Reference Handbook of Straight Egyptian Horses Volume XII

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T h e P y r a m id S o c ie t y R eferen ce H a n d b o o k o f S t r a ig h t E g y p t i a n H o r s e s V o lu m e



List of Illustrations (other than where identified in features) Front Cover.......... Victor Adam: Nidjd, coloured lithograph, Tessari, Paris, 1850. Original print from the collection of Dr. Karin Thieme. Title Page.............. Victor Adam: Nidjd, coloured lithograph, Tessari, Paris, 1850. Original print from the collection of Dr. Karin Thieme. Page 1 7 ................. Victor Adam: Cheval Arabe III, lithograph, Lemercier et Bernard, Paris, 1850. Original print from the collection of Dr. Karin Thieme. Page 1 8 ................. Victor Adam: Nedidi Saihati, Egyptian Mare, coloured lithograph, Paris, 1850. Original print from the collection of Dr. Karin Thieme. Pages 18-68

Various photos courtesy of Judith Forbis and The Pyramid Society archives and photographers where noted (see below)

Page 6 9 ................. Victor Adam: Nedidi Saihati, Egyptian Mare, coloured lithograph, Paris, 1850. Original print from the collection of Dr. Karin Thieme. Pages 70 -112

Photos courtesy of Arabian Horse Times, Arabian Horse World and The Pyramid Society archives

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Carle Vernet: Cheval Arabe, lithograph, c. 1817. Original print from the collection of Dr. Karin Thieme.

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Victor Adam: Hadjar, coloured lithograph, Tessari, Paris, c. 1850. Original print from the collection of Dr. Karin Thieme.

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Victor Adam: Kenhlan-Yemani et Nedidi. Original print from the collection of Dr. Karin Thieme.

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Victor Adam: Ahkerf, coloured lithograph, Tessari, Paris, 1850. Original print from the collection of Dr. Karin Thieme.

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Victor Adam: Orientale leading his horse, lithograph, c. 1850. Original print from the collection of Dr. Karin Thieme.

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Victor Adam: Cheval Arabe II, lithograph, Lemercier et Bernard, Paris c. 1850. Original print from the collection of Dr. Karin Thieme.

Photograph Resources W e w ish to e x p re s s th a n k s a n d re c o g n itio n to th e fo llo w in g p h o to g r a p h e r s a n d p u b lic a tio n s as r e s o u r c e s fo r im a g e s a p p e a rin g th ro u g h o u t fe a tu re s in th is v o lu m e . Arabian Horse Times Archives Arabian Horse World Archives Lisa Abraham M. Barrett Richard T. Bryant Dominique Cognee Judith Eastvold Christine Emmert Erwin Escher Irina Filsinger Forbis Collection Gigi Grasso Rob Hess Steve Hutcherson Cappy Jackson Johnny Johnston Polly Knoll Van Lent Jeff Little Nasr Marei Rhita McNair McDowell photo J.W. Naismith Jean Pierre Reissig photo Nicole Sachs Javan Schaller Carein Schipper Jerry Sparagowski Suzanne Sturgill The Collection of Dr. Karin Thieme Scott Trees Stuart Vesty April Visel Judith Wich or

425-885-9660 920-885-4146 www.j rl Koenigsbrunn, Germany

A ls o s p e c ia l th a n k s to a ll p h o to g r a p h e r s , p r o fe s s io n a l o r o th e r w is e n o t s p e c ific a lly id e n tifie d h e r e w h o th ro u g h th e ir ta le n ts h a v e m a d e this p u b lic a t io n a w o rth y trib u te to th e E g y p tia n A ra b ia n h o rse . Copyright © 2011 by The Pyramid Society, Lexington, Kentucky. Alt Rights Reserved. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy o f information provided at the time o f printing. Given the complexity and diversity o f materials involved in producing this volume we regret and apologize for any errors or omissions that may occur. Printed in the United States o f America by Iostens, Topeka, Kansas Layout and Design — IF Graphics, Quincy, Michigan


Table of Contents

A History of Egypt's Arabian Horses by Cynthia Culbertson ............................................................................................................ 4

About The Pyramid S o c ie ty .................................................................................................................................................................................. 14

Part I: Showcasing The Egyptian Arabian Horse The Influence of Straight Egyptian Arabians Throughout the World byArlene M agid-W illiam s....................... 18 The Egyptian Arabian Horse As Champion: Straight Egyptian US and Canadian National Winners 1958-2010..................................................................................... 70 Egyptian Event Supreme Champions 1986-2010 .......................................................................................................................... 79 Straight Egyptian Winners of Two or More International Titles................................................................................................. 84 Straight Egyptian Race Winners 1959-2010 compiled byArlene M agid-W illiam s...................................................102 The Egyptian Breeders Challenge: EBC, by Keri W right.............................................................................................................107

Part II: Heritage of the Egyptian Arabian Horse Introduction to Sire Lines.............................................................................................................................................................................118 Sire Line Charts.................................................................................................................................................................................................121 Introduction to Dam Lines..........................................................................................................................................................................128 Dam Line C harts..............................................................................................................................................................................................131 Tributes to E.A.O . Cornerstone Stallions............................................................................................................................................ 145 Tributes to E.A.O . Cornerstone M ares..................................................................................................................................................150 Selected Reference Pedigrees of Egyptian Foundation Stallions and Mares................................................................... 160 Part III: Legacy - In Tribute to Admired Egyptian Arabian Horses Introduction....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 204 Legacies................................................................................................................................................................................................................205

Part IV: The Breeders Showcase Introduction and Explanatory N otes.................................................................................................................................................... 304 Pictures and Pedigrees of Straight Egyptian H orses.....................................................................................................................305 Appendices Listing of Straight Egyptian Horses by Ranch and /or O w n e r ............................................................................................. 497 Alphabetical Index of Horses Appearing in the Legacy and PictorialSections of Volume XII ........................... 516 Alphabetical Index of Horses Appearing in the Pictorial Section of inVolumes I - XI ........................................ 517 Selected Bibliography............................................................................................................................................................................... 527


A History of Egypt's Arabian Horses by Cynthia Culbertson, Revised 201 7

The Arabian horse has been associated with cultural change and the ascendance of power throughout Egyptian history. This relationship began with the N ew Kingdom Pharoahs and continued with the Islam ic conquest, the subsequent dynasties such as the Ayyubids, Fatimids, Abbasids, and M am luks, to the 19th century renaissance under Mohammad A li the Great. The first and most profound of these changes, however, occurred over 3,500 years ago when the horse was first introduced to Egypt. O ne of the defining characteristics of the ancient Egyptian civilization was its ability to prevail with relatively little T h ese ch a rio t h o rses from the m o rtu a ry tem ple o f Ra m esses alteration. This meant that the introduction and use of the III at M e d in a t H a b u illustrate the a rch e d n e ck s, triangular horse and chariot was one of the most dynam ic changes h ea d s, e le v a te d tails a n d d elica te lim bs ch a racteristic o f the A rabian b re e d . P h oto b y R ich a rd T. Bryant. ever embraced by the Egyptians. Most archeologists believe that the Hyksos, an Asiatic peoples who ruled Egypt from 1650-1550 BCE, brought the first horses into Egypt. But whatever their source, the Egyptians soon made significant improvements to the design of the chariot and harnessed the strength and agility of the horse to dram atically enlarge their em pire. But did they also make significant improvements to the design of their horses? In A G ift from the D esert: The Art, History, and Culture o f the Arabian H orse, zooarcheologist Sandra O lsen notes that the horses that cam e to Egypt from the Ancient Near East already possessed adaptations favorable to chariot warfare in a desert environm ent. However, she also suggests that selection for horses with ideal characteristics for the faster, more m aneuverable chariots of the Egyptians may have led to the development of a new type of horse. Indeed, by the time of the 18th dynasty of the New Kingdom, a high-headed horse of delicate limbs, arched neck and proudly-carried tail is routinely depicted on temple w alls. This new equine archetype, often referred to as the proto-Arabian, appears for the first time in the art of ancient Egypt. Written references to the horse in ancient Egypt reveal the high esteem in w hich they were held. The prolific builder and mighty w arrior Ramesses II gives credit for his victory at Kadesh to his horses, w hile simultaneously chastising the troops who deserted him: "W hat will the w hole w orld say/' Ram esses asked, "w hen it is know n that you left your King alone with none to se co n d him ? That not a p rin ce, not a charioteer, not a bow m an was here to jo in his hand with m ine? I fought alone! A lon e, I overthrew m illions! It was only m y g o o d horses w ho o b eyed m y hand when I found m yself alone in the m idst o f the foe. Verily, they shall henceforth eat their grain before me daily in m y royal palace. For they alone w ere with m e in the hour o f danger." 4

Pharaoh Piye also gave a stirring reprimand to the prince of a M iddle Eastern town who met defeat at the hand of the Egyptians. In a letter to the defeated foe he wrote: "As I have lived and lo ved Re an d breath is in m y nostrils, thus m y heart grow s heavy seeing h o w these horses have been starved, w hich is w orse than anything you have done from the evil in your h eart." In a connection with the Semitic peoples, and in deference to their contribution of the horse, the Egyptians adopted the goddess Ashtoreth, "mistress o f horses, lady o f the ch ario t." Her cult was brought into Egypt at the time of Thutmose III, during the Syrian cam paign, and she is depicted driving her gallant horses over prostrate foes, guiding the w ar chariots to victory on the battlefield. The ancient Egyptians were perhaps the first to devise an efficient means of transporting horses other than riding or driving them overland. Artwork from the N ew Kingdom depicts many boats on the N ile carrying horses and their attendants, with stalls constructed for the safe transport of this precious cargo. W h ile there is the occasional depiction of an Egyptian astride a horse, and even one of a messenger appearing to ride bareback and sidesaddle, the Egyptians prim arily used stallions, in teams of two, to pull the chariot. There is also evidence of horse racing, and some historians believe the Egyptians were the first to make a true sport of this endeavor. Young riders are shown competing astride their horses, bareback and in a somewhat haphazard fashion, w h ile still appearing in com plete control of their mounts. W hile the story of the Egyptian Arabian horse may begin with the Pharaohs of Egypt, it is necessary to look to the shifting sands of Arabia to com plete the tale. Arabia, w h ile also home to important ancient civilizations, existed in relative isolation from the rem ainder of Southwest A sia. For hundreds of years, its forbidding deserts limited external influence to the historical trading routes along the geographic boundaries of the peninsula. The interior of Arabia remained the domain of hardy and fiercely independent nom adic tribes. It remains uncertain how and when these tribes obtained horses, but what is known is that they developed a distinct breed, the Arabian, that becam e the most influential horse in the history of hum ankind. Most researchers believe that the horse was a relatively late import to the Arabian peninsula and written references to horses in Southern Arabia do not appear until the 1 st-3rd centuries BCE. Rock art throughout the Arabian peninsula indicates that horses were used in both warfare and the hunt, but these petroglyphs, w hile abundant, are difficult to date. Because many of the horses depicted have distinctly Arabian silhouettes it is tempting to surmise that Egypt may have been an original source of these horses, however such a connection remains unproven. Continuing archeological research may eventually reveal when the horse arrived in Arabia and from whence it cam e, but its precise origins are as yet unknown.

Petroglyphs th ro u g h o u t S a u d i A ra b ia often d e p ic t h o rses, m any o f w h ich s h o w d istin ct ch a ra cteristics o f the A rabian b re e d . P h otog ra p h b y R ich a rd T. Bryant fo r the Layan C u ltural Foun dation .


H adjar, b y V ictor A d a m , c. 1850. p rin te d b y C o d a rd , p u b lis h e d b y Tessari, Paris. C o llectio n o f Dr. Karin Thiem e

The nomadic tribes of Arabia, known as the Bedouin, embraced their horses with a passion unrivaled in human history. A l-Alusi, in his book about the culture of the Arabs from the earliest known times, writes: H orses, to the A rabs, w ere the m ost significant thing in life: they w ere the sym bo l o f their erected fortresses, their everlasting treasures, their finest glory, and their securest way o f defense. As such, the Arabs took great interest in horses, and excelled in their know ledge about these animals m ore than all other nations... For the type of surprise skirm ishes that were the specialty of the Bedouin, there could be no greater advantage than to be mounted on a fleet, enduring, and courageous Arabian horse. Victory meant capturing livestock, and livestock meant survival as w ell as wealth for the Bedouin. In exchange for this bounteous reward, the Bedouin treated their horses as fam ily members. Reared lovingly by the women and children of the tribe, the Arabian horses responded to their masters with the loyalty and devotion usually accorded only to their own kind. The Bedouin cautiously guarded the purity of their horses, observing that this was the key to m aintaining the physical and spiritual attributes required of their mounts. Because of their nom adic lifestyle, the Bedouin embraced a portable culture, consisting of poetry, stories, and oral genealogy, much of w hich has survived until the present day. The Arab poets of pre-lslam ic times celebrated their horses in verse, and their vivid descriptions illustrate the high esteem in w hich they held their mounts. The central themes surrounding the Arabian horse reveal the physical characteristics, such as speed and stamina, that were important to the Bedouin, as w ell as the value of purity, nobility, bravery, and beauty. 6

From the time of the birth of the Prophet Muham m ad (pbuh) in the late 500's C E, the Arabian horse would be inextricably linked with the religion of Islam. The Prophet (pbuh), as the foremost lover of horses in Islam, told his followers, "Take upon you the m ares! Their backs are a sanctuary and their w om bs are a treasure." By exam ple, he taught his followers to honor and respect the horse. W h ile braiding the forelock of his mare between his fingers he was also heard to say, "Blessings are b o u n d to the forelocks o f horses until the Day o f Judgm ent." As the religion of Islam spread beyond the Arabian peninsula, the M uslim s were consistently victorious on their small and hardy horses. W h ile their foes considered their own mounts m erely beasts of burden, the Muslims fervently believed their horses were rational beings with an intrinsic understanding of morality. Two-thirds of the known world, from China to Austria, was eventually conquered on the backs of these Arabian horses. For the second time in history, Egypt would be changed forever by the Arabian horse, this time under the banner of Islam. The conquest of Egypt in 639 CE was the first campaign in Islam ic history w hich consisted of cavalry as the primary force. Abdul Rahman ibn Ziyad, when he wrote of the M uslim s first entering Egypt, began his account by relating thankfulness that they found good pasture for their horses. The acclaim ed dynasties of great horsemen w hich followed illustrate that the Egyptians eagerly embraced the philosophies of their conquerors in regard to horses. Subsequently, the Arabian horse becam e an integral element in this com plex era of Egyptian history. Egypt would remain under M uslim caliphate governors from a succession of Islam ic dynasties for nearly 1000 years. In 658 C E, the Umm ayads, based in Dam ascus, successfully ruled Egypt w h ile expanding the Islam ic empire from Spain to A sia. Continuing conflict between two groups of M uslim s, the Sunnis and Shi'ites, led to the downfall of the Umm ayads, and during the next century the Baghdad-based Abbassid dynasty ruled Egypt. Literature from this period indicates that Arabian horses w ere highly regarded. The renowned Abbassid poet Al Mutannabi wrote, "the best p la ce to be found on earth is on the back o f a galloping h o rse ." A ninth century work from the early Abbassid period, written by Ibn Akhi H izam , contains detailed instructions on the care and training of horses. In all instances, Ibn Akhi H izam 's prim ary focus was that the trainer act gently and with great care towards his mount. He also specifies different methods and equipment to be used for purebred Arabians, because of their greater sensitivity than m ixed breeds of horses. He is quick to blame almost all vices of the horse on a bad education, and not their intrinsic nature. The Abbassids were the first to bring in foreigners, prim arily Turkish-speaking soldier slaves of Greek, Arm enian or Russian heritage, to guard their interests throughout the em pire. Eventually these nomadic soldiers becam e known as the M am luks, and gained enough influence to be a threat to the caliph, thereafter ruling Egypt until the country fell to the Turks.

The M am elu ks o f E g yp t w e re so m e o f the finest h orsem en k n o w n to history. T h ro u g h o u t the cen turies o f their rule th ey so u g h t the ch o ic e st horses o f Arabia fo r their m o u n ts. "M am e lu ck e en Retraite", Carle Vernet. H a n d -co lo re d aquatint. C ollection o f Dr. Karin Thiem e 7

The C a ro u ssel, C a rl Kurtz a n d lo h a n n Ba p tist Z w e c k e r 1846, p u b lis h e d b y A u ten rieth , Stuttgart. C halk lithograph o n tin ted p a p er, h a n d -co lo re d a n d h ig h ligh ted w ith g o ld . C o llectio n o f Dr. Karin Thiem e

Ibn Tulun, who defeated the Abbassids, confirm ed the importance of horses during his rule when he erected one of the greatest mosques in all of Islam ic architecture. The graceful arches w hich surround its vast interior courtyard are a reminder that his mosque was built not only for w orship, but to house the honored steeds of the cavalry. Upon the death of Ibn Tulun, however, Egypt was unable to maintain independence. The country fell once more to outside rule, this time under the Fatimids, a kingdom of rulers who claim ed descent from the Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) daughter Fatima. It was during this time that the city of Cairo became known as "Mother of the W orld." The construction w hich began under earlier rulers continued unabated, resulting in some of the most inspirational architecture in the ancient w orld, including the great center of Islam ic studies, the Al A zhar mosque and university. Arabian horses were an important symbol of generosity, luxury, and honor as evidenced by an exchange of gifts during the beginning of this period. W hen the Caliph al-M uizz Abu-Tamim Mu'd entered Egypt in 973 A .D . it is said he gave a dramatic speech at A lexandria, proclaim ing that he not come to Egypt to increase his own wealth or importance, but rather to maintain the true faith. He then presented a lavishly adorned horse to each of the Egyptians dignitaries who w ere present. Then, when the Caliph entered Cairo for his first public appearance, his generosity was reciprocated by the nobles there. In History of Egypt, published in London in 1914, Stanley Lane Poole wrote his gifts included " ...5 0 0 horses with saddles and bridles encrusted with gold, am ber and p recio u s ston es; tents o f silk and cloth o f gold, borne on Bactrian cam els; drom edaries, m ules, and cam els o f bu rd en ; filigree coffers full o f g o ld and silver vessels; gold-m ounted sw o rd s; caskets o f ch ased silver containing precio us ston es; a turban set with je w e ls, and 900 boxes filled with sam ples o f all the goods that Egypt p ro d u c e d ." It is interesting to note that the gift of the horses heads the list. The Arabian horse galloped again to the forefront of Egyptian history during the time of the great Salah ad D in, known to the West as Saladin. This brilliant leader founded the Ayyubid dynasty, valiantly defending the region against the Crusaders, and driving them from Jerusalem in 11 71 A .D . He also built the imposing Citadel in Cairo and encouraged the development of great religious colleges. This period was critical to the future of the Arabian breed, for it was the first time that knights from western Europe encountered the beautiful, swift and enduring Arabian horse. Sir W alter Scott referred to the exceptional qualities of the desert steeds compared to those of the Frankish knights when he wrote: 8

H o w the horses o f yonder dog Templars m ust have sn o rted and blow n, w hen they had toiled fetlock deep in the desert for one-twentieth part o f the space which these brave steeds have left b eh in d them, w ithout one thick pant, or a drop o f m oisture upon their sleek and velvet coats! Until Egypt fell to the Turks in 1517 A .D ., a succession of M am luk sultans ruled Egypt in two distinct dynasties, the Bahri M am luks and the Circassion M am luks. Despite their propensity for violence and bloody struggles for power, these soldiers born of slavery ensured the prosperity of Cairo and created the only great Egyptian empire since the age of the Pharaohs. During the centuries that the M am luks ruled, many of their sultans were passionate in their love for purebred Arabian horses. They sent envoys to the desert seeking the finest steeds of the Bedouin, paying enormous sums to acquire them and adorning them in unimaginable grandeur. Sultan al-Nasir M uham m ad ibn Q alaw un , who ruled three separate times in the period from 1293 to 1341 CE, is said to have kept three thousand purebred Arabian horses, paying enormous sums to collect the finest in the desert. The M am luk cavalry is not only renowned in Islam ic history, but also must be considered among the finest the world has ever known. The M am luks, led by Sultan Baybars, defeated the Mongols in 1260 CE at 'Ain Jalut in Palestine, effectively ending the Mongol invasion of the Islam ic world and likely preventing further conquest by these fierce warriors. This decisive battle has often been evaluated by m ilitary historians because it was the first time the Mongol techniques of fighting were surpassed by the enemy. W h ile the Mongols were superb horsemen and archers, James W aterson, in his book The Knights o f Islam states that the Mamluks "put down a much higher rate of fire than any other force in the medieval w orld." He goes on to give considerable credit to the horses of the M am luks, w hich were prim arily Arabians or horses having a high percentage of Arabian blood and therefore possessed greater stamina than the mounts of the Mongols. The principles of furusiyya, or horsemanship, rose to a new height during the M am luk's rule. They expanded upon the earlier treatises and composed many works relating to the arts of horsemanship and war, as w ell as to the importance of courage, valor and generosity. Sport involving horses was also popular and functioned as an important tool to improve riding and archery skills. Great hippodromes were constructed for the equestrian sports. The game of polo, imported by the Abbasids from the Persians, was frequently played, and another game involving shooting an arrow into a high target, called qabaq, was a showcase for the finest archers. Sultan Baybars was known to award purebred Arabian horses to those who achieved a perfect score in this test of skill. Horse racing was also extrem ely popular, and horses throughout the empire were brought to Cairo to compete before the sultans. The second dynasty of M am luks, the Circassions, gained control over Egypt in 1382 A .D . under Sultan Barquq, and remained in power until the Ottoman Empire conquered Egypt in 1517 A .D . Yet even after defeat by the Turks, the M am luks managed to effectively share in the rule and wealth of Egypt. Literature and art during the centuries of M am luk rule continued to reflect a devotion to Arabian horses. By the time Napoleon Bonaparte arrived in Egypt in 1798, the 2 0 ,0 0 0 M am luks in Egypt enjoyed virtual independence from the Turks. From the French accounts of the Egyptian invasion, it is difficult to ascertain whether Napoleon most admired the Pyramids or the splendor of the M am luk horseman and their Arabian steeds, as he soon adorned his own Arabian horse in their fashion. Napoleon even formed his own M am luk corps in the early 19th century, w hich was the last known M am luk force. The next epoch of Egyptian history, led by Mohammad Ali the Great, becam e known as the Renaissance of Egypt. The reign of this great Pasha would have a lasting im pact on the history of Arabian horses, and provides the first thread of continuity with the Egyptian Arabian horses of the present day. Mohammad A li, an Albanian by birth, was named Pasha of Egypt by the Ottoman government in Constantinople. He instituted a series of reforms throughout Egypt in an attempt to bring the country into the modern world, with accompanying advances in agriculture, the arts and sciences, education and civil administration. 9

Fearing the power of the rem aining M am luks, Mohammad A li cleverly engineered their demise at a lavish fantasia held at this palace at the Citadel. The M am luk leaders, alw ays anxious to display their horsemanship skills, accepted the Pasha's invitation with enthusiasm . They were confident of their reception as Mohammed A li had aligned himself with them on more than one occasion on his way to becoming governor of Egypt. Accounts of the event vary. Some say there were only sixty-four M am luk leaders present, w h ile others maintain there were nearly 700. But suddenly, after partaking of the hospitality of their host, the gate slammed shut behind them. Trapped, they were brutally attacked from above. O ne story says that once they realized their doom, the M am luks dismounted, bravely bowing their heads and awaiting their fate. Yet legend also proclaim s that a single M am luk, Amin Bey, reacted in an instant, asking the ultimate sacrifice of his loyal Arabian horse. He wheeled, galloped up the steep rampart, and commanded his stallion to leap over the great w a ll. The stallion obeyed without hesitation, and although the fall of forty feet proved fatal to the horse, Am in Bey was reportedly the sole survivor of the massacre. , , , ,

Ibrahim Pasha, so n o f the V icero y o f Egypt, M o h a m m e d A li, le d a cam paign in A rabia against the a l-S a u d sa n d c a p tu re d m an y o f th eir finest h o rses as sp o ils o f war. Lithograph o f Ibrahim Pasha b y V ictor

M eanw hile in Arabia, the Am irs of the al-Saud




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fam ilY had J ° lned forCeS Wlth the rellglOUS reformer Shaikh Mohammad ibn Abd al-W ahhab to spread A d a m , C o lle ctio n o f D r. Karin T hiem e a new Islam ic ideology of pure monotheism and austerity of faith. W hen their armies threatened Ottoman control of the H oly Cities of M ecca and M edina, Mohammad Ali was called upon to suppress their advances. A passion for obtaining the choicest steeds of the desert was an inadvertent outcome of his battles for control of Arabia. W h ile Saud ibn al A ziz managed to successfully thwart the initial Ottoman advances, his death in 1814 A .D . meant the loss of the al-Saud's most skillful m ilitary leader. Saud's son Abdullah, fearing defeat by the armies of Mohammad Ali's son, Tousson Pasha, negotiated a truce which included the gift of more than two hundred of Arabia's most precious horses. After Tousson died, another of Mohammad Ali's sons, Ibrahim Pasha, acted as his commander, and returned to Arabia to continue the battle. W hen Ibrahim Pasha succeeded in capturing the al-Saud capital of D iri'yah, the spoils of w ar included the fabled horses of Najd, said to be the finest in the w orld. Although few of these horses were destined to reach Egypt, they succeeded in enchanting Ibrahim, w ho also cam e to adm ire the culture of the Arabs themselves. Despite promises that his life would be spared, Abdullah ibn Saud was sent to Constantinople and subsequently beheaded. Nevertheless, his son Turki attempted to reconcile him self to the rule of the Turks. To satisfy Mohammad Ali's continuing desire for the finest horses, he sent several shipments to Egypt. By this time the ornate stables of Mohammad A li were said to be more elaborate than his own palace. The Pasha was determined to collect the finest horses through any means available, including imprisonment and torture of owners who refused to sell their prized anim als. Upon the death of Abdullah ibn Saud's son, Turki, Faisal ibn Turki rose to power with a determination to avenge the plunder of his father's nation. W .G . Palgrave, w ho visited his stud in the Nejd region of Arabia, testified to the quality of the horses by writing, "N ever h ad I seen or im agined so lovely a co llectio n .... 10

Their appearance ju stified all reputation, all value, all p o etry." Faisal was eventually taken to Egypt to be imprisoned in the Citadel, and the circum stances of his confinem ent would greatly influence the future of Egyptian Arabian horses. Although history does not precisely reveal how it cam e to pass, Moham mad Ali's grandson, Abbas Pasha, formed a friendship with the captive Faisal ibn Turki, eventually engineering his escape and thereby gaining his enduring gratitude. Abbas Pasha, like Ibrahim before him, admired the Arab peoples greatly, even living among the Ruala bedouin for a tim e. W ith Faisal's assistance, Abbas Pasha was able to gather an extensive history of the horses of Arabia, recording their strains and stories from the bedouin tribes. Although Abbas was often considered a failure as a leader of his own country, his dedication to the Arabian horse resulted in a collection w hich was perhaps the finest since the time of King Solom on. Royalty throughout the world coveted his treasured steeds, and countless artists were inspired by their m agnificence. After Abbas Pasha was assassinated in 1854, his stud was disbanded with callous disregard by his heirs. W hile some members of European royalty obtained precious stock, the finest remnants of the collection were destined to stay in Egypt under the ownership of A li Pasha Sherif. Like Abbas Pasha before him, Ali Pasha Sherif devoted his life to the Arabian horse and for two decades m aintained a magnificent stud in Cairo. W hen the stud of A li Pasha Sherif was eventually dispersed, there were a number of benefactors. The renowned Arabist, Lady Anne Blunt, who, along with her husband W ilfrid Scawen Blunt, had made numerous travels to the desert in search of Arabian horses, was among those fortunate to obtain stock from this stud. Lady Anne wrote of the sale: e last remnants o f the o n ce celebrated stu d o f A li Pasha Sh erif at Cairo have ju st been dispersed....Th is unique stu d traced its origins to that famous collection o f pu re Arab mares and horses m ade by Abbas I, Viceroy o f Egypt som e 50 years ago, to obtain which he ransacked the desert o f Arabia and broke dow n by the enorm ous p rices he offered, the traditional refusal o f the Bedouin breeders to part with their best mares. During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, several members of the Egyptian royal fam ily collected and bred purebred Arabian horses, and many of these bloodlines may be found in Egyptian Arabians today. The Khedive Abbas Pasha H ilm i II (1874-1914) m aintained a stable of fine Arabian horses, many of which were from the stud of A li Pasha Sherif. Prince Ahm ad Pasha Kamal (1857-1907) was another famous Egyptian breeder, as was his son, Prince Yusuf Kam al. These princes, along with other breeders of the time, often received gifts of horses from various shaykhs in Arabia as w ell as continuing the bloodlines of horses of their Egyptian predecessors. Prince Kamal al-D in (1874-1932) bred many Arabian horses that live on in modern pedigrees. He declined his ancestral claim to the throne, preferring his equestrian and other pursuits over governing his country, but donated several prominent horses to the government stud. Prince M uhammad A li Tawfiq (1875-1955), tw ice first in line for the Egyptian throne, also never ruled his country, but he had a lasting impact on Egyptian Arabian horse breeding, m aintaining four stables, the most famous of w hich was located at his spectacular M anial Palace on the isle of Roda in C airo. An extrem ely cultured and well-educated man, he was the author of the esteemed reference book Breeding o f Purebred Arab H orses, published in Egypt in two volumes in the m id-1930s. In 1908 a group of dedicated Arabian horse breeders among the titled fam ilies of Egypt formed the Royal Agricultural Society (R .A .S.) to protect what remained of the descendants of the finest horses of Arabia. O f particular significance is that a large number of the foundation horses for the R .A .S. descended from the celebrated horses of Abbas Pasha I and Ali Pasha Sharif, thus ensuring that this valuable blood bred on into future generations. The R .A .S. maintained two farms, Bahteem and Kafr Faruq, until 1930 when all of the horses were moved to Kafr Faruq, the larger facility. 11

The Royal Stables of Kings Fuad and Faruq, named the Inshass Stud after its location northeast of Cairo, also maintained approxim ately one hundred fifty Arabian horses. King Fuad was a great enthusiast of horse racing, and his son, King Faruq, was a great collector of many fine things, including Arabian horses. Several important mares at the stud were gifts from King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia, w h ile the m ajority cam e from the bloodstock of Prince Kamal al-D in, Prince M uhammad A liTaw fiq , and the horses of the R .A .S. After the revolutionary government seized power in 1952, the horses of the Inshass Stud were auctioned off and many were lost to the breed. Fortunately, several important stallions and broodmares were incorporated into the breeding program of the R .A .S ., w hich was renamed the Egyptian Agricultural Organization (E.A .O ) under the new government, and the name of the farm also changed from Kafr Farouk to El Zahraa.

A s the R o y a l In sha ss S tu d d r e w to a clo se , so m e o f its s e le c te d stallions su ch as Sa m eh , p ic tu re d h ere in fro n t o f the E .A .O . main o ffice , b e ca m e a p a rt o f the E .A .O . d u rin g reo rg a n iza tio n. Judith Forbis p h o to .

In the decade that followed the change in government, the fate of the Egyptian Arabian horse was uncertain. Because of changes in laws to lim it personal assets,many of the private breeders were forced todisperse their horses. At one point it was also decided that the Arabian horses of theE .A .O . were a symbol of past wealth and excess and that the stud should be elim inated. The M inister of Agriculture at that time, Dr. Sayed M arei, made an impassioned plea that the horses had to be saved. "It w ill be as if w e are erasing the Great Pyramids of Egypt," he commented of the proposed action. His words were heeded, and the E.A .O . remained the government stud. In the ensuing decades, breeders from around the w orld cam e to know the beautiful palm-lined entrance and eucalyptus-shaded paddocks of El Zahraa, as the E.A .O . becam e a source of important bloodstock that changed the face of Arabian horse breeding w o rldw ide and ensured that the Egyptian Arabian became the most prized of all Arabian horses. Today there are hundreds of private breeders of Egyptian Arabian horses in Egypt, as w ell as in many countries around the w orld. It also seems fitting that many countries in the Arab world are now turning to the bloodstock preserved by the Egyptians to revitalize their own breeding programs, and regain prom inence as a source of fine Arabians. Throughout history, the Arabian horse has been truly blessed to have Egypt as its special guardian. Today, it is especially important that the honor and tribute bestowed upon the Arabian horse during the long history of Egypt is not m isplaced. M any of the greatest advances of hum ankind, from the religious and architectural achievements of the ancient Egyptians, to the profound Islam ic contributions in mathematics, m edicine, and science, w ere accom plished in partnership with the Arabian horse. To contemplate the glorious history of the Egyptian Arabian horse is to understand that civilization itself owes an abiding debt of gratitude to this splendid anim al. The following sources are recommended reading on the history of the Egyptian Arabian: Alexander, David, general editor. Furusiyya. 2 vols. King Abdulaziz Public Library, Riyadh. 1996. Forbis, Judith. The Classic Arabian Horse. Liveright Publishing, New York. 1976. Sandra L. Olsen and Cynthia Culbertson. A Gift from the Desert: the Art, History, and Culture o f the Arabian Horse. International Museum of the Horse, Lexington, Kentucky, 2010. Marei, Dr. Nasr and Cynthia Culbertson. The Arabian Horse o f Egypt. The American University in Cairo Press, Cairo, Egypt, 2010. 12

The Pyramid Society

W hat Is It?

The Pyramid Society is a fraternal organization of people interested in Arabian horses of Egyptian bloodlines. Ownership of a horse is not a prerequisite of membership. The Society does not register horses and recognizes the Arabian Horse Registry of America (AHA) as the sole registry by which it is guided. Only horses that are or would be eligible for registration by the Arabian Horse Registry of America, based upon pedigree, are considered purebred Arabians by The Society. The Purpose of The Society

During the early part of the 20th century, some of the best Egyptian Arabians bred in the Land of the Nile were exported to the U.S.A. Among these were the famed Jellabi horses of Prince Mohamed Ali. Though some of this blood survived, it had nearly vanished, with the exception of the imports of Mr. Babson. Between 1895 and 1987 just under 500 Arabians were imported from Egypt. These formed the very small nucleus of Egyptian Arabian bloodlines existing in America and Canada. In 1969, The Pyramid Society was formed to ensure the preservation of Egyptian blood on this continent. M ission Statement

The Pyramid Society is devoted to the preservation, perpetuation, and promotion of the Straight Egyptian horse as the premiere source of classic Arabian type in the world. As the leader of an international community of breeders and owners, The Pyramid Society strives to unite its members in the breeding of superior quality Straight Egyptian horses, and to encourage the use of their blood as a source of the classic refinement necessary for the Arabian breed at large. We envision The Pyramid Society as the leader of a world-wide community of breeders, owners, and devotees united in the pursuit of excellence. D efinition of a "Straight" Egyptian A rabian H orse

The purpose of The Society in establishing a definition of an Arabian horse of "straight" Egyptian bloodlines and publishing a list of acknowledged root stock is for the guidance of its members. The Pyramid Society's definition of a "straight" Egyptian Arabian horse is a horse which: (1) is registered or is eligible by pedigree for registration by the Arabian Horse Registry of America (AHA); and (2) traces in every line of its pedigree to horses born in Arabia Deserta; and (3) traces in every line of its pedigree to a horse which falls within one or more of the followingcategories of horses: (a) a horse owned or bred by Abbas Pasha I or Ali Pasha Sherif; (b) a horse which was used to create and maintain the Royal Agricultural Society/Egyptian Agricultural Organization breeding programs and which is a numbered horse found in the Royal Agricultural Society / Egyptian Agricultural Organization stud books beginning on Page 45 of Volume I and ending with Page 230 of Volume 4, with the exclusion of the horses Registan and Sharkasi, as well as the lineal descendants of Registan, and the lineal descendants of Sharkasi, it being felt that Registan's pedigree and Sharkasi's pedigree contain elements that are not consistent with the kind of blood which the Pyramid Society is attempting to perpetuate; (c) a horse which was a lineal ancestor of a horse described in (a) or (b) above; and (d) a horse, other than a horse having Registan or Sharkasi as a lineal ancestor, whichwas conceived and born in a private stud program in Egypt and which was imported directly from Egypt to the United States and registered by the Arabian Horse Registry of America prior to the extension of the Egyptian Agricultural Organization's supervision to private Egyptian stud programs as reflected in Volume 4 of the Egyptian Agricultural Organization stud book. 14

Basically, this definition is an attempt to describe those purebred Arabian horses which can trace their heritage exclusively to the horses which were bred or whose blood was used as part of the historically established breeding programs in Egypt and which are horses whose blood is consistent with the kind of blood which The Pyramid Society is attempting to perpetuate. It should be noted that among the "root stallions" and "root mares" listed in Volume I of the R.A.S. Stud Book some of the horses imported to Egypt were not used to create and maintain the R.A.S. /E.A.O. breeding programs for they have no recorded descendants in the R.A.S./E.A.O. Stud Books. Those horses not used were sold, or were used in the provinces to improve the local horses, as stated in Volume 1 pg. 25 paragraph 1, E.A.O. correspondence dated November 28,1978. Such horses left no recorded descendants, and some of their ancestors had no relationship with the recorded R.A.S./E.A.O. breeding programs, and in accordance with category 3(b), are not considered "straight Egyptian" Arabian horses by the Pyramid Society. Therefore, they are not included on the Society's list of root stock horses. With reference to the exclusion of the horse, Registan, it should be noted that he carries a line to the Polish-bred Skowronek. The contribution which Skowronek made to the Arabian horse is legendary, and his blood permeates the majority of Arabian horses in America. However, it is felt his blood contains elements that are not consistent with the kind of blood which the Pyramid Society is attempting to perpetuate. With reference to the exclusion of the horse, Sharkasi, it should be noted that the Arabian Horse Registry of America does not "accept stud books" but rather denotes a stud book or stud book authority as an "approved source". Horses imported from "approved sources" are required to be accompanied by a certificate of registration, pedigree, etc., establishing proof of pure breeding under the Registry's rules and regulations. Although the stallion Sharkasi appears in the E.A.O. stud book, through his descendants, the matter of his parentage has not been established to everyone's satisfaction; therefore he has not been accepted by the Arabian Horse Registry of America and is not acknowledged as "straight Egyptian" by The Pyramid Society. Setting a Precedent

The Pyramid Society does not infer that Arabian horses of Egyptian bloodlines are better than horses of other bloodlines. Its members feel, however, that Egyptian blood is a proven source of highly desirable characteristics. Other bloodlines are valued for certain attributes and each has its own merits. They should be preserved, too, and it is hoped that groups will be formed for that purpose. The Pyram id Registered U .S. Tradem ark

Society members are furnished cuts of the Pyramid Society logo so they may use them in magazine advertisements and wherever else they deem it useful. A pharaonic horse caparisoned in the trappings of ancient times is portrayed within a pyramid. The base of the pyramid is inscribed with hieroglyphics proclaiming,"Homage to Theeever-living Lord of Benefits, Who caused to exist the horse, providing him with Life, Might, Beauty, Nobility andPurity. Thou ordainest the increase of Thy splendours." Thus the emblem of the Society is symbolic of ancient Egypt and its Arabian horse heritage. A ctivities of The Society

Each year The Pyramid Society sponsors several activities around the continental United States affording the owners of Egyptian Arabian horses the opportunity to convene and promote their prized horses. The Egyptian Event, packed with fun, festivity and fellowship, is the flagship gathering and is held annually the first week of June at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Kentucky. Horses belonging to Society members throughout North America and around the world compete for championship honors and financial incentives in both halter and performance classes. In addition, educational seminars about breeding, judging, health, research, marketing, etc., an art auction and dinner dance, a Saluki dog show, an exclusive trade show, and presentations are among some of the exciting features of this 6-day event. As membership has grown, The Pyramid Society has responded to the needs of its membership by creating a series of Futurity and Breeders Challenge programs, whereby 15

Straight Egyptian and also Egyptian Sired/Related Arabian horses vie for lucrative financial incentives. Deemed the Egyptian Event Futurities and the EBC (Egyptian Breeders Challenge), young horses compete in classic halter competition for their share of the purse. Additionally, The Pyramid Society sponsors an ever-widening array of educational gatherings and materials to assist every member as they plan and develop their individual breeding, management, and marketing programs. M em bership in The Society

Membership in The Pyramid Society is open to those people who are interested in the principal purpose of The Society; that is, to preserve and perpetuate Egyptian bloodlines. Ownership of an Arabian horse is not a requirement for membership. Arabian enthusiasts may affiliate at various levels, depending upon their interests and participation desires. Dues are structured for annual remittance and provide each member with a steady flow of pertinent information, including the Pyramid Report, and Stallion Guide, publications dedicated to the Egyptian Arabian horse and the people who support its development. Additionally, the opportunity to participate in the many activities sponsored by The Pyramid Society, including the Egyptian Event in Lexington, Kentucky, the Egyptian Breeders Challenge Program, and the Futurities, as well as a wide variety of networking, advertising and promotional benefits are privileges reserved for members only. For more information, contact: The Pyramid Society 4067 Iron Works Pkwy, Suite C Lexington, Kentucky 40511 (859) 231-0771 Fax: (859) 255-4810 E-mail: Website:


P art I S h o w c a s in g T h e E g y p t ia n A r a b ia n H o r s e


The Influence of Egyptian Arabians Throughout the World By Arlene Magid-Williams (* asterisks indicate horses imported to North America)

This material represents a brief historical summary of the Egyptian Arabian horse throughout the world. The subject is extremely broad and this is intended to give only a glimpse of Egyptian Arabian influence this past century. The bibliography noted elsewhere in this volume provides sources of extensive and detailed information. The broad scope of this subject precludes the pos­ sibility of listing all the important horses or breeders who have been influential in bringing the Egyptian Arabian to the foreground in their respective countries. This thumbnail sketch will nevertheless serve to provide an instant visual picture and serve to call attention to the ever-increasing role of Egyptian Arabians wherever Arabian fanciers seek to maintain the highest art of Arabian horse breeding.

EUROPE ENGLAND Outside of Arabia and Egypt, the western world is indebted to English breeders for pioneering the initial stages of the breed's development. The history of purebred Arabian breeding in Great Britain essentially commences with the desert importations beginning in 1877 of the Blunts and the foundation of the Crabbet Arabian Stud. Unique Victorian travelers of their time, Lady Anne Blunt and Wilfrid Blunt visited Egypt in 1879 and in1881 pur­ chased a property of 37 acres known as the Sheykh Obeyd garden. Located at the edge of the desert in Heliopolis, Sheykh Obeyd became their home in Egypt and a significant stud of Arabians which were bred until 1917, when Lady Anne passed away. While living there they hand-picked some of the finest Ali Pasha Sherif stock descending from the Abbas Pasha Stud, maintaining some animals at Sheykh Obeyd and shipping the rest to Crabbet Stud in England. During these years the Blunts obtained, among others, the following horses of Ali Pasha Sherif stock (those noted have bred on in England to the present day and formed the nucleus of what was to become the most famous Arabian stud in the world for more than half a century): Mesaoud (Aziz x Yemameh), Mahruss II (Mahruss I x Bint Nura II), Ibn Nura (Sotamm I x Bint Nura I), Feysul (Ibn Nura x El Argaa), Merzuk (Wazir x a Kuhaylah Jellabieh), Kasida (Nasr I x Makbula), Sobha (Wazir x Selma), Bint Nura II (Aziz x Bint Nura I), and Bint Helwa (Aziz x Helwa). After the Blunts, little new Egyptian blood was introduced to the English gene pool until the 1960s, although the American-bred stallion Jellaby (*Nasr x *HH Mohamed Ali's Hamama) was imported in 1936 as a yearling. He left no straight Egyptian descendants, but he is the sire of Nisan, fourth dam of the very typey World Champion Stallion *Camargue. Since 1968 Egyptian bloodlines have been reintroduced to England through straight Egyptian imports from America, mainly through stal­ lions. The Shah (Fabah x Bint Fada) of Babson breeding was imported by the Hedleys. He was named British National Champion Stallion in 1978 and is the sire of 1988 British National Champion Stallion and 1989 Paris International Reserve Champion Stallion Shahpoor. The Shah also sired the Grade I racehorse Prince Rezah. The *Morafic son, Shakhs (x *Shiaa) was bought from Gleannloch Farms by the Maxwells of Lodge Farm Stud who also imported the mare Bint Jehan (*Tuhotmos x Jehan) from Egypt and the *Ansata Ibn Halima daughter, AK Atallah from Bentwood. All three of these horses have produced well, and Shakhs and AK Atallah were later re-imported to the U.S. Shakhs has sired race winners in Brit­ ain as well as 1984 Austrian Reserve Champion Mare Selmah. With Bint Jehan (herself named 1981 World Reserve Champion Mare at the Salon 18

Du Cheval), he sired South African National Champion Stallion Shah Jehan and 1986 Israeli National Champion Stallion Shaji. AK Atallah was named 1978 European Reserve Champion Mare and is the dam of one of Europe's most celebrated show mares, Aliha. Aliha (whose sire is of Crabbet breeding) has been named World Champion Mare at the Salon Du Cheval, British National Champion Mare, and International Champion Mare at the 1990 Towerlands show in Britain. She has continued showing in old age and in 1998 was named U.K. International Reserve Champion Mare at Towerlands (at age 21) and 1999 British Reserve National Champion Mare (at age 22). She has also produced National winners. Another Egyptian mare imported by the Maxwells is 1989 World Champion Mare AK Fanniya (*Ansata Ibn Halima x Narimaan), also of Bentwood breeding and now in the Middle East (where she was named 1996 Jordanian Reserve National Cham­ pion Mare). One exception to the rule of introducing Egyptian blood through stallions was the importation of Maartrabbi (Al Metrabbi x RDM Maar Hala) by Dame Josephine Anderson of Malthouse Stud in 1988. Her dam was the leading Egyptian producer of champions in North America for many years and her daughter Maartrabbi has founded her own dynasty at Malthouse with three daughters being retained. In 1990, Anderson imported the stallion Kerim Shah (Prince Ibn Shaikh x Siralima), a paternal grandson of RDM Maar Hala, who nicked very well with Maartrabbi and her daugh­ ters, one example being the Malthouse bred Maartial, a champion in England and at the Emerald Egyptian Event in Holland. The Kerim Shah son Mahmoud Shah (who is out of a Maartrabbi daughter) was the leading sire of the 2008 U.K. Egyptian Event. One of Kerim Shah's best sons is the Egyptian related Kazim Shah, 1994 U.K. International Reserve Junior Champion Colt and 1997 British National Champion Stallion. Malthouse has recently purchased a young colt from Al Rayyan Stud in Qatar, Muhaned Al Rayyan (Ashhal Al Rayyan x Al Wajba Al Rayyan, a paternal sister to 2010 U.S. Reserve National Champion Senior Mare *Negma Al Shaqab). Other breeders also saw the advantage of introducing newer Egyptian blood as the logical blending ingredient with linebred Crabbet stock. The Rodania Stud obtained Egyptian bloodlines from West Germany including the stallion Mubark (Hadban Enzahi x Malacha) and the mare Abiyah (Mohamed x Afifa). Mr. Hutchings acquired from Egypt the EAO stallion Saab (Antar x Kamar) and also imported several horses from Bentwood Farm and Ansata Arabian Stud in the USA. The Saab daughter Kazaba is a champion producer in the U.K. Hutchings also had National winner producer and 1988 Belgian Senior Male Champion AK El Sennari (*Ibn Moniet El Nefous x II Bint Khedena) and Rouse Nefous (*lbn Moniet El Nefous x Bah Rouse), the latter a sire of race winners. Another EAO stallion Marawan (Seef x Fayrouz) was purchased by Mr. Unwin. Kais I (Mohawed x Bint Om el Saad) and the mare Ikbal (Seef x Adaweya) were imported by the Ratcliffs. Additional breeders have since followed or are following suit with importations from Egypt and America. The Woodward family of High Tor Arabians acquired the American halter champion Shaikh Al Kuran (Shaikh Al Badi x AK Raiyeh). He has enjoyed success as a sire in Britain, having been named Arab Horse Society's Leading Sire of all shows for the years 2000-2004— the only stallion to have won the Leading Sire award five times! Among his best known get is the straight Egyptian 2006 British Reserve National Champion Mare Princess Kumara (x Princess Kamar). Shaikh Al Kuran passed away in 2010. High Tor also owns 2000 British Junior Champion Colt Thee Equalizer (Thee Des­ perado x Naamoura), sire of 2007 Northwestern Show Reserve Champion Mare HT Orillia (Egyptian related) and 2008 Northern Show Reserve Champion Mare HT Saliha (x MB Salita), who is straight Egyptian. High Tor owns the straight Egyptian many times champion mare Karimda (PVA Kariim x Serrada), another of their imports from the U.S. Another significant breeder and owner of Egyptian Arabians in England is Delyth Gamlin-Brown of Peakland Arabians, whose Egyptian-related filly *Athenaa AHSB (by Ashhal Al Rayyan) was named Junior Champion Filly at the 2003 Fontwell Park International Show and the Towerlands U.K. International shows. *Athenaa AHSB has gone on to many titles in Europe and the Middle East under the ownership of Al Khalediah Stud of Saudi Arabia. Her straight Egyptian mare A Little Passion (by Ansata Nile Pasha x Bint El Sanaa) was named Reserve Champion at the U.K. International Show and also at the Nations Cup Show and is now owned by Al Rayyan Stud in Qatar. Another Gamlin-bred winner is A Little Tenderness (Cru­ sader SE x Bint El Sanaa), the 2001 Merrist Wood International Reserve Senior Champion Mare. A Little Precious, a full sister to A Little Passion, was bred by Peakland and is now owned by Mr Al Waleed Almesned of Egypt. Gamlin-Brown has stood some well known stallions on lease, including National Champion sire and grandsire Assad (Ansata Halim Shah x Arussa), GR Amaretto (Classic Shadwan x Halims Asmara), and Al Aaqib Al Zimet (Ashhal Al Rayyan x Muniah). Gamlin-Brown purchased the colt Bedawi Al Rayyan (Safir Al Rayyan x Al Mansoura Al Rayyan) in 2007 from Al Rayyan Stud. He is a grandson of Ashhal Al Rayyan and Alidaar. A Little Passion (Ansata Nile Pasha x Bint El Sanaa) 19

The current influence of Egyptian breeding in the English show ring has been very apparent at numerous shows in the past two decades. At the 1993 U.K. International Show the Junior Female Champion was the Egyptian-related Baija, a granddaughter of Ruminaja Ali and El Hilal owned by Halsdon Arabians. Baija is now the dam of multi-National Champion HS Bellissima by Halsdon's stallion Simeon Sadik. At the 1993 British Nationals, the Foal Champion was a filly by Ansata Nile Pasha, while Razzi Halim by Ansata Halim Shah was named Reserve Junior Champion Male. In 1995, the American bred Prince Al Morafic (Ibn Morafic x Samiha) was named Junior Male Champion at the AHS Northern Group Show. More recently, Egyptian horses have enjoyed continued success at the British Nationals and at the U.K. International Show. Crusader (Salaa El Dine x AK Kastana) was the 1991 U.K. International Champion Stal­ lion, the 1994 and 1995 World Reserve Champion Stallion at the Salon Du Cheval, the 1995 Nations Cup Reserve Champion Stallion and was named the 1996 British National Champion Stallion. He has achieved an exceptional re­ cord as a sire, with numerous National winners including 1997 Spanish Junior Champion Filly and 1999 Balearic Show Senior Champion Mare Katun, 1997 and 1998 U.K. International Show Champion Gelding Kabbari, 1998 British Junior Champion Filly Amira Kastanah, 1998 Lagenfeld Show Junior Champion Filly and Best in Show and 1999 Scandinavian Junior Champion Filly Helaliya, South African National Ridden Champion Harka, etc. Orayan (Maysoun x Oraya), a straight Egyptian stallion bred in Germany, was named the 1995 British Reserve National Champion Stallion and the 1996 European Reserve Champion Stallion. His straight Egyptian daughter The Princess of Egypt (x Shahneekha) is the 1999 Tulip Cup (Holland) Junior Champion Filly and 2000 Nations Cup, European and German National Champion Filly. In 1996, Simeon Sadik (Asfour x Simeon Safanad) was named U.K. International Champion Stallion and World Reserve Champion Stallion. In 2000 his wins included Nations Cup Reserve Champion Stallion and European Reserve Champion Stallion. He is owned by Charlie and Shirley Watts of the Halsdon Stud and had a very successful show career in Australia prior to being imported to Britain. He has been a fine sire since his arrival, winning the 1999 British Nationals Get of Sire class, which included his predominantly Egyptian daughter HS Bellissima, the 1999 British Junior Champion Filly and 2000 Tulip Cup (Holland) Reserve Junior Champion Filly. HS Bellissima is out of the Egyptian-re­ lated mare Baija, mentioned earlier. The Halsdon Stud has raised some exceptional Egyptian horses in recent years, including 2003 Elran Cup (Holland) and World Junior Champion Filly HS Ramira, whose Israeli-bred dam Rihahna is a granddaughter of *Jamilll. Simeon Sadik's influence has extended throughout European shows. His Egyptian related daughter Maya Des Alpes, who is Halsdon bred, was named 2007 Scandinavian Champion Filly. In 2003 Halsdon purchased the extremely typey Gelgelah Al Badeia (Imperial Madori x Anhar Albadeia), bred by Nasr Marei of Egypt and shown under his ownership to 2003 European Champion Mare and Weis International (Austria) Champion Mare, before being named 2003 World Champion Mare after her purchase by Halsdon. In the last few years, English breed­ ers have imported a number of horses from Ansata in America who have been shown with considerable success. High Tor Stud owns the 2005 North West Arab Show Reserve Junior Champion Filly Ansata Sokara (Ansata Sokar x MB Sateenha) and Reserve Junior Champion Colt Ansata Shah Mansour (Ansata Malik Shah x Ansata Nefri), as well as the Senior Champion Stallion Ansata Al Ghazzali (Ansata Iemhotep x Ansata Sherezade), who was also named Champion Stallion at the 2004 Harrogate Show and 2005 Northern Group Show and Reserve Champion at the 2005 Classic Show. The Parsons family leased Ansata Qasim (Farres x MB Moneena), the Reserve Champion of the 2005 Devon County Show and the 2005 South West Show, and the 2007 Wales and West Reserve Champion Stallion Ansata Najib Bey (Ansata Sirius x Ansata Najiba). During his time in England, Ansata Qasim sired the Egyptian related Eqzotik, the Reserve Junior Champion Colt at the 2008 South West Show and the 2007 Emerald Egyptian Event in the Netherlands. 1997 saw Egyptian stallions capturing the highest titles at the British Nationals. Named British National Champion Stallion was the Egyptian related Kazim Shah, a son of the American-bred straight Egyptian stallion Kerim Shah (Prince Ibn Shaikh x Siralima). British Reserve National Champion Stallion that year was the straight Egyptian MA Alishah, an American-bred son of Ruminaja Ali and AK Shahgat (*AK Shahm x Nagat). He is also the Senior Champion Stallion of the 2002 Egyptian Event Europe and has sired winners including 2006 HoCon Re­ serve Champion Stallion and Southeast England Show Senior Champion Stallion Zircon Alkasaab (who is Egyptian related). At the 2001 U.K. In­ ternational Show, the Senior Champion Stallion was Orashaan (Maysoun x Orasha), bred in Germany and a maternal brother to multi-National winner *Orashan in America. Orashaan was also named Reserve Senior Champion Stallion at the 2001 Merrist Wood International. In 2006, his Egyptian related son Eddashaan was named Reserve Senior Champion at the South East England show. In 2002, two straight Egyptian stallions imported from America won championships at the Merrist Wood Inter­ 20

national Show. The Senior Champion Stallion was Richter MH (El Halimaar x Fasarra), and the Reserve Senior Champion Stallion was Imperial Kamilll (Imperial Al Kamar x Imperial Mistill). Imperial Kamilll was also named Senior Champion Stallion at the UK International Show. The 2002 UK International Show also saw the Egyptian-related colt Ora El Masri (Orashaan x Alianda) named Junior Champion (he was Reserve Junior Champion Colt at Merrist Wood) and the Egyptian-related gelding Kabbari (Crusader SE x Kazarina) capturing the Reserve Champion Gelding title. In 2003, the Egyptian related stallion Ali Khan (Al Hakeem x Shareen) was named British National Champion Stallion and Towerlands International Reserve Champion Stallion. He is noted for his spectacular trot. At the 2006 Northwestern Show, the Junior Champion Filly was the straight Egyptian Manayah (Imperial Kamilll x Kateefah), the Reserve Junior Cham­ pion Filly Fariba (Egyptian related) and the straight Egyptian Senior Champion Stallion Maartial were both sired by the aforementioned Kerim Shah, and the Junior Champion Colt was the straight Egyptian The Infidel (The Legend x Princess Kamar). Maartial went on to additional wins in Europe at the Emerald Egyptian Event for his owner and breeder Dame Judith Anderson. Named 2006 South of England Junior Champion Colt was the Egyptian related AV Amore (by German based sire GR Amaretto). The 2006 U.K International Champion Stallion was *AI Lahab GASB (*Laheeb IASB x The V i­ sion HG), on his way to becoming World Champion Stallion a few months later. Straight Egyptians won championships at a number of U.K. shows in 2007. Reserve Junior Champion Colt at the North West Regional Show was Amir Al Sahra (Imperial Kamilll x Raqqisa), owned by Judal Arabians (Alan M Hunt and Judi Kent Pyrah). In 2008, the Egyptian sired Zeezee Top (by Assad) was named British National Champion Mare (she is the dam of 2010 British Reserve National Champion Junior Gelding Bow Chicka Wow). Britain has hosted for the last several years a U.K. Egyptian Event show that has more entries each year, the most re­ cent one being held in 2008. There is no doubt that the contemporary Egyptian bloodlines are recreating interest similar to that stirred by the unique Egyptian horses imported by the Blunts over a century ago. IRELAND In fo rm a tio n fu rn is h e d b y F e rd in a n d S c h w e s te rm a n n - L a w le s s a n d u p d a te d b y A r le n e M a g id

The Republic of Ireland's main equine emphasis has traditionally been on Thoroughbreds for racing and hunting, and the verdant fields of Irish stud farms are comparable to the world-famous bluegrass of Kentucky. Arabian horse breeding in Ireland is still at an early stage, and breeders featuring a variety of lines have established studs there. The influence of the Egyptian horse has already been felt. One breeder, the Dowdstown House Stud of the SchwestermannLawless family, places its main emphasis on Egyptian lines. Their early imports include horses from Egypt, Germany, and America. Among their horses are the American halter champion Hawaa (Amaal x Haseenah), dam of 2 winners at the Egyptian Event including a Supreme Champion Gelding, MA-Ajmala (The Minstril x Hawaa), a class winner at the 1999 European championships held in Verona, Italy, 1999 Senior Champion mare at the International show in Baden-Baden and 2004 Strohen International (Germany) Reserve Senior Champion Mare. The broodmare band also includes Wardshah (Adeeb x Wasfia), a champion mare and one of the rare females of the Abeyyan Om Jurays strain of the El Shahbaa family, the same family that produced the highly successful producers *Magidaa and Bint Magidaa. Her 2008 colt DHS Waheeb El Nil, another excellent representative of that family, is one of the last sons of Imperial Kamilll. Her daughter DHS Shaakirah by Alidaar, a first class broodmare herself, is destined to continue her dam's legacy. Another significant mare is the beautiful Amira Madheen (Maydan-Madheen x Shahneekha) from Madheen Arabians in Germany. Only shown once, she won the foal Champion title at the prestigious Egyptian Event Europe 2005, like her sisters. She is a full sister to the international champion Shabbura HP and a maternal sister to international champion The Princess of Egypt. Her first foal, DHS Aisha, was sold to Qatar. Dowdstown House Stud has enjoyed international success with its homebreds, including DHS Mabrouk (*AI Lahab GASB x MA Ajmala), who has won championships or reserves at the Egyptian Event Nordic Countries, the Emerald Egyptian Event, and the Arabesque Egyptian Cup. An Egyptian breeder in Northern Ireland is Northern Lights Arabians, owned by Phil and Carole Meylan. They own the stallion HT Karachi (Shaikh Al Kuran x Karimda), bred by High Tor Stud in England. SCANDINAVIA The Scandinavian countries, especially Sweden and Norway, have taken forward steps in the breeding of Arabian horses since the end of World War II. Dr. Arvid Aaby-Ericsson was primarily responsible for introducing Arabians to Sweden, bringing in the part-Egyptian stallion Jager sired by Jasir (Mabrouk x Negma) in 1953 from Germany. Interest in Arabian horse breeding and the establishment of several excellent breeding farms, the jewel of which is Blommerod Stuteri, has increased dynamically since the formation of the Swedish Arab Horse Society in 1964. During the last decade enthusiasts of Egyptian Arabians have been importing stallions and colts into Sweden and a few straight Egyptian mares. One beautiful mare imported from Hungary by Mrs. Ann Norden is 219 Ibn Galal I. She has two sons and one daughter by Maysoun, and her daughter India (x Siam DE) is a champion producer. Two mares 21

were imported in 1991 from Ansata Arabians Christmas Sale. They were Ansata Serena (*Ansata Ibn Halima x Ansata Regina) and AK Bah Rousa (*lbn Moniet El Nefous x Bah Rouse). At the Claestorp Stud of Countess Penelope Lewenhaupt, there are 4 straight Egyptian mares based on the Bentwood Farm import AK Kastana (Na Ibn Moniet x Nadafi by *Morafic). AK Kastana is the dam of 1987 Norwegian Junior Champion Colt Kismet and of the multi-National Champion Crusader SE (by Salaa El Dine), already mentioned. The Claestorp stallion Shahin (Salaa El Dine x Ameera), bred by Dr. Hans Nagel of Germany, was named the 1997 Swedish Reserve National Champion Stallion (the first time a straight Egyptian stallion had achieved such a distinction). Shahin was recently sold to Saud Al Babtain in Saudi Arabia. The Claestorp Stud bred Sabra (Shahin x AK Bah Rousah), named Reserve Senior Champion Mare at the 2004 Top of the World Show in Norway, and 2003 Finnish National Champion Mare White Diamond (Shahin x Jade Princess). The Lyaland Stud concentrates mainly on straight Egyptian and Egyptian related stock. They are the breeders of Canadian National Champion Jumper and Uruguayan National Cham­ pion Stallion *Sindh. One of their imports from the U.S.A. is Prince Egypt (TheEgyptianPrince x *Sallama by Seef). Benny Freme of the W-Araber has imported straight Egyptians from the Hanaya Stud in Switzerland. From Holger Ismer in Germany, Mr. Freme has leased a young Egyptian stallion named Mephisto (Mohafez x Senaja by Madkour I). Other Egyptian imports into Sweden include: Yusria (Kaisoon x Bint Wedad), the dam of Canadian National Cham­ pion Jumper and Uruguay National Champion Stallion *Sindh, Assad (Kaisoon x Hania), Hamasa Khafifa (Kaisoon x Hamasa Bint Wafaa), Ramses (Fikri x Nora), the sire of multi-National Champion *Sindh, Tifla "S" (Fikri x Bint Fayek) and Nashakla (Shaker El Masri x Naglaa), the latter later imported to America and renamed *AK Nashakla. Since 1975 Anne Norden of the Lonhult Stud has bred Arabians in Sweden. Their foundation mare, 219 Ibn Galal I, was bred at Babolna Stud. The farm now has both Egyptian and Polish lines. Their most successful horse has been the straight Egyptian Insh Allah (Ashhal Al Rayyan x India), named World Champion Colt in 2003 after winning titles at international shows all over Europe. He was sold to the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia just prior to his World Champion­ ship title and is now owned by the Royal Family of Jordan. Their Egyptian-related mare Feemi (by Ibn Halim, a Maysoun son) was the 1995 Blommerod International Junior Champion Filly and produced the 2010 Israeli Gold Champion Filly. In 2008, Norden purchased the colt Baqir AA (Nader Al Jamal x Al Baraqai AA) from Ariela Arabians of Israel to add to her breeding program. Egyptian related stock has also become increasingly popular. Many of these have come from Germany, England and the U.S.A. and include sons and daughters of such Egyptian sires as: Hadban Enzahi (Nazeer x Kamla), Farag (*Morafic x Bint Kateefa), Shaker El Masri (*Morafic x Zebeda), The Shah (Fabah x Bint Fada), Ansata Ibn Sudan (*Ansata Ibn Halima x *Ansata Bint Mabrouka), *EI Mokhtar (Galal x Mohga), and *EI Moongi (Shaarawi x Nagwa). Egyptian related sons of the Egyptian sire Aswan (Nazeer x Yosreia) from Russia have also been used with great success in Sweden, producing a number of Swedish National Champions in the show ring. While straight Egyptian breeding is not yet strongly in evidence in the Scandinavian countries, it is ever increasing as more horses are imported. A small stud farm in Denmark, Ja Arabians, is owned by Jane Bachmann who competes in endurance riding. She stands the straight Egyptian black stallion The Promise (The Minstril x El Thay Tohfa), who was imported from Canada at age 8. Straight Egyptian mares at Ja Arabians include Sayana (UP Sheitan x Saymoha), her daughter Jasana by Halim El Dahab, and EH Ghazia (AK Sirhalima x EH Gharibah). Karmdal Arabians in Denmark stands the straight Egyptian stallion Cemal Al Karmdal (Ansata Riyadh x Arasaa Kis Maheba), a grandson of Ansata lemhotep and of *Messaoud (sire of *Orashan and im perial Madheen). They also own his dam and maternal sister Dahma El Kar­ mdal (by Al Aaqib Al Zimet), a class winner at the Arabica Show in Germany in 2007. Their third straight Egyptian mare is Fardos Naidana (Madai x Nashedah), a granddaughter of Ansata El Salaam. The Sorensen family of Kastielund Arabi­ ans of Denmark own the straight Egyptian mare A. Sherifa (A.R. Al Shabaab x Samara II), a granddaughter of Madkour I who traces in sire line to *Tuhomos. She was awarded a gold medal at the 2006 Scandinavian Championship show in the aged mare class in which she placed third. Another stud in Denmark, Kida Arabians, is owned by Mai-Britt & Sten Schroll, who have two straight Egyptian mares: Kameela (Maysoun x Khassab Bint Khaled) and Alia El Nile (Azim Ibn Alidaar x Kaythara El Nil). Stutteri Svanemosen, breeders since 1985, have recently switched their program to feature straight Egyptians. Helle and Arne Nielsen have a young straight Egyptian stallion, Amir SS (Fa Medu Neter x Ameenah El Chamsin), who is of 3/4 Babolna breeding, and mares including Mashaana A Zamet, the first Salaa El Dine daughter in Denmark whose dam, Malysha Al Zamet, was 2001 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Champion Mare and is now owned 22

▲ by Al Zobair Stud in Sharjah. The farm also owns Ameenah El Chamsin (Teymur B x Bint Amer), whose dam also resides in the Middle East. The Norwegian breeder Nena Bjerke owns 2009 Egyptian Event Europe Silver Champion Stallion Kamal (Authentic Kharazi x Shaula). Major wins in the National Swedish and Norwegian horse shows by Egyptian-related Arabians sired by Germanbred and American-bred Egyptian stallions and Aswan have brought the Egyptian blood into desirable focus in Sweden. Egyptian blood has also won in the show ring in Denmark, with Ansata Nile Pasha (*Jamilll x Ansata Nile Dream), named the Reserve Senior Champion Stallion of the Vilhemsborg, Denmark show in 1995. Sinjabi (Imperial Imdal x Arabest Mariya) is the 1997 Danish Reserve Junior Champion Colt and ZT Sahjat (Ruminaja Bahjat x Sareefa) named the 1999 Scandinavian Reserve Champion Stallion at the Blommerod show in Sweden. At the 2002 Norwegian Nationals, the Junior Champion Colt and Best in Show winner was the straight Egyptian WPB Minstril's Bajar (The Minstril x Imperial Naridah). The Junior Champion Filly and Reserve Junior Champion Filly were both sired by straight Egyptian stallions: Silver Nadirah is by Maysoun, while SMJ Shais Simona is by *Simeon Shai. At the 2002 Vilhelmsborg International in Denmark, the Egyptian-related stallion Hlayyil Ramadan (by Kamar El Zaman) was named Senior Champion Stallion. In 2003, the Scandinavian Championships had two straight Egyptian winners- Junior Champion Colt Insh Allah from the Lonhult Stud of Sweden and Reserve Senior Champion Stallion ZT Sahjat (Rumianaja Bahjat x Saleerfa), owned by the Kraus family and Frank Sponle of Germany. In 2004 the first Egyptian Event Nordic Countries was held in Honefoss, Norway, with an international host of entrants from Scandanavia, Holland, Germany, Ireland and the United Kingdom. At the 2005 Scandinavian Championship Show, the Senior Champion Mare was the Egyptian-related Wanila (by Ansata Nile Pasha), who was bred and owned by the Husted family of Denmark. She was also named 2005 Danish National Champion Mare and Best in Show. In 2010, her maternal sister Walinah (by Ansata Selman) was named Bronze Cham­ pion Mare at the Norwegian International Show. Walinah was also bred and owned by the Husteds. GERMANY By Arlene Magid and Judith Wich The history of Arabian breeding in Germany begins in Weil. In 1817 King William of Wurttemberg imported seven mares and two stallions from Arabia. By 1861 the stud had fifty mares, of which eight were imported. For outcross pur­ poses the stallion Ghadir was purchased at the auction of the Abbas Pasha Stud. In 1929 the straight Egyptian stallion Jasir (Mabrouk Manial x Negma) was acquired from the stud of Prince Mohamed Ali. By 1932 the Weil Stud was transferred to Marbach, Germany's oldest state-run farm, near Stuttgart, where the high quality of the Weil Arabians was carefully preserved. However, after World War II the need for a new stallion arose and in 1955 the German Government imported from the EAO the stallion Hadban Enzahi (Nazeer x Kamla) and the mare Nadja (Nazeer x Nefisa). Hadban Enzahi sired the U.S. Top Ten Mare *Maalak and the all-time leading American dam of champions, *Sanacht, who produced 12 champions. Hadban Enzahi was used as the main sire at Marbach until his death. About the same time the Furst zu Inn-und Knyphausen bought from the EAO the Nazeer son Ghazal (x Bukra), and the mare Moheba (Sid Abouhom x Halima) in foal to El Sareei producing Malacha. He leased his horses to the Marbach Stud, thus providing a solid Egyptian foundation and allowing Marbach to reach a consistency and uniformity in its broodmare band. A third Nazeer son, Kaisoon out of the Sid Abouhom daughter, Bint Kateefa, was a gift from the Egyptian Govern­ ment. He became a popular sire standing in Duisburg, Germany. Private breeders had used him heavily even up to his passing in 1987 at age 29. As an outcross for the Nazeer breeding, Dr. Wenzler selected from Egypt the rich black stallion Gharib, a son of Antar (Hamdan x Obeya) and out of Souhair (Sid Abouhom x Salwa by Ibn Rabdan). A restoration of the Ibn Rabdan blood from earlier R.A.S. breeding, this stallion became the head sire at Marbach after his famous Nazeer bred predecessors. Gharib is noted as the maternal grandsire of Scottsdale and Buckeye Champion Stallion *Sharem El Sheikh, a sire of national champions in halter. Gharib get have been exported to America, Canada, Holland and Switzerland. He is one of the maternal ancestors of U.S. and Canadian Top Ten Stallion The Minstril as well as the maternal grandsire of the Ameri­ can-bred AK Nouasha (Ansata Abbas Pasha x *AK Nouara), the Supreme Champion Horse at the 1993 Egyptian National Show. In recent years other straight Egyptian stallions have been uti- Charib (Anter x Souhair) Judith Forbis photo. 23

lized in the Weil-Marbach program, most notably Nasrodin (Ansata Abbas Pasha x Noha), Nami (Gharib x Nabya), Motassem (Ansata Halim Shah x Messaouda), Neshan (Ansata Halim Shah x Noha) and the American-bred Serenity Habib (*Khofo x SF Bint Mamlouka). After World War II a few private breeders established Arabian breeding programs. Eventually interest in Egyptian Arabians blossomed. Germany became the second largest importer of Arabians from Egypt (after the U.S.). From 1955 to 1981 seventy-five straight Egyptians were imported from the EAO and the supervised studs. Since then a number of straight Egyptians bred in America have been exported to Germany. Anchor Hill Halim (Hadbah x Silima) was imported to Germany as a yearling in 1971, where he became a noted endurance horse and sired five licensed breeding stallions. He is also a sire and grandsire of race winners. Canadian Top Ten Stallion Mohssen (*Ansata Ibn Halima x *Bint Hanan (Alaa El Din x M ona), Forbis archive Mona) was imported to Germany in 1987, where he sired the interna­ tional show winners KP Bint Mohssen and UP Mobaris. Dr. Hans Nagel imported AK Sharaf (*lbn Moniet El Nefous x Ahroufa) in 1978, who was renamed Mohafez. He sired 1984 German Reserve National Champion Stallion Ibn Mohafez, also named 1983 Junior Champion Colt at the Aachen international show. For the 1981 breeding season Dr. Nagel leased European Reserve Champion Stallion Ansata Abbas Pasha, a full brother to U.S. National Champion Stallion An­ sata Ibn Sudan. While in Germany he sired 1985 World Junior Champion Colt Sherif Pasha. Dr. Nagel also leased Ansata Halim Shah from 1983-1986. He sired 1990 German Reserve National Champion Stallion and National Champion sire Maysoun, 1991 German Reserve National Champion Stallion El Thay Ibn Halim Shah (an undefeated racehorse), 1997 Qatari Reserve Champion Mare Aisha (x Ghazala), 1999 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Mare Dalima Shah (x AK Bint Dalia II), and Salaa El Dine, sire of British National Champion Crusader and Swedish Reserve National Champion Stallion Shahin. The Ansata Halim Shah grandson Fay Sabun (Salaa El Dine x Ansata Fay Jamila by Ansata Halim Shah) was the Reserve Champion of the 1996 Stallion Licensing. He was bred by Klaus Beste, who is also the manager of the German Arab Horse Society. Heinrich Kretschmann imported 1991 German Reserve Junior Champion Colt Ansata El Salaam (Ansata Ibn Shah x Ansata Samantha). Dr.Nagel also imported the near-legendary mare Hanan (Alaa El Din x Mona), dam of Salaa El Dine, U.S. Top Ten Stallion *Jamilll, National Champion sire Asfour, National Champion produc­ ers Ghazala and Ameera, etc. Additional imports include the fillies Ansata Jeylan (Ansata lemhotep x Ansata Jahara) and Ansata Azali (Ansata lemhotep and Bint Faras Azali) as well as the colts Ansata Mital (Ansata lemhotep x Ansata Majesty) and Ansata Riyadh (Ansata lemhotep x Bint Faras Azali), all brought to Germany from America by Judith Wich of the Orienta Stud. A number of German breeders are very committed to using Egyptian lines in their breeding programs, frequently with top performance in the show ring. The Filsinger family is well known for their long-term commitment as breeders, especially through their great foundation mare, Malikah of the Halima tail female line. They stood the highly successful sires Maymoon and Malik (Hadban Enzahi x Malikah), the latter later exported to Israel, and horses of their breeding are still winning internationally today. The 1994 European Reserve Champion Stallion Zeymoon El Nabil (Nabil Ibn Nazeefa x Zenaya Bint Zeenah) was bred by the Filsingers. Walter Olms of Olms Araber Hamasa Gestut imported the *Morafic son Farag (x Bint Kateefa) as his foundation stallion. He bred 1984 German Reserve Supreme Champion Female Hamasa Bint Nafteta (Farag x Nafteta by Kaisoon), 1986 Swedish gold medal winner Hamasa Fadila (Farag x Hamasa) as well as two South African National Champions imported by the Van Wyk family. Holger Ismer's Madkour I (Hadban Enzahi x Moheba II) was named the 1981 German National Champion Stallion and has sired German national winners. Ursula and Willi Poth's stallion Mehanna (Galal x Mouna) was named 1987 German Reserve National Champion Stallion. The Poths also imported the stallion Ibn Galal (Magdi), a son of the Nazeer son Galal and Mohga, a 3/4 brother to U.S. Re­ serve National Champion Mare *Nahlah. A Hungarian bred mare, Abbas Pasha 1-12 (Abbas Pasha I x 211 Zohair) was named the 1995 Reserve Senior Champion Mare at the Kauber Platte Show. She is the dam of 1998 Geiboldehausen Senior Champion Mare Muniah. Also notable among early Egyptian breeders in Germany is Gunter Seidlitz, who bred such influential horses as *Messaoud (the sire of im perial Madheen and *Orashan) and his full sister Masouda (Madkour x Maymoonah), whose granddaughters Ansata Majesta, Ansata Magnifica, Ansata Majesty, and Ansata Malaha are not only champions in the show ring but also exceptionally successful broodmares in the Middle East. Seidlitz's granddaughter Gabriele Seidlitz-Oster and her husband Dr. Matthias Oster are continuing the family involvement with Arabian horses, and they imported the National winner sire Safeen to Germany after his sojourn in Israel. 24

Ernest and Annette Escher of Gestut Rothenberg are also longterm breeders of Egyptian Arabians and are best known for breeding GR Amaretto (Classic Shadwan x Halims Asma­ ra), who has won numerous show titles in Europe including German National Champion Stallion and twice Weis Inter­ national Champion Stallion. They also have stood Madallan Madheen (Ansata El Salaam x Madinah), a German gold medal licensed stallion and a leading sire in European straight Egyptian black breeding; and Classic Shadwan (Alidaar x Shagia Bint Shadwan), the sire of GR Amaretto, who won multiple championships at shows in Germany and Hol­ land and is the sire of Saida Bint Shahlia (x Ansata Shahlia), Reserve Champion Mare at Vilhelsmborg (Denmark) and Middle Eastern Champion Mare. Classic Shadwan passed on in 2009 at age 17. He is an internationally popular sire, with get in Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, the U.S.A., New Zealand and Australia. The Escher broodmare band has included such stars as Halims Asmara (Ansata Halim C R Am aretto (Classic Shadwan x Halims Asmara) Erwin Escher p hoto. Shah x *Lancers Asmara) and Dalima Shah (Ansata Halim Shah x AK Bint Dalia II), both many times champions and dams of champions as well. Common interests were realized among Egyptian breeders in Europe during 1985 and 1986 when they patterned two shows named the Egyptian Event Europe after the Egyptian Event in America. Held in Weisbaden, Germany by Eu­ ropean members of the Pyramid Society, these two events drew thousands of spectators and exposed many new people to the Egyptian horse. The German Egyptian Event has now become an annual show that attracts competition from all over Europe. German breeders have produced horses that have had excellent results in the show rings of North America. Dr. Hans Nagel's stallion *Jamilll was named a 1983 U.S. Top Ten Stallion and has sired champions in America and Europe. Dr. Siegfried and Ruth Paufler bred im perial Madheen (*Messaoud x Madinah), an international sire of champions with winners in North America, Australia, Britain, Israel, and at the Salon Du Cheval. Karen and Gunther Maiworm bred *Orashan (*Messaoud x Ora), a U.S. and Canadian Top Ten Stallion and Canadian Top Ten Country English Pleasure winner who has sired regional winners in North America and National Champions in shows in the Middle East. Horst Preuss of Madheen Arabians has some wonderful stock, including the multi-champion Maydan-Madheen (Maysoun x Mesoudah M), international champion *Mishaal HP (Ansata Sinan x Mesoudah M), sold to Arabians Ltd in the U.S.A in 2006, and Qatar International Junior Champion Colt Zeer Al Rayyan, an Alidaar son purchased from Qatar in 2005 and sold to another Qatari breeder in 2008. Among the winners bred at Madheen are 2003 Fontwell Park International (UK) Reserve Junior Champion Filly and German Elite Cup Junior Champion Filly Shabbura HP (Maydan-Madheen x Shahneekha) and 2004 Weis International (Austria) Reserve Senior Champion Mare The Princess of Egypt (Orayan x Shahneekha), who was previously named All Nations Cup Junior Champion Filly and European Reserve Junior Cham­ pion Filly, as well as im perial Madheen (Messaoud x Madinah), an international sire and grandsire of champions. *AI Lahab GASB (*Laheeb IASB x The Vision HG) was named 2006 Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Stallion, with his sire as Reserve Champion. He was bred by Ariela Arabians in Israel and is owned by Inge and Hans Friedmann of Ger­ many. He is proving to be as good a sire as he is a show horse. Hus winning straight Egyptian get include Mahala (x Mahasin II), a multi-champion in Europe and Egypt and a World Top Ten Mare; Egyptian Classic Cup Junior Champion Filly and Emerald Egyptian Event Reserve Junior Champion Filly Halla Al Khalidiya (Halla El Khaled) (x Mansoura I); Authentic Mahab (x Authentic Monisa), a multiple champion in Germany; Pyramid Laneya (x Pyramid El Nil), who has multiple wins at the European Egyptian Event; Arabica Show Reserve Champion Stallion Mexx (x Arabest Markeekha); Arabesque Egyptian Cup Gold Champion Stallion Pyramid Layyan K (x Bint Kahila); Arabesque Egyptian Cup Reserve Champion Stallion DHS Mabrouk (x MA Ajmala); Arabesque Egyptian Cup Silver Champion Colt Mansoor Al Zobair (x Hamra Shanna); and Egyptian International Champion Colt and Bronze Champion Stallion GR Lahari (x GR Mariah). *Al Lahab GASB has also sired many Egyptian related champions in Europe and the Middle East including Al Milan, BessGloria, Bupali, Faressa, FS Alabaster, Om El Enigma, El Sid, and El Palacio VO. In recent years there have been a great number of straight Egyptian horses bred in Germany who have gone on to triumph in international show rings. Orashaan (Maysoun x Orasha) is the 1996 German National Champion Stallion, while his 3/4 brother Orayan triumphed as the 1995 British Reserve National Champion Stallion and the 1996 Euro­ pean Reserve Champion Stallion. (Orayan's straight Egyptian daughter The Princess of Egypt is the 1999 Mediterranean 25

National Champion Filly and Nations Cup Reserve Junior Champion Filly). El Thay Mansour (Ansata Halim Shah x El Thay Maheera) was named the 1994 Nations Cup Reserve Champion Stallion and the 1994 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Stallion. El Thay Ibn Halim Shah (Ansata Halim Shah x Mahameh) was the 1996 German Reserve National Champion Stallion. His son El Thay Shah Mabrouk (x El Thay Maheera) was the 1996 Hessen Show Reserve Cham­ pion Stallion. Of similar bloodlines are the 1994 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Stallion and Nations Cup Reserve Champion Stallion El Thay Mansour (Ansata Halim Shah x El Thay Maheera), 1996 Grebuldehausen Champion Stallion Thamiyan (ET Thamam x El Thay Tifla) the 1996 Grebul­ dehausen Reserve Junior Champion Colt El Thay Moutif (ET Maris x ETB Mofeedah), 2002 German Junior Cham­ pion Filly El Thay Kamla (El Thay Mashour x Kamla II) and 2003 German National Champion Stallion El Thay Mashour (Madkour I x El Thay Bint Kamla). He is now owned by the A l Lahab (Laheeb x The Vision H C ) Cigi Crasso photo. Al Rayyan Stud of Qatar and was named 2005 Qatar Re­ serve National Champion Stallion. HalimsAsmara(Ansata Halim Shah x *Lancer's Asmara) is the 1994 Egyptian Event Europe Junior Champion Filly.Three offspring of the*Morafic granddaughter Taghreed (by Shaarawi) have achieved significant wins. Manial II (by Machmut) is the 1991 Paris International Reserve Champion Stallion and the 1995 Kauber Platte Show Champion Stallion. El Thay Thamam (by Madkour I) is the 1993 Asil Cup Champion Stallion. The ethereal Tiffaha (by *JamillI) was named the 1995 European Champion Mare and World Champion Mare at the Salon Du Cheval at the advanced age of 14. (She isnow owned by Charlie and Shirley Watts of England's Halsdon Stud). Nasir (Gharib x Nabya) was theChampion Stallion at the 1996 Hessen show in Germany. Bint Moufisa (Al Kidir x Moufisa Halima) was named the 1996 German National Junior Champion Filly. Named 1998 German Reserve National Champion Stallion was Maydah-Madheen (Maysoun x Mesoudah M), who was also 1998 Weis International Reserve Senior Champion Stallion and Kreuth International Senior Champion Stallion. 1999 German National Champion Mare and 1998 Kreuth International Senior Champion Mare was Halima Alidaara (Alidaar x Hafeedah II). The 1998 Kreuth International Junior Champion Colt was Nabeel (Maysoun x AK Bint Nabilahh). Egyptian Arabians also did very well at the 1998 Gieboldehausen show. Maydan-Madheen was the Senior Champion Stallion, Fay Sabun (Salaa El Dine x Ansata Fay Jamila) the Reserve Senior Champion Stallion, Ali Zaman (Dalia Halim x Ansata Aya Maria) was named the Junior Champion Colt, Mutair HP (Ansata Sinan x Mesoudah M) was the Reserve Junior Champion Colt, while Muniah (Halim Shah I x Abbas Pasha 1-12) was the Senior Champion Mare. Mutair HP was also named the 1999 German Junior Champion Colt. At the 1998 Kauber Platte Show, Midari El Madheen (Ansata El Salaam x Mesoudah M) was named Reserve Champion Stallion (his dam has now produced three European champions). The 1999 Kreuth International Champion Mare is Halim Shah 1-1 (Halim Shah I x 227 Ibn Galal I-8). Pyramid Set El Nil (by Ansata El Salaam) was the 1999 Kreuth International Junior Champion Filly. Cornelia Tauschke, of El Thayeba Stud has bred horses who have been successful in competition in both Europe and the Middle East. The El Thayeba Stud was founded in 1971 by Dr. H. J. Tauschke in Bavaria and since 1978 run together with Cornelia Tauschke. In 1981, the stud was moved to Grossenkneten near Oldenburg in the north of Germany. Since 1992, Cornelia Tauschke has been running the stud on her own. Three home-bred mares served as foundation for the current El Thayeba program: El Thay Maheera (Nizam x Mona II), El Thay Mansoura (Machmut x Morawa) und Kamla II (Ansata Halim Shah x Mona III). All three ladies were awarded the "Elite" title of the German Arab Horse Society for their exceptional contribution to the breed. Horses bred by her share the "El Thay" prefix and many successful show horses of El Thayeba breeding have already been mentioned. From 2002-2004 she leased Ansata Selman (Ansata Hejazi x G Shafaria) from the Al Rayyan Stud of Qatar, to whom she sold her stallion El Thay Mashour (later Qatar Reserve National Champion Stallion). Her mare El Thay Bashira (El Thay Ibn Halim Shah x El Thay Bakria) was exported to Israel, where she produced 2009 Israeli National Gold Champion Stallion *AA Al Bashyr. The current El Thayeba head sire is El Thay Mahfouz (Ansata Selman x El Thay Mahfouza), and El Thayeba also stands El Thay Melek (Ansata Selman x El Thay Ma­ heera), Gold Champion Stallion at the 2009 Strohen Show and Silver Champion at the 2009 Arabesque Egyptian Cup. Hans-Juergen and Inge Friedmann have enjoyed great success breeding straight Egyptian Arabians in recent years. They own the American bred Sarameena (Fa Ibn Sar x Flabys Joffa), a double granddaughter of Sar Ibn Moniet. For them she produced 2003 World Reserve Junior Champion Colt and Nations Cup Junior Champion Colt, 2005 Middle East Re­ 26

serve Champion Stallion, and 2006-8 Egyptian International Champion Stallion *F Shamaal (by Maysoun), also a winner in Qatar and Sharjah and the 2007 American Egyptian Event Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion. Sarameena has also produced 2006 Tulip Cup Reserve Senior Champion Mare and Alsace and Egyptian Event Europe Champion Mare and 2010 German National Gold Champion Mare F Samirah (by Ali Valentino). *F Shamaal has also sired for them the 2006 Arabica Show (Germany) and Egyptian Classic Cup Junior Champion Colt F Sahhar (x MB Autumn Moon). *F Shamaal is now owned by HRH Prince Khalid of Saudi Arabia. The Friedmanns also now own World Champion *AI Lahab GASB, as mentioned earlier. Petra and Uwe Wagner founded the very successful Pyramid Stud after their marriage (Petra's aunt Leisel Vetter is also a breeder of straight Egyptian Arabians). Their foun­ Pyramid Set El Nil. Erwin Escher p hoto. dation mare, German Reserve National Champion Mare and Egyptian Event Europe Champion Mare Pyramid Set El Nil, has produced the many times champions Pyramid Aalin (by Ali Valentino), German National Silver Champion Stallion, and Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Junior Champion Filly Pyramid Laneya (by *Al Lahab GASB). Another important producer for Pyramid Stud is Bint Kahila (Al Kidir x Kahila III). She was acquired as a three year old and has proven to be an excellent nick with *AI Lahab GASB. Her son Pyramid Layyan K is the 2009 Arabesque Egyptian Cup Gold Champion Stallion and has several other championships as well. Her daughter Pyramid Kahileh K (by *AI Lahab GASB) is the 2008 Arabesque Egyptian Cup Reserve Champion Filly. Another champion son, Al Khayyat (by Ali Valentino), was sold as a two year old to SK Arabians in Israel and has sired the multi-champion Egyptian related mare SK Al Sahila. The Wagners also own the outstanding young stallion Authentic Mahab (*AI Lahab GASB x Authentic Monisa) in partnership with Thomas Bobrzyk of Exotic Egyptian Arabians. He was the Bronze Champion Colt at the 2009 Strohen and Arabesque Egyptian Cup shows. The Wagners have also imported Simeon Sarice (Imperial Madaar x Simeon Sayver) from Australia as part of the partnership. Her daughter Pyramid Sadiyya (by Authentic Dahman) is the 2009 Arabesque Egyptian Cup Gold Champion Filly. In 2009 and 2010 Pyramid Arabian Stud was named Best European Breeder at the Egyptian Event Europe. Rosemarie Kolster of Authentic Arabians is another German breeder whose horses have enjoyed international show ring success. At the 2003 Strohen Cup Show in Germany, the Junior Champion Colt was Authentic Khazim (Maysoun x Kaliya) and the Senior Champion Stallion was Authentic Shamani (Maysoun x Sajida). Authentic Shamani won the stal­ lion performance test at Aachen in 2005. At the 2003 Arabica Show in Germany, the Reserve Junior Champion Filly was Authentic Dahna (Nabeel II x Classic Dahra). Authentic Dahna was also named 2004 German Reserve National Cham­ pion Filly and Babolna International Junior Champion Filly. Rosemarie currently stands German National Champion Colt Authentic Ibn Nawaal (Mayson x AK Nawaal) and champion sire El Ahhim Shah (Ansata Halim Shah x AK Athea). Her mare band includes Authentic Nabeelah (Nabeel II x AK Nawaal), champion producer Classic Dahra (Alidaar x AK Dareeba) and her daughter Authentic Dahna. The Dirnhofer family of the Birkhof Stud specialize in straight Egyptians and own several horses who have done very well in European shows. Their stallion Mangalee Ibn Shadwan (Classic Shadwan x KEN Bint Bint Mahiba) has been senior champion stallion at the Egyptian Classic in Holland, the Emerald Egyptian Event in Belgium, and at the Arabica show in Germany. Their young homebred stallion DF Malik Jamil (NK Hafid Jamil x Amouva) is an Egyptian Event Europe Champion Colt and has also sired the multiple champion filly DF Maha (DF Malik Jamil x Mavia Bint Bint Kis Mahiba), named Gold Champion Filly twice in 2009 at German shows. He was leased to Al Sharbatly Stud in Egypt from 2008-9. The Dirnhofers also stand the Qatari International Top Five Stallion Miad El Shaqab (Alidaar x Ansata Malaha), imported in 2007 and a gold medal winner at the 2008 German Stallion Licensing Show Top Five Stallion at the Qatar International Show in 2005. Mares at Birkhof include several daughters of Classic Shadwan, Salaa El Dine, and Simeon Sadik as well as daughters of their former stallions Sameer and Ramses II (Salaa El Dine x Ansata Rebecca), and granddaughters of U.S. Top Ten Stallion *Jamilll, and National Champion sire Ikhnatoon. They also own the *Ansata Ibn Halima daughter Dorian Sha Halima, originally imported to Europe by Willi Poth, who produced her last four foals for the Dirnhofers. Many of the mares at Birkhof have at least one line to the treasured broodmatron Hanan. Another significant German breeder of Egyptian Arabians is Michael Ponnath of Ponnath Arabians in Bavaria. He originally stood Al Kidir (The Egyptian Prince x AK Khattaara), who was sold to the Ajmal Stud of Kuwait where he passed away in 2009. Ponnath also had the last son of *Ansata Ibn Halima to stand in Europe, Halim Al Kadir (x lllaila), 27

▲ who stood there till his death in 2003. Ponnath has also had two sons of Imperial Imdal at his stud: Brazilian National Champion Stallion PVA Kariim (x BKA Rakiisah), sire of the renowned Imperial Baarez, and Sterling Vision (x Nagda), Reserve Champion Stallion at the Egyptian Classic Cup and Asil Cup shows. PVA Kariim passed away in 2009 but left the promising colt Malik Halim (x Bint Moufisa) to carry on for him. The Al Kidir son Saif (x Mofisa) is on lease for the 2010 breeding season to Dowdstown House Stud in Ireland. Ponnath's foundation mares include Moufisa Halima (Halim Al Kadir x Mofisa), her daughter, European Reserve Champion Filly Bint Moufisa (by Al Kidir), and Bint Moufisa's daughter, 2010 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Mare Malikah Halima (by Maydan-Madheen). Ponnath also owns daughters of *Al Adeed Al Shaqab and Ansata Selman. The impact of Egyptian horses on the overall Arabian breeding programs in Germany is extremely high, as proven by the excellent show results internationally and the intense use of Egyptian stallions in the country's Arabian breeding. In 1994, several American bred horses triumphed there, including Champion Mare Tareefs Sa Diyyah (Hadaya El Tareef x Saadaa), Junior Champion Colt Thee Brigadier (The Minstril x Ansata Justina), who went on to be named the 1994 Kauber Platte International Reserve Junior Champion Colt in Germany and the 1995 Weis International Junior Champion Colt in Austria. He is now an international sire of champions with get including 1999 Kreuth International Reserve Junior Champion Filly Prieta (whose dam is the Spanish mare LM Perla). Also in 1994, MA Alishah (Ruminaja Ali x AK Shagat) was named the Babenhausen International Champion Stallion. REG Amiri Sereneh (The Egyptian Prince x Sereneh) was named the 1994 Festival of the Horse Champion Mare, while MPA Amiri Alani (The Egyptian Prince x Arabest Sahira) was named the Platinum Cup Reserve Senior Champion Mare as well as Austrian National Champion Mare. A number of straight Egyptian winners at German shows were bred in North America. Leading the list of these horses is Serenity Habib (*Khofo x SF Bt Mamlouka), the 1996 Kauber Platte Champion Stallion. Sajida (Ansata Ibn Jamila x lone) was the 1996 German Reserve National Champion Mare and was also the 1996 Festival of the Horse Champion Mare. Ibn Yathreb (Shaikh Al Badi x *Yathreb) was the International Champion Stallion of the Messenheim show. Date With Destiny, an American bred son of *Orashan, was a 1992 Platinum Cup winner at the Baden Baden show. The 1991 German National Junior Champion Colt was Ansata El Salaam (Ansata Ibn Shah x Ansata Samantha). Another Ansata bred stallion, Ansata Amir Zaman (Ansata Shah Zaman x Ansata Bint Sudan), was the Champion Stal­ lion at the 1990 German Registry Stallion Show. The 1998 Kreuth International Reserve Champion Mare was Tameekha Maree (Ibn El Mareekh x Tamih). Named 1998 Kauber Platte Egyptian Event Junior Champion Colt was Thee Fandango (Thee Desperado x Fatima Sharaf). The 1999 Kreuth International Senior Champion Stallion, Anaza El Nizr (Ruminaja Ali x Bint Deenaa), is also the sire of 1998 Jordanian Junior Champion Colt Anaza Imperial (x Imperial Jannah by ’"Impe­ rial Madheen). Farres (Anaza El Farid x Shameerah) formerly owned by Michael and Valerie Resch of Karija Arabians in Canada, has won a number of European titles including 2003 German Elite Cup Reserve Champion Stallion, 2003 Weis (Austria) International Reserve Champion Stallion, 2005 Strohen International (Germany) Reserve Champion Stallion. NETHERLANDS The former Rodania Stud, belonging to Dr. Houtappel, began breeding operations just before World War II with importations of the finest Crabbet blood. However, his stud was later moved to England. (See England above). Egyptian breeding gained further momentum through imports directly from Egypt. In 1973 and 1974 Mr. Van der Vorm imported the EAO stallions Aaber (Antar x Nazic) and Mowaffac (*Ramses Fayek x Ayda) as well as the EAO mare Sawsan (Galal x Korima). From Al Badeia Stud he obtained the mares Saaida (Sid Abouhom x Om El Saad) and Lateefa II (Lateef I x *Noha). In 1977 Mr. Van der Vorm returned to the EAO for the mare Andeera (Waseem x Manaya). Mr. Smarius of Smaroel Arabians imported the mares Bint Fayek (*Ramses Fayek x Abeer), Nora (Ibn Fakhri x Anwaar) and acquired the EAO stallion Fikri (*Ramses Fayek x Nadeemah). This stallion has not only proven his winning quality in the shows but has sired quality stock which has been exported to other countries. Smaroel Arabians also imported from the USA AK Khattar Moniet (Amaal x AK Monisa Moniet) in 1978 from Bentwood Farms, (he was re-exported to Italy in 1988 and has sired European race winners) and from the EAO the mare Massouda (Mourad x Yosr) of the well-regarded Yosreia dam line. Massouda became successful in the show ring and later as a broodmare. They also imported American fillies from Ansata and Ram's Gate Farm. Their popular Open Houses have drawn admirers to the Egyptian horse from all over Europe. The stud of Dr. Klynstra was based on Jordanian, French, Egyptian and Babson bloodlines. He also made a contribu­ tion to the breed through his books and knowledge of the Arabian horse. The Van Ness family in 1990 and 1991 imported from America a significant number of Egyptian mares bred by Ansata, Eldorado Arabians and Waseem Arabians. Their stallions included Waseem Saaraakh (AK Waseem Montaal x AN Moroufa). The years 1996 and 1997 gave rise to the new Egyptian breeding establishment of Jan and Arja Lancee. Longtime horsemen, they chose a straight Egyptian program based on Ansata bloodlines and imported the colt, Ansata Safeer 28

(Ansata Hejazi x Ansata Samsara), the Prince Fa Moniet daughters Ansata Princessa (x Ansata Jahara), Ansata Queen Nefr (x Ansata Nefertiti) and Ansata Hamama (x Hasbah) the Ansata Manesseh filly, Ansata Munira (x Ansata Meryta), and the Arkansas Futurity Champion filly, Ansata Maharani (Ansata Halim Shah x Dal Macharia). Egyptian activity in Holland is definitely growing. The annual Tulip Cup show has been a showcase for Egyptian and Egyptian-related winners in recent years. In 1997, Sinjabi (Imperial Imdal x Arabest Mariya) was the Junior Champion Colt there, BSA Aliya (Ruminaja Ali x Aniya) was the Champion Mare, and the Reserve Senior Champion Mare was the Egyptian-related Focus Alialshaklan (a granddaughter of Shaker El Masri and Ruminaja Ali). In 1998, the venerable Alidaar (Shaikh Al Badi x Bint Magidaa) was named Reserve Champion Stallion, and in 1999 Ansata Safeer (Ansata Hejazi x Ansata Samsara) was the Reserve Junior Champion Colt. In 2000 there were three Egyptian related winners at the Tulip Cup show. Senior Champion Mare was *ZT Sharuby (ZT Sharello x ZT Bint Ruby), Reserve Junior Champion Filly was HS Bellissima (Simeon Sadik x Baija), and Junior Champion Colt was Khidar (Ansata Sinan x Elizja). Ansata Munira (Asata M anesseh x Ansata The 2002 Tulip Cup had the Egyptian-related Hlayyil Ramadan from Jordan as Meryta). Pyramid S ociety archive. its Senior Champion Stallion. In 2001, the International Egyptian Classic Show was held in Holland for the first time. Senior Champion Stallion was Mosalli by Imperial Imdal, while Senior Champion Mare was MPA Amiri Alani by The Egyptian Prince. Junior Champion Colt was the Ali Valentino son Pyramid Aalin and Junior Champion Filly was GR Marietta by Madallah-Madheen. In 2004, the Reserve Junior Champion Filly of the Tulip Cup was the Egyptian related HS Cinderella by Simeon Sadik, owned by the Haldson Stud of England. The Senior Champion Stallion of the show was also Egyptian related, this being Eternity Ibn Navarrone-D by Ansata Sinan, owned and bred by Marine and Paul Desphegel of Belgium. BELGIUM This country developed an Arabian horse breeding program about 1960. Private breeders imported from England, mostly of the Crabbet line. The largest breeder initially was Mr. Peeters of the Stoeterij Arabica, whose foundation stock rests on imported Russian-Egyptian crosses incorporating the blood of Aswan (Nazeer x Yosreia) and Azmy (Sid Abouhom x Malaka). He also used Mr. Van der Vorm's imported Aaber, an Antar son out of Nazic (*Morafic x Rashida). Mr. Krols imported from Germany a filly and a colt by the EAO sire Farag (*Morafic x Bint Kateefa) out of mares of Babson/Saudi/Davenport breeding. In the 1990s several farms have become prominent on the Egyptian scene. The Van Ness family moved their operation from the Netherlands to Belgium; Arminta Farm opened as a breeding and training center, exhibiting many Egyptian winners for their clients worldwide. The Bentchikou family became active with their Arabian Sun Egyptian breeding program, with Mr. Amin Bentchikou becoming a life member of the Pyramid Society. There are a number of other Egyptian breeders who are actively increasing their programs and Belgium is now taking its place as a serious center of Egyptian Arabian breeding in Europe. Belgium is now home to the Emerald Egyptian Event Show which is held annually in Brecht. Paul & Martine Despeghel of Dion Arabians of Belgium own and breed a variety of bloodlines in which Egyptian horses have an important place. They own the Egyptian sired World Champion Stallion Eternity Ibn Navaronne-D (by Ansata Sinan) and his full sister, 2006 Belgian National Champion Mare Sarai Bint Navarrone-D, as well as his maternal sister, 2006 Arabian Golden Trophy (Belgium) Junior Champion Filly Farhanah Bint Navarrone-D (by Ansata Selman). They stand one straight Egyptian stallion: Loubajj Ibn Loubna D (Ansata Selman x World Champion Mare Loubna) and own straight Egyptian mares including 2007 European Egyptian Cup (Germany) Junior Champion Filly Classic Junah-D (Authentic Dahman x HMT Princess Karima). They are the former owners of World Champion Mare Loubna, having bought her in 2005 from her breeder Ariela Arabians in Israel. Van Hecke Arabians owns Maaher (Ansata Safeer x Classic Madaara) who they imported as a weanling from HRH Princess Zein Al Hussein of the Royal Jafaar Stud in Jordan. They also stand J.J. Shamal Ibn Alam (Alam EG x J.J. Isha B.B. Mowaffac). Their foundation mare, Ansata Layla (Prince Fa Moniet x Ansata Raqessa), also has a daughter, Ameena 'A' (by Ibn Barrada), bred by Assadik Arabians, at the stud. The Al Saifi Stud owned by Geert Oben has a small select group of mares, one of which, the Maysoun daughter Adalat, was recently sold to Sheikh Mishaal Bin Eissa Al Thani of Qatar. Another successful Belgian Egyptian breeder is Anais El Arab, owned by Tom Oben and Eline Raes. They own the straight Egyptian Shahim Al Nakeeb (NK Hafid Jamil x Shameerah), sire of 2008 Egyptian Cup (Germany) Champion Filly and 2007 Emerald Egyptian Event and Egyptian Event Europe Foal Champion Ra'jwa (out of Rawaat Ezzain). They 29

purchased Rawaat Ezzain (Ansata Almurtajiz x SEA Nazooka) from Usamah Alkazemi of Kuwait when she was in foal to NK Hafid Jamil (Ibn Nedjy x Helala). The resulting foal was Ra'hidah, who won the Reserve Foal Championship at both the Egyptian Event Europe and the Egyptian Event in Brecht, Belgium. Ra'hidah was subsequently sold to Sameh Banany of Egypt. Rawaat Ezzain was named 2008 Norwegian National Champion Mare while on lease to Nordic Ara­ bians. Pierre and Mary-Ann Croenen of Prestige Straight Egyptian Arabians bred and own 2008 Egyptian Event Europe Junior Champion Filly and 2010 Travagliato (Italy) Gold Champion Filly and El Jadida International (Morocco) Bronze Champion Filly PSE Rasheekah (Royal Colours x Imperial Baarezah). Prestige is one of three Arabian horse farms, world­ wide, carefully selected by Imperial Egyptian Stud to carry its legacy into the future. They have three young stallions sired by *lbn Safinaz, Imperial Al Kamar, and Imperial Baarez. Their mares include two daughters of Imperial Al Kamar and daughters of Imperial Kamilll and Imperial Baarez. One of their Imperial Baarez daughters, Imperial Beveerah, is an American Egyptian Event Champion Yearling Futurity Filly, Italian Egyptian Event Junior Champion Filly and Egyptian Event Europe Junior Champion Filly. Another, Imperial Baleena, was named the 2009 Egyptian Event Europe Bronze Champion Mare. SPAIN Spain has long been a country well suited in climate and terrain for Arabian horse breeding. Oriental horses from Barb tribes and from the Moors greatly influenced the Andalusian horse that has long remained synonymous with Spain. At the turn of the century, purebred Arabians were acquired from the Anazeh and Shammar Bedouins primarily by the Yeguada Militar. Two major importations one in 1908 and 1912 resulted in 43 stallions, 15 of which were from Egypt, and 31 mares, 2 of which were from Egypt. Other imports were made from Syria and Poland, and in 1926 the Duke of Veragua imported eight mares from Crabbet Park in England. The Egyptian blood in this country would trace primarily to the percentages in the background of the Crabbet horses as well as some of the earlier imports but straight Egyptian breeding is in its infancy in Spain. The late Mr. Gustl Eutermoser relocated to Spain with a group of Egyptian horses from the stud he established in Austria (see Austria). Two Egyptian produce of Lateefa (Gamil III x Salwa) went to Spain from Morocco, El Sud El Aaly (x Nazeer) and Kareman (x El Sareei). These were from the King of Morocco to Senor Antonia Saez de Montagut. In Europe and America breeders have already combined the Spanish and Egyptian bloodlines with outstanding success, the extensive use of Shaker El Masri (*Morafic x Zebeda) on Spanish bloodlines being one example. The Spanish Arabians are highly appreciated all over the world, and are well-known for producing exceptional show winners when crossed with Egyptian bloodlines. The popular "Golden Cross" of Shaker El Masri (*Morafic x Zebeda) and *Estopa bloodlines is well documented in international show circles. The 1997 Spanish National Champion Stal­ lion was Estawan Shaklan, a grandson of the straight Egyptian stallions Shaker El Masri and Malik who is also double *Estopa. Another Egyptian-related Spanish National Champion is the 1997 Spanish Junior Champion Filly and 1999 Balearic Senior Champion Mare Katun, who is 3/4 Egyptian (she is by the German-bred Crusader out of a daughter of Shakhs, a *Morafic son born in America). The well-known breeder Marieta Salas leased the Ansata Sinan son Khidar, for the 2003 breeding season. That year he was named 2003 Nations Cup and World Reserve Champion Stallion and sired 2003 Nations Cup Junior Champion Colt and European Reserve Junior Champion Colt Ghajariy. Khidar is now owned by an international partnership comprised of Nesj Arabians (Belgium), Sax Arabians (Germany), Equus Arabians (Spain) and Al Zobair Stud (United Arab Emirates). An outstanding straight Egyptian stallion owned in Spain is Ramino (Zandai Aqir x Egyptian Rabia), who has been a World Top Ten Stallion, European Reserve Champion Stallion and Scandinavian Champion Stallion. He is owned by Yeguado Ferrero of Mallorca, who also own 2006 Balearic Senior Champion Mare Kaliya (Al Kidir x Kaythara Halima) and 2006 Balearic Reserve Champion Stallion Abbas El Dine (Salaa El Dine x Abbas Pasha 1-12). The straight Egyptian 2006 Spanish National Champion Stallion Hanaya Baraqih (Thee Brigadier x 218 Elf Layla Walayla) is owned by the DeBorbon family. E. Stravagankia Arabians of Spain own 2008 Arabesque Egyptian Cup (Germany) Junior Champion Filly Aqir Elminal (Zandai Aqir x VA Elwera). Martensson Arabians owns the 2006 Mallorca Reserve Champion Stallion and 1998 Balearic Junior Champion Colt Bellman MAF (Crusader x Balsa), who is Egyptian sired. They also owned the aforementioned Spanish National Champion Katun and the Swedish bred Optimus (Ramses x Dardjeela), also Egyptian sired, and a former Swedish National Champion Colt and a champion in France as well. PORTUGAL Though near Spain, this country knew very little about Arabians until the last half of the 19th century. The initial im­ portations in 1902 brought three stallions and three mares from Syria to Portugal. Later imports were made from Egypt, Algeria, France and England to improve the domestic Lusitanian horse. Some private breeders maintained purebred Arabians from the imported foundation stock. The development of the Arabian in Portugal is not yet large enough to notice a solid influence of Egyptian blood. 30

FRANCE In France the breeding of pure Arabians was always subordi­ nate to other horse breeds. In the early 1900's imports were made from the Algerian and Tunisian National Studs to improve domestic breeding and create the renowned French Anglo-Arab. The first influence of a straight Egyptian sire is said to be through the Saklawi Jedran stallion Ibn Fayda I (Ibn Rabdan x Fayda), a full brother to Ibn Fayda in the Inshass Stud. He was bred in Egypt by Prince Kamal el Dine and imported in 1929 to Tiaret, Algeria. In recent years there has been a revival of interest in purebred Arabian breeding and horses have been imported from various countries. Egyptian influence is found in the forefront of many pedi­ grees. In 1971 Mr. W. Cole imported three mares and two stallions from Al Badeia stud in Egypt, but these were subsequently shipped Alidaar (Shaikh A l Badi x Bint Magidaa). Cigi Crasso photo. to America. A new impulse was given to Arabian breeding through the EAO stallion, Fawzan (*Tuhotmos x Fayrouz), a gift from the Egyptian Government to the French President Giscard d'Estaing. He stood at the National Stud Pompadour and received considerable interest from breeders in Europe. Others have followed importing from both Egypt and Germany and Egyptian breeding has established a significant foothold in France. The Poth family has moved its long-established Dobel Stud from Germany to Southern France, renaming it Classic Arabians. At the time of their relocation their head sire was U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Alidaar (Shaikh Al Badi x Bint Magidaa), named champion stallion at Menton, France and in 1995 Champion Stallion at the Frauenfeld Inter­ national Show in Switzerland. Alidaar has since been sold to the Al Rayyan Stud in Qatar and is an international sire of champions. Other notable Poth imports include 1985 World Junior Champion Colt Sherif Pasha, Canadian Top Ten Stallion Mohssen (*Ansata Ibn Halima x *Bint Mona), and Ali Barba (Ruminaja Ali x Alidaarlin). The Poth-bred stallion UP Sheitan (Mehanna x Sheykha Abbayah) was named the 1995 Senior Champion Stallion at the Franche Compte Show. Another Poth import is the *Ansata Ibn Halima daughter Dorian Sha Halima, later owned by the Birkhof Stud in Ger­ many. In 1992, the Poths imported Lohim (Ansata Halim Shah x Lohelia), who has sired 2000 Mediterranean Reserve Junior Champion Colt and 2002 Egyptian Event Italy Reserve Senior Champion Stallion Classic Rashid. The Poths bred Classic Shadwan (Alidaar x Shagia Bint Shadwan), a many times champion in Europe and sire of international champions who spent his stud career at the Germany's Rothenburg Stud until his death in 2009. Egyptian winners on the French show scene also include Wind Shamir (Ibn El Moniet x Shafira), the 1991 French Reserve Junior Champion Colt at the national championship show held at Pompadour. Wind Shamir's sire was owned by the Poths and sold to Argentina. Current Poth stallions include Lohim, Classic Rashman (Authentic Dahman x Classic Rashma), With stallion leases and sales, the Poths have contributed to breeding programs all over Europe and the Middle East. In November 2010 the Poth stud will return to Germany, marking an end to their successful time in France. Another important Egyptian breeder in France was Hans J. Woelk, who purchased Alidaar and a group of straight Egyptian horses. Since the 1990s the Laghzal family of Shahada Stud have bred straight Egyptian Arabians in Normandy. They currently stand GR Monet (Classic Shadwan x Mareekah) bred by the Rothenburg Stud of Germany, and Imperial Bisaam (Imperial Baarez x Imperial Karree), bred by Imperial Egyptian Stud in the U.S.A. Their mares include Vishar Jahana, a double granddaughter of Imperial Imdal, and Fayza KA, a daughter of Marquis I bred at the Kehilan Stud in Texas. Joseph Geenan of Shambhala Arabians owns 2004 and 2005 World Top Ten Colt and 2006 French National Champion Stallion GR Amarid (Pasha Farid x Halims Asmara). He also leased the *Laheeb IASB son Edin (who is Egyp­ tian related) from the Michalow Stud, and while he was on lease he was named Champion Stallion at the Mid-Pyrenees Championship. The Egyptian related 2005 World Top Ten Filly Maya Des Alpes (by Simeon Sadik) was bred and owned by Anne Lise and Otto Berg of France. France is also the home of the famed Salon Du Cheval Show, whose World Championship titles are eagerly sought by breeders worldwide. The show is the final one of the European season, held in the first week of December, and in the past decade Egyptian horses have done extremely well despite the fierce competition. In 2002, Egyptian horses domi­ nated the placings, with the Champion Stallion, Reserve Champion Mare and Junior Champion Filly all straight Egyptian, while the Reserve Champion Stallion and Champion Mare were Egyptian-related. The World Champion Stallion was the Egyptian related Hlayyil Ramadan (by Kamar El Zaman). World Champion Mare was *ZT Sharuby (ZT Sharello x ZT Bint Ruby), who is also Egyptian related. World Reserve Champion Mare was Bint Saida Al Nasser (Imperial Mahzeer x Sadia), while the World Junior Champion Filly was Johara Al Naif (Ansata Shalim x Johara). In 2003, there were even more straight Egyptian winners than in the previous year. They included World Reserve Junior Champion Filly HS Ramira (Simeon Sadik x Rihahna), World Junior Champion Colt Insh Allah (Ashhal Al Rayyan x India) and Reserve Junior Cham31

pion Colt *F Shamaal (Maysoun x Sarameena), World Champion Mare Gelgelah Al Badeia (Imperial Madori x Anhar Al Badeia), Champion Stallion *Al Adeed Al Shaqab (Ansata Halim Shah x Sundar Alisayyah). The Egyptian related stallion Khidar (by Ansata Sinan) was named World Reserve Champion Stallion. In 2004 the Egyptian related Sundos Al Nasser (by Ashhal Al Rayyan) was named World Reserve Junior Champion Filly and Eternity Ibn Navarrone-D (by Ansata Sinan) was the World Champion Stallion (he had been previously the 1999 World Junior Champion Colt). Two straight Egyptians were Reserve World Champions- Loubna (Imperial Imdal x Imperial Kalatifa) in the mare competition, and Imperial Baarez (PVA Kariim x BB Ora Kalilah) in the stallion class. Two of the Top Ten Fillies were straight Egyptian: Frasera Mashara (*Shahil ITSB x MB Madora) and Pyramid Laneya (*Al Lahab GASB x Pyramid El Nil) and three were Egyptian related: *Athenaa AHSB and Sundos Al Nasser (by Ashhal Al Rayyan), and Waseemat Jaafar (by Ansata Safeer). Other Top Ten winners included the straight Egyptian colt GR Amarid (Pasha Farid x Halims Asmara) and stallion Hlayyil Ramadan and the Egyptian related mare Emira (by *Laheeb IASB). In 2005, the World Champion Mare was the Egyptian related Galilea (by *Laheeb IASB). Top ten winners were Egyptian related Top Ten Fillies Maya De Alpes and *Athenaa AHSB and Top Ten Stallions Khidar and HS Etiquette (by Simeon Sadik) and straight Egyptian Top Ten Filly Famira KA (Farres x Desire RB) and Top Ten Colt GR Amarid. 2006 was another exceptional year for Egyptian Arabians at the World Championships, with Royal Colours (True Colours x Xtreme Wonder) capturing Junior Champion Colt and *AI Lahab GASB (*Laheeb IASB x The Vision HG) Champion Stallion, and Loubna named World Reserve Champion Mare. All of the 2006 World Champions trace to the sire line of Nazeer! Among the Top Ten winners was the Egyptian related Top Ten Colt Redwood Lodge Artique (by *AI Adeed Al Shaqab) and Top Ten Mare Martinique (by Ansata Sinan), and the straight Egyptian Top Ten Stallion Ramino (Zandai Aqir x Egyptian Rabia). In 2008, all but one of the World Champions traced to Nazeer in sire line, and the World Bronze Champion Mare was the Egyptian related Martinique, with World Silver Champion Stallion being awarded for the second time to Imperial Baarez. The straight Egyptian MVA Colour Me Cool (True Colours x SKF Tiaara) was named a World Top Ten Colt and the straight Egyptian Mahala (*AI Lahab GASB x Mahasin) and Egyptian related MA Scarlet (by Hadidi) were named World Top Ten Mares, while straight Egyptian Im­ perial Baareg (Imperial Baarez x Imperial Karmah) and Egyptian related Poganin (by *Laheeb IASB) were named World Top Ten Stallions. The 2009 show saw a historic first, with both the World Gold Champion Stallion (Royal Colours) and World Silver Champion Stallion (*AI Lahab GASB) both straight Egyptians! Other Egyptian related winners included World Bronze Champion Colt El Palacio VO (by *AI Lahab GASB), Top Ten Mare Jamilla al Zobair (by Ashhal Al Rayyan), and Top Ten Stallion Poganin (by *Laheeb IASB). Past straight Egyptian winners at the Salon Du Cheval include 1998 World Reserve Champion Mare 218 Elf Layla Walayla (Assad x 223 Ibn Galal I), 1996 World Reserve Champion Stallion Simeon Sadik, 1996 World Top Ten Mare BSA Aliya, 1994 Top Ten World Champion Stallion Lohim (Ansata Halim Shah x Lohelia), 1994 World Senior Champion Mare Imperial Phanilah (Ansata Imperial x Imperial Phanadah), 1993 World Junior Champion Colt Imperial Mashhar (imperial Madheen x Imperial Janaabah), etc. Egyptian-related winners at the Salon Du Cheval include 1996 World Champion Stallion Focus Khemali (Ruminaja Ali x Mi Coytina), 1998 World Champion Stallion BJ Thee Mustafa (Thee Desperado x Khalili El Bahar) (also 1998 Nations Cup Champion Stallion and European Champion Stallion), 1998 World Reserve Junior Champion Filly *ZT Shakjamara (a granddaughter of Shaker El Masri and *JamillI), 1999 World Junior Champion Colt Eternity Ibn Navarrone-D and Reserve Junior Champion Colt As Sinans Pacha (both by Ansata Sinan) etc. SWITZERLAND Arabian breeding is just taking shape in this mountain country and is based primarily on Polish, Crabbet and English bloodlines. Several breeders are developing straight Egyptian breeding programs, import­ ing from Germany, the U.S. and Egypt. Nayla Hayek of Hanaya Stud imported 3 stallions and 6 mares and fillies from Egypt as well as several straight Egyptians from Germany and the U.S. and as a result is one of the larger breeders of straight Egyptians in Switzerland. She has enjoyed considerable show ring success with Kodwa (Shadwan x Alifa), the Reserve Champion Mare of the 1983 Swiss international show, and with Amana (Ameer x Amna), the 1985 Swiss Reserve Junior Champion Filly, and 1986 Swiss National Champion Mare Manaya (Madkour x Maisa), as well as the home bred Hanya Nawal (Hanaya Moheb x Nahilaa), the 1994 Kauber Platte International Reserve Champion Female and the 1995 Messenheim Junior Champion Filly. Hanaya Stud is also home to one of Europe's most decorated show mares, the ethereal 218 Elf Layla Walayla B 32

218 E lf Layla Walayla B (Assad x 223-1bn Calal 1-13). Erwin Escher photo.

(Assad x 223 Ibn Galal 1-13). Her titles include 1998 Marbach Senior Champion Mare and Kauber Platte Champion Mare, 1998 World Reserve Champion Mare, European Reserve Champion Mare and Nations Cup Reserve Champion Mare, and 2004 Swiss National Champion Mare. Another successful Hayek Egyptian import is Thee Brigadier (The Minstril x Ansata Justina). A junior halter champion in America, Thee Brigadier was named the 1994 Kauber Platte International Reserve Junior Champion Colt in Germany and the 1995 Weis International Junior Champion Colt in Austria. He is now an international sire of champions with get including 2006 Spanish National Champion Stallion Hanaya Barich (x 218 Elf Layla Walayla B), 2004 Swiss Reserve National Champion Mare Chiara, 2004 Denmark International Champion Mare, 2000 Weis International Junior Champion Filly, 1999 Kreuth International Reserve Junior Champion Filly Prieta (whose dam is the Spanish mare LM Perla). Hayek bred the 2004 Swiss Ansata Sinan (Prince Fa M on iet x Ansata Nefara). National Champion Stallion, Hanaya Batahl (Thee Brigadier Pyram id S o ciety archive. x Hanaya Karaama). She also imported the straight Egyptian stallion Heirogance (VP Regal Heir x BSA Bataarha), who has done well on the European show scene with titles including 2000 Kauber Platte Reserve Junior Champion Colt and 2000 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion. Hanaya also owned the 2008 Arabesque Egyptian Cup Junior Champion Colt Monarch AH (*The Source CC x KA Baahira). Recent Hanaya show successes include 2009 Arabesque Egyptian Cup (Germany) Silver Champion Filly MA Alluzia (Cale Thee Xtreme x BFA Shamraq); 2008 Arabesque Egyptian Cup (Germany) Reserve Senior Champion Mare Persia CC (*Shahir IASB x Kohlan); 2010 Marbach International Show(Germany) Silver Champion Mare and 2010 West Coast Cup (Belgium) Gold Champion Mare Rasheekha Shabha (Richteous x Tammens Ana); 2010 Marbach International Show (Germany) Silver Champion Colt and 2010 Egyptian Event Europe Gold Champion Colt El Khaled (Ansata Sinan x Shahirs Abriel); and 2010 Egyptian Event Europe Bronze Champion Filly Noor Magidaa LDA (*Mishaal HP x Ilia Magidaa LDA), all American imports. Hanaya also imported 2008 Strohen B Show Reserve Champion Mare, Arabesque Show Reserve Champion Mare and Asil Cup Champion Mare Sidi Alija Moon (Thee Cyclone x Sidi Bint Malika) from South Africa. Hanaya also owns 2010 Marbach International Show (Germany) Silver Champion Colt and 2010 Egyptian Event Europe Gold Champion Colt El Khaled (Ansata Sinan x Shahirs Abriel). Veruska Arabians (the Stoessel family) of Switzerland and Spain own the beautiful stallion Ansata Sinan (Prince Fa Moniet x Ansata Nefara), the 1995 European Junior Champion Colt and World Reserve Champion Male. He is also the 1998 Kauber Platte Egyptian Event Reserve Senior Champion Stallion. At the end of 1999 he returned to Ansata. He is now a noted international sire. His champion get (all Egyptian-related) include 1999 World Reserve Junior Champion Colt and 1998 Lagenfeld Junior Champion Colt AS Sinans Pacha (sire of 2005 World Champion Stallion Escape Ibn Navarrone), 1998 Lagenfeld Reserve Junior Champion Filly and 1999 Balearic Junior Champion Filly Martinique, 2002 European Champion Stallion and Belgian National Champion Stallion Khidar, 1999 German Junior Champion Filly 1998 Geiboldehausen Junior Champion Filly, 2002 Wintzenheim (France) Senior Champion Mare and 2002 Elran Cup (Belgium) Reserve Champion Mare Bint Deladiva, 1999 World Junior Champion Colt and 2004 World Champion Stallion and Nations Cup Champion Stallion and 2010 European Silver Champion Stallion (at age 13) "'Eternity Ibn NavarroneD (himself sire of 2004 World Junior Champion Colt Nijem Ibn Eternity) 2002 Tilburg (Netherlands) Reserve Senior Champion Mare Ayla ESA, 2005 Czech National Champion Stallion Shamir Ibn Ansata Sinan, and 2005 European and Nations Cup Reserve Senior Champion Mare Martinique. Ansata Sinan is also the sire of the straight Egyptians Kamsin Rodan, named 2000 German Reserve Junior Champion Colt and 2000 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion, Tabari (2000 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Junior Champion Colt), Egyptian Asinah, Junior Champion Filly at the 2000 Velgen, Germany show, Sinan Al Rayyan (Reserve Junior Champion Colt at the 2003 Qatar International), and Shamekh Al Shaqab (x Malaka), 2005 Middle East Champion Stallion and Jordan National Champion Stallion. Veruska also imported a number of straight Egyptian mares and colts and fillies from America, including multi-champion Ansata Bint Aliha (Ansata Halim Shah x Ansata Aliha), Ansata Starri Nile (Ansata Ibn Shah x Ansata Nile Charm), and Ansata Samiha (Prince Fa Moniet x Ansata Samantha). They are the breeders of European Reserve Champion Stallion and World Top Ten Stallion Ramino, who is straight Egyptian and now owned by Yeguado Ferrero in Spain. The Stoessels also own the Poth-bred black stallion UP Sheitan (Mehanna x Sheykha Abbayah). The Schwestermann family of Switzerland and Ireland is also active in breeding Egyptians. Egyptian bloodlines in Switzerland are increasing in number and popularity. 33

AUSTRIA This country began Egyptian Arabian horse breeding only in the last thirty years. The late Mr. Gustl Eutermoser, was the largest breeder, based his stud exclusively on Egyptian horses. A frequent traveler in the Arab world, he imported more than ten horses from Egypt, among them the stallion Hamdan II (Hamdan x Folia) and the Galal son, Mehanna out of Mouna (x Moniet El Nefous). Mehanna was leased by the Marbach State Stud because of his performance ability as well as his bloodlines. Egyptian stock has done quite well in Austrian show rings. The 1984 Austrian National Show saw Kaljawie (Kaisoon x Dalila) named Reserve Champion Stallion, and the Champion Mare, Selmah, was sired by the *Morafic son Shakhs. In 1992 the Reserve Champion Stallion was Ansata Nile Pasha (*Jamilll x Ansata Nile Dream), then owned by La Movida Arabians. He is now an international sire of champi­ ons, with his son Badr having won the titles of 1997 Jordanian c/ass/c shadw an (Alidaar x Bint Shadwan). Erwin Escher photo. Reserve National Champion Stallion and Middle East Reserve Champion Stallion, in 1994, Classic Shadwan (Alidaar x Bint Shadwan) was named the Austrian International Reserve Junior Champion Colt. Classic Shadwan is also now a National Champion sire, with his daughter Sanaa Bint Shahlia (x Ansata Shahlia) named 1999 Mediterranean Reserve Junior Champion Filly and his daughter Shadwanah (x Dalima Shah) the 1999 German Reserve Junior Champion Filly. In 1995, the Weis International Show Reserve Senior Champion Mare was Ansata Bint Aliha (Ansata Halim Shah x Ansata Aliha). In 1998, the Weis International Senior Champion Stallion was AliValentino(Ruminaja Ali xMoniet), while atthesame show the half-Egyptian Kapella T (who is out of Ansata Fay Jamila) wasnamedReserve JuniorChampion Filly.At the 2000 Weis International, the Champion Mare was the Egyptian-related Focus Gabriella (a double granddaughter of Ru­ minaja Ali), while the Junior Champion Filly was Prieta (by the straight Egyptian Thee Brigadier). Champion Stallion at the show was the straight Egyptian *Shahil ITSB (x Shahila), bred in Germany and owned by D. Santoro of Italy. In 2001, two straight Egyptians won at the Weis show— Reserve Junior Champion Colt *F Shamaal (Maysoun x Sarameena), later 2003 World Reserve Junior Champion Colt and Nations Cup Junior Champion Colt, and Reserve Senior Champion Stallion MB Shattal (The Atticus x *EH Bushrah). At the 2001 Austrian National Championship show, the Senior Champion Mare was the Egyptian-related Aliea (by *lbn Jamilll). At the 2008 Austrian Nationals, the Champion Colt was Al Hadiyyah AA (*Laheeb IASB x The Vision HG), who was on lease to Ferdinand Huemer's La Movida Arabians from Ariela Arabians of Israel. During his lease Al Hadiyyah AA was also named Asil Cup Junior Champion Colt. In 2009, La Movida acquired the straight Egyptian mare Al Amal AA (Halim Shah I x The Vision HG) from Ariela, and in 2010,Huemer purchased the twice Israeli National Champion Mare Luiba (Imperial Imdal x Imperial Kalatifa) from Ariela. HUNGARY For at least 2000 years horse breeding has been carried on in Hungary. The Turkish invasion and occupation brought about a change in domestic breeding towards a more elegant horse by intro­ ducing horses of Oriental blood. Later the Arabian was recognized as being a breed superior in itself and very suitable for the improve­ ment of the native stock. Once the country became more prosperous, two State Studs were founded, Mezohegyes (1785) and Babolna (1789), whose breeding policies were to use pure Arabian stallions on partbred mares. Many imports were made from France, England, Poland and the Near East during the nineteenth century. Eventually, more con­ sideration was given to the preservation of pure Arabian bloodlines as well as partbred Arabians. After the Second World War rebuilding of the foundation stock began and a growing awareness of ancient traditions led to a fresh start being made by the Babolna Stud with horses imported from Egypt. They included the stallions Ibn Galal [Magdi] (Galal x Mohga), Farag (*Morafic x Bint Kateefa), Ghalion 34

Ibn C alal 1-7 (Ibn Galal I x 7 Lutfia). Forbis archive.

(*Morafic x Lubna), and four mares from Al Badeia Stud as well as eleven mares from the EAO including Bint Inas (Gassir x Inas by *Morafic) and Hanadi (Alaa El Din x Rahma by Mashhour). The stallions Farag and Ibn Galal and the mares Marah (Galal x Maysa), Maheeba (Alaa El Din x Mouna) Lutfia (Alaa El Din x Bint Kamla) and Hanan (Alaa El Din x Mona [Inshass]) were later exported to West Germany but have left produce at Babolna. The Babolna Stud once again had a large broodmare band of good quality thanks to the efforts the late Dr. Ameen Zaher of Egypt and Dr. Hans Nagel of Germany. Later Babolna, in an effort to incorporate additional blood, leased the services of several stallions from the U.S. and also sent one of their mares to the U.S., *lbn Galal 1-7 who was a U.S. National Top Ten Mare. The Babolna Egyptians are valued in herds worldwide. The Babolna bred mare Abbas Pasha 1-12 has already been mentioned as a champion in Germany and she is now a producer of winners as well, her offspring include 2006 Balearic Reserve Champion Stallion Abbas El Dine (by Salaa El Dine). The exquisite multi-National winning mare and National Champion producer 218 Elf Layla Walayla B (Assad x 223 Ibn Galal 1-13) is another top winner bred at Babolna. She is the dam of the straight Egyptian Spanish National Champion Stallion Hanaya Bariqh (by The Brigadier) and 2010 U.S. National Champion Senior Stallion *EI Nabila B. Halberg Arabians imported *Pharrah (Farag x 9 Tamria) to the United States. She later became a broodmatron for Imperial Egyptian Stud and later for the Fortuna family. She produced Middle East Champion Stallion and Canadian Top Ten Futurity Colt Royal Mikhiel and is the maternal granddam of World Champion Mare Imperial Phanilah. The German Gold Premium stallion Emiratus B (El Thay Mameluk x 223 Ibn Galal I) was bred at Babolna, as was the National Champion sire Teymur B (Assad x 214 Ibn Galal I), owned by Al Qusar Arabians of Germany. Teymur B's son El Thay Majdy (x El Thay Magidaa) has won championships in Italy and he is also the sire of 2010 Egyptian National Silver Champion Stallion Tarres Rasheek Al Qusar (x Ansata Princessa). Italy's Alfabia Stud is the home of Taghira B (El Thay Mamlouk x 211 Zohair-2), dam of *Alfabia Sohar (by Salaa El Dine), who was leased to DeShazer Arabians in the U.S.A. for a breeding season; and to Alfabia Eunice, who traces in tail female to the Babolna mare 2 Ghalion 11. The cherished Tamria dam line from Babolna is found in Kuwait through Tabanya at the Ajmal Stud and Jamala Al Zanet at the Al Jazira Stud. In Israel, foundation stock for the Idan Atiq Stud of Tzviah Idan and Kuti Aharon was imported directly from Babolna which has produced race and show winners in Israel and a Supreme National Champion in Namibia. In Australia, Simeon Stud imported 1982 Australian Champion Mare 27 Ibn Galal V (Ibn Galal x 10 Hosna) from Babolna, and she has founded a champion dynasty that includes World Champion and U.S. National Champion Stallion *Simeon Shai-t- and World Reserve Champion Stallion Simeon Sadik, both out of 27 Ibn Galal V's daughter Simeon Safanad, dam of 4 National Champions. Egypt also has Babolna to thank for General Tibor von Pettko Szandtner, former director of the stud who came to Egypt during 1948 at the request of the Royal Agricultural Society, and spent ten years as head of the Egyptian studfarm. It was von Szandtner who brought the Nazeer breeding to the forefront at the stud, and he was largely responsible for the renewed interest in Egyptian bloodlines throughout Europe and America in the 1950's. ITALY Egyptian breeding has become very popular in Italy. The Bait al'Arabiyah Stud imported E-Gabes (Gharoon x Ghardaia), a straight Egyptian stallion, from Germany, along with the Egyptian-related mare Hamasa Farida (Farag x Shar Duda). Dr. Francesco Santoro and Virgilio Sadnik have imported a number of significant Egyptian horses to Italy. Among American born straight Egyptians exported to Italy are, Serenity Sahra, Serenity Sonbolaaa, Raafala, Moroc, Ansata Nefer Isis (now in Qatar), Aslah, AF Hadiya Sharaf, BB Neshan, Bint Rahmaa to name a few. Egyptian Arabians are now enjoying considerable success in the Italian show ring. Coaltown (Ruminaja Ali x *Bahila) is an Italian Reserve National Champion Stallion. Nacira (Al Kadir x Amal Halima) was named the Champion mare at Reggio Emilia in 1996, and HMT Farima (The Minstril x Princess Fariha) was the Reserve Junior Champion Filly at that show. HMT Farima H adidi (Norus x H e b e t Allah). Johnny Johnston photo. is now also the 2000 Kauber Platte Senior Champion Mare in Germany Ansata Nefer Isis (Prince Fa Moniet x Ansata Nefertiti) was the Senior Champion Mare at the ECAHO showin Italy in 1996, and is also the 1996 European Reserve Champion Mare and the 1995 Mediterranean ReserveChampion Mare. Now in the Middle East, she was named the 2002 Qatar International Reserve Champion Mare. Baby Bafadi NY (AK Bafadi x AF Hamila) is the 1996 Italian Reserve National Champion Mare. Hadidi (*Norus x Hebet Allah), formerly owned by Ida Arsenault, was named the 1994 Italian National Champion Stallion and scored 59 of a possible 60 points 35

for type. He returned to the ring at age 14 to be named Italian Reserve National Champion Stallion in 2004. He also enjoyed a successful American show career with titles including 1996 Canadian Top Ten Stallion and 1997 Scottsdale Top Ten Aged Stallion, and in 1997 was named World Champion Stallion at the Salon Du Cheval. In 2001 he was the Nations Cup Champion Stallion and World Reserve Champion Stallion. He is now a National winner sire himself as his daughter *AG Haidi is an Italian National Champion Mare. One of Europe's top winning show stallions, the Egyptian-re­ lated BJ Thee Mustafa (by Thee Desperado), was owned by Giuseppe Fontanella of Fontanella Magic Arabians of Italy during his show career. He was named 1998 World Champion Stallion, European Champion Stallion and All Nations Cup Champion Stallion prior to his sale to the Al Janadriyah Stud of Saudi Arabia. Fontanella Magic Arabians is noted for its Egyptian related show winners, including 2004 Italian National Champion Stallion Windspree Mirage (by Thee Desperado), the 2003 Castel di Sangro winners Reserve Junior Champion Filly Magic Lillian Sabahat (by Ansata Shaamis) and Reserve Junior Champion Colt Magic Sourman (BJ Thee Mustafa x AG Eloise and the straight Egyptian Reserve Champion Stallion Ali Shaamir SL (Ansata Shaamis x Magic Alia). Fontanella also owns Ansata Shaamis (Ansata Halim Shah x AK Faressa), who has won several championships in Italian competition and has sired winners as well. Other Italian National winners of Egyptian bloodlines include the Egyptian related Nayma By Azja (by the straight Egyptian Moroc), named 1998 Italian Reserve Junior Champion Filly, and straight Egyptian Immia (Imtaarif x Aniya), the 1998 Italian Junior Champion Filly, owned at the time of her win by Giuseppe Reina. Nayma by Azja's sire Moroc (Imperial Imdal x Najiba) is the 1999 Mediterranean Champion Stallion. In 2002, Italy staged its first Egyptian Event show. Senior Champion Stallion was *Shahil (Maysoun x Shahila), Senior Champion Mare was Classic Lohelia (Lohim x Classic Medaba), Junior Champion Filly was Maydana Madheen (Maydan-Madheen x Madallah Madheen) and Junior Champion Colt was Magig Adib (Ansata Shaamis x Ayla Dheen). The Qatari-bred stallion Majd Al Rayyan (Safir x Ansata Nawarra) was named Junior Champion Colt at the International B Show in Italy in 2004 while on lease to the LaFrasera Stud of the Santoro family in Rome from 2001-2005. La Frasera also owns 1999 European Champion Stallion *Shahil ITSB (Maysoun x Shahila), who was named 2004 Egyptian Event Champion Stallion while on lease to the U.S. *Shahil's son Frasera Ramses Shah (x Ansata Nefer Isis) was named2005 Italian National Champion Stallion. The *Shahil daughter Frasera Mashara (x MB Madora) was named Junior Champion Filly at the 2004 Travagliato Show in Italy and a World Top Ten Filly at Paris. She returned to the show ring as a mature mare owned by the DubaiStud and won two championships in German shows in 2008. La Frasera has been successful with sales abroad, withhorses from the stud sold to Spain, Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Libya. The Azienda Agricola Tripodi Stud of Italy is the former owner of 2006 Nations Cup Reserve Junior Champion Colt and World Champion Colt Royal Colours (True Colours x Xtreme Wonder). True Colours is also a successful sire of winners in European and Middle Eastern competition from his time in Italy, among them the straight Egyptians PSE Rasheekah (x Imperial Baarezah), the 2008 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Filly, 2008 Egyptian International Bronze Champion Filly Queen of Royal (x Flaxmans Raja), and 2009 L'Arte Cavallo and Darfo Boario Therme Silver Champion Colt Antar FG (x Gasmira Al Zaid). Egyptian related winners sired when Royal Colours stood in Italy include CS Amay (2009 Italian National Silver Champion Filly); TF Lady Royal (2009 Akragas Gold Champion Filly); and Royal El Aziz (2009 Italian National Silver Champion Colt). Egyptian related winners bred by Royal Colours' new owner, Dubai Arabian Stud include D Maraksh (2010 Dubai International Silver Champion Colt) and D Deemah (2010 Prague Intercup Silver Champion Filly). The Alfabia Stud in the Langhe region of Northern Italy is owned by Paolo Damilano and began in the 1980s, with the current breeding program having a number of straight Egyp­ tian horses including the stallions Ansata Halim Bay (*Ansata Ibn Halima x *Ansata Bint Misr); Alfabia Sohar (Salaa El Dine x Taghir B); Phaaros (ZT Faa'iq x Bint Atallah), who is co-owned with Alfala Stud of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; and *Laheeb Al Nasser (*Al Adeed Al Shaqab x Bint Saida El Nasser), who Alfabia A jib (Phaaros x Vishar Farhana). Cigi Crasso photo. is co-owned with DeShazer Arabians in America and currently based there. Phaaros's son *Alfabia Ajib (x Vishar Farhana), the 2007 Egyptian International Reserve Champion Colt owned by the Bebo Stud of Egypt, is standing in the U.S.A. at Om El Arab Stud for the 2010 and 2011 breeding seasons. Phaaros is also the sire of 2010 Italian Egyptian Event Champion Colt Frasera Dubai (x Frasera Mashara).


RUSSIA AND POLAND The influence of Egyptian blood in these countries prior to 1958 derives principally from the 6 stallions and 19 mares sold from Crabbet by Lady Wentworth to the Russian Govern­ ment in 1936. In 1899 de Sdanovitch bought five horses from the Blunts carrying some measure of Egyptian blood, and af­ terwards purchased the Ali Pasha Sherif mare Sobha (Wazir x Selma) from them. She was then 20 years of age. In 1900 Makbula (Wazir x Makbula El Kebira) was purchased by Count Stroganoff, and in 1903 the world famous Mesaoud (Aziz x Yemameh) was sold by the Blunts to the Kleniewski Stud. In 1924 Count Potocki obtained the stallion Kafifan (Mabrouk x Negma) from Prince Mohamed Ali, however his blood was lost as a result of decimation from the wars. After World War II new introductions of Egyptian blood were made when Pres­ ident Gamel Abdel Nasser presented to Russia in 1958 the white stallion, Nil (Sid Abouhom x Malaka) known in Egypt Laheeb IA SB (Im perial Im dal x A K Latifa). Nasr M arei photo. as Azmy. Unfortunately he died after leaving only sixteen get. His daughter *Naina is the dam of Canadian Top Ten Stallion and park champion *Nankin, who is 3/4 Egyptian by pedi­ gree and is now in Europe. Another daughter, Panel, is the dam of the national winner producers Palas and *Procent (the latter a successful racehorse in Europe). The stallion Aswan (Nazeer x Yosreia) replaced Nil in 1964 and was used extensively at Tersk state stud. Many of his daughters have been kept as broodmares. Aswan is the sire of four North American national winners, including U.S. National Champion Stallion *Marsianin. The 3/4 Egyptian stallion, Palas (Aswan x Panel by Nil) bred in Russia, was acquired by the Poles and used extensively at Janow. He traces to Selma of Abbas Pasha in tail female line from the Crabbet side of his pedigree. Palas has sired numerous national winners on sev­ eral continents, including U.S. National Champion Mare *Penicylina and Canadian National Champion Mare *Camea. He is also a sire of stakes winning racehorses in Poland. More recently the Poles have imported semen from stallions located in other countries and have also leased two straight Egyptian sons of Imperial Imdal bred by Ariela Arabians of Israel. *Laheeb IASB (Imperial Imdal x AK Latifa) was leased from 1999-2000 and again in 2008-9. *Laheeb lASB's Polish born daughter Emira, was named 2004 Polish National Champion Mare, 2002 Nations Cup Champion Filly and 2001 Polish Junior Champion Filly and Best in Show at the Polish Nationals. Emira is the dam of 2010 Polish Gold Champion Colt and European Bronze Champion Colt Empire. *Laheeb IASB also sired 2003 Polish Reserve Junior Champion Filly and 2008 Qatar Reserve National Champion Mare Siklawa, 2005 Polish National Champion Mare and World Cham­ pion Mare Galilea, 2007 Polish National Champion Stallion Poganin (also a National Champion sire)m and 2008 Weis International Reserve Champion Mare and World Top Ten Mare Emesa. His daughter *Dumka, bred in Poland, is the 2005 Israeli National Champion Mare and is now in America. His son Emiliusz is the 2007 Swedish National Champion Stallion and 2006 Scandinavian Champion Stallion, as well as a champion at two shows in Brazil in 2009. Another son, Edin, was named 2008 French Reserve National Champion Stallion and European Top Five Stallion. The *Laheeb IASB daughter Wieza Babel (a Polish Spring Show Junior Champion Filly) produced 2009 Polish Junior Champion Filly Wielka Roz. The Imperial Imdal son *AI Maraam (x The Vision HG) was leased to the Michalow State Stud in Poland from 2006-2007. Among his winning get bred in Poland is 2010 Elran Cup (Holland) Bronze Champion Filly and 2009 Polish Spring Show Junior Champion Filly Parmana and 2009 Weis International Top Five Colt El Maran. Both *AI Maraam and *Laheeb IASB have sired winning racehorses in Poland. Janow Podlaski Stud is now leasing a third Ariela bred straight Egyptian stallion from 2010-2013. This is Abyad AA (Nader El Jamal x Al Amal AA). The private Polish breeder Wojtek Kowalik leased a son of *Laheeb IASB, AA Assal, from the Israeli breeder Avi Aharoni for the 2008 breeding season, and showed him to Champion Stallion at the Strohen "B" Show in Germany. Thus Egyptian blood is maintained in both countries through combinations of Crabbet-Egyptian and the stock imported directly from Egypt, although no straight Egyptian breeding program exists. The various combinations of Egyptian blood crossed with domestic Polish and Rus­ sian stock have proved extremely successful and are responsible to a great extent for the revived interest in Russian and Polish breeding throughout the world. CZECH REPUBLIC Arabian horse breeding in the Czech Republic has gone on for many years, and interest in Egyptian Arabians is increasing. Initially, straight Egyptians were bred at the Topolcianky State Stud where the *Tuhotmos son Kasr El Nil and the Anter son Tobrok were the foundation sires in the 1970s. Now there are a number of private breeders of Egyptian 37

stock. Dr. Frantisek Cizek of Samira Arabians bred the 2005 Czech Junior Champion Filly Usurei (The Verdict HG x Usajna), herself now a National Champion producer. The 2005 Czech National Champion Stallion Shamir Ibn Ansata Sinan is a son of Ansata Sinan. Marina and Petr Novotny's Al Qufquf Arabians breeds straight Egyptians and the mares at the stud include 2009 Czech Gold Champion Mare Imperial Kaapha (Imperial Al Kamar x Royal Bint Pharrah) and the National Champion producers Dawlat El Nur (Ruminaja Ali x AK Bint Dawlat) and Ciera Duchess (Moniet El Nafis x Serenity Ferial), who has also produced successful endurance ride competitors. Valsorai Arabians of the Czech Republic owns several of the 2009 Czech National Champions: Czech National Silver Champion Stallion Uriash (Malak x Usajna), Czech National Silver Champion Mare Uriash (Malak x Usajna), both maternal siblings to Usurei. The 2009 Czech Na­ tional Bronze Champion Colt Aheer (The Verdict HG x Fa Arusha) is owned by Mr. Cizek and is straight Egyptian, while the Bronze Champion Filly Uganda Al DV (by Madir Al Amar) is Egyptian sired. The 2010 Czech National Show had several straight Egyptian winners: Silver Champion Filly Farida AQ (Ghazal Imdal - Ciera Duchess), owned by T. Hruba; Silver Champion Colt Uranos (*AI Lahab GASB x Usurei), owned by Z. Marek; and Silver Champion Stallion Mistral (El Thay Said Pasha x Autum Mistry by The Minstril), owned by F Duda. In addition, the Silver Champion Mare is the Egyp­ tian sired Setan Abu Hamadan (by Hamadan), bred by B. Sablatura and owned by K. Kralova. The 2010 Prague Intercup Show, the first international show held in the Czech Republic, attracted competition from the Middle East and Europe. The show had a straight Egyptian winner, Bronze Champion Stallion OR Ibn Halim (Halim Raquim x Bint Manaya), and two Egyptian sired winners, the Gold Champion Filly D Deemah (by Royal Colours) and the Silver Champion Stallion Al Milan (by *Al Lahab GASB).

