr id`qy gey hn gurduAwrw swihb ivc inqnym hox vwly pRogrwm jwrI rihxgy

*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A15

byAdbI mwmly 'qy bwdlW nMU bcwieAw jw irhY:BgvMq mwn fwlr ‘c v`fw auCwl, rupey dI kImq 25 pYsy tu`tI

sMgrUr (hnI kohlI): pMjwb 'c hoeI Dwrimk gRMQ byAdbI mwmly 'qy ij`Qy fyrw s`cw sOdw dy muKI rwm rhIm dw nW juiVAw hY[ ies 'qy BgvMq mwn dw v`fw ibAwn swhmxy AwieAw hY[ BgvMq mwn ny ikhw ik kYptn AmirMdr isMG srkwr ies byAdbI mwmly qoN bwdl pirvwr ƒ bcwauxw cwhuMdI hY, jdik b`cw-b`cw jwxdw hY ik ies 'c bwdl pirvwr doSI hY pr iek hI mwmly 'qy iqMn-iqMn jWc kmytI c`l rhI hY[ lokW dI kichrI 'c bwdl pirvwr doSI swbq ho cu`kw hY[BgvMq dw kihxw hY ik iek pwsy sI.bI.AweI. kort 'c ieh kih rhI hY ik jo dUjI jWc pMjwb 'c c`l rhI hY auh jWc ƒ pRBwivq kr rhI hY Aqy dUjy pwsy rxvIr KtVw kmytI jWc kr rhI hY pr iek v`fw svwl ieh hY ik rxvIr KtVw bwdlW dy iKlwP iks qrHW kwrvweI kr skdw hY, ikauNik rxvIr KtVw dw pu`qr AkwlI dl dI itkt qoN lVdw hY[ aus ny 2017 'c pitAwlw 2 qoN AkwlI dl dI itkt 'qy coxW lVIAW sn Aqy ies vwr vI auh itkt dw dwAvydwr hY[ rxvIr KtVw byS`k puls APsr hY pr Awpxy pu`qr dI pwrtI dy iKlwP jW aunHW dy mwlkW dy iKlwP ikvyN kwrvweI kr skdw hY[

kYnyfw ‘c 2 pMjwbI ividAwrQIAW dI sVk hwdsy ‘c mOq

muMbeI— fwlr dy mukwbly mMglvwr ƒ rupey ny zordwr igrwvt drj kIqI[ AmrIkI fwlr dy mukwbly BwrqI krMsI 25 pYsy tu`tx nwl fwlr dI kImq 74.93 rupey pRqI fwlr ‘qy bMd hoeI hY[ iesy dy nwl hI do idnW ‘c BwrqI krMsI 27 pYsy tu`t cu`kI hY[ somvwr ƒ ieh do pYsy kmzor ho ky 74.68 rupey pRqI fwlr ‘qy rhI sI[

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A16 - The Punjab Guardian *July 10 - July 16, 2020

mwsUmIAq dw kql

mwry jwx qy ShId hox ivclw &rk Swied isr& irAwsq/styt ƒ pqw huMdw hY! iek A^bwr ivc ^br ieMJ CpI hY, ‘‘iqMn swlW dw b`cw Awpxy h`Q dI pihlI auNgl nwl Awpxy v`l inSwnw swDidAW eydW sWg lwauNdw ey ijvyN auhdy h`Q ivc bMdUk hovy, qy iPr ieMJ AdwkwrI krdw ey ijvyN auh bMdUk dw GoVw d`b irhw hovy Aqy iPr (mUMh ’coN) golIAW clwaux dIAW AwvwzW k`Fdw ey[’’ pulIs dw kihxw hY ik jd sopor dy bwhrvwr dihSqgrdW ny pulIs Aqy sur`iKAw blW ’qy golI clwauxI SurU kIqI qW ies b`cy dw dwdw bSIr Aihmd ^wn aus golwbwrI ivc krwsPwier ivc dihSqgrdW dI golI nwl mwirAw igAw[ auh smW, jdoN dw b`cy dw au`pr iliKAw vrqwrw ibAwn kIqw igAw hY, ^brW Anuswr pulIs mukwbly qoN kuJ GMty bwAd dw hY[ b`cw pulIs stySn ivc hY, auh golIAW clwaux dI nkl kr irhw hY; ieh auh ivrwsq hY jo AsIN, ies dyS dy vwsI, Awpxy b`icAW ƒ sONp rhy hW[ iek hor inaUz portl Anuswr pulIs qy dihSqgrdW ivc hoey mukwbly dIAW idl hlUx dyx vwlIAW kuJ qsvIrW ieh ivKwauNdIAW ny ik ikvyN b`cw pihlW sVk ’qy lMmy pey (mr cu`ky jW mr rhy) Awpxy dwdy ƒ hlUxdw Aqy aus ƒ ‘jgwaux’ dI koiSS krdw hY[ iek hor qsvIr d`sdI hY ik c`twn ip`Cy Sih lw ky bYTw sur`iKAw dl dw iek jvwn b`cy ƒ sur`iKAq QW v`l Awaux dw ieSwrw kr irhw hY[ mwry jwx qy ShId hox ivclw &rk Swied isr& irAwsq/styt ƒ pqw huMdw hY[ imRqk dyh kol bYTy iqMn swlW dy poqry dIAW Awpxy dwdy ƒ ‘auTwauNidAW/jgwauNidAW’ dIAW qsvIrW soSl mIfIAw ’qy vwierl ho geIAW[ hux A^bwrW, tYlIivzn, inaUz portl Aqy soSl mIfIAw dy v`K v`K plyt&wrmW ’qy bihs c`l rhI hY ik ieh qsvIrW/postW soSl mIfIAw ’qy pweIAW jwxIAW cwhIdIAW sn jW nhIN ikauNik iek mwsUm b`cy ƒ dihSqgrdW Aqy sur`iKAw blW ivckwr hoey mukwbly dIAW ^brW ivc GsItxw nYiqk qy kwƒnI p`KW qoN ieqrwzXog hY[ swry ieh kih rhy hn ik b`cy ƒ ies bihs ivc nw ilAWdw jwvy pr swirAW dy ies qrHW kihx kwrn hI b`cw bihs ivc mOjUd hY qy bwhr hI nhIN jw irhw[ jd dihSqgrdI,

irAwsq/styt dw dmn, Bu`KmrI, dvweIAW dw nw imlxw, skUl jwx dI QW mzdUrI krn leI mjbUr hoxw Aqy hor sm`isAwvW dunIAW ivc kroVW b`icAW ƒ pRBwivq kr rhIAW hox qW b`cy bihs qoN bwhr ikvyN jw skdy hn? iek hor inaUuz portl Anuswr jd ieh qsvIrW soSl mIfIAw ’qy vwierl hoeIAW qW BwrqI jnqw pwrtI dy kuJ AwgUAW ny ikhw ik ienHW qsvIrW leI koeI puiltzr ienwm nhIN imlygw ikauNik Bwjpw AwgUAW Anuswr bSIr Aihmd ^wn dihSqgrdW dIAW golIAW nwl mwirAw igAw sI[ puiltzr ienwm dw izkr ies leI kIqw igAw ikauNik kuJ mhIny pihlW kSmIr dy iqMn p`qrkwrW dIAW, lokW v`loN sMivDwn dI Dwrw 370 mnsU^ kIqy jwx bwAd hoey muzwhirAW qy hor qsvIrW Cpx kwrn puiltzr ienwm imilAw sI[ ieh GVI puiltzr ienwm ƒ C`f ky aunHW isAwsqdwnW bwry socx dI hY ijhVy b`cy qy pirvwr dy AsIm du`K dI GVI ivc vI Aijhy koJy isAwsI mzwk kr rhy hn[ dUsry pwsy bSIr Aihmd ^wn dw pirvwr doS lgw irhw hY ik aus ƒ kwr ivcoN bwhr Awaux leI ikhw igAw qy iPr golI mwr id`qI geI[ iek hor inaUz portl ivc CpI ^br Special correspondents Rajinder Rahi Anu s wr jd au n H W dy p` q rkwr sR I ngr dy bwhrvwr bSIr Aihmd ^wn dy Gr gey qW b`cw d`sdw hY ik ‘‘pwpw ƒ golI mwrI... pulIs vwly ny[’’ ieh Swied b`cy ƒ vyKy gey idRS qoN Xwd AwauNdw hY jW iPr Awly-duAwly jo kuJ vI boilAw jw irhw hY, auh aus ƒ duhrw irhw hY[ inScy hI mwsUmIAq dw kql ho cu`kw hY[ b`icAW dy mnoivigAwn dy mwihr XW ipAwzy Anuswr 2 qoN 7 swl aumr dy b`cy socdy hn ik mOq koeI AMiqm vrqwrw nw ho ky Aijhw vrqwrw hY ijs dw ru^ ipCWh v`l moiVAw jw skdw hY[ b`cw nhIN jwxdw ik kI ho igAw, auh socdw hY dwdw jI sON gey hn qy aunHW ƒ jgwieAw jw skdw hY[ ieh svwl pu`Cy jw rhy hn ik iks ny b`cy dIAW qsvIrW iK`c ky soSl mIfIAw au`qy pweIAW[ ‘AmnYstI ieMfIAw’ ny doS lwieAw hY ik auh b`cw, ijs ny AprwD huMdw dyiKAw hovy, dI qsvIr ƒ soSl mIfIAw ’qy pwauxw

gurU gRMQ swihb jI dI byAdbI iv`c iGrdw nhIN rhI[ pRMqU dwA pyc qW hwly vI Bu`ly nhIN jw irhw bwdl AkwlI dl, ies vyly pMjwb dI hn[ bwdl ny Awpxy pu`qr suKbIr isMG bwdl isAwsq iv`c muV surjIq hox vwsqy h`Q pYr ƒ AkwlI dl dw srvy srvw bxwaux vwsqy, mwr irhw hY[ pRMqU pRkwS isMG bwdl dy purwxy ie`k ie`k AkwlI AwgU ƒ rgiVAw hY[ hux q`k swQI ijhVy kdy s`jIAW Aqy K`bIAW bwhvW bxky ijs iksy ny vI nrwz jW inrwS hoky bwdl dy ivcrdy sn,ie`k ie`k krky bwdl iv`coN ies mukwbly AkwlI dl bxwaux dI koiSS kIqI qWbwdl ny auEXPRESSED s ƒ isr nhIN IN cu`k x id`qw[ swfy qrHW B`j rhy hn, ijvy iksy byVy dy fu`bx smyN lok THE VIEWS THE lweIP jYktW pw ky, smuMdr iv`c CwlW mwr idMdy swhmxy hY ik surjIq isMG brnwlw ny lONgovwl ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THE PUNJAB hn[ byS`k suKbIr isMG bwdl iehnW KwlI QW AkwlI dl bxwieAw Aqy jQydwr gurcrn isMG GUARDIAN ARE SOLELY hVw ny srbihM d AkwlI dlTHE bxwieAw[ ies ƒ Brn vwsqy nvyN GoVy iSMgwr rhy hn[ pRMqU jo tO PERSONAL THE qoN ielwvwVIEWS bwbw joi/gMOPINON dr isMG roOF fy dw bwbw dl, qwkq iehnW purwxy AwgUAW dy nwl rihMidAW WRITERS AND THE EDITOR OR PUNJAB sI[ auh hwly nvyN nhIN bxw skxgy[ bwdl b`br AkwlI dl, pMQk AkwlI dl,AkwlI dl IS INdl NOAmiR WAY RELATED 1920 ,AkwlI qsr, hwly hor, vI koeI dl iv`coN kwPI isrkrdw AwgU inkl cu`ky hn[GUARDIAN hovygw[ pRMqU iksy ANY ie`k ƒ vI pRMqU suKdyv isMG FINfsw dw bwdl dl qoN v`RESPONSIBLE K nwm rih igAw OR HAS GRANTED bwdl nyTO isAwsq c kwmXwb nhIN hox id`qw hoxw,bwdl dl vwsqy iksy v`fI v`fI Aw&q dw CONSENT THEMiv`WHAT SO EVER. sMkyq hY[ hux q`k bVIAW ikAwsrweIAW sn ik Aqy nw hI SRomxI gurdvwrw pRbMDk kmytI jW Swied pihlW dI qrHW bwdl Awpxy prm im`qr is`K isAwsq dy nyVy l`gx id`qw hY[ ƒ mnw lYxgy Aqy FINfsw iPr aus qnKwh au`qy A`j suKdyv isMG FINfsw vwsqy QoVw ijhw hI kMm krnw AwrMB kr dyxgy[ pRMqU k`lH suKdyv rsqw byS`k moklw ies krky hY ik ie`k qW isMG FINfsw ny nvyN AkwlI dl dw Awgwz krky, bwdl hux bu`Fy Syr dI inAweI hn[ dUsrw auhnW bwdlW dy swhmxy SrIkW dI qrHW ih`k fwhky dy spu`qr dI isAwsq dyS iv`c rwj krdI Klox dw AYlwn kr id`qw hY[ bwdl bVy Gwg pwrtI ƒ sUq nhIN bYT rhI[ ies krky FINfsw isAwsqdwn hn[ byS`k hux srIrk ihMmq EnI pihlW bxy AkwlI dlW nwloN QoVy ijhy








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d`isAw igAw ik lgBg 25 kroV b`cy aunHW dySW Aqy ielwikAW ivc rihMdy hn ij`Qy v`fy p`Dr ’qy hiQAwrbMd ihMsw ho rhI hY Aqy sMXukq rwStr dw &rz bxdw hY ik auh ies Asur`iKAw Aqy ihMsw bwry Tos kwrvweI kry[ mwnisk rogW dw AiDAYn krn vwlI au`GI mwihr jyAY`s bwrbrw Anuswr ijhVy b`icAW ƒ Awpxy bcpn ivc ihMsw dw swhmxw krnw pYNdw hY, auh bwAd ivc mwnisk dbwE, dvMD, icMqw, audwsI, svY-Brm Aqy hor keI qrHW dy idmwZI ^llW dw iSkwr ho jWdy hn AKIr AprwDI ibrqI vwly bx jWdyy hn[ ies b`cy bwry ilKidAW sB ƒ kuJ nw kuJ pIV qW mihsUs hoeI hI hovygI; sB ƒ b`cy dI mwsUmIAq dw i^Awl AwieAw hovygw qy swry ieh vI jwxdy hn ik jd b`icAW dI mwsUmIAq dw kql huMdw hY qW srkwrW dy nwl nwl smwj vI ies izMmyvwrI qoN munkr nhIN ho skdw[ mwsUmIAq dy ies smUihk kql ivc AsIN swry Swml hW qy Aijhy vrqwirAW ivru`D cyqn hox qoN ibnW ienHW ivru`D lVweI nhIN lVI jw skdI[ smwj ƒ smUihk p`Dr ’qy jwgrUk krn leI jmhUrI jQybMdIAW, isAwsI pwrtIAW, dwinSvrW, smwijk kwrkunW, AiDAwpkW, swihqkwrW, v`K v`K KyqrW dy ivdvwnW qy AwgUAW ƒ lok-p`KI BUimkw inBwauxI pYxI hY[ AijhI lVweI vwsqy lwmbMdI krnI swfy vyilAW dw sB qoN v`fw svwl hY[ -svrwjbIr( pMjwbI itRibaUn cMfIgVH)

FINfsw swbH, nvW AkwlI dl mubwrk..! pr inrBr krygw kwrguzwrI ‘qy …!




jUvn Y weIl jsits AYkt dI Dwrw 74 dI aulMGxw hY[ jMmU-kSmIr dy ieMspYktr jnrl ivjy kumwr ny pRYs nwl mulwkwq kridAW mMinAw ik ho skdw hY ik pulIs krmcwrIAW ivcoN iksy ny b`cy dI qsvIr lY leI hovy Aqy auh A`gy qoN ieh XkInI bxwauxgy ik dihSqgrdW ivru`D kwrvweI krn jw rhy pulIs krmIAW kol mobweIl nw hox[ dihSqgrdI Aqy jMgW dy dOrW dOrwn b`cy ihMsw dw iSkwr huMdy hn Aqy mwry jWdy hn pr v`fw svwl ieh hY ik auh b`cy, ijhVy Aijhy mwhOl ivc pxpdy Aqy jvwn huMdy hn, aunHW dI mwniskqw iks qrHW dI bxdI hY[ auh mnoivigAwnI, ijnHW ny lgwqwr huMdI ihMsw, zulm, nslkuSIAW, qbwhIAW Awid dI b`icAW dI mwniskqw ’qy pYNdy AsrW bwry Koj kIqI hY, v`K v`K is`itAW ’qy phuMcy hn[ rvWfw ivc hoeI nslkuSI bwry kIqy Koj kwrj idKwauNdy hn ik ikvyN aus ihMsw ny b`icAW ƒ sMquilq mnu`K bxn hI nhIN id`qw; ikqy b`cy v`fy ho ky mwipAW ƒ C`f gey Aqy ikqy mwipAW ny b`icAW ƒ ^ud glIAW ivc D`ky Kwx leI C`f id`qw[ ihMsw jvwnW qy bzurgW dI mwniskqw ivc ivgwV pYdw krdI hY pr b`icAW ƒ qW ieh is`Dw Amnu`Kqw v`l D`kdI hY[ 1995 ivc grwsw imSyl v`loN sMXukq rwStr leI iqAwr kIqI geI b`icAW bwry irport ivc

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pMjwb gwrfIAn ipCly 25 swl qoN quhwfI syvw ivc hwjr hY[Awpxy vfmu`ly ivcwr pwTkW nwl sWJy krn leI 'pMjwb gwrfIAn' nUM jrUr Byjo[quhwfy v`loN AweI ilKq dw svwgq hY, prMqU pMjwb gwrfIAn ivc CpIAW rcnwvW lyKkW dI in`jI rwey au~pr ADwrq hn Aqy auhnW nwl sMpwdk jW Adwrw pMjwb gwrfIAn dw sihmq hoxw jrUrI nhIN[ ieSiqhwrW iv`c kIqI geI dwAvydwrI nwl pMjwb gwrfIAn dw koeI sbMD nhIN[ iksy vI KrId jW pymYNt qoN pihlW gwhk AwpxI qs`lI dw Kud izmyvwr hY[ Adwrw pMjwb gwrfIAn ieSiqhwr ivcly iksy vI AwPr/dwAvydwrI nwl hoey iksy nukswn dw izmyvwr nhIN hovygw[ The publisher does not endorse or evaluate the advertise product, service, or company, nor any of the claims made by advertisement. Advertisers making claims are expected to have a research data that substantiates these claims and the research or citation is to be made available on the vendors website or where proprietary interests exist, be made available upon request. The publisher confirms the research is relevant to the claim but does not verify the validity of the research. The publisher does not make any representation as to the accuracy or suitability of any of the information contained in advertisements and does not accept any responsibility or liability for the conduct of the content of advertisements and the offering made by advertisers. The publisher takes no responsibility for the content of the ads, promises made, or the quality/reliability of the products or services offered in all the advertisements. The Punjab Guardian WILL NOT be responsible for any loss on the basis of any claim made in any advertisement. Advertising does not influence editorial decisions or content. The publisher reserves the right to refuse, reject or cancel any ad for any reason at any time without liability.


knyfw Aqy AmrIkw dw sB qoN v~D piVAw jwx vwlw hrmn ipAwrw pMjwbI hPqwvwrI AKbwr hr qrHW dy ieSiqhwr dyx leI kwl kro : 778-869-1097

