2 • The Rainbow Times • TheRainbowTimesMass.com
November 12, 2020 - December 9, 2020
Post-election reckoning coming, results after 70+ million vote for Trump By: Nicole Lashomb* TRT Editor-in-Chief
ike many Americans and others around the world, I stayed up nearly all night on election night, clenching onto the presidential election results as they rolled in, slowly, but surely. Initially, I was in utter disbelief when the results misleadingly represented a Trump win. However, once I realized the vote count we were seeing was highly skewed, mostly displaying same-day votes, I was more than relieved. Millions of mail-in ballots hadn’t even been counted yet, especially since Democrats were far more likely to vote by mail during the pandemic, while Republicans showed up more in person on Election Day. Eventually, the Democrats defeated Trump, securing a Biden win and I found the air noticeably lighter, while being able to breathe deeply again for the first time in nearly 4 years. Yet, I found myself troubled and astounded at just how close this race was, with over 70 million Americans casting their votes for Trump—even after all we have been though over these past 4 years and all the abuses so many Americans have suffered as a result of Trump’s “leadership.” Over the last four years, Trump, a documented racist and demagogue himself, has lead by a reign of terror. He purposely emboldened white supremacists, intentionally blew dog whistles to create civil unrest— pinning Americans against Americans—es-
STILL TO THIS DAY, MORE THAN 500 IMMIGRANT CHILDREN ARE DETAINED IN CAGES DUE TO THE CRUELTY OF HIS ADMINISTRATION & THE INEPTITUDE OF HIS GOVERNMENT, UNABLE TO LOCATE THEIR PARENTS TAKEN BY ICE. pecially to devalue Black lives. He has encouraged men to sexually assault women, and has mocked disabled people, including children that are battling a stutter. And, it doesn’t stop there. Contrary to what some people argue, Trump destroyed our economy. He didn’t build it up. He tore down the economic real estate that the Obama Administration developed and that he inherited, and like several other of his business failings, he somehow managed to create the worst economy we’ve faced since the Great Depression. From the beginning, Trump has always discredited science, only clinging on to those who will do and say what he wants them to do. Otherwise, they will be fired; that has been the trend. Most notably, slanted loyalty is most important to Trump, which has landed countless high-level
Trump administration officials and employees to arrest and jail, in many cases. Trump has cozied up to dictators and regimes around the world and has developed business negotiations through his organization via surrogate earning millions off of the presidency. Recently, we learned why Trump didn’t want to release his taxes. The New York Times reported that over the past 15 years, Trump paid nearly nothing in taxes—just $750 for two of the 15 years. Knowing that he stiffed his personal contractors out of thousands of earned dollars was just the start of his legacy of cons. The biggest con was winning the presidency in 2016. Still to this day, more than 500 immigrant children are detained in cages due to the cruelty of his administration and the ineptitude of his government, unable to locate their parents taken by immigration offi-
(STATEPOINT)Your neighbor is selling fashion masks. Your uncle—expert at everything—wears a sophisticated respirator with a valve. Your dental hygienist wears a medical mask. Your kid is running off to sports practice in a team-supplied neck gaiter. Is there a difference between these face coverings? In the U.S., over 7 million people have been infected by COVID-19 and over 200,000 have died. According to health authorities, the virus that causes COVID-19 predominantly spreads when people talk, cough and sneeze. In addition to measures such as maintaining physical distancing and frequent handwashing, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) currently recommends everyone wear a cloth mask when out in public, especially in areas where physical distancing is a challenge, to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Since respirators are in critical supply and the global personal protective equipment (PPE) industry can’t make enough to meet this current demand, respirators and medical masks should be reserved for healthcare workers and other medical first responders. Wearing a face covering is important: a cloth face covering, such as a reusable mask may help protect others from the wearer. A respirator (when worn properly) helps protect the wearer from airborne haz-
