September 14, 2011

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September 14, 2011

Vol. 94 • No. 15

T�� R������ The voice of Texas Wesleyan University students since 1917

Lady Rams crush Northwestern Oklahoma State 5-0.

Local artist incorporates jazz into abstract paintings.

Sports, page 8

Arts & Entertainment, page 4

SGA overcomes executive bump in road Shauna Banks

Jumping an executive hurdle at the start of the fall semester, members of the Student Government Association have hit the ground running. At an SGA executive meeting Aug. 26, Bill Rucker, newly appointed chief justice, announced that he had discovered a discrepancy in two of the executive council’s qualifications. Performing his first official duty as chief justice, Rucker began checking grades and making sure members met the experience requirements in relation to their specific positions prior to the meeting. During the process, he found Gina Kautai, treasurer, and Gary Jones, secretary, did not meet the year of SGA experience required for executive council positions. Rucker informed Bradden Van Noy, president of SGA, and suggested discussing a resolution to this newly discovered problem. “Because we had not had our first formal business meeting for SGA, I recommended that be done before we did any business in the first meeting and it was up to President Van Noy how he wanted to handle the situation after that was done,” Rucker said. At the first official business meeting for the SGA on Aug. 30, Kautai and Jones announced they were stepping down from their positions. “I think when I swore to uphold the bylaws of the constitution that I thought it was best that I follow them and step down,” Jones said. Jones said he and Kautai asked if they met all constitutional requirements to run for their positions and

were told by two previous executive council members that there were no problems with them running for their positions last April. Both then went forward with their campaigning and ran unopposed in the election. “I even asked a second time and I was told that it was completely fine,” Jones said. During the same Aug. 30 meet-

ing, Van Noy reappointed Jones and Kautai to their positions, with a 10-0 vote to approve the appointment. “I think secretary Jones and treasure Kautai will be good members of SGA,” Van Noy said. “I didn’t want to just kick them out because of an oversight from last year.” Although Van Noy reappointed both, he does not believe the experience requirement should be

changed for future elections. “I think executive officers need to have that experience of one year at least,” Van Noy said. “That way, when new members come in next year, they [executive officers] can be the leaders they need to be.” At the time of election, Kautai had about six months of experience and Jones had just five weeks. “If we do lower it, I think it will

in a way, de-legitimize our student government, because we’re requiring experience,” Van Noy said. “I’m not saying you couldn’t have a student come in who could be a very productive council member with no SGA experience. But I think they’d be better with at least one year.” Jones said as the newly appointed

 SGA, page 3

Photo Illustration by Shauna Banks / Photo by Alejandra Garcia | Rambler Staff (Left to right) Bradden Van Noy, president of SGA, Bill Rucker, chief justice, Lucas Hoss, head representative, Gina Kautai, treasurer and Gary Jones, secretary meet in their executive meeting chamber. After Rucker discovered that Kautai and Jones did not have the required experience to have been elected into their positions, they stepped down at the first SGA business meeting Aug. 30. They were immediately re-appointed by Van Noy.

$30,000 Welch grant funds hands-on research Shauna Banks

Students majoring in chemistry or bio-chemistry will continue gaining hands-on research experience through a $30,000 grant the chemistry department at Texas Wesleyan has received since 1986. Executives at the Welch Foundation have approved a renewal of its annual grant for Wesleyan from June 2012 to May 2013. Dr. Newton Hillard, department chair of chemistry and biochemistry and professor of chemistry, said the money from this grant is used uniquely at Wesleyan. At Wesleyan, the Welch grant allows faculty and administrators in the chemistry department to select several undergraduate students for

their summer hands-on research program, which lasts eight weeks each summer. “If you were at a very large Ph.D. granting institution, priority for research opportunities would lie with the Ph.D. students first, then the master’s degree, and if it went to undergrads, it would be extremely selective so that maybe only the honors students would have an opportunity,” Hillard said. “Here it’s everybody hands-on. You want the diploma—you shall do.” Hillard said the chemistry department at Wesleyan is also different in that it focuses on faculty-initiated research projects for its summer program and other research opportunities during the year. Currently chemistry faculty are generating interest in the summer

program for next year. Chemistry and bio-chemistry majors can begin to apply at the beginning of next spring, and will be notified of their acceptance by the end of the semester. If accepted for the summer program, students participate in handson research projects, with faculty serving as mentors and receiving a stipend for their work. Dean of the School of Natural and Social Sciences, Dr. Trevor Morris, said he thinks the stipend serves as a major benefit for the students involved. “It frees them up to actually go out and do research and not worry about working,” Morris said. Morris said the hands-on

 WELCH, page 3

Meisa Keivani Najafabadi | Rambler Staff Tanner Neumann, senior biochemistry major, conducts organic chemistry hands-on research this past summer, funded by the $30,000 Welch grant the chemistry department received in the 2010-2011 school year. This is Neumann’s third year to do research with money from the grant.