*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A17 v`Kry rUp iv`c nzr Awauxgy[ ie`k qW pRkwS isMG bwdl dy svwsW q`k bI.jy. pI. iksy h`d q`k bwdl dl nwl inBx dI koiSS kr rhI hY[ pRMqU suKbIr isMG bwdl dI QoVI ijhI iq`KI isAwsq qoN bI.jy.pI. GbrwauNdI vI hY[ ies krky ieh isAwsI XwrI iksy vyly vI k`c dIAW vMgW vWgUM iqVk skdI hY[ aus qoN bwAd bI.jy.pI. ƒ pMjwb iv`c koeI TuMmxw dyx vwlw vI cwhIdw hY[ ies vyly bwdl qoN bwAd suKdyv isMG FINfsw hI bI.jy.pI. dy psMdIdw AwgU ho skdy hn[ ies krky FINfsw dy dl dI kwmXwbI bwry kuJ Aws dIAW ikrnW vyKIAw jw skdIAW hn[ ho skdw hY ik pMjwb dy is`K Aqy dUjy lok FINfsw ƒ pRvwn kr lYx[ pRMqU FINfsw bwry A`goN ibKVw pYNfw SurU hovygw[ jy kr qW FINfsw isrP pRkwS isMG dw isAwsI bdl hI bxdy hn Aqy hr auh g`l mMnx ƒ iqAwr ho jWdy hn,ijhVIAW hux q`k bwdl mMndy Awey hn[ iPr pMjwb Aqy pMQ ƒ ies AkwlI dl dw koeI Pwiedw nhIN hovygw[ dws lyKk ny cwlI vriHAW qoN AkwlI isAwsq Aqy dyS dI isAwsq ƒ gMBIrqw nwl dyiKAw hY[ hux q`k pMjwb Aqy pMQ dI hwlq ƒ vI nyiVEN q`ikAw hY[ ies vyly dws lyKk dI hwlq aus gDy vrgI hY[ ijsdy Acwnk B`Ty au`qy cVH jwx krky pYr sVH gey sn Aqy bwAd iv`c auh dIvy dI loA jW jugƒ (kOfI ittYhxy) qoN vI frdw sI[ ies krky ieh lweInW ilKx dw mqlb koeI ivroDwBws jW FINfsw ƒ jrkwauxw nhIN[ sgoN sucyq krnw hY ikauNik hux q`k ijhVy vI is`K AwgU pMjwb jW is`KW dy mu`idAW dy mudeI hoky ivcry hn[ auhnW ƒ Bwrq dy BgvyN inzwm ny iksy nw iksy qrIky,isAwsI ipV iv`coN mn&I kr id`qw Aqy ijhVy BwrqI inzwm dy sRvn pu`qr bxky ivcry, auhnW ƒ AijhI vihMgI cukweI ik auh swrI ijMdgI hnyrw hI FoNdy rhy[ ijvy dI hwlq A`j pRkwS isMG bwdl dI hY ik auh pMj vwr pMjwb dy mu`K mMqrI qW jrUr bxy[ Awpxy pu`qr,BqIjy, jvweI, ƒh jW hor irSqydwrW ƒ mMqrI sMqrI bxwaux iv`c vI kwmXwb hoey[ jwiedwdW v`fIAW bxw leIAW[ pRMqU kOm dw jW pMjwb dw k`K nhIN sMvwr sky[ sgoN hr vwr pMjwb dw ku`J nw ku`J gvwieAw hI hY Aqy is`KI ƒ BgvyN Ajgr dy zubwiVAW iv`c D`ikAw hY[ ies krky A`j dy hwlq bVy hI Kqrnwk hn[ ijs iv` c FINfsw ny

ausqirAW dI mwlw gl pw ky, mGdy AMigAwrW au`qy qurn vrgy hwlqW iv`coN dI lMGxw hY[ byS`k bIrdivMdr isMG Aqy blvMq isMG rwmUMvwlIAw vrgy bVy pkroV Aqy joVqoV dy mwihr isAwsI swQI FINfsw dy nwl KVHy hn[ pRMqU kyvl bwdl ƒ Q`ly lgwaux jW aus qoN gurz Kohx q`k g`l sImq nhIN hY[ hux is`K pMQ Aqy pMjwb dy hux q`k hoey ivgwV Aqy A`goN byhqrI dy svwl vwr vwr swhmxy Aw ky,AwqmW ƒ JMjoVxgy[ dUjy pwsy BgvW inzwm bwdlW vwly KwlI hoey ipMjry iv`c pMjwb dI sUbydwrI dw qwj r`K ky,AwE! AwE ! dIAW AvwjW dyvygw ik iksy qrIky ie`k vwr ipMjry iv`c pY jwx[ iPr koeI qOKlw nhIN[ suKdyv isMG FINfsw jI byS`k bhuq inmr Aqy isAwxy isAwsqdwn hn[ pRMqU auhnW ƒ sucyq krnw swfI sB dI ijMmyvwrI hY[ isAwxy AwKdy hn ik du`D dw siVAw l`sI ƒ vI PUkW mwr mwrky pINdw hY[ ies qrIky mn iv`c AwauNdy ku`J SMky,Biv`K dI icMqw ƒ pRgtwauNdy hn[ ies leI FINfsw swhb nvW AkwlI dl mubwrk..! pr inrBr krygw kwrguzwrI qy .! gurU rwKw[ -guirMdrpwl isMG

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A20 - The Punjab Guardian *July 10 - July 16, 2020 AiDAwpk, ‘’qUM skUl ikauˆ Awauˆdw eyˆ?” ipRMs, ‘’iv`idAw leI sr[” AiDAwpk, ‘’iPr qUM jmwq iv`c sOˆ ikauˆ irhw eyˆ?”ividAwrQI, ‘’A`j iv`idAw nhIˆ AweI nw sr, ies leI[” *************** iek vwr iek gwlVI AOrq fwktr kol cYkA`p krvwaux geI[ auQy aus ny g`lwˆ krkr ky fwktr dw isr Kw ilAw[ qMg Aw ky fwktr ny ikhw, ‘’mYfm, quhwnUM koeI qklIP nhIˆ hY, bs Awrwm dI loV hY[” AOrq bolI, ‘’… pr qusIˆ myrI zubwn qwˆ dyKI hI nhIˆ[” fwktr, ‘’aus nUM qwˆ sB qoˆ izAwdw Awrwm dI loV hY[” *************** AiDAwpk, ‘’qUM skUl ikauˆ Awauˆdw eyˆ?” ipRMs, ‘’iv`idAw leI sr[” AiDAwpk, ‘’iPr qUM jmwq iv`c sOˆ ikauˆ irhw eyˆ?” ividAwrQI, ‘’A`j iv`idAw nhIˆ AweI nw sr, ies leI[” *************** mrn kMFy peI pqnI nUM pqI ny pu`iCAw, ‘’d`s, qyrI AwKrI ie`Cw kI hY?” pqnI, ‘’myry Sok smwcwr ‘c myrI suMdr Poto

hsgu`ly CpvwauxI, pr nwl myrI aumr nw ilKxI[”pqI, ‘’auh ikauˆ?” pqnI, ‘’…qwˆ jo lokwˆ nUM ieh nw pqw l`g jwvy ik mYˆ bu`FI ho geI sI[” *************** pRymI, ‘’fwrilMg! qyrw nwˆ h`Q ‘qy ilKwˆ jwˆ idl ‘qy?” pRyimkw, ‘’ieDr-auDr ikauˆ ilKdw eyˆ, s`cw ipAwr krdw eyˆ qwˆ is`Dw AwpxI pRwprtI dy kwgzwˆ ‘qy ilK dy[” *************** tIcr, ‘’hnI, kI qUM 17vIˆ sdI dy ivigAwnIAwˆ bwry kuJ d`s skdw hYˆ?”hnI, ‘’sr, iehI ik auh sB mr cu`ky hn[” *************** pqI (pqnI nUM), ‘’mYˆ rwqIˆ ie`k supnw dyiKAw[” pqnI, ‘’kI dyiKAw?” pqI, ‘’…ik qUM ipAwr kr rhI eyˆ[” pqnI, ‘’iks nUM?”pqI, ‘’auho qwˆ mYˆ pCwx nhIˆ sikAw[ rwqIˆ mYˆ ibnwˆ AYnk dy hI sOˆ igAw sI[” ***************

kulvIr dI guAwˆFx mr geI[ auh aus dy Gr igAw qy pu`iCAw, ‘’kI fY`f bwfI Aw geI?” ausy vyly bwfI lY ky AYˆbUlYˆs Aw geI[ kulvIr boilAw, ‘’lE d`so, ikMnI lMmI aumr hY[” *************** bblU ie`k idn Kud Awpxy Gr dI b`qI TIk kr irhw sI[ aus ny AwpxI bIvI nUM Awvwz lgweI, ‘’ib`lo, suxdI eyˆ…[” ib`lo, ‘’kI hY?” bblU, ‘’ieh do qwrwˆ hn, ienHwˆ ‘coˆ iksy ie`k nUM PV lY[” ib`lo, ‘’PV leI, hux?” bblU, ‘’kuJ hoieAw nhIˆ?” ib`lo, ‘’nhIˆ[” bblU, ‘’ies dw mqlb krMt dUsrI vwlI ‘c hY…[” *************** bytw, ‘’mwˆ, kI AwpxI psMd dI kuVI nwl ivAwh krn ‘qy Gr vwly nwrwz ho jwˆdy hn?” mwˆ, ‘’bytw, qUM XkInn iksy cuVyl dy c`kr

‘c pY igAw hovyˆgw[ A`jk`lH dIAwˆ kuVHIAwˆ bs lVkIAwˆ nUM Pswaux l`gIAwˆ rihMdIAwˆ hn[ bytw ienHwˆ sB qoˆ bc ky rihxw, ieh bhuq DoKybwz huMdIAwˆ hn Aqy ienHwˆ dw qwˆ…[” bytw iv`coˆ hI mwˆ dI g`l k`t ky boilAw, ‘’mwˆ, Aijhw kuJ nhIˆ, auh qwˆ pwpw kihMdy sn ik quhwfw dovwˆ dw ivAwh quhwfI psMd nwl hoieAw sI[” *************** su`Kw, ‘’jy nwrIAl dy dr`Kq ‘qy cVH jwvwˆ qwˆ ieMjInIAirMg kwlj dIAwˆ lVkIAwˆ id`s jwxgIAwˆ..[” pMmw, ‘’iPr h`Q C`f dyvIˆ qwˆ mYfIkl kwlj dIAwˆ vI id`s jwxgIAwˆ..[” *************** j`j ny AOrq nUM pu`iCAw, ‘’qusIˆ Awpxy pqI qoˆ qlwk ikauˆ lYxw cwhuMdy ho?” AOrq bolI, ‘’sr, myrw pqI iek qwˆ rwq do vjy Gr AwieAw, ies ny Srwb pIqI hoeI sI[ mYˆ ies dI ju`qI auqwrI, k`pVy bdlwey, Kwxw KuAwieAw, suAwaux l`gI qwˆ boilAw: qUM mYnUM ikMnw ipAwr krdI eyˆ rMjnw[” j`j, ‘’ieh qwˆ qlwk dw koeI kwrn nhIˆ hoieAw[” AOrq, ‘’…pr myrw nwˆ rMjnw nhIˆ, inrmlw hY[” ***************

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Sukhjit Bhatti


*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A21

BweI suKdyv isMG ‘su~Kw ispwhI’ aurP ShId jnrl lwB isMG pMjvV" - Kwilsqwn kmWfo Pors

Awp jI dw jnm izlw AM i mR q sr ivKy hoieAw[ Awp jI dy v~fy Brw sR: dljIq isMG jI hn[ Awp jI dy ipqw jI Coty huMidAW hI Akwl clwxw kr gey sn[ BweI suKdyv isMG jI ny dsvIN q~k dI pVweI pMjvV dy hweI skUl qoN Aqy 12vIN bIV bwbw bu~Fw swihb kwlj qoN pws kIqI[ BweI swihb jI kb~fI dy bhuq vDIAw iKfwrI sn[ BweI swihb jI 1971 ivc pMjwb puils ivc BrqI ho gey[ sMn 1977 ivc BweI suKdyv isMG jI dw AnMd kwrj bIbI divMdr kOr pu~qrI sR: crn isMG vwsI auVmuV tWfw nwl hoeI[ 13 ApRYl 1978 dy ^UnI swky ny Awp jI dy mn qy bhuq fUMGw pRBwv pwieAw qy sMq ig: jrnYl isMG jI ^wlsw dy sMprk ivc Awey[ BweI swihb ny puils dI nOkrI kridAW hI keI is~K pMQ dy doKI qy kwqlW ƒ soDw lw ky nrkDwm ByijAw[ sMn 1982 ivc jyT mhIny dI sMgrWd vwly idn pMjwb puils dI nOkrI C~f ky BweI suKdyv isMG jI ‘su~Kw ispwhI’ Gr Aw gey qy mwqw jI ƒ kihx l~gy,‘‘ bIbI! mYN srkwrI nOkrI C~f ky is~K kOm dI syvw krn dw sMklp Dwr ky Aw igAw hW[ hux mYN srkwr dy ispwhI dI QW ^wlsw &Oj dw ispwhI bxn dw &Yslw kr ilAw hY[ aus idn qoN hI BweI swihb sMq ig: jrnYl isMG jI ^wlsw iBMfrWvwilAW dy j~Qy ivc Swml ho gey qy AMimRq Ck ky pUrn guris~K sj gey[ sMq ig: jrnYl isMG jI ^wlsw ny Awp jI dw nWm jnrl lwB isMG r~iKAw[ jnrl lwB isMG ƒ sMq iBMfrWvwilAW dI sMgq bVI nyiVEN mwnx dw suBwg pRwpq hoieAw[ BweI lwB isMG jI, sMq ig: jrnYl isMG jI ^wlsw dy bhuq nzdIkI isMGW ivcoN igxy jWdy sn[ sMq jI BweI swihb ƒ hmySW ‘swfw lwB isMG’ kih ky bulwaudy sn[ jnrl lwB isMG jI ny BweI suirMdr isMG soFI, BweI mnbIr isMG chyVU, BweI myjr isMG nwgoky Aqy BweI mQrw isMG nwl (jUn 1984 dy G~lUGwry qoN pihlW) keI dlyrwnw qy juJwrU kwrnwmy kIqy[ fI.AweI.jI. Atvwl, hrbMs lwl KMnw (ijhVw kihMdw huMdw sI ik du~kI iq~kI Kihx nhIN dyxI, isr ’qy pgVI rihx nhIN dyxI), lwly jgq nwrwiex dy Cokry rmyS cMdr, ShId musIbq isMG dy kwql gurbcn ishuM fI.AYs.pI. ƒ soDx vwilAW ivc ^wlsw pMQ v~loN jnrl lwB isMG jI dw nwm bVy mwx nwl ilAw jWdw hY[ jUn 1984 ƒ drbwr swihb aupr hoey &OjI hmly vyly BweI lwB isMG jI ƒ hornW isMGW nwl igR&qwr kr ilAw igAw[ ihMdosqwnI &Oj dy kYNpW ivc krVI qPqIS qoN bwAd hornW isMGW dy nwl rwjsQwn dI joDpur jyl ’c bMd kr id~qw igAw[ kuJ icr bwAd 12 meI 1984 ƒ rmyS cMdr dy kql kys dw muk~dmw drj krky BweI swihb ƒ jlMDr jyl ’c qbdIl kr id~qw igAw[ mwrc 1986 ivc BweI mnbIr isMG chyVU, BweI jrnYl isMG hlvwrw ny swQI isMGW nwl iml ky rmyS cMdr kql dy muk~dmy dI pySI ’qy Awey BweI lwB isMG ƒ do swQIAW smyq puils pwrtI ’qy jlMDr kcihrIAW ’c hmlw kr ky Awzwd krvw ilAw[ ies qoN bwAd BweI lwB isMG is~K sMGrS ƒ A~gy qorn leI mYdwny jMg ’c ivcrx l~gw, aus dy dlyrI qy jWbwzI Bry kwrnwimAW dI crcw Gr-Gr hox l~gI qy is~KI dy ivroDI BweI lwB isMG dw nW sux ky Qr-Qr kMbx l~gy[ jnrl lwB isMG KwVkU sMGrS ivc ie~k nIqIvwn qy jWbwz jrnYl sI[ BweI mnbIr isMG chyVU aur& jnrl hrI isMG ƒ puils v~loN igR&qwr krn qoN bwAd BweI lwB isMG ƒ ^wilsqwn kmWfo &ors

dw jrnYl QwipAw igAw[ jnrl lwB isMG inrdoSW dw ^Un vhwaux ’c ivSvws nhIN r~Kdw sI qy nw hI lokW qoN jbrI i&rO q IAW lY x dy h~k ivc sI[ is~K sMGrS dIAW loVW dIAW pUrqI leI idn-idhwVy bY N kW lu~txIAW SurU kIqIAW[ luiDAwxw bYNk ivcoN ’coN 5 kroV 76 l~K rupey dI fkYqI idn idhwVy do drjn dy krIb juJwrU isMGW v~loN, ie~k vI golI clwey ibnW, bYNk stw& dy ibnW S~k, mulwzmW qoN hI vYn ivc not Aqy bYNk Kwqy rKw ky lY jwxy, ihMdosqwn ’c hI nhIN sgoN eySIAw dy mulkW dy ieiqhws ivc jnrl lwB isMG dIAW gurIlw nIqIAW dI imswl ikDry nhIN imldI[ jnrl lwB isMG qy BweI sqnwm isMG bwvw dw ieMnw izAwdw rohb sI ik bYNk dw koeI vI mulwzm smJ nw sikAw ik bYNk ivc fwkw pY irhw hY[ swry mulwzm jnrl lwB isMG qy BweI sqnwm isMG bwvw ƒ slUt mwrdy rhy qy smJdy rhy ik id~lI qoN v~fy swihb bYNk dy Kwqy qy kMm-kwj cY¤k krn Awey hn[ 24 dy krIb juJwrU isMG qkrIbn 2 GMty bYNk ivc rhy qy bYNk dy rwKy juJwrU isMGW dw hukm vjwauNdy rhy[ jnrl lwB isMG qy BweI sqnwm isMG bwvw ny A&srI rohb nwl bYNk AiDkwrIAW ƒ ikhw ik Swm ƒ pMj vjy Plwxy Qwxy ivcoN bYNk Kwqy qy kYS lY Awauxw[ isMGW dI ies gurIlw nIqI ƒ koeI vI bYNk AiDkwrIAW nw smJ sikAw[ Swm ƒ bYNk AiDkwrIAW ny d~sy gey Qwxy ’c Pon kr ky pu~iCAw ik swihb, jykr bYNk dy Kwqy qy irkwrf qy kYS cY¤k kr ley hox qW Aw ky lY jweIey? qy A~goN sbMDq Qwxy dy munSI ny pu~iCAw ik ikhVy irkwrf dI g~l krdy ho? qW pqw l~igAw ik KwVkU isMG luiDAwxw dI bYNk lu~t ky, ihswb ikqwb, vhI Kwqw qy g~fI vI nwl hI lY gey hn[ izkrXog hY ik ieh eySIAw dI sB qoN v~fI fkYqI sI[ pMjwb AMdr AKOqI AkwlI srkwr hox dy bwvjUd is~KW auqy hkUmq dy zulm dI hnyrI Ju~l rhI sI[ isMGW ƒ igR&qwr kr ky Adwlq ivc pyS krn dI QW qsIhy dy ky JUTy puils mukwbly bxw ky ShId kr id~qw jWdw[ pMjwb dw gvrnr isDwrQ SMkr ryA qy pMjwb puils dw muKI irbYro, zkrIAw ^wn dy zulmW ƒ vI mwq pw rhy sn[ irbYro v~loN BweI gurjIq isMG kwkw ƒ ijaUNdy ƒ swVy jwx, BweI AnoK isMG b~br dI KoprI lwhux, ijaUNdy dIAW A~KW k~F dyx, kMn qy zubwn k~t ky AMg-AMg qoV dyx, pMQk kmytI mYNbr BweI gurdyv isMG ausmwnvwlw dw AMg-AMg k~t ky ShId krn dIAW ^brW jdoN jnrl lwB isMG q~k phuMcIAW qW aus ny irbYro ƒ soDx dw PYslw kr ilAw[ jnrl lwB isMG ny rxnIqI ƒ AMjwm dyx leI pUrI iqAwrI krky, pMjwb puils dy A&srW dy Bys ivc 3 AkqUbr 1986 ƒ pI.ey.pI. kMplYks jlMDr ivc puils muKI irbYro ’qy hmlw hmlw kIqw qW irbYro lotxIAW Kwx l~g ipAw[ isMGW ny smiJAw ik irbYro golIAW l~gx nwl qVP irhw hY pr auh lMmw pY ky isMGW dy hmly ’c bc igAw[ isMGW dw jQw g~fI C~f ky pYdl hI kMplYks ivcoN bwhr Aw igAw[ ijhVw puils muKI golI bdly golI nIqI dw AYlwn krdw sI, jdoN ^wilsqwn kmWfo &ors dy muKI ny aus dy ikly AMdr Aw ky vMgwirAw qW auh golI clwaux dI QW

DrqI ’qy lytx l~g ipAw qy aus dy bhwdr jvwnW ivcoN ie~k vI mweI dw lwl isMGW dw mukwblw nw kr sikAw[ isMG ausdy keI ispwhIAW ƒ mwr ky, llkwrdy hoey inkl gey[ AKIr julweI 1988 ie~k Z~dwr inrml ishuM inMmw dI Z~dwrI kwrn puils jnrl lwB isMG q~k phuMcx ivc sPl ho geI[ jnrl lwB isMG aus smyN izlw huiSAwrpur ivc Awpxy itkwxy ’qy rih irhw sI[ inrml ishuM inMmy ny jnrl lwB isMG ƒ Aw ky ikhw ik kuJ isMG Tykydwr gurid~q isMG dy Gr iksy zrUrI mIitMg leI Awey hoey hn, aunW ny svyry cly jwxw hY, ies leI AwpW ƒ zrUrI phuMcxw cwhIdw hY[ jnrl lwB isMG aus Z~dwr dI cwl ƒ nw smJ sikAw qy rwq ƒ auT ky ausy vkq aus nwl qur ipAw qy Tykydwr gurid~q isMG dI irhwieS ’qy phuMc igAw[ auh Z~dwr jnrl lwB isMG ƒ isMGW dw ieMqzwr krn leI kih ky Awp Tykydwr dI GrvwlI qoN grm du~D lYx clw igAw[ bIbI ny du~D dw j~g qy glws PVw id~qy pr Z~dwr ny du~D lY ky jWidAW ivc koeI byhoSI vwlI cIz pw id~qI[ jnrl lwB isMG ny auh du~D pI ilAw qy byhoS ho gey[ Z~dwr inrml inMmy ny AjIq ishuM sMDU mwnWvwlw (jo audoN fI.AYs.pI. sI) ƒ vwierlYs kIqI qW

aus ny ikhw ik qUM byhoS pey jnrl lwB isMG ƒ golIAW mwr ky, jIp ivc pw ky bwhr lY Aw, bwkI mukwbly dI khwxI AsIN Awp bxw lvWgy[ Z~dwr ny byhoS pey jnrl lwB isMG ƒ idl dI syD r~K ky golIAW mwrIAW, jo idl ƒ cIr ky s~jy pwsy k~C qy moFy ivc dI lMG geIAW[ ihMdosqwnI &orsW dy l~KW dy Gyry ivcoN h~Q ’qy h~Q mwr ky inkl jwx vwlw sUrmw, ie~k Z~dwr dI Z~dwrI ny kuJ imMtW ivc hI is~K sMGrS qoN Koh ilAw[ ies qrW inrml Z~dwr ny 11 Aqy 12 julweI 1988 dI ivckwrlI rwq ƒ jnrl lwB isMG ƒ ShId kr ky pMjwb puils dy fI.AYs.pI. AjIq ishuM sMDU ny ijs jgw ’qy ikhw sI, JUTw puils mukwblw bxwaux leI su~t id~qw[ jnrl lwB isMG jI dI ShIdI dI ^br pqw l~gdy hI aunW dI isMGxI bIbI divMdr kOr, mwqw kulvMq kOr, Brw dljIq isMG qy ipMf pMjvV Aqy ielwky dy vwsI tr~kW ’qy phuMc gey[ dmdmI tkswl dw jQw vI AwpxIAW do b~sW smyq phuMicAw[ ies qoN ielwvw skUlW, kwljW dy ividAwrQI muMfy-kuVIAW vhIrW G~q ky jnrl lwB isMG dy AwKrI drSnW leI phuMc gey[ pRSwsn ny is~KW dy roh A~gy JukidAW jnrl lwB isMG jI dI ShIdI dyh dw aus dy shury ipMf AMqm sMskwr krn dI iejwzq dy id~qI[ Kwilsqwn dI jMgy AzwdI dy Albyly jrnYl mhwn ShId jnrl lwB isMG jI dI Shwdq l~K l~K pRxwm !