COVID-19 & face coverings: Types and why it matters
ards around them. With the COVID-19 pandemic still affecting our daily lives, it's important to know how choosing a face covering can help those on the frontlines to get what they need to continue the fight. One of the world’s biggest manufacturers of N95 respirators, 3M, created a chart, available at news.3m.com, to help explain the differences between cloth masks/face coverings, surgical masks, and N95 respirators. Ultimately, how you live and work should in-
form the type of mask you wear. Face coverings and masks: general public and workers. At public spaces and certain workplaces where protection from occupational hazards is not needed, non-medical disposable and cloth masks that cover your nose and mouth completely may help reduce the spread of COVID-19 (along with other measures such as physical distancing and frequent handwashing) by protecting others from exposure to particles generated by the wearer. Designs with unfiltered valves, such as those with drinking straw holes, or any visible gaps, are not sufficient face coverings under some government guidance. General use masks should not be overly tight and should feel comfortable to wear. A face mask is not the same as a medical mask or respirator. Medical masks: health care workers. Medical masks are designed to be used by health care workers to help provide a barrier to high-velocity streams of liquid, as well as a barrier to particles that might be expelled by the wearer. This second reason is why health care workers wear medical masks—to help protect patients. Patients may also wear them to help protect others around them. Medical masks meet specific standards and are FDA-cleared for hospital Read the rest of this story at TheRainbowTimesMass.com
cials. Those same parents were seeking asylum from persecution in their native land, a right afforded by this country. Lady Liberty shines her torch bright, but it has been extinguished and dismantled by the Trump administration.But, it’s all good because they’re not white kids, right Trump supporters? Right Melania? The LGBTQ+ community has been under siege as well, especially the transgender community. One of Trump’s first orders of business was to institute a trans military ban—banning more than 15,000 trans troops that have given their lives to serve to protect us everyday. Same-sex marriage has been threatened, and Trump appointed some of the most conservative justices in the country, voicing support of reversing Roe v. Wade and same-sex marriage. He also filled over 150 judicial apRead the rest of this story at TheRainbowTimesMass.com
Multiple Award Winning
The Rainbow Times The Largest LGBTQ+ Newspaper in New England—Boston Based TheRainbowTimesMass.com editor@therainbowtimesmass.com sales@therainbowtimesmass.com Phone: 617.444.9618 Fax: 928.437.9618 Publisher Graysen M. Ocasio
Chris Gilmore Audrey Cole
Editor-In-Chief Nicole Lashomb
Crossword Puzzle Artist/Designer Luciano Spanto
Assistant Editor Mike Givens National/Local Sales Rivendell Media Liz Johnson
Ad & Layout Design Prizm PR Webmaster Jarred Johnson
Photographer Jenna Joyce
Columnistst Lorelei Erisis Deja N. Greenlaw Paul P. Jesep Mike Givens Keegan O’Brien*
Reporters Mike Givens
*Guest Columnist
Lead Photographers Steve Jewett Christine M. Hurley
The Rainbow Times is published monthly by The Rainbow Times, LLC. TRT is an award-winning publication affiliated with QSyndicate. The articles written by the writers, columnists, and correspondents solely express their opinion, and do not represent the endorsement or opinion of The Rainbow Times, LLC or its owners. Send letters to the editor with your name, address and phone number to The Rainbow Times (address shown above), or e-mail any comment/s to the editor-in-chief at: editor@therainbowtimesmass.com. All submissions will be edited according to space constraints. The Rainbow Times, LLC reserves the right not to print any or all content or advertisements for any reason at all. TRT is not responsible for advertising content. To receive The Rainbow Times at your home via regular mail, or through electronic delivery, please visit its website. The whole content and graphics (photos, etc.) are the sole property of The Rainbow Times, LLC and they cannot be reproduced at all without TRT’s written consent. The appearance of names or photographic representations in TRT does not necessarily indicate the sexual orientation or gender identity of the named or depicted individuals.
