November 19, 2014
Vol. 98 • No. 13 The voice of Texas Wesleyan University students since 1917
INDEX Opinion 2 News 3 Campus 4,5 A&E 6 Sports 7,8
New nail polish could detect ASC encourages students to prep date-rape drugs in drinks for finals before Thanksgiving
Dodgeball, deadline to sign-up is tomorrow
Aligail Ross
Undercover Colors nail polish is now in the testing stages of development. The nail polish was developed in an effort to help prevent date rape. The polish changes colors when a finger tip is used to stir a drink containing common date rape drugs. Photo courtesy of Undercover Colors
Valerie Spears
Student Life will be hosting a double elimination dodgeball tournament on Nov. 22, at 11 a.m., in the sports court of Stella Russell Hall. Registration deadline is Nov. 20. All teams must have a team name and captain and must have 8 players to avoid forfeit.
Imagine you’re a woman at a bar, and you think the weird guy next to you might have slipped a drug into your drink. How could you find out? A simple solution, nail polish that changes color when put into a drink containing date-rape drugs, is being developed by four students at North Carolina State University. Ankesh Madan, Stephen Grey, Tasso Von Windheim and Tyler Confrey-Maloney NAIL POLISH, page 3 are developing the nail pol-
Survival kits available for order
Aligail Ross
The Ram Parent Association and New Student programs are selling student survival kits to help student survive finals week. The final day to order student survival kits is Nov. 21. Survival kits include note-cards, highlighters, study tips from the Academic Success Center, packages of hot chocolate, Ramen noodles, macaroni and cheese, candy, chips, microwave popcorn and other comfort foods. Questions may be directed to New Student Programs at or call 817-531-4923.
ish, Undercover Colors, because they, “Want to empower women to protect themselves from this heinous and quietly pervasive crime,” according to their Facebook page. A woman can discretely use her finger to stir her drink, and the nail polish will change colors when exposed to drugs such as Rohypnol, Xanax and GHB. The four students, majoring in materials science and engineering, wrote that they chose nail polish because
Borghee builds more than brains at Texas Wesleyan
Aligail Ross
PEN symposium John Ortega
Tuesday, November 18 Texas Wesleyan University’s Phi Epsilon Nu held its inaugural PEN Presents symposium at the Baker building. PEN president John Humphrey, organized the event with over twelve presenters reading works ranging from poetry to plays. Members of PEN come from all over the campus and have worked on revisions for months preparing for the presentation. Faculty sponsor Dr. Jeffery DeLotto kicked off the evening by delivering the opening speech.
John Ortega
University closes for Thanksgiving Texas Wesleyan University will be closing at 2 p.m. on November 26 to begin Thanksgiving break. Classes will resume at 8 a.m. on Dec. 1. Students living on campus will be allowed to stay on campus but must notify their Resident Assistant.
Kelly Anderson, tutor coordinator at the Academic Success Center, highly recommands that students prepare for final exams before the Thanksgiving holiday begins. Photo courtesy of Chuck Greeson
Abbey Borghee began her fitness journey after high school and has lost 80 pounds with the right combination of nutrition and regular workouts at Mortor Fitness Center. Photo courtesy of Jessica Liptak Jessica Liptak
In high school, Abbey Borghee was the bookworm, the nerd completely committed to her academics. She was also passionate about music and drama. She was involved in everything except sports, fitness, working out, and anything that had to do with recreational activity. Four and a half years and 80 pounds later, Borghee has done a complete 180. “Things had settled down at home; my parents had gotten divorced, and it was a lot more calm. I was a senior in high school, and I was finally becoming confident with who I was. I knew where I had come from, who I was at the
time, and where I wanted to go.” Borghee said her personal life made a big impact on her life change. The next step in her fitness journey was going to college. Borghee said coming to Wesleyan and beginning college was the step in starting her fitness journey. “When I came to Wesleyan it all solidified my goals, and I was really on a great path,” Borghee said. “I had a schedule going, and I think that pushed me into getting involved with fitness and the nutrition aspect of that. I think you really need to be in a good place personally in order to focus on yourself. I think that’s what was the kick start to my fitness journey.”
Even with her new commitment to fitness, Borghee maintains an excellent academic record. She is a Hatton Sumners Scholar, which requires a minimum of 3.0 GPA. Borghee is also a Dean’s List recipient every semester that she has been at Wesleyan. Borghee, a junior political science major with pre-law emphasis, is currently the vice president of the Student Government Association, president of Phi Alpha Delta, secretary of Texas Wesleyan’s chapter of College Republicans, a President’s Ambassador, program assistant for Texas Wesleyan’s Pre-Professional program and head delegate for the Model Arab
BORGHEE, page 3
With the Thanksgiving holiday right around the corner, some students may not realize that finals are in the near future. For some students, that means an extra load of stress during the holiday season. “I’m 80 percent stressed,” said senior English major Dalyn Ikens. “With 22 hours I’m about an eight out of ten [stressed].” With finals starting only three days after returning from the Thanksgiving holiday, students are encouraged to start prepping for finals now. And with Texas Wesleyan University’s Academic Success Center, located in the Eunice and James L. West Library, available, students have the resources available. The ASC provides students with peer tutors to help with a plethora of subjects. But students will need to prepare for the last minute rush caused by finals week. “They’re going to need to get their appointments scheduled early,” said tutor coordinator Kelly Anderson. “Our tutors will book up [fast].” Students can make appointments with Anderson via email, phone, or by visiting the ASC. Along with weekly updates that encourage students to find out their finals schedule, the ASC will offer a workshop called Test Taking: Preparing for Finals on Nov. 21 and 24. Anderson also said that she has been doing weekly updates in order to encourage students to start their
preparations early. “We encouraged them to start getting organized, locating their old test, speaking with their professors to find out exactly what kind of exam they are having,” she said. Some students have multiple areas of concern, and the ASC offers several different strategies in order to help. “One of the best things to do with any big project you’re looking at is to break it down into steps and map that out on to a calendar,” said Anderson. “Set a program, ‘I’m going to study chapters 1-7 this week.’ And then map it into your schedule Monday through Friday ‘I’m going to study for that from 2-3.’” Anderson also suggested that students review their old tests to see where they had a weakness. Students should then drop by the ASC and sit with a tutor in those areas. “Plan ahead, especially if you’re writing a paper,” Anderson said. “If you need someone to help you with that, come in the day before it’s due, not the day of. Don’t come in an hour before it’s due and expect to meet with a tutor.” Finals begin Dec 3 and end on Dec 9. Students can contact their professors for specific schedules and times, or they can go to For ASC hours students can check https://txwes. edu/academics/academicsuccess-center-/. Students can also find contact information to schedule time to meet with a tutor by following the link.