The Rambler Vol. 93 No. 21

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October 27, 2010

Vol. 93 • No. 21

The Rambler The voice of Texas Wesleyan University students since 1917

Rambler editors take on both sides of voting.

The many faces of Wesleyan’s Music at the Modern.

Opinions, page 2

A&E, page 7

Presidential finalists selected, will visit campus Jonathan Resendez

The hunt for Wesleyan’s next president inched closer to completion this month. The Presidential Search Committee trimmed the list of candidates from four to two after in-person interviewing Oct. 16 and 17 at the Hyatt Regency DFW. The finalists are Dr. Sandra Stecher Harper, current president of Our Lady of the

Lake College in Baton Rouge, La., and Frederick G. Slabach, executive secretary and CEO of the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation in Washington, D.C. The committee scheduled two separate on-campus meet and greet sessions Oct. 28-29 with Slabach and Nov. 8-9 with Harper, according to an e-mail sent by faculty chair and associate professor of history Dr. Elizabeth Alexander. Harper said she’s pleased to be a

finalist and credits the accomplishment to her experience at institutions similar to Wesleyan such as McMurry University in Abilene. “I’ve come up through the faculty ranks,” she said. “I think it was very likely that my academic experiences as both a faculty member and an academic administrator helped me get this far.” Harper previously served as Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs at Texas A&M Uni-

versity at Corpus Christi. Both candidates are native to north Texas and said the appeal of coming back to the metroplex played a factor in applying for the position. Slabach served as dean of Wesleyan’s law school prior to moving to Washington D.C. for his current position. “I think the most important thing is to make sure that the entire community, all the stakeholders within the Texas Wesleyan community are

on the same page in terms of the future of the university,” he said. The first of the candidates to visit the campus, Slabach said he looks forward to the formal process. “I’m very excited about the opportunites and the possibilities presented by Texas Wesleyan,” he said. “It’s a good school, and I think it can be a great school.” Beverly Volkman-Powell, chair of

Breast Cancer Awareness Issue

  PRESIDENT, page 3

Coach kicked off the squad Eliana Mijangos

Angie Ruiz | Rambler Staff (Left) Freshman middle blocker Katherine Kline follows behind freshman middle blocker Lynsay Buell during the Lady Rams breast cancer awareness game Oct. 21. (Above) Freshman outside hitter Hannah Horton focuses during the game.

UTB stings Wesleyan The Lady Rams took a 3-0 game loss to the number one ranked University of Texas at Brownsville Scorpions during the annual ‘Dig Pink’ breast cancer awareness game. Story on page 5.

The athletic department fired head men’s soccer coach Gaspar Martinez Oct. 15 for admitting to drinking alcohol in the presence of the men’s soccer team at a team sponsored event, he said in a telephone interview while reading his letter of termination. Martinez initially faced suspension but was later terminated when more accusations arose, he said. Martinez said he didn’t know the origins of the accusations and was not given a chance to present his side of the story. “I didn’t get to speak to anybody,” Martinez said. “I only spoke to Kevin [Millikan, Athletic Director], that’s it. It’s not like there was some hardcore investigation going on.” Martinez said he is not bitter about the situation and completely understands the mistake he made. He said his anger comes from the way the situation was handled. “They didn’t ask me to draw up my own timeline or anything to rebut the accusations,” Martinez said. “I didn’t even get to speak to anyone besides Kevin. I know that Kevin doesn’t make the final decision in this. It’s not like

  COACH, page 3

Frat targets sweet tooth to raise money

SGA enacts funding legislation

Melissa Bates

Shauna Banks

Fundraising and planning events for organizations at Texas Wesleyan just got a little easier. In an attempt to reach out to other organizations on campus, the Student Government Association is offering honoraria with a monetary value of up to $100. To be considered for an honorarium, an organization needs to pick up an application from the SGA offices in O.C. Hall. Individuals going on trips in support of the university can also apply for honoraria up to $50. “We do have a lot of legislative [money] this year, so we want the organizations and students to start coming to

Photo illustration by Meisa Keivani Najafabadi

us,” said Melissa McDuffee, head of the SGA food committee. McDuffee said SGA has a legislative budget of $30,795 for the fall semester, with $25,295 still left to use. The Sigma Alpha Iota Music Fraternity, an all-girl organization, received the first organization honorarium of the semester for $100. Tara Harwell, Sigma Alpha Iota president, said the

  MONEY, page 4

Wesleyan fraternity Lambda Kappa Kappa is using cupcakes to combat breast cancer unawareness. Lambda Kappa Kappa sold almost 50 cupcakes for $1 each on Oct. 14 and 21, raising a total of $162, said senior psychology major and LKK president Daniel MartinezTorres. The fraternity will donate the money raised to the American Cancer Society. The cupcakes come with pink ribbons, the international symbol for breast cancer awareness, to pin on clothing and backpacks. Meisa Keivani Najafabadi | Rambler Staff “The more support for re- Matt Mata, freshman undecided major, and Erik Lopez, freshman business major, sell cupcakes search the more hope there is and accept donations at Lambda Kappa Kappa’s table in front of the SUB while Natalie Demefor a cure,” Martinez-Torres tre, freshman chemistry major, digs in her purse. said. Giovanni Monsanto, LKK breast cancer awareness and “I think people should have Monsanto also said the framember and sophomore po- finding a cure. Monsanto’s an awareness of breast can- ternity plans to sell cupcakes litical science and criminal mother was diagnosed with cer because a lot more people for breast cancer awareness justice major, said he has a breast cancer in 1997 and is have experienced it than you personal desire for raising still undergoing treatment. might expect,” he said.   CUPCAKES, page 8




October 27, 2010

The Rambler |

Security hindering athletic teams’ efforts Eliana Mijangos Sports editor

Basketball season will be in full swing as of Nov. 3, and both teams are ready to get on the road to a conference title. The Ram’s men’s and women’s basketball teams both share gym time with table tennis, volleyball and junior varsity men’s basketball. This doesn’t allow a time slot for players who want to put in extra work outside of practice. With all the teams practicing in one gymnasium, at least one team is forced to practice from 6:30 to 8:30