Rent-A-Text program at Wesleyan evokes mixed feelings Alejandra Garcia

Students are still taking advantage of the rent option at the Texas Wesleyan University Bookstore. Since implementing the Rent-AText program at the Texas Wesleyan bookstore last fall, Randy Guttery, store manager, said business has been good. He said the program was added as an option to help students reduce costs and that rented books are 40 to 60 percent off retail price.

In some situations, when students would purchase their books, the bookstore staff would not be able to buy the books back due to a number of problems such as switching to a newer edition, or having a surplus of that book. Renting avoids that problem. Guttery said when students rent their books instead of purchasing them, they don’t have to worry about keeping the book once they are finished with their class. The bookstore has not encountered many problems with the rent-

als. Guttery said most of the students are good with returning their books on time and keeping them in mint condition. He said students are sent at least three courtesy email reminders the closer it gets to their due date. They also have the due date on their receipt when they first make the transaction. “We haven’t had too much of a problem with that [late books],” Guttery said. According to, if students don’t return their books by

their due date, they are charged a non-return fee and a processing fee as well as the difference of the retail price and the rental fee. Guttery said if a student does not return a book on time, the bookstore sends the student’s information to collections, which means that student will deal with Rent-a-Text directly and the bookstore is no longer the middleman. He also said the bookstore has a policy where students who fail to turn their books in on time will no longer have the option of renting

books from the bookstore even if they paid their fees. Rhett Peel, freshman history with secondary education major, said he does not agree with the late policies. “That policy is kind of absurd,” Peel said. “It makes it hard on everybody if they can’t rent again.” Peel said there are valid situations where students simply cannot return their books on time. He said he was unable to return his books because of family matters

 RENT, page 3

Stop in at the Morton Fitness Center to sign up for group fitness classes! For more information, call 817-531-7589.

Opinion Reality worth less than networks pay 2


The Rambler |

Seotember 14, 2011

are setting an example for the young MTV viewers and their Eliana Mijangos biggest fans is a sick thought. Sports editor I would not prefer my son or daughter to be inspired to make money by making a fool of themselves on national TV, but it seems this reality show is just a pawn on a chess board I wish I could get paid to get drunk of reality entertainment that is taking and put a poof in my hair while gyrat- over media today. ing on national television. Now, let’s take a look at how much Only Snooki and the wonderful cast we are paying the people who have an of Jersey Shore could pull of that life- influence on the future generations style while getting paid $30,000 an ep- and people who also happen to have isode. While Ronnie, Sam and Deena college degrees, teachers. are left out of this lump sum, the main Locally, an education major could characters, Snooki, Pauly D, graduate and, perhaps with some deThe Situation and Jwoww somehow lay from the economy, make around managed to negotiate a six-figure pay $40,000 a year in starting. raise for season four. As if enjoying That is short just $10,000 of what the a free trip to Italy all expenses paid main stars on Jersey Shore are making wasn’t enough, according to perezhil- in an episode, but we wonder why our, the gang got paid $100,000 children turn to entertainment before for all their so-called hard work. education. | Courtesy This pay goes without the additionAm I saying that they don’t bring al appearances and product endorse- ratings to MTV? I am simply stating The cast of Jersey Shore consists of just a handful of the reality show stars paid to plaster their lives all over televiments that several members have that MTV as a channel is one that has sion in an attempt to boost ratings for the network their show airs on. obtained. Sam’s long-time lover and no thought for the influence it has on boyfriend, Ronnie, is now blaming its viewers. com companies like Abercrombie and flect the aspirations of its clothing line. All in all, it is good to know that his massive muscles on the power of Clearly, their only concern is how Fitch and GAP have offered the cast Further, they requested an immediate some big corporations are noticing weight loss pills. to get money fast, the same influence money to refrain from wearing their response to their request to pay off the negative affect that “Gym, Tan and Perhaps that’s how Snooki just re- thrown into the faces of teen viewers clothing lines. The Situation in exchange for refrain- Laundry,” more commonly known cently lost 30 inches. Seems like a everywhere by looking at Snooki’s According to, the ing to wear their clothes. as “GTL” can have on the livelihoods good diet, drinking vodka by day then hump. representatives of the Abercrombie also noted of the viewers who are watching. Alfist pumping with Guidos by night Some companies have recognized and Fitch Association wrote a state- Snooki’s slaughtering of the Coach though this so-called reality might only to wake up at two in the after- the recklessness of these reality stars ment saying, although the show is brand name when bringing along a seem like the perfect life to live, the noon to do it all over again. and are taking steps in the right di- created for entertainment purposes, Coach purse to one of her drunken reality is that these shows are far from To think these now millionaires rection. According to signature9. the crew of Jersey Shore does not re- events. the real world.

