The Rainbow Times' April, 2016 Issue

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2 • The Rainbow Times •

April 7, 2016 - May 4, 2016

By: Nicole Lashomb*/TRT Editor-in-Chief

By: Mike Givens*/TRT Assistant Editor


Bernie or Bust: A disturbing reality LGBTQ rights battle wages on across the nation nly four months into a new year, 2016 is shaping up to be a pivotal turning point for LGBTQ rights in the United States. The presidential race, particularly on the Republican side, has devolved into a circus complete with sideshows featuring muckraking, questionable statements of fact, and plenty of pandering. Between Ted Cruz’s alleged extramarital liaisons, to Donald Trump’s contentious rallies, to Hillary Clinton’s startlingly ignorant comments about the “legacy” of the Reagans as pioneers for the those living with HIV/AIDS, to the social media craze over a bird perching on a podium Bernie sanders was speaking at during an event, all of the leading candidates for office are making sensational headlines. Merrick Garland, President Barack Obama’s nominee for the United States Supreme Court, faced a severe backlash from Senate Republicans, who initially refused to hold a hearing to move forward the nomination process and stall the appointment of the country’s next Supreme Court justice. It was recently reported that nearly 25 percent of Senate Republicans support holding a hearing for Garland, but this process will, more than likely, drag on for months ( The next U.S. president and U.S. Supreme Court justice will play pivotal roles in politics both on an executive and judicial level, respectively. The next president will be in a prime position to advance LGBTQ rights in this country by establishing national precedents and policies that will reverberate from Alaska to Rhode Island (or not). The supreme court justice filling Antonin Scalia’s vacancy could potentially influence American jurisprudence in a way that could nudge more Supreme Court rulings onto a more progressive path (or not). And then there’s North Carolina. House Bill 2, a notoriously broad law allowing for wide-ranging discrimination against LGBTQ people, was recently deemed “a national embarrassment” by the state’s at-

ing medicine, technology and global relaBernie or Bust. A movement tions, not to mention the serious potential widely known as “Bernie or Bust” fallouts on national security, the safety and has been circulating for some time the state of our nation. Did we not learn now on the web. Simply put, if Sen. anything from George W. Bush presiSanders loses the Democratic nom- dency? Perhaps, the “Bernie or Bust” parination to run against the GOP in ticipants are not Democrats in the first November, some supporters are place. After all, Bernie wasn’t a Democrat vowing to write in his name at the either, until this election cycle. polls or even cast their vote for a I have rarely heard or seen Sec. Clinton Right-Wing candidate. One thing is supporters vigorously attack Sen. Sanders’ for certain— supporters in the they have vowed way I’ve witnessed not to vote for Demothe reverse. The soHE RACE TO THE cratic Presidential cancial media sphere didate Sec. Hillary has gotten out of Clinton. HITE OUSE IS NOT AN control with the As a life-long Demo“Bernie or Bust” crat, I am deeply troumovement. Bernie bled by this mentality AFTER DINNER GAME A bots that have venand personal declaraomously trolled and tion of “Bernie or CABARET THEATER NOR targeted the pages of Bust.” How can indiClinton supporters, viduals who believe in to convince them HE EMO not the promise of Sen. REALITY of voting for Sen. Sanders’ “political revSanders mind you, olution,” as he declares CRATIC TICKET IS THE but to express dishis stump speeches, dain, sexism, and bail on fellow Democplain vitriol against EMOCRATIC TICKET rats if it doesn’t go Clinton. Even when their way? That is not prompted by other the Democratic princiusers to cite what ple that the party seeks to uphold. How can they are most attracted to regarding these same individuals conscionably hand Sanders campaign, the response mostly their vote to a Republican candidate with- posted demeans Clinton or her supporters. out considering that they represent the most Recently, “a new Wall Street serious of “crimes” against equality for Journal/NBC News poll indicated that one LGBTQs, women, racial and ethnic third of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’ groups, immigrants, the disabled, and so supporters cannot see themselves voting on? Putting a Republican in the White for Hillary Clinton in November,” reported House again would be catastrophic for the See Bernie or Bust on Page 4 American people and any hopes of further-










The Lord’s Prayer for LGBTQ people of faith By: Paul P. Jesep*/TRT Columnist


“Our Father [Creator] in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come; your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.” (Matthew 6: 9-13; And forgive us our sin as we forgive those who sin against us. Sin has nothing to do with hell and Lucifer. It has everything to do with keeping you from finding personal truth and the goodness in others. Sin invites spiritual awakening. This occurs through measured responses, not reactions, to those who fear, dislike, or marginalize your personhood. Sin makes it difficult to forgive those attempting to lessen LGBTQ creation. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you withdraw from a political fight. It means arguing your point fearlessly and doing so with civility, fairness, and integrity, even if such things wouldn’t be shown toward you.


SEVERAL YEARS AGO THROUGH THE RAINBOW TIMES, I LEARNED ABOUT THE Letters to the Editor BLACK AND PINK PEN PAL [Re: BREAKING: Boston Pride Withdraws Marshalship After ControverPROGRAM. sial FB Comments Surface] Let not the persecuted become the persecutor. Keep anger in check. Don’t become what you don’t like. Be true to your creation as the creator intended. The LGBTQ community is complacent if it relies on the U.S. Supreme Court’s marriage decision. Religious liberty legislation proposed in dozens of states stems in part from fear many in the LGBTQ community ignore. Dialogue between the LGBTQ community and marriage equality opponents is needed more than ever. Sin is the refusal to channel energy into something positive. It allows energy to transform into negativity causing distance and misunderstanding. To read the rest of this story visit:

Dear Editor, This is the most comprehensive story about it I’ve read. I commend the writer and Rainbow Times for staying on top of unfairness. I checked around but no one really reported the disturbing and malintentioned comments this officer made at all. How could they have missed them? Shame on biased stories. —Lionel Warryn, Jamaica Plain Send your letters to the editor with your full name, town, and phone number or post them online via TRT’s website.


LGBTQ RIGHTS, THINK AGAIN. torney general ( The law, according to North Carolina Republican Governor Pat McCrory, “protects” the safety of men, women and children in restrooms. Thankfully, the law is being challenged by the state’s LGBTQ equality organization, the ACLU and Lambda Legal and will land the case before a federal court.

