The Rainbow Times' November 2021 Issue

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November 11, 2021 - December 9, 2021

TDoR: The deadliest year yet for trans people; the system is a lemon The number of trans & gender diverse lives murdered doubles; people of color are more at peril each year By: Nicole Lashomb* TRT Editor-in-Chief



ach November 20, we mourn the lost lives of our trans and gender diverse community, who were brutally murdered by a system that has failed them. Unfortunately, 2021 was the deadliest year yet, especially for the most marginalized within this demographic: members of color belonging to this specific community. It is inexcusable and mind-blowing that as time marches on, as we become more aware of the discrimination, bias, and vitriol hurled at the trans community — including systemic barriers in place — that the direction of human rights and basic empathy and compassion toward the community continues to plummet. When you consider trans people of color, especially trans women of color, the statistics are even more staggering when compared to population size. “The Transgender Day of Remembrance serves several purposes,” read the site, Remembering Our Dead_. “It raises public awareness of hate crimes against transgender people, an action that current media doesn’t perform. Day of Remembrance publicly mourns and honors the lives of our brothers and sisters who might otherwise be forgotten. Through the vigil, we express love and respect for our people in the face of national indifference and hatred. TDOR reminds cisgender people that we are their sons, daughters, parents, friends and lovers, and gives allies a chance to step forward with us and stand in vigil, memorializ-

ing those of us who’ve died by antitransgender violence.” According to the Trans Murder Project (, the organization responsible for collecting worldwide data relating to trans violence and murder, there has been a 13

not be a shocking finding. Since then, hate crimes have risen exponentially. Some in Hollywood who have a large platform and access to millions on social media, are equally to blame as is the mainstream media itself — and any other media that perpetuate vi-


percent increase in fatal incidents over the last two years. This year, the United States reported 53 trans murders, double from just the year before. With more divisive policies and barbaric ideologies that have surged in the United States, particularly normalized in the Trump administration, it should

olence against those who cannot defend themselves. That is synonymous with any group that is being marginalized, not just trans and gender-diverse people. Companies like Netflix and their intransigent support of comedian Dave Chappelle — with his ignorant, off the

You’re getting married! What about the ceremony? By: Paul P. Jesep* TRT Columnist



anctifying a union is a humbling honor for any clergy person. One of the questions I’m most often asked as a priest in connection with this responsibility is how to plan a wedding. As of late, I’ve been getting more inquiries than usual. Here’s a basic guide to help you start planning based on some of the questions I’ve been getting. Clergy Involvement. In one wedding I solemnized, the couple had a judge preside over the civil ceremony and I ended with a formal religious right. Sometimes the couple will get a license and have the clergy person serve as both religious official and representative of the state. If the couple is “spiritual,” but not religious a clergy person can still preside, but he or she can accommodate their formal garb for the purpose. Sometimes one person can be very re-

cuff remarks against trans people — publishing houses supporting writers like J.K. Rowling, social media like FB, Twitter, etc. allowing anti-trans or vitriolic comments against those who are most marginalized are the culprit of these acts and their normalization. Comedy or any form of “art” should not be sanctioned at the mercy of groups that are constantly being targeted and whose lives are at peril because “art” must be preserved. What about preserving someone’s life? It has been proven in models around the world, time and time again, that when people live a happy, authentic and affirming life, they thrive, perform better and we all benefit as a result. The FBI reported a significant increase in crimes perpetrated by race, ethnicity, ancestry and gender identity since 2019. Even so, due to longstanding bias against racial, ethnic groups and those who are trans, gender di-

ligious, Episcopalian comes to mind, but the partner is atheist, humanist, or Wiccan. You can still blend and balance different backgrounds. Or a couple can just go to a registry office and get married. They can have a friend or clergy person perform a public marriage rite later. Finding Clergy. Obviously, start with an Internet search. Identify faith traditions that celebrate same-gender marriages. There might be a clergy person at a local temple or church who may be willing to solemnize the union without you or your partner being a member of the congregation. Unitarians, Lutherans, Episcopalians, and United Church of Christ are among the faith traditions supporting the LGBTQ+ community. Friends as Officiant. State laws differ. Some states permit a one-day chaplain or a visiting clergy person from out of state. Don’t presume your best friend can officiate at your wedding without checking with the town clerk. Ceremony. If a clergy person is involved, do you want a homily? It’s basically a special message from the clergy person to the couple. He or she

may want to interview both of you. How did you meet, mutual interests, etc. Are there public vows or messages you want to read to one another? Is there a special song(s) you want song during the ceremony? Timing? How should this unfold? The wedding party can be large. There is no limit. Three best men? Why not? Remember, it’s your day, so politely set boundaries for the soon-to-be mother-in-law. Guests. I get this question a lot. You may want a small event and at the same time don’t want to offend anyone. It’s one of the most important days of your life. No one else matters. It’s not about them. It’s only about you and your soon-to-be wife or husband. The day needs to be perfect. Venue. If you’re planning to do this in a State Park with the backdrop of the Berkshires or Green Mountains, you need to have an address. It’s something to keep in mind when arriving at the town clerk’s office. Call ahead for guidance. Stress. If it’s not fun, you’re doing it Read the rest of this story at Phone: 617.444.9618 Publisher Graysen M. Ocasio