THE MIDDLE EAST AND THE AFRICAN CONTINENT Country Introductions by Cynthia Culbertson, show research and updates by Arlene Magid Renewed appreciation of the Egyptian Arabian has taken place among Arab leaders. The Egyptian government over the past 50 years has made presents of RAS/EAO stallions and mares to Arab heads of state and dignitaries such as King Ibn Saud of Arabia, the King of Hejaz, the Government of Sudan, Prince Abdulla of Jordan, the King of Iraq, the King of Yemen and the Shah of Iran, among others. The Arabian Gulf States are perhaps best known today because of the vast oil reserves that exist beneath their for­ midable deserts. Travelers who visit Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates, quickly discover, however, that these countries also possess fascinating histories and unique cultures dating back thousands of years. For horse lovers, this area is particularly important as the source of an above-the-ground treasure—the Arabian horse. SAUDI ARABIA The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest of the Gulf States, encompassing an area approximately one-third the size of the United States. It is also home to the holy cities of Islam, Mecca and Medina, and birthplace of the prophet Muhammad. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is reclaiming its Arabian horse heritage by importing Egyptian bloodlines de­ scending from those horses acquired in the 19th century by H.R.H. Mohammed Ali, Ibrahim Pasha and Abbas Pasha I. Gift stallions from Egypt to Crown Prince H.R.H. Prince Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz were used in the Saudi National Guard program and the Crown Prince's Royal stables throughout the 1980s and 1990s. The 1990s have seen a resurgence of straight Egyptian horses through acquisitions by the Nejd Stud of H.R.H. Prince Turki, H.R.H. Prince Khalid and H.R.H. Prince Abdullah Al-Saud, the Marbat El Jawad El Araby of Abdullah Al-Sweilem, Dr. Mohammed Al-Hamood, and in Jeddah the stud of Khaled Al Haddad, among others, most carrying strong Ansata bloodlines. In November 1996 the first Saudi Arabian National Show was held in Dirab, near Riyadh. A most significant milestone for Arabian horses in the Arab world, the show was extremely successful, very popular with the Saudis, and boosted interest in Arabian horses throughout the Kingdom. Straight Egyptian and Egyptian-related bloodlines were much in evidence and very successful throughout the show, with the Champion Stallion, the heavily Egyptian-bred Extream owned by H.R.H. Prince Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud being sired by the straight Egyptian American stallion, Makhsous (*Sultann x *Nabda). Extream was also 1998 Saudi Arabian Reserve Champion Stallion and has sired Saudi Arabian National winners. The 1996 Saudi Arabian Junior Champion Colt was the straight Egyptian Asaaf Al Shaqab (Imperial Mahzeer x Tebrah), while the Reserve Junior Champion Colt was also straight Egyptian, Dinar (Imperial Madori x Imperial Kamala). The 1996 Saudi Arabian Junior Champion Filly was Al Mughatarah (El Wajeeh x Zayrafa), whose sire was bred by Ansata Arabians. Named 1998 Saudi Arabian Champion Mare was Imperial Orahillah (*Orashan x Imperial Falaah) The Egyptian Arabian horse has strong ties to this country, as this region was the source of the fine Arabians upon which the renowned historical studs of Egypt are based. In modern times, the Saudis, including the ruling al-Saud family, have acknowledged the importance of preserving this important facet of their history. The King Abdul Aziz Center for 38

Purebred Arabian Horses, located just outside the capital city of Riyadh, has a large breeding program consisting of Saudi desertbred Arabians, as well as modern Egyptian bloodlines. Standing there under the direction of Mr Sami Al Nohait are Taj Alarous (Thee Desperado x Bint Fariha) and 2010 Egyptian Event Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion Paladium (*Mishaal HP x Amiri Jolie). Saudi Arabia has held a National Championship Arabian horse show since 1997. Egyptian horses are an important element in many of the private studs of this country, and a large percentage of past national show winners were either straight Egyptian or of predominantly Egyptian lines. The Al Janadriyah Stud of King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz has as one of its chief sires Egyptian-related World Champion Stallion BJ Thee Mustafa, and the stud also stands the straight Egyptians The Profile (The Minstril x Maali RC) and Thee Sentinel (Thee Infidel x CT Talina). The Al Khalediah Stud is owned by HRH Prince Khaled bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud. One of the chief stallions there is the straight Egyptian *F Shamaal (Maysoun x Sarameena), World Reserve Junior Champion Colt and European Gold Champion Stallion as well as Reserve Supreme Cham­ pion Stallion at the American Egyptian Event. *F Shamaal has sired the homebred Egyptian sired winners Shammaal Al Khalediah (2008 Egyptian BJ Thee M ustafa, b y Thee D esperado. Javan photo International Junior Champion Filly) and Anessat Al Khalediah (2008 Egyp­ tian International Reserve Junior Champion Filly), as well as the straight Egyptian 2008 Qatar International and Egyptian International Reserve Junior Champion Colt and Egyptian Event Europe Junior Champion Colt Salman Al Khalediah (x Thee Evening Star). Straight Egyptian show winners owned by Al Khalediah alsoinclude Halla AlKhaladiya(formerly Halla Al Khaled), the 2006 Egyptian Classic Cup (Germany) Junior ChampionFilly and 2007Emerald Egyptian Event (Belgium) Reserve Junior Champion Filly. Al Khalediah owns El Palacio VO, an Egyptian sired son of *AI Lahab GASB who had six major titles in 2009 including U.K. International and Sharjah International Silver Champion Colt, Abu Dhabi International, Qatar International and Dubai International Gold Champion Colt, and World Bronze Champion Colt. Al Khaleidah now hosts an annual show, the Al Khalediah Arabian Horse Festival, first held in 2008, that has attract­ ed world class competitors from Europe and the Middle East, including former World and European Champions. The week long Festival also offers flat racing, endurance races, an Arabian horse auction, a show for Saudi desert bred horses and an open show. In 2009, two of the open show champions were straight Egyptian: Junior Champion Filly Badawiyah AA (*Laheeb lASB x Bahiha) and Senior Champion Stallion Imperial Baarez. In 2010, two of the open show champions were Egyptian sired daughters of Ashhal Al Rayyan: Gold Champion Mare *Athenaa AHSB and Bronze Champion Mare Jamilla Al Zobair, both owned by Al Khalediah. Jamilla Al Zobair was also named2010U.K.International Gold Cham­ pion Mare and Nations Cup Gold Champion Mare. *Athenaa AHSB wasGold ChampionMare at three 2010 shows: Sharjah International, Qatar International and the Mediterranean Championship. *Athenaa AHSB has previously been twice European Champion Mare. The Al Mohammadia Stud is owned by HRH Prince Abdullah Bin Fahd Al Saud. It has both straight Egyptian and non Egyptian horses and is very active on the show scene in both the Middle East and Europe. Their stallion, Egyptian Event Europe Champion Farres (Anaza El Farid x Shameera), has sired winners in Europe and the Middle East, and their junior sire Salman Al Mohammadia (GR Amaretto x Thee Scheherazade) had a very good show season in 2009, with the titles of Silver Champion Colt at the Strohen show in Germany, Gold Champion Colt at the European Egyptian Event, and Middle East Bronze Champion Colt. Another homebred colt, Reeman Al Mohamadia (Thee Asil x Min Mins Magnolia), was named Silver Cham­ pion Colt at the 2010 Al Hassa show. Another stallion at Al Mohammadia is Hamras Akid (Ali Valentino x Akishya Moon DMF), the 2009 Middle East Bronze Champion Stallion and Al Hassa Silver Champion Stallion. The stud also owns exceptional mares, including daughters of Thee Desperado, Akid Geshan and Classic Shadwan. Their show mares include 2008 Middle Salman A l Moham m adia. Erwin Escher photo. East Champion Mare Saida Bint Shahlia (Classic Shadwan x Ansata Shahlia) and 2010 Middle East Champion Mare TS Madeleine (Ansata Sinan x Thee Sharaqa). In 2008 the Stud became the home of a new show in Saudi Arabia, the Al Mohamadia Arabian Horse Championship,which has attracted top horses in competition from the Middle East and Europe. 39

The Altobaishi family (Abdul Rahman Altobaishi and Rakan Altobaishi) own the Alfala Stud, home to National Champion sire Phaaros (ZT Fa'aiq x Bint Atallah), who is co-owned with the Alfabia Stud of Italy. They too have enjoyed success in show competition with winners including 2010 Al Mohammadia Show Bronze Champion Mare Adara Alfala (Akid Geshan x Salima Al Shaikh). Mares at the stud include Serene Bidaya (Teymur B x Hayat II) and the colt Sakr Alfala (Ansata Hejazi x AK Faressa). QATAR Qatar, a thumb-shaped peninsula that extends into the Arabian Gulf from the east coast of the Arabian Peninsula, has been ruled by Emirs of the al-Thani family since the mid-eighteenth century. This country has taken a leading role in re-establishing the region's reputation as a source of fine Arabian horses. The private breeders of Qatar, mostly representatives of the ruling al-Thani family, have amassed a truly impressive group of horses, importing scores of international champions and now breeding their own winners. In 2002, the breed­ ers of Qatar brought a very impressive string of show horses to compete in Europe and as a result won the prestigious Nations Cup, won two major championships at the European Championships, and won five of the eight championships offered at the Salon Du Cheval in Paris! Although many important bloodlines are represented in this country, it is the straight Egyptian that dominates the scene. The Qataris have placed great importance on Arabian type as a discrimi­ nating characteristic, and consequently some of the most beautiful Egyptian Arabians in the world reside here. Qatari breeders have acquired some of the choicest stock from Egypt, Europe and America. Sheikh Abdul Aziz Bin Khalid Al-Thani became the first ardent straight Egyptian breeder with some 60 straight Egyp­ tians currently in his Al Rayyan Stud. He owns twice Qatar International Champion Mare, Ansata Majesta (Ansata Halim Shah x Ansata Malika) and 1997 Qatar Reserve Champion Mare, Aisha (by Ansata Halim Shah x Dr. Nagel's wonderful mare, Ghazala) Ansata Marha (Ansata Manasseh x Ansata Meryta) 1996 and 1997 Qatari Junior Champion and Middle East Champion in Jordan; the 1994 and 1995 Reserve Junior Champion Colt, Ali Kamal (Imperial Al Kamar x *Bint El Shahwan), six time National Champion including 2004 Qatar International Champion Stallion Ashhal Al Rayyan (Safir x Ansata Majesta), 2003 Qatar National Champion Stallion Ansata Selman (Ansata Hejazi x G Shafaria) and1999 Qatar Reserve National Champion Mare Ansata Malaha (Ansata Halim Shahx Ansata Malika), 2003 German National Cham­ pion Stallion and 2005 Qatar Reserve National Champion Stallion El Thay Mashour (Madkour I x El Thay Bint Kamla), 2001 Qatar International Champion Mare, 1999 Qatar National Champion Mare and 1998 Middle East Junior Champion Filly RN Farida (Salaa El Dine x Noha), 2001 Qatar International Reserve Champion Mare Ansata Nefer Isis (Prince Fa Moniet x Ansata Nefertiti), 2002 Qatar National Senior Champion Mare Mezna Al Rayyan (Imperial Mahzeer x Ansata Magnifica), 2003 Qatar International Champion Mare and 2002 Qatar National Reserve Senior Champion Mare RN Ajeeba (Ruminaja Ali x *Bint Amal), among a host of other winners. In 2004 Al Rayyan acquired 1991 U.K. International Champion Stallion and National Champion sire Ansata Nile Pasha (*Jamilll x Ansata Nile Dream) and his daughter A Little Passion (x Bint El Sanaa), the 2003 Towerlands International (UK) Champion Mare and Nations Cup Reserve Cham­ pion Mare. That year the homebred Al Aangha Al Rayyan (Alidaar x Ansata Majesta) became the Qatar International Champion Mare and Al Mansoura Al Rayyan (Alidaar x *Bint Amal) was named Qatar Reserve National Champion Filly. In 2004, Amaar Al Rayyan (Ashhal Al Rayyan x Al Wajba Al Rayyan) was named Qatar International Reserve Champion Colt. He is now an international sire of winners, owned by DeShazer Arabians in the U.S.A. Other 2004 winners for Al Rayyan were Qa­ tar National Champion Filly Darine Al Rayyan (Ashhal Al Rayyan x Aisha), Qatar Reserve National Champion Mare RN Sultana (An­ sata Halim Shah x Ameena), and Qatar National Champion Colt Turki Al Rayyan (Ashhal Al Rayyan x Turkiya Al Rayyan). In 2005, the homebred Safir Al Rayyan (Ashhal Al Rayyan x RN Farida) was named Qatar National Junior Champion Colt. Another homebred, Alzeer Al Rayyan (Alidaar x RN Farida), was the Junior Champion Colt at the Qatar International Show, and Junior Champion Filly at the Dubai International, Qatar International and the Sharjah Interna­ tional was Nadrah Al Rayyan (Ashhal Al Rayyan x Ansata Nefer Isis). In 2006, the Al Rayyan Stud enjoyed considerable success at shows in the Middle East with winners including Qatar International Junior Champion Filly Danine Al Rayyan (Ashhal Al Rayyan x Aisha) and Qatar International Senior Champion Mare and Sharjah International Champion Mare Jalila Al Rayyan (Ansata Hejazi x G Shafaria), a full Darine A l Rayyan (Ashhal A l Rayan x Aisha). C igi Crasso photo. sister to 2003 Qatar National Champion Stallion Ansata Selman. 40

J The stallions of Al Rayyan have had a great impact on winners in international shows. Safir died young but sired the mighty Ashhal Al Rayyan and 2010 American Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Mare and U.S. Reserve National Champi­ on Senior Mare *Negma Al Shaqab (who is Egyptian related). Ashhal Al Rayyan was leased to Dr Nagel's Katherinehof Stud in 2001 and while on lease in Europe sired World Champion Colt Insh Allah, also a many times champion in the Middle East, and the Egyptian related *Athenaa AE1SB, who has mul­ tiple championships in Europe and the Middle East. The most recent addition to the Al Rayyan stallion roster is Ansata Sokar (imperial Madheen x Ansata Samantha), initially leased and then purchased from Michael Ponnath of Germany. The Al Shaqab Stud of the Emir, H.H. Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, imported the famed stallion, Ansata Halim Shah in 1995, who met an untimely demise yet left a legacy of excellent fillies and a superb colt in Qatar. Al Shaqab breeds horses of several different bloodlines but is primarily devoted to straight Egyptian breeding. In 1993 they purchased their first straight Egyptian horses, among them several daughters of Ansata Imperial like Imperial Sharah (x Serenity Shahra), Impe­ rial Imalana (x Amalaa) and the full sisters Imperial Impharida A l A d e e d A l Shaqab (Ansata Halim Shah x Sundar Alisayyah). and Imperial Phanilah (x Imperial Phanadah). Having acquired Rik Van Lent Jr. p hoto. the handsome Sabiell (Nabiel x AK El Sanaa) from America he won 1993 Salon du Cheval Reserve Junior Champion Colt and was I994 Qatari National Champion. Their beautiful Imperial Phanilah (Ansata Imperial x Imperial Phanadah) was World Champion at the Salon du Cheval and 1994 Qatari National Champion Mare. She is the dam of 2006 Sharjah International Reserve Senior Champion Mare and 1999 Qatari National Champion Filly Amirat El Shaqab (by *AI Adeed Al Shaqab). In1996her stablemate Kamasayyah(Imperial Al Kamar x Sundar Alisayyah) was Qatar National Champion Mare and Jordanian International ChampionMare. Kama­ sayyah returned to competition in 2001 and was again named Qatar National Champion Mare. The Al Shaqab stallion Kaamil Batal (Ruminaja Ali x Amiri Jaliya) won Qatar 1996 Reserve Champion Stallion and was Champion in 1997, while their prized Ansata Halim Shah son, *AI Adeed Al Shaqab took 1997 Junior Champion Colt, succeeding his 1995 Junior Champion stablemate Al Aasi Al Shaqab (Imperial Al Kamar x Sundar Alisayyah). *Al Adeed Al Shaqab is also the 1999 Middle East Champion Stallion, 2000 and 2001 Qatar International Champion Stallion, 2003 World Champion Stallion and Qatar International Champion Stallion. He stood at stud in the USA for the 2004-2007 breeding seasons and was named 2005 American Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Stallion. *AI Adeed Al Shaqab has sired numerous international winners including multi-National Champions Amirat Al Shaqab and Kahielat Khalid; 2003 Qatar International Reserve Junior Champion Filly Jamila Al Rayyan; 2003 Ajman National Reserve Junior Champion Colt Nizam Al Rayyan, 2002 Qatar National Junior Champion Colt Adnan Al Shaqab; 2002 Qatar National Reserve Junior Champion Colt Monzer Al Shaqab (who is out of Kajora, dam of *Gazal Al Shaqab); 2001 and 2003 Qatar National Junior Champion Filly Ftoon Al Shaqab (who is Egyptian-related); 2003 Qatar National Champion Mare Hathfa Al Shaqab (a full sister to Monzer Al Shaqab), and a third full sibling, 2004 Qatar Reserve Junior Champion Colt *Mundher Al Shaqab, now at stud in the USA; 2005 Ajman National Champion Mare Dalai Alzobair, 2008 Finnish International Champion Stallion Faiz Al Shaqab (*AI Adeed Al Shaqab x Bint Fonoon), Nouf Al Shaqab (a multi-champion at the Egyptian Event Europe); 2010 U.S. Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Stallion and 2009 Egyptian Event Europe Silver Champion Colt *Farhoud Al Shaqab; 2010 Egyptian Event Europe Silver Champion Filly Dawlah Al Shaqab; *Al Adeed Al Shaqab get are now producing National winners of their own, including Shouk Al Shaqab, (dam of 2010 Egyptian Event Europe Bronze Champion Colt Adeeel Al Shaqab), Naif Al Rayyan (sire of 2010 Bahrain Silver Champion Filly Amal), and to Adnan Al Shaqab (sire of 2010 Bahrain Silver Champion Mare Shahd Al Shaqab). The Al Shaqab Stud also owns Alidaar (Shaikh Al Badi x Bint Magidaa), who after a fine show career in Europe was named 1999 Qatari Reserve Champion Stallion at age 15. He has sired 2003 Qatar Reserve Junior Champion Filly Al Mansoura Al Rayyan (x *Bint Amal) and 2002 Qatar National Junior Champion Filly and 2005 Qatar International Champion Mare Al Aangha Al Rayyan (x Ansata Majesta). Other excellent straight Egyptians owned by Al Shaqab are 1999 Qatari Reserve National Champion Mare Ansata Malaha (Ansata Halim Shah x Ansata Malika) and 1998 Qatar International Junior Champion Filly Aliaa Al Shaqab (Ansata Halim Shah x Imperial Im Pharida). 41

The Al Shaqab stud has also done very well interna­ tionally with its Egyptian related stock. *Gazal Al Shaqab (Anaza El Farid x Kajora) is the 2005 U.S. Reserve National Champion Senior Stallion, 2001 World Champion Stal­ lion, 2000 Qatar International Champion Stallion, 1999 Qatar National Champion Stallion, the 1996 Qatar Junior Champion Colt, the 1999 Jordanian National Champion Stallion, the 1996 and 1997 American Egyptian Event Junior Champion Colt and 1997 Egyptian Event Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion, and is an international sire of National Champions with get including *Marwan Al Shaqab, who is twice World Junior Champion Colt and U.S. National Champion Junior Stallion and a National Champion sire; Canadian National Champion Stallion Star Ghazal, World Junior Champion Fillies *Piannissima and Emandoria, 2005 Middle East Reserve Junior Cham­ pion Filly Magora, and 2006 Qatar International Senior Champion Stallion Al Zeer. *Gazal Al Shaqab is currently owned by Sheikh Nawaf bin Nasser Al Thani. His younger Ansata Selman (Ansata H eja zi x C Shafaria). Cigi Crasso photo. sister Hathfa Al Shaqab (by *AI Adeed Al Shaqab) is the 2002 Qatar International Reserve Junior Champion Filly. *Gazal Al Shaqab's half-sister Najmat Al Shaqab (by Safir, a Nagel-bred stallion by Salaa El Dine out of Aisha) is the 1999 Middle East Junior Champion Filly. Another Safir get, the Egyptian-related Safi Al Shaqab (x Poema) is the 2001 Middle East Reserve Champion Stallion and 2001 Qatar National Champion Stallion. Other Safir get with major wins include 2002 Qatar International Junior Champion Colt Wahaj Al Shaqab (x Kamasayyah), 2003 and 2002 Qatar International Reserve Champion Stallion Ashhal Al Rayyan (x Ansata Majesta). In 2004, HH The Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani placed Al Shaqab under the umbrella of the Qatar Foun­ dation and a spectacular new facility has been created. There is now a board of directors chaired by his son HE Sheikh Mohamed bin Hamad Al Thani and his daughter, Her Excellency Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad Al Thani is also a member of the board of directors. Al Shaqab continues to go from strength to strength and is the only stud in the world to have bred three World Champion Stallions. At the 2010 Egyptian Event, the Al Shaqab show string included three of the champions: the straight Egyptian Reserve Junior Champion Filly Laian Al Shaqab, Supreme Champion Mare *Negma Al Shaqab (who is Egyptian sired), and Supreme Champion Stallion and Junior Champion Colt *Farhoud Al Shaqab, pos­ sibly the only two year old colt to be named Supreme Champion Stallion unanimously at the show. *Negma Al Shaqab went on to be crowned U.S. Reserve National Champion Senior Mare at the U.S. National Show in October 2010. One of the newest Arabian breeding farms in Qatar is the Al Waab Stud, owned by Sheikh Abdullah Bin Khaled Al-Thani, the older brother of Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Thani, owner of the Al Rayyan Stud. He began his search for his foundation stock in 2004. In the fall of 2006 he acquired Ansata Selman from the El Thayeba Stud in Germany, who was promptly named Qatar Reserve National Champion Stallion, a title he repeated in 2007. Ansata Selman is a sire of cham­ pions in Europe and the Middle East, including 2009 Israeli National Champion Mare Insha Sha Latifa and 2010 Egyptian Event Europe Silver Champion Stallion Shagran Al Nasser. Al Waab is also home to another German import, Authentic Dahman (Maysoun x Classic Dahra), who was bred by Authentic Arabians and previously stood at Classic Arabians (the Poth family) in France. He left champion get in Europe including 2009 Arabesque Egyptian Cup Gold Champion Filly Pyramid Saddiya and 2007 European Egyptian Cup Champion Filly Classic Junah. In 2010 he was leased back to his breeder in Germany and was named Arabica International Bronze Champion Stallion. The Al Waab mare band repre­ sents the best of many significant breeders including Ansata, Dr Nagel of Katharinenhof in Germany, Horst Preuss, etc. Included in the group are Ansata Nile Diva (Ansata Sinan x Ansata Misty Nile), HMT Princess Karima (PVA Kariim x Princess Fariha), the dam of Classic Junah, NK Ashmahan (Shahin x Helala by Salaa El Dine), Helwa Al Rayyan (Ansata Selman x Agayeb), Sharuby HP (Maydahn Madheen x Shahneekha), Classic Farasha (Lohim x Classic Farida), and Johara Al Rayyan (Alidaar x Ansata Majesta). Later acquisitions include Naama (Salaa El Dine x Al Manuhah), Ansata Munira (Ansata Manasseh x Ansata Meryta), DHS Aisha (Mahadin x Amira Madheen) from Dowdstown House Stud in Ireland and former Qatar International Champion Mare Al Aangha Al Rayyan (Alidaar x Ansata Majesta), who under Al Waab ownership was named 2009 Qatar National Bronze Champion Mare. At the first H.H. The Amir National Pure Arabian Horse Show for Straight Egyptians in 2010 Al Waab horses did very well. Winners included Reserve Junior Champion Filly Safira Al Waab (Safir Al Rayyan x El Thay Manha), Junior Champion Colt Shaheen Al Waab (Sinan Al Rayyan x 42

Sharuby HP), Reserve Champion Mare Al Aangha Al Rayyan, and Champion Mare NK Nada (Adnan x Nashua). Al Nasser Stud, the farm of Sheikh Nawaf Bin Nasir Al-Thani, which is primarily straight Egyptian, has won consis­ tently in show rings in Europe and the Middle East. There are currently about 65 horses at the farm. Early show winners included 1992 International Junior Female Champion at Towerlands, England with the beautiful Imperial Madanah (Im­ perial Madheen x Imperial Naffata) also a consistent classic head class winner in Qatar; 1993 Qatari Junior Champion Filly Imperial Kaliya (Imperial Al Kamar x AK Jaliya), and the 1995 ridden class winner, Imperial Najah (Ansata Imperial x Nile Lily). The impressive im perial Mahdeen son, Imperial Mahzeer (x Maar Bilahh), has also been an important winner and sire for this excellent stud farm whose walls are lined with trophies. Imperial Mahzeer has sired 2001 Qatar National Reserve Junior Champion Filly Aliah Al Nasser (x Imdalia) and Qatar Reserve Senior Champion Mare Mezna Al Rayyan (x Ansata Magnifica) and 2002 World Reserve Champion Mare Bint Saida Al Nasser (x Saida), dam of 2003 Qatar Reserve National Champion Mare Amira Al Nasser (by Mujahid). The homebred 2000 Qatar National Champion Stallion Thaqib Al Nasser (Ansata Halim Shah x Imperial Madinah) was used at stud and sired 2004 Middle East Reserve Junior Champion Colt Sinan Al Nasser before being exported to Australia in 2004. Another 2004 winner for Al Nasser is Leen Al Nasser (Alidaar x Imperial Madanah), named Dubai International Reserve Champion Mare. Added to the Al Nasser stallion roster in 2006 was World Reserve Junior Champion Colt Moroc (Imperial Imdal x Najiba), whose dam is a full sister to the dam of the Al Nasser mare Bint Saida Al Nasser. Winning fillies and mares bred at Al Nasser include the 2006 Qatar National Champion Filly Shahira Al Nasser (Ash­ hal Al Rayyan x Bint Saida Al Nasser); 2006 Qatar Reserve National Champion Filly Aljazi Al Nasser (Ansata Selman x Amira Al Nasser); 2006 Qatar International Top Five Filly Al Jazi Al Nasser (Ansata Selman x Amera Al Nasser); 2008 Qatar National Champion Mare Remal Al Nasser (Ashhal Al Rayyan x Aliah Al Nasser) and Dorar (Ashhal Al Rayyan x Belquis Al Nasser), the 2009 Qatar International Silver Champion Mare and 2010 Ajman National Gold Champion Mare. Other outstanding young males bred at Al Nasser include Monther Al Nasser (Ansata Hejazi x Aliah Al Nasser), the 2007 Qatar National Champion Colt, 2008 Sharjah International Champion Colt, 2009 Arabesque International (Germany) Bronze Champion Stallion, Baden Baden (Germany) Silver Champion Stallion and Strohen (Germany) B Show Silver Champion Stallion and 2010 Egyptian Event Europe Silver Champion Stallion; 2007 Qatar National Reserve Champion Colt Sawfan Al Nasser (Ashhal Al Rayyan x Amira Al Nasser); and Shagran Al Nasser (Ansata Selman x Dana Al Nasser), whose titles include 2006 Qatar International Reserve Junior Champion Colt and Qatar National Champion Colt and 2008 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Junior Champion Colt. Shagran Al Nasser is the sire of 2008 Qatar National Cham­ pion Weanling Filly Sarah Al Nasser, who is Egyptian related. There are now two Al Nasser bred stallions at stud in the U.S.A. *Suhal Al Nasser (Ashhal Al Rayyan x Konouz by Imperial Mahzeer) has won every class he has been entered in at the American Egyptian Event and has sired winners there as well. *Laheeb Al Nasser (*AI Adeed Al Shaqab x Bint Saida Al Nasser), the son of two World Champions, is now owned by DeShazer Arabians of the United States and Alfabia Stud of Italy and was a Leading Halter Sire at the 2010 Egyptian Event. Other Egyptian breeders are emerging, including the Al Naif Stud of Sheikh Abdullah Bin Nasir Al Ahmed Al-Thani, established in 1996. Al Naif has both Arabian show horses and racing stock. The show horses are all straight Egyptian Among the foundation stock was the stallion An­ sata Nile Echo, the 2001 and 2002 Qatar Reserve National Champion Stallion, 2002 Egyptian Classic International (Holland) Senior Champion Stallion, and 1998 Qatar National Junior Champion Colt. Ansata Nile Echo's daughter Mona Al Naif (x Ansata Mouna) was the Champion Filly Foal at the 2009 Egyptian Event Europe. Al Naif also owns Ansata Shalim (Ansata Halim Shah x Ansata Nefertari), winner of the 1997 Qatari 3 year old colt class and sire of 2005 Qatar International Reserve Senior Cham­ pion Mare, 2002 Qatar International Junior Champion Filly and World Junior Champion Filly and 2009 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Mare and Scandinavian Gold Champion Mare Johara Al Naif (x Al Johara) and 2007 Qatar National Champion Stallion, 2008 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Stallion, and 2009 Scandinavian Silver Champion Stallion Jandeh Al Naif (x Ansata Nile Gypsy), who has many other champion­ ships to his credit. This stud also owns 2003 and 2004 Qatar Reserve National Champion Stallion Ansata Haisam (Ansata Hejazi x Alanejha Nahme), and 2006 Qatar International Reserve Senior Champion Stallohara M Naif (Ansata Shahlim x A llo h a ra ). lion Ansata Nile Fcho (Ansata Hejazi x Ansata White Nile), sire of 2007 ludith Wich photo. Qatar Reserve National Champion Filly Daya Al Naif (x Ansata Paloma). 43

Mares at the farm include Johara Al Naif, 2002 Qatar National Champion Mare RN Mezna (Imperial Mahzeer x Ansata Magnifica), Uruguay Champion Mare Ansata Aya Nadira, 2002 Qatar Reserve National Champion Filly Simeon Se'Ate (Anaza Bay Shahh x Simeon Sippora), 2004 Qatar National Champion MareFtoon Al Shaqab (an Egyptian sired daugh­ ter of *Al Adeed Al Shaqab), and 2007 Qatar National Champion Mare AnsataMouna (Farres x Talmona), also the 2009 Weis International Senior Champion Mare and Vilhelmsborg and Scandinavian Bronze Champion Mare. Al Naif bred and owned 2008 Qatar Reserve National Champion Filly Batoul Al Naif (by Ansata Sahir), who is Egyptian sired. The Al Naif bred Zakhira Al Naif is the dam of 2010 Kuwait Gold Champion Colt Naif Al Danat (by Ansata Sahir). KUWAIT The present day country of Kuwait, once a Greek colony during the age of Alexander the Great, was also an important center of the pearl trade. The ruling Sheikhs of the al-Sabah family, originally from the Nejd region of the Arabian Peninsula, is thought to have arrived in Kuwait in the early 1700's. Known as the first "oil" state, vast reserves were discovered here in 1936 when the initial wells were sunk. Thereafter, Kuwaiti citizens enjoyed one of the world's highest standards of living. Tragically, along with the terrible destruction and loss of human life, all of the Arabian horses of this country were killed during the Gulf War. It is a great testimony to the perseverance of the Kuwaiti people that this country now boasts several influential private breeders and has established an Arabian Horse Center to foster interest in the breed. To begin their breeding anew, Kuwait's breed­ ers have gathered a superb group of Egyptian Arabians. Kuwait is poised and ready to once again hold a place as one of the world's most important Arabian horse breed­ Ansata H eja zi (Ansata Halim Shah x Ansata Sudarra). ing countries. C igi Crasso photo. There is keen interest in Egyptian bloodlines. Proof of this can be seen in the results of the first Kuwait National Championship show held in 2010, as nine of the 12 cham­ pions were straight Egyptian or Egyptian sired. Several new breeders have established choice studs built on straight Egyptian imports. Mr. Usamah Al-Kazemi of the Ezzain Stud has acquired mares and stallions from USA, Egypt and France. In 1998 he imported Ansata Al Murtajiz (Ansata Hejazi x Ansata Samsara). Many of the Ezzain mares were bred by Dr Hans Nagel of Germany, from whom he imported his first straight Egyptian mares in 1997, the fillies NK Nada (Adnan x Nashua), NK Yasmin (Adnan x Helala), and NK Jurie (NK Hafid Jamil x NK Nariman). Mr Al-Kazemi has purchased a total of 13 horses from Dr Nagel. His homebred Ezz Ezzain (Ansata Almurtajiz x Najeiah) has won two national championships in Egypt as well as a championship at the Egyptian Event Europe. The 2010 Bahrain National Champion Mare Nabaweyyah Ezzain (Ansata Almurtajiz x NK Nakeebya) was also bred at Ezzain Stud. Mr. Mahmood El-Zubaid has imported horses from Germany, Mr. Mohammed Al Marzouk of the Ajmal Arabian Stud imported Ansata Hejazi (sire of 2001 Qatar National Junior Champion Colt Ansata Haisam and 2002 Arabian Horse at Home Show Champion Mare Ansata Nile Pearl) and the Nagel bred stallions Shahin (Salaa El Dine x Ameera) and Adnan (Salaa El Dine x Ghazala). Significant mares of the Ajmal Stud include the 2002 purchase of Ansata Magnifica and *Bint Amal from the Al-Rayyan Stud in Qatar. He also owns Ansata Samari (Ansata Hejazi x Ansata Samarra). The Al Jazira Stud, owned by Talal Al Mehri, imported the noted German sire El Thay Mameluk (Ibn Nazeema x El Thay Mansoura). Al Jazira is also the breeder and owner of three 2010 Kuwait National Champions: Silver Champion Mare Mezna Aljazira (Sinan Al Rayyan x Maha Aljazira), 2010 Kuwait Bronze Champion Mare Yathreb Aljazira (Ansata Hejazi x Taira), and Silver Champion Stallion Ezz Aljazira (Sinan Al Rayyan x Jamala Al Zamet). Other straight Egyptian breeders in Kuwait include Al Safinat Farm, owned by Khaled Ben Shokor, who owns Wahag Al Rayyan (Alidaar x Ansata Majesta) and daughters of Dalul, Ruminaja Ali, Prince Fa Moniet and *Jamilll; Al Danat Stud in the Wafra agricultural region owned by Mr Mohammed Al-Omar, who owns the 2010 Kuwait Gold Champion Filly Shalwa (Sinan Al Rayyan x Al Galyla); and Al Sharg/AI Rayah stud, owned by Talal al Nisf and Alaa Al Roumi, owners of 2010 Kuwait Bronze Champion Stallion Wadah Al Sharg (Ansata Hejazi x Mouna Al Rayyan). They also bought Ansata Al Murtajiz in 2008. He is currently on lease to Al Kharafi Arabians and El Farida Studs in Egypt. Al Kharafi also owns 2003 Egyptian Reserve National Cham­ pion Colt Ajmal Sinan (Ansata Hejazi x Sanana). 44

A visit to Kuwait would not be complete without seeing Bait Al Arab (the state stud of Kuwait founded in 1980), where Ansata Sirius (Ansata lemhotep x Ansata Sekhmet) has stood at stud since 2003. The 2007 W .A.H .O trophy winner for Kuwait is Latiefa (Hamasa Khazzan - Hamasa Tarifa), owned by Bait Al Arab, her dam was imported from Germany in 1992. A large importation was made in 1998 under the guidance of Mohammad Al Qatami and Usamah Al-Kazemi that included Ansata White Nile (Prince Fa Moniet x Ansata Nile Gift), who founded an important family at Bait Al Arab, In February 2010, the first Kuwait National Championship show was held. Nine of the 12 champions named were straight Egyptian or Egyptian sired, with four sired by the Al Jazira head sire, 2003 Qatar National and International Reserve Champion Colt Sinan Al Rayyan (Ansata Sinan x Al Wajba Al Rayyan), and two by Ansata Hejazi. Ansata Sirius (Ansata lem hotep x Ansata Sekhm et) C igi Crasso photo.

THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES The United Arab Emirates, known as the U.A.E., consists of seven distinct Sheikhdoms: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm al Qaiwain, Ras al Khaimah and Fujairah. In the past decade, the U.A.E. has gained a worldwide position of prominence in the equestrian world, principally because of their avid participation and success in international Thor­ oughbred racing. Of all the Gulf States, the U.A.E. has the most well-established horse industry, with show jumping and endurance racing also popular sports. Like the other states of the region, horse enthusiasts in the U.A.E., particularly in the ruling families, are now enthusiastically breeding and racing Arabian horses. The Emirates have collected a variety of bloodlines of the world's most successful Arabians, including several Egyptian lines. ABU DHABI Nothing written about the Gulf or Arab world would be complete without special mention of H.H. Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al-Nahayyan, popular ruler of Abu Dhabi who has long been a staunch and generous supporter of the Ara­ bian horse worldwide. Straight Egyptian and Egyptian-bred horses grace his royal stables as well as those of his sons and other U.A.E. breeders. Three Egyptian-related race horses sired by the straight Egyptian stallion, ZT Ali Baba (Moniet El Nefis x Imperial Al Ahbab) have been most successful on the U.A.E. tracks: the "supersonic sisters" Victorias Secrett (re­ named Kahayla for her career in the Middle East), winner of both the 1994 and 1995 H.H. Sheikh Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum Challenge, Unchainedd Melody (renamed Alanudd in the Middle East), 1993 and 1996 winner of the Nationals Day Cup, The Presidents Cup, The Emirates Championship etc., and the grey stallion, Izentespeshal, winner of the National Panasonic Trophy. Horses from the U.A.E. have also taken part in other Gulf activities including success­ ful wins at the Qatar National Shows. Abu Dhabi is now home to Al Aryam Arabians, owned by HH Sheikh Hamdan Bin Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan. Al Aryam owned 2003 and 2007 Ajman Reserve National Champion Stallion Ora El Masri (Orashaan x Alianda) at the time of his win. He is Egyptian sired. The farm also owns the straight Egyptian stallion DaVinci KA (Makhsous x DB Shahlaha), the sire of 2005 U.A.E. Junior Champion Filly R.S. Kasiba. Al Aryam also owns two mares bred by the Simeon Stud of Australia: the Egyptian sired Simeon Serah (by Imperial Madaar) and the straight Egyptian Simeon Sidrah (Anaza Bay Shahh x Simeon Savan), the 2003 Ajman Reserve National Champion Filly and dam of 2009 Ajman Junior Champion Filly Al Aram Suhayla. AJMAN Ajman has had its own National show since 2003. A new breeder in Ajman who owns Egyptian Arabians is the Ajman Stud, owned by Sheikh Ammar Bin Humaid Al Nuaimi, Crown Prince of Ajman, founded in 2002. The farm now owns the fabulous mare Loubna by Imperial Imdal, who was named 2006 World Reserve Champion Mare, 2006 European Champion Mare, 2007 Middle East Champion Mare and 2008 Dubai International Champion Mare under the Ajman Stud banner. The stud owns two more Ariela bred horses, who are 3/4 siblings: the stallion Al-Bilal (*AI Maraam x Bahiha), a former Israeli National Champion Colt and Israeli Egyptian Event Champion Stallion, and Badawieh AA (*Laheeb IASB x Bahiha), who has won Sharjah International Junior Champion Filly and Dubai International Silver Champion Filly, among other titles, since her acquisition. Ajman Stud also owns U.S. Top Ten Mare AOTH MC Alexsis (The Elixir 45

M C A le x sis. Suzanne Sturgill photo.

x AK Athena), named 2008 Norwegian Reserve National Champion Mare and Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Champion Mare since her purchase. Another recent purchase is the many times champion mare inEurope andNationalwinner producer The Princess of Egypt (Orayan x Shahneekha), the 2009 SharjahSilver Champion Mare, 2007Egyptian Event Europe Champion Mare. 2003 Sharjah and U.A.E. Champion Mare and 2006 Qatar International Top Five Mare Barasha El Naarah (El Thay Ibn Halim Shah x Al Basra) was owned by Ajman Stud at the time of her Middle Eastern wins, she is a previous German National Champion Mare. Another Ajman Stud owned winner was AJ Razan (Ashhal Al Rayyan x Rahaba Al Naif), the 2005 Ajman Reserve National Champion Filly. DUBAI In Dubai the Al-Maktoum family generously supports Arabian racing and marathons both in the Middle East and in Europe, sponsor­ ing important purses to encourage these sports. In accordance with his interest in Arabian racing and Arabian horses, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum established the Dubai Stud in 2008, which is the first significant Arabian farm in Dubai to own straight Egyptian horses. Dubai Stud owns of 2009 World Champion Stallion Royal Co­ lours (True Colours x Xtreme Wonder, also now owned by the Stud); 2007 Australian National Champion Mare and 2008 Mediterranean (Menton) Reserve Champion Mare *Simeon Sehavi (Asfour x Sime­ on Sheba); and 2008 Arabesque Champion Mare and Baden Baden International Champion Mare Frasera Mashara (*Shahil ITSB x MB Madora). Recent Dubai Stud owned Egyptian sired winners include 2008 European Reserve Champion Mare and World Bronze Champion Mare Martinique (by Ansata Sinan), 2008 Bettona International Champion Royal Colours (True Colours x Xtreme Wonder). Mare *Fer Mia SSB (J.K. Nasser x Martinique), 2010 El Jadidia Gold Stuart Vesty photo. Champion Colt and Dubai International and Ajman Silver Champion Colt D Maraksh (by Royal Colours), 2010 Prague Intercup the Gold Champion Filly D Deemah(by Royal Colours) and the Silver Champion Stallion Al Milan (by *AI Lahab GASB). D Deemah wasalso GoldChampion Filly at the El Jadidia show in Morocco. Under the directorship of Mohamed Al Tawidi, the Dubai Stud has sought to acquire the best show horses in the world of various bloodlines and they are succeeding in that goal. In keeping with Al Tawidi's drive to make the Stud the world's best, in 2009 foals were born from several straight Egyptian mares including Xtreme Wonder, sired by the long deceased Ruminaja Ali using the OCSI procedure, and future plans include acquiring more straight Egyptian mares to continue producing Ruminaja Ali offspring from frozen semen. One of the most important shows for Arabians on the calendar is the Dubai International, which began in 2004 and attracts competitors from the Middle East and Europe. In 2007 the Dubai International Champion Stallion was the straight Egyptian *AI Lahab GASB (*Laheeb IASB x The Vision HG), bred in Israel at Ariela Arabians and owned by the Friedmanns of Germany, a truly international horse who has won top honors in North America, Europe and the Middle East. He was also awarded the Dubai Gold Cup, following a specific point system the Dubai Gold Cup Champions were named after participated at the following shows: Menton 2006/France, Borgloon 2006/Belgium, U.K. International, 2006/Great Britain, and the Dubai International Arabian Horse Championships 2007/Dubai show - double points). The prize money for each Dubai Gold Cup Champion was $100,000! At the 2009 Dubai International the Champion Stal­ lion was once again a straight Egyptian, this time Royal Colours (True Colours x Xtreme Wonder), owned by the Dubai Stud, and the Silver Champion Filly, Badawieh AA, was also straight Egyptian. The Egyptian sired El Palacio VO (by *AI Lahab GASB) was the Gold Champion Colt. The 2010 Dubai International had two straight Egyptian champions, Bronze Champion Mare Badawieh AA (*Laheeb IASB x Bahiha) and Gold Champion Stallion *Al Lahab GASB (*Laheeb IASB x The Vision HG). SHARJAH In Sharjah the royal stud of H.H. Dr. Sheikh Sultan Al Qassemi plays an important role in the Gulf. The Al-Qassemi family shares a love for Arabian horses and have an excellent collection, many of which are Egyptian-bred. After the 1996 World Arabian Horse Organization convention, H.H. Dr. Sheikh Sultan and his sons and daughters hosted many WAHO members to a beautifully choreographed presentation of their horses. The Al-Qassemi Stud could well be lik­ ened to a choice pearl for which the Arabian Gulf is so famous. Successful show horses from the stud include 2004 Ajman National Reserve Junior Champion Colt Darraj (Crusader SE x Heloua), 2004 Sharjah International and UAE In­ ternational Reserve Champion Stallion Farid Nile Moon (Anaza El Farid x GA Moon Tajhalima), who sadly passed away 46

shortly after his win, 2004 Sharjah Reserve Junior Champion Filly Nurjis (Crusader SE x Sadisha), and 2006 U.A.E. National Junior Champion Filly Deemah (Belbowrie Obsidian x Najiebah). Another successful show horse from the Al Qasimi Stables is the Egyptian sired Ibn Batra (Belbowrie Obsidian x Al Patra), whose titles include 2006 Ajman National Reserve Junior Champion Colt, 2006 Ramadan (UAE) Junior Champion Colt, 2006 Sharjah Reserve National Champion Colt, 2007 UAE National Reserve Junior Champion Colt and 2010 Ajman Silver Champion Stallion. Currently the stud's most successful show mare is Kahielat Khalid (*AI Adeed Al Shaqab x Deserree), whose wins include 2009 Sharjah International Bronze Champion Mare, 2010 Ajman Bronze Champion Mare and Sharjah and Abu Dhabi Silver Champion Mare. The Albidayer Stud is owned by Sheikh Mohammed Bin Saud Al Qasimi and owns some straight Egyptian horses and Egyptian sired horses. Their stallion Tammam Albadeia (Simeon Sharav x Tamima Albadeia) was bred by Dr. Nasr Marei of Egypt and is the 2006 Egyptian National Champion Junior Colt, 2007 Sharjah Egyp­ tian Event Junior Champion Colt, and 2008 U.A.E. Egyptian Event Senior Champion Stallion, 2009 United Arab Emirates Show Bronze Champion Stallion and 2010 Ajman Bronze Champion Stallion. The farm also owns two Egyptian sired mares, Pustynna Droga (by *Laheeb IASB), the 2008 Casino Cup Champion Mare, and ZT Richlover (by Richter MH). Straight Egyptian mares are Ajmal Nejdiah (Ansata Hejazi x Najma Al Rayyan) and Imperial Baarah (Imperial Baarez x Imperial Phandala), who has two lines to World Champion Stallion Imperial Imdal. The newest stud in Sharjah, Alzobair Stud, is owned by Sheikh Abdullah Al Thani. The Alzobair breeding program has a strong straight Egyptian element and one of the main show horses is Maliha Bouznika (Imperial Mashhar x Imdalia by Imperial Imdal), 2003 Qatar International Reserve Champion Mare and 2002 Sharjah Junior Champion Filly. She is also a Most Classic Head winner. Alzobair bred the 2004 Sharjah Junior Champion Filly the Egyptian-related Jamilla Al Zobair (Ashhal Al Rayyan x My Silk Stocking), now owned by the Al Khalediah Stud in Saudi Arabia and a multiple champion in Egypt and Europe including 2010 Nations Cup Silver Champion Mare. The 2006 Ajman National Cham­ pion Mare and U.A.E. Champion Mare is Mmecca (Al Baraki x Imperial Maysama), also from the Alzobair Stud. Alzobair owns 2004 Ajman Reserve National Champion Mare Khameela (PVA Kariim x Binstril) and bred 2005 Qatar Interna­ tional Champion Colt Alzeer Al Rayyan (Alidaar x RN Farida), who stands at stud at Alzobair. Alzobair was one of the partners in the Egyptian related stallion Khidar (by Ansata Sinan), the 2003 Nations Cup and World Reserve Champion Stallion and an international sire of champions. All four of the champions at the 2005 Ajman National Show were from Alzobair and included the straight Egyptian Junior Champion Filly Rayhana Alzobair (Ansata Selman x Al Mamunah), the Egyptian sired Junior Champion Colt Munir Alzobair (by Ashhal Al Rayyan), Senior Champion Mare Dalai Alzobair (*Al Adeed Al Shaqab x Khameela) and the non Egyptian Champion Stallion El Baz. Alzobair now owns the 2009 Ajman Champion Stallion, Maydan-Mahdeen (Maysoun x Mesaoudah-M) and bred the 2009 UAE Reserve Champion Stallion, Mahna Al Zobair, a full brother to Munir Alzobair. At the 2009 Sharjah Straight Egyptian show, nearly all the champi­ ons were from Alzobair: Champion Stallion Maydan-Madheen, Reserve Champion Stallion Alzeer Al Rayyan, Reserve Champion Mare Hamra Shanna (Ali Valentino x Long MTS Carriba), Junior Champion Filly Bint Al Mamunah Al Zobair (*AI Adeed Al Shaqab x Al Mamunah), and Reserve Junior Champion Colt Mansoor Al Zobair (*AI Lahab GASB x Hamra Shanna) BAHRAIN Bahrain is the only island state in the Gulf, and is actually comprised of some thirty-three islands. Because of its strategic location, Bahrain has a long history as an important trading center, interacting with such civilizations as the Sumerians, Greeks, Persians, Portuguese, Turks, and most recently the British. Bahrain was the first area outside of the Arabian Peninsula to embrace Islam, and was an important part of later Islamic dynasties. The present ruling family of the al-Khalifas came to the island from Kuwait, and is related to the Al-Sabah family of that country. Bahrain is yet another Gulf State with strong ties to the horse breeding tribes of the Arabian Peninsula, and for centuries has been a source of pure desertbred Arabians of the finest bloodlines. With the discovery of oil, and subsequent modernization, Arabian N abaw eyyah Ezzain (Ansata A l M urtajiz x N K Nakeebya). Gigi Crasso photo.


horse breeding declined in many of the Arab Gulf States until very recently. The al-Khalifas of Bahrain are to be com­ mended for carefully guarding the traditional lines of their Arabian horses throughout this period of transition. Bahrain is of special significance to the Egyptian Arabian horse because of several Egyptian lines that descend from the desertbreds of this country. The first Bahrain National Show was held in 2006, and the winners were dominated by straight Egyptian horses owned by Waheed Al Aali and bred by the Al Rayyan Stud of Qatar, including Champion Mare Falha Al Rayyan (Alidaar x Amar), Reserve Champion Mare Salama Al Shakhoura (Naif Al Rayyan x RN Ghazalla), and Reserve Champion Stallion Naif Al Rayyan (*AI Aadeed Al Shaqab x RN Safia). The 2010 Bahrain National Champion Mare is Nabaweyyah Ezzain (Ansata Almurtajiz x NK Nakeebya), a straight Egyptian mare bred in Kuwait. OMAN The Sultanate of Oman is a dramatically beautiful country, with impressive mountains leading to unspoiled beaches along the emerald-green Arabian Gulf, and vast dunes that stretch to the Empty Quarter of the Arabian Peninsula. In many ways Oman has remained relatively isolated from the rest of the Gulf States, and has the most limited oil reserves of the group. In times past, however, Oman built an empire based on the lucrative frankincense trade, and extended its control to the east coast of Africa. Sultan Qaboos bin Said, the present day ruler of the country, descends from Ahmed bin Said, who was elected Imam in 1749. Sultan Qaboos has done a very commendable job of preserving his country's traditional culture, while availing his citizens of the conveniences of the modern world. The Sultan maintains an impres­ sive stable of Arabian horses, and there are also several private breeders in the country. Due to Oman's long ties with the British, many of these horses have Egyptian ancestry through English-bred horses that were imported to the country. JORDAN The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has been an integral part of the Arabian horse scene since time immemorial. Its major Egyptian affiliation, however, began in the mid-90's. The Royal Stable owns several straight Egyptian colts and Egyptian-bred fillies. One of the current stars of the Royal Stables is the 2005 Middle Eastern Champion Stallion and 2005, 2007 and 2008 Jordanian National Champion Stallion Shamekh Al Shaqab (Ansata Sinan x Malaykaj.The Jaafar Stud of Majdi Al Saleh and H.R.H. Princess Zein Al Hussein is primarily of straight Egyptian bloodlines, and the Al Nakeeb stud also boasts an outstanding collection of straight Egyptian mares. Queen Rania Al Abdullah owns 2008 Jor­ danian Reserve National Champion Mare Deemat Al Fahdiyah (Thee Ricochet x II Tesca Mrt.), who is Egyptian sired. Beginning in 1992 the Middle East Championship show was established under the patronage of H.R.H. King Hus­ sein of Jordan. H.R.H. Princess Alia Al Hussein has been largely responsible for the show's success, and is known as a goodwill ambassadress and judge worldwide. She is also an accomplished breeder in her own right. The Egyptian-re­ lated stallion Hlayyil Ramadan (Kamar El Zaman x Baboub), from the Royal Jordanian Stud, is the 2002 World Reserve Champion Stallion, the 2002 Vilhemsborg International (Denmark) Champion Stallion, Tulip Cup (Holland) Champion Stallion and Elran Cup (Belgium) Champion Stallion, as well as 2001 Middle East Champion Stallion. A number of breeders and owners in Jordan are participating successfully in both theJordanNational Championship show and the Middle East Championships held there each fall. The Al Da'aja Stud owns the Egyptian sired 2009 Jor­ danian National Bronze Champion Stallion and 2010 Middle East Silver Champion Stallion Taj Tai (Thee Desperado x Tai Emerald Bey) and the National Bronze Champion Mare Paris (Ansata Safeer x Shaima).SaidKhair Stables owns the straight Egyptian 2004 Jordanian National Champion Filly Kuhaylah Maar Hala (Richter MH x Thee China Doll), 2009 Jordanian National Bronze Champion Colt and 2010 Jordanian Bronze Champion Stallion Al Bourak (El Thay Mansour x True Sahara TDD) and 2008 Jordanian Reserve National Champion Filly Jawaher Al Khair (El Thay Mansour x Simeon Sakana). They also owned 2002 Jordanian Reserve National Champion Mare Cleopatra (Imperial Immarouf x Minstrils Grace). Mr. Nofal Kahook owns 2007 Jordanian Reserve Junior Champion Filly Ammoorah (Shamekh Al Shaqab x Ayah) and 2008 Middle East Top Five Stallion Impressionante LDV (Imtaarif x Amurah), who is straight Egyp­ tian. Ayah Al Feisa owns 2007 Jordanian Reserve National Champion Reem Al Nasser (by Mujahid), who is Egyptian sired. Amman Stables owns the Egyptian sired 2010 Middle East Bronze Champion Mare Kyjara (Kyro Ka x Baccara). Originally established to showcase the horses from Jordan, the Middle East Championship show has expanded to include participation from other Arab countries as well. Egyptian horses have done very well in this competition. In 1992, AK Zayaadah (TheEgyptianPrince x Raalima) was named Supreme Champion Mare (she was also named Reserve Champion Mare in 1994), and Kamasayyah (Im perial A l Kamar x Sundar in 1993 the Junior Female Champion was Kamsayyah (Imperial Al Kamar x Alisayyah. C igi Crasso photo. 48

Sundar Alisayyah). Bearing her new name of Kamasayyah, she was named the 1994 Mideast Reserve Junior Champion Filly, 1995 Mideast Junior Champion Filly and Supreme Champion Female, 1995 Jordanian International Reserve Junior Champion Filly and 1996 Qatari National Champion Mare. In 1994, Imperial Phanilah was named the Mideast Cham­ pion Mare (she was also Qatari National Champion Mare and World Senior Champion Mare at the Salon Du Cheval). Also in 1994, Ansata Malaha was the Mideast Junior Champion Filly. In 1995, Kaamil Batal was the Middle Eastern Champion Stallion, Imperial Kalatifa (Imperial Al Kamar x AK Latifa) the Middle Eastern Reserve Junior Champion Filly, and Al Rayyan ("Imperial Madheen x Imperial Naffata) the Middle Eastern Junior Champion Colt, and Maar Bilahh (El Halimaar x Bint Nabilahh) the Middle Eastern Champion Mare. In 1996, Imperial Mahzeer (*lmperial Madheen x Maar Bilahh) was named Jordanian International Reserve Champion Stallion while his son Laith El Nasser (x Imperial Sanama) was the Jordanian Junior Champion Colt and Middle East Reserve Junior Champion Colt. Other straight Egyptian win­ ners at the 1996 Jordanian International Show include Reserve Champion Mare (also Middle East Show Champion Mare) AK Fanniya ("Ansata Ibn Halima x Narimaan), Reserve Junior Champion Colt Alaa El Deen, originally named Ansata Aladdin, (Ansata Halim Shah x RXR Lia Moniet), and Junior Champion Filly Ansata Marha (Ansata Manasseh x Ansata Meryta), who was also 1996 Middle East Junior Champion Filly, 1997 Qatari Junior Champion Filly, and 1998 Middle East Reserve Champion Mare. At the 1996 Middle East Show also held in Jordan, the Junior Champion Filly was Alia Al Shaqab (already mentioned). Reserve to her and winner of the most classic head competition was The Vision HG (Thee Desperado x Belle Staar), later dam of 1999 Nations Cup Junior Champion Colt Al Maraam. Named 1998 Middle East Champion Stallion and 1999 Jordanian Reserve National Champion Stallion was the very masculine American bred Royal Mikhiel (Nabiel x *Pharrah). The 1998 Jordanian Champion Mare was MB Kershana (*Orashan x Keraima). The 1998 Jordanian Junior Champion Colt was Battar El Nasser (Imperial Mahzeer x Imperial Kaliya). The 1998 Middle East Junior Champion Filly was RN Farida (Salaa El Dine x Noha), of German Egyptian bloodlines. She is also the 2001 Qatar International Champion Mare. Named 1999 Jordanian National Champion Mare and Middle East Champion Mare was Bint Saida Al Nasser (Imperial Mahzeer x Saida). The 1999 Middle East Champion Stallion is *AI Adeed Al Shaqab, later World Champion Stallion in 2003. The 2002 Middle East Champion Mare is Ansata Nile Pearl (Ansata Hejazi x Ansata White Nile). 2002 Jordanian Reserve National Champion Stallion and 2008 Jordanian National Champion Stallion is Shamekh Al Shaqab (Ansata Sinan x Malayka). In 2003, the Jordanian National Champion Filly was the Egyptian sired Sundos Al Nasser (by Ashhal Al Rayyan). 2004 Middle East Reserve Junior Champion Colt is the straight Egyptian Sinan Al Nasser (Thaqib Al Nasser x Shalan Al Nasser). Insh Allah (Ashhal Al Rayyan x India) has won two titles at Jordanian shows: 2005 Middle East Reserve Junior Champion Colt and 2008 Jordanian Reserve National Champion Stallion. He is owned by H.M. King Abdullah bin Al Hussein of Jordan. The 2005 Middle East Reserve Champion Stallion is *F Shamaal (Maysoun x Sarameena). Named 2009 Jordanian National Bronze Champion Colt and 2010 Jordanian Bronze Champion Stallion was Al Bourak (El Thay Mansour x True Sahara TDD). Since the Arab world has been steadily westernizing, many of the western cultural ideals are being appreciated by them. The Arabs have become avid collectors of fine art, and it is obvious that they have re-awakened to the fact that the Arabian horse is their rightful heritage. Old traditions are being renewed and Arabian horse breeding is taking its rightful place there once again. ISRAEL Israel has gradually built a group of fine straight Egyptian and Egyptian-related horses through various importations, and Egyptian bloodlines are now the most successful in show ring competition there. Since 2005, there has also been a show specializing in Egyptian bloodlines there, initially called the Israeli Egyptian Event (2005-2008) and renamed the Egyptian Cup in 2009, and will be called the Israeli Egyptian Event again in 2010. The Egyptian Cup show added classes for horses sired by a straight Egyptian stallion as well as holding classes for straight Egyptian competitors. The first straight Egyptian stallion to come to Israel was Al-Nahr Montego (*lbn Moniet El Nefous x Bint Fada), imported by Kibbutz Sha'ar Ha Golan in 1982. Al-Nahr Montego was notable for his bloody shoulder as well as his talent as a sire. His get have done very well at the Israeli Nationals, where his winners include 1986 Junior Champion Colt Golan Al Faraz (x Farazdoll by "farazdac), sire of 2001 Israeli Reserve National Champion Stallion WM Macharan; 1991 Senior Champion Mare Golan Montega; and 1991 National Champion Stallion Golan Ghazlan (x Ruminaja Ghezala), owned at the time of his win by Mr. Dabush and Mr. Zigdon. Kibbutz Sha'ar Ha Golan also imported the 1986 Israeli Reserve National Champion Stallion Sahadi Shikari (*Asadd x *Kameela), a straight Egyptian stallion leased from Hassel's Arabians of Florida. The kibbutz also imported the Egyptian-related mare Farazdoll, named 1986 Israeli National Champion Mare. Farazdoll is also the dam of Golan Al Faraz and of 1991 Israeli Senior Reserve Champion Mare, the Egyptian-related Jimalaia (by Talagato by "Talal), who was also named a U.S. Top Ten Mare when shown in America in 1988. In 1984 the straight Babson stallion Serr El Roc (Serr Rou x Serr Beth) was imported by Tzviah Idan, who immigrated to Israel that year from Michigan. Unfortunately he died relatively young and left few offspring. Tzviah Idan also owned 49

the 1997 Israeli Reserve National Champion Mare Nahbelle (Nabiel x Masada Bellesabbah). Since 1989 she is in partnership with Kuti Aharon and as Idan Atiq Arabian Stud they have bred show and race winners both in Israel and internationally. Their program features several straight Egyptian mares imported from Hungary's State Stud at Babolna in 2000 and their progeny, including the 2006 Israeli Egyptian Event Champion Mare Alhambra B (Salaa El Dine x 228 Ibn Galal I). Among winners bred by Idan Atiq are 2005 Israeli Egyptian Event Reserve Champion Filly Atiq El Hashem (Sinjabi x Nahbelle), 2006 Israeli Egyptian Event Reserve Champion Filly Foal Atiq Ayla (*Laheeb IASB x Alhambra B by Salaa El Dine), race winners Atiq Al Shams (Ali Valentino x Asra Najuba) and Atiq Horan (Ali Valentino x Hora B), 2010 2-Year-Old Galilee Racing Champion Colt Atiq Maqtub (Majid x Harajana B), and Atiq Haleeb (*Laheeb IASB x Hila B), the 2008 Senior Champion Stallion and Supreme Champion Stallion at the Western Cape Arabian Championship Show at Worcester A tiq H aleeb (* Laheeb IA SB x Hila B). in South Africa, and 2008 Supreme National Champion Stallion of Stuart Vesty photo. Namibia. Idan Atiq currently stands the Malik GASB son Majid (x Al Sachra Bint Amal), the Hungarian-bred endurance and race horse El Aziz B (Salaa el Dine x 20 Abbas Pasha I), and the home-bred Atiq Hilal (* Laheeb IASB x Hila B). The next straight Egyptian horses were imported by Kibbutz Sha'ar Ha Golan. This group included the 1991 Israeli Senior Reserve Champion Stallion PH Sham (*Lancer's Sahm x Noufina), owned at the time of his win by Holy Land Arabians. Also in this group was the straight Babson mare Fa Mahfina (Serr Rou x Mahfina), also owned by Holy Land Arabians. Other early Egyptian breeders in Israel include Robert Cohen, owner of the Sherif Pasha daughters Sherifa Bint Wedad and Sabiha; Mr. E. Bobby Shapiro, who imported 1986 Israeli National Champion Stallion Sahji (Shakhs x Bint Jehan) from England; Menachen Roi Riger, owner of 1992 American Egyptian Event Senior Champion Mare and World Reserve Junior Champion Mare and 1994 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Mare Tareefs Sa Diyyah (Hadaya El Tareef x Saadaa); and Jakov (Kobi) Zirensky, importer of 1993 Israeli Reserve Junior Champion Filly KZ Mileen ("“Imperial Madheen x Akhtiaree) Most of Zirensky's horses are of Imperial or Montebello breeding. In 2009 he joined Yaron Zakun as joint owner of Al Hadiyyah AA bred by Ariela Arabians, a champion in Israel and Europe and full brother to Al Raheb AA and World Champion *AI Lahab GASB. Ofer Braz has been breeding straight Egyptian horses for racing for a number of years and in 2010 has horses he bred and owns racing on U.S. tracks and has raced in Europe in the past. He owns the top racehorse and racehorse sire Bariq Al Amal (Baahir x Al Sachra Bint Amal), bred by Ariela Arabians and purchased as a weanling in 1994. A gifted athlete, Bariq began his career as a successful show-jumping horse, competing extensively against Hanoverians, Anglo-Arabs and other warmbloods all over Israel for several seasons, and is remembered by sport enthusiasts for eas­ ily clearing fences up to 1 meter 80 cms. In 1999 Bariq won his first Reserve Championship title at halter at the Winter Show at Givat Hayim and in 2000 he came back to win the Championship title at the same show. It was also in the year 2000 that flat racing for purebred Arabians in Israel was first organized. It was immediately obvious that as a race horse Bariq had found his natural calling. From his very first race Bariq Al Amal dominated the Israeli track and was named Race Horse of the Year both in 2000 and 2001. In July of 2001 he was shipped to Europe - the first Israeli-bred horse to compete in recognized Arabian races overseas. He took two first places in Holland, both were races of 1800 meters or more. Bariq also competed in the prestigious Qatar Derby Day in Belgium where he raced against some of Europe's best, and took fourth place in very stiff competition. In Israel he is still rated 3 or 4 seconds faster than the best middledistance track horses running today, and his numbers compare well to the best Arabian race horses in the world. He has run 1400 meters in one minute and 33 and one half seconds and 1800 meters in 2 minutes and 4 seconds. Bariq Al Amal is an excellent sire of race horses and his progeny dominate the Israeli racing scene. His son, Wazir El Kheil (x Fa Mahfina), bred by Ofer Braz, has successfully competed both in-hand and as a race horse, winning the title of 2001 Israeli Reserve Champion Colt as well as still holding the Israeli track record for 900 meters. In 2007 both the Cham­ pion and Reserve Champion Stallions at the Israeli Breeders' Cup were direct Bariq sons, and in the colts section Bariq sons won both first and third places. The two best racing fillies of 2007 were also sired by Bariq. In the 2006 Breeders' Cup both the best racing filly and the best racing mare were Bariq daughters. In recognition of his achievements as an athlete and a sire of athletes, Bariq Al Amal was awarded the 2007 W .A.H .O . trophy representing Israel. Braz Arabians also stands Al Mawardi (*AI Maraam x AK Maisa), winner of 5 races and multiple race winner Moon Tajmahall (Nigmh x GA Moon Tajhalima), a maternal brother to American Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Stallion Farid Nile Moon, 50

and the imported Classic Rashid (Lohim x AK Raiyeh). Previously they stood 2001 Israeli National Champion Stallion Labib (Imperial Imdal x AK Latifa). Their exceptional broodmare band includes Nahal (Imperial Imdal x Sachra Bint Amal), the 2000 Race Mare of the Year and dam of multiple race winner Bagdad and 2006 Mare of the Year Sachra Bint Naffata (Bariq Al Amal x Imperial Naffata). Current influential breeders of Egyptian horses in Israel include Avi and Shimon Aharoni. Their Egyptian-related *Laheeb IASB son AA Assal, twice Israeli Reserve National Champion Colt, is also a multi­ champion in Europe, and was leased in 2008/9 to Ian Woodward and Xanthe Barker-Wild in the UK, where he was named the 2008 South of England Champion Stallion and Supreme Champion of the show. On his return to Israel he was named Reserve Champion Stallion at the 2010 annual Purebred Arabian Championships at Jericho. The Aharonis also own 2008 Israeli Egyptian Event Reserve Champion Colt AA Al Kareem Shah (*AI Maraam x FS Kahlua), Israeli Egyptian Event Shai Diva S M F (*Sim eon Shai x D ance Diva). Reserve Champion Mare F S Kalua (Neshan x Sonbolas Music), 2007 D aryl Larson photo. Israeli Egyptian Event Champion Filly Foal AA-Hanin (Al Bilal x Blue Chelwa), who are both straight Egyptian, and the 2009 Israeli Reserve Champion Mare AA Aseela, a full sister to AA Assal. They bred the 2010 Israeli Silver Champion Mare, AA Ghaniyah (*Laheeb IASB x Gila) and the 2009 Israeli Gold Champion Stallion *AA Al Bashyr (Al Maraam x El Thay Beshira). Another breeder of note are Ronen and Klarit Wolf, who imported the race winning mare HF Aset (Ansata Zahir x Bint Bint Pasha), named Breeders Cup Champion Mare. The Wolfs also imported the important sire HF Darius, a son of Ansata Hejazi, whose get have done well both on the track and in local shows. HF Darius sired Massubi, bred by Eli and Tami Arad, whose dam is their 2004 Israeli Spring Show Reserve Champion Mare Tamara Manara (by Imperial Imdal). Before his tragic early death, Massubi was twice Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Champion Colt and Champion Colt of both the Asil Cup and Egyptian Classic Shows in Europe. The Arads recently sold Maysa AA (Al Ayad x Tamara Manara) to Ariela Arabians. Muhsen and Noor Onallah of the Al Fawaz Stud own a number of straight Egyptian mares, including Zara TDD, an imported champion True Co­ lours daughter. They bred the 2008 Israeli Egyptian Event Reserve Champion Filly Foal Dalaa Al Fawaz (Nader El Jamal x Zara TDD) and the multi-champion straight Egyptian colt Amir Al Jamal (Nader Al Jamal x Atiq Altega) whose titles include 2009 Junior Champion Colt at the 11th Galilee Festival of the Arabian Horse at Kfar Manda and Junior Champion Colt at the 2009 annual Purebred Arabian Championships at Jericho. They bought Al Raheb AA, full brother to World Champion *AI Lahab GASB as a weanling in partnership with Mofeed Sahnini. Al Raheb AA was most recently named 2010 Israeli Bronze Champion Stallion and has prior championship wins at the Israeli Nationals and the Israeli Egyptian Event and Egyptian Breeders Cup. Danny Miro and family imported American Egyptian Event Reserve Junior Champion Colt Entebbe CA (Thee Desperado x Shaamisa Mystique), who became the 2004 Israeli Reserve National Champion Stallion and 2005 Israeli Egyptian Event Champion Stallion. In their broodmare band is the 2006 Israeli Reserve National Champion Filly Malika Belle HG CA (Ansata Malik Shah x Belle Staar) and the 2004 Israeli Reserve National Champion Mare Izara Blue CA (Ansata Hejazi x Minstrils Gabriela), both American imports. They bred 2005 Israeli Egyptian Event Reserve Champion Colt MD Shakel (*AI Maraam x Izara Blue CA), who they exported to South Africa in 2008. They also bred 2006 and 2007 Israeli National Champion Stallion and National Champion sire MD Tallal (by Mosalli) and 2003 Israeli National Champion Colt MD Taladin (by *AI Maraam), both of whom are Egyptian sired. Yuval Keler and David Vakhnin own BKV Arabians. They stand three times Israeli National Champion Mouadaar BKV (Al Bilal x Barakis Whis­ per), a paternal grandson of *AI Maraam. His dam was Reserve Champion Mare at the 2006 Israeli Egyptian Event. They also own 2007 and 2008 Israeli Egyptian Event Reserve Junior Champion Filly Shai Diva SMF (*Simeon Shai x Dance Diva), an American import. Ronen Braver of RB Arabians owns 2010 Israeli Silver Champion Stallion True Colours (Thee Desperado x Daheda), sire of 2009 World Champion Stallion Royal Colours, of 2006 Israeli Egyptian Event Reserve Junior Champion Filly Qatifa Sitara (x Parasha) and 2009 Israeli Egyptian Cup Bronze Medal Colt and 2010 Extremme RSA (x Bahiyaa). RB Arabians also owns 2009 Israeli Silver Champion Stallion Hals Moonshadow (Halameer x Brumarba Moonlady), an American import, and 2010 Israeli Bronze Champion Mare Aroussa (by *AI Maraam), who is Egyptian sired. Ora Gan-Bar's program is based on just one straight Egyptian broodmare and her progeny. Aasifa (Imperial Imdal x Mouna), was 2003 Israel Reserve National Champion Mare and is the dam of the now deceased Shakir by Halim Shah I (Ansata Halim Shah x 224 Ibn Galal I), Junior Champion Colt at the annual Israeli Arabian Spring Show in both 2004 and 2005. A second colt, El Asif by Al Ayad GASB (Moheeb x Al Mamunah) was sold overseas and won the Champion Colt title at the 2009 Lituhanian National Arabian Show. Aasifa's direct daughter Zarka by *Shahir IASB (Salaa el Dine x 51

Imperial Imphayana) is the dam of the exported 2008 colt Munir by Entebbe AA, who was the 2008 Lithuanian National Champion Colt. Ariela Arabians, Israel's leading breeding farm, specializes in exceptional straight Egyptian horses and was originally established in the early 1980's by Uri Ariely under the name Ariely Arabians. Over the years, other partners became involved with the project and since 2001, the year Uri Ariely left the partnership, the farm became the sole property of Eitan Wertheimer, who changed the farm name to Ariela Arabians in honor of his wife, Ariela. The farm is very capably managed by Chen Kedar and has an excellent website with details of events in the stud's history from the 1990s on­ wards. Early importations in 1983 were from Germany and included the mares Al Sachra Bint Amal (Morhaf x Amal al Badiea), Malika "S" (Fikri x Bint Fayek), and Bint Wedad (Hassan x Wedad), dam of Israeli Reserve National Champion Mare and National Champion producer Bint Bint Wedad, among others. In 1985 Nizam (Shaarawi x Nazeema) was imported, and he sired 1993 Israeli Junior Champion Colt Nahgeeb (x Al Sachra Bint Amal). In 1986 Ariely Arabians imported Malik (Hadban Enzahi x Malika) from Germany, noted as the sire of Asfour, a sire of Australian National Cham­ pions. Bred to Malika "S" he sired 1993 Israeli Reserve National Champion Mare Mouna, and he also sired 1988 Israeli Reserve National Champion Filly Musaliha out of the *Jamilll daughter Nil Nour. In 1988 National Champion producer KP Bint Tuhotmos (by *Tuhotmos) was imported from Germany along with her dam Bint Bint Wedad, later an Israeli National Champion. She produced Feysal Ibn Farag (by Farag), who was named 1993 Israeli Reserve National Champion Stallion. Ariela Arabians has also imported horses from America. Since 1991 they have acquired AK Latifa (*lbn Moniet El Nefous x Siralima), dam of 1994 Israeli Junior Champion Colt Imperial Latif and 1994 Israeli National Champion Filly and 1997 National Champion Mare and National Champion producer Imperial Kalatifa (both by Imperial Al Kamar) and of multi-Israeli National Champion Stallion *Laheeb IASB, the first straight Egyptian stallion to stand at stud on lease in Poland. *Laheeb IASB has also been on lease in America, where he was named 2006 Egyptian Event Reserve Supreme Champion to his son *AI Lahab! AK Latifa is also the dam of Loubna (by Imperial Imdal), one of the most decorated straight Egyptian show mares of all time, with wins in Europe and the Middle East. Ariela also imported Baahir (Ibn El Mareekh x GF Nasr Bataa), the 1994 Israeli National Champion Stallion and sire of 2003 Israeli National Champion Mare and National Champion producer Bahiha, and grandsire of 2001 Israeli Reserve Junior Champion Colt Wazir El Kheil; SES Khebria (*Orashan x Ra'adin Khebira), 1992 Egyptian Event Junior Champion Filly and 1994 Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Mare and 1993 World Reserve Junior Champion Filly later sold back to America; U.S. Top Ten Futurity Filly and 1993 Israeli National Champion Mare and National Champion producer Maar Bilahh (El Halimaar x Bint Nabilahh); 1994 Israeli National Champion Mare and National Champion pro­ ducer Imperial Im Phayana (Ansata Imperial x Imperial Phanadah), twice Israeli National Champion Mare and National Champion producer The Vision HG (Thee Desperado x Belle Staar), 2000 Nations Cup Reserve Champion Mare and 1996 Nations Cup Champion Mare BSA Aliya (Ruminaja Ali x Aniya); the American regional halter champions Imperial Naffata (Moniet El Nafis x Imperial Fanniya) and Imperial Im Tiarah (Ansata Imperial x Imperial Mistry), dam of 2001 Israeli Junior Champion Filly Bahiha. From 1994 -1996 Ariely Arabians leased U.S. Reserve National Champion Stallion and World Champion Stallion Imperial Imdal (Ansata Imperial x Dalia), from Vallee Arabians. In addition to his Israeli National Champions already mentioned he has sired 2001 Israeli Reserve Junior Champion Filly IK Kamilla (out of Impe­ rial Kittana), 2001 Israeli National Champion Stallion Labib (x AK Latifa), World Champion Mare Loubna (x AK Latifa), 2002 Israeli National Champion Mare Tanjara (x KP Bint Tuhotmos), 2004 Israeli National Champion Mare Luiba (x Im­ perial Kalatifa), twice Israeli Junior Reserve Champion Colt and a multi-champion in England Muhajjal (x Maar Bilahh), Middle East Junior Champion Colt and 2000 Egyptian Event Europe Supreme Champion Stallion *Mosalli (x Musaliha by Malik) and 1999 Na­ tions Cup Reserve Junior Champion Colt and National Champion sire *AI Maraam (x The Vision HG) for Ariela Arabians. The value of Ariela stallions to breeders worldwide has been proven by their leases to other respected stud farms. *AI Maraam was leased to the Dutch breeder Bessewacht Arabians in 2004, to Poland for the 2006/7 breeding season, and then to the U.S.A. in 2008/9, and from August 2010 to March 2011 to Dr. Nasr Marei's Al Badeia Stud in Egypt. *Laheeb IASB was leased to Poland in 1999-2000, to the U.S.A. in 2005-7, to Egypt's Al Badeia Stud in 2008/9 and again to Poland in 2009. The *Laheeb IASB son Al Hadiyyah AA was leased to Austria's La Movida Stud in 2008 and had been Im perial Im dal (Ansata Im perial x Dalia) Rik VanLent jr. photo. slated to go to Al Badeia in 2009/10 had he not been sold. The 52

Imperial Imdal son Mosalli, a champion in Israel and Europe, was leased to Bettina von Kameke's farm in Germany prior to being sold to Italy. There has been enormous demand for Ariela bred horses outside of Israel. The Ariela-bred stallion *Shahir IASB (Salaa El Dine x Imperial Imphayana) has won in the American show ring and has consistently been a Leading Sire at the Egyptian Event. 1989 Israeli Junior Champion Colt *Ben Malik (Malik x Nil Nour) is owned by DeShazer Arabians in the US. The Ariela-bred *Mosalli (Imperial Imdal x Musaliha), has numerous European National titles, has sired National Champions and is now owned by Fontanella Magic Arabians of Italy. The Ariela-bred stallions Mukassas (*Mosalli x Imperial Imphayana) and Muhajjal (Imperial Imdal x Maar Bilahh) were also sold to Italian owners. Muhajjal's son Al Hakim (x The Vision HG) was sold to Thomas Mayer of Black Smoke Arabians in Germany. The Ariela mare Rihahna (Baahir x Nil Nour), an Israeli Reserve National Champion Filly, is now owned by Halsdon Arabians of England and is the dam of World Junior Champion Filly HS Ramira. Loubna, the first Israeli-bred horse to win a World Championship and one of the most highly decorated Egyptian mares ever shown in Europe, was bred at Ariela, later sold to Dion Arabians of Belgium, and is now owned by Sheikh Am- shahjr IASB (Salaa f/ Djne x /mpe„a/ mar Bin Humail Al Nuaimi of the Ajman Stud, who also owns the stallion Al Bilal imphayana). Javan photo. (*Al Maraam x Bahiha), co-bred by Ariela and Eli Mislati, a multiple Israeli National Champion, and his maternal sister Badawiyah AA (*Laheeb IASB x Bahiha), a multiple National winner in Israel and the Gulf States. Loubna's full sister Luiba is now owned by La Movida Stud in Austria, as is the lovely mare Al Amal AA (Halim Shah I x The Vision HG). Egyptian bloodstock is clearly dominating the Israeli show scene, as eleven of the twelve 2010 Israeli National Champions were straight Egyptian or Egyptian related! With the caliber of breeding stock now in Israel, Egyptian horses from the holy land will continue to be major contenders in the world's show rings in the future. EGYPT Egypt's historical significance and importance to Egyptian Arabian horse breeding is covered in A Short History of Egypt's Arabian Horses elsewhere in this book. While the E.A.O. stud farm remains the largest breeding establishment in Egypt, the private breeders are playing a significant role in shaping the future of Egyptian Arabian horse breeding in the Land of the Nile. The older established farms including Al Badeia of the Marei family (currently home to Simeon Sharav, a champion in Europe and in Egypt and sire of champions), Shams Al Aseel of Mrs. Wegdan el Barbari, and Hamdan Stables of the Hamza family, are still very active. Other prominent studs include Omar Sakr, Sheikh Khaled Bin Laden (Rabab Stud), Mustafa Omar, Hoda Hediyet, Erminio Granata, Roushdy Abouseda, Shaikha Lulua Al-Sabah, the Badrawi family, Marty Garrett, Mohamed Kamel, Osman Nour, many of them featured in Gigi Grasso's photographic book, Egypt— Captured in Time published in 1995. Due to the tremendous resurgence of interest in Egyptian Arabian horses in Egypt, more than 100 new breeding farms had been established in the 1990s. The move to import straight Egyptian horses to Egypt has transformed breeding in that country. A total of 30 horses were imported to Egypt from the United States during the 1990s by Sakr Arabians, Rahim Stud, Al Badia Stud, Mona Misr Stud and Gawdat Hamam Stud. There are two annual horse shows exclusively for Egyptian Arabian horses. The National Championship, limited to horses bred in Egypt and sponsored by the E.A.O., takes place at the E.A.O.'s El Zahraa Stud. Egypt's Open Championship now in its tenth year is held at the Sakkara Country Club in a beautiful setting where the desert meets the sown. Generously sponsored by H.H. Sheikh Zayed Al-Nahayyan of the United Arab Emirates and arranged by the Egyptian Arabian Horse Breeders Organization, this show, as well as important racing events, features strictly Egyptian Arabians. Frequent race meets with significant purses, together with the competi­ tive horse shows, have contributed to the renewed interest in breeding Egyptian horses. Sakr Arabians established in 1989, had the foresight to invest in extremely high quality internationally bred Egyptian Arabians and return them to their homeland, shaheen [El H abiel] (El Hadiyyah x Bint American-bred Egyptian Arabians were imported to Egypt and were shown sue- Hamama). Erwin Escher photo. 53

I cessfully. AK Nouasha (Ansata Abbas Pasha x AK Nouara) won Supreme Horse and Champion Mare in the 1993 and 1995 Egyptian Events in Egypt. Imperial Madori (Imperial Mahdeen x Imperial Orianah) was named Junior Champion in 1994. Now a most prominent sire in Egypt, his get won 1996 Junior Champion Filly and Junior Champion and Reserve Junior Champion Colt. Imperial Madori was sold in 2009 to Italy. Shaheen (nee El Habiel U.S.A. - by El Hadiyyah x Bint Bint Hamama) was named Junior Champion in 1995 and Most Classic in 1995 and 1996. Ansata Helwa (Salaa El Dine x Ansata Gloriana) was 1996 Reserve Junior Champion Filly. Sakr Arabians has bred a number of Egyptian National winners including Ibn Arabia Sakr (Imperial Madori x Zandai Arabia), who has multiple championships at the El Zahraa National show, Gamil Sakr (a champion in Egypt and at the Egyptian Event Europe and a National winner sire), and Mohgah Saqr, a multiple National Champion in Egypt with championships at the Egyptian Event Europe and the Emerald Egyptian Event. Also bred at Sakr Arabians are the National winner sires Khaled Saqr and El Basha Saqr. The Rabab Stud of Sheikh Khaled Bin Laden owns Mahala (*AI Lahab GASB x Mahasin II), whose many show ring triumphs include World Top Ten Mare, Egyptian Event Europe Champion Mare and Egyptian National Champion Mare. Rabab also owns Nelly Ghabour (Watef x Azamah), the 2009 W .A.H .O Trophy winner for Egypt who had the highest point score at the El Zahraa Egyptian National show the previous year, when she was named 2008 El Zahraa National Bronze Champion Mare. The stud owns *Kenz Noor (Imperial Madori x Naksh El Koloob Noor), who has reserve cham­ pionships at shows in Egypt and Europe and won the 2008 W .A.H.O Trophy. *Kenz Noor has also been a Leading Halter Sire at the American Egyptian Event. A promising young stallion at the farm is 2007 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Colt and Italian Egyptian Event Reserve Junior Champion Colt Romeo Al Amaar (*Amaar Al Rayyan x Imperial Maysama), along with 2006 Egyptian International Junior Champion Colt GR Lahari (*AI Lahab GASB x GR Marianah). The Imperial Madori grandson Ibn El Basha is siring excellent foals for Rabab Stud, including 2005 El Zahraa Show Reserve Junior Champion Colt Morgan Al Najdiah. His sire, the chestnut El Basha Sakr (Imperial Madori x Alidarra), has left Egypt for Saudi Arabia but his influence at Rabab Stud is stongly felt. The Bebo Stud of Mila Khamis is home to a number of successful show horses. Ayah Bebo (Ali Zafir x Classic Aldaara) is the 2005 Italian Egyptian Event Champion Mare and Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Champion Mare. 2008 Arabesque Egyptian Cup (Germany) Reserve Senior Champion Stallion DHS Mabrouk (*AI Lahab GASB x Ma Ajmala) was owned by Bebo at the time of his win, as was 2008 Asil Cup Reserve Junior Champion Filly Daalil (Radhjai Ouhara x Classic Alia). Bebo also owns 2007 Egyptian International Reserve Champion Colt Alfabia Ajib (Phaaros x Vishar Far­ hana), who is standing at Om El Arab in California for the 2010 and 2011 breeding seasons. Another promising new breeder is El Farida Arabians, owned by Tarek and Ahmed Soliman, who purchased a good portion of the herd of Imperial Egyptian Arabians when that great U.S. breeder closed it doors. The stallion roster there now includes World ReserveChampionStallion Imperial Baarez (PVA Kariim x BB Ora Kalilah), his son, Imperial Baareg (x Imperial Karmah byImperial AlKamar), achampion in Egypt, Europe and Libya, Egyptian Event Italy Reserve Cham­ pion Stallion and a multiple Egyptian National Champion Hamras Aligance (Ali Valentino x Sonbohlas Music), 2008 Egyptian National Champion Colt Adham Sakr (Imperial Madori x Ameera Sakr), and 2010 Egyptian Bronze National Champion Stallion Awwal Al Amaar (*Amaar Al Rayyan x Farid Nile Dream). El Farida also owns outstanding show mares including 2008 Egyptian International Bronze Champion Filly Queen of Royal (Royal Colours x Flaxmans Raja) and 2007 Egyptian Event Europe Junior Champion Filly, 2009 Egyptian International Bronze Champion Mare and 2010 Egyptian National Silver Champion Mare Imeila (Imtaarif x Nimeelah). The Solimans are already breeding National winners, including 2010 Egyptian National Gold Champion Colt Seif Al Farida (Said Hafid El Chamsin x Loaloah A). Al Khaled Farm of Sheikh Kaled Bagedo in Egypt stands several well known stallions including El Thay Khemal Pasha (El Thay Mansour x Kamla II), U.S. National winner and 2007 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Stallion Richter MH (El Halimaar x Fasarra), and National Champion sire Ansata Safeer (Ansata Hejazi x Ansata Samsara). Mares of the Al Khaled Stud include daughters of such well known sires as Ansata Halim Shah, Imperial Imdal, Nabiel, Mohssen and Alidaar. Al Khaled has enjoyed success in the show ring with representatives in­ cluding Halla Al Khalidiya [Halla El Khaled] (*AI Lahab GASB x Mansoura I by Maysoun), with championships at the Emerald Egyptian Cup and Egyptian Classic shows in Europe. Imperial Baarez (PVA Kariim x B B Ora Kalilah). Scott Trees photo. The Al Sharbatly Stud, owned by Sultan Sharbatly, stands Hafid Ali El Dahab (MA Alishah x Ken Alia), Reserve Junior 54

Champion Colt at the El Zahraa International Show and Egyptian National Champion Colt in 2003. Mares at the farm include Arousat el Nil Rahim (Imperial Madori x Nile Allure), the 2004 El Zahraa International Reserve Champion Mare, 2005 Egyptian National Champion Mare and 2008 German Egyptian Cup Champion Mare. It is encouraging to feel the energy and renewed enthusiasm among the more than 100 Egyptian breeders. Egypt is well poised to regain its rightful place in the global arena, not only in the show ring and on the racetrack, but more importantly as a source of the finest Egyptian Arabians. The private breeders have risen to preserve their priceless heritage. MOROCCO H.M. King Hassan II and later Prince Abdullah of Morocco led the revival of Egyptian Arabian breeding in the Moslem World outside of Egypt by developing an extensive breeding program based on Egyptian Arabians. Some 14 horses were originally imported from Egypt beginning in the mid-1960s and later additional Egyptian horses were im­ ported from the U.S.A. The stallion Imperial Im Tarib won Salon du Cheval honors and Ansata Haji Jamil was Moroccan National Champion. In 1993, H.M. King Hassan ll's Imperial Mashhar (*lmperial Madheen x Imperial Janaabah) was named Junior Champion Colt at the Salon du Cheval. He is also the 1995 Middle East Junior Champion Colt and Reserve Champion Stallion at the Arabian Horse Cup in Jeddah in 1999. Imperial Mashhar has sired champions including 2003 Qatar International Reserve Senior Champion Mare and 2002 Sharjah Junior Champion Filly Maliha Bouznika (x Imdalia by Imperial Imdal). His get dominated the 2005 Moroccan National Championships, winning three of four junior cham­ pionship or reserve titles. The 2005 Moroccan National Champion Mare, Thee Black Pearl (Thee Desperado x Muraja Alichia), and 2005 Moroccan National Champion Stallion JRW Aziim (MB Mattal x Sar Julyane), were bred in the US and are now owned by the Royal Bouznika Stud. Horses bred by H.M. King Hassan have done well in the show ring upon exportation as well. *Najiba (Hassan x Shendeya), of all Gleannloch breeding, was an American halter champion and produced 1992 U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt and Reserve World Junior Champion Colt Moroc (by Imperial Imdal). King Hassan II also bred Saida (Hassan x Shendeya), dam of 2002 World Reserve Champion Mare and 1999 Middle Eastern Champion Mare Bint Saida Al Nasser. Moroc is now owned by Al Nasser Stud in Qatar. The Royal Stable now houses a significant collection of Egyptian mares and stallions gathered from premier breeders throughout Europe, America and Egypt. Furthermore, the late H.M. King Hassan was a most generous sponsor of significant Arabian horse events throughout the world. A private stud established in Morocco, Elite Arabians, stands the black stallion Asmar Bouznika (Imperial Mashhar x Ghazalat Bouznika), named 2006 Moroccan Reserve Junior Champion Colt and 2008 Moroccan Reserve National Champion Stallion. They also own the black mare Mashahir (Imperial Mashhar x Khemisset), the 2008 Moroccan Junior Champion Filly. The 2010 El Jadida International Show held in Morocco had a number of straight Egyptian and Egyptian related winners. They included the Gold Champion Filly D Deemah and Gold Champion Colt D Maraksh (both Egyptian sired offspring of Royal Colours); the Bronze Champion Filly PSE Rasheekah (a straight Egyptian daughter of True Colours), the Silver Champion Filly Lulua Al Bayt (an Egyptian sired daughter of Orashaan) and the Bronze Champion Stallion Maghribi (Imperial Mashhar x Khemisset). SOUTH AFRICA At the turn of the century various Egyptian/Blunt Arabian horses including a son and two daughters of Mesaoud were imported from Crabbet Park to South Africa. Unfortunately these precious Abbas Pasha bloodlines all disappeared into the melting pot of the standard riding horse. The first group of Egyptian Arabians to leave purebred progeny in South Africa arrived in 1945. Mr. Claude Orpen, a leading horse breeder, was sent to Egypt to select some horses on behalf of the South African Government. He chose from the R.A.S. Zad-El-Rakib (Balance x Bint Gamila), Baraka (Ibn Manial x Gamalat) and Nabila (Enzahi x Zam Zam). Mr. Orpen was also invited to see King Farouk's horses at Inshass, and "as a friendly gesture to South Africa and in the interests of maintaining friendly relations. . ." Mr. Orpen was allowed to choose three additional stallions: El Moez (Ibn Fayda x Bint Zareefa), the sire of Sameh; Zaher (Ibn Fayda x Zahra); and Nader (Mekdam x Mahasen). Unfortunately Zad-ElRakib died of colic at Mombasa and Nader died of tick fever shortly after ZaFier <lbn FaYda x Zahra>■Forbls archive. reaching his destination. This precious collection of Egyptian Arabian blood had originally been acquired only with the purpose of improving the standard of the local riding horses. In addition, they did not find favor with the local Arab breeders because they dif­ 55

fered too much from the rather taller and heavier Arabians already in the country. The result was that they were rarely bred to each other. Of the two remaining stallions, only Zaher left straight Egyp­ tian get. These were: the mare Gordonville Zahara, who did not breed on, and the stallion Gordonville Ziyadan out of Baraka, who in turn sired a filly, Inzam Saklabilah, out of the other Egyptian import, Nabila. In 1970 Mrs. Esslinger imported the yearling colt, Anchor Hill Omar (Char Echo x Anchor Hill Bint Gamila) from Anchor Hill Arabians in Missouri. He won the 1978 South African National Stallion Championship and has sired the straight Egyptian Nabilah Scheitan, winner of two Legion of Merit awards in performance and the South African National Championship for utility, as well as the driving dressage competition at the 1987 Dunhill Derby, South Africa's most prestigious equine event. Ahir (*Morafic x *Deenaa) Ahir (*M orafic x *D eenaa). Pyramid Society archive. was imported in 1974 by Dr. Valeri Noli-Marais from Gleannloch Farms in Texas. He was named 1986 South African National Champion Stallion and has sired 1981 South African Na­ tional Champion Stallion Sahibi Khalil and 1988 South African Supreme National Champion Stallion and 1990 South African English Pleasure Champion Sahibi Gamaal Al Arab, whose dam AK Bint Gamilaa (*lbn Moniet El Nefous x *Gamilaa) was also imported by Dr. Valeri Noli-Marais. Two straight Egyptianweanlingscame from Germany, the colt Omar el Masri (Shaker el Masri x Om el Arab) imported by Mr. J. Kettlewell, andHamasa Farid (Farag x Wafaa) imported by Mr. V. Voorendyk. Charles Amm of Azrak Arabian Stud imported AK El Bashaar (*lbn Moniet El Nefous x *AK Mayaada) and 1990 South African Reserve Senior Champion Mare Bint Fa Saloul (*lbn Moniet El Nefous x Fa Saloul). Noel Lancaster imported from England the stallion Shah Jehan (Shakhs x Bint Jehan) who became South African National Champion in 1982. He holds a remarkable seven Legion of Merit awards, three for halter wins and four for the show wins of his progeny. He is currently the leading living Arab stallion in South Africa in number of foals registered (he has over 100). Noel Lancaster also imported the mare Lar Shawania (Ibn Dahmahn xTalara) from America and the multi-champi­ on stallion Arabest Kalid (Ansata Ibn Sudan x Ruminaja Alia). Jack Maritz also established a successful group of straight Egyptians headed up by Sahibi Gamaal El Arab (Ahir x AK Bint Gamilaa), already mentioned. His stallion Rafeek (Ibn Morafic x Surrayah) was bred at Gleannloch in America and is also an accomplished show ring veteran. He was the 1984 South African National Champion Stallion and 1985 South African National Champion Riding Horse. Dr. Johann and Marie Louise VanWyk imported two fine stallions bred by Dr. Walter Olms of Germany. Hamasa Ibn Kaisoon (Kai­ soon x Menha) was South African Reserve Senior Champion Stallion in 1988. Hamasa El Fagir (Farag x Menha) is the only horse to be a three-time South African National Champion Stallion (in 1985, 1987, and 1989). Another top-winning straight Egyptian stallion in South Africa is the 1992, 1993, and 1994 National Champion Stallion Maistro (The Minstril x Amiri Sanaa). In 1994, the South African Reserve Junior Champion Filly was Minstrils Ciara (The Minstril x AK Tarifa) and the Reserve Champion Stallion was The Makers Mark (The Minstril x Maali RCA). In 1996, the double The Minstril grandson Thee Cyclone (Thee Desperado x The Minuet) was named South African National Champion Stallion. The 1997 South African Reserve Junior Champion Colt was Sidi El Nabiel (Maistro x Arabest Halina by Nabiel). The 2000 South African Senior Champion Stallion is Makkhir (Maistro x Arabest Khirida), and the Reserve Senior Champion Stal­ lion Thee Cyclone (Thee Desperado x Thee Minuet), has been National Champion Stallion three times prior. The 2000 South African National Champion Gelding, Marok Doradus, is sired by the straight Egyptian AK El Bashaar, a son of *lbn Moniet El Nefous. Mrs Liezl Els of Agmal Arabians favors Egyptian lines. She stood the multi-champion Polish bred *Laheeb IASB son Emiliusz until his tragic early death in 2009 and her mare Ramses Minx was 2009 American Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Mare as well as Egyptian Event Europe Silver Champion Mare. The Strydom Stud of South Africa, owned by Tinius and Francesca Strydom, breeds a number of different bloodlines and maintains a group of straight Egyptian horses. Stallions include Ansata Tashreef (Ansata Sirius x Sherifa Tamria), Pre­ toria International Champion Gevalia De Sha (GR Shadow x Thee Cappuccino), and the youngsters Nadeem Al Amaar (by *Amaar Al Rayyan) and Nile Prince SMF (by *Simeon Shai). Strydom's straight Egyptian mares include daughters of Ansata lemhotep, The Atticus, GR Faleeh and Insignia DeSha. One of the most recent straight Egyptian imports to South Africa is Atiq Haleeb (*Laheeb IASB x Hila B), who stands at stud at El Kasun Arabians in Cape Town. He was bred by Idan Atiq Arabians (Tzviah Idan and Kuti Aharon) of Israel and is owned by Barakah Arabians of Namibia. In 2009 he was named Namibia National Supreme Champion Stallion. 56

Arabian horse breeders in South Africa, whose stock is based mainly on imports from England, now find that an infusion of Egyptian blood is putting more dryness, quality, size and athletic ability into their Arabians. Therefore, the appreciation of the Egyptian Arabian in South Africa is at last being recognized for its true worth, as elsewhere in the world, and the small group of straight Egyptians is steadily expanding.

AUSTRALIA Arabian stallions were used in Australia as early as 1804 and some pure­ bred mares were imported throughout the nineteenth century. However, the first recognized Arabian stud in Australia was that of Sir James Penn Boucaut, who in 1891 imported the stallion Rafyk (Azrek x *Rose of Sharon). Twelve Egyptian horses bred by the Blunts were imported circa 1901, including Harir (*Berk x Hamasa), a full brother to Hamran, grandsire of Helwa (RAS). Other importations of Arabian horses until the early 1970's were made mainly from England. There were Egyptian lines in the pedigrees of some of these horses, but the first direct taste of the benefits which Egyptian breeding could bring came through part-Egyptians, closely followed by the importa­ tion of a number of influential straight Egyptian horses. These importations increased rapidly as Australians traveled abroad in the early 1970's and real­ ized the extreme elegance, type, dryness and refinement that Egyptian blood could contribute to domestic lines already possessing strength quality and movement. In 1970 Tanya Hawley imported the part Egyptian Aswan daughter Naadirah who produced the Hadban Enzahi daughter Nara. These mares were bred to Mustafa (Hadban Enzahi x Masarrah) and their descendents con­ A l Karim Sirhalima (*Ansata Ibn Halima x stantly bred back to straight Egyptian or Egyptian-related horses have proved Sirhabba). je rry Sparagow ski photo. outstanding breeding horses. These lines also produce top show horses in­ cluding the 1988 Australian Champion Arabian mare Clifton Park Nile Queen by Nile (Mustafa x Nara) and the 1987 Australian Reserve Champion Mare, Marbling Nymph (by the Hawley-bred Naasser). Another early 1970s import was The Puritan (Talal x Miss Floco) an Egyptian-related sire who produced top show winners such as Ralvon Nazarene, sire of the exported international champion *Ralvon Elijah. Sons of the Babson Egyp­ tian stallion The Shah (Fabah x Bint Fada) including the straight Egyptian El Shareef (from the Kaisoon mare Shareefa) were imported and crossed well on domestic lines. Then came some major straight Egyptian importations. Paul James of Arabian Park Stud brought Ansata El Hakim (*Ansata Ibn Halima x *Ansata Bint Elwya) to Australia in 1974. He is the sire of Arabian Park Ruling Queen, dam of Australian National Champions in halter and ridden competition. In 1978 he acquired Arabian Park Faraz (*Farazdac x *Sabah El Kheir). He also purchased a number of straight Egyptian mares. Arabian Park produced the foundation stock for many studs including the straight Egyptian stallion Arabian Park Egyptian Magnetic, a consistent sire. In 1974 Dunwingeri Stud and Gloria Lanigan imported the black stallion *AI Karim Sirhalima (*Ansata Ibn Halima x Sirhabba), of Babson and old Egyptian on his dam's side who reached third on the leading Sires List before being sold back to the USA in 1990. He sired 1986 Australian National Champion Arabian Stallion Hamil (also Australian Cham­ pion Harness Arabian and Top Ten Ridden Stallion), 1988 Australian Champion Harness Arabian Talika Sihri Sanj, 1983 Australian Top Ten Mares Magala and Serrefa, and 1988 Australian Top Ten Stallion Hideaway Farm Sharif. Torryburn Arabians added to their fine English mare lines the upstanding Al Karim Jabal Ibn Moniet (*Ibn Moniet El Nefous x Roufah) who was to sire stock outstanding for substance and action. This stud also imported *lbn Antar (Antar x *Bint Mona), a national winner producer in America imported there en-utero by Gleannloch. Peter Pond's Forest Hill Arabians imported the influential Ansata El Shahwan (Ansata Shah Zaman x Ansata Rhodora); sire of the straight Egyptian 1990 Australian Champion Stallion Tarong Shahgig (who is out of Tarong Bint Shareefa by *AK Sirhalima from the imported Kaisoon daughter Shareefa). This stud established a straight Egyptian program which was to provide seed stock for a number of other studs by importing Australian National Champion Mare *Omayma (Sameh x Nazeera) and her daughter, Suddona by Ansata Ibn Sudan; Al Nahr Janie (Ansata Abbas Pasha x Hannah); and Talicia (Talal x *Hoda). Pond also brought in Hansan (El Hilal x Hamamaa), the sire of 1984 Australian Champion Stallion Tristram Apparition. The Australian Champion Mares Bluegrass Arrival (1986) and Al Jula Sarrita (1990) are a daughter and granddaughter of Hansan, respectively. In 1995 Forest Hill acquired AK Faressa (Prince Fa Moniet x AK Nameesa) and her en-utero foal Ansata Bint Faressa (by Ansata Hejazi), then in 1997 leased AK Faressa's sire, the famed stallion Prince Fa Moniet (TheEgyptian Prince x Fa Moniet) from Ansata; he died while in Australia. Forest Hill bred the 57

Egyptian related 1990 Australian Reserve National Champion Mare Serrefa (by the American import Al Karim Sirhalima), who produced the 3/4 Egyptian Serdika (by Simeon Sadik), herself dam of 2006 Australian National Champion Stallion Sadiks Psyche. AK Faressa was sold to Saudi Arabia in 2005, but a son and three daughters were retained at Forest Hill. The current straight Egyptian sires at Forest Hill include the imports Royal jamill (Royal Jalliel x Bint Jamilla), a grandson of Ansata Imperial and *Jamilll; Fayrid (Faheem x MB Shareena), a grandson of Anaza El Farid and im perial Madheen; and Laheeb Al Rayyan (Ansata Hejazi x Ansata Selket). Homebred straight Egyptian stallions at present are 2010 East Coast Reserve Champion Stallion Halimas Egyptian Prince (Royal Jamill x AK Faressa) and Halimas El Nizr (Australian National Champion Stallion Anaza El Nizr x Halimas Tiara by El Hilal). Straight Egyptian mares at Fairview include daughters of such noted sires as Prince Fa Moniet, Ruminaja Ali, Ansata El Shahraf, Ansata Hejazi and Anaza El Nizr. The previously mentioned Tristam Apparition and Bluegrass Arrival were owned by Bluegrass Arabians (Paul and Norma Walker and their daughter Tracey Fry). Bluegrass imported Bornin the USA (Prince Ibn Shaikh x Morsada) in 1992. He went on to be named a 1997 and 1999 Australian Top Ten Stallion and sired an Australian National winner in halter as well as ridden champions at regional shows in Australia. Pam Roydhouse imported the Egyptian-Related stallion Sindbad (Hadban Enzahi x Sahmet by Hadban Enzahi) in 1977. He crossed well with her Crabbet-lines mares to produce Chip Chase Nile Consort and Chip Chase Tajar, Cham­ pions at halter and under saddle. The 1970s also brought to Australia Lady Massey-Green's *El Moongi (Shaarawi x Nagwa), *Anhar (Karoon x Nesma) and *Kameela (Waseem x Set Abouhom) (all later exported to the U.S.). Tarong Stud imported from Germany, Mashour (Mehanna x Bint Shahbaa) who proved a fine sire of performance Arabians and from the U.S. the double *Morafic grandson Sir Ibn Moniet (*lbn Moniet El Nefous x Bint Cleopatraa). The Egyptian-related Kapehr (*Ansata Ibn Halima x Kamocli) and the straight Egyptians Ansata El Masri (*lbn Hafiza x *Ansata Bint Misuna) and Sankt Georg RSI (Ansata El Salim x *Bint El Bataa) also proved excellent sires. When Sankt Georg RSI died unexpect­ edly his owner David Kemp replaced him with RG Perseus (Alcibiades x Wanisa RSI) and Ra'adin Royal Star (ET Crown Prince x Om Khamsa) who was to sire the straight Egyptian *Simeon Shai, later exported to the USA and shown to awards including U.S. and Canadian National Champion Stallion and World Champion Stallion at the Salon Du Cheval. Ra'adin Royal Star also sired 1988 Australian Top Ten Stallion Royal Ascot. Linden Ghalab and Ibn Farazdac were imported in 1978 and 1979 by Linden and Chipala Studs and El Sherif Nazir and his full sister El Sherif Kasmina were other influential Egyptian-related importations of this era as was the straight Egyptian Ibn Mahran (*Mahran x *Masria). By the early 1980s Egyptian bloodlines had become an integral part of many Australian Arabian breeding programs. Though few breeders set up straight Egyptian programs owing to the scarcity of straight Egyptian mares, many used straight Egyptian stallions. The blending of Egyptian and Spanish lines also grew in popularity. The influence of Shaker El Masri (*Morafic x Zebeda) through his son *El Shaklan out of the Spanish mare *Estopa, was a growing theme of the 80's with many leading Australian Champions tracing to this horse. The 1997 U.S. National Champion Stallion *Fairview Klassique is an Australian bred who traces in sire line to Shaker El Masri. Especially noteworthy is the Simeon Stud which produces both straight Egyptian and Egyptian-related Arabians. The stud is a showcase for Egyptian bloodlines in Australia. Its owners, Marion Richmond and Peter and Ruth Simon have imported mares such as Mohema (Kaisoon x Moetazza), 1982 Australian Champion Mare 27 Ibn Galal V (Ibn Galal x Hosna) and Fayrooz (*Jamilll x Fernaz). The stud maintains broodmares in Germany and the USA and has made available to Australian breeders stallions of the quality of Rasmoniet RSI (*Rashad Ibn Nazeer x *Bint Moniet El Nefous), Asfour (Malik x Hanan), who passed away in 2009 at age 25, U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Anaza Bay Shahh (Shaikh Al Badi x Bint Deenaa), and 1992 Australian National Champion Stallion Imperial Madaar (*lmperial Madheen x Ansata Nile Mist). The Simeon Stud program has produced straight Egyptian Arabians of the caliber of U.S. and Canadian National Champi­ on Stallion *Simeon Shai (Ra'adin Royal Star x Simeon Safanad). *Simeon Shai has now sired National winners in halter and per­ formance in North America and his Egyptian/Spanish cross son Diplomatt (x *Avila) is the 1997 Flanders Show Senior Champion Stallion and 2000 Platin Cup Reserve Senior Champion Stallion while his daughter Simeon Shuala (x Ramses Tinah) was named 1996 Australian National Champion Mare and 1997 and 1999 Sim eon Shuala (*Sim eon Shai x Ramses Australian Reserve National Champion Mare. His son Forever Shai Tinah). Pyram id So ciety archive. 58

(x *Amira EAO) was sold from America to Egypt, where he became the 1998 Egyptian International Show Champion Stallion. His Egyptian-related daughter SMJ Shais Simona is the 2002 Norwegian Reserve Junior Champion Filly. His straight Egyptian daughter Abraxas Shai Moona (x Abraxas Moonglow), bred in America, was named 2002 Middle East Reserve Junior Champion Filly. Simeon Stud bred the 1989 Australian National Champion Mare Simeon Savion (Ansata Abbas Pasha x Novina of Tersk by Aswan), who is 3/4 Egyptian, 1989 Australian Champion Gelding Simeon Shodan, the Egyptian related 1990 Australian Champion Mare Simeon Shari (Simeon Samuel x Damirah), and 1992 Australian National Champion Mare Simeon Sukari (Asfour x 27 Ibn Galal V). The nick of Asfour on Simeon Safanad has been particularly successful in international show rings. 2006 Egyptian International Champion Mare and 2007 Egyptian Reserve National Champion Mare Simeon Safir and 1993 and 1995 Australian National Champion Mare Simeon Salome are of this cross as is their full brother, the exquisite black Simeon Sadik (Asfour x Simeon Safanad), named 1994 Australian National Champion Stallion. His many wins in Europe include 1996 U.K. International Champion Stallion and World Reserve Champion Stallion. In 2000 his wins included Nations Cup Reserve Champion Stallion and European Reserve Champion Stallion, and he has sired National winners in Europe, Australia and the Middle East including 1998 Australian Reserve Junior Champion Colt and 1997 East Coast Junior Champion Colt Simeon Sokaret (x Simeon Salome), 1995 Jordanian Interna­ tional Reserve Supreme Champion Female and Reserve Junior Champion Filly Simeon Shaas (x Simeon Sagaiit). Marion Richmond has also bred 1996 Australian National Champion Mare Simeon Shuala, the Egyptian-related 1998 New Zealand National Champion Stallion Simeon Sadir (Imperial Madaar x Simeon Shirli) and Reserve Champion Stallion Simeon Shaanan (Asfour x Ramses Malaka), 1999 New Zealand National Champion Stallion and 1997 New Zea­ land Supreme Junior National Champion Simeon Shemini (Asfour x Simeon Shuala), 2002 Qatar National Reserve Junior Champion Filly Simeon Se'ate (Anaza Bay Shahh x Simeon Sippora) 2003 Ajman National Reserve Junior Champion Filly Simeon Sidrah (Anaza Bay Shahh x Simeon Sivan), and 2007 Australian National Champion Mare and 2008 Medi­ terranean Champion Mare *Simeon Sehavi (Asfour x Simeon Sheba). The Simeon bred stallion Simeon Sharav (Asfour x Simeon Shuala) was bought by Dr Nasr Marei of Egypt as a youngster and has had an outstanding show career with championships in Europe, Egypt and Israel (where he stood on lease at Ariela Arabians). He has sired National winners in both Egypt and Israel. Interest in straight Egyptian breeding continues to grow. The stallion Hansan was re-imported into Australia by Nihal Arabians. The Ansata Halim Shah son Neshan (x Noha [GASBJ); the Ruminaja Ali son Anaza El Nizr (x Bint Deenaa); the ^Imperial Madheen son Imperial Maakir (x Imperial Na Fatia); the Anaza Bay Shahh son Monteego Bay (x Monieta Mareekh), named the 1995 Australian East Coast Reserve Champion Stallion and later Australian Reserve National Champion Stallion and a sire of Australian National winners; the Shaikh Al Badi son Desert Shaikh (x AK Tarifa); the Thee Desperado son The Fugitive (sire of 2005 Australian National Champion Stallion Joda Aly Dahr), the Ruminaja Fayez son WH Kadeen (x Kaaramal), the 1989 American Egyptian Event Reserve Junior Champion Colt; and Abraxas Amir (ET Crown Prince x AH Abraxas), several times a champion under saddle, have contributed prepotent excellence to Austra­ lia's Arabians. Bremervale Stud, noted for mainly English and Spanish bloodlines, imported the three-fourths Egyptian stallion Valour El Marees (Imperial Imdal x Anasazi Maisa) in 1991. Another stud noted for its Spanish related Arabians has also now imported a straight Egyptian stallion. Fairview Arabians, owned by Peter Hall, (breeders of 2007 U.S. National Champion Stallion *Fairview Klassique), has brought in Al Kha-Zar (Thee Asil x Infidels Prin­ cess) from the U.S.A.. He has two lines to Thee Desperado and three to TheEgyptianPrince. Fairview also now owns the straight Egyptian mares Coolong Park Hanicia (Rianda's Shai-Haan x Nizicia Bint Nisr), Fairview Mahl-Le-Kah (True Colours x Coolong Park Haanicia), and Hazeldean Monisa (Tarong Shahgar x Minstrils Monica), and is leasing Belbowrie Shemesh (Monteego Bay x Minstrils Monica), and Simeon Shir (Akid Geshan x Simeon Safanad). Coolong Park Haanicia has produced Fairview Nile Princess by Al Kha-Zar, the Champion Straight Egyptian Exhibit at the 2009 Australian National Stud Show. Egyptian importations continue to arrive in Australia and have enormous influence despite being a small proportion of Australia's to­ Thaqib A l Nasser (Ansata Halim Shah x Im perial M adinah. Pyramid S o ciety archive. tal Arabian population. Wildon Park Stud in Victoria has a particularly strong straight Egyptian stallion band including the Ruminaja Ali son PVA Sonboli (x Imperial Sonboleen) and the veterans Ansata El Shahwan and *lbn Antar. In 2007, the superb former Imperial Egyptian Stud sire *Orashan came to Australia, imported by Saba Arabians (Glenn North and Louise Cordina) and he has sired some promising youngsters for them. He joins 2000 Qatar National Champion Stallion Thaqib Al Nasser (Ansata Halim Shah x Imperial Madinah), 59

the only Ansata Halim Shah son in Australia, who was the first Australian Arabian to be imported from Qatar (he arrived in 2004). Saba also owns 2010 Egyptian Event Europe Bronze Champion Filly and 2009 Australian National Champion Filly Suhalia Al Saba (Thaqib Al Nasser x Simeon Siboni). The mare band at Saba includes daughters of *Orashan, El Hilal, im perial Madheen, Prince Ibn Shaikh, El Halimaar and Imtaarif. Thanks to the success of Suhalia Al Saba and the yearling colt Messaoudi Al Sabaat the 2010 Egyptian Event Europe. Saba Arabians was named the "best worldwide breeder" of the show, which had entries from 14 countries. Pearsons View Arabians was established in 1975 by Don and Carmel Rowley, who for the last ten years have given their straight Egyptian horses priority. Most of their root stock came from the Simeon Stud, including their head sire, Simeon Stav (Asfour Germ x Simeon Safanad) and the mares Simeon Shaina (Asfour x Simeon Safanad) and Simeon Sima (Asfour x Mohema). They have leased from the Baird family the mare Abiebi (El Hadiyyah x RA Jehan), who was imported from the U.S.A. as a weanling by the Williams of Al Bardia Stud. Their second stallion is *Salaa Sihr (Salaa El Dine x Ansata Nile Magic) imported from the USA as a yearling. Gleniph Arabians, owned by Kerry and Richard Chapman, began in New South Wales in 1982 and now has a sig­ nificant number of straight Egyptian horses. Current breeding stallions include Belbowrie Destiny (Belbowrie Obsidian x The Damask Rose), whose sire is now a National winner sire in the Middle East, Destiny is a grandson of Imperial Imdal and carries two lines to the valued *Ramses Fayek daughter Belbowrie Fayeka. They also stand BA Minstril Bay (The Minstril x *AK Komeira), who was imported to Australia as a yearling. He is from the female family of *Pharrah, granddam of World Champion Mare Imperial Phanilah. BA Minstril Bay has sired champions in hand and under saddle as well as successful endurance competitors. Straight Egyptian mares at Gleniph include The Nile Rose (The Minstril x Belbowrie Fayeka), Belbowrie Shukra (Belbowrie Obsidian x Minstril's Monica), and SES Bint Fabo (Fabo x Halimas Legacy), and Jardine (Sankt George RSI x Sokarah). Paul and Nadia Bellerby established Rosecliffe Arabians in Queensland in 1989 and like Pearson's View have based their program on horses from the Simeon Stud, focusing on Asfour and 27 Ibn Galal V. Their chief stallion is Simeon Shados (Asfour x Maardassa), who was top five at the Queensland Challenge judged by Judi Forbis. Mares owned by the stud include daughters of Akid Geshan, Imperial Madaar, Simeon Sadik, and *Simeon Shai (the latter, Simeon Sasonah, is one of only three straight Egyptian daughters of *Simeon Shai in Australia). Their homebred Shados Euphoria (Simeon Shados x Simeon Sasonah) was named 2008 Bahrain National Champion Filly and they have also recently exported another filly of their breeding to Kuwait. Another recently established straight Egyptian breeder in Australia is Bashira Arabians, owned by Amad Malkoun and located in the Victoria province. Bashira is leasing international champion sire Ansata lemhotep from H.H. Sheikh Dr Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qassemi of Qatar. Bashira owns the straight Egyptian mares Ablah (MB Mayal x Shaghira), Ajayeb (Ansata Malik Shah x Ansata Bint Nefri), Alianna Serene (PVA Sonbali x Princess Ali), Geshahra (Akid Geshan x Shaghira), JA Monali (Monteego Bay x Alianna Serene), Fareeda (MB Mayal x Dowling Enayat) and Rianda's Riim (Tarong El Nefous x Kaiicia). At the 2010 Australian National Championship show, the Champion Two Year Old Colt was the straight Egyptian Ashour Al Hassan (Asfour x Sukkhara by Akid Geshan). He was bred by Rick Cummins and is owned by Hasat Rifat and Rick Cummins. His win was an historic occasion, as it was only the second time that a straight Egyptian was named Australian National Champion Two Year Old Colt-the previous occasion was when Simeon Sadik (also by Asfour) was named to the title in 1991. Ashour Al Hassan joins an elite group of straight Egyptian stallions who have won Australian National Championships in halter, including Tarong Shahgig (1990), Imperial Madaar (1994), Anaza El Nizr (1995) and Joda Aly Dahr (2005). A most pleasing aspect of the Australian Arabian scene is that Egyptian-bred lines are doing well in harness, stock work and endurance with horses sired by AK Jabal Ibn Moniet, AK Sirhalima, Mashour, Sir Ibn Moniet, Ansata El Hakim, El Sherif Nazir, and others. NEW ZEALAND New Zealand has several breeders now concentrating on Egyptian horses. Bev Jones and Sue Spratt's Gerzanne Stud was the first straight Egyptian stud farm in New Zealand, switching to breeding straight Egyptians after beginning with Crabbet horses over 30 years ago. Located in the Bay of Plenty region of the North Island, their first straight Egyp­ tian purchase was Simeon Shemini (Asfour x Simeon Shuala), bought as a four month old colt, who was later named New Zealand Reserve National Champion Stallion twice. Also owned by the stud was 2005 New Zealand Reserve National Champion Stallion SS Ariq An Nasab (Anaza Bay Shahh x Simeon Sahara by Imperial Madaar), who is now deceased. SS Ariq An Nasab sired 2007 New Zealand Reserve National Champion Colt SS Malak (x Simeon Setami by Simeon Sadik). Also owned by the stud is the American import TF Fezzan (Botswana x Ramses Forever by Prince Ibn Shaikh), named 2009 New Zealand National Champion Stallion. The Gerzanne broodmare band includes Simeon 60



Setami (Simeon Sadik x Simeon Sucre), dam of three New Zealand National Champions, and Simeon Seviat (Anaza Bay Shahh x Simeon Simona by Asfour), dam of 2003 New Zealand Reserve National Champion Filly SS Haya (by Simeon Shemini). Also in New Zealand is the Rhodium Stud, located in Auckland and owned by Fanus and Ria Crous. Rhodium stallions include American halter champion and Egyptian Event Champion Two Year Old Futurity Colt and several times show champion in New Zealand Rajah KA (Makhnificent KA x Rahimah KA by RA Jahim), 2008 New Zealand National Top Five Colt Sime­ on Saraaf (Anaza Bay Shahh x Simeon Setavi by Simeon Sadik), 2010 New Zealand Reserve National Champion Stallion Ansata Nile Pharoah (Ansata lemhotep x Ansata Misty Nile by Ansata Hejazi), American National win­ ner sire *The Source CC (Salaa El Dine x *Mouna IASB by Malik) and 2007 New Zealand National Top Five Colt Simeon Shatul (Asfour x Wed Albadeia by Farid Albadeia). The Crouses specialize in breeding black Egyptians with mares they have imported from Germany and the U.S.A. The broodmare band includes daughters of Imperial lmdal+, El Halimaar, *Simeon Shai+, Makhnificent KA, MB Mayal (2006 New Zealand Reserve Junior Champion Filly Simeon Sirena), Anaza Bay Shahh, Imperial Madaar (2006 New Zealand Rajah KA (M akhnificent k a x Rahimah ka> National Champion Filly Simeon Shahinaz), Asfour, and Madallan-Mad- Stuart Vesty photo. heen. Their Chaswyck Manara (Meadow Magic x Simeon Sooka by Anaza Bay Shahh) was named 2009 New Zealand Reserve National Champion Mare, and Chaswyck Alia (Chaswyck Ace of Spaydes x Joda Alana). Rhodium has bred show winners in Australia and New Zealand including 2009 New Zealand Reserve National Champion Filly RNZ Amethyst (Asfour x Simeon Shashua by Anaza Bay Shahh) and 2010 New Zea­ land National Champion Filly RNZ Tantalum (Simeon Shatul x Magidah by MB Mayal). Al Zayd Straight Egyptians is owned by David Marshall and Sandie Maclean, and is located near Christchurch on the Southern Island. David Marshall was first exposed to Egyptian Arabians through his father Lester's importation of the predominantly Egyptian Stallion Saracen Karim (by Shaikh Al Badi) from Canada. A many times champion in hand and ridden, he was the 1980 New Zealand All Breed Grand Champion Harness Horse and was among the first four horses in New Zealand to earn the Roll of Merit for showing. David then imported the Egyptian related Simeon Sadir (by Imperial Madaar) from Australia. Sadir achieved three national championships and became a C.E.I 160 kilometer endurance horse and competed in the 2001 United Arab Emirates World Endurance Cup before being sold to the noted breeder Jane Kadri in England. David went back to Simeon Stud and bought his first straight Egyptian stallion, Simeon Sapar (Anaza Bay Shahh x Simeon Sa'ada by Asfour), who has sired show champions and endurance horses. A second straight Egyptian stallion, Imperial Maakir (im perial Madheen x Imperial Na Fatia by Moniet El Nafis), bred by Imperial Egyptian Stud in America, was purchased in 2006. 1 Al Zayd also owns the promising young stallion Chaswyck Al Zayd (Asfour x Simeon Shakova by Prince Fa Moniet).rses in New Zealand to be awarded their Roll of Merit for Showing.

SOUTH AMERICA The influence of Crabbet blood is responsible for the introduction of Egyptian breeding in South America, princi­ pally Argentina, prior to 1970. Senor Ayerza's El Aduar Stud was for many years the significant breeding farm in that part of the world. A number of his foundation stock, came from Crabbet introducing the Ali Pasha Sherif blood to the continent. ARGENTINA Argentina was one of the few countries to start Arabian horse breeding with stallions imported directly from the desert. In 1892, Mr. and Mrs. Hernan Ayerza sailed from Buenos Aires to Damascus, in search of Arabian horses. The first desert-bred Arabians to arrive to Argentina in 1893, were the mare Maanaqui (Managhieh strain) from Da­ mascus and two stallions from Constantinople: the chestnut Gailan (Kehilet-el-Ajuz) and the bay Freyan. Egyptian blood was introduced in 1913 by the Crabbet bred stallion Rustnar (Rustem x Narghileh), who twice traces to Mesaoud bred by Ali Pasha Sherif in Egypt. Another import was the Crabbet bred stallion Risfan (Rijm x Risala), im­ ported in 1914, who traces to Wazir and Mahruss of Ali Pasha Sherif. Another stallion exported by Crabbet to Argentina in 1913 was Ajman, by Feysul, thus providing additional lines to Egyptian breeding. His blood spread to Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. In recent years new straight Egyptian blood has been introduced through stock from Egypt, USA and Germany. In 61

1970 Dr. Bartolome Mitre imported from Germany the stallion Mared (Hadban Enzahi x Moheba II) and later the EAO bred stallion *Sarhann (Seef x Safinaz) and three mares, *Fikria, born in Egypt, (Seef x *Entisar), Bint Sultann (*Sultann x *Lancers Asmara) and Nihall (*Sultann x *Fagra). In 1972 Count Federico Zichy Thyssen purchased from Om el Arab Stud in Germany the mare Onasha (Shaker el Masri x Om el Arab), dam of 1986 Brazilian National Champion Mare Da'Aja (by I.E.S. Ibn Fawkia) and from Dr. Hans Nagel the mare Ameena (Gazal x Marah). In following years he imported from America get of the stallions, Ansata Shah Zaman and Moniet El Nafis, the stallion Hossny (*Ansata Ibn Halima x *Sanaaa) and his son I.E.S. Ibn Fawkia (x *Fawkia) and Ansata Ibn Bukra (Ansata Abu Sudan x *Ansata Bint Bukra). In 1995 he purchased El Thay Man­ sour from Germany and the now deceased U.S. Top Ten Stallion Anaza El Farid and im perial Madheen, both successful international sires of champions. His significant group of imported mares included Fattouma (Ibn Morafic x Foula), Ansata Suhaya (Ansata Ibn Sudan x Bint Nehaya), as well as mares sired by Ansata Shah Zaman, Hossny and Moniet El Nafis. In 1988 he purchased an important group of Egyptian mares from the Bentwood Farms dispersal including Dahmah Shahwaniah (*Ansata Ibn Halima x *Bint Maisa El Saghira) and her daughter, AK Nawaal (x TheEgyptianPrince) and granddaughter AK Desert Rose (x Shaikh Al Badi) as well as the lovely Bint Monisa (*lbn Moniet El Nefous x Monisa RSI). He also purchased the stallions Ibn Dahmahn (*lbn Hafiza x Dahmah Shahwaniah), named 1989 Argentine National Champion Stallion, and American regional halter winner Ruminaja Bahjat (Shaikh Al Badi x Bint Magidaa), a full brother to Ruminaja Ali, bought in 1988. Count Zichy Thyssen's Egyptian-related horses have been very successful in South American shows. ZT Sharello (by Ansata Shah Zaman) was the Supreme National Champion Stallion (he is also a 1993 Brazilian Top Ten Stallion). He is the sire of the exquisite *ZT Sharuby, whose many wins include 2002 World Champion Mare and Nations Cup Reserve Champion Mare, 2001 Middle East Champion Mare, and 1998 Egyptian Event Champion Mare. *ZT Sharuby is now a National Champion producer herself as her son Ibn Sharuby (by World Champion Stallion Gazal Al Shaqab) is the 2003 Qatar International Champion Colt. Another inter­ nationally successful Egyptian-related mare bred by the Count is 1999 and 2000 Egyptian Event Champion Mare *ZT Shakjamara, a granddaughter of Shaker El Masri and *Jamilll whose other wins include 1998 National Cup Champion Mare and European Reserve Junior Champion Filly. The Zichy-Thyssen bred *ZT Naphl just won the 1999 Darley Award winner for Older Racehorse of the Year. In 1986, the Ansata Shah Zaman daughter Sharisha was the Argentine Supreme National Champion Mare. In 1989 ZT Arnaj (by I.E.S. Ibn Fawkia) captured the Argentine Supreme National Champion Mare title. Straight Egyptian winners bred by the Count include 1994 Argentine National Champion Stallion ZT Sahjat (also a major winner in European competition) and the 1996 Argentine Reserve Senior Champion Mare, ZT Ramireefa, both by Ruminaja Bahjat out of Sareefa; and *ZT Faa'iq (Anaza El Farid x ZT Jamdusah) was named the 1998 Nations Cup Reserve Junior Champion Colt and European Junior Champion Colt and the 1999 American Egyptian Event Reserve Junior Champion Colt. Zichy-Thyssen's most recent Egyptian import is Assad (Ansata Halim Shah x Arussa), a National Champion sire in Europe and maternal grandsire of 2010 U.S. National Champion Stallion *EI Nabila B. Estanar S.A. imported for Haras Las Cortaderas the stallions Sayang (Ibn Morafic x Sadeekah) and Ansata Aly Jamil (*Jamilll x Ansata Sabrina) as well as the mares Farazdia (*Farazdac x Tajamaree) and Eskada Shalima (Halim El Nefous x Shallha) purchased at the Pyramid Society Sale in 1984. Their mare Nataliah (by Ibn Morafic) was named 1988 Argentine Supreme National Champion Mare. In 1997 they acquired two fillies by Ansata Hejazi, Ansata Hakima (x G. Fantasia) and Ansata Aldara (x SH Say Anna). Other stallions imported from Germany were Hakim (Gharib x Halima) for Mrs. Irmgard Fenner and in 1986 Kar Namic (Al-Nowasy x Bint Bassama) from Dr. Jung's Karolinenhof Stud for Mrs. Brigitte Lupp. The Guillermo Henin family of Haras Scheherazade has also committed to a significant straight Egyptian breeding pro­ gram having imported stallions and a number of mares from Ansata Arabian Stud, Bittersweet Arabians and Gleannloch farms in 1990 and 1991. In their early years they emphasized show competition but the farm is now oriented to endur­ ance and racing with their straight Egyptian Arabians. Their head sire is the Gleannloch bred Abu Khail (Al Metrabbi x Maraa), a U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt and Argentine National Champion. He was named by the Argentinean Arabian Horse Association: Best Sire of Stakes Winners for the second consecutive year after his six offspring won races, in­ cluding the 1999 Best Racing Stallion Sche' Najah and 2000 Best Racing Mare Sche' Mahtob. Two of Abu Khail's get have placed record times: Sche' Al Habiel placed a record time of 1 minute 32.71/100 seconds over a distance of 1400 meters and Sche' Najah placed a record time of 2 minutes 2.16/100 seconds over a distance of 1800 meters. Haras 62

Scherazade also stands American halter champion Ibn Amaal (Amaal x AK Khattaara), and American regional halter winner Ibn Shaikh (Shaikh Al Badi x *Bint Alaa El Din). All three stallions have sired successful endurance horses. Haras Scheherezade was named by the Argentinean Arabian Horse Association as Best Breeder of Stakes Winners, Best Stakes Training Center and Best Trainer of Stakes Winners. Haras Scheherazade mares include daughters of *Zaghloul, *Ansata Ibn Halima, The Egyptian Prince, Amaal, Al Metrabbi, Shaikh Al Badi, and Ansata Halim Shah. Argentine National winners of straight Egyptian lineage are 1994 Junior Champion Colt Sche Ashaikh (Ibn Shaikh x Asjaah), 1994 National Champion Mare Argentine Ansata Tabitha (Ansata Halim Shah x Malika El Sheba), and 1994 Argentine Reserve National Champion Stallion Abu Khail. Egyptian-related National Champions include 1997 Argentine National Champion Stallion Halim El Jamaal (Ali Jamaal x SV Hileela), a grandson of the American National winners Ruminaja Ali and El Hilal. URUGUAY Major breeding programs were developed in this beautiful country. Philippe and the late Yvonne de Bourbon were most influential in stimulating interest in Arabian horses among Uruguayan breeders. They imported the first straight Egyptian stallion to Uruguay, Ansata Nile Sun (Ansata Ibn Sudan x Falima) and showed him successfully to the 1986 Argentine Reserve Senior Champion Stallion title. His daughter JAT Bint Nile Sun was the 1988 Grand Champion Mare of Uruguay. They continued importing straight Egyptian horses and consistently won championships in Uruguay and other South American countries with their Egyptian and Egyptian related stock. Their stallion *Sindh (Ramses x Yusria), imported from Sweden, was named National Champion Stallion of Uruguay and also competed in North America un­ der saddle, where he was named 1990 Canadian National Champion Jumper. Subsequently other Uruguayan breeders increased Egyptian bloodlines in their herds. Ing. Federico Garcia Brum and Ing. Daniel Puig Terra have Egyptian-related stock. Claudia Caraballo de Quentin, a noted world endurance rider, owns La Cortaderas, the largest Arabian farm in Argentina and also owns property in Uruguay. She has owned Egyptian Arabians and owned Ansata Neamat (Ansata Hejazi x Ansata Neoma) and Ansata Serqit (Ansata lemhotep x Ansata Selket), both later sold to Kuwait. Uruguay has promoted Egyptian bloodlines in South America, and the 1994 Uruguay National Champion Stallion Imperial Al Iksir (by Imperial Al Kamar) is a further testimony of Egyptian recognition as many Uruguayan Egyptians have been exported to Chile in the 1990s. BRAZIL Brazil has emerged as a major influence on the Arabian horse world scene. In the past decade, interest in this breed has mushroomed and Brazilian breeders have bought up some choice straight Egyptian and Egyptian related horses that have won significant honors in the American show ring. The first straight Egyptian stallion imported to South America descending totally from stock bred in Egypt by Prince Mohamed Ali was the grey Ibn Manial. Foaled in 1936 by *Nasr x *H.H. Mohamed Ali's Hamama, he was purchased in 1938 by Mr. Guilherme Echenique Filho from Travelers Rest Farm in Tennessee and shipped to Brazil. Ibn Manial was the sire of 35 get which were sold in Brazil and to Argentina and Uruguay. He was a full brother to Jellaby, sold to England and mentioned earlier. In 1972 Dr. Aloysio Faria purchased the stallion Serenity Mashalla (*Khofo x *Serenity Shahra) from Serenity Arabian Stud in Canada. He has subsequently sired Brazilian National winners. This intro­ duced modern Egyptian breeding to South America, and it met with acclaim. Subsequently in 1976 Dr. Faria purchased Monazzara (*lbn Moniet El Nefous x *Azzar) and Monaserra (*Ibn Moniet El Nefous x Fa Dena) from Bentwood Farm in Texas, and in 1978 the weanling colt Ansata El Tareef (*Ansata Ibn Halima x Ansata Bint Sudan) who has also sired winners at the Brazilian National Show, as well as two mares from Ranchara in Wisconsin. He also imported Ahliah, Bint Hamda Halima, El Zahraa, Hanaa, Rashi, and El Jamil. Other straight Egyptians in Brazil include Abbas Pasha (Shakhs x AK Atallah), a sire of Brazilian National winners owned by Mr. Sebastiao Camargo; Ibn Keyaf, Bay Fayek, and Sha Ibn Rahnda, im­ ported by Mr. J. P. Martins; Imperial Sagdor, imported by Mrs. Olga Serenity Mashalla (*Khofo x *Serenity Shahra). Pyramid S o ciety archive. Ellis; *Serag (later imported to the U.S.), Ansata Halim Bay, and An­ sata Aly Khan, imported by Mr. Nagib Audi; Sadatt (a sire of Brazilian National winners) importedby Mr. Walter Areias; and Monshallah, imported by Mr. Jose Raul Brasiliense, and Morgaan (Shaikh Al Badix Morgana), imported by Maria 63

Helena Ribiero Perroy, who also owns the Egyptian-related U.S. and Canadian Na­ tional Champion Stallion Ali Jamaai (by Ruminaja Ali), a sire of national champions in both North and South America. Mr. Omar Carvalho Cunha also imported the Egyptian-related stallion Varazdaz by *Farazdac and the straight Egyptian Sadatt by *Tuhotmos from Ranchara. An important straight Egyptian breeding program was also established by Guilherme Riberio Jr. who imported a significant number of mares from Glenglade Arabians as well as the Bentwood and other public sales. He also had on lease the stallion Moniet El Nafis (the leading Egyptian race sire in America) and later pur­ chased Ansata Haji Halim and Ibn Talal. Straight Egyptian and Egyptian-related stock have won numerous championships in shows. The 1983 Brazilian Nationals had two Egyptian-related winners: Reserve Junior Champion Filly Breeze (by Abbas Pasha) and Reserve Junior Champion Colt HaQil FA (by Shokry). At the 1984 Brazilian Nationals, the National Champion Ansata Najdi (Ansata lem hotep x Stallion was Morafic Wazan (by Wazir Ibn Morafic), the National Champion Mare PWA Asherah). Cigi Crasso photo. was the *Jamilll daughter Kapriole, and the Reserve National Champion Mare was ZT Shah Bint Lover (by Ansata Shah Zaman). In 1986, the straight Egyptian mare Da'Aja (I.E.S. Ibn Fawkia x Onasha) defeated 215 females to capture the Brazilian National Champion Mare title, and Halimm (*Ansata Ibn Halima x *Gannat) sired three Top Ten winners. In 1991 the straight Egyptian AK Bafadi (Shaikh Al Badi x AK Fariha) was a Top Ten Stallion and BSA Aliya (Ruminaja Ali x Aniya), also straight Egyptian, was named a Top Ten Mare. (She was later sold to Ariely Arabians of Israel and was the 1996 Nations Cup Champion Mare in Germany). Egyptian-related horses enjoyed notable success again at the 1993 Brazilian Nationals, with ZT Sharello (by Ansata Shah Zaman) and Jetro (by Ansata Halim Bay) both winning Top Ten Stallion titles. In 1997, the Brazilian National Champion Mare and Junior Champion Colt were both Egyptian related. The National Champion Mare was Eloise El Jamaai (Ali Jamaai x Gai Ecstasy), a granddaughter of Ruminaja Ali and Dalul, both National Champions in halter in America. Named National Champion Colt was Arkane El Jamaai (Ali Jamaai x Terta Real), whose dam is by Ansata El Tareef. With the increasing number of Egyptian imports, as well as the develop­ ment of Egyptian-cross programs, the perpetuation of Egyptian breeding in South America is taking on an exciting new dimension. Brazilians have returned year after year to North America in search of more Egyptian stock as the popularity of Egyptian breeding has firmly established itself in that country. Recent imports to Brazil include two to Salim Mattar's Haras Sahara Stud: the Egyptian sired mare Omniet Al Ayun (by *Laheeb IASB) and the straight Egyptian stallion Ansata Najdi (Ansata lemhotep x PWA Asherah by Ansata Halim Shah), both of whom came via Italy. VENEZUELA (information supplied by Winston Garcia) Venezuela is a relative newcomer to Egyptian breeding and the main Egyptian breeder there is Winston Garcia, who has imported a number of fine horses from America. They include the 1998 Venezuelan Supreme National Champion Stallion Kabal (MPA Imdaaz x Khatir Amira), the 1998 Venezuelan Junior Champion Colt Imadeus (Imtaarif x Aniya) and Supreme National Champion Mare and Junior Champion Filly Kapria (Imtaarif x PRI Bint Sabiell), as well as the dressage champion MPA Imdasha (MPA Imdaaz x Khatir Amira). Named Champion Mare at the show was the Egyptian-related Alioop (Focus Alimus x Asadda), a granddaughter of Ruminaja Ali and *Asadd owned by Mary Ramsay and family. At the 1999 Venezuelan Nationals, Kabal was once again Supreme National Champion Stallion, and Imtasha the Superme National Champion Mare. Almost all the top winners at the show were straight Egyptian. Others include National Junior Champion Colt Moon Victor MH (by El Halimaar) and Reserve Junior Champion Colt Thee Sabbah Shah (Thee Desper­ ado x Sundar Sabbahalim), both also from the stud of Winston Garcia and family, as was the Reserve Supreme National Champion Mare Sataara (Imtaarif x AK El Sanaa). Named a Top Ten Stallion (actually third place) was AK Juhaan (AK El Hassan x Juseneh), owned by Raul Quero and family. In spite of the small number of Egyptian horses in Venezuela to date, they have dominated the show ring there due to their quality.

NORTH AMERICA CANADA While Canada is often looked upon as a part of North America it has also over the years established its own breed­ ing programs through the dedication of many admirers of the Egyptian horse. Early Crabbet stock imported to Canada introduced the influence of Ali Pasha Sherif bloodlines. The Babson sire Abgar (Fa-Serr x Fa Abba) was among the first straight Egyptian sires in the country in the 1960s. He produced a number of foals but scarcity of Egyptian mares resulted in his not being preserved in straight Egyptian lines. The first major importation of straight Egyptian horses was by Seren­ 64

ity Arabian Stud during the late 1960s and early 1970s. This group included the *Morafic son, *Khofo++ (x *Nabilahh) whose influence has become world wide. He has sired national winners in both hal­ ter and performance, and his blood is also found in the pedigrees of a number of race winners. Mares imported into Canada by Serenity included *Serenity Bint Mamlouka (Mashhour x Mamlouka), *Serenity Bint Noha (Nader x *Noha), *Serenity Luftia (Nasralla x Nazeera), *Serenity Montaha (Galal x Mona [Inshass]), *Serenity Sagda (Antar x Sarnia), *Serenity Shahra (Antar x Shahrzada), *Serenity Bint Nadia (Sameh x Nadia), *Serenity Bint Hemmat (Nazeer x Hemmat), *Serenity Sabra (Sameh x Shahrzada), *Bint Alaa El Din (Alaa El Din x *Serenity Sabra) and the U.S. National Champion Mare, *Serenity Sonbolah (Sameh x Bint Om El Saad). The final Serenity import into Canada was also the last Nazeer son imported into North America, *Serenity Ibn Nazeer (Nazeer x Lateefa). The Serenity importations *Khofo (*M orafic x *Nabilahh). Johnny Johnston photo. have had impact on National show ring winners in both halter and performance and race winners. In 1976 Serenity Arabian Stud moved to Florida where it continued straight Egyptian breeding on a large scale. Other Canadian breeders included the Coles family noted for their famed sire Dalul (*Morafic x *Dawlat), a U.S. National Champion Futurity Colt and sire of 14 National winners, as well as numerous other imports from the United States and Egypt and later imports from Germany. The Mantei's Diamond M Arabians obtained a number of horses descending from the famed Gleannloch importa­ tion and stood *Soufian (Alaa El Din x Moniet El Nefous) the German sire, *Mameluck (Hadban Enzahi x Moheba II), and Shamruk (*lbn Hafiza x *Bint Maisa El Saghira++) a multi-regional winner in halter and performance and a National winner sire. Albert Guilbault's Abitibi Farms in Quebec bred Egyptian bloodlines for some time utilizing imports from the U.S. and later Egyptian bloodlines from Germany. Another significant farm with a formidable straight Egyptian program was the former Montebello Farms with loca­ tions in Quebec and Ontario. Operated by the Paul Walker family, their annual June "Open Houses" once exposed many new people in Canada to the opportunities of sharing ownership in Egyptian Arabian horses. The Wagschals of Shalom Farms Arabians imported several Egyptians which have been very successfulin dressage and jumping competition. Their *Shalom Ha Yonah produced the multi-National Champion in dressage Shalom Yarom and Canadian Top Ten Jumper Shalom Feyah+. A number of Egyptian imports followed in the 1980s for a variety of breeders, the horses coming primarily from the United States and Germany. Michael and Valerie Resch of Karija Arabians in Ontario bought Farres (Anaza El Farid x Shameerah)in 2001. He was sent to Europe several years later where he became 2004 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Stallion, and in 2005 was sold to the Al Mohammadia Stud of Saudi Arabia. Etaya Arabians of Ontario is owned by Jennifer Parsons & Chris Fichaud and is enjoying considerable success in the show ring. They are sharehold­ ers in the Imperial Mistaar Partnership and he sired for them the 2009 Egyptian Event Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion, Etaya Sudan Amir, who was just two years old at the time of his win. Etaya also stands the multi-regional halter champion Etaya Shai Zahab. The Etaya mare band includes daughters of Serr Maariner, im perial Madheen, and *Simeon Shai who have produced winners at the Egyptian Event and in open competi­ tion. Ali-Barr Arabians, owned by Barry Dearie, is located in Saskatchewan. Dearie has a select group of broodmares including Imperial Karmah, one of only two mares to be an American Egyptian Event Leading Dam for five years in succession. Her offspring include the many times international champion Imperial Baareg and the American Egyptian Event winner Adeela bred by Ali-Barr. Ali-Barr bred the 2009 Canadian Top Ten Futurity Colt El Masri BJ (Marquis I x Safaara) and has sold horses to buyers abroad including one in New Zealand.