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A22 - The Punjab Guardian *July 10 - July 16, 2020

bwbw swihb AMbyfkr dy muMbeI siQq Gr iv`c BMnqoV; kys drj muMbeI;-muMbeI pulIs ny fw. bwbw swihb AMbyfkr dy Gr 'rwjgRih' ivKy BMnqoV krn dy mwmly iv`c AxpCwiqAW i^lwP AY`PAweIAwr drj kIqI hY[ pulIs ny d`isAw ik dwdr Kyqr ivc mMglvwr dI rwq ƒ do ivAkqIAW ny 'rwjgRih' dIAW iKVkIAW 'qy p`Qr su`ty, sIsItIvI kYmry Aqy gmilAW iv`c l`gy pOidAW ƒ nukswn phuMcwieAw sI[ AiDkwrI ny ikhw sIsItIvI Putyj ivc iek ivAkqI ƒ sMivDwn inrmwqw Gr dy Ahwqy ivc gmly qoVdw nzr AwieAw qy Pyr B`j igAw[ pulIs ny kys drj kr ilAw hY[ dwdr dI ihMdU klonI iv`c siQq ieh do mMizlw bMglw AMbyfkr AwjwiebGr hY, ijQy aunHW dIAW ikqwbW, ic`qr, klwikRqW mOjUd hn[ ieQy aunHW dw pirvwr rihMdw hY[

myry pirvwr ny sB qoN v`D nvyN klwkwrW ƒ lWc kIqw: pUjw B`t

muMbeI:-Adwkwrw pUjw B`t dw kihxw hY ik aUs dy ipqw mhyS B`t Aqy cwcw mukyS B`t dI hom pRofkSn ‘ivSyS iPlmz’ ny pUry bwlIvu`f nwloN sB qoN v`D nvyN klwkwrW ƒ lWc kIqw hY[Adwkwrw dIAW ieh it`pxIAW aUs vyly AweIAW hn jdoN Adwkwr suSWq isMG rwjpUq dI ^udkuSI mgroN bwlIvu`f iv`c BweI-BqIjwvwd ’qy bihs BKI hoeI hY[ ies sB dOrwn aUs dy ipqw mhyS B`t Aqy BYx AwlIAw B`t dI soSl mIfIAw ’qy inMdw ho rhI hY[ pUjw B`t ny tiv`tr ’qy iliKAw ik ieh ikMnw hwsohIxw hY ik aUs dy pirvwr dy pRofkSn hwaUs, ijs ny mShUr Adwkwrw kMgnw rxOq ƒ 2006 iv`c Anurwg bwsU dI iPlm ‘gYNgstr’ rwhIN lWc kIqw sI, ƒ hux ies bihs iv`c GVIisAw jw irhw hY[


*vrkrW Aqy byrI ip`krW dI loV*

srI dI ie`k mShUr kMpnI nUM byrI ip`krW, nrsrI, kYnrI Aqy Pwrm iv`c kMm krn leI lVkIAW, AMtIAW Aqy AMklW dI qurMq loV hY[ klws 4 Aqy klws 5 frweIvrW dI loV hY[ srI, fYltw, lYNglI, AYbtsPorf, klovrfyl, iglPorf iv`coN rwief dw pRbMD hY[ Gr vrgw mwhOl[ pUrw sIjn kMm krn vwilAW nUM bons[ cY~k qy kMm krn vwly hI sMprk krn[



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*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A23

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koeI vI ivAkqI gMBIr joVW dy drd (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid, gout, fibromyalgia) jW kmzor ieimaUn isstm jW Awto ieimaUn ibmwrI qoN du`KI hY qW AsIN ausdw suriKAq Aqy bVw pRBwvSwlI ielwj A`j hI swfI jgHw qy Awau AsIN quhwfI mdd leI hmySw hwzr hW

SIlwjIq kYpsUl

Awr AYNf flʤ Awr hrbl Awiel •ã�

sYxI hyAr SYNpU

purSW, isqrIAW Aqy b`icAW leI AlPAlPw ilkivf tOink

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AYsIiftI, AYisf rIPlks, gYs Aqy blOitMg dw AwXUrvYidk ielwj

koeI swief iePYkts nhIN

Su`D ivtgrws pwaUfr Su`D AYlovIrw pRfYkts


ieh hrbl hyAr qyl vwlW nMU JVn qoN rokx, vwl JVn qoN rokx Aqy isk~rI dUr iskrI dUr krn Aqy krn leI do hPqy vwlW nUM ishqmMd Aqy dw p~kw ielwj cmkIlw bxwaUNdw hY[

SrIrk mzbuqI leI Aqy rogW nwl lVx dI SkqI vDwau x leI SIlwjIq kYpsUl bhuq PwiedymMd hY[

nonI jUs

ishq dIAW sm`isAwvW leI Su`D nonI jUs[ fwiebitz, ifpRYSn, klystrol, hweI bl`f pRYSr Aqy hor keI ibmwrIAW leI PwiedymMd

kwmw sUqr bUstr

ihaU hyAr Syrmnkwmw AYkstYNSn

kwmw sUqr bUstr knYfw dy ishq ivBwg vloN mnzUr kIqw igAw hY[ ieh AwdmIAW dy sprm nMU vDwauNdw hY[ ieh sYks dI SkqI nMU vDwauNdw hY Aqy cMgI ishq pRdwn krdw hY[

Syr 20kwmw ieMc knY ihaUfmw n dyhyAishq r ivBwg vlov`N K-v` mnzU AY kstYNSn K rrMgWkIqw ivc hY Aqy dw quigAw sIN ieh AwpxyivAwgrw vwlW nUM Bwry AwXu rvYleI idk vrq ivklp hY[ hoieh krn skdy , sYlM km sy kr dI skdy aUrjwho Aqy sYks jW Awpxw stweIl bdl skdy ho[ krn dy smyN nU M vDwau Ndw hY

Srwb pIxI C~fx leI hrbl dvweI - jo ik Bu~K vDwauNdI hY, ies dw ilvr qy koeI nukswn nhIN hY

ivtgrws pwaUfr iek suprPuf AYNtIAwksweIfYNt hY ijhVw ik gTIey, cmVI dIAW sm`isAwvW, fwiebItIz, pwcn nwl sbMDq sm`isAwvW , ikfnI dy p`QrIAW, kYlostrl, kYNsr Aqy Alsr nwl lVdw hY[

Bwr Gtwaux, ikfnI/ilvr PMkSn, srIr dI fItoksIiPkYSn, kbz Aqy pyt dIAW ibmwrIAW leI vrqI jWdI hY

eynrYks ivtwimn pls

mltI-ivtwimn Awm ishq leI, kmzorI leI qy AweIrn Aqy aUrjw SkqI iv`c suDwr krdw hY

pRostyt dw ielwz: vDy hoey pRostyt, Gty hoey sprm, ip~T drd dy ielwz Aqy ipSwb dy Plo leI dvweIAW au~plbD hn swry AslI sYxI hrbl pRofkts isrP AwXUrhIilMg qoN hI imldy hn[ qusIN isrP ryKw Aqy rItw qoN hI KrId skdy ho[

A24 - The Punjab Guardian *July 10 - July 16, 2020

NRK shoqw bilaU byrI qoVn vwsqy vrkrW dI loV hY NRK shoqw iptmIfo Pwrm ivc kMm SurU ho cu`kw hY[ auhnW nUM byrI qoVn vwsqy vrkrW Aqy kMtrktrW dI loV hY[ Pwrm ivc kMm krny vwly vrkrW leI rihx dw vI pRbMD hY[ klws 4 dy frwievrW dI vI zrUrq hY[ frwievrW Aqy bilaU byrI qoVn vwsqy vrkrW dI loV hY[GroN cu`kx Aqy C`fx leI rweIf dw pRbMD hovygw[

bilaU byrI dy bUty ivkwaU hn iptmIfo ivc shoqw bilaUbyrI Pwrm ivc bilaU krOp, ifaUk Aqy AYlIAt bilaU byrI dy bUty ivkwaU hn[

hor jwxkwrI leI sMprk kro :

604-803-6663 (bUtw isMG)

604-763-2808 (hrijMdr shoqw), 604-551-1814 (prmjIq isMG shoqw) 604-721-9697 (jsivMdr pUryvwl) jW 604-779-4032


*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A25

17 SECTOR Fashion & Fabrics

 nvyN jmy b~icAW (kuVIAW qy muMfy) dy k`piVAW dI iSpmYNt phuMc cu`kI hY[ iehnW qy BwrI syl l`gI hY[  grm kort pYNt dw k`pVw vI Aw cu`kw hY  mYnz kurqy pjwmy, jYktW qy BwrI syl  lyfIz vwsqy kstm sitcf sUt syl qy  koeI vI smwn dI KrIddwrI qy Coty b~icAW vwsqy PrI rumwl jW ptky  CotI kuVIAW dy nvyN stwiel dy sUt phuMc gey hn

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L SPECIA Comforser


235/60R16 Reg: $190.00 Now : $135.00


Size: 205/60/16 Reg Price: $120 Reg Price: $90 Sale Price : $70

235/60R16 Reg: $176.00 Now : $125.00



e Sa






AsIN mYciln Aqy bir`j ston ale ce S n a r dy twier vI vycdy hW Clea hux qusIN swfy koloN iksy vI qrHW dy kwr, vYn, AYs XU vI dy twier lY skdy ho ited




Cell: 778-322-1610, Tel: 604-592-2667 #106-13112-84th Ave.,Surrey

A26 - The Punjab Guardian *July 10 - July 16, 2020

• ieMSorYNs dIAW swrIAW v~fIAW plYnW lYNdy hW • AsIN pMjwbI, ihNdI Aqy aurdU boldy hW • Swm Aqy vIkAYNf dIAW ApwieMtmYNtW auplb~D hn • skwt rof gurdvwrw dy nyVy, sqnwm plwzw iv~c

ipCly 10 swlW qoN au~pr syvwvW pRdwn krdy Aw rhy hW SERVICES: • jwV BrnI • Extractions • White Fillings • dMd k~Fxy • Root Canals • krwaUn qy ibRj • Crown & Bridge • ifjItl Ayksry • Digital X-Rays • vweIt iPilMgs • Teeth Cleaning & Checkup • dMdW dI sPweI Aqy cY~kA`p

syvwvW :

Evening & Weekend Appointment Available

Practising For Over 10 Years

  


quhwfy pirvwr leI...qMdrusq qy suMdr muskwn CITY OF DELTA




72 Ave.





• • • •

#111 - 7130 120th Street, Surrey, BC

Near Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara Ground Floor of Satnam Plaza




70 Ave.

Dr. Anjanpal Kaur Bhalla




Catering Restaurant Going Beyond Your Expectations

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AsIN gurdvwry Aqy ivAwhW leI 8910 120 Street Surrey hr qrW dI BwjI bxwauNdy hW[ www.ranacatering.ca

Special Catering for Christmas Parties


Eat in or Take Out


*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A27


smwl klym kysW vwsqy ieMtrpRytr


lrinMg lwiesYNs, istIjniSp • kwr, tYksI, b`s, tr`k jW motrsweIkl dy lrinMg lwiesYNs dI iqAwrI krvwauNdy hW • istIjniSp ieMtrivaU Aqy tYst dI iqAwrI • irAl AYstyt dIAW syvwvW pRdwn krdy hW

sMprk kro iekbwl isMG brwV

604-596-9600 (sYl), 604-591-1239

Workers Wanted

0961857 BC Ltd., 5688-168St Surrey BC V3S 3X4 requires Full time seasonal farm workers to work on their vegetable farms. Wages offered are $14.60 per hour Opportunity to earn incremental pay raises, performance pay and bonuses (not guaranteed) upon performance evaluation at the discretion of the employer and duties include planting, harvesting, washing and grading vegetables. This positions requires no education, formal training or work experience. Accommodation is available if required. Interested candidates should be available to work anytime in different weather conditions and must be able to lift up to 55 lbs of vegetable boxes. Please, Call at 604-760-9563, fax resume to 604- 575-7819.

Workers Wanted

Canadian Farms Produce requires Full time seasonal farm workers to work on their vegetable farms. Wages offered are $14.60 per hour Opportunity to earn incremental pay raises, performance pay and bonuses (not guaranteed) upon performance evaluation at the discretion of the employer and duties include planting, harvesting, washing and grading vegetables. This positions requires no education, formal training or work experience. Accommodation is available if required. Interested candidates should be available to work anytime in different weather conditions and must be able to lift up to 55 lbs of vegetable boxes. Please, fax resume to 604- 574- 5773. Cont

kwr ivkwaU 2011 Black Honda Accord EXL V6, Not Rebuilt, First Owner, 1,31,600 ik.mI, vDIAw hwlq ivc ivkwaU hY[isrP sIrIAs Buyers sMprk krn[kImq $9,900 hor jwxkwrI leI Pon kro:604-374-0190 Canadian Farms Produce Inc. has 2 vacancies for the position of a Farm Supervisor at a fast-paced environment located at 16185 48th Ave Surrey BC V3Z 1E8. Terms of Employment are permanent, full time willing to work overtime, weekend, day, night or evening shifts. The company offers a wage rate of $17/hour with an opportunity to earn incremental pay raises, performance pay and bonuses (not guaranteed) upon performance evaluation at the discretion of the employer. High School Education is an asset.Basic English is preferred but not required. 2 years of experience in the supervision role is required. Job duties include Co-ordinate and supervise the work of general farm workers and harvesting labourers, Supervise harvest operations, Perform general farm duties, Supervise farm operations, Develop work schedules and establish procedures, Maintain quality control and production records, and Train workers. Candidate must be legally entitled to work in Canada and must be willing to work on all shifts. Please apply by email at info@canfarms.ca or mail your resume at 16185 48 Ave Surrey BC V3Z1E8 or fax to 604 574 5773


Anmol Sweets at #018 - 128th St., Surrey BC., V3W4G1 requires a full time permanent Food Service Supervisor Duties : Establish methods to meet work schedules, train staff and handle customer complaints or concerns, estimate and order ingredients and supplies, ensure food service quality control and maintain records of sales, stock and wastage. Supervise counter attendants, servers, kitchen helpers, sweet makers and cooks. Education : Completion of secondary school Experience : Several years of experience in food preparation or service are required. Knowledge and Skills : Must have effective supervisory and communication skills. Must be knowledgeable of food safety regulations. Must have team building skills. Must have effective English language skills. Salary : $15.50/hr. based on 40 hours per week. Qualified applicants are invited to email anmolsweets@job4u.com, mail or drop-off resumes at above address.

778-855-1106 /

jy ky AYs ivMfo skrIn pYtIE Aqy slwiefMg forW dI vI skrInW lwieAW jWdIAW hn[

AsIN nvyN jW purwxy GrW dIAW jwlIAW (skrInW) bxwauNdy hW[ vDIAw jOb dI grMtI G`t ryt, PrI AYstImyt

604-614-6467, 604-607-5832

express vu rk kro:

vrkrW dI loV

srI ivc rweItvyA tYNt vwilAW nUM vrkrW dI loV hY[kMm Pu`l tweIm hY[frweIivMg lwiesYNs hoxw jrUrI hY[

hor jwxkwrI leI sMprk kro 604-537-6024






• Glass Railing • Aluminum Railing • Window Security Bars • Sliding Automatic Gates • Motor Gates • Automation Work • All Kinds of Steel • Fabrication Work • Patio Cover • Glass Patio • Flat Roof • Fence

GURPREET: 778.319.4683 SUKHI: 604.780.4312

# 8-12331- 84th Ave., Surrey

V3W 3G8

swnUM ryilNg dy kMm leI vrkrW dI loV hY[ A~j hI sMprk kro:


jI. ky. bRdrj kMstrkSn vwilAW nUM PryimMg dy kMm leI vrkrW dI loV hY[ qnKwh qjrby Anuswr id`qI jwvygI[ AYbtsPorf qy srI qoN rweIf dw pRbMD hovygw[kMm dw mwhOl vDIAw hovygw[ Epn vrk primt, pI.Awr Aqy istIzn vwly hI AplweI kr skdy hn[


604-825-0763 / 778-255-3135 2702


A28 - The Punjab Guardian *July 10 - July 16, 2020


kMm vwsqy vrkrW dI loV

vrkrW dI loV

AYbtsPorf dI lYNfskyipMg Aqy gwrfn mYntynMs kMpnI vwilAW nUM hYlprW dI loV hY[ nvyN Awey Aqy lVkIAW vI AplweI kr skdIAW hn[ kMm p`kw Aqy Pul twiem[ qnKwh qjrby Anuswr[ AYbtsPorf qoN rwief dw pRbMD hovygw[ kMpnI kol Ready LMIA vI mOjUd hn[ sMprk kro :

Ranjodh : 604-345-4701 lYNfskyipMg dy iksy kMm leI PrI AYstImyt Aqy bYst fIl lYx leI A`j hI sMprk kro[


 bilaU br y I Aqy Pwrm ivc km M krn leI vrkrW dI lV o h[ Y  qnKwh qzrby Anuswr Aqy 2 hPqy bwAd id`qI jwvygI[  rwief dw pRbMD hovygw[  klws 4 dy frwievrW dI loV hY[

hor jwxkwrI leI Pon kro

778-859-7030, 604-723-2581


Hiring Drywall Helpers/Supervisor PROBROTHERS DRYWALL LIMITED - 14033, 75 AVENUE, SURREY, BC V3W 2S9

Helpers - 3

Job Duties : Sand the surface & remove debris, Load/unload tools, equipments, sheets, filling material, mix ingredients to create adhesive compound. Must know English, Punjabi an added asset. $15/- to $19/ per hour, one and half times for overtime.