Photographer Jenna Joyce

Editor-In-Chief Nicole Lashomb

Reporters Chris Gilmore Audrey Cole

Assistant Editor Mike Givens National/Local Sales Rivendell Media Liz Johnson Lead Photographers Steve Jewett Christine M. Hurley

Ad & Layout Design Prizm PR Webmaster Jarred Johnson Columnistst Lorelei Erisis Deja N. Greenlaw Paul P. Jesep

The Rainbow Times is published monthly by The Rainbow Times, LLC. TRT is an award-winning publication that started printing in late 2006. The 1st print issue was published in Feb. 2007. The articles written by the writers, columnists, and correspondents solely express their opinion, and do not represent the endorsement or opinion of The Rainbow Times, LLC or its owners. Send letters to the editor with your name, address and phone number to The Rainbow Times (address shown above), or e-mail any comment/s to the editor-in-chief at: All submissions will be edited according to space constraints. The Rainbow Times, LLC reserves the right not to print any or all content or advertisements for any reason at all. TRT is not responsible for advertising content. To receive The Rainbow Times at your home via regular mail, or through electronic delivery, please visit its website. The whole content and graphics (photos, etc.) are the sole property of The Rainbow Times, LLC and they cannot be reproduced at all without TRT’s written consent. The appearance of names or photographic representations in TRT does not necessarily indicate the sexual orientation or gender identity of the named or depicted individuals.

November 11, 2021 - December 9, 2021 • The Rainbow Times • 3

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November 11, 2021 - December 9, 2021

Transhealth Northampton hits 500 patient milestone Trans health center moves faster than planned NORTHAMPTON, Mass.—Transhealth Northampton, an independent, comprehensive, trans-led, and genderaffirming healthcare center, like no other in the nation, hit its 500 patient milestone this week, just six months after its official launch — a full two months ahead of schedule. The center opened its doors in western Mass. in May 2021. “We are excited to see proof that we are serving a deep and widespread need for gender-affirming care in the area,” said Dallas Ducar, Transhealth Northampton’s CEO. “We look for-

advances research, education, and advocacy for the community. “I really want people to know that we provide a full range of pediatric services,” said Pediatrician and Clinical Director Andrew Cronyn, MD, FAAP. “Some families come to us with a child who has been affirmed for years and now they need a provider who understands medical transition. Other families come in because they aren't sure what to do — they love their children but need information. We also take care of children and siblings of transgender, non-binary,


Mass. Commission on LGBTQ Youth condemns homophobic incident Homophobia erupts at a Franklin School Committee meeting

ward to continued expansion to serve more families in our community.” Transhealth Northampton was established to fill the need ( of healthcare resources for trans and gender-diverse residents in Western Massachusetts. After opening on May 4, the healthcare center has provided patients of all ages in this rural landscape with a host of clinical and non-clinical services. “We had this dream to create a gender-affirming healthcare center for and by the trans community,” said Ducar. “We’re making this dream a reality for our team, but more importantly making it a reality for our community.” Patients at Transhealth Northampton have access to primary adult care, gender-affirming hormonal care, mental health care, pediatric care, and even online resources for support. The vision of Transhealth is to be an affirming healthcare center that also

and gender-diverse people.” Transhealth Northampton is even working to expand its community support and engagement efforts. The healthcare center has a Community Room that staff plans to use for hosting future events, while also partnering with outside organizations to connect trans and gender-diverse residents in Western Massachusetts with each other. “By increasing our community engagement efforts, we have the potential to provide patients with a more comprehensive idea of healthcare,” said Mia Lauer, Transhealth Northampton’s Community Engagement Specialist. “We plan on hosting activities like peer support groups and even a weekly community theater group for trans and gender-diverse youth in the area. Community engagement is complementary to the clinical services we provide to patients and their families.”