“To put student athletes’ safety in jeopardy because we do not have access to our own gym is ridiculous.”

p.m., leaving only late night hours available for any workouts players plan to do outside of practice. Our campus location can be a dangerous atmosphere past 8 p.m., so having security available at these hours is extremely convenient and appreciated. However, when security has an issue with players coming in after practice hours to work on their individual games and prepare for the upcoming season, players are forced to go to the Boys and Girls Club

across the street. Having to walk in the neighborhood surrounding the school is far from safe, but it’s the only option. The Boys and Girls Club is a public gym and facility that caters to the high schools in the surrounding area. Gym availability for Wesleyan student- athletes is not their priority, nor should it be. To put student athletes’ safety in jeopardy because we do not have access to our own gym is ridiculous. Coming in as a transfer from the

University of the Incarnate Word, I have first-hand experience with a more cooperative security team that was willing to open the gym doors at any hour for members of the basketball team. I am not, by any means, suggesting the gym should be available for open access to just any student. Nor am I suggesting that it should be available all hours of the night, once again reflecting on the school’s location. However, it only seems fair to compromise open gym availability with security for student athletes who want to do more for their sports programs. If coaches are encouraging their players to make themselves better in and outside of practice, security is limiting those efforts by refusing to open the gym past practice hours. Basketball, or any other sport for

that matter, moves to a higher level of competition and commitment at the collegiate level. The reality of this situation is that many people who are now student athletes have a past of being just an athlete. That past could have included selling drugs in the streets or following another path of failure. Instead, they have chosen to embrace the opportunities Wesleyan has given them by becoming more than just an athlete, but a student athlete, pursuing successes at a higher level. The idea of students choosing to be in the gym instead of on the streets at night should be commended not condemned. This issue reflects upon the school’s morale and support of athletes and their efforts at Wesleyan.

It’s time to choose—or not

The strength of democracy The decision not to vote thrives in the voting booth may be the smartest choice Barry Grubbs Opinion editor


important issue is our participation in the process. ”

The midterm elections are a week away and election officials are expecting voter turnout to be brisk. Early voting began Oct. 18 and will continue for inperson voting until Oct. 29 across 33 states and the District of Columbia. There has never been a more crucial time in history for us to take back control of our governments. Maybe you are satisfied with the job your leaders are doing. If you are not satisfied, get down to the polls and throw the bums out. We can change our government by choosing our lawmakers carefully and by punishing those who fail us with a trip back to reality. We’ve been apathetic for too long, and yes both major parties have let us down. It’s time to we educate ourselves about the issues and the candidates. We are not only choosing our law makers and judges this fall. We are locked in a battle for our freedom and to a degree, our democratic system as well.

The power mongers in Washington and Austin have paralyzed the hard working people in Texas and all across this country with bad policies and poor judgment. Your opportunity to send them a message is quickly approaching, and for those who want to get a head start through early voting, the polls are open. We don’t have to choose democrat or republican this time. There are many libertarian candidates as well as candidates from the green party to consider. The important issue is our participation in the process. We don’t have to allow those who hold all of the power and money in our society to continue violating our collective rights. Demonstrate your power at the polls. The offices of governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general will be decided at the state level as well as three positions on the Texas Supreme Court and three more on the Court of Criminal Appeals.

In national races, we will have choices to make in the House of Representatives for the 1st through 32nd districts. There is a lot at stake for voters in Texas and across the country as we limp out of recession and into another chapter of economic uncertainty. The only change we can reasonably expect to see is the change we create by exercising our constitutionally guaranteed right to choose our government. If you think about the big picture, you can see that very little has changed since the general election of 2008. What happened to all of that “hope” and “change” we were promised? If you are not feeling as hopeful as you were in 2008, you are not alone. Short of a revolution, the most we can do is create the government we want by voting our candidates in. We still have the power to fix what is broken. It’s time to get in your government’s face. Vote.

The Rambler Founded in 1917 as The Handout Publisher: Lamar Smith

Jonathan Resendez, editor-in-chief Barry Grubbs, opinion editor Eliana Mijangos, sports editor Chuck Fain, arts & entertainment editor Dwight Conerway, college life editor Meisa Keivani Najafabadi, photo editor Erica Estrada, graphic designer/cartoonist Wendy Moore, faculty adviser Dr. Kay Colley, faculty liaison

Member of the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Student Press Law Center, College Media Advisers and College Newspaper Business and Advertising Managers. Opinions expressed in The Rambler are those of the individual authors only and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Texas Wesleyan community as a whole.

R ambler Contribution

Please send all news briefs to twurambler@ Submissions due by noon Friday to see brief in the following week’s issue.

Jonathan Resendez Editor-in-chief

Letters to the editor: The Rambler, a weekly publication, welcomes all letters. All submissions must have a full printed name, phone number and signature. While every consideration is made to publish letters, publication is limited by time and space. The editors reserve the right to edit all submissions for space, grammar, clarity and style. Letters to the editor may be subject to response from editors and students on the opinion page. “We are not afraid to follow the truth ... wherever it may lead.” — Thomas Jefferson

Hey young people—not voting is perfectly OK. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, only 49 percent of people ages 18-24 voted out of the 59 percent that were registered in the presidential election of 2008. Although the report only included people of “select characteristics,” it’s an accurate representation of a common truth: young people don’t vote. The people behind Rock the Vote, a website that encourages youth to go out and vote in order to “build political power for young people in our country,” should realize that the small amount of voting activity among youths isn’t a problem. It’s actually a good thing. Just because someone is able to do something doesn’t mean they should do it. I could probably drive a Greyhound Bus, but that doesn’t mean I should endanger lives and hop behind the wheel. Likewise, just because a person is old enough to vote doesn’t mean they should go make uninformed decisions. It’s better to not make a decision rather than make a bad