$35 per hour, must know above said duties and be able to handle a team of five helpers. Work at job sites in Surrey/Delta/Abbotsford NO FORMAL EDUCATION OR EXPERIENCE REQUIRED

Email resume to probrotherdrywall@gmail.com or mail at address mentioned above


kIrqn Aqy qblw pMjwbI homvrk hYlp srI ivc Akwl AkYfmI v`loN kIrqn, qblw, pMjwbI Aqy hom vrk hYlp leI klwsW

pihlw hPqw PrI

AwrMB kr id`qIAW geIAW hn[15 idnW ivc ilKxI, pVHnI, bolxI is`Ko[pRoivMSIAl iemiqhwnW dI iqAwrI vI krvweI jWdI hY[rijstr hox leI A`j hI sMprk kro

nvyN syYSn dI rijstrySn SurU hY




v`fy, Coty tYNt, myz, kursIAW, pqIly, stov Aqy tYNt, lweItW dw pUrw pUrw pRbMD hY[ v`fI, CotI pwrtI, ivAwh, mMgxw, Gr dI pwrtI jW brQfy pwrtI dy iksy vI pRogrwm vwsqy sMprk kro



kwimAW dI loV

kYbint for kMpnI nUM Multi Rip Saw & Moulder Operater dI loV hY Aqy forW sYNf krn leI lVkIAW dI loV hY[2 swl dw qzrbw hoxw zrUrI hY[ qnKwh Xogqw Anuswr id`qI jwvygI[hor jwxkwrI leI Pon kro : bhwdr isMG

604-417-8768 H17072020

*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A29

BRIDE WANTED Suitable match for Arora/ Khatri Canadian PR Punjabi boy, Masters degree from USA, 05’-03”, April 1991 Born,software professional in Vancouver. Parents in Punjab.Contact 6045517701 (17 July ) -------------------------

lVky dI loV j`t is`K knyfIAn istIjn gryvwl qlwkSudw lVkI aumr 29 swl, k`d 5 Pu`t 4 ieMc, LPN nrisMg p`kI jOb kr rhI, leI pVHy ilKy knyfIAn istIjn jW ieMmIgrWt, vY~l sYtlf, cMgI jOb kr rhy lVky dI loV hY[ivjtr jW stUfYNt sMprk nw krn[vYnkUvr Aqy mwlvy nUM pihl[lVkI dw swrw pirvwr knyfw ivc sYytlf hY [ sM p rk kro : 604-8891434 kcon -------------------------lVkI dI loV knyfw ivc ivjtr AwieAw pirvwrk j` t is` K lVkw aumr 38 swl, mwstr ifgrI, niSAW qoN rihq, leI kYnyfIAn/AmrIkn iemIgrwˆt jW istIzn pirvwrk lVkI dI lo V hY [ qlwkSu d w (b` c y vwlI) jW ivjtr lVkI qy vI ivcwr kIqw jw skdw hY[lVky dw skw Brw kYnyfw iv`c vY`l sYtlf hY[Contact:778-7988391(whatsapp), 604-596839 03 Agsq BRIDE WANTED Jat Sikh boy, 30, 5’10”, Canadian Citizen, located in Vancouver, well educated and working for a multinational firm. Well knitted family. Non drinker, non-smoker. Grew up in Canada. Seek girl between 25-30 years. Please email photograph and biodata at knvt861@ gmail.com (31 july) -------------------------lVkI dI loV knyfIAn istIjn j`t is`K lVkw, aumr 30 swl, vDIAw sYYtlf, k`d 6 Pùt, bYNk ‘c jOb kr irhw hY, vwsqy knyfIAn jW AmrIkn istIjn/ieMmIgrWt lVkI dI loV hY[Pon kro:250701-1025

lVkI dI loV vrk primt qy knYfw Awey DwlIvwl is`K lVky aumr 26 k`d 5 Pu`t 7 ieMc, gRYjueyt Aqy kMipaUtr ivc ifplomw ho l fr, 11 iklH y zmIn dy mwlk leI Xo g kny f IAn pI.Awr./istIzn lVkI dI loV hY[ pirvwr mogw izlHy nwl sbMiDq[ sMprk kro 778865-4948 (vwts-Ap), 91-97798-13239 (ieMfIAw) 10 julweI -------------------------lVkI dI loV ieMfIAw rih irhw rivdwsIAw is`K, 27 swlw, k`d 5 Pu`t 7 ieM c , bI.tY k . pws Aqy pRweIvyt kMpnI ivc sInIAr ieMjInIAr kMm kr irhw lVky leI knyfIAn jW AmrIkn pI.Awr./istIzn lVkI dI loV hY[ vrk primt vwlI lVkI qy vI ivcwr kIqw jw skdw hY[ pirvwr PgvwVy nwl sbMDq[ lVky dI BYx AmrIkw ivc vYl-sYtlf hY[ sMprk kro : (1)425.623.9803 10 julweI BRIDE WANTED Suitable Canadian PR Girl wanted for Indian born Canadian Citizen Clean shave Jat Sikh boy 31 years, Height 5’7”,working in Amazon and owns House. Family well settled in Canada. Caste No Ba r. ON L Y C a n a d i a n PR Holder Girls need to call. Students/Visitors/ work Permit Holders kindly EXCUSE. Contact -604 593 0209, 778 245 9717. (28 Aug)

lVkI dI loV AwstRiy lAw ivc stUfNY t vIzy qy gey ieklOqy j`t is`K gryvwl, 28 swlw k`d 5 Pu`t 11 ieMc, kOnvYNt skUl ivcoN pVy, IELTS ivc 7 bYNf vwly, klIn Syv lVky leI Xo g kny f IAn pI.Awr./istIzn lVkI dI loV hY[ pirvwr brnwlw izlHy nwl sbMDq Aqy cMgI zmInjwiedwd dy mwlk[ lVky dI msyrI BYx dw swrw pirvwr knyfw ivc p`kw Aqy vYlsYtlf[ pUrI mdd krngy[ sMprk kro:778-240-8313, 604-442-3065 17 julweI --------------------------

lVikAW dI loV kynfIAn pI Awr j`t is`K PwrmysI AisstYNt cMgI jOb kr rhI lVkI aumr 28 swl, k`d 5 Pu`t 4 ieMc, vwsqy Xo g lVky dI lo V hY[ auh I sMp rk krn jo ausdI ieMfIAw rihMdI mwmy dI lVkI, AYm ey pMjwbI, ibaUtI pwrlr dw kors krky Awpxw pwrlr clw rhI aumr 27 swl, k`d 5 Pu`t 4 ieMc leI knyfIAn irSqw krvw skx[ vrk primt jW ivztr vIzy vwly lVky qy vIcwr kIqw jw skdw hY[ sMprk kro : 604-4981914 (Swm 4 vjy qoN 9 vjy q`k kwl kro jI) 24 sqMbr lVkI dI loV kYnyfIAn bOrn j`t is`K lVkw aumr 32 swl, k`d 6 Pu`t, ielY k tR O n iks ivc mwstr ifgrI hol fr, viDAw jOb kr rhy, vYl sYtlf leI Xog GrylU, pVHI-ilKI AmrIkn/ kYnfIAn lVkI dI loV hY[ vrk primt/stfI primt vwlI lVkI qy vI ivcwr kIqw jw skdw hY[ lVky dw swrw pirvwr knYfw ivc hY[ sMprk kro : 778-773-1008 18 sqMbr GROOM WANTED Jatt sikh parents seeking suitable match for 30/5-10”, canadian pr, handsome boy preferably from canada, decent educated mohali based family having rural and urban property. Send biodata with pics on +91 9888338694 03 July

lVkI dI loV kYnyfIAn pI.Awr. rwmgVIAw is`K 28 swlw, k`d 5 Pu`t 8 ieMc, viDAw jOb kr rhy lVky leI kYnyfIAn pI.Awr./ istIzn lVkI dI loV hY[ stUfYNt jW vrk primt vwlI lVkI qy vI ivcwr kIqw jw skdw hY [ lVky dw swrw pirvwr kYnyfw ivc p`kw Aqy vYl sYtlf hY[ pirvwr jlMDr nwl sbMiDq[ sMprk kro : 306-999-6844 18 sqMbr

Installers & Warehouse Workers Wanted

RAHUL GLASS LTD, a renowned Glass Company dealing in Shower Doors, Mirrors and Closet Organizers requires experienced 1. Shower Door Installers 2. Glass Railing Installers 3. Wood Closet Organizer Installers 4. Warehouse Workers We offer competitive salary and benefits in a positive workplace environment. Salary will be according to experience and as per industry standards. Please drop in your resume personally at following address

Unit # 104, 8655 130th Street Surrey, BC V3W 1V9



lVky Aqy lVkI dI loV kynYfw ivc vrk primt qy AweI PR AplweI kIqI hoeI (Biometrics pending) j`t is`K lVkI 23 swlw, k`d 5 Pu`t 5 ieMc vwsqy lVky dI loV hY[ isrP auhI sMprk krn jo ausdy ieMfIAw rihMdy s`ky Brw aumr 25 swl, k`d 6 Pu`t, bI. ey. pws, IELTS iv`c 6.5 bYNf leI kYnyfIAn lVkI dw irSqw krvw skx[ pirvwr jlMDr nwl sbMiDq[ sMprk kro : 778-710-6418, 98785-54800 (ieMfIAw) 24 julweI -------------------------

LIFE PARTNER WANTED Wanted a Life Partner (minimum 40 years of age or above) for a 48 years male divorcee. Lady with children can also be considered. Callers from India pelase excuse. For more information : 778875-0171 24 July -------------------------

lVkI dI loV ieM f IAw rihM d y su h xy sun`Ky, AroVw, vYSxo, ihMdU, 27 swlw, k`d 6 Pu`t, bI.ey. pws, Awpxw viDAw ibjns kr rhy lVky leI knyfIAn pI.Awr./istIzn lVkI dI loV hY[ vrk primt vwlI lVkI qy vI ivcwr kIqw jw skdw hY[ pirvwr jlMDr izlHy nwl sbMDq Aqy cMgI zmInjwiedwd dy mwlk[ lVky dw swrw pirvwr knyfw AwieAw hoieAw hY[ sMprk kro : 236333-2754, 778-955-8210 28 Agsq -------------------------

lVkI dI loV knyfw ivc vrk primt qy Awey j`t is`K ig`l, 31 swlw, k`d 5 Pu`t 8 ieMc, Awpxw viDAw ibjns kr rhy lVky leI Xog knyfIAn pI.Awr./ istIzn lVkI dI loV hY[ stUfYNt jW vrk primt qy AweI lVkI vI sMprk kr skdI hY[ mogy Aqy luiDAwxy nUM pihl[ pirvwr jgrwauN nwl sbMDq[ qlwkSudw Coty b`cy vwlI lVkI qy vI ivcwr jw skdw hY[ sMprk kro : 604-807-3424 28 Agsq -------------------------

lVkI dI loV Aro V w is` K kny f IAn pI.Awr., 35 swlw, k`d 5 Pu`t 6 ieMc, ieMfIAw qoN kMstrkSn dw ifplomw pws, cMgI jOb kr rhy, vYl sYtlf lVky leI Xog knyfIAn pI.Awr./ istIzn lVkI dI loV hY[ jwq-pwq dw koeI bMDn nhIN[ stU f Y N t, ivztr Aqy vrk primt vwlI lVkI qy ivcwr kIqw jw skdw hY[ pirvwr luiDAwxw izlHy nwl sbMDq hY[ lVky dw swrw pirvwr knyfw ivc p`kw Aqy vYl sYtlf hY[ sMprk kro : 778-551-3090, 778-536-3000, emailamans3786@gmail.com

31 julweI lVkI dI loV stfI primt qy Awey sYxI is`K 32 swlw, k`d 5 Pu`t 9 ieMc bI. tYk. mYkynIkl ieMjInIAirMg ifgrI holfr lVky leI Xog lVkI dI loV hY [ lVky dw swrw nwnkw pirvwr kY n y f w ivc p` k w Aqy vYl sYtlf hY[ pirvwr hu i SAwrpu r nwl sbM i Dq[ stUfYNt jW vrk primt vwlI lVkI vI sMprk kr skdI hY[ sMprk kro : 604-725-5915, eI myl : amandeeppabla87@ gmail.com 31 July -------------------------

lVkI dI loV kYnyfw ivc University of British Columbia, Vancouver ‘c Assistant Professor l`gy j`t is`K lVky leI pVHI-ilKI Dwrimk iKAwlW vwlI lVkI dI loV hY[ lVky dI aumr 30 swl, k`d 5 Pu`t 10 ieMc, vYjItyrIAn, gur is`K Aqy lVky dw pirvwr kYnyfw ‘c vYl sYtlf hY[ isrP mwlvy Kyqr dy lok hI sMprk krn[ kuVI kYnf y w Born nw hov[ y pMjwb rihMdI lVkI nUM pihl[ sMprk kro : 306-203-1496 (isrP tYkst hI kro) 31 julweI -------------------------

lVky dI loV kYnyfIAn pI. Awr. Indian Born j`t is`K idaul 27 swlw, k`d 5 Pu`t 5 ieMc, ieMfIAw qo N AY m . tY k krky viDAw jOb kr rhI lVkI leI Xog pVHy-ilKy kYnyfIAn pI Awr/ istIzn dI lo V hY [ vrk primt vwly lVky qy vI ivcwr kIqw jw skdw hY[ lVkI dw dwdkw pirvwr kYnf y w ivc p`kw Aqy vYl sYtlf hY[ pirvwr luiDAwxy nwl sbMiDq[ bI. sI. vwilAW nUM pihl[ sMprk kro : 778-885-4005, 604719-4256 31 julweI lVkI dI loV j`t is`K knyfIAn istIzn grYjUeyt lVkw aumr 30 swl, k`d 5 Pu`t 7 ieMc, vYl sYtlf, swrw pirvwr knyfw ivc sY~t hY, leI Xog pVI-ilKI qy suMdr kny f IAn pI Awr/istIzn lVkI dI loV hY[ vrk primt qy stUfYNt qy vIcwr kIqw jw skdw hY[ sMprk kro : 778-

836-3956 31 julweI BRIDE WANTED SEEKING SUITABLE MATCH FOR 28 YEARS OLD JAT SIKH, 5’11’- TALL, M .T EC H . ,V EG E TA R I A N BOY LIVING IN CANADA ON OPEN WORK PERMIT. GIRL SHOULD BE WELL EDUCATED PREFERBLY IN SCIENCE,SLIM,TALL,FAMILY ORIENTED AND FROM RESPECTBLE FAMILY.PR OR SHOULD HAVE OPEN W O R K P E R M I T. S E N D PICTURES AND BIO DATA TO : 1 437 247 6113 OR CALL – 604 370 3163. (31 JULY ) lVky dI loV kYnf y IAn istIzn ieMfIAn bwrn j`t is`K, 33 swlw, k`d 5 Pu`t 7 ieMc, cMgI jOb kr rhI lVkI (qlwkSudw) leI Xog lVky dI loV hY[ kYnf y IAn istIzn/pI.Awr. nUM pihl[ stfI jW vrk primt vwly lVky qy vI ivcwr kIqw jw skdw hY[ pirvwr nvyN Sihr nwl sbMiDq[ lVkI dw swrw pirvwr kYnyfw ivc p`kw Aqy vYl sYtlf hY[ sMprk kro : 778-892-1579 31 julweI -------------------------

lVkI dI loV kny f w vrk primt qy Awey j`t is`K lVky aumr 25 swl, k`d 5 Pu`t 9 ieMc leI kYnyfIAn jW AmrIkn pI. Awr. jW istIzn lVkI dI loV hY[ lVky dy BuAw Aqy Pu`PV bI. sI. kYnyfw ivc vYl sYtlf hn[ jwq-pwq dw koeI bMDn nhIN[ qlwkSudw lVkI qy vI ivcwr kIqw jw skdw hY[ hor jwxkwrI leI sMprk kro : 604-351-9321 julweI 31

Awpxy vpwr dy vwDy leI ieSiqhwr pwaux leI

Pon kro


Change of Name


A30 - The Punjab Guardian *July 10 - July 16, 2020

iv`q mMqrI inrmlw sIqwrmn ƒ ikhw 'kwlI nwign', Bwjpw ny kIqw pltvwr

nvIN id`lI, 5 julweI : pCmI bMgwl dy tIAYmsI sMsd mYNbr kilAwx bYnrjI ny ivvwdq ibAwn idqw hY[iek rYlI dOrwn bYnrjI ny ikhw ik kwlI nwign dy k`tx nwl ijs qrHW lokW dI mOq ho jWdI hY, ausy qrHW iv`q mMqrI inrmlw sIqwrmn kwrn lok mr rhy hn[ aunHW ArQivvsQw ƒ nSt kr idqw hY[ies nwl hI tIAYmsI AwgU ny ikhw ik aunHW ƒ Srm AwauxI cwhIdI hY qy Apxy Ahudy qoN AsqI&w dy dyxw cwhIdw hY[ auh dyS dI s`B qoN ^rwb iv`q mMqrI hY[ kilAwx bYnrjI dy ies ibAwn qoN bwAd hux ivvwd SurU ho igAw hY[ kilAwx bYnrjI dy ivvwdq ibAwn qoN bwAd Bwjpw ny pltvwr kIqw hY[ Bwjpw AwgU sMibq pwqrw ny ikhw ik tIAYmsI sMsd dy mYNbr ny iv`q mMqrI inrmlw sIqwrmn ƒ 'kwlI nwign' ikhw hY jo ik byh`d Srm vwlI g`l hY[

prmjIq isMG s`l


srh`dI sur`iKAw Aqy cInI invyS Aqy q`Q lukw rhI hY srkwr : kWgrs

id`lI:-kWgrs ny cIn qoN pRDwn mMqrI nirMdr modI dy in`jI irSqy hox dy doS lgwauNdy hoey somvwr ƒ ikhw ik srkwr srh`dI sur`iKAw Aqy cInI invyS dy sbMD ivc q`Q lukw rhI hY[ kWgrs bulwry pvn KyVw ny AwnlweIn p`qrkwr sMmyln ivc ikhw ik modI dI nIqI cIn hmwieq dI hY Aqy ipCly 5 swlW ivc gujrwq ivc cIn dIAW kMpnIAW ny lgBg 47 hzwr kroV rupey dw invyS kIqw hY[ kWgrs nyqw ny ikhw ik srh`d 'qy cIn dI POj dy kbzy 'qy srkwr glq q`Q Aijhy FMg nwl r`K rhI hY ijs qoN cIn ƒ lwB ho irhw hY[ aunHW ny doS lgwieAw ik glvwn GwtI dy kuJ ih`sy 'qy cIn dI POj mOjUd hY Aqy ieh pihlI vwr hY[

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ibln Pwrms ilm. bilaU byrI Pwrm vwilAW nUM byrI qoVn leI vrkrW dI loV hY[

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*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A31

Bwrq ƒ ipAwr krdw hY AmrIkw: trMp hspqwl iv`c mrIz nMU ku`t ku`t ky mwr id`qw vwiSMgtn:-AmrIkw dy 244vyN AwzwdI idhwVy mOky pRDwn mMqrI nirMdr modI v`loN id`qI mubwrkbwd dy jvwb ’c rwStrpqI fonlf trMp ny ikhw ik Bwrq ƒ AmrIkw ipAwr krdw hY[ izkrXog hY ik cwr julweI sMn 1776 ’c AmrIkw ny brqwnIAw qoN AwzwdI hwsl krn bwry AYlwn kIqw sI qy audoN qoN hr swl ies idn ƒ suqMqrqw idvs vjoN mnwieAw jWdw hY[ pRDwn mMqrI modI ny trMp qy AmrIkw dy lokW ƒ vDweIAW idMdy hoey tvIt kIqw ik ‘Bwrq qy AmrIkw dunIAw dy do sB qoN v`fy lokqMqrW vjoN ies idn ’coN AwzwdI qy mnu`KI ivkws dI Jlk dyKdy hn[’ trMp ny moVvW tvIt kridAW iliKAw ‘DMnvwd myry dosq[ Bwrq ƒ AmrIkw muh`bq krdw hY[’ AmrIkI rwStrpqI trMp ny AwzwdI idvs mOky Awpxy BwSx ’c ‘k`tV K`by p`KIAW’ ƒ inSwnw bxwieAw[

jy Bwrq-cIn drimAwn hoeI jMg qW AmrIkw dyvygw BwrqIAW dw swQ-vweIt hwaUs

vwiSgtn:,- AmrIkw ny A`j AYlwn kIqw ik jy Bwrq-cIn drimAwn jMg huMdI hY qW AmrIkw Bwrq dw moFy nwl moFw lw ky smrQn krygw [vweIt hwaUs dy cI& Aw& stw& mwrk mYfoz ny ikhw ik AmrIkw dw cIn ƒ sw& sMdyS hY ik auh ij`Qy vI iksy nwl D`kw krygw, AmrIkw au`Qy mohry hovygw [ aunHW ikhw ik AmrIkw, Bwrq qy cIn dy srh`dI qxwA ‘qy pUrI nzr r`K irhw hY jdoN p`qrkwrW ny mYfoz ƒ pu`iCAw ik cIn dw kihxw hY ik auh l`dwK dI srh`d lweIn qoN do ik`lomItr ip`Cy ht igAw hY qW auh SWqI nwl ies mwmly ƒ h`l krnw cwhuMdw hY [ ies ‘qy bolidAW mYfoz ny ikhw ik cIn dIAW g`lW ‘qy XkIn krnw muSikl hY ikauNik cIn JUT bol-bol ky dunIAw ƒ guMmrwh kr irhw hY [ aunHW ikhw ik AmrIkw vI Bwrq-cIn srh`dI ivvwd dy SWqIpUrn h`l dy h`k ‘c hY pr jy cIn ny Bwrq nwl jMg CyVI qW AmrIkw Bwrq dw ft ky swQ dyvygw[