Dallas Ducar, CEO Transhealth Northampton

BOSTON—The Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth was shocked and dismayed to learn of the homophobic incident that occurred at a Franklin School Committee meeting in late October during which several adults repeatedly heckled an LGBTQ student speaker, Mackenzie Atwood, who shared her experiences of being bullied at school for being LGBTQ. It should go without saying that it is never acceptable to verbally harass a child, especially not when they are exercising their freedom of speech at a civic event. This kind of behavior has no place in civil society, especially not in our public schools. The Commission applauds Superintendent Sara Ahern for issuing an immediate and strong rebuke ( of this behavior. While all students are protected under the state’s anti-bullying law, LGBTQ students in Massachusetts continue to face high rates of school-based bullying, violence, and suicide attempts. Recent data from the 2019 Massachusetts Youth Risk Behavior Survey (MYRBS) found that 17.1% of youth in Massachusetts identify as LGBTQ. The MYRBS further found that, compared to their non-LGBTQ peers, LGBTQ students are twice as likely to experience bullying, three and a half times as likely to skip school because they feel unsafe, and four and a half times as likely to attempt suicide.

Not only is the incident in Franklin disturbing, it is indicative of a growing problem in the Commonwealth and nationwide in which a small minority of people attend school committee meetings and other similar public forums to intentionally cause disruption, often using hostile and intimidating tactics. For the sake of all of our children, schools must be places where students feel safe and have their voices uplifted. For the sake of fair democratic process, attendees of school committee meetings must maintain civility to ensure everyone’s voice can be heard. The Commission encourages Franklin and other school districts experiencing similar issues to utilize the Commission and the Safe Schools Program for LGBTQ Students as a resource and partner to ensure our schools are safe and affirming places for all students. The Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth is an independent state agency tasked with providing expert advice to the Commonwealth on how to improve services and decrease inequities facing LGBTQ youth. In addition to issuing policy recommendations, the Commission coadministers the Safe Schools Program for LGBTQ Students in partnership with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The Safe Schools Program provides training and technical assistance to schools across the Commonwealth, organizes the statewide network of Gender and Sexuality Alliances (GSAs), and works to make schools safer for all students.

VF: 1000+ LGBTQ elected officials will serve for the 1st Time; 83 endorsed WASHINGTON—As of the latest LGBTQ+ voter count, and as ballots continue to be counted, 83 LGBTQ+ candidates endorsed by LGBTQ Victory Fund have won their races, and five remain undecided, out of the 131 that were on the ballot on Election Night. When these leaders take office, the number of out LGBTQ+ people serving in elected office will surpass 1000 for the first time. There are currently 997 out LGBTQ+ elected offi-

cials ( serving in the United States, but 53 incumbents were not running for reelection. Below are detailed storylines on the historic LGBTQ Election Night victories so far. View Victory Fund’s live Election Tracker ( for the latest endorsed candidate results. As more results come this week, Victory Fund will provide an estimate of the total number of LGBTQ+ candidates who

won during the 2021 election cycle (including LGBTQ+ candidates not endorsed by Victory Fund). “LGBTQ candidates across the country had a very successful Election Night and when they take office, we will have more than 1000 out elected officials serving for the first time,” said Mayor Annise Parker, President & CEO of LGBTQ Victory Fund. “These victories for down-ballot candidates are critical because local officials are

best-positioned to change hearts and minds – as well as policies and legislation. Although the national media spotlight is focused on politics in Washington, DC, it is state and local leaders like the ones who won on Election Night that most impact the daily lives of residents. “While we shattered lavender ceilings in many cities and states, key Read the rest of this story at The Rainbow Times’ website • The Rainbow Times • 5

November 11, 2021 - December 9, 2021

New student-led “Identity Affirmation Project” helps trans and nonbinary people through the legal name change process in Mass. Transgender, non-binary, and gender-diverse people can now receive name change assistance in MA


BOSTON—A new student-led project has officially launched under the Center for Law and Social Responsibility at New England Law | Boston: The Identity Affirmation Project. Founded by law students Katharine Nakaue (she/they) and Greg Newman-Martinez (he/him), both in the evening program at New England Law, the Identity Affirmation Project aims to assist transgender, nonbinary, and gender-nonconforming people in the process of legally changing their name or gender marker in Massachusetts, including probate court filings. When a person identifies by a name or gender other than what was assigned at birth, they may seek to legally change their name or gender marker so official documents match their identity. The project’s mission is to guide people through often overwhelming legal steps at no cost. After months of research, building community connections, and securing final approval from the Law Center’s Director, Professor David Siegel (he/him), the Identity Affirmation Project (IAP) is officially accepting participant inquiry forms from individuals who wish to start the legal name change process. For now, participants must be U.S. citizens, Massachusetts’ residents, and at least 18 years of age. Co-founder Newman-Martinez said they hope to expand services as the project grows. “We are so excited to be able to fill this need and provide some peace of mind for trans, non-binary, and gendernonconforming adults in Massachusetts,” they said. “During the pilot phase, we successfully assisted several clients and also discovered that we would be able to take on more clients than originally anticipated. My hope,


ticipants receive assistance filing in probate court, and with name or gender marker changes on the following documentation: • Social Security Card • MA Driver’s License • U.S. Passport • MA Birth Certificate • Other documents as needed Fees associated with these documents may apply. Services through the Identity Affirmation Project are


