*June 19 - June 25, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A1
Harjinder S. Kaler 206.551.6666
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swry Awpx E! yG Aw
Payroll Tax Filling Book Keeping Other Paper Work Immigration Consultancy New Business Setup Services
M wbI ivc ` g ` pj ivc l` rW
pMjwbI mW bolI dw mwx vDweIey
Tax Advice Call
ilMfn, bYilMGm, blyn jW isAwtl ivKy Gr, Pwrm jW ibjnYs KrIdx leI sMprk kro
Sukhvir Khaira Real Estate Professional
MOHINDER S. SOHAL cell: 206-841-1431
Tel: 604-590-5200 Fax:604-596-5700 Toll Free: 1-877-584-5200 Vol. 27 Issue No. 25, Ending Date:June 25 2020
Seattle Real Estate Buying & Selling
Residential & Commercial Bank owned Foreclosed Properties • Multifamily Units & Apartments • PreForeclosed/ Short Sale • Notary Service
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ldwK srh`d leI BwrqI &Oj rvwnw jvwnW dw blIdwn ivArQ nhIN jwvygw, aukswauNx vwilAW ƒ imlygw mUMh qoV jvwb : modI ies qoN pihlW r~iKAw mMqrI rwjnwQ isMG ny cInI sYnw nwl hoeI JVp c ShId hoey sYinkW ƒ
For Honest, Friendly & Best Service, Call
SrDwzlI idMidAW ikhw ik glvwn GwtI ivc sYinkW ƒ gvwauNxw bhuq -bwkI sPw ey10 qy
vYnkUvr ivKy 20 jUn nUM muzwhrw Bwrq iksy glq&ihmI
Sarbjit Singh Saab
iv~c nw rhy: cIn
Realtor (MLS, CBA)
Ph: 206.255.0101 AsIN vDIAw Interest Rate Aqy G~t qoN G~t Closing Cost dI gwrMtI idMdy hW[
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2 Locations to serve you
u U kr krnI Sr Iey bwq
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Emergency Call 206-992-2724
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Ph: 253-867-0450, 253-867-0451
nvIN id~lI : glbwn GwtI c ShId hoey jvwnW dI ShIdq qy bolidAW pRDwn mMqrI modI ny ikhw ik jvwnW dw blIdwn ivArQ nhIN jwvygw, aukswauNx qy mUMh qoV jvwv imlygw[ Bwrq SWqI cwauNdw hY AsIN iksy ƒ aukswauNdy nhIN hW, swƒ jvwb dyxw vI AwauNdw hY[ bhwdrI swfy cir~qr dw ih~sw hY[ swfy jvwnW ny mwrdymwrdy Shwdq id~qI hY[jvwnW dw ieh blIdwn ivArQ nhIN jwvygw[ koeI vI dyS Brm ivc nW rhy, jo vI aukswvygw aus ƒ mUMh qoV jvwb id~qw jwvygw[ swƒ Awpxy jvwnw qy grv hY[
jUn 1984 nUM Xwd kridAW vYnkUvr Awrt gYlrIz swhmxy Swm 6:30 qoN 8:30 vjy q`k ros muzwhrw hovygw[ Awaux vwly s`jx mwsk Aqy koivf-19 leI swvDwnIAW zrUr vrqx[
Pacific Highway Dental
27020 Pacific Highway South suite C, Kent, WA 98032
^uSKbrI! quhwnUM loAn idvwauxw swfI 100% grMtI
Gr lYx dw jW ibjnY~s supnw AsIN pUrw krWgy
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quhwfw lYx dw
Best Prices in Dentistry with High Quality Treatment Walk-ins Welcome and Open Weekends Call or
jM m U ( Aru x jo S I) :-cIn ny Bwrq ƒ AwpxIAW srh~dW ivc rihx dI icqwvnI id~qI hY[ cIn ny ikhw ik jy Bwrq Aijhw nhIN krdw qW ies ƒ gMBIr nqIjy Bugqxy pYxgy[ cIn ivc globl tweImz dy sMpwdkI ivc ikhw igAw hY ik icqwvnI nw mMn ky Bwrq ƒ AwpxIAw bxweIAW do glq DwrnwvW qoN Cutkwrw iml jwvygw[ pihlI AmrIkw dy ieSwry 'qy kMm krnw qy dUjI ieh soc r~KxI ik BwrqI POj cInI nwloN vDyry SkqISwlI hY[ iglf tweImz cIn dI kimaUinst pwrtI dw mu~K p~qr hY, jo dyS au~qy rwj kr rhI hY[ glvwn vwdI ivvwd dy m~dynzr globl tweImz dy s^q lihzy vwlI sMpwdkI iv~c DmkI id~qI geI hY ik cIn Aqy Bwrq dI qwkq iv~c -bwkI sPw ey15 qy
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Nationally and Board Certified General and Cosmetic Dentist
Re-Roofing dw jW ibjnY~s
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Gr KrIdx jW vycx leI sMprk kro : Berkshire Hathaway HOME SERVICES
25230 104th Ave. S.E. Kent, WA 98030
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qW rvI AwhlUvwlIAw nUM A`j hI Pon kro
Upto 125% Homebridge Financial Services, Inc.
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nvIAW purwxIAW C`qW nUM ssqy BwA qy lwaux Aqy irpyAr krvwaux leI sMprk kro
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knMUnI slwh leI sMprk kro[
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8525 -120TH Ave. NE, #100,Kirkland, WA 98033
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11911 NE 1st St. Ste#B306 Bellevue, WA 98005 email: bsinghloans@gmail.com www.seattlesbm.com
MORTGAGE LENDING ASSOCIATES get to know the mortgage broker difference ...
