About FreedomNow

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Using a community built Anti‐Money Laundering data system to identify and seize the proceeds of trafficking


Concept •

Tackle Human Trafficking by using the anti‐money laundering (AML) infrastructure that financial institutions implemented post 9/11.

Utilize the data collated by our company over past decade to seed database of known traffickers (10,000+) and banned agents (3,000+).

Create free community wiki site to update information daily.

Leverage on business contacts made providing AML service to Financial Institution’s to immediately make data on traffickers available to thousands of banks to check 100’s of millions of accounts at no extra time or implementation cost to bank.

Banks will have free access to data, seamlessly integrated into existing processes.

Banks will be able to file Suspicious Activity Reports on flagged accounts.

Central Banks will seize accounts/initiate money laundering investigations 2

Status – Ready for Launch Daily updates of named traffickers and agents being added to database

Alerts by country to allow easy review of new information

Dozens of research firms identified globally who will participate in in‐ country research

Board of Advisors includes: Former senior prosecutors and legal experts on terrorism, trafficking and corruption Senior AML experts for MNC banks Third Party AML data providers


Traffickers & Banned Agents 13,000+ records Updated Daily Community Alerts Community Add or Edit records (admin reviewed) Court Documents being added Promotion of gift giving to NGO’s Search by individual, address, country. Single name or batch Data can be added to any AML system 4

Unique Investigative & AML Tools Identify Licensed Agents having offshore accounts to collect fees from bonded labor at both origin and destination.

California links Diploma Mills to Human Trafficking – we have data on 1,500 Diploma Mills globally

Identify Licensed Agents having multiple cash business operating under other names from same or nearby locations.

Hundreds of companies banned by governments from employing their nationals due to Human Rights abuses 5

Country Information Page

Assisting both victims and overseas law enforcement by detailing: What information is publicly available in each country. What NGO’s are present, who to contact and the location of shelters. What agencies are responsible for investigation and who to contact. Over 100 data points per country. 6

Portal for Victims Victims of Human Trafficking will have access to a Multi Lingual Site Report Trafficking via web (and soon SMS) Find contact details of support groups. NGO’s and Governments will also have access to macro level data by country of enforcement enabling further action.


About the Founders • Former Royal Hong Kong Police officers. • In 2001 founded and built Asia’s largest background screening firm – Quest Research. Sold in 2005 with 10 offices and 600 staff to Nasdaq Listed company. • Founded and built IntegraScreen™ ‐ recognized as setting standard for KYC bank checks. Grew to 10 offices and 300 staff globally servicing all major FI’s. Sold to WorldCheck™ in 2009 in turn acquired by Thomson Reuters™ • Current owners of Dataflow Ltd – largest provider of document verification services to government immigration departments in Middle East and South & South East Asia • Maintains largest privately database of high risk individuals and companies used in 100,000’s of background checks monthly through third party data aggregators.


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