November 12, 2020 - December 9, 2020
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4 • The Rainbow Times • TheRainbowTimesMass.com
November 12, 2020 - December 9, 2020 PHOTO: ASHWIN VASWANI / UNSPLASH
Pope echoes support for same-sex marriage; Vatican clarifies stance By: Audrey Cole TRT Reporter
BOSTON—In an unprecedented move, Pope Francis recently expressed support of civil unions for same-sex couples, according to the Catholic News Agency. The Pope’s comments, first heard in “Francesco,” a documentary produced by filmmaker Evgeny Afineevsky, are a historic move for the Catholic Church. The documentary premiered at the Rome Film Festival (https://bit.ly/3pa0Lr4) last month. “Homosexual people have a right to be in a family,” the Pope said in the documentary as reported by the Catholic News Agency (https://bit.ly/36f5b7q). “They're children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out or be made miserable over it. “What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered.” In the past, the Pope has indirectly supported civil unions, but this is the first time he expressed it directly, CNN reported. “I feel ‘cautiously optimistic’ about the Pope’s comments regarding civil unions,” said Mary Beth Cummings, President of Dignity/Boston, a progressive and inclusive Catholic community for people of all sexual orientations, genders and gender identities. Meanwhile, on the North Shore, Rev. Joe Amico, Pastor of Tabernacle Congregational Church, an Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ in Salem, was taken aback by the news. “At first I was stunned, but then realized I have liked other positive and affirming statements this Pope has made,” Amico said to The Rainbow Times. Justice Barrett & same-sex marriage The Pope’s statement comes out to the public at a time when the U.S. Senate confirmed Conservative Judge Amy Coney Barrett, a self-proclaimed devout Catholic, to the U.S. Supreme Court. “Barrett’s appointment threatens to turn back decades of progress for LGBTQ+ and women’s reproductive rights, transgender rights and protections, healthcare for over
20 million Americans, and many more,” reported (https://bit.ly/34t7oLC) this publication. Barrett, who filled progressive Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat (https://bit.ly/2JMAkY9), has been a source of angst for many in LGBTQ+ community because the now right-leaning SCOTUS could reverse Obergefell v. Hodges. Obergefell granted same-sex couples the right to marry in 2015, along with many other civil rights protections. “Some of my colleagues in the Catholic Church believe the Pope made this stance at this time knowing Amy Barrett is Catholic!” Amico told The Rainbow Times. The Vatican reacts However, shortly after the Pope’s statements were released, the Vatican was quick to clarify the remarks and issued a statement to explain the Pope’s comments. “In a letter (https://bit.ly/38vW8ld) sent on October 30 from the Vatican’s Secretariat of State to papal representatives (nuncios) around the world, the Vatican said that two comments made by Pope Francis in the film ‘Francesco’ by Russian-born director Evgeny Afineevsky were taken out of context,” CNN reported (https://cnn.it/3pdDAMA). The Vatican's letter (https://bit.ly/38vW8ld) asserted that the Pope had spoken about the rights of samesex couples to have “certain legal protection,” but not same-sex marriage. “It is clear that Pope Francis was referring to certain provisions made by states, and certainly not to the doctrine of the Church, which he has reaffirmed numerous times over the years,” the letter read. Catholic inclusion at home According to Cummings, the Pope has hinted at inclusion within the Catholic Church for a number of years. “Many LGBTQI+ Catholics have been bolstered by the Pope’s statements over the past several years, including when he asked, ‘Who am I to judge?’” she said. Read the rest of this story at The Rainbow Times’ website
TheRainbowTimesMass.com • The Rainbow Times • 5
November 12, 2020 - December 9, 2020
Biden/Harris win historic Presidential race; Trump loses, fights, won’t concede Undermining the democratic process and claiming “baseless” fraud, Trump is running out of options By: Chris Gilmore TRT Reporter
In a decisive and historic victory, former Democratic Vice President Joseph R. Biden and California Sen. Kamala Harris, clenched the presidential election, effectively becoming the President and Vice President-elect of a divided nation, according to the Associated Press— the source that called the race after the ticket won Nevada and Pennsylvania. This announcement ended an unprecedented election, which saw the highest voter turnout in modern history. In addition, Biden and Harris won Wisconsin and Michigan and are projected to win Arizona and Georgia, totaling 306 delegates, the same number of delegates that Trump “won” against former presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton. Vice President-elect Harris made history by becoming the first woman of color to be elected to the nation’s second highest office, shattering the glass ceiling everywhere and making millions of American and nonAmerican women and girls hopeful for their futures. In a massive turnout, Democrats, Republicans and Independents repudiated Trump and unseated the incumbent, something