See LGBTQ Politics on Page 15

The Rainbow Times The Freshest LGBT Newspaper in New England—Boston Based Phone: 617.444.9618 / 413.282.8881 Fax: 928.437.9618 Publisher Gricel M. Ocasio Editor-In-Chief Nicole Lashomb Assistant Editor Mike Givens National/Local Sales Rivendell Media Liz Johnson Lead Photographers Alex Mancini Steve Jewett Reporters John Paul Stapleton Christine Nicco Sara Brown Luke Sherman Chuck Colbert Keen News Service

Ad & Layout Design Prizm PR Webmaster Jarred Johnson Columnists/Guest* Lorelei Erisis Deja N. Greenlaw Paul P. Jesep Natalia Muñoz* Francisco “Jimagua” Cartagena Mendez Keegan O’Brien* Mike Givens Affiliations National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association NGLCC, QSyndicate *Guest Freelancer

The Rainbow Times is published monthly by The Rainbow Times, LLC. TRT is affiliated with the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association, NLGJA, National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, NGLCC, and QSyndicate. The articles written by the writers, columnists, and correspondents solely express their opinion, and do not represent the endorsement or opinion of The Rainbow Times, LLC or its owners. Send letters to the editor with your name, address and phone number to: The Rainbow Times (address shown above), or e-mail any comment/s to the editor-in-chief at: All submissions will be edited according to space constraints. The Rainbow Times, LLC reserves the right not to print any or all content or advertisements for any reason at all. TRT is not responsible for advertising content. To receive The Rainbow Times at your home via regular mail, or through electronic delivery, please visit its website. The whole content and graphics (photos, etc.) are the sole property of The Rainbow Times, LLC and they cannot be reproduced at all without TRT’s written consent. • The Rainbow Times • 3

April 7, 2016 - May 4, 2016


BOSTON, Mass.—After learning of several incendiary Facebook comments regarding Black Lives Matter demonstrators, Boston Pride has withdrawn the marshalship ( of Woburn Police Officer Anthony Imperioso for this year’s Pride Parade. “It has come to our attention that Mr. Anthony Imperioso, who was elected a marshal by the community for the 2016 Pride Parade, has made some offensive comments on his Facebook page,” read a statement by the Boston Pride committee posted on its Facebook page and emailed to The Rainbow Times. “After a discussion between Mr. Imperioso and Boston Pride, his marshalship has been withdrawn, and Mr. Imperioso will not be a marshal in the 2016 parade.” Over the weekend, The Rainbow Times learned that Officer Imperioso had made several racialized Facebook comments regarding Black Lives Matter demonstrators who shut down a portion of Interstate 93 on January 15, 2015. “These are the very unpatriotic antiAmerican trash,” said Officer Imperioso in a public Facebook post. Officer Imperioso is also the President of the New England Gay Officers Action League (G.O.A.L.). According to Boston Pride’s website, the LGBTQ community nominates and ulti-

mately chooses Pride marshals. The Facebook post was in response to a YouTube video ( titled, “Masshole Confronts I-93 Occupy Protesters." The video was posted by Steve Robinson, a producer for the Howie Carr show, a conservative talk show hosted by Boston Herald scribe Howie Carr. At nearly four minutes in length, the video features an unknown man questioning Black Lives Matter demonstrators on a bridge purportedly in East Milton Square on January 15, 2015. On that day, 29 demonstrators were arrested for blocking traffic on I93 north of Boston in Medford and south of Boston in Milton. The demonstrators, who in some instances formed human barricades in the middle of rushhour traffic, were protesting a recent spate of shootings by police officers of unarmed black men across the country.

Stating that the protesters had a “ … leftwing Marxist agenda,” Officer Imperioso referred to Caucasian protesters as “white trash” and went on to refer to the demonstrators as “agitators.” “Maybe we patriotic


Boston Pride withdraws marshalship after controversial FB comments surface By: Mike Givens/TRT Assistant Editor

Americans should start protesting welfare offices and blocking those entrances then these lazy illiterates will go away,” said Officer Imperioso in a public Facebook post sometime after his initial post on the demonstration.

When a Facebook commenter suggested that someone should set up protests outside of the demonstrators’ homes, Officer Imperioso responded, “Homes??? You mean public housing I pay for.” “It’s a very common response, that when people protest and stand up for their rights and what they believe in and for underrepresented communities, especially when it’s against the government or the state, that people automatically want to dismiss them as agitators,” said Daunasia Yancey, the lead organizer for Black Lives Matter Boston. “As if living on welfare or living in public housing or being unemployed somehow makes someone less deserving of the rights we all should have, or make someone less deserving of a voice to speak out against injustice. That says more about the person who’s saying it than the people they are targeting it against.” A petition quickly developed online last night denouncing the Boston Pride committee’s choice to allow Officer Imperioso’s nomination to stand. “Anthony Imperioso...has taken to Facebook to make inappropriate, offensive, and bigoted statements about Black Lives Matters protestors, Muslims, and people on welfare. This is unacceptable,” read the petition, which also states that honoring any police officer at a Pride event is, “ … an

See BP - Imperioso on Page 15

4 • The Rainbow Times •

April 7, 2016 - May 4, 2016

Planned Parenthood pushes for passage of comprehensive sexual education bill in MA By: Luke Sherman/TRT Reporter

BOSTON, Mass.—Seeking to improve the sexual, emotional, and mental health of young Bay Staters, Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund of Massachusetts (PPAF) held a rally in Boston last month featuring impassioned speeches from high school and college students, parents, teachers, and elected officials. Speakers at the event exhorted attendees to join the campaign to pass An Act Relative to Healthy Youth, proposed legislation that the Massachusetts Senate approved late last year but which the House of Representatives has yet to vote on. “This is a not radical ask,” said State Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz (D-Boston), a speaker at the rally. If enacted, the bill would require all public and charter schools in Massachusetts that teach sexual education to select an appropriate curriculum that is medically accurate, age-appropriate, and comprehensive. Currently, the state does not mandate school districts to teach sexual education in a specific fashion, leading some to focus exclusively on abstinence. Citing research that demonstrates that educating students about both abstinence and proper contraceptive use lowers the teenage pregnancy rate and the incidence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among adolescents, backers of the campaign argue that the Bay State should pass An Act Relative to Healthy Youth to improve students' overall health. “This bill is about providing our youth access to information at a time when they need it the most so that they can make the most healthy and informed decisions,” said State Representative James O’Day (DWest Boylston), one of the bill’s lead sponsors. “Providing comprehensive, age-appropriate, and medically accurate information about their bodies and their options is our duty as a commonwealth.” Lawmakers introduced similar legislation for the first time in 2011 and then again in 2013. Both times the bill failed to move out of committee. This session, proponents hope that they have enough momentum to push it over the finish line, pointing to the



CATES HAVE JOINED THE FIGHT, AS WELL. Senate's passage of the bill by a vote of 326. Enactment of this legislation would bring Massachusetts in line with a number of other states across the country. According to research from the Guttmacher Institute, a non-profit organization seeking to advance reproductive health, 13 states require that sexual education, when instructed, include medically accurate information. Twenty-six states and Washington, D.C., mandate that educators employ a curriculum appropriate to the age of the students. Eighteen states and the nation’s capital require that students, if they receive sexual education, learn proper contraceptive use. Supporters of the initiative maintain that a broad majority of parents support instruction of sexual education in schools. According to a 2004 national survey jointly conducted by National Public Radio, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and the Harvard University Kennedy School of Govern-

ment, 93 percent of parents of middle school students and 91 percent of parents of high schoolers believe that it is either very or somewhat important that educators teach their students sexual education. But opponents of the legislation contend that Beacon Hill should not impose curricula on individual schools. “SB 2062, An Act Relative to Healthy Youth, would effectively impose a onesize-fits-all approach to sexual health education on public schools in Massachusetts,” said Andrew Beckwith, president of the Massachusetts Family Institute. “We believe local school districts should retain the right to determine which curricula are appropriate for their students through the input of parents and educators in their own community.” A number of Massachusetts-based advocacy organizations have endorsed the proposed legislation, including Jane Doe Inc., the Massachusetts Alliance on Teen Pregnancy, and MassNOW. LGBTQ advocates have joined the fight, as well. "It's vitally important in this day and age that all youth have access to medically accurate, comprehensive sex and health education,” said Executive Director of MassEquality Deborah Shields. “It's especially important that we educate all students that LGBTQ youth deserve a safe and equal space at school and in the curriculum.” Indeed, the LGBTQ youth population in Massachusetts faces serious sexual and mental health disparities relative to other students. According to the 2013 Massachusetts Youth Risk Behavior Survey conducted by the Massachusetts Department of Early and Secondary Education ( - DESE), compared to their peers, LGB students were more than five times more likely to have attempted suicide in the past year, reported higher rates of contracting an STI, and had a statistically significant greater likelihood of skipping school as a result of feeling unsafe. (DESE did not collect data on transgender students.) PPAF and its allies argue that this bill would improve the school climate for