UNITED STATES After countless centuries, and only in the last 30 to 40 years, North America has achieved status as the guardian and protector of Egyptian Ara­ bian horses in terms of both quantity and quality. Among the first Egyptian Arabians to arrive in America was Selim, foaled in 1794. A stallion, he was sired by Achmet, who belonged to Murad Bey, the Mamluke Chief. The stallion Grand Sultan, imported in 1820, was out of the Egyptian mare Caulah, and in 1860, the horse Calif was given by Abbas Pasha to the United States consul for Egypt and then imported to America. The first horse of ancestral relationship to later Egyptian imports regis­ tered in the Arabian Horse Registry of America Studbook was *Bedr (Azrek x Bozra), foaled in 1891 and imported in 1893 by William H. Forbes of Boston, Massachusetts. *Bedr was bred by England's Crabbet Stud and was *Shahwan (W azir x a Dahmah Shahwaniah) subsequently exported to the Philippines. *Bedr sired just one American b red b y A li Pasha Sherif. Forbis archive. born foal (who was gelded) and so is not found in modern pedigrees. The first Egyptian bred horse imported to America to leave descent is *Shahwan, bred by Ali Pasha Sherif in 1887, imported to England by the Blunts, and sold in 1895 to J.A.P. Ramsdell, an American. Next was the celebrated mare *Ghazala (Bint Bint Helwa), also of Ali Pasha Sherif breeding, sold to the Blunts of Sheykh Obeyd Stud, and then sold to Spencer Borden. King John, *Malouma and *Exochorda, all desert bred, and the RAS-bred *lbn Nafa were next to be imported from Egypt and registered in America. They were followed by the significant groups imported in 1932 by Henry Babson (*Fadl, *Maaroufa, *Bint Serra I, *Bint Saada, *Bint Bint Sabbah, *Bint Bint Durra, and *Metsur) and W.R. Brown (*Zarife, *Roda, *H.H. Mohamed Ali's Hamama, *H.H. Mohamed Ali's Hamida, *Silver Yew, *Aziza and *Nasr). Soon after came *Maamouna, purchased byJ.M . Dickinson from the RAS. These major importations of the 1930s proved to be the backbone of Egyptian breeding in America for the next 30 years. Unfortunately, the majority of the Brown imports from Egypt were not maintained in straight Egyptian line and, in that respect, the wealth of their influence was greatly diminished within Egyptian breeding. However some of this blood still survives in straight Egyptian lines through *Aziza, *Zarife, *Roda and *Nasr. TheBabson imports continued to be interbred during this period. At the urging of Carl Raswan, the 1950s saw renewed interest in Egyp­ tian blood. Five horses were imported from the EAO (formerly RAS) in Egypt by Richard Pritzlaff of Rancho San Ignacio. This group included the first Nazeer get to come to America: *Rashad Ibn Nazeer, *Bint Moniet El Ne­ fous, and *Bint El Bataa as well as two El Sareei daughters *Bint Nefisa and *Bint Dahma. These were immediately followed by Ansata Arabian Stud's three well-known yearlings *Ansata Ibn Halima, *Ansata Bint Mabrouka and *Ansata Bint Zaafarana. Then various importations followed by Gleannloch Farms in Texas including the legendary ’"Morafic. Interest in straight Egyptian breeding soared after major wins by these horses in the show ring, and as a better understanding was achieved of the refined type and elegance for which these horses were prepotently linebred. In the late 1960s several breeders saw the necessity for preserving the straight Egyptian Arabian horse for use by future generations of breeders. Thus, The Pyramid Society was founded in 1969. Soon, significant breeding programs were firmly established across the continent. *Bint M on iet El Nefous (N azeer x M on iet El Nefous) Because of their rarity - less than 6 percent of Arabian horses in AmeriiS ca being straight Egyptian - few are seen in show ring competition. Nevertheless, there is an incredibly impressive array of top wins earned at the U.S. and Canadian National Shows level, and at other prestigious competitions. The 1970s saw many Egyptian and Egyptian-cross winners, highlighted by 1971 U.S. National Champion Stallion Ansata Ibn Sudan and 1971 U.S. National Champion Mare *Serenity Sonbolah, as well as numerous Top Ten winners in all halter divisions and performance wins in various disciplines from park to native costume. In 1978, the Egyptianrelated Amurath Bandolero, who has two lines to Nazeer, was named U.S. National Champion Stallion. In 1980 straight Egyptian Fa Halima was named U.S. National Champion Mare, and in 1981 the Egyptian-related *Marsianin was crowned U.S. National Champion Stallion. The last half of the 1980s and early 1990s saw a resurgence Egyptian Arabian horses in the show ring. The Arabian horse community turned to the most classic of horses as a guide to the future. 66

The crowd pleasing, Ruminaja Ali son, Ali Jamaal, of Egyptian related lineage, was named 1989 Canadian National Champion Stallion and 1990 U.S. National Champion Stallion. His sire line is indeed of royalty, as his grandsire, Shaikh Al Badi, was 1972 U.S. Reserve National Champion Futurity Colt, and his sire, Ruminaja Ali, was 1979 U.S. National Champion Futurity Colt and 1983 U.S. National Reserve Champion Stallion. Other National Champions or Reserves in recent years have included such notables as Imperial Imdal (by Ansata Imperial), 1988 U.S. Reserve National Champion, Kuraafi (by Makhsous), the 1989 U.S. National Champion Futurity Colt, and Maisa El Mars (by the Aswan son *Marsianin and out of the Shamruk daughter Maisa El Bene), the 1989 U.S. National Reserve Champion Mare. Particularly noteworthy are the wins by *Simeon Shai (Ra'adin Royal Star x Simeon Safanad), a straight Egyptian who was twice named U.S. Top Ten Stallion and was also 1991 Scottsdale Champion Stallion, the first Egyptian to achieve this award since *lbn Moniet El Nefous in 1971. *Simeon Shai then went on to win 1991 U.S. and Canadian National Champion Stallion honors, and to be named World Champion Stallion at the Salon Du Cheval as well. He is the only stallion ever to achieve the U.S., Canadian, and Salon Du Cheval wins in the same show season. He is but one more ex­ ample of the powerful future of the Egyptian Arabian horse in North America. He also exemplifies the truly international nature of Egyptian breeding today, as his sire and maternal grandsire were bred in America, his granddam in Hungary, and he himself in Australia! Egyptian Arabians have continued to do very well in the North American show ring, with Thee Desperado (The Minstril x AK Amiri Asmarr) named the 1994 Scottsdale Champion Stallion and 1994 U.S. Reserve National Champion Stallion. One of the most decorated straight Egyptian stallions in recent years; with a total of six national halter titles including 1995 U.S. Top Ten Stallion is Abraxas Halimaar (El Halimaar x SF Moon Maiden). The "people's choice" for National Champion Mare in 1996 was the very feminine Egyptian-Related multi-champion Shaia (by *Simeon Shai), who was Top Ten for the second year in a row. Numerous other Egyptian bloodlines did well at the show, including the straight Egyptian 1996 Canadian Top Ten Stallion Hadidi (*Norus x Hebet Allah), 1996 Heritage Sweepstakes Colt Makhnificent KA (Makhsous x Star Bint Hafiza), 1996 U.S. Top Ten First Level Dressage The Madrigal (The Minstril x KH Rafalima), 1996 U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colts Ansata lemhotep (Prince Fa Moniet x Ansata Nefara) and MB Mistaz (*lbn Safinaz x Imperial Mistill). In 1997, straight Egyptian and Egyptian related Arabians captured a total of 28 National titles at the U.S. and Canadian Nationals. Among the straight Egyptian winners were Canadian Reserve National Champion Stallion AOTH and U.S. Top Ten Stallion AOTH Thee Gambler (Thee Desperado x Aliadaarra by Alidaar), U.S. and Canadian Top Ten Futurity Colt Richter MH (El Halimaar x Fasarra), U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt BB Thee Renegade (Thee Desperado x PH Safina). Canadian Top Ten Jumper Shalom Feyah (*Mameluck x *Shalom Ha Yonah), U.S. Top Ten Third Level Dressage El Gohara (Al Metrabbi x Egyptian Belle), and U.S. Top Ten Second and Third Level Dressage Ibn Sabbah Bedu (Serabaar x Shar Sabbah). In 1998, 22 National titles in North America were won by Egyptian Arabians. Straight Egyptian halter winners included U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Makhnificent KA and Canadian Top Ten Futurity Colt MB Scatman (The Atticus x Tammena). In performance, Ziba Jalisa (Makhsous x Kahleela) was named a U.S. Top Ten Working Cow Horse, as was Rasadiy (Ibn Morafic x *Rabira). Shalom Feyah was a U.S. Top Ten Jumper, and El Gohara won U.S. Top Ten titles in Second and Third Level Dressage. Egyptian Arabians were very successful in performance at the national level in 1999 as well; as 1999 marked the first year they won more titles in performance than in halter. Straight Egyptian winners were U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Imperial Baarez (PVA Kariim x BB Ora Kalilah), U.S. Top Ten Jumper Shalom Feyah, U.S. Top Ten Hunter and Third Level Dressage Ibn Sabbah Bedu, U.S. Top Ten Fourth Level Dressage El Gohara, U.S. Reserve National Champion Jumper Schzarad Thundor (The Minstril x S Nambe Nabiel), U.S. Top Ten Working Cow Horse AOTR Rasadiy, and U.S. National Champion Working Cow Horse AOTR Ziba Jalisa. Special commendation must go to Imperial Baarez (PVA Kariim x BB Ora Kalilah), bred and owned by Imperial Egyptian Stud of Maryland. After a successful show career in the US that included U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt and Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Stallion titles, he conquered Europe. In the 2004 show season his wins included Champion Stallion at the International Show at Citta di Castello, Italy, Nations Cup Reserve Senior Champion Stallion, and World Reserve Senior Champion Stallion. He has consistently been a leading sire at the Egyptian Event as well. When Imperial ceased operation in 2007, Imperial Baarez was sold to Egypt's El Farida Stud, but his get and grandget will influence North American show rings for many years to come. In recent years, Egyptian Arabians have won more titles in performance than in halter at the National shows held in the U.S. and Canada. 2003 was a very good year for Egyptian horses at the four National shows in the United States and Canada. Eleven straight Egyptian and Egyptian-related Arabians won a total of 27 titles. The trend towards Egyptian horses winning more National titles in performance than in halter continued, with only four of the 27 National wins in halter. The two winners with the greatest number of titles were both straight Egyptian and won all their awards in the hunter/jumper division. Egyptian Arabians won national championships in hunter AOTR, jumper ATR and open jumper, and working cow horse JTR. They won National top ten awards in hunter, hunter AOTR, hunter ATR, hunter JTR, Sporthorse Show Hack, first level dressage ATR and AOTR, second level dressage, third level dressage, working cow horse open and AOTR, western pleasure JTR, reining AOTR, Sporthorse In Hand, Junior Mare halter, and stallion AOTH. 67

In 2004, fifteen straight Egyptian and Egyptian-related Arabians won a total of 23 titles at the four National shows. The trend towards Egyptian horses winning more National titles in performance than in halter continued, with only two of the 23 National wins in halter. Significantly, there were more straight Egyptian winners than Egyptian-related win­ ners by far— 13 of the winners were straight Egyptian, whereas only two were Egyptian-related, giving solid proof of the athletic gifts of the straight Egyptian horse! (In 2003, of the 11 different winners, only five were straight Egyptian). Eight of the 2004 winners were first time National titlists. Six of the wins were achieved at Youth Nationals, four at Canadian Nationals, six at Sporthorse Nationals, and three at the U.S. Nationals. The two winners with the greatest number of titles were both straight Egyptian and won all their awards in the hunter/jumper division. Egyptian Arabians won national championships in jumper ATR and working cow horse AOTR. They won National top ten awards in hunter pleasure, hunter, hunter AOTR, hunter ATR, hunter JTR, Sporthorse Under Saddle Junior Horse, western sidesaddle JTR, western pleasure JOTR 13 and Under, trail, trail AOTR, working cow horse open, working cow horse AOTR, working cow horse JTR, Sporthorse In Hand, gelding halter JOTH, and futurity colt. 2005 was another successful year for Egyptian horses at the National shows in the United States and Canada. Twelve straight Egyptian and Egyptian-related Arabians won a total of 17 titles. The trend towards Egyptian horses win­ ning more National titles in performance than in halter continued, with only three of the 17 National wins being in halter. Seven of the winners were straight Egyptian and five were Egyptian-related. Seven of the 2005 winners were first time National titlists in North America. Two of the wins were achieved at Canadian Nationals, 11 at Sporthorse Nationals, and four at the U.S. Nationals. An Egyptian related stallion won a reserve national championship in open halter. Egyptian horses won National top ten awards in hunt pleasure, hunter ATR, first level dressage AOTR, second level dressage, second level dressage AOTR, second level dressage ATR, third level dressage, fourth level dressage, working cow horse open, working cow horse AOTR, junior mare, and senior mare. This was the first year that most of their wins came at the Sporthorse Nationals, ample proof of their athleticism and trainability. In 2006, Egyptian Arabians won in halter, dressage, hunt pleasure and working cow horse at the North American National shows. 2007 saw 12 different Egyptian horses amassed a total of 22 wins. O f these twelve, seven achieved their first National titles in 2007, and six were straight Egyptian. Egyptian Arabians won titles in trail open, trail with adult and junior amateur riders, hunt pleasure both open and with an amateur rider, hunter over fences both open and with an amateur rider, jumper, hunter hack with an ama­ teur rider, sporthorse halter, three different levels of dressage (training level, second level and third level) with amateur riders, and cutting. Egyptian Arabians shone in sport horse competition with 15 of their 2007 national wins in that divi­ sion. 2008 was another good year for Egyptian Arabians who competed at North American national shows. A total of 11 different horses won 21 titles. O f these eleven, six were straight Egyptian and four won at the national level for the first time. Egyptian Arabians won titles in halter, hunt pleasure junior horse, hunter over fences, hunter over fences open and with an amateur rider, hunter hack open and with an amateur rider, trail open and with an amateur rider, sporthorse halter, dressage, western pleasure and novice cutting. As in the previous few years, the greatest number of titles were won in sporthorse competition-a total of 12 of the 21 titles achieved. 2009 was a landmark year for Egyptian Arabians competing on the na­ tional level in North America. Of the 11 winners, ten won their first national titles, a percentage of 90%, the highest percentage of new Egyptian national winners in a show year this century. Of the 11 winners, four are straight Egyptian. The winners achieved titles in halter (both open and amateur), sporthorse halter, hunter (open and amateur to ride), hunter hack, jumper, dressage (open and amateur to ride) and hunt pleasure, with a total of 23 different awards. 18 of the 23 awards were in the sporthorse division, a trend which has continued since the inception of sporthorse competition at the national level. At the 2010 North American national shows, Egyp­ tian sired horses were named U.S. Reserve National Champion Senior Mare (*Negma Al Shaqab), U.S. Reserve National Champion Junior Stallion (Om El Al Azeem) and U.S. National Champion Futurity Working Cow Horse (Sheba Neshaad). The remarkable straight Egyptian gelding Dal-Apollo+// won three national championships or reserves in hunter over fences. His 42 national titles in hunter over fences, jumper and hunter hack make him the all time leading straight Egyptian National winner. Significantly, the recent North American National shows saw Egyptian horses competing success­ fully with junior riders, amateur riders, and amateur halter handlers, a sure indication that Egyptian horses can be enjoyed by the whole family. Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) M cD o w e ll photo.


T h e E g y p t ia n A r a b ia n H o r s e as

C h a m p io n

The Egyptian horse represents o n ly a sm all percentage of the total A rab ian breed. Yet w hen the opportunity arises, these m uch adm ired and in te rn atio n ally sought-after treasures have been exce e d in g ly successful in the sh o w ring, both in North A m e ric a and w o rld ­ w id e .

In addition these are sw ift drin kers of the w in d and have

been naturals for the racing scen e. Th erefore, it is o n ly fitting that w e pay tribute in this section to the ch am p io ns, w h ether in the sh o w ring or on the race co u rse . This section in clu d es a listing of Straight Egyptian U .S . and C a n ad ia n N ational S h o w W in n e rs 1 9 5 8 -2 0 1 0 , Egyptian Event Suprem e C h a m p io n s 1 9 8 6 -2 0 1 0 , Straight Egyptian W in n e rs of tw o or m ore International Titles and Straight Egyptian R ace W in n e rs 1 959 - Septem ber 2 0 1 0 .


Straight Egyptian U.S. & Canadian National Winners 1958 - 2010 Compiled by Arlene Magid-Williams

1964 U.S. Top Ten Park *Bint Maisa El Saghira++ (Nazeer x Maisa) 1965 U.S. Top Ten Mare "Bint Maisa El Saghira++ (Nazeer x Maisa) U.S. Top Ten English Pleasure *Bint Maisa El Saghira++ (Nazeer x Maisa) *Bint Maisa El Saghira Rhita McNair photo

1966 U.S. Top Ten Stallion *Ansata Ibn Halima++ (Nazeer x Halima) U.S. Top Ten Park Bint Aaroufa (Fa-Serr x Aaroufa) 1967 U.S. Top Ten Stallion *Ansata Ibn Halima++ (Nazeer x Halima) U.S. Reserve National Champion Mare "Nahlah++ (Morafic x Mohga) U.S. Top Ten Park Roufas (Fa-Serr x Aaroufa)

Bint Aaroufa Johnny Johnston photo

*Ansata Ibn Halima Jerry Sparagowski photo

1968 Canadian Top Ten Stallion Ansata Ali Pasha (*Ansata Ibn Halima++ x "Ansata Bint Zaafarana) U.S. Top Ten Stallion Saba El Zahraa++ ("Morafic x "Salomy) U.S. Top Ten Mare "Fawkia (Sameh x Mamlouka) U.S. Top Ten English Pleasure Joramir (Sirecho x Fad Roufa) U.S. Top Ten Native Costume Joramir (Sirecho x Fad Roufa) 1969 U.S. Top Ten Stallion "Ansata Ibn Halima++ (Nazeer x Halima) U.S. Top Ten Stallion Ansata Ibn Sudan ("Ansata Ibn Halima++ x *Ansata Bint Mabrouka) U.S. Top Ten Mare *Nahlah++ (Morafic x Mohga) U.S. Top Ten Mare "Romanaa II (Sameh x Nazeera) U.S. Top Ten English Pleasure *Nahlah++ (Morafic x Mohga) U.S. Top Ten Native Costume *Nahlah++ (Morafic x Mohga) 1970 U.S. Top Ten Mare "Serenity Sonbolah (Sameh x Bint Om El Saad) U.S. Top Ten Mare *Nahlah++ (Morafic x Mohga) U.S. National Champion Futurity Colt Al Metrabbi++ ("Moraficx *Sammara) U.S. Top Five Futurity Colt Al Fahir ("Morafic x "Sanaaa) U.S. Top Ten Western Pleasure *Nahlah++ (Morafic x Mohga)

*Serenity Sonbolah jerry Sparagowski photo

Ansata Ibn Sudan Jerry Sparagowski photo

1971 U.S. National Champion Stallion Ansata Ibn Sudan (*Ansata Ibn Halima++ x "Ansata Bint Mabrouka) U.S. Top Ten Stallion *lbn Moniet El Nefous ("Morafic x Moniet El Nefous) U.S. Top Ten Stallion *Refky ("Morafic x Rafica) U.S. National Champion Mare *Serenity Sonbolah (Sameh x Bint Om El Saad) U.S. Top Ten Mare *Shiaa++ (Alaa El Din x "Berlanty) U.S. National Champion Futurity Filly II Muna ("'Morafic x "Bint Mona) U.S. Reserve National Champion Futurity Filly Muzahrafa ("Morafic x "Safaa) U.S. National Champion Futurity Colt Dalul ("Morafic x "Dawlat) U.S. Top Ten Park *Sakr+++ ("Sultann x Enayat) U.S. Top Ten English Pleasure *Nihal++ (Antar x Neamat) U.S. National Champion Western Pleasure *NihaI++ (Antar x Neamat) U.S. National Champion Native Costume "Faleh-H- (Alaa El Din x Frashah) 70

‘Sakr, Jerry Sparagowski photo

1972 Canadian Top Ten Stallion Mohssen (*Ansata Ibn Halima++ x *Bint Mona) U.S. Top Ten Stallion Dalul (*Morafic x *Dawlat) U.S. Top Ten Stallion *Sakr+++ (*Sultann x Enayat) U.S. Top Ten Mare Muzahrafa+ (*Morafic x *Safaa) U.S. Reserve National Champion Futurity Colt Shaikh Al Badi (*Morafic x *Bint Maisa El Saghira++) U.S. Top Five Futurity Colt Al Fattah (*Morafic x *Safaa) U.S. Top Ten Park *Sakr+++ (*Sultann x Enayat) U.S. Top Ten English Pleasure Dalia++ (*Morafic x *Romanaa II) U.S. Top Ten Western Pleasure Muzahrafa+ (*Morafic x *Safaa) 1973 Canadian Top Ten Mare Aarouser (Fa-Serr x Aaroufa) U.S. Top Five Futurity Filly Bint Bint Mona (*Morafic x *Bint Mona) U.S. Reserve National Champion Park *Sakr+++ (*Sultann x Enayat) U.S. Top Ten Western Pleasure *Nihak+ (Antar x Neamat) U.S. Reserve National Champion Native Costume *Faleh++ (Alaa El Din x Frashah)

Aarouser Johnny Johnston photo

*Faleh, Rhita McNair photo


*Asadd Johnny Johnston photo

Nabiel+/, J e ff Little photo

1974 U.S. National Champion Futurity Colt Nabiel+/ (*Sakr+++ x *Magidaa) U.S. Top Five Futurity Filly Bint Bint Rafica (*Morafic x *Shamah) U.S. Top Five Futurity Filly AK Moniet Ami (*lbn Moniet El Nefous x AK Mon Ami) U.S. Reserve National Champion Park *Sakr+++ (*Sultann x Enayat) U.S. Reserve National Champion English Pleasure Roufas (Fa-Serr x Aaroufa) U.S. Top Ten Native Costume *Faleh++ (Alaa El Din x Frashah) U.S. Ten Western Pleasure Al Nimr++ (*Morafic x *Hekmat) U.S. Top Ten English Sidesaddle *Faleh++ (Alaa El Din x Frashah) Canadian Top Ten Stallion El Hilal (*Ansata Ibn Halima++ x *Bint Nefisaa) Canadian Top Ten Mare Roufah (Ibn Fa-Serr x Bahroufa) Canadian Top Ten English Pleasure Roufas (Fa-Serr x Aaroufa) Canadian Top Ten Formal Driving Roufas (Fa-Serr x Aaroufa) 1975 U.S. National Champion Stallion *Asadd++ (*Sultann x Amani) U.S. Top Ten Stallion Nabiek/ (*Sakr+++ x *Magidaa) U.S. Top Ten Stallion Dalul (*Morafic x *Dawlat) U.S. Top Ten Stallion El Hilal (*Ansata Ibn Halima++ x *Bint Nefisaa) U.S. Reserve National Champion Mare Bint Bint Hanaa+ (*Morafic x *Bint Hanaa) U.S. Top Ten Mare Bint Bint Moniet (*Rashad Ibn Nazeer x *Bint Moniet El Nefous) U.S. National Champion Futurity Filly Shafeekah (*Morafic x *Magidaa) U.S. Reserve National Champion Futurity Filly Doriah (*Morafic x *Dawlat) U.S. Top Five Futurity Filly Shahira (*Morafic x *Shiaa++) U.S.Top Five Futurity Colt Mosry+++ (*Morafic x *Sanaaa) U.S. Top Five Futurity Colt El Dayim++ (*lbn Hafiza x *Nahlah++) U.S. Top Ten English Pleasure *Faleh++ (Alaa El Din x Frashah) U.S. National Champion Native Costume *Faleh++ (Alaa El Din x Frashah) U.S. Top Ten Sidesaddle *Faleh++ (Alaa El Din x Frashah) Canadian Top Ten Pleasure Driving Roufas (Fa-Serr x Aaroufa) 1976 Canadian Top Ten Stallion El Hilal (*Ansata Ibn Halima++ x *Bint Nefisaa) U.S. Top Ten Stallion Nabiek/ (*Sakr+++ x *Magidaa) U.S. Top Ten Mare Bint Romanaa++ (*Morafic x *Romanaa II) U.S. Top Ten Mare Roufah (Ibn Fa-Serr x Bahroufa) U.S. National Champion Futurity Colt Ibn Morafic+++ (*Morafic x *Kahramana) U.S.Top Five Futurity Filly Fardos (*Morafic x *Sanaaa) U.S. Top Five Futurity Filly Ansata Sabrina (Ansata Ibn Sudan x Ansata Sabiha) U.S. Top Ten Park *Sakr+++ (*Sultann x Enayat) 71

U.S. Top Ten English Pleasure Almileegy++ (*lbn Hafiza x ‘ Bint BintEl Samraa) U.S. Reserve National Champion Western Pleasure Almileegy++ (*lbn Hafiza x *Bint BintEl Samraa) U.S. Reserve National Champion Trail Ansata El Reyhan++ (Ansata Ibn Sudan x Sabrah) U.S. Top Ten Trail Al Metrabbi++ (*Morafic x ‘ Sammara) U.S. National Champion Native Costume *Sakr+++ (‘ Sultann x Enayat) U.S. Reserve National Champion Native Costume ‘ Manzoura (‘ Sultann x Nazeera) U.S. Reserve National Champion English Pleasure AOTR Ansata El Reyhan++ (Ansata IbnSudan x Sabrah) U.S. National Champion Sidesaddle *Manzoura (‘ Sultann x Nazeera)

Al M etrabbi++ Pyramid Society archive

*Lancer's Asmara+ Johnny Johnston photo

Rayek+++ Rhita McNair photo

Almileegy++ Johnny Johnston photo

Ansata Shah Zam Jerry Sparagowski photo

1977 U.S. Top Ten Stallion *Nagid++ (Shaarawi x Nagda) U.S. Top Ten Mare *Lancer's Asmara+ (Seef x Hebah) U.S. Reserve National Champion Gelding Rayek+++ (‘ Morafic x *Shiaa++) U.S. National Champion Futurity Colt Ansata Shah Zam (Ansata Shah Zaman x Ansata Sabiha) U.S. Top Five Futurity Colt Shah Nishan+ (‘ Morafic x *Kahramana) U.S. National Champion Futurity Filly Hebet Allah (‘ Morafic x *Soheir II) U.S. Reserve National Champion Futurity Gelding Rayek+++ (‘ Morafic x *Shiaa++) U.S. Reserve National Champion Park *Sakr+++ (*Sultann x Enayat) U.S. Top Ten English Pleasure *Asadd++ (*Sultann x Amani) U.S. Top Ten Western Pleasure *Fagra+ (Galal x Rasmia) U.S. Top Ten Western Pleasure Almileegy++ (‘ Ibn Hafiza x *Bint BintEl Samraa) U.S. National Champion Native Costume *Sakr+++ (*SuItann x Enayat) U.S. Top Ten Native Costume ‘ Manzoura (*SuItann x Nazeera) U.S. Top Ten Native Costume Bint Romanaa++ (*Morafic x ‘ Romanaa II) U.S. Top Ten Sidesaddle Bint Romanaa++ (‘ Morafic x ‘ Romanaa II) 1978 U.S. Top Ten Stallion Ansata El Nisr (‘ Ansata Ibn Halima++ x ‘ Ansata Bint Zaafarana) U.S. Top Ten Gelding Rayek+++ (‘ Morafic x *Shiaa++) U.S. National Champion Futurity Colt Keyaf (‘ Ramses Fayek x ‘ Ramses Amal) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Ansata Reza Shah (Ansata Shah Zaman x Ansata Sabiha) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Gamal Al Arab+++ (*lbn Hafiza x ‘ Gamilaa) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Al Saad (Amaal x *Subhaya) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Filly Nagwa Fouad (*Asadd++ x *Daad) U.S. Top Ten Park *Sakr+++ (‘ Sultann x Enayat) U.S. Top Ten English Pleasure *Asadd++ (‘ Sultann x Amani) U.S. Top Ten English Pleasure Ibn Morafic+++ (‘ Morafic x *Kahramana) U.S. Top Ten Western Pleasure *lbn Al Hassan+/ (Hassan x ‘ Bint BintEl Samraa) U.S. Top Ten Western Pleasure Almileegy++ (*lbn Hafiza x ‘ Bint BinteEl Samraa) U.S. National Champion Native Costume *Sakr+++ (‘ Sultann x Enayat) U.S. Top Ten Native Costume Ansata El Reyhan++ (Ansata Ibn Sudan x Sabrah) Canadian Reserve National Champion Stallion Ansata Shah Zam (Ansata Shah Zaman x Ansata Sabiha) Canadian Top Ten Stallion Ibn Morafic+++ (*Morafic x ‘ Kahramana) Canadian Top Ten Stallion Na Ibn Moniet (*lbn Moniet El Nefous x Roufah) Canadian Top Ten Mare Hebet Allah (‘ Morafic x ‘ Soheir II) Canadian Top Ten Gelding Rayek+++ (‘ Morafic x *Shiaa++) Canadian National Champion Park *Sakr+++ (‘ Sultann x Enayat) Canadian Top Ten English Pleasure Sugaa++/ (‘ Sakr+++ x ‘ Magidaa) Canadian National Champion Western Pleasure Almileegy++ (*lbn Hafiza x ‘ Bint BinteEl Samraa) Canadian Top Ten Western Pleasure ‘ Ibn Al Hassan+/ (Hassan x ‘ Bint BintEl Samraa) Canadian Top Ten Pleasure Driving Sugaa++/ (*Sakr+++ x ‘ Magidaa) Canadian Top Ten Native Costume ‘ Sakr+++ (‘ Sultann x Enayat) Canadian Top Ten Native Costume Gamal Al Arab+++ (*lbn Hafiza x ‘ Gamilaa) 1979 U.S. Top Ten Stallion Ansata Shah Zam (Ansata Shah Zaman x Ansata Sabiha) U.S. Top Ten Mare Fa Halima (‘ Ansata Ibn Halima++ x Sabrah) U.S. Top Ten Gelding Rayek+++ (‘ Morafic x *Shiaa++) 72

Serenity Tiamo Johnny Johnston photo

Fa Halima Johnny Johnston photo

Ruminaja Ali Polly Knoll photo

U.S. National Champion Futurity Colt Ruminaja Ali (Shaikh Al Badi x Bint Magidaa) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Ansata Halim Bey+ (*Ansata Ibn Halima++ x Ansata Damietta) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Ansata Imperial (Ansata Ibn Sudan x Ansata Delilah) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Ibn Zaghloul (*Zaghloul x ‘ Bint Mona) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Filly Serenity Tiamo (*SF Ibn Nazeer x Serenity BtBt Mamlouka) (later renamed Imperial Tiamo) U.S. Top Ten Park *Sakr+++ (‘ Sultann x Enayat) U.S. National Champion Native Costume *Sakr+++ (‘ Sultann x Enayat) U.S. Reserve National Champion Native Costume Gamal Al Arab+++ (*Ibn Hafiza x ‘ Gamilaa) Canadian Top Ten Western Pleasure El Dayim++ (‘ Ibn Hafiza x *Nahlah++) Canadian Top Ten Native Costume Ansata El Wazir (‘ Tuhotmos x ‘ Ansata Bint Sameh) 1980 U.S. Top Ten Stallion Ansata Shah Zam (Ansata Shah Zaman x Ansata Sabiha) U.S. Top Ten Stallion Ruminaja Ali (Shaikh Al Badi x Bint Magidaa) U.S. National Champion Mare Fa Halima (‘ Ansata Ibn Halima++ x Sabrah) U.S. Top Ten Mare ImperialTiamo (*SF Ibn Nazeer-Serenity BtBt Mamlouka) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Ansata Ibn Shah (Ansata Shah Zaman x Ansata Jezebel) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Ansata King Tut (Nabiel+/x Ansata Bint Sudan) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Filly Ansata Saroya (Nabiek/ x Ansata Samira) U.S. Top Ten Native Costume Gamal Al Arab+++ (*lbn Hafiza x ‘ Gamilaa) U.S. Top Ten Native Costume Rayek+++ (‘ Morafic x *Shiaa++) U.S. Top Ten Trail El Barraka+ (‘ Tuhotmos x ‘ Gazbeya) Canadian Top Ten Stallion Ruminaja Ali (Shaikh Al Badi x Bint Magidaa) Canadian Top Ten Stallion Keyaf (‘ Ramses Fayek x ‘ Ramses Amal) Canadian Reserve National Champion Mare Fa Halima (‘ Ansata Ibn Halima++ x Sabrah) Canadian Top Ten Gelding Walad Aziz (*Khofo++ x ‘ Bint Hanaa) Canadian Top Ten English Pleasure Sugaa++/ (*Sakr+++ x ‘ Magidaa) Canadian Top Ten Western Pleasure *Nagid++ (Shaarawi x Nagda) Canadian Reserve National Champion Trail El Barraka+ (‘ Tuhotmos x ‘ Gazbeya) 1981 U.S. Top Ten Stallion ‘ El Mareekh (Aseel x Rawayeh) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt AK Shah Moniet (*lbn Moniet El Nefous x Dahmah Shahwaniah) U.S. Top Ten Native Costume Fazio (*Faleh++ x ‘ Nazzli) U.S. Top Ten Native Costume AK Bareem (‘ Ibn Moniet El Nefous x Maarena) Canadian Top Ten Native Costume AK Bareem (*lbn Moniet El Nefous x Maarena) 1982 U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Rofann (‘ Soufian x Bint Romanaa++) U.S. National Champion Native Costume Rayek+++ (‘ Morafic x *Shiaa++) U.S. Top Ten Native Costume Gamal Al Arab+++ (*lbn Hafiza x ‘ Gamilaa) U.S. National Champion Trail El Barraka+ (‘ Tuhotmos x ‘ Gazbeya)

Ansata Halim Shah Jerry Sparagowski photo

1983 U.S. Reserve National Champion Stallion Ruminaja Ali (Shaikh Al Badi x Bint Magidaa) U.S. Top Ten Stallion ‘ Jamilll (Madkour I x Hanan) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt El Halimaar (‘ Ansata Ibn Halima++ x RDM Maar Hala) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt El Shalyar (‘ Soufian x Wafa) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Ansata Halim Shah (‘ Ansata Ibn Halima++ x Ansata Rosetta) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Filly Glorieta Maarqesa (Ansata Abu Nazeer x AK Monaroufa) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Filly Arabest Nafarah (Nabiek/ x Ruminaja Nahida) U.S. Top Ten Native Costume El Ibn Fabah+ (Fabah x Fa Moniet) Canadian Top Ten Park El Risaan (‘ Morafic x ‘ Omayma) Canadian Top Ten English Pleasure Ala Bhaba (*lbn Moniet El Nefous x Sabrah) 1984 U.S. Top Ten Mare *lbn Galal I-7 (Ibn Galal I x 7 Lutfia) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Ansata Ibn Aziza (Ansata Halima Son x Ansata Aziza) 73

U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Prince Ibn Shaikh (Shaikh Al Badi x RDM Maar Hala) U.S. Top Ten Western Pleasure AK Lateef (*lbn Moniet El Nefous x Sabrah) U.S. Top Ten First Level Dressage Pri Serr Sudan (Serr Maariner x PRI Sufa Kuhaylah) Canadian Top Ten Futurity Colt Prince Ibn Shaikh (Shaikh Al Badi x RDM Maar Hala) 1985 no straight Egyptian National winners RA Aneesa Judith photo

*Ibn Safinaz Cappy Jackson photo

1986 U.S. Top Ten Futurity Filly RA Aneesa (Nabiel+/x AK Amheir) U.S. Top Ten Second Level Dressage El Barraka+ (*Tuhotmos x *Gazbeya) 1987 U.S. Top Ten Stallion *lbn Safinaz (Seef x Safinaz) U.S. Top Ten Stallion Imperial lmdal+ (Ansata Imperial x Dalia++) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Alidaar (Shaikh Al Badi x Bint Magidaa) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt The Minstril (Ruminaja Ali x *Bahila) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Filly Maar Bilahh (El Halimaar x Bint Nabilahh) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Filly Imperial Phanilah (Ansata Imperial x Imperial Phanadah) Canadian Top Ten Futurity Colt Mohummed Sadden (El Hilal x Akid Fa Mona) Canadian Top Ten Futurity Colt Alidaar (Shaikh Al Badi x Bint Magidaa)

U.S. Reserve National Champion Stallion Imperial lmdal+ (Ansata Imperial x Dalia++) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Imperial Immarouf (Ansata Imperial x Glorieta Maarqesa) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Gelding Imperial Shahbeeb (Ansata Shah Zaman x Imperial Sonbolara) U.S. Top Ten Western Pleasure Junior Horse Imperial-Alamonra (Ansata Imperial x *Wadeea)

Im perial Im dal Polly Knoll photo

1989 U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Ali Bubba (Ruminaja Ali x Katourah) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Anaza Bay Shahh (Shaikh Al Badi x Bint Deenaa) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Filly Sidra (U.S. Top Ten Stallion El Hilal x Nourah) Canadian Reserve National Champion Stallion *Simeon Shai+ (Ra'adin Royal Star x Simeon Safanad) Canadian Top Ten Stallion *Orashan (*Messaoud x Ora) Canadian Top Ten Stallion AK Bafadi (Shaikh Al Badi x AK Fariha) Canadian Top Ten Futurity Colt Royal Mikhiel (Nabiel+/ x *Pharrah) 1990 U.S. Top Ten Stallion *Simeon Shai+ (Ra'adin Royal Star x Simeon Safanad) U.S. Top Ten Stallion Imperial lmdal+ (Ansata Imperial x Dalia++) Canadian Top Ten Country Pleasure *Orashan (*Messaoud x Ora) Canadian National Champion Jumper *Sindh+ (Ramses x Yusria)


*Orashan, Carien photo

*Simeon Shai Gigi Grasso photo

1991 U.S. National Champion Stallion *Simeon Shai+ (Ra'adin Royal Star x Simeon Safanad) U.S. Top Ten Stallion *Orashan (*Messaoud x Ora) U.S. Top Ten Stallion Hadaya El Tareef (Imperial lmdal+ x Hadaya Nmerytaten) U.S. Top Ten Gelding El Jebell (Al Fattah x Bint Romanaa++) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Abu Khail (Al Metrabbi++ x Maraa) U.S. National Champion Country Pleasure *Badr +/ (Ikhnatoon x Sameha) U.S. Top Ten Jumper *Sindh+ (Ramses x Yusria) U.S. National Champion Native Costume *Badr +/ (Ikhnatoon x Sameha) U.S. Top Ten First Level Dressage Sakkara El Din (* Ramses El Din x II Durra) U.S. Top Ten Second Level Dressage Sakkara El Din (*Ramses El Din x II Durra) Canadian National Champion Stallion *Simeon Shai (Ra'adin Royal Star x Simeon Safanad) Canadian Top Ten Stallion Hadaya El Tareef (Imperial lmdal+ x Hadaya Nmerytaten) Canadian Top Ten Futurity Colt Le Baroque (El Hilal x Nourah) Canadian Reserve National Champion Hunter *Sindh+ (Ramses x Yusria) Canadian National Champion Jumper *Sindh+ (Ramses x Yusria) 74


U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Moroc (Imperial lmdal+ x *Najiba) U.S. Top Ten Country Pleasure *Badr+/ (Ikhnatoon x Sameha) Canadian Top Ten Gelding Taj Mo Ali (Ruminaja Ali x Moynese) 1993 U.S. Top Ten Stallion Thee Desperado (The Minstril x AK Amiri Asmarr) U.S. Top Ten Stallion The Minstril (Ruminaja Ali x *Bahila) U.S. Top Ten Stallion Anaza El Farid (Ruminaja Ali x Bint Deenaa)

Thee Desperado Javan photo

U.S. Top Ten Gelding AK Khalif (Moniet El Sharaf x AK Khalifa) U.S. Top Ten Stallion AOTH Say Amen (The Minstril x Alia Meryetaten) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Abraxas Halimaar (El Halimaar x SF Moon Maiden) U.S. Top Ten Native Costume *Badr +/ (Ikhnatoon x Sameha) Canadian Top Ten Stallion Thee Desperado (The Minstril x AK Amiri Asmarr) Canadian Top Ten Stallion The Minstril (Ruminaja Ali x *Bahila) Canadian Top Ten Stallion Fladaya El Tareef (Imperial lmdal+ x Hadaya Nmerytaten) Canadian Top Ten Gelding El Jebell (Al Fattah x Bint Romanaa++) 1994 U.S. Top Ten Mare Bint Zaarina (Ruminaja Ali x Glorieta Zaarina) U.S. Reserve National Champion Stallion Thee Desperado (The Minstril x AK Amiri Asmarr) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Imperial Saturn (*lbn Safinaz x Imperial Mistilll)

Abraxas Halim aar VanLent photo

U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Ali Reshan (Ruminaja Ali x Dahmah Reshan) U.S. Reserve National Champion Stallion AOTFI Abraxas Halimaar (El Halimaar x SF Moon Maiden) Canadian Top Ten Mare Bint Zaarina (Ruminaja Ali x Glorieta Zaarina) 1995 U.S. Top Ten Stallion Abraxas Halimaar (El Halimaar x SF Moon Maiden) U.S. National Champion Stallion AOTH Abraxas Halimaar (El Halimaar x SF Moon Maiden) Canadian Top Ten Stallion Abraxas Halimaar (El Halimaar x SF Moon Maiden) Canadian National Champion Stallion AOTH Abraxas Halimaar (El Halimaar x SF Moon Maiden) U.S. Top Ten Show HackJTR 14-17 Akid Mandalay+ (AK El Zahra Moniet x Shoala) 1996 U.S. Top Ten Stallion Abraxas Halimaar (El Halimaar x SF Moon Maiden) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt MB Mistaz (*lbn Safinaz x Imperial Mistilll) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Ansata lemhotep (Prince Fa Moniet x Ansata Nefara) U.S. Top Ten Mare AOTH Havilah E A (The Minstril x Aliah Halima)

Makhnificent KA Gigi Grasso photo

U.S. Top Ten Sweepstakes Colt Makhnificent KA (Makhsous x Star Bint Hafiza) U.S. Top Ten First Level Dressage The Madrigal (The Minstril x KH Rafalima) Canadian Top Ten Stallion Hadidi (*Norus x Hebet Allah) Canadian National Champion Medium I Dressage Shalom Yarom+/ (*lbn Amoura x *Shalom HaYonah) Canadian National Champion Medium II Dressage Shalom Yarom+/ (*lbn Amoura x *Shalom Ha Yonah) 1997 U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt BB The Renegade (Thee Desperado x PH Safina) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Richter MH (El Halimaar x Fasarra) U.S. Top Ten Stallion AOTH Thee Gambler (Thee Desperado x Aliadaarra)

I -J--.


BB Thee Renegade Judith photo

U.S. Top Ten Second Level Dressage Ibn Sabbah Bedu+ (Serabaar x Shar Sabbah) U.S. Top Ten Third Level Dressage El Gohara+/ (Al Metrabbi++ x Egyptian Belle) U.S. Top Ten Third Level Dressage Ibn Sabbah Bedu+/(Serabaar x Shar Sabbah) Canadian Top Ten Futurity Colt Richter MH (El Halimaar x Fasarra) Canadian Reserve National Champion Stallion AOTH Thee Gambler (Thee Desperado x Aliadaarra) Canadian Top Ten Jumper Shalom Feyah+/ (*Mameluck x *Shalom Ha Yonah)


The Elixir Stuart Vesty photo

El Gohara+///, Rob Hess photo

1998 U.S. Top Ten Futurity Filly Moonstorm MH (El Halimaar x SF Moon Maiden) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Thee Infidel (Thee Desperado x Bint Magidaa) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Makhnificent KA (Makhsous x Star Bint Hafiza) U.S. Top Ten Working Cow Horse Ziba Jalisa+ (Makhsous x Kahleela) U.S. Top Ten Working Cow Horse Rasadiy (Ibn Morafic+++ x *Rabira) U.S. Top Ten jumper Shalom Feyah+/ (*Mameluck x *Shalom Ha Yonah) U.S. Top Ten Second Level Dressage El Gohara+/ (Al Metrabbi++ x Egyptian Belle) U.S. Top Ten Third Level Dressage El Gohara+/ (Al Metrabbi++ x Egyptian Belle) Canadian Top Ten Stallion The Elixir (Hi-Fashion Mreekh x Jaliya) Canadian Top Ten Futurity Filly Moonstorm MH (El Halimaar x SF Moon Maiden) Canadian Top Ten Futurity Colt MB Scatman (The Atticus x Tammena) 1999 U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Imperial Baarez (PVA Kariim x BB Ora Kalilah) U.S. Top Ten Third Level Dressage Ibn Sabbah Bedu+/ (Serabaar x Shar Sabbah) U.S. Top Ten Hunter Ibn Sabbah Bedu+/ (Serabaar x Shar Sabbah) U.S. Reserve National Champion Jumper Schzarad Thundor (The Minstril x S Nambe Nabiel) U.S. National Champion Working Cow Horse AOTR Ziba Jalisa+ (Makhsous x Kahleela) U.S. Top Ten Working Cow Horse AOTR Rasadiy (Ibn Morafic+++ x *Rabira) Canadian Top Ten Jumper Shalom Feyah+/ (*Mameluck x *Shalom Ha Yonah)


Thee Infidel, Jean Pierre photo

U.S. Top Ten Native Costume JTR 14-17 The Fugitive (Thee Desperado x AK Aleka) Canadian Top Ten Hunter Dal-Apollo+//(SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) Canadian National Champion Hunter JTR Dal-Apollo+//(SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. Top Ten Stallion Thee Infidel (Thee Desperado x Bint Magidaa) U.S. Top Ten Mare AOTH MC Alexsis (The Elixir x AK Athena) U.S. Top Ten Working Cow Horse Ziba Jalisaa (Makhsous x Kahleela) U.S. Top Ten Working Cow Horse Rasadiy (Ibn Morafic+++ x *Rabira) U.S. Top Ten Hunter Dal-Apollo+//(SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. National Champion Prix St Georges Dressage El Gohara+//(Al Metrabbi++ x Egyptian Belle) 2001

Sweet Eloise Polly Knoll photo

U.S. National Champion Trail JOTR Sweet Prince (Imperial Imperor x Pasha Princess) Canadian Top Ten Futurity Filly PR Desert Rose (Thee Desperado xAK Nadara) Canadian Top Ten Mare AOTH PR Desert Rose (Thee Desperado x AK Nadara) Canadian Reserve National Champion Hunter Matar (El Saniel x Egyptian Melody) Canadian Top Ten Hunter JTR Matar (El Saniel x Egyptian Melody) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Filly Sweet Eloise (Thee Desperado x Kuhaylah Nitaya) U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt Shahab Jamal (Thee Desperado x Alijamila) U.S. National Champion Mare AOTH PR Desert Rose (Thee Desperado x AK Nadara) U.S. Reserve National Champion Working Cow Horse AOTR Ziba Jalisa+ (Makhsous x Kahleela) U.S. Top Ten Working Cow Horse AOTR Rasadiy (Ibn Morafic+++ x *Rabira) U.S. Top Ten Working Cow Horse AOTR Amiin (Ibn Morafic+++ x Ajibah) U.S. Top Ten Working Cow Horse Ziba Jalisa-t- (Makhsous x Kahleela) U.S. National Champion Jumper Schzarad Thundor (The Minstril x S Nambe Nabiel) U.S. Top Ten Hunt Pleasure Futurity Bodacious KA (Makhsous x Star Bint Hafiza) U.S. Reserve National Champion First Level Dressage AOTR Asasi Diva (BKA Raayah x Qastal) U.S. Reserve National Champion Second Level Dressage AOTR Asasi Diva (BKA Raayah x Qastal) U.S. Top Ten Fourth Level Dressage Ibn Sabbah Bedu+/ (Serabaar x Shar Sabbah)

2002 Ibn Sabbah Bedu+ J. W. Naismith photo

U.S. Top Ten Working Cow Horse AOTR Amiin (Ibn Morafic+++x Ajibah) U.S. Reserve National Champion Working Cow Horse Rasadiy (Ibn Morafic+++ x *Rabira) U.S. Reserve National Champion Dressage Intermedaire El Gohara+/// (Al Metrabbi++ x Egyptian Belle) Canadian National Champion Hunter AOTR Dal-Apollo+//(SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) 76

Dal-Apollo, McDowell photo

Shy Gayfeen, Rob Hess photo

Serr Signature, Lance Lewis up Pyramid Society archive

BJ Thee Arabella Reissig photo

Amiin, Pyramid Society archive

2003 Canadian National Champion Hunter AOTR Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) Canadian Top Ten Hunter Dal-Apollo+//(SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) Canadian Reserve National Champion Jumper Dal-Apollo+//(SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) Canadian Reserve National Champion Jumper ATR Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) Canadian Top Ten Jumper ATR Matar (El Saniel x Egyptian Melody) U.S. Reserve National Champion Working Cow Horse JTR Amiint-// (Ibn Morafic+++ x Ajibah) U.S. Top Ten Hunter Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. Top Ten Hunter AOTR Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. Reserve National Champion Jumper AOTR Matar (El Saniel x Egyptian Melody) U.S. Top Ten Hunter ATR Matar (El Saniel x Egyptian Melody) U.S. Top Ten Junior Mare Sweet Eloise (Thee Desperado x Kuhaylah Nitaya) U.S. Top Ten Stallion AOTH KMF Ali Calypso (Calypso Dance x C Princess Rakia) U.S. Top Ten Working Cow Horse Amiin+//(lbn Morafic+++ x Ajibah) U.S. Top Ten Working Cow Horse AOTR Amiin+// (Ibn Morafic+++ x Ajibah) 2004 Canadian Top Ten Hunt Pleasure Shy Gayfeen++++// (Safeen x Gayleen RCA) Canadian National Champion Hunter AOTR Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) Canadian Top Ten Jumper ATR Matar (El Saniel x Egyptian Melody) Canadian Top Ten Hunter JTR Matar (El Saniel x Egyptian Melody) Canadian Top Ten Trail AOTR Bahims Thunder (Midnight Bahim x AJ Raquimoniet) U.S. Top Ten Gelding JOTH Serr Signature (DW Signature x Bint Serr Pasha) U.S. Top Ten Western Sidesaddle JTR PH Promiscuous (*Simeon Shai x Bint Sammara) U.S. Top Ten Western Pleasure JOTR 13/Under Bint Haddiyah (Makhsous x Haddiyah) U.S. Top Ten Sporthorse Mare in Hand Abraxas Crowngemm (ET Crown Prince x AH Abraxas) U.S. Top Ten Sporthorse Under Saddle Junior Horse Abraxas Abu Hilal (ET Crown Prince x AH Abraxas) U.S. Top Ten Trail Bahims Thunder (Midnight Bahim xAJ Raquimoniet) U.S. Top Ten Hunter ATR Dal-Apollo+//(SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. Top Ten Hunter Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. Top Ten Hunter AOTR Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. Top Ten Hunter ATR Matar (El Saniel x Egyptian Melody) U.S. Top Ten Hunter JTR Matar (El Saniel x Egyptian Melody) U.S. National Champion Jumper ATR Schazarad Thundor (The Minstril x S Nambe Nabiel) U.S. Reserve National Champion Jumper ATR SATheeMoonDancer (Thee Desperado xAK Shalina) U.S. Top Ten Jumper SATheeMoonDancer (Thee Desperado x AK Shalina) U.S. Reserve National Champion Working Cow Horse AOTR Ziba Jalisa (Makhsous x Kahleela) U.S. Top Ten Working Cow Horse Ziba Jalisa+ (Makhsous x Kahleela) U.S. Top Ten Working Cow Horse JTR Amiin+// (Ibn Morafic+++ x Ajibah) U.S. Top Ten Working Cow Horse Amiin+//(lbn Morafic+++ x Ajibah) 2005 Canadian Top Ten Hunt Pleasure Shy Gayfeen++++// (Safeen x Gayleen RCA) U.S. Top Ten Hunter ATR Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. Top Ten Hunter Hack ATR SE Safuur+/ (Safeen x MS Ballur) U.S. Top Ten Fourth Level Dressage Serrperlative (Serr Rou x Roulena) U.S. Top Ten Senior Mare BJ Thee Arabella (Thee Desperado x Lily Langry HG) U.S. Top Ten First Level Dressage AOTR KA First Knight (Makhsous x KA Sultan Raqwa) U.S. Top Ten Second Level Dressage ATR KA First Knight (Makhsous x KA Sultan Raqwa) U.S. Top Ten Working Cow Horse AOTR Amiin+// (Ibn Morafic+++ x Ajibah) U.S. Top Ten Working Cow Horse Amiin+// (Ibn Morafic+++ x Ajibah) 2006 Canadian Top Ten Hunt Pleasure BATaariq (Imtaarif x Kumar Tarifah) U.S. Top Ten Sport Horse Stallion Thee Kaffir AA++ (Thee Infidel x AK Pasha Sharoufa) U.S. Top Ten Working Cow Horse Amiint-// (Ibn Morafic+++ x Ajibah) U.S. Top Ten Working Cow Horse AOTR Amiin+// (Ibn Morafic+++ x Ajibah) 77

Amiin, Pyramid Society archive

Dal-Apollo, McDowell photo

2007 Canadian Top Ten Hunt Pleasure AATR 18-39 Shy Gayfeen++++// (Safeen x Gayleen RCA) Canadian Reserve National Champion Hunter Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) Canadian National Champion Hunter AOTR Dal-Apoilo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) Canadian Reserve National Champion Hunter ATR Dal-Apollo (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. Top Ten Sport Horse Stallion ATH The Ali Shamin++/ (The Shamin x Dinah Na Zahra) U.S. Top Ten Training Level Dressage AOTR The Ali Shamin++/(The Shamin x Dinah Na Zahra) U.S. Top Ten Sport Horse Jackpot Colt MS Tewfik (Thee Desperado x LA Marsala) U.S. Top Ten Hunter Dal-Apollo+//(SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. Top Ten Hunter ATR Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. Reserve National Champion Hunter AOTR Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. Top Ten Hunter Hack ATR Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. Top Ten Hunter Hack AOTR Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. National Champion Jumper ATR *Yazeed Al Shaqab (Wasel xTaba) U.S. Top Ten Hunt Pleasure Futurity Thee Bandera (Alixir x Arabella MCA) U.S. Reserve National Champion Novice Cutting Amiin+// (Ibn Morafic+++ x Ajibah) 2008 U.S. Reserve National Champion MareJTH LF Triumphant Star (Thee Desperado x Princess Tammen) Canadian Top Ten Hunt Pleasure Junior Horse Thee Bandera (Alixir x Arabella MCA) Canadian National Champion Hunter AOTR Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) Canadian National Champion Hunter Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) Canadian National Champion Hunter ATR Dal-Apollo+//(SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) Canadian Reserve National Champion Hunter Hack Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. Top Ten Sport Horse Stallion Prince ImatepToo (*Simeon Shai+ x Avjem Primavera) U.S. Top Ten Sport Horse Stallion Thee Kaffir AA++ (Thee Infidel x AK Pasha Sharoufa) U.S. National Champion Hunter AOTR Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. Top Ten Hunter ATR Dal-Apollo+//(SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. Top Ten Hunter Dal-Apollo+//(SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. Top Ten Hunter Hack ATR Dal-Apollo+//(SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. Top Ten Cutting Novice Horse Amiin+//(lbn Morafic+++ x Najibah) 2009 Canadian Top Ten Jackpot Colt El Masri BJ (Marquis I x Safaara) Canadian National Champion Hunter Dal-Apollo+//(SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) Canadian National Champion Hunter AOTR Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) Canadian National Champion Hunter ATR Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) Canadian National Champion Hunter Dal-Apolio+//(SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) Canadian National Champion Hunter Hack Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. National Champion Hunter AOTR Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. Top Ten Hunter Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. Top Ten Hunter ATR Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) U.S. Top Ten Sporthorse Mare WRA Summers Kiss (Thee Infidel x Minstrils Kiss)

2010 WRA Summers Kiss, Steve Hutcherson photo

Canadian Top Ten Two Year Old Filly LF Suriah (Thee Desperado x FM Kahleen) Canadian Top Ten Two Year Old Colt HF El Jalal (HF Aresx HF Maymouna) Canadian National Champion Hunter Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) Canadian National Champion Hunter AOTR Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah) Canadian Reserve National Champion Hunter ATR Dal-Apollo+// (SEA Ben Ben Bilal x Rudaynah)


U.S. Egyptian Event Supreme Champions 1986 - 2010 Compiled by Arlene Magid-Williams 1986 Supreme Champion Stallion: Imperial Imdal (Ansata Imperial x Dalia) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: *Orashan (*Messaoud x Ora) Supreme Champion Mare: Kamims Batik (Kamim x Bint Bint Khususi) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: Egypts Love Song (Shamruk x Zeynah Aneesah) Supreme Champion Gelding: Hy-Wynne Jeremiah (Amir Ibn Shamah x Amira al Shahwa) Imperial Im dal Pyramid Society archive

Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: GA Anwar Sudan (Ansata Ibn Sudan x Overlook Fatima) 1987 Supreme Champion Stallion: GA Prince Andrew (Imperial Imperor x Assisi Susana) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: VA Sirius (Imperial Imdal x VA Marlayna) Supreme Champion Mare: Maar Bilahh (El Halimaar x Bint Nabilahh) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: Delta Venus (*Jami 111 x Venezuela) Supreme Champion Gelding: PLF Sharmoniet (AK Bay Moniet x Hy Wynne Shara)

M aar Bilahh Scott Trees photo

Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: Abu Khayl (*lbn Moniet El Nefous x Bint Bint Nazeera) 1988 Supreme Champion Stallion: Halim Witez (Ansata El Nisr x Rosebud) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: Alidaar (Shaikh Al Badi x Bint Magidaa) Supreme Champion Mare: Alihilal (El Hilal x Rocky Ridge Alija) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: JML Galatea (MFA Mareekh Amir xTulachord Bishara) Supreme Champion Gelding: Hy-Wynne Jeremiah (Amir Ibn Shamah x Amira al Shahwa) Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: DM Jaheema (AK El Maalouf x Midbar Firebird)

Alidaar, Erwin Escher photo

1989 Supreme Champion Stallion: *Orashan (*Messaoud x Ora) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: Royal Mikhiel (Nabiel x *Pharrah) Supreme Champion Mare: Maisa El Mars (*Marsianin x Maisa El Bene) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: Desert Vienna (Ramses Rasul x Desert Twilight) Supreme Champion Gelding: MA Future (Ansata El Nisr x Thunderbird Kay) Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: VA Halima Bey (Ansata Halim Bey-VA Elsa) *Orashan, Javan Schaller photo

1990 Supreme Champion Stallion Imperial Imdal (Ansata Imperial x Dalia) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: Ali El Din (Ruminaja Ali x Heritage Memory) Supreme Champion Mare: Maisa El Mars (*Marsianin x Maisa El Bene) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare; BB Ora Kalilah (*Orashan x PF Safina) Supreme Champion Gelding: El Jebell (Al Fattah x Bint Romanaa) Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: Imperial O Fawwad (*Orashan-lmperial Bint Fawkia) BB Ora Kalilah Pyramid Society archive


1991 Supreme Champion Stallion: Hadaya El Tareef (Imperial Imdal x Hadaya Nmerytaten) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: Royal Mikhiel (Nabiel x *Pharrah) Supreme Champion Mare: Marneya (Ibn El Mareekh x Saneya El Naseri) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: Imperial Saahoura (*lbn Safinaz x Imperial Mistill) Supreme Champion Gelding: The Rocketman (The Minstril x VallejoTazza) Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: DM Jaheema (AK El Maalouf x Midbar Firebird) Hadaya El Tareef Stuart Vestyphoto

^^ 2

Supreme Champion Stallion: VA Sirius (Imperial Imdal x VA Marlayna) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: Baahir (Ibn El Mareekh x GF Nasr Bataa) Supreme Champion Mare: Tareefs Sa Diyyah (Hadaya El Tareef x Saadaa) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: Kuhaylah Nitaya (Tammen x Aleeshah) Supreme Champion Gelding: The Rocketman (The Minstril x Vallejo Tazza) Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: Safinaz Reflection (*lbn Safinaz x GJ Armeta) Tareefs Sa Diyyah Stuart Vesty photo

Supreme Champion Stallion: Sabiell (Nabiel x AK El Sanaa) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: Royal Mikhiel (Nabiel x *Pharrah) Supreme Champion Mare: CF El Vira (*Waheeb x Sedans Elegance) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: Bint Saneya (Ibn El Mareekh x Saneya El Naseri) Supreme Champion Gelding: El Jebell (Al Fattah x Bint Romanaa) Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: Nataree (Hadaya El Tareef x Rohara Ronatta) 1994 Supreme Champion Stallion: Anaza El Farid (Ruminaja Ali x Bint Deenaa) Sabiell, Irina Filsinger photo

Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: Ansata Sinan (Prince Fa Moniet x Ansata Nefara) Supreme Champion Mare: SES Khebria (*Orashan x Raadin Khebira) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: GWB Ptara (Moroc x Ptina) Supreme Champion Gelding: AK Khalif (Moniet El Nafis x AK Khalifa) Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: Abraxasprincemaar (ET Crown Prince x Little Bay) 1995 Supreme Champion Stallion Abraxas Halimaar (El Halimaar x SF Moon Maiden) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: Ansata Hejazi (Ansata Halim Shah x Ansata Sudarra) Supreme Champion Mare: Shaia (*Simeon Shai+ x Bint Zlabiya)

Anaza El Farid, Rik VanLent photo

Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: GWB Ptara (Moroc x Ptina) Supreme Champion Gelding: PF Bentley (*lbn Safinaz x Alas Canadia) Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: The Mistral (The Minstril x Hawaa)


1996 Supreme Champion Stallion BBThe Renegade (Thee Desperado x PH Safina) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: The Elixir (Hi-Fashion Mreekh x Jaliya) Supreme Champion Mare: BSA Aliya (Ruminaja Ali x Aniya) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: Havilah E A (The Minstril x Aliah Halima) Supreme Champion Gelding: Taj Mo Ali (Ruminaja Ali x Moynese) BSA Aliya Stuart Vesty photo

Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: The Mistral (The Minstril x Hawaa) 1997 Supreme Champion Stallion: Hadidi (*Norus x Hebet Allah) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: *Gazal Al Shaqab (Anaza El Farid x Kajora) Supreme Champion Mare: Madinah Bint Saariyah (*lmperial Madheen x PLF Saariyah) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: Minstrils Kiss (The Minstril x Princess Salaam) Supreme Champion Gelding; The Mistral (The Minstril x Hawaa)

Hadidi, Pyramid Society archive

Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: MB Shafeen (Safeen x Bint El Shams)

1998 Supreme Champion Stallion: *Gazal Al Shaqab (Anaza El Farid x Kajora) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: Imperial Baarez (PVA Kariim x BB Ora Kalilah) Supreme Champion Mare: *ZT Sharuby (*ZT Sharello x ZT Bint Ruby) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: Deserree (The Desperado x PH Maroufina) Supreme Champion Gelding: El Signor (Imperial Imdal x Holiday Charm) Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: Longlast Destiny (Imperial Imdal x Jewelet) Gazal A lShaqab Stuart Vesty photo

1999 Supreme Champion Stallion Imperial Baarez (PVA Kariim x BB Ora Kalilah) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: Imextreme (imtaarif x AK El Sanaa) Supreme Champion Mare: *ZT Shakjamara (*EI Shaklan x ZT Jamara) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: Prima Bella KA (Makhsous x KA Namirah) Supreme Champion Gelding: Shah El Hawaa (Imperial Imdal x Hawaa) Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: The Lone Star (Thee Desperado x White Diamonds) Imperial Baarez Javan Schaller photo


Supreme Champion Stallion: Imtaarif (Imperial Imdal xTaarifa) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: Richter MH (El Halimaar x Fasarra) Supreme Champion Mare: *ZT Shakjamara (*EI Shaklan x ZT Jamara) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: *ZT Fa Delight (Anaza El Farid x Countess Delight) Supreme Champion Gelding: SES Trailblazer (Hadaya El Tareef x Eskada Ekstaja) Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: Enkil X (The Elixir xVP Shaklana) Im taarif Stuart Vesty photo


2001 Supreme Champion Stallion: Farid Nile Moon (Anaza El Farid x GA Moon Tajhalima) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: True Colours (Thee Desperado x Daheda) Supreme Champion Mare: Deserree (Thee Desperado x PH Maroufina) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: Valour Sadeea (*lbn Safinaz x *Wadeea) Supreme Champion Gelding: Shah El Hawaa (Imperial Imdal x Hawaa) Farid Nile Moon Pyramid Society archive

Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: Maggido (Thee Desperado x Bint Bint Magidaa)


Supreme Champion Stallion: RZA Orient Express (PVA Kariim x Orient Queen) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: Insignia DeSha (Thee Desperado x Jubilllee) Supreme Champion Mare: Dorian Oreena (Dorian Oran x HF Driade) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: Antara Shalima (Ansata Hejazi x Sha Latif) Supreme Champion Gelding: RF El Shaddai (Nabiel x AM Countess Renoir) Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: Rhapsody In Red (Thee Infidel x Rhapsody In Black) Insignia DeSha Gigi Grasso photo

2003 Supreme Champion Stallion: Ansata lemhotep (Prince Fa Moniet x Ansata Nefara) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: Thee Extreme (Thee Desperado x Tammette) Supreme Champion Mare: Isabella HG (Hadidi x Belle Staar) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: Thee Lotus Mazin (Thee Infidel x Lotus Wanisa) Supreme Champion Gelding: RF Footloose (Thee Desperado x Minstrils Rose) Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: Imbrace (Imtaarif x BG Saatin Doll) Isabella HG, Gigi Grasso photo

2004 Supreme Champion Stallion: Pimlico RCA (Thee Desperado x Bint Bint Jamil) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: *ShahiI ITSB (Maysoun x Shahila) Supreme Champion Mare: BJ Thee Arabella (Thee Desperado x Lily Langtry HG) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: Thee Phoenixx (Thee Infidel x Minstrils Mist) Supreme Champion Gelding: BA Mujdid (Barefoots Ladid x Mujannah Fanniya) Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: ESA Perico Bey (Orfan Bey x Shealee) Pimlico RCA, Suzanne Sturgill photo

2005 Supreme Champion Stallion: *AI Adeed Al Shaqab (Ansata Halim Shah x Sundar Alisayyah) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: The Sequel RCA (Thee Desperado x LA Marsala) Supreme Champion Mare: Famira KA (Farres x Desire RB) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: *Asra Salaa (Salaa El Dine x Asra Geniya) Supreme Champion Gelding: Imperial Al Kahdi (Imperial Al Kamar x MB Mazaraa) Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: Rhapsody In Red (Thee Infidel x Rhapsody in Black)

F am ira KA, Pyram id Society archive



Supreme Champion Stallion: *Al Lahab GASB (Laheeb x The Vision HG) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: *Laheeb IASB (Imperial Imdal x AK Latifa) Supreme Champion Mare: Farreesa CA (Farres x Queen Sheeba) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: MC Alexsis (The Elixir x AK Athena) Supreme Champion Gelding: Mosi (Insignia DeSha x Shalina El Jamaai) Al Lahab, Gigi Grasso photo

Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: Rhapsody in Red (Thee Infidel x Rhapsody in Black) 2007 Supreme Champion Stallion: *Warad Al Khalidiah (Thee Ricochet x Psyches Kiss) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: *F Shamaal (Maysoun x Sarameena) Supreme Champion Mare: *Athenaa AHSB (Ashhal Al Rayyan x Ass-Windi) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: MC Alexsis (The Elixir x AK Athena) Supreme Champion Gelding: Imperial Birak (Imperial Baarez x Imperial Falaah) Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: Ibn Al Riyah (HH Fortune Hunter x Marian Tsun) 2008 Supreme Champion Stallion: Arabest Samir (Akid Geshan x RA Amber Nabiel)

Arabest Samir, Christine Emmert photo

Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: The Legend (Thee Desperado x Alia Shaniah) Supreme Champion Mare: EHP Ayanna (Imperial Imdal x Dorian Fa Halima) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: Desha Indeed (*AI Adeed Al Shaqab x *Asra Salaa) Supreme Champion Gelding: El Helou (Thee Asil x Minstrils Grey Mist) Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: TF Afrikhan Gold (Botswana x Rohara Shahblee) 2009 Supreme Champion Stallion: Botswana (Thee Desperado x The Minuet) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: Etaya Sudan Amir (Imperial Mistaar x Etaya Amira) Supreme Champion Mare: Ramses Minx (Thee Desperado x Ramses Effendi) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: Jade Lotus SMF (Ali Saroukh x Imdals Jade)

Botswana, Suzanne Sturgill photo

Supreme Champion Gelding: TF Afrikhan Gold (Botswana x Rohara Shahblee) Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: Ryac (Ali Rahaim x PJ Psychadelic) 2010

Supreme Champion Stallion: *Farhoud Al Shaqab (*Al Adeed Al Shaqab x Johara Al Shaqab) Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion: Paladium (*Mishaal HP x Amiri Jolie) Supreme Champion Mare: *Negma Al Shaqab (Safir x Kajora) Reserve Supreme Champion Mare: Alia Valentino (Thee Desperado x Ali Maarlia) Supreme Champion Gelding: True Imperial (True Colours x Wafiyah) Reserve Supreme Champion Gelding: Tayyar Al Jannat (Alixir x Lady Sexton)

Farhoud Al Shaqab, April Visel photo


Straight Egyptian Winners of Two or More International Titles Com piled by Arlene Magid-Williams Please note that this list may not be complete due to the difficulty in obtaining results o f all international competitions each year and we welcome any additions to the information presented. To be included here, a horse had to have won two or more championships in international competition at different shows (for example, a horse who won a junior championship and a senior championship at the same show would not be included, whereas a horse with a junior championship at a show in Germany and a senior championship at a show in Holland would be). In certain cases where international shows place a top ten (Salon Du Cheval, Brazilian Nationals) a top ten placing will count as one o f the wins for inclusion on this list. In addition, as o f 2009 E .C .A .H .O regulations stipulated that all affiliated shows no longer award champion and reserve titles, instead there are now gold, silver, and bronze champion medals for champion, reserve, and third place in what were formerly the championship classes. (U.S. Egyptian Event Championships are covered separately on previous pages 79-83.) *AA Al Bashyr (*Al Maraam x El Thay Bashira) 2006 Galilee Festival (Israel) Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2006 Israeli Junior Champion Colt 2006 Israeli Egyptian Event Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2009 Israeli Gold Champion Stallion Abbas El Dine (Salaa El Dine x Abbas Pasha 1-12) 2003 Miono Reserve Champion Stallion 2004 Balearic Reserve Champion Stallion Al Aadeed Al Shaqab Van Lent photo

Abu Khail (Al Metrabbi x Maraa) 1991 U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt 1994 Argentine Reserve Champion Stallion AG Samsarah (Hadidi x VP Shockrah) 2006 Darfo BoarioTherme (Italy) Champion Mare 2007 European Egyptian Cup (Germany) Champion Mare AK Bafadi (Shaikh Al Badi x AK Fariha) 1989 Canadian Top Ten Stallion 1991 Brazilian Top Ten Stallion AK Fanniya (’ Ansata Ibn Halima x Narimaan) 1989 World Champion Mare 1996 Jordanian Reserve National Champion Mare Al Aangha Al Rayyan (Alidaar x Ansata Majesta) 2002 Qatar National Junior Champion Filly 2004 Qatar International Champion Mare


Abu Khail Judith photo

*Al Adeed Al Shaqab (Ansata Halim Shah x Sundar Alisayyah) 1997 Qatar International Champion Colt 1999 Middle East Champion Stallion 2001 Qatar International Champion Stallion 2002 Qatar International Champion Stallion 2002 Nations Cup Champion Stallion 2003 Qatar International Champion Stallion 2003 World Champion Stallion 2008 Qatar International Champion Stallion Al Ayad (Moheeb x Al Mamunah) 2002 Egyptian Event Europe Junior Champion Colt 2002 Winterlingen Show (Germany) Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2006 Israeli Egyptian Event Senior Champion Stallion 2008 Asil Cup Champion Stallion

Al Ayal AA, Gigi Grasso photo

Al Ayal AA (Al Ayad x The Vision HG) 2009 Sharjah Egyptian Event Gold Champion Colt 2009 Kauber Platte International (Germany) Silver Champion Colt 2009 Strohen (Germany) B Show Bronze Champion Colt 2009 Orientalica Show (Germany) Silver Champion Colt 2009 Lowland Arabian Cup (Holland) Silver Champion Colt 2009 Arabesque Egyptian Cup (Germany) Gold Champion Colt 84

Al-Bilal (*AI Maraam x Bahiha) 2003 Israeli Spring Show Junior Champion Colt 2003 Israeli Reserve National Champion Colt 2005 Israeli National Champion Colt 2005 Israeli Egyptian Event Champion Colt 2007 Israeli Egyptian Event Champion Stallion Al Bourak (El Thay Mansour x True Sahara TDD) 2009 Jordanian National Bronze Champion Colt 2010Jordananian National Bronze Champion Stallion

Al Lahab, Gigi Grasso photo

Al Hadiyyah AA (*Laheeb IASB x The Vision HG) 2006 Israeli Junior Champion Colt 2006 Israeli Egyptian Event Junior Champion Colt 2008 Austrian Junior Champion Colt 2008 Asil Cup Junior Champion Colt *Al Lahab GASB (*Laheeb IASB x The Vision HG) 2000 Asil Cup Junior Champion Colt 2000 Nations Cup Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2001 Egyptian Event Europe Junior Champion Colt 2001 European Junior Champion Colt 2006 Elran Cup (Belgium) Champion Stallion 2006 UK International Champion Stallion 2006 Nations Cup Champion Stallion 2006 World Champion Stallion 2007 Dubai International Champion Stallion 2009 Mediterranean Gold Champion Stallion 2009 Nations Cup Gold Champion Stallion 2009 World Silver Champion Stallion 2010 Dubai International Gold Champion Senior Male Alidaar (Shaikh Al Badi x Bint Magidaa) 1987 U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt 1987 Canadian Top Ten Futurity Colt 1995 Frauenfeld International Champion Stallion 1995 Menton, France Champion Stallion 1998 Tulip Cup (Holland) Champion Stallion 1999 Qatar Reserve National Champion Stallion

Alidaar, Erwin Escher photo

Ali Valentino (Ruminaja Ali x Moniet) 1997 Hungen (Germany) Champion Stallion 1997 Gold Medal, German Stallion Licensing Show 1999 Weis International Champion Stallion 1999 European Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Stallion *Al Maraam (Imperial Imdal x The Vision HG) 1999 Nations Cup Reserve Junior Champion Colt 1999 World Top Five Colt 2006 Israeli Reserve National Champion Stallion Al Raheb AA (*Laheeb IASB x The Vision HG) 2007 Israeli Reserve National Champion Colt 2007 Israeli Egyptian Event Reserve Champion Colt 2007 Galilee Junior Champion Colt 2008 Galilee Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2009 Israeli National Bronze Champion Colt 2009 Israeli Egyptian Cup Gold Champion Colt 2010 Israeli Bronze Champion Stallion 2010 Israeli Egyptian Event Gold Champion SE Stallion Al Safir AA (*Al Maraam x Maar Bilahh) 2004 Israeli Spring Show Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2007 Israeli Egyptian Event Reserve Champion Stallion 2008 Galilee Senior Champion Stallion 2008 Hebron Senior Champion Stallion 2009 Hebron Reserve Champion Stallion


Amirat Al Shaqab (*AI Aadeed Al Shaqab x Imperial Phanilah) 1996 Jordanian International Show Junior Champion Filly 1998 Qatar Junior Champion Filly 2000 Qatar International Junior Champion Filly 2002 Qatar International Champion Mare 2006 Dubai International Top Five Mare 2006 Sharjah International Reserve Champion Mare

Ansata Marha Irina Filsinger photo

Ansata Alghazzali (Ansata lemhotep x Ansata Shahrezade) 2004 Flarrogate (U.K) Champion Stallion 2005 Osbaldeston (U.K) Champion Stallion 2005 Northern Group (U.K) Champion Stallion 2005 Classic Arabian Show (Holland) Reserve Champion Stallion Ansata Haisam (Ansata Hejazi x Alajneha Nahme) 2003 Qatar Reserve National Champion Stallion 2008 Syrian National Champion Stallion Ansata Marha (Ansata Manasseh x Ansata Meryta) 1996 Middle East Junior Champion Filly 1996 Jordanian International Junior Champion Filly 1997 Qatar National Junior Champion Filly 1998 Middle East Reserve Champion Mare Ansata Mouna (Farres xTalmona) 2009 Weis International (Austria) Silver Champion Mare 2009 Scandanavian Championships Bronze Champion Mare 2009 Vilhelmsborg Show (Denmark) Bronze Champion Mare

Ansata Qasim, Jerry Sparagowski photo

Ansata Nefer Isis (Prince Fa Moniet x Ansata Nefertiti) 1995 Mediterranean Reserve Champion Mare 1996 ECAHO (Italy) Senior Champion Mare 1996 European Reserve Champion Mare 2002 Qatar International Reserve Champion Mare Ansata Nile Echo (Ansata Hejazi x Ansata White Nile) 1998 Qatar Junior Champion Colt 2001, 2002 Qatar Reserve National Champion Stallion 2002 Egyptian Classic (Holland) Senior Champion Stallion Ansata Qasim (Farres x MB Moneena) 2005 Devon County (UK) Reserve Champion Stallion 2005 Southwest Arabian Show (UK) Reserve Champion Stallion Ansata Selman (Ansata Hejazi x G Shafaria) 2006 Qatar Reserve National Champion Stallion 2007 Qatar Reserve National Champion Stallion

Ansata Selman, Gigi Grasso photo

Ansata Shaamis (Ansata Halim Shah x AK Faressa) 2004 Voghera Italy Reserve Champion Stallion 2004Travagliato Italy Champion Stallion Ansata Sinan (Prince Fa Moniet x Ansata Nefara) 1998 European Junior Champion Colt 1998 Kauber Platte Egyptian Event Res Senior Champion Stallion 1998 World Reserve Champion Stallion Antar FG (Royal Colours x Gasmira Al Zaid) 2009 L'Arte Cavallo Show (Italy) Silver Champion Colt 2009 Darfo BoarioTherme Show (Italy) Silver Champion Colt Anwaar Al Kaherah (Makhnificent KA x Moonira) 2007 Egyptian National Reserve Champion Filly 2008 Egyptian National Reserve Champion Filly

Ansata Sinan, Erwin Escher photo

Arousatel Nil Rahim (Imperial Madori x Nile Allure) 2004 Egyptian International Reserve Champion Mare 2005 Egyptian National Champion Mare 2008 Arabesque Egyptian Cup (Germany) Senior Champion Mare 86

Ashhal Al Rayyan (Safir x Ansata Majesta) 1999 Qatar National Champion Colt 1999 Qatar International Champion Colt 2000 Qatar International Reserve Champion Colt 2002 Qatar International Reserve Champion Stallion 2003 Qatar International Reserve Champion Stallion 2004 Qatar International Champion Stallion Asmar Bouznika (Imperial Mashhar x Ghazalat Bouznika) 2006 Moroccan Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2008 Moroccan Reserve National Champion Stallion Ashhal Al Rayyan, Gigi Grasso photo

Authentic Dahna (Nabeel II x Classic Dahra) 2003 Arabica Show Reserve Junior Champion Filly 2003 Schotten (Germany) Reserve Junior Champion Filly 2003 Egyptian Classic Show (Holland) Junior Champion Filly 2003 Asil Cup Junior Champion Filly 2004 German Reserve National Champion Filly 2004 Babolna International Junior Champion Filly Authentic Ibn Nawaal (Maysoun x AK Nawaal) 2002 Babolna (Hungary) Junior Champion Colt 2002 German National Champion Colt Authentic Mahab (*Al Lahab GASB x Authentic Monisa) 2009 Strohen C Show (Germany) Bronze Champion Colt 2009 Arabesque Egyptian Cup (Germany) Bronze Champion Colt 2010 Bairactar Memorial C Show Bronze Champion Colt Authentic Monisa (Nabeel II x Monisa Halima) 2009 Strohen C Show (Germany) Silver Champion Mare 2009 German National Gold Champion Mare

Badawieh AA, Gigi Grasso photo

Ayah Bebo (Ali Zafir x Classic Aldaara) 2005 Italian Egyptian Event Senior Champion Mare 2005 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Senior Champion Mare Baahir (Ibn El Mareekh x GF Nasra Bataa) 1992 Israeli National Champion Colt 1994 Israeli National Champion Stallion Badawieh AA (*Laheeb IASB x Bahiha) 2007 Israeli National Champion Filly 2007 Israeli Egyptian Event Champion Filly 2008 Sharjah Egyptian Event Champion Filly 2009 Al Khalediah Silver Champion Filly 2009 Sharjah International Gold Champion Filly 2009 Dubai International Silver Champion Filly 2009 Sharjah Egyptian Event Gold Champion Mare 2010 Dubai International Bronze Champion Senior Female Bahiha (Baahir x Imperial Im Tiarah) 2000 Israeli Reserve National Champion Filly 2001 Israeli National Champion Filly 2003 Israeli National Champion Mare

Bint Moufisa, Pyramid Society archive

Barasha El Naarah (El Thay Ibn Halim Shah x Al Basra) 1997 Asil Cup Top Ten Mare 2000 German National Champion Mare 2000 Asil Cup Champion Mare 2003 Sharjah Champion Mare 2003 U.A.E. Champion Mare 2004 Qatar International Reserve Champion Mare 2006 Qatar International Top Five Mare Bint Moufisa (Al Kidir x Moufisa Halima) 1996 German National Champion Filly 1996 European Reserve Champion Filly


Bint Saida Al Nasser (Imperial Mahzeer x Saida) 1999 Middle East Champion Mare 2002 World Reserve Champion Mare Bornin the USA (Prince Ibn Shaikh x Morsada) 1997 Australian National Top Ten Stallion 1999 Australian National Top Ten Stallion BSA Aliya (Ruminaja Ali x Aniya) 1991 Brazilian Top Ten Mare 1996 Nations Cup Champion Mare Bint Saida Al Nasser, Gigi Grasso photo

Cayenne T (Royal Colours x Aisa B) 2009 Collemancio (Italy) Reserve Champion Colt 2009 Collemancio (Italy) Egyptian Event Champion Colt 2010Travagliato Egyptian Event (Italy) Champion Colt 2010 Giardini Naxos International Egyptian Event (Italy) Champion Colt CF Shamila (Moroc x AG Samsarah) 2008 Citta Di Castello (Italy) Champion Mare 2009 European Top Five Mare 2009 Darfo BoarioTherme Show (Italy) Gold Champion Mare Classic Rashid (Lohim x AK Raiyeh) 2000 Mediterranean Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2002 Egyptian Event Italy Reserve Senior Champion Stallion

Classic Shadwan, Erwin Escher photo

Classic Shadwan (Alidaar x Shagia Bint Shadwan) 1994 Weis International Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2000 Kaub International Senior Champion Stallion 2000 Egyptian Classic Show (Holland) Champion Stallion 2000 Platinum Cup Show Champion Stallion Crusader (Salaa El Dine x AK Kastana) 1991 U.K. International Champion Stallion 1994 World Reserve Champion Stallion 1995 World Reserve Champion Stallion 1995 Nations Cup Champion Stallion 1996 British National Champion Stallion Dalima Shah (Ansata Halim Shah x AK Bint Dalia II) 1999 Egyptian Classic Show (Holland) Reserve Champion Mare 1999 Egyptian Event Europe Supreme Champion Mare 2000 Platin Cup Champion Mare

Dalima Shah, Erwin Escher photo

Darine Al Rayyan (Ashhal Al Rayyan x Aisha) 2004 Qatar National Champion Filly 2006 Qatar International Junior Champion Filly DF Maha (DF Malik Jamil x Mavia Bint Bint Kis Mahiba) 2009 Strohen C Show (Germany) Gold Champion Filly 2009 Arabesque Egyptian Cup (Germany) Gold Champion Filly DF Malik Jamil (NK Hafid Jamil x Amouva) 2003 Schotten (Germany) Junior Champion Colt 2004 Egyptian Event Europe Junior Champion Colt DHS Mabrouk (*AI Lahab GASB x Ma Ajmala) 2004 Egyptian Event Nordic Countries Junior Champion Colt 2007 Emerald Egyptian Event (Belgium) Reserve Champion Stallion 2008 Arabesque Egyptian Cup (Germany) Reserve Senior Champion Stalli<

Darine Al Rayyan, Gigi Grasso photo

Dorar (Ashhal Al Rayyan x Belquis Al Nasser) 2005 Qatar International Reserve Junior Champion Filly 2009 Qatar International Silver Champion Mare 2010 Ajman National Gold Champion Mare

218 Elf Layla Walayla B (Assad x 223 Ibn Galal 1-13) 1998 Kauber Platte Champion Mare 1998 Marbach Senior Champion Mare 1998 World Reserve Senior Champion Mare 1998 European Champion Mare 1998 Nations Cup Reserve Champion Mare 1998 Egyptian Event Europe Supreme Champion 2003 Egyptian Event Europe Senior Champion Mare 2003 Egyptian Event Europe Supreme Champion 2004 Swiss National Champion Mare 218 E lf Layla Walayla 1 Erwin Escher photo

El Khaled (Ansata Sinan x Shahirs Abriel) 2009 Egyptian Event Europe Bronze Champion Colt 2010 Marbach International Show (Germany) Silver Champion Colt 2010 Egyptian Event Europe Gold Champion Colt El Thay Majdy (Teymur B x El Thay Magidaa) 2006Trinacria Cava 11i (Italy) Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2006 Egyptian Event Italy Reserve Champion Colt El Thay Mansour (Ansata Halim Shah x El Thay Maheera) 1994 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Champion Stallion 1994 Nations Cup Reserve Champion Stallion El Thay Mashour (Madkour I x El Thay Bint Kamla) 2003 German National Champion Stallion 2003 Asil Cup Reserve Champion Stallion 2005 Qatar Reserve National Champion Stallion 2006 Qatar International Top Five Stallion

El Thay Mashour, Nicole Sachs photo

El Thay Melek (Ansata Selman x El Thay Maheera) 2009 Strohen C Show (Germany) Gold Champion Stallion 2009 Arabesque Egyptian Cup Silver Champion Stallion Entebbe CA (Thee Desperado x Shaamisa Mystique) 2004 Israeli Reserve National Champion Stallion 2005 Israeli Egyptian Event Champion Stallion Ezz Ezzain (Ansata Almurtajiz x Najeiah) 2006 Egyptian Reserve National Champion Colt 2006 Egyptian Event Europe Junior Champion Colt 2010 Egyptian National Gold Champion Stallion *Farhoud Al Shaqab (*Al Adeed Al Shaqab x Johara Al Shaqab) 2009 Egyptian Event Europe Silver Champion Colt 2010 U.S. Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Stallion and Junior Champion Colt

Farhoud Al Shaqab, April Visel photo

Farouk Sakr (El Habiel [Shaheen] x Desperados Fancy) 2006 El Zahraa (Egypt) Champion Colt 2008 El Zahraa (Egypt) National Champion Stallion 2010 Egyptian Event Europe Gold Champion Stallion Farres (Anaza El Farid x Shameerah) 2003 Weis International Reserve Champion Stallion 2003 German Elite Cup Reserve Champion Stallion 2003 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Champion Stallion 2004 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Stallion 2005 Strohen International Reserve Senior Champion Stallion Frasera Mashar (Majd Al Rayyan x Frasera Mashara) 2009 Italian National Silver Champion Stallion 2010Travagliato Egyptian Event Gold Champion Stallion

Farres, Erwin Escher photo

Frasera Mashara (*Shahil ITSB x MB Madora) 2004Travagliato (Italy) Junior Champion Filly 2004 World Top Ten Filly 2008 Arabesque (Germany) Champion Mare 2008 Baden Baden International Champion Mare


Frasera Ramses Shah (*Shahil USB x Ansata Nefer Isis) 2002 Egyptian Event Italy Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2004 Rome International Champion Stallion 2005 Italian National Champion Stallion F Sahhar Ibn Shamaal (*F Shamaal x MB Autumn Moon) 2006 Arabica Show (Germany) Junior Champion Colt 2006 Egyptian Classic Cup (Germany) Junior Champion Colt

Frasera Mashar, Stuart Vesty photo

Gatsby CC, Jerry Sparagowski photo

F Samirah (Ali Valentino x Sarameena) 2006 Tulip Cup Reserve Champion Mare 2006 Alsace (Mooslargue) Champion Mare 2006 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Mare 2010 German National Champion Mare *F Shamaal (Maysoun x Sarameena) 2003 World Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2003 Nations Cup Junior Champion Colt 2003 German Elite Cup Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2005 Middle East Reserve Champion Stallion 2005 Egyptian International Senior Champion Stallion 2006 Middle East Top Five Stallion 2006 Egyptian International Champion Stallion 2007 Egyptian International Champion Stallion 2008 Egyptian International Champion Stallion 2008 Qatar International Top Five Stallion 2008 Arabesque Egyptian Cup (Germany) Champion Stallion 2009 Qatar International Top Five Stallion 2009 Sharjah International Silver Champion Stallion 2009 Abu Dhabi International Silver Champion Stallion 2009 European Gold Champion Stallion Gamil Sakr (Tallahsman x Ansata FJelwa) 2006 El Zahraa (Egypt) Champion Stallion 2007 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Champion Stallion 2009 Egyptian National Gold Champion Stallion Gatsby CC (*Shahir IASB x Miss Maggie Mae) 2006 Egyptian Classic Cup Champion Stallion 2006 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Champion Stallion Gelgelah Al Badeia (Imperial Madori x Anhar Albadeia) 2003 World Champion Mare 2003 European Champion Mare 2003 Weis International Champion Mare 2003 German Elite Cup Reserve Champion Mare

Gelgelah Al Badeia, Dominique Cognee photo

Ghazalah El Gabry (El Basha Saqr x Konooz) 2006 El Zahraa (Egypt) Reserve Champion Mare 2008 Egyptian National Champion Mare 2010 Libyan International Gold Champion Mare GR Amaretto (Classic Shadwan x Halim's Asmara) 2000 Egyptian Classic Show (Holland) Champion Stallion 2001 German Reserve National Champion Stallion 2005 Weis International Reserve Champion Stallion 2006 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Stallion 2009 Weis International (Austria) Silver Champion Stallion 2009 German National Gold Champion Stallion GR Amarid (Pasha Farid x Halims Asmara) 2004 French Junior Champion Colt 2004 World Top Ten Colt 2005 World Top Ten Colt 2006 French National Champion Stallion

GR Amaretto, Erwin Escher photo

GR Lahari (*AI Lahab GASB x GR Mariah) 2006 Egyptian International Junior Champion Colt 2009 Egyptian International Bronze Champion Stallion 90

GR Marietta (Madallan-Madheen x Maria Halima) 2000 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Junior Champion Filly 2001 Egyptian Classic Show (Holland) Junior Champion Filly GREA Bint Bint Khattaara (Authentic Dahman x Grea Bint Khattaara) 2006 Gran Premier dell 'Adriatico (Italy) Junior Champion Filly 2007 European Egyptian Cup (Germany) Reserve Junior Champion Filly GREA Nazeera (Moroc x AK Khattaara) 2006 Gran Premier dell 'Adriatico (Italy) Senior Champion Mare 2010 Arabica International (Germany) Gold Champion Mare 2010 Egyptian Event Europe Silver Champion Mare

GR Marietta, Erwin Escher photo

Hadidi (*Norus x Hebet Allah) 1994 Italian National Champion Stallion 1996 Canadian Top Ten Stallion 1997 World Champion Stallion 2001 Nations Cup Supreme Champion Stallion 2001 World Reserve Champion Stallion 2004 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Champion Stallion 2004 Italian Reserve National Champion Stallion Hafid Ali el Dahab (MA Alishah x KEN Alia) 2003 Egyptian International Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2003 Egyptian National Champion Colt Halima Alidaara (Alidaar x Hafeedah II) 1998 Kreuth International Senior Champion Mare 1999 German National Champion Mare

Hadidi, Johnny Johnston photo

Halims Asmara (Ansata Halim Shah x *Lancers Asmara+) 1994 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Mare 1994 Kaub (Germany) Champion Mare 1997 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Champion Mare Halla Al Khalidiya (Halla El Khaled) (*Al Lahab GASB x Mansoura I) 2006 Egyptian Classic Cup (Germany) Junior Champion Filly 2007 Emerald Egyptian Event (Belgium) Reserve Junior Champion Filly Hals Moonshadow (Halameer x Brumarba Moonlady) 2009 Israeli Spring Festival Show Silver Champion Stallion 2009 Israeli National Silver Champion Stallion 2010 Italian Egyptian Event Champion Stallion Hamras Aligance (Ali Valentino x Sonbohlas Music) 2006 Egyptian Event Italy Reserve Champion Stallion 2007 Egyptian Reserve National Champion Stallion 2008 Egyptian National Champion Stallion

Halims Asmara, Erwin Escher photo

Hamras Akid (Ali Valentino x Akiysha Moon DMF) 2008 Middle East Top Five Stallion 2009 Middle East Bronze Champion Stallion 2009 Al Hassa (Saudi Arabian National) Silver Champion Stallion Hanaya Nawal (Hanaya Moheb x Nahilaa) 1994 Kauber Platte International Reserve Champion Female 1995 Messenheim Junior Champion Filly Haytham Albadeia (Simeon Sharav x Galagel Albadeia) 2006 El Zahraa (Egypt) Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2009 Orientalica Show (Germany) Silver Champion Stallion Heirogance (VP Regal Heir x BSA Bataarha) 2000 Kauber Platte International Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2000 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion

Heirogance, Pyramid Society Archive

HMT Farima (The Minstril x Princess Fariha) 2000 Kauber Platte International Champion Mare 2000 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Champion Mare 91

HS Ramira (Simeon Sadik x Rihahna) 2003 Elran Cup Junior Champion Filly 2003 World Junior Champion Filly Ibn Arabia Sakr (Imperial Madori x Zandai Arabia) 2005 El Zahraa (Egypt) Reserve Champion Stallion 2007 El Zahraa (Egypt) Champion Stallion

HS Ramira, Gigi Grasso photo

Ibn El Nil RHM (Monastir x NileAllure) 2006 Egyptian Classic Cup Reserve Champion Stallion 2006 Emerald Egyptian Event (Belgium) Champion Stallion Imeila (Imtaarif x Nimeelah) 2007 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Filly 2008 Egyptian National Champion Filly 2009 Egyptian International Show Bronze Champion Mare 2010 Egyptian National Silver Champion Mare Imperial Baareg (Imperial Baarez x Imperial Karmah) 2007 Egyptian International Reserve Champion Stallion 2008 Egyptian National Reserve Champion Stallion 2008 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Champion Stallion 2008 World Top Ten Stallion 2010 Libyan International Silver Champion Stallion 2010 Rabab (Egypt) Gold Champion Stallion 2010 Egyptian International Bronze Champion Stallion

Im perial Baarez, Scott Trees photo

imperial Baarez (PVA Kariim x BB Ora Kalilah) 2004 Citta di Castello (Italy) Champion Stallion 2004 Nations Cup Reserve Champion Stallion 2004 World Reserve Champion Stallion 2008 Mediterranean Bronze Champion Stallion 2008 Elran Cup Reserve Champion Stallion 2008 Nations Cup Reserve Champion Stallion 2008 World Reserve Champion Stallion 2009 Al Khalediah (Saudi Arabia) Gold Champion Stallion 2009 Egyptian International Silver Champion Stallion 2009 Abu Dhabi International Bronze Champion Stallion Imperial lmdal+ (Ansata Imperial x Dalia) 1988 U.S. Reserve National Champion Stallion 1990 World Champion Stallion

Im perial Imdal, Polly Knoll photo

Imperial Kalatifa (Imperial Al Kamar x AK Latifa) 1992 Israeli Reserve National Champion Filly 1994 Israeli National Champion Filly 1995 Middle East Reserve Champion Filly 1997 Israeli National Champion Mare Imperial Kamilll (Imperial Al Kamar x Imperial Mistilll) 2002 Merrist Wood International (U.K) Champion Stallion 2002 U.K. International Senior Champion Stallion 2002 Salon Du Cheval Top Ten World Champion Stallion Imperial Mashhar (imperial Madheen x Imperial Janaabah) 1993 World Junior Champion Colt 1993 Middle East Junior Champion Colt 1999 Jeddah Arabian Cup Reserve Champion Stallion

Imperial Phanilah, Scott Trees photo

Imperial Phanilah (Ansata Imperial x Imperial Phanadah) 1987 U.S. Top Ten Futurity Filly 1994 Middle East Champion Mare 1994 Qatar Champion Mare 1994 World Senior Champion Mare Insh Allah (Ashhal Al Rayyan x India) 2003 World Junior Champion Colt 2003 Blommerod International Junior Champion Colt 2003 Egyptian Classic (Holland) Junior Champion Colt 92

Irish Allah (Ashhal Al Rayyan x India) continued 2003 Swedish Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2005 Middle East Junior Champion Colt 2006 Jordan Reserve National Champion Stallion 2006 Middle East Reserve Champion Stallion 2008 Jordan Reserve National Champion Stallion 2008 Middle East Top Five Stallion

Jalila Al Rayyan Gigi Grasso photo

Insha Sha Latifa (Ansata Selman x Naffada) 2004 Israeli National Champion Filly 2008 Israeli Reserve National Champion Mare 2008 Israeli Egyptian Event Champion Mare 2009 Israeli Gold Champion Mare Itlalah Al Badeia (Simeon Sharav x Sondos Albadeia) 2005 Egyptian Event Europe Junior Champion Filly 2005 Alsace International Reserve Junior Champion Filly JA Amazing Grace (AK Ishmael x AK Sharoufa) 2004 Norwegian International Champion Mare 2004 Egyptian Event Nordic Countries Champion Mare Jalila Al Rayyan (Ansata Hejazi x G Shafaria) 2004 Qatar International Reserve Junior Champion Filly 2005 Qatar National Champion Mare 2006 Qatar International Champion Mare 2006 Dubai International Top Five Mare 2006 Sharjah International Champion Mare Jamil Al Rayyan (Ansata Hejazi x Dana Al Rayyan) 2008 Egyptian Reserve National Champion Colt 2009 Egyptian Event Europe Bronze Champion Stallion Jamila El Chamsin (Authentic Shamani x Jahilah ElChamsin) 2006 Egyptian Classic Cup (Germany) Reserve Junior Champion Filly 2007 Egyptian National Champion Filly

Johara Al N aif Judith Wich photo

Jandeh Al Naif (Ansata Shalim x Ansata Nile Gypsy) 2002 Qatar International Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2002 Egyptian Classic International Junior Champion Colt 2003 Qatar National Junior Champion Colt 2004 Qatar National Champion Stallion 2005 Qatar International Reserve Champion Stallion 2006 Qatar International Top Five Stallion 2007 Qatar National Champion Stallion 2008 Norwegian Reserve National Champion Stallion 2008 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Stallion 2009Travagliato Show (Italy) Gold Champion Stallion 2009 Vilhelmsborg Show (Denmark) Silver Champion Stallion JMA Halim (MA Alishah x BA Hadyyna) 2004 Egyptian Event Nordic Countries Reserve Champion Stallion 2004 Norway International Reserve Champion Stallion Johara Al Naif (Ansata Shalim x Al Johara) 2002 Qatar International Junior Champion Filly 2002 World Junior Champion Filly 2004 Sharjah International Res Jr Champion Filly 2005 Qatar International Reserve Champion Mare 2006 Qatar International Top Five Mare 2009 Scandanavian Championships Gold Champion Mare 2009 Egyptian Event Europe Gold Champion Mare

Kamasayyah Van Lent photo

Kahielat Khalid (*Al Adeed Al Shaqab x Deserree) 2006 Ramadan Show (UAE) Reserve Junior Champion Filly 2009 Sharjah International Bronze Champion Mare 2010 Ajman Bronze Champion Mare 2010 Sharjah International Silver Champion Mare 2010 Abu Dhabi Silver Champion Mare 93

Kamasayyah (Imperial Al Kamar x Sundar Alisayyah) 1993 Middle East Junior Champion Filly 1994 Middle East Reserve Junior Champion Filly 1995 Middle East Junior Champion Filly 1995 Middle East Supreme Champion Female 1995 Jordanian International Res Jr Champion Filly 1996 Qatar National Champion Mare 1996 Jordanian International Champion Mare

Kamsin Rodan Pyramid Society archive

Kamsin Rodan (Ansata Sinan x Khedivah Rodaniya) 2000 German Reserve National Champion Colt 2000 Asil Cup Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2001 Israeli Junior Champion Colt 2006 Casino Cup (Austria) Reserve Champion Stallion 2007 Austrian Reserve National Champion Stallion Karimda (PVA Kariim x Serrada) 2003 Osbaldeston (UK) Champion Mare 2004 Roadbeston College (UK) Champion Mare 2004 Northwest Regional Show (UK) Reserve Champion Mare 2006 New Northern Show (UK) Champion Mare *Kenz Noor (Imperial Madori x Naksh El Koloob Noor) 2002 Egyptian Private Breeders Show Junior Champion Colt 2008 Egyptian Classic Cup (Holland) Reserve Champion Stallion 2008 El Zahraa (Egypt) Reserve Champion Stallion 2010 El Zahraa (Egypt) Gold Champion Stallion Khaled Sakr (Imperial Madori x SES Marah) 2006 Egyptian National Champion Stallion 2008 El Zahraa (Egypt) Bronze Champion Stallion 2009 Egyptian National Bronze Champion Stallion

Laheeb Nasr Marei photo

Kuhaylah Maar Hala (Richter MH x Thee China Doll) 2004 Jordan National Champion Filly 2005 Jordan Reserve National Champion Filly *Laheeb IASB (Imperial Imdal x AK Latifa) 1997 Israeli National Champion Colt 1999 Kauber Platte (Germany) Junior Champion Colt 1999 European Reserve Champion Colt 2003 Israeli National Champion Stallion 2004 Israeli National Champion Stallion 2010 Israeli Gold Champion Stallion *Laian Al Shaqab (*AI Adeed Al Shaqab x Meseda Al Shaqab) 2009 Egyptian Event Europe Bronze Champion Filly 2010 U.S. Egyptian Event Reserve Champion Filly

Laian Al Shaqab Gigi Grasso photo

Latifah AA (*AI Maraam x Imperial Kalatifa) 2002 Israeli Reserve National Champion Filly 2003 Israeli National Champion Filly 2005 Israeli Egyptian Event Champion Mare 2007 Israeli National Champion Mare 2009 Strohen (Germany) B Show Gold Champion Mare 2009 Arabesque Egyptian Cup (Germany) Gold Champion Mare 2009 Kauber Platte International Show (Germany) Silver Champion Mare Loubna (Imperial Imdal x Imperial Kalatifa) 1997 Israeli National Champion Filly 1998 Israeli National Champion Filly 2001 Israeli National Champion Mare 2003 Weis International Reserve Champion Mare 2003 German Elite Cup Champion Mare 2003 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Champion Mare 2003 UK International Champion Mare 2003 Asil Cup Champion Mare 2004 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Mare 2004 Nations Cup Champion Mare 94

Loubna (Imperial Imdal x Imperial Kalatifa) continued 2004 Elran Cup Champion Mare 2004 Fontwell Park International Champion Mare 2004 World Champion Mare 2006 European Champion Mare 2006 World Reserve Champion Mare 2007 Middle East Champion Mare 2008 Dubai International Champion Mare Loubna, Erwin Escher photo

Luiba (Imperial Imdal x Imperial Kalatifa) 1998 Israeli National Champion Filly 2004 Israeli National Champion Mare Lutfina AA (Nader al Jamal x Latifah AA) 2010 Israeli Silver Champion Filly 2010 Israeli Egyptina Event Gold Champion Filly MA Alishah (Ruminaja Ali x AK Shahgat) 1997 British Reserve National Champion Stallion 1999 Babenhausen International Champion Stallion 2002 Egyptian Event Europe Senior Champion Stallion Maar Bilahh (El Halimaar x Bint Nabilahh) 1987 U.S. Top Ten Futurity Filly 1993 Israeli National Champion Mare 1995 Middle East Champion Mare

M aar Bilahh Stuart Vesti photo

Maartial (Kerim Shah x Maaralisa) 2005 Emerald Cup Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2006 Northwest Show (England) Champion Stallion 2006 Emerald Egyptian Event (Belgium) Reserve Champion Stallion 2007 Emerald Egyptian Event (Belgium) Best Gelding Magic Adib (Ansata Shaamis x Ayla Dheen) 2002 Egyptian Event Italy Junior Champion Colt 2006Trinacria Cava 11i (Sicily) Reserve Champion Stallion Magic X-Cell (The Elixir x Desperados Stella) 2004 Haras De Noues (France) Reserve Champion Stallion 2004 Ruorns Reserve Champion Stallion Mahala (*AI Lahab GASB x Mahasin) 2005 Luxembourg International Reserve Junior Champion Filly 2006 Egyptian Event Europe Junior Champion Filly 2006 Emerald Egyptian Event (Belgium) Junior Champion Filly 2006 International Days of the Arabian Horse (Germany) Reserve Junior Champion Filly 2006 Weis International (Austria) Top Five Filly 2006 StTropez Cup Junior Champion Filly 2007 Egyptian National Champion Mare 2008 Umbria (Italy) Reserve Champion Mare 2008 Arabequus Show (Italy) Champion Mare 2008 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Mare 2008 World Top Ten Mare 2009 Egyptian International Gold Champion Mare 2009 Orientalica Show (Germany) Gold Champion Mare

M alikah Halima Pyramid Society archive

Maliha Bouznika (Imperial Mashharx Imdalia) 2002 Sharjah Junior Champion Filly 2003 Qatar International Reserve Senior Champion Mare Malikah Halima (Maydan-Madheen x Bint Moufisa) 2003 Schotten (Germany) Champion Filly 2003 Egyptian Classic Show (Holland) Reserve Champion Filly 2010 Egyptian Event Europe Senior Champion Mare 2010 Kreuth International (Germany) Senior Champion Mare Mangalee Ibn Shadwan (Classic Shadwan x KEN Bint Bint Mahiba) 2003 Egyptian Classic Show (Holland) Senior Champion Stallion 2007 Emerald Egyptian Event (Belgium) Champion Stallion 2007 Arabica (Germany) Senior Champion Stallion 95

Manayah (Imperial Kamilll x Kateefah) 2006 Northwest Show (UK) Junior Champion Filly 2006 Emerald International Show (Belgium) Reserve Junior Champion Filly 2008 Reserve Show Champion, Royal Bath & West Show (UK) 2008 U.K. Egyptian Event Junior Champion Filly Manial III (Machmut xTaghreed) 1991 Paris International Reserve Champion Stallion 1995 Kauber Platte International Champion Stallion

MC Alexis, Suzanne Sturgill photo

Massubi (HF Darius x Tamar Manara) 2003 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2003 Egyptian Classic Show (Holland) Junior Champion Colt 2003 Asil Cup Junior Champion Colt 2004 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Junior Champion Colt Maydah-Madheen (Maysoun x Mesaoudah M) 1998 Kreuth International Champion Stallion 1998 Weis International Reserve Champion Stallion 1998 German Reserve National Champion Stallion 2009 Ajman National Gold Champion Stallion MC Alexsis (The Elixir x AK Athena) 2000 U.S. Top Ten Mare AOTH 2008 Norwegian Reserve National Champion Mare 2008 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Champion Mare Mirajh RCA (Alixir x Rhapsody in Black) 2006 El Zahraa Show (Egypt) Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2007 Egyptian National Champion Colt Mmecca (Al Baraki x Imperial Maysama) 2006 Ajman National Champion Mare 2006 United Arab Emirates National Champion Mare 2007 United Arab Emirates National Reserve Senior Champion Mare 2010 Sharjah International Senior Female Bronze Champion

Mmecca Erwin Escher photo

Mohgah Sqr (Imperial Madori x SES Marah) 2007 Egyptian National Champion Mare 2007 Emerald Egyptian Event (Belgium) Champion Mare 2007 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Mare 2008 El Zahraa (Egypt) Champion Mare 2008 Egyptian National Champion Mare 2010 Egyptian National Bronze Champion Mare 2010 El Zahraa (Egypt) Gold Champion Mare Moroc (Imperial Imdal x *Najiba) 1992 U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt 1992 World Reserve Junior Champion Colt 1999 Mediterranean Champion Stallion

Mosalli, Pyramid Society archive

Mosalli (Imperial Imdal x Musaliha) 1996 Middle East Junior Champion Colt 1996 Israeli National Champion Colt 2000 Egyptian Event Europe Supreme Champion 2000 World Top Ten Stallion 2001 Elran Cup (Holland) Champion Stallion 2001 Egyptian Classic Show (Holland) Champion Stallion 2002 Gold Medal, German Stallion Licensing Show 2003 Egyptian Event Europe Senior Champion Stallion 2005 Arabitalia Show (Italy) Champion Stallion 2006 Italian Reserve National Champion Stallion Mouadaar BKV (Al Bilal x Barakis Whisper) 2008 Israeli National Champion Colt 2008 Israeli Egyptain Event Champion Colt 2009 Israeli Gold Champion Colt


MPA Amiri Alani (The Egyptian Prince x Arabest Sahira) 1994 Platin Cup Reserve Senior Champion Mare 1994 Austrian National Champion Mare 2001 Egyptian Classic Show (Holland) Senior Champion Mare 2001 Strohen (Germany) Reserve Champion Mare Muhajjal (Imperial Imdal-f- x Maar Bilahh) 1997 Israeli Reserve National Champion Colt 2000 Israeli Reserve National Champion Colt 2004 Northwest Show (U.K) Reserve Champion Stallion 2004 U.K. Egyptian Event Champion Stallion Mukassas (Mosalli x Imperial Imphayana) 1999 Israeli National Champion Colt 2006 Malpensa (Italy) Champion Stallion 2006 Egyptian Event Italy Champion Stallion 2006 Darfo BoarioTherme (Italy) Reserve Champion Stallion 2006 Citti Di Castello (Italy) Reserve Champion Stallion 2006 StTropez Cup (France) Reserve Champion Stallion 2007 Egyptian Event Italy Champion Stallion Nader Al Jamal (Ansata Sinan x Savannah CC) 2007 Israeli National Champion Colt 2007 Israel Egyptian Event Champion Colt 2008 Israeli Reserve National Champion Stallion 2008 Israeli Egyptian Event Champion Stallion 2010 Israeli Egyptian Event Silver Champion SE Stallion Nader Al Jam al, Jerry Sparagowski photo

Nadirah El Shah (El Ahhim Shah x AK Nawaal) 2000 German Reserve National Champion Filly 2000 Egyptian Classic (Holland) Champion Filly 2000 European Egyptian Event Junior Champion Filly Nadrah Al Rayyan (Ashhal Al Rayyan x Ansata Nefer Isis) 2005 Qatar International Junior Champion Filly 2005 Dubai International Junior Champion Filly 2005 Sharjah International Junior Champion Filly Nashwah AA (Al Ayad x Insha Sha Latifa) 2009 Israeli National Gold Champion Filly 2009 Israeli Egyptian Cup Champion Filly 2010 Egyptian Event Europe Gold Champion Filly 2010 Strohen (Germany) Gold Champion Filly 2010 Egyptian Cup (Germany) Gold Champion Filly Nasr al Sharbatly (Simeon Sharav x Zizi) 2005 Egyptian National Champion Colt 2007 El Zahraa Show(Egypt) Champion Colt

N h ai t , r •r ow igi rassop o o

Nedschd Mansour (Maydan-Madheen x El Thay Maymouna) 2007 European Egyptian Cup (Germany) Junior Champion Colt 2qqj S(rohen C Show Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2008 Asil Cup Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2008 German Stallion Licensing Gold Medal winner and Supreme Champion of Show Nil Tahar (Ansata Halim Shah x Tiffaha) 1986 Swiss Junior Champion Filly 1986 Swiss National Champion Mare 1987 Swiss International Show Junior Champion Filly Nouf Al Shaqab (*Al Adeed Al Shaqab x Meseda Al Shaqab) 2008 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Champion Filly 2009 Egyptian Event Europe Gold Champion Filly Orashaan (Maysoun x Orasha) 1996 German National Champion Stallion 2001 MerristWood International Reserve Champion Stallion 2001 U.K. International Champion Stallion


Orayan (Maysoun x Oraya) 1995 British Reserve National Champion Stallion 1996 European Reserve Champion Stallion Princess Kumara (Shaikh Al Kuran x Princess Kamar) 2006 Midland Arabian Festival (UK) Champion Mare 2006 British Reserve National Champion Mare

Pyramid Set El Nil,

Frwin Fsrher nhnt’n

Princess Madheen (Maydan-Madheen xThe Princess of Egypt) 2004 Egyptian Event Europe Junior Champion Filly 2004 Schotten (Germany) Reserve Junior Champion Filly PSE Rasheekah (Royal Colours x Imperial Baarezah) 2008 Egyptian Event Europe Junior Champion Filly 2010Travagliato (Italy) Gold Champion Filly 2010 El Jadida International (Morocco) Bronze Champion Filly Pyramid Aalin (Ali Valentino x Pyramid Set El Nil) 2009 Arabica Show (Germany) Silver Champion Stallion 2009 German National Silver Champion Stallion 2010 Egyptian Event Europe Bronze Champion Stallion Pyramid Laneya (*Al Lahab GASB x Pyramid Set El Nil) 2003 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Junior Champion Filly 2004 World Top Ten Filly 2005 Egyptian Event Europe Top Ten Filly 2005 Schotten (Germany) Reserve Junior Champion Filly

Pyramid Laneya, Pyramid Society archive

Pyramid Layyan K (*AI Lahab GASB x Bint Kahila) 2005 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2005 Schotten (Germany) Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2007 European Egyptian Cup (Germany) Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2009 Arabesque Egyptian Cup (Germany) Gold Champion Stallion 2010 Bairactar Memorial C Show (Germany) Silver Champion Stallion Pyramid Set El Nil (Ansata El Salaam x Ghandoura El Saghira) 1997 Egyptian Event Europe Junior Champion Filly 1999 Kreuth International (Germany) Junior Champion Filly 2001 Egyptian Event Europe Senior Champion Mare 2005 German Reserve National Champion Mare Ramino (Zandai Aqir x Egyptian Rabia) 2006 Scandanavian Reserve Champion Stallion 2006 Elran Cup (Belgium) Reserve Champion Stallion 2006 European Reserve Champion Stallion 2006 World Top Ten Stallion Rasheekha Shabha (Richteous xTammens Ana) 2010 Marbach International Show(Germany) Silver Champion Mare 2010 West Coast Cup (Belgium) Gold Champion Mare Richter MH (El Halimaar x Fasarra) 1997 U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt 1997 Canadian Top Ten Futurity Colt 2002 MerristWood International Senior Champion Stallion 2007 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Stallion RN Ajeeba (Ruminaja Ali x Bint Amal) 1998 Qatar International Reserve Junior Champion Filly 2002 Qatar National Reserve Champion Mare 2003 Qatar International Champion Mare

RN Farida, Rik Van Lent, Jr. photo

RN Farida (Salaa El Dine x Noha) 1998 Middle East Junior Champion Filly 1999 Qatar National Champion Mare 2000 Qatar International Reserve Champion Mare 2001 Qatar International Champion Mare Romeo Al Amaar (*Amaar Al Rayyan x Imperial Maysama) 2007 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Colt 2007 Italian Egyptian Event Reserve Champion Colt 98

Royal Colours, Stuart Vesty photo

Royal Colours (True Colours x Xtreme Wonder) 2005 Egyptian Event Europe Junior Champion Colt 2006 Egyptian Event Italy Junior Champion Colt 2006Travagliato (Italy) Junior Champion Colt 2006 Citta Di Castello (Italy) Junior Champion Colt 2006 Weis International (Austria) Top Five Colt 2006 Nations Cup Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2006 Italian National Champion Colt 2006 World Junior Champion Colt 2009 Dubai International Gold Champion Stallion 2009 World Gold Champion Stallion Royal Mikhiel (Nabiel x *Pharrah) 1989 Canadian Top Ten Futurity Colt 1998 Middle East Champion Stallion 1999 Jordanian International Reserve Champion Stallion Sabiell (Nabiel x AK El Sanaa) 1993 World Junior Champion Colt 1994 Qatar Champion Stallion Sahib (Salaa El Dine x NK Soraya) 2005 Strohen (Germany) Senior Champion Stallion 2005 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Stallion 2005 Arabica (Germany) Reserve Champion Stallion

Sabiell, Irina Filsinger photo

Sajida (Ansata Ibn Jamila x lone) 1996 German Reserve National Champion Mare 1996 Festival of the Horse Champion Mare Salman Al Khalediah (*F Shamaal xThee Evening Star) 2008 Qatar International Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2008 Egyptian International Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2008 Egyptian Even Europe Junior Champion Colt Salman Al Mohamadia (GR Amaretto x Thee Scheherezade) 2009 Arabica Show (Germany) Champion Colt and Supreme Champion of Show 2009 Strohen (Germany) B Show Silver Champion Colt 2009 Middle East Bronze Champion Colt 2009 Egyptian Event Europe Junior Champion Colt Saniyyah RCA (*Mishaal HP x My Shooting Star) 2006 Israeli National Champion Filly 2006 Israeli Egyptian Event Champion Filly

Salman Al M ohamadia, Erwin Escher photo

Seif Al Farida (Said Hafid El Chamsin x Loaloah A) 2008 Egyptian Reserve National Champion Colt 2010 Egyptian National Gold Champion Colt Sensation (Shahin x AK Kastana) 2005 Swedish Cup Champion Mare 2005 Swedish Reserve National Champion Mare SES Khebria (*Orashan x Raadin Khebira) 1992 Paris International Junior Champion Filly 1993 World Reserve Champion Filly Shabbura HP (Maydan-Madheen x Shahneekha) 2003 Fontwell Park International Res Jr Ch Filly 2003 German Elite Cup Junior Champion Filly 2003 Egyptian Event Europe Junior Champion Filly Shadwanah (Classic Shadwan x Dalima Shah) 1999 Egyptian Classic Show (Holland) Junior Champion Filly 1999 German Reserve National Champion Filly 1999 European Egyptian Event Junior Champion Filly

SES Khebria, Irina Filsinger photo


Shagran Al Nasser (Ansata Selman x Dana Al Nasser) 2006 Qatar International Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2006 Qatar National Champion Colt 2006 Dubai International Top Five Colt 2008 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Junior Champion Colt 2010 Egyptian Event Europe Silver Champion Stallion *Shahil ITSB (Maysoun x Shahila) 2000 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Champion Stallion 2002 Egyptian Event Italy Champion Stallion

Shahil, Gigi Grasso photo

Shamekh Al Shaqab (Ansata Sinan x Malaka) 2005 Middle East Champion Stallion 2005 Jordan National Champion Stallion 2007 Jordan National Champion Stallion 2008 Jordan National Champion Stallion Sidi Alija Moon (Thee Cyclone x Sidi Bint Malika) 2008 Strohen International (Germany) Reserve Champion Mare 2008 Arabesque International (Germany) Reserve Champion Mare 2008 Asil Cup Champion Mare Simah El Sheruk (Mirajh RCA x Wardah) 2009 Egyptian National Gold Champion Colt 2010 Libyan International Bronze Champion Colt Simeon Sadik (Asfour x Simeon Safanad) 1994 Australian National Champion Stallion 1996 U.K. International Champion Stallion 1996 World Reserve Champion Stallion 2000 Nations Cup Reserve Champion Stallion 2000 European Champion Stallion 2003 Nations Cup Reserve Senior Champion Stallion Simeon Safir (Asfour x Simeon Safanad) 2006 Egyptian International Reserve Champion Mare 2007 Egyptian National Reserve Champion Mare

Simeon Shai, Stuart Vesty photo

*Simeon Sehavi (Asfour x Simeon Sheba) 2007 Australian National Champion Mare 2008 Mediterranean (Menton) Reserve Champion Mare *Simeon Shai+ (Ra'Adin Royal Star x Simeon Safanad) 1991 U.S. National Champion Stallion 1991 Canadian National Champion Stallion 1991 World Champion Stallion Simeon Sharav (Asfour x Simeon Shuala) 2004 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Champion Stallion 2004 Saqqara (Egypt) Reserve Champion Stallion 2004 Egyptian International Champion Stallion 2005 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Champion Stallion 2006 Mooslargue International (France) Champion Stallion 2007 Israeli Egyptian Cup Bronze Champion *Sindh+ (Ramses x Yusria) Uruguay National Champion Stallion 1990 Canadian National Champion Jumper

Sindh, Pyramid Society archive

Sterling Vision (Imperial Imdal+x Nagda) 2007 European Egyptian Cup (Germany) Reserve Champion Stallion 2008 Asil Cup Reserve Champion Stallion Tahir (Imperial Imdal x Tiffaha) 2003 Strohen (Germany) Champion Stallion 2003 Asil Cup Senior Champion Stallion


Tammam Al Badeia (Simeon Sharav xTamima Al Badeia) 2006 Egyptian National Champion Colt 2009 United Arab Emirates Show Bronze Champion Stallion 2010 Ajman Bronze Champion Stallion Tareefs Sa Diyyah (Hadaya El Tareef x Saadaa) 1992 World Reserve Junior Champion Filly 1994 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Mare

Thee Brigadier, Rik Van Lent, Jr. photo

Thamer Al Khalediah (El Thay Khemal Pasha x RN Shahba) 2007 El Zahraa National Reserve Champion Colt 2010 El Zahraa National Silver Champion Stallion Thee Brigadier (The Minstril x Ansata Justina) 1994 Kauber Platte International Reserve Junior Champion Colt 1995 Weis International Junior Champion Colt The Princess of Egypt (Orayan x Shahneekha) 1999 Tulip Cup (Holland) Junior Champion Filly 1999 Mediterranean Junior Champion Filly 2000 Nations Cup Junior Champion Filly 2000 European Junior Champion Filly 2000 German Junior Champion Filly 2004 Weis International Reserve Champion Mare 2007 Egyptian Event Europe Champion Mare 2009 Sharjah International Silver Champion Mare

The Vision HG, Gigi Grasso photo

The Vision HG (Thee Desperado x Belle Staar) 1996 Middle East Champion Filly 1996 Israeli National Champion Filly 1998 Israeli National Champion Mare 1999 Israeli National Champion Mare 2007 Israeli Egyptian Event Senior Champion Mare Tiffaha (*Jamilll xTaghreed) 1987 Swiss National Champion Mare 1994 Swiss National Champion Mare 1994 European Reserve Champion Mare 1995 European Champion Mare 1995 World Champion Mare (both titles won at age 14!) 1996 Israeli National Champion Mare

Tiffaha, Rik Van Lent, Jr. photo

True Barressa (Imperial Baarez xTrue Nirvana) 2006 Egyptian Event Italy Reserve Champion Filly 2006 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Champion Filly True Colours (Thee Desperado x Daheda) 2008 Weis International Champion Stallion 2008 Italian Reserve National Champion Stallion 2010 Israeli Silver Champion Stallion TS Madeleine (Ansata Sinan xThee Sharaqaa) 2008 Middle East Reserve Champion Mare 2010 Middle East Gold Champion Mare Yaout El Dahab (MA Alishah x AK Raiyeh) 2007 European Egyptian Cup (Germany) Champion Stallion 2007 Silver Medal, German Stallion Licensing Show

True Colours, Stuart Vesty photo

ZT Sahjat (Ruminaja Bahjat x Sareefa) 2003 Bordeaux Reserve Champion Stallion 2003 Egyptian Classic (Holland) Reserve Champion Stallion 2003 Blommerod International Reserve Champion Stallion 2005 Italian Reserve National Champion Stallion


Race Winning Straight Egyptian Arabians 1959-2010 Com piled by Arlene Magid-Williams

According to the Arabian Jockey Club, which has maintained a database of Arabian racing information since 1984, there have been 144 straight Egyptian Arabians who raced in the years 1984-October 2010. Of these, 53 have won races and 85 have finished in the money in at least one of their races for a total of 135 successful racehorses, a percentage of 97% of those who competed! Included among the winners in this period are the multi-stakes winning ZT Ali Baba, also a highly successful sire of racehorses, and Imperial NaLaseef, winner of one of America's most prestigious stakes, the Armand Hammer Classic.

Asjah Ibn Faleh, Pyramid Society archive

For the years prior to 1984 race records are not fully available as some races were not properly recorded and some competitors had names misspelled on their entries so they have never been properly identified. For the years 19591983 the author used the Arabian Racing Reference books that were compiled from race report forms as submitted to I.A.H .A. (the International Arabian Horse Association), which was atthattimetheorganization responsible for record keeping on Arabian racing. For those years there were 14 straight Egyptian horses known to have competed in races. Of these, 8 were winners and 5 had race placings-a total of 92% successful racehorses from those known to have run. The very first straight Egyptian to compete in racing in America was the straight Babson gelding Afmaar (Fay El Dine x *Maaroufa), whose record was 2/4(0-1 -1). Also among the first straight Egyptians to race was the great Asjah Ibn Faleh, who won the IAHA Derby and was named both Colt of the Year and Horse of the Year during his race career. Race records for horses who raced from 1984-2010 are given with the total number of lifetime starts first, then the number of wins, second, third, and fourth place finishes in brackets. For horses who raced prior to 1984, only first, second and third place finishes are indicated. Of the 53 straight Egyptian race winners, three have sired straight Egyptian race winners. They are ZT Ali Baba (4 straight Egyptian race winners and many Egyptian related race winners, including winners of major stakes races), Asjah Ibn Faleh (2 straight Egyptian race winners) Serenity Monzeer, and Khe Adhm Amir. Five sires have multiple straight Egyptian race winners, including Asjah Ibn Faleh and ZT Ali Baba. *Morafic (Nazeer x Mabrouka) and Shalaum (*Farazdac x Sittana) have each sired 2 winners. The Minstril (Ruminaja Ali x *Bahila) has sired 3 straight Egyptian race winners. Moniet El Nafis (*lbn Moniet El Nefous x *Hoyeda) sired more straight Egyptian race winners than any other stallion— a total of six. Four mares have produced two race winners each. *Bint Bint El Samraa (Sid Abouhom x Bint El Samraa) is the dam of *lbn Al Hassan+/ (also a multi-National winner in the show ring) and Fouad. *SF BintMamlouka (Mashhour x Mamlouka) is the dam of Serenity Ibnkhofo and Serenity Mamlouk. Royal Egyptian (El Hilal x Niema) produced winners Wazirs Tut Too and Royal Menephta. Sakani (Ibn Morafic+++ x *Subhaya) is the dam of Saked and Nileator.


S T R A IG H T E G Y P T IA N R A C E W IN N E R S 1 9 59-1983 Ibn M oftakhar (*M oftakhar x *B in t Bin t Kateefa) R ace record: 6(1-1-0) *lbn A l H assan+/ (H assan x *B in t BintEl Sam raa) R ace record : 9(2-0-1) *H e d a rr (A m ru lla x M ahm o uda) R ace record: 1/2(1-0-0)

*Ibn Al Hassan, Rhita McNair photo

Fouad (*M o ra fic x *B in t BintEl Sam raa) R ace record: 3(1-0-0) Sayeed (*M o ra fic x *B in t H anaa) R ace record: 12(2-6-2) Serenity M o n zee r (*SF Ibn N aze e r x SerenityBtM on tah a) R ace record : 7(1-2-1) A sjah Ibn Faleh (*Faleh++ x *D a w la t) R ace record : 30(14-4-5) W o n 1 9 7 7 IA H A D erb y N am ed 1 9 7 7 C o lt of the Year and 1 980 H orse of the Year

Ramses El Bar, M. Barrett photo

Ram ses El Bar (*R am ses Fayek x Ram ses Bin t Hayat) R ace record : 15(2-2-3)

S T R A IG H T E G Y P T IA N R A C E W IN N E R S 19 8 4 -O cto b e r 2 0 1 0 Serenity Ib nKhofo (*Khofo++ x *SF Bint M am lo u ka) R ace record: 2(2-0-0-0) Serenity M am lo u k (SF Benib n N azeer x *SF Bint M am lo uka) R ace record : 6(1-0-2-0) Serenity Ibn Khofo, Pyramid Society archive

W a z irs T u tT o o (*A n sata El W a z ir x Royal Egyptian) R ace record: 36(3-8-1-10) Z T A li Baba (M oniet El N afis x Im p erial A l Ahbab) R ace record : 68(18-14-2-1 7) Stakes w in s: Lasm a Derby, M A R A Freshm an Stakes Stakes p lacin g s: A rm an d H am m e r C la ssic , G la d ys Brow n Edw ards, Lasm a South C la ssic Z T Shafis (M oniet El N afis x II Shirin ) R ace record : 15(1 -1 -2-4)

Serenity Mamlouk, Pyramid Society archive


N ad ir Ibn Kam al (K am al Ibn M o rafic x N ejm a Sabah) R ace record: 1 7(1-2-0-6) Serenity N oah (SF U n to u ch ab le x *Serenity Bin tN o h a) R ace record: 15(1-1-4-6) Royal M enephta (Shaikh A l H a fiz x Royal Egyptian) R ace record: 25(1-1-5-8) Im p eria l N a la s ee f P yram id Society archive

Im perial Na M alis (M oniet El N afis x *M aleka t El C a rn a l) R ace record: 35(5-3-3-9) Stakes w in : Kentu cky A rab ian C u p Stakes p lacin g s: IA H A Derby, D e la w a re A rab ian C u p T Sh e rfiza M oniet (M oniet El N afis x C h a fa Sherfiza) R ace record: 24(3-4-1-5) Im perial N alaseef (M oniet El N afis x *Fa w kia) R ace record: 13(4-1-1-4) Stakes w in s: A rm an d H am m e r C la ssic Saked (R u m in a ja M ajed x Sakani) R ace record: 16(1-0-0-4) K an eld a (*K an as x G le n g la d e Z eld a) R ace record: 2(1-0-0-1) W a ad a l (A m aal x W afa) R ace record: 3(1-0-1-1)

Shabah El Sharaf, Johnny Johnston photo

Shabah El Sharaf (M oniet El Sharaf x A K Bint Refky) R ace record: 17(1-1-2-3) A n a ze h El Z ah ra (*B a k il x Fa M o n iet A n za ra) R ace record: 16(1-1-2-1) P rin ce R u m in a ja (R u m in a ja A li x W F P rincess A nn) R ace record: 15(2-0-1 -11) N h ad ir (H ad aya Eindafa x Eindafa El N adira) R ace record: 16(1-2-3-9) M H F Eclip se (M oniet El N afis x D alya) R ace record: 14(4-0-2-3)

m h f Eclipse,

Scon Trees photo

* M Shaka (Farag x Shannah) R ace record: 18(3-4-4-2) El Sakkara (Serenity M o n zee r x N am oura) R ace record: 32(1-2-3-4) 104

Bint Bint M aarR ee (*Fa ra zd a c x M FA Bin t M aarR ee) R ace record: 7(1-1-0-2) JK A shah M on iet (A sjah Ibn Faleh x Sharaf Antonette) R ace record : 16(4-4-4-0) Stakes p la cin g : In d ep en d en ce A rab ian Stake R u m in a ja Rashid (The M instril x A K Rahabbah) R ace record : 9(1-0-1-0) F M Naftu (B ah im m x N aftula) R ace record: 22(2-1-1-4) N onsuch M o n azera (N abiel+ / x A K Raqara) R ace record: 7(1-0-0-3) N ileato r (Z T A li Baba x Sakan i) R ace record: 45(3-8-5-24) Stakes p la cin g : Th ird Bloodsport A rab ian C up (G 2) A sja h s D o m in io n (A sjah Ibn Faleh x A nsata Jum ana) R ace record : 27(1-1-5-4) A p o c a lyp se M G R (Z T A li Baba x Roshah M G R ) R ace record : 7(2-1-0-4) Khe Adh A m ir (K h e A dhm x Prin cess Tam inaa) R ace record: 23(4-0-3-12) K aw aka (Vooo D o o x Ko ksilah) R ace record: 13(1-0-0-10) Sun d o w n Egyptian Em ir (Shalaum x *R abab aa) R ace R ecord : 6 (1 -1 -0-3) Sund o w n Shalaum 's A m ira (Shalaum x A K M ayaada) R ace R ecord : 7(1-1-1-3) A lih II Sahm (Ibn A lih x A m b er A z iz a ) R ace record: 31(2-2-7-25) Th e Bo unty H unter (Thee D esperado x S R A Shakra Badar) R ace record: 5(1-0-1-0) Sokaris (*A lm u d a ffa r x *Sohair) R ace R ecord : 1 6(1-1-0-14) The Beaujoiais, Pyramid Society archive

The B e a u jo la is (The M instril x P rincess Soheir) R ace record: 6(1-0-0-2)


W a h id A li (Z T A li Baba x M iss Sabreen) R ace record: 11(1-1 -0-9) Rising Son R C (JF A saddi Bai x A K Faranya) R ace record: 22(6-3-5-6) w on 2 stakes races in C an ad a M ia Bint Bayfire (A li Bayfire x M B Sashali) R ace record: 9(1-0-1-2) R C F K an d ah ar (R C F El C id x M FA Fara Q esa) R ace record: 14 (4-3-0-7) R C F Libel la (Khe Adh A m ir x Bin t Shahira) R ace record: 11 (1-2-3-5) *B a la n c e IA SB (B ariq A l A m al x M B Talish) R ace record: 2/1 7 (2-2-3-10)

Mia Bint Bayfire, Pyramid Society archive


An Historical Perspective, or The How Behind "The EBC You've Got to Be In It To W in It" By Keri Wright

The P y r a m i d S o c i e t y From its inception the Egyptian Breeder's C h a lle n g e (EB C ) has enjoyed


For som e it m ay


be the irresistible invitation to enter, even ju st this o n ce , the w o rld of


broad and grow ing appeal on m any different levels.

the b re e d e r...c a re fu lly studying e very aspect of each a v a ila b le stallio n : individ u al phenotype as w e ll as that of ancestors and co llate ral relatives, show records, and genotype as it m ay be revealed in pedigrees and a va ila b le production records.


successful bidder at the stallio n auctio n m ay have a treasured m are at hom e that w ill be the perfect match for such a stallio n . That quest m ay even lead to the a cq u isitio n of just such a m are. After a ll, it co uld be the beginning of som ething m uch greater than anyon e m ight suppose. O th ers m ay be attracted by the potential to w in big and be rew arded for their efforts, both fin a n c ia lly as w e ll as the prestige associated w ith such a w in .

H ave you been there? H ave you felt the e xcite m en t as the resulting fo als, n o w yearling s, co m e into

the arena led by hopeful am ateurs, o w n e rs and handlers a like?

If so, you can e a sily understand such an

attraction. Still others m ay find that it's the o n ly w a y to secu re a breeding to a stallio n w hose book is now closed. The a llu re of a p ossible w in is se co n d ary to th eir p lans to integrate the blood of such a stallion into their breeding program , and they pursue th eir co urse w ith a v ie w of the long-term benefits such a breeding may bring. W h eth er the resulting foal is ready for the stiff co m petition seen in the E B C classes m ay matter very little to them . Th ey reco g n ize that m any Straight Egyptians don't look their very best as yearlings and that they take tim e to re a lly co m e into th eir o w n , to "d ry out" and tru ly be in top form , a fact w e ll attested to by the q u ality of in d ivid u als in the 10 and over classes at the Egyptian Event. Th ere m ay be a fe w w h o get carrie d a w ay by the m o m e n e show , the w in n e r's c irc le , the big ch e ck s, the beautiful stallions being paraded in front of them , and , of co u rse , the auctio n itself. No doubt it is very contagious. There m ight even be a fe w w h o a ltru istica lly sh o w up ready, w illin g and able to support such a noble cau se. No matter the reason for yo ur interest or in vo lvem e n t in this great program , w e felt that an a n a lysis of all past C ham p io n s and Reserve C h am p io n s m ight prove interesting as w e 'v e recen tly co m pleted the 15th an n iversary of the EB C classes at the Pyram id Society's annual Egyptian Event. W h o know s? It just m ay be the thing that helps you d ecid e to ju m p in w ith both feet. After a ll, " y o u 'v e got to be in it to w i n it!" No matter the reason behind yo u r interest in the E B C , it is our sin cere hope that you w ill en jo y this study of past w in n e rs. W e are pleased to present statistics and analyses that m ight help you tow ard the fu lfillm en t of your ow n dream s and h o p efu lly open the door to th in kin g m ore c ritic a lly about the shared resp on sibility w e have as stewards of these m ost w o n d ro u s creatio n s. A cle a re r visio n of w h a t it is w e w ish to create com es as w e pay the p rice to understand w h e re w e 'v e been, as w e d isco ver w h a t has w o rk ed , and, of equal im portance, w h at has not. W e can 't help but v ie w w ith adm iration the breeding program s and ind ivid u al horses that have had such im pact upon the Egyptian A rab ian as to at o n ce be ab le to reco g nize in today's horses the h allm arks for w h ich these w e re kn o w n . W h a t is it that m ade such an im pact possible? A n d , how is it that w e can co n tin u e to b uild upon the legacy th ey've left us? Th erein lies the true Egyptian Breeder's Challen g e. 107

First, a b rief w o rd about the statistics you w ill see: Th ey are facts, just facts, and o n ly facts.

Th ey are

presented as su ch , not m eant to lead you tow ard one p articu la r co n c lu sio n or w a y of th in kin g . Rather, w e hope that in them you w ill find enough inform ation to educate and assist you in form ing yo u r ow n co n clu sio n s. Secondly, w e m ust reco g n ize that these statistics and num bers don't tell the full story. There are m any va lid reasons w h y the scop e of this study had to be lim ited to a fo cus on E B C C h a m p io n s and Reserve C h am p io n s on ly. But w h a t m ust not be overloo ked is the co m p e llin g fact that am ong the contestants w h o w e re not nam ed ch am p io ns at that p articu lar m om ent in tim e are m any w h o have sin ce gone on to becom e tru ly great h o rse s ...e v e n som e w e w o uld co nsid er to be livin g legends. H as anyon e ever heard of Im perial Baarez?

P im lico R C A , Bint Bint Justina,

Im perial B a azirah or Nightstar SM F? These are o nly a fe w w h o w e re at one tim e just the hope and the dream of Egyptian A rab ian breeders w h o dared to b elieve in the m agic of their dream s. C h a m p io n or

/amil Bin Ibn Nltaya, 2007 EB C Champion. Nancy Pierce photo.

not, the E B C has a proven track record of p roducing horses of destiny! Lastly, not every resulting foal ends up being sh o w n , for behind these statistics are real horses and real people w h o live very d yn a m ic lives. W h a t seem ed p ossible and w ith in one's grasp at a p articu la r m om ent in tim e often c h a n g e s...a n d som etim es quite suddenly.

Som e of these dream babies, though truly great

in d ivid u als, m ay not yet have been ready for their debut in the sh o w ring. Som e of the hopeful participants m ay have suffered setbacks of one kind or a n o th e te n d e d breedings m ay not have taken p lace for any num ber of reasons, in ju ry and illn ess to horse and hum an a lik e m ay have o ccasio n ed a change, fin an cia l reverses m ay have altered one's a b ility to pursue dream s, and som e m ay even have passed from this life to the next. Keeping this in m ind is im portant as one re vie w s the data, but it should not keep us from noting developing trends and perhaps, most im portantly, from form ing our ow n personal co n clu sio n s about the story they tell and h o w it w ill in flu en ce our personal invo lvem en t in this inn o vative, challen g in g , rew arding, inviting and excitin g program w e n o w kn o w as the EB C . W h a t fo llo w s is a presentation of all E B C C h a m p io n s & R eserve C h a m p io n s from the program's inception on dow n to the year 2 0 1 0 fo llo w e d by a b rief syno psis of key data elem ents. A n y reference to "w in n e rs" in this sum m ary shall mean C h am p io n or Reserve C h a m p io n . M ore than anything it is hoped that it can serve as a road m ap for you as a co n tin u in g or pro sp ective p articip an t in the Egyptian Breeder's C h a llen g e. After a ll, " y o u 'v e got to be in it to w i n it!"





