The Key To Creating Training Programs That Management Will Love
Workplace Violence Prevention is a hot topic that many organizations are gearing up to provide training on. As a consultant that specializes in Workplace Violence Prevention program development and training this is music to my ears. However, even though the increase in the demand for workplace violence prevention training is up, I am sad to say that in many cases training is not the appropriate solution for an organization. I know at this point many of my competitors are cringing that I may be letting the ‘cat out the bag,’ however, we take an organization development approach to consulting that recommends the solution that will most effectively address the clients’ need. Let me explore this a bit more since many Security organizations are the ones spearheading the effort to get the workplace violence prevention training in place. As is true with most business issues we believe any initiative, especially training, must start with the question – What problem are we trying to solve? While some of you are thinking, hello genius, we are trying to prevent violence from occurring in our organization, I believe a more relevant and important consideration is to ask if by providing training will we significantly reduce the likelihood of a violent incident occurring. To no one’s surprise the answer to this question is ‘it depends.’ It depends on how many of the following questions can be responded to in an affirmative manner: - Do you have a comprehensive workplace violence prevention policy in place that is consistently communicated and enforced? - Do you have a highly developed supervisory staff that is effective at managing people, treating them with respect and are very effective communicators? - Do you have an organization culture that encourages employees to speak up, bring their problems, issues or conflicts to their supervisor or human resources attention and an effective problem resolution process that is frequently used by employees? (If they frequently use it this means they think it is a fair process while conversely if it is sparsely used your process may be perceived as management oriented, overly cumbersome or not employee friendly.) - Do you have human resource policies in place that establish the importance of treating employees as adults, in a fair manner and respectful manner? Commensurately, are supervisors’ selected with these traits or capabilities in mind? - Does your company offer an Employee Assistance Program that provides confidential counseling services for personal problems and issues that employees may encounter? - Have all of your human resource and management policies been designed to ensure fair and respectful treatment of employees in all organizational actions? For example, have you examined your termination or layoff process specifically to ensure they treat people in a respectful manner or have they been designed simply to be an efficient organization process? - Do you have comprehensive selection processes in place to ensure you carefully select employees that ‘fit’ with your culture and are not violence prone? If your organization does not have many of the above in place you can provide training until you are blue in the face and while it may help a little, it is not going to make a lot of 1