Bernie or Bust from Page 2 the WSJ. Supporters of the “Bernie or Bust” movement are akin to Donald Trump supporters—an all or nothing mindset. But, we deserve more. While there are definitive differences between Clinton and Sanders, it is crystal clear that either candidate would be better for the country than any of the Republican ticket holders. Undoubtedly. A “political revolution” comes with compromise, evolution, experience, and the impassioned ability to work across the aisle to make progress. No single candidate, nor you or me, have an impeccable record that cannot be picked apart in some way. We’ve all made mistakes along our life’s journey and likely have regrets from which we’ve learned. It is up to all of us to decide which candidate from our political party can best “get the job done.” However, what is inexcusable is allowing members of our own party turn against each other and shred

LGBTQ students by causing more educators to teach sexual education curricula that help youth understand sexual orientation and gender identity incorporate positive representations of LGBTQ people, and dispel common myths and stereotypes about behavior and identity. “We need to ensure that all students get medically accurate information about LGBTQ health choices and that entire schools learn that it’s traumatizing and wrong to bully, harass, discriminate, and insult students who are LGBTQ. We've seen far too many suicides among young people,” Shields said. “This bill goes a long way in reducing harm and promoting health for all students. We are required by the Constitution to maintain a separation of church and state. It's about time to enact that in our health and sex education." Moving forward, PPAF and its allies plan to continue to lobby legislative leaders and Governor Charlie Baker, a Republican, to pass this bill. For more information on the campaign, visit each other to pieces. That will only play into the hand of the Republicans. When we know better, we do better. So, let’s do better. If Clinton is the nominee, based on the current delegate math, liberals and democrats should rally around her. Conversely, if Sanders does manage to clench the nomination, they should rally round him. The Democratic ticket is the Democratic ticket. The race to the White House is not an after dinner game, a cabaret theater nor reality TV. The choices that we make today and how united we stand as fellow Democrats will impact us not only today, but for years into the future. Think about it. Peace. *Nicole Lashomb is the editor-in-chief of The Rainbow Times. Nicole holds an MBA from Marylhurst University and a BM from the Crane School of Music (SUNY-Potsdam) in NY. Reach her electronically at:

April 7, 2016 - May 4, 2016 • The Rainbow Times • 5

6 • The Rainbow Times •

April 7, 2016 - May 4, 2016

The fears that many transgender people endure throughout their lives By: Deja Nicole Greenlaw*/TRT Columnist



or many of us transgender folk, there are fears that need to be addressed as we discover our true selves. The first fear that we may face is the fear of accepting that we are transgender. We need to accept that we are not the person that society assigned us at birth. It can take a lot of work to get through this fear, but it's something that we need to work through even though we know there may be repercussions all throughout our lives. Many of us may try to fight this self-acceptance because we are very afraid of being our true gender and/or we know that we will have to continually deal with resistance. Yes, we may be at the stage of beginning to know who we truly are and yet we may be afraid of becoming who we are. Assuming that we overcome that fear, we may also fear expressing our true gender in public and worry if anyone we know will recognize us. On the one hand, it is so exhilarating and liberating to express our true gender in public, but on the other hand, we

may be scared to death that anyone we know will recognize us. We may try as best as we can to blend in and that brings up another fear: the fear of being “clocked,” peoples discerning the fact that we are transgender. Both situations can be very uncomfortable, scary, and may be dangerous to our wellbeing. After we deal with the fear of being rec-

suddenly with no job. In dealing with this particular fear we could possibly end up with no job and no support from anyone we know. If and when we get past these issues we may try to settle into our new lives and begin dating. This will be much different from our previous dating experiences because now we are the “opposite” gender.

THE DATING FEAR AND THE FEARS OF NON-ACCEPTANCE FROM FAMILY, FRIENDS, AND COWORKERS MAY LEAD TO THE LAST FEAR: THE FEAR OF LIVING AND DYING ALONE. ognized or clocked, we may now begin to plan our transition to our true gender. Our transition may receive some levels of resistance from our family, our friends, our coworkers, and perhaps even cost us our jobs. Many transgender people have lost family members and friends because they would not accept our transition. As a result, we may find ourselves on the outside looking in on many relationships. This may also happen at work as we may find ourselves

We may get resistance from many folks. There may be some who will date us but many times they may only date us on the sly, that is, they don't want their family, friends, and co-workers to know about us. This may narrow our dating prospects and make us fear the thought of never having a chance of being fully and openly loved by anyone. The dating fear and the fears of non-acceptance from family, friends, and co-

workers may lead to the last fear: the fear of living and dying alone. We may find that no one wants to live with us and that when we are at death's door, no one will be there to comfort us and advocate for us. We may find ourselves standing alone when our time comes. These are the set of fears that I have encountered and I would think that many other transgender folk have encountered also. None of these fears are easy to deal with and some of these fears may slow you or stop you from transitioning and/or may cause you stress and/or depression. It may feel as if there is a huge wall of fears that confront you as you progress through your transition. As soon as you deal with one fear, another one is already waiting for you. I realize that the term “warrior” may be overused in many cases, but if you think about all of the fears that the average trans person may have to face, I think that we do qualify as warriors. Besides the normal fears that everyone else faces, we also have to deal with the other fears that I just described. Yes, I would say that many of us are indeed, “warriors.” *Deja Nicole Greenlaw is a trans woman who has three grown children and is retired from 3M. She can be contacted via her

Ask a Trans Woman: It’s a dangerous time for trans people & for the country been replaced by, “You’re wrong! And evil olitics. I know, I not even going to listen!” ... THE MERE EXISTENCE OF TRANS PEOPLE, THE EXPEC- too!AndI’myeah, know, you’re I know, that’s a really easy probably sick to place to fall into. It’s easy to simply label tears of reading about your opponents as bad people with terrible the topic. You came here TATION THAT WE MIGHT BE TREATED AS EQUALS, IS CURideas, especially when they are saying such to read about gender PHOTO: DAVID MEEHAN

By: Lorelei Erisis*/TRT Columnist


stuff, or sexuality, or even to catch a couple of the dumb little jokes I like to try and sneak past

my editor. But right about now, even with months to go before the actual presidential election, it’s the most important thing I have to talk about. And I promise, it’s very relevant to my usual focus areas, and also, very, very important. Let me fully disclose a few things right off the bat. I’m a child of hippies. I went to summer camp run by the Unitarian Universalists as a teenager. We sang protest songs around campfires and made up silly skits about Abbie Hoffman. Honestly. We thought Abbie Hoffman was hilarious. It would be hard to explain why. In high school I lead a student walkout to protest the first Gulf War. I didn’t intend to lead it, I wasn’t even one of the primary organizers, but the group’s main organizer and original leader chickened out when threatened with suspension, so I ended up becoming the one in charge simply by virtue of being there and realizing it needed

THE RAINBOW TIMES DIVERSE............just like our team is OBJECTIVE..........someone has to be one is left behind .....That is HOW media should be.....