Y ear of


Tabitha TR Anna Paulina

X Ci

SE or EB


C o lo r

EBC C H A M P IO N S A N D RESERVE C H A M P IO N S FR O M 1996 T O 2010 Sire






Simeon Shai Anaza El Farid

W in


Kiiafa Chanel SF

M are Family

Ghazieh Rodan ia





Thee Desperado

Bint Magidaa

El Shahbaa






Say Amen






PR Nile Queen



Thee Desperado Thee Desperado

SKF Habiba Bint Magidaa Queen Annes Lace

Venus El Shahbaa Kariban

El Mistyc







Anaza El Farid Imtaarif

Satin Mist




Imadeus Tammens Treasure


Ferida Ghazieh

Ansata Samari Ansata Riyal Imextreme





Thee Infidel Say La V Belovedd Infidel


El Dahma El Dahma





DS Miad









Ansata Hejazi Ansata Hejazi Imtaarif

Ansata Samarra Bint Faras Azali AK El Sanaa



Imperial Al Kamar




Say Amen

Serenity Aziza Just My Imagination

Rodania Venus

Shahdal Hadaya El Tareef

Mai Teska

Queen of Sheba

Taja Moniet BSA Bataarha Imperial Orianah

Rodania El Dahma

Rodan ia El Dahma

SKF Heart and Soul TD Shah Zaire






Stirring Rendition






Imangelica Say Halleluyah








Imtaarif Say Amen



Thee Desperado

HMT Inasa

Ali Saroukh Thee Makers Mark Al Baraki

Shaia TF Shardali SES Khebira

Thee Desperado Marquis I

Jubilllee Na^da Nisrs Bint Kamal

El Dahma El Shahbaa

MB Masaleena

Jellabiet Feysul Ghazieh

Okovanggo Ali Sadiid Thee Makers Rose Kheboom Insignia DeSha Majestic Noble SMF Nakhda Saqqara Aidahh KA Etaya Amir DBA Allegiance
































Simeon Shai CN Jericho

Abitibi Madelina Amira Podruga



BB Thee Renegade

Shaia Tanjara RCA Rohara Shahblee



CN Jericho Makhnificent KA

Bint Shaia Anna Bellla






Pimlico RCA

TF Afrikhan Bey













Botswana The Elixir Makhnificent KA









Ali Halim X Katarinah KA Mai Shasmari Bellagio RCA TF Afrikhan Shah


Sharjah PC



DF Faaiqs Farida Mirajh RCA





Bint Rhapsody in Black Sonbolahs Sunrise


MA Zilal Winddancer Ali Asil


MS Amiri Zafeer



Sybella SMF Silkhs Blessing DNJ


Taher Emir PG


Julius HS Oruba Alrabie RCA


Miss Staar AC Lexor Al Mar


ESA Ali Asaraah

Mishaals Prevue RCA Jamil Bin Ibn Nitaya

Armando RCA TF Exotikah Justynna TF Teheran Dartanian MFA

Shahdal Alixir Botswana

Rodania El Dahma Zoe Venus Ghazieh

El Dahma

Emese Zoe Bint El Bahrein El Dahma

Bint Aliah Halima

El Dahma

MB Kateena MS Asmari

El Shahbaa Venus

Rhapsody in Black Rohara Shahblee

Venus El Dahma

Kuy Shaihnya Manintha Maymoon

Roga El Be Ida Rodania Venus







Botswana Faaiq El Madheen




Rhapsody in Black





KMF Ali Calypso

REA Nisrs Adiva

Roga El Beida






Alixir Insignia DeSha

Rhapsody in Black Mahreena Sonbo

Venus Rodania



GR Shadow




2 1





Pirouettes Rose Imperial Kameoh Bint Amiri Asmarr The Prevue

El Dahma El Dahma


Thee Asil Simeon Sedek

Venus Rodania







Desperado's Heidi BG Eelektra

Venus Bint El Bahrein



Majestic Noble SMF





Samura Silkh SWA







Thee Asil Ansata Nile Emir Ibn Nitaya

Black Wind Tigris Julyah

El Dahma Hind (Inshass) Ghazieh El Dahma



Bint Aliashahm MC Enchantress

Venus Basilisk

Alia Mar

Venus Roga El Beida Hind (Inshass) El Dahma Rodania *Urfah
























Mishaal HP Ibn Nitaya ERAF Emptahar

Bellagio RCA Imperial Mistaar Alixir The Sequel RCA Botswana Alixir Botswana Ali Rahaim


Minstrils Kiss EAI Etheena Bint Bint Justina Temima Empress Dakara

At first g lan ce a num ber of things beco m e apparent: E G Y P T I A N B R E D vs. S T R A I G H T E G Y P T I A N

O f the 60 w in n e rs 11 (1 8 .3 % ) are Egyptian Bred 4 9 (8 1 .7 % ) are Straight Egyptian EB C W IN N E R S W H O 'V E P R O D U C E D E B C W IN N E R S

O f the 60 w in n e rs 3 have gone on to p ro d uce E B C w in n e rs th em selves Insignia D eSha M ajestic N oble SM F B e llag io R C A D A M S O F M U LT IP LE EB C W IN N E R S

O f the dam s of the 60 w in n e rs 4 have produced m ultip le w in n e rs Bint M agidaa R hapsody in B lack R ohara S hah b lee Shaia S IR ES O F M U L T IP L E E B C W IN N E R S

O f the sires of the 60 w in n e rs 13 have produced m u ltip le w in n e rs, a cco u n tin g for 6 0 .0 % of all w in n e rs: A lix ir A n a za El Farid Ansata H e ja zi Botsw ana C N Jerich o Ibn N itaya Im taarif M ak h n ifice n t KA Say A m en Shahdal Sim eon Shai Thee A sil Thee D esperado

Rhapsody in Black, dam o f multiple EBC Winners. Randi Clark photo


O f the 60 w in n e rs 3 sets of full sib ling s are represented the get of A lix ir and Rhapsody in B la ck the get of Botsw ana and Rohara S hah b lee the get of Thee D esperado and Bint M agidaa C O L O R O F E B C W I N N E R S (and just for fun)

O f the 60 w in n e rs 4 5 .0 % w e re greys 3 1 .7 % w e re bays 1 5 .0 % w e re chestnuts, and 8 .3 % w e re blacks

Simeon Shai, sire o f multiple EBC Winners. Stuart Vesty photo 110

Perhaps not so read ily d isce rn ib le , but w h ich further a n a lysis reveals: M A R E F A M I L I E S O F E B C W I N N E R S - O f the 60 w in n e rs

15 (2 5 .0 % ) are of the El D ah m a fa m ily (2 EB, 13 SE) 7 through Farida 1 through *G h a za la h h 2 through H e lw a 4 through Futna 7 through *B in t Bin t Sabbah 3 through FaSaana (2 EB, 1 SE) 2 through Fa-H abba 2 through Fay-Sabbah 1 through Bukra 11 (1 8 .3 % ) are of the Venus fa m ily (SE) 6 through *M am do u h a 3 through Yosreia 2 through *N ab ila h h 1 through *Serenity Shahra 1 through Fathia 1 through *N ih a l 9 (1 5 .0 % ) are of the R od ania fa m ily (1 EB, 8 SE) 5 through M alaka 2 through *S alo m y 2 through Sarnia 1 through M am lo u ka 3 through O m El Saad 1 through *Serenity Sonbolah 1 through *Sham ah 1 through Z een ah 1 through *Rasafa (EB) 5 (8 .3 % ) are of the G h a zie h fa m ily (SE) 2 through *B in t Serra I 2 through *M aaro ufa 1 through *H a n iy a 4 (6 .7 % ) are of the El Shahbaa fa m ily (SE) 4 through *M ag id aa 3 through B in t M agidaa 1 through A K Kantaara 3 (5 % ) are of the Roga El Beida fa m ily (SE) 1 through *Shook 1 through El Bataa 1 through M on iet El N efous 2 (3 .3 % ) are of the Bin t El Bahrein fa m ily (SE) 2 through Z areefa 2 (3 .3 % ) are of the H in d (Inshass) fa m ily (SE) 2 through *B in t H an aa 2 (3 .3 % ) are of the Z oe fa m ily (EB) 2 through the Spanish m are, *Z la b iy a 1 (1 .7 % ) are of the *U rfah fa m ily (EB) 1 (1 .7 % ) are of the B a silisk fa m ily (EB) 1 (1 .7 % ) are of the Em ese fa m ily (EB) 1 (1 .7 % ) are of the Ferida fa m ily (EB) 1 (1 .7 % ) are of the Jellab iet Feysul fa m ily (SE) 1 (1 .7 % ) are of the Kariban fa m ily (EB) 1 (1 .7 % ) are of the Q u een of Sheba fa m ily (EB) 111

Imextreme, 1998 EB C Reserve Champion representing the dam line o f El Dahma, through Futna. lavan Schaller photo

Thee Infidel, 1996 EB C Champion representing the dam line o f El Shahbaa, through Magidaa. lean Pierre photo


O f the 60 w in n e rs 4 7 (7 8 % ) are of the N azeer sire lin e, w ith : 34 through *M o rafic, the vast m ajo rity (30) co m ing through Shaikh Al Badi and his sons and grandsons, most notably R u m in a ja A li and his son, The M in stril, fo llo w ed next by The Egyptian P rin ce and M adkour 13 through *A nsata Ibn H a lim a , the vast m ajo rity co m in g through Im p erial Im d al, fo llo w ed by Ansata H a lim Shah, El H a lim a a r and El H ila l 13 (2 2 % ) are of the Sam eh sire lin e, w ith : 7 through *EI M areekh and his grandson, Shaikh A l Badi, the leading branch o f the Nazeer sire line in EBC winners. Johnny Johnston photo

H i-Fashion M reekh 5 through *Sultann and his son, M akhsous 1 through *lbn H a fiza

It is said that w ith in certain fa m ilie s horses of a p articu la r co lo r are g en erally better than their relatives of a different color. Is this borne out by the results of the E B C classes, e sp e c ia lly w h ere m ultip le in d ivid u als are involved? You be the judge. C O L O R O F E B C W IN N E R S B Y M A R E F A M ILIES :

O f the El D ah m a fa m ily : 3 3 .3 % G rey, 2 6 .7 % Bay, 2 6 .7 % Chestnut and 1 3 .3 % B la c k O f the Venus fa m ily : 4 5 .5 % G rey, 2 7 .3 % Bay, 1 8 .2 % B la c k , 9 % Chestnut O f the R odania fa m ily : 6 6 .7 % G rey, 2 2 .2 % Bay, 1 1 .1 % Chestnut O f the G h a zie h fa m ily : 4 0 % Bay, 4 0 % G rey, 2 0 % B lack O f the El Shahbaa fa m ily : 5 0 % G rey, 2 5 % Bay 2 5 % Chestnut O f the Roga El Beid a fa m ily : 6 6 .7 % G rey, 3 3 .3 % Bay O f the Bint El B ahrein fa m ily : 5 0 % Bay, 5 0 % G re y O f the H in d (Inshass) fa m ily : 5 0 % Bay, 5 0 % Chestnut O f the Z o e fa m ily : 5 0 % C hestnut, 5 0 % G re y O f the *U rfah fa m ily : 1 0 0 % Bay O f the B a silisk fa m ily : 1 0 0 % Bay O f the Em ese fa m ily : 1 0 0 % Bay O f the Ferida fa m ily : 1 0 0 % G re y O f the Jellab ie t Feysul fa m ily : 1 0 0 % G re y O f the Kariban fa m ily : 1 0 0 % Bay O f the Q u een of Sheba fa m ily : 1 0 0 % G re y C O L O R O F E B C W IN N E R S B Y SIR E L IN E S :

O f the Sam eh lin e: 3 8 .5 % G rey, 3 0 .8 % Bay, 2 3 .1 % B la c k and 7 .6 % Chestnut *EI M areekh : 5 7 .1 % Bay, 4 2 .9 % B la c k *Su ltan n: 1 0 0 % G re y *lbn H a fiz a : 1 0 0 % Chestnut O f the N azeer lin e: 4 6 .8 % G rey, 3 1 .9 % Bay, 1 7 .0 % Chestnut, 4 .3 % B lack *M o ra fic: 4 1 .2 % Bay, 3 5 .3 % G rey, 1 7 .6 % C hestnut, 5 .9 % B la c k *A nsata Ibn H a lim a : 7 6 .9 % G rey, 1 5 .4 % Chestnut, 7 .7 % Bay



A lixir (The Elixir x The Prevue [The Minstril x Maali RCA to Rodania]) 3 out of Rhapsody in Black (Thee Desperado x Aliashahm RA to Venus) 1 out of A lia Mar (Thee Infidel x Aliashahm RA to Venus) 1 out of Bint Bint Justina (Thee Desperado x A lijam ila to El Dahma) Anaza El Farid (Rum inaja Ali x Bint Deenaa to El Dahma) 1 out of Chanel SF (Front Page SF x Brandie Alexandra to Rodania) 1 out of Satin Mist (*Muscat x Satin Silver to Ferida) Ansata Hejazi (Ansata Halim Shah x Ansata Sudarra [Ansata Abu Sudan x Ansata Delilah to El Dahma]) 1 out of Bint Faras A zali (Ansata El Naseri x Faras Azali to Rodania) 1 out of Ansata Samarra (*Jami 111 x Ansata Samantha [*Ansata Ibn H alim a x Ansata D elilah to El Dahma]) Botswana (Thee Desperado x T h e Minuet [The Minstril x Aliah Halim a to El Dahma]) 2 out of Rohara Shahblee (Bey Shah x Fire Serenity [Fire Alert++ x CR Mirandy to El Dahma]) 1 out of Kuy Shaihnya (AK Shaikh x DB Naseema [Nabiel x Ansata Salome to Roga El Beida]) 1 out of EAI Etheena (Safeen x MB Ethos to Hind [Inshass]) 1 out ofTem im a (ZT Faa'lq xTasaqqara to Rodania) CN Jericho (Thee Desperado x Jubi11 lee [The Minstril x Ansata Justina - El Dahma]) 1 out of Nisrs Bint Kamal (Ansata El Nisr x Ramses El Kamal [*Ramses Fayek x *N ayla to El Dahma]) 1 out of Am ira Podruga (*Halcyon x *Morias Enkomion [Podsnejnik x Petarda to Emese]) Ibn Nitaya (Richter MH x Kuhaylah Nitaya [Tammen x Aleeshah to Rodania]) 1 out of Julyah (Tammen x A K Julikah [Shaikh Al Badi x A K Julyah to El Dahma]) 1 out of Desperados Heidi (Thee Desperado x Hadiyi [Rofann x Haddiyah to Venus]) Imtaarif (Imperial Imdal xTaarifa [*Moatasim x Bint Deenaa to El Dahma]) 1 out of Aniya (*lbn Moniet El Nefous x *H aniya [Kayed x Ferial to G hazieh]) 1 out of A K El Sanaa (Mosry x *Deenaa [Sameh x Dahma II to El Dahma]) 1 out of BSA Bataarha (AK Bafadi xTaarifa [*Moatasim x Bint Deenaa to El Dahma]) M akhnificent KA (Mahksous x Star Bint Hafiza [Ibn Dahman x A K Am iri Fayrouz to Roga El Beida]) 1 out of MB Kateena (Imperial Madheen x Bint Kantaara [MFA Mareekh Am ir x AK Kantaara to El Shahbaa]) 1 out of MB Masaleena (Imperial Madheen x MB Masail [Dalul x Amal El N ile to Jellabiet Feysul]) Say Amen (The Minstril x Alia-Meryetaten [The Egyptian Prince x Glorieta Zaarina to Venus]) 1 out of Imperial O rianah (*Orashan x Imperial Bint Fawkia [Moniet El Nafis x *Fawkia to Rodania]) 1 out of JustMylmagination (*Orashan x Glorieta Bint Abu [Ansata Abu Nazeer x Anchor Hill Ham la to Venus]) 1 out of SKF Habiba (*lbn Safinaz x Noosah to Venus) Shahdal (Imperial Imdal x Mona Shahlea [The Egyptian Prince x AK Shahmona to Roga El Beida]) 1 out of Mai Teska (N W Baghdad x FRF Miss Tess [LHR Tesselnabor x LH R Miss Kitty to Queen of Sheba]) 1 out of MS Asmari (The Minstril x A K Am iri Asmarr [The Egyptian Prince x Asmarr to Venus]) Simeon Shai (Raadin Royal Star x Simeon Safanad to Venus) 1 out of Abitibi Madaleena (Imperial Madheen x Abitibi Maamouna to Ghazieh) 1 out of Kiiafa (Rum inaja Fayez x MFA Kiia to Ghazieh) Thee Asil (Thee Desperado x A lia Barakaa [Rum inaja Ali x Am ira Barakaa to Rodania]) 1 out of Imperial Kameoh (Imperial Al Kamar x Imperial Safillla [*Ibn Safinaz x Imperial M istilll to El Dahma]) 1 out of Silkh SW A (Thee Infidel x Sharifa W ahda [Thee Desperado x Asafra to Hind (Inshass)]) Thee Desperado (The Minstril x A K Am iri Asmarr [The Egyptian Prince x Asmarr to Venus]) 2 out of Bint Magidaa (*Khofo x *Magidaa [Alaa El Din x Maysa to El Shahbaa]) 1 out of Queen Annes Lace (Kamim x Ferfari [Feribn x Yfari to Kariban]) 1 out of H M T Inasa (The Minstril x *lbn G alal 1-16 [Ibn G alal I x 12 Bint Inas to El Dahma]) 1 out of Jubilllee (The Minstril x Ansata Justina [*Jamilll x Ansata Judea to El Dahma]) 113

A S T U D Y O F M A R E F A M ILIE S A N D S IR E L IN E C O M B I N A T I O N S Winner's Mare Line ’ Urfah Basilisk

Dam Sire Line

Sire's Sire Line

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - *Morafic - Dakar El Jamaai

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Ansata Ibn Halima - Imperial Imdal

Bint El Bahrein

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Magic Dream CAHR Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril

Bint El Bahrein

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril

El Dahma El Dahma

’ Mirage - Bay Abi - Bay El Bey - Bey Shah ’ Mirage - Bay Abi - Bay El Bey - Bey Shah

El Dahma

Jamil El Kebir - Sameh - *lbn Hafiza - Tammen

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Ansata Ibn Halima - El Halimaar

El Dahma El Dahma

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Ansata Ibn Halima - Ansata El Nisr Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Ansata Ibn Halima - Imperial Al Kamar

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril

El Dahma El Dahma El Dahma

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - AK El Zahra Moniet

Jamil El Kebir - Sameh - *lbn Hafiza - Abenhetep Jamil El Kebir - Sameh - ’ Sultann - Makhsous Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Ansata Ibn Halima - Imperial Imdal

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic -Ruminaja Ali Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic -Ruminaja Ali Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Anaza El Farid Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Mosry Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Shaikh Al Badi

El Dahma El Dahma

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Ansata Ibn Haiima - Imperial Imdal Jamil El Kebir - Sameh - Hi-Fashion Mreekh

El Dahma

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril

Jamii El Kebir - Sameh - Hi-Fashion Mreekh

El Dahma

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Alidaar - Classic Shadwan

El Dahma El Dahma

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril

El Dahma El Shahbaa

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - Hadban Enzahi - ’ Jamilll Jamil El Kebir - Sameh - ’ Sultann - Nabiel

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Ansata Ibn Halima - Ansata Halim Shah Jamil El Kebir - Sameh - ’ Sultann - Makhsous

El Shahbaa

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - ’ Khofo

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril

El Shahbaa

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - ’ Khofo

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril

El Shahbaa Emese

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Imperial Madheen Saklawi 1- Nazeer - Aswan - ’ Halcyon

Jamii El Kebir-Sam eh - ’ Sultann - Makhsous Saklawi i - Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril


Ibrahim (PASB) - Skowronek - Naseem - ’ Muscat

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Shaikh Al Badi


Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - *lbn Moniet El Nefous

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Ansata Ibn Halima - Imperial Imdal

Ghazieh Ghazieh

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Ansata Cairo Bey Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Imperial Madheen

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Ansata Ibn Halima - Ansata Halim Shah Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Raadin Royal Star

Ghazieh Ghazieh

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Orashan Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Ruminaja Fayez

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Raadin Royal Star

Hind (Inshass)

Jamil El Kebir - Shahloul - Seef - *lbn Safinaz

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril

Hind (Inshass)

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril

Jellabiet Feysul

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Imperial Madheen

Jamil El Kebir - Sameh - ’ Sultann - Makhsous

Kariban Queen of Sheba

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Ansata Ibn Halima - Kamim Ibrahim (PASB) - Skowronek - Naseem - ’ Muscat

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril


Bairactar OA - Nabeg - ’ Nariadni - Front Page SF

Rodania Rodania

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Ansata Ibn Halima - Ansata El Naseri Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Ansata Ibn Halima - Glorieta Immarouf


Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - AK El Zahra Moniet

Rodania Rodania

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Anaza El Farid Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Orashan


Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Serenity Ibn Khofo

Rodania Rodania

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Talmaal Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril

Roga El Beida

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Ansata Ibn Halima - Ansata El Nisr

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Ansata Sinan Jamil El Kebir - Sameh - ’ Sultann - Makhsous

Roga El Beida

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Shaikh Al Badi

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril

Roga El Beida Venus Venus

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril Jamil El Kebir - Shahloul - Seef - *lbn Safinaz

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril


Saklawi 1 - Nazeer - ’ Ansata Ibn Halima - Imperial Imdal Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Shaikh Ai Badi Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Ansata Ibn Halima - Ansata Halim Shah Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Ansata Ibn Halima - Imperial Imdal Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Ansata Ibn Halima - El Hilal Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Imperial Madheen

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Ansata Ibn Halima - Imperial Imdal Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Orashan

Venus Venus Venus Venus

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril

Venus Venus

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril

Venus Venus

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Ansata Ibn Halima - El Halimaar Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Ansata Ibn Halima - Imperial Imdal

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Raadin Royal Star Saklawi 1 - Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Raadin Royal Star

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Anaza Bay Shahh Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - Ruminaja Ali Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril

Zoe (Elmirze) Zoe (Elmirze)

Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril

Saklawi 1 - Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril Saklawi 1- Nazeer - ’ Morafic - The Minstril Jamii El Kebir - Sameh - *EI Mareekh - Hi-Fashion Mreekh Jamil El Kebir - Sameh - *EI Mareekh - Hi-Fashion Mreekh Jamii Ei Kebir - Sameh - *EI Mareekh - Hi-Fashion Mreekh Jamil Ei Kebir - Sameh - *EI Mareekh - Hi-Fashion Mreekh Jamil El Kebir - Sameh - *EI Mareekh - Hi-Fashion Mreekh


N ow, w h at of the m any w h o d id n't w in C h a m p io n or R eserve, or even Top Ten? Th e data suggests that even in the absence of a big w in , p articip atio n is w e ll w orth it in the long run. C o n sid er the fo llo w in g horses w h ic h , acco rd in g to P yram id So ciety records, w e re p roduced as a result of E B C breedings, w h o w e re not am ong the w in n e rs, som e not even sh o w n , yet w h o have gone on to m ake a nam e for them selves in the w o rld of the Egyptian A rab ian horse: Im perial B a arez (PV A Karim x BB O ra K a lila h ) W o rld R eserve Senior C h a m p io n S tallio n , Paris P im lico R C A (Thee D esperado x Bint Bin t Jam il) EE Suprem e C h a m p io n Stallion Bint Bint Justina (Thee D esperado x A lija m ila ) dam E B C w in n e r, Justynna and ch a m p io n , Justynn Ibn N itaya (R ich ter M H x K u h aylah N itaya) sire of EB C w in n e rs Im perial B a azirah (Im p erial B a are z x Im perial Karm ah) dam of EE ch a m p io n , ESA Laila N ile Im perial Baareg (Im p erial B a arez x Im perial Karm ah) EE Reserve C h a m p io n , exported to Egypt Shai D iva (Sim eon Shai x D a n c e D iva ) EE Futurity Reserve C h a m p io n , exported to Israel El A am e ry (A am ery x T o p a z zz C A H R ) EE W in n e r and rep lacem en t for his sire, A am ery Ansata Suleym a (Ansata EJejazi x A nsata Sam sara) sold to K u w ait Ansata O siro n (Ansata lem hotep x A nsata Selket) full brother to A nsata Serqit, sold to K u w ait Bint Bint Sayo (A li Saroukh x Sam ura) n o w a broodm are of distinctio n at S ilv e r M ap le Farm Ansata Selm a (Ansata H e ja zi x G Shafaria) sold to M id d le East Bint H ad iyya h (El H ad iyya h x Bint H ebet A lla h ) broodm are of distinctio n at Sto n ew all Farm Ansata M ital (Ansata lem hotep x A nsata M ajesty) exported to G e rm a n y A li H alim X (The E lix ir x Bint A lia h H a lim a ), exported to the M id d le East Ansata M ille n n ia (Ansata H e ja zi x A nsata M alaka) exported to Q atar, full sister to A nsata M a lik Shah KB F Starlight (Thee D esperado x M C A le xis) C h a m p io n and broodm are of d istinctio n Ansata Bint Nefri (Ansata lem hotep x Ansata N efri), exported to the U nited A rab Em irates Q a d a rN ile D iv a (Ansata N ile N ad ir x EAI A lik ad h e e n a ) broodm are of distinctio n Q a d a r A rab ian s Im perial P h in aali (Im p erial B a are z x Im perial Karree) C h a m p io n and E B C Stallion This list of horses noted above is by no m eans e xh au stive, but is a random sam p ling of E B C nom inated foals from Pyram id So ciety records, w h o have gone on to m ake a nam e for th em selves and their breeders in the w o rld of the Egyptian A rab ian horse, m any of w h ic h are now of an age to have proven th em selves over and over and over again. Surely, as you have review e d the data here presented, there can be no question as to the va lid ity and legitim acy of the Egyptian Breeder's C h a lle n g e as being the m eans of p ro d ucin g and presenting to the w o rld som e of the very best stallio n s and m ares that Egyptian b lo o d lin e s have to offer. A ll of this attests to the visio n of the program 's fo unders, the enthusiasm and support of p articip ants - stallio n o w ners and bidders alike , and the hope and faith residing in the hearts of breeders w h o co n tin u e to b uild upon the foundation laid by generations of great breeders and horses w h o 've gone before. To everyo ne w h o has contributed to the success of this program , and w h o co n tin u e so to do, our sin cere and heartfelt thanks. W ith 15 years of success behind us, w e look fo rw ard to the years to co m e w ith eager a n ticip a tio n . M ay the history and facts herein presented serve to im bue us w ith the courage, co m m itm en t and visio n to get going and get invo lved . After a ll, " y o u 'v e got to b e in it to w i n it!"


P a r t II H e r it a g e o f T h e E g y p t ia n A r a b ia n H o r s e Th e Egyptian A rab ian horse has a rich heritage spanning cen tu ries of breeding. In order to better understand the patterns of heritage behind the pedigrees of today's straight Egyptian A rab ian horses, this section p ro vides and introduction to the sire lines and clam lines of straight Egyptian A rab ian horses. A lso includ ed are som e sam p le ancestral extended pedigrees to see h o w the I ineage of today's horses has unfolded. It m ust be rem em bered that both in Egypt and in som e other co un tries different horses born at different tim es or in separate studs can have the sam e nam e or very sim ila r nam es. Th is can be co nfu sin g to som e and it is best to cross reference w ith other pedigree sources to ch e ck fo aling dates and stud orig ins to determ ine w h ich horses are w h ich in a pedigree.


Straight Egyptian Sire Lines By Joe Ferriss Images from Dr. Karin Fhieme, Judith Forbis and Ferriss archives

U nlike most other equine breeds, the Bedouin tribes of Arabia that created the Arabian horse celebrated its matriarchy. A horse's identity was handed down by the name of its mother's fam ily. The first thing that a Bedouin would ask about an Arabian horse, a stallion or a mare, is what is its strain - the name of its female line? Any stallion of importance had to be from one of the great fem ale fam ilies. This is quite different from established European breeds such as the Thoroughbred who often identified a horse from its patriarchy or sire line first. As the Arabian horse becam e popular world w ide and traveled farther from itsoriginating culture, the name of the female line was not alw ays as significant as it was for the founding culture.H owever,horses of straight Egyptian lineage have generally stayed with the Bedouin tradition of often identifying the strain, the fem ale line of a horse so today it is not difficult to ascertain what celebrated fem ale line such horse descends from. W ithin this Heritage section the reader w ill find a section on dam lines of straight Egyptian Arabian horses. How ever first w e w ill review the subject of the sire lines of straight Egyptian Arabian horses. A sire line today is an indicator of the population distribution of a particular stallion. W h ile a mare may only average about 8 to 12 foals in her lifetime, a stallion could have as many as the great Khemosabi, sire of 1,251 foals in his lifetime. O f the hundreds of thousands of Arabians w o rldw ide today, as a bloodline or even as a nationality element, the straight Egyptian Arabian is only a very small fraction w hich some estimate at less than 5% , others say a bit more than that. Yet a review of the top 30 sires in the w orld in terms of the number of get they sired in their lifetime, more than one third of them have a straight Egyptian sire line and account for about one third of the 2 3 ,7 5 8 foals sired by the top 30. So the sire line is a significant figure worth looking at. Though there have been numerous sires in the long history of Egyptian breeding the male lineage in Straight Egyptian breeding today is distilled down to four existing sire lines: Zobeyni 1840 Jamil El Kebir 1 8 7 0 S aklaw i I 1 8 8 0 El D e r e e 1 9 2 0

The preponderance or scarcity of a sire line is an indicator of the distribution of certain blood. To accurately explain why some sire lines are prolific and others are rare is speculation at best because there can be many arbitrary factors that influence why some people find one stallion more popular than another. If one particular sire line is more popular for halter cham pions, another may be more popular for performance horses and another for endurance and racing. In one decade perform ance may be popular with breeders of that decade w h ile in another decade halter may become the dom inant part of the industry. Sometimes an unforeseen circum stance can affect sire line choices. A case in point would be the magnificent imported Egyptian stallion *EI Mareekh (Aseel x Rawayeh) imported to the U .S. in 1979. *EI Mareekh was of the Jamil El Kebir sire line, the same as Mr. Babson's 1932 import *Fadl. M any who saw this spectacular horse, found him breath taking and there w ere high hopes for him. He tragically died young, leaving less than two dozen Egyptian get. If his son Ibn El M areekh (x Bint Deenaa) was any exam ple, one can only wonder had El Mareekh lived a full life how he may have been able to expand upon his sire line bringing more choices for Egyptian breeders today. So let's explore the existing sire lines in straight Egyptian breeding to gain a little understanding them. The sire lines identified here are named after the first root founding Arabian in its line. 118

Z O B E Y N I S ire Line

Zobeyni was born about 1840. He was a grey stallion of the Saqlawi Jidran strain bred by Ibn Zubayni of the Fid'an tribe and acquired by Abbas Pasha in Egypt. This is the oldest existing Egyptian sire line. For many years it was the most popular as it is handed down via the great Crabbet sire Mesaoud who was bred by Ali Pasha Sherif in Egypt and acquired by W ilfrid and Lady Anne Blunt for their Crabbet Stud in England. Mesaoud's son *Astraled was imported in 1901 to the U.S. as an older horse after having left get in England. His son Sotamm had gone to Egypt along with grandson Kazmeyn, both found widely in Egyptian bloodlines today but not in sire line. *Astraled's son Culastra would make this sire line famous. For all the popularity of Culastra in the U.S. only one of his grandsons carried the Zobeyni sire line in straight Egyptian lines and that was Julyan (x Bint Maaroufa). Julyan sired some major winners in America but was only bred to a very small number of available straight Egyptian mares during his time. Nonetheless, his Egyptian sons El Reata Juan and Fadaan have carried the famed old Zobeyni sire line forward. It is a relatively rare sire line today but this important sire line is still available to straight Egyptian breeders. JA M IL EL K E B IR S ire Line

This is the second oldest and second most represented Egyptian sire line. Jamil El Kebir was a chestnut stallion of the Saqlawi Jidran strain. He was born in the 1870s from Ibn Zubayni of the Mhayd section of the Fid'an Bedouin tribe. Lady Anne Blunt referred to him as "the old chestnut Ibn Sbeyni Seglawi." He was acquired by Prince Ahmed Pasha Kemal. The Prince is the breeder of Jamil El Kebir's grandson Dahman El Azrak who Prince Mohammed Ali described as a horse of extreme quality that transmitted good Arab type and strong bone. The main horse who carries the banner for this sire line is Dahman El Azrak's son Rabdan El Azrak. The first representatives of this sire line to come to America were the stallions *Zarife (Ibn Samhan x Mahroussa) and *Nasr (Rabdan El Azrak x BintYamama). Both of these stallions were imported by W .R. Brown in 1932. *Zarife was imported as a youngster so had no get in Egypt. He was a very handsome and athletic horse who passed on his athletic ability in good measure especially in endurance horses. His only Egyptian son is the famous Hallany Mistanny (x *Roda) who sired one straight Egyptian daughter, Mist Aana so Hallany Mistanny has no sire line in Egyptian breeding. *Nasr was already an older horse when imported. He had been much admired at Prince Mohammed Ali's stud and was raced in Egypt prior to his importation. His blood in Egypt is narrowly found in female descendants but he left no sire line there. In America he became a highly regarded sire but at a time when there were so few Egyptian mares in the country, *Nasr had very little opportunity to establish an Egyptian sire line. A few of his Egyptian sons were exported to other countries where they were not bred to Egyptian mares though their blood is found today in other bloodlines. Late in his life *Nasr got one Egyptian son in the U.S., Sirecho (*Nasr x *Exochorda). W hile Sirecho produced several sons of note, his sons are only represented through their daughters so there is no longer a sire line from Sirecho today. Only months after *Nasr's importation to the U.S. Mr. Babson went to Egypt and imported a group of Arabians which became the backbone of most straight Egyptian bloodlines in the U.S. for decades before the first Nazeer blood arrived. The only sire in Mr. Babson's group was *Fadl (Ibn Rabdan x Mahroussa). A cousin to *Nasr, *Fadl became the one who did establish an Egyptian sire line to Jamil El Kebir in the U.S. *Fadl was a handsome horse of classic Arabian type but also an athletic horse who became a part of many performance pedigrees in the U.S. Within Egyptian lines, *Fadl's sons Fa-Serr (x *Bint Serra), Fabah (x *Bint Bint Sabbah) and Lothar (x Habba) carried the Jamil El Kebir sire line forward in America and it is still available today, mostly from Babson and other "old Egyptian" breeding. Meanwhile back in Egypt the premier source of the Jamil El Kebir sire line was the heavily used Ibn Rabdan (Rabdan El Azrak x Bint Cam ila). He was not only used by the R.A.S. government stud but also the various Princes in their private studs, so he saw a wide opportunity to establish a sire line. Prince Kemal El Dine is the breeder of the Ibn Rabdan son Ibn Fayda who went to the Inshass stud of King Fouad. Ibn Fayda created a sire line eventually carried forward by the great sire Sameh. Though Sameh is most famous for his National champion daughters, his sons *lbn Hafiza, *Sultann, and Aseel have all established male branches via a number of sons. *lbn Hafiza is mostly represented by Tammen, *Sultann by Makhsous and Aseel by Ibn El Mareekh. Ibn Rabdan sired two stallions who were three-quarter brothers to Mr. Babson's *Fadl. They were Hamdan and Shahloul. Hamdan was gifted to the Royal Inshass stud where he sired Anter (x Obeya), who has three sons that 119

carried on the Jamil El Kebir sire line at the E.A.O . Another Anter son was the handsome, brilliant moving black stallion Charib who went to Germany and established a sire line now found internationally. Hamdan also sired a son named Hamdan II (x Folia) who very narrowly maintained a male line. Shahloul was mainly a broodmare sire remembered for his magnificent daughters Bukra and Moniet El Nefous. However he sired two sons who represent him. The first was El Sareei (x Zareefa), the handsome bay stallion who rarely sired a male horse, mostly all females. However El Sareei's popular son *Tuhotmos (x Moniet El Nefous) managed to carry on the Shahloul branch. Shahloul also sired Mashhour (x Bint Rustem) whose son Seef (x Elwya) became an important sire at the E.A .O ., and is represented by *Ibn Safinaz in the U.S. In Egypt the other source of Jamil El Kebir's line was the stallion Ibn Samhan (Samhan x Nafaa El Saghira). Ibn Samhan sired Kheir (x Badaouia) and legendary race horse Balance (x Farida). Kheir's son Gassir became an outcross stallion for the Nazeer breeding at the E.A.O . and has several sons representing him. For all the fame of the great race horse Balance, his branch of the Jamil El Kebir sire line is very rare indeed. His son Nasrulla was a great athlete but became mainly a mare sire with a very rare male representation. Balance's other son Emam was also a good race horse but has only one male to carry on the banner for this sire line. S A K L A W I I S ire Line

Without question the Saklawi I sire line is the most populated sire line within both straight Egyptian breeding and also within the Arabian breed in general. This is the sire line that is represented in ten of the top 30 sires in the breed worldwide. The stallion Saklawi I originates with famed 19th century Egyptian breeder Ali Pasha Sherif. He was born sometime in the 1880s of the Saqlawi Jidran strain. His blood is found in Egyptian breeding through two daughters and three stallions. Only one of his sons created the sire line to him, the stallion Saklawi II out of Ali Pasha Sherif's El Dahma. Saklawi II is the grandsire of Mansour who sired world renowned Nazeer from whom this sire line is carried forward with many branches. Nazeer is not only of the Saklawi I sire line but he also has five crosses to Saklawi I so is a strong source of his blood. There are numerous Nazeer sons who carry his sire line banner but among the most globally prominent of these are Hadban Enzahi, Morafic, Ansata Ibn Halima and Aswan. Since Aswan was gifted to Russia as a young horse his line begins in Russia so he does not have a sire line within straight Egyptian breeding but it is nonetheless enormous through his many Russian bred sons as well as his son Palas in Poland. In America the most famous of Aswan's branches is via *Padron and the huge patriarchy he has created. Nazeer's first-born straight Egyptian progenitor of his sire line was the pure white stallion Hadban Enzahi who was exported to Germany where he stood at Weil-Marbach. His first straight Egyptian sons were not born until he was 15 years old. Within straight Egyptian lines, *Morafic created the largest patriarchy to Nazeer siring a number of very heavily used straight Egyptian sons and grandsons. Perhaps his largest branch in number of male representatives comes via his son Shaikh Al Badi, sire of Ruminaja A li, Alidaar and others. *Ansata Ibn Halima's web is also very large through both sons and daughters but his popular son El Hilal extended his branch greatly in the U.S. with 639 get. There are many popular sons of *Ansata Ibn Halima and his patriarchy is extended internationally via his son Ansata Halim Shah. EL D E R E E S ire Line

The sire line to El Deree is the most relatively recent sire line. El Deree was a classic example of the true Bedouin war horse, a stallion of quality conformation, who was very fast as a runner and a very good sire. He was a 1920 grey stallion of the Saqlawi Shaifi strain acquired from Hussayn al-Dayri from the al-Jibur tribe. He was taken to Egypt and became a founding sire for King Fouad's Royal Inshass Stud. Later he was gifted to the R.A.S. where he sired the legendary Sid Abouhom. Sid Abouhom was a great race horse and much admired by Director General VonSzandtner, manager of the E.A.O . Sid Abouhom's daughters formed the core of VonSzandtner's plans for the E.A.O . while most sons were sold for racing. Under these circumstances one would think that the sire line to El Deree would vanish. However there were a few sons of Sid Abouhom who were incorporated later into the E.A.O. breeding. Most notable of these is the fine race horse Amrulla out of the Balance daughter Zaafarana. Amrulla sired the magnificent stallion Akhtal, one of the most spectacular since *Morafic. Akhtal and half brother Nawaf continued the sire line of El Deree for the E.A.O . Two other Sid Abouhom sons produced male representatives also, Ibn Abla and Ibn Hamama, who only have one or two representatives in the U.S. so are very rare indeed. What follows here is a sire line chart showing the various branches of these sire lines.


Egyptian Sire lines within Straight Egyptian breeding: (* asterisk denotes imported to North America) Indentations in this chart represent succeeding generations of males. This chart does not imply that there are no more than what appear here but these include those who represent the preponderance of their line. There are certainly younger stallions that are sons or grandsons of those shown here, so this is not the final word on sire lines. The most heavily represented branches of the Saklawi I sire line are *Morafic [32 sons] and *Ansata Ibn Halima [45 sons]. They are so prolific and so well known internationally as are many of their sons and grandsons so only the estimated number of sons in their line are given. It is often easy to determine a Nazeer sire line individual in any 6 generation pedigree but for this chart, only the main branches are listed here. The rarer sire lines have been extended a bit further owing to the scarcity of sons representing them. Primary branches of sire lines are also shown in boldface. Z O B E Y N I c. 7840 grey stallion - A Saqlawi Jidran stallion o f Ibn Zubayni o f the Fid'an in the stud o f Abbas Pasha. Harkan A ziz Mesaoud (A ziz x Yemameh) *Astraled (Mesaoud x Queen of Sheba) G ulastra (*AstraIed x Gulnare) Julep (Gulastra x A ziza) Julyan (Julep x Bint Maaroufa) El Reata Juan (Julyan x Mist Aana) D U Juans W illo w (x Am ys Amira) ASF W adi (x Masada M ishannah) Eben El Saoud (x A K Kasida) Juans Sable (x Bint Serasabba) M esaoud, great grandson o f Z obeyn i and Juans Rulastra (x SAR Sabihaghazala) the source o f the Z ob eyn i sire line. Forbis Juans Spirit (x Juans Fable) archive. Ibn Juans Fable (x Juans Fable) Fadaan (Julyan x Mist Aana) Fadaan Emir (Fadaan x Juans Fey Elenna) BR W Sihr Aswad (Fadaan Emir x M instrils Diam ond) JAM IL EL K EB IR c. 1870s chestnut stallion - A Saqlawi jidran o f the marbat o f Ibn Zubayni of the Mhayd section of the Fid'an tribe, imported c l 880 to Egypt. Also called Camil El Kebir or Jamil El Ashkar El Kebir. Jamil El Ahm ar Dahman El A zrak Rabdan [El Azrak] (Dahm an El A zrak x Rabda) Samhan (Rabdan x O m Dalai) Ibn Samhan (Samhan x Nafaa El Saghira) Kheir (Ibn Samhan x Badaouia) G assir (Kheir x Badia) *Zaghloul (G assir x Gharbaw ia) Ibn Zaghloul (Zaghloul x Bint Mona) Sabeel (G assir x Shahbaa) *G A F Hosam (Sabeel x Mouna) Rabdan El A zrak, great grandson o f lam il *Lancers Sahm (Sabeel x A ziza EAO) El Kebir, and the source o f the Jamil El Mourad (G assir x Mabrouka) Kebir sire line. R A S photo, Forbis archive. Hakeem (Mourad x Hakim a) Mosaed (Hakeem x Soha) *Zaydoon (Mourad x W asla) Carism as C hance (*Zaydoon x RH Desert Carism a) Zohar Z (Zaydoon x CA Graysena) Ibn Mourad (Mourad x Set El W adi) Bourak (Ibn Mourad x Ferdous A lBadeia) Saghiram (Ibn Mourad x W aseem Masera) C .D . Ben Mourad (Ibn Mourad x C .D . Mouna)


M ourad co n tin u ed: SEA M alek El Zam an (Mourad x Rashda) Noor (SEA M alek El Zam an x Zahraa) Soofi (Mourad x Sofi) Ibn Soofi (Soofi x Zahia) Fakher (Mourad x Fakhria) Zam zam Hed. (Fakher x Rooma) W asel (Mourad x W asla) Sonbol (Wasel x Safinaz) Maashooq (Wasel x Eshk) Ibn Dahsha (Wasel x Dahsha) Bagneid (Wasel x Bint Fayrouz) Gom aa (Wasel x Mabkhoota) W adoud (Mourad x W asla) Mourad El Thani (Mourad x M ahlaha) Serag El Din (Mourad x Safinaz) Balance (Ibn Samhan x Farida) Nasralla [Shahriar] (Balance x Sehr) M oataz (Nasralla x Enayat) Amoon (N asralla x Naama) Emam (Balance x Komeira) *Fawzan (Emam x Foze) Falzan (*Fawzan x Falmona) M arshall II (Emam x Bint Folia) Ibn Jou (M arshall II x Faten) Sakab Al Khaleej (Ibn Jou x Bint Rahamat) Ibn Rabdan (Rabdan x Bint Gam ila) Ibn Fayda (Ibn Rabdan x Fayda) El M oez (Ibn Fayda x Bint Zareefa) Sameh (El M oez x Samira INS) *lbn H afiza (Sameh x Hafiza) Zahi (*lbn H afiza x Bint Bukra) *Ziadd (Zahi x Naeema) Black H afiza (*Ziadd x Fatimat AlBadeia) Mefdal (x M arzouka) Badid (x Barakesh) Fadaly (x Faddah) Sham ruk (*lbn H afiza x *Bint M aisa El Saghira) Silver Fancer (Shamruk x Egyptian Saphire) SP Shakfi Shaikh (Shamruk x Faili Shakfi) Ibn Sham ruk (Sham ruk x M oniet II M andil) Abu A li (*lbn H afiza x *N abilahh) A w w ali (Abu A li x Fawla) M elouki (*Ibn H afiza x *Bint Mona) Eagle El Zaw ba (M elouki x Shabakah) Sahlih (*Ibn H afiza x *Sanaaa) Al Saaheb (Sahlih x Asmarr) Treff-Haven A zrak (Sahlih x Treff-HavenNasana) Abenhetep (*lbn H afiza x *O m nia) Tammen (Abenhetep xTalgana) Tammen Shah (Tammen x Shahdah) Jaybec Ibn Tammen (Tammen x SF Desert Flower) EAI D harkTam aar (Tammen x Desert Dhara) Tammens Kismet (Tammen x Zubbediya) Masuga (Abenhetep x BA Quintessence) 122

_________________________________________________________________________________________ *lbn Hafiza co n tin u ed: Al Hareef (*lbn H afiza x *Sooma) H akim El Masr (Al Hareef x Ramses H alla) *Sultann (Sameh x Lubna) *Sakr (Sultann x Enayat) Nabiel (*Sakr x *Magidaa) Ansata King Tut (Nabiel x Ansata Bint Sudan) Hadaya N ile A nw ar (Nabiel x Ansata N ile Gift) N aazim (Nabiel x Norra) R A Jah im (Nabiel x *Masarra) W H F Atetam (Nabiel x Anchor H ill Alysa) A kid Geshan (Nabiel x Akid H analei) C L Sashiel (Nabiel x Jem Sasha) D W Katar (Nabiel x Kam ar El Zam an) Royal M ikhiel (Nabiel x *Pharrah) Shaikh El Nabiel (Nabiel x Rum inaja Afifa) C L Rifiel (Nabiel x C L Rifala) R D O Royal Saracen (Nabiel x Royal Egyptian) H H Fortune Hunter (Nabiel x HH Khayam) El Saniel (Nabiel x A K El Sanaa) Akid Kasim (Nabiel x Akid Hanalei) A m ir Ibn Nabiel (Nabiel x RA Hafiza) Sabiel (Nabiel x A K El Sanaa) Zourrak (Nabiel x Hawaa) M ichelangelo KA (Nabiel x DB Shahlaha) M akhsous (*Sultann x *Nabda) Nagsous (Makhsous x Nagliah) Sche Al Hasous (Makhsous x Haseenah) Sche'Sadiq (Makhsous x Haseenah) M arquis I (Makhsous x Antigua Dance) Calypso D ance (Makhsous x Antigua Dance) M akhnificent KA (Makhsous x Star Bint Hafiza) M akhxxim um KA (Makhsous x Saghira) El Marees W Z (Makhsous x A K Bint Mohra) *Asadd (*Sultann x Am ani) Ahadd (*Asadd x Fayette) H IA Sud Abnus (Ahadd x RG Selene) Sahadi Shikari (*Asadd x *Kam eela) Rou Kari (Sahadi Shikari x Roulena) El Karibah (Rou Kari xTabahtha) Sid Farasha (*Asadd x *Ham da) A A F Sid Farouk (Sid Farasha x Natalie DSA) Asadds Night G lo w (*Asadd x *Negoom) Serhasadd (Asadds Night G lo w x Ruala Mahrissa) Aseel (Sameh x Inas) *EI M areekh (Aseel x Rawayeh) *El M areekh continued: Ibn El M areekh (*El M areekh x Bint Deenaa) M FA M areekh Am ir (*EI Mareekh x M FA Monien) *Sidkii (Aseel x Fifi) Le Com m ander (*Sidkii x Shahkir) M aarkii (*Sidkii x Nashikka) Sidkii II (*Sidkii x MB Fahranna) Rihan (Aseel x Hakim a) Rahhal (Aseel x Rawayeh) 123

▲ A se el co n tin u ed: *El Razaal (Aseel x Rawayeh) Anchor H ill Rason (*El Razaal x Anchor H ill Serra) *W aheeb (Aseel x Sammora) B a k itT F (*W aheeb x Am ira Moniet) Ibn W aheeb (*W aheeb x T h e Prime Riyala) Hagras (Aseel x Haya) Maqsood (Aseel x Hadeena) Fadl (Ibn Rabdan x Mahroussa) Fa-Serr (Fadl x Bint Serra) Ibn Fa-Serr (Fa-Serr x Fa Deene) Fabah (Fadl x Bint Bint Sabbah) Fabo (Fabah x M isim m a) Fa-Serrab (Fabah x Serr Abba) M ahrouf (Fabah x Aaroufa) El Ibn Fabah (Fabah x Fa Moniet) Ahmed Fabah (Fabah x Sereneh) Bah Dan (Fabah x Bint Hannah) Kamars Sharif (Fabah x Roufina) Fothar (Fadl x Habba) Ibn Fothar (x Shar Sabbah) Hamdan (Ibn Rabdan x Bint Radia) Anter (Ham dan x Obeya) Shamroukh I (Anter x M alaka) Shafea (Anter x Hedia) Toot (Shafea x D ali la) Saab (Anter x Kamar) Ikhnaton (Saab x Iceni) Ibn Anter (Anter x Bint El Samraa) Hameedo (x O m nia) Monged (Ham eedo x Ragaa) Ahm os (Ham eedo x Ragaa) W ahag (Anter x Kamar) Hafeed Anter (W ahag x Basima) [30+ sons] M isk (Wahag x Nazeem a) [14 sons] G harib (Anter x Souhair) Nasir (Gharib x Nabya) N ijam in (Gharib x Nedjari) Norus (G harib x Noha) Rusadi (Norus x D alla El W adi) El Norus (Norus x Keraima) Hadidi ( Norus x Hebet Allah) El Shuja W ahid (Norus x Naftula) A AF Horus (Norus x RR Fatif x Adhan) Aegyptuus (Norus x GoodTim esScaarlet) Nami (G harib x Nabya) Raswan (G harib x Rawyana) Nabya Ibn G harib (G harib x Nabya) Gorab (G harib x El Garia) Nuweis (G harib x Nusra) Nihal (G harib x Noha) EH G am il (G harib x El Garia) Tobrok (Anter xTanta) Hadban (Tobrok x Felfela) Hamadan (Tobrok x Felfela) 124

An ter co n tin u ed: Ashour (Anter x Ayda) Sadek (Ashour x Yosr) *Zahid (Anter x Zahda) Glenglade Sadat (Zahid x Glenglade Dahira) *Serag (Anter x Bint O m El Saad) Ahsen El Serag (Serag x A K Ahliyeh) Hamdan II (Ham dan x Folia) Ham m al (Ham dan II x Ghada) Hashem (Ham dan II x Bint Shabaa) Shahloul (Ibn Rabdan x Bint Radia) El Sareei (Shahloul x Zareefa) Asfour EAO (El Sareei x Ghandoura El Saghira) Hakem (Asfour EAO x Bint Hakeema) *Tuhotmos (El Sareei x M oniet El Nefous) Kasr El Nil (*Tuhotmos x Bint El Nil) Farouk (*Tuhotmos x Fifi) Madian (*Tuhotmos x Naama) Naga (*Tuhotmos x Naama) Yakout (*Tuhotmos x Bint Folia) Raki (*Tuhotmos x Rakia) Alm as Lahib (*Tuhotmos x *Eman) Tuhotmos II (*Tuhotmos x *lziza) A laa Ibn Tuhotmos (*Tuhotmos x *Bint Bint W edad) Masada El Rabdan (*Tuhotmos x Masada Dahm ah) EH Ibn Tuhotmos (*Tuhotmos x EH Bahigah) M ashhour (Shahloul x Bint Rustem) Seef (M ashhour x Elwya) Mortadi (Seef x Jehan) *lbn Safinaz (Seef x Safinaz) [25 sons] S A K L A W I I c. 1880s grey stallion - A Saqlaw i Jidran o f A li Pasha Sharif] Egypt. A lso called Saqlaw i El Kebir El Azrak. Saklawi II Gam il M anial Mansour (G am il M anial x Nafaa El Saghira) Nazeer (Mansour x Bint Samiha) Hadban Enzahi (N azeer x Kam la) [11 sons] *SF Ibn Nazeer (Nazeer x Lateefa) *Rashad Ibn Nazeer (N azeer x Yashmak) *M orafic (N azeer x Mabrouka) [32 sons] Alaa El Din (N azeer x Kateefa) Farazdac (Alaa El Din x Farasha) Saklawi II p ictu re d in o ld age, son o f Ikhnatoon (Farazdac x Bint O m El Saad) Saklaw i I and the source o f the Saklawi I Faleh (Alaa El Din x Farasha) sire line. R A S photo, Forbis archive. *Talal (Nazeer x Zaafarana) *Ramses Fayek (Nazeer x Fayza) Waseem (N azeer x M alaka) Kaisoon (N azeer x Bint Kateefa) *Ansata Ibn H alim a (Nazeer x Halim a [45 sons] Nader (Nazeer x Elwya) Hassan (Nazeer x Hemmat) G alal (Nazeer x Farasha) Ibn G alal (G alal x Mohga) *Fakher El Din (Nazeer x M oniet El Nefous) 125

EL D E R E E 1920 grey stallion - A Saqlawi Shaifi stallion from Hussayn al-Dayri o f the al-Jibur tribe. A foun­ dation stallion for the Royal Inshass Stud, and later gifted to the R .A .S . Sid Abouhom (El Deree x Layla) A m rulla (Sid Abouhom x Zaafarana) Akhtal (Am rulla x Hagir) *lbn El Balad (Akhtal x El Yateema) Egyptian W izard (*lbn El Balad x Sundar O m ariyah) El Musaffir (*lbn El Balad x CA Serra) Zine-Abouhom e (*lbn El Balad x M onisa El A jzaa) Morhaf (Akhtal x M ahlaha) Al Sachra Ibn M orhaf (M orhaf x O m El Arab) Al Sachra Kaythoom (M orhaf x Kaythara) Raqqas (M orhaf x Bint Ragawat) S id A bouhom , son o f El D eree and the source o f the El D eree sire line. RA S Afuk (M orhaf x Afrah Al Badeia) photo, Forbis archive. Al Sachra Nadir (M orhaf x Nagwan) Moablad (M orhaf x Bint Kasr El Nile) Dabrock Faiyum (M orhaf x Ruala Fedala) Am eer Ibn M orhaf (M orhaf x Amal Al Badeia) Karawan (Akhtal x Reem) Mogeer Ikhnatoon (Karawan x Ayah) M arawan IKH (Karawan x Anbar AlBadeia) Balabel S .E.A . (Karawan x S.E.A . Bondoqa) Meshaal Ikhnatoon (Karawan x Mashael Ikhnatoon) Taymour (Akhtal x W ahida) Saymour (Taymour x Sayonara) Nabras (Taymour x Nahifeh) *Khattab (Akhtal x Soha) EHF Ibn Khattab (*Khattab x SRA Rihma) Raheb (Akhtal x Rasha) Salman A LQ (Raheb x Salmat AlBadeia) Saad Al Boraq (Raheb x Salmat A lBadeia) Noor (Raheb x Tamrhenna) Ibn Akhtal (Akhtal x Looza) Baghdady (Ibn Akhtal x Bint Fayrooz) M ansy (Ibn Akhtal x Sali) Amenhotob (Ibn Akhtal x Ibdaa) El Aqaad (Ibn Akhtal x Enshad) Kheir (Ibn Akhtal x Sofsafa) Abboudah (Ibn Akhtal x Ibdaa) Romman (Ibn Akhtal x Sherihan) El Zaeem (Ibn Akhtal x Bint Gohara) Zaeam Hamdan (Ibn Akhtal x Reem) H am azany (Ibn Akhtal x Hadeena) Sahran (Ibn Akhtal x Sukkarah) W aer (Ibn Akhtal x Watfat) Shoumoukh (Ibn Akhtal x Maya) Ibn Adaweya (Akhtal x Adaweya) S .E.A . Zain (Ibn Adaweya x Yosra) Bousat Al Reeh S.E.A . (Ibn Adaweya x SEA El Hedia) H alaly (Ibn Adaweya x SEA Fereeha) Anan (Ibn Adaweya x SEA Fereeha) 126

A khtal co n tin u ed: *lbn Reem (Akhtal x Reem) Abudos Al H aykim (*lbn Reem x Galebeiha) Aybac (Akhtal x Nagham) Rashdan(A ybac x Randa) Rashed IKH (Rashdan x Maryooma) Magd Albadeia (Rashdan x Bint Makhsous) Tobool (Rashdan x W atfa I) Shahboob (Rashdan x Seetah) Raw wah (Rashdan x Ramiah) Aggour (Rashdan x Owaydat) M om ayaz (Rashdan x M omtaza) End (Rashdan x Enad) Om ran El Thany (Aybac x Eshk) Farhood (Aybac x Farha) Sharaby (Aybac xYahala) Eleiwah (Aybac x O nw ah) Ayser (Aybac x Ozorees) Farg A llah (Akhtal x Nagham) Khafeef (Farg A llah x Hanoona) Shaaban (Farg A llah x Safaa AIBadeia) M abrouk (Akhtal x Lamiaa) N awaf (Am rulla x Nazeera) Ibn N azic (N aw af x N azic) Afandeena Noor (Ibn N azic x Bashawat Noor) Ibn Abla (Sid Abouhom x Abla) Safar (Ibn Abla x Rasmia) Hammad (Ibn Abla x W asla) *Ramm ah (Ibn Abla x Ragawat) Ibn Rammah (*Ram mah x Sakaara) *lbn Am oura (Ibn Abla x Amoura I) El A larib (*lbn Am oura x ST Almase) Flames Independence (*lbn Am oura x Egypts Flame) Madi (Ibn Abla x Am oura I) Ibn Ham am a (Sid Abouhom x Hamama) *G A F Mosaad (Ibn Ham am a x Rasmia) Ibn Mosaad (*G A F Mosaad x *JK Blue Hasnah) El Ghorab Rais (*G A F Mosaad x *JK Blue Hasnah) Nuzul (El Ghorab Rais x DB lesha)


Straight Egyptian Dam Lines By loe Ferriss Images from Karin Thleme, Forbis and Ferriss archives As pointed out in the sire line feature preceding this one, the Bedouin tribes of Arabia that created the Arabian horse used a matriarchal system of identifying a horse by its "strain" or female family. A horse's identity was handed down by the name of its mother's family. This was uniquely Bedouin. It was not uniformly followed with all Egyptian ancestors, however it is true of most. One exception would be the famous stallion Saklawi II, bred by Ali Pasha Sherif. Saklawi II was sired by the stallion Saklawi I of the Saqlawi Jidran strain, but his dam is the legendary El Dahma, a Dahmah Shahwaniyah mare by strain. In this instance Saklawi II is named in honor of his sire but not his dam. Another factor one faces in examining ancestors of Egyptian horses is that sometimes the specific name of the strain of an ancestor was well known during its time but not officially recorded later. This would apply to a number of root mares who have a general strain name but not a substrain, such as the Inshass mare Hind, a Saklawieh. For others the strain is not certain such as the mare Karima whose dam is listed as "Obeya" but strain is not recorded so some have attributed this line to what is sounds like phonetically: Abayyah. Then there is also the unique situation for the mare Bint Yamama*, a much celebrated mare in Egyptian breeding. The Egyptian records give her strain as Kuhaylan Jellabi and they have never been changed from that notation officially. However, study of Lady Anne Blunt's diaries indicate that Bint Yamama's dam, "Yamameh" would be the same mare that produced the Ali Pasha Sherif stallion Mesaoud, imported by the Blunts. Mesaoud is a Saqlawi Jidran in strain. Recent MtDNA studies comparing the female lines of Mesaoud's dam line with that of Bint Yamama show they originate from the same original female. This has led to some choosing to give the strain of Saqlawi Jidran to Bint Yamama's line while others choose to honor the traditional Egyptian records. Since strains are a cultural phenomenon and not a scientific one, they could be subject to evolution over time and circumstances. We already know that some substrains have evolved into others. Regardless of how one wishes to interpret strain designations today, there are 17 named female roots to the dam lines of straight Egyptian Arabians today. From the year of birth of the first to the last, spans three-quarters of a century. With 17 different dam lines it is important to recognize all of them as key to the future of the straight Egyptian horse and therefore each deserves preservation. They are as follows [not listed by any sort of ranking]: KUHAYLAN

12. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Rodania [Blunt] Bint Yamama* (traditional) [Khedive Abbas Hilmi] El Kahila [Inshass] El Samraa [Inshass] Nafaa [Inshass] Futna [Tahawi]


7. 8.

El Dahma [Ali Pasha Sherif] Bint El Bahreyn [Khedive Abbas]



Venus [Khedive Abbas Hilimi]


10. Ghazieh [Abbas Pasha I] 11. Roga El Beda [Ali Pasha Sherif] 12. Hind [Inshass] 13. Mabrouka [Inshass] 14. Bint Barakat [Tahawi]


15. El Obeya Om Jurays [Inshass] 16. Karima [Inshass]


17. Folia [Tahawi] 128

Summary of Dam Lines: This section w ill briefly describe each of the dam line roots and then it w ill be followed by a general chart of the progression of these 17 dam lines in straight Egyptian breeding. R o dan ia: Born in 1869, Rodania was bred by Ibn Rodan of the Ruala Bedouin tribe and therefore a Kuhaylan Ajuz Ibn Rodan by strain. She was purchased from the Gomussa tribe by W ilfrid and Lady Anne Blunt and taken to their Crabbet stud in England where she founded a dynasty. She is perhaps one mare that appears in Arabian pedigrees world wide today more than any other. How Rodania managed to establish a large family in Egypt came much later when in 1920 two fillies, Bint Rissala and Bint Riyala were sold by Crabbet back to Egypt and these two have established a lasting family to this day. Bint Yam am a: Her exact date of birth is not known but she was bred by Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilmi II. She later came under the ownership of Prince Mohammed Ali where she established a much celebrated female line. A number of her descendants were exported to the U.S. and became famous there, and some also went to Europe and South Africa. Surprisingly in Egypt the line eventually became rare. In the Egyptian records she is recorded as a Kuhaylan Jellabi, however, as mentioned before, Lady Anne Blunt's diaries and recent DNA study has suggested that her dam is related to the same Saqlawi Jidran female line of Abbas Pasha's Ghazieh. Regardless of which line of decent one chooses to follow, Bint Yamama is the root female of a highly admired Egyptian family today. El K ah ila: Born in 1921, El Kahila was the first mare to establish the foundation of the Royal Inshass Stud of King

Fouad in Egypt. She was a gift from King Ibn Saud and her strain is identified as Kuhaylan Krush. This has been a line of some handsome and admired stallions such as Sabeel, *lbn Safinaz, *lbn Alaa El Din and Anas. It is also the dam line of the splendid E.A.O . mare Safinaz, an equal in type to the famed Moniet El Nefous, yet as a female line it has become quite rare in Egypt and to some extent depends on lovely mares of this line exported to other countries. El Sam raa: Born in 1924, El Samraa was another important foundation mare for the Royal Inshass Stud. She was obtained from Sheikh Omar Abd El Hafiz. Her exact strain has been uncertain since her descendants were first listed in the Saklawi section of the E.A.O . stud book and later listed in the Kuhaylan section, which most now follow. Without question her most famous male descendant is the great sire Sameh whose daughters are cornerstone to many international champions as well as producing a few key sires. N afaa: Born 1941, Nafaa was a gift from King A ziz Ibn Saud to King Farouk. Her sire is Obayan El Safi and dam

is a Kuhaylah of Saud. Nafaa produced 5 foals at Inshass but the only straight Egyptian progenitor of this family became the imported mare *Serenity Bint Nadia (Sameh x Nadia) who has established a relatively rare but admired family internationally. Futna: Born 1943, Futna was bred by Abdul Hamid El Tahawi of theTahawi Bedouin, sired by Ibn Barakat and out of a Kuheilah Halawiyah. This rare substrain was preserved in Egyptian breeding when Ahmed Hamza acquired Futna for his Hamdan stud. Though rare, this line continues today in Egypt as well as through two Futna great granddaughters imported to the U.S. El D ah m a: Born c. 1 880 in the stud of Ali Pasha Sherif, El Dahma is the third oldest female line in straight Egyptian breeding. El Dahma is of the Dahman Shahwan strain and is represented through two main branches: from her daughters Obeya [granddam of Sabah and El Yatima] and Nadra El Khebira [granddam of Farida]. Though current data has not been compiled for comparative purposes, some feel that El Dahma's line is still the largest or most populated root female line in straight Egyptian breeding, and certainly among the most famous. Bint El B a h reyn : Born 1898, Bint El Bahreyn was one of two mares given to Egypt's Khedive Abbas Hilmi II by the ruler of Bahrain. Later when the Khedive was winding down his involvement with Arabians, Lady Anne Blunt acquired Bint El Bahreyn after which it became a prominent Dahman Shahwan family in Egyptian bloodlines. Though this is not as large a female line as that of El Dahma, extensive use of stallions of this line has made Bint El Bahreyn a famous ancestress many times over internationally.


V en u s: Born c. 1890 and imported to Egypt for Khedive Abbas Hilmi II, Venus is the sole root of a very celebrated

Hadban Enzahi family. Because it is valued for both its stallions and its mares, the Hadban Enzahi strain permeates extensively bloodlines of today's straight Egyptians and the line from Venus is a very large and prized family. G h a z ie h : Born c. 1850, Ghazieh was believed to be obtained from Ibn Sudan, originator of the Saqlawi Jidran of Ibn Sudan strain. She was taken to the stud of Abbas Pasha I prior to 1855. Ghazieh is the oldest dam line in straight Egyptian breeding. She is represented in female line from 3 granddaughters of the Ali Pasha Sherif mare *Ghazala. These are Zareefa/Zarifa, a line at Inshass, Bint Radia, a family at the R.A.S., and Serra, dam of Mr. Babson's import *Bint Serra. As mentioned before, DNA has supported Lady Anne Blunt's notes that Bint Yamama also traces to Ghazieh. Roga El B eda: Born c. 1882, Roga El Beda was bred by Ali Pasha Sherif. Her strain is Saqlawi Jidran. Information in the Raswan Index seemed to link Roga's line to Ghazieh, however Lady Anne Blunt's writing and later DNA research confirms that Roga El Beda is not the same line as Ghazieh and this distinction has been noted for decades now. This dam line is very large and contemporary to the El Dahma line in celebrity, most famous for the daughters of the immortal Moniet El Nefous, but also has branches from Inshass via Ragaa and in the U.S. via the Egyptian import *Saema. H in d : [Not to be confused with the dam ofYosreia] Born in 1942, Hind was gifted to the Royal Inshass Stud of King Farouk by King A ziz Ibn Saud in 1945. Her sire is Obeyan El Safi who also sired Nafaa on the previous page. Her dam is a Saklawieh. The female line from Hind is smaller but has found celebrity in the show ring via descendants of her granddaughters, Bint Hanaa and Anzar both sired by El Sareei. Bint Hanaa came to the U.S. while Anzar spent most of her life in Egypt producing for Al Badeia Stud then later coming to the U.S. as an aged mare. M ab ro u ka: [Not to be confused with the dam of Morafic] Born in 1930 Mabrouka was gifted to the Royal Inshass Stud of King Farouk by King A ziz Ibn Saud in 1945. Like Hind above, Mabrouka is of the Saklawi strain. Having five producing granddaughters has allowed her family to be larger than Hind but both are still only of moderate size though well regarded. Stallions from Mabrouka's line have served on several continents as well. Bint B arakat: Born 1941, Bint Barakatwas bred by Abdul Hamid El Tahawi oftheTahawi Bedouin. Her sire is Ibn Barakat and her dam is Bint Saklawiyah Jidraniyah. She is Saklawi Jidran by strain. W hile the better part of her family is found in Egypt, two mares of this line came to the U .S., *Fayza (x Marshall II) and *Noor (x Mourad) and have established the female line in North America. El O b e y a O m Jurays: Though her date of birth is not recorded, one source indicates that El Obeya Om Jurays was a gift from King A ziz Ibn Saud to King Fouad for Inshass while the Inshass Herdbook indicates that her 1925 daughter El Shahbaa (x El Hamdani El Nasiri) came to Inshass from El Hag Mohamed Ibrahim. The strain of this line is Abayyan Om Jurays and from El Shahbaa descends a now famous family on the international scene. K arim a: The date of birth of Karima is not recorded. Her sire is recorded as Dahman and her dam is recorded as Obeya. Her daughter Bint Karima, born 1935 was obtained by the Royal Inshass Stud from the Kafr Ibrash Farm in Cairo. Bint Karima's sire Rasheed was already owned by Inshass in 1933, which implies a relationships between these two stud farms, and all of Rasheed's other foals are out of Inshass mares. Some have speculated that "Obeya" is to be taken as Abayyan so some sources attribute the Abayyan strain to karima's line. Regardless, Bint Karima is the progenitor of Karima's line in Egyptian breeding. Fo lia: Born 1942, Folia was bred by Abdul Hamid El Tahawi oftheTahawi Bedouin. Her sire is Ibn Barakat and her dam is a Shuweymah Sabbah of the Tahawi tribe. She is Shuweymah Sabbah by strain, a very old and respected strain and Folia is unique in that she is the only dam line source of this strain in straight Egyptian breeding. Folia is the third Tahawi foundation mare of the Hamdan stud and is renowned for both stallions and mares. Though somewhat rare, this line is found in Europe, North America, South America, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Arabian Gulf, and in Egypt.


Existing Egyptian Female Lines And Their Branches: Indentations in this chart represent succeeding generations of females. Mares who are only represented by stallions do not appear on this chart. This chart does not im ply that there are not more than what appear here but these include those who represent the preponderance of their line. There are younger mares with daughters and granddaughters, etc. of those shown here, so this is not the final word on dam lines. Some dam lines have been extended a bit further owing to the scarcity of daughters representing them or, in some cases to show additional branches. Most imports to North A m erica have established dam lines after importation which are not necessarily extended here. The asterisk symbol (*) denotes imported to North A m erica. R O D A N IA (Blunt) - Rose of Sharon - Ridaa - Risala Branch: Bint Rissala (RAS) (x Ibn Yashmak) Yaquota (Balance x Bint Rissala) Yamen (El M oez x Yaquota) Am eena (Ham dan x Yamen) *O m nia (Alaa El Din x Ameena) Enayat (*M orafic x Ameena) W asla (*Ibn H afiza x Enayat) Bint W asla (Mourad x W asla) Khawater (Mourad x W asla) W adha (Mourad x W asla) *D aad (Alaa El Din x Enayat) Shomoos (*A K Shahm x Enayat) Shaw kia (Anas x Shomoos) Showkah (Harras x Shawkia) Sarkha (*Sultann x Ameena) Hasanat (Shaarawi x Sarkha) *Bint Hasanat (Wahag x Hasanat) Sahaba (Adeeb x Hasanat) M asharef (Gad Allah x Hasanat) Ezwah (Adeeb x Hasanat) W eaam II (Adeeb x Hasanat) Yomna (G alal x Ameena) *Ramses Sadaka (Seef x Yomna) Bint Yomna (Seef x Yomna) Hayatem (Seef x Yomna) *Saheraa (Seef x Yomna) Kateefa (Shahloul x Bint Rissala) Bint Kateefa (Sid Abouhom x Kateefa) *Bint Bint Kateefa (Anter x Bint Kateefa) Yashmak (Sheikh El Arab x Bint Rissala) Om El Saad (Shahloul x Yashmak) Saaida (Sid Abouhom x Om El Saad) Noosa (Ibn M aisa x Saaida) Bint Saaida (Kisra x Saaida) *Suleim a (M owaffac x Saaida) Rafica (Nazeer x O m El Saad) *Barakaa (Sid Abouhom x Rafica) *Shamah (Sameh x Rafica) Kaydahom (Azm i x Om El Saad) Nagda (*M orafic x Kaydahom) Nawal (*Tuhotmos x Nagda) Sarab (*AK Shahm x Nawal) *O laya (Shaarawi x Nawal) 131

Bint Rissala, great great granddaughter o f Rodania and founder o f the Bint Rissala branch. R A S photo, Forbis archive.

RODANIA/Bint Rissala branch: Nawal (*Tuhotmos x Nagda) continued: Hamees (Sabeel x Nawal) *Bint Nawal (Mourad x Nawal) Moradah (Mourad x Nawal) Noorhan (Hakeem x Nawal) *N a zzli (*Tuhotmos x Nagda) Bint Om El Saad (N azeer x Om El Saad) *Serenity Sonbolah (Sameh x Bint Om El Saad) Zeinah I (*Sultann x Bint Om El Saad) Sondos (Seef x Zeinah I) Sergana (Adeeb x Sondos) Zahda (*M orafic x Om El Saad) Zabia EAO ( *Tuhotmos x Zahda) Radwa (Basil x Zahda) *Ramses Nagdia (W ahag x Zahda) Rahma (M ashhour x Yashmak) M adeeha (Alaa El Din x Rahma) *A K Mayaada (Aseel x Madeeha) Rawayeh (Alaa El Din x Rahma) *Thawra (*Sultann x Rawayeh) *Takwa (Aseel x Rawayeh) Hadeena (M aher x Rawayeh) Hanadi (Alaa El Din x Rahma) Rashida (El Sareei x Yashmak) N azic (*M orafic x Rashida) Nazeefa (Gassir x N azic) Nana (*Tuhotmos x N azic) *W alaa (Wahag x N azic) *Sanaaa (Sid Abouhom x Yashmak) R O D A N IA (Blunt) - Rose of Sharon - Ridaa - Riyala Branch: Bint Riyala (RAS) (Nadir x Riyala) Bint Bint Riyala (G am il M anial x Bint Riyala) M alaka (Kheir x Bint Bint Riyala) Sarnia (N azeer x M alaka) Bint Sarnia (El Sareei x Sarnia) *Noha (Mashhour x Sarnia) Set Abouhom (Alaa El Din x *Noha) Nesma (G assir x Set Abouhom) Set Husen (*Tuhotmos x Set Abouhom) *Kam eela (Waseem x Set Abouhom) Lateefa II (Lateef I x *Noha) *Serenity BintNoha (Nader x *Noha) Talnoa (*Talal x *Noha) A K T a ld in a a (Talalson x *Noha) *Hekm at (Anter x Sarnia) *Serenity Sagda (Anter x Sarnia) M am louka (Nazeer x M alaka) *SF Bint M am louka (Mashhour x M am louka) Set El W adi (El Sareei x M am louka) *W atfa (x Nasralla x Set El W adi) W aseem a (Nasralla x Set El W adi) *G annat (Ibn Shahrzada x Waseema) Afaf (M awhoob x Waseema) 132

Bint Riyala, great great granddaughter o f Rodania and founder o f the Bint Riyala branch. Forbis archive.

R O D A N IA /B in t Riyala bran ch: Waseema (Nasralla x Set El Wadi) contin ued: Sali (Ezz x Waseema) M abrouka [Hamdan Stud] (Soroor x Waseema) C hroub (x G alal x Set El W adi) Fifi (Anter x M am louka) Farha (G alal x Fifi) *Negoom (Seef x Farha) *Bint Farha (Zahi x Farha) Fakherah (Rashdan x Farha) Tomadra (Tahsin x Fifi) Toka (El M outawakil x Tomadra) Montaha (M ohawed x Fifi) Ramiah (M ohawed x Fifi) Rayah (Hafeed Anter x Ramiah) Rodania (Hafeed Anter x Ramiah) *Fawkia (Sameh x M am louka) M omtaza (Sameh x M am louka) Nazeera (N azeer x M alaka) Am ani (El Sareei x Nazeera) *M awaheb (*lbn H afiza x Am ani) *Rom anaa II (Sameh x Nazeera) *O m aym a (Sameh x Nazeera) Kaw m ia (Anter x Nazeera) *M asria (*Sultann x Kawm ia) Kadria (*Sultann x Kawm ia) *Serenity Luftia (Nasralla x Nazeera) Bint Nazeera (Anter x Nazeera) Heba (*lbn H afiza x Nazeera) *M anzoura (*Sultann x Nazeera) *Salom y (El Sareei x M alaka) BIN T YA M A M A (Khedive Abbas H ilm i) Negma (Dahman El A zrak x Bint Yamama) Mahroussa (Mabrouk M anial x Negma) *M aaroufa (Ibn Rabdan x Mahroussa) Fay Roufa (Fay-El-Dine x *M aaroufa) Maarou (Fay-El-Dine x *M aaroufa) El M aar (Fay-El-Dine x *M aaroufa) Aaroufa (Fay-El-Dine x *M aaroufa) Serroufa (Fa-Serr x *M aaroufa) Zahra (INSHASS) (G am il M anial x Negma) El Zahraa (Rasheed x Zahra) G h azala I (El M oez x El Zahraa) Zabia / Zobeya (Adham x G h azala I) El A ziza (G assir x Zabia) *Nasra (*M orafic x Zabia) *Sabah El Kheir (*Tuhotmos x Zabia) *Bint G a ze lla I (Sid Abouhom x G h azala I) Atfa (*M orafic x G h azala I) Bint Fayek I (*Ramses Fayek x Atfa) A silat A IBadeia/*RK Asilat (Seef x Atfa) Safaa Al Badeia (Kayed x Atfa) Mastoorat A lBadeia (Am ir A lBadeia x Atfa) 133

Bint Yamama, founder o f the Bint Yamama dam line. Prince M oham m ed Ali S crap b o o k p ho to from Forbis archive.

EL K A H ILA (Inshass) El Zabia (El Deree x El Kahila) Shams (El Zafir x El Zabia) Shahd (El M oez x Shams) Shahbaa (Hamdan x Shahd) Bint Shahbaa (G assir x Shahbaa) * Bint Shahbaa I (G assir x Shahbaa) Hedia (*M orafic x Shahbaa) Rowaida (*Ibn H afiza x Hedia) Atbara (Ibn Abla x Rowaida) Atiyat (Mourad x Atbara) Barada (Ikhnatoon x Atbara) Aqila (Ameer x Atbara) Taba (Adeeb x Atbara) D o ly (Adeeb x Atbara) *EI Shaymaa (Seef x Rowaida) Bint Rowaida (Shaarawi x Rowaida) Raydah (Hafeed Anter x Rowaida) Reema (Adeeb x Rowaida) Ram za (El Sareei x Shahbaa) Safinaz (Alaa El Din x Ramza) Sarfinaz (Emad x Safinaz) EL SAM RAA (Inshass) Ghandoura (El Deree x El Samraa) Ghorra (Hamdan x Ghandoura) Gharbaw ia (Hamdan x Ghorra) Ghariba (Aboud x G harbaw ia) *Izees (El Sareei x Ghariba) *lziza (*lbn H afiza x *lzees) Naglaa I (Sameh x Ghorra) *RH Desert Haw a (Ibn G a lila x Naglaa I) Bint El Samraa (Mekdam x El Samraa) Sameera (M ahfouz x Bint El Samraa) *Sammara (*M orafic x Sameera) H india (*M orafic x Sameera) Bint H india (Yakout x Hindia) *Bint H india II (Ashour x Hindia) Yasmeena (Moheb x Hindia) *Lebleba (G assir x Sameera) Sammora (Ezz El Arab x Sameera) M aleha (Emad x Sammora) Seetah (Emad x Sammora) Seerah (Emad x Sammora) Sukkarah (Emad x Sammora) Samar (Shaarawi x Sameera) Shagia Bint Shadwan (Shadwan x Samar) Mokarramah (Mourad x Samar) Shahedah (Shaer x Samar) *Bint Bint El Samraa (Sid Abouhom x Bint El Samraa) NAFAA (Inshass) Nadia (x Ezzat x Nafaa) *Serenity Bint Nadia (Sameh x Nadia) Serenity Kam ila (*Khofo x *Serenity Bint Nadia) IES Kameesha (Hossny x Serenity Kam ila) 134

Shahbaa, great great granddaughter o f El Kahila. Judith Forbis photo.

Bint Bint El Samraa p ictu red at age 29, granddaughter o f El Samraa. Sharon Ferriss photo.

NAFAA to IES Kameesha (Hossny x Serenity Kamila) continued Bint Kameesha (Am ir Ibn Sakr x IES Kameesha) LE Kameesha Am ira (Am ir Ibn Sakr x IES Kameesha) Z T Hossinette (Hossny x Serenity Kam ila) ZTTam iim ah (El Thay M ansour x Z T Hossinette) Z T Bint Hossny (Hossny x Serenity Kam ila) ZT Bahossny (Rum inaja Bahjat x Z T Bint Hossny) Z T Jossny (Rum inaja Bahjat x Z T Bint Hossny) Cedardell Tiffany (Serenity M enkaure x *Serenity Bint Nadia) Diaa (D alul x Cedardell Tiffany) *Serenity Bint Nadia, granddaughter BSA BintD iaa (*Moatasim x Diaa) o f Nafaa, p ictu red in Egypt before her DH Aanisah (Carousel A liH a lim x BSA BintDiaa) im portation to North Am erica. Judith Dah A lia (MPA Im daaz x DH Aanisah) Forbis photo. BSA Nadiaa (Nabiel x Diaa) Badella (AK Bafadi x BSA Nadiaa) M eadow M irabella (Prince Ibn Shaikh x Badella) G io ia (Ansata Sinan x Badella) BSA Dafina (Alm as Nimrs W aris x Diaa) Dasisa (Nakani x BSA Dafina) P.B. D asinia (Aqaba x BSA Dafina) P.B. Bahlula (HS Kisra x BSA Dafina) P.B. Daarala (P.B. Al-Bahri x BSA Dafina) Star of Bafadi (AK Bafadi x Diaa) ES Jolie Etoile (El Rameekh A m ir x Star of Bafadi) ES Desert Lillie (El Rameekh A m ir x Star of Bafadi) Keraima (D alul x Cedardell Tiffany) Narimaa (Norus x Keraima) ShyTalim aa (Talmaal x Narimaa) Dahleeah (D alul x Cedardell Tiffany) Dahloura (M akour x Dahleeah) Shahloura (Shadal x Dahloura) BPE Shah H ilala (Ibn El H ilal x Shahloura) Delha (D alul x Cedardell Tiffany) Dameera DSA (Harakka x Delha) W D Delha (Mohummed Sadden x Delha) FU TN A (Tahawi) Bint Futna II (Hamdan x Futna) Ham ida (M arshall x Bint Futna II) Bint Futna II, daughter o f Futna. Judith Hebat A llah (Rihab A lBadeia x Hamida) Forbis photo. Zahrah Hedayah (Hafeed Anter x Hebat Allah) Nefertiti Garrett (Am er IKH x Zahrah Hedayah) Tofah Hedayah (Hafeed Anter x Hebat Allah) Salma Garrett (Afandeena Aal Hanafi x Tofah Hedayah) Samah (Mourady x Hamida) Bardees (Anter II x Ham ida) Faten (Shaarawi x Bint Futna II) *Bint Fatin (Emad x Faten) BK Shanta (Tammen x *Bint Fatin) *Fahda EAO (Karoon x Faten) BSA W ahada (Alm as Nimrs W aris x *Fahda) Tahawiyah (Alm as Nimrs W aris x *Fahda) BFA Shamraq (Esprit De M areekh x *Fahda) BFA Bint Fahda (MFA Mareekh A m ir x *Fahda) Khelaweyah (Adwy x Faten) Bint Khelaweyah (Gad A llah x Khelaweyah) 135

EL D A H M A (Ali Pasha Sherif) - Obeya branch Obeya (KDV) (Koheilan El Mossen x El Dahma) Bint Obeya (RAS) (El Halabi x Obeya) Sabah (M abrouk M anial x Bint Obeya) Bint Sabah (Kazm eyn x Sabah) Layla (Ibn Rabdan x Bint Sabah) Komeira (Nabras x Layla) Kamar (Nazeer x Komeira) Hagir (El Sareei x Kamar) *G azbeya (N asralla X Hagir) *Hegra (Alaa El Din x Hagir)

Bint O beya, granddaughter o f El Dahma. R A S photo, Forbis archive.

*Kahram ana (Anter x Kamar) Tamria (*Tuhotmos x Kamar) *Pharrah (Farag x Tamria) *A K Komeira (Ibn G alal x *Pharrah) 28 Farag-3 (Farag x Tamria) 214 Ibn G alal I (Ibn G alal I xTam ria) Hakim a (*Ramses Fayek x Kamar) Bint Hakeem a (Mourad x Hakim a) *Bint Bint Sabbah (Baiyad x Bint Sabah) Fa Saana (*Fadl x *Bint Bint Sabbah) Fay-Sabbah (Fay-El-Dine x *Bint Bint Sabbah) Habba (*Fadl x *Bint Bint Sabbah) Fa-Habba (*Fadl x *Bint Bint Sabbah) Faaba (*Fadl x *Bint Bint Sabbah) Fa-Abba (*Fadl x *Bint Bint Sabbah) Bukra (Shahloul x Bint Sabah) Bint Bukra [EAO] (Nazeer x Bukra) Nagwa (Sameh x Bint Bukra) Nadeemah (Am rulla x Nagwa) M enha (M ohawed x Nagwa) Nawader (M ohawed x Nagwa) Fanar (Nasralla x Bint Bukra) Rashda (Bilal I x Fanar) Noor El Fagr (Bilal I x Fanar) *Ansata Bint Bukra (N azeer x Bukra) ’“Ansata Bint M isr (Sameh x *Ansata Bint Bukra) Ansata Rhodora (*Ansata Ibn H alim a x *Ansata Bint Bukra) Ansata Rosetta (Ansata Shah Zam an x *Ansata Bint Bukra) Ansata Bint Sudan (Ansata Ibn Sudan x *Ansata Bint Bukra) Ansata Regina (*Ansata El W a zir x *Ansata Bint Bukra) El Yatima (Ibn Rabdan x Bint Obeya) Zahra [RAS] (Ham ran II x El Yatima) Absa (G assir x Zahra) Abeer (El Sareei x Absa) Bint Fayek (*Ramses Fayek x Abeer) Rasha (Ibn M aisa x Abeer) Am ira (G harib x Abeer) Am inah (El H ilal G A SB x Abeer) EH Atfa (El H ilal G A SB x Abeer)


EL D A H M A (Ali Pasha Sherif) - Nadra El Khebira branch Nadra El Khebira (Nader El Kebir x El Dahm a) Nadra El Saghira (Samhan x Nadra El Khebira) Farida (Saklawi II x Nadra El Saghira) Bint Farida (Mansour x Farida) H elw a (Ham ran II x Bint Farida) Nefisa (Balance x Helw a) Fatin (Nazeer x Nefisa) Jehan (Anter x Fatin) Nadja (N azeer x Nefisa) Nadra El Saghira, granddaughter o f *Bint Nefisa (El Sareei x Nefisa) El Dahma. Prince M oham m ed A li *Bint Nefisaa (Nazeer x Nefisa) scrap b o o k photo, Forbis archive. Abla (N azeer x Helw a) *Nagat (Anter x Abla) Hayfaa (Sameh x Abla) Basant (Aseel x Hayfaa) Abarat (Wahag x Hayfaa) Efah (Emad x Hayfaa) *Som aia (Anter x Abla) Looza (Anter x Abla) *Lam ees (Karoon x Looza) *Fernazz (G alal x Looza) Loftah (Akhtal x Looza) Adaweya (Anter x Abla) Ikbal (Seef x Adaweya) Enayah (N aw af x Adaweya) *Bint Adaweya (Akhtal x Adaweya) Adalat (Ameer x Adaweya) O nw ah (Am eer x Adaweya) *Ein (Anter x Abla) Am ira M oniet (*Tuhotmos x *Ein) H anzada (Ibn Shahrzada x Abla) O m Habeeba (Bilal I x Hanzada) *Habeebaaa (Sabah El Noor x Om Habeeba) *G hazalahh (Mashhour x Bint Farida) *Bint G hazalahh (Sid Abouhom x *G hazalahh) Inas (*M orafic x *G hazalahh) Bint Inas (G assir x Inas) Ragia (Ibn Rabdan x Farida) H alim a (Sheikh El Arab x Ragia) Mohebba (Sid Abouhom x H alim a) M alacha (El Sareei x Mohebba) Moheba II (G hazal x M alacha) M alikah (G hazal x M alacha) Mahari (Hadban Enzahi x M alacha) Futna [RAS] (Shahloul x Farida) Dahm a II (N azeer x Futna) *Bint Dahm a (El Sareei x Dahm a II) Bint El Dahm a II (Sid Abouohom x Dahm a II) *Deenaa (Sameh x Dahm a II) Rania (*lbn H afiza x Dahm a II) *Ramses Bint Rania (Ibn Abla x Rania) *Ansata Bint Sameh (Sameh x Futna) 13 7


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BIN T EL BA H REYN (Khedive Abbas) Dalai [Blunt] (x Jamil [Blunt] x Bint El Bahreyn) Durra (Saadoun x Dalai) Zareefa [RAS] (Kazm eyn x Durra) Bint Zareefa [RAS] (Balance x Zareefa) Rawya (Sid Abouhom x Bint Zareefa) Bint Rawya (Bandong x Rawya) Adam Kheir (Kayed x Bint Rawya) *Bassim a EAO (Kayed x Bint Rawya) *Shalom Ha Yonah (Mehyar x Bint Rawya) Zareefa, great granddaughter o f Bint El Rawyana (Shaker El Masri x Bint Rawya) Bahreyn. R A S photo, Forbis archive. *M orawya (M alik x Bint Rawya) Ahlam II (Sid Abouhom x Bint Zareefa) *A zzar (N azeer x Ahlam II) *Cleopatraa (Anter x Ahlam II) A zza I (Sameh x Ahlam II) Bint A zza I (*Tuhotmos x A zza I) Sofi (Waseem x A zza I) Refca (Raki x Sofi) *Kelada (Anas x Refca) Safiah (Sabeel x Sofi) M aisa (Shahloul x Zareefa) *Bint M aisa El Saghira (N azeer x Maisa) Dahm ah Shahwaniah (*Ansata Ibn H alim a x *Bint M aisa El Saghira) Dahm a II Ashekw ar (*Fahidd x * Bint M aisa El Saghira) Radia (*M orafic x * Bint M aisa El Saghira) Rihahna (*M orafic x *Bint M aisa El Saghira) Nafairtiti (*M orafic x *Bint M aisa El Saghira) Elwya (Sid Abouhom x Zareefa) Tifla (Nazeer x Elwya) *Soheir II (Fagir x Tifla) Naeema (*Ramses Fayek x Tifla) Om El Arab (Alaa El Din x Tifla) *Naadya (*Ramses Fayek x Tifla) *Ansata Bint Elwya (Anter x Elwya) V EN U S (Khedive Abbas) Hadba (Saklawi I x Venus) Bint Hadba El Saghira (El Halabi x Hadba) Samiha (Samhan x Bint Hadba El Saghira) Bint Samiha (Kazm eyn x Samiha) Samha (Baiyacl x Bint Samiha) *M am douha (Kheir x Samha) *G am ila (Enzahi x *M amdouha) Kam la (Sheikh El Arab x Samha) Bint Kam la (El Sareei x Kamla) Zahia (Sid Abouhom x Samha) Sam//)a great granddaughter of Venus. Nagdia (Nazeer x Zahia) r a s p hoto, Forbis archive. Shams (Mashaan x Bint Samiha) M aysouna (Kheir x Shams) Hemmat (Sid Abouhom x Maysouna) Bint Maysouna/*Ansata BintM isuna (N azeer x Maysouna) Naama (Anter x Bint Maysouna/*Ansata BintMisuna) *Berlanty (Sid Abouhom x Maysouna) *Shiaa (Alaa El Din x *Berlanty) A lia (Am rulla x Maysouna) 138

VENUS /Bint Samiha/Shams continued: Fathia (Sid Abouhom x Shams) Bint Fathia (N azeer x Fathia) Manal (Yasir x Bint Fathia) *Ramses Am al (Alaa El Din x M anal) Foze (Nazeer x Fathia) *Hoda (Alaa El Din x Fathia) Fadwa (Nasralla x Fathia) *Asia (Ezz El Arab x Fadwa) Bint Fadwa (Shaarawi x Fadwa) Sherifa (G assir x Shams) Basim a (Alaa El Din x Sherifa) Sharara (*M orafic x Sherifa) *Bint Shaams (El Sareei x Shams) Bint Rustem (Rustem x Bint FHadba El Saghira) Hind (Ibn Rabdan x Bint Rustem) Fasiha (Awad x Hind) Rouda (Sheikh El Arab x Fasiha) G a lila (Sid Abouhom x Rouda) Zebeda (El Sareei x G alila) W aheeba (Nasralla x Zebeda) Ghada (Sameh x Zebeda) A lifa (Alaa El Din x Zebeda) A ziza (Alaa El Din x G alila) *A K D alia (*lbn Hafiza X A ziza ) Bint Rustem, great granddaughter o f M oatazza (*Tuhotmos x A ziza) Venus. RASphota/ Forbis archive. Rida (El Sareei x Rouda) Hosna (Ibn M aisa x Rida) Inshrah (Shaker El Masri x Hosna) 27-lbn G alal-5 (Ibn G alal x Hosna) 202-lbn G alal-8 (Ibn G alal x Hosna) Hosnia (M am eluk x Hosna) El Thay Samira (Ibn Nazeem a x Hosna) Yosreia (Sheikh El Arab x Hind) Farasha (Sid Abouhom x Yosreia) *N abilahh (Anter x Farasha) Shahrzada (Nazeer x Yosreia) *D aw lat (Anter x Shahrzada) Bint El Nil (Anter x Shahrzada) *Serenity Sabra (Sameh x Shahrzada) *Serenity Shahra (Anter x Shahrzada) Mohga (El Sareei x Yosreia) *N ahlah (*M orafic x Mohga) Sara (Am rulla x Mohga) Katr El Nada (*Farazdac x Sara) W agida (G alal x Sara) Bint Yosreia (Nazeer x Yosreia) Yosr (Koravem x Bint Yosreia) JKB Ham da (Ham dan II x Bint Yosreia) Bint Bint Yosreia (Yakout x Bint Yosreia) Salwa (Ibn Rabdan x Bint Rustem) Lateefa (GarniI l l l x Salwa) Ayda (Nazeer x Lateefa) *Abeer (Nasralla x Ayda) Lam iaa (N azeer x Lateefa) Haseeba (Mashhour x Lateefa) Mahbouba (Anter x Lateefa) *A K Jaheena (Waseem x Mahbouba) 139

G H A Z IEH (Abbas Pasha I) Horra (Zobeyni x G hazieh) H elw a (Shueyman x Horra) Bint H elw a (A ziz x Helw a) *G h azala (Ibn Sherara x Bint H elw a) Ghadia/Radia (Feysul x *G hazala) Zarifa/Zareefa (Sahab x Radia) Bint Zareefa (Hadban x Zareefa) Abla (El Zafir x Bint Zareefa) Obeya (Mekdam x Abla) Abasa (Adham X O beya) Bint Radia, largest branch o f the Ghazieh Bint Abasa (El Belbesi x Abasa) dam line■r a s p hoto, Forbis archive. Horees (Sameh x Bint Abasa) W asila (Nasralla x Bint Abasa) Bint Radia (M abrouk M anial x Radia) Zam zam (G am il III x Bint Radia) Kawsar (Ibn M anial x Zam zam ) Khairia (El G arie x Kawsar) Nayera (Gassir x Khairia) Heba (Hassan x Nayera) D alila (Ibn Anter x Heba) Tahia (Gassir x Kawsar) *Hayam (Mashhour x Tahia) Tamara (Am rulla xTah ia) Golson (*Tuhotmos x Tamara) Atlus (Zareif x Zam zam ) Fadila (Sheikh El Arab x Atlus) Naglaa (Mamdouh x Fadila) N abila (Enzahi x Zam zam ) Inzam Saklabilah (G ordonville Ziyadan x Nabila) Saklaw ia II (M ashhour x Zam zam ) Salha (Sameh x Saklaw ia II) Insaf (Nasralla x Saklaw ia II) Samira (Ibn Rabdan x Bint Radia) Zaafarana (Balance x Samira) El Am ira (Nazeer x Zaafarana) *Ansata Bint Zaafarana (Nazeer x Zaafarana) Nahid (Sid Abouhom x Zaafarana) *Nathela (Nasralla x Nahid) Kalthoom (*Farazdac x Nahid) Jemla (Jamil x *G hazala) Serra (Sahab x Jemla) *Bint Serra (Sotamm x Serra) Fa Deene (*Fadl x *Bint Serra) R O G A EL BEDA (Ali Pasha Sherif) - G hazalah [Inshass] branch Bint Roda/Bint Roga Al Zarka (Jamil El Ahm ar or Dahm an El A zrak x Roga El Beda) Om Dalai (Sabbah x Bint Roga Al Zarka) D alai Al Zarka (Rabdan El A zrak x O m Dalai) G h azalah [Inshass] (Kawkab II x Dalai Al Zarka) Saada [Inshass] (El Deree x G hazalah) Ragaa (Rasheed x Saada) Yamama [Inshass] (Mekdam x Ragaa) Yosreia [Inshass] (El Belbesi x Yamama) Yasmeena (Ham dan x Yosreia [Inshass]) 140

A _________ RO G A EL BEDA to Ghazalah [Inshass] Yasmeena (Ham dan x Yosreia [Inshass]) contin ued A nw aar (Nasralla x Yasmeena) Bint Yosreia (x Hamdan x Yosreia [Inshass]) W edad (Aboud x Bint Yosreia) Ham am a (x El Belbesi x Yamama) Magdia (Sid Abouhom x Hamama) El Tahra (Nasralla x Magdia) *Ramses Rahwana (*Ramses Fayek x El Tahra) Rateeba (El M oez x Ragaa) Rayana (Ezzat x Rateeba) *Shook (El Sareei x Rayana) *G am ila (*Ramses Fayek x *Shook) Thouraya I (El Sareei x Rayana) Sooma (Fattan x Thouraya I) Ghadeer (Anter x Thouraya I) Maheera (Anter x Thouraya I) Soha (Seef x Thouraya I) Raghda (*M orafic x Rayana) Baheera (Shaarawi x Raghda) * Bint Baheera (Emad x Baheera) W ahida (El Araby x Rayana) Rabia (Beshier x Rateeba) *Am inaa/Am eena (Ibn M aisa x Rabia) *Sam iaa (Kayed x *Am inaa) Ragha (Adham x Ragaa) Rasmia (Anter x Ragha) G aw aher (Am rulla x Rasmia) *Fagra (G alal x Rasmia) Rooda (Ham dan x Ragaa) Ilham (*M orafic x Rooda) *Subhaya (*Tuhotmos x Ilham) Yahala (*Tuhotmos x Ilham) R O G A EL BEDA - Kafifa branch Bint Roda/Bint Roga Al Zarka (x Jamil El Ahmar or Dahman El Azrak) Om Dalai (Sabbah x Bint Roga Al Zarka) Dalai Al Zarka (Rabdan El A zrak x Om D alai) Kafifa (Ibn Samhan x Dalai Al Zarka) M edallela (Awad x Kafifa) W anisa (Sheikh El Arab x M edallela) Moniet El Nefous (Shahloul x W anisa) M ouna (Sid Abouhom X Moniet El Nefous) Wanisa, largest branch o f the Roga El Beda *Bint Mona (N azeer X Mouna) dam line. R A S p h oto, Forbis archive. Farfoura (*M orafic x *Bint Mona) *Ramses W afeya (N asralla x Farfoura) Reem (Alaa El Din x Farfoura) Onshooda (Aseel x Farfoura) Ibtsam (Nazeer x Mouna) Bint Ibtsam (Akhtal x Ibtsam) Ibdaa (Ikhnatoon x Ibtsam) *Hoyeda (*M orafic x Mouna) Fayrooz (Alaa El Din x Mouna) M ahiba (Alaa El Din x Mouna) Moneera (Alaa El Din x Mouna) M ahlaha (Alaa El Din x Mouna) *Bint M oniet El Nefous (Nazeer x Moniet El Nefous) 141

R O C A EL BEDA - Kafifa branch contin ued: Moniet El Nefous (Shahloul x W anisa) M anaya (Alaa El Din x M oniet El Nefous) *M akarem (Ibn Ham am a x Manaya) *Andeera (Waseem x Manaya) M aali (Ameer x Manaya) Bint M anaya (Seef x Manaya) El Bataa (Sheikh El Arab x M edallela) *Bint El Bataa (Nazeer x El Bataa) *Binte El Bataa (N azeer x El Bataa) Korima (El Sareei x *Binte El Bataa) W afaa (Nasralla x Korima) Belkies (G alal x Korima) Sawsan (G alal x Korima) Nibal (G alal x Korima) *A K Bint Korima (N aw af x Korima) Nohayr (N aw af x Korima) *Bint Binte El Bataa (Emam x *Binte El Bataa) *Ansata Bint Nazeer (N azeer x El Bataa) Bint Dalai (Hamran x Dalai Al Zarka) *Saema (Gam al El Din x Bint Dalai) H IN D (Inshass) Hanaa (El Belbesi x Hind [Inshass]) *Bint Hanaa (El Sareei x Hanaa) *G am ilaa (*M orafic x *Bint Hanaa) *Habeebaa (El Araby x *Bint Hanaa) *A K A nzar (El Sareei x Hanaa) Narges (Gubran x *A K Anzar) Nagwa (Kayed x *A K Anzar) Baasma (Akhtal x Nagwa) Meseda (M aher x Nagwa) Ahlam Albadeia (Am ir Albadeia x Nagwa) Hanan Albadeia (Ameer x Nagwa) *Sharara (Kayed x *A K Anzar) Om Habeeba (Kayed x *A K Anzar) Dalai Al Badeia (Asil Al Badeia x Om Habeeba) Samira Morganat Al Badeia (Asil Al Badeia x O m Habeeba) Rakiat A lBad eia (Asil Al Badeia x O m Habeeba) Asrar (Kayed x *A K Anzar) Sabriat A lBadeia (Wahag x Asrar) M A B R O U K A (Inshass) Bint Mabrouka (Ezzat x M abrouka [Inshass]) Mansoura (Badr x Bint Mabrouka) Tanta (*M orafic x Mansoura) *Hayat (Anter x Tanta) *Doha (Ibn Ham am a x Tanta) *A K Karama (Alaa El Din x Tanta) Bint Tanta (Shadwan x Tanta) Tantawiah (Hafeed Anter x Bint Tanta) Tonaytah (Asfour [EAO] x Bint Tanta) *Hend (Alaa El Din x Mansoura) 142

*Bint Hanaa, granddaughter o f Hind, p ictu re d here as a young mare in Egypt. Judith Forbis photo.

Tanta,great granddaughter o f Mabrouka, p ictu red here as a young mare in Egypt. Judith Forbis photo.

M A B R O U K A (Inshass) to Bint M abrouka co n tin u ed: Bint Bint M abrouka (Sid Abouhom x Bint Mabrouka) Rakia (Anter x Bint Bint Mabrouka) Kaythara (Sabeel x Rakia) *Bint Rakia (Sabeel x Rakia) Mariam (Anter x Bint Bint Mabrouka) Daw lat (*M orafic x Bint Mabrouka) *RH A zar (M aher x Dawlat) Amoura I (Nasralla x Bint Mabrouka) Ifrag (Ikhnatoon x Am oura I) A laa (Hafeed Anter x Ifrag) Igalal (Atri x Ifrag) Foregat (Gad Allah x Ifrag) Forgah (Rashdan x Ifrag) Aghoor (Rashdan x Ifrag) Aghsan (Rashdan x Ifrag) Razeeka (Rashdan x Ifrag) ^Contentment M arwa (Nasralla x Bint Mabrouka) BIN T BARAKAT (Tahawi) O kt El Fol (Ham dan x Bint Barakat) Sameeha (Korayem x O kt El Fol) Lam iaa (Fol G am il x Sameeha) Fayrooz (Shaarawi x Lamiaa) A sila (Ibn Akhtal x Fayrooz) Badawia (Hafeed Anter x Fayrooz) Am eena (Ibn Akhtal x Badawia) El Ameera (El Badi x Lamiaa) Sultana (Mourad x El Ameera) Noor (Adi X Sultana) Hanaa Hedayah (Mohab x Sultana) D alila (Shaarawi x Lamiaa) El Balkaa (Emad x D alila) Zam zam (Zafer Al Badeia x D alila) M abrouka (Ikhnatoon x Lamiaa) Zabya (Hafeed Anter x Mabrouka) W adha (Baghdady x Mabrouka) M ashallah (Gad A llah x Mabrouka) *Fayza (M arshall II x Sameeha) *Noor (Mourad x Sameeha) Gam alat (Akhtal x Sameeha) Gam eelah [Al Thaniya] (Ibn Taroob x Gam alat) Nawarat Al Adeyat (Ibn Taroob x Gam alat) Neamah Al Aadeyat (Abou Ferass x Gam alat) Hoda (Marshall x O kt El Fol) How aida (Ibn Taroob x Hoda) Zomorrodah (Adeeb x Hoda) Hanady (Ibn Taroob x Hoda) Yamamah Ikh (M arshall II x Hoda) EL O B EYA O M JU RA YS (Inshass) El Shahbaa (El Hamdani El Nasiri x El Obeya Om Jurays) El Mahrousa (El Zafir x El Shahbaa) M ahfouza (x Hamdan x El Mahrousa) Maysa (Anter x M ahfouza) 143


Hint Barakat p ictu re d in o ld age at the Hamdan stud , Judith Forbis photo.

Maysa, great great granddaughter o f El O beya O m Jurays. Judith Forbis photo.




EL OBEYA O M JURAYS (Inshass) to Maysa continued: Maysa (Anter x M ahfouza) Shamaa (*M orafic x Maysa) *M agidaa (Alaa El Din x Maysa) Marah (G alal x Maysa) M ahdia (Ham dan x El Mahrousa) M ona (Badr x M ahdia) *Serenity Montaha (G alal x Mona) Hanan (Alaa El Din x Mona) KARIM A (Inshass) Bint Karim a (Rasheed x Karima) Kawthar (Mekdam x Bint Karima) Ithad (Sameh x Kawthar) Hodhoda (Alaa El Din x Ithad) H ania (*Tuhotmos x Hodhoda) Dom ia (Seef x Hodhoda) M adaniah (Ibn Akhtal x Domia) *M oshira (Ibn Akhtal x Dom ia) Dandanah (Ibn Akhtal x Dom ia) Om El Farh (Naga x Domia) Daab (Rashdan x Dom ia) *Higran (Seef x Hodhoda) Karmah (Ham dan x Kawthar) Obeyana (Lateef/*SF Ibn Nazeer x Karmah) Shahd (Adel x Obeyana) FO LLA (Tahawi) - Bint Folia Bint Folia (Hamdan x Folia) Nefrotete (Emam x Bint Folia) Shams El Nefisa (Sarwat x Nefrotete) Niesah (M adkour I x Shams El Nefisa) *N izeha (M elek x Shams El Nefisa) Nafaa (M elek x Shams El Nefisa) I.Z. Nadiela (M achm ut x Shams El Nefisa) *Nousa (Farouk x Nefrotete) *G hadaa (Emam x Bint Folia) Ameera (Emam x Bint Folia) *Bint Ameera (Emad x Ameera) O rw ah (Shaarawi x Ameera) Hanem (Raki x Ameera) M eleka (Al Aneed x Ameera) G aw aher (Fateh x Ameera) Hind (Wahag x Ameera) Taghreed (Farg Allah x Ameera) Sarah (Naga x Ameera) Tohfa (Emam x Folia) BintTohfa (Habib x Tohfa) Bint Folia II (Hamdan x Folia) Rasha (M arshall x Bint Folia II) Wegdan (Emad x Rasha) Alyaa (Ibn Akhtal x Wegdan) H india (Masoob x Rasha) D ina (Masoob x Rasha) Konooz Ikhnatoon (M arshall II x Rasha) *Neveen (M aher x Bint Folia II) W ardat Hamdan (Seef El Din x Bint Folia II) Zahraa (SEA Fadayel x W ardat Hamdan) 144

M ona, great great granddaughter o f El O beya O m Jurays. Judith Forbis photo.

H odhoda, great great granddaughter o f Karima [Inshass], Judith Forbis photo.

Bint Folia p ictu red in o ld age at Hamdan Stud. Judith Forbis photo.

In Tribute to the EAO Cornerstone Stallion Nazeer

Ju d it h F o r b is p h o to

1 9 3 4 G r e y S ta llio n • B re d b y R o y a l A g r ic u ltu ra l S o c ie ty ( R .A .S . la te r E .A .O ) S ire : M a n s o u r fro m th e S a k la w i I s ire lin e D a m : B in t S a m ih a fro m th e V e n u s d a m lin e R e p re s e n te d b y th e fo llo w in g S ta llio n s a n d M a re s : S ta llio n s: Adel Alaa El Din •Ansata Ibn Halima Aswan El Sud El Aaly Fagir •Fakher El Din Ghazal Galal •Ghalii Hadban Enzahi Hassan Ibn Fakhri Ibn Galila Ibn Maisa Lateef I

Ibn Maysouna Khopho I Kaisoon •Morafic Nader •Ramses Fayek •Rashad Ibn Nazeer •Serenity Ibn Nazeer •Talal Waseem Yasir

M a re s: Abla •Ansata Bint Bukra (Husnia) •Ansata Bint Mabrouka •Ansata Bint Misuna •Ansata Bint Nazeer (Fulla) •Ansata Bint Zaafarana Ayda •Azzar Bint Bukra (EAO) •Bint El Bataa (Amal) •Binte El Bataa Bint Fathia Bint Futna

•Bint Maisa •Bint Maisa El Saghira •Bint Moniet El Nefous •Bint Nefisaa Bint Om El Saad Bint Yosreia Dahma II El Amira (El Ameera) Fatin Foze Ibtsam Kamar Mamlouka

Nadja Nagdia Nazeera Rafica Sarnia •SerenityBt Hemmat Shahrzada Siham II Tifla

Sponsored by: Salayel Arabians P.O. Box 7752, Dammam 31472, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Phone: +96638560004, Fax: +966385560020 • w w w


In Tribute to the EAO Cornerstone Stallion A laa El Din

Ju d it h F o r b is p h o to

1 9 5 6 C h e s tn u t S ta llio n • B re d b y E g y p tia n A g r ic u ltu ra l O r g a n iz a t io n ( E .A .O ) S ire : N a z e e r fro m th e S a k la w i I s ire lin e D a m : K a te e fa fro m th e R o d a n ia d a m lin e

R e p re s e n te d b y th e fo llo w in g S ta llio n s a n d M a re s : S ta llio n s: *Adhem Al Aneed Anas ’ Faleh * Farazdac Gubran Hamid *lbn A laa El Din ’ Mahran Makram Mehyar

Mohawed *Nashwan ’ Ramses El Din ’ Rasheek Saw lagan Sharaf El Din ’ Soufian Tharwat/Sawrat Zohair

M a re s: *A K Karama Alifa A ziza (EAO) Basima *Bint Alaa El Din ’ Daad Fayrooz Hanadi Hanan ’ Hegrah ’ Hend ’ Hoda

Hodhoda Lutfia/Lotfeia Madeeha ’ Magidaa Maheeba Mahlaha Manaya Moneera Nazeema Om El Arab ’ O m nia

’ Ramses Amal Rawayeh Reem Sabrah (Alb) Safinaz Set Abouhom ’ Shiaa

Sponsored by: Salayel Arabians P.O. Box 7752, Dammam 31472, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Phone: +96638560004, Fax: +966385560020 • w w w


In Tribute to the EAO Cornerstone Stallion Sameh

Ju d it h F o r b is p h o to

1 9 4 5 G r e y S ta llio n • B re d b y R o y a l In sh a ss Stud S ire : El M o e z fro m th e Ja m il El K e b ir s ire lin e D a m : S a m e e ra fro m th e El S a m ra a d a m lin e

R e p re s e n te d b y th e fo llo w in g S ta llio n s a n d M a re s : Stallions:


Abdoun Aseel El Moutawakil *lbn Hafiza Seef El Arab ‘ Sultann

‘ Ansata Bint Misr ‘ Ansata Bint Sameh (Amal I) A zza I ‘ Deenaa ‘ Fawkia Ghada Hayfaa Horees Ithad Momtaza Naglaa (1963)

Naglaa ! Nagwa ‘ Omaym a ‘ Romanaa II ‘ Safaa Salha ‘ Serenity Bint Nadia ‘ Serenity Sabra ‘ Serenity Sonbolah ‘ Shamah Shamardal

Sponsored by: Salayel Arabians RO . Box 7752, Dammam 31472, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Phone: +96638560004, Fax: +966385560020 • w w w


In Tribute to the EAO Cornerstone Stallion Anter (Antar)

Ju d ith F o r h t s ph o to

1 9 4 6 C h e s tn u t S ta llio n • B re d b y R o y a l In sh a ss Stud S ire : H a m d a n fro m th e Ja m il El K e b ir s ire lin e D a m : O b e y a fro m th e G h a z ie h d a m lin e

R e p re s e n te d b y th e fo llo w in g S ta llio n s a n d M a re s : S ta llio n s: Aaber Ashour Bandong Basil ‘ Fahidd G harib *lbn Antar Ibn Antar (Police Stud) Ibn Shahrzada Mamdouh

Saab ‘ Serag Shamroukh 1 Tahsin Wahag *Zahid

M a re s: Adaweya ‘ Ansata Adeeba *Ansata Bint Elwya ‘ Bint Bint Kateefa Bint El Nil Bint Nazeera ‘ Cleopatraa ‘ D aw lat (EAO) *Ein *£1 Yatima ‘ Eman Ferial Fifi

Ghadeer *14ay at ‘ Hekmat Jehan ‘ Kahramana Kawm ia Loosa Mahbouba (EAO) ‘ Maheera Mariam Maysa Naama

‘ Nabilahh ‘ Nagat *Nihal Rakia *Rashika Rasmia ‘ Saleema ‘ Serenity Sagda ‘ Serenity Shahra ‘ Somaia

Sponsored by: Salayel Arabians P.O. Box 7752, Dammam 31472, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Phone: +96638560004, Fax: +966385560020 • w w w


In Tribute to the EAO Cornerstone Stallion El Sareei

Ju d it h F o r b is p h o to

1 9 4 2 B a y S ta llio n • B re d b y R o y a l A g r ic u ltu ra l S o c ie ty (R .A .S .) S ire : S h a h lo u l fro m th e Ja m il El K e b ir s ire lin e D a m : Z a r e e fa fro m th e B in t El B a h re y n d a m lin e

R e p re s e n te d b y th e fo llo w in g S ta llio n s a n d M a re s : S ta llio n s: ‘ Tuhotmos Asfour (EAO)

Mares: Abeer *A K Anzar Amani *Bint Dahma (Kismat) *Bint Hanaa Bint Kamla Bint Kawthar *Bint Nefisa Bint Samia *Bint Shaams Hagir

* Izees Kareman Korima Mohga Ramza Rashida ‘ Salorny Set El Wad ‘ Shook Thouraya I Zebeda

Sponsored by: Salayel Arabians P.O. Box 7752, Dammam 31472, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Phone: +96638560004, Fax: +966385560020 • w w w


In Tribute to the EAO Cornerstone Mares of the Dahman Shahwan Strain Bint Sabah (Kazm eyn x Sabah)

Bint Sabah

Bukra (Shahloul x Bint Sabah)

R .A .S. Photo

Judith Forbis Photo

Kam ar (N azeer x Komeira x Layla) Judith Forbis Photo

Bint Sabah has founded a large and important family through her three daughters: Layla (x Ibn Rabdan) - founder of the Kamar line *Bint Bint Sabbah (x Baiyad) - founder of several prominent lines including the Nile family Bukra (x Shahloul) - founder of the EAO Bint Bukra line and the *Ansta Bint Bukra (Hosna) line

Sponsored by: Ahmed Fathi El Talaway • Al Baydaa / El Warda Tobacco Co. Awel Tareek Shpin El Korn Quesn, Shpin El Korn, El Mnofi, Egypt Phone: 20 2106567893 • Email:


In Tribute to the EAO Cornerstone Mares of the Dahman Shahwan Strain Farida (Saklaw i II x Nadra El Saghira)


H alim a (Sheikh El Arab x Ragia) Judith Forbis Photo

R.A .S. Photo

*Deenaa (Sameh x Dahm a II x Futna) Polly Knoll Photo

Farida has fo u n d ed a large and im p o rtan t fa m ily thro ugh her th ree d aug h ters: B in t Farid a (x M an so u r) - fo u n d e r o f the N e fisa , A b la and * G h a z a la h h lin es R ag ia (x Ibn R ab d an ) - fo u n d e r o f the H a lim a lin e that cre ate d ce le b ra te d the " M " fa m ily Futna (x S h a h lo u l) - fo u n d e r of the * D e e n a a , *A n sa ta B in t S am eh and * B in t D a h m a lin es

Sponsored by: Ahmed Fathi El Talaway • Al Baydaa / El Warda Tobacco Co. Awel Tareek Shpin El Korn Quesn, Shpin El Kom, El Mnofi, Egypt Phone: 20 2106567893 • Email:


jW iiiiMBHBIp j

In Tribute to the EAO Cornerstone Mares of the Dahman Shahwan Strain ——.„

....... ....... ........................ ..... ................

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Zareefa (Kazm eyn x Durra)


M aisa (Shahloul x Zareefa)

R .A .s. Photo

Judith Forbis Photo

*Bint Maisa El Saghira (Nazeer x Maisa) Rhita M cN air Photo

Z a r e e fa h as fo u n d e d a la rg e a n d im p o rta n t f a m ily th ro u g h h e r th re e d a u g h te rs: B in t Z a r e e fa (x B a la n c e ) - fo u n d e r o f R a w y a a n d A h la m II lin e s M a is a (x S h a h lo u l) - fo u n d e r o f th e * B in t M a is a El S a g h ira lin e E lw y a (x S id A b o u h o m ) - fo u n d e r o f th e T ifla lin e

Sponsored by: Ahmed Fathi El Talaway • Al Baydaa / El W arda Tobacco Co. Awel Tareek Shpin El Kom Q uesn, Shpin El Korn, El Mnofi, Egypt Phone: 20 2106567893 • Em ail: albaydaaarabians@ hotm


In Tribute to the EAO Cornerstone Mares of the Saqlawi Jidran Strain Dalai Al Zarka (Rabdan x O m D alai)

Dalai Al Zarka

Moniet El Nefous (Shahloul X Wanisa) Forbis Photo

Forbis Archive Photo

El Bataa (Sheikh El Arab X M edallela

Von Szandtner photo - Forbis Archive

D a la i A l Z a rk a has fo u n d ed a large and im p o rtan t fa m ily th ro u g h : M o n ie t El N efo us (S h a h lo u l x W a n is a ) - fo u n d e r o f the largest m ost fa m o u s S a q la w i fa m ily El Bataa (S h e ikh El A ra b x M e d a lle la ) - fo u n d e r of se veral fa m ilie s v ia her N a z e e r daughters Bin t D a la i (H a m ra n x D a la i) - fo u n d e r o f the *S a e m a fa m ily

Sponsored by: Ahmed Fathi El Talaway • Al Baydaa / El W arda Tobacco Co. Aw e I Ta reek Shpin El Kom Q uesn, Shpin El Kom, El M nofi, Egypt Phone: 20 2106567893 • Em ail: albaydaaarabians@ hotm




In Tribute to the EAO Cornerstone Mares of the Saqlawi Jidran Strain Radia (Feysul x G hazala)


Bint Zarifa/Bint Zareefa

Raswan phto - Forbis Archive


Forbis Archive Photo

lutith Forbis Photo

R a d ia h a s fo u n d e d a la rg e a n d im p o r ta n t f a m ily th r o u g h : B in t Z a r if a (H a d b a n x Z a r if a ) - fo u n d e r o f th e B in t A b a s a f a m ily B in t R a d ia (M a b r o u k M a n ia l x R a d ia ) - fo u n d e r o f th e Z a m z a m f a m ily a n d t h e v e r y la rg e Z a a f a r a n a f a m ily

Sponsored by: Ahmed Fathi El Talaway • Al Baydaa / El W arda Tobacco Co. Awel Tareek Shpin El Korn Q uesn, Shpin El Kom, El Mnofi, Egypt Phone: 20 2106567893 • Em ail: albaydaaarabians@ hotm


In Tribute to the EAO Cornerstone Mares of the Abayyan Om Jurays Strain El M ahrousa (El Zafir x El Shahbaa)

Maysa, granddaughter of El Mahrousa Forbis Photo

*Magidaa (Alaa El Din x Maysa)

Mona, granddaughter of El Mahrousa

/. Johnston Photo

Hanan (Alaa El Din x Mona)

Forbis Photo

Rik Van Lent Photo

El M a h r o u s a h a s fo u n d e d a la rg e a n d im p o r ta n t f a m ily th ro u g h : M a h d ia (H a m d a n x El M a h r o u s a ) - fo u n d e r o f th e H a n a n f a m ily a m o n g o th e rs M a h fo u z a (H a m d a n x El M a h r o u s a ) - fo u n d e r o f th e M a y s a a n d M a g id a a f a m ilie s

Sponsored by: Ahmed Fathi El Talaway • Al Baydaa / El W arda Tobacco Co. Awel Tareek Shpin El Kom Q uesn, Shpin El Kom, El M nofi, Egypt Phone: 20 2106567893 • Em ail: albaydaaarabians@ hotm


In Tribute to the EAO Cornerstone Mares of the Hadban Enzahi Strain

J iiti

Bint Sam iha (Kazm eyn x Samiha)

Bint Samiha

Kam la

R .A .S. Photo

M aysouna

R.A .S. Photo

Judith Forbis Photo

Th e B in t S a m ih a b ra n ch o f H a d b a n E n za h i has fo u n d e d a large and im p o rtan t fa m ily in c lu d in g : M a m d o u h a (K h e ir S am h a) - fo u n d e r o f the * G a m ila lin e K a m la (S h e ikh El A ra b x S am h a ) - fo u n d e r o f the B in t K a m la lin e M a yso u n a (K h e ir x Sham s) - fo u n d e r of n u m ero u s re n o w n e d H ad b a n lin es N ag d ia (N a z e e r x Z a h ia ) - fo u n d e r o f the M a le k a t El G a m a l lin e Sh e rifa (G a s s ir x S h am s) - fo u n d e r of the B a sim a lin e

Sponsored by: Ahm ed Fathi El Talaway • Al Baydaa / El W arda Tobacco Co. Awel Tareek Shpin El Kom Q uesn, Shpin El Kom, El M nofi, Egypt Phone: 20 2106567893 • Em ail: albaydaaarabians@ hotm


In Tribute to the EAO Cornerstone Mares of the Hadban Enzahi Strain Bint Rustem (Rustem x Bint Hadba El Saghira)

Bint Rustem


R.A .S. Photo

VonSzandtner photo - Forbis Archive

Bint Yosreia Judith Forbis Photo

Th e B in t Rustem b ra n ch o f H a d b a n E n za h i has fo u n d ed a large and im p o rtan t fa m ily in c lu d in g : Yo sreia (S h e ikh El A rab x H in d ) - fo u n d e r o f o n e o f the m ost p ro m in e n t H a d b a n fa m ilie s Farasha (Sid A b o u h o m x Yo sreia) - fo u n d e r of n u m ero u s p ro m in e n t sires w o rld w id e B in t Yo sreia (N a z e e r x Yo sreia) - Sister to A sw a n and fo u n d e r o f a lin e o f c h a m p io n s S h a h rza d a (N a z e e r x Yo sreia) - Sister to A sw a n and fo u n d e r o f a lin e of c h a m p io n s M ohg a (El S areei x Yo sreia) - fo u n d e r o f n u m e ro u s p ro m in e n t sires and m ares S a lw a (Ibn R ab d an x B in t Rustem ) - fo u n d e r o f the Lateefa lin e

Sponsored by: Ahmed Fathi El Talaway • Al Baydaa / El W arda Tobacco Co. Awe I Ta reek Shpin El Kom Q uesn, Shpin El Kom, El M nofi, Egypt Phone: 20 2106567893 • Em ail: albaydaaarabians@ hotm


In Tribute to the EAO Cornerstone Mares of the Kuhaylan Rodan Strain Bint Rissala (Ibn Yashmak x Risala)

Bint Rissala


R .A .S. Photo

A m een a

R .A .S. Photo

Judith Forbis Photo

Th e B in t R issa la b ra n ch o f K u h a y la n R odan has fo u n d ed a large and im p o rtan t fa m ily in c lu d in g : Y a sh m a k - fo u n d e r of n u m ero u s in te rn a tio n a l ch a m p io n K u h a y la n R odan lines A m e e n a - fo u n d e r o f the O m n ia , Enayat, S a rk h a and Y o m n a lin es Kateefa - th e lin e o f w o rld fa m o u s sta llio n s A la a El D in , K a iso o n and Farag

Sponsored by: Ahmed Fathi El Talaway • Al Baydaa/ El Warda Tobacco Co. Awel Tareek Shpin El Kom Quesn, Shpin El Kom, El Mnofi, Egypt Phone: 20 2106567893 • Email:


In Tribute to the EAO Cornerstone Mares of the Kuhaylan Rodan Strain Bint Riyala (N adir x Riyala)

Bint Riyala

M am louka (N azeer x M alaka)

Forbis Archive

Nazeera (Nazeer x M alaka)

Judith Forbis photo

Judith Forbis Photo

Th e B in t R iy a la b ra n ch o f K u h a y la n R od an has fo u n d ed a large and im p o rtan t fa m ily in c lu d in g : N a z e e ra (N a z e e r x M a la k a ) - lin e o f n u m ero u s in te rn a tio n a l c h a m p io n s M a m lo u k a (N a z e e r x M a la k a ) - lin e o f n u m ero u s in te rn a tio n a l c h a m p io n s Sarn ia (N a z e e r x M a la k a ) - lin e of n u m e ro u s in te rn a tio n a l c h a m p io n s

Sponsored by: Ahmed Fathi El Talaway • Al Baydaa / El Warda Tobacco Co. Awel Tareek Shpin El Kom Quesn, Shpin El Kom, El Mnofi, Egypt Phone: 20 2106567893 • Email:


Reference Pedigree Section This section provides ad m irers of Egyptian b lo o d lines som e insight into the ancestry of straight Egyptian horses. Readers are encouraged to extend the pedigrees of their straight Egyptian horses, or horses of interest to them , w h ic h then m ight lead them to som e of the sam p le ancestral pedigrees provided h erein. Extending a pedigree over m any generations can be a fascin atin g and enlightening jo u rn e y through the history of Egyptian breeding. Each pedigree in this section represents 5 generations of ancestors as w e ll as som e of the horse's progeny. This is by no m eans a co m plete ancestry of all Egyptian horses but is inclu d ed here for the enlightenm ent of the reader. t Note regarding strains of horses in this section tra d itio n a lly horses recorded in the Egyptian stud books, or in pedigrees provided for imported horses, included mention of the horse's strain. Strains were a Bedouin tradition of identifying distinctive fam ilies of Arabian horses and the strain name was handed down through the fem ale line. O ver the long history of Egyptian Arabian horse breeding, not all information from various sources was in complete agreement with each other on strains of certain horses. The study of this subject is always ongoing. Readers are encouraged to keep informed on this subject by investigating vari­ ous references on strains and come to their own conclusions. Strain information in this reference handbook is by no means implied to be the final word on this subject. W hen identified, strain precedence is given to the strain of first record in the Egyptian records or import documents although it may be interpreted different later on.


Reference Pedigree: A LA A EL DIN 1956 Chestnut Stallion • Kuhaylan Rodan • Bred by Egyptian Agricultural Organization (E.A .O .) Representative Get: S ta llio n s: ‘ Adhem Al Aneed Anas ‘ Faleh ‘ Farazdac Gubran Hamid *lbn Alaa El Din ‘ Mahran Makram Mehyar

Mohawed ‘ Nashwan ‘ Ramses El Din ‘ Rasheek Sawlagan Sharaf El Din ‘ Soufian Tharwat/Sawrat Zohair

M a re s: *A K Karama Alifa A ziza (EAO) Basima ‘ Bint Alaa El Din ‘ Daad Fayrooz Hanadi Hanan ‘ Hegrah ‘ Hend ‘ Hoda

Hodhoda Lutfia/Lotfeia Madeeha ‘ Magidaa Maheeba M ahlaha Manaya Moneera Nazeema Om El Arab ‘ O m nia

‘ Ramses Amal Rawayeh Reem Sabrah (Alb) Safinaz Set Abouhom ‘ Shiaa

Saklaw i I Saklawi II Gam il Manial

Rabdan El Azrak

1912 grey Saqlawi jidran Prince Mohamed Ali

Dalai I (Al Zarka)

Mansour 1921 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh R.A.S.

Meanagi Sebeli Nafaa El Saghira c. 1910 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Yousef Kamal

Om Dalai Desert Bred a M uniqia Sbailiyah Rabdan El Azrak

Nafaa El Kebira

Nazeer Sotamm II

1934 grey Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

El Dahma

Donia *Astraled AHR238 Selma II

Kazmeen 1916 bay Kuhaylan Jellabi Crabbet Stud

*Kasim a AHR352.

Bint Samiha

Narkise Kasida Rabdan El Azrak

Samhan (1905)

1925 bay Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.


Om Dalai El Halabi

1918 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Bint Hadba El Saghira

Hadba Dahman El Azrak

Rabdan El Azrak Ibn Rabdan

Rabda Ibn Nadra

1917 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Bint G am ila


G am ila Saklawi II

Mabrouk Manial

1931 grey Saqlawi )idran R.A.S.

Bint Radia 1920 grey Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.

Radia (Ghadia)


Tarfa Feysul *G h azala AHR 2H Ibn Nura


1938 grey Kuhaylan Rodan R.A.S.

Ibn Yashmak

El Argaa *Shahwan AHR241

1902 chestnut Kuhaylan Jallabi Sheykh Obeyd Stud

Yashmak (1893)

Bint Rissala (Razieh)

Yamama (1885) A ziz


1920 chestnut Kuhaylan Rodan Crabbet Stud


Yemameh M erzuk

1900 chestnut Kuhaylan Rodan Crabbet Stud



*Rose of Sharon AHR246

Reference Pedigree: A N TA R (AN TER) 1946 Chestnut Stallion • Saqlawi Jidran • Bred by Inshass Stud Representative G et: S ta llio n s: Aaber Ashour Bandong Basil “ Fahidd Gharib *lbn Antar Ibn Antar (Police Stud) Ibn Shahrzada Mamdouh

Saab *Serag Shamroukh I Tahsin Wahag *Zahid

M a re s: Adaweya “ Ansata Adeeba “ Ansata Bint Elwya “ Bint Bint Kateefa Bint El Nil Bint Nazeera “Cleopatraa *D aw lat (EAO) “ Ein *EI Yatima “ Eman Ferial Fifi

Ghadeer “ Flayat “ Hekmat Jehan “ Kahramana Kawm ia Loosa Mahbouba (EAO) *Maheera Mariam Maysa Naama

*Nabilahh *Nagat *Nihal Rakia “ Rashika Rasmia “ Saleema “ Serenity Sagda “ Serenity Shahra “ Somaia

Dahman El Azrak Rabdan El Azrak 1897 grey Kuhaylan Ajuz Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Farida El Debani Khuzam


Ibn Rabdan Ibn Nadra

1917 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Jamil El Ahmar

D .B. by the Shammar El Sennari Nadra El Kebira

Bint G am ila

El Sennari

1911 grey Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

G am ila


Hadba Saklawi

Saklaw i II

1936 grey Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.

Mabrouk Manial 1912 Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Mohamed Ali

El Dahma Dahman El Azrak


Bint Radia

Bint Freiha Ibn Nura


1920 grey Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.

Radia (Ghadia) 1904 grey Saqlawi Jidran Sheykh Obeyd Stud

El Argaa Ibn Sherara

*G h azala AHR2H

Bint Helwa Mesaoud

*AstraIed AHR238 Rustem 1908 bay Kuhaylan Rodan Crabbet Stud


Mekdam Ibn Rabdan

1932 bay Dahman Shahwan Prince Kemal El Dine

Bint Bint Dalai

Queen of Sheba M erzuk *Rose of Sharon AHR246 Rabdan El Azrak Bint G am ila Hadban (1914)

1926 chestnut Dahman Shahwan Prince Kemal El Dine

Bint Dalai (Inshass)


Dalai II (Al Hamra) Mabrouk Manial


1940 bay Saqlawi Jidran Inshass Stud

El Zafir

Bint Obeya Hadban (1914)

1930 grey Dahman Shahwan Prince Kemal El Dine

Bint D alai (Inshass)

Abla (Inshass)

Dalai II (Al Hamra) Rabdan El Azrak

Hadban (1914)

1936 bay Saqlawi Jidran Inshass Stud

Bint Zareefa 1926 grey Saqlawi Jidran Prince Kemal El Dine


Zareefa (Inshass)

Tarfa Sahab Radia (Ghadia)

Reference Pedigree: B A LA N C E 1928 Grey Stallion • Dahman Shahwan • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S.! Representative Get: Stallions:


Amlam (Emam) Mozzafar (Wanis) Nasralla (Shahriar) Zad El Rakib

Bint Zareefa (RAS) Nefisa (RAS) Yaquota Zaafarana

Dahman El Azrak

Farida El Debani

Rabdan El Azrak 1897 grey Kuhaylan Ajuz Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Jamil El Ahm ar

Khuzam Rabda


D .B. by the Shammar Saklaw i I

Sabbah I

1905 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Prince Mohamed Ali

M aanagia Hadragia

Om Dalai

Dahman El Azrak

c. 1900 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Bint Roga Al Zarka Roga El Beida

Ibn Samhan Desert Bred

1919 chestnut Kuhaylan Mimreh R.A.S.

Meanagi Sebeli c. 1900 Muniqi Sbaili of Prince Ahmed Kemal fttsha

a M uniqia Sbailiyah

Desert Bred

Nafaa El Saghira Rabdan El Azrak

1910 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh of Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Dahman El Azrak Rabda

Nafaa El Kebira c. 1905 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh of Prince Ahmed Kemal Fbsha

Desert Bred

Desert Bred Donia

a Kuhaylah M imrieh

D .B . by the Ruala Saklaw i I 1886 grey Saqlawi Jidran of Ali Pasha Sherif

D .B. by the Ruala

Saklawi II Desert Bred

1895 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Fbsha Hilme II

El Dahma

Desert Bred

c. 1880 chestnut Dahman Shahwan of Ali Pasha Sherif

a Dahmah Shahwaniah

Farida Rabdan El Azrak

1921 grey Dahman Shahwan Prince Mohamed Ali

Desert Bred Dahman El Azrak Rabda


Sabbah I

1905 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Prince Mohamed Ali

Om Dalai

Nadra El Saghira

Bint Roga Al Zarka Desert Bred

Nader El Kebir

c. 1910 chestnut Dahman Shahwan Prince Mohamed Ali

Nadra El Kebira 1890 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II


El Dahma

a Dahmah Shahwaniah Desert Bred a Dahmah Shahwaniah

Reference Pedigree: B IN T FO LLA

Reference Pedigree: FHAMDAN II

1956 G rey Mare, Shuweyman Sabbah, Bred by Hamdan Stud

1957 Chestnut Stallion, Shuweyman Sabbah, Bred by Hamdan Stud

Reference Pedigree: B IN T FO LLA II

Reference Pedigree: FO L G A M IL

1963 G rey Mare, Shuweyman Sabbah, Bred by Hamdan Stud

1960 Grey Stallion, Shuweyman Sabbah, Bred by Hamdan Stud

Representative Get:

Representative Get:

B in t F o lia

B in t F o lia II

H a m d a n II




Marshall Marshall II Yakout

Ameera *Ghadaa / Ghada Nefrotete

*Neveen Rasha

*JKB Hamda O la Rabea *Ham id *Akid Danzarra *Shadia *Hassan GASB *Amara Blue Hassan *Hatal

W ardat Hamdan

Fol G a m il Habib Hammal Hagir Amira Ghariba Bint Ghada Amra Hashem M iriam

Dahman El Azrak


Ibn Rabdan Ibn Nadra

1917 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Jamil El Ahmar Farida El Debani

Rabdan El Azrak 1897 grey Kuhaylan Ajuz Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha


Khuzam D .B. by the Shammar EI Sennari Nadra El Kebira

Bint G am ila

El Sennari

1911 grey Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

G am ila


Hadba Saklawi

Saklaw i II

1936 grey Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.

El Dahma

Mabrouk Manial 1912 Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Mohamed Ali


Bint Freiha

Bint Radia Feysul

1920 grey Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.

Ibn Nura El Argaa

Radia (Ghadia) 1904 grey Saqlawi Jidra Sheykh Obeyd Stud

Dahman El Azrak

*G hazala AHR211

Ibn Sherara Bint Helwa a Saqlawi Jidran of Ibn Zobeyni

Dahman ot Abdallah Saud al-Tahawi a Dahmat 'Amer of Jar Allah ibn Tuwayrish

Barakat Dahman Shahwan al-Tahawi

Dahmat Shahwan of Mnazi' Amer al-Tahawi

Ibn Barakat Desert Bred

Saqlawi Shaifi Abdul Hamid el Tahawi

A Saqlawiyah Shaifiyah Desert Bred

Saqlawi Shaifi al-Tahawi

Folia 1942 grey Shuweyman Sabbah Abdul Hamid el Tahawi

Desert Bred

A Shuweym ah Sabbah Shuweyman Sabbah Abdul Hamid el Tahawi

Desert Bred


Reference Pedigree: B IN T M A B R O U K A (Inshass) 1947 Bay Mare • Saklawi • Bred by Inshass Stud Representative Get: Stallions:



Mansoura Bint Bint Mabrouka D aw lat (1962) Amoura I

Mabrouk Manial Awad El Zafir

Bint Obeya Hadban (1914)

1930 grey Dahman Shahwan Prince Kemal El Dine

Bint Dalai (1920)

El Belbesi Ibn Rabdan

1936 chestnut Dahman Shahwan Inshass Stud

Hadban (1914) Bint Dalai (1920) Dalai II (Al Hamra)

Ezzat Ibn Rabdan

1943 brown Kuhaylan Kurush Inshass Stud

Rabdan El Azrak Bint G am ila

Bint Bint Dalai 1926 chestnut Dahman Shahwan Prince Kemal El Dine

Dalai II (Al Hamra)

Rabdan El Azrak Bint G am ila

Ibn Fayda


1927 bay Saqlawi jidran Prince Kemal El Dine


A ziza (Inshass) Desert Bred

1938 bay Kuhaylan Kurush Inshass Stud

El Kahila 1921 bay Kuhaylan Kurush from Sa'ud Royal Stud

Desert Bred

Mabrouka 1930 bay Saqlawi King Aziz Ibn Saud

Desert Bred

a Saqlawiyah

Desert Bred


Desert Bred


Reference Pedigree: B IN T RISSALA (RA ZIEH ) 1920 Chestnut Mare • Kuhaylan Rodan • Bred by Crabbet Stud Representative Get: Mares: Kateefa Yaquota Yashmak (RAS)

Sueyd Sottam (c. 1860) Ibn Nura

Shalfa Zobeyni

1896 grey Dahman Shanwan (Najib) Ali Pasha Sherif

Bint Nura

Feysul W aziri Al Auwal

1894 chestnut Kuhaylan Jellabi Ali Pasha Sherif

El Argaa

Nura (El Kebira) Najib Miska Shueyman As Sabbah

c. 1870's Kuhaylan Jellabi Ali Pasha Sherif

Bint Jellabiet Feysul

Ibn Yashmak

Jellabiet Feysul Zobeyni

W azir

1902 chestnut Kuhaylan Jellabi Sheykh Obeyd Stud

*Shahwan ah r 241 1887 grey Dahman Shahwan Ali Pasha Sherif

Ghazieh a Kuhaylan Ajuz

Dahmeh Shahwaniyah

a Dahmah Shahwaniyah

Yashmak (1893) 1893 grey Kuhaylan Jellabi Sheykh Obeyd Stud

Yamama (1885) 1885 bay Kuhaylan Jellabi of Ibn Khalifeh Bred by Ali Rasha Sherif

A Kuhaylah Jellabiyah Zobeyni Harkan

A ziz

Samhan (of Abbas Pasha)

1877 chestnut Dahman Shahwan Ali Pasha Sherif

A ziza (c. 1868)

Mesaoud 1887 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Ali Pasha Sherif


Shueyman Yemameh c. 1872 grey Saqlawi Jidran Ali Pasha Sherif

Bint G hazieh (Yamama)


Bint Faras Naqadan jerboa Shueyma Zobeyni Ghazieh Zobeyni

W azir

1900 chestnut Kuhaylan Rodan Crabbet Stud

M erzuk 1887 chestnut Kuhaylan Jellabi Ali Pasha Sherif

A Kuhaylah jellabiyah

Ridaa Hadban (1878)

1892 chestnut Kuhaylan Rodan Crabbet Stud

*Rose of Sharon a h r 246 1885 chestnut Kuhaylan Rodan Crabbet Stud


Ghazieh Desert Bred Desert Bred Desert Bred a Hadba Enzahiyah Desert Bred


a Kuhaylah Ajuz-Rodan

Reference Pedigree: B IN T RU STEM 1922 Bay Mare • Hadban Inzihi • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S.) Representative Get: Stallions:



Hind Kahila Salwa

Harkan A ziz Mesaoud 1887 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Ali Pasha Sherif

A ziza (c. 1868) Shueyman

Yemameh Bint Ghazieh (Yamama)

*Astraled AHR 238

Desert Bred a Muniqi Hadruj

1900 bay Abayyan Sharrak Crabbet Stud

Queen of Sheba 1875 brown Abayyan Sharrak the Qumusa-Saba

Desert Bred Desert Bred

an Abayyah Sharrakia


Desert Bred Zobeyni

W azir

1908 bay Kuhaylan Rodan Crabbet Stud

M erzuk 1887 chestnut Kuhaylan Jellabi Al Rasha Sherif

a Kuhaylah Jellabiyah


G hazieh Desert Bred Desert Bred Desert Bred

Hadban (1878)

1892 chestnut Kuhaylan Rodan Crabbet Stud

a Hadba Enzahiyah

*Rose of Sharon a h r 246 Desert Bred 1885 chestnut Kuhaylan Rodan Crabbet Stud


a Kuhaylah Ajuz-Rodan

D .B. by the Ruala Saklawi I 1886 grey Saqlawi Jidran of Ali Pasha Sherif

D .B. by the Ruala

El Halabi Desert Bred

c. 1900 Saqlawi Jidran Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

Halabia c. 1890 Saqlawi Jidran of Abu Amin Halabi

Desert Bred a Saqlawia Jidraniah Desert Bred

Bint Hadba El Saghira D .B. by the Ruala

1912 chestnut Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

Saklawi 1 1886 grey Saqlawi Jidran of Ali Pasha Sherif

D .B. by the Ruala

Hadba Desert Bred

1894 chestnut Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

Venus c. 1890 chestnut Hadban Enzahi from the Shammar

,, „ . . . Desert Bred a Hadba Enzahiyah — — r -------------------- '-------------Desert Bred

Reference Pedigree: *B IN T SA A D A a h r 8 9 3 1930 chestnut mare • Saklawi Jidran • Bred by Prince Mohammed Ali / RAS Representative Get: Stallions: Faddan

Jamil El Ahmar Dahman El Azrak Rabdan El Azrak 1897 grey Kuhaylan Ajuz Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Farida El Debani Khuzam


Samhan (1905)

D .B. by the Shammar Saklawi I

Sabbah I

1905 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Prince Mohamed Ali

Om Dalai

Maanagia Hadragia Dahman El Azrak or Jamil El Ahmar

c. 1900 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Bint Roga Al Zarka

Roga El Beda

Ibn Samhan Desert Bred

1919 chestnut Kuhaylan Mimreh R.A.S.

Meanagi Sebeli c. 1900 Muniqi Sbaili of Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Desert Bred a M uniqia Sbailiyah

Nafaa El Saghira

Desert Bred Dahman El Azrak

Rabdan El Azrak

1910 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh of Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Nafaa El Kebira c. 1905 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh of Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha


Saklawi Saklawi II

Rabda Desert Bred a Kuhaylah Mimrieh D .B. by the Ruala D .B. by the Ruala Desert Bred

1895 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

El Dahma

a Dahmah Shahwaniah

M abrouk Manial Dahman El Azrak

1912 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Mohamed Ali

Jamil El Ahmar Farida El Debani


Obeyan Sharrak

c. 1900 chestnut Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Bint Freiha


Freiha Al Hamra Sabbah


1925 grey Saqlawi Jidran Prince Mohamed Ali


Tarfa El Sennari

1913 Bay Dahman Shahwan Prince Mohamed Ali

Freiha (Ai Zarka)


C azza Dahman El Azrak

Rabdan El Azrak

c. 1920 Saqlawi Jidran Prince Mohamed Ali

Dalai I (Al Zarka) 1903 grey Saqlawi Jidran Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha


O m Dalai

Rabda Sabbah Bint Roga Al Zarka

Reference Pedigree: B IN T SABAH 1925 Bay Mare • Dahman Shahwan • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S.' Representative Get: Stallions:


Sheikh El Arab

*Bint Bint Sabbah Bukra Layla



*Astraled AHR238 1900 bay Abayyan Sharrak Crabbet Stud

Queen of Sheba

Sotamm Ahmar

1910 brown Hamdan Simri Crabbet Stud

A ziz

a Muniqi Hadruj an Abayyah Sharrakia Azrek Queen of Sheba

Selma II 1894 grey Hamdan Simri Crabbet Stud


W azir Selma I


A ziz Mesaoud

1916 bay Kuhaylan jellabi Crabbet Stud


Yemameh Hadban (1878)

1899 bay Kuhaylan Dajani Crabbet Stud

Nefisa (1885)

*Kasim a AHR352 Nasr I

1905 bay Kuhaylan Jellabi Crabbet Stud

D ajania A ziz Bint A zz

Kasida 1891 chestnut Kuhaylan Jellabi Ali Pasha Sherif

M akbula (1886)

W azir M akbula (El Kebira)

Saklawi I

D .B. by the Ruala D .B . by the Ruala

Saklawi II 1895 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

El Dahma

Desert Bred a Dahmah Shahwaniah

Mabrouk Manial

Jamil El Ahm ar Dahman El Azrak

1912 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Mohamed Ali

Tarfa c. 1900 chestnut Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Ahmed Kemal

Bint Freiha

Obeyan Sharrak Freiha Al Hamra

Sabah Saklawi

1920 chestnut Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Farida El Debani

El Halabi

D .B. by the Ruala D .B. by the Ruala Desert Bred

c. 1900 Saqlawi Jidran of Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II


Bint Obeya Koheilan El Mossen

1912 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II


a Saqlawia Jidraniyah Desert Bred a Kuhaylah Um-Muhsinnah Desert Bred

1894 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II


El Dahma

a Dahmah Shahwaniah



Reference Pedigree: B IN T SA M IH A 1925 Bay Mare • Hadban Enzahi • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S. Representative Get: Stallions:



Samha Shams (RAS)

A ziz Mesaoud *Astraled a h r 238 1900 bay Abayyan Sharrak Crabbet Stud

Yemameh a Muniqi Hadruj

Queen of Sheba


an Abayyah Sharrakia Azrek


1910 brown Hamdan Simri Crabbet Stud

Selma II

Queen of Sheba W azir

1894 grey Hamdan Simri Crabbet Stud



Selma I A ziz


1916 bay Kuhaylan Jellabi Crabbet Stud


Yemameh Hadban (1878)

1899 bay Kuhaylan Dajani Crabbet Stud

Nefisa (1885)

*Kasim a AHR352

D ajania A ziz

Nasr I

1905 bay Kuhaylan Jellabi Crabbet Stud


Bint A zz W azir

1891 chestnut Kuhaylan Jellabi Ali Pasha Sherif

M akbula (1886)

M akbula (El Kebira) Jamil El Ahmar

Dahman El Azrak Rabdan El Azrak 1897 grey Kuhaylan Ajuz Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Farida El Debani Khuzam


Samhan (1905)

D .B. by the Shammar Saklawi I

Sabbah I

1905 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Prince Mohamed Ali

Om Dalai

Maanagia Hadragia Dahman El Azrak or Jamil El Ahmar

c. 1900 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Bint Roga Al Zarka


Roga El Beda D .B. by the Ruala

Saklawi I

1918 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

El Halabi

D .B. by the Ruala Desert Bred

c. 1900 Saqlawi Jidran Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II


Bint Hadba El Saghira Saklawi

1912 chestnut Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

Hadba (1894) 1894 chestnut Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II



a Saqlawia Jidraniyah D .B. by the Ruala D .B. by the Ruala Desert Bred a Hadba Enzahiyah

Reference Pedigree: *B IN T SERRA I a h r 8 9 7 1923 Bay Mare • Saqlawi Jidran • Bred by Prince Kemal El Dine Representative Get: Stallions:


Fa-Serr Fay El Dine

Fa Deene

A ziz

Harkan A ziza (c. 1868)



1887 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Ali Pasha Sherif


*Astraled AHR 238

Bint Ghazieh (Yamama) Desert Bred

a Muniqi Hadruj

1900 bay Abayyan Sharrak Crabbet Stud

Queen of Sheba 1875 brown Abayyan Sharrak the Qumusa-Saba

an Abayyah Sharrakia

Desert Bred Desert Bred Desert Bred


Desert Bred Azrek

1910 brown Hamdan Simri Crabbet Stud

Ahmar 1890 bay Abayyan Sharrak Crabbet Stud

Queen of Sheba

Selma II

a Saqlawiah Jidraniah a Muniqi Hadruj an Abayyah Sharrakia Zobeyni

W azir

1894 grey Hamdan Simri Crabbet Stud

Sobha 1879 grey Hamdan Simri Ali Pasha Sherif

Selma I

Ghazieh Desert Bred a Hamdania-Simria of Abbas Rasha Sottam (c. 1860)

Ibn Sherara Kawkab

Sherara Zobeyni

c. 1885 grey Dahman Shahwan (Najib) Ali Pasha Sherif

Bint Nura (c. 1870)


Nura (El Kebira) Sottam (c. 1860)

Ibn Nura

1903 grey Dahman Shahwan Osman Bey Sherif

Bint Bint A zz

Bint Nura (c. 1870) W azir

1895 grey Dahman Shahwan Ali Pasha Sherif

Bint A z z (c. 1880)


A zz Harkan

A ziz

1915 grey Saqlawi Jidran Sheykh Obeyd Stud

Jamil (1896)

A ziza (c. 1868) Shueyman

1896 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Ali Pasha Sherif

Bint Jamila

Jemla (Jamila)

Jamila Sottam (c. 1860)

Ibn Sherara

1906 grey Saqlawi Jidran Sheykh Obeyd Stud

*G h azala a h r 211 1896 grey Saqlawi Jidran Ali Pasha Sherif


Sherara A ziz

Bint Helwa

Helwa (c. 1875)

Reference Pedigree: B U K R A 1 9 4 2 G r e y M a re • D a h m a n S h a h w a n • B re d by R o y al A g ric u ltu ra l S o c ie ty (R .A .S .) R e p re se n ta tive G e t: S ta llio n s: G hazal

M a re s: *Ansata Bint Bukra (Husnia) Bint Bukra (EAO)

Dahman El Azrak

Farida El Debani

Rabdan El Azrak 1897 grey Kuhaylan Ajuz Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Jamil El Ahmar


Khuzam D .B. by the Shammar

Ibn Rabdan

El Sennari Ibn Nadra

1917 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Bint G am ila

Nadra El Kebira El Sennari

1911 grey Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

G am ila

Shahloul Saklawi II

1931 grey Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.

Hadba Saklawi El Dahma

Mabrouk Manial

Dahman El Azrak Bint Radia

1912 Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Mohamed Ali

Tarfa Bint Freiha Feysul

1920 grey Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.

El Argaa

Radia (Ghadia) 1904 grey Saqlawi Jidra Sheykh Obeyd Stud

*G h azala a h r 211

*Astraled a h r 238 Sotamm 1910 brown Hamdan Simiri Crabbet Stud

Selma II



Queen of Sheba Ahmar


Nasr I Makbula

Bint Sabah Saklawi II

1925 bay Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Bint Helwa Mesaoud


*Kasim a AHR352 1905 bay Kuhaylan Jellabi Crabbet Stud

Ibn Sherara

Sob ha

Kazmeen 1916 bay Kuhaylan Jellabi Crabbet Stud

Ibn Nura

Saklawi I El Dahma

Mabrouk Manial

Dahman El Azrak Sabah

1912 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Mohamed Ali

Tarfa Bint Freiha El Halabi

1920 chestnut Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Saklawi Halabia

Bint O beya 1921 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II



Koheilan El Mossen El Dahma

Reference Pedigree: EL BATAA 1944 Bay Mare • Saqlawi Jidran • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S.)