Fair value placed on stars to boost ratings I know I’m guilty of doing just that at least a couple times Shauna Banks a week. There is something Editor-in-chief so oddly entertaining about watching Gordon Ramsay yell at a group of rookie chefs until he looks like a bright red tomato, and gawking at the latest cat fight in Jersey. It amazes me how often many However, the gripe from many people come home after a stress- viewers in today’s society is that ful day of work, plop down on the the so-called stars of these reality couch and cue the DVR to watch shows are overpaid for what they the latest episode of their favorite actually do. guilty pleasure reality television According to MTV’s Jersey Shore show. website, main characters Snooki,

Pauly D, The Situation and Jwoww received $30,000 per episode for the most recent third season of Jersey shore. This is a 600 percent increase from $5,000 per episode the first season and $10,000 per episode the second season. Can I get a fist pump for that?! All morals aside, I don’t think these stars are overpaid. Regardless of what reality show is considered, each network places a value on the stars of that show. As the popularity of shows grow, that value may increase—which only makes sense. If Snooki and The Sitch are out ga-

lavanting on a daily basis, drumming up hype for Jersey Shore, why shouldn’t they get paid more? The bottom line is they are essentially doing what they’re being paid for— which is to bring MTV more viewers and increase ratings. Viewers hate to admit we actually watch some of these shows, and to be honest, some are just plain bad. Watch five minutes of Roseanne’s Nuts on Lifetime or Toddlers & Tiaras on TLC and you’ll agree. But, if we are going to watch them and secretly enjoy them, we really have no right to decide how much

the stars should be paid. Can a value really be placed on entertainment? Yes people seem to be overpaid for a variety of things each day— whether it be coaches, celebrities or politicians. But overall, I think when considering how much a person gets paid, one should also consider the job responsibilities that person has. If they are meeting them, then they are meeting the basics of their contracts and truly earning the big bucks someone higher up has decided they are worth. As Heidi Klum would say—Auf Wiedersehen.

Absence policy sends students back to high school Wesleyan throws a wet blanket over all of these things. Taylor Gill Being dropped from classes Contributing writing due to a lack of attendance is a joke and laughs in the face of college’s purpose. A total of 2,789 students were enrolled at Wesleyan last spring to get an education Going off to college is a vital part to make friends and most imof any person’s growth process. It’s portantly memories. part of finding out who you are and We all pay the price to go to making a name for yourself and school. Full-time students pay your family. $9,888 not including a meal plan, College isn’t just a part of life, it’s which is another $1,485. On cama gateway to better yourself and live pus residents can pay anywhere life optimally. It gives us a chance from $2,105-$4,500 a semester to to grow, mature and learn as well as stay on campus. think outside the box. Not everyone plays on a sports The absence policy here at Texas team or is on scholarship, but all

The Rambler Shauna Banks, editor-in-chief Eliana Mijangos, sports editor Rachel Peel, community editor Jordan Twine arts & entertainment editor Alejandra Garcia campus feature editor Jonathan Resendez, multimedia editor Meisa Keivani Najafabadi, photo editor Erica Estrada, cartoonist Wendy Moore, faculty adviser Dr. Kay Colley, faculty liaison Frederick Slabach, publisher

students pay for their education rather than it being a complementary ideal. While I understand the reason to encourage students to go to class regularly, such as understanding of concepts, I think as adults, it should be our choice as to how we take advantage of the money being spent. I think we reserve the right to miss class freely as long as we maintain our grades and the responsibility of staying on task. According to Texas Wesleyan’s absence policy, students have three absences allowed for Tuesday, Thursday classes and five absences for Monday Wednesday and Friday classes. I believe this to be too few absences to be dropped from a class

you pay hundreds of dollars to take. As someone who’s been to a few colleges, I can attest to the fact that not every college holds this policy. Bigger universities such as Texas A&M in College Station and the University of Texas at Austin do not hold students accountable for attendance. They seem to understand it is the student’s job to take responsibility and go to class. As someone who has raised his GPA from a 1.5 to a 2.9 in a year and half, I finally realized how important it is to take pride in my work. However, I didn’t learn that because of an absence policy but rather my drive to truly be somebody. I think that is what students need to understand—we are not in

high school anymore and professors should accept that in the same. Teachers are not babysitters, but professors in a higher learning institution. With a decrease of the absentee policy, professors could spend more time teaching instead of taking roll, and rather than catching up students who miss material, they can feed the minds of students who are eager to learn and be in class. I think if you give the students an opportunity to grow up, they just might surprise you. Part of growing up is taking responsibility for your actions. I am asking decisions makers at Wesleyan to give that responsibility back to the students not to the professors and coaches here.

Thumbs up to Mrs. Ida for her sandwich, wrap and pasta station in Dora’s. Those sandwiches and pasta bowls are the only reasons we come into the cafeteria.

Thumbs down to campus security for the surplus of parking tickets so far this semester. Sometimes there’s just no where else to park.

Thumbs up to the students who have branded themselves Rams for life. We see your ram tattoos and commend you for taking that giant leap in Wesleyan pride.