that hadn’t been done in more than a quarter century, according to the NYT (https://nyti.ms/38xcvOE). At his victory speech at a drive-in rally in Wilmington, DE, Biden spoke of hope and change, and how Americans had gotten tired of Trump’s bombastic and divisive one and only term. “Let this grim era of demonization in America begin to end here and now,” he said during his speech, as millions celebrated his win nationally and worldwide. Voters’ reactions; Obama & Bush People took to the streets across the nation—young, old, black, white, Latinx, Asian-Americans, Indians, Native Americans, and more—chanting, dancing, honking, waving flags with the winners’ names and showcasing the number 46, signifying that the country was finally over the reign of 45. The celebrations continued worldwide and the calls to congratulate President-elect Biden poured in from leaders around the globe too, eager to work with him. Former Presidents Barack Obama (D), and George Bush (R), as well as Utah Senator Mitt Romney called to congratulate President-elect Biden and VP-elect Harris. On November 8, a statement by former president Bush, asked for all to get behind the newly elected ticket. “I just talked to the President-elect of the United States, Joe Biden. I extended my
warm congratulations and thanked him for the patriotic message he delivered last night. I also called Kamala Harris to congratulate her on her historic election to the vice presidency. Though we have political differences, I know Joe Biden to be a good man, who has won his opportunity to lead and unify our country. … I offered him the same thing I offered Presidents Trump and Obama: my prayers for his success, and my pledge to help in any way I can. … “The challenges that face our country will demand the best of President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris— and the best of us all. We must come together for the sake of our families and neighbors, and for our nation and its future.” Congratulating President-elect Biden and Madam VP-elect Harris, former President Obama spoke with Pride via a press statement to the nation. “In this election, under circumstances never experienced, Americans turned out in numbers never seen. And once every vote is counted, President-Elect Biden and Vice President-Elect Harris will have won a historic and decisive victory,” the statement read. Trump & the GOP, hypocrites? As many anticipated, Trump and several GOP officials do not want to accept the massive voting that has taken place and the
message the country has sent to him through their votes—now claiming that it was a “stolen” election because some votes were “legal” and others were “illegal.” The accusations, according to various media reports are found to be baseless. The NYT reported contacting over “45 election officials” in every state and no one found fraud at all. So far Trump has filed numerous lawsuits relating to the election results, most of which have been found to be unconstitutional, according to NPR (https://n.pr/3pjMfgD). What arose in the NYT’s investigation was how, beyond Trump, “Republicans in many states were engaged in a widespread effort to delegitimize the nation’s voting system.” And, in a desperate attempt, Trump has gone as far as to use the federal government to delegitimize a legitimate Biden/Harris win, according to everything the media and the voting officials have reported from most states. The words “unfounded,” “baseless,” “baseless sharpie conspiracies,” “no evidence” and “rejected requests” were the exact words from Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada officials when referring to Trump’s (and his supporters) lawsuits and claims. Trump’s General Services Administrator (GSA), Emily W. Murphy, refuses to provide the President-elect’s team “access to
See Biden/Harris On Page 10
6 • The Rainbow Times • TheRainbowTimesMass.com
November 12, 2020 - December 9, 2020
Victory Institute calls for LGBTQ+ Presidential Cabinet appointee; to provide qualified leaders’ list No out LGBTQ+ person has ever been confirmed by the Senate for a Cabinet position; contacted Pres.-elect WASHINGTON—Recently, LGBTQ Victory Institute called on President-elect Joe Biden to appoint at least one out LGBTQ person to a Senate-confirmed Cabinet position and said it will provide the transition team with a list of qualified LGBTQ leaders ready to serve. Never in American history has an out LGBTQ person been confirmed by the U.S. Senate to serve in a Cabinet-level position. Victory Institute’s Presidential Appointments Initiative—a coalition of 32 LGBTQ and allied organizations—will put forward hundreds of exemplary LGBTQ candidates for positions throughout the next administration and advocate for their consideration. It aims to help the Biden transition team in creating the most LGBTQ-inclusive administration in U.S. history. In addition to an LGBTQ Cabinet appointment, LGBTQ Victory Institute previously called on the next administration to: • Nominate an openly LGBTQ U.S. Supreme Court justice for the first time; • Appoint openly LGBTQ woman ambassadors, LGBTQ ambassadors of color, and transgender ambassadors for the first time; and • Ensure openly LGBTQ people receive equitable representation among presidential appointees and that they reflect the full diversity of the LGBTQ community.