RENTLY ONE OF THE BEST SCARE TACTICS AVAILABLE TO POLITICIANS WHO NEED TO MOTIVATE THE “CONSERVATIVE” VOTER BASE, AND TO RIGHT-LEANING MEDIA OUTLETS WHO WANT TO BUMP UP THEIR RATINGS. to be done. This turned out to be a pattern that would repeat itself in my life. Anyway, all of this is to say that my own politics are pretty far left. I don’t consider it a slur when somebody calls me a socialist. However, as an adult, I have found myself involved in a lot of very real world politics. I still lead marches and protests, sure. But I’ve also lobbied legislators, spoken at the Massachusetts State House, testified before the Judiciary Committee, been interviewed by the media and even found myself invited to the White House! When asked to describe myself, I will sometimes say I am an “issue-oriented politician.” My personal politics are very liberal, my party affiliation is theoretically independent, functionally Democrat. But the issue I care most about and work for is trans rights. I will work with anyone who

is prepared to support that issue. My political heroes are Roger Williams, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy and Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neill. Particularly “Tip.” His little book of political rules, “All Politics Is Local” has been my personal bible for years. I reread it often. He was a smart politician and an excellent storyteller. He was also very good at working with folks he didn’t necessarily share the same political views with. He was a master of the art of compromise and knew that often, in order for the actual work of effective governance to get done, people had to know how to sit down and hash out their differences until they could find an idea that would actually work. Something I think has been sadly lost in today’s highly charged, brutally partisan political atmosphere. “Let’s figure out how to work together on this. Let’s talk,” has

terrible things about the ideas we believe and the people we love. It’s hard to listen to them. The shockingly successful campaigns of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are very much creations born of and nurtured by this highly partisan state of American politics. They rely on people being more motivated by their baser emotions, fear and anger and ignorance, than by thoughtful empathy and carefully informed opinions. As I said, it’s really easy to simply dismiss Trump, Cruz and their supporters as being wrongheaded. But that doesn’t help. I’m not saying we should compromise our ideals or support programs and ideas we find offensive. But we need to be smart. We need to listen, and educate ourselves if we are going to prevent this national catastrophe. Understand why they are so successful, why people want to believe the things they promise so badly. Once we can understand those reasons, we can remember these supporters are human beings like us. These are people who are scared for themselves and their loved ones and are trying to get by in an often scary world, just like us. These are people experiencing the same world events we have heard about and the same wars and bombings. These are people living in the same recession we are. The only difference is the spin they beTo read the rest of this story visit: • The Rainbow Times • 7

April 7, 2016 - May 4, 2016 ADVERTISEMENT

6 Reasons Why Wanderlust Stratton is the Perfect Getaway


s soon as the calendar hits April, we can’t help but dream of the summer trips we’ll be taking. A picture-perfect getaway is equal parts relaxation, adventure, and letting your hair down. The only festival that ticks all three boxes is Wanderlust Stratton, heading to Vermont this June. We broke down the top 6 reasons why this festival is your next summer getaway (as if you needed any convincing…). 1. Mingle at a Mountain Soiree The best way to unwind after a full day of exploring the Green Mountains is Wanderlust Uncorked, the ultimate mountain-top happy hour. Sample local and imported wine, beer, and libations, plus seasonal hors d'oeuvres. With live music, something to sip on, and a setting sun, Uncorked offers a unique post-yoga, pre-party hang. 2. Get Your Sweat On Wanderlust brings together a remarkable group of yoga and meditation teachers to guide your mindful weekend journey. Whether you’ve been practicing for years or are new to your mat, we’ve got you. Our classes are designed for all levels and styles to keep your body and mind moving. 3. Savasana = Ultimate Relaxation At Wanderlust Stratton, you can take your R&R to a whole new level during savasana. At the end of your yoga classes (did we mention you can schedule 3 yoga or medi-

tation classes per day?), you’ll find yourself flat on your back in post-yoga bliss while rejuvenating your mind, body, and soul. 4. Dance the Night Away After sundown, Wanderlust transforms into an all-out party. Sing your heart out to Michael Franti and MC Yogi, or cozy up at a campfire jam under the stars if you want a more intimate vibe. Get ready to surround yourself in warmth with your fellow festival-goers, dancing the night away. 5. Reach New Heights If it’s adventure you’re seeking, you’re in luck. With over 600 acres of open terrain, Stratton is a nature-lover's playground, with opportunities to hike, kayak, and try yoga on stand-up paddleboards. Reach new heights and come down different than when you came. 6. Make It a Group Thing Wanderlust Stratton is the perfect destination for friend-cations, family retreats, or a romantic long weekend to reconnect with your partner. Coordinate your class schedules to spend each day together to further your bond. Or choose your own adventure then meet back up later to swap stories. No matter how your spend your weekend, Wanderlust will guide you to find your true north together. For more information about Wanderlust Stratton and to buy tickets, head to this site:

8 • The Rainbow Times •

April 7, 2016 - May 4, 2016

Pride Season in New England: Maine, Boston, RI, North Shore, Worcester & more By: Chris Gilmore/TRT Reporter

Every year The Rainbow Times puts together a story about the main New England Pride organizations, their scheduled events, themes and all things Pride. This year is no different. Here is the latest news on these Pride celebrations. PRIDE PORTLAND! - Answers by David Sullivan, Marketing Team Lead Chair TRT: What’s this year’s theme? David Sullivan: Pride Portland! 2016 Theme is "Pride Through The Generations" Honoring*Celebrating*Creating. Q: Who will be your grand and honorary marshals? A: Our choices have not yet confirmed … they will be released on May 13, 2016, at our launch party. Q: Do you have a current list of events? Can you explain why are they relevant in terms of your theme? What are you hoping to achieve at these events?

A: Events will start with our Kick-Off party on 6/10/16 and run through 6/19/16. The kick-off party will be at 8 p.m. at Grace Restaurant. The parade & festival are on June 18. We will be releasing the full list of events at our launch party on May 13. It will have some similarity to our previous 2 years. We've had 20+ events throughout the week. As for what we hope to achieve, our mission statement better explains that: "Pride Portland! is a celebration of Portland, Maine’s LGBTQIA—lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, ally/asexual community. Our goal is to bring people together to celebrate the achievements of the LGBTQA movement, remember our history and raise awareness of the work that still needs to be done. Fostering and honoring inclusivity, diversity and unity, Pride Portland! builds stronger connections amongst individuals, organizations and businesses." Q: What are you excited about for 2016? Do you consider your Pride to be inclusive and to have members of the LGBTQ community of color on your board? A: We have had a “wide spectrum of our community on our board each of our 3 seasons of existence. Previously we've had a person of color … that is not the case this season.” Pride Portland! Will celebrate 10 years of Pride starting on June 10. For more

Pride Portland! Parade.

information visit Pride! Portland’s site: BOSTON PRIDE – Answers by Sylvain Bruni, BP President TRT: What’s this year’s theme? BP: “Solidarity Through Pride.” Hundreds from the community participated in the vote that selected this year’s theme with many suggestions that touched on solidarity and the issues faced within the LGBT community. The theme encourages the LGBT community to see that there are multiple struggles in a wide range of com-


munities, but are all related and intertwined. This is the first year that Boston Pride has had the same theme as InterPride, the organization that ties together Pride organizations across the globe. Q: Who will be your grand and honorary marshals? A: Grand Marshal: Claire Naughton of Foxboro, an LGBTQ ally and longtime activist for gay rights; Parade Marshal: Raffi Freenman-Gurspan, who works at the White House as an Outreach and Recruitment Director for Presidential Personnel

See New England Prides on page 12 • The Rainbow Times • 9

April 7, 2016 - May 4, 2016

The Official Queen of Salem Massachusetts: Duchess Gigi.