Thumbs down to the lack of night life opportunities around Wesleyan. We suspect that if the campus alcohol policies changed, less students over 21 would travel downtown to drink and risk driving while intoxicated to get back to their residence halls.

“We are not afraid to follow the truth ... wherever it may lead.” — Thomas Jefferson

Address all correspondence to: Texas Wesleyan University

The Rambler

1201 Wesleyan St. Fort Worth, TX 76105 (817) 531-7552 Advertising Inquiries: (817) 531-6525

Member of the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Student Press Law Center, College Media Advisers and College Newspaper Business and Advertising Managers. Opinions expressed in The Rambler are those of the individual authors only and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Texas Wesleyan community as a whole.

R ambler Contribution

Please send all news briefs to Submissions due by noon Friday to see brief in the following week’s issue. Letters to the editor: The Rambler, a weekly publication, welcomes all letters. All submissions must have a full printed name, phone number and signature. While every consider-

ation is made to publish letters, publication is limited by time and space. The editors reserve the right to edit all submissions for space, grammar, clarity and style. Letters to the editor may be subject to response from editors and students on the opinion page.


The Rambler |

Education students honored


September 14, 2011

continued from page 1

regarding surgery. “My wife had to have gallbladder surgery near the end of the school year and it became a bigger ordeal,” Peel said. “By the time she was well, it was too late.” Brittany Minor, junior psychology major, said she has been renting from the bookstore since last fall and the fact that students return rented books and do not have to keep them is what most appealed to her. “If I was able to rent it, then I know I can return it,” Minor said. “I hate when we have to buy our books and then we try to sell them back and they won’t take them.” Minor said so far it has been a good experience and she recommends it to other students. Minor said she understands the rules on renting and the late policies.



“Books are very expensive so I understand they have to be strict about it because they don’t want to lose that much money on books,” Minor said. Courtney Briley, sophomore mass communications major, said the only place she has rented from is “I bought my books the first semester from the bookstore and then the rest of my college career rented from Chegg,” Briley said. Briley said her experience with Chegg has been good so far and she will continue renting from that site. Briley said she especially likes that Chegg is eco-friendly. She said the company plants a tree every time someone rents from it and they send the books with recycled material boxes for the books’ return.

Photos by Meisa Keivani | Rambler Staff

Sara Shipman, senior EC-6 major (left) and Grace Savage, senior athletic training major (left) are recognized Sept. 8 at the Dean’s Honor Reception for their achievements by Dr. Carlos Martinez, dean of the School of Education.


continued from page 1

research can also benefit students considering attending graduate school. “If they are planning to go to graduate school and things like that, it shows they have that independence and are able to conduct their own studies and don’t need to be taught how to do it because they already have that experience,” Morris said. Hillard said one senior


biochemistry major, Tanner Neumann, has attended the National American Chemical Society’s national meeting for two years in a row to present his Welch grant funded research—something no student at Wesleyan has ever accomplished before. Ivone Menchaca, senior chemistry major, was selected for the summer 2010

research program, where she worked with Dr. Kris Gilbert. “I enjoyed the fact that I had the opportunity to learn new techniques and have a further understanding of Dr. Gilbert’s research,” Menchaca said. “I also enjoyed the satisfaction I got from having consistent and useful results. I am hoping that Nicholas Franda | Rambler Staff throughout this semester I can continue to get promis- The Rent-A-Text program at the Texas Wesleyan Bookstore has evoked mixed reviews with students who have utilized it, with some reaping benefits and others ending up unhappy. ing results.”

continued from page 1

secretary, he has already established some goals. “I want to make the student government more transparent over the next couple weeks,” Jones said. “[SGA executives should be] making sure that government is solely focused on students’ needs and not necessarily looking at relationships between the administration and

government, but meeting the needs of the student body.” Jones said the SGA will launch a new website within the next few weeks in which anyone interested can access minutes from each meeting, read about bills that have been passed and see the budget the SGA is working with. These items will first be avail-

able on the portal page connected to Texas Wesleyan’s website, but will transition to its own domain soon after. Kautai said her main goal as treasurer is to focus on working with her Finance and Audit Committee to push as much legislation through the SGA as possible. “I believe that Gary and Gina were very positive and concerned about what was best for the stu-

dent body, and President Van Noy could have said ‘no, these are not the choices I want for this position,’” Rucker said. “He could have appointed anyone to the positions, but I believe he felt the same—that the student body elected those two people into their positions and worked in agreement with the student body.” Both Jones and Kautai were reappointed before any official busi-

ness was carried out for the SGA. “What’s important is that we were able to rectify that situation and bring the government back into a constitutional format and do it without any disruptions in the government,” Rucker said. Anyone can attend the next SGA business meeting, set for 5:15 p.m. Sept. 20 in the SGA chamber within the Brown-Lupton Student Center.