Reference Pedigree: W A N ISA 1941 Chestnut Mare • Saqlawi Jidran • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S.) Representative Get:

El B a ta a

W a n is a



*Bint El Bataa (Amal) *Binte El Bataa *Ansata Bint Nazeer (Fulla)

Moniet El Nefous

Saklawi II

Saklawi I El Dahma

G am il Manial

Rabdan El Azrak 1912 grey Saqlawi Jidran Prince Mohamed Ali

Dalai I (Al Zarka)


O m Dalai Desert Bred

Meanagi Sebeli

1921 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh R.A.S.

Nafaa El Saghira c. 1910 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Yousef Kamal

Nafaa El Kebira

Rabdan El Azrak Donia

Sheikh El Arab Sotamm II

1933 grey Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Desert Bred

*Astraled AHR 238 Selma II

Kazmeen 1916 bay Kuhaylan Jellabi Crabbet Stud

*Kasim a AHR 352

Narkise Kasida

Bint Sabah

Saklaw i II Mabrouk Manial

1925 bay Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.



El Halabi 1920 chestnut Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Bint Obeya

O beya Saklawi

Saklawi II Mabrouk Manial 1912 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Mohamed Ali


El Dahma Dahman El Azrak Bint Freiha


Saklawi El Halabi

1918 grey Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Bint O beya__________ 1912 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

Koheilan El Mossen Obeya

Medallela Samhan (1905)

1935 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.


El Dahma Rabdan El Azrak Om Dalai

Ibn Samhan 1919 chestnut Kuhaylan Mimreh R.A.S.

Nafaa El Saghira

Khafifa Rabdan El Azrak

1925 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.


Nafaa El Kebira Dahman El Azrak Rabda

D alai I (Al Zarka) 1903 grey Saqlawi Jidran Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Meanagi Sebeli

Sabbah I O m Dalai

Bint Roga Al Zarka

▲ A Reference Pedigree: EL SAREEI 1942 Bay Stallion • Dahman Shahwan • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S.)

Reference Pedigree: M AISA 1948 Grey Mare • Dahman Shahwan • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S.) Representative Get:

M a is a

El S a re e i S ta llio n s: ‘ Tuhotmos Asfour (EAO)

M a re s: Abeer *AK Anzar Amani *Bint Dahm a (Kismat) *Bint Hanaa Bint Kamla Bint Kawthar *Bint Nefisa Bint Sarnia *Bint Shaams Hagir

S ta llio n s: Ezz El Arab Ibn M aisa Madkour (EAO)

* Izees Kareman Korima Mohga Ramza Rashida *Salomy Set El W adi ‘ Shook Thouraya I Zebeda

Mares: *Bint M aisa El Saghira

Jamil El Ahmar Dahman El Azrak Rabdan El Azrak 1897 grey Kuhaylan Ajuz Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Farida El Debani Khuzam


Ibn Rabdan

D .B. by the Shammar El Sennari

Ibn Nadra

1917 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Bint Gam ila

Nadra El Kebira El Sennari

1911 grey Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

G am ila


Hadba Saklawi I

Saklawi II

1931 grey Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.

El Dahma Mabrouk Manial 1912 Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Mohamed Ali

Dahman El Azrak Tarfa

Bint Radia

Bint Freiha Ibn Nura


1920 grey Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.

Radia (Ghadia) 1904 grey Saqlawi Jidran Sheykh Obeyd Stud

*G h azala a h r 211

El Argaa Ibn Sherara Bint Helwa Mesaoud

*Astraled a h r 238 Sotamm

Queen of Sheba Ahmar

1910 brown Hamdan Simiri Crabbet Stud

Selma II


Sobha Mesaoud


1916 bay Kuhaylan Jellabi Crabbet Stud

*Kasim a AHR 352 1905 bay Kuhaylan Jellabi Crabbet Stud

N asrl Kasida

Zareefa an Abayyan Sharrak

1925 bay Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.


Makbula Desert Bred Desert Bred

Saadun 1906 bay Abayyan Sharrak Ibn Saadun of the Muntifiq

an Abayyah Sharrakia


Desert Bred Desert Bred A ziz

Jamil (1896)

1917 bay Dahman Shahwan Sheykh Obeyd Stud

Dalai II (Al Hamra) 1910 bay Dahman Shahwan Sheykh Obeyd Stud


Bint El Bahreyn

Bint Jamila Desert Bred a Dahmah Shahwaniah

Reference Pedigree: *FA D L a h r 8 9 6 1930 G rey Stallion • Kuhaylan Jellabi (as recorded on the certified pedigree from the Manial Stud of Prince Mohamed A li)t Bred by Prince Mohamed Ali

Reference Pedigree: *M A A R O U FA a h r 8 9 5 1931 Grey Mare • Kuhaylan Jellabi (as recorded on the certified pedigree from the M anial Stud of Prince Mohamed A li)t Bred by Prince Mohamed Ali Representative Get:

''M a a ro u fa

*Fa d l Stallions:




Fabah Faddan Fasaab Fa Rab Fa-Serr Fay El Dine Khebir Lothar

Fa Aana Faaba Fa Abba Fa Deene Fa-Habba Fa Saana Gammousa Habba Sabi


Aaroufa Bint Maaroufa El Maar Fay Negma Fay Roufa Maarou Serroufa

Jamil El Kebir Jamil El Ahm ar Dahman El Azrak c. 1890 grey Dahman Shahwan Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Farida El Debani

Sabha El Zarka El Sennari G azza


Desert Bred Khuzam

1897 grey Kuhaylan Ajuz Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Rabda c. 1880 Kuhaylan Ajuz (Rabdieh) of Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

D .B. by the Shammar

Ibn Rabdan El Sennari

1917 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.


Koheilan El Mossen Muniet El Nefous (c. 1875)

Ibn Nadra

Nader El Kebir

1905 grey Dahman Shahwan of Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

Nadra El Kebira

Bint G am ila El Sennari

1911 grey Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

El Dahma Koheilan El Mossen M uniet El Nefous (c. 1875)

G am ila


c. 1900 chestnut Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II


Venus D .B. by the Ruala

Saklawi I Saklawi II

Desert Bred

1895 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

El Dahma

Mabrouk Manial

a Dahmah Shahwaniah Jamil El Ahmar

Dahman El Azrak

1912 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Mohamed Ali


Farida El Debani Obeyan Sharrak

c. 1900 chestnut Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Ahmed Kemal F^asha

Bint Freiha

Mahroussa Jamil El Ahmar

c. 1920 grey Kuhaylan Jellabi Prince Mohamed Ali

D .B. by the Ruala

Dahman El Azrak c. 1890 grey Dahman Shahwan Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Freiha Al Hamra Jamil El Kebir Sabha El Zarka El Sennari

Farida El Debani


G azza D .B. by the Ruala


c. 1906 grey Kuhaylan Jellabi of Prince Mohamed Ali

BintYam am a c. 1895 grey Kuhaylan Jellabi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II



D .B . by the Ruala


Reference Pedigree: FARID A 1921 G rey Mare • Dahman Shahwan • Bred by Prince Mohamed Ali Representative Get: Stallions:



Bint Farida (1931) Fotna (Futna) Ragia

D .B. by the Ruala

Saklawi I 1886 grey Saqlawi Jidran of Ali Pasha Sherif

D .B. by the Ruala

Saklawi II 1895 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

Desert Bred

El Dahma Desert Bred

c. 1880 chestnut Dahman Shahwan of Ali Rashsa Sherif

a Dahmah Shahwaniah Desert Bred

Dahman El Azrak Rabdan El Azrak 1897 grey Kuhaylan Ajuz Prince Ahmed Kemal Rasha

Farida El Debani Khuzam


Samhan (1905) Sabbah

1905 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Prince Mohamed Ali

Jamil El Ahmar

Om Dalai

D .B. by the Shammar Saklawi I Maanagia Hadragia Dahman El Azrak or Jamil El Ahmar

c. 1900 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Prince Ahmed Kemal Rasha

Bint Roga Al Zarka

Nadra El Saghira

Roga El Beda

Desert Bred

c. 1910 chestnut Dahman Shahwan Prince Mohamed Ali

Nader El Kebir c. 1870 grey Dahman Shahwan of Ali Pasha Sherif

a Dahmah Shahwaniah

Nadra El Kebira

Desert Bred Desert Bred

Desert Bred

1890 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

El Dahma 1880 Dahman Shahwan Ali Pasha Sherif


a Dahmah Shahwaniah

Desert Bred Desert Bred

Reference Pedigree: *G A M ILA a h r 4 2 4 0 1947 Grey Mare • Hadban Enzahi • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S.) Representative Get: Stallions:


Anchor H ill Ham il Gam il Sabbah

Anchor H ill Bint G am ila Anchor H ill Hadga Anchor H ill Ham ila Anchor H ill Ham la

Desert Bred

Nabras Desert Bred

1922 grey Hadban Enzahi from Mahmoud El-Atribi Pasha

a Hadbah Enzahiyah Desert Bred Enzahi Sotamm

1935 grey Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

*Astraled AHR 238 Selma II



1916 bay Kuhaylan Jellabi Crabbet Stud

*Kasim a a h r 352


Kasida Saklawi I

El Halabi

1925 grey Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Bint Obeya 1912 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

O beya

Halabia Koheilan El Mossen El Dahma Rabdan El Azrak

Samhan (1905) Ibn Samhan

Om Dalai Meanagi Sebeli

1919 chestnut Kuhaylan Mimreh R.A.S.

Nafaa El Saghira

Nafaa El Kebira

Kheir Desert Bred

1924 grey Saqlawi Shaifi from Lewa Ibrahim Khairi Pasha


Desert Bred

c. 1920 Saqlawi Shaifi from Emir Ali Hussein, Sharif of Mecca

a Saqlawiyah Shaifiyah

*Mamdouha AHR4171

Desert Bred Saklawi II

M abrouk M anial

1940 grey Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.


Ibn Nadra

1918 grey Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Bint G am ila

Samha (1931) 1931 grey Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.


G am ila Sotamm

Kazmeen Bint Samiha

*Kasim a a h r 352 Samhan (1905)

1925 bay Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.



Bint Hadba El Saghira

Reference Pedigree: G A SSIR 1941 Grey Stallion • Dahman Shahwan • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S.) Representative Get: Stallions:


*AK Shahm (Shahm) Mourad Sabeel ‘ Zaghloul

Absa B intInas Bint Nazeera (Police) Bint Shahbaa *Bint Shahbaa I El A ziza ‘ Lebleba

Nayera Nazeefa Nesma Rasha (1970) Sherifa Tahia

Rabdan El Azrak

Dahman El Azrak Rabda

Samhan (1905)

Sabbah I 1905 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Prince Mohamed Ali

Om Dalai

Ibn Samhan Meanagi Sebeli

1919 chestnut Kuhaylan Mimreh R.A.S.

Desert Bred a M uniqia Sbailiyah

Nafaa El Saghira 1910 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh of Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Bint Roga Al Zarka

Nafaa El Kebira

Rabdan El Azrak Donia

Kheir________________ 1924 grey Saqlawi Shaifi from Lewa ibrahim Khairi Pasha

Desert Bred

Badaouia Desert Bred

c. 1920 Saqlawi Shaifi fromAmir Ali Hussein, Sharif of Mecca

a Saqlawiyah Shaifiyah Desert Bred Jamil El Ahmar Dahman El Azrak Rabdan El Azrak 1897 grey Kuhaylan Ajuz Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha


Ibn Nadra


G am ila

*Kasim a a h r 352


an Abayyan Sharrak an Abayyah Sharrakia

Durra 1917 bay Dahman Shahwan Sheykh Obeyd Stud

Narkise Kasida

Zareefa 1927 bay Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

*Astraled a h r 238 Selma II

Kazmeen 1916 bay Kuhaylan Jellabi Crabbet Stud

El Sennari Hadba


1934 bay Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

El Sennari Nadra El Kebira

Bint Gam ila 1911 grey Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Rasha Hilme II

Khuzam D.B. by the Shammar

Ibn Rabdan 1917 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Farida El Debani

Dalai II (Al Hamra)

Jamil (1896) Bint El Bahreyn

Representative Get: Mares: Gulnare Jemla (Jamila) Radia (Ghadia)

Desert Bred Sueyd

Desert Bred

mid 1800's grey Saqlawi Jidran of Abbas Pasha

a Saqlawia Jidraniah

Sottam a Dahman Shahwan

c. 1860 grey Dahman Najib Ali Pasha Sherif


D .B. Ibn Sudan of the Ruala Desert Bred Desert Bred Desert Bred

mid 1800's grey Dahman Najib Khalil el Hajry of the Banu Hajr

a Dahmah Najiba

Ibn Sherara

Desert Bred Desert Bred


c. 1875 grey Kuhaylan Jellabi Ali Pasha Sherif


a Dahmah Najiba Desert Bred

mid 1800's grey DahmanKunayhir Abbas Pasha


Sherara Shuwayman As Sabbah

c. 1862 grey Kuhaylan Jellabi Ali Rasha Sherif

Bint Jellabiet Feysul c. 1860 grey Kuhaylan Jellabi of Ali Rasha Sherif

a Dahmah Kunayhir Desert Bred W adihah (Shuwaymah) Desert Bred

Jellabiet Feysul

Zobeyni Harkan

a Kuhaylah Jellabiyah

Sununah Desert Bred

mid 1800's grey KuhaylanAjuz Abbas Pasha


A ziz

a Kuhaylah A juz Q um iz

Samhan I

1877 chestnut Dahman Shahwan Ali Pasha Sherif

A ziza

Udayha Zobeyni

c. 1868 grey Dahman Shahwan Ali Pasha Sherif

Bint Faras Naqadan

Bint Helwa

Talqah Gharran


1887 grey Saqlawi Jidran Ali Rasha Sherif


Hajlah a Hamdani Simri

c. 1862 grey Shuwayman-Sabbah Ali Rasha Sherif



a Shueyma-Sabbah Barq


c. 1875 grey Saqlawi Jidran Ali Pasha Sherif

Horra c. 1870 grey Saqlav i Jidran Ali Pasha Sherif


G hazieh

Sununah Desert Bred a Saqlawiah Jidraniyah

Reference Pedigree: H A LIM A 1944 Bay Mare •Dahm an Shahwan • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S.) Representative Get: Stallions:


‘ Ansata Ibn Halim a (Ibn Halim a)

Mohebba (Moheba)

Saklaw i II

El Dahma

Gam il Manial


1912 grey Saqlawi Jidran Prince Mohamed Ali

1921 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh R.A.S.

D alai I (Al Zarka)

Meanagi Sebeli

c. 1910 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Yousef KamaI

1933 grey Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Nafaa El Kebira

*Astraled AHR 238 Selma II

1916 bay Kuhaylan Jellabi Crabbet Stud

*Kasim a AHR 352

1925 bay Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Narkise Kasida

Bint Sabah Mabrouk Manial

Saklawi II Tarfa

Sabah 1920 chestnut Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Bint Obeya

1917 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Jamil El Ahmar Farida El Debani

Rabdan El Azrak 1897 grey Kuhaylan Ajuz Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

El Halabi Obeya

Dahman El Azrak


Khuzam _D.B. by the Shammar

Ibn Nadra

El Sennari Nadra El Kebira

Bint G am ila 1911 grey Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

G am ila

El Sennari Hadba

Saklawi I

19.38 chestnut Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

_D .B. by the Ruala D .B. by the Ruala

Saklawi II


Rabdan El Azrak Donia



Desert Bred Desert Bred

Sotamm II

Ibn Rabdan

Rabdan El Azrak Om Dalai

Nafaa El Saghira

Sheikh El Arab

Saklawi I

1895 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

1921 grey Dahman Shahwan Prince Mohamed Ali

El Dahma

Samhan (1905)


Rabdan El Azrak Om Dalai

Nadra El Saghira c. 1910 chestnut Dahman Shahwan Prince Mohamed Ali

Desert Bred a Dahmah Shahwaniah

Nadra El Kebira

Nader El Kebir El Dahma

Reference Pedigree: H A N A A (Inshass) 1946 Bay Mare • Saklawi • Bred by Inshass Stud Representative Get: Mares: *Bint Hanaa *AK Anzar /A n za r

Saklawi II Mabrouk Manial Awad 1918 grey Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

El Halabi Bint Obeya

El Zafir 1930 grey Dahman Shahwan Prince Kemal El Dine


Obeya Rabdan El Azrak

Hadban Bint Dalai (1920) 1920 chestnut Dahman Shahwan Prince Kemal El Dine

Tarfa Jamil

Dalai 11 (Al Hamra)

El Belbesi

Bint El Bahreyn Dahman El Azrak

Rabdan El Azrak

1936 chestnut Dahman Shahwan Inshass Stud

Ibn Rabdan 1917 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Ibn Nadra Bint G am ila

Bint Bint Dalai

G am ila Rabdan El Azrak


1926 chestnut Dahman Shahwan Prince Kemal El Dine

Bint Dalai (1920) 1920 chestnut Dahman Shahwan Prince Kemal El Dine

Desert Bred

Obeyan el Saifi

Desert Bred

Hind 1942 grey Saqlawi King Aziz Ibn Saud


Desert Bred

a Saqlawiyah

Desert Bred

Tarfa Jamil

Dalai II (Al Hamra)

Bint El Bahreyn

J il Reference Pedigree: H ELW A (RAS) 1940 Grey Mare • Dahman Shahwan • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S.) Representative Get: Stallions:


Ibn Fakhri (Korayem) *Fahidd

Nefisa (RAS) Abla (RAS)

Mesaoud Seyal *Berk

Sobha Ahmar

1903 bay Saqlawi Jidran Crabbet Stud

Bukra (1896)


Bozra A ziz


1915 bay Saqlawi Jidran Crabbet Stud


Yemameh A ziz

1902 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Crabbet Stud

Bint Helwa

Hamran II

H elw a (1875)

Desert Bred

1930 chestnut Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Saadun 1906 bay Abayyan Sharrak Ibn Saadun of the Muntifiq

an Abayyah Sharrakia

Desert Bred Desert Bred


A ziz Jamil (1896)

1917 bay Dahman Shahwan Sheykh Obeyd Stud

Dalai II (Al Hamra) 1910 bay Dahman Shahwan Sheykh Obeyd Stud

Bint El Bahreyn

Saklaw i II

Bint Jamila Desert Bred a Dahmah Shahwaniah Saklawi I El Dahma

Gam il Manial

Rabdan El Azrak

1912 grey Saqlawi Jidran Prince Mohamed Ali

Dalai I (Al Zarka)

Mansour Meanagi Sebeli

1921 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh R.A.S.

Nafaa El Kebira

Rabdan El Azrak Donia

Bint Farida Saklaw i I

1931 grey Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Desert Bred a M uniqia Sbailiyah

Nafaa El Saghira c. 1910 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Yousef Kamal

Om Dalai

D.B. by the Ruala D.B. by the Ruala

Saklawi II 1895 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Rasha Hilme II

El Dahma

Farida Samhan

1921 grey Dahman Shahwan Prince Mohamed Ali


Rabdan El Azrak Om Dalai

Nadra El Saghira c. 1910 chestnut Dahman Shahwan Prince Mohamed Ali

Desert Bred a Dahmah Shahwaniah

Nadra El Kebira

Nader El Kebir El Dahma

Reference Pedigree: IBN RA BD A N 1917 Chestnut Stallion • Hadban Inzihi • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S.) Representative Get: Stallions:


*Fadl Hamdan Ibn Fayda *lbn Nafa [El Saghira] Shahloul

Badia Bint Bint Dalai *Bint Bint Durra El Yatima (1931) Hind (RAS) Kahila

Layla *Maaroufa Ragia Salwa Samira (RAS)

Jamil El Kebir Jamil El Ahmar c. 1880 bay Saqlawi Jidran Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Desert Bred a Saqlawiah Jidraniyah Desert Bred

Sabha El Zarka

Dahman El Azrak

a Saqlawiah Jidraniyah Koheilan El Mossen

El Sennari

c. 1890 grey Dahman Shahwan Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Farida El Debani c. 1885 grey Dahman Shahwan of Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Muniet El Nefous Desert Bred

G azza

a Dahmah Shahwaniah

Rabdan El Azrak Desert Bred

1897 grey Kuhaylan Ajuz Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha



c. 1869 chestnut Rabdan-Khashiban of Abbas Pasha

Rabdah (of Abbas Rasha)

Desert Bred

c. 1880 Kuhaylan Ajuz (Rabdieh) of Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

D .B. by theSham m ar Desert Bred Desert Bred Koheilan El Mossen El Sennari c. 1880 Hamdan Simri Ahmed Bey Sennari

a Kuhaylah Um-Muhsinnah Desert Bred

M uniet El Nefous a Hamdania-Simria of Abbas Rasha

Ibn Nadra

Desert Bred Nader El Kebir

1905 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Fbsha Hilme II

Nadra El Kebira 1890 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

a Dahmah Shahwaniah Desert Bred

El Dahma

Bint Gam ila

a Dahmah Shahwaniah Desert Bred

Koheilan El Mossen

1911 grey Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

El Sennari c. 1880 Hamdan Simri Ahmed Bey Sennari

a Kuhaylah Um-Muhsinnah Desert Bred

M uniet El Nefous a Hamdania-Simria of Abbas Rasha

G am ila

D .B. by the Ruala Saklawi I

c. 1900 chestnut Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Hilme II

Hadba 1894 chestnut Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

D .B. by the Ruala D. B. by the Shammar


D. B. by the Shammar

Reference Pedigree: K A W T H A R (Inshass) 1941 G rey Mare • Bred by Inshass Stud Representative Get: Mares: Karam a Ithad

A ziz Mesaoud *Astraled a h r 238 1900 bay Abayyan Sharrak Crabbet Stud

Yemameh a Muniqi Hadruj

Queen of Sheba


an Abayyah Sharrakia W azir

M erzuk

1908 bay Kuhaylan Rodan Crabbet Stud


a Kuhaylah Jellabiyah Hadban (1878)

1892 chestnut Kuhaylan Rodan Crabbet Stud

*Rose of Sharon Rodania

Mekdam Rabdan El Azrak

1932 bay Dahman Shahwan Prince Kemal El Dine

Dahman El Azrak Rabda

Ibn Rabdan

Ibn Nadra 1917 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Bint G am ila

Bint Bint Dalai Hadban

1926 chestnut Dahman Shahwan Prince Kemal EI Dine

Bint Dalai (1920) 1920 chestnut Dahman Shahwan Prince Kemal El Dine

Gam ila Rabdan Tarfa Jamil (1896)

Dalai II (Al Hamra)

A ziz

Bint El Bahreyn Harkan A ziza (c. 1868)

Jamil (1896)


1896 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Ali Pasha Sherif

B in tja m ila

Rasheed Sahab

1917 grey Saqlawi Jidran Sheykh Obeyd Stud

Zareefa (1 9 1 1 1911 grey Saqlawi Jidran Sheykh Obeyd Stud

Bint Karima/Kareema 1935 grey Obeya Kafr ibrash Farm






Jamila Kawkab (1885) Bint Bint A zz Feysul *G h azala A H R 2 1 1

Reference Pedigree: M A B R O U K A 1951 Chestnut Mare • Saqlawi Jidran • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S.)

Reference Pedigree: LU B N A 1953 Chestnut Mare • Saqlawi Jidran • Bred by Egyptian Agricultural Organization (E.A .O .)

Reference Pedigree: M O N A (M O U N A ) 1954 Chestnut Mare • Saqlawi Jidran • Bred by Egyptian Agricultural Organization (E.A .O .) Representative Get:


M ona





*Morafic Mourad

*Ghalion *Sultann (Sultan)

Burhan *G A F Hosam Mehanna

*Bint Mona Fayrooz *Hoyeda Ibtsam

M a b ro u k a



*Ansata Bint Mabrouka


M ahiba M ahlaha Moneera

Desert Bred

El Deree c. 1920 grey Saqlawi Shaifi of the El Jibur

Desert Bred a Saqlawiah Shaifiyah Desert Bred

Sid Abouhom

Dahman El Azrak Rabdan El Azrak

1936 grey Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Ibn Rabdan

Layla 1929 chestnut Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Rabda Ibn Nadra

1917 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Bint G am ila

G am ila Sotamm

Kazmeen Bint Sabah

*Kasim a a h r 352 Mabrouk Manial

1925 bay Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.


Bint Obeya Dahman El Azrak

Rabdan El Azrak Ibn Rabdan

Ibn Nadra

1917 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Bint G am ila

Shahloul 1931 grey Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.


G am ila Saklawi II

Mabrouk Manial Bint Radia

Tarfa Feysul

1920 grey Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.

Radia (Ghadia)

Moniet El Nefous

*G h azala AHR211 G am il Manial


1946 chestnut Saqlawi Jidra R.A.S.

Sheikh El Arab 1933 grey Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Nafaa El Saghira Kazmeen

Bint Sabah

W anisa

Sabah M abrouk Manial


1941 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.

M edallela

Bint Obeya Ibn Samhan

1935 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.



Dalai I (Al Zarka)

Reference Pedigree: M A H F O U Z A 1943 Bay Mare • Abayyan Om Jurays • Bred by Inshass Stud

Reference Pedigree: M A H D IA 1947 Bay Mare • Abayyan Om Jurays • Bred by Inshass Stud Representative Get:

M a h fo u z a S ta llio n s : M ahfouz

M a h d ia M a re s: Hafiza Maysa

M a re s: Mona (Inshass) El Tayeba

Dahman El Azrak

Farida El Debani

Rabdan El Azrak 1897 grey Kuhaylan Ajuz Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Khuzam Rabda

Ibn Rabdan Ibn Nadra

1917 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Jamil El Ahmar

D .B. by the Shammar El Sennari Nadra El Kebira

Bint G am ila 1911 grey Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

G am ila


El Sennari Hadba Saklawi I

Saklaw i II

1936 grey Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.

El Dahma

Mabrouk Manial 1912 Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Mohamed Ali


Bint Radia

Bint Freiha Ibn Nura


1920 grey Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.

Radia (Ghadia) 1904 grey Saqlawi Jidran Sheykh Obeyd Stud

El Argaa Ibn Sherara

*G hazala AHR 211 Bint Helwa Mabrouk Manial

Saklawi II Tarfa


El Zafir

Dahman El Azrak

El Halabi

1918 grey Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Bint Obeya

Hadban (1914)

1930 grey Dahman Shahwan Prince Kemal El Dine

Dalai II (Al Hamra)

El Mahrousa Desert Bred

1937 roan Abayyan Om Jurays Inshass Stud

El Hamdani El Nasri Desert Bred El Shahbaa Desert Bred

1925 grey Abayyan Om Jurays from El Hag Mohamed Ibrahim

El Obeya Om Jurays Desert Bred


Rabdan El Azrak Tarfa

Bint Dalai (Inshass) 1920 chestnut Dahman Shahwan Prince Kemal El Dine


Jamil (1896) Bint El Bahreyn

Reference Pedigree: M A LA K A 1941 Grey Mare • Kuhaylan Rodan • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S.) Representative Get: Stallions:


Azm i (Nahr el Nil) Shamroukh I Waseem

M am louka Nazeera *Salom y Samia

Dahman El Azrak Rabdan El Azrak Samhan (1905) 1905 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Prince Mohamed Ali

Om Dalai

Ibn Samhan 1919 chestnut Kuhaylan Mimreh R.A.S.

Rabda Sabbah I Bint Roga Al Zarka Desert Bred

Meanagi Sebeli Nafaa El Saghira 1910 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh of Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

a M uniqia Sbailiyah Rabdan El Azrak

Nafaa El Kebira


Kheir 1924 grey Saqlawi Shaifi from Lewa Ibrahim Khairi Rasha

Desert Bred

Badaouia Desert Bred

c. 1920 Saqlawi Shaifi fromAmir Ali Hussein, Sharif of Mecca

a Saqlawiyah Shaifiyah Desert Bred D .B. by the Ruala Saklawi I Saklaw i II

D.B. by the Ruala Desert Bred

1895 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

El Dahma

Gam il Manial

a Dahmah Shahwaniah Dahman El Azrak

Rabdan El Azrak

1912 grey Saqlawi Jidran Prince Mohamed Ali

Dalai I (Al Zarka) 1903 grey Saqlawi Jidran Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Rabda Sabbah I

Om Dalai

Bint Bint Riyala

Bint Roga Al Zarka A ziz


1924 grey Kuhaylan Rodan R.A.S.


Yemameh Hadban (1878)

1901 bay Kuhaylan Ajuz Dajani Crabbet Stud

Nefisa (1885)

Bint Riyala (Risama)

Dajania Mesaoud

*Astraled a h r 238

1920 bay Kuhaylan Rodan Crabbet Stud


Queen of Sheba M erzuk

1905 chestnut Kuhaylan Rodan Crabbet Stud



*Rose of Sharon AHR 246

Reference Pedigree: M A S H H O U R 1941 Brown Stallion • Hadban Enzahi • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S.) Representative Get: Stallions:

M a re s: *GhazaIahh Haseeba ‘ Hayam *Noha Rahma Saklaw ia II ‘ Serenity Bint M am louka (Bint M amlouka)


Dahman El Azrak

Farida El Debani

Rabdan El Azrak 1897 grey Kuhaylan Ajuz Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha


Khuzam D .B. by the Shammar

Ibn Rabdan Ibn Nadra

1917 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Jamil El Ahmar

El Sennari Nadra El Kebira

Bint G am ila

El Sennari 1911 grey Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II


G am ila

Saklawi II

1931 grey Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.



*G h azala a h r 211

Mesaoud *Astraled AHR 238 1900 bay Abayyan Sharrak Crabbet Stud

Q ueen of Sheba

Rustem M erzuk

1908 bay Kuhaylan Rodan Crabbet Stud

1892 chestnut Kuhaylan Rodan Crabbet Stud

*Rose of Sharon AHR 246

Bint Helwa A ziz Yemameh a Muniqi Hadruj an Abayyah Sharrakia W azir

Hadban (1878) Rodania

Saklaw i I

1922 bay Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

D. B. by the Ruala D .B. by the Ruala

El Halabi

Bint Hadba El Saghira

Ibn Sherara

a Kuhaylah Jellabiyah


Bint Rustem

Ibn Nura El Argaa

Radia (Ghadia) 1904 grey Saqlawi Jidran Sheykh Obeyd Stud

Dahman El Azrak Bint Freiha

Bint Radia 1920 grey Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.

Saklawi I El Dahma

Mabrouk Manial 1912 Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Mohamed Ali


c. 1900 Saqlawi Jidran Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II


a Saqlawia Jidraniyah Saklaw i I

1912 chestnut Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

Desert Bred

D .B. by the Ruala D .B. by the Ruala

Hadba 1894 chestnut Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II



Desert Bred a Hadba Enzahiyah


Reference Pedigree: M O N IET EL N EFO U S 1946 Chestnut Mare ‘ Saqlawi Jidran • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S.) Representative Get: Stallions:


Ameer ♦Fakher El Din ♦Ibn Moniet El Nefous ♦Soufian ♦Tuhotmos

*Bint Moniet El Nefous Lubna Mabrouka Manaya M ona (Mouna)

Dahman El Azrak

Farida El Debani

Rabdan El Azrak

Ibn Rabdan

1897 grey Kuhaylan Ajuz Prince Ahmed Kemal Rasha

Jamil El Ahmar


Khuzam D .B. by the Shammar El Sennari

Ibn Nadra

1917 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Bint Gam ila 1911 grey Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

Gam ila


Shahloul________ Saklaw i II

1931 grey Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.



Ibn Nura El Argaa

Radia (Ghadia) 1904 grey Saqlawi Jidran Sheykh Obeyd Stud

Dahman El Azrak Bint Freiha

Bint Radia 1920 grey Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.

Saklawi I El Dahma

Mabrouk Manial 1912 Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Mohamed Ali

Nadra El Kebira El Sennari

*G h azala AHR211

Ibn Sherara Bint Helwa

Gam il Manial

Saklawi II Dalai I (Al Zarka)

Mansour 1921 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh R.A.S.

Nafaa El Saghira

Sheikh El Arab Kazmeen

1933 grey Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Meanagi Sebeli Nafaa El Kebira Sotamm *Kasim a a h r 352

Bint Sabah 1925 bay Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.


Bint Obeya

Wanisa Mabrouk Manial

1941 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.

Awad 1918 grey Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Bint Obeya

M edallela Ibn Samhan

1935 Chestnut Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.

Mabrouk Manial

Saklawi II Tarfa El Halabi Obeya Samhan (1905) Nafaa El Saghira


Rabdan El Azrak

1925 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.


Dalai I (Al Zarka)

Om Dalai

ill. Reference Pedigree: N A D IA (Inshass) 1947 Bay Mare • Kuhaylan • Bred by Inshass Stud Representative Get: Mares: *Serenity Bint Nadia

Mabrouk Manial Awad El Zafir

Bint Obeya Hadban (1914)

1930 grey Dahman Shahwan Prince Kemal El Dine

Bint Dalai (1920)

El Belbesi

Dalai II (Al Hamra) Rabdan El Azrak

Ibn Rabdan

1936 chestnut Dahman Shahwan Inshass Stud

Bint Bint Dalai 1926 chestnut Dahman Shahwan Prince Kemal El Dine

Bint Gam ila Hadban (1914)

Bint Dalai (1920)


Dalai II (Al Hamra) Rabdan El Azrak

Ibn Rabdan

1943 brown Kuhaylan Kurush Inshass Stud

Ibn Fayda 1927 bay Saqlawi Jidran Prince Kemal El Dine


A ziza (Inshass) Desert Bred

1938 bay Kuhaylan Kurush Inshass Stud

El Kahila 1921 bay Kuhaylan Kurush from Sa'ud Royal Stud

Desert Bred

Nafaa 1941 roan Kuhaylan King Aziz Ibn Saud

Bint Gam ila Jamil

Desert Bred

a Kuhaylah

Desert Bred


Desert Bred


Reference Pedigree: N AZEER 1934 Grey Stallion • Hadban Enzahi • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S.) Representative Get: Mares:

Stallions: Adel

Ibn Maysouna


•Bint Maisa


Alaa El Din

Khopho I

•Ansata Bint Bukra (Husnia)

•Bint Maisa El Saghira


•Ansata Ibn Halima


•Ansata Bint Mabrouka

•Bint Moniet El Nefous




•Ansata BintMisuna

•Bint Nefisaa


El Sud El Aaly


•Ansata Bint Nazeer (Fullaj

BintO m El Saad



•Ramses Fayek

•Ansata BintZaafarana

Bint Yosreia

•SerenityBt Hemmat

•Fakher El Din

•Rashad Ibn Nazeer


Dahma II



•Serenity Ibn Nazeer


El Amira (El Ameera)

Siham II



Bint Bukra (EAO)





•Bint El Bataa (Amal)


Hadban Enzahi


•Binte El Bataa



Bint Fathia


Ibn Fakhri/Korayem

Bint Futna


Ibn Galila Ibn Maisa LateefI

D .B. by the Ruala Saklawi I Saklawi II

D .B. by the Ruala Desert Bred

1895 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

El Dahma

Gam il Manial

a Dahmah Shahwaniah Dahman El Azrak

Rabdan El Azrak

1912 grey Saqlawi Jidran Prince Mohamed Ali

Dalai I (Al Zarka) 1903 grey Saqlawi Jidran Prince Ahmed Kemal Rasha

Rabda Sabbah I

Om Dalai

Bint Roga Al Zarka

Mansour Desert Bred

1921 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh R.A.S.

Meanagi Sebeli c. 1900 Muniqi Sbaili of Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Desert Bred a M uniqia Sbailiyah

Nafaa El Saghira

Desert Bred Dahman El Azrak

Rabdan El Azrak

c. 1910 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Yousef Kamal

Nafaa El Kebira c. 1905 Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Rabda Desert Bred


a Kuhaylah Mimrieh Mesaoud

*Astraled a h r 238 Sotamm 1910 brown Hamdan Simiri Crabbet Stud

Selma II

Kazmeen 1916 bay Kuhaylan Jellabi Crabbet Stud

Queen of Sheba Ahmar Sobha Mesaoud

Narkise *Kasim a AHR 352 1905 bay Kuhaylan Jellabi Crabbet Stud

Nefisa Nasr I


Bint Samiha

Makbula Dahman El Azrak

Rabdan El Azrak

1925 bay Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Samhan (1905) 1905 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Prince Mohamed Ali

Rabda Sabbah I

O m Dalai


Bint Roga Al Zarka Saklawi I

El Halabi

1918 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Bint Hadba El Saghira 1912 chestnut Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II


Halabia Saklawi



•vT ■-"!J iS iiifc ..


............... ......... .............

Reference Pedigree: R A G A A 1937 Chestnut Mare • Saqlawi Jidran • Bred by Inshass Stud Representative Get: Mares: Yamama (1941) Rateeba Ragha Rooda

Zobeyni Harkan Harka

A ziz

Samhan I 1877 chestnut Dahman Shahwan Ali Rasha Sherif

A ziza

Jamil (1896) Shueyman

1896 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Ali F^sha Sherif

Bint Faras Naqadan Jerboa Shueyma

Bint Jamila


1881 grey Saqlawi Jidran Ali Rasha Sherif


Rasheed (Rashid) Kawkab (1885)

1917 grey Saqlawi Jidran Prince Kemal El Dine

Samha I Ibn Sherara Bint Nura (c. 1870)

Sahab 1903 grey Dahman Shahwan Osman Bey Sherif

Bint Bint A zz

Zareefa (Inshass)

Ibn Nura Bint A zz Ibn Nura


1911 grey Saqlawi Jidran Sheykh Obeyd Stud

Radia (Ghadia) 1904 grey Saqlawi Jidran Sheykh Obeyd Stud

*G h azala AH R211

El Argaa Ibn Sherara Bint Helwa

Desert Bred

El Deree Desert Bred

c. 1920 grey Saqlawi Shaifi of the El Jibur

a Saqlawiah Shaifiyah Desert Bred Saada Saklaw i II

1931 grey Saqlawi Jidran Inshass Stud

El Dahma

Kawkab (1910) 1910 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Prince Yousef Kamal

Sabbah I Om Dalai

Ghazalah (1920) Rabdan El Azrak

1920 grey Saqlawi Jidran Prince Mohamed Ali


Bint Roga El Zarka Dahman El Azrak Rabda

Dalai I (Al Zarka) 1903 grey Saqlawi Jidran Prince Ahmed Kemal F^sha

Saklawi I

Om Dalai

Sabbah I

Bint Roga Al Zarka

A Reference Pedigree: *R O D A a h r 8 8 6 1931 Grey Mare • Kuhaylan Jellabi (as recorded on the certified pedigree from the Manial Stud of Prince Mohamed A li)t Bred by Prince Mohamed Ali Representative Get: Stallions: Hallany Mistanny

Saklaw i I

D .B. by the Ruala D .B. by the Ruala

Saklawi II 1895 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

El Dahma

G am il Manial Rabdan El Azrak

1912 grey Saqlawi Jidran Prince Mohamed Ali

a Dahmah Shahwaniah Dahman El Azrak Rabda

Dalai I (Al Zarka) 1903 grey Saqlawi Jidran Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Desert Bred

Sabbah I O m Dalai Bint Roga Al Zarka

Mansour Desert Bred

1921 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh R.A.S.

Meanagi Sebeli c. 1900 Muniqi Sbaili of Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

a M uniqia Sbailiyah

Desert Bred

Nafaa El Saghira Rabdan El Azrak

c. 1910 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Yousef Kamal


D.B. D.B.

Jamil El Ahmar Sabha El Zarka

Dahman El Azrak El Sennari

c. 1890 grey Dahman Shahwan Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Desert Bred a Kuhaylah Mimrieh

Jamil El Kebir

c. 1884 bay Saqlawi Jidran Prince Ahmed Kemal Rasha

Dahman El Azrak Rabda

Nafaa El Kebira c. 1905 Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Desert Bred

D.B. D.B. Koheilan El Mossen Muniet El Nefous

Farida El Debani

D.B. c. 1880 grey Dahman Shahwan Ali Pasha Sherif

G azza

Negma D. B. by the Ruala

c. 1910 grey Kuhaylan Jellabi Prince Mohamed Ali

Saklawi 1886 grey Saqlawi Jidran of Ali Rasha Sherif

BintYam am a c. 1895 grey Kuhaylan Jellabi Khedive Abbas Rasha Hilme II




B. by the Ruala


Reference Pedigree: SAM EH 1945 Grey Stallion • Saqlawi Jidran (or Kuhaylan)+ • Bred by Inshass Stud +The strain of El Samraa is not recorded in the Inshass herdbook. Carl Raswan has listed her as Kuhaylan and in his corrections to the RASWAN INDEX lists her as Saqlawi Jidran. Descendants of El Samraa have been listed in both Kuhaylan and Saqlawi sections of the EAO stud books. This line is treated as Kuhaylan in more recent EAO stud book entries.

Representative Get: Stallions:


Abdoun Aseel El Moutawakii ‘ Ibn Hafiza Seef El Arab ‘ Sultann

‘ Ansata Bint Misr ‘ Ansata Bint Sameh (Amal I) A zza I ‘ Deenaa ‘ Fawkia Ghada Hayfaa Horees Ithad Momtaza Naglaa (1963)

Naglaa I Nagwa ‘ Omaym a ‘ Romanaa II ‘ Safaa Salha ‘ Serenity Bint Nadia ‘ Serenity Sabra ‘ Serenity Sonbolah ‘ Shamah Shamardal

Dahman El Azrak Rabdan El Azrak Ibn Rabdan

Rabda Ibn Nadra

1917 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Bint Gam ila

Ibn Fayda

G am ila A ziz

Jamil (1896)

1927 bay Saqlawi Jidran Prince Kemal El Dine

Fayda (Feyda) 1910 bay Saqlawi Jidran Sheykh Obeyd Stud

G hazieh (1897)

El M oez

Bint Jamila Ibn Nura Bint Horra Dahman El Azrak

Rabdan El Azrak

1934 grey Saqlawi Jidran Inshass Stud


Rabda Dahman El Azrak

1914 bay Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Mohamed Ali


Bint Zareefa

Bint Freiha Kawkab (1885)


1926 grey Saqlawi Jidran Prince Kemal El Dine

Zareefa (Inshass) 1911 grey Saqlawi Jidran Sheykh Obeyd Stud

Feysul Radia

Desert Bred

El Deree Desert Bred

c. 1920 Saqlawi Shaifi of the El Jibur

a Saqlawiah Shaifiyah Desert Bred Sameera (Inshass) Desert Bred

1934 grey Saqlawi Jidran* Inshass Stud

Hab El Reah Desert Bred El Samraa Desert Bred

1924 grey Saqlawi Jidran* of Sheikh Omar Abdul Haffiz

Bint El Sheikh Desert Bred


Bint Bint A zz

*G h azala a h r 211

Reference Pedigree: S H A H B A A (Inshass) 1951 G rey M are* Koheila Kroush (as recorded for El Zabia in the I.O .H .B .) • Bred by Inshass Stud Representative Get: Stallions:


*AK Shahm Sabeel (EAO)

Bint Shahbaa (1959) *Bint Shahbaa I (1960) Hedia Ram za

Jamil El Ahmar Dahman El Azrak Rabdan El Azrak 1897 grey Kuhaylan Ajuz Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Farida El Debani Khuzam


Ibn Rabdan

D .B. by the Shammar El Sennari

Ibn Nadra

1917 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Bint G am ila 1911 grey Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

Nadra El Kebira El Sennari

Gam ila


Hadba Saklawi I

Saklaw i II

1936 grey Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.

Mabrouk Manial 1912 Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Mohamed Ali


Bint Radia

El Dahma Dahman El Azrak Bint Freiha Ibn Nura


1920 grey Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.

Radia (Ghadia) 1904 grey Saqlawi Jidran Sheykh Obeyd Stud

El Argaa Ibn Sherara

*G hazala AHR 211

Ibn Rabdan

Bint Helwa Rabdan El Azrak Bint G am ila

Ibn Fayda 1927 bay Saqlawi Jidran Prince Kemal El Dine

Jamil (1896) Fayda (Feyda)

El M oez 1934 grey Saqlawi Jidran Inshass Stud

G hazieh (1897) Rabdan El Azrak

Hadban (1914) Bint Zareefa (Inshass) 1926 grey Saqlawi Jidran Prince Kemal El Dine

Tarfa Sahab

Zareefa (Inshass)


Radia Mabrouk Manial


1946 grey Koheila Kroush Inshass Stud

El Zafir 1930 grey Dahman Shahwan Prince Kemal El Dine

Hadban (1914) Bint Dalai (Inshass)

Shams (Inshass) 1939 bay Koheila Kroush Inshass Stud

Bint Obeya

Dalai II (Al Hamra) Desert Bred

El Deree El Zabia 1931 grey Koheila Kroush Inshass Stud

a Saqlawiah Shaifiyah Desert Bred

El Kahila

a Koheila Kroush

Reference Pedigree: S H A H L O U L 1931 G rey Stallion • Saqlawi Jidran • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S.)

Reference Pedigree: H A M D A N 1936 G rey Stallion • Saqlawi Jidran • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S.)

H am dan

S h a h lo u l Stallions: El Sareei Mashhour

M a re s: Bukra Futna Kateefa M aisa Moniet El Nefous O m El Saad

S ta llio n s : Antar Fol Gam il Hamdan II

M a re s: Am eena (1951) Bint Folia Bint Folia II Bint Futna II Bint Yosreia G harbawia Ghorra Hafiza

Karama Karmah Mahdia M ahfouza O kt El Fol Rooda Yasmeena


Jamil El Ahm ar

Sabha El Zarka

Dahman El Azrak c. 1890 grey Dahman Shahwan Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Farida El Debani

El Sennari G azza

Rabdan Khuzam

1897 grey Kuhaylan Ajuz Prince Ahmed Kemal Rasha

Jamil El Kebir

Desert Bred Rabdah

Rabda c. 1880 Kuhaylan Ajuz (Rabdieh) of Prince Ahmed Kemal Rasha

D .B. by the Shammar

Ibn Rabdan

Koheilan El Mossen El Sennari

1917 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Ibn Nadra

M uniet El Nefous (c. 1875) Nader El Kebir

1905 grey Dahman Shahwan of Khedive Abbas F^sha Hilme II

Nadra El Kebira

Bint Gam ila El Sennari

1911 grey Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

El Dahma Koheilan El Mossen M uniet El Nefous (c. 1875)

G am ila

Saklawi I

c. 1900 chestnut Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Rasha Hilme II



Venus______________ D .B. by the Ruala D .B. by the Ruala

Saklawi II 1895 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas F^sha Hilme II

El Dahma

Mabrouk Manial Dahman El Azrak

1912 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Mohamed Ali

Tarfa c. 1900 chestnut Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Bint Freiha

Ibn Nura Feysul 1894 chestnut Kuhaylan Jellabi Ali Rasha Sherif

El Argaa

Radia (Ghadia) Ibn Sherara

1904 grey Saqlawi Jidran Sheykh Obeyd Stud

*G h azala AHR 211 1896 grey Saqlawi Jidran Ali Pasha Sherif


Jamil El Ahmar Farida El Debani Obeyan Sharrak Freiha Al Hamra

Bint Radia 1920 grey Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.

Desert Bred a Dahmah Shahwaniah

Bint Helwa

Sottam (c. 1860) Bint Nura (c. 1870) W aziri Al Auwal Bint Jellabiet Feysul Sottam (c. 1860) Sherara A ziz

Helwa (c. 1875)

Reference Pedigree: S H A H R IA R (N A SRA LLA ) 1956 Grey Stallion • Hadban Enzahi • Bred by Egyptian Agricultural Organization (E.A .O .) Representative Get: Stallions:


Amoun Moataz * Ramses Moufeed Zaber (Saber)

‘ Abeer *AK Hamida Amoura I Anwaar An Saaf (Insaf) ‘ Baheia ‘ Contentment M arwa El Tahra Fadwa Fanar Felfela ‘ Gazebeya

Gohara ‘ Nathela Rabaa ‘ Ramses Wafeya ‘ Serenity Luftia Tootah W afaa ‘ Waheeba Waseem a W asila ‘ Watfa

Dahman El Azrak Rabdan El Azrak Samhan (1905) 1905 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Prince Mohamed Ali

Rabda Sabbah I

O m Dalai

Ibn Samhan

Bint Roga Al Zarka Desert Bred

Meanagi Sebeli

1919 chestnut Kuhaylan Mimreh R.A.S.

Nafaa El Saghira 1910 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh of Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

a M uniqia Sbailiyah Rabdan El Azrak

Nafaa El Kebira


Donia D .B. by the Ruala

Saklawi I

1928 grey Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Saklawi II 1895 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

El Dahma


D .B. by the Ruala Desert Bred a Dahmah Shahwaniah Rabdan El Azrak

Samhan (1905)

1921 grey Dahman Shahwan Prince Mohamed Ali

Om Dalai Nadra El Saghira c. 1910 chestnut Dahman Shahwan Prince Mohamed Ali

Nader El Kebir Nadra Ei Kebira

El Dahma

Desert Bred A Dahman Am ir c. 1925 Dahman Amir from the al-Ajarrash clan of the Shammar

a Dahmah Am ir

El Nasser Desert Bred

1938 grey Kuhaylan Da'jani Ahmad al-Taha of the at-Juhaysh tribe

D ajaniah (c. 1930) c. 1930 Kuhaylan Ajuz Dajani from the Taha clan of the al-Juhaysh

a Kuhaylah Dajaniah


Dahman El Azrak Rabdan El Azrak

1948 black Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Ibn Rabdan

Ibn Nadra

1917 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Bint G am ila

Salwa 1939 black Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.


Rustem Bint Rustem 1921 bay Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.


Bint Hadba El Saghira

G am ila *Astraled AHR 238 Ridaa El Halabi


Reference Pedigree: SH EIK H EL A RA B 1933 Grey Stallion • Dahman Shahwan • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S.) Representative Get: M a re s: El Bataa Fadila Halim a Kamla Rouda Wanisa Yashmak Yosreia

Saklawi Saklaw i II

D .B. by the Ruala D .B. by the Ruala Desert Bred

1895 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

El Dahma

C am il Manial Rabdan El Azrak

1912 grey Saqlawi Jidran Prince Mohamed Ali

a Dahmah Shahwaniah Dahman El Azrak Rabda

Dalai I (Al Zarka) 1903 grey Saqlawi Jidran Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Sabbah I O m Dalai

Bint Roga Al Zarka

Mansour Desert Bred

1921 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh R.A.S.

Meanagi Sebeli c. 1900 Muniqi Sbaili of Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Desert Bred a M uniqia Sbailiyah

Nafaa El Saghira Rabdan El Azrak

c. 1910 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Yousef Kamal

Desert Bred Dahman El Azrak Rabda

Nafaa El Kebira c. 1905 Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Desert Bred Donia

*Astraled a h r 238 Sotamm 1910 brown Hamdan Simiri Crabbet Stud

Selma II


a Kuhaylah M imrieh Mesaoud Queen of Sheba Ahmar Sobha Mesaoud


1916 bay Kuhaylan Jellabi Crabbet Stud

*Kasim a AHR352 1905 bay Kuhaylan Jellabi Crabbet Stud


Bint Sabah Saklaw i II

1925 bay Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Mabrouk Manial 1912 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Mohamed Ali


Sabah El Halabi

1920 chestnut Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Bint Obeya 1912 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II



Nefisa Nasr I Makbula Saklawi I El Dahma Dahman El Azrak Bint Freiha Saklawi I Halabia Koheilan El Mossen El Dahma

Reference Pedigree: SID A B O U H O M 1936 Grey Stallion • Dahman Shahwan • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S.) Representative Get: S ta llio n s: Azm i (Nahr el Nil) Amrulla Fattan Ibn Abla Ibn Hamama Karoon Yousef I

M a re s: Ahlam II *Barakaa *Berlanty *Bint Bint El Samraa Bint Bint Mabrouka Bint El Dahm a II *Bint G azella *Bint Ghazalahh Bint Kateefa Elwya Farasha Fathia Fayza II G a lila (1949)

Hemmat Lubna Mabrouka Magdia Mohebba Mouna Nahid Noosa Rashma Rawya Saaida *Sanaaa Souhair Zahia

Desert Bred

El Deree__________ c. 1920 grey Saqlawi Shaifi of the al-Jibur tribe

Desert Bred

a Saqlawia Shaifiyah

Desert Bred Desert Bred Jamil El Ahmar Dahman El Azrak Rabdan El Azrak 1897 grey Kuhaylan Ajuz Prince Ahmed Kemal Rasha

Khuzam Rabda

Ibn Rabdan

D .B. by theSham m ar El Sennari

Ibn Nadra

1917 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Bint G am ila

Nadra El Kebira El Sennari

1911 grey Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

G am ila

Layla Sotamm

1929 chestnut Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Farida El Debani

Hadba *Astraled a h r 238 Selma II



1916 bay Kuhaylan Jellabi Crabbet Stud

*Kasim a a h r 352

Bint Sabah 1925 bay Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Kasida Saklawi II

M abrouk Manial Sabah 1920 chestnut Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.


Bint Obeya

Tarfa El Halabi Obeya

ii. Reference Pedigree: Z A A FA R A N A 1946 Grey Mare • Saqlawi Jidran • Bred by Royal Agricultural Society (R.A.S. Representative Get: Stallions:


Am rulla (Ziada) *Talal

El Ameera (El Amira) *Ansata Bint Zaafarana Nahid

Rabdan El Azrak

Dahman El Azrak

Samhan (1905) Sabbah 1905 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Prince Mohamed Ali

Om Dalai

Ibn Samhan Meanagi Sebeli

1919 chestnut Kuhaylan Mimreh R.A.S.

Nafaa El Saghira 1910 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh of Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Desert Bred a M uniqia Sbailiyah Rabdan El Azrak

Nafaa El Kebira

Balance Saklawi I

1928 grey Dahman Shahwan R.A.S.

Bint Roga Al Zarka

Donia D .B. by the Ruala D .B. by the Ruala

Saklawi II 1895 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

El Dahma


Desert Bred a Dahmah Shahwaniah Rabdan El Azrak

Samhan (1905)

1921 grey Dahman Shahwan Prince Mohamed Ali

Nadra El Saghira c. 1910 chestnut Dahman Shahwan Prince Mohamed Ali

Nader El Kebir Nadra El Kebira

Dahman El Azrak Rabdan El Azrak 1897 grey Kuhaylan Ajuz Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Ibn Nadra Bint G am ila 1911 grey Hadban Enzahi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II

G am ila

Samira (RAS) Saklaw i II

1935 grey Saqlawi jidran R.A.S.

El Dahma Jamil El Ahmar Farida El Debani Khuzam


Ibn Rabdan 1917 chestnut Hadban Enzahi R.A.S.

Om Dalai

D.B. by the Shammar El Sennari Nadra El Kebira El Sennari Hadba Saklawi I El Dahma

Mabrouk Manial

Dahman El Azrak 1912 Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Mohamed Ali


Bint Radia Feysul

1920 grey Saqlawi Jidran R.A.S.


Ibn Nura El Argaa

Radia (Ghadia) 1904 grey Saqlawi Jidran Sheykh Obeyd Stud

Bint Freiha

*Ghazala ahr 211

Ibn Sherara

Bint Helwa


Reference Pedigree: *Z A R IFE a h r 8 8 5 1928 Grey Stallion • Kuhaylan Jellabi (as recorded on the certified pedigree from the Manial Stud of Prince Mohamed Ali)+ Bred by Prince Mohamed Ali Representative Get: Stallions: Hallany Mistanny

Dahman El Azrak Rabdan El Azrak 1897 grey Kuhaylan Ajuz Prince Ahmed Kemal P&sha

Farida El Debani Khuzam


Samhan (1905) Sabbah I

1905 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Prince Mohamed Ali

Jamil El Ahmar

D .B. by the Shammar Saklaw i I Maanagia Hadragia

Om Dalai c. 1900 chestnut Saqlawi Jidran Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Bint Roga Al Zarka

Ibn Samhan

Dahman El Azrak or Jamil El Ahmar Roga El Beda

Desert Bred

1919 chestnut Kuhaylan Mimreh R.A.S.

Meanagi Sebeli c. 1900 Muniqi Sbaili of Prince Ahmed Kemal Rasha

Desert Bred a M uniqia Sbailiyah

Nafaa El Saghira Rabdan El Azrak

1910 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh of Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha


Saklaw i I Saklawi II 1895 grey Dahman Shahwan Khedive Abbas F^sha Hilme II

El Dahma

Mabrouk Manial Dahman El Azrak

1912 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Mohamed Ali

Dahman El Azrak Rabda

Nafaa El Kebira c. 1905 grey Kuhaylan Mimreh of Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Desert Bred

Desert Bred a Kuhaylah Mimrieh D .B. by the Ruala D .B. by the Ruala Desert Bred a Dahmah Shahwaniah Jamil El Ahmar Farida El Debani


Obeyan Sharrak

c. 1900 chestnut Kuhaylan Mimreh Prince Ahmed Kemal Rasha

Bint Freiha

Mahroussa Jamil El Ahmar

c. 1920 grey Kuhaylan Jellabi Prince Mohamed Ali

Dahman El Azrak C. 1890 grey Dahman Shahwan Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha

Farida El Debani

Saklaw i I Bint Yamama c. 1895 grey Kuhaylan Jellabi Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilme II


Sabha El Zarka El Sennari G azza

Negma c. 1910 grey Kuhaylan Jellabi of Prince Mohamed Ali

Freiha Al Hamra Jamil El Kebir


D .B. by the Ruala D .B. by the Ruala

P a r t III L e g a c y : I n T r ib u t e T o T h e E g y p t ia n A r a b ia n H o r s e


A n yo ne w h o has ever o w ned , bred or just enjoyed Arabians for pleasure or show w ill eventually be touched by the special horses they have know n over the years. This unique "leg acy" section is a "first" in the long tradition of Pyram id Society Reference H and b o oks.

Its purpose is to pay tribute to special straight Egyptian Arabian horses w h o have had an im pact on the breed, or in the show ring, or on a breeding farm , or just on one person.

Egyptian horses presented in this section are sponsored by people w h o have selected them , each for different reasons, as special horses that have touched their lives. T h ey may or m ay not be ow ned by the person sponsoring, but they are deserving of tribute in this section w h ich honors their m em o ry and the m em ories they have created for all w h o love the Egyptian A rabian horse.

In Tribute to MB Shattal

Some horses print footsteps in your heart and sometimes there is a reason for that because they need you so much. As a Junior Champion Reserve Colt of the Egyptian Event, MB Shattal was shipped to Germany and arrived with injured legs and damaged brain. From that moment he was close to my heart and still is. He recovered, was Champion in Italy and then Champion Reserve at the Egyptian Event Europe, was ridden and a successful sire for long legs, powerful movement

Rum inaja A li

and refined type. A laminitis almost killed him

Th e M in stril Ja h ila

four years ago but he was strong enough to survive until last October.

T h e A tticus R u m in a ja A li A lija m ila A n sata Justina

MB Shattal • GASB 26630 Bay stallion 4/15/19%- 10/11/2010 Ham id A I N o w asy S h u kria *E H B ushrah El H ila l [G A S B ] B in t B in t B asim a Jassam a

Sp o nso red b y : A la s sil A ra b ia n s, Bettina vo n K am ek e Lang e L in ie 12 , 2 4 3 4 0 Frie d e n sth al, G e rm a n y P h o n e: + 4 9 -4 3 5 1 -4 4 2 4 1 , fa x : + 4 9 -4 3 5 1 -4 5 2 6 2 E m a il: b e ttin a vo n k a m k e @ a o m w e b site : w w w .a la s s ila ra b ia n s .c o m


or in fo @ alassil.d e

In Tribute to Ansata Abbas Pasha Ansata Abbas Pasha was a horse of the world on several levels. Born at Ansata Arabian Stud in 1964, he was the product of original Egyptian imports, *Ansata Ibn Halima and *Ansata Bint Mabrouka. His dam was a full sister to the legendary Egyptian stallion, *Morafic. Abbas Pasha began his career as a sire with the historic Babson Arabian Horse Farm in Illinois. The Babson Farm imported some of the earliest Arabians from Egypt, and Abbas Pasha arrived just over three decades after the Babson Farm began, providing an outcross for their breeding program. Ansata acquired the Babson mare Sabrah in trade for Abbas Pasha and she became a foundation mare for Ansata, eventually producing U.S. National Champion Mare, Fa-Halima. In 1977, after a decade as a top sire at the Babson Farm, Abbas Pasha moved to Bentwood Farm in Waco, Texas, where he lived for the next eleven years. He spent his final three years at Ansata Arabian Stud, completing his circle of life. During his tenure at Bentwood Farm, Abbas Pasha proved himself once again as a sire of quality and consistency. His foals commanded the attention of Arabian horse breeders from all parts of the world. In 1981, Abbas Pasha made a historic move to Germany for a one-year lease to serve as a sire for government and private studs there and for Babolna Stud in Hungary. Abbas Pasha reflected his regal heritage in a number of ways, but first and foremost was his stunning beauty, type and quality. He had the large, dark, intelligent, confident eye of a horse who knew he was special. His conformation was nearly flawless with clean, straight legs, excellent chest and shoulder, overall balance, substance, and refinement. Abbas Pasha was a lovely mover with beautiful tail carriage, and a real pleasure to ride. He was a kind and gentle soul; he was spirited and proud. Abbas Rasha was shown to championships at halter a few times for the Babson Farm, but only one time for Bentwood Farm. In 1979 he won Reserve World Champion Stallion at the Salon du Cheval in Paris, France. Several years later, his son, Sherif Pasha, walked off with a World Champion Stallion title, thus honoring his father's legacy. Having spent many of my early years at Bentwood Farm with this remarkable horse, it was a pleasure and an honor to have known Ansata Abbas Pasha as one of the great Egyptian Arabian stallions of all time.

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Sheikh El Arab Halima Ansata Abbas Pasha • a h a 23122 Grey stallion 06/17/1964- 10/7/1989

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha *Ansata Bin Mabrouka Sid Abouhom Mabrouka Moniet El Nefous

Sponsored by: Al Ameen Arabians Bill and Cheryl Corcoran 416 Langford Rd., Blythewood, South Carolina 29016 USA

Ansata Abbas Pasha was bred by Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Forbis and was owned by the Babson Farm, Bentwood Farm and Ansata Arabian Stud. This tribute page was written by Lisa Lacy and sponsored by Bill and Cheryl Corcoran.

Phone: 803-754-5102 Email: website: 206

In Tribute to *Serenity Sonbolah "The first time we saw Sonbolah, she was a pretty chestnut filly standing in the sand paddocks at the E.A.O.'s Al Zahraa Stud in Egypt. Doug and Margaret Marshall, Tom and Rhita McNair and 1 were there selecting horses for ourselves and for Bradford and Hansi Heck of Serenity Farms in Canada," writes Judith Forbis. "Soon after arriving at her new home with the Hecks, Sonbolah bloomed into a magnificent young mare, taking the show ring by a storm and winning championships under the name of *Serenity Sonbolah." When Sonbolah qualified for the mare class at the U.S. Nationals in Oklahoma City, Hansi confidently sent her for a short layover at Ansata in Chickasha, Oklahoma. Judith Forbis remembers: "Fate would have it that her stable mate was Ansata Ibn Sudan. He was scheduled for the stallion class, and soon both were on their way to the toughest competition in the world. Excitement over these straight Egyptians was at fever pitch, and when each won the U.S. National Championship in their respective classes, it was a coup for Straight Egyptians that brought the house down." The pride of Serenity Farms, Sonbolah took up broodmare duties thereafter, becoming a treasured foundation mare and producing four significant daughters. Eventually she was sold to Imperial Egyptian Stud where she produced three valuable daughters. Eileen Verdieck, who cared for her at Imperial remembers: "*Serenity Sonbolah impressed me the most of all the lovely animals I have been lucky to know. It was not only the fact that she was the first Straight Egyptian mare to win the U.S. National Championship title, or even that she beat all the odds when she was 10 months in foal, broke her leg, and not only survived the surgery but carried that foal to full term and carried several other foals in later years; rather, her most appealing quality that left a permanent mark on my heart was her remarkable spirit and determination to live life to the fullest." Eileen further reminisces, "It seems odd to attribute such human characteristics to a horse, but of all the horses in my life experience, she possessed more raw courage and spirit than most humans I have known. Anyone who saw Sonbolah move with such grace and regal authority, even when she was so totally crippled, could not do so without tears welling up in their eyes. She was truly a horse that could 'Fly Without Wings'. Even though there is not a great deal of her blood today, one can see her spirit in her descendants many generations removed." Hopefully in the future another exotic beauty such as Sonbolah will come forth through her lineage. The Arabian horse world awaits the day! *Serenity Sonbolah was bred by the Egyptian Agricultural Organization, imported and owned by Bradford and Hanna-Luise Heck, Hanna-Luise Heck or Robert Alen Allston, and finally by Douglas W. or Barbara A. Griffith, Imperial Egyptian Stud. This tribute to *Serenity Sonbolah is sponsored by Bill and Cheryl Corcoran.

Ibn Fayda El Moez Bint Zareefa Sam eh

:l Deree Sameera :l Samraa ^Serenity Sonbolah • AHA 50737 Chestnut mare 03/03/1967 - 02/28/2002

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha BintOm El Saad Shahloul Om El Saad Yashmak

Sponsored by: Al Ameen Arabians Bill and Cheryl Corcoran 416 Langford Rd., Blythewood, South Carolina 29016 USA Phone: 803-754-5102 Email: website: 207

In Tribute to Bint M agidaa

Celebrated as thedam to Ruminaja Ali, BintMagidaa was bred by Gleannloch Farms and owned for years by Russ and Mildred Jameson. She arrived at Arabians Ltd. in February of 1987. David Gardner and Judy Sirbasku had longed after the mare since they first laid eyes on her son, Ruminaja Ali. At David's direction she was purchased for client Joe and Hennie Kruszynski and from that time on she called Arabians Ltd her home. Bint Magidaa's life is somewhat like a fairy tale, for her and for those who loved her.

She lived to be 28 years young,

and produced 19 foals in her lifetime. In 1990 Judy purchased the mare from Kruszynski's and


the two formed a priceless bond. Bint Magidaa's offspring include such legends as Ruminaja Ali, Alidaar, Bint Bint Magidaa, Miss

*Morafic Mabrouka *Khofo++ Anter

Maggie Mae, Magidaa's Image and Thee Infidel.


Fler contribution to the Egyptian community is


insurmountable. Bint Magidaa • a h a 62907 Grey mare 02/4/1970- 11/19/1998

Nazeer Alaa EI Din Kateefa *Magidaa Anter Maysa Mahfouza

Sponsored by: Arabians LTD, Judy Sirbasku 8459 Rock Creek Road, Waco, Texas 76708 USA Phone: 254-714-1803 or 800-973-1445 Fax: 254-752-6056 • E-mail: website: 208

In Tribute to Bint Bint M agidaa

Being born into a famous family, Bint Bint Magidaa was first known for being the most look alike full sister to Ruminaja Ali. As a two year old she was named Reserve Junior Champion filly at the Egyptian Event and began to garner quite a following all on her own. Mark Ness convinced a group of now well known breeders to purchase the filly together. Bint Bint Magidaa went on to be named Top Ten at Scottsdale where she showed in February and foaled in June, and Top Five at the regional Championships.

She was shown to her wins by

lifelong friend Shawn Crews. Nazeer "Maggie" is one of the very few mares to have


graced the cover of the Arabian Horse World. Bint Bint Magidaa produced two daughters by Thee

Mabrouka Shaikh Al Badi

Desperado whom are both champion producers


today, and a son by Richter MH a respected sire.

*Bint Maisa El Saghira+4 Maisa

Mark and Nancy Ness whom loved and cherished this mare as the groups managing partner along with Judy Sirbasku,


Bint Bint Magidaa • AHA 204381 Grey mare 06/17/1987-07/18/2004

bought sole


ownership and "Maggie" lived out her days with


her friends and admirers at Arabians Ltd.

*Nabilahh Bint Magidaa

She was a one of a kind and touched the lives of

Alaa El Din

many who love Egyptian Arabian horses.

*Magidaa Maysa Sponsored by: Mark and Nancy Ness 17704 Bearpath Trail, Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55347 USA Phone: 952-975-1951, Fax: 952-975-5956 E-mail: 209

In Tribute to *Ansata Bint M abrouka *AN SATA BINT MABROUKA Daughter of the Blessed

If you believe in Divine Appointments, as I do, this was one of them. The day we drove through the palm-lined entrance to the El Zahraa Stud in Egypt we were still hop­ ing to fulfill our vision of the classic Arabian horse - that mount of kings - the horse chosen as the model by artists and sculptors for thousands of years. We had traveled throughout Arab world, looking for these living treasures, only to be disappointed time after time. Little did we hope of finding such horses in abundance, and in one place. Yet, here were the horses of our dreams - many of them - basking beneath the Egyptian sun not far from the great pyramids, and the palaces of former pashas and kings. While many of the mares and stallions startled our eyes, it was a yearling filly that stopped my heart. She stood apart from the herd - like Nefertiti - unique among the queens of Egypt. She possessed an indefinable spiritual essence. The saying "eyes are the window of the soul" was manifest in her huge black orbs. Refined and elegant as a desert gazelle, she was the artists' model I had seen in my dreams. We recognized each other - as if we had been connected in the distant past. Gamil Manial

When the bugle sounded for all the horses to return to their stable for noon feeding, all the young horses in her paddock raced away - yet she stood there with me, wait­ ing until I turned to walk to the farm office and join Dr. Marsafi and Don. Only then did she canter off to join her friends for noon feeding in the stable. Of course we could not leave Egypt without her - and, luckily, we were allowed to purchase her. After she, Bint Zaafarana, and Ibn Halima landed in America, the Egyp­ tian Arabian horse in our country soon experienced a re­ naissance of the classic Arabian horse.

Mansour Nafaa El Saghira Nazeer Kazmeen Bint Samiha Samiha *Ansata Bint Mabrouka • a h a 15898 Grey mare 9, September 1958- 12,lune 1974

El Deree

Anxiously we hoped for daughters to carry on her female lineage, but the only one she produced died as a foal. Her sons, however, were destined to become her legacy. Ansata Abbas Pasha, Ansata Ibn Sudan, and Ansata Shah Zaman, not only were significant national and interna­ tional champions, they were also prepotent sires of leg­ endary status. Wherever one looks today in the Egyptian Arabian as well as the international Arabian horse world, the influence of this "daughter of the blessed" is found. She inspired and blessed many lives, but most of all, my own. The first of our September-born three imports, she spent her days on the first Ansata farm until she was laid to rest beneath the shade of a giant cottonwood tree. Time passes, but she will ever remain the "first" to me.

Sid Abouhom Layla Mabrouka Shahloul Moniet EI Nefous Wanisa

Sponsored by: Ansata Arabian Stud 240 Polk Road 712, Mena, Arkansas 71953 USA Phone: 479-394-5288 • Fax: 479-394-5288 Email: website: 210

In Tribute to *Ansata Bint Zaafarana *ANSATA BINT ZAAFARANA Daughter of the Wind

A "daughter of the wind." This poetic tribute of the Arab to his horse epitomizes mares such as *Ansata Bint Zaafara­ na. Of regal lineage and classic symmetry, indeed she was born of the wind and "endowed to fly without wings." Her sire, Nazeer, was already a legend in his time - known for his classic beauty, he had also proven himself on the race course. Her dam, Zaafarana, produced outstanding race winners and breeding stock. Her maternal grandsire, Balance, was the fastest race horse in Egypt. Her granddarn, Samira, was judged most beautiful mare in the land of the Nile. And, her impeccable pedigree claims decent from the famed Bint Helwa line to Ghazieh (circa 1850), one of Abbas Pasha's prized Saklawia Jedrania mares. When we chose our three yearlings, this lovely filly ful­ filled the vision we held in our mind's eye. Indeed, Bint Zaafarana combined the best of the best. She became Don's favorite - her classic beauty, correct structure and bold movement, immediately caught his practiced eye for athletic qualities. In America she grew into a magnificent mare with big dark expressive eyes, a lovely head, and a well-shaped neck with an extremely fine mitbah. She carried herself upright, and her powerful shoulders and deep hindquarters propelled her across the fields with grace and speed. Tail flying in like a banner in the wind, she was a joy to behold.

Gamil Manial Mansour Nafaa El Saghira

*Ansata Ibn Halima was a perfect cross with her, and he sired most of her progeny. The very first Ansata-bred horse was the glimmering white Ansata Ali Pasha. He became her first champion son and our first Ansata-bred champi­ on. Ansata El Nisr, her second son, distinguished himself as a U.S. Top Ten Stallion - shown by his great admirer, Don Forbis! Other sons - Ansata Abu Nazeer, Ansata El Alim, Ansata El Mamluke, and daughters - Ansata Aziza, Ansata Divina, Ansata Zareifa, added laurels to her credit as producing superior show and breeding stock whose bloodlines are valued worldwide.

Nazeer Kazmeen Bint Samiha Samiha *Ansata Bint Zaafarana • a h a 158% Grey mare 12, September 1958 - 6, March 1976

Ibn Samhan balance Farida Zaafarana

We did not usually show our broodmares. However, when *Ansata Bint Zaafarana reached her teens, we took her to a major Class A show where she easily walked off with the mare championship. In fact, she acted very pleased with herself! She knew she was a champion in every respect. *Ansata Bint Zaafarana left an indelible mark on the An­ sata program. The second September-born of our original three yearlings, her last days were spent at our second Ansata farm in Lufkin, Texas, where this true "daughter of the wind" was finally laid to rest beneath the wind- whis­ pering pines.

I Ibn Rabdan

Samira Bint Radia

Sponsored by: Ansata Arabian Stud 240 Polk Road 712, Mena, Arkansas 71953 USA Phone: 479-394-5288 • Fax: 479-394-5288 Email: website: 211

In Tribute to *Ansata Ibn Halima++

Gamil Manial Mansour Nafaa El Saghira Nazeer Kazmeen Bint Samiha Samiha *Ansata Ibn Halima++ • AHA 15897 Grey stallion 16, September 1958- 15, September 1980

Mansour Sheikh El Arab Bint Sabah Halima Ibn Rabdan Ragia Farida

*ANSATA IBN HALIMA U.S. National Top Ten Stallion Three Times. Sire of: U.S. National Champion Mare, FaHalima, U.S. National Champion Stallion, Ansata Ibn Sudan, including International Champions and World Champions.

The Forbis book, Ansata Ibn Halima - The Gift, is a tribute to this remarkable stallion who remains an icon for classic Arabian type. When we were "gifted" this yearling colt in Egypt, we could not have been more surprised, nor could we have wished for more! Ansata Ibn Halima graced the pastures of three Ansata farms. His contribution to the Arabian horse world needs no further explanation here. The third and youngest of the three September-born yearlings we imported in 1959, he was laid to rest near a sturdy oak tree guarding the entrance to Ansata Arabian Stud in Mena, Arkansas - the third and most memorable of all the Ansata farms that he helped to build. Time marches on, yet his remarkable essence will continue to inspire breeders who are perseverant and dedicated to building a strong foundation on the immortal classic beauty that Ansata Ibn Halima represented.

Sponsored by: Ansata Arabian Stud 240 Polk Road 712, Mena, Arkansas 71953 USA Phone: 479-394-5288 • Fax: 479-394-5288 Email: website: 212

In Tribute to Falima FALIMA-Founder of the Internationally Renowned Ansata Nile family. When Don and I visited Henry Babson in 1959 and saw his unique Egyptian Arabian herd, he kindly let us lease four wonderful mares. One was the excellent bay brood­ mare Fa-Habba, by *Fadl x *Bint Bint Sabbah - a half-sister to Egypt's famed Bukra. When bred to *Ansata Ibn Halima, Fa-Habba out produced herself with a striking bay filly that captured everyone's minds and hearts. We named her Falima, combining the names of her sire and dam. Falima matured into a graceful, spirited, yet gentle brood­ mare with lovely head, lively dark eyes, good conforma­ tion and banner high tail carriage, and she could "trot a hole in the wind" - a trait that has bred true for genera­ tions. Like the river Nile, Falima was a living reminder of Egypt, and we named her progeny with a Nile prefix. Ansata White Nile, Ansata Blue Nile, Ansata Nile Gift, Ansata Nile Pearl, Ansata Nile Echo, Ansata Nile Pasha, Ansata Nile Emir, An­ sata Nile Starr, Ansata Nile Pharaoh, and recently Ansata Nile Nefertiti - a precious filly by Ansata Sinan - are just a few of the internationally renowned Ansata Nile family. Over the years Falima was bred to three stallions and pro­ duced three colts and four fillies. Ansata Ibn Sudan sired the exquisite bay Ansata Nile Queen who in turn was bred back twice to her sire (inbreeding father to daughter). The exotic bay Ansata Nile Dream and the impressive chestnut Ansata Nile Charm were the results. Another celebrated bay filly was Ansata Nile Mist, full sister to Ansata Nile Queen. She became an outstanding foundation mare for Imperial Egyptian Stud. Bred to Ansata Shah Zaman, Falima gave us Ansata Nile Star - an marvelous grey filly who met with a tragic accident and disappointingly left no descendants.

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Halima

Sheikh El Arab I Ragia

When bred to *Morafic, Falima produced the stunning grey filly, Ansata Nile Jewel. Jewel lost an eye in an acci­ dent, but we showed her with a black sequined eye patch and she won, much to the delight of her admirers. She too became a fine broodmare. A widely traveled and internationally popular member of the Falima family was her great grandson, Ansata Nile Pa­ sha, by Jamil (*Jamilll) x Ansata Nile Dream. A small but exquisite stallion and a champion at home and abroad, he was voted the most popular stallion in Europe. The dynam­ ic Ansata Nile Emir, by Ansata Halim Shah x Ansata Nile Charm, was exported to Columbia, S.A. as a yearling and has just recently returned to U.S.A. Reflecting the cha­ risma of his maternal grandsire, U.S. National Champion Ansata Ibn Sudan, Nile Emir is now siring champions in his native land. Mirroring the river Nile, the legendary Ansata Nile family flows from a beautiful source.

Falima • AHA 31956 Bay mare 22, July 1965 - 16, lune

Ibn Rabdan *Fadl Mahroussa Fa-Habba Baiyad *Bint Bint Sabbah Bint Sabah

Sponsored by: Ansata Arabian Stud 240 Polk Road 712, Mena, Arkansas 71953 USA Phone: 479-394-5288 • Fax: 479-394-5288 Email: website: 213

In Tribute to Ansata Ibn Sudan ANSATA IBN SUDAN 1971 U.S. National Champion Stallion

There is always a first love, and mine was Ansata Ibn Sudan. For me, there will never be another like him. Sudan was "a character." A proud spirit, showman, and a prankster, he loved to be praised and told how won­ derful he was. He demanded constant attention and knew how to get it. He liked to play dead so I would come into his stall. Bucket banging, pawing at metal water tanks, raking his teeth across the barn walls and unlatching doors were among his specialties. When he totally demolished the stall partition and all the pipes that held it in our trailer, we realized he was claustro­ phobic and gave him a huge box stall when he trav­ eled. Sudan did not like competition. He and Ansata Shah Zaman often raced each other up and down the hot­ wired fence that separated their pastures. To show his displeasure if he was outrun, Sudan would grab the live wire in his teeth, rip it down, and stomp it into the ground. As a play toy for him we kept a large tire hang­ ing from a tree in his pasture. A guest at the farm asked if we weren't concerned he would hang himself in it. She had barely gotten the words out of her mouth than he walked over to the tire and stuck his foot in it. I ran to the house for a butcher knife, raced back to cut the rope, and we finally extracted him. One could tell by his expression he had thought it great fun. Sudan won many championships at halter and he was "on" the moment he saw a show ring. Any handler was just an accessory at the end of the lead. In 1971 he was qualified for the U.S. Nationals in which 83 champion stallions were entered. However, he had been leased out for the breeding season and was not in competitive condition on his return home. Miracles do happen, and the show was delayed due to the VEE outbreak, thus giving us time to get him fit. When he bounded into the show ring with Maurice Wingo hanging onto the lead, Sudan was out to win. Those who watched him cap­ ture the U.S. National Champion Stallion award will never forget his charismatic performance. He knew it was his day! In fact, as of 2010, Sudan is the ONLY American-bred straight Egyptian Stallion to have won that title. "Of national champions in my recall, to me, Sudan remains the best of all!"

Mansour Nazeer | *Ansata Ibn Ha!ima++

Bint Samiha Sheikh El Arab

Halima Ragia Ansata Ibn Sudan • a h a 32342 Grey stallion 1, luly 1965 - 9, March 1987

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha *Ansata Bin Mabrouka Sid Abouhom Mabrouka Moniet El Nefous

One day in his latter years he had not been acting right and we were keeping a close watch on him. That evening, after his evening meal, the lights in the barn suddenly went out. All of them! Yet there had been no power failure. Just as suddenly they came back on. When we went to his stall to check on him, this time he was not playing his usual prank. He was lying forever at peace on his hay.

Sponsored by: Ansata Arabian Stud 240 Polk Road 712, Mena, Arkansas 71953 USA Phone: 479-394-5288 • Fax: 479-394-5288 Email: website: 214

In Tribute to Ansata Shah Zam an ANSATA SHAH ZAMAN "King of the Age" Multi-champion, sire of champions a cornerstone sire for Ansata When Don and I first saw *Morafic in 1959, we were awe­ struck by his unusually dished head, his powerful long laid back shoulders and his prideful energy. In all our trav­ els we had never seen anything like him. And then we saw his full sister, Bint Mabrouka, an ethereal yearling filly who stood apart from all the yearling fillies in the pad­ dock. Both eventually came to America; she to Ansata, he to Gleannloch Farms. It was my dream to breed these two together and through the kindness of the Marshalls at Gleannoch, it happened. Inbreeding full brother to full sister can be a blessing if the results are positive, and a cursing if they are not. In this case, a dynamic colt resulted, and he was to play an important role in the future Ansata program. This dynamic youngster was an individualist in character and unique in structure. He inherited the long neck and well-laid back shoulders, strength of body and high tail carriage from both parents. His long well-let down gaskins resembled those of a saluki, and he could run and spin amazingly fast. He was "measured" for racing against successful Thoroughbred and Quarter horses and was right at the top of the chart with the best, although he never raced in his lifetime to prove his ability. Mansour Shah Zaman won several important championships and most classic awards. He always attracted admirers at horse shows and exhibitions due to his dynamic presence. However, it was as a sire that he became most noteworthy Had he done no more than sire Ansata Delilah, Ansata Damietta and Ansata Rosetta, his name would have been assured in history, but he claimed many champion sons and daughters.

Nazeer Bint Samiha *Morafic Sid Abouhom Mabrouka Moniet El Nefous Ansata Shah Zaman • AHA 47967

Eventually Count Federico Zichy-Thyssen purchased half interest Shah Zaman and he spent part of his time at the Count's estate in Florida. When the farm sold, Shah Za­ man returned to live out his years at Ansata, although his influence was strongly felt at the Count's many farms in South America.

Grey stallion 28, January 1968 - 23, January 1985

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha *Ansata Bin Mabrouka

Varying combinations of Ansata Shah Zaman with An­ sata bloodlines produced horses that influenced breeding programs around the world: Ansata Halim Shah, Ansata Omar Halim, Ansata Hejazi, Ansata Sinan, Ansata lemho­ tep, Ansata Samantha, Ansata Bint Halima, Ansata Selket, Ansata Nefertiti, Ansata Nefer Isis, Ansata Sherifa etc. The magnificent World Champion Mare, ZT Sharuby, with two lines to Shah Zaman, is also among his praiseworthy rep­ resentatives. A legendary horse should have a great name, and Ansata Shah Zaman - "King of the Age" - was worthy of his.

Sid Abouhom Mabrouka Moniet El Nefous

Sponsored by: Ansata Arabian Stud 240 Polk Road 712, Mena, Arkansas 71953 USA Phone: 479-394-5288 • Fax: 479-394-5288 Email: website: 215

In Tribute to *Ansata Bint Bukra ♦ANSATA BINT BUKRA The Legendary "Crippled Mare" Exotic! Ethereal! So elegant and refined. What an incred­ ible filly! But why is she standing like that? These were our thoughts when we first saw "Husnia" in Egypt at the Egyptian Agricultural Organization's El Zahraa Stud. We had already shipped three yearlings, Ibn Halima, Bint Mabrouka and Bint Zaafarana to America in 1959. Now, on our return visit in 1960 this glorious creature appeared in the filly pasture. But-she was blemished! One hip was knocked down, a front knee was damaged and she was slightly crippled from behind. Nevertheless, she could still gallop with her friends. Could we buy her? "Yes," replied Dr. Marsafi, El Zahraa's farm manager. "However, her pelvis is damaged and there is no guarantee she can ever produce a foal. Why not take her older full sister, Bint Bukra, instead," he generously offered. "Thank you kindly," we said, "but we want her - even if it is a gamble." It was not to be an immediate acquisition, however. The African Horse Sickness had engulfed the Middle East and imports to U.S.A. were suspended. Finally, in 1965 the ban was lifted and our filly, now a young mare, was placed in a single pallet on board a States Marine Isthmian ship where she was given special attention by admiring sailors throughout the two week trip. At the east coast port of en­ try she went through a 60 day quarantine and then was vanned to our ranch in Oklahoma. Without a hint of lame­ ness she stepped off the trailer, looked around and decided everything was just fine - especially the green pastures. Eventually we changed her name from "Husnia" to ♦An­ sata Bint Bukra, meaning "Daughter of Tomorrow." Dr. Marsafi bred her to Sameh before she was shipped, not knowing whether she could get in foal, or if she was in foal at the time she left. Surprise! she gifted us with a glori­ ous bay filly bearing a perfect white star. We named her Ansata Bint Misr - "Daughter of Egypt." She too founded a unique dynasty.

Gamil Manial Mansour Nafaa El Saghira Nazeer Kazmeen Bint Samiha Samiha ♦Ansata Bint Bukra • AHA 33487 Grey mare 23, August 1959-21, October 1981

Ibn Rabdan Shahloul

♦Ansata Bint Bukra remains the foundation mare of signifi­ cant royal, private and government farms worldwide. One can only speculate where Egyptian Arabian horse breeding programs would be today had she not come to America. Was this not a Divine Appointment? And now for "the rest of the story." When I was a young girl my life revolved around horses. However, my father refused to buy me one. Someday - maybe! Don and I had spent all our money on the first three yearlings and a farm. We desperately wanted this young mare, but banks didn't loan money on horses at that time. Realizing how impor­ tant this was to our future, my dad decided "someday" had come, and he agreed to make "Husnia" mine.

Bint Radia Bukra Kazmeen Bint Sabah Sabah

Sponsored by: Ansata Arabian Stud 240 Polk Road 712, Mena, Arkansas 71953 USA Phone: 479-394-5288 • Fax: 479-394-5288 Email: website: 216

In Tribute to Ansata H alim Shah ANSATA HALIM SHAH U.S. National Top Ten Futurity Colt -1983 World Reserve Junior Champion Colt, Salon du Cheval -1983 He achieved true legendary status the old fashioned way: he earned it! "When a masterpiece has been acclaimed and something close to perfection has been achieved, it is impossible to describe it adequately." My book Authentic Arabian Blood­ stock II - The Story of Ansata, contains a separate chapter entitled, "Perfecting the Dream." It is dedicated to Ansata Halim Shah. Words wouldn't come when I began to write that chapter, but the above quote, written long ago by my friend, Jean Hacklander, came to the rescue. Ansata Halim Shah ("the kind ruler") gave little indication at birth of his future potential to impact the breed. How­ ever, when he tried to self-destruct at an early age, his cel­ ebratory status was assured. Only the special ones try to destroy themselves. Patiently we waited for him to grow up believing he would have his place in the sun if he stayed in one piece. Slow to mature, he gradually gained the balance, beauty and gentility of his legendary sire, *Ansata Ibn Halima, the elegance, and grace of his dam, Ansata Rosetta, the excep­ tional refinement of his grand dam, *Ansata Bint Bukra, and the extreme pride, spirit and individuality of his dam's sire, Ansata Shah Zaman (the result of inbreeding *Morafic to his full sister, *Ansata Bint Mabrouka). He also devel­ oped an attitude of royal reserve and regal carriage while sporting a mischievous gleam in his eye. At the age of three Ansata Halim Shah became an exem­ plary show horse, winning U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt and World Reserve Junior Champion at the Salon du Cheval in 1983. Thereafter he stood at stud in Germany at Dr. Nagel's Katharinenhof farm until 1985 where he became known as a "genetic giant." According to the German gov­ ernment's statistical licensing figures covering 20 years, during his lifetime an Arabian stallion produces only one or two licensed sons. Yet within 18 months at stud Ansata Halim Shah sired nine! Today one sees his overwhelming influence throughout the world. An apt tribute to this leg­ endary sire is from a poem by Jean Hacklander:

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Sheikh El Arab Halima Ragia Ansata Halim Shah • a h a 219546 Grey stallion 28, April 1980 - 1994

*Morafic Ansata Shah Zaman *Ansata Bin Mabrouka Ansata Rosetta Nazeer *Ansata Bint Bukra

"Rare is the horse to find, with that quality transcendent, that speaks of life sublime. Of being past the present, a look that says there's more, than the weary path from birth to death, a hint of life as pure."


Sponsored by: Ansata Arabian Stud 240 Polk Road 712, Mena, Arkansas 71953 USA Phone: 479-394-5288 • Fax: 479-394-5288 Email: website: 217

In Tribute to Prince Fa M oniet The story of Prince Fa Moniet begins with the purchase of his grandsire, *lbn Moniet el Nefous, in 1971 by Jar­ rell McCracken. Jarrell, Judy (wife), Lisa, and Tim, were just beginning to acquire a few mares and fillies for a Straight Egyptian breeding program. By 1980, Bent­ wood Farm had a small, lovely, group of *lbn Moniet daughters, but there was one that would complete the herd, Fa Moniet (Faddan xAaroufa). Fa Moniet was bred by the Babson Farm and sired by *Ibn Moniet El Nefous when he and his former owners, the Jay Streams, lived in Illinois. Fa Moniet finally arrived at Bentwood in August of 1980, to great excitement. Her regal beauty, long neck, and graceful, athletic movement landed her in the show string for the first time in her life. Fa Moniet was a broodmare and she was thirteen years old at the time. With careful conditioning she was ready for Scottsdale in February. However, Bentwood was primarily a breed­ ing farm, and The Egyptian Prince was the new stallion, so Fa Moniet was bred to Prince in September of 1980. The McCrackens knew that "Fa" would only have one show season, and would be pregnant throughout. At age 14, Fa Moniet was Top Ten Mare at Scottsdale, her first show, in halter competition against approxi­ mately 100 younger mares. She earned another Class A championship, then Region IX Reserve Champion, qualifying for the US National Championship. Since she was nine months in foal at that time, the plan was to show her the following year at the Nationals. In August, Fa gave birth to a lovely colt by The Egyptian Prince. Sadly, Fa did not survive the birth and Prince Fa Moniet was her only foal for Bentwood Farm. Prince Fa Moniet began life as an orphan and the dar­ ling of the farm. His big, bright eyes, keen intelligence, and determination to live, overcame his difficult start. As Prince Fa matured, his quality was obvious and the McCracken family knew he would be the heir apparent to both *lbn Moniet el Nefous and The Egyptian Prince, his senior barn mates. Prince Fa upheld the legacy with the undeniable type, elegance, and movement that he inherited from his lovely dam and world-class sire. Prince Fa represented a true culmination of the old and the new of Egyptian breeding: Babson, Egyptian Agri­ cultural Organization, Gleannloch Farm. Prince Fa began his own dynasty, first at Bentwood, then at Ansata Arabian Stud, where he built his reputa­ tion as a world-class sire. Prince Fa Moniet was a horse for his time who left a legacy of quality and elegance that will be cherished for generations to come.

Nazeer *Morafic I TheEgyptianPrince

Mabrouka Nazeer

*Bint Mona Mouna Prince Fa Moniet • a h a 239446 Grey stallion foaled 08/23/1981

*Morafic *lbn Moniet El Nefous Moniet El Nefous Fa Moniet Faddan Fada Aaroufa Sponsored by: Ansata Arabian Stud 240 Polk Road 712, Mena, Arkansas 71953 USA Phone: 479-394-5288 • Fax: 479-394-5288 Email: website: and Highview Egyptian Stud 565 Vann Road Trenton, South Carolina 29847 USA Phone: 803-637-7020 • Fax: 803-637-0364 Email: 218

In Tribute to *lbn M oniet El Nefous NbnMonietel Nefous was the heart and soul of Bentwood Farm. He was eight years old (I was seventeen) when he joined our family, and he was in command of his world and, to a great degree, ours. *lbn Moniet came to us as a Scottsdale Champion Stallion and a U.S. National Top Ten stallion. With us he won Reserve Champion English Pleasure and later Reserve International Champion Get of Sire at the Salon Du Cheval in Paris, France. But he was much more than a winner of shows. Besides elegant beauty and presence, *Ibn Moniet El Nefous possessed the heart, courage, athletic ability, and intelligence that defines a great horse. Great horses, in any breed, are rare. The criteria that define great horses are flexible, and certainly subjective, but one factor is always high on the list: heart. Another factor that great horses seem to have in common is that they teach their people more than their people teach them. In the case of *lbn Moniet, he was the teacher, the mentor, the commander, the partner. As a sire, *lbn Moniet provided classic elegance in head and eye with strong yet refined conformation: muscular, sloping shoulder, well-set neck, prominent withers, substance, spring of rib, balance, excellent tail carriage, clean, athletic legs and movement. His broad chest and deep heart-girth were hallmarks of his offspring, suggesting subtle strength, speed, and endurance. His foals possessed *lbn Moniet's keen intelligence, courage, and integrity. Under saddle in any discipline, *lbn Moniet and his offspring were a delight to ride, and performed with excellence on an internationally competitive level. In halter and get of sire competition, they achieved top honors on five continents.

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha *Morafic Sid Abouhom Mabrouka Moniet El Nefous *lbn Moniet El Nefous • a h a 33488 Crey stallion foaled 03/26/1964 - 07/08/1985

Ibn Rabdan Like his Arab ancestors in Egypt, *lbn Moniet was a true desert horse, an Arab with a strong sense of justice, which he would both give and receive. The bond of trust and integrity between *lbn Moniet and his people was a strong one; those of us who knew him will never forget the excitement of his beauty or privilege of his company. - Lisa Lacy

Shahloul Bint Radia Moniet El Nefous Sheikh El Arab Wanisa Medallela Sponsored by: Bentwood Farm Jarell McCracken, Judith McCracken, Lisa McCracken Lacy and Tom Lacy, and Timothy McCracken 3409 Alexander Ave., Waco, Texas 76708 USA Phone: 254-855-4847 • Fax: 254-754-7481 Email: 219

In Tribute to Ansata M alik Shah Ansata Malik Shah was a valuable study in how close line breeding is important to set type - and especially the classic type one wants to retain as a hallmark that defines a breeding program. In his case it represents choice individuals from the Dahman Shahwan strain and the two families that have set this strain apart as a solid foundation on which to build. His pedigree reflects a doubling of Ansata Halim Shah (Halim Shah son to a Halim Shah daughter) while both his sire and dam descend from the famed El Dahma of Ali Pasha Sherif through Sabah and Farida respectively. Six of his 8 great grandparents are of the Dahman Shahwan Strain while including crosses to the major sires used by Ansata. In fact, Malik Shah reflected what his pedigree said he should be. Retained as a replacement for his sire, Ansata Hejazi, who became the foundation stallion for the Ajmal Arabian Stud in Kuwait, the charismatic white Malik Shah was of average size and traditional classic type. A slow horse to mature, which is typical of the Halima line, he was very fine-boned with a most classic well­ shaped dry head of medium length, large lively black eyes, well-set and well-shaped ears, a good mitbah, nicely arched and well-shaped long enough neck, good withers, somewhat forward-stretching back, good loins, long croup, a very deep hip with high-set high-carried tail, and very good gaits. His full brother, Ajmal Al Kout, in Kuwait, is testimony to the value of this linebred pedigree and he is proving it through his get. Ansata Malik Shah was shown successfully and played an important role in the Ansata breeding program until the farm moved towards closure. At that time he and a select group of Ansata mares were sold to His Highness Dr. Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, the ruler of Sharjah, U.A.E. Here he became a head stallion for the beautiful Al Qasimi Stables and impressed admiring visitors from around the globe. The manager of the Al Qasimi Stables writes: "Sadly missed, Ansata Malik Shah was only with us for four short years. In that time he made a major impact not just on the breeding programme of the Al Qasimi Stables but on Straight Egyptian programmes around the Emirates. His Highness generously allows other breeders the use of his stallions to improve their own blood lines and thanks to this there are more Straight Egyptian breeders in the Emirates than ever before." She further remarks, "Ansata Malik Shah was a stallion that always bred true to type putting wonderful classic heads on all his babies. At the Straight Egyptian show in 2011 he proved this when one of his fillies, Bint Hamsa, was bronze champion. We hope his legacy will live on in his progeny and are quite excited that a lot of his daughters are coming of age and will shortly be having their own babies." Indeed his legacy lives on in the Arabian Gulf and elsewhere in the Arabian horse world. Ansata Malik Shah was bred by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Forbis and exported to H.H. Dr. Sheikh Sultan bin Mohamed Al Qasimi, Ruler of Sharjah. This tribute to Ansata Malik Shah is sponsored by Jaleen Hacklander.

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Ansata Hejazi Ansata Abu Sudan Ansata Sudarra Ansata Delilah Ansata Malik Shah • AHA 566536 Grey stallion 02/22/1999 - 09/29/2009

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Ansata Malaka *Jamilll Ansata Malika *JKB Masouda

Sponsored by: Hadaya Arabians, Jaleen Hacklander 7602 E. US Hwy 14, Janesville, Wl 53546 USA Phone: 608-573-3332 Email: website: 220

In Tribute to Ansata El Nisr One of the most successful breeding combinations at Ansata was *Ansata Ibn Halima to *Ansata Bint Zaafarana. All nine foals - male and female - were consistently beautiful and of harmonious proportions and they matured into fine breeding stock and excellent show horses, if shown. Ansata El Nisr - the eagle - was the second foal of this combination and he showed potential to soar to great heights from the time he was born. Purchased by Elaine Alexander as a colt, he grew into a handsome youngster of perfect proportions; attractive, relatively short head with lively dark eyes and short ears, wonderfully shaped neck and throatlatch, strong body and top line, fine boned good legs, and a sound mover; qualities expected from his pedigree that boasted Samira, the most beautiful mare in Egypt, and Balance, the fastest race horse in the valley of the Nile. Eventually April and Calvin Johnson of Apple Hill Arabians purchased him and he made history as a breeding stallion and show horse for their small farm in Mississippi. A champion at halter, Ansata El Nisr was proudly shown for the Johnsons by Don Forbis at the U.S. Nationals, where Nisr claimed a U.S. Top Ten in stiff competition. "I will always remember how proudly Don showed Nisr. They made a wonderful combination in the show ring." Judith Forbis recalls. "Don's favorite mare of our importation was *Ansata Bint Zaafarana, Nisr's dam. I think the only time I saw this tough man cry was when we lost her to a severe colic after we moved to Lufkin, Texas." For April Johnson, Nisr was the joy of her life. She first saw him when he was three years old, and she vividly remembers him as, "striking, exquisite, kind, spirited... he was just out of this world. He was everything a girl would dream of...he was a storybook horse...he would prance right along side of me with a simple cluck. He would never disappoint you. Yet - he was a ball of fire. He was easy to handle in breeding - in fact I handled Nisr while Calvin handled the mare. In his progeny you could always count on Nisr to raise necks, shorten backs and strengthen croups. And Nisr was a fine riding horse too." Over the years Ansata El Nisr's sons and daughters have proven valuable foundation stock for many breeders; mares such as World Champion Filly, Nisrs Gala, Apple Hill Agiba, dam of the incredibly beautiful bay VA Lalique and the stunning white VA Therona, Nisrs Nile Moon, Nisrs Bint Kamal, and stallions such as Apple HillEI Nisr and Nisrs Nile Legend, are just a few of his memorable representatives. Jaleen Hacklander, whose parents owned Hacklander Arabians, were great admirers of Nisr and used him effectively in their breeding program. Jaleen remembers that "before my mother passed away, the only mare she asked me never to sell was Nisrs Bint Kamal - that I should to let her live out her life on the farm." Today the somewhat rare bloodlines of Ansata El Nisr are treasured around the globe. Indeed Ansata El Nisr - the eagle - will long be remembered for the noble qualities he imparted to his descendents. Ansata El Nisr was bred and owned Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Forbis and was subsequently owned by Elaine Alexander, and April and Calvin Johnson. This tribute to Ansata El Nisr was sponsored by Jaleen Hacklander.

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Sheikh El Arab Halima Ragia Ansata El Nisr • AHA 41581 Grey stallion 03/01/1967- 1988

Mansour Nazeer I


Bint Samiha

*Ansata Bint Zaafarana Balance Zaafarana Samira

Sponsored by: Hadaya Arabians, Jaleen Hacklander 7602 E. US Hwy 14, Janesville, Wl 53546 USA Phone: 608-573-3332 Email: website: 221

In Tribute to Ansata N ile Jewel Ansata Nile Jewel, was the first *Morafic daughter born to an own daughter of *Ansata Ibn Halima, Falima, foundation mare of the world famous "Nile family", bred by the renowned Ansata Arabian Stud, owned by Donald and Judith Forbis. Nile Jewel was a relatively small mare, but her classic type, charisma and exquisite way of going, made her a force of nature; of enormous proportion. Her first daughter was the majestic Ansata Nile Gem, by *Ansata El Wazir. Ansata Nile Gem, was consigned by the Forbises to "The Bruce Howard Sale of Success" to help promote the Straight Egyptian horse on the West coast. She brought home the highest sale price over 17 lovely nationally prominent show horses of the time. Such a record in 1975 as only a yearling, made her dam Ansata Nile Jewel the "Talk of the country". She was known for her lofty movement and was often referred to as "Ms. Motion" by her admirers. In 1976 John and Marianne Hacklander of Hadaya Arabians purchased Ansata Nile Jewel, for their Foundation mare. She had Ansata Nile Moon (By Ansata Shah Zaman) at her side and was bred to Ansata Ibn Sudan. For a third daughter name Ansata Nile Gift. These fillies and mare became the cornerstone of Hadaya Arabians breeding program. Through her get and grand get, Ansata Nile Jewel can be traced to 115 horses. Of these decedents numerous of them have won Class "A" Championships in Halter, Performance as well as National and International titles. Horses such as Hadaya El Tareef, U.S. Top Ten Stallion and Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Stallion, Ansata Nile Pearl, Middle Eastern Champion Mare, Ansata Nile Echo, Qatar National Champion Stallion, on and on. The progeny, of her seven lifetime foals have circled the world and are continually being sought after for their extreme type, movement and structure. Ansata Nile Jewel, was truly a Classic a treasure to behold as her blood goes forward to the next generations to come.

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha *Morafic Sid Abouhom Mabrouka Moniet El Nefous Ansata Nile Jewel • a h a 61935 Grey mare 04/20/1970- 1989

i Nazeer *Ansata Ibn FJalima++ Halima Falima *Facll Fa-Habba *Bint Bint Sabbah

Sponsored by: Hadaya Arabians, Jaleen Hacklander 7602 E. US Hwy 14, Janesville, Wl 53546 USA Phone: 608-573-3332 Email: website: 222

In Tribute to Hadaya El Tareef Hadaya El Tareef was bred by John and Marianne Hack­ lander of the famed Hadaya Egyptian Stud in Janesville, Wisconsin. He was third generation Hadaya breeding from the beautiful foundation mare Ansata Nile Jewel. Sired by the incomparable U.S. National Reserve and World Champion stallion Imperial lmdal+. Hadaya El Tareef became one of Imdal's most successful sons both as a show horse and as a sire. Foaled in 1986 he spent his early years with Susan McAdoo of Tobruk Farm in Tennessee after which he was acquired by Robert and Christine Fauls for their Chapel Hill Farm in Georgia. Under their ownership Hadaya El Tareef accumulated an enviable show ca­ reer winning U.S. National Top Ten and then Canadian National Top Ten twice, plus many other regional and class A championships. He won Top Five at the Paris World Championships as well as U.S. Egyptian Event Supreme Champion. In addition he was U.S. Egyptian Event Get of Sire winner twice. As a sire, he was universally admired producing many champions in both halter and performance with beau­ ty, style, athletic ability and exceptional charisma. His daughter Tareefs Sa Diyyah was U.S. Egyptian Event Supreme Champion mare and then was exported to Israel later winning Paris World Reserve Champion Ju­ nior Female. Ansata Ibn Sudan With get and grand get in England, France, Sweden, Belgium, Italy, Qatar, U.A.E. and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Hadaya El Tareef has made an impact that will not be forgotten.

Ansata Imperial Ansata Delilah Imperial Imdal-t*Morafic

Bob Fauls, long time owner of Hadaya El Tareef reflects on him with these words: "Of course our commitment to Tareef was based on our emotional tie. We loved him from the beginning, the first day we saw him flip his tail over his back, trot around snorting and blowing at Su­ san's farm. There were also those times when he would bury his head into your chest hoping for a little scratch or untying our son's shoe laces as he sat inTareef's stall just "talking to his buddy." Tareef's impact on the breed came from his offspring and those who witnessed this horse up close and personal. His show career was ad­ mirable and a recognized super star but we knew his life was best spent as the farm's chief breeding stallion. One cannot mention Tareef without acknowledging the impact that Chris Anckersen had on this gentle giant of a horse (and visa versa). No one knew Tareef better or could have cared so totally for such a great stallion." Hadaya El Tareef remains a fine example of the kind of classically beautiful, intelligent, charismatic and ath­ letic Arabians that Hadaya has bred for many decades. He was always loved by all who knew him and he will always be remembered.

Dalia++ *Romanaa II Hadaya El Tareef • a h a 381591 Grey stallion 04/14/1986

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Bey+ Ansata Damietta HadayaNMerytaten *Ramses Fayek Hadaya NNefertiti Ansata Nile Jewel

Sponsored by: Hadaya Arabians, Jaleen Hacklander 7602 E. US Hwy 14, Janesville, Wl 53546 USA Phone: 608-573-3332 Email: website: 223

In Tribute to Meseda This history-changing tale begins in 1945 when King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia gifted his desert-bred iron grey mare, Hind, to King Farouk of Egypt. A year later at the King's Inshass Stud, Hind gave birth to the bay mare, Hanaa, whose name means happiness. However, ominous storm clouds were gathering over the head that wore Egypt's crown and in 1952 the revolutionary government seized power. Some of the Inshass horses were auctioned off. Others, including Hanaa, went to The Egyptian Agricultural Organization's El Zahraa Stud (formerly the Royal Agricultural Society's Kafr Farouk). Under the new anti-royal regime the R.A.S./E.A.O. was in jeopardy of elimination. Fortunately, the Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Sayed Marei, was an avid Arabian horse enthusiast and made an impassioned plea for its salvation: "It will be as if we are erasing the Great Pyramids of Egypt," he appealed! He won his case. The E.A.O. was spared. Dr. Marei also came to the rescue of Egypt's private breeders by requiring the E.A.O. to oversee and register their horses in the E.A.O. studbook so they were officially recognized worldwide. Today, thanks to his action, there are over 400 private breeders flourishing in Egypt under E.A.O. auspices, and the E.A.O. still remains the flagship government farm. Meanwhile Hanaa had been bred to El Sareei and produced two very refined bay sisters: Bint Hanaa - the daughter of happiness - born in 1959 and owned by Ahmed Sherif, great grandson of Ali Pasha Sherif, and Anzar - meaning one to look at - born in 1963. Don and Judith Forbis, who were living in Egypt at this time, admired Bint Hanaa's progeny and were instrumental in the export of her daughters *Habeebaa and *Gamilaa, (full sister to *Bint Bint Hanaa U.S. Reserve National Champion Mare) eventually owned by Gleannloch Farm. On learning of Anzar's whereabouts up the Nile, they went to look at her. Soon afterwards she graced Dr. Marei's Al Badeia Farm where she was bred to the E.A.O. stallion Maher, a son of Galal x Inshass Mona. She produced Nagwa, who in turn was bred to Dr. Marei's favorite stallion, Kayed (*Morafic x Kaydahom) resulting in a stunning grey filly that he named Meseda - to make happy. She became his prized mare. Anzar (*AK Anzar) was eventually purchased by Bentwood Farm in USA. Meseda, the queen of Al Badeia, moved to the newly formed Al Shaqab Stud in Qatar where she became a favorite of The Emir HH Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani. Today Meseda's descendants are pillars of Al Shaqab, represented by such international champions as the stunning sisters Laian Al Shaqab and Nouf Al Shaqab - both sired by Al Adeed Al Shaqab whose dam also traces to Dr. Sayed Marei's handsome mare, *Malekat El Gamal. And so this story has a "happy" ending. In essence it is a tribute to Meseda's breeder, Dr. Sayed Marei, whose impassioned plea to save the E.A.O. likened the Egyptian Arabian horse to the Great Pyramids - the timeless treasures of ancient Egypt.

Nazeer Galal Farasha Maher Badr Mona Mahdia Meseda • EAO E l-239 Creymare 02/12/1977

*Morafic Kayed Kaydahom Nagwa El Sareei Anzar FHanaa

Sponsored by: Albadeia Arabian Stud Nasr Marei 3 Sayed Marei Street, Mansouria Road, Giza 12561 Egypt Phone +2 012 210 0888 Email: website: 224

In Tribute to Rum inaja Ali It goes without saying that while he was alive, Rumi­ naja Ali left an indelible mark on the Arabian horse world. His accomplishments as an individual, as well as a sire, have been well documented. In 1985 Ali became the first US National Champion Futurity Stal­ lion to have sired a US National Champion Futurity Stallion, when his son, Ali Jamaai, unanimously won the coveted title. While Ali made his mark in the entire Arabian horse community, the mark he made on the hearts of his owners, James and Matthew Bergren, was the deepest. Ali's size, quality and charisma became the standard by which all horses were compared. Be­ cause of this deep and abiding love and respect, Mat­ thew continues to judge all Arabian horses based on the qualities he admired in the number one horse in his heart, Ruminaja Ali. When Ruminaja Ali returned home to Bergren Fam­ ily Arabians in 1993, Matthew immediately took over Ali's care. He worked on developing a special diet and exercise regime focused on getting Ali back into the best possible condition. Matthew and Ali shared a bond that transcended the typical horse and owner relationship. They shared a deep love and respect for each other. Ali's willing to please personality and larg­ er than life presence brought great joy to Matthew's life. Matthew remembers Ali's breathtaking machismo while teasing mares and challenging other studs as well as his gentle nickering and soft nuzzles while offering comfort and support to a young man just starting out. Matthew states that he learned a lot from Ruminaja Ali, not just about horses, but about life. The Bergren's vision for preserving the legacy of Ali's breeding status was Matthew's first priority. Falling back on a lifetime study of the Arabian horse, and look­ ing at the trends and direction that the breed was mov­ ing in, Matthew knew that the Arabian horse would benefit from Ali long after he passed. Matthew wanted to make sure that Ali would continue to contribute as long as possible. In 1995, Bergren Family Arabians contacted Whit Byers with Select Breeders Services to have Ali's semen evaluated for freezing. Thanks to Matthew's efforts, Ali was proven a successful candi­ date. He was collected and his semen was frozen. BFA held on to the frozen semen, waiting for the tech­ nology to advance to the point where optimum suc­ cess was available. The ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) procedure has opened the door for the high­ est possible success in the utilization of Ruminaja Ali's semen. In 2009, twelve years after Ali passed away, 5 pregnancies were achieved using Ruminaja Ali's se­ men and donor mare oocytes. In 2010, another 10 successful ICSI procedures were done, including two for Bergren Family Arabians. In the summer of 2011, the Bergrens will welcome an Ali filly and colt from their Straight Egyptian mare Showboat CAHR. These foals represent the fulfillment of the Bergren's dream to see Ruminaja Ali's legacy continued. With the ad­ vancements made in equine reproduction technology, the possibilities of Ali's continued contributions are al­ most endless.

Nazeer *Morafic Mabrouka Shaikh Al Badi Nazeer *Bint Maisa Ei Saghira++ Maisa Ruminaja Ali • a h a 134937 Grey stallion 05/11/1976 - 08/29/1997

’"Morafic *Khofo++ *Nabilahh Bint Magidaa Alaa El Din *Magidaa Maysa Sponsored by: Bergren Family Arabians James, Matthew & Kathryn Bergren 1920 West River Rd., Muskegon, Ml 49445 USA Phone 231-744-1744 or 231 -215-5312 Email: or website: 225

In Tribute to Bint Atallah Bint Atallah was my 'HEART' and the foundation mare for my Straight Egyptian breeding program. I had flown to Judy Jone's Farm in Iowa to look at mares....and fell in love with one mare. I was unable to make the purchase at that time but later, my dream came true and "Tailah" came home to my farm in Texas. I'll never forget what she did the day after she arrived when a couple of friends called and wanted to come over and see her. She had been turned out into the pasture. When I walked out with the couple, she came running up and positioned herself, ears pinned and teeth showing, between us. "Tallah" was protecting me! She wasn't 'M ine'....I was 'Hers'! And so it was from that day forward. Always the dominant mare in any situation, showing her status, but kind and protective. Bint Atallah personified what an Arabian should be: ultra typey, good conformation, balanced, harmonious lines, great movement... with a spirited heart. My war mare. Her bloodlines read like a "Whose Who" - the immortal Ruminaja Ali was her sire and her dam was the great Atallah an *Ansata Ibn Halima daughter with tail female to Bint Fada. She was a "one in a million" mare and I felt she would be an excellent producer. She produced two outstanding fillies in her lifetime: Thee Desperada (xThee Desperado) who died at 8 years old when foaling out to ^Imperial Madheen and Habeeba Atallah (x Anaza El Nisr) who broke her neck as a yearling.

*Morafic Shaikh Al Badi *Bint Maisa El Saghira++ Ruminaja Ali *Khofo++ Bint Magidaa *Magidaa Bint Atallah • AHA 309101 Grey mare 07/10/1984 - 05/20/2007

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ I Halima AK Atallah *lbn Moniet El Nefous AlNahr Mon Ami Bint Fada

Bint Atallah produced other good foals but will best be remembered by others as having produced the extrodinary stallions Tallahsman (x "Imperial Madheen) owned by Omar Sakr and Phaaros (x ZT Faa'iq) owned by Gigi Grasso and Alfala Stud.

Sponsored by: Black Wind Arabians Judy B. Guess

Through Them and in My Heart....................... She Lives O n ....................... - )udy Guess

P.O. Box 1299, New Ulm, TX 78950 USA Phone 979-995-3990 Email: 226

In Tribute to Emir Ibn Farazdac EMIR IBN FARAZDAC (known as "Himself") pos­ sesses an intellect beyond any horse I have previ­ ously known and has a well-developed sense of humor. My days are made good just watching him. Himself knows when I'm feeling good and when I visit him, he charges across the pasture and bounc­ es to a stop just in front of me. But if I'm feeling depressed or in pain, he walks calmly by my side and takes extra care not to jostle. Protective as a watch dog, his naturally gentle nature precludes any threatening behavior, but he calmly puts him­ self between me and anyone he doesn't know. When workmen were in his paddock, Himself grazed at the other end and ignored them — until I entered the paddock, then he galloped toward us and calmly stationed himself between me and the workmen, moving as we moved to stay between us so that we had to talk over him, like neighbors talk­ ing over the backyard fence. When I left the pad­ dock, Himself went back to his grazing. Himself, the last breeding son of halter champion *FARAZDAC, has an ancestry of major significance in Arabian breeding with winners in the show ring, on the racetrack, and the endurance trail. *FARAZDAC get have won National titles in halter, western pleasure, sidesaddle, and produced National halter winners HAF G TIFFANEE, RICHTER MH (winner in North America and Europe), and U.S. National Champion Country Pleasure and Native Costume *BADR+. Himself's dam MFA SABRIA is by THEEGYPTIANPRINCE, sire of National winners in halter and dressage and grandsire of U.S. Reserve National Champion Stallion THEE DESPERADO. MFA SABRIA's dam RDM MAAR HALIMA is 3/4 sister to National winning producer RDM MAAR HALA by U.S. Top Ten Stallion EL HILAL, all-time leading Egyptian sire of National winners. MFA SABRIA is full sister to National winning sire MFA SAYGAH and is 7/8 sister to ET CROWN PRINCE (grandsire of World Champion and U.S. National Champion Stallion *SIMEON SHAI+). EMIR IBN FARAZDAC is truly bred in the purple.

photo courtesy Christine Emmert

Nazeer Alaa El Din (ateet'a *Farazdac Sid Abouhom Farasha Yosreia Emir Ibn Farazdac • AHA 424158 Crey stallion 01/31/1988

*Morafic TheEgyptianPrince *Bint Mona MFA Sabria El Hilal RDM Maar Halima Maar-Ree

Sponsored by: Blue Pyramid Egyptians (Thanks to Arlene Magid for her research on Him­ self's ancestral accomplishments.)

13680 S. 7300 W„ Herriman, Utah 84096 USA Phone: 801-446-6744 Email: website: 227

In Tribute to El H ilal When he was just a weanling El Hilal was acquired from Gleannloch Farms by Sheila Varian, but as a young stallion he was off to the Northwest and was subsequently acquired by the Paleleks ofVantage Point Farm. It was under their expert management where he went on to claim the title of all time leading Egyptian sire of champions. Most of them were the result of him being bred to Crabbet-bred, Egyptian-bred and some of Polish bloodlines as well. Relatively few of his offspring were straight Egyptian. Among them, however, are some of the most well-known straight Egyptians of their time. His first was a filly out of Maar Jumana who captured the heart of Dr. Felino Cruz by the name of RDM Maar Hala, certainly a household name in straight Egyptian circles and who became the leading championproducing straight Egyptian mare. He also went on to produce other great daughters: Hialeah (x *Hekmat), the full sisters, Kachina Moon, Moon Mystique & Moon Danseur (x Naifartiti - full sister to Shaikh Al Badi), Hi Fashion Hitesa (x Yasamin), AH Abraxas (x Royal Gemm), the U.S. National Top Ten Futurity Mare, Sidra (x his full sister, Nourah), and Helwa Lancer (exported to England and there bred to Simeon Sadik to produce *HS Hero (2010 Most Classic Head winner at the Egyptian Event), later imported to this country by Abraxas Arabians and standing now at KC Egyptian Stud.

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Sheikh El Arab Halima El Hilal • AHA 35261

El Hilal's sons include Hansan (x Hammama), Imperial Al Kamar (x Imperial Sonbesjul), Canadian National Top Ten Futurity Stallion, LeBaroque (x Nourah), and the exceptionally beautiful VP Regal Heir (x Bint Sammara). There can be no question as to his extreme value as a sire, but he was also a great individual, garnering championships for himself including the title of Canadian and U.S. National Top Ten Stallion. Ron Palelek said of him, "El Hilal had a certain dignity about him ..." Joyce Palelek gave a glimpse into his personality, "Even at age 19 he [was] a ridiculous showoff." A most fitting tribute to this great individual was given by the Arabian Horse World: "The legacy that El Hilal will leave to the breed is found in the correctness, ability, beauty and genetic consistency with which he endows his offspring." Even today, this influence is felt in his descendants, which is, of course, the mark of a truly great sire.

Grey stallion 01/06/1966- 1988

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha *Bint Nefisaa Balance Nefisa Helwa

Sponsored by: Kara Crowell, KC Egyptian Stud 73141 L Road, Holdredge, NE 68949 USA Phone: 308-991-6878, Fax: 308-995-8566 Email: website: 228

In Tribute to V P Regal H eir That which made Regal Heir so special had been in the making for many years. Indeed, he was bred to be all that he was. His dam, Bint Sammara, was the only daughter of Mohssen (*Ansata Ibn Halima x *Bint Mona) and *Sammara (*Morafic x Sameera), the beauti­ ful mare from the same female family that produced the famed Inshass stallion, Sameh. *Sammara was the dam of U.S. National Champion Futurity Stallion, Al Metrabbi (x *Morafic). She was acquired by Ron Wright from Doug Marshall as part of a group of straight Egyptian mares in late 1970. His then young stallion, Mohssen, had crossed exceptionally well with *Morafic daugh­ ters, and Bint Sammara was proof certain that this was working. She was later bred to the legendary El Hilal, and the result was VP Regal Heir. It was the only time this mating produced a colt, making him, just like his sire and dam, a "one-of-a-kind." Regal's early life was not easy, but he showed himself to be very resilient. He was never shown as a young stallion due to a broken shoulder. Amazingly, he recu­ perated quite well, emerging and maturing as the ala­ baster white stallion with the gorgeous eyes for which he became so well known. He was enthusiastically accepted wherever he went, his last public appear­ ance being at the Egyptian Event's Stallion Showcase. He lived up to his name in every way...clearly of regal bearing...and a worthy heir to all he had been bred to become.

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Halima El Hilal

His offspring include the intensely linebred Patinaa (x U.S. Top Ten Futurity mare, Sidra), Nayla Hayek's Hei­ rogance (x BSA Bataarha), Mreekhs Heiress (x Dahmareekha) now owned by Hadaya Arabians, Heirogant (x Hakaya El Nefous) owned by KC Egyptian Arabians, and the exquisite Nadirah CA (x Almona). Most of all, however, Regal will be remembered for the relationship he shared with Kara Crowell. He was very much a stallion, but whenever Kara was with him he was gentle, kind and deferred to her in every respect. In Kara's own words, "Every day, going out to the barn to feed him, was a joy for me. He always made eye contact with me, and confirmed that my life was on the right track. He was my anchor that always kept the ship from sailing too far from home. He was part of my heart. I know how beautiful he was, but, for me, it was much more simple than that, he was the soul who had made so many of my dreams come true. I am the luckiest girl in the world, because his gift was larger than life." Truly, to see them together was to see "the gentleman and his lady."

Nazeer *Bint Nefisaa Nefisa VP Regal Heir • AHA 420336 Grey stallion 05/2/1988 -2010

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Mohssen *Bint Mona Bint Sammara *Morafic ’“Sammara Sameera

Sponsored by: Kara Crowell, KC Egyptian Stud 73141 L Road, Holdredge, NE 68949 USA Phone: 308-991-6878, Fax: 308-995-8566 Email: website: 229

In Tribute to Mohssen Mohssen (Arabic for "one who does good") was most appropriately named. I'll never forget the day he arrived at our place. It was a Sunday. The big Gleannloch van pulled up and parked in front of the chapel where our family attended church services. The driver came in, poked his head into the chapel, and asked in a bigTexas accent, "Anyone here named Wright?" Hardly able to contain our excitement, I'm not sure how reverent we were as we exited the chapel, but somehow we all made our way outside to see him. There he was, the one who would become my best friend for the next several years of my life. Mohssen was presented as a gift to my father by the late Douglas B. Marshall of Gleannloch Farms. With championships in Texas and in the Pacific Northwest, he went on to be named Canadian National Top Ten Stallion in 1972. Records reflect that he sired 202 foals, but less than 15% of them were straight Egyptians. Even so, his blood is found in many horses of renown throughout the world today: Maida Bint Bint Mohssen (Al Rayyan Farm), WH Justice (Equid System, LTD.), the late VP Regal Heir (KC Egyptian Arabians), VA Regal (Ansata & Highview Egyptian Stud), and Classic Mahmut (Bebo Stud). A sire of great broodmares, he is best known through his daughters, among them Antaja, Bint Sammara, Bint Omayma, Moynese, Royal Gemm, Katourah, UP Mansoura and KP Bint Mohssen, to name a few. He consistently produced foals that possessed classic type with beautiful heads, clean throatlatches, correctness and kind dispositions. Mohssen was with us for most of his life, whether in Washington, Utah or finally in California, but in 1987 my father was faced with the unthinkable. As Dad faced the specter of failing health and all that it entailed he reluctantly agreed to sell him. Although by then an aged stallion and hardly a candidate for becoming a herd sire around which one could build a program, Mr. Poth of Germany acquired him and he, along with other European breeders, bred their mares to him. During those three short years he sired many who would carry on his legacy there in Europe and in the Middle East.

if)®* Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Sheikh El Arab Halima Mohssen • a h a 36239 Grey stallion 02/08/1966- 1989

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha *Bint Mona Sid Abouhom Mouna

Most will have seen the pictures of Mohssen in various stand up poses and head shots. However, I selected this picture to represent him because in it I see him as he truly was: intelligent, kind, wise, gentle, and a dear and trusted friend. If, when I depart this life, I have lived as he did, I will have accomplished all that I came here to do as "one who does good."

Moniet El Nefous

Sponsored by: the Family of Ron, Sharon, & Dory Wright 10657 South Whirlaway Lane, Sandy, UT 84092 USA Phone: 801-783-0553, Fax: 888-817-1765 E-mail: website: 230

In Tribute to *Bint Nefisaa Ethereal beauty, grace, refinement, and classic elegance, are all words that come to mind when I think of *Bint Nefisaa. Notwithstanding the many beautiful Nazeer daughters I had seen (*Bint Mona, *Ansata Bint Mabrouka, *Ansata Bint Bukra, *Bint Maisa El Saghira, and *Ansata Bint Zaafarana) as well as those I had only known in pictures (like *Bint Moniet El Nefous), yet there was an essence about *Bint Nefisaa that captured my heart and made her, at least from my perspective, the most beautiful of them all. She was small in stature, and some felt that perhaps it was it was because of the problems encountered during the process of her importation to the U.S. She came by boat when not yet two, but the quarantine station would not release her. The options were to either have her destroyed or sent back to Egypt, treated, and then returned. The first being unthinkable, Mr. Marshall decided to send her back. She proved to be very resilient, endured the rigors of two additional ocean crossings and finally made her way to Gleannloch Farms. Thus it was that Mr. Marshall secured and preserved the blood that would have such far reaching effects upon Arabian horses the world over. *Bint Nefisaa's profound influence would have been assured had she only produced her most famous son, the incomparable El Hilal. But it didn't stop there. She went on to produce his two full sisters, Negmaa and Nourah. Like their beautiful mother, these three siblings had those "Nefisa" eyes...large, dark, and expressive. Being a Nazeer daughter was royalty enough, but the secret to the eyes, at least in my view, was the Farida influence through Halima on their sire's side and twice through Nefisa on their dam's side. In between El Hilal and his full sisters, *Bint Nefisaa produced the mare, Nama, tail female ancestress of Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Stallion, Botswana. Her last foal was the exquisite Moynese (x Mohssen), born in 1977, and later exported to England.

Gamil Manial Mansour Nafaa El Saghira Nazeer Kazmeyn Bint Samiha Samiha *Bint Nefisaa • a h a 23223 Grey mare 08/06/1959

Ibn Samhan Balance Farida

Although very kind and of a quiet disposition, yet *Bint Nefisaa didn't seek a lot of human interaction. I would frequently observe her gazing off into the distance with a far-away look in her eyes. It sometimes made me wonder if perhaps she remembered the land of her birth and missed those she'd known in her early years. Her eyes truly were a window to her soul, revealing a beauty of spirit and a light from within. This was always something of a marvel to me. To possess light is one thing, but to beget light is akin to the divine.. .something I remember whenever I see those same eyes in her descendants today.

Nefisa Hamran II Helwa Bint Farida

Sponsored by: Derick and Karen Wright of Virtual Rain, Inc. 1898 Shoshone Drive, Ogden, UT 84403 USA Phone: 925-202-6600 E-mail:


In Tribute to *Hekm at *Hekmat was imported from Egypt in 1965 by Doug Marshall of Gleannloch Farms. She came to us in September of 1970 as part of a group of eleven straight Egyptian mares my father acquired from Mr. Marshall. She was an exceptionally strong-bodied mare, and had a very kind disposition. Statistics reveal that her influence as a broodmare is felt worldwide through her many descendants, among them: Bint Bint Hamamaa, Shaheen, Hilal Al Nakeeb, Thee Scarlet Rose RCA, II Durra, Ansata Mystic Rose, and Royal Gemm. She was one of the few Anter daughters in this country (along with *DawIat, *Nabilahh and *Nihal, to name a few). She was definitely her father's daughter in many respects, though much finer in bone. She had very fine hair, especially her mane and tail. Her head was pleasing, but not extreme. Her eyes were kind and expressive. Doubling up the influence of Anter produced Hamamaa (x *lbn Antar), dam of Hansan (x El Hilal) and granddam of Bint Bint Hamamaa, but no matter the sire, her offspring always bore a certain resemblance to her, especially the chestnuts of the family. Such descriptions, however, cannot relate the life lessons she taught me in the Spring of 1978 shortly after giving birth to a beautiful colt by Mohssen. Due to a then unknown condition similar to the RH factor in humans we lost him. I remember being with him constantly during those first days. As he became too weak to stand, I would continually strip what I thought was the life-giving colostrum from the mare and feed him, completely unaware of the damage it was doing. No tests were then available, and we had no reason to suspect a problem given the two healthy foals she had produced by Mohssen in prior years. He later died in my arms. I was overcome with grief and still remember taking his little body off to a place on the farm atop a beautiful knoll. Fighting back the tears, I dug the tiny grave and buried him there that Spring afternoon. In the days that followed it was *Hekmat who taught me much concerning acceptance of the things we cannot change, moving forward in spite of setbacks, and seeing the good in all things. Being with her during that time was a gift. How honored we feel to have one of her descendants (both through Royal Gemm and through Bint Bint Hamamaa) as one of our foundation mares today, the lovely Abraxas Bint Abu. Having "Binti" here with us is a constant reminder of the gift I received from *Hekmat, and of the attendant obligation to share such things with others in their proper season.

Ibn Rabdan Hamdan Bint Radia Anter Mekdam Obeya Abla *Hekmat • a h a 32269 Chestnut mare 02/13/1961-09/11/1990

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha Samia Kheir Malaka Bint Bint Riyala

Sponsored by: Cariswood Arabians Keri and Carolee Wright 10657 South Whirlaway Lane, Sandy, UT 84092 USA Phone: 801-783-0553, Fax: 888-817-1765 E-mail: website: 232

In Tribute to Bint Sammara "Sammie" as she was known to us when we were just kids, immediately won a place in our hearts forever. Her dam, the beautiful *Morafic daughter, *Sammara (x Sameera) died suddenly after an attending veterinarian administered the wrong medication. It was clearly an accident, but left Bint Sammara an orphan at a very young age. Most of our mares were in Washington at the time which is where our stallion, Mohssen, was standing, but after the tragedy of losing *Sammara, we brought "Sammie" home to Utah so we could give her the extra attention that she would need. There's something about life when it is so tender and young that reaches and touches us in wonderful and marvelous ways. So it was with "Sammie". She was as beautiful as she was kind, and grew to become a truly lovely mare, one who possessed a tremendous warmth of spirit, not uncommon to those who've passed through sorrow and tragedy and endured them well. She seemed grateful for her turn here on earth and reflected it in the way she lived. Her dam, *Sammara, was of the El Samraa [Inshass] family and had produced very well: the Class A Champion Stallion, El Hadiyi (x *Ansata Ibn Halima), U.S. National Champion Futurity Stallion, Al Metrabbi (x *Morafic), and Multi-Champion, El Sattaar (x Mohssen). This was the same female family that had produced the famous broodmare sire, Sameh. As a consequence of *Sammara/s death, Bint Sammara was retired to the broodmare band at an early age.

slazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Halima Mohssen Mazeer *Bint Mona Mouna Bint Sammara • AHA 91734

She produced a total of 12 foals, perhaps the best known being the handsome VP Regal Heir (x El Hilal). Mohssen did some of his best work when bred to *Morafic daughters. El Hilal, in turn, on Mohssen daughters always worked very nicely as well, but this was a home run, to be sure. He was the perfect blending of all that was good in both his sire and his dam.

Crey mare 02/06/1973 - 1996

slazeer *Morafic Mabrouka *Sammara

Mahfouz Sameera

Even now I remember my father commenting to me at the time that he sold her, that sometimes it is necessary to part with the very best. Still, it was hard letting her go, knowing that I would likely never see her again. She left our place in California bound for Washington, and it was there she lived out the remainder of her days. As the saying goes, "Time goes so fast. Life asks so much. It's no wonder good friends get out of touch, but in our hearts, deep, true, unseen...our friendship stays forever green." God be thanked for the part of my soul that was awakened and lives still because of "Sammie" and the special friend she was to me.

Bint El Samraa

Sponsored by: Rockwood Ranch W. Darryl Fry & Gwenn Tyler-Fry 2375 Rockwood Ranch Rd. Morgan Hill CA 95037 USA Phone: 408-776-3414 E-mail: 233

In Tribute to ET Crow n Prince In putting a piece together on ET Crown Prince, it simply wouldn't be complete without input from his owner of over 13 years, Debbie Nowak, of Abraxas Arabians: "I have been a breeder of straight Egyptian horses for over 40 years. I now look back with lots of memories and always have ET Crown Prince as picture perfect in my mind. He embodied all the "ideals" that come to mind of "classic type" and incredible structure and balance. He was also the farm's ham, he had a personality that would not quit! I had first seen Prince in 1978 as a yearling - he was a vision of my ideal. In 1988 we purchased him and it was a dream come true. Prince brought to Abraxas Arabians a pedigree which any breeder would value: Prince was a double grandson of Nazeer through his sire, The Egyptian Prince, himself the result of a full blood brother and sister mating, *Morafic x *Bint Mona. Prince's dam, RDM Maar Hala (El Hilal x Maar Jumana) is recognized as the leading champion producing straight Egyptian mare. The number of US and Canadian National winners sired or produced by Prince's ancestors adds to the merit of his pedigree. He is the grandsire of National and World champion, *Simeon Shai.

Nazeer *Morafic Mabrouka TheEgyptianPrince Nazeer

Pedigreesarevital tools, importanttothefoundations of all programs. Prince brought structural elements and desirable good traits to his children and grandchildren. He was a strong stallion who could consistently "fix" and overcome a lot of structural holes. He created his own dynasty in the breeding shed: Raadin Royal Star, Abraxas-Maar-Hala, Abraxas-Moonstruk, Abraxas-Halamaa, AbraxasHabiela, Abraxas Amir, Abraxas-CrownGemm, and his youngest son foaled in 2010, Amir Sherif C.

*Bint Mona Mouna ET Crown Prince • a h a 160603 Grey stallion 04/26/1977 - 2001

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ El Hilal *Bint Nefisaa RDM Maar Hala, Disaan

He has get all over the world, and thirty years later I still receive letters from breeders commenting on how he has helped add to their programs. Prince was my best friend and as I look back I know he molded our foundation as a breeder. It was my privilege to have shared my life with him. Prince, your contribution lives on!"

Maar Jumana Maar-Ree Sponsored by: Rockwood Ranch W. Darryl Fry & Cwenn Tyler-Fry 2375 Rockwood Ranch Rd. Morgan Hill CA 95037 USA Phone: 408-776-3414 E-mail: 234

In Tribute to Nourah I remember seeing Nourah for the first time when she was just a few days old: porcelain-like features, tight curly mane and tail, beautiful dark eyes, wellset and very expressive. Though she didn't possess the extreme beauty of her dam, *Bint Nefisaa, she was the better-bodied of the two.

She was small in stature, but her presence allowed her an advantage in the show ring over the more popularmaresofgreatersizeinthatday. I remember one particular show. We got to the gate just before it closed. The judge had already begun to judge the class. As my turn came to present Nourah, I could see this "where was this filly when I watched the class come in?" look all over the judge's face. My heart sank when she pulled Nourah out in fourth place. Then she stood back, looked at all of us again and moved her to third place. I could tell she really wanted to use her higher, but was obviously wondering what had failed to impress her as Nourah entered the ring. She then called for the first three fillies to go back out on the rail at a trot and circle the arena. I got way out on the end of a very long lead line and just let Nourah do her thing. Her tail, characteristically, went up like a flagpole and she flew around the arena, giving new meaning to the expression "to fly without wings." As I came back to where the judge was standing, she said, "young man, take your mare up to first place." I was ecstatic! In the company of nationally known trainers and horses this typey little Egyptian darling had captured the heart of the judge and the crowd, and will forever hold a special place in my

Mansour Nazeer 3int Samiha *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Sheikh El Arab Halima ?agia Nourah • AHA 74250 Grey mare 05/05/1971- 1992

Mansour Nazeer

heart as well.

3int Samiha *Bint Nefisaa

Through the foresight and dedicated efforts of Charles & Judy Jones of Atallah Arabians her influence as a broodmare is now felt on many continents through her offspring Katourah, Princess Nefisaa, Bint Nourah, Sidra, Cashai & Imaan, to

Sponsored by: Atallah Arabians

name a few.

Judy W. Jones

3alance Nefisa delwa

17233 Via Recanto P.O. Box 2837 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 USA cell: 858-922-7885 235

In Tribute to Katourah The thought behind the breeding decision that produced Katourah was the doubling up of *Ansata Ibn Halima through her sire, Mohssen (x Bint Mona) and her dam, Nourah (x *Bint Nefisaa) together with the combination of the blood of the two broodmatrons, *Bint Mona and *Bint Nefisaa. Interestingly, at least from a phenotypic point of view, Katourah was not a knock-out, drop-dead gorgeous filly. Quite simply, she was not the equal of either her sire or her dam. Yet, as the old adage goes, "blood will tell," and indeed it did. A study of her pedigree reveals truly great individuals for several generations back, "no rats in the wood pile."

Perhaps they knew this, but Charles and Judy Jones wisely bred her to Ruminaja Ali, largely an outcross to Katourah, and produced the mare, Aliikat. She, in turn, was bred to Imperial Madheen, producing EAI Alikadheena, who produced well for Qadar Arabians prior to her death in 2006: Qadar Farida (x Farid Nile Moon) and Qadar Nile Diva (x Ansata Nile Nadir). Next, she produced the lovely Bint Aliikat by Safeen, presently owned by Tuscani Arabians. Aliikat also produced well when bred to Ansata lemhotep (Adjbah Al Safinat), to Ansata Hejazi (Nefisa Al Safinat and Luluwat Al Safinat), and to Adnan (Hilala Al Safinat).

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ dalima Mohssen Nazeer

Katourah's last producing daughter, Katarinaa, was by Thesaurus (Ruminaja Ali x Royal Gemm), and is now owned by Taaz Arabian Farm where they are continuing the *Bint Nefisaa legacy by breeding her to their ET Crown Prince son, Abraxas Prince (x Cashai [*Simeon Shai x Nourah]).

*Bint Mona Mouna Katourah • AHA 161436 Grey mare 01/17/1977- 1992

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++

Katourah is an excellent example of what a wonderfully bred individual, though not necessarily the show winner, can really do when piaced in the hands of artful, thoughtful breeders. Beginning with the end in mind, she was able to fulfill her destiny. Some may have judged her to be the least among the representatives of her family, yet she was a necessary ingredient, a catalyst to future greatness. To recognize these gems when they come along, and to value them is the essence of a true breeder.

Halima Nourah Nazeer Bint Nefisaa Nefisa Sponsored by: Atallah Arabians Judy W. Jones 17233 Via Recanto P.O. Box 2837 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 USA cell: 858-922-7885 236

In Tribute to Moynese If it's true that some of the best things often come in small packages, then it would appropriately be said of Moynese. She was a lovely mare, the last daughter of the exquisite Nazeer daughter, *Bint Nefisaa. She stood just over 14 hh, but what a tremendous legacy she left to us all. Consider the following:

Moynese's first and only daughter, lone, (x Ruminaja Ali), was purchased by the Poths and exported to France, and subsequently ended up in Italy. While in Europe she produced offspring by the renowned stallions Lohim, Hadidi and Messaoud. lone's daughter, Sajida (x Ansata Ibn Jamila,) was also purchased by the Poths and was exported to Germany where she was the high-selling horse at the German Elite Auction in 2000. Sajida produced a son, Authentic Shamani, the 2007 Senior Champion Egyptian Nationals - Cairo.

Moynese next produced a son, Taj Mo Ali (x Ruminaja Ali), a Canadian Top Ten Gelding, and one of the horses responsible for Henry & Christie Metz' entry into the Arabian Horse industry. One is rarely able to appreciate the far reaching effects of what seem like day to day decisions, but had Moynese only produced this one colt in her lifetime it would have been enough to assure her a place in the annals of straight Egyptian Arabian history for who can begin to fathom the depths of the contribution that Henry & Christy Metz of Silver Maple Farm have made to the Arabian Horse? Thank you, Moynese, for getting that party started!

Hazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Halima Mohssen Nazeer *Bint Mona Mouna Moynese • AHA 161435 Grey mare 01/06/1977-2000

Mansour Delyth Gamiin-Brown, of Derbyshire, England, acquired Moynese as an aged mare. "She lived with me until the grand old age of 23 and it was an honour to have known and cared for her," said Delyth. "Unfortunately, she never bred again which was tragic. She was an exquisite mare... very dry in appearance, [and] what she lacked in height she made up for in sheer quality. Moynese was just a fantastic example of [a] desert look [in a] mare. She was laid to rest here in Derbyshire with her stable mate Bint El Sanaa."

Nazeer Bint Samiha *Bint Nefisaa 3alance Nefisa Helwa Sponsored by: Atallah Arabians Judy W. Jones 17233 Via Recanto P.O. Box 2837 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 USA cell: 858-922-7885 237

In Tribute to Royal Gem m Royal Gemm was by Canadian National Top Ten Stallion, Mohssen (*Ansata Ibn Halima x *Bint Mona) and out of *Hekmat (Anter x Sarnia). This is a very strong mare family whose influence is felt many generations into the future as attested by Judi Forbis' comment in her book, Authentic Arabian Bloodstock II: "One of the successful families emerging in the new millennium is from *Hekmat." And Royal Gemm was no exception. She was a mare of considerable size and scope, very upright, very correct, nice coupling, good length of neck, a pleasant head, but not particularly pretty, by any means. She was, in fact, very typical of the other *Hekmat offspring: II Durra, Al Nimr, Hamamaa, El Saemeen, Hialeah and Abas Bint Hekmat. Notes from her breeder when she was just 6 months old place her among the very best he had produced that year. Royal Gemm only produced two daughters, both of which bred on. The first was Gemmora (x Moraftakhar). Gemmora's daughter, Gemallah (x Ruminaja Attallah [Shaikh Al Badi x Negmaa]) went on to produce two daughters by Nefisaan (Mohssen x *Bint Nefisaa): the chestnut, Shasallah, and the grey, Shisaan. In her later years Shisaan was bred to Egyptian Event Supreme Champion, Botswana, and produced a beautiful filly, Rose of Sharon CA, one in whom you readily see the influence of *Hekmat some five generations later. She is presently owned by Hunter & Ethnie Gundersen of Imbue Design in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Halima Mohssen Nazeer *Bint Mona Mouna

Royal Gemm's other daughter, AH Abraxas, produced four foals, two sons and two daughters, all by ET Crown Prince (The Egyptian Prince x RDM Maar Hala). Her son, Abraxas Amir, was sold to Sheridank Park Arabians of Australia. Tragically, Abraxas Hilals Gemm died without leaving any progeny. Her sister, Abraxas Crown Gemm, was purchased by Salem Bin Mahfooz of Kinndah Arabians in Saudi Arabia. The only one of her offspring to remain in the U.S. is the black bay, Abraxas Abu Hilal, sire of Abraxas Bint Abu (x Abraxas Haiamaa, granddaughter of Bint Bint Hamamaa), presently owned by Cariswood Arabians.

Royal Gemm • a h a 135827 Grey mare 02/04/1976 - 1993

Hamdan Anter Obeya *Hekmat Nazeer Samia Malaka Sponsored by: Atallah Arabians Judy W. Jones 17233 Via Recanto P.O. Box 2837 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 USA cell: 858-922-7885 238

In Tribute to Le Baroque Sharon Ralls Lemon, editor of Horse Illustrated, is often quoted as saying, "The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit, and fire." This is so true, and it seems so foreign to me that some people view other creations as having no spirit, no personality, no soul. Le Baroque's dam, Nourah, was proof positive of the individuality of her personality...even some of the quirks that make life with them so vibrant and full.

With the obvious success she had achieved when Judy Jones first bred Nourah to her full brother, El Hilal, she was willing to try it again, this time obviously hoping for a colt. But listen to how Judy describes Le Baroque at the time of his birth, especially Nourah's reaction to it all: "It was amazing to see a carbon copy of his full sister, Sidra, standing in the stall next to his lovely dam, Nourah. Nourah had done it again. She loved her fillies dearly, but she wasn't totally sold on taking good care of her colts. So, we had to watch her carefully whenever she foaled a colt." Possibly the equine version of "tough love"? Just wanting to make sure her little guy would be able to make his way in the world? Who knows? But what an interesting story.

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Halima El Hilal Nazeer

Le Baroque went on to be a U.S. and Canadian National Futurity Top Ten Stallion in 1991, but in November of that same year succumbed to encephalitis. Perhaps we will never know why some things are the way they are. As Judy noted, "he would have been an outstanding sire, but, unfortunately, never had that opportunity." Perhaps some horses, like some people, are just too lovely to be long for this world.

*Bint Nefisaa Nefisa Le Baroque • AHA 402243 Bay stallion 02/11/1988- 1991

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Halima Nourah Nazeer *Bint Nefisaa Nefisa Sponsored by: Atallah Arabians Judy W. Jones 17233 Via Recanto P.O. Box 2837 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 USA cell: 858-922-7885 239

In Tribute to M ohummed Sadden The breeding that resulted in the birth of Mohummed Sadden, or "Mo" as he was known by his human family was not mere happenstance. El Hilal's owner, Ron Palelek, of Washington, was very selective when it came to mares he accepted for breeding to El Hilal, especially when it came to straight Egyptian mares. Ron was not willing to compromise El Hilal's reputation as a sire by allowing him to be bred to mares, regardless of their quality, who weren't right for Hilal. He knew his strengths and he always played to them extremely well. And the chestnut Akid Fa Mona was no exception. There aren't a lot of photos of her now extant, but as a daughter of the great Fa Moniet, and a full sister to the even more famous Prince Fa Moniet, Ron knew this was a cross that would work. Charles and Judy Jones had acquired her as a 4 year old mare and they were not unfamiliar with what El Hilal could do as a sire. They owned his full sister, Nourah, her daughter, Katourah (x Mohssen), and a maternal sister, Moynese (x Mohssen). They knew the potential of this mating, and so it came as no surprise when the resulting colt was born and Judy remarked, "Mohummed Sadden was foaled as a gorgeous, arrogant colt from day one. I knew he was a winner the first time I looked at him. As he aged, he became a very impressive son of El Hilal. 'Mo' was a Class A Multiple Champion Stallion. He was a 1987 U.S. and Canadian Top Ten Futurity Stallion." He was the perfect blending of the traits he carried in the genes of his sire as well as his dam and he produced consistently. We were fortunate enough to have acquired one of his daughters, Almona (who was out of The Egyptian Prince daughter, AK Alhana), but lost her before we were able to secure a daughter that would have enabled us to move forward with her blood. Another of Mo's daughters that I like very much is Bint Sadden, who has several Egyptian Event Top Ten honors to her credit. Seeing her do so well at the 2010 Event seemed a fitting tribute to her sire as he had passed away just the year before. Pictures of him, even (or perhaps especially) in old age, revealed a horse who just got better and better with age.