Salem’s Gigi Gill: A gracious giver to the North Shore community & New England By: John Paul Stapleton/TRT Reporter

Not every town can say they have their own official drag queen, but in Salem, Massachusetts, Duchess Gigi Gill holds that title proudly. Since 2011, Gigi has been doing work to increase the inclusion of LGBTQ people in their respective North Shore communities. Gigi worked with Salem’s Mayor Kim Driscoll and other town figures to start up the recognition of World AIDS Day, get their own pride parade, and put Pride stickers on businesses that can be safe zones to LGBTQ people. From there, Gigi has also raised Pride flags outside the town halls in Peabody, Danvers, Salem, Beverly, and Gloucester, and has put on meals for elderly LGBTQ people such as her awardwinning Over the Rainbow Dinner Club. “We’re lucky to have her living in Salem,” Mayor Kim Driscoll said in a recent phone interview. Gary Gill, the man behind the makeup, originally comes from Indianapolis, where he was removed from an abusive home at the age of 6. From there, he was in the foster care system and after many attempted runaways, finally got himself out to New York City at the age of 14. He found a community of other homeless kids like him in the city and eventually met International Cristal, the queen who taught him everything he knows. His travels didn’t end there as he got himself down to Daytona Beach, Florida, then to Long Beach, California, and back to

Florida to end up in Miami and settle down with his partner, with whom he owned a clothing store. After his partner got sick and went to live his last days with his parents, Gigi finally moved to Boston to settle down with Robert James “Jimmy” Webb in Salem, where they were together for 31 years. Jimmy passed away in September of 2014 in Care Dimensions hospice care where Gary was by his side every moment he could be. Gary later on shared the details of the high-quality care Jimmy received with the American Hospital Association. The AHA eventually awarded their Circle of Life Diamond Award to Care Dimensions, noting their commitment to diversity. Gary then told his story in support of the care he received from the hospice group, which got them their Circle of Life Diamond Award, an award it had not received for seven years because they were not considered diverse enough to receive. When Jimmy became ill, Gigi was born and started doing her public work. “It was him that pushed me to get involved so that I had something to do when he was gone,” Gigi said. “We knew he wasn’t doing so well.” From there, Gigi’s first World AIDS Day was held in 2012 after approaching Mayor Driscoll about how important it was to the LGBTQ community. “Gigi not quite barged in, but she paid us

See Gigi Gill on page 12

10 • The Rainbow Times •

April 7, 2016 - May 4, 2016

Annual Pride & Passion fundraiser features Top Chef’s Karen Akunowicz BOSTON, Mass.—Pride & Passion, Greater Boston PFLAG’s (GB PFLAG) annual fundraiser to benefit its bullying prevention, family support and education programs, will take place during Mother’s Day Weekend on May 6 at 6 p.m. at The Boston Marriott Copley Place.This year’s theme celebrates the unconditional love and support of mothers. A fundraiser known for its attention to outstanding culinary detail, the organization has dubbed Top Chef contestant Karen Akunowicz as Culinary Chair. As a longtime advocate of the LGBTQ community and Executive Chef of Boston’s Myers & Chang, The Rainbow Times recently caught up with Akunowicz to discuss her pride & passion for the community, PFLAG and food. TRT: After graduation from the Cambridge School of Culinary Arts, you decided to travel the world. What was your greatest personal lesson learned by experiencing global cultures? For me, travel is one of the greatest experiences in life. It not only influences me as a chef but it also changes you as a person. I did most of my traveling by myself—it was the greatest gift I could have given myself. I learned how to be alone. KA: How have your international experiences shaped your skills as a chef?


By: Christine Nicco/ TRT Reporter

Former Top Chef Contestant, Karen Akunowicz dubbed as Culinary Chair of GB PFLAG’s Pride & Passion Fundraiser on May 6.

You not only learn new ingredients and recipes, but you experience them in an environment that shapes that dish. I can remember sitting outside at a cafe in coastal Italy, eating marinated anchovies. When I make a rendition of that dish, I want to bring you that whole experience. I want you to feel the sun on your face while you are eating it.

See Pride & Passion on page 13 • The Rainbow Times • 11


April 7, 2016 - May 4, 2016

Boston Pride coordinators and participants: Charlene Charles, Dr. Van Bailey, Hope Freeman, Josiane Martinez, Sylvain Bruni, Dr. Michelle Tat, Councilor Ayanna Pressley, and Marco Torres.

Pride forum tackles privilege, identity & intersectionality By: Mike Givens/TRT Assistant Editor

BOSTON, Mass.—As part of a series addressing identity and intersectionality, Boston Pride, Black Pride, and Latin@ Pride held a community forum in late March to open a dialogue about race, sexuality, gender identity and privilege. “The initial goal of the forum was to provide a platform for the community to come together and openly discuss some of the key issues affecting the POC [people of color] community, especially that of the trans* POC community,” said Charlene Charles, a Boston Pride board member and lead coordinator of the forum. The event featured five LGBTQ panelists who spoke of their experiences being LGBTQ and navigating within their communities authentically. Panelists included social justice educator and director of Harvard’s BGLTQ Student Life Office, Dr. Van Bailey; Hope Freeman, a high-risk young adult specialist at Brockton-based Health Imperatives, a non-profit providing health and human services for low-income families in Massachusetts; Josiane Martinez, the principal of Archipelago Strategies Group, a public relations and marketing firm; Marco Torres, a board member of Boston Pride; and Dr. Michelle Tat, a research psychologist. Moderated by Boston City Councilor Ayanna Pressley, the forum began with each panelist discussing the intersection of their identities and community relationships. “ the Latino community, there’s this silence,” said Martinez of the high level of prejudice towards LGBTQ people in the Latino community and the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy she said she felt was inherent in her relationships with others. Panelists discussed at length how they operate in the world based on their identities, but also acknowledged their relative privilege. “It’s … important to be mindful of how I navigate the world … as a femme-presenting, cisgender person and not a lot of [trans] people have that privilege,” said Freeman, acknowledging that she won’t be questioned for using a women’s restroom


YANCEY. or fitting room or be scrutinized for wearing a dress, unlike many trans women who may be harassed or assaulted for doing the same things. “Being a doctor is a huge privilege. I was privileged to have a family to support me and get the education that I have now,” said Dr. Tat. “You think about the difficulties a lot of trans people go through and I have the privilege of having a steady job and being in a great community full of family and friends … Being trans is the best thing that has ever happened to me because … it has forced me to check my privilege in a way I had never done prior to my transition.” Dr. Bailey spoke of his privilege as a well-educated, transmasculine man and how that privilege gives him a voice where others may not have one. “I oftentimes get invited to add my voice to conversations, and I really appreciate that,” said Dr. Bailey. “But I also know that there are definitely other folks in the community who don’t have degrees or accolades, but have just as valid experiences … [I have to] utilize that space to lift up women and girls and the oppression that happens to women and girls …” The panel also discussed the issue of disTo read the rest of this story visit:

