The Rambler Vol.99 No.2

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February 11, 2015 Vol. 99 • No. 2 The voice of Texas Wesleyan University students since 1917

INDEX Opinion 2 News 3 Campus 4,5 A&E 6 Sports 7,8


Homecoming voting begins Feb. 22 Ryan Grounds

Wesleyan students can vote for the homecoming king and queen starting on Feb. 22. An email will be sent out to students from Dean of Students Dennis Hall that will include a link allowing students to vote. Voting will continue through Saturday, Feb. 28. “Go and vote,” said SGA President Tyler Mendez. “It’s your right as a student and as an American, so go vote.” The 2015 Homecoming basketball games begin at 3 p.m. with the Lady Rams playing Southwestern Assemblies of God University. The King and Queen, and the Homecoming Court, will be announced before the men’s game against Southwestern begins at 5:15 p.m. All Wesleyan alumni who attend will receive a free Tshirt, and there will also be free BBQ in the SUB from 4 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.

Theatre Wesleyan presents “The Survivor” beginning Feb.18

Student workers cash in on raise Valerie Spears

Minimum wage has vanished from Texas Wesleyan. All Wesleyan student workers and 20 faculty members received an increase from $7.25 an hour to $10.10 an hour on Jan. 11, Strategic Communications Manager Ann Davis said. Beginning in December 2014, student workers were also allowed to work 20 hours per week instead of 15. The university agreed to provide the raise to compete with outside jobs, which were paying more than minimum wage and giving students more hours, Davis said. On average there are between 90 and more than 100 student workers at Wesleyan each semester. Shannon Watterson, 25, a senior studying psychology, has been a Career Services student worker since the fall 2013 semester. She is happy that she got the raise right before graduation. “It would have been nice a few semesters ago,” she said. “But having it before graduation gives me financial stability now that I am going into the work force.”Watterson believes that

  RAISE, page 3 Information courtesy of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

New fire pit area christened on cold night Ryan Grounds

The recently constructed fire-pit was officially broken in on Thursday night when the Lambda Kappa Kappa fraternity hosted a tailgate party

for the Rams basketball team. “I think that the fire pit is awesome,” said criminal justice major Matthew Rodriguez, 19. “I’m in Lambda Kappa Kappa, and we are looking forward to using this area for many events this semester on campus.”

Rodriguez and about 20 other Wesleyan students gathered to warm themselves by the pit. The pit houses two propane-generated fire pits and a new grill that is built into the the tan stones. “I love this new area,” said education major Robin Stilhimer. “It is

Michael Acosta

Theatre Wesleyan’s fourth production of the 2014-2015 season takes audiences into the heart of the Holocaust – the Warsaw ghetto. “The Survivor,” which runs Feb. 18-22 at the Thad Smotherman Theatre, was written by Susan Nanus and based on a memoir by Holocaust survivor Jack Eisner, who as a teenager resisted the Nazis in Warsaw. In the play, Jacek (Cameron Byerly) is the ringleader of the group. The cast also includes Travis Jones (Yankele), Jakeb Lowey (Lutek), Clarissa Murillo (Halina), Jacob Myers (Rudy), Kaila Saffle (Mala), Dean Phillips (Sevek), Crystal Salazar (Hela), Colton Mallory (Markowsky), Jacob Sanchez (Rubenstein), and Aleksei Barerra (Franek). “The Survivor” debuted at the Morosco Theatre in New York in March 1981. Showtimes for Theatre Wesleyan’s production are Feb. 18-21 at 7:30 p.m., and Feb. 21-22 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $5 for students with ID, faculty and staff. General admission is $10. The box office opens Feb. 16 and will be open from 1-5 p.m. Reservations are available at 817-5314211.

Photo by Jessica Liptak

Wesleyan students beat the cold last week by gathering at the new fire pit during a basketball tailgate party.

great to have an area on campus to have events on campus.” Last semester, Wesleyan’s Student Government Association voted to build a fire pit in the center of the residence halls area, next to the tennis courts. Mendez met with with Dean of Students Dennis Hall and Pati Alexander, vice-president, enrollment & student services, about the cost of construction and materials. “They both agreed that Student Life would pay half of the costs if SGA agreed to pay the other half,” Mendez said. In addition to the new grill and fire pits, the area also has electricity and power outlets for charging phones or laptops. “I’m extremely excited about the fire pit,” said SGA Vice President Abby Borghee. “I think it is going to bring together residence life and commuter students, by having really cool events on campus.” Students wishing to use the area will need to contact Student Life to reserve the time they desire. Propane tanks are available upon request. “I think that with our enhanced security that safety won’t be an issue,” Borghee said. A fire extinguisher will be placed in that area as a safety precaution.

Wesleyan, Ranger College sign agreement Valerie Spears

Located west of Fort Worth and Weatherford, Ranger College is a long way from Texas Wesleyan, but for students looking to transfer here, the distance just got a lot shorter. Thanks to a new agreement, students from Ranger will have a smooth transition when transferring to Wesleyan, said Allen Henderson, Wesleyan’s provost and senior vice president.

The new “articulation agreement,”

which was signed by Wesleyan and

“The students get free tuition, and they won’t lose credit hours. That really helps the students.” -Allen Henderson

Ranger officials on Jan. 8, gives students a chance to see which classes will transfer to Wesleyan, which helps prevent needlessly retaking classes. The agreement ensures that the style of teaching at Ranger follows Wesleyan’s, which guarantees that most classes will transfer, Henderson said. Community colleges within the state of Texas are required to have common course numbers and

  RANGER, page 3

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