Stay Safe. Keep Social Distancing

vrkrW dI loV

noiefw: au~qr pRdyS dy AlIgV 'c ie`k in`jI hspqwl dy Amly ie`k mrIz ny ibl dw Bugqwn nw krn' qy kiQq qOr 'qy ie`k mrIz dI ku`tmwr kIqI[ie`k ieMfIAn AYkspRYs dI irport dy Anuswr, im`Rqk dI pCwx sulqwn Kwn (44) vjoN hoeI hY, jo AlIgV izlHy dy fgls ipMf dw vsnIk hY[pIVHq pirvwr dw ielzwm hY ik hspqwl dy Amly ny aunHW ƒ 4000 rupey dw ib`l nw Brn qoN bwAd ku`itAw, ijs qoN bwAd sulqwn dI mOq ho geI[ pIVq pirvwr dw kihxw hY ik hspqwl ny vwDU pYsy dI mMg kIqI sI[AlIgV dy AYspI AiBSyk dw kihxw hY ik puils ny sIsItIvI Putyj brwmd kIqI hY, ijs iv`c hspqwl stwP duAwrw kIqI ku`tmwr sw& idKweI dy skdI hY[pirvwr dw ielzwm hY ik hspqwl ny ielwj nw krn dy bwvjUd aunHW qoN hor pYsy mMgy hn[

nYnI dI jrUrq srI dI ie~k PYimlI nUM b`cy dI dyKBwl leI nYnI dI zrUrq hY[ lVkI ny nYnI jW GNM Nursing dw kors kIqw hovy Aqy auh knYfw ‘c iksy vI pRkwr dy vrk primt (kloz jW Epn) qy rih rhI hovy[ ikrpw krky ivztr vIzy vwly AplweI nw krn[

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byrI ip`krW dI loV hY[ srI Aqy fYltw qoN rwief dw pRbMD[ qnKwh 15 idnW bwAd[ ryt vDIAw Aqy Gr vrgw mwhOl[ grIn hwaUs ivc kMm krn leI vI vrkrW dI loV hY ijnHW nUM Hourly Rate qy qnKwh id`qI jwvygI[ nvyN vI AplweI kr skdy hn[

sMprk kro:


vrkrW dI loV srI ivc PyrimMg kMpnI vwilAW nUM PryimMg dy kMm leI vrkrW dI loV hY[nvyN vrkrW nUM tryNf kIqw jwvygw[qnKwh qjrby dy AwDwr qy vDIAw id`qI jwvygI[srI/fYltw qoN rweIf dw pRbMD hovygw[sMprk kro:778-881-7795

H17 julweI


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A32 - The Punjab Guardian *July 10 - July 16, 2020

ishq sMbMDI

PryimMg kMpnI leI vrkrW dI loV


bzurgW iv`c Bu`lx dI sm`isAwFor Aqy brand hoimEpYQnew I basement and full house renovatio

auNJ qW Bu`lx dI sm`isAw iksy nUM vI aumr dy v`K-v`K pVwvW au~qy ho skdI hY, pr keIAW iv`c vDdI aumr dy nwl-nwl Bul`kxpuxw vDxw idKweI idMdw hY[ ies lyK rwhIN bzurgW iv`c Bùlx dI sm`isAw Aqy XwdwSq dI Gwt jW XwdwSq gvwaux dy ivSy ’qy cwnx pwieAw jwvygw[ idmwg nUM imldI ^urwk “inaUrotRWsimtr” dI aupj vwsqy ieMDx dw kMm krn dy nwl-nwl “AYNtI AwksIfYNt” nUM vI brkrwr r`KdI hY[ Bu`lx dI ibmwrI dy ip`Cy AnykW kwrx ho skdy hn ijnHW qoN Awm izMdgI iv`c AwswnI nwl bicAw jw skdw hY[ AlUmnm, is`kw (lY~f), mrkrI (pwrw), Aqy vwDU kItnwSk dvweIAW dI vrqoN nwl KyqW iv`c augweI Bojn sm`grI Kwx nwl ij`Qy idmwg au~pr mwVw pRBwv pYNdw hY au~Qy hI idmwg nUM sIlynIeym, ivtwimn eI Aqy &oilk AYisf ijhy keI qrHW dy poSk q`qW dI vI Gwt ho jWdI hY[ bzurgW iv`c “AlzHweImrz” (Bu`lx dI ibmwrI) ie`k iBAwnk ibmwrI hY ijs dy kwrx AspSt hn[ AmrIkw iv`c 65 swl qoN vfyrI aumr dy lgBg 10% bzurg ies ibmwrI nwl pIVq hn[ 40 qoN 65 swl dy aumr vrg iv`c lgBg 5% ivAkqI ies ibmwrI qoN pRBwivq hn[ Bu`lx dI Awdq 20 qoN 40 swl dI aumr ivckwr vI SurU ho skdI hY, pr ieh vyKx iv`c vI AwieAw hY ik lgBg 40% kysW iv`c ies ibmwrI dI shI pCwx hI nhIN huMdI[ fmYnSIAw jW idmwgI inGwr dw pqw krn leI idmwg dI nwVIAW dy s^q hox jW ADrMg dy Coty-Coty dOry pYx ijhy hornW sMBwvI kwrxW dI prK kIqI jwxI vI zrUrI hY[ srIr iv`c pwxI dI kmI, audwsI rog Aqy nSy dI Awdq vI ies rog iv`c Xogdwn pw skdIAW hn[ idmwgI ishq vwsqy ij`Qy srIrk ksrq Aqy idmwgI ksrq dI v`fI BUimkw hY, au~Qy hI swfI jIvn SYlI Aqy Bojn au~qy vI ie`k cMgI idmwgI ishq ausrdI hY[ hyTW id`qy kuJ Pl Aqy sbzIAW idmwgI ishq Aqy XwdwSq nUM shI r`Kx leI shweI ho skdIAW hn: • AYvokwfo

• cukMdr • blUbYrIAW • bROklI • sYlrI • Kopy dw qyl • fwrk cwklyt • AMfy dw Xok • AYkstRw vrijn Awilv Eiel • hrIAW sbzIAW • rozmYrI • sYlmn • hldI • AKrot hoimEpYiQk aupcwr: idmwgI ishq dI dyKBwl Aqy qMdrusqI vwsqy hoimEpYQI dIAW kwrgr dvweIAW shwiek ho skdIAW hn ijnHW rwhIN idmwg nUM poSx Aqy AwksIjn dI loVINdI splweI imldI hY[ shI dvweI dI vrqoN nwl “inaUrotRWsimtr pRxwlI” au~pr vDIAw pRBwv pYNdw hY[ hoimEpYiQk dvweIAW rwhIN idmwgI iekwgrqw Aqy XwdwSq nUM brkrwr r`Kx Aqy vDwaux vwsqy mdd iml skdI hY[ XwdwSq dIAW mwmUlI sm`isAwvW iv`c hoimEpYQI dI “30 potYNsI” dI FukvIN dvweI leI jw skdI hY[ pr, ivgVI hoeI XwdwSq dI siQqI iv`c shI dvweI dI CotI qoN CotI qwkq lYxI &wiedymMd ho skdI hY[ FukvIN dvweI Aqy aus dI shI potYNsI dI cox isr& ie`k pRo&YSnl hoimEpYQ hI kr skdw hY Aqy Awpxy bZYr mwihr slwh qoN hoimEpYiQk dvweIAW dI vrqoN nhIN krnI cwhIdI[ l`Cxw muqwbk kuJ dvweIAW ijvyN ik AnwkwrfIAm, bRYtw kwrb, konIAm, lwiekopofIAm, QUjw Awid qjvIz kIqIAW jw skdIAW hn[

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R 6

*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A33

swfI tIm eySIAw k~p ’c ibhqr pRdrSn ƒ lY ky AwsvMd sI : sumn

ieMPwl (mxIpur)– jUnIAr BwrqI hwkI tIm dI kpqwn sumn dyvI Qofs ny ikhw hY ik jUnIAr BwrqI bIbIAW dI hwkI dI tIm jwpwn ivc hox vwly 2020 jUnIAr eySIAw k~p ivc cMgw pRdrSn krn ƒ lY ky AwsvMd sI pr dyS ivc koronw vwiers (koivf-19) mhwmwrI dy m~dynzr kIqI geI qwlwbMdI dy kwrx iesdIAW iqAwrIAW iPlhwl ruk geIAW hn[ 2020 bIbIAW dI hwkI jUnIAr eySIAw k~p dI SurUAwq ies swl jwpwn ivc 6 ApRYl qoN hoxI sI pr koronw vwiers mhwmwrI dy kwrx ies tUrnwmYNt ƒ mulqvI krnw ipAw [ sumn ny ikhw,‘‘AsIN mwrc dy pihly hPqy ivc nYSnl koicMg kYNp ivc sI qy AsIN jUnIAr eySIAw k~p ivc bhuq cMgw pRdrSn krn leI iqAwrI kr rhy sI ikauNik eySIAw k~p ivc cMgI Kyf dw lwB swƒ d~KxI APrIkw ivc hox vwly AY~P. AweI . AY~c. jUnIAr ivSv k~p 2021 ivc imldw[’’ sumn ny ipCly swl cwr dySW dy kYNtr iPtjorwlf AMfr-21 tUrnwmYNt qy bylwrUs tUr ivc BwrqI tIm dI sPlqwpUrvk AgvweI kIqI sI[ aus ny ipCly swl dsMbr ivc AwstrylIAw ivc hoey iqMn dySW dy tUrnwmYNt ivc tIm dy ibhqrIn pRdrSn ivc mh~qvpUrn BUimkw inBweI sI[

goifAW Bwr bYT ky kIqw ieMglYNf qy vYstieMfIz dy ikRktrW ny nslvwd dw ivroD swaUQMptn –ieMglYNf qy vYstieMfIz dy ikRktrW ny 4 mhIinAW bwAd kOmWqrI ikRkt dI bhwlI krn vwly pihly tYst dI SurUAwq qoN pihlW ‘blYk lweIvz mYtr’ AMdoln dw smrQn goifAW Bwr bYT ky kIqw[ drSkW qoN ibnW ros bwaUl styfIAm ’c pihlI gyNd su~ty jwx qoN pihlW PIlifMg kr rhy vYstieMfIz dy ikRktr AwaUtPIlf ’c goifAW Bwr bYTy[ ieMglYNf dy iKfwrIAW ny vI Aijhw hI kIqw[ dovyN tImW ny AwpxI jrsI dy kwlr ’qy blYk lweIvz mYtr dw logo lgwieAw hoieAw sI[ izkrXog hY ik AmrIkw ’c meI ’c APrIkI-AmrIkI jwrj Plwief dI puls A~iqAwcwr qoN bwAd hoeI mOq qoN bwAd qoN pUrI dunIAw ’c nslvwd dy ivroD ’c ieh AMdoln c~l irhw hY[

Pwrm vrkrW dI loV

klovrfyl ivc bhuq izAwdw JwV vwly ibilaU byrI Pwrm vwsqy vrkrW dI loV hY[ kMm Pul tweIm[ mW Kyf kb~fI dy bwbw bohV ‘mihMdr isMG mOV’ nhIN rhy qnKwh 47 sYNt pRqI pwaUNf[ stUfYNt Aqy nvyN Awey vI kwl kr skdy hn[ isrP AwpxI rwief dw pRbMD vwly hI sMprk krn[

kwlw sMiGAW (in~Jr) : mW Kyf kb~fI jgq ‘c ieh Kbr bVy hI fUMGy sdmy vwlI hY ik kb~fI jgq dy bwbw bohV qy mShUr pRmotr Aqy dySW-ivdySW ‘c kb~fI ƒ sB qoN pihlW pRmot krn qy kb~fI ƒ jIA-jwn nwl ipAwr krn vwly qy AwpxI smu~cI izMdgI kb~fI dy lyKy lwaux vwly mihMdr isMG mOV (kwlw sMiGAW) 87 swl dI aumr ‘c izMdgI dI bwzI jlMDr dy iek in~jI hspqwl ‘c hwr gey hn[ aunHW dy BqIjy nwmvr kb~fI iKfwrI jIqw mOV ny ieh sUcnw jwrI kridAW d~isAw ik mOV swihb bIqI svyry krIb 7.35 vjy Awpxy jIvn dw pMD mukw gey hn [ izkrXog hY ik auh kuJ smyN qoN bImwr cly Aw rhy sn[ izlw puls pRSwsn kpUrQlw v~loN koronw bImwrI kwrn aunHW dy snyhIAW ƒ v~fy iek~T nw krn dI ApIl kIqI geI hY[ mOV horW dw AMiqm sMskwr XU. ky. qoN aunHW dy pirvwrk mYNbrW dy Awaux ‘qy 13 meI idn bu~Dvwr ƒ svyry 10 vjy kwlw sMiGAW ivKy krn dw pRogrwm aulIikAw igAw hY [ mihMdr isMG mOV ny hzwrW kb~fI iKfwrIAW ƒ ivdyS ‘c Kyfx dw mOkw pRdwn kIqw Aqy sYNkVy iKfwrIAW dy ivAwh krvw ky ivdySW ‘c hI aunHW ƒ sY~t krky rozI-rotI jogy kIqw [ mOV dI mOq dI Kbr dySW-ivdySW ‘c jMgl dI A~g vWg PYl geI hY qy Kyf pRmotrW, sports kl~bW, iKfwrIAW qy Kyf pRymIAW vloN fUMGy du~K dw iezhwr kIqw jw irhw hY [ mOV Awpxy ip~Cy iqMn lVkIAW qy do lVky C~f gey hn [

sMprk kro

778-839-8728 H100720

A34 - The Punjab Guardian *July 10 - July 16, 2020

kSmIr ivc Bwrq dI sKq nIqI dw bgwvq 'qy pY irhw Asr kSmIrIAW nwl g`lbwq rwhIN iksy sihmqI 'qy phuMcx dy swry rwh bMd kr id`qy hn Aqy POjI qwkq nwl kSmIrIAW dI AzwdI qWG ƒ dbwaux dw ieko iek rwh PV ilAw hY[ ies

nIqI kwrn kSmIr ivc nvyN nOjvwnW AMdr hiQAwr cu`kx dI privrqI vD rhI hY Aqy ibnHW iksy au`c isKlweI dy sImq swDnW nwl auh Bwrq iKlwP lVweI ƒ jwrI r`K rhy hn[

Job Posting for Office Administrative Assistant

2014 ivc Bwrq AMdr nirMdr modI dI AgvweI vwlI srkwr bxn qoN bwAd Bwrq dI kSmIr nIqI bhuq sKq ho geI[ ij`Qy Bwrq srkwr ny Dwrw 370 htw ky kSmIr ƒ Bwrq ivc Swml hox mOky hoey smJOqy ADIn imilAw hoieAw Kws sUby dw drjw Koh ilAw au`Qy pihlW qoN hI dunIAw ivc sB qoN v`D POjI qYnwqI vwly iK`qy kSmIr ivc POj dI qYnwqI hor vDw id`qI[ jUn 2018 ivc mihbUbw muPqI dy bqOr mu`K mMqrI AsqIPw dyx mgroN kSmIr ivc lgBg lokqMqirk srkwr dy nW 'qy koeI SYA nhIN hY[ ies qoN lgBg swl bwAd 2019 ivc Dwrw 370 ƒ Kqm kridAW hI v`fI igxqI ivc kSmIr dy AzwdI psMd AwgUAW dy nwl-nwl kSmIr dy Bwrq pRsq AwgUAW ƒ vI jylHW ivc bMd kr id`qw igAw[ keI mhIny kSmIr dy lokW jo jylHW ivc kYd nhIN kIqy gey, auh Awpxy GrW ivc kYd rhy[ keI mhIny ieMtrnYt pUrI qrHW T`p irhw[ kSmIr dw bwkI dunIAw nwloN hr sbMD qoV id`qw igAw sI[ srkwrI AMkiVAW muqwbk lMGy jUn mhIny ivc hI kSmIr AMdr 42 bwgI mwry gey hn[ ieh swry hI lgBg kSmIr dy nOjvwn sn[ jMmU kSmIr dy puls muKI idlbwg isMG ny d`isAw ik ipCly do hPiqAW ivc 22 bwgI mwry jw cu`ky hn[ iehnW ivcoN izAwdwqr auh muMfy hn ijhnW ny ku`J idn pihlW hI Bwrq iKlwP hiQAwr cu`ky sI[ ipCly kùJ mhIinAW qoN ij`Qy puls ny kSmIrI bwgIAW dy kqlW dI igxqI vDw id`qI hY au`Qy nwl hI hux mwry gey kSmIrI muMifAW dIAW lwSW vI AwKrI ikirAw krm leI auhnW dy pirvwrW ƒ nhIN id`qIAW jWdIAW[ puls ikqy dUr Awp hI iehnW lwSW ƒ d`b idMdI hY[ Bwrq iKlwP lVidAW mry bwgIAW dy AMiqm sMskwr

'qy v`fy iek`T huMdy sn ijs qoN Bwrq srkwr GbrwauNdI sI[ POj nwl mukwbly ivc mwry gey KSBwrqI Lawyers kSmIrI nOjvwn s`jwd dI BYx ny mIfIAw ƒ Immigration d`isAw, "swƒ ausdy ichry dI iek Jlk hI [img@kslawyers.ca] idKweI geI qy ausƒ h`Q qk nhIN lwaux id`qw igAw qy nw hI ausdI koeI qsvIr iK`cx id`qI geI[ koeI nhIN hY ijsƒ AsIN d`sIey Aqy jo swfI g`l suxy ik lwS lYxw qW swfw h`k hY[" Al jzIrw AKbwr nwl g`l kridAW jMmU kSmIr puls dy AweIjI ivjy kumwr ny mMinAw ik puls bwgIAW dIAW lwSW pirvwrW ƒ nhIN idMdI Aqy nw hI lwSW bwgIAW dy j`dI ipMfW ivc dPnwaux dI pRvwngI id`qI jw rhI hY[ auhnW ikhw ik ieh sB korn o wvwiers dy clidAW kIqw jw irhw hY ikauNik bwgIAW dy AMiqm sMskwr 'qy v`fI igxqI ivc lok iek`Ty huMdy hn Aqy nwl hI ies qrHW bwgIAW ƒ lokW ivc imldI mShUrI vI ruk geI hY[ Dwrw 370 htwaux bwry kSmIrIAW v`loN sB qoN v`fw qOKlw ieh pRgt kIqw jWdw sI ik ies nwl Bwrq srkwr kSmIr ivc AbwdI dy qbwdlw krn jw rhI hY[ kSmIrIAW dw kihxw sI ik hux Bwrq srkwr Bwrq dy hor sUibAW ivcoN ilAw ky ihMdUAW ƒ kSmIr ivc vswaux dw pRbMD krygI qW ik musilm bhuigxqI vwly pRBwv ƒ Kqm kIqw jw sky[ ipCly mhIny Bwrq srkwr ny 25,000 bwhrI lokW ƒ vsyby dy dsqwvyj vMfy[ ies ƒ mihz iek SurUAwq mMinAw jw irhw hY[ pwiksqwn dy pRDwn mMqrI iemrwn Kwn ny ies kwrvweI 'qy ieqrwz pRgt kridAW ies msly ƒ kOmWqrI p`Dr 'qy cu`kx dw ibAwn jwrI kIqw[ rwjnIqk mwihrW dw kihxw hY ik BwrqI jnqw pwrtI dI srkwr ivc Bwrq ny






Best Rates, Will Beat Any Other Price Guaranteed Work


ktvwaux jW jVHW putwaux leI drK~q dI sPweI krwaux leI cIipMg Aqy SrYifMg stMp irmUvl bgIcy dI sWB-sMBwl hnyrI jW quPwn qoN bwAd drKq CWgxy (prUinMg)

Located at Abbotsford BC

Job details: Location: Surrey, BC Salary: $25.50 Per Hour Vacancies: 1 Vacancy Employment groups: Students, Youth, Veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces, Visible minorities, Persons with disabilities, Indigenous people, Newcomers to Canada Terms of employment: Permanent, Full time 40 hours / week Start date: As soon as possible Employment conditions: Morning, Day, Evening Source: Job Bank Job Bank Job no.# 1493150 Job requirements: Languages: English Education: College, CEGEP or other non-university certificate or diploma from a program of 1 year to 2 years Experience: 1 year to less than 2 years Security and Safety: Criminal record check Transportation/Travel Information: Public transportation is available Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities: Work under pressure, Repetitive tasks, Attention to detail Personal Suitability: Ability to multitask, Excellent oral

communication, Flexibility, Client focus, Reliability, Organized, Excellent written communication, Team player, Accurate Area of Specialization: Correspondence, Reports and records, Financial statements, Invoices Business Equipment and Computer Applications: Electronic scheduler, Accounting software, MS Excel, MS Office, MS Word, MS Windows Specific Skills: Determine and establish office procedures and routines, Schedule and confirm appointments, Answer telephone and relay telephone calls and messages, Answer electronic enquiries, Compile data, statistics and other information, Order office supplies and maintain inventory, Type and proofread correspondence, forms and other documents, Greet people and direct them to contacts or service areas, Open and distribute regular and electronic incoming mail and other material and co-ordinate the flow of information, Set up and maintain manual and computerized information filing systems Technical Terminology : Business

How to apply By email:


Intended to job posting audience : Anyone who can legally work in Canada can apply for this job. If you are not currently authorized to work in Canada, the employer will not consider your job application Advertised until: to be determined



hoimEpYiQk klIink ilm.