September 14, 2011

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Artist’s abstract work influenced by jazz Jordan Twine

Fort Worth resident Robert Berry combines jazz music and abstract concepts to create art. With his work, Berry strives to change the world of art in the Fort Worth area and encourages students and enthusiasts to get involved in the art community. Most of his work can be distinguished by his blending of musical instruments, caricature and vibrant color. Berry said he likes jazz music and it has become an integral part of the creative process. “I listen to jazz while I paint,” Berry said. “I started out just doing abstract and then I came up with the jazz idea.” Berry used to sell his pieces at an art gallery in downtown Fort Worth, but now sells his work at art shows and from his home. Berry also said he likes to be reasonable in pricing since some people who want to collect art might not have as much money to spend. “A lot of people are afraid to go to galleries because they think they can’t afford it,” Berry said. “I like to make mine affordable—uniquely affordable as I like to put it.” Berry said he remembers being an art student in college and urges young people that want to pursue a career in art to go for it. “Follow your passion,” Berry said. “People thought I was crazy—my parents anyway, when I told them I

wanted to be an artist. But I stuck with it.” Berry also said even though taking art classes is vital, it’s important for an artist to hone in on his or her own style. “You still have to know who you are,” Berry said. “I know my work doesn’t fit into what some people want it to be. For me it’s going to be what I want it be.” Mikia Franklin, sophomore education major at Texas Wesleyan University, said she is interested in going to one of Berry’s exhibits. Franklin said she thinks it is good for students to go experience his work. “I think it’s good to get out of our comfort zone,” Franklin said. “It’s something different.” Hector Lucians, sophomore undecided, said he likes to draw and is intrigued by Berry’s work. “I think it’s interesting,” Lucians said. “He’s combining two things he loves, jazz and art.” Berry’s work will be featured from 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. Sept. 30 at the Fort Worth music festival at Will Rogers Memorial Center Lawn 3401 West Lancaster St. in Fort Worth and from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. Oct. 8 at the Arts Goggle at Chadra Mezza and Grill, 1622 Park Place Ave. in Fort Worth. Both art shows are free to attend and Berry said he encourages Wesleyan students to come out and participate. For more information about upcoming events and to inquire about his work visit www.JazzXpressionstudio. com.

Photos by Meisa Keivani Najafaeadi | Rambler Staff Top: Robert Berry shows off some of his work at the art studio in his home. Right and left: Berry shows more of his featured work. The pieces use jazz instruments to express the musical influences of Berrys work. Berrys art has been used at galleries and art shows around Fort Worth. Some of these pieces will be on exhibit for upcoming shows this fall. All of Berry’s work is open for bid. Berry’s work will be featured from 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. Sept.

30 at the Fort Worth Music Festival at Will Rogers Memorial Center Lawn and from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. Oct. 8 at the Arts Goggle at Chadra Mezza and Grill. For more art or for more

information visit If you would like to contact the artist for further inquiries you can e-mail him at

Texas Wesleyan University and

The Department of Music present

Wesleyan Sunday

September 25 at 10:30 a.m. Polytechnic United Methodist Church

The President’s Council Fall Kick-off and Music Scholarship Benefit Concert

The Fort Worth Symphany Orchestra September 30, 2011 Martin Hall

For more information, visit or call 817-531-4992


C����� F������

September 14, 2011



Students assemble for after-school fun

Kelsi Holland

For the first six weeks of classes at Texas Wesleyan, students [all students or specifically ones who live on campus] are treated to games and mixers. Residence assistants have been hosting a six-week program since the start of the semester. The program consists of activities for students to get involved in and meet new people. The events are held on Thursdays each week. Sharon Manson, director of residence life, collaborated with the RAs on making the events a success for students. “We met during the RA training and brainstormed a whole bunch of ideas,” Manson said. She said the RAs, Tyler Mendez, Philip Blocklinger, Delvin Hill and Stephanie Darbo, want students to have a great experience at Texas Wesleyan. Manson also said the events help promote living on campus. “The involvement on campus has also increased the number of returning students who choose to live on campus,” Manson said. Last Thursday, Sept. 8, on the basketball court outside of Stella Russell Hall, residence life staff held “Old School Games.” The activities for this event included

dodge ball, four square and hopscotch. Food and refreshments were provided. Mendez, sophomore English and political science major, delegated the event. Mendez said the number of students who showed up was encouraging. “We’ve had a lot of success,” Mendez said. He said this is a great way for students to socialize. “The six-week program is allowing students to get involved on campus,” Mendez said. Mendez also said the RAs are helping promote student life. “Each one of the RA’s play a role in helping advance student life,” Mendez said. “We feed off of each other’s success to help students enjoy living on campus.” Courtney Briley, sophomore mass communications major, said she has attended three events and is really enjoying them. “They are fun,” Briley said. ” I like how they are utilizing the sports court.” Residence life staff will host three more events before the six-week program comes to a close. For more details, residents can contact their RA or check local postings around campus at the Brown Lupton Student Union Building, Eunice & James G. West Library and Armstrong-Maybee Business Building.