“If you don’t vote you can’t

complain about governmental decisions you don’t like.”

one just because you can. Yes, a single vote for a candidate won’t topple a nation, unless you count Germany. Most young people don’t possess the proper knowledge, time or desire to choose the right person to run a state, country or city. Sophomore Johnny is more worried about the Rangers and when his favorite rapper is getting out of jail than he is Rick Perry’s recommended education employee tax incentives. Sally the senior is too busy checking her Facebook and texting her friend sitting eight feet away to know whether she thinks Bill White will truly use state appropriations more effectively than Perry. If students can’t even do the proper research to complete their homework (sorry professors, Wikipedia is the new CliffsNotes), Rock the Vote shouldn’t expect them to comprehensively comb through their website’s propaganda, I mean information. It’s hard to want to build political power for a person your demographic can’t relate to. While young voters do have a place on candidates’ platforms,

the candidates ultimately have bigger political fish to fry. A 20-year-old doesn’t relate to a person twice their age unless it’s their parents. And if someone’s parents influence his vote, that person is not thinking for himself. Same goes for straight-ticket voting. Yes, I know: “If you don’t vote, you can’t complain about governmental decisions you don’t like.” Actually, people who do vote complain the most—go watch cable news. And even if someone does vote, that person is more than likely voted in an election where his vote matters least. According to countless political science textbooks, the elections where young peoples’ votes carry the most weight have the smallest turnout. These elections are usually city and county elections. If you’re a student who knows the ins and outs of the upcoming election and carry strong conviction for your candidates, go vote early now. If you don’t know Perry from White from Glass, don’t be ashamed to go do what matters—Facebook.

Why do you think student voting is important?

Chelsie Hodges, sophomore kinesiology

“I think students should vote because it’s going to determine our future.”

John Walsh, sophomore athletic training

“As the upcoming generation, we have to make our presence known.”

Jonathan Smith, junior international business

“Students have a choice, but if you have the ability and you don’t use it, you’re not helping.”

Address all correspondence to: Texas Wesleyan University

The Rambler

1201 Wesleyan St. Fort Worth, TX 76105 To contact T he R ambler (817) 531-7552 Advertising Inquiries: (817) 532-7582

Sylvia Ibanez, junior bilingual studies

“I’m not a citizen, but I wish I could vote so we can make some changes.”

Tabitha Evans, freshman undecided

“You want to get the students’ voice out because we have our own opinions.”


The Rambler |

October 27, 2010



Wesleyan faculty and staff share struggles with cancer Melissa Bates

Three women in the Wesleyan office of admissions have encountered breast cancer. Pati Alexander, vice president of enrollment and student services, is a breast cancer survivor. Alexander said she gets annual mammograms and has done so for 25 years. During a routine mammogram in February 2009, she was diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ, a noninvasive cancer. Alexander got the news in an unexpected way. “They kind of flubbed up telling me,” Alexander said. “Solis [Women’s Health Breast Care & Screening] thought my doctor called. My doctor thought Solis called.” Three days after the mammogram her doctor’s nurse called asking if she’d picked a surgeon. No one told Alexander about the diagnosis before the call. Alexander, who was 55 at the time, said she felt apprehensive, especially after the miscommunication over the mammogram results in 2009. “I chose to get a double mastectomy,” Alexander said. “My doctor told me if I got a [bilateral] mastectomy I would basically be 98 percent cured.” A bilateral mastectomy is the surgical removal of both breasts. Alexander said she spent the next year undergoing reconstructive surgery, and the cancer is completely gone now. Alexander said she recommends every woman do her own research and take time for herself after a cancer diagnosis. “I think you need to take time to make your decision,” Alexander said. “Talk to your family. There are some instances where you don’t have the luxury of taking time to think through it, but I think what’s helpful is to find the positive aspect of things.” Alexander said she is blessed to have been diagnosed with the particular cancer she has. “I think God has a plan for all of us,” Alexander said. “I’ve always had a very strong faith. I truly believe God

PRESIDENT the Presidential Search Committee and Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees, said the finalists will meet with the faculty assembly, Student Government Association and Provost Council. The finalists will also meet with the executive vice presidents, Alumni Board and Board of Trustees after touring the historic, law and Burleson campuses. “We’ve got a lot to pack into two days,” she said. Volkman-Powell said the finalists’ leadership qualities,


has a plan and a purpose. My very first thought once I started doing the research was ‘Oh my gosh. I’m so blessed. This could have been so much worse.’ I still feel that way today.” The families of breast cancer survivors feel just as blessed, said senior admissions counselor Melissa Weeks. Weeks’ mother, Cynthia, is also a breast cancer survivor. Cynthia was diagnosed Nov. 1997 at age 45. “I was 14 at the time,” Melissa Weeks said. “So, many of my memories are repressed from it because it was really hard on me.” Melissa said Cynthia is a really strong lady and she always had the mindset she was going to beat the cancer. “Cancer is awful, period,” Melissa Weeks said. “But we’ve done a lot of neat things, too, because of it. It is kind of nice to know that you’re promoting that awareness from something that you unfortunately had to experience. But you’re able to spread the word so that others, hopefully, don’t have to experience it.” Cynthia is a registered nurse at the Plaza Medical Center. Her gynecologist noticed an odd mass in her chest and sent her for a mammogram, and she was diagnosed with an invasive cancer known as infiltrative lobular carcinoma in situ. Cynthia said she was shocked at the diagnosis because she thought she had taken good care of herself. “When most people hear the word cancer they assume death is imminent,” Cynthia Weeks said. She chose to take the bilateral mastectomy route in hopes of a different ending. “I had reconstruction surgery 10 days later,” Cynthia said. Now, Cynthia said she is elated to be a 13-year survivor of breast cancer. “I hope that I’m able to offer hope and encouragement to other people,” Cynthia said. “I want people to know that you can live beyond a diagnosis of breast cancer.” Cynthia said after receiving a breast cancer diagnosis, the little things are not important anymore.