ING THEIR NAME OR Three law centers at New England Law | Boston allow students to gain real-world experience through a variety of projects, including the new Identity Affirmation Project under the Center for Law and Social Responsibility.

in addition to seeing this project continue to grow, is that similar services will be available across the country, and ultimately that these processes will become less burdensome.” The probate filing process is often the most difficult to navigate. IAP par-


MA, INCLUDING PROBATE COURT FILINGS.” provided at no cost to the participant and volunteers can assist with seeking

a waiver for court fees. Student volunteers guide participants through the probate and documentation processes with oversight from the project’s faculty advisor, Director of the Center for Law and Social Responsibility at the institution, Professor Siegel. Siegel explained the importance of such work for the students as well as the individuals receiving assistance. “Fostering student-initiated, studentdriven, and student-led projects like

this is exactly why we created the Center for Law and Social Responsibility,” he said. “Students who recognize critical legal needs and develop ways to meet them become law- Director of the Center for Law yers who have and Social Responsibility at impact.” New England Law | Boston, For more de- Professor David Siegel is factails, contact ulty advisor to the Identity Afinformation, firmation Project. and an inquiry form for interested participants, visit New England Law | Boston was founded in 1908 as Portia Law School, the first and only law school established exclusively for the education of women. Currently, New England Law offers its co-ed student body flexible, convenient programs that combine rigorous academics, dynamic community, and early access to practical experience, as well as a diverse, global Read the rest of this story at The Rainbow Times’ website

6 • The Rainbow Times •

November 11, 2021 - December 9, 2021

Two-Spirit Pride is Native-Led in the New England LGBTQIA2+ Community Part II explores the historical trauma & oppression that Two-Spirit people have endured through the years By: Joey Phoenix Special for TRT Originally published by Creative Collective on Creative North Shore (


Sherry Gagne (Metis, Abenaki, Mohawk, Algonquin, Choctaw – Board Member for North Shore Pride), Makademakwa Ikwe (Odawa, Potawatomi, and Metis), and Jessie Little Feather (White Mountain Apache and Navajo), three Two-Spirited individuals living in New England, have formed a small chosen queer TwoSpirit community. In this interview they talk about LGBTQIA2+ and Indigenous Pride, the intersections of mental health and indigenous struggles in the United States, how Sherry and Jessie met and started dating in the midst of grief and heartbreak, and how they’ve each been able to reconnect to their homes and their families, both chosen and biological, and what that has meant to each of them. ——————————————— As of this writing, North Shore and Boston residents are standing, sitting, walking, reading, breathing, grieving, wishing, living, and loving on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded land of the Agawam, Massachusett, Naumkeag, Pawtucket, Nipmuck, and Mashpee-Wampanoag peoples.


But having this said, statements alone are insufficient while the struggle against the systems of oppression that have attempted to both dispossess indigenous people of their lands and deny their rights to self-determination still perpetuates today. That reality, coupled with rampant homophobia and othering of those in the LGBTQIA2+ community means that an Indigenous person with intersecting identities in the queer, disabled, and/or other underrepresented communites has a sharp hill to climb in terms of equity and accessibility anywhere in the world. Defining terms: Native people are considered “Two-Spirit” in their com-

Rainbow PrideDoku — Enjoy! To our readers, we hope you enjoy a little Rainbow Sudoku while Pride Season 2021

munities when they fulfill a traditional third-gender (or other gender-variant) ceremonial and social role in their cultures. For a more thorough description of this, read the interviewees own definitions in the transcript below. Author’s Note: this interview is transcribed below as it was given with only short edits for clarity. The text has been approved by the interviewees for correctness in representation. ————————————————— JP: No, I want – I want that. And like it’s very important to me that I make that distinction, because, you know, we are here on stolen land. Makademakwa Ikwe: We acknowledge that we are on these territories here at Providence point. And I’m a guest, a guest as well. It goes back to trauma, as a people we have historical trauma. A lot of us were removed from our homes. Literally tens of thousands of Native people have been removed from their homes just in the past 100 years, but mainly the past 70 years, you know, we were forcibly removed from our homes. I was one of them and was put into an orphanage at the age of three. I was separated from my family. And that’s part of my PTSD, my trauma. I go back to that moment. It’s a burned moment in my consciousness that I cycle back in. I grew up a ward of the state. We’re a sovereign people but we have a federal status as a nation within a nation. And we are still looked upon as being children when really it is the other way. But it’s that political status of being a ward of the state. I once had a ceremonial person, a chief, say during a ceremony. He said “all of this land can be taken by the Federal government.” When I heard him say that, I imagined all of our land gone in an instant. Everything that we ever knew would be different. And that’s what happened to me, like, in an instant, everything I ever knew was gone. And so I grew up like that. So you asked that question, a really

