The New England Pride Guide 2019 is produced annually by Boston-based & largest LGBTQ Newspaper, The Rainbow Times. This Guide has exclusive interviews all-related (in one way or another) to the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots -- capturing the true people of color heroes and heroines, like Stormé DeLarverie -- who were forgotten by mainstream producers and media at first. Our Stonewall approach highlights past and present Stonewall Activism and the movement's evolution--as they also shift toward protecting transgender, nonbinary and gender nonconforming rights. The writing you'll find within it is delivered by reputable LGBTQIA+ writers and Doctors, all talking around today's most relevant topics. In it, too, you will find stories centered around those who are the most marginalized in our community, like LGBTQ elders, transgender people, LGBTQ youth activism, Pride's that will blow your mind, World Pride, the state of mariage eqyality and more!