“Members of Joe Biden’s Cabinet will have tremendous influence over the policies and direction of the next administration, so it is essential an LGBTQ voice is at the table,” said Mayor Annise Parker, President & CEO of LGBTQ Victory Institute. “Allies are invaluable, but the impact of policies on LGBTQ lives is not always fully understood by someone outside our community. An LGBTQ Cabinet appointment will ensure our community is part of decision-making at the highest levels and will also be a lasting piece of Joe Biden’s legacy on LGBTQ equality. At no time in American history has an LGBTQ person
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been confirmed by the Senate for a Cabinet-level position. It would be a powerful moment and a testament to our community’s place in the nation.” “Joe Biden is committed to building an administration that reflects the diversity of America and we stand ready to help him,” said Dr. Claire Lucas, Chair of the LGBTQ Victory Institute Board of Directors. “The challenges facing the new administration are enormous—from tackling the pandemic to reviving the economy to ensuring our relationships around the globe are restored. Fortunately, there are LGBTQ people qualified and ready to lead in
confronting all those challenges both at home and abroad. Biden can build the most LGBTQ-inclusive administration in history while assembling a team that can move America forward.” Richard Grenell, who served as Acting Director National Intelligence for three months during the Trump administration, was the first out LGBTQ person to hold a Cabinet position. However, his appointment was temporary and was never confirmed by the Senate. The Presidential Appointments Initiative—first launched by Victory Institute during President Bill Clinton’s administration—achieved unprecedented success under President Barack Obama, who appointed approximately 330 LGBTQ people, the most in history. Of those, 158 were assisted by the Presidential Appointments Initiative. With more than 4,100 appointees, at least 185 LGBTQ people must be serving at any given time to maintain a representation level equal to that of LGBTQ people in the U.S. population (4.5 percent). The coalition also aims to make the LGBTQ appointees the most diverse ever—ensuring that LGBTQ people of color, LGBTQ women and transgender and non-binary people are well represented. View a complete list (https://bit.ly/3lluRead the rest of this story at TRT’s website
TheRainbowTimesMass.com • The Rainbow Times • 7
November 12, 2020 - December 9, 2020
Beverly, Mass. “Blue Lives Matter” billboard sparks outrage IN THE LIMELIGHT
BEVERLY, Mass.—As protests continue to erupt around the county, still demanding an end to police abuse and brutality, a billboard depicting a “Blue Lives Matter,” flag was prominently displayed in the small city—a symbol to the black community and other marginalized groups that not all are welcome. “The message that this billboard gives to Beverly residents is that our community does not support or stand for unity,” said Caja Johnson, Beverly Human Rights Committee Chair. “With widespread support for the Beverly Police Department, the presence [and intent] of the billboard is unclear. The billboard promotes violence while diminishing the peaceful voices of our citizenry. The Black community comes without an association or a union, but with a history of oppression and a skin color that will forever be the same. When will we be enough to be heard without a struggle and in depth explanation?” Mayor’s Response According to Beverly Mayor Michael P.
Local activists argue the display seeks to disempower “Black Lives Matter” movement; Mayor responds By: Audrey Cole TRT Reporter
Cahill, the billboard was co-sponsored by three retired members of the Beverly Police Department. “It is my understanding that there are members of our police community (family members, retired and current officers) who feel strongly that to them this flag symbolizes respect for their members, past and present, including respecting the memory of deceased former police officers,” Cahill said. “They assert that this flag only means respect for police, and that anyone who has or would co-opt this flag for other purposes does not represent them.”
White Supremacists appropriate the flag Yet, over the past years, and especially recently, the thin blue line flag has been coopted by those, often of white nationalist ideology, to represent the counter movement to Black Lives Matter (BLM). “While we understand that officers may perceive the billboard as a symbol of solidarity, unfortunately the thin blue line flag has been co-opted by white supremacists— which was exhibited at the rally in Charlottesville—and has become a symbol of opposition to Black Lives Matter,” Johnson explained. “Why is the billboard visible
now when the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) community needs support and acceptance?” Abu Toppin, a Beverly Human Rights Committee member said that the timing of the billboard appears to be intentional, despite positive strides having been made between the police and community. “This was definitely not the right time or place for the billboard … But, I believe that is the point of the billboard,” said Toppin. “It’s designed to counter the BLM message and to ensure a division or separation between police and BIPOC. There is never a right time to send that kind of message to a community looking for a change in how BIPOC are viewed, treated and valued. Especially considering the promising conversations that have happened between the police and members of the community, who are jointly seeking to make our community better.” Toppin said that open dialogue about this symbol and its implication to the BIPOC community and others that are fighting for justice is critical. “I think you have to have conversations with those who this symbol is supposed to represent,” said Toppin. “Having open conversations helps to defeat blind devotion or ignorance beRead the rest of this story at: cause when faced with edTheRainbowTimesMass.com