“There are some instances where you don’t

have the luxury of taking time to think through it, but I think what’s helpful is to find the positive aspect of things. ” Pati Alexander (left)

vice president of enrollment and student services (Top left) Senior admissions counselor Melissa Weeks and her mother, Cynthia, said they learned important lessons after Cynthia battled with breast cancer in 1997. (Top right) Assistant director of operations for the office of admissions Denelle Rodriguez lost her mother to breast cancer when Denelle was 8 years old. “I think it’s hard to give words exactly because it’s such an emotional journey,” she said.

“I think you don’t take life for granted,” Cynthia said. “You have to appreciate your family, your friends and your job. There’s so much to be grateful for.” Not all breast cancer sufferers are breast cancer survivors. Assistant director of operations for the office of admissions Denelle Rodriguez’s mother, Ruby Brewer, did not survive breast cancer. Brewer was diagnosed in 1981 at age 41 and died months later. Rodriguez was 8 years old when her mother was diagnosed. She said she is unable to remember what type of breast cancer her mother had. Rodriguez’s mother chose a unilateral mastectomy, which is the removal of one breast.

continued from page 1 level of experience and expertise kept them in contention for the university’s presidency among the more than 80 applications. “It was a very qualified pool of candidates who brought any number of fabulous work and life experience to the university,” she said. “In the end, I think the search committee did a fabulous job of understanding which of our candidates would be the best fit for our university.” Although committee mem-

bers have stressed the importance of fundraising during numerous interviews, Volkman-Powell said fundraising isn’t the only important aspect. “The fundraising talents that [Wesleyan’s] looking for in our next leader are no less important than the ability to drive the academic side of our house,” she said. “You’re never looking for one thing over the other. It’s important that those two things work in tandem.”

continued from page 1

there were some hardcore accusations going on.” Martinez said he expected to meet with a committee at a school the size of Wesleyan’s before a decision was made regarding a person’s livelihood. “That’s part of my problem with Wesleyan,” he said. “They want to be a big school and want to act like one, but it seems like it never ends. It seems like it will always be that little school in Fort Worth.” Martinez said he still keeps in contact with several of his Wesleyan players through text and e-mail and lets them know he still believes in them. The final decision to fire a member of the athletic staff

is ultimately up to Kevin Millikan and human resources, said Dean of Students Cary Poole, who was not involved. “I can’t and won’t comment on details regarding personnel decisions or disciplinary issues,” Millikan said. “I can confirm that we have a vacant position, and we will begin a search very soon for a new head men’s soccer coach, with the intention of filling the position without any undue delay.” Millikan said an abrupt head coaching change is difficult for everyone involved, especially the players. “It is my intention to make the transition as smooth as possible to give the program

the best chance to be successful moving forward,” he said. Jody Ellsworth, assistant coach for both men and women soccer programs, will serve as head coach until a replacement is found. “The loss of our head coach affected the team in different ways, but we have support from all over the school, fans and our families,” said junior forward Ricardo Aguilera. “We plan to make the conference tournament and move forward to nationals.” Director of Human Resources Kristi Taylor said information regarding reasons for dismissal and disciplinary consequences cannot be revealed to the public, according to institutional policy.


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“It wasn’t until a few years afterwards that [doctors] believed [the cancer] started in her lungs,” Rodriguez said. “It started when she was pregnant with my [younger] sister, and it then spread to her breasts.” Rodriguez could not describe her family’s reaction because she was too young at the time. “I think it’s hard to give words exactly because it’s such an emotional journey,” Rodriguez said. Rodriguez also lost her maternal grandmother to breast cancer a couple years after her mother’s death. Rodriguez also has a cousin who is a cancer survivor on the same side of the family. Because of the amount of breast cancer sufferers in Rodriguez’s family, she and her sisters are at high risk for

contracting breast cancer as well, according to studies. There is an option for women who may be at high risk for breast cancer. The BRAC Analysis Test can determine if a woman carries the breast cancer gene. “I’ve had the blood tests done; the blood was sent to the lab but my insurance denied it,” Rodriguez said. “My doctor and I are appealing it.” Rodriguez said her sisters don’t want to take the BRAC because they fear the bad news. She said the older she gets the more it impacts her. “I think [losing a loved one to cancer] makes you appreciate life and living more,” Rodriguez said. “For me, it really hit home when I had my daughter. She’s about to turn 5.”




October 27, 2010

The Rambler |

Cancer survivors discuss meeting and beating the disease Dwight Conerway

One in eight daughters, wives and mothers will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of their lifetimes, according to Several professors at Wesleyan have experienced those odds. Dr. Twyla Miranda, professor of education, is a survivor. She was first diagnosed with the disease in 1992. Since then, she has undergone several different treatment processes and is now free of the disease. “I am very blessed and attribute my victory to my mother’s constant encouragement and support and to my ability to look at the plights of others and recognizing how blessed I am,” she said. Even when spots were detected again in 2001, Miranda said her faith helped her stay focused on beating the disease. “I never felt ill from the time of diagnosis or through the many methods of treatment [I received] which were mostly herbs and natural remedies,” she said. Miranda said Dr. Robin Young from the Center for Cancer and Blood Disease suggested a holistic method of treatment, which contributed to Miranda’s recovery without the use of chemotherapy. Miranda is not the only