important question. How do you process grief, right? We all have grief, but we all have from our [ancient] cultures, even white people are from traditional European cultures. When you go back, when you go back 500,000 years, you know, you’ve got it there, too. And it’s in modern times that it’s been destroyed. We used to have tools for grief. We had women who would cry for days in a period of public grief. Now, okay, you got a week off, paid, and then you gotta get back to it. No time for grieving, no time for processing your sadness. And for children who are removed, like me, there was no grieving time for me. One day, I was in my home, and the next day, I was in a metal bed. You know, in those metal beds with springs sticking up into your flesh. Before then, I had always slept on the floor, and so now I was in a metal bed. And that’s, that’s my memory. Many of us have had to … and even as a Two-Spirit person that’s another question. My Nation had to do a coming home ceremony for me. They took me in, they took my children in, because I returned, I returned after being stolen. So that’s the long answer, the short answer is no, I don’t have any tools. And the long answer is yes, the tools are there. And yes, I’m still, I’m still gaining those tools. JP: Thank you for sharing. Jessie Little Feather: Well, for me, I am adopted. I grew up in a non-Native family. I grew up in Sturbridge, Massachusetts in the 60s and 70s. It was mostly all white. So I grew up being ashamed of who I was as a person, because everybody in my family was all white, blond hair, blue eyes, everybody around me, all my friends. So I was ashamed to be dark skin, black hair, glasses, and I’m petite. I’m only 4 foot 11. So I got picked on a lot. And not only being picked on because of my color, as I grew up, you know, learning about myself my sexuality, and I thought I was the only gay person around I didn’t even know the word gay. But then as I got older, my biological mother, she always said you know, one day you will be proud of who you are. Don’t listen to these kids, because I always came home crying. As I got older, I was still ashamed to be gay. I had to fake it and go out with guys. I did find my biological family. I found both my biological mother who was full blooded white Mountain Apache and my biological father who was full blooded Navajo. I met my biological mother first. And she’s full Apache, so she spoke Apache. She didn’t really speak English, so my sisters, Read the rest of this story at The Rainbow Times’ website

takes place (and beyond) and to de-stress a bit too! The solution is

November 20: Transgender Day Of Remembrance

November 11, 2021 - December 9, 2021 • The Rainbow Times • 7

8 • The Rainbow Times • PHOTO: HUST WILSON / UNSPLASH

November 11, 2021 - December 9, 2021

26 of pop culture’s most memorable mustaches of the past and present By: Mikey Rox* Special to TRT


ustache culture has lost its historical edge over the past few years as the peak-andvalley trend has taken on a new identity as a marketing gimmick. Thanks, hipsters! What was once a symbol of masculinity and maturity is today plastered in cartoonish design across coffee mugs, shower curtains, and “ironic” T-shirts whose makers don’t know the meaning of the word. You can even make mustache ice cubes using pricey silicone trays — and that just makes us side-eye. Yet the real offense here is that nowadays every 20something vegan penny-farthing rider who hand dips his own beeswax votives and reads the newspaper on a stick sports the style — without giving an iota of props to those who blazed the bushy trail before them. So we’ll do it instead. Behold, 26 of pop culture’s most memorable Dalís, Banditos, Mistletoes and more to remind you of what it was like to once be a man (who wouldn’t migrate to El Sereno if it was the last place on Earth). 26. Yosemite Sam The only proper ginge on this list (even if he is animated), Bugs Bunny’s gun-slingin’ archenemy Yosemite Sam made his first official debut — walrus ’stache and fiery temper to boot — in the Warner Bros. Merrie Melodies cartoon short “Hare Trigger” in May 1945. 25. Groucho Marx Known for his quick wit and innuendo-laced patter, Groucho — one-