8 • The Rainbow Times • TheRainbowTimesMass.com
November 12, 2020 - December 9, 2020
Dani Murano-Kinney to lead PTWC Seeks to put BIPOC community front and center By: Chris Gilmore The Rainbow Times
PHILADELPHIA—The Philadelphia Trans Wellness Conference (PTWC), the largest Trans Conference in the world and a program of the Mazzoni Center, has hired a very insightful individual, Dani MuranoKinney (they, them, theirs), to a lead as Logistics Coordinator. Immediately, Murano-Kinney engaged in dialogue with this reporter, which made for a very a compelling conversation that showed their care and incredible sense of giving to those whose voices are often silenced. That is what Murano-Kinney strives to do and bring to the PTWC. With the limited amount of time spent with Murano-Kinney, it was apparent that they empathize with others’ pains and erasure, something that even kept them up at nights, in an effort to improve trans, nonbinary and intersex people of color’s experience at the next PTWC. Even Mazzoni’s Director of Communication, Larry Benjamin, had much to say about Murano-Kinney. “This will be the fourth conference I am assisting with and I can’t think of anyone I’d rather see leading this event,” said Benjamin. “I am so excited to see what this twentieth conference will look like under Dani’s leadership.” Honoring the legacy of the conference’s founder, Charlene Arcilla, Murano-Kinney strives to bring inclusive and robust BIPOC community programming to the conference
in 2021. One of their priorities is to “examine the ways the conference content” and plan “structures, that have historically failed Black and Brown members of the Trans community.” Their goal is altruistic, “to do more to recognize and honor the often-overlooked roots of PTWC, which was founded and led by a Black Trans woman.” And, honoring black trans women, who are and have been disproportionally murdered for many years, tells us what Murano-Kinney is about. To further their goals for the conference, Murano-Kinney said they will be working closely with the Interdisciplinary Review Committee (IRC) to ensure that it continues to “represent the community by incorporating new voices through more robust recruiting initiatives.” In this exclusive Q&A with The Rainbow Times, Murano-Kinney discusses their new role at PTWC and what attendees can expect going into the 2021 conference, amidst the greatest pandemic this country has seen. TRT: Dani, what is your background in terms of race and ethnicity and can you tell us a little bit more about yourself so that our audience gets to know you better? M-K: I am white, which comes with a set of biases and limits to my understanding awareness; something I always try to work
See PTWC On Page 11
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November 12, 2020 - December 9, 2020
Journey to Fatherhood: Gays with Kids paves the way for Gay, Bi and Trans Dads-to-be New program helps men from the GBT community to learn about and start adoption process
The world’s largest community of gay, bi, and trans parents and prospective parents, has launched its Fatherhood Partner program, a new initiative for men seeking to embark on their journeys to fatherhood. As part of the program, Gays with Kids has aligned with some of the world’s top gay-friendly IVF clinics and surrogacy agencies, as well as with key adoption/foster agencies at the forefront of LGBTQ+ family building. In addition to creating comprehensive instructional courses that outline each available option for creating a family, they are connecting prospective dads with the best LGBTQ+ affirming professionals who can help them fulfill their dreams based on their individual interests and budgets. “Our unique history as the largest online community of queer dads and dads to be has allowed us to work closely with a handful of the most proven and experienced LGBTQ+ family builders,” said David Dodge, GWK’s Executive Editor. “Our new Fatherhood Partners Program provides members of our community with free access to these experts to get everything they’ll need—resources, guides, educational courses, and more—to achieve their dream of fatherhood, regardless of their path.”
By: John Stein Special to TRT
In vetting its Fatherhood Partners, GWK considered each organization’s reputation among consumers and industry peers; as
well as their longevity, track record and LGBTQ+ expertise as demonstrated through participation in Family Equality
Open Door and/or HRC All Children-All Families. Read the rest of this story at: Each partner TheRainbowTimesMass.com
10 • The Rainbow Times • TheRainbowTimesMass.com