12 • The Rainbow Times •

April 7, 2016 - May 4, 2016

Gigi Gill from page 9 a visit,” Mayor Driscoll said with an endearing laugh. “She’s hard to say no to. Salem is very inclusive, but Gigi helped us show our outward support.” That same year, Gigi encouraged Salem to hold its first North Shore Pride Parade. The parade is still going strong to this day stretching from the Post Office to Salem Commons, but this isn’t the only form of work Gigi has done for LGBTQ people. Gigi worked with the police to get new businesses to put rainbow flag stickers on their windows to advertise that they are a safe zone for LGBTQ people. She knew that in October, Salem is filled with tourists who may cause trouble for people who want to let their true colors fly in the streets for Halloween, so these stickers marked businesses people could duck into if they were being harassed. The first business to display a rainbow triangle was the New England Dog Biscuit Company. “She came in when we were first opening and came to the ribbon cutting with the mayor,” Dennis Bourgault, original owner of the New England Dog Biscuit Company, said. “It was nice to have someone greet when you open a business and encourage the inclusivity. The rainbow sticker idea was just good all around. We get gay and lesbian couples that are happy to come in and see we are a welcoming store.” Gigi has been helping LGBTQ people in their golden years also. On the second Tuesday of every month, LGBTQ seniors are served dinner at the House of Seven Gables for the Over the Rainbow Dinner Club. “It’s a social hour for them to get out of the house and have a hot meal,” Gigi said. “On a quiet night we get about 55, but it can get up to 84 people.” In 2012, Gigi was given the Area Agencies on Aging Award at their conference in Washington D.C. for her work with North Shore Services in putting on this dinner. With how huge of a success it has been, Gigi has also started a lunch program. On the third Wednesday of every month, Saint Peter’s Church in Salem holds the “Rainbow Lunch Program.” Gigi said that it was great because a lot of the seniors can only get around using forms of transporta-

New England Prides from page 8 and was the first openly transgender person to work in the White House and the first transgender legislative staffer to work in the Mass. Legislature; Honorary Marshals: The late Bayard Rustin, an activist for gay rights, civil rights, socialism and nonviolence. He organized the 1963 March on Washington, DC. and the late Thomas Barbera, a longtime labor and gay rights activist. Q: Do you have a current list of events? Why they are relevant in terms of your theme? What are you hoping to achieve at these events? A: Our events are listed on our website and we are continually building the events for Pride Week and throughout the year. We anticipate having more than 40 Boston Pride events during Pride Week June 3 to June 12 that are open to all in the community. Our goal is, and has been, to provide safe spaces for the



—Salem Mayor Kim Driscoll tion that only run during the daytime. “A lot of these people don’t have places to go,” said Debbie Barber, who helps Gigi with the senior meal programs. “A lot of people are coming in and have a place to do their crafts and just having conversation.” At the first lunch, Debbie said that 18 people came but by the second time around, they had 30 in attendance. They both hope to keep this popularity going and Gigi’s personality definitely makes it easy for people to go. “If she doesn’t know you, she will walk right up to you,” Barber said. “She will introduce herself to everyone; she’s not shy at all.” It’s this warm personality that has made Gigi so well-liked in her community and has made everyone she’s interacted with hold her in such high regard. “She really is a good person,” Barber said. “She would do anything for anybody. Sometimes she gets misunderstood, but bottom line: she is such a good person.” “She’s a very strong individual and very much unafraid of anything,” Bourgault said. “She’s a great ambassador for the city for inclusivity and it’s been a pleasure knowing her. I grew up in Danvers and just a few years ago, everything was closeted. With Gigi around, it’s a lot better.” “She’s got a heart of gold for her community,” Mayor Driscoll said. “She helped us embrace members of the LGBT community and I think people love her for her heart even more than her LGBT work.” LGBT community and allies to celebrate the wonderful diversity of our community. Q: Last year, you were under widespread criticism from community members and the #BlackLivesMatter action for not being inclusive or sensitive to the needs of the LGBTQ communities of color. What are you doing this year to combat such a characterization? Has your board been diversified? A: Our board is diverse and includes black and Latino representation. Boston Pride always strives to be inclusive to all in the community: our organization has reached out, for years, to many other organizations that represent all components of the LGBT community. Our goal has always been to ensure that everyone in the LGBT community can celebrate during Pride Week, and to provide safe spaces for discussions around issues raised in the community. Our Read the rest of this story at: • The Rainbow Times • 13

April 7, 2016 - May 4, 2016

Peligrosa la unión entre la iglesia y el estado, pues tan sólo le conviene a la iglesia


a historia h a demostrad o el peligro de los gobiernos teocráticos y totalitarios. La separación Iglesia/Estado

( es de vital importancia para mantener un país laico, en el cual exista un balance para que no se legisle imponiendo una creencia religiosa sobre las demás religiones o sobre quienes no son creyentes. En el Artículo II de la Constitución, bajo la Carta de Derechos, se establece en la Sección 3 la Libertad de Culto. “No se aprobará ley alguna relativa al establecimiento de cualquier religión ni se prohibirá el libre ejercicio del culto religioso. Habrá completa separación de la Iglesia y el Estado”, reza la Constitución. La realidad es que en Puerto Rico y en Estados Unidos no existe la total separación entre iglesia y estado. En los Estados Unidos, los presidentes han popularizado la expresión “God Bless America” o en español ‘Dios bendice América”. Además, muchos estados, senadores y congresistas _crean_ leyes totalmente discriminatorias utilizando sus religiones como marco de referencia. En Puerto Rico, muchos políticos legislan imponiendo sus creencias religiosas, se decretan días de ayuno por parte de alcaldes, y muchos jueces del Tribunal Supremo de la isla emiten su juicio y sus decisiones en casos relacionados a la comunidad LGBTT basándose en su religión. Además, en Puerto Rico existe lo que se conoce como las “Oficinas de Bases de Fe”, las cuales continuamente son cues-