fifth of the successful family comedy act the Marx Brothers — established his signature mustachioed character with greasepaint in the early 1920s before growing the real deal in his later career. 24. John Aniston For 36 years, John Aniston (yes, Jen’s dad) has played sometimes-villain Victor Kiriakis on NBC’s “Day of Our Lives,” and so has his muzzy. 23. Got Milk? Campaign The Got Milk? campaign ran for 21 years starting in 1993 (it was discontinued in 2014 in favor of the forgettable Milk Life ads) and featured a diverse roster of popular celebs wearing the chalky cookie dusters, including David Beckham, Whoopi Goldberg, Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, Tony Bennett, Suze Orman, and Jennifer Hudson, to name a few. 22. Ned Flanders Homer Simpson’s overly religious neighbor, Ned Flanders — with chipper catchphrases like “Okilly-dokilly!” and “Hey-Diddly-Ho!” — has only parted with his pushbroom a few times in the show’s 32-year history, once when Homer implied that people were mocking his facial hair behind his back and another to strike a deal with Homer to control his vulgarity. 21. Lyft OK, so it’s not a legitimate mustache — in fact, it’s called a Glowstache by Lyft insiders — but you’ve got to hand it to the ride-sharing service on its

Mustaches On Page 11 • The Rainbow Times • 9

November 11, 2021 - December 9, 2021

Sylas Dean: From “Real”, the artist turns to the macabre in “Agony” Trailing from a small town in New England, Dean is the product of self-reinvention


ew England native and Los Angeles-based retro artist Sylas Dean has a voice and style that are distinctive with sultry vocals almost akin to the late and legendary George Michael. In his newest release, “Agony”, Dean takes a nightclub-like synthesized beat releasing his inner thoughts with an

effects throughout. Listeners are taken on a hypnotic journey of love, its highs and lows, and explores the agony of heartbreak. With intent, Dean leaves us craving more. In collaboration with Ivan Fiallos Zambrano from Jason Derulo's 'Colors' the new dark pop anthem was born. Production credits go to Rebbel, the l e a d producer of his

emotive arrangement of base, vocals, and special


Book Gift Guide ’21: What to buy for that hard-to-buy-for loved one?


By: Terri Schlichenmeyer* Special to TRT


ou knew this was coming.

You knew that you were going to have to finish your holiday shopping soon but it snuck up on you, didn’t it? And even if you’re close to being done, there are always those three or five people who are impossible to buy for, right? Remember this, though: books are easy to wrap and easy to give, and they last awhile, too. So why not head to the bookstore with your Christmas List and look for these gifts...

Of LGBTQ+ Interest: NonFiction If there’s about to be a new addition to your family, wrapping up “Queer Stepfamilies: The path to Social and Legal Recognition” by Katie L. Acosta would be a good thing. In this book, the author followed forty LGBTQ families to understand the joys, pitfalls, and legalities of forming a new union together. It can’t replace a lawyer, but it’s a good overview. For the parent who wants to ensure that their child grows up with a lack of

bias, “Raising LGBTQ Allies” by Chris Tompkins is a great book to give. It’s filled with methods to stop bullying in its tracks, to be proactive in having That Conversation, and how to be sure that the next generation you’re responsible for becomes responsible in turn. Wrap it up with “The Healing Otherness Handbook” by Stacee L. Reicherzer, PhD, a book that helps readers to deal with bullying by finding confidence and empowerment. If there’s someone on your gift list who’s determined to get “fit” in the coming year, then give “The Secret to Superhuman Strength” by Alison Bechdel this holiday. Told in graphicnovel format (comics, basically), it’s the story of searching for self-improvement and finding it in a surprising place. So why not give a little nostalgia this year by wrapping up “A Night at the Sweet Gum Head” by Martin Padgett? It’s the tale of disco, drag, and drugs in the 1970s (of course!) in Atlanta, with appearances by activists, politics, and people who were there at that fabulous time. Wrap it up with “After Francesco” by Brian Malloy, a novel set a little later - in the mid1980s in New York City and Minneapolis at the beginning of the AIDS

See Bookworm On Page 11

former track "Shine" off American Dreeming. “Agony” is the latest addition to Dean’s catalogue that explores the duality of the highs of love vs. the dark realities of heartbreak and sorrow. Never one to shy away from the absurd, Dean intentionally designed all imagery around the single to draw attention to the colorful and “picturesque” moments captured but with hints of decay and rot seeping in background, such as insects appearing on his face and hands. A parallel to the delusion of convincing oneself that something can be good even as it crumbles right in front of you. Following the success of his June single “Real” to the tune of synth driven power pop, Dean takes a turn for the macabre with “Agony”, a bass heavy acoustic electro track with grim lyrics and a killer hook. Bubbling to the surface of the underground power pop scene among similar artists such as Slayyyter and Kim Petras, Dean is the latest creation of the hyper pop machine to give us all the grit of a rock vocal encased with a heavy electro-dance influence. Dean is the product of self-reinvention and creates a vibrant caricature that is felt as loud and eccentric as the music itself. “There's Read the rest at a massive The Rainbow Times