Biden/Harris From Page 5 transition offices and resources guaranteed under law and the White House is preparing a budget for next year as if Mr. Trump will be around to present it,” reported NPR. Charlie Baker stands tall Mass. Governor Charlie Baker, during a COVID-19 update to the commonwealth, said he was disturbed at Trump and other Republican’s baseless allegations of voter fraud. He was not happy at the use of the U.S. Justice Department to sway the election. He called it “so wildly inappropriate.” Baker added, “stalling an orderly transition process, especially at a time like this, is equally unacceptable. I can’t think of a worse time to stall a transition than amid a deadly pandemic that the federal government continues to own primary responsibility for responding to." Yet, others are not as surprised at Trump’s refusal to concede and his subsequent baseless lawsuits. Truth has not been a forte for Trump, who has been caught lying to the American people—several times—most recently about the timeline of his knowledge of COVID-19 and how lethal it was, something he is heard saying in recordings with acclaimed journalist and author Bob Woodward. The finding—and critical Trump lie—many argue, could have given the U.S. a heads up and some time to devise a better response to fight
LGBTQ+ Elected Officials TRANSHEADLINES. COM By: Luciano Spanto TRT’s Crossword Puzzle Designer
ACROSS 1 Right ___ Fred ("I'm Too Sexy" band) 5 Reach quickly 11 2020 Tony-nominated musical 12 Idolized 13 Take five during a rehearsal 14 With 32-Across and 36-Across, 2020 Tonynominated musical 15 Director Kazan and others 17 Mine, in Madrid 18 Lower row key 19 Evaluate 21 2020 Tony-nominated musical 26 First part of a Tony nominated show 27 Nursery attendant 28 Cosy corner 30 Savory soup 32 See 14-Across 34 "The Duelists" prop 35 Van Gogh's flowers 36 See 14-Across 37 Finders keepers, ___ weepers 38 "Do the Right Thing" pizzeria DOWN 1 Twitch broadcast 2 Actor Danny of "Do the Right Thing" 3 At its original location
against the virus. Senator Romney explained how truth is a virtual concept to Trump. “He has a relatively relaxed relationship with the truth. And so he’s going to keep on fighting until the very end,” Romney said to CNN (https://cnn.it/3kjImED). “But I'm convinced that, once all remedies have been exhausted, if those are exhausted in a way that’s not favorable to him, he will accept the inevitable. But don’t expect him to go quietly in the night. That’s not how he operates.” All in all, said the NYT, “voting fraud in the United States is extremely rare. The irregularities that do occur are often inconsequential, isolated in nature, and unlikely to alter the outcome of an election.” Mailed ballots and counting The wave of mailed ballots, mostly cast by Democrats who avoided voting on Election Day because of COVID, surged after the initial count of in-person, and mostly Republican, ballots. Others remember the losses and the turmoil that many underrepresented communities faced under Trump’s four years in the White House and those who were emboldened by his “divisive” rhetoric. “With the results of the presidential election announced today, we now know that millions of Americans across the country have come together to say no more to carelessness, cruelty, and dishonesty,” said Janson Wu GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders Executive Director (GLAD) … “But today is only the next step in putting our nation on a path toward true equity, liberation, and justice for all. The damage done during the years of the Trump administration—the racist rhetoric and policies that have hurt immigrants, Muslims, Black Americans and so many people of color; the complete failure to address the COVID4 Census output 5 "The Big Bang Theory" character 6 First bone removed? 7 With 8-Down, first two words in a Descartes philosophical statement 8 See 7-Down 9 Short-sleeved shirts, casually 10 50% of numbers 16 A puzzle for a perfectionist? 20 Otolaryngologist, familiarly 22 Taoist philosopher 23 "American ___" (2020 David Byrne concert film) 24 "___ It on the Mountain" (James Baldwin novel) 25 Merman and Waters 28 Robert De ___ (director of "A Bronx Tale") 29 R&B legend Redding 31 AOC and others 32 Rapper ___ Nas X 33 End of most plural words, but also of some feminine words
November 12, 2020 - December 9, 2020
19 pandemic that has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and livelihoods; the relentless attacks on the LGBTQ community that have not let up from day one—this damage won’t be reversed overnight. This fight was never just about one election. Our work continues.” Stressing the count of every vote and the historical context of the election, others also shared their views of the result. “… By all accounts, this has been a historic election. Our democracy rests on the foundation that our leaders are elected by the people of this country and despite calls to do the contrary, we made the simple but powerful demand that we count every vote. They were counted. And the people have spoken,” said Imani Rupert-Gordon, NCLR Executive Director via a press statement. The President-Elect repudiated Trump from the moment he decided to take him on. He ran a campaign of honor, compassion, and empathy, as reported by many. He ran exhibiting American values and protecting the democracy he has worked under most of his life. Trump’s Antithesis Opposite to Trump, Biden’s character (in spite of not having in-person rallies or events), proved to be key to his win. He would not even accept a win until experts counted the final votes. In the end, Black voters in Philadelphia and throughout the country sent a message to the rest of the nation, signaling that their votes, just as their lives, matter. “We’re fortunate that Joe’s got what it takes to be President and already carries himself that way,” said Obama. “Because when he walks into the White House in January, he’ll face a series of extraordinary challenges no incoming President ever has—a raging pandemic, an unequal econ-