A2 - The Punjab Guardian *June 19 - June 25, 2020
40 Lbs
8 Lbs
10 Lbs
Reshmi’s Group Inc, 1120 Andover Park East, Tukwila, WA 98188 USA
Phone. 206-575-0050, Fax.866-935-3247, E-mail Sales@reshmisgroup.com
*June 19 - June 25, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A3
Kent International Plaza kYNt Sihr dw nvW Aqy AwlISwn rYstorYNt
Cuisine of India
VIP Hall
Capacity of 30 persons
isAwtl ielwky dw sB qoN vDIAw Aqy AwlISwn mhwrwjw rYstorYNt kYNt Sihr dy kYNt ieMtrnYSnl plwjy ivc Ku`lH cu`kw hY[pMjwbI Kwxy bxwaux dy mwhr ku`k inaUXwrk qoN mMgvwey gey hn[iek vwr pirvwr smyq Aw ky Kwxy dw AwnMd jrUr mwxo[
Small Banquet Hall Capacity 130
Big Banquet Hall Capacity 500 Persons
AsIN hr qrW dI kytirMg vI krdy hW[
10120 SE, 260th St, Suite 121, Kent WA 98030
500 150 sItW vwlw ik~tI pwrtI hwl bU~k kro
A4 - The Punjab Guardian *June 19 - June 25, 2020
sony bdly fwlr lau swfIAW kImqW bhuq G`t hn
Awpxy purwxy gihixAW bdly nvyN PYSn dy gihxy lau
qwz ijaUlrz 22 kYryt sony dI ijaUlrI dy nvyN nvyN ifzweIn ijaUlrI Aqy GVIAW dI irpyAr vI krdy hW
Open: Tues-Sun 11 to 7. Closed Mondays. mMglvwr qoN Ayqvwr: 11 qoN 7 vjy q~k, somvwr bMd
*June 19 - June 25, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A9
HP +
AsIN pMjwbI ihMdI qy AMgryjI iv`c g`lbwq krdy hW Register now for
We specialize in following classes :
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Gr bYTy Awpxw kOrs AswnI nwl pUrw kro
CPR/AED/First Aid
AsIN hyT ilKy korsW ivc mwihr hW : srtIPwief mYfIkl AsIstYNt
Job opportunities for Dependable Staffing Agency Phone: (253) 252-3957 info@dependablestaffingagency.com Web: www.dependablestaffingagency.com
eI.sI.jI. tYknISIAn nrisMg AsIstYNt AYc.AweI.vI./eyfz kors PUf hYNfilMg
byisk lwieP sport sI.pI.Awr./ey.eI.fI./Prst eyf
AsI Awpxy stUfYNts nUM vDIAw tryinMg dy ky nOkrI qy lwax dI grMtI krdy hW Phone: (253) 252-3956 Fax: (253) 719-8043, Address: 33305 1st Way South B-100 Federal Way, WA 98003 Email: info@healthprofessionalsinstitute.com, www.healthprofessionalsinstitute.com
A10 - The Punjab Guardian *June 19 - June 25, 2020
jykr mYN hwirAw, qW dyS leI bhuq burw hovygw : trMp kYnyfw-AmrIkw srh~d ƒ gtn,- AmrIkI rwStrpqI fonwlf trMp ny aunHW KdiSAW ƒ Kwirj kr id~qw, ijnHW lY ky pI. AY~m. trUfo dw v~fw AYlwn ivcvwiSM ieh fr zwihr kIqw igAw hY ik jykr trMp nvMbr ‘c cox hwrdy hn, qW auh AwpxI Etwvw— kYnyfw-AmrIkw srh~d Ku~lHx leI quhwƒ hor lMmw ieMqzwr krnw hovygw[ pRDwn mMqrI jsitn trUfo ny ikhw hY ik kYnyfw qy AmrIkw G~to-G~t 21 julweI q~k dohW dySW drimAwn gYr-zrUrI Xwqrw ƒ sImq r~Kxgy[pI. AY~m. trUfo ny A~j AwpxI rozwnw inaUz kwnPrMs 'c AYlwn kIqw ik XU. AY~s. nwl gYr zrUrI Xwqrw 'qy pwbMdI ƒ lY ky srh~d bMd dw smJOqw AYqvwr ƒ Kqm hox vwlw sI pr hux 21 julweI q~k vDygw[ aunHW ikhw “ieh iek mh~qvpUrn PYslw hY jo swfy dovW dySW dy lokW ƒ sur~iKAq r~Kygw[''pRDwn mMqrI trUfo ny ies bwry koeI sMkyq nhIN id~qw ik smW Awaux 'qy srh~dI pwbMdIAW ƒ ikvyN G~t kIqw jwvygw[ koronw vwiers mhwmwrI kwrn mwrc qoN ieh pwbMdI lwgU kIqI geI sI Aqy hux qIjI vwr vDw id~qI geI hY[ hwlWik, vpwr qy AsQweI ivdySI kwimAW ƒ srh~d pwr krn dI mnzUrI hY[ izkrXog hY ik kYnyfw 'c koronw vwiers dy mwmly G~t ho rhy hn[
(mu`K pMny dI bwkI)
ldwK srh`d leI BwrqI &Oj...