Media: How to improve Trans coverage* Diversifying newsrooms / Improving coverage 1. Hire trans reporters, editors, and leadership 2. Talk to trans people about trans people 3. Have more trans sources on stories that aren’t about trans issues 4. Hire trans sensitivity readers 5. Use the trans news “Bechdel test” as a guide Respectful Coverage 1. When other sources deadname or misgender a trans person 2. Writing about someone in the past 3. Don’t identify someone as trans unless it’s relevant 4. Don’t make a big deal about someone’s pronouns 5. Don’t make a big deal about someone’s gender 6. Don’t assume a source’s gender or pronouns 7. Never out your sources 8. Changing/removing names in published stories 9. Changing bylines 10. Don’t equate gender and anatomy 11. Take care not to ask offensive or inappropriate questions * Source: Trans Journalists Association at:

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November 11, 2021 - December 9, 2021 • The Rainbow Times • 11

November 11, 2021 - December 9, 2021

Mustaches From Page 8 clever branding: They’ve made it easy to spot the neon “natural” in a sea of taxis when your vision is less 20/20 and more 20 proof. 20. Steve Harvey The man, the myth, the mustache. This Original King of Comedy is a 14time NAACP Image Award winner, and his stint as host of “Family Feud” has raised the on-again-off-again game show to one of the most-watched on television. 19. Tom Hardy Google Tom Hardy’s old MySpace photos. His dirt squirrel doesn’t disappoint. 18. Sean Penn With or without a crumb catcher, “Milk” star Sean Penn has always looked a little weathered — though we prefer him as a death-row inmate over a surfer-dude doobie lover. 17. Sam Elliot It’s no wonder that Elliot’s 45-plusyear acting career has seen its fair share of roles as a frontiersman. His horseshoe mustache and family heritage — one of his relatives fought in the Battle of the Alamo — make him well suited for Hollywood Westerns. 16. Colin Farrell A proponent of same-sex marriage equality in his native Ireland — he even penned an open letter supporting his gay brother Eamon for Ireland’s Sunday World magazine — Farrell proved that he’s a pro at giving mustache rides in his sex tape with model Nicole Narain. 15. Albert Einstein The German-born physicist, whose name is synonymous with science, gave grandpas everywhere license to live facially untamed with his own wild and unruly mustache. 14. Idris Elba Elba’s salt-and-pepper flavor-saver can go American gangster on our Pacific rim anytime. 10-13. The Beatles If you can believe it, there’s a Beatles Moustache Index online — however unrefined — that chronicles the band’s foray into facial fur, starting with Ringo in 1962. The other three Beatles didn’t don fanny dusters until late 1966. 9. Lionel Richie While much of the Middle East still has an awkward relationship with the U.S., Arab states, like Iraq, hold a torch for Richie and his long-tenured lip foliage. In 2006, ABC News’ John Berman reported that “Grown Iraqi men get misty-eyed by the mere mention of his name. ‘I love Lionel Richie,’ they say.” 8. Charlie Chaplin

Chaplin’s toothbrush mustache, that today is synonymous with his name, came in handy during the rise of Hitler (who showed off a similar style), which the silent-era comedian used to his advantage to parody the dastardly dictator in the 1940s. 7. Nick Offerman Offerman stole our hearts as “Parks and Recreation’s” sometimes-sentimental everyman Ron Swanson — whose lip toupée is among the best we’ve ever seen — but it was only when we discovered that he’s a grownup teddy bear in real life (who’s married to gaycon Megan Mullally) that he earned a five-star rainbow rating. 6. Frida Kahlo Kahlo, whose revealing self-portraits effectively capture her physical and psychological suffering, had affairs with both men and women — and she didn’t shave for any of them. 5. Clark Gable Often referred to as the King of Hollywood, Gable is the epitome of what a leading man is supposed to be — complete with a smoldering gaze, come-hither smirk, and tightly trimmed tickler that frankly doesn’t give a damn.

Cambridge LGBTQ+ Commission seeks members, volunteers to fill vacancies CAMBRIDGE—Cambridge City Manager Louis A. DePasquale is seeking volunteers to fill vacancies on the Cambridge LGBTQ+ Commission. The Cambridge LGBTQ+ Commission’s mission is to advocate for a culture of respect and to monitor progress toward equality of all persons with regard to sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. The Commission also promotes policies and practices that have a positive effect on the health, welfare, and safety of persons who live, visit, or work in the City of Cambridge with regard to sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. The Commission holds a public meeting on the 4th Thursday of each month (3rd Thursday in November, and no meeting in December or August). Though scheduled meetings are required, much of the work done by Commissioners is often outside of scheduled meetings through working groups. Commissioners work together and with city staff to achieve the goals and objectives of the LGBTQ+ Commission Ordinance.