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fw. jMfU iek hoimEpYiQk pRYktISnr hn Aqy nw hI auh bI.sI. dy iksy vI fwktr jW srjn dy kwlj nwl sbMDq hn qy nw hI bI.sI. ivc rijstr hn


f`ktr sMqoK isMG jMfU

COVID-19 SALE pMjwb gwrfIAn nwl AYf pwEu Aqy Awpxw ibzns vDwE


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Sona Chandi

*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A35

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A36 - The Punjab Guardian *July 10 - July 16, 2020 www.punjabguardian.com

Vol. 27 Issue No. 28, Ending Date: July 16, 2020 GUARDIAN REALTY Tel: 604-590-5200 Fax:604-596-5700 B.C

Greater Vancouver, Fraser Valley, Victoria,Nanaimo Prince George, Kamloops, Kelowna, Oliver, Squamish



Edmonton Calgary

Otttawa, Brampton Toronto





Greater Seattle, Everett, Marysville Portland, Bellingham, Belivue, Lyndon, Lynwood

unjab Guardi The P an



Emergency Response Team Surrey BC Canada

pMjwb bI.sI. Aqy Albrtw ivc

mdd leI hyTly Pon nMbrW ‘qy sMprk kro

gwrf AwpxI pRwprtI vycx leI

For Urgent Assistance Please Call our Emergency Hotline

Umeed- 1.855.878.6333

unjab Guardi The P an

Please Call for Assistance

Ajinderpal Singh : 604.240.9742 (Surrey) Taranjit Singh: 604.306.5731 (Delta)

Vicky Dhanaula : 604.760.3506 (Surrey) Surinder Sahota : 604.808.5851 (Surrey)

To Donate Non-Perishabe Food & Funds for These Lifesaving Services


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For Urgent A

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Ajinderpal Singh Taranjit Singh: 60

To Donate Non-

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• 700 b`cyAW dI pVweI dw mhInwvwr Krc (igxqI 10-15 nwl hr mhIny vD dI hY)



• pwxI dy iPltr lwauxy[ • isklIgr is~KW leI - m`D pRdyS, gujrwq Aqy hYdrwbwd iv`c syvwvW

/ month






#201 - 8381 128th Street, Surrey, BC, Canada V3W 4G1



*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A37

6605 124 STREET

7967 140 STREET ALE S R FO



5633 148 Street

14928 62A AVENUE FOR





$1,669,000 3 LEVEL CORNER HOME! ONE OF A KIND! Absolute DREAM HOME to call yours! 8 Bed / 8 Bath luxurious family home, look no further! Detailing and design from top to bottom is undeniably perfect! 2 Master beds (1 on main) with 3 other bedrooms all including en suites. Fabulous chefs kitchen plus wok kitchen. Every aspect of this home has been done to perfection. 2 suites below (2+1)

13530 78A Avenue FOR


$1,298,000 Custom Built Brand New Modern Style 3 Storey Home with 6 bed 5 bath Home in Sullivan Station. 10' ceilings main floors features kitchen, spice kitchen, living, dining and family room with built in TV unit- All Open concept with 2 piece washroom. Den on main offers great options for an office, bedroom, tv room or playroom. This Brand New modern style home has stunning North shore mountains views. This Home is finished with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and laundry upstairs. 3 bedrooms have ensuite washrooms! .Basement is finished with 2 bedrooms suite with separate entrance. Enjoy movies and drinks in the large theatre room with wet bar below! Close to Sullivan Heights Secondary, Sullivan Elementary, Sullivan Centre, YMCA and Panorama Village Shopping Centre. Full warranty package 2-5-10 years.

13496 57 Avenue LE



$1,378,000 This warm and inviting 4 bedroom + Den rancher has 2275 sq ft on one level. Could easily be converted to 6 bedrooms. Bright and spacious with more than 10 skylights bringing in natural light throughout. The wood beams and vaulted ceilings add to the cozy character. Features 2 gas fireplaces, double windows, updated skylights and a large shed in the backyard. The master bedroom comes with a full ensuite bathroom with tub, and sliding doors that lead to a private covered patio with electrical rough-in that is perfect for a hot tub. Rare opportunity to own a home on a large 1/3 of an ACRE, 14,723 sq ft rectangular lot in sought after Panorama Ridge. First time on the market in 29 years. Open house March 10 from 2-4pm and Sunday 1-3pm.








Beautiful, new 3 level home, basement is walk out ,house in a cul-de-sac.The property is centrally located w/ easy access to Alex Fraser Bridge. The entry welcomes you w/ a glass staircase & tile flooring as well as a beautiful dining & living areas. Kitchen features a large island, stainless steel appliances, beautiful cabinets & a wok kitchen. Spacious and open floor plan w/ high vaulted ceilings. Large master w/ walk-in closet, ensuite features 2 double sinks & a nice glass shower. Covered decks on both upper floors. Media room features a wet bar. Large, fenced backyard leads to a separate entry to a twobedroom suite. Double Garage & beautiful driveway. Nearby parks include North Delta Community Park, Annieville & Hellings Parks. Close to North Delta Rec Center & transportation.

#104 15299 68 Ave FOR

Custom Built Brand New 3 Storey Home 7 bed 6 bath Home w/ 2 suites.Open concept plan on the main floor w/full washroom, large kitchen+spice kitchen mudroom/dining room/great room. Den on main offers great options for an office, bedroom, tv room or playroom. Upstairs offers a large sized master bedroom, ensuite has double sinks, walk-in shower & tub along with 3 more bdrms+2 full washrooms. Basement was thoughtfully planned out and finished to maximize space and is 1607 SF with a spacious self contained 2 bedroom legal basement suite and a separate full rec room, media area and full bath for owners side both with separate private entrances. High End finishing throughout, easy access to Highway 1, Golden Ears BridgeMountain Views and is within a 5 minute drive to Prestigious Pacific Academy.

#121 8028 128 Street ALE

Panorama West Village is a very nice community of 200 townhomes. This 1,615 sq.f. unit has 4 bedrooms and 4 baths. Big, open concept kitchen features shaker softclosing cabinets and quartz countertops and a mini beverage/wine fridge located in the island. It also features 2 decks, 1 on each end of the unit to get maximum sunlight. Close to schools, Sullivan Shopping Centre, transit, parks, Bell Centre & YMCA.

#102 12888 80 Avenue

COMMERCIAL FOR SALE ie`k cMgI sQwipq BwrqI k`pVy Aqy butIk stor dy kwrobwr dw mwlk bxn dw vDIAw mOkw[ kwrobwr srI ivc Swndwr sQwn ‘qy lMmI imAwd Aqy mOjUdw gwhkW nwl siQq hY[ ivkryqw dukwn nUM vycx jW KrIdwrI leI v`Krw ikrwey qy dyx leI iqAwr hY[ mwlk jW stwP nUM prySwn nw kro[ kwrobwr nUM in`jI dyKx leI kwl kro : 604-807-3112

19072 90 Avenue



York Business Centre. Fenced complex with lots of parking and Secured Entry. Next to Corner Unit of 80th Ave & 128th St. 1,083 Square Feet. Very Good for Office or Retail/Business. Centrally Air Conditioned. One of the most well managed, desirable commercial/office complex in the heart of City. Lots of parking. Get ready to move in unit... Office/Retail space located centrally. The Best Buy for Professionals. Any kind of Office, Mortgage Brokers, Lawyers, Accountants, Learning Centre. Presently rented around $3,000 per month. Measurements are approximate, Buyer to verify.

#107 12888 80 Avenue LE


$999,000 Prime location & high exposure in York Business Centre at the corner of 128 Street & 80 Avenue in Surrey. One of the most desirable commercial office/retail spaces in Surrey. This ground floor space is 1,481 square feet and ideal for business or retail. This space has three offices, a board room, training room and a kitchen. Fenced property, lots of parking & on the transit route. A great opportunity for this type of space.

Only 1 Lot for Sale $739,900

Ranging from 6000-7300 Sqf starting from $739,900



$1,450,000 Beautiful 5,596 SF custom built home with views of the golf course & Mt. Baker. Centrally located in Fleetwood. Ten bedrooms & an open floor plan. Beautiful entry with highquality finishing & ceilings. Granite kitchen with an island & hardwood floors. Large master features a ceiling fan & Jacuzzi tub. Large covered deck off the main floor. Huge lot with lane access & lots of parking .Big Driveway can accommodate 6 cars. Centrally located to Fraser Highway & Highway #1 but still in a quiet area. Walking distance to golf course. Nearby schools include Coast Meridian Elementary School and Walnut Road Elementary School. Shopping, schools & restaurants are close by. Features 2 separate mortgage helper suites. A definite must see!

12685 68 Avenue ALE



Ground Floor Unit! Located in the very well designed Little India Plaza. This unit has lots of Visual Exposure from Entry/Exit of York Business Centre Plaza. The Best Visual Exposure. Never occupied unit. Washroom already built. Flooring done. T-Bar Ceiling done. Very Good for any kind of Retail Store. Fenced complex with lots of parking and Secured Entry. Corner of 80th Ave & 128th St. 1083 SF. Very convenient for Retail Space. One of the most desirable Commercial/Office complexes in the Heart of City.

17030 79A**



13530 78A Avenue FOR



1 Lot for Sale










Custom Built Brand New 3 Storey Home 7 bed 6 bath Home w/ 2 suites.Open concept plan on the main floor w/full washroom, large kitchen+spice kitchen mudroom/dining room/great room. Den on main offers great options for an office, bedroom, tv room or playroom. Upstairs offers a large sized master bedroom, ensuite has double sinks, walk-in shower & tub along with 3 more bdrms+2 full washrooms. Basement was thoughtfully planned out and finished to maximize space and is 1607 SF with a spacious self contained 2 bedroom legal basement suite and a separate full rec room, media area and full bath for owners side both with separate private entrances. High End finishing throughout, easy access to Highway 1, Golden Ears BridgeMountain Views and is within a 5 minute drive to Prestigious Pacific Academy.

11231 87A Avenue

18193 97A Avenue


112 13898 64 Avenue


Welcome to this Beautiful 3 Storey Home in Sullivan Station with 2 separate SUITES **(3+1)** This home has it ALL! Main floor features living, dining, a den, family room with high ceiling, kitchen that leads out to the patio, garden and driveway. There is also an extra 200 sqf on main floor which can be used for office/media/games room. Upstairs has 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. Downstairs there is a large 3 bedroom suite with 2 full bathrooms and another 1 bedroom suite (3+1 Suite)- great mortgage helpers! Great location close to YMCA, Panorama Village shopping, Rodeo Square Plaza, both levels of schools and Highway 10 for easy access to Langley / Richmond / Vancouver / Downtown. Plenty of street parking on both sides+back lane access for your huge driveway and garage.Call now for your private showing


Prime West Newton location, Investor Alert! This home sits on a 7,300 sq. ft. rectangular lot. Two bedrooms, a family room, kitchen with a sundeck and 1 full washroom on the main. Two bedroom suite with separate living room and kitchen is on the ground level. Large driveway with loads of parking spots. Excellent location; minutes to King George, shops, bus stop and Business Centres.

18201 97A Avenue




Brand new 7 bed home in East Newton. Automation of all lights and sound. Heated garage epoxy. Back door triple foldable, glass railing 12 mm Metal step stairs leading entry to the suites. The 42.83 sq. ft. porch welcomes you w/ a 3'x3' clerestory to allow lots of light. The living & dining rooms have 12' ceilings with LED Rope lighting plus a guest/bedroom & 4-piece ensuite on the main level. Nice sized wok kitchen off the main kitchen with high end S/S appliances as well as a 2-piece bathroom. The upper level features two master bedrooms, ensuite & walk-in closet plus two additional bedrooms & baths. Drop ceilings with rope light with 6 piece en-suite jacuzzi shower with multiple jets in master. The basement is designed for a bachelor suite & 2 bedroom suite. A MUST SEE!



Private 19,471 sq.ft. acre paradise in the heart of Port Kells with 150' frontage in area of estate homes. Build your dream home on this treed lot or continue to rent to tenants. Den is a 3rd bedroom. Home has hardwood floors, double windows & a 10'x12' rear deck. The 24'x22' detached double garage has 220 amp power & lot has plenty of room for extra parking. Great value! Easy commute to anywhere. Just minutes to Highway 1, 15 or 17, Fraser Highway or Golden Ears & Port Mann Bridges. Rented to Good Tenants at $1500 plus utilities on month-to-month basis. Possibility to build 3 Level Home.

$1,279,000 Welcome to this centrally located Basement Entry Home in West Newton! This home sits on a large 7000+ SQF Lot with a huge driveway and backyard. This home features 2 separate suites of 2+1 Bedrooms with their own separate entrances. Above main floor features formal living/dining rooms with high ceilings and loads of skylights for natural light. Elegant kitchen with big nook, big family room and 3 large bedrooms with 2 full baths. 2 Covered decks. Private yard with vegetable garden and shed. Right side walkway is fully covered and can be used as extra parking. Walking distance to KPU/Khalsa School. Close to transit, both levels of schools, parks, major transit routes & many other amenities. This home as 2 separate basement suites as mortgage helpers of 2 and 1 bedrooms currently rented to good tenants.

4999 60A Ave Ladner 6315 128 Street 13083 59A Avenue E



$917,000 This home is located in Ladner, a unique residential & fishing community with a historic village. The twostorey home is fully renovated. New paint, laminate floors, crown mouldings & tiles. Kitchen has been redone with lots of cupboard space, new stainless steel appliances & granite countertops. Laundry room below off the bright, clean kitchen. The home features 5 bedrooms including a 2 bedroom suite. Walking distance to parks, transit and schools. The fenced yard is private, new roof, furnace & hot water tank in approximately 2016. Move-in ready! Easy access to Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal, Point Roberts, Highway 17A, Ladner Trunk Road & Highway 99.




Beautiful 2 level custom built basement entry house in the heart of West Newton. This home offers seven bedrooms plus a den and six bathrooms. Separate entry two bedroom legal suite for mortgage helper. Spacious floor plan. Second floor has open library/study room, 5 bedrooms & 4 full bathrooms. Private fenced yard lots of parking in the back. Home is freshly painted & has new flooring. Close to shopping, transit, rec centre, and both levels of school. Must see!



$1,079,000 Welcome to the Prestigious Panorama Park Homes Subdivision, one of the most desirable areas of Surrey! Built by a renowned builder with high end top Finishing. This Home features 4 Bedrooms with 2.5 Bath Upstairs, Living, Family, Dining on Main Floor with a kitchen and spice kitchen with Stainless Steel Appliances and 2 piece washroom. There is also a spacious 2 Bedroom Basement Suite! Ample parking on the rear plus a double garage. Just steps to the Park, Kids Play Area and Cricket Playground. Very close to both Schools such as Panorama Park Elementary and Panorama Ridge Secondary & Shopping centres and major Bus routes. Very close to Hwy 10 making it easy to hop on the highway and head to Richmond/New West/Downtown Vancouver. Also an easy commute to South Surrey, White Rock, Langley.

A38 - The Punjab Guardian *July 10 - July 16, 2020 “ FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS ”




8488 120 Street

Office Space Available




Nice and Cozy family home on a quiet street in the best neighbourhood of Panorama area. This home offers a sunken living room and vaulted ceiling. This house has 3 good sized bedrooms and two full bathrooms for owners use and has a 1 bedroom basement suite as a mortgage helper. Large private yard backs onto green space. Must see. Super starter home. All visitors are required to sign the COVID-19 forms in associated docs, and send the signed form before the showing. All showings are possible after June 20 at tenants request.


Newly built two story home in West Newton, sitting in a huge over 7400 sq ft lot. 2-510 warranty with lot of parking. It is close to all the amenities. This house has beautiful layout with huge backyard space for kids to enjoy outdoor, and on top of all it has 2 bedroom basement suite as a mortgage helper

9607 156 STREET

This gorgeous custom built home is located in one of the finest neighbourhoods of Surrey. This beautiful home features 5 good sized bedrooms and 5 bathrooms. Some of the features include granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, beautiful kitchen, open layout, double garage, lots of parking, quiet neighborhood, easy access to Vancouver, U.S. and much more. There is a 1 bedroom beautiful suite. Must see home to appreciate its beauty.

13881 56 AVENUE

"The 85" located at the intersection of Scott Road and 85th Avenue.The development has 7 retail spaces and 38 condos on the top three floors. All retail units front Scott Road and enjoy excellent street level exposure. No duplication of use permitted. Expected Completion between April and December, 2022. Please call for still available uses. Only builders contract of purchase and sale to be used.


Beautiful 6 bedroom and 5 bath custom built home located in one of the best neighbourhoods of Surrey. This home comes with a Gorgeous open Layout. Upstairs features 4 good sized bedrooms with 3 baths. Main floor features 2 bedroom side suite which can be a good mortgage helper. Close to all the amenities like Schools, Guildford Mall, Easy access to Vancouver, Burnaby, Transit, Theatres and much more. A must see home.

Renovated Home on a huge Lot located in one of the top neighbourhoods of Panorama Ridge. This Home has a park like setting with absolutely immaculate interior with 4 huge bedrooms with excellent layout. Some of the renovations and features include Central Air Conditioning, heated bathroom floors, beautifully renovated bathrooms, beautiful outdoor pool, hot tub, outdoor bar, tons of parking, Top of the line Stainless Steel Appliances, Kitchen is amazingly renovated with beautiful granite countertops, kohler faucets and much more. You will definitely fall in love with this beautiful home with a serene setting.



Sutton WestCoast Realty #106 -7565 132 St., Surrey BC., V3W 1K5

604-572 3005 (F) 604-572-7970


7565 #106 132 St., Surrey BC., V3W 1K5


r3877 184 St - $4,995,000 r17616 Ford Detour Rd

36.94 Acres blueberry farm, planted with Duke, Blue-crop & Elliot Varieties. Blueberry is in full production, irrigation drip system is in place, perimeter driveway is in good shape - plants and driveway are good for machine pick. All the machinery, including harvester (Blueberry pick up machine) is included in the purchase price.With all the machinery included to run the farm operation, enjoy your blueberry income while building your dream home - very desirable area to build home - easy access to major routes to Hwy 1, USA border,Vancouver, Ferries - and Campbell Height Industrial area.Frontage of the property has enough elevation that it does not require preload of the site to build new house (double check with your engineer). Machinery storage shed's sizes are 30x30 & 20x20 feet.

32.86 Acres of Blueberry farm with 3 varieties of crop generating very good income - in couple years berry will be in full production. Drip system for irrigation -City water is available for irrigation and also has the access for getting irrigation water from nearby dyke. Property is very close to residential as well as industrial area and is next to Pitt Meadow Airport. Over 3300sf house was extensively renovated in 2008 - spacious Island Kitchen, SS appliances, loads of kitchen cabinets and very refreshing rock waterfall into the Foyer.