Photos by Eliana Mijangos | Rambler Staff Top: (Left to Right) Jorge Figuerga, freshman athletic training major, Dusteyn Suttle, freshman biology major, Arnold Martinez, freshman criminal justice major, Jordan Stellato, freshman athletic training major and Isreal Villareal, freshman computer science major, attended the Old School Games event at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 8. on the sports court outside of Stella Russel Hall. Bottom: Other residents participate in the Old School event. Students played games like four square, hula hoop, dodgeball and hopscotch. Refreshments were provided at 7 p.m. This event is the third out of six events of the six week program. The events are delegated by resident assistants and Sharon Manson, director of resident life. Manson said this is a good opportunity for students to socialize and discover the benefits of living on campus.

Wesleyan administrator finds inspiration in Texas tennis Alejandra Garcia

John Veilleux, the new vice president of marketing and communications, returns to Texas after three and a half years in Indiana, Pa. Though Veilleux is not a native-born Texan, he was raised in Texas since he was 5 months old. Veilleux said he proudly calls himself a Texan. “I love being a Texan,” Veilleux said. Veilleux said before he and his family moved to Pennsylvania, he worked at the Texas Wesleyan University Law School. Veilleux said while he was out of state, he missed Texas and all its attributes. “I missed it like you couldn’t believe,” Veilleux said. “You really don’t realize what home is like until you leave it.” Veilleux said he is glad to be back in Texas and back at Wesleyan. Currently, he is living on campus in West Village. Veilleux said he is glad to have the opportunity to live on campus because it allows him to witness things

he would have otherwise not seen. “There is no better way to be immersed into the culture of Texas Wesleyan than by living on campus, in the dorms, and understanding firsthand the experience of the school,” Veilleux said. Living on campus has also allowed him to see how eager students are to learn. “These are good kids, great kids, doing what it takes to make themselves better,” Veilleux said. “I want to help students be the best they can be.” Veilleux said he is very proud of the students at Wesleyan. Veilleux’s wife, Apryle Veilleux, and three children, Jackson Kent (5) Peyton Graham (2) and Jordan Reese (2 months) are still in Pennsylvania. They are waiting to sell their house before, they too, move back to Texas. “I hope it’s sooner rather than later,” Veilleux said. He said he misses his family a lot but with the rise of technology, it is not difficult for them to stay connected. “The great thing is I get to facetime with my kids



every night on the iPhone,” Veilleux said. “It’s great technology to be able to do that.” He said two months ago, they had their 10th anniversary and third child, Jordan Reese. Veilleux said their favorite vacation spot is Destin, Fla. and they try to go every other year. “Me and my wife, we love to go on vacation, we love to bring our kids,” Veilleux said. “They have the most beautiful beaches in the world.” Apryle also said she really enjoys Destin. “The beach is gorgeous there. It’s very relaxing,” she said. Apryle said she has vacationed in Destin since high school and used to go there with her family. Later she introduced it to Veilleux. Veilleux said his favorite hobby is tennis and any spare time he has, he uses it as an opportunity to play. “I love to play tennis, that’s my sport,” Veilleux said. Veilleux said he played tennis in high school and competitive tournaments in both singles and doubles.

In 2007 he played with a team called the Houston Hurricanes, a team established by Veilleux and the members. They played in the United States Tennis Association tournament and went all the way to nationals. He said he still plays competitively. “Tennis is so much fun, I love to do that,” Veilleux said. Apryle said Veilleux is very enthusiastic about tennis and enjoys watching it as well as playing it. “We have the tennis channel, even old tennis,” Apryle said. Patti Turner, chief of staff at Wesleyan, said she and Veilleux used to work together at the law school before Veilleux moved to Pennsylvania. She said she is glad to be working with Veilleux again and Wesleyan will benefit from his enthusiasm. Turner said they attend staff and committee meetings together and she looks forward to continuing to work with him. “I think he’ll bring a lot of strengths to the university,” Turner said.

Meisa Keivani Najafabadi | Rambler Staff John Veilleux, vice president of marketing and communications enjoys playing tennis on his spare time. He has played tennis since high school and even went all the way to nationals on the United States Tennis Association tournament with a team called the Houston Hurricanes.



September 14, 2011


The Rambler |

Polytechnic High student goes pro

Rachel Peel

Weighing in at 135 pounds and standing five foot, eight inches tall is Polytechnic Heights boxer, 18-year-old James Burns. Burns is currently preparing to dominate the ring on Sept. 16, at Quik Trip Park in Grand Prairie for his first professional fight. Born on Sept. 13, 1992 in Dallas, Burns moved to the Poly area in 2005 where he began his high school career at Polytechnic High School. He began boxing in 2000 at Riverside Middle School when he was 11 years old. He said he took up boxing while participating in an after-school program at the middle school and has been boxing ever since. Burns said throughout his high school career he saw a lot of Wesleyan representation around the community. “When I was younger, I used to ride my bicycle through there [Wesleyan],”Burns said. “And I made the go-cart people chase me all the time.” Burns said he used to see Wesleyan students jogging all the time and when he found out it was a college, it was motivation for him to get to the next level. Burns came from a divorced home. His mom was very financially stable and his father was not. He said since his mom worked many hours, his dad was the more interactive parent.

