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Shanghai 2010. Thanks to being perpetually broke, some of us China-types regularly lingered outside our favorite dives and venues, throwing back corner-store beers and talking Asian youth culture ‘til the morning hours. Our unifying interest — perhaps obsession — was the future of alternative and street cultures in China. With mixed backgrounds in underground music scenes, action sports, graffiti, and all that good stuff, we’d ponder their roles in China, and scheme ways to encourage their prevalence. Fast forward a couple months, a couple more beers, and viola: THE PUSH SHOVE was born. It’s brand-spanking new and remains an evolving concept, but the goal is simple: rep China. Admittedly, most scenes are still in their early stages, but that’s the fun part. As these cultures are assimilated by local youths, they’re going through a localization process. That’s what turns us on: China’s assimilation and reinterpretation of international youth culture.