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Halima El H ila l

Nazeer *Bint Nefisaa Nefisa Mohummed Sadden • a h a 295329 Grey stallion 06/15/1984 - 09/24/2009

*Morafic TheEgyptianPrince *Bint Mona Akid Fa Mona *lbn Moniet El Nefous Fa Moniet Fada Sponsored by: Atallah Arabians Judy W. Jones 17233 Via Recanto P.O. Box 2837 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 USA cell: 858-922-7885 240

In Tribute to A K Atallah Atallah was the result of breeding world-renowned *Ansata Ibn Halima to Al Nahr Mon Ami who was the product of the same cross that had produced Fa Moniet, dam of Prince Fa Moniet, Akid Fa Mona, and Akid Bint Rualla, all of them descending through the very influential Babson mare, Fada. She was bred by Jarrell McCracken of Bentwood Farm and sold as a yearling to the Maxwells of England. There she garnered the European Reserve Champion mare at the Salon du Cheval in Paris 1978, and also produced the 1981 World Reserve Champion Mare, Aliha. She was then purchased by Charles and Judy Jones as their foundation mare. Says Judy, "Atallah was the beginning of our breeding program and therefore our farm acquired her regal name: Atallah Arabian Farm. We purchased Atallah through David Gardner in 1980 as an eight year old mare. She was a wonderful name a few, AH Athena, Bint Atallah, Aji Atallah, and Juval. I owned five Ansata Ibn Halima daughters at one time and have viewed many of his other outstanding daughters and I feel that AK Atallah resembled him the most in every way. Atallah was a beautiful individual as well as an ideal family friend."

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha *Ansata Ibn Halima++

Judy's description of her as a wonderful producer

Sheikh El Arab

seems a bit modest as one considers the great horses that have descended from her: her Reserve World Champion daughter, Aliha (x Indian Silver), and Aliha's daughter, World Champion Mare, Atlantica (x El Shaklan); her daughter AH Athena (x Moniet El Sharaf) and Ahtena's son VK Crusader (x El Hilal); her daughter Bint Atallah (x Ruminaja Ali) and Bint Atallah's sons Tallahsman (x Imperial Mahdeen) and Phaaros (x ZT Faa'iq); her daughter, Aji Atallah (x Ruminaja Ali) with offspring now in Europe and the Middle East. The selection of AK Atallah as a foundation mare for their very successful breeding program seems to confirm the old adage: "blood will tell." Indeed it did and serves as an inspiration to many who would venture out on similar journeys.

Fdalima Ragia AK Atallah • a h a 98734 Grey mare 02/15/1972 - 09/21/1995

*Morafic *lbn Moniet El Nefous Moniet El Nefous Al Nahr Mon Ami Fa-Serr Bint Fada :ada Sponsored by: Atallah Arabians Judy W. Jones 17233 Via Recanto P.O. Box 2837 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 USA cell: 858-922-7885 241

In Tribute to Sidra World class breeder and enthusiast, Judy Jones, reminisced about the beautiful Sidra, and the story behind the breeding decisions that brought her to life: "Someone told me that breeding a full sister to a full brother was chancy...either you ended up with something fantastic or something not so great. Taking into consideration that both Nourah and El Hilal were outstanding individuals themselves, and each had produced well, I took the chance and came up with my beautiful Sidra." Long time breeder and world-renowned horseman, Ron Paleiek possesses a very keen eye and is not one to be liberal with praise when not truly earned. That he would make the following statement about Sidra was, therefore, all the more impressive: "Seeing Sidra for the first time is like walking into an artist's studio and approaching a sculpture of the classic Arabian filly: every detail exaggerated, yet perfect; every line feminine and extreme. When she moves, the delicate china image is transformed into an elegant creature whose bearing proclaims assurance of her heritage." While closebreeding is not generally practiced, yet history records some very notable breeding horses which resulted from this type of mating: Ansata Shah Zaman (the breeding of *Morafic to his full sister, *Ansata Bint Mabrouka), and The Egyptian Prince (the breeding of *Morafic to his full sister in blood, *Bint Mona) being two classic examples. Careful and wise selection accompanied by rigid culling must be employed, but rightly done it can be used to fix certain traits and make them more heritable within family lines.

Mazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Halima El Hilal Mazeer *Bint Nefisaa Mefisa Sidra • a h a 360439 Bay mare 08/06/1986 - 05/06/1996

Such was the case with Sidra. Again, in Judy's words: "Sidra had no faults and was just as sweet as she was beautiful. She went on to be a National Top Ten futurity filly as a three year old in 1989 and also a 1990 Egyptian Event Champion World Class Mare. She produced a colt by Ruminaja Ali, named Siddig Ali, via a recipient mare, and then produced an outstanding filly, Patinaa, by VP Regal Heir, who is now living with Kara Crowell in Nebraska. Sidra had an unexpected early death and is buried with love at Rick Redden's farm in Versailles, KY. I will never forget Sidra and she will always live on in my dreams."

Mazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Halima Mourah Nazeer *Bint Nefisaa Nefisa Sponsored by: Atallah Arabians Judy W. Jones 17233 Via Recanto P.O. Box 2837 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 USA cell: 858-922-7885 242

In Tribute to Imperial lmdal+ Barbara Vallee is living proof that "small breeders" can make a giant impact on the Arabian horse world. She and her devoted husband, the late Rev. Theron Vallee, dedicated their lives to their horses, and with Barbara's determination and incredible eye for a horse, they "made a difference." Beginning with a careful selection of classic individuals, Barbara began a successful breeding program. Eventually she wanted to have Straight Egyptians and purchased the promising young colt, Ansata Halim Bey. He became the love of her life and a successful champion, but he regrettably died young from an enterolith. Shattered, but never one to give up, Barbara prayed she would find her next dream horse - and she did. Her prayers were answered at Imperial Egyptian Stud when Imperial Imdal stepped into her life and became her own! The rest of the story reads like a fairy tale. Chris Anckersen, who cared for lmdal+ at Bob and Christine Fauls' Chapel Farms Arabians in the last days of his life reminisces: "Much can be said about the impressive show career of Imperial lmdal+: World Champion in Paris, twice Egyptian Event Supreme Champion, and U.S. National Re­ serve Champion Stallion, but the aura of great­ ness Imdal-r possessed earned him the respect and admiration of breeders around the world. During public exhibitions at the Egyptian Event and at the farm, lmdal+ was a star celebrity. I can recall dozens of occasions when foreign breeders, many barely speaking English, would be thrilled to touch or be photographed with lmdal+. Following one of our open houses at Chapel Farms, more than 500 guests surrounded lmdal+, touching him all over, and he quietly stood enjoying the moment like the great king he was." In addition to the Fauls and Chris, among his many admirers and contributors to his success along the way were trainer Steve Dady, Uri Ariely, who leased him in Israel, and breeding experts Whit and Kathy Byers. Chris continues. "I have been very fortunate to have had the opportunity to train and show many of Imdal's get and grandget, and all have had his tremendous quality, intelligence, and fine character. Imdal's most successful son, Hadaya El Tareef, was our foundation sire at Chapel Farms Arabians for eighteen years. Tareef also was a great sire of champions around the world. We look forward to the future for the handsome lmdal+ son, VA Regal owned by Highview and Ansata, who I believe will write the next chapter of the lmdal+ legacy. It has been a privilege to have had lmdal+ and his offspring in our lives." And Chris concludes: "Indeed the blood of Imperial Imdal-t- is a precious asset to Egyptian Breeders worldwide." Imperial Imdal was bred by Douglas W or Barbara A. Griffith, and owned by Barbara Vallee.

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Ibn Sudan *Ansata Bint Mabrouka Ansata Imperial Ansata Shah Zaman Ansata Delilah *Ansata Bint Misr Imperial lmdal+ • AHA 249645 Grey stallion 06/29/1982

Nazeer *Morafic Mabrouka Dalia++ Sameh *Romanaa II Nazeera

Sponsored by: Bob and Chris Fauls Chapel Farms Arabians 307 Watermark Drive Peachtree City, GA 30269 USA 243

In Tribute to Belle Staar Bel le Staar was an extraordinary mare of the Saklawi Jedran strain. She possessed a certain combination of features - pronounced jibbah, large jowl, and beautiful black eyes - that gave her a distinct look all her own. Elegant and ultra-feminine, she had a captivating beauty and essence about her that lured one in for a closer look. Belle Staar was the kind of mare that excited the horse-breeding mind with infinite possibilities. She was unique and passed on a signature style that can be seen in her descendants around the world. A broodmare supreme, Belle Staar produced twelve foals in her lifetime. She is the dam of the exotic, black champion mare The Vision HG through which many international champions de­ scend. She is the maternal grand-dam of the pro­ lific and international champion sire Al Maraam as well as the champion stallion Al Lahab, winner of numerous international titles including World Champion Stallion, USA Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Stallion, All Nations Cup Champion Stallion, and Dubai International and Gold Cup Champion Stallion. She is the dam of the 2003 USA Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Mare, Isabella HG, and the Egyptian Event Top Five SE Futurity Filly, Madinah Belle CA. Additional prog­ eny and international show ring winners include her daughter Malikah Belle HGCA and the black stallion, The Verdict HG. Belle Staar was the dam of nine daughters which also include The Blessing HG, Liberty HG, Bandera Belle HGCA, Alia Belle CA, and her last born filly, Staarletta Belle CA. Close personal memories of Belle include the fine wrinkles set below her expressive eyes, her inquisitive manner of turning and tilting her head, her exuberant yet protective demeanor at feeding time, her cadenced "bouncy trot", and her enormous inner strength and heart.

Shaikh Al Badi Ruminaja Ali Bint Magidaa The Minstril Ibn Galal 1 *Bahila Bakria Belle Staar • a h a 451699 Bay mare 02/26/1990 - 01/20/2009

*Morafic TheEgyptianPrince *Bint Mona Alia-Aenor Kayed

Belle Staar was bred by the SEA Partnership and sold in 1990 at her mother's side to the Geurin family of Hamilton Gates Arabians. In 2003, Steve and Mauri Chase were given the rare privilege of purchasing her. She lived at Chase Arabians for the remainder of her life where she bestowed a great amount of happiness and joy.

*Hasna El Badeia El Amira [El Ameera] Sponsored by: Chase Arabians Steve and Mauri Chase 4641 New Hope Rd., Aubrey, TX 76227 USA 940-440-3123 or (cell) 940-367-0811, Fax: 940-365-7407 Email: mauri§ • 244

In Tribute to *G hazalahh In the beginning, before the eye becomes refined, many a horse appears beautiful. As one becomes experienced, "jaded" some would say, few of the contemporary horses let alone the old-timers will stand up to scrutiny. One of them that I would still be willing to run a ghazu on would be the exqui­ site Bint Farida daughter *Ghazalahh. In the old photos and video of her day she simply exudes the desert class and quality that is Arabian breeding at its finest. Having not seen her in life I will let those who did speak for her. Judith Forbis - "When I think of the most special mares I have seen over the last half century, the wondrous *Ghazalahh always comes to mind. When Don and I went to Egypt in 1959, *Ghazalahh captivated us immediately. She stood out from all the other mares in the sandy paddock. Her perfect proportions and beautiful head with deep dark expressive eyes epitomized the classic Arabian horse of our dreams. To me she was a model mare - an ideal - that one keeps striving to imitate, but never quite duplicates." Rhita McNair - "I'll never forget the first time I saw her. *Ghazalahh was in a paddock surrounded by some thirty or forty mares. Yet to me, she stood out like a statue. When I saw *Ghazalahh I un­ derstood the fever that becomes quite contagious among those of us who get hooked on these horses from Cairo." Douglas Marshall - "She was indubitably the most beautiful mare in Egypt, and perhaps the world. I had a dream about producing the perfect foal - I'd mate *Morafic and *Ghazalahh, of all of them I've ever seen. But it didn't work because *Ghazalahh never produced a foal for us."

Rhita McNair Photo

bn Rabdan Shahloul Bint Radia Mashhour Rustem Bint Rustem Bint Hadba El Saghira *Ghazalahh • AHA 32271 Crey mare 02/06/1951 ■03/09/1982

In fact, *Ghazalahh only produced two foals in her entire lifetime. The EAO retained Inas (x *Morafic), who produced Bint Inas, the mare chosen by Dr. Nagel to go to Babolna. Former Director Gabor Nagy gave her his highest praise when stating, "This family is not only said to be special, it really is special. Our best homebred stallions have defi­ nitely been bred exclusively from this mare." Inas also produced only two foals in her lifetime, Bint Inas being her only daughter. Sadly, the fe­ male line to *Ghazalahh, the "most beautiful mare in Egypt" captivates no more in the ancient empire of her birthplace. We are proud to say that the USA and Dara Meadows Farm is now home to her finest descendants even though she herself was never able to foal on American soil. — Debra Geiser

Gamil Manial Mansour Nafaa El Saghira Bint Farida Saklawi II Farida Nadra El Saghira Sponsored by: Dara Meadows Farm Debra and David Geiser 449 E. Nelson Street, Lexington, VA 24450 USA Phone: 540-348-6532, Fax: 540-463-1073


In Tribute to Kam la II The breeding program of El Thayeba Arabian Stud, Germany which was founded in 1971 is well known for the Dahmeh Shahwanieh Strain, the Moheba Halima family. As a foundation, two mares from the Moheba family, Mona III (Hadban Enzahi x Moheba II) and her daughter Mahameh by Ibrahim were leased and bred to Ansata Halim Shah in 1984. This was the key to success. Mona III proved to be an excellent producer. Her filly by Ansata Halim Shah named Kamla II became the queen of El Thayeba and founded her own dynasty. Mahameh was also bred to Ansata Halim Shah and the result was the Premium and Elite stallion El Thay Ibn Halim Shah. He was not only a show winner and pro­ duced champion offspring, he was also very successful at the racetrack, where he passed the German stallion performance test with a 1st premium. Kamla II produced 10 fillies + 6 colts, all very char­ ismatic and noble in type. At first Kamla II was bred five times to her half brother El Thay Mansour (Ansata Halim Shah x El Thay Maheera - Moniet El Nefous family), a Premium and Elite stallion. This was a su­ perb line breeding to Ansata Halim Shah with different dam lines. This combination had only one filly: El Thay Bint Ka­ mla who produced 11 foals. Her most influential off­ spring was El Thay Mashour by Madkour I. He won the German stallion license, was Champion stallion at the European Egyptian Event, Reserve Champion stal­ lion at the Asil Cup in Marbach and German national Champion. He produced exceptionally for El Thayeba Stud, specially when bred to his grand dam Kamla II. The resultfrom this combination was very noble heads, delicate refinement and a glorious expression. El Thay Kamla, the first of this combination was successfully shown. As a 3-year old filly she was German National Champion, Champion and Best in Show at the Egyp­ tian Event in Holland and Champion at the Egyptian Event Europe in Germany. As the start off was so marvelous, this combination was repeated. The two colts and four fillies represent the noblest and special charm for which El Thayeba is well known. When El Thayeba was looking for a stallion to give an extra cross on Kamla II and her daughters, Ansata Sel­ man (G Shafaria x Ansata Hejazi) was the choice. He added his well set, long, upright neck, showy attitude and great movement with lift and forward motion. He was bred twice with Kamla II and produced two fillies of which one remained at El Thayeba. El Thay Kamla too matched wonderfully with Ansata Selman, one colt and two fillies were born from this combination. One of them, El Thay Kareema is continuing the legacy of Kamla II at El Thayeba. The years have passed and Kamla II left to the ever green pastures. There is belief—belief in a mare that was bred and hoped for and that ultimately gave so much more. Like her name says: just "PERFECT".

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Halima Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Shah Zaman Ansata Rosetta *Ansata Bint Bukra Kamla II • vzap-av3569 Grey mare 01/08/1985-April 2009

Nazeer Hadban Enzahi Kamla Mona III Ghazal Moheba II Malacha

Sponsored by: El Thayeba Arabian Stud Cornelia Tauschke Knetersand I, D-26197, Grobenkneten, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 44 35 / 55 52, Fax: +49 (0) 44 35 / 97 38 03 E-mail: • 246

In Tribute to Abitibi Fleur

Abitibi Fleur was bred by Albert Guilbualt of Abitibi Farms in Quebec, Canada. Albert was a passionate devotee of straight Egyptian and Al Khamsa Arabians. His thirst for knowledge was only surpassed by his ability to produce bloodstock of the highest quality, balance and type. Abitibi Fleur was a fine example of Albert's keen eye and deep understanding of the breed. Abitibi Fleur was fortunate to begin her life on June 21, 1986 at the world famous Princeton Arabians. She was one of only 7 straight Egyptian daughters sired by Serr Maariner. Her dam, Abitibi Maamouna proved to be an invaluable source for type and beauty. As an individual Abitibi Fleur was extremely balanced and correct, standing 14.2 hands. Fleur's beauty was easy to recognize and was expressed through her large, dark and very kind eyes. Abitibi Fleur was the first foundation mare selected by Etaya Egyptian Stud and her legacy continues through her daughters, son's and granddaughters. Abitibi Fleur was the queen of the Etaya, the queen of our heart and the one who inspired our desire to breed straight Egyptians. She will forever be loved and missed.

Fa-Serr Ibn Fa-Serr Fa Deene Serr Maariner Fabah Maarena ada Abitibi Fleur • CAHR 23456 Chestnut mare 06/21/1986

*lbn Moniet El Nefous Moniet El Nafis *Hoyeda Abitibi Maamouna Ansata Shah Zaman Abitibi Zamana 3int Daaldan

Sponsored by: Etaya Egyptian Stud Jennifer Parsons and Chris Fichaud 2008 Newton Street Victoria Harbour, Ontario, Canada LOK 2A0 E-mail: • website: 247

In Tribute to Jamil (*Jam illl) "Huge black eyes stared at us from a delicate head; his finely chiseled in-tipped ears were cocked forward - listening, as he looked straight at us - a white vision against silvery snow. I will never forget those eyes," writes Judith Forbis. "We had heard about him and went to see him at Dr. Hans Nagel's farm in Bremen, Germany. An enduring friendship was formed between Nagel and us and in 1983 Jamil [’“Jam i 111] came to the United States while Ansata Halim Shah went to Germany in a lease exchange between our two farms." When Dr. Nagel's beloved mare, Hanan, gave birth to her first foal, fate willed it to be the best colt he could dream of - "something extra" - he remembers, and he named him Jamil - the beautiful. Jamil proved that "handsome is as handsome does." During the strict German licensing tests for stallions between the ages of 3 and 5, Jamil competed against 42 stallions: 36 warm bloods and 6 Arabians. He received the highest notes in dressage and also passed the required cross country and flat racing tests to achieve his breeding license. One of the Arabians also being tested was the Egyptian-sired El Shaklan (x Morafic). After he landed in America, Jamil became an overnight sensation. When presented to visitors or in the show ring, he was charismatically self confident and didn't need to "be shown." A winner of Class A Championships and Most Classic awards, he qual ified for the U.S. National Championships where he and El Shaklan metagain. Both won U.S. Top Ten honors in a huge entry of incredible stallions that concluded with Arnett Perlane as U.S. National Champion Stallion and Ruminaja Ali, Reserve. Nobody who attended that show will forget it. At maturity Jamil was an impressive fine-boned stallion; short head, short sharp ears, deep jowls, long fine neck with beautiful throat latch, well-balanced body, long hip, and clean straight legs which, along with big black eyes, he consistently passed on to his get. Jamil became an outstanding broodmare sire. Among his best known daughters were Dr. Nagel's Amarilla, who established an internationally influential line of the Abeyyan family, and the magnificent World Champion Senior Mare that he had named Tiffha, which means "apple" because she was the "apple of his eye." In America Jamil sired the celebrated bay sisters, Ansata Samaria and Ansata Samarra - the latter the dam of Ansata Selket, who possessed the most exotic head ever produced at Ansata. Jamil's bloodlines are found worldwide and especially in Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. While Jamil was known for his daughters, he also sired the internationally beloved stallion, Ansata Nile Pasha.

Nazeer Hadban Enzahi Kamla Madkour I Ghazal Moheba II Malacha ’“Jamilll • ASBB418 Grey stallion 07/03/1975

Nazeer Alaa El Din I


Hanan Badr Mona Mahdia Sponsored by: Ezzain Arabians Usamah Zaid Al Kazemi

Jamil - the beautiful - will long be remembered as a stallion who epitomized the beauty of the classic Arabian horse.

Block 10 - Alwafrah, Alahmadi, Kuwait

Jamil was bred and owned by Dr. Hans Nagel, Katharinenhof Stud, Bremen, Germany.


Phone: +965 96661601 Fax: +965 22404035 248

In Tribute to Fa Daalim FANTASIA ARABIANS is a preservation breeding farm, dedicated to safeguard the continuity of the Bedouin Arabian horse established by Abbas Pasha, Ali Pasha Sherif, Prince Mohammed Aly and Wilfrid and Lady Anne Blunt. Without a doubt, these early breeders fixed a type recognizable as an Arabian horse the world over. The nucleus of our herd is founded on the bloodlines of *Ansata Ibn Halima, the Babson group, and Sirecho. Early on, we had the good fortune to meet Robert Cowling, a prominent and knowledgeable breeder of straight Egyptians, including Fa Halima, US National Champion Mare. Bob steered us in the direction of straight Egyptians. That has been our breeding program for the last 38 years. We purchased Fa Daalim (Daaldan x Bint Fa Dena by *Ansata Ibn Halima) at five months of age in 1973. We selected our mares based on a blend of old and new Egyptian bloodlines, all acquired to complement Fa Daalim. He was a magnificent individual with a unique and significant pedigree to match.

Polly Knoll photo

*Fadl His sire Daaldan, bred by the Babson Farm, proved early on to be an excellent sire producing winners when crossed on quality mares of American bloodlines. Late in life Daaldan was acquired by Mrs. George Fox who bred him to her Ansata Ibn Halima daughter, Bint Fa Dena, producing Bint Daaldan, the foundation mare for the famed Abibiti Stud in Quebec. This mating was repeated successfully and the lovely Bint Fa Dena caught the eye of Bob Cowling who repeated this breeding to produce Fa Daalim. With a rare sire line to * Fad I's son Faddan and a celebrated dam line to the Saqlawi Jidran *Bint Serra, the handsome black stallion Fa Daalim was unique among Egyptian sires.

Faddan *Bint Saada Daaldan :ay-El-Dine Fay Dalia *Bint Bint Durra Fa Daalim • AHA 91824 Black stallion 05/28/1973- 11/04/1995

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ dalima Bint Fa Dena a-Serr Fa Dena

Fa Daalim illustrated the finest found in hispedigree with his classic Arabian beauty, refinement, elegant movement and style befitting a timeless Arabian. A popular sire, he sired 103 get with offspring found in the U.S., Canada, Europe, Egypt, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. His legacy lives on not only on my farm but on farms all over the world. We are so fortunate to have owned him.


Sponsored by: Fantasia Arabians, Phil and Marilyn Lang 11721 Schaffner Rd., Sealy, Texas 77474 USA Phone: 979-865-8160, Fax: 979-865-9660 Email: website: 249

In Tribute to Serenity Shahail

Serenity Shahail, my beloved stallion You were my best friend and companion, Always running up to the gate when you saw me. Your body was so smooth and shiny, Your eyes dark and loving. You carried me up the hills and through the streams in endurance rides. You carried me in your dead run, wind blowing through my hair. You carried me in the dressage ring as a proud stallion. You carried me bareback in the evening rides. You carried me in the water and swam with me. You put your soft nostrils against my face, and we shared our breath. You would comfort me when I cried on your shoulder. My beloved stallion

TheEgyptianPrince Prince Fa Moniet Fa Moniet

Where you went, people would stop and turn. They had never seen such a beautiful horse.

AK Shah Munifeh AK Shah Moniet AK Munifeh

Serenity Shahail passed away in 2006 due to colic. May his spirit be around me, flying on the wind.

Muniet Nefous RSI Serenity Shahail • AHA 501778

Serenity Shahail: 2001 Champion, Mature Stallions, Sport Horse Extravaganza, USDF all breed, Austin, Texas

Grey stallion 3/24/1994 - 06/24/2006

*SF Ibn Nazeer SF Untouchable Serenity Kamila Serenity Khohaila

2002 Champion, Region IX, Arabian Sport Horse in-hand

Serenity IbnKhofo Serenity Khohana *Serenity Bint Noha

2004 Best Condition, Lano Estacado, 25 miles Endurance Ride 2004 Top Five, Fort Worth Skyline, 50 miles Endurance Ride

Sponsored by: Frisia Arabians, Willemina DeBoer 971 OCR209, Hico,TX 76457 USA Phone: 254-485-9361 Email: website: 250

In Tribute to The M instril The late twentieth century was a time when Arabian horse lovers longed for a reawakening of Arabian horses in the tradition of Abbas Pasha. Elegance and classic beauty had waned a bit, bartered for plainer, higher stepping Arabians. The Minstril is perhaps best remembered for his extraordinary influence on the renaissance of Egyptian bloodlines and a return to classic elegance. Paradoxically, in spite of the The Minstril's place in history, his early years were a peculiar game of chance. In 1984, David Gardner and Jarrell McCracken dissolved a partnership consisting of 5 Egyptian mares. *Bahila, a beautiful coal black mare, much coveted by Gardner, was among the 5 mares. When McCracken drew the longer straw, he puzzlingly chose another mare and *Bahila made the 3 mile trek to Gardner Bloodstock. Within weeks, she would foal a spectacular dark by colt sired by Ruminaja Ali. He would be named The Minstril after a character in Elizabethan drama. Destiny would intervene a second time when The Minstril was offered for sale in a private treaty sale at the 1985 Egyptian Event. Priced at $750,000 the sales catalogue stated "This is most spectacular Egyptian colt to be born in the last decade. He could be the franchise." History would prove the statement more truth than bluster. Tom Chauncey, a prominent Scottsdale breeder offered $450,000. Gardner respectfully declined the offer and The Minstril returned to Gardner Bloodstock, sidestepping a second brush with fate. Fame followed quickly. In the first year that his offspring would compete in the Egyptian Event they swept nearly every Junior Championship. The Minstril would be named the Leading Sire, a title he would hold until his son Thee Desperado would repeat the honor for 12 consecutive years, followed by Botswana, a striking double grandson of The Minstril. The Minstril sired 586 foals and ranks 28th among an estimated 150,000 Arabian stallions of all bloodlines. Ninety five offspring of The Minstril have been winners at the Egyptian Event and his offspring can be found in prominent breeding programs on every continent save Antarctica. Upon his passing, David Gardner said of The Minstril "We were carried on a wave of greatness. We were stewards of something beyond us."

*Morafic Shaikh Al Badi *Bint Maisa El Saghira++ Ruminaja Ali *Khofo++ Bint Magidaa ‘Magidaa The Minstril • a h a 322707 Bay stallion 07/27/1984 - 08/27/2010

bn Galal Ibn Galal 1 11 Hanadi *Bahila Gharib Bakria *Baheia

Sponsored by: David and Marion Gardner P.O. Box 9078 Horseshoe Bay, Texas 78657 USA Phone: 830-598-6191 Email: 251

In Tribute to Kuhaylah Nitaya Kuhaylah Nitaya (Tammen x Aleeshah) foaled in 1988 became one of the top winning show mares in the U.S. during the 1990's winning Halter championships and Most Classic's across the country as well as being named Reserve Supreme Champion Mare at the 1992 Egyptian Event. Kuhaylah Nitaya hails from one of the most successful dam lines in the history of the Egyptian world having the distinction of four generation's winning the prestigious produce of dam class at the Egyptian Event (Her grandam Aleeyah, her dam Aleeshah, Kuhaylah Nitaya herself and her daughter Thee China Doll). Her fame will be remembered even more from her produce. Her first foal The China Doll is a multi Halter champion and Regional winner. She is the dam of Egyptian Event Futurity Champion and Jordanian National Champion mare Kuhaylah Maar Halla who in turn produced a Jordanian Reserve National Champion Stallion. Thee China Doll is also the dam of Jabbar B Doll, Egyptian Event Futurity Champion and Most Classic Head winner in 2010. Her Next daughter is the world Famous Sweet Eloise. "Eloise" was named after a dear friend and great lady Eloise Kline, who was instrumental in procuring the breeding to Thee Desperado that produced this filly. Sweet Eloise has been Reserve Senior Champion mare at the Egyptian Event, Region 9 Champion Mare, U.S. Top Ten Futurity Filly and U.S. Top Ten Junior Mare. Kuhaylah Nitaya's only son is the Regional Halter Champion winning Ibn Nitaya by Richter MH. Ibn Nitaya has continued the family tradition by siring Regional and Egyptian Event Champion winning foals. His son Jamil Ibn Nitaya won the prestigious Egyptian Breeders Challenge at the Egyptian Event and is also a Regional Halter winner. The legacy of Kuhaylah Nitaya will forever live on through her illustrious get and grand get as they produce generations of unforgettable champions in the future.

*lbn Hafiza Abenhetep *Omnia Tammen *TalaI Talgana Morgana Kuhaylah Nitaya • AHA 407963 Crey mare 03/30/1988 - 10/14/2007

*Sakr+++ Sahhar Ibn Sakr Radia Aleeshah Ibn Morafic+++ Aleeyah II Warda Owned and Sponsored by: Hidden Springs Arabians Betty Gail Skinner and Mary Patricia McGehee 131 Wickware Road, Newton, MS 39345 USA Phone: 601-683-6312 E-mail: website: 252

In Tribute to Saud El Am eer

He has been admired around the world for being a leading sire of straight Egyptians and black purebreds. He was never shown himself due to a leg fracture as a youngster in a trailer accident. Saud El Ameer was named on Arabian Horse World's Leading Sire list many times, and has been the sire of Champions in Halter and Performance. His pedigree qualified him as Straight Egyptian, slazeer

Blue List, Heirloom, Al Khamsa and Sheykh Alaa El Din


(ateefa Hughes Arabians is greatly honored to have bred

*Adhem Adham

and currently own wonderful straight Egyptian Zobeya

sons and daughters from this great influential sire, including the incredibly beautiful breeding stallion, Hu Shameer.

Ghazala I Saud El Ameer • AHA 156771 Black stallion 04/06/1977- 10/11/2004

:aaris Faarad :adba Gita RSI *Rashad Ibn Nazeer Grete *Bint El Bataa Sponsored by: Hughes Arabians, Inc. 2278 Masury Road, Hubbard, OH 44425 USA Phone: 330-534-6015 Email: website: 253

In Tribute to G lorieta AliSudan

Glorieta AliSudan was a vibrant, lovable character who produced tall and refined foals, with a lot of presence. Ali Sudan had a successful show career including U.S. Top Ten Futurity Stallion, Top Ten Halter at Scottsdale, Top Ten Pleasure Driving at Scottsdale, and multiple junior and Senior Stallion Champions and multiple "Get of Sire". Ali Sudan had produced champion horses such as GA Ali Bey, a Reserve National Champion Futurity Gelding; GA Athena, dual winner of the World Class Egyptian Futurities and multiple Junior and Senior Mare Championships; GA Knight Flight, a Top 20 National Futurity Stallion and multiple Junior and Senior Stallion Championships; and GA Anwar Sudan, a multiple Junior Kazeer

Stallion and Gelding Championships. *Ansata Ibn Halima++


Ali Sudan was a wonderful stallion and stamped a flashy presence to all of his get. His unique character and

Ansata Ibn Sudan Nazeer

lovability are deeply missed.

*Ansata Bint Mabrouka Mabrouka Glorieta AliSudan • a h a 160078 Grey stallion 03/6/1977- 1997

slazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ dalima Ansata Sabiha Fabah Sabrah Serrasab

Sponsored by: Gibson Arabians, Dr. Charles and Joanne Gibson 6070 Auburn-Folsom Rd., Granite Bay, CA 95746 USA Phone:916-988-7783 Email:


In Tribute to Imperial Imperor

Imperial Imperor was a very prominent breeding stallion in the short time he was alive. He produced pretty looka-like foals with beautiful heads, refined straight legs and a straight topline. Imperial Imperor, a very successful halter champion in his own right, soon gave up his show career to turn his attention to doing what he did best, producing World Class quality show horses! His get being virtually undefeatable as "Get of Sire" winners. Imperor was a "Pyramid Society Sire of Significance", sire of many World Class Supreme Champions, Egyptian World Junior Champions, Most Classic, Most Classic Head and Get of Sire. Imperor has produced such champions as GA Impire, dual winner of the Egyptian World Class Futurities, and a Scottsdale Halter Top Ten; GA Prince Andrew, winner of Supreme Champion Stallion at the Egyptian Event and multiple Senior Stallion Championships; GA Tiffany, winner of Egyptian World Junior Champion filly and multiple Junior Champion filly to name a few. In 1988

*Ansata Ibn Halima++

there was an article in Arabian Horse World summarizing

Ansata Ibn Sudan

the accomplishments of his get for that year. His get had

*Ansata Bint Mabrouka

96 show placings and 73% were first or second place. At the Egyptian Event, Imperial Imperor sired 62 Top

Ansata Imperial Ansata Shah Zaman

Ten, 29 first place, and 5 World Champions, including Ansata Delilah

capturing both World Champion Stallion and Reserve

*Ansata Bint Misr

World Champion Stallion in the same year. Imperial Imperor • a h a 204381

Imperor was lost to an unfortunate accident at age 12. It

Grey stallion 04/30/1980- 12/16/1992


was a loss not only for the Gibson family who loved him Mosry+++

dearly, but for the Egyptian Arabian community as well.

*Sanaaa Imperial Mistry Ansata Ibn Sudan Ansata Nile Mist Falima

Sponsored by: Gibson Arabians, Dr. Charles and Joanne Gibson 6070 Auburn-Folsom Rd., Granite Bay, CA 95746 USA Phone:916-988-7783 Email:


In Tribute to *Sultann Funny how life provides silver linings in the storm clouds. It is hard to see the silver lining during the storm. In 1982 in Houston, we watched in awe as into the spotlight burst Ibn Morafic+++ and *Sakr+++. Tom McNair presented *Sakr+++ as he received his Supreme Legion of Merit award. A vision in white - strutting around that ring and we were hooked on Egyptian Arabians, determined to breed something that special. *Sakr+++, is one of the winningest Arabian horses and his sire ’"Sultann, is the only Straight Egyptian Stallion to sire 3 differ­ ent National Champion Performance horses. Our first Straight Egyptian mare was a *Sultann daughter but we nearly quit breeding horses when a newborn "Sultann filly and her dam perished in a barn fire. But again, life takes a turn. A few months after the fire, Janice Bush was closing Somerset Farms due to the untimely death of Leonor Romney. Would we take "Sultann as a forever home? No problem - how long is forever on a 26 year old? (10 wonderful years) Shortly after the fire, “"Sultann arrived at Kehilan, a snippet of the silver lining showing. He thrived enjoying attention albeit with quirks like hating Nabiel+/ and having to live in a dif­ ferent barn. He loved the babies including an old mare who hung on to *Sultann's nose when he looked over the stall at her newborn! In 1992 the silver lining began to shine. An­ other tragedy brought "Sultann's most beautiful son - Makhsous to Kehilan. Makhsous eternally changed our breeding program. And so, what be­ gan as an ending was really a beginning. “"Sultann was loved by his Kehilan family includ­ ing Herb who fashioned a sling which “"Sultann patiently endured to hoist him to his feet. At 36 years old making the hard decision to let him go - we walked the farm, “"Sultann meeting his chil­ dren, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. All with the tiny ears, upright necks, good legs, high tail carriage and keen intelligence he contributed. We thanked him for serving as our inspiration to continue breeding - for being our "silver lin­ ing". Without him, none of the charismatic horses on our farm and across the world with his genes would exist.

bn Fayda El Moez 3int Zareefa Sameh El Deree Sameera El Samraa "Sultann • AHA 124566 Chestnut stallion 09/15/1961 -October 1997

El Deree Sid Abouhom Layla Lubna Shahloul Moniet El Nefous Wanisa Sponsored by: Kehilan Bloodstock Herb, Jean, Becky Rogers and Nancy Rogers Blakenship 8059 FM 1187 W, Ft. Worth, Texas 76126 USA Phone:817-443-6124 • Fax: 817-443-0288 Email: 256

In Tribute to M akhsous If lucky then once in a lifetime you are blessed with a horse that changes everything. They are not the end result, but are the catalyst and path to that result. For Kehilan that would be Makhsous. In 1992 with *Sultann retired at Kehilan, and Nabiel+/back in New Mexico, we were lookingfor the direction forward. Becky, presenting horses at the Gleannloch Sale in 1991 and seeing Makhsous in person for the first time, stated "When I saw Makhsous he took my breath away. I was amazed at how very ARABIAN he looked". We felt lucky to have the winning bid and Makhsous came to join his sire *Sultann. Our breeding program would never look back! Makhsous proved to be a superbly consistent sire. Tiny ears, arched necks, good legs, and flag tail carriage were from grand old *Sultann. The expression, smooth bodies, and pretty faces were decidedly Makhsous and his beautiful dam *Nabda. Averaging less than 10 foals a year in his lifetime, from a small number of offspring, he produced an astonishing percentage of National winners including National Champions in both Halter and Performance. All good things come to an end. In October of 2003 Makhsous suffered an embolism and fought bravely for days. During his illness he would wait for Becky to lay his head in her lap. One bright fall day, Makhsous appeared to have recovered, prancing outside as if he had one final showing. And for those fortunate enough to experience Makhsous giving one of his "desert vision performances" during Kehilan's stallion presentation it always brought a smile. Sadly, that night he suffered another embolism. "I was born of the Wind, mine is a warrior spirit." We humanely ended his life - but not his spirit. For anyone who has ever cared for a great Arabian stallion knows they do not completely leave you. You are marked by their presence in your life forever. As David Gardner's poem so aptly says.... "for my spirit lives on in my children's children." Thank you for everything and rest in peace Makhsous. We will love you forever.

El Moez Sameh Sameera *Sultann Sid Abouhom Lubna Moniet El Nefous Makhsous • AHA 202958 Grey stallion 10/19/1979-12/31 /2003

Anter Wahag (amar *Nabda *Morafic Neamat Hemmat Sponsored by: Kehilan Bloodstock Herb, Jean, Becky Rogers and Nancy Rogers Blakenship 8059 FM 1187 W, Ft. Worth, Texas 76126 USA Phone:817-443-6124 • Fax: 817-443-0288 Email: 257

In Tribute to Star Bint H afiza A petite powerhouse with sultry kohl lined eyes, Star Bint Hafiza was first spotted at Bentwood Farms as a young mare. Eventually her path led to Kehilan where Jean Rogers simply fell in love with this exquisite bay mare with the star shaped marking on her forehead. Star Bint was known for her flamboyant movement - she appeared much larger than life as she performed airs above ground. Jean eventually bought Star Bint with the express purpose of breeding Star Bint to her beloved Makhsous. The big, grey colt was upside down and after an hour of struggling he was delivered not breathing and Star Bint was suffering from a hemorrhage. Tough stuff as both survived with the colt nicknamed "Bubba". That colt grew into her National Winning son and eventual herd sire at Kehilan - Makhnificent KA. Star Bint also produced Bodacious KA who garnered impressive wins including Jr. Champion Colt, Regional Top 5 Sweepstakes, Egyptian Event Top Ten Futurity Colt, and National Top Ten Hunter Futurity Horse! With only 3 of her offspring shown - all three were winners and 2 are were National winners!

Sameh *lbn Hafiza

Her sire, Ibn Dahmahn was a Regional and International winner in Halter and Western Pleasure. He is a son of the exceptional and exquisite mare (the ancestor Star Bint echoes in her looks) - Dahmah Shawaniah. Both were purchased by Count Federico Zichy-Thyssen of Argentina. No less an important producer, her dam - AK Amiri Fayrouz enjoyed a stellar broodmare career in the barn of Hassanain Al-Nakeeb of the Al-Nakeeb Stud in England.

Hafiza Ibn Dahmahn *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Dahmah Shahwaniah *Bint Maisa El Saghira++ Star Bint Hafiza • a h a 353005 Bay mare 03/21/1986- August 2008

*Morafic TheEgyptianPrince

Star Bint traces to the grand old *Tuhotmos daughter, *Maather. Her tail female is to the Moniet El Nefous daughter - Mona which is Saklawi in strain. Star Bint was one of the queens at Kehilan along with Antigua Dance and they became the dams of ourtwoseniorsires. Her beautiful face, hugesoulful black eyes and airy trot are seen today consistently in her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We thank her each time a Makhnificent bred foal looks at us through expressive eyes!

*Bint Mona AK Amiri Fayrouz *Tuhotmos *Maather Fayrooz Sponsored by: Kehilan Bloodstock Herb, Jean, Becky Rogers and Nancy Rogers Blakenship 8059 FM 1187 W, Ft. Worth, Texas 76126 USA Phone:817-443-6124 • Fax: 817-443-0288 Email: 258

In Tribute to *Talal T a la l was foaled at El Zahraa 9/1 7/57. A son of the legendary Nazeer out of Zaafarana, a daughter of the racehorse Balance whose record for running the fastest mile by an Arabian set in 1933 stood until 2007 when it was broken by the French stallion Frynge Benefit. T a la l's strength was put to the test on the track. He retired with 6 w ins and 11 placings. He was imported to the United States together with his half brother, *Fahker El Din, the stallion *Anwar and the mare *Bint Ghazalahh in 1967. As herd sire for Kline Arabians in Chino, CA, at the age of 12, T a la l began to compete in Am erican show rings against stallions half his age. Among his w ins, T a la l was named Reserve Champion Stallion at Scottsdale and US National T T Stallion; proving that a horse with the power and substance to win in physical competition can also possess the classic beauty that the Arabian is loved for. James Kline did not solicit outside mares for his stallions thus T a la l did not have the advantage of numbers on his side, yet the T a la l bloodline flows through the veins of some of the finest Arabians ever produced such as: Sweet Eloise: (Mrs. Kline's namesake) and one of the most winning Straight Egyptian mares in the U .S.

Gamil Manial Mansour

Ralvon Elijah: British Champion Stallion - tw ice Cham ­ pion Stallion at the All Nations Cup - Switzerland, First Arabian horse to w in the Lloyds Bank Supreme Cham pi­ onship over ALL BREEDS at the British Royal Show

Nafaa El Saghira Nazeer Kazmeyn Bint Samiha

Ansata Mouna 2007 National Champion Mare - Qatar

Samiha JPJ Talai: 2008 Supreme Champion Mare - Israel

T a la l • AHA 45329

Sidi Ghazal: 1990 National Champion Colt - South Africa

Crey stallion 09/17/1957

Ta'ez:The 2008 Gran Prix Dressage Cham pion. The first purebred Arabian Stallion to be approved by Interna­ tional Sporthorse Registry Oldenburg North Am erica

bn Samhan Balance Farida Zaafarana Ibn Rabdan

Armani FC: (with two crosses to T a la l) 2003 National Champion Stallion - Canada and 2 time Scottsdale Reserve Champion Stallion

Samira Bint Radia

Tammen: Scottsdale champion and sire of National winners in halter and performance. Talagato: US National Top Ten Stallion Canadian National Reserve Champion Stallion

Sponsored by: Kline Arabians Mrs. James Kline

T a la l can be found in the pedigrees of some of the most beautiful and athletic Arabians around the world.

9625 La Alba Drive Whittier, CA 90603 USA Phone: 562-947-3697 259

In Tribute to Ansata Imperial It is often said "the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree" when comparing someone to a parent. This was true of the handsome young colt born to Ansata Delilah and sired by U.S. National Champion Ansata Ibn Sudan. Both parents had a unique charisma and energy that set them apart from the crowd, and it was obvious this youngster inherited their defining characteristics as well as their exceptional quality. After weaning he was stabled across from Sudan in the show barn. Young son watched in awe when his sire was led led out for presentation to visitors. Bursting with pride and exhibiting that dynamic showmanship and "look at me look" that had earned him championships galore, Sudan was always good for a show. When Doug and Barbara Griffith came to Ansata in search of a good colt for their straight Egyptian program, the young son of Sudan pranced out of his stall, flagged his tail, looked his famous father in the eye and demanded, "look at me instead." Doug Griffith was hooked, bought him on the spot, and asked if we could name him Ansata Imperial to combine the names of both farms. Eileen Verdieck, who managed Imperial and was responsible for the breeding and show program, fondly recollects when the young stallion was under her care: "Ansata Imperial, 'Imp', as he was nicknamed at Imperial, possessed a magnificent pedigree and charismatic beauty. He was a character and in all the time I knew him I don't think we ever took a bad photo of him. He was 'such a ham' he knew the minute the cameras were pointing at him and he made sure we only got a great look." Ansata Imperial went on to become not only a show champion, but fulfilled his mission as foundation stallion for the farm. Wherever Imperial horses were shown or exported, Ansata Imperial was usually the sire. Eileen recalls, "He became one of the most influential stallions of his day siring some magnificent foals. He was one of those unique stallions that produced as many excellent sons as he did daughters and those foals were also excellent producers." Stallions such as World Champion Imperial Imdal, and mares such as World Champion Imperial Phanilah, were among his important get. The rest is history. His fame spread throughout America and abroad as Ansata Imperial lived up to his mission in life. The horses bred by the two farms his name represented created a new wave of excitement, especially in the Arab world where many of his get became part of the renaissance of Arabian horse breeding in that region. It is testimony to his destiny and legacy that his name lives on in the lands that spawned his famous ancestors. Ansata Imperial was bred by Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Forbis and owned by Douglas or Barbara Griffith, Imperial Egyptian Stud.

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Halima Ansata Ibn Sudan Nazeer *Ansata Bint Mabrouka Mabrouka Ansata Imperial • a h a 137119 Grey stallion 3118/1976 - 6/22/1990

*Morafic Ansata Shah Zaman *Ansata Bint Mabrouka Ansata Delilah Sameh *Ansata Bint Misr *Ansata Bint Bukra

Sponsored by: Lionsgate Egyptian Stud, Norman Davis 7601 Woodpecker Road Chesterfield, VA 23838 USA Phone: 804-794-4351 Email: 260

In Tribute to Ansata N ile Mist "She was treasured from the moment she was born at Ansata. A complement to her full sister, Ansata Nile Dream, they were known at Ansata as 'the sisters beautiful.' Ansata Nile Mist was to become a shining jewel in the crown of the Falima-Nile legacy that became one of Ansata's hallmarks for classic beauty," writes Judith Forbis. "She could not have gone to a more perfect place than Imperial Egyptian Stud to carry on this lineage." Her role at Imperial is confirmed by former manager, Eileen Verdieck, who comments: "Ansata Nile Mist was probably the most influential mare line we had at Imperial. We were fortunate that she produced so many fillies and they in turn produced more fillies. Her foals were some of our most sought after and rightfully so. They were usually pretty with large black eyes, long shapely necks and excellent bodies and they could 'trot a hole in the wind.' I always felt she was a perfect blending of the athletic big black-eyed Babson horses and the typey and charismatic new Egyptian imports. We were lucky to have had her." Ansata Nile Mist was the dam of 11 foals, sired by Amaal, Ibn Morafic+++, Imperial ImTarib, Imperial Madheen, *Jami 111, Moniet El Nafis and Mosry+++. Her grandchildren are scattered around the world: Brazil, Uruguay, Australia, the Middle East, Egypt, Europe, and North America.

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Halima Ansata Ibn Sudan Nazeer

Sufficient to say, there is not room on one page to list all her sons and daughters, their offspring, and their accomplishments as show horses, valued breeding stock and beloved companions. However, the following is a small sampling of her remarkable descendents that have passed on her legacy to future generations: Imperial Mistilll (the leading Egyptian dam of 9 champions), Imperial Madaar, Imperial Imperor, Imperial Kamilll, Imperial Saturn, MB Mistaz, etc. A recent addition to the notable Al Shaqab herd is the beautiful Imperial Misti 11la, a daughter Imperial Mistilll and sired by PVA Kariim, thus bringing her celebrated lineage to Qatar and the Arabian Gulf along with that of her 'sister beautiful,' Ansata Nile Dream. Mirroring the river Nile, the family of Ansata Nile Mist continues to flow from its beautiful and timeless source. ANSATA NILE MIST was bred by Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Forbis and was owned by Imperial Egyptian Stud the remainder of her life.

*Ansata Bint Mabrouka Mabrouka Ansata Nile Mist • a h a 94535 Bay mare 4/4/1973-5/4/1995

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Halima Falima *Fadl Fa-Habba *Bint Bint Sabbah

Sponsored by: Lotus Bloodstock Arabian Horses, Melissa Huprich 5138 Hood Rd., Lilburn, GA 30047 USA Phone: 770-853-5794, Fax: 770-564-1174 Email: 261

In Tribute to Salaa El Dine Most probably every Arabian horse breeder is in constant search for a good stallion, and preferably for one which is able to improve those features in a stud which still could be better. When An­ sata Halim Shah was sent by Don and Judy Forbis to Katharinenhof/Germany for two seasons, great hope and expectation was set in him to show such potential and quality in breeding. Salaa el Dine, the last foal which Ansata Halim Shah had sired during his stay, turned out to be ex­ actly such a great hit. His dam Hanan gave birth, in combination with this stallion, to a masterpiece, to a horse with a perfect hindquarter, a properly laid back shoulder, a good, long, well-shaped neck, and a nice comparatively small head. These were all points which many of the older Egyptian stock in Europe needed at that time. Ger­ man breeders liked type, and most of their Arabi­ ans had it already. So Salaa el Dine got it double from both sides. With this horse a new era started at Katharinenhof, and it took not too long until breeders mainly in Germany, in Italy and in the Gulf region got aware of the qualities which Salaa el Dine was produc­ ing. He sired both: beautiful correct daughters, like the well known Farida out of the Marbachmare Noha, Ansata Ken Ranya or NK Helala at Katharinenhof, and stallions like Safir, the suc­ cessful stud-sire in Doha, Adnan in Germany and later on in Kuwait, and surprisingly even sires for good performance - and race horses, as Mubarak in Iran and Crusader in England.

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Halima Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Shah Zaman Ansata Rosetta Ansata Bint Bukra Salaa El Dine • vzap 08-021073-85 Grey stallion 06/28/1985 - 05/30/2006

slazeer Alaa El Din

He finally became a symbol of Katharinenhof, and the fact that he produced particularly well with the stud's Jamil-daughters made him extremely precious. With him the stud was shining and, in fact, looked complete, and only several of his off­ spring were in the end able to replace him and fill out the gap when he passed away after twenty years. However, his name is strongly and mani­ fold printed in all the pedigrees of Katharinenhof's Arabians until today, and later generations of his offspring show a lot of his features. All this makes him unforgettable.

Kateefa Hanan 3adr Mona Mahdia

Sponsored by: NK Katharinenhof, Dr. Hans J. Nagel Am Graberfeld 13, 26197 Grossenkneten, Germany Phone: +49-4433-1535, or +0172 42 42 968 Fax: +49-4433-1564 Email: 262

In Tribute to Nashua It was a lucky moment to discover among the foals in 1967 in El Zahraa / Egypt a filly which traced back to the same family which produced the famous stallion Nazeer. These Hadbans of the Samiha line were extremely rare. This filly named Lotfeia, an Alaa el Din daughter, became at her older age the mother of NK Nashua, the prettiest mare ever at Katharinenhof. She was a daughter of Salaa el Dine, the chief sire of the stud for more than 20 years. The most remarkable points of this Nashua in her light chestnut colour were her love­ ly dry expressive head, a tail carriage of a seldom height as well as a remarkable sweet behaviour. She liked people, and whoever visited the stud would pick her out as the best choice. This mare proved to be - in addition to all her beauty - a wonderful broodmare and mother. She raised six daughters and one son in her relatively short life of only eleven years: Three daughters by her halfbrother Adnan and three daughters by her other half-brother Nahaman; both stallions were Salaa el Dine sons as well. Three mares, the two Adnan daughters NK Nasrin and NK Nadirah as well as her daughter NKNabeelah by Nahaman, stayed in the stud. The other three mares are living in well known studs in Ara­ bia: One at Khalediah Stud in Saudi Arabia, one at Al Adiyat Stud in Kuwait and maybe the most known one, NK Nada, lived for some years in Ku­ wait's famous Ezzain Stud and is now owned by Al Waab Stud in Qatar.

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Salaa El Dine Alaa El Din Hanan Mona Nashua • AV6439-90 Chestnut mare 05/01/90 -06/01/2001

All six mares proved to be good producers like their mother; the three ones in Germany took over an important role at Katharinenhof Stud: They cre­ ated the Hadban group, formed by these three ones and their five daughters. It turned out that these eight mares are a perfect "nick" when bred to NK Hafid Jamil, at present the chief sire at Kath­ arinenhof. So it happened that this mare Nashua conquered a strong position as an important foundation mare for the branch of the well known Egyptian Hadban family of Egypt with numerous offspring in Ger­ many and in the Arab countries.

Nazeer Alaa El Din Kateefa Lotfeia El Sareei Bint Kamla Kamla

Sponsored by: NK Katharinenhof, Dr. Hans J. Nagel Am Graberfeld 13, 26197 Grossenkneten, Germany Phone: +49-4433-1535, or +0172 42 42 968 Fax: +49-4433-1564 Email: 263

In Tribute to A K A m iri Asm arr

In 1986, we purchased a beautiful yearling filly named AK Amiri Asmarr from Jarrell McCracken of Bentwood Farm. As Martha and I watched her grow, we felt she was very special. As breeders, you dream of producing a foal that will make an impact on this wonderful breed of horse. Sure enough, 3 years later on a cool April morning, AK Amiri Asmarr foaled a gorgeous bay colt that we named Thee Desperado. Little did we know that when she gave birth to him, a whole dynasty would also be born. We currently own two full sisters to Thee Desperado that are the nucleus of our breeding program. They are La Marsala and Bint Amiri Asmarr. Mazeer

For Martha and me, AK Amiri Asmarr was one of a *Morafic

kind. She embellished everything a straight Egyptian


mare should be and we are so proud and honored to have owned such a magnificent individual. Her legacy

TheEgyptianPrince siazeer

truly does live on.

*Bint Mona Mouna AK Amiri Asmarr • a h a 332829 Creymare 03/14/1985-09/17/1997

Gassir *Zaghloul Gharbawia Asmarr *lbn Hafiza Nagliah *Nabilahh Sponsored by: MarSal Arabians, Tom and Martha Salome 1019 Chapman Rd., Crawford, TX 76638 USA Phone: 254-848-5140, Fax: 254-756-4119 Email: or 264

In Tribute to PVA Kariim For those who knew him, he exemplified the courage, bravery and spirit of Bedouin steeds that poets eulogized from time immemorial. Much admired by his breeders Sherman and Carole Leis of Penn Valley Arabians in Vir­ ginia, PVA Kariim was a superb representative of their breeding program. Sired by the international champion, Imperial Imdal, and tracing in tail female to the grand matriarch of Egypt, Moniet El Nefous, he exemplified the best traits of his ancestors. He began his show ring debut in Brazil, winning championships as a yearling under the ownership of the Leopoidino family. H ow ­ ever, his brilliant career was cut short by a serious in­ jury that resulted in severe laminitis, and he was sent to Imperial Egyptian Stud in Maryland, U .S.A . to receive treatment that would hopefully cure him. M eanwhile he would stand at stud there. PVA Kariim proved to be a genetic giant. His offspring established his exceptional value as a sire and are reput­ edly some of the most exotic Egyptian Arabians, e.g., Imperial Baarez, tw ice W orld Reserve Champion Stal­ lion, Salon du Cheval, Paris, Reserve Champion Stal­ lion, Nations Cup, Aachen, and Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Stallion, Kentucky; Khameela, 2004 Ajman, U .A .E. Champion Mare; Shaboura, 2003 Egyptian Event Champion Mare, are just a few of his impressive get. Countless others carry on his valuable lineage resulting in PVA Kariim being ranked as a superior sire. The Bielinski's of Shadow Wood Farm in W isconsin eventually purchased PVA Kariim and lovingly cared for him for five years. "An elegant stretchy grey stal­ lion of the Saklawi Jedran strain, he stood 15.2 hands high. His excellent conformation, exotic presence, ex­ treme athletic ability, and gentle disposition made him a dream horse to stand at stud," remembers Sue Bielinski. "Breeders who own his get rarely offered them for sale, repeatedly expressing how beautifully they have crossed with so many diverse Arabian bloodlines." Eventually PVA Kariim was sold to Ponnath Arabian Stud in Germany where he was much beloved by his new owner and dedicated breeder, Michael Ponnath. One stallion and two young mares remain as prized breeding stock at this stud - all from the Saklawi strain - and mark his valued contribution there. Appreciated and admired by the Ponnath fam ily and the many visi­ tors who came to see him, PVA Kariim spent his last days at the Ponnath's tranquil farm before passing on to greener pastures. PVA Kariim left a legacy of champions and producers of champions in Am erica and beyond. Many were blessed and proud to have shared his life, particularly Michael Ponnath and Sue Bielinski. She concludes with this final tribute for both of them: "PVA Kariim's seeds of great­ ness w ill impact the Arabian world for many years to come!" PVA Karim was bred by Penn Valley Arabians, and was later owned by Abdel Terruggi Leopoidino, Harry or Su­ zanne Bielinski, and Michael Ponnath.

Ansata Ibn Sudan Ansata Imperial Ansata Delilah Imperial lmdal+ *Morafic Dalia++ *Romanaa II PVA Kariim • D E308/08/22350/90 Grey stallion 21st January, 1990- 14th September, 2009

*Morafic TheEgyptianPrince *Bint Mona /Bint Mouna BKA Rakiisah *lbn Moniet El Nefous AK Radia Monisa RSI Sponsored by: Ponnath Straight Egyptian Arabians, Michael Ponnath Oberndorf 12, 95478 Kemnath, Bavaria, Germany Phone: 00 49 171 3 00 33 00, Fax: 00 49 9642 30 5 123 Email: 265

In Tribute to Ansata N ile Nadir

His name means "the height of the Nile". His pedigree incorporates most of the famed Ansata horses. He was impeccably bred stemming from the famed Ansata Nile family.

Ansata Nile Nadir was a very special and stunning stallion. He was the light of our lives and he will never be forgotten forever in our hearts - at least in mine. - Judy Berg TheEgyptianPrince Prince Fa Moniet Fa Moniet Ansata Sinan Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Nefara Ansata Sudarra Ansata Nile Nadir • a h a 589374 Grey stallion 09/18/2001 - 05/29/2006

Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Hejazi Ansata Sudarra Ansata Misty Nile Ansata Imperial Imperial Impress mperial Mistry Sponsored by: Qadar Arabians, LLC, Judy Berg N677 Old Hwy 49, Weyauwega, Wl 54983 USA Phone: 920-858-1604, Fax: 920-867-2395 Email: 266

In Tribute to Apple H ill ElN isr

Apple Hill ElNisr (Ansata El Nisr x Sarita RSI) a 1988 grey stallion was the foundation sire of the Renaissance Egyptian Arabians breeding program. Nisr was injured as a very young foal and never realized a career in the show arena. However he did establish himself as a significant breeding stallion. Nisr had a perfect disposition. He was kind, intelligent and always ready to put on a show for all those who came to visit him. His foals have been the foundation for many breeding programs throughout the United States, Europe and the Middle East and have graced the Egyptian Event for many years with many wins.

"Nisr was the most empathic, sensitive horse I've Nazeer

ever known. It is hard when you are blessed with

*Ansata Ibn Halima++

something so special, because you want to be grateful for the gift and yet you are so desperately

Halima Ansata El Nisr Nazeer

lost when it is gone. Nisr was such a huge part of *Ansata Bint Zaafarana

my life for a very long time and he will forever live


and be a part of my heart." -David Myers

Apple Hill ElNisr • AHA 421904 Grey stallion 08/05/1988 - 02/02/2004

*Rashad Ibn Nazeer Alcibiades *Bint Moniet El Nefous Sarita RSI *Rashad Ibn Nazeer RSI Sara *Bint Dahma Sponsored by: Renaissance Arabians, David L. Myers 7819 Old Columbus Cincinnati Rd., South Charleston, Ohio 45368 USA Phone: 937-572-3279, Fax: 937-431-6404 Email: website: 267

In Tribute to RD M M aar H ala RDM Maar Hala (El Hilal x Maar Jumana) was the first SE filly purchased by Rancho Bulakenyo. In 1989 she earned the title of All-Time Leading Egyptian Dam of Champions and over 20 years later, she still holds this honor. Her first 5 foals were all colts, but top colts who went on to win United States and Canadian National Top Ten awards, Most Classic wins, and Class "A" Championships. More importantly, they all became significant sires. They are: ET Crown Prince (x The Egyptian Prince), Halim El Mansour (x *Ansata Ibn Halima), El Halimaar (x *Ansata Ibn Halima), Prince Ibn Shaikh (x Shaikh Al Badi), and the fifth was a stillborn colt by Shaikh Al Badi. When his next foal, a filly, was born we immediately named her Bint Maar Hala. Another daughter, Maartrabbi (x Al Metrabbi), was shown to a championship at the Egyptian Event and was exported to England as a yearling to Malthouse Stud where she was the foundation mare for their long time breeding program. Rancho Bulakenyo retained RDM Maar Hala's son, El Halimaar, as our herd sire and he figures promi­ nently in our current breeding program. Jabbaar El Halimaar MH (out of Sanaata) has taken his place as herd sire and has sired many foals that are now found in American and International breed­ ing programs. Several El Halimaar daughters have been retained for our brood mare band.

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Halima E! Hilal Nazeer *Bint Nefisaa Nefisa

While Maar Hala's contribution to the Rancho Bulakenyo breeding program has been significant, her greatest contribution is to many programs all over the World.

RDM Maar Hala • AHA 92867 Grey mare February 14, 1973-/une 9, 2000

Fay-El-Dine Disaan Fa Saana Maar Jumana Fasaab Maar-Ree Maarou Sponsored by: Rancho Bulakenyo 2755 Los Osos Valley Road Los Osos, CA 93402 USA Phone: 805-534-1391, Fax: 805 773-7448 E-mail: website: 268

In Tribute to El H alim aar El Halimaar was the most important sire in the formation of the Rancho Bulakenyo breeding program. His influence continues in today's program and will for generations to come. Somehow everything came together when El Halimaar was created. He was sired by the legendary *Ansata Ibn Halima and was out of the All-Time Leading Egyptian Dam of Champions, RDM Maar Hala. He won U.S. National Top Ten and Class A Championships, sired many International Champions, and has contributed to significant breeding programs all over the world. His blood is in almost every horse in Rancho Bulakenyo's current breeding program. He is well represented by his son Jabbaar El Halimaar MH (out of Sanaata) and several daughters who have proven to be superior broodmares. Phenotypically, El Halimaar was a very classic alabaster white Arabian stallion with just a few "flea bite" markings. He was a picture of balance and smoothness with excellent conformation, but was probably best known for his huge, black, expressive eyes which he consistently passed on to his get. He had tremendous presence, tail carriage and self confidence. As an individual, he enjoyed his family's attention, was playful and loved to prance and show off.

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha *Ansata Ibn Halima ++ Sheikh El Arab

Not only was El Halimaar the most important sire for the Rancho Bulakenyo breeding program, but he was the most important horse for the Cruz family personally.

Halima Ragia El Halimaar • a h a 203125 Grey stallion February 12, 1980-July 13, 2002

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ El Hilal *Bint Nefisaa RDM Maar Hala Disaan Maar Jumana Maar-Ree Sponsored by: Rancho Bulakenyo 2755 Los Osos Valley Road Los Osos, CA 93402 USA Phone: 805-534-1391, Fax: 805 773-7448 E-mail: website: 269

In Tribute to *H S Infinite

*HS INFINITE changed our lives forever. He was a stallion of exceptional caliber; admired for his rare pedigree, outstanding quality and his ability to produce beautiful progeny time and time again. Many stallions excel in the show ring as individu­ als, but *HS INFINITE had the rare combination of being a superior quality Show horse and a star in the breeding shed, producing exquisitely beautiful progeny when bred to a variety of mares. Who knew his star would shine so bright and burn so fast? Excitement in this lovely young stallion was quick­ ly growing by the 2009 Egyptian Event as he and his two yearling fillies were the talk of the show after winning not only the prestigious Get of Sire class, but *HS INFINITE came in top 3 in his highly competitive 4 and 5 year old stallion class (highest placing Straight Egyptian). His fillies placed in the top ten in each class entered with over 30 entries! RHR Qatr Al Nada came in top 5 in a class of 36 fillies FIRST TIME OUT! RHR Surra Mn Raa was top ten as a yearling in the 1 and 2 year old straight Egyptian fillies. *HS INFINITE was also a region 5 Sport horse Champion in hand and no doubt a champion un­ der saddle in the making. His offspring will con­ tinue his legacy in this venue... At the farm *HS INFINITE was a beloved friend and riding partner, he truly was a multi-dimensional horse. His kindness and love of people was a trademark of his temperament that is seen today in his young offspring. Especially noteworthy is his spectacular son RHR INFINITE, as beautiful in many ways as his sire, with an even larger eye and the same kind, trainable disposition. We look for­ ward to riding him this year and continuing where we left off with his beloved sire. *HS INFINITE was our beloved boy and we thank God for this remarkable stallion. The POSSIBILI­ TIES are TRULY INFINITE for our future with the lovely foals he left us!

Malik Asfour Hanan Simeon Sadik Sankt Georg Simeon Safanad 27 Ibn Galal-5 *HS Infinite • AHA 624365 Grey stallion 04/29/2004 -


Imperial lmdal+ Mosalli Musaliha HS Infanta Ansata Imperial Imperial Imphayana Imperial Phanadah Sponsored by: Rockin' Heart Ranch, Ltd. Loren and Nancy Lee Wight, Bryony Hatt Wight, Manager 1340 Rock Creek Rd., Potlatch, Idaho 83855 USA Phone: 208-875-0187, Mobile: 208-892-3027 Email: website: 270

In Tribute to Imtaarif "And in the end, it is not the years in your life that count. It is the life in your years." -Abraham Lincoln

I close my eyes for a moment, I am back in the show ring in Lexington, Kentucky Horse Park at the Egyptian Event in June 2000. It was on a whim, that our first handler, Eileen Verdieck convinced my wife Paula and me to enter our beloved stallion Imtaarif in the 10 and Over Stallion Class. The stands were packed with horse lovers near and far. The competition was fierce. The 'Best of the Best' breeders were there. And we were Rose Breeze Arabians, the "small" breeder in town. We had nothing to loose. Music started to play loudly as the prized Egyptian Arabian stallions each made their entrance into the enormous ring. Colorful banners and flags swayed as the horses trotted by the grandstand, each trying to catch the impeccable eye of the esteemed judges. Then, it was Imtaarif's turn. My heart was pounding. I grabbed Paula's hand as we watched him enter the show ring. The crowd roared wildly as Imtaarif strutted and snorted, throwing his long black mane from side to side with each impressive step. I knew at that moment something important was happening - that history was making a place for our stallion. When the time came to announce Senior and Supreme Champion Stallion, you could hear a pin drop. We held our was Imtaarif. On a warm spring morning in 1990, Paula and I watched with amazement the birth of a long-legged straight Egyptian colt bred by my mentor and friend, the late Dr. Eugene Elledge. I was so attached to this particular colt that Eugene allowed me to name him. And Imtaarif was born. From that point on, we were inseparable. I was given the honor of training and showing Imtaarif in over 25 Class A Shows in the U.S. We never left without a Champion or Reserve Championship ribbon. What a thrill.

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Imperial Ansata Delilah Imperial lmdal+ *Morafic Dalia++ *Romanaa II

In 1994, Steve Dady led Imtaarif to win Egyptian Event Reserve Senior Champion. And notably, Michael Byatt led Imtaarif to victory in 1996 beating the very stallion that won at the Salon Du Cheval in Paris and National Cup Championship. He just knew what he was born to do. He had the heart of a Champion.

Imtaarif • a h a 461906 Bay stallion 04/13/1990

*Sultann *Moatasim \leamat Taarifa *Ansata Ibn Halima++

Imtaarif has been sire of 114 foals and has held the rare title of Top Ranking Sire of Champions at the Egyptian Event 12 years in a row. His Champion get are spread across the world and truly live up to the impeccable "Imtaarif" legacy. It is within our deepest core, the depth of love and admiration we feel for our stallion, our friend, the mighty Imtaarif. He will be with Paula and I for eternity. Each day as we go about our training and caring for his six beautiful daughters on our farm, we get to experience that sparkle, that playfulness, that magnificence of Imtaarif...that lives on.

Bint Deenaa *Deenaa

Sponsored by: David and Paula Houseknecht Rose Breeze Arabians 8205 W. Charlynn Lane, Dunnellon, Florida 34433 USA Phone:352-563-1445 Email: website: 271

In Tribute to Khartahl M alika MALIKA stole our heart. We chose her as a founda­ tion mare because she was so very correct and typey and had an extremely classic pedigree. Her dam was MFA Maariia Isis by TheEgyptianPrince, with her tail female tracing to Maar-Ree. Her sire was Alcibiades, by *Rashad Ibn Nazeer and out of *Bint Moniet Ei Nefous whose tail female line traces to Wanisa. She gave us one of her only daughters, Stnsnn IsisMaree by Abraxas Prince by ET Crown Prince, a National Champion Stallion. We look for­ ward to her offspring soon by Fa Hafiid El Sherif. Malika's dam, MFA Maariia Isis, is out of Maar­ Ree, and the two were both Arabian Horse World Aristocrat mares. She carried a lot of Sheykh Obeyd blood. Soon after we got her, a friend in Australia found her baby picture and sent it to us. She was an absolutely gorgeous foal. There was no question she would be outstanding. "Maki" we lovingly called her, was also a per­ sonality plus mare. She always aimed to please and always came when called and charmed you for just one more pet and a carrot if you had one, especially after training, trimming or groom­ ing. She loved her apples too and had a special knicker to let us know it was time to serve them. Nazeer As a mother she was terrific and was especially good at discipline if her "Izzy" got out of her sight or did not behave. After Izzy was two, we sent Malika to Missouri to be bred and she did not see Izzy for over a year. They called to each other while the truck drove away, for so long, that we almost called the truck back. When they were together again after over a year, they were so happy to see each other again and became best friends. It was exciting to see how hap­ py they were to be together again. When Maki was near the end, Izzy stayed with her day and night and licked her face right before she left us. Pres­ ently, Izzy often visits the grave sight, even some­ times with her companion, and stays and seems to talk with her for awhile each time. Malika is buried at a beautiful site on a bluff overlooking the creek. Malika is representative of our high quality, and for the most part, closely related, hand picked mares and we hope to carry on her legacy through many foals from her Izzy. We miss her every time we go to the barn, as she had her ritual and would always be waiting in her stall for her time with us. She and the rest of the herd always knew she would be fed first. Malika is very deserving of her legacy and the fond memories.

*Rashad Ibn Nazeer Yashmak Alcibiades Nazeer *ESint Moniet El Nefous Moniet El Nefous Khartahl Malika • AHA 279846 Grey mare 05/10/1983- 12/27/2009

*Morafic TheEgyptianPrince *Bint Mona MFA Maariia Isis :asaab Maar-Ree Maarou Sponsored by: Stinsonian Arabian Classics, Janet and Keith Stinson 74800 Twenty Second Ave., Sky Valley, California 92241 USA Phone: 323-449-0458 Email: 272

In Tribute to SF Sonbolah Tu How does a horse make a name for itself in the shadow of a world-famous dam or sire? SF Sonbolah Tu was a daughter of the world-famous mare who needs no introduction, *Serenity Sonbolah, and of the Egyptian National Champion dancing horse *SF Ibn Nazeer (Lateef), sire of U.S. and Canadian Top Tens and a son of the breed-changing stallion Nazeer. And yet, this beautiful alabaster mare was loved in her own right. SF Sonbolah Tu was bred by Serenity Farms and foaled in January 1975. In a thread devoted to her, breeder and former owner Hansi Heck remembers: "Her stable name used to be "Pupa" (which was sup­ posed to mean "doll" in Italian). "Pupa" was a very powerful mover and had a gorgeous head. She was a very sweet mare, too. It is funny, *SF Ibn Nazeer did not have a very dished head, neither did *Serenity Sonbolah. Yet she and others came out with more of a dish. More so to me is their outstanding powerful movement, their golden disposition, and their excellent health. You see, one does not have to strive to only breed for a "head" or "type"; one can get it without asking. It's in the pedigrees of all Straight Egyptians, I think; it's just what nature de­ cides to bring forth and of course with the vision of the breeders."

7 980 photo by Hansi Heck-Melnyk with permission

Mansour SF Sonbolah Tu had eight fillies and two colts. Sev­ eral have made their way to various corners of the globe with daughters in Italy, United Kingdom, and Canada. With Ansata Omar Halim, SF Sonbolah Tu delivered two fillies: Jobola and Zahara Kiyara, the latter a foundation mare for Virginia's Dara Meadows Farm. Owner Debra Geiser has this to say: "Kiyara was the most regal mare I have ever known. It is as if she knew she descended from a line of queens. Even in her old age she was full of 'sass,' and every foal she ever produced for us was just like her." SF Sonbolah Tu enjoyed her retirement at Hidden Springs Farm in Mississippi. There she was also loved by Steve Diamond: "'Pooky' was purchased in Canada by me for Hid­ den Springs. They knew how much I loved her, so when she did not produce for them they gave her to me. She had complete run of the farm and was very happy. When I left to go train for Ansata, I left her there as we all felt that was best for her where she roamed happily until her death a few years ago. She was a true treasure and a complete joy to have." Photos of the grand mare taken - at age 331- reveal an exquisite head, which to this writer seems to be carved from ivory, and pristine legs that are tight and clean; both attributes seen today in her great-grand­ daughter, my own Shaiinay Nile DMF.

Nazeer 3int Samiha *SF Ibn Nazeer Gamil III Lateefa Salwa SF Sonbolah Tu • AHA 117426 Grey mare 01/14/1975

El Moez Sameh Sameera *Serenity Sonbolah Nazeer Bint Om El Saad Om El Saad

Sponsored by: Shalinay Nile Arabians, Sarah Kelly Burns 3547 Timberline Trail, Roanoke, VA 24018 USA Phone: 540-314-1366 E-mail: website: 273

In Tribute to Ansata N ile Pasha "From the moment he was born at Ansata, he was a fairy tale horse whose 'star quality' was instantly ap­ parent. Everyone succumbed to his ethereal beau­ ty," Judith Forbis remembers while Sherry Moseley reminisces, "The first time we saw Nile Pasha at An­ sata, we fell in love with his classic desert look. He exemplified classic Dahman type and his demeanor was regal even as a young colt." They purchased him, and he became a show champion and a draw­ ing card to their farm. Later he was leased to the Maxwell Farm in England to be shown and stand at stud. Here he covered 22 mares. Other than El Shaklan, no other stallion was frequented to such extent! Emma Maxwell, who showed him in Europe, re­ called that Ansata Nile Pasha arrived in August 1991 and only one month later he won the UK Interna­ tional Reserve Championship. "During his stay with us," she remarked, "we never saw Nile Pasha taking a step without his tail raised high in the air, walk­ ing around with a swagger, like a small, but very successful pirate! Furthermore, he was a pleasure to ride." When Emma showed him at the Salon du Cheval World Championships in December 1991, Journalist Suzanne Boesche, recorded: "Nile Pasha was vigilant in every second, his neck arched, the tiny ears belligerently pricked up, always watching his competitors. There he was, standing the smallest horse, surrounded by big, bold movers ... but he shone upon all with his charm and type." He placed Top Ten, and although he was not the champion, he was the audience favorite. Soon after the readers of Arabian Horse Journal elected him Arabian Horse of the Year.

Hadban Enzahi Madkour I Moheba II *JamillI

In September 1991 renowned breeder, Ferdinand Huemer, was judging the stallion classes at Towerlands when the flea-bitten grey Ansata Nile Pasha appeared in the starter-field. "If he is for sale, I must have him," he determined, and Ansata Nile Pasha was eventually transferred to Huemer's farm in Aus­ tria where he became the focus of attention. In due time he was sold to breeders in France and Ger­ many, until Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Khalid Al Thani of Al Rayyan Farm, Qatar, determined to buy him. In his hands this fairy tale horse left his final legacy of beautiful get that are making a contribution to breeding programs in the Arabian Gulf. Al Rayyan's manager, Bart Van Buggenhout commented: "It has been a great pleasure for Al Rayyan Farm that An­ sata Nile Pasha spent his last few years here. Sheikh Abdul Aziz always had an admiration for him. Like many others, he was captured by Ansata Nile Pa­ sha's classic looks and type, his presence, and the way he carried him self-A true Arabian Stallion." ANSATA NILE PASHA was bred by Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Forbis and was owned by Patterson or Sherry, Moseley, Ferdinand Huemer, Christian Kessebohmer, and Sheikh Abdulaziz Al Thani.

Alaa El Din Hanan Mona Ansata Nile Pasha • a h a 304261 Grey stallion 06/0511984

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Ibn Sudan *Ansata Bint Mabrouka Ansata Nile Dream Ansata Ibn Sudan Ansata Nile Queen :alima

Sponsored by: Sherbrook Egyptian Stud, Dr. Patterson and Sherry Moseley 630 Dunmar Circle, Winter Springs, FL 32708 USA Phone: 407-699-0049, Fax: 407-699-0061 E-mail: 274

In Tribute to ClorietaSayonaara This silver white mare captivated me the first time I saw her! Sayonaara was quietly sharing grooming duties with another mare. Her forelock practically covered her eyes it was so plentiful. With her large black eyes she seemed to enjoy making eye contact with humans; she never turned or looked away. In my experience there are occasions when these Arabian horses reach out to you and they use their eyes to communicate with you. I do not know if it is a silent language that reaches our human soul but it does happen and there is no mistaking when it does. This is what happened with Sayo (as Henry and I called her); for me it was an epiphany that helped me understand that this particular mare was very special. She became the first straight Egyptian Foundation mare for Silver Maple Farm. Even though this mare was very gentle she was also be very spirited when ridden; she had such extreme elegance to her carriage, it was simply amazing. To watch her gallop or trot through a paddock would stop you in your tracks. With her tail carried straight up, head held high drinking the wind yet scanning the area to see who might be watching, a human or a horse, it really did not matter. She floated along enjoying the sunshine and stirring up all the other horses around her. Best of all she passed this characteristic on to her progeny. The lofty walk, playfulness yet with a regal air and best of all the ability to interact with a human. We see it especially through Ali Saroukh, a son by Ruminaja Ali and Samura a daughter by Anaza El Farid that are still at SMF along with their progeny. Using two of her daughters and one of her sons we have bred this family into the fourth generationlong live Glorietasayonaara. Sayo produced both great colts and fillies and to date there are 184 horses tracing to this mare in two generations throughout the world, a notable legacy. Henry and I wish that those who interact with this special family may enjoy them as much as we have over the years. - Christie Metz

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ I


Ansata Abu Nazeer Nazeer *Ansata Bint Zaafarana Zaafarana GlorietaSayonaara • a h a 318825 Grey Mare 04/18/1983 -02/18/2008

*Morafic Ansata Shah Zaman *Ansata Bint Mabrouka Glorieta Shahlima *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Sabiha Sabrah Sponsored by: Henry and Christie Metz Silver Maple Farm 1695 Edison Street, Santa Ynez, California 93460 USA Phone: 805-686-5252, Fax: 805-686-531 1 Email: website: 275

In Tribute to Asfour

Asfour was unique in many ways. Firstly, the lucky people who saw him at Simeon Stud either cried for joy or were mesmerized. He was exotic in the extreme. Asfour had a dry, fine-skinned head and body, tiny curled ears, huge black wells of eyes with absolutely unbelievable movement - all four feet floating off the ground. H was a "Bentley" to ride. His charisma and libido was great up until the day he died at 26 years of age. In his youth he could impregnate five mares per day, all by natural service. Asfour was a real alpha-male. He was never at public stud so the fact that he has winning progeny in the Middle East, Europe, South Africa and Australasia is also amazing. To name a few of his famous sons: the black stallion Simeon Sadik [U.K.], Simeon Sharav [Egypt/Israel], Simeon Segev [South Africa], Simeon Shemini [New Zealand], and last but not least Simeon Shifran at Simeon Stud. Asfour's famous daughters are too numerous to mention. There are 15 daughters at Simeon Stud. Asfour inherited his expression and exceptional movement from his sire Malik, a son of Hadban Enzahi [Egypt/Germany]. And his height from his dam Hanan [Egypt/Germany].

Nazeer Hadban Enzahi <amla Malik Ghazal Malikah Malacha Asfour • AHSA S10-068 Grey stallion 08/08/1984 - 10/05/2009

- Marion Richmond

Nazeer Alaa El Din Kateefa Hanan Badr Mona Mahdia Sponsored by: Simeon Stud, Marion Richmond 44 Bulkara Road, Bellevue Hill Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Phone: 61-418 268 749, Fax: 61-2 9363 4719 Email: • 276

In Tribute to A naza Bay Shahh

I fell in love with Anaza Bay Shahh the moment I saw him as a youngster and had to have him at all cost. He absolutely is a clone of his grandam *Deenaa [Egypt] who I first saw in 1975 and vowed then to have her bloodlines in my program one day. Anaza Bay Shahh has huge luminous black eyes in very pronounced eye sockets, com­ plete with wrinkles above his eyes, almost no hair on his black skinned face in the summer months, an amazing smooth body and perfect limbs with amazing feet that have not been shod for 15 years and he lives out in his pasture, 24/7. His sire is Shaikh Al Badi, son of the winning U.S.A. mare *Bint Maisa El Saghira [Egypt]. Anaza Bay Shahh passes all his qualities onto his offspring, including many black progeny and he seems to excel in producing unbelievable broodmares. At Simeon Stud we currently have 8 daughters and also have several wonderful foals from his son Simeon Samech.

Nazeer *Morafic Mabrouka

Anaza Bay Shah won Top Five U.S.A. Futurity champion colt and other championships in U.S.A. and Australia. He has progeny internationally throughout the Middle East, Vietnam, Germany and Belgium as well as Australia and the U.S.A.

Shaikh Al Badi Nazeer *Bint Maisa El Saghira+4 Masia Anaza Bay Shahh • AHSAS16734

We truly love this old stallion and it gives me great pleasure to see him happily grazing in his paddock knowing he is an integral part of the Simeon Pro­ gram. - Marion Richmond

Bay stallion 05/17/1988

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Halima Bint Deenaa Sameh *Deenaa Dahma II Sponsored by: Simeon Stud, Marion Richmond 44 Bulkara Road, Bellevue Hill Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Phone: 61-418 268 749, Fax: 61-2 9363 4719 Email: • 277

In Tribute to Imperial M adaar

Imperial Madaar [U.S.A.] in his youth, won all the major halter shows in Australia under 19 overseas judges including, as a 4 year old, Australian Champi­ on stallion. Healsomadeanexcellentsaddlehorse. Imperial Madaar's progeny have won both in halter and endurance racing and dressage. This stallion, who is still breeding, is the sweetest, most gentle of giants standing at 15.2 hands high. Imperial Madaar was from the first foal crop of Im­ perial Madheen, on Madheen's arrival from Ger­ many to the U.S.A. and was to be retained as a replacement for his sire at Imperial Egyptian Stud. Imperial Madaar's dam was the bay matriarch An­ sata Nile Mist who was a daughter of my favourite Ansata stallion at the time, the tall elegant, Ansata Ibn Sudan and her dam was the great moving Babson-bred mare Falima. Imperial Madaar has a long finely throated neck coming from an extremely long and sloping shoul­ der, a shimmering fine, heavily flea-bitten coat, very long and level croup and excellent limbs. We have retained seven of his very valued daugh­ ters for Simeon Stud and are breeding heavily this season. I have imported three mares from Germany to bring back to Simeon Stud the old bloodlines of Hadban Enzahi and Ghazal and mares such as Malikah and Maymoonah that have helped to create such a great horse and sire as Imperial Madaar.

Madkour Messaoud Maymoonah ^Imperial Madheen Ibn Galal Madinah Mona II Imperial Madaar • AHSAS13-541 Crey stallion 05/31/1987

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Ibn Sudan *Ansata Bint Mabrouka

-M arion Richmond Ansata Nile Mist

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Falima Fa-Habba Sponsored by: Simeon Stud, Marion Richmond 44 Bulkara Road, Bellevue Hill Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Phone: 61-418 268 749, Fax: 61-2 9363 4719 Email: • 278

In Tribute to Simeon Safanad Simeon Safanad was the first filly of a unique mare, 27 Ibn Galal-V, who was bred at Babolna State Stud of Hungary, even though both of her parents originated from Egypt. After a long two and a half year journey, this elegant mare, 27 Ibn Ga­ lal-V, arrived in her final home of Australia where she became the first Australian Champion Mare. Simeon Safanad's sire was the exotic headed Sankt Georg, first seen by myself as an under yearling and subsequently chosen to be a herd sire at ano­ ther Australian farm. Sankt Georg's black dam *Bint El Bataa [Egypt] was the most beautiful black mare 1 had seen at that time who was at Richard Pritzlaff's. Simeon Safanad had 3 famous world class half sisters: Australian Champion Simeon Sukari, by Asfour; also by Asfour from 27 Ibn Galal-V was Simeon Simona; and by Raadin Royal Star, 27 Ibn Galal-V produced Simeon Sheba, the dam of Si­ meon Sehavi. Simeon Safanad is known world-wide for her ex­ ceptional progeny both male and female. Her first foal was the bay athletic colt *Simeon Shai, U.S. and Canadian National Champion, Scottsdale Champion and Salon du Cheval [Paris, France] World Champion - a world show record and in one year! Another son is the exquisite black stal­ lion Simeon Sadik [U.K.] Australian and European Champion.

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata El Salim Maarqada Sankt Georg slazeer *Bint El Bataa :l Bataa

Simeon Safanad's amazing daughters both in the Middle East and Australia have garnered National Championships. Two are still breeding at Simeon Stud, Simeon Saada and Australian and National Champion Simeon Salome both by Asfour, and the youngest, the dark bay Simeon Shavit (x Anaza Bay Shahh) is the dam of our rising star, the three year old colt Simeon Shifran. Simeon Safanad was an exquisite and extremely balanced mare with a very correct body and legs that she inherited qualities mainly from her dam. She was a mare with the sweetest temperament yet a little reserved befitting "queen" and everyone who saw her loved her. - Marion Richmond

Simeon Safanad • AHSA F6-199 Crey mare 11/10/1980

Galal Ibn Galal Mohga 27 Ibn Galal-5 bn Maisa 10 Hosna Rida Sponsored by: Simeon Stud, Marion Richmond 44 Bulkara Road, Bellevue Hill Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Phone: 61-418 268 749, Fax: 61-2 9363 4719 Email: • 279

In Tribute to Rum inaja Bahjat

Exotic, desert breeding and classic type were ex­ uded in this fiery stallion. Bahjat was one of the famous full siblings produced by Shaikh Al Badi crossed onto the exquisite Bint Magidaa. His full brothers are, of course, Ruminaja Ali, Ruminaja Fayez, Ruminaja Majed, Ruminaja Rabia and Alidaar. Though a halter champion himself and a sire of Class A, Egyptian Event, and international Champions, Bahjat is perhaps best known for his beautiful daughters. Many of these daughters have become cherished broodmares in breeding pro­ grams throughout the world. Bahjat arrived at Somerset Farms in 1982... a spir­ ited, wildly exotic and fiercely proud five year old stallion. However it soon became obvious that these strengths were tempered with a gentle and willing personality. The combination of all these traits endeared him to everyone he encountered. Bahjat spent the majority of his breeding career at Somerset Farms in California. However in 1988, Bahjat was exported to Argentine to stand at Fed­ erico Zichy-Thyssen's farm where he joined anoth­ er world famous breeding program until his death.

Mazeer *Morafic Mabrouka Shaikh Al Badi Mazeer *Bint Maisa El Saghira+4

Ruminaja Bahjat was known for producing ex­ treme type, big eyes, beautiful faces and a tre­ mendous amount of charisma. His daughters have now proven to pass these characteristics on to their foals, best known among his daughters was the ex­ quisite and charismatic Antigua Dance, dam of the ethereal Kehilan Arabians stallion Marquis I (sired by the *Sultann son Makhsous).

Maisa Ruminaja Bahjat • a h a 150088 Grey stallion 04/20/1977-05/13/1995

*Morafic *Khofo++ *Nabilahh Bint Magidaa Alaa El Din *Magidaa Maysa Sponsored by: Somerset Farms, Janice Bush 8325 Ashbriar Lane Fort Worth, TX 76126 USA Phone: 817-821-7846 Email: 280

In Tribute to Antigua D ance

Antigua Dance was one of the most beautiful and charismatic mares to behold... long legs, gor­ geous face with dark expressive eyes, long neck and tons of Arabian attitude and spirit. Though An­ tigua could have been a famous show mare, her name will be known because of the offspring she produced. Antigua began her career as a brood­ mare as a young mare... and this role could have been complete with the production of her second son Marquis I who is now a leading sire at Kehi­ lan Arabians. Marquis I (by Makhsous) became a successful show horse winning Championships at Class A, Regional, and Egyptian Event shows and is also the sire of winning show horses worldwide. But Antigua did not stop there. She then produced a full brother to Marquis I, Calypso Dance, who also went on to become a champion stallion and a sire of Champions as well. A switch to the Egyp­ tian Prince son Raquin RA and Antigua produced


the gorgeous daughter Simply Seductive, a Re­ gional, Event, and Scottsdale winner. Following in the winning tradition, Antigua then produced another beautiful daughter Dance Diva (also by Raquin RA) who was a Champion Futurity filly at the Egyptian Event and is now a Champion pro­ ducing broodmare.

Shaikh Al Badi *Bint Maisa El Saghira++ Ruminaja Bahjat *Khofo++ Bint Magidaa *Magidaa

| Antigua Dance • a h a 412330

Antigua Dance had a playful and light-hearted per­

Grey mare 08/09/1987 - 06/25/2007

sonality that coupled with her classic beauty and tremendous heart made her a stand out no matter where she was. Always with her tail high, Antigua had a sense of royalty and an air of greatness about her. Her children and grandchildren possess these same traits while gracing the barns and pastures of farms worldwide. A true Queen of the N ile... Her spirit lives on in her descendants!

*Morafic Ansata Shah Zaman *Ansata Bint Mabrouka Talyla *Talal Talya *FHoda Sponsored by: Somerset Farms, Janice Bush 8325 Ashbriar Lane Fort Worth, TX 76126 USA Phone: 817-821-7846 Email: 281

In Tribute to *M agidaa *Magidaa was imported to the U.S. in 1967 by Douglas B. Marshall of Gleannloch Farms. A tall, refined and stretchy dark chestnut mare, the E.A.O had chosen her for Marshalls when they wanted another top mare for their ever-growing herd of Straight Egyptians. The St. Clairs, in their quest to have the finest collection of Alaa El Din lines, eventually purchased *Magidaa in 1983. She was 21 years old! At the time of her acquisition she was recognized as the leading alltime producer of National Champions in the history of Egyptian Arabians. Her notable heirs are the legendary Nabiel (x *Sakr), Shafeekah (x *Morafic), Sugaa (x *Sakr) and Bint Magidaa (x *Khofo) - the dam of the legendary Ruminaja Ali (x Shaikh Al Badi)! *Magidaa produced three gorgeous fillies for the St. Clair's: Majidaaa (x Shaihkh Al Badi), Masidaa (x Ibn El Mareekh) and Anaza Madeenaa (x Ibn El Mareekh) adding to her unparalleled notoriety and legendary claims. A beautiful story we love to tell is the following: "*Magidaa and *Deenaa were imported together; they went together to Imperial and from there to Bentwood Farm; however, they were separated when we purchased *Deenaa in 1978 from Bentwood and took her to our farm. Seven years later, when *Magidaa came to live with us in 1985, we put her in a pasture with other mares - but across a fence from *Deenaa. They both began to pace back and forth gazing at one another. We decided we just had to put them together and it was like watching two old friends re-unite! They ran to each other, touching noses and nickering to each other! It was a humbling, heartwarming"goose-bump" raising reunion! From then on they were inseparable! When *Deenaa's arthritic knees slowed her down, it was *Magidaa that would ward off the youngsters and stand vigilant at *Deenaa's side. The Bedouins believed the dam line of a stallion was more important than the sire line. Les and Lois also recognized and believed this very early in establishing their breeding program. In seeking only the best - in order to be the best - Les and Lois added *Magidaa and *Deenaa to the cornerstone of their breeding program. To this day, only a handful of mares in the history of Egyptian breeding have accomplished the record of the mother-daughter combinations of *Magidaa/Bint Magidaa and *Deenaa/Bint Deenaa. Ruminaja Ali was selected by the St. Clair's to breed to their precious Bint Deenaa combining the genetics of these two legendary mares and the rest is history!

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha Alaa El Din Shahloul Kateefa Bint Rissala *Magidaa • a h a 56075 Chestnut mare 03/13/1964- 1992

Flamdan Anter Obeya Maysa Hamdan Mahfouza Mahfouza

Sponsored by: St. Clair Egyptian Arabian Stud Les and Lois St. Clair 1201 N. Oak Forest Rd., Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 USA Phone: 801-355-3515 Email: 282

In Tribute to *D eenaa We often obtain our special horses through fortuitous and unexpected circumstances. "When I selected *Deenaa for the Huebners while Don and I were living in Egypt, I often wished that we had purchased her for ourselves," writes Judith Forbis. "She was one of my fa­ vorite fillies - a glistening bay with beautiful head, and big dark eyes, I thought her very special. And she was out of Dahma II, a Nazeer daughter I was particularly fond of and considered a wonderful representative of the Futna/Farida branch. The Huebners bought *Deenaa along with *Sakr and several others we chose and shipped them to America. Many years later we were able to successfully incorporate Deena's and *Sakr's bloodlines into the Ansata program." Due to various circumstances, Douglas Marshall ended up buying the Huebners' horses for Gleannloch Farms. From there *Deenaa went to Bentwood Arabians. When Les and Lois St. Clair were searching for a mare to add to their foundation breeding program they came upon *Deenaa - but she was not for sale.

Ibn Fayda El Moez Bint Zareefa

As daughter Angie explains: "Mom decided she want­ ed her and like so many of the horses to come to St. Clair Egyptian Arabians, mom would focus on a horse she wanted and Les would have to figure out a way to

Sameh El Deree Sameera El Samraa

get it! They were quite a team!" * Deenaa • a h a 50733

*Deenaa was eventually purchased by the St. Clairs in 1978. She fulfilled their desire to include the smooth­ bodied stallion Sameh in their program, and when they bred her to *Ansata Ibn Halima, another dream was fulfilled when she produced Bint Deenaa - a wonder­

Bay mare 02/14/1967 - 1991

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha Dahma II

ful filly with that "Halima look" in dark bay. However her production life was short for the St. Clairs. "We were fortunate to get one foal from her, Bint Deenaa, before the veterinarian ruined her cer­ vix," regretted Lois. Neverthtless through Bint Deenaa, when combined with *EI Mareekh, the St. Clairs' vision of combining Sameh, *Ansata Ibn Halima, and Alaa El Din successfully was fulfilled. The rest is history - and the lovely *Deenaa was a cornerstone on which the St. Clairs built their dream.

Shahloul Futna Farida

Sponsored by: St. Clair Egyptian Arabian Stud Les and Lois St. Clair 1201 N. Oak Forest Rd., Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 USA Phone: 801-355-3515 Email: 283

In Tribute to *EI Mareekh What do you say about a horse that inspired and "touched" so many people in such a short time? *EI Mareekh was born February 23, 1975 at the Egyptian Agricultural Organization's El Zahraa Stud located just outside Cairo. The St. Clair's first saw him there in 1978. He was not for sale as the E.A.O. had him earmarked for their breeding program. Les and Lois were so moved by this beautiful black- bay stallion, they knew he was exactly what they needed and wanted! To them he represented the "ideal" - the smoothness of body, action and presence of the Sameh line along with the elegance, refinement, beauty and the long shapely high set necks of the Alaa El Din line. They put their name on a long list of breeders that were interested in purchasing him if he should ever be considered for sale. On a return visit to the E.A.O. in 1979 with the family, Les requested to see *El Mareekh. On the walk down the path to his paddock, "Mr. Lester" as he was called, was told "we have chosen YOU to have *El Mareekh!" And so it began - The *El Mareekh Story! In his short show career he garnered several halter championships, numerous Most Classic titles and in 1981 won the U.S. Top Ten Stallion title. In 1982 he gave us our future - our beloved Ibn El Mareekh! *El Mareekh exuded a rare quality seldom seen - a magnetism - a charisma! He had a certain expression and a personality that was almost "humanlike" and he loved to be near people. He loved to trot - and trot he could! A powerful, high, extended trot with his distinctive "hesitation" that looked "slow-motion like." He loved to play and strut around the paddock and at full speed - strut right up to us - and I mean right up to us - only inches away - stop - arch his neck - flare his nostrils - and BLOW! Oh - such goose bumps he gave us! At feeding time he would greet you at the stall door, put his muzzle on your shoulder and walk with you over to his bucket - never offering to bite. What a "delight" this gentle disposition of his! He loved to touch and be touched - and "touch" us all, he did!

El Moez Sameh Sameera Aseel *Morafic Inas *Ghazalahh *EI Mareekh • AHA 194599 Bay stallion 02/23/1975-02/17/1982

Nazeer Alaa El Din Kateefa Rawayeh Mashhour

Tragedy strikes all breeders at some time and, "after arriving home following an eventful first two years, we lost him in February of '82 to blister beatles in hay that had been brought in from Oklahoma. That was the most devastating experience we had ever endured." *El Mareekh leaves behind a beautiful legacy, an unforgettable memory and an image which has made a distinct impression on our feelings, our senses, our minds and our hearts which we shall forever treasure. *EI Mareekh - truly a unique, distinct and special spirit!

Rahma Yashmak

Sponsored by: St. Clair Egyptian Arabian Stud Les and Lois St. Clair 1201 N. Oak Forest Rd., Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 USA Phone: 801-355-3515 Email: 284

In Tribute to Bint Deenaa Stallions are usually the drawing card to a breeding farm, but occasionally a special mare comes along that holds an equal fascination. They have that "special something" that attracts the eye and one holds in memory, unchanged, forever. Bint Deenaa was that kind of mare. Her pedigree alone would make anyone want to see her. She was the epitome of her Dahman Shahwan strain. Her sire traced to the famous Royal Agricultural Society's Farida through Halima, while her dam traced to the same mare through Futna - thus doubling this tail female strain through her sire and dam. Additionally, she was a perfect representative of what her pedigree indicated she could be. Genetically, her phenotype matched her genotype. A dark bay, similar to her sire's dam, Halima, Bint Deenaa was one of *Ansata Ibn Halima's best daughters - wonderful type, beautiful head and expressive dark eyes, smooth body and fluid movement. Not only did she produce Ibn El Mareekh, the stallion that fulfilled the St. Clairs' dreams, and who would have made her name go down in history, but she also became the dam of influential champions including the remarkable show horse and sire, Anaza El Farid. Farid's full brother, Anaza El Nizr, was also a champion and became an international traveler to El Arab Stud in Australia only to be joined "down under" by their stunning dark bay three-quarter brother Anaza Bay Shahh, (x Shaikh Al Badi) who became a valued sire for Marion Richmond's Simeon Stud. Bint Deenaa exemplified everything the St. Clair's were striving for. She didn't just "happen." Les and Lois' commitment to the breed, knowing what they wanted to produce, researching and understanding pedigrees and getting only the best to produce the best. Bint Deenaa, born on Lois' birthday, was their treasured reward! Before Lois St. Clair passed away, she noted that: "one of lifes' rewards is to see one's success be carried on, and we hope we have made a contribution which in some way may have a definite impact toward a continued and everlasting improvement on this noble breed." Needless to say, Lois's hope has been fulfilled and St. Clair Arabian Stud is duly recorded in the annals of Arabian horse history.

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha *Ansata Ibn Flalima++ I


Sheikh El Arab

FHalima Ragia Bint Deenaa • a h a 200068 Bay mare 01/14/1979-01/23/2008

El Moez Sameh Sameera *Deenaa Nazeer Dahma II Futna

Sponsored by: St. Clair Egyptian Arabian Stud Les and Lois St. Clair 1201 N. Oak Forest Rd., Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 USA Phone: 801-355-3515 Email: 285

In Tribute to Ibn El Mareekh Ibn El Mareekh was born on December 27th 1982. "Ibn" renewed our hopes and dreams for the future after the devastating loss of our beloved *El Mareekh earlier that same year. "To say that he was absolutely stunning would be an understatement," remembers Judith Forbis who saw him throughout much of his life. She further remarked, "A classic in deep dark bay, he was a horse I will never forget. I knew many of the horses in his pedigree, either in Egypt or in America, and he ideally represented the best of them." Ibn El Mareekh began his show career with a reserve championship in halter and a Most Classic award! His show career was curtailed, neverthless, due to a serious leg injury that kept him from the show ring. However, his first foal crop was proof of what he represented and that they would carry on his name. The 1988 Egyptian Event saw Ibn El Mareekh be­ come the youngest stallion to sire five winners. His get amassed a total of seven Top Ten awards, two reserves and one championship award and one of them claimed title to the highest score of any halter horse in the show! In 1989 Ibn El Mareekh's get took the Egyptian Event by storm winning several championship titles. Eleven of his get competed and nine took Top Ten or higher awards. Other prominent get were the Egyptian Event's World Champion Filly - Schaarika, and repeat champions Anaza Bimbashi and Marneyna, 1991 Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Mare; 1992 Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion Baahir - who went on to become 1992 Israel National Champion Stallion as a 2 year old. Ibn El Mareekh's get have won titles not only at the Egyptian Event, Scottsdale, U.S. and Canadian Na­ tionals but also at shows in foreign lands. The St. Clairs believed that "mass production is counterproductive, we do not overbreed Ibn. We feel this keeps him more in demand, more exclusive and popular for our clients. Further it gives us great pleasure in knowing there were not large numbers in which to chose HIS contenders, yet his get take more than their share of the honors!" And further: "Recognizing offspring of Ibn now influ­ encing the programs of influential breeders around the globe is indeed gratifying."

Sameh Aseel Inas *EI Mareekh Alaa El Din Rawayeh Rahma Ibn :l Mareekh • a h a 275415 Bay stallion 12/27/1982

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Halima Bint Deenaa

Ibn El Mareekh's "genetic design" or as we used to say: his "designer genes" were accomplished through blending the desirable genes of the Sameh, Alaa El Din and *Ansata Ibn Halima bloodlines. He had a genetic pre-potency, predominance and predictability to pass on his expressive huge dark eye, large square flaring nostrils, long high set neck and smooth body, as well as his intelligence and good disposition with amazing consistency that will be reflected in his descendants for the years and generations to come. To us, Ibn El Mareekh was "The Heir of Quality Reflect­ ing an Air of Quality."

Sameh *Deenaa Dahma II

Sponsored by: St. Clair Egyptian Arabian Stud Les and Lois St. Clair 1201 N. Oak Forest Rd., Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 USA Phone: 801-355-3515 Email: 286

In Tribute to A naza El Farid "We are such things as dreams are made of" wrote Shakespeare. This inspirational quote was used by the St. Clairs as the introduction to their final farm brochure. Cannot all of us who dedicate our lives to breeding these wonderful horses take heart from Shakespeare's wisdom? When good fortune smiles on us and we believe enough that our dreams will come true, a horse such as Anaza El Farid might come into our lives, as he did to the St. Clairs. One can only look at his pedigree and imagine the possibilities that could result from breeding Ruminaja Ali to Bint Deenaa. From such a mating came Anaza El Farid. A striking bay colt that matured to become a 1995 U.S. Top Ten Stallion, a 1994 Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Stallion, and a Top Five Stallion at the Salon du Cheval, he left an indelible impression on his many admirers. Well known trainer, Michael Byatt, who eventually showed Farid, first saw him as a two-year old at the St. Clairs farm in Ocala, Florida, and fell in love with him. "I could not get him out of my mind. He was so exotic," remarked Michael. "A few years later we put a group together and purchased him. I was one of the lucky owners." Eileen Verdieck, who also showed Farid, recalls: "He was a solid, big strong stall ion with deep hip and croup, decent legs, and a very pretty face - more like his dam, Bint Deena, than his sire, Ruminaja Ali." Others were mesmerized by his large dark eyes, pronounced tear bones and large flaring nostrils. Farid's pedigree was first class on both sides which, in addition to his show laurels, made him especially desirable. It is rare to find a stallion sired by a Reserve National Champion, who was sired by a U.S. National Champion Futurity Stallion, and out of a mare sired by a three time U.S. Top Ten stallion who also sired a U.S. National Champion son and daughter as well as world champions. Anaza El Farid was syndicated in 1993 and became a sought after sire. Among his many champion get were his son Farid Nile Moon, who became an Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Stallion; Gazal Al Shaqab (x the wonderful Polish mare, *Kajora), was 2001 World Champion at the Salon Du Cheval and in turn sired World Champion Stallion Marwan Al Shaqab and World Champion Mare, Pianissima, among countless other champions.

*Morafic Shaikh Al Badi *Bint Maisa El Saghira++ Ruminaja Ali *Khofo++ Bint Magidaa *Magidaa Anaza El Farid • a h a 423140 Bay stallion 01/8/1988-2000

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Halima Bint Deenaa Sameh *Deenaa Dahma II

Anaza El Farid was eventually sold to Count Federico Zichy-Thyssen and was exported to Argentina where the Count maintains a unique breeding program. Unfortunately Farid passed away before he could contribute his full potential to the breed. Nevertheless, he was truly a global phenomenon - his bloodlines are in high demand, and without a doubt they will help make many other breeders' dreams come true. His legacy lives on - worldwide.

Sponsored by: St. Clair Egyptian Arabian Stud Les and Lois St. Clair 1201 N. Oak Forest Rd., Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 USA Phone: 801-355-3515 Email: 287

In Tribute to *Ramses Am al The story of St. Clair Egyptian Arabians really com­ mences with their purchase of *Ramses Amal in 1975. Although the St. Clair's had acqiured a couple of other Straight Egyptians previously, it was her Alaa El Din bloodlines that Les and Lois grew so passionate about implementing in their foundation stock. A refined and scopey grey mare, *Ramses Amal was bred at Sayed Marei's farm near the Great Pyramid, and imported by Martin Loeber in 1972. When the St. Clairs saw her, they felt she complemented their "Straight Egyptian de­ sign" and bought her. In one of their beautifully illustrated farm brochures the St. Clairs commented: "Since our beginning, we have placed special emphasis on combining the bloodlines of certain individuals we researched that would produce our ideal. Since we place tremendous importance on the dam, we concentrated on building our foundation with daughters of Alaa El Din, Sameh, and *Ansata Ibn Elalima." Dr. Ibrahim Zaghloul, a director of the E.A.O. in the 1980's was quoted as saying "I believe that Alaa El Din has been more significant as a sire through the female side of the pedigree. I have observed personally more of an impact through his daughters, rather than through his sons." Dr.Hans Nagel also referred to the Alaa El Din daughters as "the most beautiful flowers" of Egyptian Arabian Horse breeding.

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha

In addition to having one line to Alaa El Din, *Ramses Amal's maternal and paternal grandsire was Nazeerthe most famous sire of modern Egyptian breeding, plus two important Hadban Enzahi female lines to Yosreia and Bint Samiha - both highly valued lines that have given the breed some of the finest Arabian bloodstock in the world.

Alaa El Din Shahloul Kateefa Bint Rissala *Ramses Amal • a h a 90249 Grey mare 12/14/1969- 1992


In addition to producing the *Ramses Fayek son, Keyaf (whose story is in this section), *Ramses Amal's lega­ cy was her daughters, Amareekha and Maleekha by *El Mareekh, Hollima, by *Ansata Ibn Halima and Dineekha by Ibn El Mareekh. All of these daughters graced the St, Clairs' broodmare band and influenced their breeding program. *Ramses Amal, whose name means "hope", was all the St. Clairs hoped for - and more. Indeed she helped ful­ fill their greatest hopes and dreams for the future.

Yasir Yosreia Manal Nazeer Bint Fathia Fathia

Sponsored by: St. Clair Egyptian Arabian Stud Les and Lois St. Clair 1201 N. Oak Forest Rd., Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 USA Phone: 801-355-3515 Email: 288

In Tribute to Keyaf Keyaf? You might ask "who was Keyaf?" How many champions did he sire? What countries have they been imported to? Who has his bloodlines? You can't know Keyaf's story without knowing the story of Les and Lois St. Clair of St. Clair Egyptian Arabian Stud. Their story could very well be your story! After years of dabbling with horses, raising pintos, then half-Arabian pintos, then domestic Arabians, the "need" to specialize became apparent to Les and Lois. And so the search began for the special type of Arabian they wished to perpetuate. They traveled from farm to farm studying the various breeding programs. They toured pure Polish farms, Russian and Spanish farms and many others. Through their research they became extremely interested in Straight Egyptians, particularly the Alaa El Din and Sameh bloodlines and in 1975 they were so excited about purchasing their very first Alaa El Din daughter - *Ramses Amal! They bred her to *Ramses Fayek who was Grand Champion Stallion numer­ ous times! Keyaf was the result and the first Straight Egyptian Arabian they had ever bred! And in 1978 he was named U.S. National Champion Futurity Stallion - one of two others to ever receive a PERFECT score on each of the three judges' cards! This was at a time when there were 50 and 60 horses in a class! The thrill and exhilaration of this accomplishment as a "small" breeder was beyond belief! It was a testament to their research and what they believed in.

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha *Ramses Fayek Sid Abouhom

When the St. Clair's got an offer they couldn't refuse, Keyaf was sold to Nagib Audi of Brazil. There he met an untimely death as a result of an accident. In a memorial to Ruminaja Ali, it was written "Legends live forever, heroes die young, and old heroes fall into oblivion." Unfortunately Keyaf, this magnificent U.S. National Champion, didn't live long enough to be­ come a legend. He didn't live long enough to become an "old hero." He died young, and was never really a hero to anyone - except the St. Clair's. Maybe - just maybe - he can be "your" hero!

Fayza II Nefisa Keyaf • AHA 124035 Grey stallion 1975-1982

Nazeer Alaa El Din Kateefa *Ramses Amal Yasir Manal Bint Fathia

We hope his story and the story of St. Clair Egyptian Arabian Stud can inspire even the smallest breeder and give you the hope that your dreams can come true just like the dreams of Les and Lois St. Clair - but first you must dream!

Sponsored by: St. Clair Egyptian Arabian Stud Les and Lois St. Clair 1201 N. Oak Forest Rd., Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 USA Phone: 801-355-3515 Email: 289

In Tribute to *Bint M aisa El Saghira++ The family of Durra, tracing to Lady Anne Blunt's Bint El Bahreyn, boasts a treasure trove of valued descendants among them the beloved mare, *Bint Maisa El Saghira++, who was born in 1958, the year that spawned so many of Nazeer's best get. Her dam, Maisa, was by the renowned Shahloul, and out of the RAS foundation broodmare, Za­ reefa. A handsome, fleabitten mare of harmonious pro­ portions and excellent quality, Maisa stood out from all others in her sandy pasture because of her color, size, and scope. As a broodmare she produced the influential stal­ lion Madkour (by *Morafic), who was exported to Germa­ ny, and his full bother, Ezz El Arab, who remained at the E.A.O. When bred to Nazeer, the most important stallion of his era, *Bint Maisa El Saghira was one of the results - and she, along with Maisa's full brother, the spectacular copper bay, El Sareei, became primary progenitors of this Durra line. *Bint Maisa El Saghira++ was imported in 1962 by Doug­ las and Margaret Marshall after they visited the El Zahraa Stud and decided to build their program on Straight Egyp­ tian Arabians. Tall, handsome, and charismatic, though not exotic, even as a yearling she had "star quality." In America she attracted admirers to the farm and became one of the most popular Egyptian show mares of the 60s. It was the dynamic duo of *Bint Maisa El Saghira++ and *Ansata Ibn Halima, when he was on lease to Gleann­ loch, that stormed the show circuit from coast to coast, gathering championships in their wake and setting the stage for a flood of new Egyptian imports.

Rhita McNair photo

Gamil Manial Mansour

Rhita McNair, who often showed *Bint Maisa El Saghira++, remembers her fondly: "Her tail carriage, presence, stamina and heart won her national top honors in halter, English pleasure, and park, with many blues in costume and side saddle. She soon earned her Legion of Merit. The breeding program at Gleannloch was vastly influenced by this great mare."

Nafaa El Saghira Nazeer Kazmeen Bint Samiha Samiha

*Bint Maisa El Saghira++ produced nine offspring; six fe­ males, three males. Their influence is legendary. Progeny by *Morafic included Shaikh Al Badi, winner of U.S. National Reserve Champion Futurity Stallion and sire of dozens of champions including Ruminaja Ali and his famous brothers; full brother Amaal, undoubtedly the handsomest of *Morafic sons, and the exemplary brood­ mares Rihahna, Radia, and Nafairtiti. Others were the grey *Moftakhar daughter, Mashallah; the exotic chestnut mare, Dahma II Ashekwar by *Fahidd; the remarkable bay beauty, Dahmah Shahwaniah, by her show mate, *Ansata Ibn Halima++; and outstanding Legion of Merit winner, Shamruk++ by *lbn Hafiza. An entire book could be written about the legendary *Bint Maisa El Saghira++ and her exploits. However, those who knew her will always remember her as the wonderful mare that exemplified the qualities of the true desert Ara­ bian horse - a companion and friend to mankind. *Bint Maisa El Saghira++ was bred by the Egyptian Agri­ cultural Organization and imported and owned by Doug­ las and Margaret Marshall, Gleannloch Farms, U.S.A.

*Bint Maisa El Saghira++ • a h a 23220 Bay mare 08/22/1958-10/26/1973

Ibn Rabdan Shahloul Bint Radia Maisa Kazmeen Zareefa Durra

Sponsored by: Stonewall Farm Arabians David Cains 14705 E. Redbird Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85262 USA Phone: 480-710-7282, Fax: 480-452-1842 Email: • 290

In Tribute to *Fardousa FARDOUSA - 1984 Bay Mare Strain: Hadban Enzahiyah (to Venus) In October of 1984, at the El Zahraa Stud in Cairo, Egypt, a bay filly was born. O f royal parentage, her sire, Ikhnatoon, was the leading stallion at El Zahraa from 1974 until his death in 1986 and her dam, Solafa, a granddaughter of El Araby, was a valued broodmare at the same farm. So desirable were Ikhnatoon's offspring that they were priced beyond the reach of most breeders, other than the oil-rich stud farms in the Middle East. Fardousa was imported to the US in 1986 by a wealthy Egyptian doctor named Sherif Abdelhak as a two year old, and then, in 1987, sold to William Dudley, a breeder in Minnesota, for whom Fardousa had eight foals. She was acquired (from Salem Children's Home, at 17 years of age) by Talaria Farms in the spring of 2001, to be bred to Botswana. So successful was this cross with Botswana that Fardousa quickly became one of the most esteemed broodmares inTalaria's herd. During her years at Talaria, Fardousa gave Talaria three gorgeous fillies: the lovely Nairobi in Botswana's first foal crop in 2001; then in 2002, TF Setswana, and, in 2004, a truly exquisite black bay filly, Falisha Bint Fardousa. In September of 2006 Fardousa presented Talaria with her out cross replacement, another beautiful bay filly by the stallion Amaar al Rayyan. Fardousa was a Region 10 Top 5 Mare, a 1988 Egyptian Event Reserve Champion 4 Year Old Mare, and Reserve Champion at Liberty the same year. In addition, offspring twice won Produce of Dam at the Egyptian Event - once in 1997, and the last time in 2005 with TF Nairobi and Falisha Bint Fardousa representing her. Until she died in the spring of 2009, this grand mare blessed Talaria Farms with her presence, and was the last breeding daughter of Ikhnatoon in the United States - and one of the last in the world. While the loss of this proud and elegant "war mare" has left our farm spiritually poorer, we daily witness her great spirit and beauty in her daughters (and her grand-get as three of her daughters are already contributing broodmares in the Talaria herd). Moreover, the fiercely proud and beautiful TF Ameera Rayyana (*Fardousa x Amaar al Rayyan) now waits in the wings— to be bred to Botswana in 2011.

Alaa El Din *Farazdac :arasha Ikhnatoon Nazeer Bint Om El Saad Om El Saad *Farc ousa • AHA 380699 Bay mare 10/09/1984-2009

El Araby Emad Ebeda Solafa *Tuhotmos Souhad 3asima Sponsored by: Talaria Farms, Allison G. Mehta 960 Piedmont Avenue NE Atlanta, GA 30309 USA Phone: 404-892-1975 Email: website: 291

In Tribute to Nabiel+/

When Nabiel was a yearling, expert judge, horseman and breeder, Bill Trapp and his wife Pat, of Big Bend, Wisconsin, journeyed to Gleannloch in Texas to find possibly one special colt on which they could pin their future. Their eyes followed a tall, leggy gray colt with a long, graceful neck, good legs, deep shoulder, smooth body and expressive eye. This was Nabiel, their choice from the first crop of the incomparable *Sakr+++. As yearling matured, he started to win at halter in the show ring, including U.S. National Futurity Colt and two U.S. National Top Tens, 18 halter championships in all, including 14 Most Classic Head contests. Sameh Nabiel was a very popular stallion, siring nearly 700 get, placing him in the top twenty sires worldwide, and from these his fame spread. By the time of his syndi­ cation in the 80's, he had become the leading living Egyptian sire of champions and one of only ten stal­ lions in the history of the breed to sire more than 100 champions. At one time Nabiel was the third leading sire of champions overall with winners in all divisions of halter and performance as well as champions inter­ nationally.

*Sultann Lubna *Sakr+++ *Morafic Enayat Ameena N a b iek/ • AHA72106 Grey stallion 02/16/1971-01/01/1995

Nazeer Alaa El Din Kateefa

Almost always handled by his owner, Bill Trapp, he changed the lives of those around him.

*Magidaa Anter

Debra Geiser has said, "Whether Nabiel appears in the top or the bottom of the pedigree his influence is usually clear...a great source of beautiful heads, long necks, correctness and presence with nobility." Polly Knoll's remarkable photo captures Nabiel's feel­ ing of great power, beauty and charisma!

Maysa Mahfouza

Sponsored by: Second Wind M. Kent Mayfield and John R. (Jack) Ford, Jr. 5653 State Road 130, Dodgeville, Wl 53533 USA Phone: 608-935-3540 Email: 292

In Tribute to *Khofo++ An alabaster legacy of type, power and pedigree best describes *Khofo++. Hansi Heck-Melnyk is a woman driven by an inner fire fueled by her passion for life and her love of horses, but it wasn't until 1967 that her dream of owning purebred Arabian horses was finally realized. Circumstance took her to Texas on a route that just happened to pass by Gleannloch Farms. As she tells it, she glanced over and saw the most beautiful young colt that she had ever seen and stopped to watch him. Driving up to the ranch house, Hansi met for the first time Doug Marshall who told her he could never part with the colt as he was the backup for his herd-sire *Morafic. When she was shown *Morafic, Hansi could only stare at him, tears running down her face. She knew she was looking at a great stallion. (He indeed went on to become one of the most influential sires of the twentieth century.) But she could not turn away from the 2-year-old *Khofo, and pleaded with Doug Marshall to let her buy him. She promised that if anything happened to *Morafic she would send *Khofo back to Gleannloch and eventually, Mr. Marshall could see her heart was lost to the colt and agreed to sell him. A friendship was formed between Hansi and the Marshalls that lasted throughout his life.

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha

*Khofo++ was bred by the E.A.O. and was imported in 1965 by Doug Marshall of Gleannloch Farms along with dam *Nabilahh and sire *Morafic. Bought by Hansi in 1967, *Khofo++ won numerous halter and performance championships including Western, Eng­ lish, Side-saddle, Driving and Most Classic Head. He was trained to upper dressage level by Hansi herself, and won the coveted Legion of Merit award.

*Morafic Sid Abouhom Mabrouka Moniet El Nefous *Khofo++ • AHA 32265 Grey stallion 03/02/1965- 12/13/1991

Flamdan Khofo sired 254 get, of which 202+/- are registered, the rest out of grade mares in Canada. He produced over 150 championship winners, including regional champions and U.S. Top Ten's. He is the sire and grand sire of many National and reserve champions internationally. His daughter Bint Magidaa (1970) out of *Magidaa was his first offspring, who produced Ruminaja Ali and others, which put Shaikh Al Badi on the map. *Khofo produced also Serenity Mashalla (1971) out of *Serenity Shahra, bought by the Brazilian, Dr. A. Faria. Serenity Mashalla was declared in the Brazilian Newspapers to be THE SUPER SIRE OF THE CENTURY FOR BRAZIL. *Khofo++ was kind and courageous, intelligent and sensitive. He died in 1991 of an incurable throat problem. "That was," Hansi says, "the darkest day in my life at that time. The communication and love between him and myself was second best to none. I still miss him greatly."

Anter Obeya *Nabilahh Sid Abouhom Farasha Yosreia

Sponsored by: Second Wind M. Kent Mayfield and John R. (Jack) Ford, Jr. 5653 State Road 130, Dodgeville, Wl 53533 USA Phone: 608-935-3540 Email: 293

In Tribute to *Bint Mona To appreciate *Bint Mona and how she created a dy­ nasty in America, one must first return to Egypt and her remarkable ancestors. Her granddam, Moniet El Nefous, was beloved as Queen of the Nile and often compared with Nefertiti, the beautiful queen whose sculptured head is regarded as the embodiment of su­ preme beauty. Insensitive to the passage of time, Nefer­ titi emerged as a symbol of imperishable beauty who bore in life the appellation: "beauty forever and ever." How true of Moniet El Nefous and her daughter, Mona (Mouna), a stunning red chestnut crowned with a more exotic head than her mother and destined to become the most prolific progenitor of females in the Moniet family. When Don and Judith Forbis first saw the Nazeer daughter, *Bint Mona, as a yearling in Egypt, they were struck by her incomparable refinement and beauty. "We bought her blood sister, *Ansata Bint Mabrouka, when forced to make a choice between them, but the decision was agonizing. We wanted them both," she recalls. Dr. Sayed Marei, Minister of Agriculture later acquired her and eventually sold her to Douglas Mar­ shall who was also smitten by her. In foal to Antar she arrived at Gleannloch Farm and produced *lbn Antar. Deep in the heart of Texas, her dynasty on American soil had begun. Gamil Manial

At Gleannloch she was first bred to *Ansata Ibn Halima, producing the breathtaking colt and her first champion, Mohssen. Next came The Egyptian Prince, by *Morafic (a blood brother to blood sister mating) whose impact and legacy as a sire confirms the value of proper inbreeding. *Bint Mona was known for her classic elegance, large, dark eyes, and refined beauty with subtle strength" re­ calls Lisa Lacy, while Rhita McNair confirms, "She was one of the loveliest of the Nazeer daughters. She was the dam of II Muna (by *Morafic), winner of the 1971 National Mare Futurity, U.S. Top Ten Mare and winner in park." Her full sisters, lllaila, Bint Bint Mona and Norra, were valued broodmares along with Atteyah Ri­ yala by *lbn Hafiza. Melouki by *lbn Hafiza, and the startling black-bay stallion, Ibn Zaghloul, by *Zaghloul, were significant sons. In her final years at Kline Arabi­ ans she produced the important broodmare, Falmona by *Faleh, and Ibn Talal by *Talal. *Bint Mona left a legacy of six daughters and six sons in America. Her influence is global and her bloodlines remain much sought after among connoisseurs. Insen­ sitive to the passage ot time, her descendants remain a symbol of her imperishable beauty as well as a testi­ mony to her legendary grand dam, the beloved Queen of the Nile, Moniet El Nefous. *Bint Mona was bred by the Egyptian Agricultural Or­ ganization, imported and owned by Gleannloch Farms, and later owned by James F. Kline.

Mansour Nafaa El Saghira Nazeer Kazmeyn Bint Samiha Samiha *Bint Mona • AHA 30263 Grey Mare 03/30/1958 - 03/26/1983

El Deree Sid Abouhom Layla Mouna Shahloul Moniet El Nefous Wanisa

Sponsored by:Tuscani Stuart and Brenda Scheuttpelz 1921 Niles-Buchanan Road, Niles, Ml 49120 USA Phone: 269-683-5449 Email: 294

In Tribute to TheEgyptianPrince For aficionados of Egyptian Arabian horses, the mating of “Morafic to *Bint Mona was the equivalent of a royal marriage. The resulting stallion The Egyptian Prince would hardly disappoint those high expectations. “Morafic (Nazeer x Mabrouka), a chief sire at the Egyptian Agricultural Organization was the crown jewel of the early imports of Douglas Marshall for his legendary Gleannloch Farms. “Morafic would create a dynasty siring numerous champions from the Marshall's fabulous broodmare band. “ Bint Mona, also imported by Marshalls was as royally bred as was ’“Morafic. A full blood sister to “Morafic, both he and “ Bint Mona were out of daughters of Moniet El Nefous, the most famous Egyptian mare of her generation. Among “ Bint Mona's famous offspring, her greatest accomplishment would prove to be The Egyptian Prince.

The Egyptian Prince was purchased from Gleannloch Farms as a youngster by a group of breeders from the Northwest who recognized his potential as a herd sire. After a highly successful early career he was purchased by Bentwood Farms where he would star in their breeding program that centered on the blood of Moniet El Nefous. Daughters of “ Ibn Moniet El Nefous bred to the Egyptian Prince and vice versa proved a golden cross, the most notable being the Ansata stallion Prince Fa Moniet. At the Bentwood Farms dispersal, The Egyptian Prince was purchased by David Gardner and Jim Sirbasku, where daughters of The Egyptian Prince bred to The Minstril would prove equally as grand, the most famous being Thee Desperado among host of other international champions.

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha “Morafic Sid Abouhom Mabrouka Moniet El Nefous TheEgyptianPrince • AHA 45351 Grey stallion 07/02/1967 - 09/20/1995

Mansour The Egyptian Prince excelled as a classic breeding stallion as measured by the yardstick of time. Although many generations removed, his characteristics are very recognizable in present Egyptian horses that carry his blood. The Egyptian Prince produced an astounding 826 offspring in his lifetime and he ranks 13th among an estimated 150,000 Arabian stallions of all bloodlines. Both statistics are a fitting testimony to his value to Arabian horses of all bloodlines.

Over his lifetime, The Egyptian Prince was owned by Robert Thorndike, Banu Al-Barr Arabian Stud, Jarrell McCracken, Marion Gardner and David Gardner, and James and Judi Sirbasku.

Nazeer Bint Samiha “Bint Mona Sid Abouhom Mouna Moniet El Nefous

Sponsored by:Tuscani Stuart and Brenda Scheuttpelz 1921 Niles-Buchanan Road, Niles, Ml 49120 USA Phone: 269-683-5449 Email: 295

In Tribute to *M orafic HRH Prince Mohamed Ali of Egypt could well have been writing about *Morafic when he said: "A Saklawi will fight for his master and in charging nothing will frighten him; he will charge a gun, a lion, and even a locomotive if put to it." A quote from the story about *Morafic in Authentic Arabian Bloodstock concludes: "Such a horse was *Morafic. He looked you square in the eye demanding equal status with man. His chil­ dren inherited his free spirit, courage, intelligence and dignity. In our era, his noble purpose was to excite the imagination and create human interest in preserving the classic beauty of his Egyptian heritage." *Morafic was a tall horse with long neck but somewhat angular mitbah, well-laid back shoulders, deep girth, and a strong top line with high-set, high-carried tail. His head was his defining feature with a remarkable "dish" placed high between his deep dark eyes. One had to see him in the flesh to appreciate his uniqueness. After serving as the senior stallion at the Egyptian Agricultural Organization and leaving a memorable legacy behind for Egyptian breeders, the E.A.O. agreed to sell him to Douglas and Margaret Marshall of Gleannloch Farms fame, and he was imported to Texas in 1965 along with his daughter, *Nahlah. When Tom McNair went to bring *Morafic home from quarantine, Rhita McNair remembers: "It was my job to ride in the back of the van with him. In those days we would not have conceived of taking a chance of having a horse injured, so someone always rode in the back with the horses. The old black van was a converted furniture van with refrigerator doors that clamped shut. I was only allowed out to eat or to help drive the rig! But, I surely didn't mind. I used to love to sing to the horses going down the road!" The McNairs proved a formidable show team and Gleannloch's Egyptian horses eventually won every­ thing in sight. *Morafic was shown briefly to a halter and park championship, but his chief role was as a sire: *Khofo++, *lbn Moniet El Nefous, Ansata Shah Zaman, *Refky, Shaikh Al Badi, Amaal, Al Metrabbi, Ibn Morafic, Mosry, The Egyptian Prince, II Muna, among the many in U.S.A.; and the influential sires Farag, Madkour, and Shaker El Masri (sire of El Shaklan) to name a few in Europe. He became a leading sire of countless Straight Egyptian national and international halter and perfor­ mance champions as well as superior breeding stock. One could go on for pages with stories about this unique horse, but a quote from Rhita McNair perhaps defines Morafic best: "Tom was telling a tale about *Morafic's being the White Knight's horse when one little boy said, 'That horse is too much for the White Knight!"' *Morafic was bred by the Egyptian Agricultural Organi­ zation, and imported and owned by Gleannloch Farms, Tomball, Texas.

Gamil Manial Mansour Nafaa El Saghira Nazeer (azmeen Bint Samiha Samiha *Morafic • a h a 32261 Grey stallion 02/19/1956 - 03/18/1974

I Deree Sid Abouhom ayla Mabrouka Shahloul Moniet El Nefous Wanisa

Sponsored by: Patricia Trusty, Heartfelt Egyptian Arabians 930 Sapphire Ridge Oak Point, Texas 75068 USA Phone:972-294-1068 E-mail: 296

In Tribute to Imperial Phanilah A stunning fleabitten grey, Phanilah was one of the outstanding individuals bred by Imperial Egyptian Stud. She was purchased for a pricey $200,000 as a yearling at the Scottsdale Lasma Auction by David and Martha Lucas ofWhitehaven Plantation. Later she was sold to Howell and Margo Wallace of Valour Arabians. In 1992 His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani established his Al Shaqab Stud in Doha, Qatar and the following year sent his manager, Sheikh Hamad bin Ali Al Thani to America to secure the best Arabian bloodstock in the world. When he saw Phanilah, Sheikh Hamad immediately wanted her. She soon put Al Shaqab on the map. Phanilah had a stellar show career, collecting important wins and championships despite the fact that, "Phanilah was emotionally a very difficult mare, and even though she had won a U.S. Top Ten honor in halter, she was hard to make happy," Eileen Verdieck, her trainer, recalls. "In fact, it wasn't until she went to Qatar that she got happy." She loved it there." Phanilah remained in the U.S. to be bred and she gained such good condition that Sheikh Hamad decided to show her at the 1994 World Championships at the Salon du Cheval. Eileen clearly remembers Phanilah's applause-winning performance when she showed her to the Senior Mare World Championship title. The crowd loved her. "There is so much depth in the classes in Paris," Eileen recalls. "Phanilah was probably competing against five or six former world champions." For the fledgling stud of Al Shaqab, this was an exciting win - but only the first of many more World Championships to come. Phanilah went on to win other titles in the Middle East including the Qatar International and the Middle East Championships. She was also a special favorite of HH The Emir. Whenever he came to visit the farm, it was Imperial Phanilah and her lovely stable mate, Meseda, that he wanted to see. Eventually Phanilah produced four foals for Al Shaqab including the elegant champion mare Amirat Al Shaqab, as well as the lovely chestnut filly Al Wajbah Al Shaqab, the latter by embryo transfer at Colorado State University. Phanilah had returned to America to conceive this last daughter - her final legacy to Qatar, the land where she 'got happy.' Imperial Phanilah was bred by Imperial Egyptian stud and later owned by Whitehaven Plantation, Valour Arabians, and Al Shaqab Farm.

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Ibn Sudan *Ansata Bint Mabrouka Ansata Imperial Ansata Shah Zaman Ansata Delilah *Ansata Bint Misr Imperial Phanilah • a h a 314404 Grey mare 03/21/1984 - 11/10/2009

*Morafic *lbn Moniet El Nefous Moniet El Nefous Imperial Phanadah arag *Pharrah Tamria Sponsored by: Valour Farms, Howell and Margo Wallace 1950 Vandyke-Greenspring Rd., Smyrna, DE 19977 USA Phone: 302-653-4066, Fax: 302-653-4328 Email: website: 297

In Tribute to Imperial Nalaseef

H istory w as m ade on Labor D a y of 1989 w h en a straight Egyptian stallion w o n the highest paying purse in A rab ian racing in the U .S . - the $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 A rm an d H am m er C la ssic at D e la w are

Park. The history m aker w as

none other than the b rillia n t chestnut stallion Im perial N alase ef (M oniet El N afis x *Fa w kia). H e led the 13 horse field w ire to w ire to w in by a head over N F Proof and C h a rlie V alen tin e (the reigning D a rle y A w ard w in n in g H orse of The Year). The 1 -1/4 m ile race w a s for four year old and


old er horses. Trained by Fab rice Berberat, Im perial

N alaseef

w as



’“Ibn Moniet El Nefous

Im perial

Moniet El Nefous

Egyptian Stud in M aryla n d , and leased by Barbara G riffith , H o w e ll W a lla c e and W e sle y

Moniet El Nafis *Morafic

Bum pers. To top it all off Im p erial's trainer


at the tim e, Eileen V e rd ie ck , w o n $ 8 0 0 on


Im perial N alaseef at the betting w in d o w . Tw o years later, H is M ajesty H assan II, the King of M o ro cco decid ed he needed to ad this

Imperial Nalaseef • a h a 317037 Chestnut stallion 08/15/1984

:l Moez

co pp er chestnut stallion to his fam ed stable.


Im perial N alaseef w in n e r of the sport of kings m ade his w a y to the stable of a king w h ere he assum ed stud duties and is represented in the

Sameera *Fawkia Nazeer

A rab ian breeding of M o ro cco today.


In just three racing seasons, Im perial N alaseef


proved a sw ift and noble com petitor som etim es even beating his fam ous h alf brother Z T A li Baba (M oniet El N afis x Im perial A l A hb ab ). H e stands as a proud e xam p le of the racing potential that is the seed w ith in so m any of these fine desert steeds.

Sponsored by: Wes Bumpers, Barbara Griffith, Howell Wallace 1950 Vandyke-Greenspring Rd., Smyrna, DE 19977 USA Phone: 302-653-4066, Fax: 302-653-4328 Email: website: 298

In Tribute to *Pharrah The exquisite *Pharrah was born January 3, 1972 at the Hungarian State Stud, Babolna. Her sire, Farag, was a very noble stallion sired by the incomparable *Morafic and along with her dam, Tamria, a *Tuhotmos daughter, it proved to be a winning combination. At the age of 5, *Pharrah was sold and arrived in America in 1978. She would find her new home with Barbara Griffith at Imperial Egyptian Stud, her first foal, Imperial Phanadah (x *lbn Moniet El Nefous) proved to be herfinestand most influential. From Imperial Phanadah came three beautiful daughters, Imperial Phanilah, Imperial Im Pharida and Imperial Im Phayanah. Graceful, and lovely, all three, the most famous was Imperial Phanilah who traveled the world gaining fame and championship crowns. Included in her accomplishments were World Championships in 1986 as Reserve World Junior Champion Filly and in 1994 World Senior Champion Mare (by unanimous decision) at the Salon Du Cheval in Paris. In 1984 Barbara Griffith made the decision to part with *Pharrah. When asked why, she replied "It wasn't an easy decision, but I owned three other daughters who were able to continue her line". The recipients of this incomparable mare were Vincent and Diane Fortuna. Two influential sons of *Pharrah were born at Fortuna's Stud. The first was Royal Jalliel, an Ansata Imperial son, foaled in 1984. Gentle, beautifully balanced, and graceful, Jalliel was his mother's son. Two years later the Fortunas were blessed with a second *Pharrah son, Royal Mikhiel (x Nabiel/+). More masculine and more spirited, Mikhiel as well as his brother were very successful in the show ring. In 1991 at the Egyptian Event, Royal Mikhiel was named Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion. *Pharrah remained under the loving care of Vincent and Diane until her passing in 1991. For those who had the rare pleasure of meeting her, she imprinted on every heart her timeless beauty, incredibly kind spirit and sublime elegance. To state that *Pharrah's legacy continues today is an understatement. She will forever be an Egyptian mare of significance in breeding programs around the globe. She is royalty personified. In the words of Diane Fortuna, "To me *Pharrah was the ideal of an Egyptian mare - beautiful and gentle, noble and sublime and the best broodmare you could ever find". — Martha B. Lucas


Nazeer I Mabrouka

Farag Sid Abouhom Bint Kateefa (ateefa *Pharrah • a h a 149700 Grey mare 0110311972-10/04/1991

El Sareei *Tuhotmos Moniet El Nefous 9 Tamria Nazeer Kamar Komeira

Sponsored by: Whitehaven Plantation David and Martha Lucas 3762 Bethune Hwy, Bishopville, SC 29010 USA Phone: home: 803-428-3311, farm: 803-428-5656 Email: website: 299

In Tribute to Ansata O m ar Halim Looking back at more than 50 years of breeding Ansata bloodlines, I am astonished that we had such incredible luck in producing so many prominent stallions, some of them full brothers. Yet each full brother - or full sister for that matter-was a unique individual. Ansata Halim Shah and Ansata Omar Halim were a case in point. Omar came first - a remarkably handsome colt with many of the same characteristics as his famous father, Ansata Ibn Halima: the short wedgy head, short sharp ears, upright beautifully shaped neck and fine throat latch, strong well-balanced body, and charismatic carriage and way of going. His full brother took more after his dam's side of his pedigree and was remarkably different in type and structure. Both, however, became champions and foundation stallions, both had different careers, the younger brother became an icon, Omar did not get that chance; both died of tragic circumstances on foreign soil. When Lyle Bertsch, who owned Zahara Arabians, set eyes on Omar Halim, he knew he wanted to build his Straight Egyptian program on this stallion, and purchased him. At home in Indiana, Omar set about his task with willingness, training well, winning championships and becoming the drawing card to Zahara. Among his ardent admirers was well-known breeder, Debra Geiser, who writes: "I saw Omar Halim twice, once at Zahara and then again later at your place [Ansata], I actually bought both of the Omar daughters in that Egyptian Elegance Sale. Zahara Kiyara (x SF Sonbolah Tu) went on to become the original foundation mare of the farm," she recalls. "What I most remember Omar Halim for are his huge black eyes. Not only the eye openings themselves but the large orbits as well. He was a compact horse compared to his more famous full brother but exuded the same high quality of the family. His dam was my favorite of the Ansata mares I saw. I came to count on him in my pedigrees for balance with beautifully shaped necks and now into the third generation from him I am still getting the prominent black eyes."

Mansour Nazeer Bint Samiha *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Sheikh El Arab Halima Ragia Ansata Om ar Halim • AHA 196861 Grey stallion 04,12S/1979

Having sired a number of good sons and daughters, Omar was returned to Ansata for a short period and was to be sold because Zahara had decided to disperse its herd. While at Ansata he sired the lovely mare Ansata Omari out of the Ansata Ibn Sudan daughter, W Sudans Nefisa. Dr. Chess Hudson of Zandai Arabians then leased him and bred Omar to number of mares before he was sold to Vera and Peter Stoessel in Switzerland. Unfortunately Omar severely foundered enroute to Europe and never recovered. It was a severe loss to the breed. However, his relatively rare Straight Egyptian bloodlines are still carrying forward and perhaps one day from his descendents we will see another wonderful horse much like him. Ansata Omar Halim was bred by Donald and Judith Forbis, owned by Zahara Arabian Stud, and Vera and Peter Stoessel.

*Morafic Ansata Shah Zaman *Ansata Bint Mabrouka Ansata Rosetta Nazeer *Ansata Bint Bukra Bukra Sponsored by: Zandai Arabians, Dr. William Hudson 6010 Riley Road, Cumming, GA 30040 USA Phone: 404-213-6177, Fax: 770-887-1140 E-mail: website: 300

In Tribute to Ansata Sinan ANSATA SINAN - The Architect of a New Generation When a dynamic foal was born to Prince Fa Moniet and Ansata Nefara on February 16, 1992, he mani­ fested the combined repetitions of ancestral lines as­ sembled into the conception of an ideal whole. It was obvious he commanded a name that could adequately define him. In my pursuit of perfection in the art of breeding, I was reminded of the renowned Ottoman architect Sinan, whose bridges and mosques masterfully combined art with functionalism. Mimar Sinan was the chief archi­ tect and civil engineer for sultans Suleiman I (the Mag­ nificent), Selim II, and Murad III. He is considered the greatest architect of the classical period of Ottoman architecture, and has even been compared to Michel­ angelo, his contemporary in the West. A magnificent horse demonstrates the art of breeding, just as the tow­ ering minarets of Sinan demonstrate the art of architec­ ture! Both defined mastery of an art. Thus was chosen the ideal name, Ansata Sinan! The name "Sinan" is an Aramaic and Early Arabic name meaning "spearhead" or "spear's point." *Morafic

As Ansata Sinan matured he became an icon as a show horse in America and Europe. Winning championships at Class A shows and the Pyramid Society's Egyptian Event USA, then in Europe at the All Nations Cup and the Salon du Cheval, among others, he was praised by connoisseurs around the globe for his beauty, charisma and outstanding Arabian qualities - reflecting the sum total of his remarkable ancestors. A classic and enduring external structure must be up­ held by a carefully crafted infrastructure. Like the great mosques and bridges of Sinan the architect, Ansata Sinan was grounded on a solid foundation. When An­ sata Sinan's children began making their appearance around the world it seemed they too were testifying to the legacy of both Sinans. Not only were Ansata Sinan's progeny from straight Egyptian bloodlines winning ac­ colades, but his get and grand get from international Arabian bloodlines were carrying home champion­ ships around the globe. Today, Ansata Sinan and his younger brother, Ansata lemhotep, call to mind the two most renowned archi­ tects of the Ottoman Empire and ancient Egypt. Like their namesakes, their legacy carries on in the present and provides inspiration for the future.

TheEgyptianPrince *Bint Mona Prince Fa Moniet *lbn Moniet El Nefous Fa Moniet Fada Ansata Sinan • a h a 482308 Grey stallion 02/16/1992

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Ansata Nefara Ansata Abu Sudan Ansata Sudarra Ansata Delilah

Sponsored by: DeShazer Arabians Hank and Sandra DeShazer, Brandon and Susan Bryan 19600 Stone Lake Drive, Tomball, Texas 77377 USA Phone: 281-290-9585, Cell: 713-828-6491

Ansata Sinan was bred by Donald and Judith Forbis, Ansata Arabian Stud, and sold to Veruska Arabians, Switzerland. This page was written by Judith Forbis and is sponsored by DeShazer Arabians.

Fax: 281-255-9475 E-mail: website: 301

P art IV B reed ers' S h o w c a se o f T h e E g y p t ia n A r a b ia n H o r s e


P ic t o r ia l S e c t io n Th ere is no greater pride than show casing one's favorite straight Egyptian A rabians w h eth er ow ned or bred. This pictorial section is such a place w h ere breeders can sho w case their breeding and or show stock. H orses are featured here from all parts of the globe. Th e horses presented in this section are those horses w h ich should be eligible to be called "straight Egyptian" as defined by the Pyram id Society. Th e Pyram id Society's definition of a "straight Egyptian" A rabian horse can be found on page 14 of this volum e. For co nsistency sake in this vo lum e, all horses w ith an asterisk (*) before their nam e denote at som e point they w ere im ported to North A m erica and in m any cases their A H A registered nam es are used. Sym bols appear after som e of the nam es in pedigrees w h ich denote a special level of achievem ent in North A m erican show s. Th e sym bols are as follow s: L E G IO N O F H O N O R : + L E G IO N O F S U P R E M E H O N O R : +/ L E G IO N O F EX C E LLE N C E : +// L E G IO N O F M ERIT: ++ L E G IO N O F S U P R E M E M ERIT: +++ H orses presented in this section include a three generation pedigree as w ell as listing the sire line and the dam line. Sire line and dam line designations show three elem ents: root foundation / prim ary branch / key fam ily representative. For exam ple: Sire line: Saklaw i I / N azeer / *Ansata Ibn H alim a Dam line: Roga El Beda / O m Dalai / Ragaa Foaling dates in this section are given as M onth/Day/Year. H orses in this section are show n by ranch and or ow ner. A com plete listing, by ranch and or o w n er can be found at the b ack of this volum e beginning on page 497. At the very end of this volum e is an alphabetical index to all horses presented in this pictorial section.