THE FARMING LIFE ESTABLISHED 38.66 ACRE BLUEBERRY FARM. RARE OPPORTUNITY & PRIME LOCATION IN DELTA! MATURE PLANTS! Currently growing Blue Crop/ 20 acres, Duke/ 10 acres & Elliot/ 6 acres. 2018 production year produced approximately 430 k lbs. Drip irrigation system with city water, 220 amp wired workshop & separate garage for your farm vehicle. Very quick access to Hwy 91 connector & Hwy 99. Close to all conveniences and amenities. Located on a quiet no thru road. Come build your DREAM home & live. Please call L/S for more information.

Nice opportunity to buy 4 acres of land and build your house - very rare to find. Close to all amenities with easy access to all major Hwy routes -King George Blvd., 152 Street, Hwy 91, Hwy 99 and Hwy10.

r5860 112 St - $5,800,000 r14837 48 Ave

Sutton Group-Westcoast Realty 7832-120 St. Surrey BC

3.36 Acre Industrial 17633 96 Avenue Surrey Investment Opportunity Land for Sale


Residential zone allows a single family dwelling combined with industrial use. I2 - General Industrial zone. Property close to rail & highways.

1.58 acres with 2 road access at 96 Ave and back onto 97 Ave. Great future potential and holding property. Very close to busy 176th St with close proximity to Highway 1. Currently zoned Residential Acreage, designated future Light industrial. NCP is Anniedale Tynehead, further details on City of Surrey website. No creeks or ravines . TOP application made to city for Comm Truck Parking

11186-Farms Rd, Mission BC House near Kwantlen University 30475 Cardinal Court, Abbotsford



Commercial Strata Building units for sale

21 Acres Blueberry farm with 5 bedroom fully renovated 3000 sq ft house.About 10 acres in blueberry (duke) and another 10 acres Elliott blue crop. Very productive & level soil. Nice mountains view.

Basement Entry House for sale Mega basement entry house near Kwantlen university with 4 bdrms upstairs & 2+2 bdrm basement suits. Double garage

CARDINAL BUSINESS CENTRE is situated in the heart of West Abbotsford, located next to Mt. Lehman Centre and a 1/2 block away from HighStreet mall. This state of the art building is well suited for professional service oriented businesses, catering to financial, legal, accounting, engineering, insurance, medical, dental real estate and many more professions..

12305 67A Ave $1,198,000

Want to know the price of your house... Call today for a Free Market Evaluation


2 story House for sale House Size: 3250 sq feet Lot Size: 7120 Sq. Ft. 3 Bedrooms & 4 Bathrooms Age: 30 yrs; Garage: Single car

Near 124 st & 66 Ave 7830 SWANSON DR DELTA


2 story House for sale House Size: 3250 sq feet Lot Size: 50 x 148 ft ; bed/Bath : 5/3 Basement: 2 bdrm side suite Age: 24 yrs; Garage: Double car

$8,69,000 ing m o C ge n a Im Soo

(Investor Alert)Quiet location near Sun God Rec Centre ,large lot 66x 120 ft. House is currently rented for $2200/month invest now and build over 5000 sq ft 3 story home anytime. We can also built dream home for you. Call for more details

*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A39



#25 8430 128 St, Surrey, BC V3W 4G3




www.gurjeetgill.com gill5@hotmail.ca

MY NEW LISTINGS ARE COMING IN June, July & Aug. 2020 $485,000 9090 WILLIAMS St. Chilliwack $649,500 #110 - 3160 TOWNLINE ROAD 3967 Brighton Pl 405 20826 72 AVE Langley $549,500 1003-11967 80 Av

Lattice 2 by Vesta homes -2 bedroom 2 full washrooms + flex room with oversized deck overlooking views of Mount Baker & Milner Valley. Well designed & spacious condo situated in prime area of Langley - Willoughby Heights having open concept kitchen with quartz countertops, premium s/s appliances, island & ample storage. Oversized windows & elegant laminate/tile flooring. Close to Hwy no 1, schools, rec centre & shopping mall. Enjoy retail shops on the ground floor & shared rooftop amenity space with playing area. Do not miss chance to occupy this beauty before it has gone!

Delta's only luxury high rise buildings. Close to shops, restaurants, Skytrain, Super Store, restaurants, banks, Tim Horton's & schools. This unit has 2 bedrooms with full washroom plus spacious balcony for enjoying morning & evening time. Open concept kitchen with Kitchen Aid appliances having versatile island with quartz countertops with lighting arrangements. Floor to ceiling windows for getting maximum natural light inside of this unit. The amazing amenity space offers community garden, playground, BBQ, fitness centre & much more available in this building. Views to North Shore Mountains. This unit has been rented @$1650.00 per month plus all utilities. Do not miss chance to occupy this beauty. Must see before it has gone!

Hot Listing

Well maintained corner & fully landscaped fenced family oriented home situated in central Chilliwack close to all amenities.This has 4 bedroom plus two full washroom with spacious living rooms & dining room.This property contains accommodation w h i c h i s n o t authorized.This house has big storage shed of size 22'0x14'0 in back yard & tons of parkings avaiable. Renovations done in 2019 like new flooring, painting,upgradation of eavestrough with drain guard catch boxes ,vinyl siding on the front of house instead of wood & washrooms plus replacement of furnace with natural gas (Trane) & hot water tank in 2016.

CORNER LOT 7500 sqft

$1,288,888 46280-SECOND AVE CHILLIWACK $459,000 11 5623 Teskey Way, Chilliwalk $425,000 46376 YALE RD CHILLIWACK Investors/developers Wow:well designed Hot Listing L o t 7 6 8 6 Hot Listing alert---ready to build 7 Hot Listing townhome situated townhouses in most desirable area of sqft(63'0X122'0) in promontory area chilliwack close to al of chilliwack having levels of schools & RI -A zoning downtown. All service 3 bedroom plus 3 agreements are ready to Potential for sign with city of chilliwack washroom with with the security deposit spacious living room fourplex plus applicable fees. New plans/drawings with new & family room.large Back lane bc building code are windows for more being submitted to city of available. natural loght.kitchen ACCEPTED OFFER S/R chilliwack asap. Prime location of development in


has maple shaker cabinetry,granite counters & island.9 1 ceilings on main floor with fire place.do not miss chance to occupy this beauty before it has gone!

Commercial units for sale in prime area of Abbotsford 1785 Clearbrook rd

97 6299 144 Street, Surrey

ON JULY 13,2020

chilliwack. This site may be convereted into 30-25 condos (5 storey building) instead of 7 townhomes site. Please check this proposal with city of chilliwack bc before writing any offer.

$667,500 8729 Broadway Rd, Chilliwack

Welcome to the altura! Well designed & maintained townhome having 4 bedroom plus 3 washroom situated in prime location of sullivan station close to all levels of schools, transit & new shopping centre. Open concept kitchen with granite counter tops, stainless appliances with adjoining great family room & deck perfect for bbq plus spacious living room / dining room. Downstairs has large rec room may be used as 4th bedroom with washroom roughed in leading to your backyard & double car garage. This complex has luxurious club house with pool/hot tub, gym, movie theatre, party room & more. Do not miss chance to occupy this beauty before it is gone!

Hot Listing


Investors/first time home buyers alert! Well oriented home of 4 bedroom with 2 washroom situated in prime area of chilliwack close to all schools, hyw no 1, shopping centre, transit & has been rented @$1600.00 per month plus all utilities. Tons of parking are available. Nice backyard for playing kids. Call today for your private viewing. Do not miss chance to occupy this beauty before it has gone!



#82-30989 Westridge Place ABBOTSFORD

12573 76 A Ave

BY SOLD $849,500

Well maintained & family oriented home situated in prime area of Surrey having 3 bedroom, spacious family & living rooms with modernized kitchen well equipped with branded appliances. Washroom & kitchen updated professionally with tile flooring & new cabinets. New laminated flooring done in the whole house. Private covered sundeck overlooking a fenced backyard. Tons of parking available. Potential of one bedroom basement suite in this property for helping mortgage in future. Must see before it has gone!

45461 Crescent Dr, Chilliwack $499,500


Param Kooner 604-825-4160 paramkooner.com



First time buyers/investors alert! Well maintained house situated in prime area of chilliwack having 3 bedroom plus 2 full washrooms close to park, schools, shopping centre, home depot, hospital, recreation centre & hyw no i. this property contains accommodation of one bedroom which is not authorized. tons of parkings & storages are available in this property. seller is fully motivated to sell. this property may be rented @ $2500.00 per month. Do not miss chance to occupy this beauty before it has gone!



Wow: well designed 2 storey house situated in prime area of west abbotsford having 5 bedroom plus 4 full washrooms with spacious living room, family room with large rec room & open SOLD ABOVE LISTING PRICE concept kitchen. WITH multiple offers IN ONE WEEK Large laundry room & full washroom downstairs. This property has legal suite of 2b edroom for mortage helping. Close to all levels of schools, recreation, shopping, transit & more. Please call for any private viewing. Do not miss chance to occupy this beauty before it has gone.

Hot Listing


10542-128 ST SURREY 12573 76 A Ave Surrey #72-13898 64 Ave Surrey #48-12730 66 Ave SURREY

#02-1530 McCallum Rd Abbotsford 3967 BRIGHTON PL ABBOTSFORD 104-9015 120 ST DELTA

RECENTLY SOLD in 2019 DELTA: #303-7435 121 st, 415-7511 120st, 313-9015 120st, 607-11967 80 Ave

LANGLEY: Units 211,301 405-20826 72 Ave, 115-20829 77 a


SURREY: 20-7518 138 st, 22-12738 66 ave, 17168-64a, 15058-68 a, 1-6533 121a CHILLIWACK: 9235 WINDSOR ST, 8743 CORNWALL CR 46376 YALE RD ABBOTSFORD: 33341-HAWTHORNE AVE, 33311-KETCH PL, 3728 NOOTKA ST

Change the price 12736 106A ave


10952 129a St


Lots available for sale in Maple Ridge area 13084 107 Ave

This spectacular home is located in an exceptional area with extraordinary views! There are 2 master bedrooms and 2 bedrooms with Jack-and Jill style bathrooms on the top level. On the main level, there is a master suite, an office, a living and dining area, a family room, a spacious kitchen with an additional spice kitchen, and a powder bathroom. The laundry is located on the main floor as well! This house has 2 rental suites with full bathrooms as a mortgage helper (unauthorized). The all-concrete background is perfect for entertaining guests and enjoying the views! This house is well-kept as good as new and is move-in ready. The location is convenient and the train station is within walking distance! Call for more information.

7-12092 70 Ave



#5- 6678 152 st





D L O S D L O S 12736 106A AVE



13316 89a Ave $1,529,000

This beautiful and spacious townhouse is in the center of Surrey. It has 3 bedrooms located on the upper floor with 2 half and 2 full washrooms. The master bedroom has a wonderful view of the outside with good natural lighting. There is a flex room located in the basement of the house. The open concept kitchen comes with an island made from quartz. There is a central built-in vacuum. The house has a large double car garage parking and also has a visitors parking near the unit. The property is very convenient as it is a walking distance from Scottsdale Mall, Guru Nanak Sikh Temple, Cougar Creek Elementry, several shops and a bus stop. The house is in excellent condition and is as good as new with wonderful natural light. Call today for your private showing.

8965 Queen Mary Blvd Surrey, BC V3V 6R2 13135 73 Avenue Surrey, BC, V3W 2R4



We’re Professional Builders Contact for any type of Residential or Commercial Development

Basement home, one of the largest lot in area 11,521 Sq ft. lot isze. 3 bedrooms up and very special one bedroom suite down.Fully fenced backyard with garden shed. Walking distance to Sikh Temple, bus and shopping mall.

Basement entry home on a quiet street. Total 10 bedrooms, 8 baths, a lot of parking at front and back. Maple kitchen, 4 bedroom, 3 bathrooms upstairs and 2+2+1 suites downstairs plus extra rec room and bedroom. Very good mortgage helper, 2 laundries, back lane. Walking distance to both level schools, college, bus and shopping. Very clean house.

7000 130 Street Surrey BC 7365 129 Street Surrey BC

Only 2 years new, quality build 11 Bedrooms, 10 Washrooms. 3 Level, 2 Suites + Grand Parents + many suites. Very spacious space for everybody in the house. Extended parking infront, backyard for over 10 cars. Good street for house based business. Calculate the price even with your budget, still with help. Lot for mortgage affordability. For more info call 604-716-2135

Very neat & clean updated house. 3 Bedrooms, 2 full washrooms, very spacious living + kitchen with nook + dining. Garage is converted to big rec 11124 NUpdated FULLER room. Easy to convertible to suite. flooring, carpet, washrooms, kitchen double glass windows, new roof. Long driveway for 4 to 6 cars. Fully fenced yard, close to both level school, newton park, bus + shipping.


Detached for sale in BC. This 1826 - 182 feet property feat bedrooms, 3.0 bathr


e in only ntals

A40 - The Punjab Guardian *July 10 - July 16, 2020 Coastal Realty Ltd.

Residential & Commercial Realtor

Centurian Producer

3 ®




604-726-0085 #105-7928-128 St., Surrey BC


Free Market Evaluation / 24 Hr Market Exposure email: realtorsukhiatwal@gmail.com www.sukhiatwal.ca

22355 48 AVE Langley

11200 Kingfisher Dr. Richmond


Located in beautiful Murrayville neighbourhood, all on 2nd floor. 6 (1 bed) + 4 (2 beds) units with all U/G parking and MUCH MORE!

WESTWIND - 7,385 sq.ft. The house offers you very functional floor plan, 3 FULL bathrooms, double garage and much more

11318-78A Avenue

84 Oliver Street, Williams Lake

Kulwinder Singh Dheria

Very successful business in the heart of Prince George. Fullyoccupied rooming house and hostel. Hostel has large common area, kitchen, men's/women's bathrooms as well as office area.


4000 sq. ft. Retail space for lease. 2,200 sq. ft. Warehouse for lease in surrey. Call for more info



5 bedroom 3 bath family home located in the heart of North Delta. Main floor features, spacious living room, Family room and much more

Located downtown Williams Lake, renovated, well established for 7 years, cabaret business with land and building.

$909,000 #131 15299 68 AVE

7815-Swanson Dr.

Unit 11-16357 15 Ave $699,000 Great 5 bedroom 3 bath family home located in the heart of North Delta. Main floor features, spacious living room, dinning room,3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. 2 BEDROOM Basement suite with separate entry. Huge sundecks.

Subway in Edmonton for Sale in South Surrey , 4bed very good location

4bath brand new 36,000 SQFT Industrial Warehouse townhome, 1751 for Sale in Red Deer Alberta. SF , Close to beach Farm in Bellingham (USA) for Sale

G`t qoN G`t mOrtgyj ryt Aqy vDIAw slwh leI We Deal With Most of the Major Banks, Credit Unions and Many More Lenders

For Lease

High traffic location, main floor 700 Separate entrance, Tenants can have own improvements. Tenant o r Te n a n t ' s representative to verify all measurements.

High traffic location, second floor 1200 sf Mezzanine space only, with lots of windows and natural light BUSINESS CENTRE plaza. 11200 Kingfisher Dr. Richmond

12472 100 Ave, Surrey





Commercial Building for sale in Surrey

Senior Mortgage Specialist • 5 Year Fixed (Special) 2.34% Ask for $2000 Special • 5 Year Fixed 2.69% Incentives • 5 Year Variable 2.35%

Call For Our



Specialized in: • Residential • Commercial • Farm Mortgage • Private Mortgage


6512 124 Street

15177 7


131 15299 68 AVE

iksy pRkwr dI mOrgyj lYx qoN pihlW swfy nwl sMprk kro

8025 124 Street

Sold 47 houses in 2016 Sold 50 plus homes in 2017 Medallion Member 2017, 2018, 2019 Planet Group Realty Inc. #266 - 8128 128 Street Surrey, BC V3W 1R1 Tel: 604-572-1008

13285 71B Street 110-13727 74 Ave Asking

Townhouse for Sale

3 level house in Panorama, 8 bed 4 baths, 2-bed basement suite, 3400 SF area


604.217.7676 kulwinder@kulwinder.ca

sahotakulvir@gmail.com 3-12730 66 Ave Asking $559K

15-19789 5

Best Rates


13168 61 Ave

MBA Finance




Apartment, 2bed 2bath, 3 bed, 3bath, Close to both two storey home ,7bed 5 3 bed 2 bath, 2 Parking, two parking stall, close schools and bus service, bath,2 bed basement suite townhouse, close to schools Superstore King George

202-7445 120 St

House in Fleetwood 34-9088 Holt Rd

26-12730 66 Av


138-13898 64 Ave

317-6960 120 St.

11826 87 Ave

23-12730 66 Ave

*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A41


email: hardy.gill@century21.ca


604-537-4100 Century 21 Coastal Realty #105-7928-128 St., Surrey BC Tel. 604.599.4888. Fax. 604.507.8851.




email: NavNarwal@cbbain.com

360-927-6574 3610 Meridian St. Bellingham, WA 98225


Local Market Leadership. World Class Connections. USA Properties


39 acres Blueberry Farm


$300,000 $300,000

10 acres duke & 10 acres bluecrop. 19 acres leased for approximately 15,000 a year. Asking price 17 + acres bare land with house $688,000 for information Call Nav



MOTEL FOR SALE IN WA 16 Units apartment with over 6% cap rate in Lynden, Washington. 40 Rooms - $2.6M Asking Price 2.375M

g n i d Pen

Very good running 40 room motel for sale in WA, Close to I-5 highway. Partially renovated recently. High income yield. Call for more info regarding this investment property.


81 Acre Grape Farm

Yakima WA -$1.5M Full Production, 4 Houses, includes machinery

7372 Nooksack Rd



Beautifully planted 6 acres of producing Blueberries. Home is in excellent condition and the barn has been completely renovated and is currently a shop. south of Everson on Hwy 9, convenient to Sumas Border Crossing. Young plants-2017 produced 12,00 pounds of berries. Good investment for truck drivers.

44 Acre blueberry farm fully planted with barn in Lynden with fully planted

Asking $1.5M



Franchise hotel with easy access off i5. This good income earning hotel has 67 rooms. Call for more info regarding this investment property.


75 Acre Blueberry Farm


Fully planted blueberry farm producing different varieties of berry. well kept and full water rights.

47 Acre blueberry farm $1.8M

Lynden WA

Full Production of Duke, Bluecrop, Elliott and Reka

Attention Canadian Investors

US Dollar is Down- Take Advantage of Your Canadian Money Invest in US Properties with Great Returns

Canadian Properties

$754,999 2 Ranchers Back to 105 8078 128 ST Back in Ocean Park, Lot size 50x100 each. Rented to good tenants. 1115 sq ft Retail store with lots of exposure on busy street in heart of Surrey Seller Motivated. Brand new Little India plaza with lots of traffic Both side entrance waiting for your Asking price: 1.25M ideas Won t last long please Hurry before it s too late Each

Franchise Hotel for sale in BC Asking $4.4M


Industrial Building Asking $5.7M

54 rooms + Manager Suite. 18,000 sq. ft. Industrial Free standing building on 1 acre in Over million dollars in sales. heart of Surrey. Fully leased. Call for more inormation For more information : Call Hardy Gill Hardy 604-537-4100

Farm for Sale

Asking $7.2M 60 Acre Blueberry Farm in surrey. 40 Acre Planted and in full production. 20 Acre waiting for your ideas. Good Future Potential.

Liquor store for sale on busy intersection high yield and easy to manage for more info call Hardy Gill

rh ho qW G`t qoN G`t ryt lYx vwsqy iek vwr swnUM Pon zrUr kro A42 - The Punjab Guardian *July 10 - July 16, 2020

HOMELAND MORTGAGE CORP. pihlI vwr Gr KrIdx vwly rYjIfYNSIAl mOrtgyj kMstrkSn mOrtgyj pRweIvyt mOrtgyj sYkMf Aqy Qrf mOrtgyj

jykr quhwnUM mOrtgyj lYx ivc koeI muSkl AwauNdI hY qW iek vwr swnUM jrUr imlo[ AsIN pRweIvyt mOrtgyj dw vI pRbMD G`t ryt qy krdy hW

• Residential Mortgages • Farm Financing • Construction Mortgage • Private Mortgages • Commercial Mortgages • 2nd & 3rd Mortgage

FIXEDhelp VARIABLE FIXED 3 YEARS We5 can you ....... Years 3.44% 2.85%dream RATE home buy your 3.54% . *


( * Conditions apply )



Ph:604-593-6622 Fax:604-593-6615 204-7928, 128 St. (York Business Centre ) Surrey BC V3W4E8

Cell: 604-500-3920



KULDIP S PANESAR Senior Mortgage Advisor

Cell: 604-308-6839

Part time office assistant is required, please send resume

14232 71a Avenue

9892 130 Street

Beautiful Mega custom Home, 8001 sqft lot and 6884 sqft living space. This custom built house has very good use of area, very good architect. Big living room, family room, big kitchen and spice kitchen. 5 bedrooms upstairs and three washrooms. Master bedroom 1.5 washrooms and den on the main floor. A total of 12 bedrooms and 8 washrooms, beautiful tiles and good colour scheme. Don't miss out on this gorgeous home! L shape garage. It's your dream home.