Pride & Passion from page10

SE HACE CON EL DINERO DE NUESTRAS CONTRIBUCIONES CADA VEZ QUE PRETENDEN IMPONER SUS CREENCIAS EN LA EDUCACIÓN PÚBLICA Y EN LAS LEYES QUE NOS GOBIERNAN A TODOS Y TODAS. tionadas debido a que funcionan con fondos del estado. El licenciado Hiram Meléndez, en su artículo “La Iglesia y el Tribunal se fueron al campo un día” indica que la aspiración política y constitucional de impedir que el clamor de Dios se desplace a todos los confines del Estado (y con ello evitar que se menoscabe la libertad de culto de creyentes y no creyentes), es sociológicamente inexistente. El balance de que se realice por un calibrador inmerso en esta tradición, será todo menos armonioso (Meléndez, 2014). Por otro lado, en una noticia publicada en un rotativo en Puerto Rico (, el portavoz de la agrupación “Dios le debe a Hacienda”, Amado Martínez, indicó que las iglesias no pagan impuestos sobre sus ingresos, pero deciden lo que se hace con el dinero de nuestras contribuciones cada vez que pretenden imponer sus creencias en la educación pública y en las leyes que nos gobiernan a todos y todas (Martínez, 2015). La película “V For Vendetta”, es un claro ejemplo de lo que pudiera llegar a ser un estado teocrático (que gobierna en base

creencias religiosas extremistas). En esta película, pudimos observar que la música y el arte fueron prohibidos a toda la población, la cual vivía en completo temor y sumisión. En efecto, a los partidarios de la ciudadanía se le acusaba de pecadores y se les imponía castigos si incumplían con las reglas dogmáticas del gobierno religioso. Muchas religiones en el pasado atentaron contra los derechos y las libertades de los esclavos, los negros y de la mujer. Actualmente, se lucha por los derechos de la Comunidad LGBTT—debido a denominaciones religiosas como la católica y la evangélica (en el caso de América)— que se inmiscuyen en los asuntos seculares del estado en un intento por imponer sus creencias religiosas discriminatorias y pretenden impedir la equiparación de los derechos constitucionales y legales entre heterosexuales y gays. Es importante resaltar que en el mundo existen diversas creencias religiosas. Sería injusto imponer la religión cristiana sobre la budista o viceversa. De igual manera, no se puede imponer una religión sobre quien

made. Q: What was your greatest takeaway from your participation on TV’s Top Chef? A: It taught me to trust myself more—to believe in myself and in my instincts. I tried to be true to myself and just be exactly the person I am every day. I am incredibly proud of that. Q: You’re serving as GB PFLAG’s culinary chair at their upcoming Pride & Passion benefit. How did this come to fruition and what can attendees expect from your presentation? A: Tiffani Faison reached out to me—she was the culinary chair for Pride and Passion last year and connected me with GB PFLAG. I connected immediately with Tom Bourdon and it has been a great collaboration so far. I am creating the menu for this year's event, as well as speaking. I'm incredibly proud to bring my Mom with me to the event this year, as she has always been my biggest supporter. This is a way for me to thank her. Q: Why should the community also support GB PFLAG? A: This event is incredibly important for GB PFLAG; it is how they fund the majority of their work throughout the year. I also

think the Pride and Passion Gala is going to be one of the most outstanding events of the season. Q: What is something about you that people would be surprised to know? A: I'm obsessed with gumball machines and people who can juggle. An internationally acclaimed chef, Akunowicz currently resides at Boston’s Myers & Chang as Executive Chef. Last year brought her a James Beard nomination for “Best Chef Northeast” and in 2014; she put her chicken and waffles recipe to the test when she battled it out on Beat Bobby Flay. This year’s Pride and Passion fundraiser also includes the Attorney General of Mass. Maura Healey and her mother, Tracy Healey-Beattie, as Honorary Co-Chairs. The Cornerstone of Equality 2016 Award Recipient is Cynthia Germanotta, CoFounder and President of Born This Way Foundation, and proud Mother of Lady Gaga, a leading voice in the LGBTQ movement, a GB PFLAG release stated. Sponsorships and tickets are available at For more information, please contact Franc Castro at or call 781-8915966.

Q: You’ve lived in Boston for a decade now. What is it about Boston that made you choose it as your home? A: I love all of the neighborhoods of Boston. I love the feeling of community and pride in where you live. I love working in the South End and having a community there and coming home to JP (now Roslindale) and having a completely different place to live, while stile being in Boston. Q: You’re a fierce LGBTQ advocate. Why is the LGBTQ movement so important to you? Should it be to others? A: Absolutely. LGBTQ rights are basic human rights. I will never feel anything less than fierce about humans being treated equally. Q: What are some of the LGBTQ-related causes you’ve given to through your culinary expertise? A: Greater Boston PFLAG, Fenway Community Health Center, Keshet, and Astrea. Q: What to you think of the 2016 political season so far and how does it impact your advocacy work, or does it? A: I think any year, whether it is a major election year or not, there is opportunity for great work to be done and strides to be


no es creyente. La biblia cristiana es un libro antiguo el cual, representando un contexto cultural de una época muy diferente a la nuestra, constantemente es citado por líderes religiosos fundamentalistas para condenar ciertas orientaciones sexuales o ciertas vidas y acciones propias de los hombres y las mujeres. Un gobierno teocrático supondría entonces un completo atentado contra la libertad de los seres humanos. Imagínese un gobierno religioso que utilice las condenas de la biblia y las convierta en leyes. Se tendría que apedrear hasta la muerte a los niños malcriados, así como asesinar a quien coma crustáceos o utilice ropa realizada con dos telas diferentes. Los gays sufriríamos la peor parte ya que seríamos completamente exterminados por supuestos cristianos siguiendo los preceptos de una biblia que también hace el llamado de amar al prójimo y que fundamenta en sus mandamientos el “no matar”. La separación entre iglesia y estado debe garantizar que no se promueva un dogma o creencia en particular sobre otras religiones. Sin embargo, el dogma cristiano es continuamente privilegiado sobre otras creencias violentándose la libertad de culto. Lo único que podemos unir en nuestras sociedades es el respeto a la libertad y al reconocimiento pleno de que todos los derechos y protecciones deben ser para todos y todas, sin importar la creencia religiosa, la orientación sexual o el color de piel de un ser humano, su sexo, su origen etc. Por todo lo demás, _nunca unas a la iglesia con el estado_. Para comentarios envíele un correo electrónico al autor: | o vía Twitter: @eljimagua ( *Escritor y activista de derechos humanos de Puerto Rico. Editado por Gricel Martínez Ocasio.


Por: Francisco “El Jimagua” Cartagena Méndez*/Especial para TRT

The Rainbow Times - Mass. DIVERSO.........como nuestro equipo OBJECTIVO...alguien tiene que serlo INCLUSIVO....sin dejar a nadie fuera Así es como la prensa DEBE ser

14 • The Rainbow Times •

April 7, 2016 - May 4, 2016

QPuzzle: American Horror Story


1. Carol 2. Packed in a Trunk: The Lost Art of Edith Lake Wilkinson 3. Orange is the New Black 3 4. Portrait of a Serial Monogamist 5. All About E 6. Grandma 7. Freeheld 8. The Girl King 9. Lost Girl Seasons 5 & 6: The Final Chapters 10. Liz in September



TOP 10 BEST SELLER VIDEOS 1. You're Killing Me 2. Those People 3. Henry Gamble's Birthday Party 4. The Danish Girl 5. How to Win at Checkers (Every Time) 6. Naz & Maalik 7. London Spy 8. In the Grayscale 9. The Sum of Us 10. Grace & Frankie Season 1

Across 1 Put a head on cappuccino 6 A man named Connie. 10 DeGeneres voice role 14 Sinister-looking Peter 15 Pertaining to most students 16 Sherman Hemsley religious sitcom 17 *She played Amazon Eve 19 k.d. lang record label 20 Feeling of hitting rock bottom 21 Haul ass 22 Thomas of "That Girl" 23 Trick 24 *Sarah, who played Billie Dean Howard 26 Anne Frank account 29 Producers of rainbows 31 Man ___ Mancha 32 Atmospheric prefix 33 Place for a light meal 38 *He played Will Drake 41 It helps you go up and down with your partner 42 Fruitcake 43 Shakespeare's foot 44 Big-top employee 46 Do a facial in a porn film, e.g. 47 *Quinton, who play Chad Warwick 51 Part of YSL 53 One that lies on the bottom 54 Hangout for Natalie Barney 56 The Advocate, briefly 59 Village People's "In the