du~Kd hY[ isMG ny tvIt kridAW ikhw ik BwrqI jvwnW ny bhwdrI Aqy swhs dw sbUq id~qw Aqy AwpxI jwn inCwvr kr id~qI[ pUrbI l~dwK 'c cIn nwl lgwqwr vDdy qxwA drimAwn &Oj ny srh~dI ingrwnI cOkIAW ƒ Awpxy h~Q ivc lY ilAw hY[kSmIr qoN &Oj dy jvwnW dIAW vwDU tukVIAW swzo-swmwn smyq pUrbI l~dwK leI rvwnw ho geIAW hn[ hvweI &Oj dw iek eyAY~n-32 jhwz sRIngr qy ik lyh pu~j igAw hY[ glvwn Kyqr ivc nwgirk sMcwr syvw ƒ bMd krn dy nwl hI lyh-sRIngr rwStrI rwjmwrg 'qy sonmrg qoN A~gy nwgirk vwhnW dI AwvwjweI bMd kr id~qI geI hY[ &OjI sUqrW ny d~isAw ik glvwn vwdI 'c somvwr rwq Bwrq qy cIn dy &OjIAW ivckwr hoeI JVp ip~CoN pUrbI l~dwK 'c &OjI qxwA isKr 'qy hY[pYNgWg JIl ivc vI &Oj ny gSq vDw id~qI hY[ jl sYnw dy jvwnW dw iek dsqw vI ie~Qy JIl ivc qwienwq kIqw jw irhw hY[ d~isAw jw irhw hY ik ieh dsqw bIqy 15 idnW qoN lyh ivc sI[
mrzI nwl dPqr nhIN C~fxgy[ hwlWik aunHW ieh vI ikhw ik jykr auh muV nhIN cuxy jWdy, qW ieh dyS dy leI burw hovygw[ iPlhwl rwStrpqI ny kdy vI Aijhy sMkyq nhIN id~qy ik jykr auh AglI cox hwr jWdy hnT qW dPqr nhIN C~fxgy[
&Oj Byjx dI DmkI qoN bwAd isAwtl ivKy hzwrW lokW vloN pRdrSn
isAwtl,)-bIqy idnIN imnIAYpls ivKy puils h~QoN mwry gey APrIkn-AmrIkn ivAkqI jwrj Plwief dI mOq qoN bwAd isAwtl ivKy iensw& ƒ lY ky lgwqwr ivroD pRdrSn c~l rhy hn[ rwStrpqI trMp ny sUby ƒ DmkI id~qI sI ik jykr auh ieh pRdrSn bMd nhIN krvw skdI, qW auh &Oj Byjxgy[isAwtl ivKy 60 hzwr qoN v~D lokW ny ‘mwrc Aw& sweIlYNs’ pRdrSn kIqw igAw[ sweIlYNs (mon) pRdrSn ‘c puils jbr ivru~D pRdrSn kIqw igAw Aqy iensw& dI mMg kIqI geI[ eynI v~fI qwdwd ‘c lokW ny mIlW dI dUrI qih kIqI Aqy nslI BydBwv Aqy puils dI byrihmI i^lw& aus kwly nOjvwn jwrj Plwief dI Xwd ‘c iensw& leI mon mwrc kIqw, ijs ny isAwtl dw swrw tRYiPk isstm ivgwV ky r~K id~qw[ isAwtl ikMg kwaUNtI dI cyArprsn AYNblI imrwfw ny ikhw ik mon pRdrSn aunHW lokW ƒ snmwn dyx leI hY, ijnHW ny puils jbr qy nslvwdI ihMsw ivc AwpxI jwn gvw leI hY[
hux kYNt ivc ey.sI. ijaulrz ny AwpxI nvIN dukwn Kol id~qI hY[
JEWELLERS INC. Specializing in 22K Gold
Now Open
sony dIAW bwrW spYSl kImqW qy imldIAW hn Mukesh Verma | Vijay Dhawan
25416 104th Ave SE, Kent, WA 98031, USA
hryk qrHW dy ng srtIPweIf imldy hn
AnykW pRkwr dy gihxy lytYst ifjweInW ivc lvo AsIN hr qrW dy gihxy irpyAr vI krdy hW
*June 19 - June 25, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A11
bIbIAW Aqy BYxW leI lyfI ieMstrktr 24620 MILITARY RD S, KENT, WA 98032 www.allstardrivingschool.info
COVID-19 SALE pMjwb gwrfIAn nwl AYf pwEu Aqy Awpxw ibzns vDwE
up to
Our Package Starts from
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Call to Advertise
A12 - The Punjab Guardian *June 19 - June 25, 2020
EmrIk` dy iksy vI Sihr qoN vDIE` Pl`eIt~, vDIE` syv`v~ Eqy G@t ikr`ey leI sMprk kro
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Ph: 206-431-0953, 206-241-0454, Fax: 206-439-6860
gurU nwnk guris`K gurduAwrw ilMfn (bYilMghYm), WA (XU.AYs.ey) (USA)
176 E Pole Road / 6934 Meridian St
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smUh sMgq nUM bynqI hY jI kronw vwiers dy kwrn srkwr dy hukmW dI pwlxw kridAW hoieAW Awp sB dI ishq dI qMdrusqI nUM iDAwn ivc r`KidAW ies Sin`crvwr Aqy AYqvwr dy pRogrwm bMd kr id`qy gey hn gurduAwrw swihb ivc inqnym hox vwly pRogrwm jwrI rihxgy vDyry jwxkwrI leI sMprk kro mu`K syvwdwr: suKvMq isMG ig~l: 360-220-1844, mu`K vzIr igAwnI hrI isMG jI 360-398-1184 v`loN:gu. pRbMDk kmytI qy smUMh ielwkw invwsI
*June 19 - June 25, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A37
puils h~QoN kwly ivAkqI dI mOq qoN bwAd hirMdr isMG (kwlw) bYNs ƒ sdmw (gurcrn isMG iF~loN)-isAwtl qoN tYksI kwrobwr C~f ky trweIistIz jw vsy hotl AtlWtw qy hor QwvW 'qy pRdrSn qy swVPUk dy kwroisAwtl, bwrI hirMdr isMG kwlw bYNs dy ipqw hrBjn isMG bYNs (92) dI mOq 'qy pMjwbI BweIcwry