omy, and justice system, a democracy at risk, and a climate in peril. …” Biden’s campaign, focusing on health and safety amid the pandemic, did not hold events to follow medical experts’ advice. His campaign, nonetheless, earned more votes than any presidential candidate in American history. “With the country in the midst of a recession, nearly eight-in-ten registered voters (79%) say the economy [was] very important to them in making their decision about who to vote for in the 2020 presidential election,” Pew Research found. Also significant to voters’ presidential choice included topics such as healthcare, followed by Supreme Court appointments, the handling of the coronavirus, violent crime, foreign policy, gun policy, racial and ethnic inequality, immigration, climate change, and reproductive rights, Pew found. Biden & Trump on LGBTQ+ Issues Pledging support to the LGBTQ+ community, as he has in the past, Biden took it a step further. In the first 100 days, Biden has vowed to sign the Equality Act to protect LGBTQ+ Americans, in what would be a landmark civil rights law. In contrast, Trump’s 100 days were filled with erasure of the LGBTQ+ community starting on day one. “From the Census exclusion, to rescinding Obama’s guidance for trans youth in schools, and lack of any LGBTQ mentions on the White House website, he [Trump] has spent the early days of his administration trying to remove us from the very fabric of this country, and we must resist,” said GLAAD President Sarah Kate Ellis to NBC News. For the LGBTQ+ community and voters Read the rest of this story at: TheRainbowTimesMass.com
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November 12, 2020 - December 9, 2020
PTWC From Page 8 against. I am non-binary and trans and I’m also autistic. Above all, I hope to use all of my time, my energy, and my skills to serve the trans community and its many intersections. That’s not something I say lightly or for vanity. I want to see the trans community flourish and thrive, which is what brings me to this conference. Q: Walk us through how you got to be Mazzoni’s pick for this position. Did you apply for it or did they find you? A: I did apply to the position, which I found when I was going to the website to actually look for a way to volunteer for the conference, after having attended previous conferences. The question of how I got to be Mazzoni’s pick is a question that I quite honestly don’t have a full answer to, which is true of many folks who go through a protracted & rigorous hiring process. I can say that the process took time; there were multiple interviews, with multiple parties from the Mazzoni Center’s team involved. I’d submit a number of materials including, exhaustive work sample reports, to demonstrate the level of competency I possess when it comes to large-scale programming logistics. In these reports, I demonstrated the sheer volume of logistical work I did on a single program, which itself was part of a massive, overlapping slate of programming, each of which had the same needs. I think from where I stand, it was the intersection of this programming experience with my careers as a trainer, educator, sensitivity reader & consultant. It’s an intersection that I think really becomes foundational to this work. Q: Tell us why you are the right person to ensure that people of color have a voice, participation and equal space at PTWC 2021? A: I don’t think I’m comfortable using a term like “the right person,” for a lot of reasons. I want to be very clear, I have this job, but I am not a monolith of the trans community nor is this my conference. I can instead say what I’m going to do and what I’ve been doing. This is one of the biggest focuses of my energy, before I even got the first interview. I’ve spent so much of my time seeking out every podcast, every article, every Face-
JUSTIFIED SENSE OF ANGER & HURT THERE. ...” book post, every Twitter thread, every essay, every vlog, and talking to as many peers as I can leading up to this moment, and I continue to do so. This work has been all to try to take in as much as I can, to understand the ways that the conference has previously failed Black & Brown members of the Trans community. I want folks to know that I take this very, very seriously. I’ve tried to understand and feel the pain that has come from the community. I’ve lost entire nights of sleep, trying to process all of that pain, and I do that so I can try to let it inform my decisions. I want to use my position as way to elevate the voice and experiences that the conference has over time failed to lift-up. I want to use my position to heal relationships that have been strained or broken in the past and I can say for sure that I will do everything that I can in this effort. Q: Do you support BLM? A: I do, I think we all should support Black Lives Matter. I think, to speak to the calls for intersectionality, we’ve definitely seen a lot of iterations like ‘Black Trans Lives Matter.’ I can’t speak for Black trans folks, but I can say that from what I’ve read and what I’ve heard, in conversations about the protection of Black lives, there’s a desire to draw attention to the increased threat against Black Trans folks, specifically Black trans women, who are disproportionately subjected to violence, murdered, discriminated against, and abused. I don’t think the two are incompatible. I think it’s crucial for white Read the rest online at trans folks to un-
The Rainbow Times
12 • The Rainbow Times • TheRainbowTimesMass.com
November 12, 2020 - December 9, 2020