___" 60 *He played Larry Harvey 62 Frasier's response to a client 63 Lodge members 64 Beat off 65 Game groups, to Mauresmo 66 "___ first you don't succeed ..." 67 Come together Down 1 Killed, to King James 2 Mower brand 3 Canal traveled by New York ferries 4 Boat with a pair of bears 5 Pathetically small 6 Robin's gay guys 7 Edison's middle name 8 Lab primates 9 Family 10 Like a pair of orifices 11 Eastern positions 12 Tennessee Williams' lover Frank 13 "There's a single runner" to Billy Bean 18 The Name of the Rose writer 22 Area of the boys in the band 23 Asks for it on one's knees 25 Chance to get a hit 26 Before Stonewall and others 27 "___ Walked Into My Life" (Mame) 28 Protected, to seamen

30 Cara of Fame 32 Nobelist Sadat 34 Bounds gaily 35 Peter the Great, e.g. 36 Caesar's city 37 “Walk ___” (Warwick hit) 39 Patronize, as a Rubicon restaurant 40 Roster for those who may be really hung? 45 Threesome member, with "me" and "I"? 46 Frida Kahlo's woman 47 Pueblo builders 48 Bring down 49 Want thy neighbor's ass, for example 50 Sean of Will & Grace 52 Your, to Proust 55 "Diana" singer 56 Alec of Desperate Housewives 57 Deity on Xena 58 Gets hard 60 Opus ___ (The Da Vinci Code group) 61 Line of Todd Oldham dresses?

SOLUTION • The Rainbow Times • 15

April 7, 2016 - May 4, 2016

LGBTQ Politics page 2

BP - Imperioso from page 3

differences. Additionally, we reject lanaffront to the many LGBTQ people, partic- guage that promotes violence towards any ularly people of color, poor people, trans- individuals who are exercising their First gender people, and homeless people, who Amendment rights. It has come to our attention that Mr. Anthony Imperioso, who continue to be targets of police violence.” “I am glad that Boston Pride has with- was elected a marshal by the community drawn Anthony Imperioso as a for the 2016 Pride Parade, has made some [parade]marshal, though there is still much offensive comments on his Facebook page. work to be done,” said the petition’s author, Boston Pride cannot condone those comReverend Jason Lydon, who is the national ments. After a discussion between Mr. Imdirector of Black and Pink, a nonprofit that perioso and Boston Pride, his marshalship advocates for incarcerated LGBTQ people. has been withdrawn, and Mr. Imperioso will not be a marshal “Given the history of in the 2016 parade. Stonewall and the conS IF LIVING ON WELFARE OR Boston Pride apolotinued violence by pogizes for the lack of lice against communities of color, LIVING IN PUBLIC HOUSING OR vetting that occurred in the Marshal Nomiespecially Black communities, Boston Pride BEING UNEMPLOYED SOMEHOW nation process this year. Boston Pride is should never have reviewing its marshal moved forward with a MAKES SOMEONE LESS DE nomination process to police officer nominaensure that it is both tion in the first place. Mr. Imperioso's racist, SERVING OF THE RIGHTS WE fair and robust to all members of the comclassist, Islamophobic, munity going forand anti-refugee public statements are indica- ALL SHOULD HAVE OR MAKE ward. Boston Pride will tive of a police culture that is rooted in oppres- SOMEONE LESS DESERVING OF continue to work to foster a dialogue sion and violence.” within the LGBT In less than 24 hours, A VOICE TO SPEAK OUT community between Reverend Lydon’s petigroups, and will contion had gone viral and tinue to work with AGAINST INJUSTICE Facebook was filled members of the comwith angry comments —Daunasia Yancey, BLM Boston munity to create a from members of the more just society for LGBTQ community all." about Officer Imperioso’s marshalship. AcAs of Monday at 5:00 p.m., Officer Imcording to Reverend Lydon, more than 200 signatures were collected prior to Boston perioso’s Facebook page was deactivated. Attempts to reach Officer Imperioso prior Pride’s announcement. Boston Pride did not respond to The to the story breaking were unsuccessful. Rainbow Times request for an interview on The Boston Globe ( the comments that were made on social contacted Woburn Police Chief Robert Fermedia, its specific vetting process for mar- ullo who told them that he did not know shals, and its nomination protocols. In- enough about the allegations to comment stead, they published the release below on at this time, but that his department is “looking into it.” their website, to explain the situation. As of print time, The New England "As an inclusive organization, Boston Pride does not condone any language that G.O.A.L. organization’s FB page was deis intolerant of racial, ethnic, or religious activated as well.





Two states south, in Georgia, Republican Governor Nathan Deal acquiesced to big business and Hollywood pressure and vetoed House Bill 757, a regressive “religious liberty” bill allowing wedding vendors the right to discriminate against same-sex couples. Using the incredibly trite platform of “it’s not an issue here,” Deal saw the writing on the wall as the media and social media blew up with calls to boycott the state if the law was passed ( For those of you who thought June 26, 2015 was the last day in the war for LGBTQ rights, think again. That Friday last year was a much-needed, but small, victory for LGBTQ people; there’s still work to be done. If anything that victory was a clarion call for every single one of us, LGBTQ and ally alike, to be on guard. Because marriage equality is now the law of the land, conservatives and regressive politicians will try to attack us in other ways. North Carolina and Georgia are just the beginning. Depending on who our next president is, we could see LGBTQ rights take tremendous steps forward, or we could easily fall back. It’s not the time to be comfortable or rest on our laurels. Personally, I often struggle with using the term “community” when describing LGBTQ people collectively. There exists a lot of transphobia, misogyny, transmisogyny, homophobia, racism, biphobia, and many other phobias and “isms” within this collective group of people. However, during times like this, we need to view ourselves as a community. If we don’t stand with each other, we will fall victim to the attacks of conservatives. I’ve no idea how North Carolina’s disastrous “bathroom bill” law will fare when brought before a federal court, though I hope that it will be defeated. And, to be frank, we dodged a bullet in Georgia thanks to several big businesses and Hollywood heavy hitters who threatened to stop doing business there. However, there are still ignorant and hostile people in this world; people who spend

The next president will be in a prime position to advance LGBTQ rights in this country by establishing national precedents and policies that will reverberate from Alaska to Rhode Island (or not). their time (and money) figuring out ways to pass “bathroom bills” in southern and western states and who will try to halt progress in more left-leaning states like Massachusetts, Colorado, and California. The political landscape in this country should be a wake-up call for each and every one of us. And if it isn’t, the sweet lull of complacency that has us revelling in our marriage rights and a few other small victories will be the very weapon used to set LGBTQ rights back decades. *A graduate of the Boston University College of Communication, Mike Givens has been a social justice advocate for more than eight years. During that time he’s worked on a range of initiatives aimed at lifting up marginalized populations. An experienced media strategist and public relations professional, Michael currently devotes his spare time to a number of vital issues including racial justice and socioeconomic equity.

16 • The Rainbow Times •

April 7, 2016 - May 4, 2016

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