sY k rwmY N to (hu s n lVo A w bM g w)jwrjIAw dI rwjDwnI AtlWtw ivc puils dI golI nwl A&rIkI mUl dy AmrIkI nwgirk rySrf bruks dI mOq auprMq lokW ivc gu~sw qy roh pYdw ho igAw hY [ ijs rYstorYNt A~gy puils golI nwl bruks mwirAw igAw sI, aus jgHw 'qy A~j iPr lok iek~Ty hoey [ ies rYstorYNt ƒ lMGy idn hI lokW ny swV id~qw sI qy A~j iPr bcy rYstorYNt ƒ A~g lw id~qI [ lokW ny vYNfIz nyVy AMqr rwj mwrg 'qy jwm lwaux dI koiSS kIqI pr puils ny imrcW dI spryA krky KdyV id~qw [ pRdrSnkwrI nwl l~gdy iek gYs stySn 'qy cly gey ij~Qy aunHW ny nwArybwzI kIqI [ pRdrSn dOrwn lok Awpxy Coty-Coty b~icAW ƒ vI nwl lY ky Awey sn [ fwaUn twaUn AtlWtw ivc SqwbdI pwrk nyVy SWqmeI pRdrSn hoieAw [iesy dOrwn AweI post mwrtm irport ivc ikhw igAw hY ik rySrf bruks dI kudrqI mOq nhIN hoeI qy aus dI h~iqAw hoeI hY [ aus dI mOq ip~T ivc do golIAW l~gx kwrn hoeI hY [ swrI Gtnw dI iek vIfIE vI jwrI kIqI geI hY ijs ivc bruks AwpxI kwr ivc su~qw ipAw nzr Aw irhw hY [ puils AiDkwrI aus ƒ auTwauNdy hn qy kwr ivcoN bwhr Awaux leI kihMdy hn¢ bruks kihMdw hY ik aus kol koeI hiQAwr nhIN hY [ puils bruks dw nSw kIqy hox dw tYst krdI hY ijs ivc auh PylH ho jWdw hY [ g~l aus vyly ivgVdI hY jdoN puils aus dy h~Q ip~T ip~Cy bMnHx dw Xqn krdI hY [ bruks puils koloN Awpxy h~Q Cufw ky dOV jWdw hY [ B~jy jWdy bruks 'qy puils golIAW clwauNdI hY pr auh rukdw nhIN [ Aw^r kuJ Pwsly 'qy ^Un nwl l~Qp~Q hoieAw bruks zmIn aupr ifg pYNdw hY qy hspqwl ivc srjrI qoN bwAd dm qoV jWdw hY [
isAwtl 'c BwrqI-AmrIkI bIbI kr more items on sale in store. rhI pRMany drSnkwrIAW dI AgvweI
vwiSMgtn: AmrIkw ivc 46 swlw BwrqI-AmrIkI swPtvyAr ieMjInIAr sIeytl ivc 'kwly lokW dw jIvn mwieny r~Kdw hY' isrlyK vwly ivroD pRdrSn dI AgvweI krn vwilAW ivc mohrI hY[ ieh ivroD pRdrSn sIeytl dy mu~K Kyqr ijs ƒ hux 'kYpItl ih~l KudmuKiqAwrI Kyqr (CHAZ)' ikhw jw irhw hY ivc ho rhy hn[ ies Kyqr qoN sQweI qOr 'qy Sihr dy puls AiDkwrIAW ƒ bwhr r~Kx leI morcwbMdI ho rhI hY[ POks inaUz dy muqwbk sIeytl istI kONslvu mn Smw swvMq ies Kyqr qoN puls ƒ bwhr hI r~Kx leI kwrkuMnW ƒ auqSwihq kr rhI hY[ imnIAwpoils ivc puls ihrwsq ivc kwly AmrIkI ivAkqI jOrj PlweIf dI mOq qoN bwAd hI AmrIkw ivc ivroD pRdrSn ho rhy hn[ ie~Qy pRdrSnkwrIAW Aqy puls ivc keI hPiqAW qoN gqIroD jwrI hY[swl 1973 ivc jnmI swvMq dw pwlx poSx muMbeI ivc hoieAw Aqy auhnW ny bwAd ivc muMbeI XUnIvristI qoN 1994 ivc kMipaUtr sweINs dI pVHweI kIqI[ swvMq ivAwh qoN bwAd AmrIkw Aw geI Aqy bwAd ivc auhnW ny kMipaUtr ieMjInIAirMg C~fx dw PYslw ilAw[ ies mgroN auhnW ny au~qrI kYrolInw styt XUnIvristI qoN ArQ SwSqr ivc pI.AY~c.fI. ifgrI hwsl kIqI[ auh 2006 ivc soSilst Altrnyt nwl juVI Aqy 2013 ivc kONslvumn bxI[
EsIN lon lYx leI vI quh`fI mdd krdy h~
jy qusIN isE`tl j~ E`sp`s dy iel`ky iv@c Gr, ibjns j~ hor iksy vI qr~ dI pR`prtI KRIdx leI s`fIE~ iem`nd`r qy qs@lIbKS syv`v~ h`sl kro
ny gihrw du~K pRgt kIqw ijnHW dw koronw mhWmwrI kwrn sskwr jldI kr id~qw igAw[ srb~q dw Blw tr~st isAwtl dy pRDwn dieAwbIr isMG ipMtUbwT, SrnjIq isMG bwT ny d~isAw ik hrBjn isMG bYNs imlxswr, imhnqI qy swaU ienswn sn[
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*sl y * sl y * sl y
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Many more items on sale in store
AsIN Gr ivc vrqx vwlw swrw smwn r`Kdy hW[ sPweI krn vwlw Aqy pwrtI dw swrw smwn vI r`Kdy hW[ swrw hI smwn qusIN iek hI stor qoN lY skdy ho[ koeI vI swfI kImq nUM bIt nhIN kr skdw
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We Sell Goat Meat & Lamb Meat •AsIN swry fYibt, krYift, mwstr, bI.tI kwrf Aqy PUf stYNp vI lYNdy hW •AsIN swrIAW kImqW nUM bIt kr skdy hW •sB smwn swP qy suQrw imlygw •fwlr bI tI sI dSmyS ieMfIAn grOsrI qy Awau
Aqy Joly Br ky lY jwE
16256,military R.d, #112, Seatac WA 98188 Front on the Dominos Pizza, Opp safeway Grocery Store
isAwtl eyrIey ivc Mohinder quSales hwfyRepresentative AwpxyMahi pRwprtI fIlr
bhuq hI vDIAw cl irhw email: paul.mahi@hotmail.com MOHINDER MAHI iejno 4114 198th Street Southwest, Suite 2 Lynnwood,ku WA 98036 sb Realtor ivkwaU hY
Buying or Selling Real Estate
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Homes, Apartments, Motels, Gas Stations, Bank owned properties.