“We can live without our hair, we can

live without our breasts, but we cannot live without hope for a cure.” Dr. Elizabeth Alexander (right)

faculty chair and associate professor of history Wesleyan professor who has struggled with breast cancer. Dr. Elizabeth Alexander, associate professor of history, was first diagnosed with breast cancer Dec. 1, 2000 and four weeks later, underwent three separate mastectomy surgeries. “These were all day surgery procedures as are all breast surgeries because there are no main organs involved during the ordeal,” Alexander said. Alexander said she attributes the success of overcoming cancer to excellent doctors and family, friends and student support. She also said that major advancements in treatment are reasons to stay positive. Almost two years following her mastectomies, Alexander said while bending down to pick up papers she dropped in her classroom, her prosthetic breast fell out onto the floor. The students on the front row gasped while the remainder of the class wondered what had happened, she said. “I simply picked it up, stuffed it back in its place and

continued my lecture,” she said. “We all had a good laugh, and class was dismissed.” If ovarian cancer is found to exist in other family members, it is likely breast cancer will develop as well, she said. “We can live without our hair; we can live without our breasts, but we cannot live without hope for a cure,” Alexander said. “It’s a scary time, but you will get through it by following doctor’s orders, but get on with your life.” Dr. Allen Henderson, provost and senior vice president, has been a national board member of the American Cancer Society for the past 28 years. “Thirty percent of cancer can be prevented if people would get tested,” he said. “If you smoke, quit. The importance weighs heavily on an individual taking responsibility and getting tested. The American Cancer Society has funded 47 Nobel Peace Prize Winners in the past, and we will not stop searching for a cure.”

Another survivor is Wesleyan graduate Debra Thomas. Thomas is a breast cancer survivor of 10 years. Thomas is originally from Pennsylvania, but has lived in Texas for 20 years and currently teaches reading for Fort Worth Independent School District. Thomas said her cancer is not in remission, it’s com-

pletely gone. Thomas said the most challenging point of her treatment was during the chemotherapy treatments when she always felt tired and sleepy and had no energy. She said her inspiration came from a good friend named Thomas who forbade her to give up. “He told me that if I gave

up trying to survive that he would give up on being my friend,” she said. She did not give up. “Self examination often is the way to achieve early detection if you have a history in your family,” Thomas said. “It is a disease that eats your life away and takes a toll on your loved ones.”

the money, Harwell said her organization filled out the form, attended an SGA business meeting, spoke briefly on their intentions for the money, and took questions from SGA before it was voted on and approved. “We are just trying to recruit

new girls to come in. Since we are a music fraternity, the only real requirement is that you have to have a music credit from Wesleyan,” Harwell said. “We just want people to appreciate the arts as much as we do, and maybe attend our concerts and recitals to kind

of show that support.” In another effort, the SGA recently passed the Greek Stimulus bill, which set aside $4,500 for Greek organizations. After applying, up to $500 may be given to an organization to be used toward university events in which all

students on campus are open to attend. “The Greek Stimulus was an idea I had during the summer that I got to see passed,” said SGA President Heath Scott. “I think it is a great to honor all of the Greek organizations and what they stand for.”

Dr. Elizabeth Alexander |

photo by Meisa Keivani Najafabadi | Rambler Staff

continued from page 1

sorority is using the money for fundraising supplies to be used throughout the semester. The money initially helped the sorority afford the supplies for the pumpkin-decorating contest set for noon Oct. 29 in front of the Academic Success Center in the library.

SAI is also selling duct-tape roses in a variety of colors and designs as an on-going fundraiser. The roses are $1 each, and anyone interested can talk to any SAI member or email Harwell at trharwell@ In order to be awarded

Dining Services Also featuring at the SUB:

9 9 3.

Monday: Chopped Beef BBQ Tuesday: Bacon Cheeseburger Wednesday: B.L.T. Thursday: Grilled Chicken Sandwich Friday: Chicken Wrap


**All specials include a small fry or salad and a small drink.

The Rambler |


October 27, 2010



Rams get stung by #1 digging pink Rachel Peel

The 2010 World Series

The Lady Rams took a tough three-game loss to the No. 1 team in the Red River Athletic Conference, the University of Texas at Brownsville, on Dig Pink night, Oct. 21.The Lady Scorpions are currently 12-0 in conference play and 26-1 overall. “We played hard at times, but we’re definitely going to have to continue working on our weaknesses before we see them next time for the championship,” head coach Christy Clawson said. In game one, the Lady Rams started off with errors letting the Lady Scorpions take an early 8-7 lead. The Lady Rams tried to regain the lead with a serve from freshman outside hitter Haelee Horne and a kill by sophomore outside hitter Christina Daniel, but the Scorpions rejected it. Clawson called a timeout trying to redeem her team, but Brownsville continued to strike the Lady Rams. The Lady Rams didn’t back down without a fight, but were unable to regain their footing as the Scorpions won the match 25-21. In game two, Wesleyan started strong but was quickly caught off guard by Scorpion’s Danica Markovic, freshman outside hitter and Red River Athletic Conference leader in kills. Allowing the Scorpions to gain a 4-2 lead, the Lady Rams continued to fight with an assist by senior setter Evoni Darling to senior outside hitter Kristen Venhuizen for a kill. The Lady Rams scrambled to gain control of the game as freshman outside hitter Kristen

Pierce and Venhuizen took a double block. Unable to pick up the rest of the slack, Lady Rams took a 25-15 loss. In game three, the Lady Scorpions started off strong with a hard serve the Lady Rams were unable to return. With an assist by Katherine Rosenbush, freshman middle blocker, and two kills by Venhuizen, the ladies were able to tie the game 8-8. Chasing the heels of the Lady Scorpions, Wesleyan tied the game six more times. With an assist by Daniel, the score was matched at 14-14. The Lady Rams then took the lead with a serve by the Scorpions into the net, but the lead wasn’t large enough to secure a win, and the Scorpions won the match 25-20 resulting in a 3-0 game loss for the Lady Rams. “We came prepared for this match, but we started off slow and didn’t bring it until the third game,” Venhuizen said. “Little mistakes and errors cost us the game, and that’s what we’re going to work on for when we see them in the conference tournament. We’ll be ready.” Darling led the Lady Rams with 17 assists and 11 digs. Venhuizen raked in eight kills, and Marissa Rangel snagged 11 digs in the loss. “We fought hard,” Darling said. “We just need to work on off-side block defense and having more than one hitter putting the ball away.” The Dig Pink game raised more than $600 for breast cancer awareness by auctioning off jerseys after the game and selling t-shirts to spectators. The Lady Rams will take on Our Lady of the Angie Ruiz | Staff Photographer Lake University at 11 a.m. Oct 30 at the Sid Lady Ram starters come together after a bad first game to regain team unity in a tough fight against Richardson Center. the number one team in the conference, UTB, Oct. 21 at the “dig pink” game.