Kamal Ibn Adeed SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Roga El Beda / Om Dalai / Ragaa

2010 U.S. Egyptian Event Champion:

*Ansata Ibn Halima++

World Class Yearling Colts,

Ansata Halim Shah

Straight Egyptian Futurity Colts

Ansata Rosetta Al Adeed Al Shaqab Ruminaja Ali Sundar Alisayyah imperial Sayyah Kamal Ibn Adeed • a h a 643289 Grey Stallion foaled 03/20/2009

Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Hejazi

A and D Arabians

Ansata Sudarra

Anne E. Wright and Dennis Fournier 14681 Oak Meadow Road

NF Bint Sajha Ansata Nile Pasha

Penn Valley, California 95946 USA 0 Sajha

Phone: 530-432-2636 • cell: 530-277-4693


Fax: 530-432-3580 • E-mail: website: 305

Ajmal Al Kout SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Farida / Halima




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*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Ansata Hejazi Ansata Abu Sudan Ansata Sudarra Ansata Delilah Ajmal Al Kout • ksb 0665 Grey Stallion foaled 10/05/2004

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ajmal Arabian Stud Mr. Mohammed J. Al Marzouk

Ansata Rosetta Ansata Malaka

P.O. Box 3131


Safat 13032, Kuwait

Ansata Malika

Stud Manager: Mr. Naheri, Mobile: (+965) 97029131

*JKB Masouda

E-mail: 306



Ajmal Talal SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / *Ansata Bint Bukra

Prince Fa Moniet Ansata Sinan Ansata Nefara Sinan Al Rayyan Safir Al Wajba Al Rayyan Ansata Sharifa Ajmal Talal • KSB0811 ' Grey Stallion foaled 10/22/2005

Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Hejazi Ansata Sudarra

Ajmal Arabian Stud Mr. Mohammed J. Al Marzouk

Ansata Samari *Jamilll

P.O. Box 3131 Ansata Samarra

Safat 13032, Kuwait

Ansata Samantha

Stud Manager: Mr. Naheri, Mobile: (+965) 97029131 E-mail: 307

*Simeon Sachi SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / Hadban Enzahi

• DAM LINE: Venus / Hind / Rouda

Hadban Enzahi Malik Malikah Asfour Alaa El Din Hanan Mona *Simeon Sachi • a h a 597064 Grey Stallion foaled 08/30/2000

ET Crown Prince Al Atiq Arabians

Raadin Royal Star

Anne-Louise Toner 23103 Davis Mill Road

Om Khamsa Simeon Sheba

Germantown, Maryland 20876 USA

Ibn Galal


27 Ibn Galal-5


10 Hosna

website: 308

Nuri Ibn Salaam SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer/ *Morafic • DAM LINE: Rodania /Yashmak/ Rashida

Ansata Shah Zaman

Sire of Endurance Competitor, Al Alysha Sire of Aachen winner, Al Kharim

Ansata Ibn Shah

Black Producer Son of Champion Sire Ansata El Salaam

Ansata Jezebel Ansata El Salaam *Ansata Ibn Halima-t-tAnsata Samantha Ansata Delilah Nuri Ibn Salaam • GASB 26909 Black Stallion foaled 05/22/2000

Madkour Montasar Al Azim Black Arabians Doris Melzer

Maymoonah Nurah

D-64686 Lautertal, Germany


Phone: 0049 (0) 6254-7610, Fax: 0049 (0) 6254-3313



Nazeefa 309

Al Kharim Al Azim SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Rodania / Yashmak / Om El Saad

iwm •

; v-

f- 9 ■




At Azim B la ck Arabia/is 'h o to (C )w w w .D o ris-M elze r.d e

Ansata Ibn Shah

Homozygous (EEaa) Black Producer German Stallion Licensed - approved Stallion Book I

Ansata El Salaam

SCID-clear, CA-clear N/N

Ansata Samantha Nuri Ibn Salaam Montasar Nurah Nagha Al Kharim Al Azim • D E408/08/21283/06 Black Stallion foaled 05/20/2006

*Tuhotmos Kasr El Nil Al Azim Black Arabians Doris Melzer

Bint El Nil Allat El Gaschya

D-64686 Lautertal, Germany


Phone: 0049 (0) 6254-7610, Fax: 0049 (0) 6254-3313

EH Ghandurah


El Garia

www. 310

Labbad SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer/ *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Dahma/ Bint Sabah / *Ansata Bint Bukra

Dahman Shahwan strain Successful under saddle and in hand champion at Egyptian Event, Sharjah. Junior champion straight Egyptian colt Sharjah 2008 Imported to UAE in utero

Prince Fa Moniet Ansata Sinan Ansata Nefara Ansata Nile Nadir Ansata Hejazi Ansata Misty Nile Imperial impress Labbad • UAE 6928 Grey Stallion foaled 03/18/2006

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Al Qasimi Stables, The Ruler's Palace H.H. Dr. Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi

Ansata Rosetta Ansata Shahrezade

P.O. Box 8, Sharjah, UAE


Phone: 0097165588222 or 099716507851374

Ansata Exotica

Fax: 0097165588222

Ansata Ghazala

E-mail: 311

Ajmal Maghreb SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Farida / Halima

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Ansata Hejazi Ansata Abu Sudan Ansata Sudarra Ansata Delilah Ajmal Maghreb • KSB 938 Crey Stallion foaled 10/08/2006

Ansata Halim Shah Alfabia Stud, Gigi Grasso

Salaa El Dine

Italy, Phone: 0039 3387320391 E-mail: •

Hanan Ajmal Maghrebeia


Ansata Halim Shah

Ajmal Stud, Mohammed J. Al Marzouk, Kuwait

JKB Majida

Stud Manager: Mr. Naheri, Mobile: (+965) 97029131

*JKB Masouda

E-mail: 312

Phaaros SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: BintYamama/*Maaroufa/Fada




Ruminaja Ali Anaza El Farid Bint Deenaa ZT Faa Iq *Jamilll ZT Jamdusah IES Sondusah Phaaros • AHA 577033 Crey Stallion foaled 04/11/2000

Shaikh Al Badi Alfabia Stud, Gigi Grasso

Ruminaja Ali

Italy, Phone: 0039 3387320391 E-mail: •

Bint Magidaa Bint Atallah


*Ansata Ibn Halima++

Alfala Stud, Rakan Altobaishi

AK Atallah

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

AlNahr Mon Ami 313

El Thay Mameluk SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / Galal

• DAM LINE: Rodania / Malaka / Mamlouka

Galal Ameer Moniet El Nefous Ibn Nazeema Alaa El Din Nazeema Bint Kamla El Thay Mameluk • KSB 01152 Chestnut Stallion foaled 05/01/1988

Ibrahim Al Jazirah Arabian Stud


Mr. Talal Abdullah Al Mehri RO. Box 16991

Molesta El Thay Mansoura

Qadisiya 35860, Kuwait


Phone: +965 2522 8350, Fax: +965 2252 3255


Mobile: +965 9968 3022


E-mail: 314

Sinan Al Rayyan SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / *Ansata Bint Bukra

TheEgyptianPrince Prince Fa Moniet Fa Moniet Ansata Sinan Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Nefara Ansata Sudarra Sinan Al Rayyan • KSB 0654 Grey Stallion foaled 03/04/2002

Salaa El Dine Al Jazirah Arabian Stud


Mr. Talal Abdullah Al Mehri P.O. Box 16991

Aisha Al Wajba Al Rayyan

Qadisiya 35860, Kuwait

Ansata Ibn Shah

Phone: +965 2522 8350, Fax: +965 2252 3255

Ansata Sharifa

Mobile: +965 9968 3022

Ansata Samantha

E-mail: 315

Ansata Selma SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / *Ansata Bint Bukra

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Ansata Hejazi Ansata Abu Sudan Ansata Sudarra Ansata Delilah Ansata Selma • KSB0281 Crey Mare foaled 06/14/1998

TheEgyptianPrince Al jazirah Arabian Stud

Prince Fa Moniet

Mr. Talal Abdullah Al Mehri P.O. Box 16991

Fa Moniet G Shafaria

Qadisiya 35860, Kuwait

Ansata Ibn Shah

Phone: +965 2522 8350, Fax: +965 2252 3255

Ansata Sharifa

Mobile: +965 9968 3022

Ansata Samantha

E-mail: 316

Jamala Al Zamet SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / Kamar

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Salaa El Dine Alaa El Din Hanan Mona Jamala Al Zamet • ksb 0443 Crey Mare foaled 03121/2000

Ansata Abbas Pasha Al Jazirah Arabian Stud

Abbas Pasha I

Mr. Talal Abdullah Al Mehri P.O. Box 16991

2 Ghalion-11 Abbas Pasha 1-12

Qadisiya 35860, Kuwait


Phone: +965 2522 8350, Fax: +965 2252 3255

211 Zohair-2

Mobile: +965 9968 3022

28 Farag-3

E-mail: 317

Naama Al Naif SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / *Bint Bint Sabah / Falima

Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Hejazi Ansata Sudarra Ansata Nile Echo Prince Fa Moniet Ansata White Nile Ansata Nile Gift Naama Al Naif • KSB 0606 Grey Mare foaled 02/02/2002

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Al Jazirah Arabian Stud

Ansata Halim Shah

Mr. Talal Abdullah Al Mehri P.O. Box 16991

Ansata Rosetta SES Nafila

Qadisiya 35860, Kuwait

Ruminaja Ali

Phone: +965 2522 8350, Fax: +965 2252 3255

SF Enshalla

Mobile: +965 9968 3022

Imperial Mistic

E-mail: 318

Ameena Al Rayyan SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Obeya Om Jurays / Mahdia / Hanan

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Al Adeed Al Shaqab Ruminaja Ali Sundar Alisayyah Imperial Sayyah Ameena Al Rayyan • KSB 01234 Grey Mare foaled 02/28/2003

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Al Jazirah Arabian Stud

Ansata Halim Shah

Mr. Talal Abdullah Al Mehri P.O. Box 16991

Ansata Rosetta RN Sultana

Qadisiya 35860, Kuwait


Phone: +965 2522 8350, Fax: +965 2252 3255


Mobile: +965 9968 3022


E-mail: 319

Sama SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer/ *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Dahma/ Bint Sabah / *Ansata Bint Bukra

Prince Fa Moniet Ansata Sinan Ansata Nefara Sinan Al Rayyan Safir Al Wajba Al Rayyan Ansata Sharifa Sama • KSB 01215 Chestnut Mare foaled 12/27/2007

Salaa El Dine Al Jazirah Arabian Stud


Mr. Talal Abdullah Al Mehri P.O. Box 16991

Ghazala Ajmal Sadeem

Qadisiya 35860, Kuwait

Ansata Hejazi

Phone: +965 2522 8350, Fax: +965 2252 3255

Ansata Samari

Mobile: +965 9968 3022

Ansata Samarra

E-mail: 320

Sundos Aljazira SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / *Ansata Bint Bukra

Prince Fa Moniet Ansata Sinan Ansata Nefara Sinan Al Rayyan Safir Al Wajba Al Rayyan Ansata Sharifa Sundos Aljazira • KSB 01231 Crey Mare foaled 11/02/2007

Ansata Halim Shah Al Jazirah Arabian Stud

Ansata Hejazi

Mr. Talal Abdullah Al Mehri P.O. Box 16991

Ansata Sudarra Ansata Selma

Qadisiya 35860, Kuwait

Prince Fa Moniet

Phone: +965 2522 8350, Fax: +965 2252 3255

C Shafaria

Mobile: +965 9968 3022

Ansata Sharifa

E-mail: 321

Nayla Al Rayyan SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Farida / Halima

Prince Fa Moniet Ansata Sinan Ansata Nefara Sinan Al Rayyan Safir Al Wajba Al Rayyan Ansata Sharifa Nayla Al Rayyan • KSB 01805 Grey Mare foaled 03/11/2009

Salaa El Dine Al Jazirah Arabian Stud


Mr. Talal Abdullah Al Mehri RO. Box 16991

Aisha Naama Al Rayyan

Qadisiya 35860, Kuwait

Ansata Halim Shah

Phone: +965 2522 8350, Fax: +965 2252 3255

Ansata Majesta

Mobile: +965 9968 3022

Ansata Malika

E-mail: 322

Taibah Aljazira SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer/Galal

• DAM LINE: Venus /Hind /Yosreia

Ameer Ibn Nazeema Nazeema El Thay Mameluk Machmut El Thay Mansoura Morawa Taibah Aljazira • KSB01851 Grey Mare foaled 09/04/2009

Ansata Halim Shah Al Jazirah Arabian Stud

Ansata Hejazi

Mr. Talal Abdullah Al Mehri P.O. Box 16991

Ansata Sudarra Yathreb Aljazira

Qadisiya 35860, Kuwait


Phone: +965 2522 8350, Fax: +965 2252 3255


Mobile: +965 9968 3022


E-mail: 323

Al Adeed Al Shaqab SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Venus / Bint Samiha / Nagdia

1997 Qatar International Champion Colt 1999 Middle East Champion Stallion 2000 Qatar International Champion Stallion 2001 Qatar International Champion Stallion 2002 Qatar International Champion Stallion 2002 All Nations Cup Champion Stallion 2003 Qatar International Champion Stallion 2003 World Champion Stallion 2005 U.S. Egyptian Event Champion Stallion 2008 Qatar International Champion Stallion

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Halima Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Shah Zaman Ansata Rosetta *Ansata Bint Bukra Al Adeed Al Shaqab • AHA 6 11774 Grey Stallion foaled 4/13/1995

Shaikh Al Badi Al Shaqab,

Ruminaja Ali

Member of Qatar Foundation P.O. Box 90055

Bint Magidaa Sundar Alisayyah

Doha, Qatar



Imperial Sayyah


*Malekat El Gamal 324

Dawlah Al Shaqab SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / *Ansata Bint Bukra

2010 Egyptian Event Europe Reserve Champion Filly

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Al Adeed Al Shaqab Ruminaja Ali Sundar Alisayyah imperial Sayyah Dawlah Al Shaqab • qasb 3819 Grey Mare foaled 2008

Shaikh Al Badi Al Shaqab,


Member of Qatar Foundation P.O. Box 90055

Bint Magidaa Badawieh Al Shaqab

Doha, Qatar

Ansata Manasseh


Halima Al Shaqab


Ansata Bint Halima 325

Fadwa Al Shaqab SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata ibn Halima

• DAM LINE: Venus / Hind/Yosreia

Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Hejazi Ansata Sudarra Ansata Selman Prince Fa Moniet G Shafaria Ansata Sharifa Fadwa Al Shaqab • QASB 3225 Grey Mare foaled 2005

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Al Shaqab,

Ansata Halim Shah

Member of Qatar Foundation P.O. Box 90055

Ansata Rosetta Hilalia Al Shaqab

Doha, Qatar





Wagida 326

Hazmia Al Shaqab SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Bint El Bahreyn / Elwya /Tifla

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Al Adeed Al Shaqab Ruminaja Ali Sundar Alisayyah "Imperial Sayyah Hazmia Al Shaqab • qasb 1772 Grey Mare foaled 1999

Emad Al Shaqab,

ElWalid Baheera

Member of Qatar Foundation P.O. Box 90055

Dalilat AlBadeia Ameer AlBadeia

Doha, Qatar Nawal AlBadeia

974-454-6245 E-mail:

Naeema 327

Farhoud Al Shaqab SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Rodania / Bint Rissala/Ameena [IOHB]

2008 Qatar National Champion 2nd place colt foal 2009 European Egyptian Event, Belgium: Reserve Champion Colt 2010 U.S. Egyptian Event Champion Colt, and Supreme Champion Stallion

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Al Adeed Al Shaqab Ruminaja Ali Sundar Alisayyah imperial Sayyah Farhoud Al Shaqab *QASB 3823 Grey Stallion foaled 2008

imperial Madheen Al Shaqab,

Imperial Mahzeer

Member of Qatar Foundation P.O. Box 90055

Maar Bilahh ohara Al Shaqab

Doha, Qatar





Hasanat 328

Yasmin Al Shaqab SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima

• DAM LINE: Rodania / Bint Rissala / Ameena [IOHB]

*Ansata Ibn Halima++

Full sister to Farhoud Al Shaqab Ansata Halim Shah

Ansata Rosetta Al Adeed Al Shaqab Ruminaja Ali Sundar Alisayyah imperial Sayyah Yasmin Al Shaqab •QASB3271 Grey Mare foaled 2006

Imperial Madheen Imperial Mahzeer

Al Shaqab, Member of Qatar Foundation P.O. Box 90055

Maar Bilahh Johara Al Shaqab Adeeb

Doha, Qatar Sahaba



E-mail: 329

Laian Al Shaqab SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Hind [IOHB] / Hanaa/Anzar

2009 Qatar International 1st Place 2009 Emir's Cup 1st Place 2009 European Egyptian Event Belgium, Bronze Filly 2010 U.S. Egyptian Event Reserve Champion Filly 2011 U.S. Egyptian Event Senior Champion Mare and Supreme Champion Mare

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Al Adeed Al Shaqab Ruminaja Ali Sundar Alisayyah imperial Sayyah Laian Al Shaqab • qasb 3708 Grey Mare foaled 2008

imperial Madheen Al Shaqab,

Imperial Mahzeer

Member of Qatar Foundation P.O. Box 90055

Maar Bilahh Meseda Al Shaqab

Doha, Qatar

Ameer Al Badeia


Baheyat AlBadeia


Meseda 330

Maymoona Al Shaqab SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima

• DAM LINE: El Dahma / *Bint Bint Sabbah / Falima

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Al Adeed Al Shaqab Ruminaja Ali Sundar Alisayyah "Imperial Sayyah Maymoona Al Shaqab • QASB pending Grey Filly foaled 2010

Imperial lmdal+ PVA Kariim

Al Shaqab,

BKA Rakiisah

Member of Qatar Foundation P.O. Box 90055

Imperial Mistillla *Jamilll

Doha, Qatar Imperial Mistilll


Ansata Nile Mist

E-mail: 331

Safir Al Rayyan SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Farida / Nefisa

Heading toward Chief Sire status at Al Rayyan

Salaa El Dine Safir Aisha Ashhal Al Rayyan Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Majesta Ansata Malika Safir Al Rayyan • QASB2642 Grey Stallion foaled 1/16/2004

Ansata Halim Shah

Al Rayyan Farm

Salaa El Dine

Sheikh Abdul Aziz Bin Khalid Al Thani P.O. Box 375, Old Rayyan Doha, Qatar

Hanan RN Farida Hadban Enzahi

Phone: +974 4480 5100, Fax: +974 4480 5150




website: 332

Obeyyah Al Rayyan SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Obeya Om Jurays / Mahdia / Hanan


Becoming one of Al Rayyan's most Ashhal Al Rayyan

spectacular mares, In foal to Ansata Sokar, 2012

Ansata Majesta Safir Al Rayyan Salaa El Dine RN Farida Noha Obeyyah Al Rayyan • QASB3941 Crey Mare foaled 4/11/2008

Shaikh Al Badi Al Rayyan Farm


Sheikh Abdul Aziz Bin Khalid Al Thani RO. Box 375, Old Rayyan

Bint Magidaa Al Mansoura Al Rayyan

Doha, Qatar

Ansata Halim Shah

Phone: +974 4480 5100, Fax: +974 4480 5150

Bint Amal

E-mail: info§

KEN Amal

website: 333

Badraan Alm ajid SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Venus / Hind / Yosreia

‘ Ansata Ibn Halima++ El Hilal *Bint Nefisaa Imperial Al Kamar Hossny Imperial Sonbesjul ‘ Serenity Sonbolah Badraan Almajid • a h a 616305 Grey Stallion foaled 03/23/2003

Messaoud Al Majid Arabians

‘ Imperial Madheen

Majid Alsayegh 82 Worman Road

Madinah Imperial Mahzeera

Douglassville, Pennsylvania 19518 USA



Maar Bilahh


Bint Nabilahh 334

Imperial Mahzeer SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic •

DAM LINE:Venus / Hind/Yosreia

Madkour Messaoud Maymoonah Imperial Madheen Ibn Galal Madinah Mona II Imperial Mahzeer • QASB 868 Grey Stallion foaled 07/18/1989

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ El Halimaar Al Nasser Stud Sheikh Nawaf Bin Nasser Al Thani

RDM Maar Hala Maar Bilahh

P.O. Box 82


Doha, Qatar

Bint Nabilahh

Phone: 00 974 44624403, Fax: 00 974 44134969


E-mail: 335

Shagran Al Nasser SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma/ Farida / *Deenaa

2006 Reserve Champion International Show Qatar 2006 1st Place Yearling Colts International Show Dubai 2006 1st Place Yearling Colts International Show Sharjah 2006 National Champion Qatar 2008 Reserve Champion European Egyptian Event 2010 Champion Stallion Egyptian Cup Frankfurt 2010 Reserve Champion Stallion European Egyptian Event

Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Hejazi Ansata Sudarra Ansata Selman ' G Shafaria

Prince Fa Moniet Ansata Sharifa

Shagran Al Nasser • qasb 3022 Chestnut Stallion foaled 03/28/2005

Maysoun Mujahid Al Nasser Stud Sheikh Nawaf Bin Nasser Al Thani

Imperial Sanama Dana Al Nasser

P.O. Box 82

imperial Madheen

Doha, Qatar

Imperial Madanah

Phone: 00 974 44624403, Fax: 00 974 44134969

Imperial Naffata

E-mail: 336

Bint Saida Al Nasser SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / ‘ Morafic •

DAM LINE: Venus / Bint Samiha / Maysouna


1999 Jordan International Champion Mare 1999 Middle East Champion Mare 1999 Qatar Reserve National Champion Mare 2002 Reserve World Champion Mare

‘ Imperial Madheen Madinah Imperial Mahzeer El Halimaar Maar Bilahh Bint Nabilahh Bint Saida Al Nasser • qasb 666 Grey Mare foaled 02/19/1995

Ibn Morafic+++ Hassan Al Nasser Stud Sheikh Nawaf Bin Nasser Al Thani

Helium Saida

P.O. Box 82

‘ Faleh

Doha, Qatar


Phone: 00 974 44624403, Fax: 00 974 44134969


E-mail: 337

WahagAI Rayyan SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Farida / Halima

*Morafic Shaikh Al Badi *Bint Maisa El Saghira++ Alidaar *Khofo++ Bint Magidaa *Magidaa Wahag Al Rayyan • ksb 397 Grey Stallion foaled 05/01/2001

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta

Al Safinat Farm Khaled Fahad Bin Shokor

Ansata Majesta *Jamilll

P.O. Box 158, Al Surra, Kuwait

Ansata Malika

Phone: +965 99355534, Fax: +965 22323224

*JKB Masouda

E-mail: Wafra11§ 338

Kamar AlSafinat SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma /Bint Sabah /*Ansata Bint Bukra

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Ansata Hejazi Ansata Abu Sudan Ansata Sudarra Ansata Delilah Kamar AlSafinat • KSB 656 Grey Mare foaled 11/19/2004

Madkour I *Jamilll Hanan

Al Safinat Farm Khaled Fahad Bin Shokor

Ansata Exotica Ansata Ibn Sudan

P.O. Box 158, Al Surra, Kuwait

Ansata Chazala

Phone: +965 99355534, Fax: +965 22323224

Ansata Rosetta

E-mail: 339

Rawan AlSafinat SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / *Ansata Bint Bukra

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Ansata Hejazi Ansata Abu Sudan Ansata Sudarra Ansata Delilah Rawan AlSafinat • KSB 677 Grey Mare foaled 01/04/2005

TheEgyptianPrince Prince Fa Moniet Fa Moniet

Al Safinat Farm Khaled Fahad Bin Shokor

RN Rayana Ansata Ibn Shah

P.O. Box 158, Al Surra, Kuwait

Ansata Sharifa

Phone: +965 99355534, Fax: +965 22323224

Ansata Samantha

E-mail: 340

Hilala AlSafinat SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima

• DAM LINE: El Dahma / Farida / Nefisa

Ansata Halim Shah Salaa El Dine Hanan Adnan Ghazal Ghazala Hanan Hilala AlSafinat • ksb 449 Crey Mare foaled 11/05/2002

Shaikh Al Badi Ruminaja Ali Bint Magidaa

Al Safinat Farm Khaled Fahad Bin Shokor

Aliikat Mohssen

P.O. Box 158, Al Surra, Kuwait


Phone: +965 99355534, Fax: +965 22323224


E-mail: 341

Ansata AIM urtajiz SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / *Ansata Bint Bukra

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Ansata Hejazi Ansata Abu Sudan Ansata Sudarra Ansata Delilah Ansata AIMurtajiz • KSB0113 Grey Stallion foaled 02/14/1997

TheEgyptianPrince Al Rayah Stud and Al Sharg Farm

Prince Fa Moniet

Mr. Ala'a Al Roumi and Mr. Talal Al Nisf P.O. Box 24989, Safat 13110, Kuwait

Fa Moniet Ansata Samsara

Phones: 00965 94444399 and 00965 66642000

*Ansata Ibn Halima++

Fax: 00965 22402085 and 00965 22451960

Ansata Samantha


Ansata Delilah

and 342

Wadah Al Sharg SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima

• DAM LINE: Roga El Beda/Om Dalai / Moniet El Nefous

Bronze Medal Winner in the Senior Stallion Championship

*Ansata Ibn Halima++

at the 1st National Championship, Kuwait 2010

Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Ansata Hejazi Ansata Abu Sudan Ansata Sudarra Ansata Delilah Wadah Al Sharg • KSB 0649 Crey Stallion foaled 11/09/2004

Shaikh Al Badi Al Sharg Farm


Mr. Talal Al Nisf P.O. Box 24989

Bint Magidaa Mouna Al Rayyan

Safat 13110, Kuwait

Ibn Nazeema

Phone: 00965 66642000

Bint Sabah

Fax: 00965 22451960


E-mail: 343

Ansata Selman SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / *Ansata Bint Bukra

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Ansata Hejazi Ansata Abu Sudan Ansata Sudarra Ansata Delilah Ansata Selman • QASB 1727 Crey Stallion foaled 1999

TheEgyptianPrince Prince Fa Moniet Al Waab Farm Sheikh Abdulla Bin Khalid Al Thani

Fa Moniet G Shafaria

Al Shamal Doha, Qatar

Ansata Ibn Shah

Phone: +974 666 214 66

Ansata Sharifa


Ansata Samantha

Website: under construction 344

Amaar Al Rayyan SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / *Ansata Bint Bukra

Salaa El Dine Safir Aisha Ashhal Al Rayyan Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Majesta Ansata Malika Amaar Al Rayyan • qasb 2320 Grey Stallion foaled 2003

Salaa El Dine Safir Al Waab Farm Sheikh Abdulla Bin Khalid Al Thani

Aisha Al Wajba Al Rayyan

Al Shamal Doha, Qatar

Ansata Ibn Shah

Phone: +974 666 214 66

Ansata Sharifa


Ansata Samantha

Website: under construction 345

Al Angha Al Rayyan SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Dahm a/Farida/Halim a

*Morafic Shaikh Al Badi *Bint Maisa El Saghira++ Alidaar *Khofo++ Bint Magidaa *Magidaa Al Angha Al Rayyan • QASB 1941 Crey Mare foaled 2000

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Al Waab Farm Sheikh Abdulla Bin Khalid Al Thani

Ansata Rosetta Ansata Majesta

Al Shamal Doha, Qatar


Phone: +974 666 214 66

Ansata Malika


*JKB Masouda

Website: under construction 346

Sharuby HP SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Venus / Bint Samiha / Fathia

Ansata Halim Shah Maysoun Maysouna Maydan-Madheen Messaoud Mesoudah M Madinah Sharuby HP • DE408/08/21280/05 Bay Mare foaled 2005

Shaikh Al Badi Anaza Bay Shahh Al Waab Farm Sheikh Abdulla Bin Khalid Al Thani

Bint Deenaa Shahneekha

Al Shamal Doha, Qatar

Ibn El Mareekh

Phone: +974 666 214 66

Anaza Dineekha


*Ramses Amal

Website: under construction 347

Bahriah Al Waab SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / *Ansata Bint Bukra

Salaa El Dine Safir Aisha Ashhal Al Rayyan Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Majesta Ansata Malika Bahriah Al Waab • QASB 4198 Crey Mare foaled 2008

Salaa El Dine Shahin Al Waab Farm Sheikh Abdulla Bin Khalid Al Thani

Ameera NK Ashmahan

Al Shamal Doha, Qatar

Salaa El Dine

Phone: +974 666 214 66



Ansata Gloriana

Website: under construction 348

Shahira Al Nasser SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Venus / Bint Samiha / Maysouna

Salaa El Dine Safir Aisha Ashhal Al Rayyan Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Majesta Ansata Malika Shahira Al Nasser • QASB 2548 Crey Mare foaled 2003

imperial Madheen Imperial Mahzeer Al Waab Farm Sheikh Abdulla Bin Khalid Al Thani

Maar Bilahh gjnt


Al Shamal Doha, Qatar


Phone:+974 666 214 66




Website: under construction 349

NK Nada SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Venus / Bint Samiha / Kamla

Ansata Halim Shah Salaa El Dine Hanan Adnan Ghazal Ghazala Hanan NK Nada • KSB224 Crey Mare foaled 1999

Ansata Halim Shah Salaa El Dine Al Waab Farm Sheikh Abdulla Bin Khalid Al Thani

Hanan Nashua

Al Shamal Doha, Qatar

Alaa El Din

Phone: +974 666 214 66



Bint Kamla

Website: under construction 350

Jawaher Al Sharq SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Roga El Beda / Om Dalai / Moniet El Nefous

Ansata Halim Shah Salaa El Dine Hanan Safir Ansata Halim Shah Aisha Ghazala Jawaher Al Sharq • QASB 2287 Grey Mare foaled 2000

Kayed Amir AlBadeia Al Waab Farm Sheikh Abdulla Bin Khalid Al Thani

*Malekat El Gamal RN Gazalla

Al Shamal Doha, Qatar

Ibn Nazeema

Phone: +974 666 214 66

Bint Sabah



Website: under construction 351

Narjis Al Rayyan SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / *Ansata Bint Bukra

Prince Fa Moniet Ansata Sinan Ansata Nefara Sinan Al Rayyan Safir Al Wajba Al Rayyan Ansata Sharifa Narjis Al Rayyan • QASB4167 Crey Mare foaled 2008

TheEgyptianPrince Prince Fa Moniet Al Waab Farm Sheikh Abdulla Bin Khalid Al Thani

Fa Moniet Ansata Nefer Isis

Al Shamal Doha, Qatar

Ansata Halim Shah

Phone: +974 666 214 66

Ansata Nefertiti


Ansata Sudarra

Website: under construction 352

Cherifa Al Rayyan SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / *Ansata Bint Bukra

Salaa El Dine Safir Aisha Ashhal Al Rayyan Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Majesta Ansata Malika Cherifa Al Rayyan • QASB 3362 Grey Mare foaled 2007

TheEgyptianPrince Prince Fa Moniet Al Waab Farm Sheikh Abdulla Bin Khalid Al Thani

Fa Moniet C Shafaria

Al Shamal Doha, Qatar

Ansata Ibn Shah

Phone: +974 666 214 66

Ansata Sharifa


Ansata Samantha

Website: under construction 353

Ameera Saqr SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / *Bint Bint Sabah / Fay Sabbah

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ El Hadiyyah Ansata Jellabia El Habiel Nabiel+/ Bint Bint Hamamaa Bint Hamamaa Ameera Saqr • eao E75-2876 Crey Mare foaled 2000

Shaikh Al Badi Alidaar Al Waab Farm Sheikh Abdulla Bin Khalid Al Thani

Bint Magidaa Alidarra

Al Shamal Doha, Qatar

*Ansata Ibn Halima++

Phone: +974 666 214 66

Glorieta Serima


Glorieta Shahlima

Website: under construction 354

Ajmal Farasha SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Venus / Hind / Yosreia

Salaa El Dine Safir Aisha Ashhal Al Rayyan Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Majesta Ansata Malika Ajmal Farasha • QASB 2758 Grey Mare foaled 2003

Shaikh Al Badi Alidaar Al Waab Farm Sheikh Abdulla Bin Khalid Al Thani

Bint Magidaa Classic Farida

Al Shamal Doha, Qatar


Phone: +974 666 214 66




Website: under construction 355

Wagd SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE; El Obeya Om Jurays / Mahfouza / Maysa

Shaarawi Adeeb Nawal Gad Allah Akhtal Omnia Bint El Nil

Wagd • EAO EA-2153 Grey Mare foaled 1996

Nazeer Ibn Maysouna Al Waab Farm Sheikh Abdulla Bin Khalid Al Thani

Maysouna Wasfia

Al Shamal Doha, Qatar


Phone: +974 666 214 66




Website: under construction 356

Sara Aljazira SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / *Ansata Bint Bukra

Ansata Halim Shah Salaa El Dine Hanan Adnan Ghazal Ghazala danan Sara Aljazira • QASB4309 Grey Mare foaled 2002

Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Hejazi Al Waab Farm Sheikh Abdulla Bin Khalid Al Thani

Ansata Sudarra Ansata Selma

Al Shamal Doha, Qatar

3rince Fa Moniet

Phone: +974 666 214 66

G Shafaria


Ansata Sharifa

Website: under construction 357

Shamekh AlDanat SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / Bukra

Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Hejazi Ansata Sudarra Ajmal Al Kout Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Malaka Ansata Malika Shamekh AlDanat Grey Stallion foaled 2009

Ansata lemhotep Ansata Sirius Ansata Sekhmet AlDanat Stud

Ajmal Sharifa

Mohammed Al Omar


Wafra, Kuwait

Jazi Al Rayyaan


Ansata Sharifa

website • 358

Ansata Royal Qasim SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / Kamar

Anaza El Farid

2010 U.S. Egyptian Event Reserve Champion Futurity Colt 2009 Fourth Yearling Straight Egyptian Futurity

Shameerah Ansata Qasim Safeem MB Moneena Talmona Ansata Royal Qasim • AHA 642624 Crey Stallion foaled 5/9/08

Ansata Imperial Royal Jalliel Michael Farkas Arabians Michael Farkas

*Pharrah Sherifa Tamria

3605 Jones Mill Road

Imperial Im Daeem

Carroltton, Georgia 30161 USA

Imperial Daeemah

Phone: 678-858-8411

Imperial Pharalima

E-mail: 359

*Mishaal HP SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Roga El Beda / Om Dalai / Moniet El Nefous

Imported from Germany in 2004


Judged highest level of Breeding Sire in German Licensing

Prince Fa Moniet

2007 Reserve Champion Stallion U.S. Egyptian Event Sire of numerous Egyptian Event Champions

:a Moniet Ansata Sinan

International sire of acclaim

Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Nefara Ansata Sudarra *Mishaal HP • AHA 607279 Crey Stallion foaled 06/01/1996

Madkour Messaoud

Arabians LTD


Judy Sirbasku 8459 Rock Creek Road

Mesoudah M Ibn Galal

Waco, Texas 76708 USA Madinah

Phone: 254-714-1803 or 800-973-1445

Mona II

Fax: 254-752-6056 • E-mail: website: 360

Thee Desperado SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer/ *Morafic • DAM LINE:Venus/Hind/Yosreia

Shaikh Al Badi

1993 U.S. National Top Ten Stallion 1993 Canadian National Top Ten Stallion

Ruminaja Ali Bint Magidaa

1994 Scottsdale Supreme Champion Stallion 1994 Reserve U.S. National Champion Stallion

The Minstril Ibn Galal 1

Leading sire of Egyptian horses for 11 straight years Sire of many champions in the U.S.

*Bahila Bakria

International sire and grandsire of National and World Champions

Thee Desperado • a h a 447044 Bay Stallion foaled 04/05/1989

*Morafic TheEgyptianPrince

Arabians LTD

*Bint Mona

Judy Sirbasku 8459 Rock Creek Road

AK Amiri Asmarr *Zaghloul

Waco, Texas 76708 USA Asmarr

Phone: 254-714-1803 or 800-973-1445


Fax: 254-752-6056 • E-mail: website: 361

ALX Kamriah SIRE LINE: Jamil El Kebir / Sameh / *SuItann • DAM LINE: Rodania / Malaka / Samia

Makhsous Marquis I Antigua Dance Sundance KA Nabiel KA Namirah AK Maliya ALX Kamriah • AHA 613269 Grey mare foaled 06/09/2004

The Minstril Alexander Arabians

Thee Desperado

Sally and Chip Alexander 6655 Wisconsin Ave.

AK Amiri Asmarr Donna Grey

Arbuckle, California 95912-9732 USA

The Minstril

Phone: 530-476-0927 (farm), 214-674-6377 (cell)


Fax: 530-476-3264


E-mail: 362

Imperial Phinaali SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / *Bint Bint Sabbah / Falima

2010 Region 15 Futurity Champion Colt 2009 U.S. Egyptian Event World Class Champion: 2 year old Colts Three 2009 Class A Championships 2009 Class A Reserve Champion 2009 Class A Reserve Grand Champion Stallion

Imperial Imdal PVA Kariim BKA Rakiisah Imperial Baarez *Orashan Ora Kalilah PH Safina Imperial Phinaali • a h a 631773 Grey Stallion foaled 04/04/2007

El Hilal Avila Arabians

Imperial Al Kamar ImperialSonbesjul

Susan Snyder 2065 Five Forks Road

Imperial Karree *lbn Safinaz

Pendelton, South Carolina 29670 USA Phone: 864-225-1639

Imperial Safillla



website: 363

HU Sheikh Imaan SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Roga El Beda / Om Dalai / *Saema

Raadin Royal Star

Named Leading Juvenile Sire

*Simeon Shai+

Internationally recognized sire

Simeon Safanad Imaann *Ansata Ibn Halima Nourah *Bint Nefisaa HU Sheikh Imaan • a h a 581735 Black Stallion foaled 01H 1/2001

*Morafic Azpin Arabians

Shaikh Al Badi

Dax and Dana Cornelius 1473 Santa Fe Hill Dr.

*Bint Maisa El Saghira-HNeema Nile

San Diego, California 92065 USA

El Hilal

Phone: 801-644-6492 • Fax: 801-544-4210

Bint Niema


Niema 364

Maar Sharana SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: BintYamama / *Maaroufa / Maar-Ree

*Morafic *lbn Moniet El Nefous Moniet El Nefous Moniet El Sharaf *Rashad Ibn Nazeer Bint Bint Moniet *Bint Moniet El Nefous Maar Sharana • a h a 360960 chestnut mare foaled 04/16/1986

Aseel *EI Mareekh Rawayeh Azariah Arabians


Marcia Macbeth


Carlsbad, California 92009 USA

MFA Kiia

Phone: 858-243-1060

RDM Maar Halima

E-mail: azariah§ 365

Gloryana SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: BintYamama/*Maaroufa/Maar-Ree

*Morafic TheEgyptianPrince *Bint Mona ET Crown Prince | El Hilal RDM Maar Hala Maar Jumana Gloryana • AHA 540941 Grey Mare foaled 0110511997

*lbn Moniet El Nefous Moniet El Sharaf Bint Bint Moniet Azariah Arabians

Maar Sharana

Marcia Macbeth

*EI Mareekh

Carlsbad, California 92009 USA


Phone: 858-243-1060

MFA Kiia

E-mail: 366

BT Ibn Razal SIRE LINE: Jamil El Kebir / Sameh / *Sultann • DAM LINE: Venus / Hind / Yosreia

©Lisa Abraham Photography *Sultann *Sakr+++ Enayat Almas Razal *Morafic Salmah *Shamah BT Ibn Razal • AHA 614710 Crey Stallion foaled 03/13/1999

*Morafic Bent Tree Arabians

Shaikh Al Badi

Alice Smith 5969 Hwy 496

*Bint Maisa El Saghira++ Laili Shakfi

Toomsuba, Missippi 39364 USA


Phone: 601-678-7703, Fax: 601-621-4142

ADH Nadafe


Serenity Monique 367

BintW afaa ElKuwait SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima

• DAM LINE: El Dahma / *Bint Bint Sabbah / Falima

Ansata Halim Shah Salaa El Dine Hanan Adnan Ghazal Ghazala Hanan Bint Wafaa ElKuwait • KSB 0604 Grey Mare foaled 03/01/2004

Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Hejazi Bait Al Arab Kuwait State Stud, Arabian Horse Center

Ansata Sudarra Wafaa ElKuwait

P.O. Box 2190,13022 Safat, Kuwait

Prince Fa Moniet

Phone: +965 247 13 532, Fax: +965 247 60 i

Ansata White Nile

Mobile: +965 994 29 726

Ansata Nile Gift 368

Sarah ElKuwait SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / *Ansata Bint Bukra

Ansata Halim Shah Salaa El Dine Hanan Adnan Ghazal Ghazala Hanan Sarah ElKuwait • ksb 0552 Crey Mare foaled 09/17/2003

Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Hejazi Bait Al Arab Kuwait State Stud, Arabian Horse Center

Ansata Sudarra Ansata Sherrara

P.O. Box 2190,13022 Safat, Kuwait

Prince Fa Moniet

Phone: +965 247 13 532, Fax: +965 247 60 I

Ansata Shalimar

Mobile: +965 994 29 726

Ansata Samantha 369

Ansata lemhotep SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / *Ansata Bint Bukra

1996 U.S. National Top Ten Futurity Stallion


Multiple Class A Halter Championships Multiple Class A Performance Championships Multiple U.S. Egyptian Event Top Tens 2003 U.S. Egyptian Event Unanimous Supreme Champion

TheEgyptianPrince *Bint Mona Prince Fa Moniet *lbn Moniet El Nefous Fa Moniet Fada Ansata lemhotep • a h sa S24756 Grey Stallion foaled 03/04/1993

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Bashir Arabians Australia

Ansata Halim Shah

Jay and Samantha Malkoun Melbourne, Vic, Australia

Ansata Rosetta Ansata Nefara

Phone: +61 414 676 323

Ansata Abu Sudan


Ansata Sudarra

Ansata Delilah 370

Alfabia Ajib SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Roga El Beda / Om Dalai / Moniet El Nefous

Anaza El Farid

Champion Reserve Juniors, El Zahraa Cairo, Egypt International Championships 2007 Hosting at Om El Arab International 2010-2012

ZT Faa iq ZT Jamdusah Phaaros Ruminaja Ali Bint Atallah AK Atallah Alfabia Ajib • itsb i 1345 Grey Stallion foaled 2005

Bebo Stud

Imperial lmdal+

Miloslava Khamis

CAS Jabbar

16 Ramses Street, Korba - Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt

CAS Farrah Ata Vishar Farhana

Phone:011-2010 166 0042 (mobile)

Imperial lmdal+

Fax: 011-20222 672241

Tali Lahana


AK Alhana

website:, or


NK Mijamin SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima

• DAM LINE: El Obeya Om Jurays / Mahdia / Hanan

Nejdy Ibn Nejdy Ghazala NK Hafid Jamil Salaa El Dine Helala Ansata Gloriana NK Mijamin • GASB 32099 Grey Stallion foaled 2003

Bebo Stud

Salaa El Dine

Miloslava Khamis


16 Ramses Street, Korba - Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt

Ghazala NK Hallah

Phone: 011-2010 166 0042 (mobile)

Ansata Halim Shah

Fax:011-20222 672241




website:, or 372

Ali Zafir SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Venus / Samha / *Gamila

Blue List, Al Khamsa


Gold Seal Stallions 1992 USA,

Shaikh Al Badi

Top Ten Salon Du Cheval, Paris, France 1995 and 1999 Champion Reserve Egyptian Event Italy 2005

*Bint Maisa El Saghira++ Ruminaja Ali *Khofo++ Bint Magidaa *Magidaa Ali Zafir • AHR 364350 Crey Stallion foaled 1986

Bebo Stud

*Ansata Ibn Halima++

Miloslava Khamis

Ansata Abu Nazeer

16 Ramses Street, Korba - Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt

*Ansata BintZaafarana Glorieta Zaafira

Phone: 011-2010 166 0042 (mobile)


Fax: 011-20222 672241

Anchor Hill Hamla



website:, or 373

Abraxas Bint Abu SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Rodania/ Malaka / Sarnia

TheEgyptianPrince ET Crown Prince RDM Maar Hala Abraxas Abu Hilal El Hilal AH Abraxas Royal Gemm Abraxas Bint Abu • AHA 601531 Grey Mare foaled 03/17/2003

TheEgyptianPrince Cariswood Arabians

ET Crown Prince I

Keri and Carolee Wright 10657 South Whirlaway Lane

RDM Maar Hala

Abraxas Halamaa

Sandy, UT 84092

El Halimaar

Phone: 801-783-0553, Fax: 888-817-1765

B A Halamet


Bint Bint Hamamaa

website: 374

Mahrousa CA SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Obeya Om Jurays / Maysa / *Magidaa

The Minstril Thee Desperado AK Amiri Asmarr Thee Infidel *Khofo++ Bint Magidaa *Magidaa Mahrousa CA • AHA 644773 Bay Mare foaled 01/28/2009

Ruminaja Ali Cariswood Arabians

The Minstril

Keri and Carolee Wright 10657 South Whirlaway Lane

*Bahila Magidaas image

Sandy, UT 84092


Phone: 801-783-0553, Fax: 888-817-1765

Bint Magidaa



website: 375

PWA Nagib Shah SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima

• DAM LINE: Venus / Bint Samiha / Fathia


2010 U.S. Egyptian Event Champion World Class Stallions: *Ansata Ibn Halima++

10 years and older


1996 AHANM Annual Arabian Show - Champion Stallion 1996 Colorado Classic - Arabian Stallion Champion

Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Shah Zaman Ansata Rosetta *Ansata Bint Bukra PWA Nagib Shah • AHR 505585 Crey Stallion foaled 06/02/1994

Mahomed Caledonia Egyptian Arabians


Cameron Thornberg 212 1st Street NE

Ghazalah *Nasbah

Rugby, North Dakota 58368 USA


Phone: 701-208-0752



Foze 376

Cedars Mojave SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Venus / Hind / Calila

2010 U.S. Egyptian Event Top Ten

Ansata Ibn Sudan Ansata Imperial Ansata Delilah Imperial ImSirdar Hossny Imperial Sonbesjul *Serenity Sonbolah Cedars Mojave • a h a 641499 Chestnut stallion foaled 02/27/2008

Imperial Al Kamar Cedar Ridge Farm Egyptian Arabians, LLC

B Akeem

Merrie and Ed Aiken 405 Cap Stine Road

BB Orakalina RSA Sahra Nazeem

Frederick, Maryland 21703 USA


Phone: [office] 301-631-2722, Fax: 301-620-7903

llehnisa Azeem


Shaikhinah Glory 377

Ibn Shai SIRE LINE: Saklawi 1/ Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Rodania / Malaka / Nazeera

ET Crown Prince Raadin Royal Star Om Khamsa *Simeon Shai+ Sankt Georg Simeon Safanad 27 Ibn Gaial-5 Ibn Shai • a h a 519809 Bay Stallion foaled 07/08/1995

Nazeer Classic Bloodstock


Jean or Martha White 24750 AJ's Way

Mabrouka Bint Romanaa++

Hempstead, Texas 77445 USA


Phone 979-826-2572

*Romanaa II


Nazeera 378

Ibn Shai II SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer/ *Morafic • DAM LINE: Venus/Hind/Yosreia

Raadin Royal Star *Simeon Shai+ Simeon Safanad Ibn Shai *Morafic Bint Romanaa++ *Romanaa II Ibn Shai II • AHA 610454 Bay Stallion foaled 03/05/2004

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Classic Bloodstock

El Majiid

Jean or Martha White 24750 AJ's Way

Ansata Jellabia Ali Majiida Ruminaja Ali

Hempstead, Texas 77445 USA Phone 979-826-2572

Bint Ali


*Masarra 379

Ali Bayfire SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Samraa / Gharbawia / *lzeez

Winner: Most Classic

Shaikh Al Badi Ruminaja Ali Bint Magidaa Ali Zaar Ansata Abu Nazeer Glorieta Zaafira Anchor Hill Hamla Ali Bayfire • AHA 522662 Bay Stallion foaled 03/09/1995

Ibn Moniet El Nefous Classic Bloodstock

Moniet El Sharaf

Jean or Martha White 24750 AJ's Way

Bint Bint Moniet MG Rimanah

Hempstead, Texas 77445 USA


Phone 979-826-2572

AK Izeez


*lziza 380

Alabaster Moniet SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Samraa / Gharbawia/ *lzeez

Halter Champion

Shaikh Al Badi Ruminaja Ali Bint Magidaa Ali Zaar Ansata Abu Nazeer Glorieta Zaafira Anchor Hill Hamla Alabaster Moniet • a h a 52311 Grey Mare foaled 05/16/1995

*Morafic Classic Bloodstock


Jean or Martha White 24750 AJ's Way

*Bint Mona AK Riana Star

Hempstead, Texas 77445 USA

Moniet El Sharaf

Phone 979-826-2572

MG Rimanah


AK Izeez 381

Ansata Samiha SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / *Ansata Bint Bukra


Dam of Ansata Bint Samiha (x Ansata lemhotep) in Egypt TheEgyptianPrince

Dam of Ansata Marengo (x Ansata Hejazi) in Egypt

*Bint Mona

Also dam of: Ansata Sheikh Halim (x Ansata Hejazi) and Ansata Sinan Pasha (x Ansata Sinan)

Prince Fa Moniet *lbn Moniet El Nefous Fa Moniet Fada Ansata Samiha • AHA 481160 Grey Mare foaled 04/08/1992

Owned by Ansata Arabian Stud and leased to:


Chase Arabians, Steve and Mauri Chase

*Ansata Ibn Halima++

4641 New Hope Road Aubrey, Texas 76227 USA

Halima Ansata Samantha

Phone: 940-440-3123 or cell: 940-367-0811

Ansata Shah Zaman

Fax: 940-365-7407

Ansata Delilah


*Ansata Bint Misr 382

Halimaars King Tut SIRE LINE: Saklawi l/N aze er/G alal

• DAM LINE: El Dahma /Farida /*Deenaa

Galal *Gamaan Nadeemah Aga Gamaan AK El Hassan Akira Hassan AK Faaba Moniet Halimaars King Tut • AHA 632840 Crey Stallion foaled 01/21/2007

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ El Halimaar RDM Maar Hala Delsan Resources, LLC


242 3rd Avenue North

Ansata Kin Tut

Naples, Florida 34102 USA


Phone: 239-262-2402 or 646-824-7914


Email: 383

MA Lexlina SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Bint Yamama / *Maaroufa / Aaroufa

Ruminaja Ali

2008 U.S. Egyptian Event Extended Specialty: Champion, Straight Egyptian 4 year old mares

The Minstril

2006 U.S. Egyptian Event 2 year old Futurity Champion 2005 U.S. Egyptian Event Futurity:

*Bahila Thee Desperado

Yearling Reserve Champion

TheEgyptianPrince AK Amiri Asmarr Asmarr MA Lexlina • a h a 610323 Bay Mare foaled 05/21/2004

Anaza El Farid Farres DK Arabians at Chestnut Hill Farm Donna and Ken Drake

Shameerah Farralina

11 Danberry Drive


Ringoes, New Jersey 08551 USA

BB Orakalina

Phone: 908-788-4860 • Fax: 908-788-4860

PH Safina

Email: 384

*Laheeb Al Nasser SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Venus / Bint Samiha / Maysouna

Imported to the U.S. 2007

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Al Adeed Al Shaqab Ruminaja Ali Sundar Alisayyah imperial Sayyah *Laheeb Al Nasser • AHA 635387

Co-owned by:

Crey Stallion foaled 03/15/2002

DeShazer Arabians, USA and Alfabia Stud, Italy

/"Imperial Madheen

Hank and Sandra DeShazer, Brandon and Susan Bryan

Imperial Mahzeer

19600 Stone Lake Drive TombalI, Texas 77377 USA

Maar Bilahh Bint Saida Al Nasser

Phones: 281-290-9585, cell: 713-828-6491


Fax: 281-255-9475



Shendeya 385

Aziim Al Amaar SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / *Bint Bint Sabbah

Safir Ashhal Al Rayyan Ansata Majesta *Amaar Al Rayyan Safir Al Wajba Al Rayyan Ansata Sharifa Aziim Al Amaar • a h a 636390 Grey Stallion foaled 06/19/2007

DeShazer Arabians


Hank and Sandra DeShazer, Brandon and Susan Bryan

Imperial Madheen

19600 Stone Lake Drive Tombali, Texas 77377 USA

Madinah Imperial Maysama

Phones: 281-290-9585, cell: 713-828-6491

Ansata Imperial

Fax: 281-255-9475

Imperial ImTiarah


Imperial Mistry 386

*Shahir IASB SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / Kamar

*Ansata Ibn Halima++

Imported to the U.S. 1995 Ansata Halim Shah

Sire of Gatsby CC, 2011 U.S. Egyptian Event: Reserve Senior Champion Stallion and Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion

Ansata Rosetta Salaa El Dine Alaa El Din Hanan Mona *Shahir IASB • a h a 524512

Co-owned by:

Crey Stallion foaled 06/12/1993

DeShazer Arabians, USA and Al Baydaa Egyptian Stud, Egypt

Ansata Ibn Sudan

Hank and Sandra DeShazer, Brandon and Susan Bryan

Ansata Imperial

19600 Stone Lake Drive Tomball, Texas 77377 USA

Ansata Delilah Imperial Imphayana

Phones: 281-290-9585, cell: 713-828-6491

*lbn Moniet El Nefous

Fax: 281-255-9475

Imperial Phanadah


*Pharrah 387

DeSha Nile Queen SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / *Bint Bint Sabbah

Safir Ashhal Al Rayyan Ansata Majesta *Amaar Al Rayyan Safir Al Wajba Al Rayyan Ansata Sharifa DeSha Nile Queen • a h a 647485 Crey Mare foaled 06/11/2009

DeShazer Arabians

*Ansata Ibn Halima++

Hank and Sandra DeShazer, Brandon and Susan Bryan

Ansata Halim Shah

19600 Stone Lake Drive Tomball, Texas 77377 USA

Ansata Rosetta Ansata Nile Silk

Phones: 281-290-9585, cell: 713-828-6491

Ansata Ibn Shah

Fax: 281-255-9475

Ansata Nile Rose


Ansata Nile Charm 388

EHP Ayanna SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Rodania / Bint Rissala / *Omnia

2008 U.S. Egyptian Event Champion:

Ansata Ibn Sudan

World Class Mares 6-9 years

Ansata Imperial

2008 U.S. Egyptian Event Senior Champion Mare 2008 U.S. Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Mare

Ansata Delilah Imperial lmdal+ *Morafic Dalia *Romanaa II EHP Ayanna • AHA 600062 Crey Mare foaled 06/09/2002

DeShazer Arabians


Hank and Sandra DeShazer, Brandon and Susan Bryan

'rince Fa Moniet

19600 Stone Lake Drive Tomball, Texas 77377 USA

:a Moniet Dorian Fa Halima

Phones: 281-290-9585, cell: 713-828-6491

*Ansata Ibn Halima++

Fax: 281-255-9475

Dorian Sha Halima


Dorian Shahwaniah 389

DeSha Indeed SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Rodania / Bint Rissala / Om El Saad

*Ansata ibn Halima++

2008 U.S. Egyptian Event Champion: Ansata Halim Shah

SE Futurity Fillies - 2 year olds

Ansata Rosetta

2008 U.S. Egyptian Event Junior Champion Mare 2008 U.S. Egyptian Event Reserve Supreme Champion Mare

Al Adeed Al Shaqab Ruminaja Ali Sundar Alisayyah "Imperial Sayyah DeSha Indeed • AHA 628025 Grey Mare foaled 02/07/2006

DeShazer Arabians

Ansata Halim Shah

Hank and Sandra DeShazer, Brandon and Susan Bryan

Salaa El Dine

19600 Stone Lake Drive Tomball, Texas 77377 USA

Hanan Asra Salaa

Phones: 281-290-9585, cell: 713-828-6491


Fax: 281-255-9475

Asra Ganiya


Bint Garia 390

HF Sinanana SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Bint Yamama/ *Maaroufa/ Maar-Ree


2005 Class A Junior Champion Mare and Grand Champion Mare

Prince Fa Moniet :a Moniet Ansata Sinan Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Nefara Ansata Sudarra HF Sinanana • AHA 608350 Grey Mare foaled 03/13/2003

DeShazer Arabians

*E1 Mareekh

Hank and Sandra DeShazer, Brandon and Susan Bryan

MFA Mareekh Amir

19600 Stone Lake Drive Tomball, Texas 77377 USA

MFA Monien Bo-Mars Dashira

Phones: 281-290-9585, cell: 713-828-6491


Fax: 281-255-9475

MFA Maariia Isis


Maar-Ree 391

DHS Shaakirah SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Obeya Om Jurays / Mahfouza / Maysa

*Morafic Shaikh Al Badi *Bint Maisa El Saghira++ Alidaar *Khofo++ Bint Magidaa *Magidaa DHS Shaakirah • AHSB 1504/1998 Crey Mare foaled 03/04/1998

Shaarawi Dowdstown House Stud


Fam. F. Schwestermann Straffan Road

Nawal Wardshah EAO

Dowdstown, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland

Ibn Maysouna

Phone +41- (0) 79 402 6253, Fax: +353-1-628 9402



Shamaa 392

DHS Farouzah SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Ghazieh / Zaafarana / El Amira [El Ameera]

Maysoun Maydan Madheen Mesoudah M Nedschd Mansour El Thay Ibn Halim Shah El Thay Maymouna El Thay Bint Kamla DHS Farouzah • AHSB 50/2009 Grey Mare foaled 03/28/2008

Anaza El Farid Dowdstown House Stud

Farid Nile Moon

Fam. F. Schwestermann Straffan Road

GA MoonTajhalima Bint Farid Nile Moon

Dowdstown, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland

Anaza El Farid

Phone +41- (0) 79 402 6253, Fax: +353-1-628 9402

Bint Farid


Bint Ibn Hafiza 393

DSA Hey Baby SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Rodania / Malaka/ Nazeera

Ruminaja Ali

2006 U.S. Egyptian Event tied for 2nd, 2 year old fillies The Minstril

2007 U.S. Egyptian Event Champion mares 3 years old


2009 U.S. Egyptian Event Champion mares 4 & 5 year old Thee Desperado

TheEgyptianPrince AK Amiri Asmarr Asmarr DSA Hey Baby* AHA 620355

Dogwood Springs Arabians Jerel and Daphne Kerby P.O. Box 715 Daingerfield, Texas 75638 USA Phone: 903-645-5933 (work) Cell Phones: 318-230-5529 or 318-458-1751 Fax: 903-645-5934 Email: or website:

Chestnut Mare foaled 06/08/2004

Ruminaja Ali The Minstril *Bahila Mystify HG Ruminaja Ali Alisa SG *Wanisa


Madheen El Masr SIRE LINE: Jamil El Kebir/Seef/ *lbn Safinaz • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Farida/*Bint Dahma

*lbn Safinaz

2010 U.S. Egyptian Event Top Five World Class Stallion Safeen

Abitibi Madeena EAI Silvereen CES Taliell Shohreh Morgana Madheen El Masr • AHA 618272 Grey Stallion foaled 04/02/2005

Messaoud El Masr Arabian Stud

‘ Imperial Madheen

Pat and Dick Platzek 825 E. Hwy 153

Madinah MB Deseena

Stratford, Wisconsin 54484 USA

Ansata Shah Zam


SF Desert Flower


Dazeera 395

Badra El Adiyat SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Venus / Bint Samiha / Kamla

Imported to Kuwait in 2009

Nejdy Ibn Nejdy Ghazala NK Hafid Jamil Salaa El Dine Helalah Ansata Gloriana Badra El Adiyat • DE408/08/20540/09 Crey Mare foaled 04/10/2009

Salaa El Dine Nahaman El Adiyat Arabians Mahmood A. Al Zubaid

Ameera Bint Nashua

P.O. Box 270

Salaa El Dine

Surra, Kuwait 45703


Phone: 00965 99605940


E-mail: 396

Zohair El Adiyat SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Obeya Om Jurays / Mahdia / Hanan


Imported to Kuwait in 2010 Ibn Nejdy

Ghazala NK Hafid Jamil Salaa El Dine Helalah Ansata Gloriana Zohair El Adiyat • DE408/08/20923/10 Crey Stallion foaled 07/18/2010

Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Hejazi El Adiyat Arabians Mahmood A. Al Zubaid

Ansata Sudarra Zubaida ElAdiyat

P.O. Box 270

Salaa El Dine

Surra, Kuwait 45703


Phone: 00965 99605940


E-mail: 397

Amal El Adiyat SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / Bukra

Ibn Nejdy

Imported in utero NK Hafid Jamil

Helala Jamal El Dine Salaa El Dine Ansata Ken Ranya Ansata Prima Rose Amal El Adiyat • KSB 0893 Grey Mare foaled 08/31/2006

Salaa El Dine Adnan El Adiyat Arabians Mahmood A. Al Zubaid

Ghazala NK Ahlam

P.O. Box 270

Salaa El Dine

Surra, Kuwait 45703


Phone: 00965 99605940

Ansata Gloriana

E-mail: 398

NK Hallah SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Obeya Om Jurays / Mahdia / Hanan

Imported to Kuwait in 2007

Ansata Halim Shah Salaa El Dine danan Adnan Ghazal Chazala Hanan NK Hallah • DE408/08/20923/10 Crey Mare foaled 07/18/2010

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah El Adiyat Arabians Mahmood A. Al Zubaid

Ansata Rosetta Asfoura

P.O. Box 270

Madkour I

Surra, Kuwait 45703


Phone: 00965 99605940


E-mail: 399

El Thay Mahfouz SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Rodania / Malaka / Mamlouka

Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Hejazi Ansata Sudarra Ansata Selman Prince Fa Moniet G Shafaria Ansata Sharifa El Thay Mahfouz • GASB 32116 Grey Stallion foaled 07/20/2003

Ansata Halim Shah El Thay Ibn Halim Shah El Thayeba Arabian Stud Cornelia Tauschke

Mahameh f Thay Mahfouza

Knetersand I


D-26197, Grobenkneten, Germany

El Thay Mansoura

Phone: +49 (0) 44 35 / 55 52, Fax: +49 (0) 44 35 / 97 38 03


E-mail: • www. 400

Etaya Sudan Amir SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Ghazieh / Jemla/ *Bint Serra

Photo: Javan/unaltered

PVA Kariim

2009 U.S. Egyptian Event Reserve Supreme Champion Stallion Imperial Baarez

2010 Arabian Breeders World Cup:

BB Ora Kalilah

TT Junior Stallion Supreme Championship 2010 Arabian Breeders World Cup:

Imperial Mistaar *|amilll

5th overall Junior Stallion Imperial Mistilll

Ansata Nile Mist Etaya Sudan Amir • a h a 647995 Bay Stallion foaled 04/29/2007

Raadin Royal Star *Simeon Shai Simeon Safanad Etaya Egyptian Stud

Etaya Amira

Jennifer Parsons and Chris Fichaud

imperial Madheen

2008 Newton Street

Abitibi Madelina

Victoria Harbour, Ontario, Canada L0K 2A0

Abitibi Maamouna

E-mail: • website: 401

NK Qaswarah SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Obeya Om Jurays / Mahdia / Hanan

Nejdy Ibn Nejdy Ghazala NK Hafid Jamil Salaa El Dine Helala Ansata Gloriana NK Qaswarah • ksb Grey Stallion foaled 06/20/2004

Ansata Halim Shah Ezzain Arabians

Salaa El Dine

Usamah Zaid Al Kazemi Block 10 - Alwafrah, Alahmadi, Kuwait

Hanan NK Nariman

Phone: +965 96661601


Fax: +965 22402035



Ghazala 402

Aneesilnefous Ezzain SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Roga El Beda / Om Dalai / Moniet El Nefous

tr/uu/rr >2010

Ibn Nejdy NK Hafid Jamil Helala NK Qaswarah Salaa El Dine NK Nariman Amarilla Aneesilnefous Ezzain • KSB Crey Stallion foaled 11/15/2007

Nejdy Ezzain Arabians

Ibn Nejdy Ghazala

Usamah Zaid Al Kazemi Block 10 - Alwafrah, Alahmadi, Kuwait

NK Momtaza Kais I

Phone: +965 96661601 Sanaya

Fax: +965 22402035

'Malaka [GASB]

E-mail: 403

Yaasoob Ezzain SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Venus / Bint Samiha / Kamla

bn Nejdy NK Hafid Jamil Helala NK Qaswarah Salaa El Dine NK Nariman Amarilla Yaasoob Ezzain • ksb Grey Stallion foaled 09/16/2007

Salaa El Dine Ezzain Arabians


Usamah Zaid Al Kazemi Block 10 - Alwafrah, Alahmadi, Kuwait

Ghazala NK Nada

Phone: +965 96661601

Salaa El Dine

Fax: +965 22402035



7 Lutfia 404

Fa Halii Halim SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / *Bint Bint Sabbah / Habba


Class A Performance Champion U.S. Egyptian Event Top Ten Halter Champion

*Ansata Ibn Halima Halima El Halimaar El Hilal RDM Maar Hala Maar Jumana Fa Halii Halim • AHA 559972 Grey Stallion foaled 09/08/1998

*Ansata Ibn Halima Fantasia Arabians

Ansata El Sherif

Phil and Marilyn Lang 11721 Shaffner Road

*Ansata Bint Bukra Fa Sherifaa

Sealy, Texas 77474 USA


Phone: 979-865-8160 • 979-865-9660

Faserrabba Sirhabba

Email: website: 405

Laheeb Al Rayyan SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / *Ansata Bint Bukra

Imported from Qatar in 2009

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Ansata Hejazi Ansata Abu Sudan Ansata Sudarra Ansata Delilah Laheeb Al Rayyan • AHSA S25316 Grey Stallion foaled 11/9/2005

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Forest Hill Arabian Stud

Ansata Halim Shah

Peter and Jenny Pond 255 Yarramalong Rd.

Ansata Rosetta Ansata Selket

Wyong Creek 2259 Australia


Phone: 61-2-4353-3555

Ansata Samarra


Ansata Samantha 406

Halimas Egyptian Prince SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima

• DAM LINE: Roga El Beda / Om Dalai / Moniet El Nefous

Ansata Imperial

Reserve Champion: Royal Jalliel

East Coast Championships (Australia)

*Pharrah Royal Jamill *Jamilll Bint Jamilla Monisa Halima Halimas Egyptian Prince • AHSAS23958 Grey Stallion foaled 1/26/2005

TheEgyptianPrince Forest Hill Arabian Stud

Prince Fa Moniet Fa Moniet

Peter and Jenny Pond 255 Yarramalong Rd.

AK Faressa

Wyong Creek 2259 Australia

Nalbn Moniet


AK Nameesa Nashwah

Email: 407

The Shamin SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Venus / Bint Samiha / Nagdia

Class A Halter Champion, Western Pleasure Champion,

Shaikh Al Badi

Hunt Seat, Liberty and Sport Horse Champion

Ruminaja Ali

Sire of The Ali Shamin++/, twice U.S. Top Ten Sport Horse, and champion in dressage and hunt seat

Bint Magidaa The Minstril Gharib *Bahila Bakria The Shamin • AHA 488205 Chestnut Stallion foaled 05/01/1992

*lbn Moniet El Nefous CK Arabians

Moniet El Sharaf

Glenda Klimitchek 126 Private Road 1080

Bint Bint Moniet AK Shawra

Hallettsvilie, Texas 77964 USA






website: 408

Aga Gamaan SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / Galal

• DAM LINE: El Dahma / *Bint Bint Sabbah / Faaba


2007 & 2008 U .S . Egyptian Event Performance Champion 2008 & 2009 Horse of the Year, Western & Hunter Pleasure

G a la l


Class A Performance Cham pion, Western Pleasure, Hunter Pleasure and Side Saddle

*G a m a a n A m ru lla

Nadeemah Nagwa Aga Gamaan • a h a 597499 Grey Stallion foaled 02/15/2000

*lbn Moniet El Nefous Hackberry Arabians LLC Donnie and Yvonne Jones


8130 Jordan Road Manvel, Texas 77578 USA

Akira Hassan

AK El Hassan Bint Fa Dena Nalbn Moniet

Phone: 713-715-9300 or 281 -433-1190 Email: sales§

^ faaba Moniet Henrietta

website: 409

El Khaled SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Rodania / Malaka / Samia


Egyptian Event Europe 2010: Junior Cold Champion

Prince Fa Moniet Fa Moniet Ansata Sinan Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Nefara Ansata Sudarra EI Khaled • v z a p Crey Stallion foaled 2007

Salaa El Dine Hanaya Arabians

Shahir IASB

Nayla Hayek Expohof,

Imperial Imphayana Shahirs Abriel

CH 8165 Schleinikon, Switzerland


Phone: +41 44 856 0995 Fax: +41 44 875 0255


Email: info§


website: 410

218 Elf Layla W alayla B SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima

• DAM LINE: BintYam am a/Zahra/Zabia

*Ansata Ibn Halima++

Dam of National Cham pions and

Ansata Halim Shah

W inner of International Cham pionships

Ansata Rosetta Assad Madkour I Arussa Hanan 218 Elf Layla Walayla B • vzap Grey Mare foaled 1991

Ibn Galal Hanaya Arabians

Ibn Galal

Nayla Hayek Expohof,

Hanan 223 Ibn Galal 1-13

CH 8165 Schleinikon, Switzerland


Phone: +41 44 856 0995 Fax: +41 44 875 0255

23 Ghalion-2 El Aziza

Email: website: 411

Rasheeka Shabha SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Venus / Hind /Yosreia

International Champion Mare

:l Halimaar Richter MH Fasarra Richteous Shaikh Al Badi Bint Bint Magidaa Bint Magidaa Rasheeka Shabha • VZAP Crey Mare foaled 2006

Abenhetep Hanaya Arabians


Nayla Hayek Expohof,

Talgana Tammens Ana

CH 8165 Schleinikon, Switzerland

Shaikh Al Badi

Phone: +41 44 856 0995 Fax: +41 44 875 0255

Al Badi Camilaa


ADH Gamila Emire

website: 412

Hanaya Habibtee SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Bint Yamama / Zahra / Zabia

Prince Fa Moniet Ansata Sinan Ansata Nefara El Khaled Shahir IASB Shahirs Abriel Aletheia Hanaya Habibtee • VZAP Grey Mare foaled 2010

Ansata Halim Shah Hanaya Arabians


Nayla Hayek Expohof,

Arussa 218 Elf Layla Walayla B

CH 8165 Schleinikon, Switzerland

Ibn Galal I

Phone: +41 44 856 0995 Fax: +41 44 875 0255

223 Ibn Galal 1-13


23 GhaIion-2

website: 413

Madinah Belle CA SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Ghazieh / Zaafarana / El Amira [El Ameera]

Prince Fa Moniet

2007 U.S. Egyptian Event Top Five: Ansata Sinan

Straight Egyptian 2 year old Futurity Fillies

Ansata Nefara *Mishaal HP Messaoud Mesoudah M Madinah Madinah Belle CA • a h a 617222 Grey Mare foaled 04/25/2005

Ruminaja Ali The Minstril Heartfelt Egyptian Arabians Patricia Trusty

*Bahila Belle Staar

930 Sapphire Ridge


Oak Point, Texas 75068 USA


Phone: 972-294-1068

*Hasna El Badia

E-mail: 414

Suseri SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / *Bint Bint Sabbah / Fay Sabbah

*Ansata Ibn Halima++

Foundation mare for Heritage C Arabians Ansata Ibn Sudan

Dam of 8 foals

*Ansata Bint Mabrouka Ansata El Naseri Nazeer *Ansata Bint Bukra Bukra Suseri • AHA 326336 Crey Mare foaled 04/29/1985

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ El Hadiyi

Heritage C Arabians


Deborah Hurdle 20381 Scott Gardner Road

Sudiya *Sultann

New Caney, Texas 77357 USA Sultannah


Glenglade Dahira

Email: website: 415

Jamil Bin Ibn Nitaya SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima

• DAM LINE: Venus / Bint Samiha / Maysouna

2007 U.S. Egyptian Event - EBC Champion Colt

El Halimaar

Class A Halter Champion

Richter MH Fasarra Ibn Nitaya Tammen Kuhaylah Nitaya Aleeshah Jamil Bin Ibn Nitaya • AHA 627688 Grey Stallion foaled 03/23/2006

The Minstril Hidden Springs Arabians

Thee Desperado

Betty Gail Skinner and Mary Patricia McGehee 131 Wickware Road

AK Amiri Asmarr Desperados Heidi

Newton, Mississippi 39345 USA


Phone: 601-683-6312




website: 416

Theee China Doll SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Rodania / Bint Rissala / Kateefa

1997 Region 9 and 12 Top Five Sweepstakes Filly

Ruminaja Ali

Multiple Class A Championships in Halter

The Minstril

Dam of International Champion Kuhaylah Maar Hala

*Bahila Thee Desperado TheEgyptianPrince AK AMiri Asmarr Asmarr Theee China Doll • a h a 531386 Bay Mare foaled 03/16/1996

Abenhetep Hidden Springs Arabians


Betty Gail Skinner and Mary Patricia McGehee 131 Wickware Road

Talgana Kuhaylah Nitaya

Newton, Mississippi 39345 USA

Sahhar Ibn Sakr

Phone: 601-683-6312




website: 417

Sweet Eloise SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Rodania / Bint Rissala / Kateefa

Ruminaja Ali

2001 U.S. Top Ten Futurity Filly The Minstril

2002 Region 9 Champion Mare


2003 U.S. Top Ten Junior Mare Thee Desperado

TheEgyptianPrince AK AMiri Asmarr Asmarr Sweet Eloise • AHA 550464

Sweet Eloise is owned by Angela D. Reynolds,

chestnut Mare foa/ed 02/2o/i998

Hanphil Arabians, Ridgeland, Mississippi


and bred by and leased by Hidden Springs Arabians


Betty Gail Skinner and Mary Patricia McGehee 131 Wickware Road Newton, Mississippi 39345 USA

Talgana Kuhaylah Nitaya Sahhar Ibn Sakr





website: 418

Kuhaylah Maar Hala SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Rodania / Bint Rissala / Kateefa

2003 U.S. Egyptian Event Champion Futurity:

*Ansata Ibn Halima++

Straight Egyptian Yearling Filly

El Halimaar RDM Maar Hala

Region 12 Top Ten Sweepstakes Filly 2004 Jordanian Junior National Champion Filly

Richter MH *Farazdac

2005 Jordanian Reserve National Champion Mare Fasarra

*Masarra Kuhaylah Maar Hala • AHA 596632 Grey Mare foaled 03/26/2002

Owned by Said Kheir, Amman, Jordan

The Minstril

Bred by Hidden Springs Arabians

Thee Desperado

Betty Gail Skinner and Mary Patricia McGehee 131 Wickware Road

AK Amiri Asmarr Theee China Doll

Newton, Mississippi 39345 USA


Phone: 601-683-6312

Kuhaylah Nitaya



website: 419

Ibn Nitaya SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Rodania / Bint Rissala / Kateefa

*Ansata Ibn Halima++

2005 Region 16 Reserve Champion Stallion El Halimaar

2002 Region 12 Top Ten Sweepstakes Colt

RDM Maar Hala

Multiple Class A Championships - Halter & Western Pleasure Richter MH

*Farazdac Fasarra *Masarra Ibn Nitaya • AHA 584876 Grey Stallion foaled 03/23/2001

Abenhetep Hidden Springs Arabians


Betty Gail Skinner and Mary Patricia McGehee 131 Wickware Road

Talgana Kuhaylah Nitaya

Newton, Mississippi 39345 USA

Sahhar Ibn Sakr

Phone: 601-683-6312




website: 420

Ansata Qasim

SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Roga El Beda / Om Dalai / Moniet El Nefous

Twice Reserve Champion in the UK

Ruminaja Ali Anaza El Farid

Son of multi-international Champion Farres Owned by Ansata Arabian Stud On lease to Highview Egyptian Stud

Bint Deenaa Farres MFA Mareekh Amir Shameerah AK Shahniya Ansata Qasim • a h a 589144 Crey Stallion foaled 04/24/2001

*lbn Safinaz Safeen Abitibi Madeena Highview Egyptian Stud

MB Moneena

565 Vann Road Trenton, South Carolina 29847 USA Phone: 803-637-7020 • Fax: 803-637-0364 Email:

Talmaal Talmona Falmona

Ansata Nile Emir SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / *Bint Bint Sabbah / Falima

Judith Forbis photo


Son of International Champion Ansata Halim Shah Get on several continents

*Ansata Ibn Ha!ima++ Halima Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Shah Zaman Ansata Rosetta *Ansata Bint Bukra Ansata Nile Emir • AHA 472012 Grey Stallion foaled 03/31/1991

*Ansata Ibn Halima Ansata Ibn Sudan Highview Egyptian Stud and Pure Gold Arabians 565 Vann Road Trenton, South Carolina 29847 USA Phone: 803-637-7020 • Fax: 803-637-0364 Email:

*Ansata Bint Mabrouka Ansata Nile Charm Ansata Ibn Sudan Ansata Nile Queen Falima

V A Regal SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Rodania / Malaka/ *Salomy

Michael Stylianos photo

Son of World Champion Imperial lmdal+

Ansata Ibn Sudan Ansata Imperial Ansata Delilah Imperial lmdal+ *Morafic Dalia++ *Romanaa II V A Regal • a h a 596160 Grey Stallion foaled 02/02/2002

*lbn Moniet El Nefous AK El Zahra Moniet Highview Egyptian Stud and Ansata Arabian Stud

Maarena Taja Moniet

565 Vann Road


Trenton, South Carolina 29847 USA


Phone: 803-637-7020 • Fax: 803-637-0364


Email: 423

Imperial Baaru SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Rodania / Malaka / Mamlouka

Imperial lmdal+ PVA Kariim BKA Rakiisah Imperial Baarez *Orashan BB Ora Kalilah PH Safina Imperial Baaru • AHA 625808 Grey Stallion foaled 6/14/2006

Ansata Imperial Infinity Egyptian Stud, LLC

Imperial lmdal+

Randy and Kristy McGill 3515 N. Furnace Road

Dalia-HImperial Falaah

Jarrettsville, Maryland 21084 USA

Moniet El Nafis

Phone: 410-804-1010 Fax: 410-557-2584

Imperial BtFawkia


*Fawkia 424

Imaann SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Farida / Nefisa

ET Crown Prince Raadin Royal Star Om Khamsa *Simeon Shai+ Sankt Georg Simeon Safanad 27 Ibn Galal-5 Imaann • AHA 472012 Black Stallion foaled 07/31/1992

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Ha!ima++ Hughes Arabians, Inc. 2278 Masury Road

Halima Nourah

Hubbard, Ohio 44425 USA



*Bint Nefisaa


Nefisa 425

HU Shameer SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer/Alaa El Din

• DAM LINE: El Dahma / Farida/Adaweya

Alaa El Din *Adhem Zabia Saud El Ameer Faarad Gita RSI Grete HU Shameer • a h a 606413 Black Stallion foaled 05/02/2003

*Simeon Shai+ Imaann Hughes Arabians, Inc. 2278 Masury Road

Nourah HU Mon Kari

Hubbard, Ohio 44425 USA

Kais I




Ikbal 426

Naeemah A lixa SIRE LINE: Jamil El Kebir / Sameh / *EI Mareekh • DAM LINE: Ghazieh / Zaafarana / El Amira [El Ameera]

Hi-Fashion Mreekh

2010 U.S. Egyptian Event Top Ten: The Elixir

World Class Mares - 3 year old

Jaliya Alixir The Minstril The Prevue Maali RCA Naeemah Alixa • AHA 635884 Bay Mare foaled 04/02/2007

Ruminaja Ali The Minstril Kalipolis Farm Hitesh Patel

*Bahila Kaveta

29 Richard Ct.,


Princeton, New Jersey 08540 USA


Phone: 732-668-2486 • Fax: 973-415-0975


Email: 427

NK Hafid Jamil SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer /*Ansata Ibn Halima

• DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / *Ansata Bint Bukra

Salaa El Dine

Chief sire at NK Nagel's Katharinenhof/Germany and Al Nakeeb Stud / England

Nejdy Lotfeia Ibn Nejdy Ghazal Ghazala Hanan NK Hafid Jamil • D E08-2-2147-96 Crey Stallion foaled 01/07/1996

Ansata Halim Shah Katherinenhof & Al Nakeeb Stud

Salaa El Dine

Dr. Hansj. Nagel and Hassanain Al Nakeeb Am Graberfeld 13,

Hanan Helala

26197 Grossenkneten, Germany


Phone: +49-4433-1535 and 0172 42 42 968

Ansata Gloriana

Fax: +49-4433-1564

Ansata Ghazia

Email: 428

Makhnificent KA SIRE LINE: Jamil El Kebir / Sameh / *Sultann

• DAM LINE: Roga El Beda / Om Dalai / Moniet El Nefous


Class A Champion, Regional Champion U.S. National Top Ten Yearling Colt


U.S. National Top Ten Futurity Colt Sire of Class A Champions

Lubna Makhsous

Sire of U.S. Egyptian Event Futurity, EBC,


and Junior Champions


Sire of International Champions

Neamat Makhnificent KA • AHA 519465 Grey Stallion foaled 02/25/1995

*lbn Hafiza Ibn Dahmahn Kehilan Bloodstock 8059 FM1187W

Dahmah Shahwaniah Star Bint Hafiza

Ft. Worth, Texas 76126 USA


Phone:817-443-6124 • Fax: 817-443-0288

AK Amiri Fayrouz


*Maather 429

Marquis I SIRE LINE: Jamil El Kebir / Sameh / *Sultann

• DAM LINE: Venus/Shams/Fathia


Class A Champion *Sultann

Regional Top Five Champion U.S. Egyptian Event Reserve World Champion Sire of Regional Sweepstakes Winners

Lubna Makhsous

Sire of Class A Champions


Sire of U.S. Egyptian Event Futurity and EBC Champions


Sire of International Champions

Neamat Marquis I • AHA 506866 Grey Stallion foaled 06/17/1993

Shaikh Al Badi Ruminaja Bahjat Kehilan Bloodstock 8059 FM 1187 W

Bint Magidaa Antigua Dance

Ft. Worth, Texas 76126 USA

Ansata Shah Zaman

Phone:817-443-6124 • Fax: 817-443-0288



Talya 430

Maariq KA SIRE LINE: Jamil El Kebir / Sameh / *Sultann

• DAM LINE: El Obeya Om Jurays / Maysa / *Magidaa


U.S. Egyptian Event Futurity Champion U.S. Egyptian Event Top Ten Futurity


Sire of U.S. Egyptian Event Futurity Winners

*Nabda Makhnificent KA Ibn Dahmahn Star Bint Hafiza AK Amiri Fayrouz Maariq KA • AHA 615126 Bay Stallion foaled 07/07/2004

Messaoud imperial Madheen Kehilan Bloodstock 8059 FM1187W

Madinah MB Kateena

Ft. Worth, Texas 76126 USA

MFA Mareekh Amir

Phone:817-443-6124 • Fax: 817-443-0288

Bint Kantaara


AK Kantaara 431

Marquisah KA SIRE LINE: Jamil El Kebir / Sameh / *Sultann

• DAM LINE: Rodania / Yashmak / Rahma

Multiple U.S. Egyptian Event Top Ten Winner


Dam of International Winners

Makhsous *Nabda Marquis I Ruminaja Bahjat Antigua Dance Talyla Marquisah KA • AHA 590213 Crey Mare foaled 06/18/2001

Nabiel+/ RA Jahim Kehilan Bloodstock 8059 FM 1187 W

*Masarra Rahimah KA

Ft. Worth, Texas 76126 USA

Raquin RA

Phone:817-443-6124 • Fax: 817-443-0288

KA Sultan Raqwa


*Thawra 432

Dom inica KA SIRE LINE: Jamil El Kebir / Sameh / *Sultann • DAM LINE: Venus / Shams/ Fathia

U.S. Egyptian Event Reserve World Champion Filly


U.S. Egyptian Event Multiple Top Tens

Makhsous *Nabda Makhnificent KA Ibn Dahmahn Star Bint Hafiza AK Amiri Fayrouz Dominica KA • AHA 636447 Grey Mare foaled 04/25/2007

Shaikh Al Badi Ruminaja Bahjat Kehilan Bloodstock 8059 FM1187W

Bint Magidaa Noble Sefra

Ft. Worth, Texas 76126 USA

Ansata Shah Zaman

Phone:817-443-6124 • Fax: 817-443-0288



Talya 433

EA Java SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Farida / *Ansata Bint Sameh

The Minstril Thee Desperado AK Amiri Asmarr True Colours Dalul Daheda *Nahed EA Java • AHA 649042 Black Stallion foaled 4/16/2005

Hi-Fashion Mreekh The Elixir La Dulce Vida Arabians Martha Suarez 11801 NW 8 Street, Plantation, Florida 33325 USA Phone: 954-709-8513 or

Jaliya Alize The Minstril Bint Alijamila Alijamila


AF Cassidy SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Rodania / Malaka / Nazeera

Only horse in history to win the U.S. Egyptian Event Most Classic three times in a row Winner of 10 Class A Championships in regional events in halter and performance Sire of U.S. and International Champions

Ruminaja Ali The Minstril *Bahila Thee Desperado TheEgyptianPrince AK Amiri Asmarr Asmarr AF Cassidy • AHA 527015 Crey Stallion foaled 7/19/1995

Shaikh Al Badi Ruminaja Ali La Dulce Vida Arabians Martha Suarez 11801 NW 8 Street, Plantation, Florida 33325 USA Phone: 954-709-8513 or

Bint Magidaa Alisaa Hansan *Wanisa BintOmayma


Sharif Emir PG SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima

• DAM LINE: Roga El Beda / Om Dalai / El Bataa

2011 U.S. Egyptian Event Reserve Champion:

*Ansata ibn Halima++

4 Year Old Futurity Stallion

Ansata Halim Shah

2008 U.S. Egyptian Event Top Five Yearling Futurity Colt

Ansata Rosetta Ansata Nile Emir Ansata Ibn Sudan Ansata Nile Charm Ansata Nile Queen Sharif Emir PG • AHA 635166 Crey Stallion foaled 4/25/2007

Shaikh Al Badi AK Shaikh La Dulce Vida Arabians Martha Suarez 11801 NW 8 Street, Plantation, Florida 33325 USA Phone: 954-709-8513 or

AK Kantaara Kuy Shaihnya Nabiel+/ DB Naseema Ansata Salome


W S Thee Antar SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Bint Yamama/*Maaroufa/Aaroufa

2009 U.S. Egyptian Event Reserve Champion:

The Minstril

Yearling Futurity Colt

Thee Desperado AK Amiri Asmarr Thee Asil Ruminaja Ali Alia Barakaa Amira Barakaa

Co-Owned by La Dulce Vida Arabians / Salayel Arabians Martha Suarez 11801 NW 8 Street, Plantation, FL 33325 Phone: 954-709-8513 or

WS Thee Antar • AHA < Chestnut Stallion foaled 4/22/2008

The Minstril Thee Desperado AK Amiri Asmarr Thee Evening Starr

Salayel Arabians P.O. Box 7752, Dammam 31472, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Phone: +96638560004, Fax: +966385560020

TheEgyptianPrince Amiri Sharafa Ahlamah Sharaf


Al Azraff Suhail PG SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima

• DAM LINE: El Obeya Om Jurays / Maysa / *Magidaa


2011 U.S. Egyptian Event Top Five: Ashhal Al Rayyan

6-7 Year Old Stallions

Ansata Majesta

2010 U.S. Egyptian Event Reserve Champion: 4-5 Year Old Stallions

Suhal Al Nasser Imperial Mahzeer

2007 U.S. Egyptian Event Top Five: Konouz

2 Year Old Colt

Imperial Kaliya Al Azraff Suhail PG • a h a 6222% Crey Stallion foaled 7/30/2005

Shaikh Al Badi Alidaar Bint Magidaa Salayel Arabians P.O. Box 7752

Alidaarlin Nabiel+/

Dammam 31472, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Phone: +96638560004, Fax: +966385560020

Nagda Bint Magidaa


Al Sharif Sinan SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Ghazieh / Jemla / *Bint Serra


2011 U.S. Egyptian Event Top Five: 4-5 Year Old Stallions

Prince Fa Moniet Fa Moniet Ansata Sinan Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Nefara Ansata Sudarra Al Sharif Sinan • AHA 629539 Grey Stallion foaled 3/10/2006

Thee Desperado Al Baraki Alijamila Salayel Arabians P.O. Box 7752 Dammam 31472, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Phone: +96638560004, Fax: +966385560020

Avalon CC *Orashan SES Khebria Raadin Khebira


Achaean Ali Thea+ SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Roga El Beda / Om Dalai / Moniet El Nefous

Regional Champion in:

Shaikh Al Badi

SH Mares In-Hand and Working Hunter

Ruminaja Ali

East Cost Champion SH Mares In-Hand Multilpe Class A Winner in SH Mares In-Hand,

Bint Magidaa Achaean Ali

Working Hunter and Dressage

Prince Ibn Shaikh

Legion of Honor Winner

Rashaikha Rawayeh Achaean Ali Thea+ • AHA 582718 Crey Mare foaled 05/14/2001

Dalul Ibn Dalul EH Bakreia Faaraah Image Ledge End Farm

Al Fattah

Anne Burke


124 Pine Hill Road


Hollis, New Hampshire 03049 USA 440

G R Moufeedah SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer/ *Morafic • DAM LINE:Venus / EHind/Yosreia

Photo: www. Erwi nEscher com ©

Ansata El Salaam

Sired by GR Faleeh, class winner and Top Five Madallan-Madheen

at Egyptian Event Europe

Madinah GR Faleeh Nahaman Fasinah El Chamsin Fatima XVII G R Moufeedah • de 408082110505 Black Mare foaled 4/25/2005

Nahabi El Pharo Llamrai Stud, J. Kleefstra and S.W. du Toit

Rodan El Pharo

Lauwater West Game Ranch District Windhoek

AK Taldinaa Ebony Monisa


Dhar Faa Halim

Phone: 0027-21-8522303 or 0027-825649842

Faa Matala


BV Marhaba

website: 441

Zaraq El Am ir BWA SIRE LINE: Jamil El Kebir / Ibn Rabdan / *Fadl • DAM LINE: Roga El Beda / Om Dalai / El Bataa

Imported to France in 2008

Amirs Ser Rah

Sheykh Obeyd

Ru Amir Ser


Bint Gammousa Amir Serai im BWA Ansata El Alim SC Salima Safara RSI Zaraq El Amir BWA • HN Sire France 60 024 095 S Black Stallion foaled 04/11/2004

*Adhem Laurence Of Arabians

Khe Adhm

Laurence Perceval and Pierre Hermet Le Bourg

Gita RSI Khemona Lisa BWA

Saint Arcons D'Allier - 43300, France

SonietasSolar RSI

Phone: +33 471 740 308 • +33 471 740 530

Bint Mona Fisa


Mona Fisa 442

CH Michael Kariim SIRE LINE: Jamil El Kebir / Ibn Rabdan / *Fadl

• DAM LINE: El Dahma / *Bint Bint Sabbah / Habba

Ibn Fa-Serr

Imported to France in 2010 Fa Asar

Sheykh Obeyd

Serasabba Masada Aheb Ansata El Sherif SF Khala Zahra Sabrah CH Michael Kariim • HN Sire France 60 026 183Y Black Stallion foaled 03/09/2000

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Laurence Of Arabians

Raadin Inshallah

Laurence Perceval Le Bourg

Allah Ateyyah JA Nirvana Halima

Saint Arcons D'Allier - 43300, France

Waseem Ibn Bahrou

Phone: +33 471 740 308 • +33 471 740 530



Faserrabba 443

Mijan El Kadaaar SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Obeya Om Jurays / Maysa / *Magidaa

DLisa Abraham Photography

Shaikh Al Badi

2009 U.S. Egyptian Event Champion 6-7 year old Stallions Ruminaja Ali

2009 U.S. Egyptian Event Reserve Champion Senior Stallion

Bint Magidaa

Sire of Mijan Zohaaar, 2010 U.S. Egyptian Event S.E. Colt Anaza El Kadeen

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Bint Deenaa *Deenaa Mijan El Kadaaar • a h a 615034 Grey Stallion foaled 03/10/2002

*Morafic Mijan Farms

Shaikh Al Badi

Mike and Janet Bazell 16187 Kreashbaum Road

*Bint Maisa El Saghira Majidaaa

Rock Bridge, Ohio 43149 USA

Alaa El Din

Phone: 740-380-2727 • Fax: 740-385-1895



Maysa 444

Mijan Shiraz SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima

• DAM LINE: El Dahma / Farida/ *Deenaa

*Ansata Ibn Halima

2009 U.S. Egyptian Event Champion S.E. Yearling Futurity Colts Ansata Halim Shah

Ansata Rosetta Ansata El Shahraf *)amilll Ansata Samaria Ansata Samantha Mijan Shiraz • AHA 640426 Bay Stallion foaled 04/02/2008

Ruminaja Ali

Mijan Farms

Ali Zaar

Mike and Janet Bazell 16187 Kreashbaum Road Rock Bridge, Ohio 43149 USA

Glorieta Zaafira Mijan Daria Anaza El Farid

Phone: 740-380-2727 • Fax: 740-385-1895

Anaza Dafeenaa


Meenaa Mareekha 445

Mijan Zohaaar SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Venus/Shams / Fathia

Ruminaja Ali

2010 U.S. Egyptian Event Champion S.E. Yearling Futurity Colt Anaza El Kadeen

Bint Deenaa Mijan El Kadaaar Shaikh Al Badi Majidaaa *Magidaa Mijan Zohaaar • a h a 647610 Crey Stallion foaled 04/16/2009

Ansata Halim Shah Mijan Farms

Ansata El Shahraf

Mike and Janet Bazell 16187 Kreashbaum Road

Ansata Samaria Baraka Fairuz

Rock Bridge, Ohio 43149 USA

Anaza El Farid

Phone: 740-380-2727 • Fax: 740-385-1895

Zandai Fathia


Sultry 446

Mijan Kameo SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Venus / Shams / Bint Fathia

Shaikh Al Badi Ruminaja Ali Bint Magidaa Anaza El Kadeen *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Bint Deenaa *Deenaa Mijan Kameo • AHA 637640 Chestnut Mare foaled 05/28/2008

Ruminaja Ali Mijan Farms

Anaza El Farid

Mike and Janet Bazell 16187 Kreashbaum Road Rock Bridge, Ohio 43149 USA

Bint Deenaa Anaza BintHollima *Ansata Ibn Halima++

Phone: 740-380-2727 • Fax: 740-385-1895



*Ramses Amal 447

Princess Tammen SIRE LINE: Jamil El Kebir / Sameh / *lbn Hafiza • DAM LINE: Venus /Hind / Yosreia

Multiple Class A Champion 2007 U.S. Egyptian Event Leading Mare of Halter Winners and dam of: • LF Starzafire, Class A Champion, Region 9 Top Five, Egyptian Event Extended Specialty Futurity - 1st place • LF Triumphant Star, Region 15 Champion, Egyptian Event Junior Champion, US Nationals Top Ten, Youth Nationals Reserve Champion • LF Estrella Bonita, Egyptian Event Top Ten

*lbn Hafiza Abenhetep *Omnia Tammen *Talal Talgana Morgana Princess Tammen • a h a 540124 Chestnut Mare foaled 03/15/1996

*Morafic Lyday Farms

Shaikh Al Badi

Sandra and Gary Fernandes 1026 FM 904

*Bint Maisa El Saghira++ Sadik Sahbi

Honey Grove, Texas 75446 USA


Phone: 903-378-3479, Fax: 903-378-2085

ADH Gamila Emire


Serenity Bt Sabra 448

Thee Makers Rose SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer/ *Morafic • DAM LINE: Venus/Hind/Yosreia

U.S. Egyptian Event Breeders Cup Champion Filly, U.S. Egyptian Event Liberty Champion, U.S. Egyptian Event Top Ten - Two Year Old Futurity

The Minstril Thee Desperado AK Amiri Asmarr

U.S. Egyptian Event Extended Specialty Futurity Top Five, 3 yr. old U.S. Egyptian Event World Class Mares Top Ten, 3 yr. old and dam of:

Makers Mark Ruminaja Ali Maali RCA

• LFThee Makers Star, Egyptian Event Breeders Cup-Top Ten • LF The Desert Rose, Egyptian Event Top Ten (3rd in class)

*Masira Thee Makers Rose • a h a 574951 Grey Mare foaled 02/04/2000

Ansata Imperial Lyday Farms

Imperial Imdal-t-

Sandra and Cary Fernandes 1026 FM 904

Dalia++ TF Shardali

Honey Grove, Texas 75446 USA

Shaikh Al Badi

Phone: 903-378-3479, Fax: 903-378-2085

Nilequest Sharah


Imperial Sharah 449

Nabilah Saqarah SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Ghazieh / Zaafarana / El Amira [El Ameera]

Ansata Imperial

Champion Locally Bred Stallion, Imperial lmdal+

Gauteng Championship Show 2010,


Summer Show, Parys 2010 Nafis

Moniet El Nafis Imperial Naffata Imperial Fanniya Nabilah Saqarah • sbsa 12694/30 Chestnut Stallion foaled 12/01/2005

Nabilah Egyptian Bloodstock Pty. Ltd.

Omar El Shaker

E.J.J. Geyser and Gisela Uijs

Shari Silic Akbar

Farm Devon Viljoenskroon, 9520 Free State, Republic of South Africa

Nabilah AK Bint Bashaar Guliah Saraqa

Phone: 082 492 4791, International +27 824924791

Ibn Kheiralla

Fax: +27 086 218 1625



Bint Sasab 450

NDA Shariha Bint Shanah SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / Kamar


VZAP Premium Foal Classic Shadwan

Dahma Shahwania, Kamar - Sabah branch

Shagia Bint Shadwan GR Amaretto Ansata Halim Shah Halims Asmara *Lancers Asmara NDA Shariha Bint Shanah • D E408-08-20150-09 Grey Mare foaled 03/23/2009

Ansata Halim Shah Nile Dawn Arabians

Dalia Halim

Gabriele Schweiher and Jurgen Tabler Hauptstr. 75

AK Bint Dalia II Shanah Halim

74354 Besigheim, Germany

Ibn El Moniet

Phone: 0049-7143-36542 • 0049-7143-60216

U.P. Shari


Shariha 451

*Alfabia Negmet SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Dahma / *Bint Bint Sabbah / Fa-Abba

Imported from Italy in 2007

Anaza El Farid ZT Faa Iq ZT Jamdusah Phaaros Ruminaja Ali Bint Atallah AK Atallah *Alfabia Negmet • a h a 635647 Grey Mare foaled 04/06/2006

Ansata Halim Shah Miars Arabians

Salaa El Dine

Miars Enterprises LP 11370 CR 3807

Hanan Serene Ciai Dii

Murchison, Texas 75778 USA

Ansata Abu Sudan

Phone: 903-681-0302

La Selket


Marah Abadiya 452

*Alfabia Halawa SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: BintYainama/*Maaroufa/Aaroufa

Imported from Italy in 2007

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima Halima Ansata Halim Bay Sameh *Ansata Bint Misr *Ansata Bint Bukra *Alfabia Halawa • a h a 635646 Grey Mare foaled 02/06/2006

Shaikh Al Badi Miars Arabians

Ruminaja Bahjat

Miars Enterprises LP 11370 CR 3807

Bint Magidaa Sche'mon Ami

Murchison, Texas 75778 USA

Ansata Shah Zaman

Phone: 903-681-0302

ZT Shahmona


^ 453

MB Moneena SIRE LINE: Jamil El Kebir / Ibn Rabdan / Mashhour • DAM LINE: Roga El Beda / Om Dalai / Moniet El Nefous


Imported to Germany in 2006 *lbn Safinaz

Dam of International Winner Ansata Qasim

Safinaz Safeen "Imperial Madheen Abitibi Madeena Abitibi Maamouna MB Moneena • I/ZAP 08/22827/97 Crey Mare foaled 06/16/1997

Orienta Arabians


Judith Wich


Eichenbuehl 26 96352 Wilhelmsthal, Germany

Talya Talmona

Phone: Home ++49 (0) 9260 9639022


Mobile: ++49 (0) 1707721739, Fax: ++49 (0)9260 963734



*Bint Mona 454

Ansata Nile Stardust SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / *Bint Bint Sabbah / Falima

Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Hejazi Ansata Sudarra Ansata Malik Shah Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Malaka Ansata Malika Ansata Nile Stardust • AHA 609489 Grey Mare foaled 03/23/2004

TheEgyptianPrince Prince Fa Moniet Palace Arabians John and Annie Clayton (Ruthanne)

Fa Moniet Ansata Nile Starr

7409 N. 177th Ave.

Ansata Ibn Shah

Waddell, Arizona 85355 USA

Ansata Stari Nile

Phone: 623-535-8953

Ansata Nile Charm

Email: 455

Pharrah Magidaa SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Obeya Om Jurays / Maysa / ’"Magidaa

Ansata Halim Shah Salaa El Dine Hanan Shahir IASB Ansata Imperial Imperial Imphayana Imperial Phanadah Pharrah Magidaa • a h a 595650 Grey Mare foaled 03/27/2002

Ruminaja Ali The Minstril Pegasus Farms, LLC Keri or Tiare Angelo

*Bahila Miss Maggie Mae

76409 Crockett Rd.


Folsom, Louisiana 70437 USA

Bint Magidaa

Phone: 985-290-3540, Fax: 985-796-8574


Email: 456

Malikah Halima SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Roga El Beda / Om Dalai / Moniet El Nefous

Champion, Schotten (D) 2003 International Champion Reserve, Tilburg (NL) 2003 International Senior Champion: European Egyptian Event, Lanaken (B) 2010 Senior Champion Mare, International C-Show,

Ansata Halim Shah Maysoun Maysouna Maydan-Madheen Messaoud

Kreuth (D) 2010

Mesoudah M Madinah Malikah Halima • DE 408082098202 Grey Mare foaled 5/23/2002

TheEgyptianPrince Al Kidir Ponnath Straight Egyptian Arabians Michael Ponnath

AK Khattaara Bint Moufisa

Oberndorf 12, 95478 Kemnath, Bavaria, Germany

Halim Al Kadir

Phone: 00 49 171 3 00 33 00, Fax: 00 49 9642 30 5 123

Moufisa Halima


Mofisa 457

Moufisa Al Kidir SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Roga El Beda / Om Dalai / Moniet El Nefous


I *Morafic TheEgyptianPrince *Bint Mona /Bint Mouna Al Kidir *lbn Moniet El Nefous AK Khattaara *Omnia Moufisa Al Kidir • D E8082149696 Chestnut Mare foaled 5/30/1996

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Halim Al Kadir Ponnath Straight Egyptian Arabians Michael Ponnath

lllaila Moufisa Halima

Oberndorf 12, 95478 Kemnath, Bavaria, Germany


Phone: 00 49 171 3 00 33 00, Fax: 00 49 9642 30 5 123



Mona II 458

Bint Moufisa SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Roga El Beda / Om Dalai / Moniet El Nefous


European Champion Reserve 1996 German National Champion 1996

TheEgyptianPrince *Bint Mona / Bint Mouna Al Kidir *lbn Moniet El Nefous AK Khattaara *Omnia Bint Moufisa • DE 308082146793/993 Crey Mare foaled 5/26/1993

*Ansata Ibn Haliina++ Halim Al Kadir Ponnath Straight Egyptian Arabians Michael Ponnath

Illaila Moufisa Halima

Oberndorf 12, 95478 Kemnath, Bavaria, Germany


Phone: 00 49 171 3 00 33 00, Fax: 00 49 9642 30 5 123



Mona II 459

Vivien PG SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Ghazieh / Zaafarana / El Amira [El Ameera]

Dam of Kenya PG Reserve Senior Champion Mare Israel

Ansata Ibn Sudan Ansata Imperial Ansata Delilah Al Jahimm Moniet El Nefous Imperial Nafdah ^Serenity Shahra Vivien PG • AHA 530590 Crey Mare foaled 5/01/1996

Ansata Imperial Imperial lmdal+ Pure Gold Arabians Dennis & Bridgette Orwig

Dalia++ Alia-Hasna

3851 Keith Road


Hogansville, Georgia 30230 USA

*Hasna EI Badeia


El Amira [El Ameera] 460

REA El Kaream SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Ghazieh / Zaafarana / *Ansata Bint Zaafarana

2010 Region 18 Champion Halter Stallion - Open 2010 Region 18 Champion Halter Stallion - Amateur 2010 U.S. Egyptian Event Champion - 4 year old 2011 U.S. Egyptian Event Bronze Senior Champion

Ansata Imperial Imperial lmdal+ Dalia++ PVA Kariim TheEgyptianPrince BKA Rakiisah AK Radia REA El Kaream • AHA 623708 Crey Stallion foaled 04/25/2006

Ansata El Nisr Renaissance Arabians

Apple Hill ElNisr

David L. Myers 7819 Old Columbus Cincinnati Rd.

Sarita RSI REA Nisrs Angel

South Charleston, Ohio 45368 USA


Phone:937-572-3279, Fax: 937-431-6404

Bint Moftakhar


Ansata Fatima 461

The Source CC SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / El Yatima / Abeer [ABSB]

Dahman Shahwan strain

*Ansta Ibn Halima++

Champion 3-year old Colt, Egyptian Event 2002 Exported to New Zealand 2009

Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Salaa El Dine Alaa El Din Hanan Mona The Source CC • NZHS4776 Crey Stallion foaled 02/02/1999

Rhodium Arabian Stud

Hadban Enzahi

Fanus and Ria Crous


Isola Equestrian Centre, 281 Kohekohe Road, Waiuku 2683

Malikah Mouna IASB

Auckland, New Zealand


Phone: +64-9-2357854

Malika S


Bint Fayek 462

Ansata Nile Pharaoh SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Dahma / *Bint Bint Sabbah / Falima

Dahman Shahwan strain USA Class A Reserve Champion Stallion Exported to New Zealand in 2009 New Zealand North Island Supreme Champion 2010 New Zealand Reserve National Champion Senior Stallion 2010

TheEgyptianPrince Prince Fa Moniet Fa Moniet Ansata lemhotep Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Nefara Ansata Sudarra Ansata Nile Pharaoh • NZ4778 Crey Stallion foaled 02/27/2003

Rhodium Arabian Stud

Ansata Halim Shah

Fanus and Ria Crous

Ansata Hejazi

Isola Equestrian Centre, 281 Kohekohe Road, Waiuku 2683

Ansata Sudarra Ansata Misty Nile

Auckland, New Zealand

Ansata Imperial

Phone: +64-9-2357854

Imperial Impress


Imperial Mistry 463

Rajah KA SIRE LINE: Jamil El Kebir / Sameh / *Sultann • DAM LINE: Rodania/ Yashmak / Rahma

Kuhaylan Ajuz Rodan strain Champion 2-year Futurity Colt, Egyptian Event USA 2008 Exported to New Zealand 2008 Supreme Champion Victoria Classic Show, Melbourne, Australia

*Sultann Makhsous *Nabda Makhnificent KA Ibn Dahman Star Bint Hafiza AK Amiri Fayrouz Rajah KA • NZHS4676 Grey Stallion foaled 04/24/2006

Rhodium Arabian Stud


Fanus and Ria Crous

RA Jahim

Isola Equestrian Centre, 281 Kohekohe Road, Waiuku 2683

*Masarra Rahimah KA

Auckland, New Zealand

Raquin RA

Phone: +64-9-2357854

KA Sultan Raqwa


Thawra 464

Simeon Shatul SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / Hadban Enzahi • DAM LINE: Hind [IOSB] / Hanaa / Anzar

Hadban Enzahi

Saklawi strain New Zealand North Island Supreme Champion 2006


Sire of National Champion winner

Malikah Asfour Alaa El Din Hanan Mona Simeon Shatul • NZHS4362 Grey Stallion foaled 10/30/2005

Ameer Albadeia

Rhodium Arabian Stud Fanus and Ria Crous

Farid Albadeia Farida

Isola Equestrian Centre, 281 Kohekohe Road, Waiuku 2683

Wed Albadeia Ameer Albadeia

Auckland, New Zealand Momtazat Albadeia

Phone: +64-9-2357854

Ahlam Albadeia

Email: 465

RNZ Tantalum SIRE LINE: Saklawi 1/ Nazeer / Hadban Enzahi • DAM LINE: Roga El Beda/Om Dalai / Wedad

Saqlawi Jidran Ibn Sudan strain New Zealand National Champion Junior Purebred Filly 2010

Malik Asfour Hanan Simeon Shatul Farid Abadeia Wed Albadeia Momtazat Albadeia RNZ Tantalum • NZ4762 Crey Mare foaled 08/28/2008

Rhodium Arabian Stud

El Halimaar

Fanus and Ria Crous

MB Mayal

Isola Equestrian Centre, 281 Kohekohe Road, Waiuku 2683

Imperial Maysama Magidah

Auckland, New Zealand

PVA Sonbali

Phone: +64-9-2357854

Nasahn Alation


Arabian Park Sensation 466

RNZ Amber SIRE LINE: Jamil El Kebir/ Sameh / *Sultann • DAM LINE: Rodania/Yashmak/Om El Saad

Kuhaylan Ajuz Rodan strain

Makhsous Makhnificent KA Star Bint Hafiza Rajah KA RA Jahim Rahimah KA KA Sultan Raqwa RNZ Amber • NZ4945 Chestnut Mare foaled 9/20/2009

Rhodium Arabian Stud

El Halimaar

Fanus and Ria Crous

MB Mayal

Isola Equestrian Centre, 281 Kohekohe Road, Waiuku 2683

Imperial Maysama Simeon Sirena

Auckland, New Zealand

Anaza Bay Shahh

Phone: +64-9-2357854

Simeon Sabaya


Simeon Sibolet 467

Ibn Shahlima SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • El Dahma / *Bint Bint Sabbah / Sabrah

U.S. Egyptian Event Top Five (4th) in Halter Class A Halter Champion Most Classic Head Winner Sire of Class A Halter Champion Dam is full sister to Ansata Shah Zam, a U.S. and Canadian National Winner

Shaikh Al Badi Ruminaja Ali Bint Magidaa BKA Rashiiq *lbn Moniet El Nefous AK Radia Monisa RSI Ibn Shahlima • a h a 471570 Grey Stallion foaled 6/13/1991

*Morafic Royal Mirage Arabian Stud

Ansata Shah Zaman

M.D. Tennyson P.O. Box 1612

*Ansata Bint Mabrouka Glorieta Shahlima

Lee's Summit, Missouri 64063 USA

*Ansata Ibn Halima++

Phone: 816-560-2724

Ansata Sabiha


Sabrah 468

NF Anna Halim a Shah SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Roga El Beda / Om Dalai / Ragaa

Dam of Shah Nile Jamil 2007 stallion Dam of Shahara Amirah 2008 mare

Prince Fa Moniet Ansata lemhotep Ansata Nefara Ansata Sirius Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Sekhmet Ansata Samarra NF Anna Halima Shah • a h a 600538 Grey Mare foaled 3/29/2003

Ansata Halim Shah Royal Shahara Arabians

Ansata Hejazi

Michael and Leslie Nord 13515 S. Greyhawk Lane

Ansata Sudarra NF Bint Sajha

Spokane, Washington 99224 USA

Ansata Nile Pasha

Phone: 509-280-6677, Fax: 509-448-1650

O Sajha


Sakani 469

Suhalia Al Saba SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima

• DAM LINE: Venus / Hind / Rouda

A and AA Class Multiple Supreme Champion Australian National Champion International Champion

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Thaqib Al Nasser ^Imperial Madheen Imperial Madanah Imperial Nafatta Suhalia Al Saba • ah sa F28080 Grey Mare foaled 4!17/2006

Malik Saba Arabians


Louise Cordina 22 Crosslands Road

Hanan Simeon Sibona

Galston NSW 2159, Australia

Imperial Madaar

Phone: +612 9653 3582, Fax: +612 9653 2976

Simeon Sippora


Simeon Safanad 470

BW Sensational SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer /*Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Bint Yamama / *Maaroufa / Maar-Ree

Imperial lmdal+ PVA Kariim PVA Rakiisah Imperial Baarez *Orashan Ora Kalilah PH Safina BW Sensational • CAHR 44766 Grey Stallion foaled 04/28/2002

Dakmar Saracen Farms

Sheik El Shahir

Helmut and Helgrit Hepner 4020 Smith Road

Nama JD SH-Reba

Amherstburg, Ontario N9V 2Y7 Canada

MFA Mareekh Amir


MFA Maarqesa


MFA Sabria 471

Simeon Shifran SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / Hadban Enzahi • DAM LINE: Venus / Hind / Rouda

Hadban Enzahi Malik Malikah Asfour Alaa El Din Hanan Mona Simeon Shifran • ah sa S24932 Crey Stallion foaled 08/11/2007

Shaikh Al Badi Simeon Stud

Anaza Bay Shahh

Marion Richmond 44 Bulkara Road, Bellevue Hill, Sydney

Bint Deenaa Simeon Shavit

New South Wales, Australia

Sankt Georg

Phone: 61 -418 268 749, Fax: 61 -2 9363 4719

Simeon Safanad


27 Ibn Galal-5 472

Simeon Sahron SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / Morafic

• DAM LINE: Rodania / Yashmak / Rashida

Messaoud Imperial Madheen Madinah Imperial Madaar Ansata Ibn Sudan Ansata Nile Mist Falima Simeon Sahron • ah sa S25028 Grey Stallion 08/20/2007

Asfour Simeon Stud

Simeon Sadik

Marion Richmond 44 Bulkara Road, Bellevue Hill, Sydney

Simeon Safanad Simeon Setavi

New South Wales, Australia


Phone: 61-418 268 749, Fax: 61-2 9363 4719



Nana 473

Nakhda Karim Shah SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Farida / Nefisa

Stunning first son of Nakhda Saqqara, Egyptian Breeders

Ansata Halim Shah

Challenge Champion Filly and 2011 Bronze Senior Champion Mare U.S. Egyptian Event

Salaa El Dine Hanan *Shahir IASB Ansata Imperial Imperial Imphayana Imperial Phanadah Nakhda Karim Shah • AHA 646438 Grey Stallion foaled 05/25/2008

Thee Desperado Second Wind

CN Jericho

M. Kent Mayfield and John R. (Jack) Ford, Jr. 5653 State Road 130

Jubilllee Nakhda Saqqara

Dodgeville, Wisconsin 53533 USA

Ansata El Nisr

Phone: 608-935-3540

Nisrs Bint Kamal


Ramses El Kamal 474

Abraxas Halimaar SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Bint El Bahreyn / Maisa / *Bint Maisa El Saghira

1993 U.S. Top Ten Futurity Colt 1994 U.S. National Reserve Champion Stallion AO 1995 Region 12 Champion Stallion AO, Reserve Champion Open 1995 East Coast Champion Stallion 1995 Canadian National Champion Stallion AO, Top Ten Stallion Open 1995 U.S. National Champion Stallion AO, Top Ten Stallion Open 1996 U.S. National Top Ten Stallion 1998 Scottsdale 2nd Place Stallions 1999 Region 12 Champion Dressage Training Level AT Supreme Champion Stallion U.S. Egyptian Event

Nazeer *Ansata Ibn Halima++ Halima El Halimaar El Hilal RDM Maar Hala Maar Jumana Abraxas Halimaar • a h a 461092 Grey Stallion foaled 04/18/1990

*Sakr Nabiel+/

Sycamore Hill Farm, Inc. Barbara J. Bach, M.D.

*Magidaa SF Moon Maiden El Hilal

17611 Rogers Clark Blvd. Milford, Virginia 22514 USA Phone: 240-353-7800, Fax: 804-633-2020 Email: •

Kachina Moon Nafairtiti


Ali Saroukh SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Dahma / *Bint Bint Sabbah / Sabrah

Sire of Egyptian Event Champions

*Morafic Shaikh Al Badi *Bint Maisa El Saghira-HRuminaja Ali *Khofo++ Bint Magidaa *Magidaa Ali Saroukh • AHA 504913 Crey Stallion (oaled 04/16/1994

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Silver Maple Farm

Ansata Abu Nazeer

Henry and Christie Metz 1695 Edison Street

*Ansata Bint Zaafarana GlorietaSayonaara

Santa Ynez, California 93460 USA

Ansata Shah Zaman

Phone: 805-686-5252, Fax: 805-686-5311

Glorieta Shahlima


Ansata Sabiha 47C

Jade Lotus SMF SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Bint El Bahreyn / Maisa / *Bint Maisa El Saghira

2004 U.S. Egyptian Event 3 yr Old Extended Futurity Champion 2009 U.S. Egyptian Event Reserve Senior Champion Mare 2009 U.S. Egyptian Event Reserve Supreme Champion Mare

Shaikh Al Badi Ruminaja Ali Bint Magidaa Ali Saroukh Ansata Abu Nazeer GlorietaSayonaara Ansata Shahlima Jade Lotus SMF • AHA 586130 Grey Mare foaled 06/08/2001

Ansata Imperial Silver Maple Farm

Imperial lmdal+

Henry and Christie Metz 1695 Edison Street

Dalia++ Imdals Jade

Santa Ynez, California 93460 USA


Phone: 805-686-5252, Fax: 805-686-5311

Shaamisa Mystique


Moon Mystique 477

Haalani SMF SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Venus / Bint Samiha / Maysouna

2006 U.S. Egyptian Event Top Ten SE Futurity Filly

Shaikh Al Badi Ruminaja Ali Bint Magidaa Ali Saroukh Ansata Abu Nazeer GlorietaSayonaara Ansata Shahlima Haalani SMF • a h a 618886 Bay Mare foaled 04/14/2005

Prince Fa Moniet Silver Maple Farm

Ansata lemhotep

Henry and Christie Metz 1695 Edison Street

Ansata Nefara Ansata Haalah

Santa Ynez, California 93460 USA


Phone: 805-686-5252, Fax: 805-686-5311



Hadibah 478

Sanctuary Kaabrez SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Ghazieh / Jemla / *Bint Serra

Imperial lmdal+ PVA Kariim BKA Rakiisah Imperial Baarez *Orashan BB Ora Kalilah PH Safina Sanctuary Kaabrez • AHA 613065 Crey Mare foaled 04/20/2004

Thee Desperado Two Ones Farm

Al Baraki

Elizabeth and Andrew Knizley P.O. Box 2489

Alijamila Kheboom

Brentwood, Tennessee 37024 USA



SES Khebria


Raadin Khebira 479

TB Hasna SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / Hadban Enzahi • DAM LINE: El Obeya Om Jurays / Mahfouza / Maysa

2nri Generation Tre Balzane Stud breeding

El Thay Masoud Ken Asam Amal Ken Mahbub Ansata Halim Shah Bint Bint Mahiba Kis Mahiba TB Hasna • IT 005/8374/00000 Bay Mare foaled 02126/2001

Salaa El Dine

Tre Balzane Stud

Alaa Al Din

Monika Savier Via Mercatello 94 06044 Castel Ritaldi (Umbria) Italy

Ash raff Sulifah *JamilII

Phone: +39 335 5235135

Matala Bint Marah

Email: or

Marah 480

TBYasir SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Obeya Om Jurays / Mahfouza / Maysa

Black stallion of the Abayyan Om Jurays strain

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Salaa El Dine Alaa El Din Hanan Mona TB Vasir • IT 005/11663/2006 Black Stallion foaled 04/15/2006

Salaa El Dine

Tre Balzane Stud

Alaa Al Din

Monika Savier Via Mercatello 94 06044 Castel Ritaldi (Umbria) Italy

Ashraff Sulifah *Jamilll

Phone: +39 335 5235135

Matala Bint Marah

Email: or


www.straightegyptians. it 481

Hadidi SIRE LINE: Jamil El Kebir / Ibn Rabdan / Gharib • DAM LINE: Bint EI Bahreyn / Elwya / *Soheir II

Bred by Gleannloch Farms Exported to Italy 1992, re-imported to the U.S. in 2009 Salon du Cheval World Champion Stallion, Paris Italian National Champion Stallion All Nations Cup Supreme Champion Stallion, Aachen U.S. Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Stallion Canadian National Top Ten Stallion Scottsdale Top Ten Stallion

Anter G h a rib S o u h air “ N orus H ad b an Enzahi N oha N adja

Hadidi • AHA 450756 Crey Stallion foaled 2/22/1990 N azee r Tw o Silo s Farm Egyptian A ra b ia n s, L L C

*M o ra fic

Joseph and G a il M a illo u x 4 3 6 W re n Road

M ab ro uka H eb et A lla h

R o g e rsv ille , M isso u ri 6 5 7 4 2 U S A


Ph o ne: 4 1 7 - 7 5 3 - 7 1 4 1 , Fa x: 4 1 7 -7 5 3 -3 4 3 0

*S o h eir II

E m a il: tw o silo s@ sw b e ll.n e t


w w w .tw o s ilo s .c o m


Savannah CC SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Obeya Om jurays / Maysa / *Magidaa

Ruminaja Ali

1998 U .S. Egyptian Event Reserve Cham pion:

The Minstril

W orld Class Yearling Filly Dam of multiple U .S. Egyptian Event Futurity, and International Cham pions, Nader Al Ham al, Al Bahir,

*Bahila Thee Desperado

and TS Vivien Leigh


Tail female Bint Magidaa

AK Amiri Asmarr Asmarr Savannah C C • a h a 548010 Grey Mare foaled 5/5/1997

Ruminaja Ali Two Silos Farm Egyptian Arabians, LLC

The Minstril

Joseph and Gail Mailloux 436 Wren Road

*Bahila Miss Maggie Mae

Rogersville, Missouri 65742 USA


Phone: 417-753-7141, Fax: 417-753-3430

Bint Magidaa


*Magidaa 483

Shaikh Al Nadir SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Rodania / M alaka/ *Salomy


Sired by Reserve W orld Cham pion, Ansata Sinan out of a Shaikh Al Badi daughter

Prince Fa Moniet Fa Moniet Ansata Sinan Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Nefara


Ansata Sudarra Shaikh Al Nadir • AHA 629381 Crey Stallion foaled 5/30/2006

’"Morafic Two Silos Farm Egyptian Arabians, LLC

Shaikh Al Badi

Joseph and Gail Mailloux 436 Wren Road

*Bint Maisa El Saghira Nadira Fujai

Rogersvilie, Missouri 65742 USA


Phone: 417-753-7141, Fax: 417-753-3430



Moradil 484

TFR Moniet El Soheir SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: Bint El Bahreyn / Elwya / *Soheir II

Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Hejazi Ansata Sudarra Masree KA Nabiel+/ KA Namirah AK Maliya TFR Mona El Soheir • AHA 639122 Chestnut Mare foaled 03/29/2008

*lbn Safinaz Twin Fiddles Ranch

MB Mistaz

Dick and Diane Malone P.O. Box 448

Imperial Mistilll Moniet El Soheir

Alvarado, Texas 76009 USA

*lbn Moniet El Nefous

Phone: 817-269-9611 (cell), 817-783-3620 (home)

Bint Bint Soheir

Fax:817-783-3620 • Email:

*Bint Soheir II 485

Bint Bint Fe liciaTF SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Farida / *Ansata Bint Sameh

Prince Fa Moniet Ansata Sinan Ansata Nefara *Mishaal HP Messaoud Mesoudah M Madinah Bint Bint Felicia TF • AHA 647590 Crey Mare foaled 01/29/2009

The Minstril Thornewood Farm

Thee Desperado

Lisa Cifrese and Richard Ceha 50 Dunkard Church Road

AK Amiri Asmarr Skyy

Stockton, New Jersey 08559 USA



Phone: 609-577-1976, Fax: 609-397-1369

Ansata Justina



Ansata Judea 486

Ektibar SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Roga El Beda / Om Dalai / Moniet El Nefous

DLisa Abraham Photography

2010 U.S. Egyptian Event Winner: Egyptian Stallions 3+ AATH, Top Ten World Class Stallions 4-5 Regional Champion Working Cowhorse Multiple Class A wins and championships in Performance and Halter with Amateur owner and trainers

*Morafic Ibn Morafic *Kahramana Amiin+// Ibn Shaikh Ajibah Abayiah Ektibar • AHA 630065 Grey Stallion foaled 05/11/2005

*lbn Hafiza VictoriArabian Farm


Scott, Colleen and Victoria Broussard

*Bint Maisa El Saghira++

3523 W. Gloria Switch Rd.

Bint Bint Atteyah

Church Point, Louisiana 70525 USA Phone: 337-344-3732 or 337-886-6593, Fax:

*lbn Hafiza -460-3111

Ateyyah Riyala


*Bint Mona 487

Al Fahdeelah SIRE LINE: Jamil El Kebir / Sameh / *Sultann • DAM LINE: El Obeya Om Jurays / Mahdia / Hanan

Pure-ln-Strain Abayyan Urn Jurays

Makhsous Marquis I Antigua Dance Majestic Noble SMF Nabiel/+ Nagda 3int Magidaa Al Fahdeelah • a h a 642029 Crey Mare foaled 02/22/2009

Windamere Arabians

Ansata Imperial

Sharon Litizzette

Imperial Imdal-t-

9121 Aspen Drive Weed, California 96094 USA

Dalia++ Noble Imdalia

Phone: 530-938-3558, 530-598-4276


Fax: 530-938-1143



Ash raff 488

Mahrcal SIRE LINE: Jamil El Kebir / Sameh / *Sultann • DAM LINE: El Samraa / Bint El Samraa / *Lebleba

2000 U.S. Egyptian Event, Top Ten World Class &Top Five Amateur 2003 U.S. Egyptian Event, Reserve Champion World Class 2004 U.S. Egyptian Event, Top Ten World Class & Amateur Class A Halter Champion - Open and AOTH Calypso Dance

*Sultann Makhsous *Nabda Ruminaja Bahjat Antigua Dance Talyla

Mahrcal • AHA 560647 Chestnut Stallion foaled 07/29/1998

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Windward Farm

Ansata El Nisr

Gerri Wenz 195 Poague Lane

*Ansata Bint Zaafarana Mahrnisa

Glasgow, Virginia 24555 USA

Ansata El Naseri

Phone: 540-258-1100

Glenglade Pride


Talbleba 489

BA Sahara Safir SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Rodania / Malaka / Sarnia

Class A Champion; Reserve Champion

The Minstril Thee Desperado AK Amiri Asmarr Thee Pharaoh Ruminaja Ali Aliashahm RA Glorieta Zaarina BA Sahara Safir • AHA 635616 Bay Mare foaled 04/05/2004

Aseel Yazbeck Arabians


Michael and Rebecca Isaac 13780 Adobe Walls Drive

Sammora Bint Afiza

Helotes, Texas 78023 USA

*lbn Hafiza

Phone: 210-487-1850, 210-240-8172


Email: or

Serenity Bt 490

Zahbaad Zahir SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Rodania / Malaka / Nazeera

t Lisa Abraham Photography

The Minstril

Class A Reserve Champion 2010 U.S. Egyptian Event Top 5, Extended Specialty: Straight Egyptian Stallions, 4 yr old

Thee Desperado AK Amiri Asmarr Thee Infidel *Khofo++ Bint Magidaa *Magidaa Zahbaad Zahir • AHA 630651 Bay Stallion foaled 05/17/2006

Ruminaja Ali Zahir Arabians

The Minstril

Lisa Abraham P.O. Box 549

*Bahila Sammars Gift

Kingston Springs, Tennessee 37082 USA

Ruminaja Ali

Phone: 615-579-3478

Alia Wanisa


*Wanisa 491

Zaid-Mon Zameel SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: Ghazieh / Zaafarana / El Amira [El Ameera]


Judged Best Example of an Arab Horse: 2005 Astrodome Exhibition

Hamasa El Fagr Menha Shari-Silic Pasha AK El Bashaar Nabilah AK Bint Bashaar Inzam Saklabilah Zaid-Mon Zameei • SASB 12483897 Chestnut Stallion foaled 12/31/2005

Zaid-Mon Stud at Red Roan Ranch


Jim Montrose and Zaida Rivene

Ibn Kheiralla

Hermitage Valley S I, P.O. 497 Swellendam 6740, South Africa

Sasab Badeia

Phone: +27(0)28 514 2930,


Fax: +27 28 514 2797 (call first)

Bint Sasab

Email:, or

Sasab 492

Zilal Al Hawah CR SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Morafic • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Farida / *Bint Dahma

Ruminaja Ali Anaza El Farid Bint Deenaa Farid Nile Moon Imperial Imperor GA MoonTajhalima Ansata Aziza Zilal Al Hawah CR • a h a 618808 Bay Stallion foaled 05/04/2005

Bahimm Zilal Al Hawah

Najm Alii

Carol Rice P.O. Box 35

Bint Atallah Fairy Phi re

San Felipe, Texas 77473 USA

*Simeon Shai+

Phone: 832-971-8607

Oh My Shai


CG Marsafa 493

*Ansata Ken Rashik SIRE LINE: Saklawi I / Nazeer / *Ansata Ibn Halima • DAM LINE: El Dahma / Bint Sabah / *Ansata Bint Bukra

*Ansata Ibn Halima++ Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Rosetta Salaa El Dine Alaa El Din Hanan Mona *Ansata Ken Rashik • a h a 511905 Grey Stallion foaled 04/28/1993

Madkour I Zandai Arabians


Dr. William Hudson 610 Riley Road

Hanan Ansata Prima Rose

Cumming, Georgia 30040 USA

Ansata Shah Zaman

Phone: 404-213-6177 Fax: 770-887-1140

Ansata Rosetta


*Ansata Bint Bukra 494

A p p e n d ic e s


Listings of Straight Egyptian Horses By Ranch and Owner The responsibility for inclusion as straight Egyptian as defined by the Pyramid Society rests with the member submitting the listing.