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Available now: 24700 Military Rd S KENT WA 98032
The Force Realty
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Boota Singh Sales Person
Boota Singh (Sales Person) Cell: 206.841.1162 Tel: 425.775.8525 Home: 425.745.9181
boota9@hotmail.com 19720 4th Ave West, Suite T Lynwood, Washington 98036-6741
A38 - The Punjab Guardian *June 19 - June 25, 2020
gurdvwrw nwnk invws ÅÆ siqnwmu
vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw
krqw purK inrBau inrvYr
vwihgurU jI kI Pqih
Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid]
8600 - NO. 5 RD., RICHMOND, B.C. · TEL : (604) 274-7479, FAX: (604) 274-0046
gurduAwrw swihb jI iv`c AYqvwr dy dIvwn iPr SurU kIqy gey hn jI[ smW svyry 10:30 qoN 11:30 vjy qk ijs ivc kIrqn kQw qoN auprMq Ardws qoN bwAd kVwh pRswid dI dyg vrqweI jwvygI[
not : koivf-19 krky Ajy gurduAwrw swihb ivc cwh jW lMgr dw pRbMD nhIN hovygw jI[ * gurduAwrw swihb iv`c 50 qoN v`D sMgq iek`Ty hox dI mnwhI hY jI[ rozwnw pRogrwm
Swm dw dIvwn
svyry 5:00 vjy pRkwS gurU gRMQ swihb 6:00 vy qoN 6:45 vjy inqnym 7:00 vjy qoN 7:30 vjy kIrqn dIvwn 7:45 qoN 8:00 vjy Ardws smwpqI
Swm 6:00 qoN 6:25 vjy rihrws swihb Swm 6:25 qoN 6:45 vjy kIrqn Swm 8:00 vjy suKAwsn syvw
ivSyS suKmnI swihb pwT hr AYqvwr svyry 5:45 qoN 6:45 vjy pMjwbI klws : gurduAwrw swihb ivKy pMjwbI klwsW ArMB hn[ b`icAW nUM mwq BwSw Aqy ivrsy nwl joVx leI dwKl krvwau[ zrUrI sUcnw :
hor vDyry jwxkwrI leI gurduAwrw swihb dI vY~bsweIt ‘qy jwE
zrUrI sUcnw : Awp jI nUM sUicq kIqw jWdw hY ik gurduAwrw nwnk invws ieMfIAw klcrl sYNtr AwP kYnyfw 8600 - nMbr 5 rof ircmMf ivKy hr mMglvwr Aqy vIrvwr Swm nUM 7 vjy qoN 3:30 vjjy q`k Xogw dIAW klwsW l`gdIAW hn[ hor vDyry jwxkwrI leI Pon 604-274-7479
not : jykr iksy pirvwr ny sMgrWd jW hor iksy idn lMgr dI syvw lYxI hovy, qW hyT ilKy nMbr ‘qy sMprk kr skdy ho[ sMgqW dy dws:
blvIr isMG jvMdw (pRDwn) 604-649-5366
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cYn isMG bwT (sk`qr) 604-274-4492
gurduAwrw swihb dw Pon nMbr (604) 274-7479
*June 19 - June 25, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A39
email: hardy.gill@century21.ca
604-537-4100 Century 21 Coastal Realty #105-7928-128 St., Surrey BC Tel. 604.599.4888. Fax. 604.507.8851.
email: NavNarwal@cbbain.com
360-927-6574 3610 Meridian St. Bellingham, WA 98225
Local Market Leadership. World Class Connections. USA Properties
39 acres Blueberry Farm
$300,000 $300,000
10 acres duke & 10 acres bluecrop. 19 acres leased for approximately 15,000 a year. Asking price 17 + acres bare land with house $688,000 for information Call Nav
MOTEL FOR SALE IN WA 16 Units apartment with over 6% cap rate in Lynden, Washington. 40 Rooms - $2.6M Asking Price 2.375M
g n i d Pen
Very good running 40 room motel for sale in WA, Close to I-5 highway. Partially renovated recently. High income yield. Call for more info regarding this investment property.
r e f f O
81 Acre Grape Farm
Yakima WA -$1.5M Full Production, 4 Houses, includes machinery
7372 Nooksack Rd
Beautifully planted 6 acres of producing Blueberries. Home is in excellent condition and the barn has been completely renovated and is currently a shop. south of Everson on Hwy 9, convenient to Sumas Border Crossing. Young plants-2017 produced 12,00 pounds of berries. Good investment for truck drivers.
44 Acre blueberry farm fully planted with barn in Lynden with fully planted
Asking $1.5M
Franchise hotel with easy access off i5. This good income earning hotel has 67 rooms. Call for more info regarding this investment property.
75 Acre Blueberry Farm
Fully planted blueberry farm producing different varieties of berry. well kept and full water rights.