Cartoon by Damon Miller

Past accomplishments leave Rams hungry for more Eliana Mijangos

Conference title rings were handed out to last year’s Rams basketball team at their Rebounder’s Club Tip Off Oct. 21. The men ate barbeque from Euless Main Street as old and new players came together and were presented rings, confirming their 16-4 conference record and title as No. 1 in the Red River Athletic Conference for the 2009-2010 season. The coaching staff also introduced the 2010-2011 team to the club members, supporters and fans of Rams basketball while expressing their goals to gain another conference title and national ring. Rams basketball had its first scrimmage of the season just three days after the Rebounder’s Club ceremony. Taking on Lon Morris Junior College, the

men made it clear that rings were their main concern for the upcoming season, taking a 40-point win. The Rams came out strong in the first half taking a quick 12-point lead. Lon Morris head coach Dale Dotson called several timeouts as he scrambled to regain his team’s composure. Senior post Jeremy Mayfield and junior forward Stephon Mudiay kept the Rams lead steady by playing strong down low, leaving fear on the faces of Lon Morris posts. Brian McDaniel | Rambler Staff “I am very pleased with the 2009-2010 Red River Athletic Conference title rings seniors’ leadership so far, and we are going to count on that namaker came out with two guard Jonathan Blake. “It’s al- of the things we did in the first to get our 12 men ready for steals and one no-look assist to most scary how good we are so scrimmage, but there are many the season’s battles,” said head junior guard Sutan Burris who soon.” things we have to improve on coach Terry Waldrop. converted for two points at the The Rams previewed their to be in the position to achieve Second half, the Rams took free-throw line. half-court trap defense, throw- our goals,” Waldrop said. Lon Morris lightly, but team “We broke down at times, ing Lon Morris into a bind and The next scrimmage is set for chemistry helped them turn but that’s when team chem- allowing Wesleyan to take the 2 p.m., Oct. 31 in the Sid Richthings around. istry came into play and we win. ardson Center as the Rams Senior guard Brian Wa- helped each other,” said senior “We were pleased with a lot take on Tyler Junior College.

2010 Preseason Poll Results for Red River Men’s Basketball • 1. Texas Wesleyan- 127 • 2. LSU Shreveport- 120 • 3. Lady of the Lake- 104 • 4. Texas College- 94 • 5. Wiley- 84 • 6. Langston- 68 • 7. Bacone- 67 • 8. Southwest- 64 • 9. SAGU- 45 • 10. Huston Tiltson- 40

TWU Basketball

The Madness is Almost here!

Men’s Basketball at OK Christian Nov. 6 Home Opener vs. St. Thomas Nov. 9 Women’s Basketball at MAVCU Nov. 5 Home Opener vs. TX Lutheran Nov. 16

Brian McDaniel | Rambler Staff Head men’s basketball coach Terry Waldrop and associate head coach Brennen Shingleton coach through the frustrations of their first scrimmage Oct. 24 against Lon Morris Junior College. “It’s a good time of year to finally put on the same color uniforms and have a common opponent,” Waldrop said.



Arts & Entertainment

October 27, 2010

The Rambler |

Mayan exhibit comes to the Kimbell the animals etched into Mayan artifacts. The exhibit begins with a statue of Chahk encased in a world of glass. Chahk is the god of rain and storms and was believed to bring water to the Mayan people for their daily life. The statue is the oldest of the collection dating back to the pre-classic period, which is about 300 A.D. Carved on the side of the sculpture is the oldest example of Mayan hieroglyphics, which wasn’t translated into English until the late 1980s. Another god shown in the exhibition was God N, which is often depicted as emerging from a shell. In this piece it is said that it represents the hollow sound of thunder and a like between storms and the sea. The most unusual piece is #517, which is made up of an ancient gold material. The artifact depicts an ancient naval battle and most likely served as the face of a small shield. It was found in Chichen Itza,


Fort Worth residents can visit an ancient world without having to leave the city. Fiery Pool: The Maya and the Mythic Sea opened Aug. 29 at the Kimbell Art Museum and runs through Jan. 2, 2011. Adult ticket prices are $12, students with ID are $10 and children are $8. Tickets are half-price on Tuesdays and Friday evenings from 5 to 8 p.m. A giant stone carving of Mayan deities sits outside the Kimbell’s entrance. Once inside, the exhibition surrounds spectators in a world of water. The exhibition contains artifacts depicting water lilies and aquatic life, which represent Mayan history. The Mayan people were surrounded by the sea and their world revolved mainly around water. Sharks, stingrays, crocodiles and pelicans are among

Mexico and is dated 800-900 A.D. Many of the artifacts talk about or refer to bloodletting. The process was used as a form of sacrifice to Mayan gods. When the Mayan people participated in bloodletting it was said to maintain the fertility of their world. The exhibit exposes the audience to the Mayan world and uses the artifacts as a brief introduction into their history and spiritual beliefs. It

Name | Rambler Staff (Top left) One of the Mayan warrior gods guarding the exhibit. (Above) Crowds of people take in the fascinating and frightening history of the Mayan people at the Kimbell Art Museum.

was refreshing and interesting, and would be appropriate for older children, college students, and adults interested in

history or art. The exhibition was organized by the Peabody Essex Museum, in Salem, MA, and

was made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities, according to the exhibit’s pamphlet.