Poly High School Assistant Principal, Eric Poullard, said Burns was never the instigator in a fight, but never backed down from one either. “That was the connection piece that James and I first had,” Poullard said. “We would talk all the time about his boxing.” Anthony Williams, Polytechnic High School interventionist, said Burns came into Poly sort of rough around the edges, but turned out to be a great student. “He was always able to rise above most of the problems that he confronted,” Williams said. He said Burns was a mediator with students and active in Polygents, which was a mentor group at Poly. “James had a lot of support,” Williams said. “Everybody liked James; he was a very likable kid.” Williams said when Burns hurt his back boxing, he was ready to hang up his gloves and quit, but like many other things in his life he was able to overcome that as well “James had natural talent,” Williams said. “I was really elated when he told me that he was going to continue boxing.” Williams also said Burns was always upbeat and was never down too much, even with some of the life obstacles he faced. Williams said a lot of people and students often wondered how Burns maintained himself and was able

Rachel Peel | Rambler Staff James Burns (18), 2010 graduate from Polytechnic High School, has been boxing since he was 11 years old. When Burns moved to the Poly area in 2005 he saw Wesleyan as motivation to move to the next level. Burns turned pro in April 2011 and will be boxing in his first professional boxing match at 7 p.m. Sept. 16 at Quik Trip Park in Grand Prairie, Texas.

to come to school and have a real open personality coming from the neighborhood he lived in. “He was making the adjustment,” Williams said. “He was one of the few that could make the adjustment and not fail at it.”

In 2007, Burns received runner-up for ringside at the Ringside World Tournament in Kansas City, Mo. and in 2009 he won the gold at the junior Olympics at Northern Michigan University in Marquette, Mich. but was unable to go to nationals because he

injured his shoulder. Ricky Sanchez, Burns’ trainer, started working with Burns when he was 11 years old. Burns continued training with Sanchez in Riverside until the gym closed down. Sanchez then moved his

gym, Premier Boxing Club to the Sycamore Community Center in 2004 where he still trains students today. “Winning came easy for him [Burns],” Sanchez said. “When you win you like to box, but he had talent and we knew it.”

Wesleyan teams take strides for support

Photos by Olivia Blanco | Rambler Staff Left: Seven teams represented Wesleyan this past Saturday at the Tarrant County Heart Walk. After the walk team members posed for a group picture. Right: Liz Bridges, technical services librarian at Wesleyan, and her dog Lonestar pose for a quick picture after participating it the 2011 Heart Walk.

The Social Ram Programming Board Presents:

We are Wesleyan Concert Date: Thursday, September 15th Time: 7:00pm-10:00pm Place: The Mall (in front of the library) Entry Fee: Bring a canned good for a local charity. Come listen to live music by fellow students and local artists while enjoying free food!



September 14, 2011



Lady Rams soccer remains undefeated 5-0

Eliana Mijangos

The Lady Rams took a 5-0 shutout over Northwestern Oklahoma State University Sept. 9 at Martin Field. “We came out slow, but we did a good job of turning on the energy and turning the energy around,” Jessica Watton, junior forward, said. The Lady Rams had a slow start to the game with Karissa Olsen, sophomore midfielder, scoring the first and only goal of the half just four minutes into the game. All in all for the first half, the Lady Rams went head to head with the Lady Rangers in the first half six-six on shots. In the second half, the Lady Rams turned on the heat and never let it die down. With 14 shots, seven on goal, they scored four goals. In the 60 minute Kayla Mason, senior defender, scored a goal off an assist from junior defense and midfielder, Leah Valtmam, putting the

Lady Rams ahead 2-0. Watton then took over the game scoring three consecutive goals to sweep the Lady Rangers 5-0. “The work rate of the team is really impressive,” women’s soccer head coach Josh Gibbs said. The Lady Rams outshot Northwestern Oklahoma State 20-7 overall and 12-3 on goals sealing their 5-0 record for the season and an untouched, undefeated look at conference play. “This is a good start, but conference is where it really starts,” Whittney Chappell, senior forward, said. “We are just preparing for that.” The Lady Rams will hit the field again at 1 p.m. in Oklahoma Sept. 16 as they face the University of Science and Arts. “The new players have meshed well with the returners,” Gibbs said. “They’ve gelled as a group pretty well, but it’s still a work in progress. Hopefully, we keep finding a way to win.”