47 Acre blueberry farm $1.8M
Lynden WA
Full Production of Duke, Bluecrop, Elliott and Reka
Attention Canadian Investors
US Dollar is Down- Take Advantage of Your Canadian Money Invest in US Properties with Great Returns
Canadian Properties
$754,999 2 Ranchers Back to 105 8078 128 ST Back in Ocean Park, Lot size 50x100 each. Rented to good tenants. 1115 sq ft Retail store with lots of exposure on busy street in heart of Surrey Seller Motivated. Brand new Little India plaza with lots of traffic Both side entrance waiting for your Asking price: 1.25M ideas Won t last long please Hurry before it s too late Each
Franchise Hotel for sale in BC Asking $4.4M
Industrial Building Asking $5.7M
54 rooms + Manager Suite. 18,000 sq. ft. Industrial Free standing building on 1 acre in Over million dollars in sales. heart of Surrey. Fully leased. Call for more inormation For more information : Call Hardy Gill Hardy 604-537-4100
Farm for Sale
Asking $7.2M 60 Acre Blueberry Farm in surrey. 40 Acre Planted and in full production. 20 Acre waiting for your ideas. Good Future Potential.
Liquor store for sale on busy intersection high yield and easy to manage for more info call Hardy Gill
A40 - The Punjab Guardian *June 19 - June 25, 2020
6605 124 STREET 6661 127 STREET 14928 62A AVENUE LE
3 LEVEL CORNER HOME! ONE OF A KIND! Absolute DREAM HOME to call yours! 8 Bed / 8 Bath luxurious family home, look no further! Detailing and design from top to bottom is undeniably perfect! 2 Master beds (1 on main) with 3 other bedrooms all including en suites. Fabulous chefs kitchen plus wok kitchen. Every aspect of this home has been done to perfection. 2 suites below (2+1)
13530 78A Avenue FOR
Welcome to this Beautiful West Newton Home! This home has been updated with New Flooring, New Paint, New Washrooms and Blinds! Very bright and clean East Facing home with loads of windows and Skylights! Main floor features an open concept dining and living room. There is also a Bedroom and a full Washroom on the Main Floor! Very large Family room for entertainment and bright Kitchen and Nook lead you to a covered patio. Above there are 3 good size Bedrooms and 2 full Bathrooms. Basement has a large 2 bedroom suite with separate laundry. Walking distance to Tamanawis Secondary school and Beaver Creek Elementary. Close to all amenities and shopping centres. Loads of ample parking on front Street and back lane access with Single Garage and driveway.
Custom Built Brand New Modern Style 3 Storey Home with 6 bed 5 bath Home in Sullivan Station. 10' ceilings main floors features kitchen, spice kitchen, living, dining and family room with built in TV unit- All Open concept with 2 piece washroom. Den on main offers great options for an office, bedroom, tv room or playroom. This Brand New modern style home has stunning North shore mountains views. This Home is finished with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and laundry upstairs. 3 bedrooms have ensuite washrooms! .Basement is finished with 2 bedrooms suite with separate entrance. Enjoy movies and drinks in the large theatre room with wet bar below! Close to Sullivan Heights Secondary, Sullivan Elementary, Sullivan Centre, YMCA and Panorama Village Shopping Centre. Full warranty package 2-5-10 years.
18193 97A Avenue ALE
This warm and inviting 4 bedroom + Den rancher has 2275 sq ft on one level. Could easily be converted to 6 bedrooms. Bright and spacious with more than 10 skylights bringing in natural light throughout. The wood beams and vaulted ceilings add to the cozy character. Features 2 gas fireplaces, double windows, updated skylights and a large shed in the backyard. The master bedroom comes with a full ensuite bathroom with tub, and sliding doors that lead to a private covered patio with electrical rough-in that is perfect for a hot tub. Rare opportunity to own a home on a large 1/3 of an ACRE, 14,723 sq ft rectangular lot in sought after Panorama Ridge. First time on the market in 29 years. Open house March 10 from 2-4pm and Sunday 1-3pm.
Custom Built Brand New 3 Storey Home 7 bed 6 bath Home w/ 2 suites.Open concept plan on the main floor w/full washroom, large kitchen+spice kitchen mudroom/dining room/great room. Den on main offers great options for an office, bedroom, tv room or playroom. Upstairs offers a large sized master bedroom, ensuite has double sinks, walk-in shower & tub along with 3 more bdrms+2 full washrooms. Basement was thoughtfully planned out and finished to maximize space and is 1607 SF with a spacious self contained 2 bedroom legal basement suite and a separate full rec room, media area and full bath for owners side both with separate private entrances. High End finishing throughout, easy access to Highway 1, Golden Ears BridgeMountain Views and is within a 5 minute drive to Prestigious Pacific Academy.
Custom Built Brand New 3 Storey Home 7 bed 6 bath Home w/ 2 suites.Open concept plan on the main floor w/full washroom, large kitchen+spice kitchen mudroom/dining room/great room. Den on main offers great options for an office, bedroom, tv room or playroom. Upstairs offers a large sized master bedroom, ensuite has double sinks, walk-in shower & tub along with 3 more bdrms+2 full washrooms. Basement was thoughtfully planned out and finished to maximize space and is 1607 SF with a spacious self contained 2 bedroom legal basement suite and a separate full rec room, media area and full bath for owners side both with separate private entrances. High End finishing throughout, easy access to Highway 1, Golden Ears BridgeMountain Views and is within a 5 minute drive to Prestigious Pacific Academy.
112 13898 64 Avenue LE
#121 8028 128 Street ALE
Panorama West Village is a very nice community of 200 townhomes. This 1,615 sq.f. unit has 4 bedrooms and 4 baths. Big, open concept kitchen features shaker soft-closing cabinets and quartz countertops and a mini beverage/wine fridge located in the island. It also features 2 decks, 1 on each end of the unit to get maximum sunlight. Close to schools, Sullivan Shopping Centre, transit, parks, Bell Centre & YMCA.
Beautiful, new 3 level home, basement is walk out ,house in a cul-de-sac.The property is centrally located w/ easy access to Alex Fraser Bridge. The entry welcomes you w/ a glass staircase & tile flooring as well as a beautiful dining & living areas. Kitchen features a large island, stainless steel appliances, beautiful cabinets & a wok kitchen. Spacious and open floor plan w/ high vaulted ceilings. Large master w/ walk-in closet, ensuite features 2 double sinks & a nice glass shower. Covered decks on both upper floors. Media room features a wet bar. Large, fenced backyard leads to a separate entry to a twobedroom suite. Double Garage & beautiful driveway. Nearby parks include North Delta Community Park, Annieville & Hellings Parks. Close to North Delta Rec Center & transportation.