A and D Arabians, Anne E. Wright and Dennis Fournier 14681 Oak Meadow Road, Penn Valley, CA 95946, Phone: 530-432-2636, cell: 530-277-4693, Fax: 530-432-3580 E-mail: • Kamal Ibn Adeed, 643289, 2009 grey stallion (Al Adeed Al Shaqab x NF Bint Sajha)...............................................................305 Ansata Omniya, 552502, 1998 grey mare (Ansata lemhotep x Ansata Omari) NF Bint Sajha, 545243, 1997 grey mare (Ansata Hejazi x JO Sajha) Hejazia, 648781, 2010 grey mare (Laheeb Al Nasser x NF Bint Sajha) Omitu, 648579, 2010 grey mare (Shihaab x Ansata Omniya) Achaean Arabians, Michael and Cindy Stylianos 13846 Blackwells Mill Road, Goldvein, VA 22720, Phone: 540-752-1118 E-mail: achaean26@hotmailcom • website: Achaean Alii, 522789, 1995 grey stallion (Ruminaja Ali x Rashaikha) Farid Nile Moniet, 604464, 2003 chestnut stallion (Farid Nile Moon x AK Amiri Moniet) Ajmal Arabian Stud, Mohammed J. Al Marzouk P.O. Box 3131, Safat 13032, Kuwait, Stud Manager: Mr. Naheri, Mobile: (+965) 97029131 E-mail: Ajmal Al Kout, KSB 0665, 2004 grey stallion (Ansata Hejazi x Ansata Malaka)...........................................................................306 Ajmal Talal, KSB 0811, 2005 grey stallion (Sinan Al Rayyan x Ansata Samari)..............................................................................307 Al Ameen Arabians, Bill and Cheryl Corcoran 416 Fangford Rd., Blythewood, SC 29016, Phone: 803-754-5102 E-mail: • website: Ansata Abbas Pasha, 28122, 1964 grey stallion (*Ansata Ibn Halima++ x *Ansata Bint Mabrouka) [Legacy Page] ....20 6 *Serenity Sonbolah, 50737, 1967 chestnut mare (Sameh x Bint Om El Saad) [Legacy Page].................................................. 207 Alassil Arabians, Bettina von Kameke Lange Linie 12, 24340 Friedensthal, Germany, Phone: +49-4351-44241, Fax: +49-4351-45262 E-mail: or • MB Shattal, GASB 26630, 1996 bay stallion (The Atticus x EH Bushrah) [Legacy Page]...........................................................205 Al Atiq Arabians, Anne-Louise Toner 23103 Davis Mill Road, Germantown, MD 20876, Phone: 301-520-3690 E-mail: • website: *Simeon Sachi, 597064, 2000 grey stallion (Asfour x Simeon Sheba)............................................................................................... 308 Al Azim Black Arabians, Doris Melzer D-64686 Lautertal, Germany, Phone: +49 (0)6254-7610, Fax: +49 (0)6254-3313, Mobile: +49 (0) 171 44 58 328 E-mail: • website: Nuri Ibn Salaam, GASB 26909, 2000 black stallion (Ansata El Salaam x Nurah)..........................................................................309 Al Kharim Al Azim, DE 408/08/21283/06, 2006 black stallion (Nuri Ibn Salaam x Allat El Gaschya)................................. 310 Al Samantha Al Azim, GASB 31741, 2003 black mare (Nuri Ibn Salaam x Allat El Gaschya) Al Princess Al Azim, DE 408/08/21245/08, 2008 black mare (Simeon Sadik x Al Samantha Al Azim) Malakeh, DE 408/08/20204/05, 2005 black mare (GR Faleeh x Shanajah) 497

Albadeia Arabian Stud, Nasr Marei 3 Sayed Marei Street, Mansouria Road, Giza 12561, Egypt, Phone: +2 012 210 0888 E-mail: • website: Meseda, EAO E1-239, 1977 grey mare (Maher x Nagwa) [Legacy Page]..........................................................................................224 Al Baydaa / El Warda Tobacco Co., Ahmed Fathi El Talaway Awel Taraeek Shpin El Kom Quesn, Shpin El Kom, El Mnofi, Egypt, Phone: +20 2106567893 E-mail: EAO Cornerstone tribute section - Mares: Mares of the Dahman Shahwan Strain: Bint Sabah (Kazmeyn x Sabah)...........................................................................................150 Mares of the Dahman Shahwan Strain: Farida (Saklawi II x Nadra El Saghira)...............................................................................151 Mares of the Dahman Shahwan Strain: Zareefa (Kazmeyn x Durra)..................................................................................................152 Mares of the Saqlawi Jidran Strain: Dalai Al Zarka (Rabdan x Om D alai)...................................................................................... 153 Mares of the Saqlawi Jidran Strain: Radia (Feysul x Ghazala)................................................................................................................ 154 Mares of the Abayan Om Jurays Strain: El Mahrousa (El Zafir x El Shahabaa)................................................................................155 Mares of the Hadban Enzahi Strain: Bint Samiha (Kazmeyn x Samiha)............................................................................................ 156 Mares of the Hadban Enzahi Strain: Bint Rustem (Rustem x Bint Hadba El Saghira).................................................................. 157 Mares of the Kuhaylan Rodan Strain: Bint Rissala (Ibn Yashmak x Risala).......................................................................................158 Mares of the Kuhaylan Rodan Strain: Bint Riyala (Nadir x Riyala).......................................................................................................159 AIDanat Stud, Mohammad Al Omar Wafra, Kuwait, E-mail: • Shamekh AIDanat, 2009 grey stallion (Ajmal Al Kout x Ajmal Sherifa).............................................................................................358 Alexander Arabians, Sally and Chip Alexander 6655 Wisconsin Ave., Arbuckle, CA 95912-9732, Phone: 530-476-0927 (farm), 214-674-6377 (cell), Fax: 530-476-3264 E-mail: ALX Kamriah, 613269, 2004 grey mare (Sundance KA x Donna Grey)........................................................................................... 362 Donna Grey, 528398, 1995 grey mare (Thee Desperado x Sybella) ALX Cazalet, 566785, 1999 grey mare (The Minstril x BSA Galia) ALX Camillah Moniet, 598729, 2002 chestnut mare (Simeon Sedek x Donna Grey) ALX Lily ofthe Nile, 620894, 2005 grey mare (Ansata Nile Nadir x ALX Cazalet) ALX Tessarah Moniet, 632901, 2007 chestnut mare (Sundance KA x ALX Camillah Moniet) ALX Naseem Ashquar, 639210, 2008 chestnut gelding (Bellagio RCA x ALX Camillah Moniet) ALX Noufous Al Balgami, 639861, 2008 grey gelding (Makhnificent KA x Donna Grey) Alfabia Stud, Gigi Grasso, Italy, Phone: 0039 3387320391, E-mail: • web: and Ajmal Stud, Mohammed J. Al Marzouk [see Ajmal Stud listing] Co-owners of: Ajmal Maghreb, KSB 938, 2006 grey stallion (Ansata Hejazi x Ajmal Maghrebeia)................................................................... 312 Alfabia Stud, Gigi Grasso, Italy, Phone: 0039 3387320391, E-mail: • web: and Alfala Stud, Rakan Altobaishi, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Co-owners of: Phaaros, AHA 577033, 2001 grey stallion (ZT Faa Iq x Bint Atallah).................................................................................................. 313 Al Jazirah Arabian Stud, Mr. Talal Abdullah Al Mehri P.O. Box 16991, Qadisiya 35860, Kuwait, Phone: +965 2522 8350, Fax: +965 2252 3255, Mobile: +965 9968 3022 E-mail: El Thay Mameluk, KSB 01152, 1988 chestnut stallion (Ibn Nazeema x El Thay Mansoura)......................................................314 Sinan Al Rayyan, KSB 0654, 2002 grey stallion (Ansata Sinan x Al Wajba Al Rayyan)..............................................................315 Ansata Selma, KSB 0281, 1998 grey mare (Ansata Hejazi x G Shafaria).......................................................................................... 316 Jamala Al Zamet, KSB 0443, 2000 grey mare (Salaa El Dine x Abbas Pasha 1-12)....................................................................... 317 Naama Al Naif, KSB 0606, 2002 grey mare (Ansata Nile Echo x SES Nafila).................................................................................318 Ameena Al Rayyan, KSB 01234, 2003 grey mare (Al Adeed Al Shaqab x RN Sultana)..............................................................319 Sama, KSB 01215, 2007 chestnut mare (Sinan Al Rayyan x Ajmal Sadeem)................................................................................... 320 Sundos Aljazira, KSB 01231, 2007 grey mare (Sinan Al Rayyan x Ansata Selma)........................................................................ 321 Nayla Al Rayyan, KSB 01805, 2009 grey mare (Sinan Al Rayyan x Naama Al Rayyan)............................................................ 322 Taibah Aljazira, KSB 01851, 2009 grey mare (El Thay Mameluk x Yathreb Aljazira)...................................................................323 498

Al Majid Arabians, Majid Alsayegh 82 Worman Road, Douglassville, PA 19518, Phone: 610-689-8300 E-mail: • website: Badraan Almajid, 616305, 2003 grey stallion (Imperial Al Kamar x Imperial Mahzeera)......................................................... 334 Al Nasser Stud, Sheikh Nawaf Bin Nasser Al Thani P.O. Box 82, Doha, Qatar, Phone: 00974 44624403, Fax: 00974 44134969, E-mail: Imperial Mahzeer, QASB 868, 1989 grey stallion (““Imperial Madheen x Maar Billah)...............................................................335 Shagran Al Nasser, QASB 3022, 2005 chestnut stallion (Ansata Selman x Dana Al Nasser)...................................................336 Bint Saida Al Nasser, QASB 666, 1995 grey mare (Imperial Mahzeer x Saida)..............................................................................337 Al Qasimi Stables, The Rulers Palace, H.H. Dr. Sheikh Sultan Bin Mohammed Al Qasimi P.O. Box 8, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, Phone: 0097165588222 or 009716507851374 Fax: 009 7165588222, E-mail: Labbad, UAE6928, 2006 grey stallion (Ansata Nile Nadir x Ansata Shahrezade).........................................................................311 Al Rayah Stud and Al Sharg Farm, Mr. Ala'a Al Roumi and Mr. Talal Al Nisf P.O. Box 24989, Safat 13110, Kuwait, Phones: 00965 94444399 and 00965 66642000 Fax: 00965 22402085 and 00965 22451960, E-mail: and Ansata AIMurtajiz, KSB 0113, 1997 grey stallion (Ansata Hejazi x Ansata Samsara)...................................................................342 Al Rayyan Farm, Sheikh Abdu Aziz Bin Khalid Al Thani P.O. Box 375, Old Rayyan, Doha, Qatar, Phone: +974 4480 5100, Fax: +974 4 4 8 0 5150 E-mail: • website: Safir Al Rayyan, QASB 2642, 2004 grey stallion (Ashhal Al Rayyan x RN Farida)....................................................................... 332 Obeyyah Al Rayyan, QASB 3941 2008 grey mare (Safir Al Rayyan x Al Mansoura Al Rayyan)............................................333 Al Sharg Farm, Mr. Talal Al Nisf P.O. Box 24989, Safat 13110, Kuwait, Phone: 00965 66642000, Fax: 00965 22451960 E-mail: Wadah Al Sharg, KSB 0649, 2004 grey stallion (Ansata Hejazi x Mouna Al Rayyan)................................................................ 343 Al Safinat Farm, Khaled Fahad Bin Shokor P.O. Box 158, Al Surra, Kuwait, Phone: +965 99355534, Fax: +965 22323224, E-mail: Wahag Al Rayyan, KSB 397, 2001 grey stallion (Alidaar x Ansata Majesta).....................................................................................338 Kamar AlSafinat, KSB 656, 2004 grey mare (Ansata Hejazi x Ansata Exotica)..............................................................................339 Rawan AlSafinat, KSB 677, 2005 grey mare (Ansata Hejazi x RN Rayana)......................................................................................340 Hilala AlSafinat, KSB 449, 2002 grey mare (Adnan x Aliikat)................................................................................................................. 341 Al Shaqab, Member of Qatar Foundation P.O. Box 90055, Doha, Qatar, Phone: 974-454-6245 E-mail: • website: Al Adeed Al Shaqab, AHA 611774, 1995 grey stallion (Ansata Halim Shah x Sundar Alisayyah)......................................... 324 Dawlah Al Shaqab, QASB 3819, 2008 grey mare (Al Adeed Al Shaqab x Badawieh Al Shaqab)......................................... 325 Fadwa Al Shaqab, QASB 3225, 2005 grey mare (Ansata Selman x Hilalia Al Shaqab)..............................................................326 Hazmia Al Shaqab, QASB 1772, 1999 grey mare (Al Adeed Al Shaqab x Dalilat AlBadeia)...................................................327 Farhoud Al Shaqab, QASB 3823, 2008 grey stallion (Al Adeed Al Shaqab x Johara AlShaqab).............................................328 Yasmin Al Shaqab, QASB 3271, 2006 grey mare (Al Adeed Al Shaqab x Johara Al Shaqab)................................................. 329 Laian Al Shaqab, QASB 3708, 2008 grey mare (Al Adeed Al Shaqab x Meseda Al Shaqab)................................................. 330 Maymoona Al Shaqab, pending, 2010 grey filly (Al Adeed Al Shaqab x Imperial Mistillla).................................................... 331 Al Waab Farm, Sheikh Abdulla Bin Khalid Al Thani Al Shamal, Doha, Qatar, Phone: +974 6662 1466, Fax: +974 4488 3928 E-mail: • website: under construction Ansata Selman, QASB 1727, 1999 grey stallion (Ansata Hejazi x G Shafaria)................................................................................ 344 Amaar Al Rayyan, QASB 2320, 2003 grey stallion (Ashhal Al Rayyan x Al Wajba Al Rayyan)............................................. 345 Al Angha Al Rayyan, QASB 1941, 2000 grey mare (Aldaar x Ansata Majesta)..............................................................................346 499

A l Waab Farm continued:

Sharuby HP, DE408/08/21280/05, 2005 bay mare (Maydan-Madheen x Shahneekha)............................................................. 347 Bahriah Al Waab, QASB 4198, 2008 grey mare (Ashhal Al Rayyan x NK Ashmahan).............................................................. 348 Shahira Al Nasser, QASB 2548, 2003 grey mare (Ashhal Al Rayyan x Bint Saida Al Nasser)................................................. 349 NK Nada, KSB 224, 1999 grey mare (Adnan x Nashua).......................................................................................................................... 350 Jawaher Al Sharq, QASB 2287, 2000 grey mare (Safir x RN Gazalla).................................................................................................351 Narjis Al Rayyan, QASB 4167, 2008 grey mare (Sinan Al Rayyan x Ansata Nefer Isis)...............................................................352 Cherifa Al Rayyan, QASB 3362, 2007 grey mare (Ashhal Al Rayyan x G Shafaria).................................................................... 353 Ameera Saqr, EAO E75-2876, 2000 grey mare (El Habiel x Alidaara)............................................................................................... 354 Ajmal Farasha, QASB 2758, 2003 grey mare (Ashhal Al Rayyan x Classic Farida)......................................................................355 Wagd, EAO EA-2153, 1996 grey mare (Gad Allah x Wasfia).................................................................................................................. 356 Sara Aljazira, QASB 4309, 2002 grey mare (Adnan x Ansata Selma).................................................................................................357 Ansata Arabian Stud, Judith Forbis 240 Polk Road 712, Mena, AR 71953, Phone: 479-394-5288, Fax: 479-394-3078 E-mail: • website: *Ansata Bint Mabrouka, 15898, 1958 grey mare (Nazeer x Mabrouka) [Legacy PageJ..............................................................210 *Ansata Bint Zaafarana, 15896, 1958 grey mare (Nazeer x Zaafarana) [Legacy Page]............................................................... 211 *Ansata Ibn Halima++, 15897, 1958 grey stallion (Nazeer x Halima) [Legacy Page]................................................................... 212 Falima, 31956, 1965 bay mare (*Ansata Ibn Halima x Fa-Habba) [Legacy PageJ..........................................................................213 Ansata Ibn Sudan, 32342, 1965 grey stallion (*Ansata Ibn Halima x *Ansata Bint Mabrouka) [Legacy PageJ.................214 Ansata Shah Zaman, 47967, 1968 grey stallion (*Morafic x *Ansata Bint Mabrouka) [Legacy Page].................................. 215 *Ansata Bint Bukra, 33487, 1959 grey mare (Nazeer x Bukra) [Legacy PageJ.................................................................................216 Ansata Halim Shah, 219546, 1980 grey stallion (*Ansata Ibn Halima x Ansata Rosetta) [Legacy Page]............................. 217 Ansata Arabian Stud, Judith Forbis & Highview Egyptian Stud, Lisa and Steve Zukowski [see also separate listings] Prince Fa Moniet, 239446, 1981 grey stallion (TheEgyptianPrince x Fa Moniet) [Legacy Page]............................................218 Arabians LTD., Judy Sirbasku 8459 Rock Creek Rd., Waco, TX 76708, Phone: 254-714-1803 or 800-973-1445, Fax: 254-752-6056 E-mail: • website: *Mishaal HP, 607279, 1996 grey stallion (Ansata Sinan x Mesoudah M)..........................................................................................360 Thee Desperado, 447044, 1989 bay stallion (The Minstril x AK Amiri Asmarr)............................................................................ 361 Bint Magidaa, 62907, 1970 grey mare (*Khofo++ x *Magidaa) [Legacy Page]...............................................................................208 Sponsored by: Mark and Nancy Ness 17704 Bearpath Trail, Eden Prairie, MN 55347, Phone: 952-975-1951, Fax: 952-975-5956 E-mail: Bint Bint Magidaa, 427497, 1987 grey mare (Shaikh Al Badi x Bint Magidaa) [Legacy Page].................................................. 209 Avila Arabians, Susan Snyder 2065 Five Forks Rd., Pendelton, SC 29670, Phone: 864-225-1639 E-mail: • website: Imperial Phinaali, 631773, 2007 grey stallion (Imperial Baarez x Imperial Karree)..................................................................... 363 Avila Baarezah, 640003, 2008 grey mare (Imperial Baarez x Imperial Karee) Azariah Arabians, Marcia Macbeth Carlsbad, CA 92009, Phone: 858-243-1060, E-mail: Maar Sharana, 360960, 1986 chestnut mare (Moniet El Sharaf x Maar Riana)..............................................................................365 Gloryana, 540941, 1997 grey mare (ET Crown Prince x Maar Sharana)........................................................................................... 366 Azpin Arabians, Dax and Dana Cornelius 1473 Santa Fe Hill Dr., Ramona, CA 92065 Phone: 801-644-6492, Fax: 801-544-4210 E-mail: • website: HU Sheikh Imaan, 581735, 2001 black stallion (Imaann x Niema Nile)...........................................................................................364 AZ Shai Amaan, 637328, 2008 black stallion (HU Sheikh Imaan x Thee Shai Angel) 500

Bait Al Arab Kuwait State Stud, Arabian Horse Center, P.O. Box 2190, 13022 Safat, Kuwait, Phone: +965 247 13 532, Fax: +965 247 60 898, Mobile: +965 994 29 726 Bint Wafaa ElKuwait, KSB 0604, 2004 grey mare (Adnan x Wafaa ElKuwait)...............................................................................368 Sarah ElKuwait, KSB 0552, 2003 grey mare (Adnan x Ansata Sherrara)............................................................................................369 Bashir Arabians Australia, Jay and Samantha Malkoun Melbourne, Vic, Australia, Phone: +61 414 676 323 E-mail: or • website: Ansata lemhotep, AHSA S24756, 1993 grey stallion (Prince Fa Moniet x Ansata Nefara)........................................................ 370 Bebo Stud, Miloslava Khamis 16 Ramses Street, Korba, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt, Phone: 011-2011 166 0042, Fax: 011-20222 67 2241 E-mail: • website: or Alfabia Ajib, USB 11345, 2005 grey stallion (Phaaros x Vishar Farhana).......................................................................................... 371 NK Mijamin, GASB 32099, 2003 grey stallion (NK Hafid Jamil x NK Hallah)............................................................................... 372 Ali Zafir, 364350, 1986 grey stallion (Ruminaja Ali x Glorieta Zaafira).............................................................................................373 Classic Mahmut, EAOPB 3686, 1999 grey stallion (Classic Arif x U.P. Mansoora) Classic Aldaara, SBFAR 18203, 1993 grey mare (Alidaar x Shagiah) Ayah Bebo, EAOPB 3069, 2001 grey mare (Ali Zafir x Classic Aldaara) Tamara Bebo, EAOPB 3359, 2002 grey mare (Tarek Saqr x Classic Aldaara) Desert Zaya, SBFAR 21757, 1997 grey mare (Ansata Hejazi x Moshira) MB Kariima, AHA 581704, 1996 bay mare (PVA Kariim x Bint El Shams) Zaytouna Bebo, EAOPB 3230, 2001 grey mare (Messaoud x Desert Zaya) ZT Mimraah, SBA 12918, 2000 bay mare (Imperial Madheen x ZT Bahshahwaniah) Chrymont Bint Gasoudah, GASB 15706, 1994 chestnut mare (Messaoud x Chrymont Gasoudah) Sinan Nile Dream, AHA 638354, 2007 grey stallion (Ansata Sinan x Farid Nile Dream) Ibn Morafic II, AHA 479857, 1992 grey stallion (Ibn Morafic x Aslah) Ramses, GASB 27940, 2000 grey stallion (Adnan x Ansata Rebecca) Bent Tree Arabians, Alice Smith 5969 Hwy 496, Toomsuba, MS 39364, Phone: 601-678-7703, Fax: 601-621-4142 E-mail: • BT Ibn Razal, 614710, 1999 grey stallion (Almas Razal x Laili Shakfi)................................................................................................367 Bentwood Farm, Jarrell McCracken, Judith McCracken, Lisa McCracken Lacy, Tom Lacy and Timothy McCracken 3409 Alexander Ave., Waco, TX 76708, Phone: 254-855-4847, Fax: 254-754-7481 E-mail: *lbn Moniet El Nefous, 33488, 1964 grey stallion (*Morafic x Moniet El Nefous) [Legacy Page]......................................... 219 Bergren Family Arabians, James E. Bergren 1920 West River Rd., Muskegon, Ml 49445, Phone: 231-744-1744, Fax: 231-744-1744 E-mail: or • website: Ruminaja Ali, 134937, 1976 grey stallion (Shaikh Al Badi x Bint Magidaa) [Legacy Page]........................................................225 Black Wind Arabians, Judy B. Guess P.O. Box 1299, New Ulm, TX 78950, Phone: 979-995-3990, E-mail: Bint Atallah, 309101, 1984 grey mare (Ruminaja Ali x Atallah) [Legacy Page]............................................................................... 226 Blue Pyramid Egyptians, Samantha Winburn 13680 S. 7300 W„ Herriman, UT 84096, Phone: 801-446-6744 E-mail: • website: Emir Ibn Farazdac, 424158, 1988 grey stallion (*Farazdac x MFA Sabria) [Legacy Page]......................................................... 227 JF Amir Ibn Kameerah, 632484, 2007 grey stallion (Last Chance Too x JF Kameerah) Dahloura, 474314, 1990 chestnut mare (Makour x Dahleeah) Badella, 462991, 1991 bay mare (AK Bafadi x BSA Nadiaa) Bint Kameesha Amira, 637393, 2008 grey mare (Amir Ibn Farazdac x Le Kameesha Amira) Bpe Shah Nafa'a, 647769, 2009 grey mare (El Norus x Bpe Shah Hilala)


Caledonia Egyptian Arabians, Cameron Thornberg 212 1st Street NE, Rugby, ND 58368, Phone: 701-208-0752, E-mail: • website: PWA Nagib Shah, 505585, 1994 grey stallion (Ansata Halim Shah x *Nasbah).............................................................................376 Castello Luna Arabians, Katherine J. Hickson 48 Stafford Road, P.O. Box 600, Hampden, MA 01036, Phone: 413-531-7355, E-mail: Sashamira Moniet, 485769, 1992 grey mare (El Gamill x AK Amira Moniet) Cariswood Arabians, Keri and Carolee Wright 10657 South Whirlaway Lane, Sandy, UT 84092, Phone: 801-783-0553, Fax: 888-817-1765 E-mail: • website: Abraxas Bint Abu, 601531, 2003 grey mare (Abraxas Abu Hilal x Abraxas Halamaa)............................................................... 374 Mahrousa CA, 644773, 2009 bay mare (Thee Infidel x Magidaas Image)....................................................................................... 375 *Hekmat, 32269, 1961 chestnut mare (Anter x Sarnia) [Legacy Page]............................................................................................... 232 Family of Ron, Sharon and Dory Wright 10657 South Whirlaway Lane, Sandy, UT 84092, Phone: 801-783-0553, Fax: 888-817-1765 E-mail: • website: Mohssen, 36239, 1966 grey stallion (*Ansata Ibn Halima++ x *Bint Mona) [Legacy Page]..................................................... 230 Derick and Karen Wright, Virtual Rain, Inc. 1898 Shoshone Drive, Ogden, UT 84403, Phone: 925-202-6600, E-mail: *Bint Nefisaa, 23223, 1959 grey mare (Nazeer x Nefisa) [Legacy Page]........................................................................................... 231 W. Darryl Fry and Gwenn Tyler-Fry, Rockwood Ranch 2375 Rockwood Ranch Rd., Morgan Hill CA 95037, Phone: 408-776-3414, E-mail: Bint Sammara, 91734, 1973 grey mare (Mohssen x *Sammara) [ Legacy Page]............................................................................ 233 ET Crown Prince, 160603, 1977 grey stallion (TheEgyptianPrince x RDM Maar Hala) [Legacy Page]............................... 234 Judy W. Jones, Atallah Arabians 17233 Via Recanto, P.O. Box 2837, Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067, cell: 858-922-7885 Nourah, 74250, 1971 grey mare (*Ansata Ibn Halima++ x *Bint Nefisaa) [Legacy Page]......................................................... 235 Katourah, 161436, 1977 grey mare (Mohssen x Nourah) [Legacy Page]........................................................................................... 236 Moynese, 161435, 1977 grey mare (Mohssen x *Bint Nefisaa) [Legacy Page]...............................................................................237 Royal Gemm, 135827, 1976 grey mare (Mohssen x *Hekmat) [Legacy Page]................................................................................ 238 Le Baroque, 402243, 1988 bay stallion (El Hilal x Nourah) [Legacy Page]......................................................................................239 Mohummed Sadden, 295329, 1984 grey stallion (El Hilal x Akid Fa Mona) [Legacy Page]..................................................... 240 AK Atallah, 98734, 1972 grey mare (*Ansata Ibn Halima++ x Al Nahr Mon Ami) [Legacy Page]......................................... 241 Sidra, 360439, 1986 bay mare (El Hilal x Nourah) [Legacy Page]....................................................................................................... 242 Cedar Ridge Farm Egyptian Arabians, LLC, Merrie and Edward Aiken 4501 Cap Stine Road, Frederick, MD 21703, Phone: [office] 301-631-2722, Fax: 301-620-7903 E-mail: • Cedars Mojave, 641499, 2008 chestnut stallion (Imperial ImSirdar x RSA Sahra Nazeem)..................................................... 377 Cedars Bellavia, 636101, 2007 grey mare (*Laheeb x Cedars KenyaCatchMe) Cedars Kenya CatchMe, 594449, 2002 bay mare (Botswana x Cdrs Farah Moniet) RSA Sahra Nazeem, 594633, 2002 chestnut mare (B B Akeem x llehnisa Azeem) Cedars Rajiyyah, 588199, 2001 grey mare (Makhsous x Cdrs Farah Moniet) Imperial ImSirdar, 352709, 1986 bay stallion (Ansata Imperial x Imperial Sonbesjul) Chapel Farms Arabians, Bob & Chris Fauls 307 Watermark Drive, Peachtree City, GA 30269 Imperial lmdal+, 249645, 1982 grey stallion (Ansata Imperial x Dalia++) [Legacy Page].................................... 502


Chase Arabians, Steve and Mauri Chase 4641 New Hope Road, Aubrey, TX 76227, Phone: 940-440-3123 or ceil: 940-367-0811, Fax: 940-365-7407 E-mail: • Belle Staar, 451699, 1990 bay mare (The Minstril x Alia-Aenor) [Legacy Page]............................................................................ 244 On lease from Ansata Arabian Stud: Ansata Samiha, 481160, 1992 grey mare (Prince Fa Moniet x Ansata Samantha)...................................................................382 Classic Bloodstock, Jean or Martha White 24750 AJ's Way, Hempstead, TX 77445, Phone: 979-826-2572 E-mail: • Ibn Shai, 519809, 1995 bay stallion (Simeon Shai+ x Bint Romanaa++)............................................................................................378 Ibn Shai II, 610454, 2004 bay stallion (Ibn Shai x Ali Majiida)...............................................................................................................379 Ali Bayfire, 522662, 1995 bay stallion (Ali Zaar x MG Rimanah.......................................................................................................... 380 Alabaster Moniet, 523111, 1995 grey mare (Ali Zaar x AK Riana Star).............................................................................................. 381 Classic Moniet, 613706, 2004 chestnut stallion (Ibn Shai x Alabaster Moniet) Ali Majiida, 489492, 1989 chestnut mare (El Majiid x Bint Ali) EAI Khalnoreena, 573607, 1995 chestnut mare (El Norus x FM Khaleen) MB Sashali, 539691, 1997 grey mare (Imperial Saturn x Imperial Noosali) Imperial Nariya, 541822, 1997 grey mare (*Ibn Safinaz x SKF Say Orah) Mia Bint Bayfire, 594132, 2002 bay mare (Ali Bayfire x MB Sashali) Sharafa Shai, 596767, 2002 bay mare (Ibn Shai x MG Rimanah) Bint Nariya, 637491, 2005 grey mare (Shahir IASB x Imperial Nariya) Shai Belle, 645979, 2009 bay mare (Ibn Shai x Imperial Nariya) Khalies Joy, 645487, 2009 chestnut mare (Ali Bayfire x EAI Khalnoreena) Dara Meadows Farm, Debra and David Geiser 449 E. Nelson Street, Lexington, VA 24450, Phone: 540-348-6532, Fax: 540-463-1073 E-mail: • *Ghazalahh, 32271, 1951 grey mare (Mashhour x Binit Farida) [Legacy Page]..............................................................................245 Delsan Resources, LLC 242 3rd Avenue North, Naples, FL 34102, Phone: 239-262-2402 or 646-824-7914, E-mail: Halimaars King Tut, 632840, 2007 grey stallion (Aga Gamaan x Haallie)....................................................................................... 383 DeShazer Arabians Hank and Sandra DeShazer, Brandon and Susan Bryan 19600 Stone Lake Drive, Tomball, TX 77377, Phones: 281-290-9585, cell: 713-828-6491, Fax: 281-255-9475 E-mail: information@DeShazer.cocm • Ansata Sinan, 482308, 1992 grey stallion (Prince Fa Moniet x Ansata Nefara) [Legacy Page]................................................301 Laheeb Al Nasser, 635387, 2002 grey stallion (Al Adeed Al Shaqab x Bint Saida Al Nasser)................................................. 385 Aziim Al Amaar, 636390, 2007 grey stallion (Amaar Al Rayyan x Imperial Maysama)............................................................. 386 Shahir IASB, 524512, 1993 grey stallion (Salaa El Dine x Imperial Imphayana)..............................................................................387 DeSha Nile Queen, 647485, 2009 grey mare (Amaar Al Rayyan x Ansata Nile S ilk)................................................................ 388 EHP Ayanna, 600062, 2002 grey mare (Imperial Imdal x Dorian Fa Halim a)............................................................................... 389 DeSha Indeed, 628025, 2006 grey mare (Al Adeed Al Shaqab x Asra Salaa)................................................................................ 390 HF Sinanana, 608350, 2003 grey mare (Ansata Sinan x Bo-Mars Dashira).....................................................................................391 DK Arabians at Chestnut Hill Farm, Donna and Ken Drake 11 Danberry Drive, Ringoes, NJ 08551, Phone: 908-788-4860, Fax: 908-788-4860 E-mail: MA Lexlina, 610323, 2004 bay mare (Thee Desperado x Farralina)................................................................................................... 384 Jassara DKA, 639626, 2008 grey mare (*Mishaal HP x MA Lexlina) Aleel Amal DKA, pending, 2010 grey stallion (*Mishaal HP x MA Lexlina) Dogwood Springs Arabians, Jerel and Daphne Kerby P.O. Box 715, Daingerfield, TX 75638, Phone: 903-645-5933 (work), Cell Phones: 318-230-5529 or 318-458-1 751, Fax: 903-645-5934 E-mail: or • DSA Hey Baby, 620355, 2004 chestnut mare (Thee Desperado x Mystify H G )......................................................................... 394 503

Dowdstown House Stud, Fam. F. Schwestermann Straffan Road, Dowdstown, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland, Phone: +41 (0) 79- 402 6253, Fax: +353-1-628 9402 E-mail: • DHS Shaakirah, AHSB 1504/1998, 1998 grey mare (Alidaar x Wardshah EAO)........................................................................392 DHS Farouzah, AHSB 50/2009, 2008 grey mare (Nedschd Mansour x Bint Farid Nile Moon)........................................... 393 El Adiyat Arabians, Mahmood A. Al Zubaid P.O. Box 270, Surra, Kuwait 45703, Phone: 00965 99605940, E-mail: Badra El Adiyat, DE408/08/20540/09, 2009 grey mare (NK Hafid Jamil x Bint Nashua)....................................................... 396 Zohair El Adiyat, DE408/08/20923/10, 2010 grey stallion (NK Hafid Jamil x Zubaida El Adiyat)....................................... 397 Amal El Adiyat, KSB 0893, 2006 grey mare (Jamal El Dine x NK Ahlam )..................................................................................... 398 NK Hallah, KSB 0807, 1998 grey mare (Adnan x Asfoura)................................................................................................................... 399 El Masr Arabian Stud, Pat and Dick Platzek 825 E. Hwy 153, Stratford, Wl 54484, Phone: 715-687-3147, E-mail: • Madheen El Masr, 618272, 2005 grey stallion (EAI Silvereen x MB Deseena)............................................................................... 395 El Thayeba Arabian Stud, Cornelia Tauschke Knetersand I, D-26197, Grobenkneten, Germany, Phone: +49 (0) 44 35 / 55 52, Fax: +49 (0) 44 35 / 97 38 03 E-mail: • www. Kamla II, VZAP 08/021154/85, 1985 grey mare (Ansata Halim Shah x Mona III) [Legacy Page].......................................... 246 El Thay Mahfouz, GASB 32116, 2003 grey stallion (Ansata Selman x El Thay Mahfouza)....................................................... 400 Etaya Egyptian Stud, Jennifer Parsons and Chris Fichaud 2008 Newton Street, Victoria Harbour, Ontario, Canada LOK 2A0, E-mail: • website: Abitibi Fleur, CAHR 23456, 1986 chestnut mare (Serr Maariner x Abitibi Maamouna) [Legacy Page].............................. 247 Etaya Sudan Amir, AHA 647995, 2007 bay stallion (Imperial Mistaar x Etaya Amira)................................................................401 Ezzain Arabians, Usamah Zaid Al Kazemi Block No. 10 - Alwafrah, Alahmadi, Kuwait, Phone: +965 96661601, Fax: +965 22404035 E-mail: • *Jamilll, ASBB 418, 1975 grey stallion (Madkour I x Hanan) [Legacy Page}.................................................................................... 248 NK Qaswarah, KSB, 2004 grey stallion (NK Hafid Jamil x NK Narimaan).......................................................................................402 Yaasoob Ezzain, KSB, 2007 grey stallion (NK Qaswarah x NK Nada)............................................................................................... 403 AneesilNefous Ezzain, KSB, 2007 grey stallion (NK Qaswarah x NK Momtaza)......................................................................... 404 Fantasia Arabians, Phil and Marilyn Lang 11721 Schaffner Road, Sealy, TX 77474, Phone: 979-865-8160, Fax: 979-865-9660 E-mail: • Fa Daalim, 91824, 1973 black stallion (Daaldan x Bint Fa Dena) [Legacy Page]...........................................................................249 Fa Halii Halim, 559792, 1998 grey stallion (El Halimaar x Fa Sherifaa)............................................................................................ 405 Forest Hill Arabian Stud, Peter and Jenny Pond 255 Yarramalong Rd., Wyong Creek 2259 Australia, Phone: 61-2-4353-3555 E-mail: • website: Laheeb Al Rayyan, S25316, 2005 grey stallion (Ansata Hejazi x Ansata Selket)...........................................................................406 Halimas Egyptian Prince, S23958, 2005 grey stallion (Royal Jamill x AK Faressa)........................................................................407 Fayrid, S23495, 2004 black stallion (Faahim x MB Shareena) Royal Jamill, S19939, 1998 grey stallion (Royal Jalliel x Bint Jamilla) Ansata Bint Faressa, F21525, 1996 grey mare (Ansata Hejazi x AK Faressa) Bint Rusima, F23345, 1998 grey mare (Ansata El Shahraf x Rusima) Halimas Bint Faressa, F26619, 2003 grey mare (Royal Jamill x AK Faressa) Halimas Delilah, F26642, 2004 grey mare (Royal Jamill x Ansata Bint Faressa) Halimas Fayressa, F28877, 2008 grey mare (Fayrid x Ansata Bint Faressa) Halimas Monessa, F26641, 2004 grey mare (Royal Jamill x AK Faressa) Rusima, F23405, 1992 grey mare (Ruminaja Ali x Nasima) Simeon Shafan, F23405, 1998 grey mare (Prince Fa Moniet x Simeon Simona) 504

Frisia Arabians, Willemina DeBoer 9710 CR 209, Hico, TX 76457, Phone: 254-485-9361 E-mail: • Serenity Shahail, 501778, 1994 grey stallion (AK Shah Munifeh x Serenity Khohaila) [Legacy Page].................................250 Frisia Shaheen, 623030, 2006 grey stallion (Serenity Shahail x Serenity Arufa) Frisia Mashourah, 637375, 2008 grey mare (Frisia Armani x Serenity BtMamluk) David and Marion Gardner P.O. Box 9078, Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657, Phone: 830-598-6191, E-mail: The Minstril, 322707, 1984 bay stallion (Ruminaja Ali x *Bahila) [Legacy Page]........................................................................... 251 Gibson Arabians, Dr. Charles and Joanne Gibson 6070 Auburn-Folsom Rd., Granite Bay, CA 95746, Phone: 916-988-7783 E-mail: Glorieta AliSudan, 160078, 1997 grey stallion (Ansata Ibn Sudan x Ansata Sabiha) [Legacy Page].....................................254 Imperial Imperor, 204381, 1980 grey stallion (Ansata Imperial x Imperial Mistry) [Legacy Page]......................................... 255 GK Arabians, Glenda Klimitchek 126 Private Road 1080, Hallettsville, TX 77964, Phone: 361-798-2899 E-mail: • The Shamin, 488205, 1992 chestnut stallion (The Minstril x AK Shawra)........................................................................................ 408 Grove Hill Farm, Dean Homstead P.O. Box 216, Pittsfield, ME 04967, Phone: 207-487-2476 E-mail: • Sheikh El Shaakir, 521529, 1995 black stallion (Haziz Halim x Ruala Ser Sabbah) Ruala Shakira, 519983, 1995 black mare (Serhabbas x Hurr Ruh) Ruala Shalaya, 578529, 2000 black mare (Sheikh El Shaakir x G. Ayah) Ruala Ashiiqah, 547720, 1997 black mare (Haziz Halim x Ruala Sabriya) Ruala Sahara, 578522, 2000 black mare (Sheikh El Shaakir x Ruala Shakira) Ruala El Zahra, 612003, 2004 black mare (Sheikh El Shaakir x Ruala Shakira) Hackberry Arabians, LLC, Donnie and Yvonne Jones 8130 Jordan Road, Manvel, TX 77578, Phone: 713-715-9300 or 281-433-1190 E-mail: • Aga Gamaan, 597499, 2000 grey stallion (*Gamaan x Akira Hassan)............................................................................................... 409 Sarah Gamaan, 604382, 2002 bay mare (*Gamaan x Monashara) Haallie, 560537, 1998 grey mare (El Halimaar x Mageenaa) Saalilly, 604113, 2001 chestnut mare (Imtaarif x Sateenaa) Asaalah Gamaan, 632870, 2001 grey mare (Aga Gamaan x Saalilly) Solomaan, 647264, 2009 chestnut stallion (Hawkeye CC x Saalilly) Hadaya Arabians LLC, Jaleen Hacklander 7602 E US Hwy 14, Janesville, Wl 53546, Phone: 608-573-3332 E-mail: • website: Ansata Malik Shah, 566536, 1999 grey stallion (Ansata Hejazi x Ansata Malaka) [Legacy Horse]...................................... 220 Ansata El Nisr, 41581, 1967 grey stallion (*Ansata Ibn Halima x *Ansata Bint Zaafarana) [Legacy Horse]....................... 221 Ansata Nile Jewel, 61935, 1970 grey mare (*Morafic x Falima) [Legacy Horse]............................................................................ 222 Hadaya El Tareef, 381591, 1986 grey stallion (Imperial Imdal x Hadaya NMerytaten) [Legacy Horse]..............................223 Ansata Nile Prince, 606608, 2003 grey stallion (Ansata Malik Shah x MB Adallah) Hadaya SterlingSilver, 628644, 2006 grey stallion (EAI Silvereen x Nisrs Bint Kamal) Ansata Nile Commander, 632883, 2007 grey stallion (Ansata lemhotep x Gift of the Nile)* *on lease from Ansata and Highview Egyptian Stud Nisrs Bint Kamal, 445338, 1988 grey mare (Ansata El Nisr x Ramses El Kamal) Nisrs Nile Moon, 445337, 1988 grey mare (Ansata El Nisr x Ansata Nile Moon) Merjana, 468663, 1991 grey mare (*Messaoud x Maalaka) Hadaya Saudalya, 511658, 1994 bay mare (Suad El Sahib x Hadaya Alya) 505

Hadaya Arabians continued:

EAI Norlonaa, 568916, 1996 grey mare (El Norus x Malonaa) Hadaya Bint Ashia, 551810, 1997 bay mare (HadayaBayHalimBey x Hadaya Nile Ashia) Kuy Rahjeen, 543674, 1997 grey mare (Rahja El Mareekh x DB Naseema) Mreekhs Heiress, 564304, 1998 grey mare (VP Regal Heir x Dahmaarekha) Hadaya Silverette, 628645, 2006 grey mare (EAI Silvereen x Hadaya Saudalya) Hadaya Shiraz, 650562, 2010 grey mare (Hadaya SterlingSilver x Hadaya Saudalya) Hadaya Nile Ashila, 650561, 2010 grey mare (Qadar Ali Halim x Hadaya Bint Ashia) Hanaya Arabians, Nayla Hayek Expohof, CH 8165 Schleinikon, Switzerland, Phone: +41 44 856 0995, Fax: +41 44 875 0255 E-mail: • website: El Khaled, 2007 grey stallion (Ansata Sinan x Shahirs Abriel)................................................................................................................410 218 Elf Layla Walayla B, 1991 grey mare (Assad x 223 Ibn Galal 1-13).............................................................................................. 411 Rasheeka Shabha, 2006 grey mare (Richteous x Tammens A na).........................................................................................................412 Hanaya Habibtee, 2010 grey mare (El Khaled x 218 El Layla Walayla B).......................................................................................... 413 Hanaya Rafek, 1985 grey stallion (Rihan x Kodwa) Hanaya Moheb, 1987 grey stallion (Monzer x Manaya) Thee Brigadier, 1992 bay stallion (The Minstril x Ansata Justina) Hanaya Labihb, 1997 grey stallion (Lohim x Kodwa) Heirogance, 1997 grey stallion (VP Regal Heir x BSA Bataarha) Hanaya Auwwali, 1998 grey stallion (Alidaar x 218 Elf Layla Walayla B) Hanaya Ali Star, 2001 chestnut stallion (Ali Barba x MFA Bint Monien) Hanaya Hafiz, 2002 grey stallion (Heirogance x Hebat Misr) Hanaya Tofiq, 2003 grey stallion (Teymur B x Ansata Maharani) Hanaya Nijam, 2008 bay stallion (Heirogance x Hanaya Nareekha) Hanaya Kareem, 2010 grey stalion (El Khaled x 218 El Layla Walayla) Maalik SS, 2006 grey stallion (Al Aaqib Al Zamet x Mashaana Al Zamet) Hanaya Nareekha, 1991 bay mare (Ibn El Mareekh x Nahilaa) Hanaya Khamala, 1991 grey mare (Madkour x x Kodwa) Hanaya Karma, 1997 grey mare (Hanaya Moheb x Hanaya Kodwina) Hanaya Zehinah, 1998 grey mare (Hanaya Moheb x 211 Zohair-2) Hanaya Husna, 1999 grey mare (Hanaya Rafek x Hebat Misr) Hanaya Khamsa Bint Kodwa 1999 grey mare (Thee Brigadier x Kodwa) Sidi Alija Moon, 2001 grey mare (Thee Cyclone x Sidi Bint Malika) Bint Hadiyyah, 2001 grey mare (El Hadiyyah x Bint Hebet Allah) Persia CC, 2002 grey mare (Shahir IASB x Kohlan) Hanaya Nameera, 2005 chestnut mare (Heirogance x Hanaya Nareekha) Hanaya Nawara, 2005 chestnut mare (Heirogance x Nahilaa) Bint Tahanie, 2006 grey mare (Suhal Al Nasser x Tahanie) Ansata Maharani, 1994 grey mare (Ansata Halim Shah x Dal Macharia) Hanaya Khahleela, 2006 grey mare (Thee Brigadier x Hanaya Khamala) MA Alluzia, 2006 chestnut mare (Cale Thee Xtreme x BFA Shamraq) TF Godivah, 2007 grey mare (Botswanna x Gohara) Alia Lahab RSA, 2007 grey mare (Al Lahab x Alia Valentino) Noor Magidaa LDA, 2008 grey mare (Mishaal HP x Ilia Magidaa LDA) Hanaya Mabroukha, 2009 grey mare (Hanaya Labihb x Ansata Maharani) Hanaya Faraneh, 2009 black mare (Hadidi x Persia CC) Hanaya Elissar, 2010 grey mare (Nader El Jamal x 218 Elf Layla Walayla B) Gameelah LDA, 2010 grey mare (Thee Desperado x Magidaat Al Gamal LDA) Hanaya Aneezah, 2010 bay mare (Thee Brigadier x Sidi Alija Moon) Hanaya Najadah, 2010 grey mare (Hanaya Auwwali x Hanaya Nareekha) Heartfelt Egyptian Arabians, Patricia Trusty 930 Sapphire Ridge, Oak Point, TX 75068, Phone: 972-294-1068, E-mail: *Morafic, 32261, 1956 grey stallion (Nazeer x Mabrouka) [Legacy Page]........................................................................................ 296 Madinah Belle CA, 61722, 2005 grey mare (*Mishaal HP x Belle Staar).......................................................................................... 414 506

Heritage C Arabians, Deborah Hurdle 20381 Scott Gardner Road, New Caney, TX 77357, Phone: 281-689-1554 E-mail: • Suseri, 326336, 1985 grey mare (Ansata El Naseri x Sudiya)..................................................................................................................415 Hidden Springs Arabians, Betty Gail Skinner and Mary Patricia McGehee 131 Wickware Road, Newton, MS 39345, Phone: 601-683-6312 E-mail: • website: Kuhaylah Nitaya, 407963, 1988 grey mare (Tammen x Aleeshah) [Legacy Page]........................................................................ 252 Jamil Bin Ibn Nitaya, 627688, 2006 grey stallion (Ibn Nitaya x Desperados Heidi).................................................................... 416 Theee China Doll, 531386, 1996 bay mare (Thee Desperado x Kuhaylah Nitaya)......................................................................417 Sweet Eloise, 550464, 1998 chestnut mare (Thee Desperado x Kuhaylah Nitaya)....................................................................... 418 [Sweet Eloise is owned by Angela D. Reynolds, Hanphil Arabians, Ridgeland, MS, and bred and leased by Hidden Springs] Kuhaylah Maar Hala, 596632, 2002 grey mare (Richter MH x Theee China D o ll)......................................................................419 [Kuhaylah Maar Hala is owned by Said Kheir, Amman Jordan] Ibn Nitaya, 584876, 2001 grey stallion (Richter MH x Kuhaylah Nitaya)........................................................................................ 420 Highview Egyptian Stud 565 Vann Road, Trenton, SC 29847, Phone: 803-637-7020, Fax: 803-637-0364, E-mail: Ansata Qasim, 589144, 2001 grey stallion [on lease from Ansata Arabian Stud] (Farres x MB Moneena) .....................................................................................................................................................421 Ansata Nile Emir, 472012, 1991 grey stallion [co-owned with Pure Gold Arabians] (Ansata Halim Shah x Ansata Nile Charm)................................................................................................................422 VA Regal, 596160, 2002 grey stallion [co-owned with Ansata Arabian Stud] (Imperial lmdal+ x Taja Moniet).................................................................................................................................... 423 Hughes Arabians, Inc. 2278 Masury Road, Hubbard, OH 44425, Phone: 330-534-6015, E-mail: • Saud El Ameer, 156771, 1977 black stallion (*Adhem x Gita RSI) [Legacy Page]..........................................................................253 Imaann, 482865, 1992 black stallion (*Simeon Shai+ x Nourah)......................................................................................................... 425 HU Shameer, 606413, 2003 black stallion (Saud El Ameer x HU Mon Kari)..................................................................................426 Infinity Egyptian Stud, LLC, Randy and Kristy McGill 3515 N. Furnace Road, Jarrettsville, MD 21084, Phone: 410-804-1010, Fax: 410-557-2584 E-mail: • Imperial Baaru, 625808, 2006 grey stallion (Imperial Baarez x Imperial Falaah)..........................................................................424 AA Hollister, 633313, 2007 grey stallion (Thee Desperado x AA Medina) Bint Bint Nadafi, 547511, 1997 chestnut mare (Thee Desperado x Bint Nadafi) BWA Emira Sareena, 586101, 2001 chestnut mare (Emir El Hadid x WK Dariah Moniet) Misteen, 597289, 2002 grey mare (EAI Silvereen x Bint Bint Misuna) Hanana II, 612213, 2004 grey mare (Odysseus HF x MB Jamillsa) Infinity Nafisah, 648465, 2010 greymare (Ali Nafis x Misuna Ahbaha) Rakassa Anikah, 617721, 2005 bay mare (BB Thee Renegade x Akkasha) Kalipolis Farm, Hitesh Patel 29 Richard Ct., Princeton, NJ 08540, Phone: 732-668-2486, Fax: 973-415-0975, E-Mail: Naeemah Alixa, 635884, 2007 bay mare (Alixir x Kaveta)..................................................................................................................... 427 Bint Kaveta, 628777, 2005 bay mare (Thee Desperado x Kaveta) KC Egyptian Stud, Kara Crowell 73141 L Road, Holdredge, NE 68949, Phone: 308-991-6878, Fax: 308-995-8566 E-mail: • El Hilal, 35261, 1966 grey stallion (*Ansata Ibn Halima x *Bint Nefisaa) [Legacy Page]............................................................ 228 VP Regal Heir, 420336, 1988 grey stallion (El Hilal x Bint Sammara) [Legacy Page]...................................................................229 507

Kehilan Bloodstock, Jean, Herb, Becky Rogers and Nancy Rogers Blakenship 8059 FM 1187 W, Ft. Worth, TX 76126, Phone: 817-443-6124, Fax: 817-443-0288 E-mail: • *Sultann, 124566, 1961 chestnut stallion (Sameh x Lubna) [Legacy Page].......................................................................................256 Makhsous, 202958, 1979 grey stallion (*Sultann x *Nabda) [Legacy Page].................................................................................... 257 Star Bint Hafiza, 353005, 1986 bay mare (Ibn Dahman x AK Amiri Fayrooz) [Legacy Page].................................................258 Makhnificent KA, 519465, 1995 grey stallion (Makhsous x Star Bint Hafiza)................................................................................ 429 Marquis I, 506866, 1993 grey stallion (Makhsous x Antigua Dance).................................................................................................430 Maariq KA, 615126, 2004 bay stallion (Makhnificent KA x MB Kateena)........................................................................................ 431 Marquisah KA, 590213, 2001 grey mare (Marquis I x Rahimah K A ).................................................................................................. 432 Dominica KA, 636447, 2007 grey mare (Makhnificent KA x Noble Sefra)......................................................................................433 Kline Arabians, Mrs. James Kline 9625 La Alba Drive, Whittier, CA 90603, Phone: 562-947-3697 *Talal, 45329, 1957 grey stallion (Nazeer x Zaafarana) [Legacy Page]............................................................................................... 259 La Dulce Vida Arabians / Salayel Arabians, Martha Suarez and Salayel Arabians 11801 NW 8 Street, Plantation, FL 33325, Phone: 954-709-8513, or • Salayel Arabians, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Phone: +96638560004, Fax: +966385560020 • owned by La Dulce Vida Arabians: EA Java, 649042, 2005 black stallion (True Colours x A lize).................................................................................................................434 AF Cassidy, 527015, 1995 grey stallion (Thee Desperado x Alisaa).....................................................................................................435 Sharif Emir PG, 635166, 2007 grey stallion (Ansata Nile Emir x Kuy Shaihnya)............................................................................ 436 co-owned by La Dulce Vida Arabians and Salayel Arabians: WS Thee Antar, 638890, 2008 chestnut stallion (Thee Asil x Thee Evening Starr)......................................................................437 owned by Salayel Arabians: Al Azraff Suhail PG, 622295, 2005 grey stallion (Suhal Al Nasser x Alidaarlin)............................................................................ 438 Al Sharif Sinan, 629539, 2006 grey stallion (Ansata Sinan x Avalon CC)..........................................................................................439 Salayel Arabians, P.O. Box 7752, Dammam 31472, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Phone: +96638560004, Fax: +966385560020 • website: EAO Cornerstone tribute section - Stallions: Nazeer (Mansour x Bint Samiha)......................................................................................................................................................................... 145 Alaa El Din (Nazeer x Kateefa)............................................................................................................................................................................. 146 Sameh (El Moez x Sameera)...................................................................................................................................................................................147 Anter (Hamdan x Obeya)........................................................................................................................................................................................148 El Sareei (Shahloul x Zareefa)................................................................................................................................................................................ 149 Laurence of Arabians, Laurence Perceval-Hermet Le Bourg, 43300 Saint Arcons D'Allier, France, Phone: 33-471 740 3 08, Fax: 33-471 740 530 E-Mail: • Zaraq El Amir BWA, 60 024 095 S [France], 2004 black stallion (Amir Seralim BWA x Khemona Lisa BWA) 442 CH Michael Kariim, 60 026 183 Y, 2000 black stallion (Masada Aheb x JA Nirvana Halim a).............................................. 443 Aswad Shahwan BWA US, 60 024 281 Q, 2001 black stallion (Amir Seralim BWA x Sirenas Ellen BWA) Mahrus Li Nirvana US, 50 425 870 W, 1998 black mare (Masada Aheb x JA Nirvana Halima) Zenia Marou US, AHA 569400, 1999 black mare (Nahabi El Pharo x Awdah Marou) Canasta Fayrooz, BAPS 4714, 2000 dark chestnut mare (Ashri El Ameed x Farah Bint Shiko) Glorys Legada BWA US, 50 424 827 E, 2003 dark chestnut mare (Amir Seralim BWA x Glorieta Rabdania) Miz Ella BWA US, 50 423 227 T, 2004 black mare (Khe Bateer BWA x Sirenas Ellen BWA) Sinoan Safiyah Essuad, 06 238 244 Z, 2006 black mare (Inb Laila Rej x Habba Saouda Rej) Hadba Bint Gazaal US, 50 424 826 F, 2007 grey mare (Glorieta Gazaal x Zurhara Dalima) Dark Angel BWA US, 50 425 559 J, 2008 black mare (Khesir BWA x Loveletters BWA) Hadba El Fahima US, 50 424 825 G, 2008 black mare (Hallanny Mistanny x Rabdania BWA) AG Hatsipsut, 50 427 649, 2008 grey mare (CH Michael Kariim x Quidams Fayfan) Solara Mooniet BWA US, AHA 645915, 2009 black filly (BWA Fadl Tali x Khemona Lisa BWA) Kharish Adhem Azraff, pending, 2010 black colt (Zaraq El Amir BWA x Sinoan Safiyah Essuad) 508

Ledge End Farm, Anne Burke 124 Pine Hill Road, Hollis, NH 03049 Achaean Ali Thea+, 582718, 2001 grey mare (Achaean Ali x Faaraah Image)...............................................................................440 Lionsgate Egyptian Stud, Norman Davis 7601 Woodpecker Road, Chesterfield, VA 23838, Phone: 804-794-4351, E-mail: Ansata Imperial, 137119, 1976 grey stallion (Ansata Ibn Sudan x Ansata Delilah) [Legacy Page]...........................


Llamrai Stud, J. Kleefstra and S.W. du Toit Lauwater West Game Ranch, District Windhoek, Namibia, Phone: 0027-21-8522303 or 0027-825649842 E-mail: • website: GR Moufeedah, DE408082110505, 2005 black mare (GR Faleeh x Ebony Monisa)...................................................................441 Lotus Bloodstock Arabian Horses, Melissa Huprich 5138 Hood Road, Liiburn, GA 30047, Phone: 770-853-5794, Fax: 770-564-1174 E-mail: • Ansata Nile Mist, 94535, 1973 bay mare (Ansata Ibn Sudan x Falima) [Legacy Page]............................................................... 261 Ansata Nadeem, 611678, 2004 grey stallion (Ansata Sirius x Ansata Nadra) Lotus Nashira, 533578, 1996 chestnut mare (BKA Imeer x REG Fay Natima) Lotus Nebet, 579977, 1999 chestnut mare (BKA Imeer x REG Fay Natima) Malkata, 494977, 1992 grey mare (BKA Imeer x REG Madaha) Lotus Shiraz, 651420, 2010 bay stallion (MB Mistaz x Lotus Nashira) Lyday Farms, Sandra and Gary Fernandes 1026 FM 904, Honey Grove, TX 75446, Phone: 903-378-3479, Fax: 903-378-2085 E-mail: • Princess Tammen, 540124, 1995 chestnut mare (Tammen x Sadik Sahbi).......................................................................................448 Thee Makers Rose, 574951, 2000 grey mare (Thee Makers Mark x TF Shardali)......................................................................... 449 MarSal Arabians, Tom and Martha Salome 1019 Chapman Rd., Crawford, TX 76638, Phone: 254-848-5140, Fax: 254-756-4119 E-mail: or • AK Amiri Asmarr, 332829, 1985 grey mare (TheEgyptianPrince x Asmarr) [Legacy Page]........................................................264 Miars Arabians, Miars Enterprises LP 11370 CR 3807, Murchison, TX 75778, Phone: 903-681-0302 E-mail: • website: *Alfabia Negmet, 635647, 2006 grey mare (Phaaros x Serene Ciai D ii)........................................................................................... 452 *Alfabia Halawa, 635646, 2006 grey mare (Ansata Halim Bay x Sche'mon Ami)........................................................................ 453 Michael Farkas Arabians, Michael Farkas 3605 Jones Mill Road, Carrollton, GA 30161, Phone: 678-858-8411, E-mail: Ansata Royal Qasim, 642624, 2008 grey stallion (Ansata Qasim x Sherifa Tamria).................................................................... 359 Mijan Farms, Mike and Janet Bazell 16187 Kreashbaum Rd., Rockbridge, OH 43149, Phone: 740-380-2727, Fax: 740-385-1895 Mijan El Kadaaar, 615034, 2002 grey stallion (Anaza El Kadeen x Majidaaa)................................................................................ 444 Mijan Shiraz, 640426, 2008 bay stallion (Ansata El Sharaf x Mijan Daria)......................................................................................445 Mijan Zohaaar, 647610, 2009 grey stallion (Mijan El Kadaaar x Baraka Fairuz............................................................................446 Mijan Kameo, 637540, 2008 chestnut mare (Anaza El Kadeen x Anaza BintHollima)............................................................. 447 Nabilah Egyptian Bloodstock, Pty. Ltd., E.J.J. Geyser and Gisela Uijs Farm Devon Viljoenskroom, 9520 Free State, Republic of South Africa Phone: 082 492 4791, International: +27 82 492 4791, Fax: +27 086 218 1625 E-mail: • Nabilah Saqarah, SASB 12694/30, 2005 chestnut stallion (Nafis x Guliah Saraqa)......................................................................450 509

Nile Dawn Arabians, Gabriele Schweiher and Jurgen Tabler Hauptstr. 75, 74354 Besigheim, Germany, Phone: 0049-7143-36542 or 0049-7143-60216 E-mail: • NDA Shariha Bint Shanah, DE 408-08-20150-09, 2009 grey mare (GR Amaretto x Shanah Halim).................................. 451 Shanah Halim, DE 308-082135996, 1996 bay mare (Dalia Halim x U.P. Shari) NDA Mimreh Bint Mahelia, DE 408-082037406, 2006 grey mare (Mabrouk I x Mahelia II) Latifa MaAbsha, DE 408-082004610, 2010 grey mare (DF Najib x El Waha Martaba) NK Katharinenhof, Dr. Hans J. Nagel Am Graberfeld 13, 26197 Grossenkneten, Germany, Phone: +49-4433-1535 and 0172 42 42 968 Fax: +49-4433-1564, E-mail: Salaa El Dine, VZAP 08-02 1073-85, 1985 grey stallion (Ansata Halim Shah x Hanan)[Legacy Page]............................. 262 Nashua, AV 6439-90, 1990 chestnut mare (Salaa El Dine x Lotfeia) [Legacy Page]....................................................................263 NK Katharinenhof, Dr. HansJ. Nagel, Germany; and Al Nakeeb Stud, Hassanain AlNakeeb,England, co-owners: NK Hafid Jamil, VZAP 08-2-2147-96, 1996 grey stallion (Ibn Nejdy x Helala)...............................................................................428 Orienta Arabians, Judith Wich Eichenbuehl 26, 96352 Wilhelmsthal, Germany, Phones: home: ++49 (0) 92609639022, mobile: ++49 (0) 1707721739 E-mail: • MB Moneena, VZAP 08/22827/97, 1997 grey mare (Safeen x Talmona)..........................................................................................454 Palace Arabians, John and Annie Clayton (Ruthanne) 7409 N. 177th Ave., Waddell, AZ 85355, Phone: 623-535-8953, E-mail: Ansata Nile Stardust, 609489, 2004 grey mare (Ansata Malik Shah x Ansata Nile Starr)......................................................... 455 Palace Nile Heir, 639371, 2008 grey stallion (Ansata Nile Pharaoh x Ansata Nile Stardust) RT Jezabella, 600933, 2002 grey mare (Ansata lemhotep x Ansata Julnar) Palace Jadeed Amaar, 646448, 2008 grey stallion (Jabbaar El Halimaar MH x RT Jezabella) Palace Princessjasmin, 646161, 2009 grey mare (Ansata Nile Prince x RT Jezabella) Passion Arabians / Borderline Farm, Christine M. Natelli 20301 Martinsburg Road, Dickerson, MD 20842, Phone: 301-512-1894 E-mail: • Ali Mutazz, 601919, 2003 chestnut stallion (Imperial Baarez x Moniet Fernazz) Pegasus Farms, LLC, Keri or Tiare Angelo 76409 Crockett Rd., Folsom, LA 70437, Phone: 985-290-3540, Fax: 985-796-8574, E-mail: Pharrah Magidaa, 595650, 2002 grey mare (Shahir IASB x Miss Maggie Mae)............................................................................. 456 Magidaas Passion PF, 638636, 2008 grey mare (A Sacred Chant x Pharrah Magidaa) Magidaas Angel PF, pending, 1010 grey mare (*HS Infinite x Pharrah Magidaa) Ponnath Straight Egyptian Arabians, Michael Ponnath Oberndorf 12, 95478 Kemnath, Bavaria, Germany, Phone: 00 49 171 3 00 33 00, Fax: 0049 9642 30 5 123 E-mail: • website: PVA Kariim, DE308/08/22350/90, 1980 grey stallion (Imperial lmdal+ x BKA Rakiisah) [Legacy Page]........................... 265 Malikah Halima, DE408082098202, 2002 grey mare (Maydan-Madheen x Bint Moufisa)..................................................... 457 Moufisa Al Kidir, DE308082149696, 1996 chestnut mare (Al Kidir x Moufisa Halima)............................................................458 Bint Moufisa, DE308082146793, 1993 grey mare (Al Kidir x Moufisa Halima)............................................................................ 459 Pure Gold Arabians, Dennis and Bridgette Orwig 3851 Keith Road, Hogansville, GA 30230, Phone: 408-6564240, E-mail: • Vivien PG, 530590, 1996 grey mare (Al Jahimm x Alia-Hasna)........................................................................................................... 460 Qadar Arabians, LLC, Judy Berg N677 Old Hwy 49, Weyauwega, Wl 54983, Phone: 920-858-1604, Fax: 920-867-2395 E-mail: • Ansata Nile Nadir, 589374, 2001 grey stallion (Ansata Sinan x Ansata Misty Nile) [Legacy Page] ...................................... 266


Rancho Bulakenyo 2755 Los Osos Valley Road, Los Osos, CA 93402, Phone: 805-534-1391, Fax: 80 5 773-7448 E-mail: • website: RDM Maar Hala, 92867, 1973 grey mare (El Hilal x Maar Jumana) [Legacy Page]..................................................................... 268 El Halimaar, 203125, 1980 grey stallion (*Ansata Ibn Halima++ x RDM Maar Hala) [Legacy Page]....................................269 Renaissance Arabians, David L. Myers 7819 Old Columbus Cincinnati Rd., South Charleston, OH 45368, Phone: 937-572-3279, Fax: 937-431-6404 E-mail: • website: Apple Hill ElNisr, 421904, 1988 grey stallion (Ansata El Nisr x Sarita RSI) [Legacy Page]........................................................ 267 REA El Kaream, 2006 grey stallion (PVA Kariim x REA Nisrs Angel).................................................................................................. 461 Rhodium Arabian Stud, Fanus and Ria Crous Isola Equestrian Centre, 281 Kohekohe Road, Waiuku 2683, Auckland, New Zealand, Phone: +64-9-2357854 E-mail: • website: The Source CC, NZHS4776, 1999 grey stallion (Salaa El Dine x Mouna IASB)............................................................................ 462 Ansata Nile Pharaoh, NZ4778, 2003 grey stallion (Ansata lemhotep x Ansata Misty Nile)..................................................... 463 Rajah KA, NZHS4676, 2006 grey stallion (Makhnificent KA x Rahimah KA )................................................................................ 464 Simeon Shatul, NZHS4362, 2005 grey stallion (Asfour x Wed Albadeia)........................................................................................ 465 RNZ Tantalum, NZ4762, 2008 grey mare (Simeon Shatul x Magidah)..............................................................................................466 RNZ Amber, NZ4945, 2009 chestnut mare (Rajah KA x Simeon Sirena).........................................................................................467 Rockin' Heart Ranch, Ltd., Loren & Nancy Lee Wight, Bryony Hatt Wight, Manager 1340 Rock Creek Rd. Potlatch, ID 83855, Ranch phone: 208-875-0187, Mobile phone: 208-892-3027 E-mail: • website: • *HS Infinite, 624365, 2004 grey stallion (Simeon Sadik x HS Infanta) [Legacy Page]..................................................................270 Rose Breeze Arabians, David and Paula Houseknecht 8205 W. Charlynn Lane, Dunnellon, FL 34433, Phone: 352-563-1445 E-mail: • website: Imtaarif, 461906, 1990 bay stallion (Imperial lmdal+ x Taarifa) [Legacy Page]..............................................................................271 Royal Mirage Arabian Stud, M. D. Tennyson P.O. Box 1612, Lee's Summit, MO 64063, Phone: 816-560-2724 E-mail: • website: Ibn Shahlima, 471570, 1991 grey stallion (BKA Rashiiq x Glorieta Shahlima)................................................................................ 468 Royal Shahara Arabians, Michael and Leslie Nord 13517 S. Greyhawk Lane, Spokane, WA 99224, Phone: 509-280-6677, Fax: 509-448-1650 E-mail: • website: NF Anna Halima Shah, 600538, 2003 grey mare (Ansata Sirius x NF Bint Sajha)........................................................................ 469 Saba Arabians, Louise Cordina 22 Crosslands Rd., Galston, NSW 2159, Australia, Phone: +612 9653 3582, Fax: +612 9653 2976 E-mail: • website: Suhalia Al Saba, AHSA F28080, 2006 grey mare (Thaqib Al Nasser x Simeon Siboni)............................................................. 470 Saracen Farms, Helmut and Helgrit Hepner 4020 Smith Road, Amherstburg, Ontario N9V 2Y7 Canada, Phone: 519-736-7049 E-mail: • BW Sensational, CAHR 44766, 2002 grey stallion (Imperial Baarez x JD SH-Reba)...................................................................471 Second Wind, M. Kent Mayfield and John R. (Jack) Ford, Jr. 5653 State Road 130, Dodgeville, Wl 53533, Phone: 608-935-3540 E-mail: • website: Nabiel+/, 72106, 1971 grey stallion (*Sakr+++ x *Magidaa) [Legacy Horse]..................................................................................292 *Khofo++, 32265, 1965 grey stallion (*Morafic x *Nabilahh) [Legacy Horse]................................................................................ 293 Nakhda Karim Shah, 646438, 2008 grey stallion (*Shahir IASB x Nakhda Saqqara)..................................................................474


Shalinay Nile Arabians, Sarah Kelly Burns 3547 Timberline Trail, Roanoke, VA 24018, Phone: 540-314-1366 E-mail: • website: SF Sonbolah Tu, 117426, 1975 grey mare (*SF Ibn Nazeer x *Serenity Sonbolah) [Legacy Page].........................................273 Sherbrook Egyptian Stud, Dr. Patterson and Sherry Moseley 630 Dunmar Circle, Winter Springs FL 32708, Phone: 407-699-0049, Fax: 407-699-0061 E-mail: Ansata Nile Pasha, 304261, 1984 grey stallion (*|amilll x Ansata Nile Dream) [Legacy Page]................................................274 Silver Maple Farm, Henry and Christie Metz 1695 Edison Street, Santa Ynez, CA 93460, Phone: 805-686-5252, Fax: 805-686-5311 E-mail: • website: GlorietaSayonaara, 316825, 1983 grey mare (Ansata Abu Nazeer x Glorieta Shahlima) [Legacy Page]........................... 275 Ali Saroukh, 504913, 1994 grey stallion (Ruminaja Ali x GlorietaSayonaara)................................................................................ 476 Jade Lotus SMF, 586130, 2001 grey mare (Ali Saroukh x Imdals Jade)..............................................................................................477 Haalani SMF, 618886, 2005 Bay mare (Ali Saroukh x Ansata Haalah)..............................................................................................478 Majestic Noble SMF, 578880, 2000 grey stallion (Marquis I x Nagda) *Simeon Shai, 424279, 1984 bay stallion (Raadin Royal Star x Simeon Safanad) Ansata Majdiya, 603119, 2003 grey mare (Ansata lemhotep x Ansata Majesty) Ansata Nariya, 579273, 2000 grey mare (Ansata Hejazi x Ansata Neoma) Ansata Nile Starlight, 596947, 2002 grey mare (Ansata Osiron x Ansata Nile Starr) Bint Bint Sayo, 592442, 2002 grey mare (Ali Saroukh x Samura) Dance Diva, 547863, 1997 grey mare (Raquin RA x Antigua Dance) Dance Divine SMF, 623295, 2006 grey mare (*Simeon Shai x Dance Diva) Hadaarah SMF, 636693, 2008 grey mare (Majestic Noble SMF x Ansata Haalah) Jasoor SMF, 642324, 2009 grey stallion (*Simeon Shai x Jade Lotus SMF) Princess Samaria SMF, 2005 grey mare (PVA Kariim x Samura) Sahbrina SMF, 609874, 2004 grey mare (*Simeon Shai x Sahbine) Samura, 516391, 1995 bay mare (Anaza El Farid x GlorietaSayonaara) Seraphina SMF, 619611, 2005 grey mare (*Simeon Shai x Shaboura) Shaboura, 553006, 1998 grey mare (PVA Kariim x Sahbine) Sidon SMF, 631118, 2007 grey stallion (Ali Saroukh x Shaboura) Symbolic SMF, 625697, 2006 grey stallion (Majestic Noble SMF x Shaboura) Sayo Sahran SMF, 648158, 2010 bay stallion (Makhnificent KA x Bint Bint Sayo) Nile Majesty SMF, 648619, 2010 grey stallion (Majestic Noble SMF x Ansata Nile Starlight) Murahd SMF, 649628, 2010 grey stallion (Majestic Noble SMF x Ansata Majdiya) Simeon Stud, Marion Richmond 44 Bulkara Road, Bellevue Hill, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Phone: 61-418 26 8 749, Fax: 61-2 9363 4719 E-mail: • Asfour, AHSA S10-068, 1984 grey stallion (Malik x Hanan) [Legacy Page].................................................................................... 276 Anaza Bay Shahh, AHSA S16734, 1986 bay stallion (Shaikh Al Badi x Bint Deenaa)[Legacy Page].................................... 277 Imperial Madaar, S I3-541, 1987 grey stallion (*lmperial Madheen x Ansata Nile Mist) [Legacy Page].............................. 278 Simeon Safanad, F6-199, 1980 grey mare (Sankt Georg x 27 Ibn Galal-V) [Legacy Page].......................................................279 Simeon Shifran, AHSA S24932, 2007 grey stallion (Asfour x Simeon Shavit)..................................................................................472 Simeon Sahron, AHSA S25028, 2007 grey stallion (Imperial Madaar x Simeon Setavi)............................................................ 473 Somerset Farms, Janice Bush 8325 Ashbriar Lane, Fort Worth, TX 76126, Phone: 817-821-7846 • E-mail: Ruminaja Bahjat, 150088, 1977 grey stallion (Shaikh Al Badi x Bint Magidaa) [Legacy Page]................................................280 Antigua Dance, 412330, 1987 grey mare (Ruminaja Bahjat x Talyla) [Legacy Page]...................................................................281 512

St. Clair Egyptian Arabian Stud, Les and Lois St. Clair 1201 N. Oak Forest Road, Salt Lake City, UT 84103, Phone: 801-355-3515 E-mail: or *Magidaa, 56075, 1964 chestnut mare (Alaa El Din x Maysa) [Legacy Page].................................................................................282 *Deenaa, 50733, 1967 bay mare (Sameh x Dahma II) [Legacy Page].................................................................................................283 *EI Mareekh, 194599, 1975 bay stallion (Aseel x Rawayeh) [Legacy Page]......................................................................................284 Bint Deenaa, 200068, 1979 bay mare (*Ansata Ibn Halima++ x *Deenaa) [Legacy Page].......................................................285 Ibn El Mareekh, 275415, 1982 bay stallion (*EI Mareekh x Bint Deenaa) [Legacy Page]...........................................................286 Anaza El Farid, 423140, 1988 bay stallion (Ruminaja Ali x Bint Deenaa) [Legacy Page]...........................................................287 *Ramses Amal, 90249, 1969 grey mare (Alaa El Din x Manal) [Legacy Page]............................................................................... 288 Keyaf, 124035, 1975 grey stallion (*Ramses Fayek x *Ramses Amal) [Legacy Page]...................................................................289 Stinsonian Arabian Classics, Janet and Keith Stinson 74800 Twenty Second Ave., Sky Valley, CA 92241, Phone: 323-449-0458, E-mail: Khartahl Malika, 279846, 1983 grey mare (Alcibiades x MFA Maariia Isis) [Legacy Page]...................................................... 272 Stonewall Farm Arabians, David Cains 14705 Redbird Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85262, Phone: 480-710-7282, Fax: 480-452-1842 E-mail: • *Bint Maisa El Saghira++, 23220, 1958 bay mare (Nazeer x Maisa) [Legacy Page]..................................................................... 290 Sycamore Hill Farm, Inc., Barbara J. Bach, M.D. 17611 Rogers Clark Blvd, Milford, VA 22514, Phone: 240-353-7800, Fax: 804-633-2020 E-mail: • website: Abraxas Halimaar, 461092, 1990 grey stallion (El Halimaar x SF Moon Maiden)........................................................................ 475 Talaria Farms, Allison G. Mehta 960 Piedmont Avenue NE, Atlanta, GA 30309, Phone: 404-892-1975 E-mail: • *Fardousa, 380699, 1984 bay mare (Ikhnatoon x Solafa) [Legacy Page].......................................................................................... 291 Thornewood Farm, Lisa Cifrese and Richard Geha 50 Dunkard Church Road, Stockton, NJ 08559, Phone: 609-577-1976, Fax: 609-397-1369 E-mail: • website: Bint Bint Felicia TF, 647590, 2009 grey mare (*Mishaal HP x Skyy)................................................................................................... 486 Skyy, 491950, 1993 bay mare (Thee Desperado x Ansata Justina) Juno RCA, 642178, 2008 grey mare (*Mishaal HP x Pimlicos Promise) Justine TF, 635821, 2007 bay mare (Alixir x The Sultry Rose) Soleil TF, 621872, 2005 black mare (Alixir x Skyy) Bint Bint Mona RCA, 643427, 2007 bay mare (Thee Asil x II Bint Mona) Portia TF, 641731, 2008 grey mare (*Mishaal HP x Desdemona TF) Tre Balzane Stud, Monika Savier Via Mercatello 94, 06044 Castel Ritaldi (Umbria), Italy, Phone: +39 335 5235135 E-mail: or • website: TB Hasna, IT 005/8374/00000, 2001 bay mare (Ken Mahbub x Sulifah)..........................................................................................480 TB Yasir, IT 005/11663/2006, 2006 black stallion (Salaa El Dine x Sulifah).................................................................................... 481 Tuscani, Stuart and Brenda Schuettpelz 1921 Niles-Buchanan Road, Niles, Ml 49120, Phone: 269-683-5449 E-Mail: • website: *Bint Mona, 30263, 1958 grey mare (Nazeer x Mouna) [Legacy Paage]..........................................................................................294 TheEgyptianPrince, 45351, 1967 grey stallion (*Morafic x *Bint Mona) [Legacy Page] ............................................................. 295 513

Twin Brook Farm, Henry and Marguerite tiling 853 Cooley Road, Parksville, NY 12768, Phone: 845-292-7797, Fax: 845-295-0430 E-mail: • website: Ali Ajiba, 579671, 2000 bay stallion (Ali Barba x Faridat) Shaikh El Farid, 611322, 2004 bay stallion (Shaikh El Sherif x Faridat) Twin Fiddles Ranch, Dick and Diane Malone P.O. Box 448, Alvarado, TX 76009, Phone: 817-269-9611 (cell), 817-783-3620 (home), Fax: 817-783-3620 E-mail: • website: TFR Mona El Soheir, 639122, 2008 chestnut mare (Masree KA x Moniet El Soheir).................................................................. 485 Two Ones Farm, Elizabeth and Andrew Knizley P.O. Box 2489, Brentwood, TN 37024, Phone: 615-972-3157 E-mail: • website: Sanctuary Kaabrez, 613065, 2004 grey mare (Imperial Baarez x Kheboom)..................................................................................479 Two Silos Farm Egyptian Arabians, LLC., Joseph and Gail Mailloux 436 Wren Road, Rogersville, MO 65742, Phone: 417-753-7141, Fax: 417-753-3430 E-mail: • website: Hadidi, 450756, 1990 grey stallion (*Norus x Hebet Allah)................................................................................................................... 482 Savannah CC, 548010, 1997 grey mare (Thee Desperado x Miss Maggie Mae)...........................................................................483 Shaikh Al Nadir, 629381, 2006 grey stallion (Ansata Sinan x Nadira Fujai).................................................................................... 484 Valour Farms, Howell and Margo Wallace 1950 Vandyke-Greenspring Rd., Smyrna, DE 19977, Phone: 302-653-4066, Fax: 302-653-4328 E-mail: • website: Imperial Phanilah, 314404, 1984 grey mare (Ansata Imperial x Imperial Phanadah) [Legacy Page]................................... 297 Imperial Nalaseef, 317037, 1984 chestnut stallion (Moniet El Nafis x *Fawkia) [Legacy Page]............................................. 298 VictoriArabian Farm, Scott, Colleen and Victoria Broussard 3523 W. Gloria Switch Rd., Church Point, LA 70525, Phone: 337-344-3732 or 337-886-6593 E-mail: • website: Ektibar, 630065, 2005 grey stallion (Amiin+// x Bint Bint Atteyah)......................................................................................................487 Haqiiqiiy, 521598, 1995 grey mare (Gamal Al Arab+++ x Hania) Shams Love Story, 535740, 1991 bay mare (Shamruk++ x Egyptian Dream) El Jahrousse, pending, 2010 bay colt (HAF Wajeeh x Shams Love Story) Emily Jane Voigt 7440 N. 177th Avenue, Waddell, AZ 85355, Phone: 602-535-5814, E-Mail: Palace Maarou Dalim, 618356, 2005 grey mare (Mahrdalim El Nisr x Maar Xcia) Whitehaven Plantation, David and Martha Lucas 3762 Bethune Hwy, Bishopville, SC 29010, Phone: Home: 803-428-3311, Farm: 803-428-5656 E-mail: • website: *Pharrah, 149700, 1972 grey mare (Farag x 9 Tamria) [Legacy Page]................................................................................................ 299 Windamere Arabians, Sharon Litizzette 9121 Aspen Drive, Weed, CA 96094, Phone 530-938-3558, 530-598-4276, Fax: 530-938-1143 E-mail: • website: Al Fahdeelah, 642029, 2009 grey mare (Majestic Noble SMF x Noble Imdalia)......................................................................... 488 Windward Farm, Gerri Wenz 195 Poague Lane, Glasgow, VA 24555, Phone: 540-258-1100 E-mail: • website: Mahrcal, 560647, 1998 chestnut stallion (Calypso Dance x Mahrnisa)............................................................................................ 489 Ciera Ali Taura, 461636, 1986 bay mare (Ruminaja Ali x Bint Bint Rakia) C Princess Rakia, 458818, 1987 grey mare (Ruminaja Ali x Bint Bint Rakia) CieraSerenity Ali, 467027, 1991 chestnut mare (Ruminaja Ali x Bint Bint Rakia) 514

Woodwinds Farm, Marilyn Hay 421 Ingerson Road, Maple Plain, MN 55359-9511, Phone: 763-479-1831 Ulie, 541244, 1995 grey stallion (Ruala Shah Kulis x Ramses El Haia) Mizaki, 521706, 1993 grey stallion (Ruala Shah Kulis x *Samar EAO) Mateef, 358476, 1985 grey stallion (Ruala Shah Kulis x *Katr El Nada) Prince Jalliel, 597148, 2000 grey stallion (Royal Jalliel x MB Maleke) Marfiz, 503225, 1992 bay stallion (Akid Radi Saif x *Katr El Nada) Yazbeck Arabians, Michael and Rebecca Isaac 13780 Adobe Walls Drive, Helotes, TX 78023, Phone: 210-487-1850 or 210-240-8172 or 210-695-4405 E-mail: or • website: BA Sahara Safir, 635616, 2004 bay mare (Thee Pharaoh x Bint Afiza)..............................................................................................490 BintTalleb, 516701, 1994 grey mare (Talleb x Aravaipa Sayyidah) ET Arabella, 603358, 2003 black mare (Albadieh Aswad Emir x BKL Fortunenblack) BA Jamila Basara, 635639, 2005 bay mare (Thee Pharaoh x RR Shaikhs Alita) Itzhak, 621888, 2005 bay stallion (Pimlico RCA x Bint Asafra) Zahir Arabians, Lisa Abraham P.O. Box 549, Kingston Springs, TN 37082, Phone: 615-579-3478 E-mail: • website: Zahbaad Zahir, 630651, 2006 bay stallion (Thee Infidel x Sammars Gift)....................................................................................... 491 Zandai Arabians, Dr. William Hudson 6010 Riley Road, Cumming, GA 30040, Phone: 404-213-6177, Fax: 770-887-1140 E-mail: • website: Ansata Omar Halim, 196861, 1979 grey stallion (*Ansata Ibn Halima++ x AnsataRosetta) [Legacy Page]........................300 Ansata Ken Rashik, 511905, 1993 grey stallion (Salaa El Dine x Ansata Prima Rose)..................................................................494 Ziad-Mon Stud at Red Roan Ranch, Jim Montrose and Zaida Rivene Hermitage Valley S1, P.O. 497, Swellendam 6740, South Africa, Phone: +27 (0) 28 514 2930, Fax: (call first) +27 28 514 2797 E-mail: • website: Zaid-Mon Zameel, SASB 12483897, 2005 chestnut stallion (Shari-Silic Pasha x Badeia)......................................................... 492 Zaid-Mon El Hakeem, SASB 12506002, 2006 grey stallion (Shazzam x Nabillah El Azeda) Zaid-Mon El Jalal, SASB 1258108, 2007 grey stallion (Shazzam x Zad-EI-Rakib El Kamlah) Al-Yatun Taalib, SASB 12397667, 2003 grey stallion (Arabest Kalid x Joni Tahir) Zaid-Mon Khamal ZA, SASB 12752408, 2009 chestnut stallion (Zaid-Mon Zameel x Farhida) Zaid-Mon Muad'dib, SASB 12524310, 2006 grey stallion (Rechar Baleegh x Zad-EI-Rakib El Ziyaadah) Zaid-Mon Min-MinHat, 12644209, 2008 grey mare (Al-Yatun Taalib x Zad-EI-Rakib El Ziyaadah) Zaid-Mon Jamillah, 12483947, 2005 chestnut mare (Nafis x Zad-EI-Rakib El Ziyaadah) Zilal Al Hawah, Carol Rice P.O. Box 35, San Felipe, TX 77473, Phone: 832-971-8607, E-mail: • Zilal Al Hawah CR, 618808, 2005 bay stallion (Farid Nile Moon x Fairy Phire)........................................................................... 493 Zaki Ibn Farid CR, 640799, 2008 chestnut stallion (Anaza El Farid x Bint Aliah Halima) El Noor CR, 627043, 2006 grey stallion (*Simeon Sachi x Fairy Phire) Zaafina CR, 582902, 2001 grey mare (ZT Faa'iq x Siniette Quest) Fairy Phire, 534874, 1996 chestnut mare (Najm Alii x Oh My Shai) Sasseneh CR, 610117, 2004 grey mare (*Simeon Sachi x Fairy Phire) Sameya, 6103354, 2004 chestnut mare (Ali Barba x Bint Bint Haniya)


A i-J: Index of Horses Appearing in the Legacy and Pictorial Sections of Volume XII 218 Elf Layla W alayla B Abitibi Fleur Abraxas Bint Abu Abraxas Halimaar Achaean Ali Thea AF Cassidy Aga Gamaan Ajmal Al Kout Ajmal Farasha Ajmal Maghreb Ajmal Talal AK Amiri Asmarr AK Atallah Al Adeed Al Shaqab Al Angha Al Rayyan Al Azraff Suhail PG Al Fahdelah Al Kharim Al Azim Al Sharif Sinan Alabaster Moniet Alfabia Ajib Alfabia Halawa Alfabia Negmet Ali Bayfire Ali Saroukh Ali Zafir ALX Kamriah Amaar Al Rayyan Amal El Adiyat Ameena Al Rayyan Ameera Saqr Anaza Bay Shahh Anaza El Farid Aneesilnefous Ezzain Ansata Abbas Pasha Ansata AIMurtajiz Ansata Bint Bukra Ansata Bint Mabrouka Ansata Bint Zaafarana Ansata El Nisr Ansata Halim Shah Ansata Ibn Halima Ansata Ibn Sudan Ansata lemhotep Ansata Imperial Ansata Ken Rashik Ansata Malik Shah Ansata Nile Emir Ansata Nile Jewel Ansata Nile Mist Ansata Nile Nadir Ansata Nile Pasha Ansata Nile Pharaoh Ansata Nile Stardust Ansata Omar Halim Ansata Qasim Ansata Royal Qasim Ansata Samiha Ansata Selma Ansata Selman Ansata Shah Zaman Ansata Sinan Antigua Dance Apple Hill ElNisr Asfour Aziim Al Amaar BA Sahara Safir Badra El Adiyat Badraan Almajid Bahriah Al Waab Belle Staar Bint Atallah Bint Bint Felicia TF Bint Bint Magidaa

411 247 374 475 440 435 409 306 355 312 307 264 241 324 346 438 488 310 439 381 371 453 452 380 476 373 362 345 398 319 354 277 287 403 206 342 216 210 211 221 217 212 214 370 260 494 220 422 222 261 266 274 463 455 300 421 359 382 316 344 215 301 281 267 276 386 490 396 334 348 244 226 486 209

Bint Deenaa Bint Magidaa Bint Maisa El Saghira Bint Mona Bint Moufisa Bint Nefisaa Bint Saida Al Nasser Bint Sammara Bint Wafaa ElKuwait BT Ibn Razal BW Sensational Cedars Mojave CH Michael Kariim Cherifa Al Rayyan Dawlah Al Shaqab Deenaa DeSha Indeed DeSha Nile Queen DHS Farouzah DHS Shaakirah Dominica KA DSA Hey Baby EA Java EHP Ayanna Ektibar El Halimaar El Hilal El Khaled El Mareekh El Thay Mahfouz El Thay Mameluk Emir Ibn Farazdac ET Crown Prince Etaya Sudan Amir Fa Daalim Fa Halii Halim Fadwa Al Shaqab Falima Fardousa Farhoud Al Shaqab Ghazalahh Glorieta AliSudan GlorietaSayonaara Gloryana GR Moufeedah Haalani SMF Hadaya El Tareef Hadidi Halimaars King Tut Halimas Egyptian Prince Hanaya Habibtee Hazmia Al Shaqab Hekmat HF Sinanana Hilala AlSafinat HS Infinite HU Shameer HU Sheikh Imaan Ibn El Mareekh Ibn Moniet El Nefous Ibn Nitaya Ibn Shahlima Ibn Shai II Ibn Shai Imaann Imperial Baaru Imperial Imdal Imperial Imperor Imperial Madaar Imperial Mahzeer Imperial Nalaseef Imperial Phanilah Imperial Phinaali Imtaarif

285 208 290 294 459 231 337 233 368 367 471 377 443 353 325 283 390 388 393 392 433 394 434 389 487 269 228 410 284 400 314 227 234 401 249 405 326 213 291 328 245 254 275 366 441 478 223 482 383 407 413 327 232 391 341 270 426 364 286 219 420 468 379 378 425 424 243 255 278 335 298 297 363 271

Jade Lotus SMF Jamala Al Zamet Jamil Bin Ibn Nitaya Jamilll [Jamil] Jawaher Al Sharq Kamal Ibn Adeed Kamar AlSafinat Kamla II Katourah Keyaf Khartahl Malika Khofo Kuhaylah Maar Hala Kuhaylah Nitaya Labbad Laheeb Al Nasser LaheebAl Rayyan Laian Al Shaqab Le Baroque MA Lexlina Maar Sharana Maariq KA Madheen El Masr Madinah Belle CA Magidaa Mahrcal Mahrousa CA Makhnificent KA Makhsous Malikah Halima Marquis 1 Marquisah KA Maymoona Al Shaqab MB Moneena MB Shattal Meseda Mijan Kadaaar Mijan Kameo Mijan Shiraz Mijan Zohaaar Mishaal HP Mohssen Mohummed Sadden Morafic Moufisa Al Kidir Moynese Naama Al Naif Nabiel Nabilah Saqarah Naeemah Alixa Nakhda Karim Shah Narjis Al Rayyan Nashua Nayla Al Rayyan NDA Shariha Bint Shanah NF Anna Halima Shah NK Hafid Jamil NK Hallah NK Mijamin NK Nada NK Qaswarah Nourah Nuri Ibn Salaam Obeyyah Al Rayyan Phaaros Pharrah Magidaa Pharrah Prince Fa Moniet Princess Tammen PVA Kariim PWA Nagib Shah Rajah KA Ramses Amal Rasheeka Shabha


477 317 416 248 351 305 339 246 236 289 272 293 419 252 311 385 406 330 239 384 365 431 395 414 282 489 375 429 257 457 430 432 331 454 205 224 444 447 445 446 360 230 240 296 458 237 318 292 450 427 474 352 263 322 451 469 428 399 372 350 402 235 309 333 313 456 299 218 448 265 376 464 288 412

Rawan AlSafinat RDM Maar Hala REA El Kaream RNZ Amber RNZ Tantalum Royal Gemm Ruminaja Ali Ruminaja Bahjat Safir Al Rayyan Salaa el Dine Sama Sanctuary Kaabrez Sara Aljazira Sarah ElKuwait Saud El Ameer Savannah CC Serenity Shahail Serenity Sonbolah SF Sonbolah Tu Shagran Al Nasser Shahir IASB Shahira Al Nasser Shaikh Al Nadir Shamekh Al Danat Sharif Emir PG Sharuby HP Sidra Simeon Sachi Simeon Safanad Simeon Sahron Simeon Shatul Simeon Shifran Sinan Al Rayyan Star Bint Hafiza Suhalia Al Saba Sultann [Sultan] Sundos Aljazira Suseri Sweet Eloise Taibah Aljazira Talal TB Hasna TBYasir TFR Moniet El Soheir The Minstril The Shamin The Source CC Theee China Doll Thee Desperado Thee Makers Rose TheEgyptianPrince V A Regal Vivien PG VP Regal Heir Wadah al Sharg Wagd Wahag Al Rayyan WS Thee Antar Yaasoob Ezzain Yasmin Al Shaqab Zahbaad Zahir Zaid-Mon Zameel Zaraq El Amir BWA Zilal Al Hawah CR Zohair El Adiyat

340 268 461 467 466 238 225 280 332 262 320 479 357 369 253 483 250 207 273 336 387 349 484 358 436 347 242 308 279 473 465 472 315 258 470 256 321 415 418 323 259 480 481 485 251 408 462 417 361 449 295 423 460 229 343 356 338 437 404 329 491 493 442 493 397


Index of Horses Appearing in the Pictorial Sections of Handbooks Volumes I - XI Volume (Page Number) Name Volume (Page Number) Name Volume (Page Number)

218 Elf Layla Walayla B IX(167)

AK Bint Refky

IV (120), V (207)

Akid Ali Zafar

AA Black Pearl

XI (131)

AK Bint Roufah

V I (93)

Akid Bint Anazeh

IV (58)

AA El Hilal

VI (123)

AK BintTakwa

VI (92), VII (113)

Akid Bint Fa Mona

V (67), VI (87)

A Desperados Rose

IX (106)

AK Bishara

V (283), VII (95)

Akid Bint Rualla

III (42), IV (57)

A Little Passion

XI (291)

*AK Dalia

II (76), III (110), IV (131), V (345)

Akid El Sareei

IV (56), VII (121)


II (69), III (96)

AK Dareeba


Akid El Shammar

III (44)


III (58), IV (87), V (75)

AK Desert Khana

VI (99)

Akid Fa Mona

IV (82), V (66), VI (81) VI (108), VIII (107), X (110)

V (168)

Abida DAB

V (240)

AK El Bashaar

IV (456), V (375)

Akid Geshan

Abitibi Zamana

V (357)

AK El Hassan

VI (110)

Akid Magidaa

VI (121)

Abou Simbel

VI (240)

AK El Maalouf

IV (105)

Akid Mandalay

V (336), VI (227)

Abraxas Habielaa

IX (134)

AK El Maleek

III (73)

Akid Radi Saif

IV (313)

Abraxas Halamaa

IX (79)

AK El Zahra Moniet

111(43), IV (55), V (53), VI (177)

Akid Serra Moniet

IV (298)

Abraxas Halimaar

VI (65), VII (139), VIII (93),

AK Fa Rahwana

IX (202)

Akira Magidaa

VII (157)

IX (64,125), XI (266)

AK Farette

IV (180)


XI (180)

XI (133)

AK Farida

III (56)


VI (72)

Abraxas Hilals Gemm

IX (75)

AK Ibn Hassan

VI (122)


IV (170)

Abraxas Maar Hala

VII (79)

AK II Malika

IV (119), VII (261)

Al Aadeed Al Shaqab

VIII (58), IX (89)

Abraxas Moon Glow

IX (77)

AK Intafa

V (201), VI (145)

Al Din Din

IV (176)

Abraxas Moonique

XI (134)

*AK Jaheena


Al Fahir

1(85), IV (319)

Abraxas Moonshine

IX (61)

AK Jaleel Amaan

II (70), 111(106), IV (115)

Al Fattah

I (65), II (1 1 9 ),lll(1 7 7 ), IV (191)


VII (78), VIII (55), IX (76), X (87)

AK Kalima


Al Jahimm

VI (167)

Abraxas Pheromoon

XI (135)

*AK Karama

III (113), IV (134)

Al Kadir

IV (386)

Abraxas Prince

XI (271)

AK Khafifa

IV (111)

Al Kahala

III (292), IV (302)

Abraxas Princess

XI (261)

AK Khaleem

VI (173)

Al Karim Sirhalima

11 (243)

Abraxas Herozi


IX (133), XI (258)

AK Latifa

V (200), VI (146)

Al Khitaam

X (151)

Abriel RCA

VI (188)

AK Layla

VII (178)

Al Lahab

XI (301)

Abu Khail

VI (116), VII (271)

AK Malouma

VI (180)

Al Metrabbi

1(30), IV (62), V (131)

Achaean Ali

X (89)

AK Manaya

IX (252)

Al Nahr Modonna

II (103)

ADH Shahab Jamal

IV (54)

AK Mashallah

IV (394)

Al Nahr Mon Ami

III (102)



AK Mona

IV (114)

Al Nahr Montego

V (382)


111(212), IV (205)

AK Monadena

III (364)

Al Nahr Serroya

II (38), III (94)

AF Cassidy

VIII (66), IX (267)

AK Monahaba

III (59)

Al Nimr

II (35)

•Afrah Al Badeia

IV (454), V (368)

AK Monalima

III (230), V (149)

Al Sachra Bint Amal

VII (262)

AH Athena

V (68)

AK Monareena

AH Bianca

V (69)

AH Fahima

IV (85)

AH Ladada

IV (86), V (79), VI (90), VII (109)


11(162), 111(252), IV (268),

Al Zarka Jamilll

XI (140)

V (103)

Al Zog

V (121)

AK Monaroufa

II (71), III (218)


VII (170)

AK Monazara

III (380)


II (216), III (324)

IV (241), V (164)

AK Moniet Ami


Aldebarren Amtal

VIII (56)


11(251), 111(395), IV (485)

AK Monisa Moniet

V (236)


1(24), II (39), 111(103)


V (390)

AK Nabeel

11(160), III (369), IV (417),


VI (143)


IV (308)

II (37)

Alfabia Salaa

XI (173)

AJ Ahlams Delight

XI (244)

AK Nagadi

IX (216)

Alfa Mabrouka

IV (368)

AJ Bint Farida

VII (104), VIII (104)

AK Najib Rasha

VI (147), VIII (211), IX (257)

Ali Ajiba

XI (274)

Aji Atallah

V (72), VI (88), VII (103)

AK Radia

V (84)

Ali Aten

X (173)

AK Atallah

III (393), IV (80), V (62)

AK Raqi Zafira

VI (158), IX (201)

Ali Bhaba


AK Aareefah

II (66), III (225)

AK Rasul

IV (300)

Ali Jamila

VI (103)

AK Abriel 11

IV (107)

AK Samiha

V (260)

Ali Nefous

IX (248)

AK Alhana

IV (333)

AK Shah Halim

III (337)

Ali Pascha

VI (78)

AK Amiri Asmarr

VIII (161)

AK Shah Moniet

111(74), IV (100)

Ali Rahaim

VIII (191), IX (235)

AK Amiri Moniet

IX (204)

AK Shahlima

III (57)

Ali Reshan

VII (212), VIII (190), IX (234)

AK Atallah

VI (79), VII (100)

*AK Shahm

II (58), III (68)

Ali Saroukh

VIII (197), IX (237), X (194),

AK Athea

V (278)

AK Shahwa

IV (311)

AK Athena

IX (200)

AK Shalia

IV (61)

Ali Zaar

VII (246), VIII (218), IX (260)

AK Atila

V (108)

AK Shamira

VI (95)

Ali Zafir

VI (165)

AK Bay Moniet

IV (249), V (170)

AK Shanaada

III (311)

Alia Al Shaqab

VIII (60)

AK Bint Amaana

III (338)

AK Sharifa

VII (228)

Alia Amal LDA

XI (208)

AK Bint Fatiha

IV (335)

AK Shawra

VI (191)

Alia Meryetaten

VI (201)

AK Bint Gazbeya

VI (237)

AK Sudan Moniet

IV (389)

Alia Riyala

X (166)

AK Bint Henrietta

IV (116)

AK Sulafah

V (156)

Alia Shaniah

X (167)

AK Bint Hoyeda

111(371), IV (418), V (341),

AK Sumona

III (372), IV (355)

Aliashahm RCA

V (280), VI (186), VII (94)

XI (246)

VI (144)


IV (421)


VII (269), VIII (79)

AK Bint Maisa

VII (254)

AKTal Pasha

IV (52)


VIII (132), IX (166)

AK Bint Moniet

IV (397), V (320)


VIII (141)


VII (124)

AK BintMonisa

III (78)


V (350)

Alis Shaikhin

IX (94)

AK Bint Narimaan

IV (127)

Akid Alena

IV (299)

Alittle Passion

VII (280)


A Name

Volume 1Page Number)


Volume (PageNumber)


Volume (Page Number)

Almaas Al Sabah

X (100)

Ansata El Arabi

1(104), IV (88)

Ansata Riyadh

X (164)

Almas Nimrs Waris

V (76)

Ansata El Emir

IV (75)

Ansata Rose Queen

V 956)


IV (400), V (328)

Ansata El Ghazal

III (301)

Ansata Rosetta

V (54)


III (239)

Ansata El Halim

IV (371)

Ansata Sabiha

III (217), IV (230)

AlnahrMon Ami

11(73), IV (129)

‘ Ansata El Hasan

III (45), IV (59)

Ansata Sat'eer

VIII (155)

Alnakr Mona Lisa

IV (128)

Ansata El Mabrouk

IV (71)

Ansata Samantha

VI (71)


IV (295)

Ansata El Naseri

I (66), 111(214), IV (218)

Ansata Samaria

IX (87)

Alsareei RSI


Ansata El Nasrany

III (341), IV (357)

Ansata Samiha

VII (288), VIII (213)

Alsonia RSI

VI (125)

Ansata El Nisr

II (50), III (53), IV (74)

Ansata Saroya

IV (169);

ALX Camillah Moniet

XI (137)

Ansata El Salim


Ansata Serqit

IX (99)

ALX Cazalet

X (90)

Ansata El Shahkir

VI (249)

Ansata Shah Zahir

V (167), VI (229), VIII (135),


1(45), 11(157), 111(173), IV (187),

Ansata El Sherif

I (40), 11(104), 111(151), IV (98)

V (130)

‘ Ansata El Wazir

II (212), III (326), V (243)

Ansata Shah Zam

11(95), IV (159), V (114)

‘ Amalaa

IV (265), V (349)

Ansata Exotica

VII (224), VIII (180)

Ansata Shah Zaman

I (34), II (49), III (49),

Amaar Al Rayyan

XI (166)

Ansata Haalah

IX (101), X (188), XI (256)

Ama Fa-Serr

IX (262)

Ansata Haji Halim

IV (70)

Ansata Sharifa

IX (86)


VIII (130)

Ansata Halim Bey

III (360)

Ansata Sinan

VII (286), VIII (212)

IX (174)

IV (65 & 435)

Amasis el Afram

VIII (76)

Ansata Halim Shah

IV (69), V (55), VI (69)

Ansata Sirius

IX (98)


V (389)

Ansata Halima Son

111(51), IV (68)

Ansata Sokar

IX (97)

Amer Dosadd

VII (190)

Ansata Haliwa

IV (420), V (342)

Ansata Stari Nile

VIII (215)

Amir Alih

V (100), VII (142)

Ansata Hejazi

VIII (63), IX (82)

Ansata Starletta

XI (178)

Amir Fa Serr

IV (332)

Ansata Ibn Aziza

VI (89)

Ansata Vali Nile

VII (196)

Amir Ibn Sakr


Ansata Ibn Bukra

IV (436)

Ansata White Nile

VII (86)

Amir Ibn Shamah

IV (248), V (169)

‘ Ansata Ibn Halima

I (32), II (42), III (46), IV (63)

Ansata Zaki Halim

IV (318)


XI (263)

Ansata Ibn Jamila

V (331), IX (264), X (204)

Antara Ibn Nabda

VII (174)

Amira Al Shaqab

IX (90)

Ansata Ibn Shah

111(52), IV (67)

Antaras Bint Rabha

IV (72)

Amira Barakaa

V (311)

Ansata Ibn Sirius

XI (143)

Antara Shalima

X (96)


IV (459)

Ansata Ibn Sudan

1(33), II (48), III (47), IV (64)

‘ Anwarr

II (55)


VII (202)

Ansata Ibn Zaman

V (172)

Anwars Ameer

XI (242)

AN Mona Lisa

III (95)

Ansata lemhotep

VIII (64), IX (95), X (95)

Apple Hill ElNisr

VII (195), IX (212), X (169)

AN Monica

II (40)

Ansata Imperial

III (241), IV (252)

Arabest Kalid

V (59) VII (85)

AN Montoro

III (307)

Ansata Jehan Shah


Arabest Khalid

AN Moroufa

III (98)

Ansata Jeylan

IX (208)

Arabest Nabiela

IV (77)

An Moroufa


Ansata Justina

V (96), VI (102), VII (123)

Arabest Nafarah

IV (78), V (58)

Ana Gayah

111(211), IV (204), V (13 7)

Ansata Majdiya

XI (255)

Arabest Sahira

V (241)

Anaza El Farid

VII (145), VIII (115)

Ansata Majesta

IX (85)

Arani Gamil

VI (190)

Anazah Bay Shahh

VI (209), XI (320)

Ansata Majesty

IX (102)


I (37)

Anchor Hill Alana

IV (406)

Ansata Majid Shah

III (167), IV (184)

Arrakis Nayazik

V (267)

Anchor Hill Alise

III (308)

Ansata Malik Shah

X (94)

‘ Asadd

11(183), 111(279)

Anchor Hill Amida


Ansata Maya

VIII (167)



Anchor Hill Faser

VII (140)

Ansata Mital

X (165)

Asami Ruuh

XI (277)

Anchor Hill Hamla

111(219), IV (235)

Ansata Monahalima

IV (275)

Asasi Mahshallah

VI (128), VIII (207)

Anchor Hill Pharo


Ansata Mouna

IX (104)

Asasi Pandemonium

IX (71)

Anchor Hill Sheba

IV (238)

Ansata Munira

VIII (156)


V (400)

Ansata Abbas Pasha

111 (64), IV (96)

Ansata Nariya

XI (254)

Asjah Ibn Faleh

II (92), VI (149)

Ansata Abu Halim

VII (203)

Ansata Nefer Isis

VII (274)


V (139) I V (431)

Ansata Abu Nazeer

11(145), 111(215), IV (227)

Ansata Nefri

IX (103)

Atfa Moniet

Ansata Abu Sudan

III (48), IV (66)

Ansata Neoma

XI (220)

Atir Hoyeda

IV (422)

Ansata Abu Tai

11(153), III (238), IV (247)

Ansata Nile Gem


Atteyah Riyala

11(134), 111(183), IV (194),

Ansata Ali Abbas

V (112), VII (153)

Ansata Nile Jewel

11(149), 111(231)

Ansata Amir Zarif

IV (434)

Ansata Nile Mist

11(164), 111(251), IV (270),

‘ Atteyah

Ansata Amon Ra

ill (340), IV (353), V (292),

V (193), VI (136)


IV (281)

Ansata Nile Pharaoh

XI (247)

Aysha BintTalia

X (99)

VI (195), VII (201)

V (138) IV (81)

Ansata Aya Maria

VIII (121)

Ansata Nile Pasha

V (297)

Azda Hani Sokari

X (102)

Ansata Bint Aliha

VII (287), VIII (214)

Ansata Nile Ruler

II (229)

‘ Azeem

VI (204)

Ansata Bint Bukra

II (45)

Ansata Nile Sheik

IX (92)

Azim Sultan

III (346)

*Ansata Bint Elwya

II (97)

Ansata Nile Sun

V (386)

Aziza Princess

VII (105), VIII (75), IX (115)

‘ Ansata Bint Mabrouka

I (35), II (43)

Ansata Nile Wine

V (209)

Aziza Sarnia

IX (80)

‘ Ansata BintMisuna

II (47)

Ansata Omar Halim

IV (433)

‘ Aziza

VI (100)

‘ Ansata Bint Nazeer

II (46)

Ansata Osiron

IX (100)

‘ Azzar

II (63), 111(116)

‘ Ansata Bint Zaafarana

II (44)

Ansata Prima Rose

V (57)

BA Halamet

VII (76), IX (78)

Ansata Blue Nile

VII (87)

Ansata Princessa

VIII (153)

BA Ladeda

VII (110)

Ansata Chiron

IX (96)

Ansata Qasim

XI (142)

BA Saniya Sharaf

V (107)

Ansata Damietta

V (83)

Ansata Queen Nefr

VIII (154)


IV (343)

Ansata Dia Halima

VII (225)

Ansata Rahmah

IX (105)


VII (258)

Ansata El Alim

IV (337), V (269), VI (170)

Ansata Reza Shah

111(216), IV (229)

‘ Badr

VI (67), VI 1(84)



Volume (Page Number)


III (226)

Bint Faras Azali

V (335)

Blue Epic

IX (265), X (203)

X (101)

Bint Farette

IV (390)

Blue Hassan

III (398)


Volume 1Page Number)

Bahim Hisan Bahiya Al Nour

Volume (Page Number)


IV (240)

Bint Farid

VIII (187), IX (227), X (183)


XI (272)

‘ Bakil

VIII (166)

‘ Bint Gazella I

III (119), IV (457)

BSA Bataarha

XI (235)


XI (211)

‘ Bint Ghazalahh

I (87)

BSA Galia

X (91)

Baraka Ibn Hassan

VII (143)

‘ Bint Hanaa


BSA Nadiaa

VII (291)

‘ Barakaa


Bint Hawa

V (264)


IV (172)

Barakel Blackstar

VIII (77)

Bint Ishmael

VI (96)


VII (167)

Barefoots Ladid

VII (108), VIII (78), IX (63)

Bint Jaheena

V (337)

Calypso Dance

VIII (160)

Barriy Qasaam

XI (265

Bint Jehan

III (392), IV (478)

Carousel Halia

VIII (189)

Bay El Bataa

IV (415)

Bint Kahila

X (135)


IX (81), XI (145)

Bay Fayek

IV (379)

Bint Knazeera

X (200)

Cedardell Tiffany

IV (501)

Bay Halima

II (225), III (69), IV (102)

Bint Korima

IV (502)

Cedars KenyaCatchMe

XI (160)

Bay Nefous

VII (248)

Bint Lily Langtry

IX (149)

Chafa Serfiza


BB Ora Kalilah

VI (140)

Bint Maaroufa


Char Echo

I (29)

BB Thee Renegade

VIII (198), IX (236), X (193),

Bint Maar Hala

XI (144)


I (89)

XI (248)

Bint Magidaa

III (334), VI (185)

Chaswyck Inkhatoon

XI (312)

Belle Staar

VI (120), VII (156), XI (162)

‘ Bint Maisa El Saghira

1(52), II (135), III (209)

CL Amin Ra

X (108)

Ben Ben Ali

VII (245)

Bint Maysa KA

IX (183), X (145)

Classic Medaba

VII (268)

Ben Haj Ali

V (73)

Bint Minstril

VII (188), VIII (171)

Classic Shadwan

IX (221), X (177), XI (315)

*Ben Malik

X (113)

Bint Mona Moniet

V (322)

CN Jericho

VII (204)

BF Prince Halima

V (125)

‘ Bint Mona/Bint Mouna I (53), II (124), III (276), IV (285)

Crimson Tareef

VIII (94)

BG Maasai

IX (249), XI (267)

Bint Monalima

V (266)

Crown Princess MA

XI (212)


VII (227)

‘ Bint Moniet El Nefous

l(9 5 ),ll(2 1 7 )

CSA Mikeh

VII (137)

Bint Aaroufa

II (64), III (296)

Bint Monisa

IV (108)

‘ Daad


Bint Abla Elsamra

IV (91)

Bint Nabilahh

III (333)


VII (285)

*Bint Adam Kheir

IV (392)

Bint Nourah

V (70), VI (85), VII (102),

‘ Dahk Al Rakessa


*Bint Alaa El Din

III (335)

IX (197)


X (106) V (151), VII (186)

Bint Al Kamar

XI (264)

Bint Nouran

IV (468)

Dahmah Reshan

‘ Bint Amal

V (286), VI (193)

Bint Raalima


Dahmah Shahwaniah

111(86), IV (117)

Bint Atallah

V (71), VII (120), IX (119)

Bint Rawya

II (250)

Dahman Al Ahmar

IV (143)


VI (238)

Bint Romanaa

11(152), IV (215)

Dahsara RSI


Bint Aziza Princess

VII (106)

Bint Sabah

IX (88)

Dal Keraim

IV (495)

Bint Bedouia

V (325)

Bint Saheedah

VI (68)

Dal Mamlouka

IV (496)

‘ Bint Bint Azza

IV (356)

Bint Sahrah

IV (432)

Dal Sheba

IV (369) VII (168)

Bint Bint El Nile

V (359)

Bint Sawraa

IV (146)


‘ Bint Bint El Samraa

III (228)

‘ BintShaams

III (208)


I (62), III (249), IV (260)

Bint Bint Fa Abba

III (365), IV (352)

Bint Shahbaa [GASB]

III (376)

Dalia El Wadi

IV (500)

Bint Bint Fada

111(370), IV (419), V (343),

‘ Bint Soheir II



1(106), II (228)

VI (142)

Bint Somaia

II (94)

Dana Al Shaqab

IX (91)

Bint Bint Gemaal

VII (146)

‘ Bint Suddona

V (80), VI (91), VII (111)

DarineAl Rayyan

XI (289)

Bint Bint Hamamaa

VII (127), VIII (87)

Bint Talal

V (226), VI (197)

‘ Darrag

III (236), IV (244)

Bint Bint Hanaa

11(129), 111(210), IV (203)


III (277)

Dars Hideeba

III (148)

Bint Bint Haniya

X (105), XI (152)

‘ Bint Tuhotmos

III (131), V (369)

‘ Dawlat

1(57), II (139), III (207)

Bint Bint Hoyeda

111(339), IV (349), V (277)


V (229)

DB Naseema

X (163)

‘ Bint Bint Jamil

X (112)

‘ Bint Wedad

IV (445), V (371)

DB Shahlaha

VII (176)

Bint Bint Magidaa

VII (118)

Bint Zaarina

VII (147), IX (155)

‘ Deenaa

11(165), III (348)

Bint Bint Mona

III (84), IV (110)

‘ Binte El Bataa


Delta Venus

V (110)

Bint Bint Moniet

II (61), III (76), IV (109)

‘ Bint Fayek

IV (492)

Desdemona TF

X (199)

Bint Bint Omayma

VII (179)

BJ Thee Arabella

IX (117), XI (223)


VIII (188), IX (228)

Bint Bint Rafica

111(184), IV (193)

BKA Alidiyah

V (113), VI (220), VII (242)

Desert Charisma


Bint Bint Rahwah

IX (147), X (127)

BKA Alisabbah

V (87)

DeSha Java

IX (141), X (119), XI (172)

Bint Bint Roufah

VII (112)

BKA Aliyyah

V (88), VI (221)

DeSha Jordania

IX (138)

Bint Bint Sayo

XI (253)

BKA Bint Sayyah

V (257)

Desire RB

VIII (142), X (147)

Bint Bint Sonbolah

V (252)

BKA Daamali

V (91)

DHS Hadiyah

XI (292)

Bint Bint Wedad

III (390), IV (475), VII (260)

BKA Damilll

V (90)

DHS Mabrouk

X (124)

Bint Daaldan


BKA Ibn Ali

V (89)

DHS Miraya El Nizr

X (123), XI (293)

‘ Bint Dahma

II (220)

BKA Imeer

V (124), VII (150)

DHS Shaakirah

XI (295)

Bint Deenaa

IX (247)

BKA Nafayyah

IV (140)

Donna Grey

IX (93)

‘ Bint EI Bataa

I (94), II (219)

BKA Raayah

VIII (219), IX (266)


11(133), III (206), IV (202)

Bint El Shams

VI (245)

BKA Rakiisah

V (256)

Dorian Shah El Shams

IV (157), V (111)

‘ Bint El Shawan

VI (202)

BKA Rashiiq

V (92)

DR Jahalla

IX (69)

Bint El Tareef

VIII (96)

BKA Saberrah

V (258)

Eagle El Zawba

VII (169)

Bint Fa Dena

III (85)

Black Cashmere

X (84)


IX (113)

Bint Fa Saloul

V (376)

Black Hafiza

V (314)

EAI Maadeena

XI (165)

Bint Fada


Black Velvett

VIII (110)

EAI Silvereen

X (156), XI (177)



Volume (Page Number)


Volume (Page Number)


Volume (Page Number)

Egyptian Legend

VIII (80)


VI (230)

Gazal Ibn Shiko

111(336), IV (345)

Egyptian Melody

VI (255)


III (325)

GCA Desert Breeze

IX (131)

Egyptian Rasmona

VIII (174)

Fadl Dan

1(23), II (57), III (67)


IV (226)

Egypts Al Metrabi

V (242)

Fadl Gem

II (84)

GF Samiha

VI (166)

Egypts Flame

V (379)

Fadl Moniet

II (33)


IV (209), V (140)

Egypts Nahlah

IV (164)


IV (79)

Ghajariy Sihr

XI (276) IV (473)

Egypts Silverhawk

XI (185)





V (245), VI (160)


11(189), III (288)


III (168)

EH Montu Wahhed

X (131)

Fajr Al Shaqab

VIII (62)


I (56), 11(123), 111(181)

EH Sokar Wahhed

X (130)

Fajr Fiddayi

VII (181)

Glenglade Dahira

IV (219), V (144)

EH Tehuti Wahhed

X (129)

•Fakher El Din

1(81), II (109), III (237), IV (301)

Glenglade Pride

V (233)


III (92)


I (46), 11(114), III (171)

Glorieta Ali Sudan

III (166), IV (183), V (127)

El Damascus

IX (145)


IV (291), V (219), VII (241)

Glorieta Angelima

IV (232)

El Dayim

II (200)

Fanniya Katun

V [157)

Glorieta Bint Abu

VI (203)

El GoharaT/

IX (62)


I (69)

Glorieta Dalima

VI (156)

El Hadiyi



IV (147)

Glorieta Farah Dia

III (222)

El Hadiyyah

V (115), VI (104), VII (125),


II (248), III (394), IV (484),

Glorieta Gambolia

III (220)

V (394), VI (250)

Glorieta Gashahla

VII (198)

VIII (86), X (126) El Halimaar

IV (338), V (271), VI (172),


VII (192), IX (210)

11(179), 111(275), IV (292),

Glorieta Gazaal

VII (175), X (180)

V (222)

Glorieta Maarqesa

IV (233), V (197)

El Hilal

Il(233), III (361), V (330)

Faras Azali

IV (222)

Glorieta Montagne

IV (401)

ElIbn Fabah

IV (330)

Farazdac Magic

IV (141)

Glorieta Saafrana

IV (234)

El Majiid

V (304)


II (193), III (330), V (315)

Glorieta Sabdana

III (221), IV (237), V (85)

*EI Mareekh

IV (377), IX (245)


III (205), IV (201)

Glorieta Salima

IV (231)

El Masri Amir

V (122), VI (111)


IV (163)

Glorieta Sashah

V 9254)

*EI Mokhtar


Farid El Nefous



VI (205), VII (215), VIII (194),

El Mon Moniet

VII (249), VIII (221)

Farida El Kebira

IV (494)

*EI Moongi

VI (112)

Farid Nile Dream

X (121), XI (169)

Glorieta Shahlima

111(223), IV (236), V (253)

El NoorCR

XI (283)

Farid Nile Moniet

XI (136)

Glorieta Zaafira

VI (176)

IX (238), XI (251)

El Norus

VI (241)

Farid Nile Moon

IX (231)

Glorieta Zaarina

V (281)

El Razaal

IV (216)

Farid Nile Spirit

XI (238)

Golmoniet RSI

VIII (145)

El Samraa

IV (452)

Faris El Sham

V (356), VI (233)

GR Amaretto

X (176), XI (314)

El Saniel

VII (162)

Farouk Ibn Shiko

II (240)

GR Faleeh

XI (317)

El Saqlawi

IV (228)

Farra Diva

V (302)

*GR Shadow

X (115)

El Sattaar

II (227)


XI (216)

Gran Moniet

IV (413)

El Shahwan

V (364)


IX (182), X (144)


V (11:6)

El Shaliah

XI (215)

Farreesa CA

XI (236)



El Shalyar

V (135)


III (232)

Habib Al Kol

III (362)

El Sharie

IV (223)


I (67), III (234)

Hadaya Beau Halim

IV (239)

El Tahawi Aswan

V (81), VI (94)


I (59), 11(159), III (246), IV (256),

Hadaya Eindafa

IV (405), V (332)

El Thay Bint Mofeedah

VIII (118)

V (180)

Hadaya El Tareef

VI (106), VII (138), VIII (92),

El Thay Shah Manial

IX (132)


1(73), II (168), III (267), V (213)

*EI ThayTohfa

VII (284)


IV (490)

Hadaya Imdalia

VIII (184)


II (36)


IV (348)



Emir Fayek RW

X (179)


V (313)

Hafaz Bint Khala

IV (429)

Enchaanted Moon

XI (153)

FF Sahhar

V (324), VI (212)

Hafeed El Morafic


ES Bint Bafadi

VII (278)


11(252), IV (491)

Hafid Amaal

V I (73)

ES Elea



X (77,103)

•Hafiz Etneen

III (353)

Escada Shadeek

V (78)


IV (211)


IV (245)

Etaya Amaar

XI (297)


VII (267)


X (109) VIII (67)

IX (124)

Etaya Amir

XI (298)

Frasera Ibn Shahil

VII (275)

Hal Amir MA

Etaya Amira

XI (299)

GA MoonTajhalima

VIII (186), IX (229), X (184),


IX (140)

Etaya Shai Zahab

XI (296)

XI (241)

Haleys Pleasure

VIII (172) X (168)

ET Crown Prince

III (320), VI (66), VII (77),

*GAF Kandeel

VIII (117)

Haliluyah MH

VIII (54), IX (74)

*GAF Wesam

IV (182), VII (144)

Halima Mistanny

IX (226)

Extremely Shai

VII (237)


IX (157)

Halim El Bataa

VII (159)

Faaiq El Madheen

X (125), XI (176)

Galifa RCA

V (284)

Halim El Kadir

V (360)

Fa Daalim



VIII (157)

Halim El Kateef

V (99)

Fa Dal



IX (160)

Halim El Mansour

VIII (220)

Fa Durra Halim

V (306)

Gamal Al Arab

III (180), VII (235)

Halim El Nefous

IV (412), VII (213)

Fa Halima

III (89), IV (122), V (147)


X (136)

Halim El Sayyid

IV (402)

Fa Ibn Sar

VI (162)


1(60), 11(141), 111(108), IV (130)

Halim Pasha

II (85)

Fairy Phire

IX (206)

Gamine CC

V (326)

Halima El Hamra

V (276)

Fa Saloul

IV (334)


IV (381)

Halima Karis

VIII (195)

Fa Sefra

IV (407)


IV (181)

Halimaars Legacy

VIII (210)


II (77), III (224)

Gasper Bey Sudan

V (249)

Halimaars Melody

VIII (101)



Volume (Page Number)


Volume 1Page Number)


Volume (Page Number)

Halimas Desert Jamill

XI (310)

Ibn Galal/Magdi

111(377), IV (444), V (366)

Imperial Kalatifa

VII (266)


IV (378), V (308)

*lbn Hafiza

Hamasa Bint Nafteta

V (397)

1(43), II (113), III (66), IV (347),

Imperial Kamilll

IX (179)

V (275)

Imperial Madaar

VIII (200)

•Imperial Madheen

V (174), VI (242), VIII (116),

Hamasa Khazzan

V (395), VI (251)

Ibn Kaisoon/Kaysoon

IV (174)

Hamasa Nabih

VII (279)

Ibn Mamluk Al Waha

VI (236)

Hamasa Nazim CL

V (378)

Ibn Moheba

V (374)

Imperial Mamoulah

III (260), IV (250)

Hamasa Nujaima CL

V (377)

•Ibn Moniet El Nefous

I (19), II (56), III (62), IV (94)

Imperial Matar

III (354)


IV (316)

Ibn Morafic

11(118), 111(172), IV (186),

Imperial Maysama

IX (121), XI (168)

Hamid Ibn Morafic

III (373)

V (215), VI (114), VII (233),

Imperial Miriyah




VIII (205)

Imperial Mistic

IV (138), V (298)

Hanaya Moheb

VIII (128)

VI (131), VII (160), VIII (138),

Imperial Mistique

IV (272), V (196)



IX (66, 176), X (141), XI (191)

Imperial Mistry

IV (271), V (194)

Hannas Fanci

XI (158)

•Ibn Seef

III (283), IV (280)

Imperial Monfisah

IV (462)


11(247), 111(381)

Ibn Shaikh

V (134), VI (117)

Imperial Moniq

IV (439)


IX (244)

Ibn Yakout

IV (466)

Imperial Nadirah

IV (262)

Hart Nishana Rose

VII (185)

Ibn Zaghloul

III (290), IV (297)

Imperial Nadrah

V (181)


V (141)


V (279), VII (199)

Imperial Nafdah

V (305)

Hassan S

IV (461)


IV (426)

Imperial Nafduh

IV (92)


11(232), III (359), V (94)

IES Biarritz

III (244)

Imperial Naffata

IV (259), V (184), VI (137)

Havilah EA

VIII (108)

IES Farfuri

IV (322)

Imperial Nafilah

V (262)


VIII (111), IX (143)

IES Nafilah

IV (323

Imperial Naseeb

IV (312)


1(88), II (208)

IES Sondusah

IV (438)

Imperial Phanadah

V (190), VI (135)

Haziz Halim

V (160), VII (152), VIII (125)

II Bint Magidaa

XI (207)

Imperial Phandala

VI (141)

Hebat Misr

IX (165)

Ilia Magidaa LDA

XI (206)

Imperial Phanilah

VI (218)

Hebet Allah

III (204), VII (126)

II Durra


Imperial Pharalima

V (191)


IX (169)

II Muna

I (64), 11(127), III (203)

Imperial Saahoura

VI (246)


II (74), 111(105)

II Warda

I (82), II (196), III (297)

Imperial Safeema

X (93)

HF Allure

XI (147)


IV (339)

Imperial Salateen

II (163), X (150)

HF Ares

XI (193)


VII (99)

•Imperial Sayyah

IV (139), V (86)

HFTesa Reekh

VII (218), IX (240)


VIII (98)

Imperial Shakilah

VI (219)

HH Kasan

IV (279)

Imdals Jade

VII (166)

Imperial Shehaab

XI (190)

Hi Fashion Bahiya

IV (428)


XI (221)

Imperial Sonbesjul

IV (254), V (178)

Hi-Fashion Hitesa

VIII (193), IX (239)


XI (262)

Imperial Sonbolara

IV (255), V (179)


VII (247)


IX (175), XI (184)

Imperial Sonboleen

IV (137), V (250)

Hilala Mystique

VIII (169), X (85)

Imminent Heir

XI (268)

Imperial Tiamo

IV (264)

Hilalia Al Shaqab

VIII (61)


XI (203)

Imperial Volare

IV (93)

HMT Amreeka Ahlam

XI (157)


XI (234)

Impresionante LDV

XI (204)

HMT Antabla Ceshan

XI (155)

Imperial Al Amali

III (255), IV (440)


VIII (181), IX (218), X (172),


XI (154)

Imperial Al Kamar

VI (132), VII (161), VIII (136),


1(74), II (171), IV (373)

IX (178), X (140), XI (189)


X (155), XI (205)


III (383)

Imperial Baarez

IX (180), X (139), XI (192)

Insignia DeSha

X (116), XI (175)


I (27), II (34), III (243)

Imperial Bint Negmaa

V I (98)

Insignias Spirit

XI (217)


II (75), III (80)

Imperial Bt Kalilah

XI (141)

Isabella HG

X (120), XI (174)

*HS Hero

X (86), XI (132)

Imperial Daeemah

VI (224)


III (262)

HS Infinite

XI (181)

Imperial Faneeq

III (229), V (348)

Ishara Majid

VII (172)


XI (214)

Imperial Fanniya

111(248), IV (258), V (183)



HT Damietta

IX (250)

Imperial Farid

V (263)

J UrbanaWardi

VII (164)

HT Kurinda

X (198)

Imperial Hahnaah

X (208)

J Zaziza

VII (165)

HT Soroya

VIII (217)

Imperial Im Daeem

V (176)

JA Bakura

V (205)

•Ibn Al Hassan

11(117), 111(179), IV (192)

Imperial Im Jasim

V (291)

Ja De Champagne

X (143)

Ib n Alaa El Din


Imperial Im Ladeda

IV (274)

Jabbaar EIHalimaar MH XI (224)

Ibn Alih

VIII (119)

Imperial Im Pharida

VI (139)


IX (215)

Ibn Amaal

VII (272)

Imperial Im Phayana

VII (264)

Jalila Al Rayyan

XI (290)

•Ibn Safinaz

IX (272)

XI (232)

Ibn Amon Ra

VIII (183), IX (222)

Imperial Im Shula

V (163)


VII (183)

•Ibn Amoura

VII (281)

Imperial ImSirdar

X (107)

Jamala Kumait

VIII (203)

*lbn Antar

1(49), II (120)

Imperial Im Tarib

V (175)

Jamala Zaafinah

VIII (204), XI (146)

Ibn BintTakwa

IX (116)

Imperial Im Tiarah

V (195), VI (138)


IV (472), V (388)

Ibn Daeem

VII (187)

Imperial Imalaa

IV (266), V (188)


VI (244)

Ibn Dahman

III (72), IV (104)

Imperial Imdal

V (265)

Ibn Dareeba

IV (162)

Ibn El Mareekh

V (307), VI (208), VII (226),

Ibn El Tareef Ibn Fayek Ibn Fayrouz Ibn G alaV

V (329), VI (216), VII (238,255),


VIII (209), IX (256)

JKB Belkies

III (389)

Imperial Immarouf

VI (133), VII (131)

JKB Bint Nehaya

111(387), IV (278)

IX (246)

Imperial Imperor

IV (145), V (126)

JKB Bint Sudan

IV (277), V (202)

VIII (95), X (132)

Imperial Impress

IV (273)

JKB Hamda

111(384), IV (154)

II (226)

Imperial Imsirdar

VII (134)

JKB Hasmeh

III (388)

IV (502)

Imperial Intaada

IV (393)

JKB Mamdouhah

IV (276)

IV (487)

Imperial Jamaarah

V (387)

JKB Monsar

III (385)



Volume (Page Number)

JM Faraas loramir


Volume (Page Number)


Volume (Page Number)

IV (151)


VI (184)

MB Kateena

XI (199)

I (38), II (87), III (312)


III (295)

MB Mayal

IX (188), XI (304)


IX (137), X (117), XI (170)


VIII (72)

MC Alexsis

XI (210)


VI (77), VII (98)


IX (142)

MC Starstruk

IX (127)


IX (130)

MA Bayhajt

VI (155)

Megiddo El Adin

VIII (163)


IV (344)

MA Belladonna

X (159)


IV (455)


III (202)

MA Crown Princess

IX (191)


IV (450)


11(144), 111(201)

MA Lexlina

XI (161)


111(136), IV (161)


VI (183)

MA Victoria

X (158)


V (396)


VII (135)

Maali RCA

VI (189), VII (93)


V (312) IV (365)

Kajmir Princess

IX (122)

Maar Bilahh

V (198), VI (134), VII (263)


Kali la RCA

V (285)

Maar Ibn Ali

VII (82)

MFA Bint Monien

IX (168)

Kamal Ibn Morafic


Maar Ree

III (302)

MFA Mareekh Amir

V (316)

Kamal Labaya

VII (223)


III (50)

MFA Monien

111 (305)

Kamars Sharif



II (68), 111(100), IV (123)

MFA Saygah

IV (362), V (296)


V (143)

Maar Juahara


M FATiye Moniet

VI (105)

Kasimas Prince

V (300)

Maarou Al Badi

VII (250)


IX (70)

Katarinah KA

XI (200)


II (89)

Midnight Hour

VII (232)


11(105), III (366), IV (416)

Madallah Madheen

VII (276), VIII (159)

Min Mins Magnolia

IX (162)


V (65), VI (83)


VIII (122), IX (220), X (174)

Min Mins Meesha

IX (163)




IV (448)

Minstrils Aria

IX (171)


VII (184)

Madera Heralima

XI (213)

Minstrils Delight

VIII (146)


V (261)

Madinah Belle CA

XI (245)

Minstrils Gabriela

VIII (103)

KC Alanah

VIII (114)


XI (231)

Minstrils Malikah

VIII (202)

KEN Muniba

V (392)


11(156), 111(112), IV (133)

Minstrils Petunia LDA

XI (209)


VI (243)

Maha Faraas

IV (152)


IV (144)

Kerim Shah

VII (277)


VI (192)

Mishaal HP

IX (194), XI (149)


IV (425)


V (362)


IX (123)


III (349), IV (376)


X (175), XI (316)


IV (175), V (238)

KH Serai Sireff

VIII (162)




X (210)


I (84), 11(201), IV (217)


X (209), XI (230)

Mister Majestik

IV (177)


V (106)


VIII (120)

Mi Ty Jamilla

IX (136)

Khamsin Rodan

IX (110), X (98)

Mahrdee Gras

VIII (81)


11(213), III (329), IV (90)

Kharamaan MFA

VI (148)


VI (157)

Mobarak Ikhnatoon

XI (303)

Khartahl Malika

IX (190), X (197), XI (260)

Mahroufs Hafid

VII (116), IX (118)


IV (210)

Khediva Rodaniyah

IX (109)


V (97)


V (358)


I (90)

Majestic Noble SMF

X (187), XI (250)


1(51), 11(121)

‘ Khofo

I (98), II (222), III (343), IV (361)

Makh Too

VIII (179)


IV (471)

Kibriya Hoyeda

V (340)

Makhnificent KA

VIII (150), IX (187), X (154),

Moheba II

IV (463)


VII (229)

XI (194)


III (397), IV (488)


IV (158)

IV (382), VI (115), VII (177),

Mohummed Sadden

V (74), VI (75), VII (96)

Kiyara Tifla

X (211)

VIII (148), IX (185), X (152)


IV (464), V (405)

KMF Ali Calypso

X (170)

11(161), III (250), IV (261),

Mona Dena

IV (414)

Knight Flight

V (128)

V (186)

Mona El Ajzaa

II (98)

Makhsous •Malekat El Carnal


IV (467), VIII (129), IX (164)


VII (256)

Mona Lai

IV (83)

KRH Amir Elbataa

XI (186)

Malika S

V (372)


III (97)

KRH Amira Mist Sabbah XI (187)


III (378)


V (104)

KRH Banner Day

VII (158)


11(231), III (358)


II (245)

KRH Halana

XI (188)


VI (235), VII (253)


V (152) I (26)

Kuhaylah Masika

VI (150)


V (384), VI (239)

Moniet Ami

Kuhaylan Medeen

V (239)


111 (200), IV (200)

Moniet El Nafis

III (240), IV (251), V (171)

Kyro KA

X (146)

Marees Shahsar

V (288)

Moniet El Sharaf

IV (99)

LA Ibn Black Halim

IX (253)

Marquis I

VIII (151), IX (186), X (153),

Monisa Halima

IV (423), V (344)

Laleeta El Masr

XI (239)

XI (195)

Monisa RSI/Monisa

1(25), 11(65), IV (106)


11(235), IV (411)

Marquisah KA

XI (201)


V (338)

•Lancers Asmara

III (285), IV (60)

Marrov Aana

VII (251)

Montoya Moniet

II (60)

•Lancers El Shadi

111 (357), IV (399)

Masada El Bayad

V (246)


V (383)

•Lancers Nora

III (351)

Masarra Ra

IV (395)

Moon Danseur

V (310), VII (219)

•Lancers Sahm

111(281), IV (243)


II (188), 111(286)

Moon Mystique

VI (163)

•Lancers Zeina

IV (220), V (145)


IV (465)



Latifa Ladad

IX (161)


III (386)


Latifa Raqqasa

V (155)



Le Baroque

VI (76)

Maya Bint Fathaya

III (352)



I (75), II (172)


X (137), XI (302)


LF Zahralena

V (231)


VIII (140)


V (102)

MB Amir Shamal

IX (199)


I (42), 11(112), 111(170), IV (185), V (129) 11(166) 11(180), III (274), IV (290), V (221), VI (247)


IV (447), V (361)


Volume (Page Number)


Volume (Page Number)



V (225), VII (83)


VI (182)

Raadin Inshalla


IV (179)

Nil Jazir

IV (482)


VIII (74)

Nil Nafiza

IV (481)

Raadin Kamar

III (257), IV (437)


1(36), II (82), III (118), VI (231),

Nile Heir

III (120), IV (142)

Raadin Khebira

V (299)

VII (89)

Nisrs Nile Legend

IX (196)


IV (470)

Moss Hill Karim

V (93)


VII (257)


111(88), IV (121)

Mossa RSI

II (244)

Noble Imdalia

X (207)


III (194)


V (159)


I (76), 11(174)


II (150), 111(233), IV (242)


X (79)


V (189)

Rahimah KA

XI (198)


II (224)

Nora Halima

V (60)


II (131), III (187), IV (195)


V (64), VI (82), VII (101)


IX (65,153)



Mujannah Fanniya

VII (114)


III (195), IV (196)


II (206)

Muniet Nefous RSI

III (79)


IV (387)

Raisuli El Pharo

111(150), IV (171), V (118)

Muraja Alichia

IX (198)


V (61), VI (80)

•Ramses Amal

IV (380)

Mutair HP

IX (195)

Odysseus HF

VIII (139)

Ramses Amir

III (356), V (199)


I (63), II (128), 111(186)


IV (320)

Ramses Amon

VI (225)

Mystic Intrigue

IX (172)

Om El Arab

IV (449)

Ramses April

V (248), VI (164)

N Hadi

IV (408), VI (222)

Om Khamsa

III (322)

Ramses Bint Hayat

11(207), III (317)

N Morafica

IV (314)

Om Sabra

II (154)

•Ramses Bint Rania

IV (326)

Na Ibn Moniet

111(63), IV (97)


II (246), III (382)

Ramses Boomerang

XI (159)


III (199), IV (199)

Oombre Rose

VIII (68), X (160)

Ramses El Bar

V (95), VI (101)


II (78)


II (143), III (111), IV (132)

•Ramses El Din

III (141), IV (165), V (120)


III (368)


V (173), VI (130), VII (163),

Ramses El Fayek

XI (156) IV (383)


11(51), III (54), IV (76), V (274),

Volume (Page Number) II (111), III (164), V (203), VII (88)

VIII (137), IX (67,177), X (142)

Ramses Es Shams

V I (74)

Orfan Bey

IX (205)

•Ramses Fayek

I (86), 11(203), III (314), IV (325)


V (404)

Orienta Aysha

XI (318)

•Ramses Hameedo



I (55), 11(137), III (91), IV (125)

PA Kamaro

III (313)

Ramses Ibn Fayek

III (315), IV (324)


IV (246)

Rasha Nabilahh

VI (199)

•Ramses Kenz



IV (206), V (142)

Pashas Miriya

V (153)

Ramses Latif


Nadira Newma

IV (317)

Pert Em Hru


Ramses Mahal

IV (396), V (319)


IV (497)

PH Flirtatious

VI (169)

•Ramses Nefertari

II (205), III (319)

Nafud Shahina

VIII (165)

PH ]amahr

V (268)

Ramses Nur El Fayek

IV (327), VIII (97)


1(21), II (62), 111(93)

PH Maroufina

VIII (185), IX (230), X (185),

•Ramses Rahwana

111(318), IV (328)


VI (215)

XI (240)

Ramses Sarraf

V (318) II (204)


11(184), 111(280), IV (101)

PH Satina

VI (97), IX (135)

•Ramses Wafeya


111(198), IV (198)


III (258), IV (267), V (289),

Ramses Wardah

IV (329)

Nagwa Fouad

III (287)

VI (194)

Raquin RA

VIII (178) IX (207)


IV (367), V (352)

Pimlico RCA

XI (150)

RAS Amala


VIII (131)

Pippin Net'i

IX (209)

•Rashad Ibn Nazeer

I (93), II (215)


I (54), II (136), III (182)

Pippin Raziel

VIII (170)


VII (80)


III (197), IV (197)

Pirouettes Rose

XI (218)


IV (398)


III (350)

PR Desert Rose

X (171)




IV (476)

Prince Charmming

VI (178), VII (148)

Rasmoniet RSI

11(221), IV (424), V (347), VI (161)


II (81), III (109), IV (126)

Prince Fa Moniet

VI (70), VIII (65)


VI (153), IX(152)


VI (168)

Prince Ibn Shaikh

V (346), VI (228)

Rasul Ibn Lateef

IV (53)


V (227), VI (196)

Princess El Tareef

VIII (133)


III (293), IV (303)


X (122), XI (294)

Princess Fayek

X (182)


II (191), 111(128)


II (72)

Princess lazmoniet

IV (358)

RDM Maar Hala

•Natalie DSA

IV (173)

Princess Nile

IV (84)

Natta Mareekh

VI (211)

Princess Shamira

IX (126)

RDM Maar Halima

11(197), 111(303)

Naufali CR

X (161)

Princess Tamaal

VII (221)

RDO Egyptian Star

IV (341)

ll(9 0 ),lll(1 5 4 ), IV (340), V (270), VI (171), VII (193), VIII (176)


IV (480)

Prophecy OTW

XI (269)

RDO Faserrs Fury

X (138)


11(202), 111(316)

PVA Imperiali

VII (197)

RDO Royal Saradin

V (273)


V (367)

PVA Kariim

VII (189)

REA Bint Shesarra

XI (227)

Nazim Rasha


PVA Shahlim

V (255)

REA IIBint Moniet

XI (229)

111(185), IV (155), V (244),

PVA Sonbali

V (251)

REA Nisrs Adiva

XI (228)

VI (179)

Pyramid Aalin

XI (307)

REA Nisrs Angel

XI (226)

Nefis El Din

V (166)

Pyramid Laneya

XI (306)


1(68), 11(151), III (65), IV (103)


III (99)

Pyramid Layyan "K"

XI (308)


IV (469)


III (332), IV (269), V (192)

Pyramid Lutfiyah

XI (309)

RG Al Mone

IV (342), VI (174)


111(81), IV (112)

Pyramid Set El Nil

IX (255)

RG Gabriel


Nejma Sabah

IV (315)

Queen Sheeba

XI (163)

RG jadir

X (133)

NF Anna Halima Shah

XI (237)

RA Aneesa

V (333)

RG Sequoia

V (109)


VIII (173)

RA Jahim

VIII (149), IX (189), XI (196)

RG Sherifa



1(61), ll(1 4 2 ),lll(1 9 6 )

RA Zachariyah

IX (214)

Rhapsody In Black

XI (151)


V (393)

Raadin Hilal

III (323)

RHR BintChelima

XI (182)



▲ Name

Volume 1Page Number)


Volume (Page Number)


Volume (Page Number)

RHR Safar

XI (225)


IX (242), X (191)

Shah El Sareei

VII (289)


X (114), XI (167)

’ Sanaaa

ll(1 4 0 ),lll(1 9 1 )

Shah El Shamal

IV (160)

Richter MH

VIII (177), IX (211)

’ Sanaad

II (96)

Shah El Sun

V (317)


11(132), 111(193)


V (98)

Shah Khatun

IV (212)

Risha Al Shaqab

VIII (59)

Saqlawia Jidrania

II (83), III (83)

Shah Nishan

II (93), 111(135), IV (156)

Rio Desert Son

IX (269)


III (310)


VIII (164) VIII (126)

RN Farida

IX (84)

Sar Fadl Halim

III (306)

Shahh Shahinn


II (86), 111 (124)

Sar Ibn Moniet

11(110), 111(159), IV (178)


I (48), 11(122), III (178)


V (136), VII (234)

Sar Roya

III (309)


VII (273)

’ Romanaa II

I (58), 11(138), 111(192)

SarSabiha Ghazala

III (156)


IX (83)


II (80), 111(104), IV (124)

Sasseneh CR

XI (282)


VII (259), VIII (71) III (189), V (272)


I (20), II (59), III (70)


IX (219), XI (233)


Royal Amirah

V (105)

Saud El Ameer

VI (113), VII (149)


IV (384), V (82)

Royal Bintpharrah

VIII (175)

Say Amen

VI (200), VII (210)


V (282)

Royal Gemm

IV (388), V (63), VI (84)

Say La V

IX (159)

Shai Diva SMF

XI (257)

Royal Jalliel

V (290), VII (130), IX (268)

’ Sayaf

VIII (152)


VII (173)

Royal Mikhiel

VII (132)


IV (213)

Shaikh Al Badi

1(92), 11(214), III (331), VII (155)

Royal Pharriel

VII (200), VIII (182)

Seif El Arab

III (235)

Shaikh Al Kuran

VIII (134)

RRA Desert Prince

IX (223), X (178)

Ser Rom

III (342), IV (350)

Shaikh Al Shaheer

V (161)

RRA Desert Zahra

IX (224), X (181)

Serenity Benibn Nazeer V (295)

Shaikh El Hafiz

III (327)

RSI Raya Del Sol

II, (79), III (75)

Serenity Bint Bint Mamlouka III (253), IV (263)

Shaikh El Sherif

IX (128), X (78)

Ru Egyptian Day

IV (354)

’ Serenity Bint Mamlouka IV (360)

Shaikh Halim

V (158)

Ru Faserr Sharouf

IX (173)

Serenity Caramia

III (344)

Shaikh Moniet

V (321)

Rualla El Pharo

V (119)

Serenity Ferial

III (256)


VII (239)

Ruh Allah

IV (207)

Serenity Ibnkhofo

VII (209)


VII (230)

Ruminaja Ali

IV (136), V (351), VII (117),

’ Serenity Ibn Nazeer

II (223), IV (359)


VII (290)

VIII (82)

Serenity Ibn Osiris

IV (331)

Shaker El Masri

II (249)

IV (372), V (301)

Serenity Ladid

VII (206)

’ Shakhs

111(391), IV (346)

Ruminaja Fayez

V (323)

’ Serenity Luftia



V (402)

Ruminaja Majed

V (232), VI (154)

Serenity Mamlouk

VII (208)


IV (51)

Ruminaja Omar

V (309)

Serenity Mashalla

III (379), IV (460), V (381)


III (367)

Ruminaja Bahjat

Ruminaja Rabia

111 (165), V (101)

’ Serenity Montaha

I (99)

’ Shalom Ha Yonah

V (398), VI (252), VIII (192)

RXR Farah

VI (181)

Serenity Nohad

IV (477)

’ Shalom llanit

IV (486)


XI (243)

’ Serenity Sabra


III (294)

Saahaar Nuss Lei

VIII (88)

Sab El Dine

1(101), III (247), IV (257),


V (403)

V (182)

’ Shamah

I (78), 11(173)

’ Serenity Shahra

1(102), III (263), IV (321)


111(125), IV (149)

IV (403)

’ Serenity Sonbolah

1(100)111(245), IV (253), V (177)


111(134), IV (458), VIII (206)


V (391)

Serenity Tiamo

III (254)

Shanah Halim

X (162)


VIII (57)

Serenity Volare

III (259)

Sharaf El Hafiza

V (293)


III (90)


V (162), VI (119), VII (154)

Sharaf Ibn Somaia

V (247)


V 9259)



Sharafs Monahalima

IX (213)


III (298), IV (309)

Serr Beth

IV (351), V (204)


V (123)


IV (453), V (363)

Serr Maariner

IV (336)

Sheik El Shahir

III (264)

’ Safaa


Serr Pasha

II (209)

Sherif El Moniet

VIII (144), IX (184)

Safaara RSI

1(71), V (294)


III (345)

Sherif Rasha

V (365)


VI (207), VII (216), VIII (196),


I (97)

She's So Gigi

X (202)

IX (241)

SES Khebria

VII (265)



’ Saher

IV (391)

Set Abouha

IV (479)

’ Shiaa

I (47), 111(188)


X (192)

SF Amil Ibnnazeer

VII (194)


VII (182)


VII (136)

SF Bint Bint Mamlouka

V (187)

Shiko Ibn Sheikh

II (88)


VIII (90)

SF Bint Sonbolah

IV (374)


II (239)


XI (219)

SF Enshalla

VII (214)

‘ Shoofizo

II (146)


V (223)

SF Gammoussa

IX (156)

’ Shook

I (77), II (237)


III (299), V (206)

SF Ibn Lateef

VII (207)

SHS Ebony Angel

IX (114)

Sakkara El Din

IV (167)

SF Luftia

IV (498)


II (236)

’ Sakr

I (44), II (115), III (174), IV (188),

SF Untouchable

VII (205)

’ Shwikar

III (289)

V (132)

SH Shaitani

VII (222)

Si Moniela

V (1170


II (32)


VI (127)

’ Sidkii

III (282)


IX (158)


VI (159)


VI (86), VII (104)

‘ Saleema


Shaamisa Mystique

XI (164)

Silkk Rose

VIII (100)


IV (474)


VI (198)

Simeon Saadia

XI (322)

Samantha Samiha

IX (232)

Shabah El Sharaf

V (208)

’ Simeon Sachi

X (92), XI (138)


11(178), III (273), IV (289),


X (190), XI (252)

Simeon Sadik

VI (253), VII (282)

V (220), VI (248)

Shadhem El Din

VII (81)

Simeon Safanad

IV (489), VII (283)


I (39), II (99), III (137)


11(130), 111(190)

’ Simeon Sakana

X (104)

Samira Al Majid

XI (139)

Shah Dalul

VIII (91)

Simeon Saraaf

XI (313)



Volume (Page Number)


Volume (Page Number)


Volume (Page Number)

Simeon Sarice

X (134)


II (238)


III (265)

Simeon Sehavi

X (195)


IV (304)

Turkiya Al Rayyan

XI (288)

V (399), VII (211), IX (258),


XI (202)

•Simeon Shai

X (189), XI (249) Simeon Shanit

V (401)


111(272), IV (288), V (218),


VI (152)


II (54)

IV (296), V (228)

V Shah El Sareei

VIII (216) VI (187)

Simeon Shalal

XI (323)


IV (293)

Valentino RCA

Simeon Shamor

XI (300)


V (224)

Valour Ruhani

X (81)

Simeon Shatkin

X I (321)


1(80), II (175), 111(271), IV (287),

Valour Saphina

IX (146)

Simeon Shatul

XI (311)

V (217)

Valour Wadalah

VI (223), VII (244)

Simeon Shuala

VIII (199), IX (258)


IV (375)

Valours Fahl

VII (243)

Simeon Solomon

VII (270)


VIII (106)

Vanylla Ice

XI (197)

Simeon Sukari

VI (254)


IV (310), V (211)


IV (153)


V (385)


V (235), VI (214), VII (236),

Victoria BA

IX (203)


II (67), III (87), IV (118)

VIII (208)

VMA Barr Farasha

XI (275)



Tammen Shah

IX (181)

Vooo Doo

VIII (168), IX (68)


VIII (85), IX (251), XI (273)


VIII (99)

VP Regal Heir

VII (97), X (149)

•Soheir II

111(114), IV (135)


IX (233)

W Bint Fehris

IV (430)


XI (281)

Tareefs Sa Divvah

VI (107)

W BintIdaa

IV (427)

Sonieta RSI


Tarifa Moniet

V (150)

W Sudans Nefisa

VII (107)

Sonietassolar RSI

V (165), VI (126)


VIII (123)


V (185), VI (217), VII (240)

1(50), II (116), III (176), IV (190),

Tay's Rage

VII (115)


V (133)

Tcheser Billa Bay

IX (217)


11(181), III (270), IV (286), V (216)


XI (222)

TC Moniets Legacy

VI (118), VII (151), VIII (124)


SRA Dalesha

IV (364)


VIII (113)


IV (148)

SRA Lyra

IV (366)

Thalaatha S

IV (493)


IV (446)

IV (214)

SRA Sultarr

IV (370)

Thaqib Al Nasser

XI (319)


IV (221)

Stavs Sorsha

XI (305)


IV (404)

Ward Shah

VIII (112), IX (144)

Stnsnn Sahra Sarab

XI (259)

TH Babylon

XI (179)

Waseem Ibn Montaal

IV (410)

Stonehedge Sha Rafi

IV (385)

The Atticus

VII (133)

Waseem Montaal

II (234), IV (409)


I (83), 11(195), 111(300), IV (305),

The Aura

IX (151)



V (237)

The Desperada

IX (120)


III (347), IV (363)


II (91), III (242)


1(70), II (53), 111(61), IV (95)

Wazir Ibn Morafic

II (230)

Sultan Sayid

IV (89)

The Elixir

VIII (69), IX (259)

WH Bodacious

IX (263), X (205)


II (182), VIII (147)

The Messenger

XI (270)

W K Elsaria Moniet

VII (191)

Summerwood Shai

X (157)

The Minstril

VII (90), IX (261)

WP Akeem

VI (226)


IV (306)

The Minuet

IX (254), X (201)

Ya Sahara

V 9154) 111(126)

Sweet Eloise

X (148)

The Princess of Egypt

IX (193)


SW Raziye

IX (148), X (128)

The Profile

VII (92)


III (82), IV (113), V (148)

SW Shai Monalia

VI (210)

The Romeo

VII (119), VIII (83)


111(175), IV (189)


XI (183)

The Vixxen

VIII (143)

Zahara Kiyara

X (111)


VIII (102)

Thee Ananda

VIII (105)

Zahara Nadira

IX (225)

TA Andeha

V (327)

Thee Black Majic

IX (150)


III (284), IV (73)


IX (108), X (97)

Thee Brigadier

VIII (127), IX (170)


IV (168)


V (380)

Thee Cappuccino

VIII (109), IX (139), X (118),

Zandai Abu Zeidan

IX (271)


X (206), XI (279)

XI (171)

Zandai Ibn Omar

IX (270), X (212), XI (284)


V (230), VII (220)

Thee Corsair

VIII (158)


VI (109), VII (141)


V (339)

Thee Desperado

VII (91), IX (111), X (83),

Zeyn Ibn Morafic

II (106), V (77)


1(72), II (167), III (266), IV (282),

XI (148)

Zilal Al Hawah CR

XI (280) V (287)

V (212), VI (151)

Thee Gambler

IX (154)



1(79), 11(169), III (227)

Thee Iceman

VIII (89)

ZT Faa'iq

IX (273)


II (177), III (363), VI (175)

Thee Infidel

VIII (70), IX (112)


V (210)


IV (224), V (146)

Thee RasMoniet

IX (129)


IV (225)

Thee Raven

VII (171)


II (52), III (60)


VI (206)


IV (208)


IV (483), VIII (73)


IV (307), V (234), VI (234)

Til Dawn

VII (180)

Talia Halima

IX (107)

Tomoniet RSI

IV (150)

Taliiq Jinniy

XI (278)


X (88)


VIII (84)

TP Shahlouk

X (80)


III (268), IV (284)

TR Paris At Night

VI (129), VII (231), VIII (201)



Tranquility Moon

X (186)


111(269), IV (283), V (214),


VI (124)

VII (128)

True Colours

X (196)


IV (294)

TS Ibn Rasheek

VII (122)



TSEA Magick

VI (213)

Talo Ibn Nazeer



II (192), 111(328)


B ib l io g r a p h y The history of the Egyptian Arabian, its foundations, and people and places associated with its advancement is fascinating and very broad in scope. Unearthing of information regarding the Egyptian horse is a continuous process which benefits the enthusiast of these horses. The following bibliography is expanded from previous Reference Handbook volumes and offers a substantial base of information for learning more about the Egyptian Arabian. Readers are encouraged to avail themselves of all that can be obtained on the subject of the Egyptian horse as w ell as subjects of related interest for a more informed insight into the history of these horses. AL KHAM SA DIRECTO RY 1976 AL KHAM SA ARABIAN S (1983), Carol Lyons Editor, Thrift-Remsen, Rockford, IL AL KHAM SA ARABIAN S II, 1993 and 1998 Update, Jostens, Topeka, Kansas AL KHAM SA ARABIAN S III, 2008, lostens, Topeka, Kansas ARABIAN HORSE JO U RN A L (formerly ARABIA N HORSE NEWS) Egyptian Issues 1974-1979; Tribute To *Morafic 1974; M oniet El Nefous Feature, December 1977 ARABIAN HORSE W O R LD : Egyptian Issue, May 1975; The Roy Jackson Feature, February 1 977; A nchor ETill Story, August 1977; Babson Feature, March 1978; The Lober Story, November 1978; The Ansata Feature, December 1978; Egyptian issue, June 1980; Annual Egyptian Issues; May 1981 -May 2010 ARCH ER, ROSEMARY, CO LIN PEARSO N , C EC IL CO VEY, The Crabbet Arabian Stud Its History and Influence, England 1978 ARCH ER, ROSEM ARY and JAMES FLEM ING editors, Lady Anne Blunt, Journals and Correspondence 1878-1917, Alexander Heriot & Co. Ltd., England 1986 ASIL ARABER (ASIL ARABIAN S, Volumes l-VI), O lm s Presse, N.Y. and Germany 1977 - 2007 BLUNT, LADY AN N E, Bedouin Tribes o f The Euphrates, New York 1879 A Pilgrimmage to Nejd, London 1881 BLUNT, W ILFR ID SCAW EN, M y Diaries, London BREASTED, JO HN HENRY, A Hislory o f Egypt, London 1906 BRO W N , W. R., The Horse o f The Desert. New York 1948 BU RCKH ARD T, JO H N LEW IS, Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabys, London 1831 Travels In Arabia, London 1829 CO N N , DR. G EO R G E, The Arabian H orse in Am erica, Vermont 1 957 COVEY, CECIL, Crabbet Arabian Stud Past and Present, England DAVENPORT, HOM ER, M y Q uest o f the Arabian Horse, New York 1909 D ICKIN SO N , J.M ., Travelers Rest Arabian Horses, Franklin, Tennessee 1947 DICKSO N , H .R.P., The Arab o f the Desert, London 1949 D O U G H TY, CH ARLES, Travels in Arabia Deserta, New York and London DUM AS, E., The Horses o f the Sahara, London 1863 EDW ARDS, G .B .E ., The Arabian War H orse to Show Horse, California 1969 EGYPTIAN A G R IC U LTU R A L O RG A N IZA TIO N , P.O. Box 63, Cairo, Egypt, Egyptian Studbooks, Volumes l-VI THE EGYPTIAN BADEIA STU D , (herdbook for the AlBadeia Stud), Volumes 1 -III, Cairo, Egypt FORBIS, JU D IT H , The Classic Arabian Horse, New York 1976 *Ansata Ibn Halima - The Gift, Mena, Arkansas 1998 Authentic Arabian Bloodstock, Mena, Arkansas 1990 Authentic Arabian Bloodstock II, Mena, Arkansas 2003 Hoofbeats Along The Tigris, London 1970 Articles: The Arabian Horse in Egypt, Arabian Horse W orld, May-August 1962 Henry B. Babson, Arabian Horse W orld, September-November 1965 The Arabian Horse in Egypt From Antiquity to Present Day, Your Pony, August 1967-September 1968 (series) Two Sheikhs and a Pasha, Arabian Horse W orld, January-March 1970 Nazeer, Arabian Horse News, 1972

FORBIS, JU D ITH and WALTER SCHIM ANSKI, The Royal Arabians o f Egypt and the Stud o f Henry B. Babson, Thoth Publishers, 1976 FO RBIS, JU D ITH and G U LS U N SHERIF, The Abbas Pasha M anuscript, Ansata Publications, 1993 GREELY, M ARGARET, Arabian Exodus, London 1975 H AM ONT, P.N., Egypte de puise la conquete des Arabes sous la domination de M ehem et Aly, Paris 1877 HAM ZA, AH M ED , Hamdan Stables Studbook, Cairo, 1969 HITTI, PHILLIP K., The Arabs, London 1968 THE INSHASS STU D B O O K O F ARABIAN HORSE BREED IN G (translated), Terra Publishing Co., Netherlands 1973 KHAM SAT M AG AZIN E: published quarterly 1984 - present, Al Khamsa, Inc., Capron, Illinois M A BRO U K, DR. AH M ED , A journey to Arabia, Royal Agricultural Society, Cairo, 1939 M O H AM M ED ALI, H .R .H . PRINCE, Breeding Purebred Arab Horses, Vol. I and 2, Cairo, 1936 M U LD ER, CA RO L, Im ported Foundation Stock o f North American Horses Vol. 1,1969, Vol. 2,1972,

and updated versions 1991

- 1993, Borden Publishing, California M U R D O C H , M ARTH A M anual o f Straight Egyptian Arabian Horses, Pyramid Society, 1997 and supplements MURRAY, SIR CH ARLES A U G U S T U S , A Short M em oir o f M oham m ed Ali, London 1 898 OTT, MISS JANE LLEW ELYN, The Blue Arabian Horse Catalog, Pine Hill Farm, Vermont 1961 PALGRAVE, W .G ., Central and Eastern Arabia, London 1866 PARKINSON, M ARY JANE, The Kellogg Arabian Ranch - The First 50 Years, California 1975 PEARSON, COLIN with KEES M OL, The Arabian Horse Families o f Egypt, [Volume 1 and 2] Alexander Heriot, England 1988 and 1995 PERRON, M ., Le Naceri, 2 Volumes, Paris 1859 P ID U C H , DR. IRW IN A ., Arabian Horses o f El Zahraa, Georg Olm s Verlag, New York and Germany Egypt's Arab Horses, History and Cultural Heritage, Kentauros-Verlag, Germ any 1988 PYRAM ID SOCIETY, The Reference Library Series: *Roda (Ryan), Hamdan (Loken), Egyptians - A Comparison o f O ld and N ew Pedigrees (Jennings). The Pyramid Report, published quarterly in ARABIAN HORSE TIM ES, W aseca, Minnesota, and The Pyramid Report, published quarterly in ARABIAN HORSE W O R LD , Cam bria, California RASW AN, CARL, Drinkers of The W ind, New York 1942 The Arab and His Horse, California 1955 The Raswan Index, M exico 1957 in several editions (Special Edition reprinted 1990 by Mrs. Esperanza Raswan) A Collection o f Articles By Carl Raswan, reprinted from "Western Horseman" REESE, H .H ., The Kellogg Arabians, California 1958 REFERENCE H A N D B O O K O F STR A IG H T EG YPTIAN HORSES, The Pyramid Society, Vol. 1, 1973; Vol. 2,1 976; Vol. 3, 1979; Vol. 4, 1983; Vol. 5, 1987; Vol. 6, 1991; Vol. 7, 1994; Vol. 8, 1997; Vol. 9, 2000; Vol. 10, 2003; Vol. 1 1 ,2 0 0 6 SCH IELE, ERIKA, The Arab Horse in Europe, California 1970 SIM PSON, BILL, Arabiana, W isconsin 1975 UPTO N , RO G ER D., Newm arket and Arabia, London, 1873 VYSE, R.W. H. Operations Carried On A t The Pyramids o f C izeh in 1837, London 1 840 W EH R, HANS, A Dictionary o f M odern Written Arabic, M acDonald and Evans Ltd., London 1974 W EN TW O R TH , LADY, The Authentic Arabian, London 1945 Thoroughbred Racing Stock, London 1938 The World's Best Horse, London 1958 W EN ZLER, DR. G E O R G , Stutbuch, Weil-Marbach 1817-1971, Bamberg, Germany ZAH ER DR. AM EEN, Arabian H orse Breeding and the Arabians o f Am erica, Cairo 1950

Anyone interested in obtaining information about what constitutes a straight Egyptian Arabian horse, as defined by The Pyramid Society, should contact The Pyramid Society at: 4067 Iron W orks Pkwy, Suite C, Lexington, Kentucky 40 51 1. Not all reference works are in agreement on this subject.


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