October 5, 2011

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WEDNESDAY October 5, 2011

Vol. 94 • No. 18


T�� R������ The voice of Texas Wesleyan University students since 1917

Hart of Dixie reminiscent of O.C. times, circa 2003.

Community serves as vehicle for student volunteers. Community, page 6

Arts & Entertainment, page 4

Student coasts toward policy change Shauna Banks


One student has initiated a university policy change, that if approved, would allow students to coast down sidewalks to their next class. Nicholas Franda, freshman political science major, has started the process to have Texas Wesleyan policies changed concerning skateboards and rollerblades on campus. Currently, according to the student handbook, the use of skateboards or rollerblades on campus is prohibited. Tyler Mendez, Student Government Association representative, has written a resolution to the policy, which at time of print, was waiting for SGA committee approval before being heard on the floor during an upcoming SGA business meeting. Franda began the process by starting a petition which he got 246 signatures for. “I know some students that signed the petition want more ways of transportation to class,” Mendez said. “Even if it ends up being slower, just to know you have that option to know that you can skateboard to class or rollerblade makes people feel a little more comfortable and not so limited.” The resolution Mendez proposed calls for students to be allowed to skateboard and rollerblade on campus to get to class, but still prohibits the use of skateboards and rollerblades inside residence halls. However, risk of injury has continued to be a big concern for administration at Wesleyan. Cary Poole, dean of students, said in an email that approximately five years ago, the issue of skateboards came up. Poole said the university attorney advised administrators against allowing skateboards on campus due to the risk of liabilities. According to university policies on their

websites, surrounding universities, including the University of Texas at Arlington and Texas Christian University both also prohibit the use of skateboards and rollerblades on campus. “People get hurt, and that’s something that goes along with what you’re doing,” Mendez said. “I could get hurt walking from class. You can get hurt anywhere.” Concern has also risen with injury to people other than those riding the skateboards or rollerblading. Patti Gearhart Turner, J.D., chief of staff at Wesleyan, said risk assessment is a big factor when administrators are making final discussions on these types of policies. “We haven’t designed a campus for skateboarding activity. When you go to a skate park, they’re very much designed for that sport and that activity, so users of skateboards know when they go there, it’s equipped for their skateboard,” Gearhart Turner said. “Whereas here, it’s like—are you going to hit a hole in the street or what the sidewalks are like for transportation like that.” Effects on students with disabilities have also been a concern for administrators at Wesleyan and surrounding universities. “At larger universities where you have students with more disability needs like seeing-eye dogs or motorized wheel chairs, skateboarding could be very disconcerting to a person like that,” Gearhart Turner said. “They’re loud and kind of noisier than a bike.” Gearhart Turner also commends students who take the time to initiate changes at the university they attend. “I understand why some students would be interested in it and go forward with it, and I applaud students for taking the iniErica Estrada | Rambler Staff tiative,” Gearhart Turner said. “I’m a big believer in you learn about how to affect Students are now trying to initiate a university policy change, which would allow skateboards change by engaging in something that in- and rollerblades to be used on campus for transportation to and from classes. Currently, they are both prohibited everywhere on campus, including in residence halls. terests you.”

Skype provides new platform for Wesleyan student tutoring Shauna Banks


Meisa Keivani Najafabadi | Rambler Staff Students take advantage of scuba diving classes offered each year at Texas Wesleyan at the university pool. The kinesiology department is now offering free training to two applicants chosen by staff in the department to hire a new lifeguard for the pool.

Kinesiology department offering free lifeguard training to hire one Alejandra Garcia


Staff members in the department of kinesiology are seeking two students to complete lifeguard training at Wesleyan for free. The two students selected will attend class on two consecutive weekends from approximately 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Weekends available for this training include Oct. 22, 23, 29 and 30. American Red Cross personnel and staff in the kinesiology department are collaborating to provide the lifeguard training. Gayle Anderson, department of kinesiology secretary, said this is the second time

Wesleyan has partnered with Red Cross. They first collaborated last spring. Anderson said it was a success the first time and Red Cross personnel came to her to ask if she would be interested in collaborating a second time. “They approached us [and] they asked us if we could do it again,” Anderson said. Anderson said this is a good opportunity for students who are interested in becoming lifeguards, especially because fees are waived. Lifeguard training normally costs $175.

 LIFEGUARD, page 3

Staff and student tutors in the Academic Success Center have just taken tutoring to a new level at Texas Wesleyan. Having officially launched Sept. 26, tutoring online through Skype is now available to all undergraduate students. To use the service, students must have Internet access and create a free Skype account at skype.com. They do not have to have a webcam, but must have earbuds or headphones to listen with and a microphone to communicate verbally with the tutor stationed at Wesleyan. The initial idea for Skype tutoring originated with Melody Bell Fowler, director of student support programs and services, and Michael Greer, assistant learning director and learning specialist at Wesleyan. “We, and the tutors, had reservations about the effectiveness of online chat or phone-based tutoring,” Greer said. “However, we did want to offer a service

for students who have left campus, are home in the evening, and realize they have questions and need assistance.” The system works with a web camera being pointed at the top of a desk service, where tutors can work with students by writing math problems or suggestions for other subjects for students to see on their screens at home. “We thought if a student at home could see what the tutor is doing and have a conversation, that might be effective,” Greer said. “Skype makes this possible.” Currently there are five tutors involved in offering this service to students—three for writing and two for math. The service is offered from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. for math only on Wednesdays, and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Thursdays. “I think it will be a great program once students start to try it,” Morgan Kirkpatrick, academic success center tutor, said. “Our long distance students will learn to greatly appreciate the service as well.” Kirkpatrick said the new

service will help close the gap between disadvantaged long distance students at Wesleyan by allowing them to use a service that used to only be available on campus. “Since the majority of Texas Wesleyan students commute, Skype tutoring will be a great convenience for all of those that live 20 minutes, or even more, away from campus whenever they are having trouble with their math or writing,” Kirkpatrick said. Students are also optimistic about the Skype program. “If you have last minute questions, it gives the student an opportunity to ask it then, as opposed to them having to wait for the next day,” Ashley Arriaga, sophomore pre-law major, said. To use the Skype tutoring program, students should register for a Skype account and search for Txwes ASC or txwes.asc and then select and click the arrow next to call and select Skype. “I thought it was simple to use and I got what I needed when I was at home,” a freshman, said. “Calling in to ask for some guidance helped me have more confidence towards taking my test.”

Stop in at the Morton Fitness Center to sign up for group fitness classes! For more information, call 817-531-7589.

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