York Business Centre. Fenced complex with lots of parking and Secured Entry. Next to Corner Unit of 80th Ave & 128th St. 1,083 Square Feet. Very Good for Office or Retail/Business. Centrally Air Conditioned. One of the most well managed, desirable commercial/office complex in the heart of City. Lots of parking. Get ready to move in unit... Office/Retail space located centrally. The Best Buy for Professionals. Any kind of Office, Mortgage Brokers, Lawyers, Accountants, Learning Centre. Presently rented around $3,000 per month. Measurements are approximate, Buyer to verify.
$849,900 Ground Floor Unit! Located in the very well designed Little India Plaza. This unit has lots of Visual Exposure from Entry/Exit of York Business Centre Plaza. The Best Visual Exposure. Never occupied unit. Washroom already built. Flooring done. T-Bar Ceiling done. Very Good for any kind of Retail Store. Fenced complex with lots of parking and Secured Entry. Corner of 80th Ave & 128th St. 1083 SF. Very convenient for Retail Space. One of the most desirable Commercial/Office complexes in the Heart of City.
2 Lots sale 2 Lots available in Fleetwood 17038 79A 17030 79A Ranging from 60007300 Sqf starting from $764,999
$749,000 COMMERCIAL FOR SALE ie`k cMgI sQwipq BwrqI k`pVy Aqy butIk stor dy kwrobwr dw mwlk bxn dw vDIAw mOkw[ kwrobwr srI ivc Swndwr sQwn ‘qy lMmI imAwd Aqy mOjUdw gwhkW nwl siQq hY[ ivkryqw dukwn nUM vycx jW KrIdwrI leI v`Krw ikrwey qy dyx leI iqAwr hY[ mwlk jW stwP nUM prySwn nw kro[ kwrobwr nUM in`jI dyKx leI kwl kro : 604-8073112
19072 90 Avenue E
Private 19,471 sq.ft. acre paradise in the heart of Port Kells with 150' frontage in area of estate homes. Build your dream home on this treed lot or continue to rent to tenants. Den is a 3rd bedroom. Home has hardwood floors, double windows & a 10'x12' rear deck. The 24'x22' detached double garage has 220 amp power & lot has plenty of room for extra parking. Great value! Easy commute to anywhere. Just minutes to Highway 1, 15 or 17, Fraser Highway or Golden Ears & Port Mann Bridges. Rented to Good Tenants at $1500 plus utilities on month-to-month basis. Possibility to build 3 Level Home.
5633 148 Avenue LE
Beautiful 5,596 SF custom built home with views of the golf course & Mt. Baker. Centrally located in Fleetwood. Ten bedrooms & an open floor plan. Beautiful entry with high-quality finishing & ceilings. Granite kitchen with an island & hardwood floors. Large master features a ceiling fan & Jacuzzi tub. Large covered deck off the main floor. Huge lot with lane access & lots of parking .Big Driveway can accommodate 6 cars. Centrally located to Fraser Highway & Highway #1 but still in a quiet area. Walking distance to golf course. Nearby schools include Coast Meridian Elementary School and Walnut Road Elementary School. Shopping, schools & restaurants are close by. Features 2 separate mortgage helper suites. A definite must see!
Welcome to this Beautiful 3 Storey Home in Sullivan Station with 2 separate SUITES **(3+1)** This home has it ALL! Main floor features living, dining, a den, family room with high ceiling, kitchen that leads out to the patio, garden and driveway. There is also an extra 200 sqf on main floor which can be used for office/media/games room. Upstairs has 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. Downstairs there is a large 3 bedroom suite with 2 full bathrooms and another 1 bedroom suite (3+1 Suite)- great mortgage helpers! Great location close to YMCA, Panorama Village shopping, Rodeo Square Plaza, both levels of schools and Highway 10 for easy access to Langley / Richmond / Vancouver / Downtown. Plenty of street parking on both sides+back lane access for your huge driveway and garage.Call now for your private showing
12381 80a Avenue E SAL R O F
12685 68 Avenue ALE
$1,369,000 Nice two-level family home in a convenient location in the Kennedy Trail area. Shopping, restaurants, banks & transit are close. There are six bedrooms and 5 baths in this home. This 6,448 sq. ft. lot is located on a cul-de-sac. The main floor features a living room, family room, kitchen, entertainment or games room space, two bedrooms, bathroom & powder room. Upstairs hosts four bedrooms with 3 ensuites & the laundry room.
$1,279,000 Welcome to this centrally located Basement Entry Home in West Newton! This home sits on a large 7000+ SQF Lot with a huge driveway and backyard. This home features 2 separate suites of 2+1 Bedrooms with their own separate entrances. Above main floor features formal living/dining rooms with high ceilings and loads of skylights for natural light. Elegant kitchen with big nook, big family room and 3 large bedrooms with 2 full baths. 2 Covered decks. Private yard with vegetable garden and shed. Right side walkway is fully covered and can be used as extra parking. Walking distance to KPU/Khalsa School. Close to transit, both levels of schools, parks, major transit routes & many other amenities. This home as 2 separate basement suites as mortgage helpers of 2 and 1 bedrooms currently rented to good tenants.
13138 68 Ave
3506/3909 13495 Central Ave 13083 59A Avenue
2 Lots for Sale $764,999
Beautiful 5 BEDROOM basement home in West Newton WITH 2 BEDROOM basement SUITE. Entire Home+ Suite rented for $3100 per month. Nicely Built & very well kept. Partially renovated. Basement has new flooring/paint/washroom. Beautiful & good size 3 bedrooms, living, dining and kitchen along with a Big sundeck & 2 full bathrooms upstairs. TWO bedrooms Suite on ground level. Huge Patio and Fully fenced very beautifully landscaped yard waiting for your BBQ & Back yard parties. Plenty of parking on the driveway and street. Close to all shopping/transit/KPU/Khalsa School. Easy access to Scott Road and all major routes.