Meisa Keivani Najafabadi | Rambler Staff Whitney Chappell, senior forward, barrells through Northwestern Oklahoma State’s midfielder in an effort to advance the ball. The Lady Rams defeated the Lady Rangers 5-0 Sept. 9 to continue their undefeated (5-0) winning streak for the season.

Glanzer follows Waldrop to winningest player in TWU Eliana Mijangos

Ryan Glanzer, senior guard for Ram basketball, is seven games behind Cody Waldrop, 2011 graduate, for holding the winningest record in Wesleyan history. Glanzer said his success is attributed to the overall success of the Ram basketball program. “No other program at this level works as hard as we do,” Glanzer said. Head men’s basketball coach, Terry Waldrop, said Glanzer has earned three consecutive conference titles and rings and three

National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics National Tournament appearances in his three years as a Ram basketball player and starter. “Ryan has a tremendous work ethic and toughness about him and that has really been a huge factor for him the first three years here at Texas Wesleyan,” Waldrop said. His freshman year, Glanzer and the Rams went 29-5, sophomore year, 26-8 and junior year 30-5 Waldrop said. All this adds to the Ram’s 49-1 home record. “He is not a rah rah guy,” assistant men’s basketball coach Brennan Shingleton said. “He is a leader

by example and he has always been a guy I think our team rallies around both physically and with his work ethic.” With seven new Division I players added to the Ram family this year and only three returners, Waldrop said Glanzers seniority and leadership will be key to spreading their system to the new players. “I think Ryan is a bridge to our past a great key to the future,” Waldrop said. “He understands what it takes to win and win big at Wesleayn. We are everyone’s biggest game and he has grown up with that and understands it.” Stephane Mudiay, senior for-





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ward, said Glanzer has showed him how to integrate and find a role within Waldrop’s system. “Glanzer is a hard worker and he is a leader by example,” Mudiay said. Ram basketball will kick off their season Nov. 6 when they take on Oklahoma Christian University. “This year might be one of the most talented teams that we have had since I’ve been here,” Glanzer said. “Every year our goal is to be the best students we can and make a big run at the national title. Nothing will change this year, we still have the same expectations and same goals.”

Ryan Glanzer | Curtosy Ryan Glanzer, senior guard, is seven games away from holding Wesleyan’s record for winningest player in history, racking in a total 85 wins in three seasons and going 49-1 at home.

Sports Ram soccer wins for hometown heroes 8

| September 14, 2011

The Rambler |

Just four minutes later, Padilla hit his first goal of the game assisted by Ivan Kovecevic, sophomore midfielder, putting the Rams up 2-0. Liren Halle, freshman forward, scored the third goal for the Rams in the 34th minute of play. In the second half, the Tigers made an effort to fight back scoring a goal in the 64th minute, but Wesleyan defense held them off sealing the game 3-1. “Our team played great,”Soleto said. “We capitalized early to put us ahead against a good team and followed up by securing the win defensively.” Junior goal keeper, Dejan Milosevic, had 6 saves in the win. To finish the game, Ram soccer outshot Central Christian 22-16. “Central Christian came out with a purpose, but we were able to hold them and get the victory,” senior forward, Ricardo Aguilera, said. The Rams will hit the field again Sept. 16 in Chickasha Okla. as they face off against the University of Science and Arts.

Meisa Keivani Najafabadi | Rambler Staff Clay Lawson, junior defender, works to steal the ball from Central Christian College. The Rams took a 3-1 win against CCC on Sept. 11 at Martin Field as they advance with an overall record of 3-1. The Rams’ next game is Sept. 16 in Oklahoma against the University of Science.

Meisa Keivani Najafabadi | Rambler Staff The Rams honored local and national firefighters and military personell for 9/11 in a game against Central Christian College. Honorees included assistant men’s soccer coaches Jody Ellsworth and Cody Powell as well as freshman goal keeper Antonio Sifuentes.

Meisa Keivani Najafabadi | Rambler Staff Ram soccer joins hands before the game to pray for good sportsmanship and the many men and women who lost their lives in the tragedy of 9/11. Fort Worth Fire Department attended the game and was honored as well as Wesleyan coaches and staff who are in the military.

Eliana Mijangos

The Ram soccer team took a 3-1 win against Central Christian College Sept. 10 on Martin Field. The Rams honored Fort Worth firefighters and Wesleyan coaches who have served in the military in honor of Sept. 11 in a “Hometown Heroes Night”. Staff being honored included Jody Ellsworth, assistant coach, who is a current Gunnery Sergeant in the U.S. Marines and Cody Powell, assistant coach and current Lewisville fire fighter and U.S. Marine. Antonio Sifuentes, freshman goalkeeper, was also honored for being a part of the U.S. Marine Reserves. “Special thanks to all the fans who come out and support our team,” Chris Soleto, senior defense, said. The Rams kicked off the game with an early goal from TJ Romaguero, sophomore midfielder, in the 18th minute. The goal was assisted by Javier Padilla, freshman midfielder.







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