Beautiful three bedrooms up and 2 bedroom down, real hardwood, 12 year old roof and furnace. Deluxe wooden cabinets in spacious kitchen, w/eating area opening onto huge covered sundeck overlooking private backyard and patio. 2 fireplaces and a balcony with french doors off the grand living room! Great floor plan, ideal for your family. big covered RV/boat parking spot in the back. Attached garage has a workshop. Lots of room! Corner lot, fenced yard, private and secure.

12393 80A Avenue

92-13880 74 Ave SURREY

Remodeled with new paint, expensive laminate flooring, tiles and more.Granite kitchen counter top and more.. Extra large master bedroom and generous size other bedrooms. Super family complex, walking distance to shopping, banks, doctors, schools bus etc. All sizes and ages are approx. only. The Buyer should not rely upon the listing information without the Buyer independently verifying the information.

12369 80A Avenue

A Brand new house. 4 bedrooms, 3 washrooms and downstairs 2 suites of 2 bedrooms each.

#36-15840 84 AVE

Fleetwood Gables!! Welcome to your would be new home! Well kept, partially renovated townhouse in the very quiet neighborhood. This 1700 sqft home features very open and spacious layout. Main floor has bright nice kitchen with new counter tops, backsplash, sink, dishwasher and stove. Living area and family room on the main too with powder room. Above it has 3 bedrooms and 2 washrooms. The house has been updated with new paint, partial flooring on the main and all washrooms in just 2018. Double Car garage. Fully fenced backyard to enjoy your summer!Close to schools, shops, transit and recreation. Rentals are not allowed. 2 Pets are allowed , no vicious breeds.All sizes and ages are approx. only.The Buyer should not rely upon the listing information without the Buyer independently verifying

*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A43

2 mMizlw bRYNf inaU 3800 Sqft. 5 bYfrUm Gr 5.5 eykV iv`c bxy 2,500 sq.ft. Price bwrn$2.2M ivc cldy BMg dy ibzns, vDIAw ienkm, PYimlI ibzns Aqy AwnMdmeI kudrqI nzwry ivc rihx vwsqy auplbD hY[




er for Your Property ? ! Call me

In the Hearth of South Surrey, upcoming Hwy. side Morgan Crossing business center will be available for lease. The main floor will host restaurants, grocery stores, banks, retail shops, a pharmacy, and medical center. The second and third floors will include law, dental, insurance, real estate, and immigration offices, a beauty salon, and an education college. Several retail and office units still available, but it won’t last long.

20 eACRE Brand New Houses w g FARM HOUSE WITH N stin UnderSALE Construction ED ROOM HOUSE +.....more, FOR Li Absolutely stunning!! Brand new side by side two houses an extra deep 6200+lots in most desired near broad more area 5 bdrms + 5 full bath & powder room including one bed room legal suite in one house as mortgage helper under construction bring your idea, features just blocks from south arm community centre & park, public transportaiton Richlea shopping centre and all levels of good school (Excellence School, Catchment of MC Robert Secondary School. Act fast.

ANQUET HALL / MARRIAGE PALACE FOR SALE AT LUDHIANA acres , Commercial Property, 340 ft main frontage, 21,000 sq/ft built, 2000 Seating acity & Many More....! Price $3.5 Million. 5331 CHETWYND AVE

133 13958 108 AVE

Town Houses or Condo Site in South Surrey ਰਾਂਓ ਸਿਹਰ ਦੇ POSH AREA ਿਵਚ 4 ਕੋਠfor ੀਆਂSale ਵਧੀਆ In South Surrey condo site for sale over then 3 acres. You can Built town houses or condos. Ready for application. Call now for more details.

HIGH END QUALITY Each 4 bed room with D D L L attached bath, SOReady 2 move SO For SALE.

Sukhi Gill


buttergill@gmail.com Specialist in Abbotsford and Aldergrove area



$1,599,000 Listings Wanted

3030 Terthway Abbotsford

Clearbrook Village! Corner Rancher/Townhouse. This unit is located in one of the best locations in the complex. The unique features include: Great floor lay-out on main floor with 3 bedrooms, living room, dining area, spacious kitchen and laundry. EXTRA storage outside for kitchen items etc. Fully fenced private backyard offers space for kids to play. Updates include: New flooring throughout, paint, Kitchen. Book your appointment now.


Invest for future build new house its 3 bedroom rancher on huge corner lot. Home is close to all amenities school, shopping centre, bus stop, seller motivated to sell.

31098 Deer Trail Avenue, Abbotsford Great Family Home in desirable area of West Abbotsford. Very well kept and walking distance to all levels of school and parks. Minutes away from High Street Mall and HWY 1. Has 5 spacious bedrooms and 3 bathrooms with unauthorized suites in this house with a separate entrance.


Beautiful, Ground Level 5.28 ACRE FARM HOUSE WITH MEGA townhome features 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, a HOME FOR SALE RIDGE. OVER modern in open MAPLE floor plan with large windows allowing in lots of natural 3250 SQ FT 5 light. BEDROOM SEMI CUSTOM This unit is finished with contemporary kitchen HOME. GOOD INCOME FROM Poultry, with gorgeous granite counter top, laminate floors throughout living, dining Multiple & Sheep, Goat & Veg. garden. buildings to kitchen area. Large master bedroom with big closets & protect birds /animals. updates inc. large balcony. Close Many to Skytrain, Schools, SFU campus ,CentralFruit City Mall, trees, fully fenced, Landscaping, Multiple Hospital & Parks. Rentals allowed! gated complex with Koi ponds. Price $1.7 Million

HOUSE FOR SALE IN Sunshine DELTA w g Ne stin Li

5 bedroom 4 bathroom over 2500 sft. covered area sits on a huge Lot over 9500sft. Live now & Build later. Price $1.25 Million

pMjwb (Bwrq) ivc koeI vI pRwprtI vycx jW KrIdx leI spMrk kro[



oms, 10 en, spice on main dry, huge ment suite f the line econdary oximate,

UNIT--145-12040--68 AVE-- SOLD

Fraser Valley Real Estate Board Top 1% Achiever in 2014 to 2017

Royal LePage *July Chairman’s & Diamond Award Winner 2015, 2016 & 2017 A44 - The Punjab Guardian 10 Club - July 16, 2020


Fraser Valley Real Estate Board( Top 10 Realtors) Individual Award Winner & Top 1% Achiever 2012 to 2020 ( Sold Units)

Medallion Member 2011 - 2020

Personal Real Estate Corporation

Global Force Realty 13339 60 ave


Personal Real Estate Corporation


Tel: 604-596-1800 * Fax: 604-596-1885 #104 - 13049 - 76 Ave. Surrey BC

Email: baltony1@yahoo.ca

$1,369,879 17–6188 141 st


PANORAMA RIDGE - Very bright well kept, Renovated in 2016, 14 years old, 2 level home. 6 Bed, 5 Washroom 3645 Sq. Ft. Built home on Large 8622 Sq. Ft. Lot. Finished with stunning quality. Upstairs features 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms and a Theatre Room. Home was built with 25-10 Years Warranty now expired. Renovations include Paint and Flooring. Best neighbourhood, close to ALL levels of schools, Parks, bus Stop. Easy access to Richmond, Vancouver, Hwy 10 and US BORDER. Very good area for family and children. Lots of Parking. Children walk to school. Double garage. Granite large entry. Enjoy living in this private estate in the heart of Panorama Ridge. A suite for Mortgage Helper. A MUST SEE!

Welcome to Vantage, a thoughtful collection of 62 townhomes nestled in the peaceful neighborhood of Sullivan Heights. Heritage inspired exteriors with 3 Bedrooms & 4 Bathrooms home 1589 sqft. built w/mountain views. Engineered flooring & wall systems, gas cooking, energy efficient LED lighting throughout, 9 ft ceilings, real wood shaker cabinetry throughout & fireplace w/stone surround. Walking distance to great schools, shopping & public transit.

#309-14925-100 AVE $269,879

11542-80 AVE

Renovated Top floor 1 bedroom & 1 Bathroom 640 Sq. Ft. unit. Looking down courtyard and on the quiet side of the building. NO RENTAL RESTRICTIONS. Renovations include New flooring and New paint. Located near the mall, recreation and a great opportunity for investment or for first time buyers.

Very Convenient Location! 7 Bedrooms & 6 bathrooms, 2 year old House, 4055 Sq ft Built area on 5119 Sq Ft Lot. Upstairs Features 4 Bedrooms & 3 Bathrooms, Main floor features Bedroom, Full Bathroom, Family Room, Dining, kitchen, Sundeck ,Double Garage & Work Kitchen. Basement features 2 bedrooms suite and a theater room with Bar. FULLY AIR-CONDITIONED WITH UNIT.GORGEOUS North Delta home.

Recent Sales BY Tony Bal 10119- Mary Dr , North Surrey UNIT-25-7198--199A ST

12842- Carluke Cres, Surrey 14490-58 AVE

7905-127 ST 14771-86B AVE

14530-81 AVE

rimMdr Bu`lr

Your Most Trusted Realtor


rIAl-iestyt iv`c 28 swl dw qzrbw rbhuller@gmail.com www.coldwellbanker.ca To get results in selling or buying, please call Raminder at 6048071699

5 to 20 acres Industrial land needed for client can make cash offer #607 -950 Cambie Street Vancouver Downtown


Your dream home in sought after Yaletown awaits. Spacious designer 2 Bed/2 Bath + Den residence has been professionally renovated with custom and high end finishes throughout and impeccable attention to detail. Open concept kitchen features S/S appliances, quartz counter-tops and herringbone marble backsplash. Spa like bathrooms feature rain showers, linear drains, heated floors, beautiful tiling and designer fixtures. Centrally located in Yaletown with the the Seawall, Rogers Arena, B.C. Place, restaurants and Robson St all at your door step. Amenities include a gym, pool, hot tub. 1 parking, 1 locker, rentals allowed.

3 Bedroom Fully Renovated Townhouse




More Listings are needed koeI vI pRwprtI vycxI jW KrIdxI cwhuMdy ho qW sMprk kro

Garage. Huge kitchen with gra large family room with cozy firepla



2 Bedroom Beautiful home in Sullivan Station,features Features : suite and 1 Full bathroom for upstairs Use. N Living room,dining room, family room, to shopping, walk trails, Eleme Transit and golfing also! OP kitchen,spice kitchen, powder room, huge JULY -200-400 P bedroom with full bathroom on SATURDAY--14 main floor.4 bedroom 3 bathrooms & laundry on top floor, huge rec room , 2 bedrooms & bathroom plus a huge theater room and 2 piece bath room for upstairs use.close to Elementary and Secondary Schools, YMCA, Bell Performing center, Sullivan Heights Park, Shopping, Restaurants, Recreational center Covered Patio.Must see.All sizes approximate, buyer or buyer's agent to verify.

27689 Fraser Hwy - $

Lots For Sale in Fleetwood- 4,5,6 16219 80 Ave

Spacious home with fully finishe Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms.,3,000 s on 4058 Sq Ft. Lot.Vaulted cei maple kitchen with granite counter Features 3 Bedrooms & 2 Bathroo Features 1 Bedroom or Office, H Living Room, Kitchen, Family room Sundeck. Basement feature Bedrooms & 2 Bathrooms Ren Mortgage Helper. Detached Doub Back Lane access. 2 covered Pa in Total. Don't miss this one. Will HOUSE SATURDAY-30---300--50

Lots For Sale in Fleetwood 78 Ave 155 Street


12 ready to build 6400 plus sq. Ft RF zoning lots in Fleetwood area 14098-75 A AVE 155 street and A AVE 13227-66 78 ave8859-132 Surrey B ST

6574 sq. ft. building lot in prime location of fleetwood. Walking distance to Elementary/Second 6524 122a St $1,149,000 Location! Location! West Newton; 2 Level ary Schools and Basement entry 3100 sq ft Built on 7341 Sq. Ft. Built inbuild 1993 (24ayears old). Upstairs features park.Youlot.can 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, living room, family 3 level home with room, dining andinkitchen. Basement features 2 suites (2 & 1 Bedroom) with separate home, ground basement . Separate Laundry & Double Garage. This House

D L O S Kwlsw swjnw idvs Aqy ivswKI dIAW l`K l`K vDweIAW

13227 62 B AVE

is very well Kept, Clean and shows owner's Pride.



Large 6 bedroom/4 bathroom basement entry home in great West Newton location. Property is zoned for secondary suite and sits on a quiet street on a 7,100 SF lot. Walk to schools including Kalsa and Kwantlen. With over 3,400 SF of living space, there's enough room for the whole family. Close to shopping, restaurants, Temple, Mosque and Church and easy access to transit and major routes. This will go fast!! NEW

7135 148a St $1,0



14210 62 Ave, Surrey


Email: baltony1@

Tel: 604-596-1800 * Fax: bparmar@sutton.com

o g so

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Sutton Group Alliance (R.E.S.) # 201-5550 152 St. Global Force R Surrey BC Medallion 604.961.9900 Member 2

#104 - 13049 - 76 Ave www.tonybalrealtor.com FIRST TIME BUYERS, INVESTORS and BUILDERS Alert!! 5 Bedroom, 3 bathroom basement entry home in ceder hills Surrey feature Living room , dining room 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms main floor and 2 bedroom basement suite with separate entrance as mortgage helper. Close to Khalsa school, bus stop, sky train station, city center shopping malls, library, ng city hall and SFU Surrey isti sizes and age of Well 6 BEDROOMS & 6 L campus.All thekepthouse e v house 3410 Sq Ft. house on a usi l Upstairs features approximate, buyer or the Buyer's agent to4 bedrooms & c Ex Main Floor features Living room, verify. Kitchen, den, Full Bathroom

10106 129 St, Surrey


Fraser Valley Real Estat Fraser Valley Real



12643 66 Ave

$858,000 3694 176 St.

INCREDIBLE VALUE.Most desirable area of Surrey. Centrally located across from Tamanawis Secondary School. Very Well kept two-story home with a full basement with one bedroom suite with separate entrance. 3 good sized bedrooms on top floor.The main floor features a spacious Living room , Dining room, and Kitchen. Hot water heat on all floors.Detached double garage with back lane. Fenced yard.Walking distance to Schools, Public transit and shopping. Don't miss this one.

$2,599,000 16230 90TH AV $2,990,000

9.7 Acres Blueberry farm with preloaded for a house and barn.Almost 7 acres of Blueberry (Blue crop) producing good income in rich fertile soil. The field is leveled and includes a full drainage system. Perfect location 0n major truck route on 176 st(Highway #15).Easy access to all major routes, Fraser Highway, Perimeter Road, Golden Ears Bridge, and Highway #1 (Trans Canada Highway). Call me for more info.

Magnificent custom built home in prime area of FLEETWOOD TYNEHEAD on a 23000 Sqft lot in a quiet, prestigious neighbourhood. 8500 sqft luxurious home welcomes you with a breathtaking foyer & high ceiling. High end stainless steel appliances, granite counter tops. Spectacular gourmet kitchen w/large island,big family room,billiard room, den & a bedroom on main floor. Upper floor features 4 large sized bdrms w/full ensuites & a study room. Fully finished bsmt with Gym,Home theatre, sauna,steam room,big recroom,wet bar & nanny suite never rented. Total of 3 washrms in bsmt. Covered sundeck & patio with hot tub. This house has every thing for your luxurious life style. Two Triple garages.Lots of parking.Under ground sprinkler system.

$849,000 7463 9009 135a St

6757 138 St


143B ST FULL HALF ACRE PRIVATE YARD 172'x127' BACKING ON TO GREENBELT NEXT TO NEW SUBDIVISION. Very clean and well maintained 6 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms house with 2 bedroom basement suite with its own laundary. Upstairs have 4 bedrooms and 2 full baths. Detached 24'x24' garage with 220 amps power . Upgraded electric work with 200 Amp service. Roof is only 4 years old. Property is 172' wide with double access from street. Sewer is at lot line. Lots of parking. Close to public transit, Schools and shopping

7022-127a st.

8788 144 ST $1,249,000


Central Location in Surrey. Walking distance to Kwantlen Polytechnic University. Both level of schools, shopping and public transit. Quality built home features 7 bedrooms, 6 baths, solid oak kitchen cabinets. Family room and huge sindeck. Radiant hot water heat on both floors. Fully furnished basement with 2 bedroom and one bedroom suites plus bedroom with bathroom for upstairs use. Double garage with garage door opener. Fenced & private backyard with tool shed. RV parking. Easy access to all major route. Don't miss this one.


Available for sale in surrey, Delta & Langley Area

Central Location .Very well kept home on big 7125 sqft lot .Renovated home features updated kitchen and roof in 2016. 3450 sqft of living space include 4 skylights, 2 fire place with marble mentle, 8 security cameras,2 separate alarm systems , hot water heat, 4 large sized bedrooms upstairs,2 basement suites rented to very nice tenants.Private fenced yard .Lots of parking spaces. Walking distance to Park, Public Transit, Schools,Hospital and Skytrain.Don't Miss this.Easy to show with appointment.



CENTRAL LOCATION. Very clean and well kept home steps away from Bus, Schools and Park. Very bright and open enterance welcomes you with open high ceiling and living room.7 bedrooms,7 baths, hot water radiant heat. Huge master bedroom with full ensite.Big kitchen with granite counter tops. Two bedrooms and one bedroom suites in basement with separate enterances.Fully fenced yard with metal rolling gate with remote opener.Don't miss this one.


#8-12775-63 Ave


12525 96 Ave



Development land for townhouses available for sale. Contact for more info



*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A45

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12825 62 Avenue, Surrey - $1,299,000 Brand new, custom built home in prestigious Panorama Ridge! open concept offers 4 spacious bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms plus laundry upstairs, bright, natural sunlight with 10 ft ceilings on the main floor, formal living area, spacious great room with entertainment wall leading to an amazing gourmet style kitchen with luxury arcrylic/veneer cabinets and high end appliances. Private rec room with wet bar plus spacious 2 bdrm legal suite with separate laundry downstairs. large covered patio with bbq hookup overlooking private backyard. Quartz countertops, crystal chandeliers, radiant heat, modern plumbing and lighting fixtures, quality craftsmanship throughout the home! Conveniently located within walking distance to elementary school, parks, trails and public transit.


(604) 596-1800 104-13049 76 Ave, Surrey, BC V3W 2V7

204-13316 71b Ave

9 16361 23A AVENUE If you are thinking of buying or selling real estate, please give me a call before you make any move. I have been providing professional real estate services in the Lower Mainland of Vancouver since 2003. I specialize in residential, commercial, land development and farms. Contact : (604) 825-1400 malkeetsinghsaran@gmail.com; http://www.malkeet.ca; Royal LePage Global Force Realty Ltd.


Hidden Gem with the affordibility , in the heart of newton at Suncreek Estate. Fully renovated. Come and see yourself. You will love this place. Centrally located near all amenities viz., Costco, Super store, Save-on, Safeway, Bus loop, wave pool,Car Wash, etc..etc and so on. A bonus storage room at the roof top patio. A steal in this rare find market. Be the first one to grab it, will not last long. Two parking Spots #214 & 222. Maintenance fee includes property taxes. All measurements are approximate, buyer to verify if important. Lease expires in the year 2092.20% down payment required by RBC Bank to qualify .


WELCOME TO SWITCH, a boutique community of brand new townhomes located in Grandview Heights in South Surrey. This spacious 3 bedroom plus den home with 3 and a half baths has an elegant brick clad exterior and modern interior including stainless appliance package, quartz counters, maple soft close cabinets in a designer color scheme and custom built closet organizers in all bedrooms. Convenient powder on the main and full size washer dryer on upper floor. All homes include a 5 component home automation (smart thermostat, doorbell, front door lock, living room light bulbs & garage door opener) to make living a breeze. Great location, close to Morgan Crossing, Grandview shopping, dining & schools. Move in right away. GST applicable to this transaction. Call for more info.

A46 - The Punjab Guardian *July 10 - July 16, 2020

FOREMAN OF ALL APPLIANCES Pir`j, stov, vwSr, frwier, ifSvwSr irpyAr krvwaux Aqy pwrts lYx leI hyT ilKy Pon nMbr ‘qy sMprk kro[



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*July 10 - July 16, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A47

A48 - The Punjab Guardian *July 10 - July 16, 2020

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