John Carter’s Place caters to the comfort grub crowd “You don’t even have to walk into the (Guide to Good Food)

Angie Ruiz |

This review is the third in a series The Rambler staff is working to bring you featuring potentially overlooked dining spots on East Lancaster Avenue. Oh man, do I have something good in store for you. In our recent tour of Lancaster, we fell upon a familiar place named John Carter’s Place. Let me say, if you’re in the mood for some good home-cooked meals with a touch of soul, Carter’s is the place to get your grub on. Located three miles from

campus, this tiny treasure is tucked away on the east side of Lancaster. You don’t even have to walk into the restaurant before you are completely engulfed in the smell of some good cookin’. The restaurant is decorated with teal walls and gold embellishments, but what really caught my eye were the table settings. There were tablecloths like you would find on your mom’s table and center pieces filled with flowers. It’s

9 1 6 3 1 5 2 1 8


very warm and welcoming to say the least. Now, I’m the type of girl who loves to eat. I literally can’t stop. But Carter’s halted me with the large portions. My fellow staff members and I were so excited to receive a menu and see that it was filled with beef short ribs, chicken-fried steak and chicken-fried chicken. If you missed out on the State Fair, Carter’s also has State Fair corn dogs to fill

your fried food fix. My meal consisted of a chicken-fried steak and three sides: raisin and carrot salad, mashed potatoes and baked zucchini. The chicken-fried steak was phenomenal—light breading with a slight kick to the taste. My colleague ordered the beef short ribs, which were unbelievably delicious. The beef was so juicy and tender that it melted in my mouth. She also ordered corn fritters,


In Fable 3, the player takes on the role of the son or daughter from Fable 2’s main character. For the first half of the game, the player is tasked with making promises and gaining allies to help overthrow the evil king and place the main character on the throne. The second half of the game involves having the power of the king and how to handle that power. At this point, the player will have to decide whether he is going to fulfill all the promises made to his allies, or become an even more ruthless tyrant than his brother before them. Unlike an average game, the Fable series doesn’t restrict the player to being good and heroic. The player can just as easily be vile and evil. Fable is all about choices. Gamers must make decisions such as

3 4 9 7 8 2 8 2 1 4 5 7 8

Angie Ruiz | Rambler Staff A heaping helping of home style cooking awaits you at John Carter’s.

which are nuggets of fried creamed corn — they were perfectly cooked and fresh. This place could never get

old. Mr. John Carter himself says in the sign on the wall, “One taste and you’ll be back!” I will be back.

helping a farmer defend his farm from bandits or teaming up with the bandits for a cut of the loot. Lionhead released several details concerning the various improvements they made in Fable 3 compared to the previous games. Lionhead has promised that many of Fable’s key elements will be expanded upon and improved in this latest installment to the series—such as the morphing system, one of Fable’s most iconic elements. Whenever a player commits a good or evil deed, his alignment shifts in the corresponding direction. This alignment shift is represented by the morphing of the player’s character. An evil character who goes around robbing people or killing the innocent will grow pale and wicked looking.

Horns will begin to sprout from his head, his eyes will glow red and a cloud of flies constantly pollutes the air around him. A good character, who protects the weak and donates large portions of his gold to charity, will look saintly and just. His skin becomes healthy and vibrant, a halo will begin to form over his head, and the character will glow with a golden aura. In Fable 3, this system of morphing will not only affect the character, but the weapons he wields as well. Lionhead has said that just as the character is altered by the decisions you make, the weapons will be altered depending on how the player uses them. Good or evil, Fable 3 should be on the wish list of any role-playing game fan this month.

Fable 3 better than predecessors Cameron Ratliff

© Puzzles provided by

8 7 4

restaurant before you are completely engulfed in the smell of some good cookin.’”

Albion. Its once happy citizens wail under the shackles of oppression. Its once blue skies are polluted with the smog of industry. Atop the tallest tower, one brother watches, pleased with his kingdom. Elsewhere another brother sits and gazes into the distance. He dreams of green fields and blue skies. He dreams of change and revolution. The race for the crown has begun. The third installment in Lionhead Studio’s choice driven trilogy Fable 3, the sequel to the 2008 released Fable 2, came out Oct. 26. With new innovations and extreme improvements on the prequels, Fable 3 is shaping up to be a very ambitious title.

Texas Wesleyan University Religious Life at Texas Wesleyan

horror d py a p a



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The Department of Music present

Junior Recital

Leigh Smith and Tara Harwell, sopranos Thursday, October 28 at 5:30 p.m. Martin Hall

Faculty Chamber Music Recital An Evening of Poulenc! Keith Critcher and Faculty Colleagues Thursday, October 28 at 7:30 p.m. Martin Hall

Music of the Americas Concert Music Department Soloists November 11 at 7:30 p.m. Martin Hall

For more information, visit or call 817-531-4992

The Rambler |

Arts & Entertainment

October 27, 2010



Faces of Wesleyan music at the Modern

Rachel Peel | Rambler Staff Wesleyan Music students filled the Museum of Modern Art with their music on Oct. 23. (From left to right) Adjunct professor of music Maria Harman’s fingers fly across her flute; junior music major David Gast makes the Modern resonate with his vocal stylings; freshman music education major Willie Sublet III sings his brazen baritone; adjunct professor of music Dennis Bubert brings the brass with his bass trombone; and sophomore vocal performance major Becca Mitchell sent her songs soaring with her mezzo-soprano vocals.

In-N-Out burger is Fort Worth bound Trent Sandles

In-N-Out Burger announced earlier this month that they were opening one of their famous restaurants in Fort Worth on West 7th street early next year. First opened in 1948, In-NOut Burger is known all along the west coast as having the best burgers and shakes, hands down. Wesleyan students from California agree. “The quality of the food is healthy and the fries have always been crispy and tasty,” said Natalie Demetre, fresh-

“Anytime I go to the west coast, I have to go.”