#104 15299 68 Ave 13530 78A Avenue
11231 87A Avenue #102 12888 80 Ave AL OR S
13496 57 Avenue
Prime West Newton location, Investor Alert! This home sits on a 7,300 sq. ft. rectangular lot. Two bedrooms, a family room, kitchen with a sundeck and 1 full washroom on the main. Two bedroom suite with separate living room and kitchen is on the ground level. Large driveway with loads of parking spots. Excellent location; minutes to King George, shops, bus stop and Business Centres.
18201 97A Avenue
7425 124 Street
$1,699,000 7 bedrooms 8 washrooms gated driveway. This Beautiful Custom home on a 9985 Sq Ft Lot. with 1+1 Basement suites. High end finishings. Main floor features beautiful foyer, office, large living and dining room. Large kitchen with oversized island and huge spice kitchen with a walk in pantry. Covered patio and gated driveway in the back. Upstairs has 5 bedrooms all with washrooms and theatre room and huge sundeck.
Elegant and sophisticated high-rise condominiums, designed for Surrey's new metropolitan lifestyle. LUXURY LIVING awaits you at 3 CIVIC PLAZA: Premium world-class hotel & residences in the TALLEST tower at Surrey Central! Welcome home to your 2 bedroom and 2 bathroom unit on the 35th floor with GORGEOUS UNOBSTRUCTED PANORAMIC VIEWS and HIGH END finishes, Contemporary gourmet kitchen with quartz counters, Over height ceilings, large floor to ceiling windows, custom millwork, beautiful floors, outdoor balcony, in-suite laundry and much more. Enjoy the rooftop patio and all the amenities of a boutique hotel nearby, steps to restaurants, University, SkyTrain, Shopping, City center library and City Hall. Call today to take in the views and do not miss this OPPORTUNITY!!!
$1,079,000 Welcome to the Prestigious Panorama Park Homes Subdivision, one of the most desirable areas of Surrey! Built by a renowned builder with high end top Finishing. This Home features 4 Bedrooms with 2.5 Bath Upstairs, Living, Family, Dining on Main Floor with a kitchen and spice kitchen with Stainless Steel Appliances and 2 piece washroom. There is also a spacious 2 Bedroom Basement Suite! Ample parking on the rear plus a double garage. Just steps to the Park, Kids Play Area and Cricket Playground. Very close to both Schools such as Panorama Park Elementary and Panorama Ridge Secondary & Shopping centres and major Bus routes. Very close to Hwy 10 making it easy to hop on the highway and head to Richmond/New West/Downtown Vancouver. Also an easy commute to South Surrey, White Rock, Langley.
*June 19 - June 25, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A45
AsIN XU.AYs.ey. dy hr styt ivc SBA lon idMdy hW AsIN hotl, motl, gYs stySn Aqy rYstorYNt Awid leI 10% fwaUn pymYNt qy lon idMdy hW “WE DO CONSTRUCTION LOANS!”
A46 - The Punjab Guardian *June 19 - June 25, 2020
isAwtl invwsIAW dw jwixAW pihcwixAW qy BrosymMd
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*June 19 - June 25, 2020 The Punjab Guardian - A47
pwblw pMjwbI pYlys ny hux AwpxI dUsrI lOkySn PYfrl vyA qy ihlsweIf plwzw ivc KOl id~qI hY
PABLA PUNJABI PALACE 2nd Location Now Open in Federal Way, WA
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(Hillside Plaza) Seating for 1200 people
hux qusIN ies lokySn qoN ieMfIAn gROsrI Aqy imTweIAW vI lY skdy ho
Lunch Buffet: 11am-3pm
Take out and delivery 7 days a week
Dinner: 5pm-10pm
Pabla Indian Cuisine
Phone: 425-228-4625
Fax: 425-228-4629
cny BtUry
qwzy smosy
The Only True Punjabi (Indian) Vegetarian In Renton
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Serving Washington for 25 years.
Legendary Studio
Pre/Post cinematic wedding Photography and videography
All Events Coverage
A documentary film leading Phone: 206-331-0231 up to reception
Specials: Take out 7 Days a week DJ, Dance Floor, Catering for All Occasions, Big TV Screens & Family Atmosphere
Contact: Amrik Singh Pabla
• Marriage Parties • Birthday Parties • Mehndi Parties • Business Meetings • Any Kind Of Functions
Email: amrikpabla1@gmail.com
Digital Photos with Albums http://amrikpabla1.wixsite.com/legendarystudiosllc custom made in America
For booking your event Please call Jas pabla At
Ph: 206-769-5559
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DALJIT SINGH 206-355-9295
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23805 - 104 AVE. SE. KENT WA
A48 - The Punjab Guardian *June 19 - June 25, 2020
HG TAX AND ACCOUNTING 25228 104th AVE SE Suite 103 Kent, WA 98030
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Curry & Kabab Ready to grow
Authentic Indian Cuisine hux qusIN krI AYNf kbwb rYstorYNt qy vYjI Aqy nwn-vYjI KwixAW dw AwnMd mwx skdy ho
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OPEN M-F: 10 AM to 6 PM
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your business?
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Due to COVID-19, we are closed until May 18th, 2020
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Assisting you with your Real Estate needs
Email: amar@skylineproperties.com
1851 Central Pl, Suite 116, Kent, WA 98030
Dr. Manpreet Dhaliwal Dr. Navdeep Dhaliwal Dr. Donald Hainer Dr. Ajaypal Dhanoa
Ph: 253-854-2714
SUITE #1, 10725 SE 256TH ST, KENT, WA