4. Salvador Dalí Indicative of his flamboyant personality and grandiose behavior, Dalí’s mustache manipulations — he once fashioned it into an infinity symbol for a photo shoot — became a trademark of his appearance beginning in the 1920s. Influenced by 17th-century Spanish master painter Diego Velázquez, the surrealist’s delicate lip doily was voted in a British Movember poll as the most famous of all time, edging out Hulk Hogan’s handlebar by six percent.

Bookworm From Page 9

3. Freddie Mercury There’s a laundry list of reasons to appreciate the genius that was Freddie Mercury, not the least of which was the time that he told an audience full of admiring, screaming fans that a lot of people hated his mustache — but he didn’t give a f@ck. “It’s my mustache, and I’m gonna keep it!” he exclaimed before a crowd that only went wilder for the posthumous Rock and Roll Hall of Famer.

crisis. The LGBTQ activist on your gift list will want to read “The Case for Gay Reparations” by Omar G. Encarnacion. It’s a book about acknowledgment, obligation on the part of cis citizens, and fixing the pain that homophobia and violence has caused. Wrap it up with “Trans Medicine: The Emergence and Practice of Treating Gender” by Stef M. Shuster, a look at trans history that may also make your giftee growl.

2. Tom Selleck As private investigator Thomas Magnum on “Magnum, P.I.” in the 1980s; Dr. Richard Burke on “Friends” in the ’90s; casino owner A.J. Cooper on “Las Vegas” in the late 2000s; and police commissioner Frank Reagan (the role he currently plays on CBS’ “Blue Bloods”), Selleck has redefined each decade for the past 30 years how to rock a serious Chevron with class and panache. In fact, one of the only times you’ll see the sex symbol without his legendary mouth mirken is in Read the rest of this interview at

Trans News? ... TransHeadlines.Com

TDoR From Page 2 verse and others belonging to the LGBTQ+ community, reported incidents are so low due to longstanding tensions between the police and members of disenfranchised groups, where there has been long standing abuse by law enforcement. If you don’t believe the police is there to help a dire situation, why would anyone open

Fiction Young readers who have recently transitioned with enjoy reading “Both Sides Now” by Peyton Thomas. It’s a novel about a high school boy with gigantic dreams and the means to accomplish them all. Can he overcome the barriers that life gives him? It’s debatable ... Pair it with “Can’t Take That Away” by Steven Salvatore, a book about two nonbinary students and the troubles they face as they fall in love. The thriller fan on your list will be overjoyed to unwrap “Yes, Daddy” by Jonathan Parks-Ramage. It’s the story of a young man with dying dreams of fame and fortune, who schemes to meet an older, more accomplished man with the hopes of sparking his failing

The LGBTQ+ Commission consists of 20 members appointed by the City Manager to serve three-year terms. Individuals who live or work in Cambridge are eligible to apply. We are seeking members of all ages, gender identities, sexual orientations, racial/ethnic backgrounds, and abilities to join the Commission. It is desirable for this Commission to be fully representative of the diverse Cambridge community; and it is a City of Cambridge goal to expand and deepen community engagement with a focus on strengthening the diversity and inclusion of its various boards and commissions.     Applications to serve on the Commission can be submitted to City Manager Louis A. DePasquale using the City’s online application system at A cover Read the rest of this story at:

themselves up to additional toxic or even deadly interactions? Many wouldn’t. “This data is critical, but it doesn’t tell the whole story of anti-transgender violence,” Rodrigo Heng-Lehtinen, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, said Read the rest of this story at:

career. But the older man isn’t who the younger thinks he is, and that’s not good. Wrap it up with “Lies with Man” by Michael Nava, a book about a lawyer who agrees to be counsel for a group of activists. Good so far, right? Until one of them is accused of being involved in a deadly bombing … For the fan of Southern fiction, you can’t go wrong when you wrap up “The Tender Grave” by Sheri Reynolds. It’s the tale of two sisters, one homophobic, the other lesbian, and how they learn to forgive and re-connect. Readers who love underdog tales will be so happy to unwrap “Everyone in This Room Will Someday Be Dead” by Emily Austin. It’s the story of Gilda, an atheist lesbian who lands a job as the receptionist at a Catholic church by mistake. When a friend of the former receptionist tries to contact the deceased former secretary, Gilda impersonates the woman. Problem is, the woman’s dead and Gilda’s acting suspicious. *The Bookworm is Terri Schlichenmeyer. Terri has been reading since she was 3 years old and she never goes anywhere without a book. She lives on a prairie in Wisconsin with two dogs, one patient man, and 17,000 books. More Of This Gift Guide at

12 • The Rainbow Times •

November 11, 2021 - December 9, 2021

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