Paola Hernandez

freshman accounting major man chemistry major from Wrightwood, Calif. “A burger, fries and drink will run you no more than $6. That’s a great price for food plus the milkshakes are the best, you will never forget them.” Even Kincaid’s Hamburgers owner Ron Gentry told the Star-Telegram In-N-Out burgers are the best fast food

burgers he’s tasted. “I really wanted one to be here in Texas. Their food is so good,” said Paola Hernandez, freshman accounting major from Los Angeles. “Anytime I go to the west coast, I have to go. It’s like a tourist attraction and definitely something you must try.” In-N-Out offers the single


Free Food s Prize & s k n i Dr 29 , Oct. y a d i r F m-10pm 6p he SUB @ t

C os P tume Contes umpkin t Chunk i n Con te DJ & st Mo (N o Kids re!! Please )

hamburger, the cheeseburger and the double-double. All three come with 100 percent pure beef patties, lettuce, tomato, American cheese and onions on a fresh baked bun. The double-double comes with double everything on it for those who want more. The french fries are made from freshly cut potatoes and cooked in vegetable oil for the best flavor. Some customers might ask for their burger protein or animal style. Their website,, gives a few non-menu ideas on their NotSo-Secret Menu.

Upcoming Events:

Event Junior/Senior Recital

Oct. 28 Faculty Chamber

Time/Place 5:30 p.m. - Martin Hall


7:30 p.m. - Martin Hall

Concert: Bad Brains

8 p.m. - Granada Theater

Play: Dracula: The Melodrama

8 p.m. - Pocket Sandwich Theatre

Concert: Black Label

8 p.m. - Verizon Theatre

Oct. 31

Play: Wait Until Dark

8 p.m. - Theatre Arlington

Nov. 1

Concert: Sarah McLachlan

8 p.m. - Verizon Theatre

Nov. 2

Performance: Drumline Live

7:30 p.m. - Bass Hall

Nov. 3

Saw 3D

8 p.m. - Studio Movie Grill

Oct. 29

Oct. 30 Society

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College Life

October 27, 2010

The Rambler |

Alumna defeats cancer, campaigns for judge Shauna Banks

Hot on the campaign trail while juggling a family life at home, three-year breast cancer survivor Vanita BudhraniWhite still finds time to give back to her community. Budhrani-White, who was diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2007, is an alumna of the Texas Wesleyan School of Law class of ’96. After working at the Dallas County District Attorney’s Office for 12 years, she left in March 2009 to start her own firm. “I think I knew I wanted to be an attorney at a pretty young age,” Budhrani-White said. “I was always pretty interested in debate classes in high school.” Budhrani-White is currently running for Dallas County Criminal Court #4 Judge, with voting just around the corner on Nov. 2. Trying to bring conservative values back to the courts, she said if she’s elected she will make sure the law is followed, victims of crimes are protected, and defendants are given equal treatment according to those same laws. “Vanita’s positive energy is always a boost to me and to her fellow judicial candidates when we work such long hours,” said Budhrani-White’s

“My mother is a breast cancer survivor as well—so I’ve had a lot of support just through my family.” Vanita Budhrani-White

Wesleyan law school class of ’96 friend Cecile Newberry-Fernandez. “She is a tireless campaigner and has successfully managed her campaign all on her own. I have no doubt that her battle with breast cancer has contributed to giving her the positive attitude and perseverance that have made her such a star during this campaign cycle.” Budhrani-White has a 4-year-old daughter named Katelyn and husband Jacob. Both have been supportive of her throughout her campaigning and during her cancer treatment, which started in 2007 at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas. Her treatment included a bilateral mastectomy and chemotherapy. “Of course I had tons of family support—my husband and parents and in-laws,” Budhrani-White said. “My mother is a breast cancer survivor as well—so I’ve had a lot of support just through my family and my husband’s family and extended family.”

Photos courtesy of Budhrani-White Vanita Budhrani-White, breast cancer survivor, is vying for the position of Dallas County Criminal Court #4 Judge. A Wesleyan law school alumna, Budrhani-White worked for the Dallas County District Attorney’s office for 12 years before starting her own firm in 2009.

Currently a member of the Junior League of Dallas, Budhrani-White works with East Dallas Community Schools, creating developmental and educational toys made from household items for children in low-income families. She also volunteered at the Cancer Support Community of North Texas, formerly Gilda’s Club, which provides support for anyone going through any type of cancer since its opening in 2002.

Seeking Rambler applicants!

Don’t Miss Your Opportunity! Visit or stop by the Rambler Office located in the OC Armstrong Hall for more details and applications.

“We exist to provide support and education to families who are impacted by cancer,” said Kelly Counts, executive director of the Cancer Support Community of North Texas. “We have about 3,000 members, and then we touch a countless amount of people.” Over the years, BudhraniWhite has also helped to raise money for the Susan G. Komen foundation, which promotes Breast cancer awareness.

“One thing we do that a lot of people don’t know, is that in our fundraising efforts, we also grant money out to providers to help women who don’t have insurance,” said Melanie Kaye, office manager of the Susan G. Komen Dallas County Affiliate. “Our biggest fundraiser is the Race for the Cure. That’s where we raise the most money throughout the year.” This was the 28th year for the race, which BudhraniWhite has participated in be-


continued from page 1

month every year. “We’d like to continue this new tradition that we’re starting here,” he said. Michael Greer Hall, assistant director and learning specialist in the academic success center, baked the batch of 24 cupcakes which sold out in 10 minutes on Oct. 14 and raised

$103, mostly from donations. Monsanto serves as LKK chair and works for the academic success center which led him to ask for Hall’s assistance. Hall said it’s wonderful that student organizations are getting involved in raising breast cancer awareness because it’s an important topic which ev-

fore. “It was hugely successful,” Kaye said. “I think it’s going to be a record year.” When not volunteering or campaigning, BudhraniWhite likes to spend as much time with her husband, daughter and family as possible. “As a breast cancer survivor, I’ve learned that there are hardships in life, and everything has just made me a stronger person,” BudhraniWhite said.

eryone needs to know about. “Women need to remember to take care of themselves and get checked,” Hall said. “They may not want to but it’s best for their health.” LKK will sell 50 more cupcakes and accept donations during free period Oct. 28 in front of the SUB.

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