February 26, 2014 Vol. 98 • No. 3
The Rambler The voice of Texas Wesleyan University students since 1917
“Marijuana should be legalized in Texas” Opinion,
page 2
WEMS requires training, alert staff
Homecoming elections 2014: memories aplenty
WEMS, page 3 For More Current News, check out
Austin Iba
Rosy Perez
What does Texas Wesleyan do in order to help train faculty and staff in order to keep everyone safe? Some of the procedures Wesleyan currently has are email alerts, text alerts, smoke detectors, on-call security 24/7, and now faculty and staff will be required to attend mandatory training on emergency procedures. Until this semester, faculty and staff were not required to attend training although training was offered to them. Security manager Wesleyan Blake O. Bumbard said the training this semester for faculty will be held the week after spring break. “Emergency preparedness training is a continue process,” Bumbard said, “so we are always looking at ways we can improve and changes we can make to our program to make it better and accessible to everyone and make sure everyone has the information they need.”. This training, which will be held by Bumbard and his staff, will go over emergency procedures from violence on campus to severe weather. When severe weather occurs, Texas Wesleyan has to go through a channel before sending an alert that classes will be cancelled. The Provost’s office along with marketing and communications work together to get the message across to everyone in a proper manner. “We encourage everyone to register their cell phones or a way to be text messaged through WEMS” Bumbard said. Students were told via email, text and social media on Thursday, Feb. 6, that Wesleyan would be closing at noon due to the continuing weather situation. Following Feb. 6 on Feb. 7, Texas Wesleyan sent out alerts to students that school would be delayed until 10 a.m. Faculty will be required to attend training, but students also will get a chance to attend this training after the faculty has been trained. Some of the things that students can do, according to Bumbard, are to lock your car doors and contact security as soon as a potential situation
SGA elections set for April
Morgan Kirkpatrick and Rayneta Dotson were this year’s Homecoming King and Queen.
Cynthia Marshall
The anticipation of the 2014 Wesleyan Homecoming King and Queen announcement was heavy leading up to the coronation Feb. 15. Facebook and Instagram were full of pictures and posts advertising the King and Queen hopefuls. “Vote for me!” was being yelled through campus as students walked to class. On Homecoming Day in the Sid Richardson Auditorium, President Frederick Slabach had the honor of announcing the 2014 court. Morgan Kirkpatrick and Rayneta Dotson were crowned as this year’s King and Queen. The crowd cheered and a bombardment of flashes and clicks from family and friends’ cameras followed soon afterward.
Kirkpatrick couldn’t help but become red-faced when he heard his name called. He was carried off the court on the shoulders of several friends. “It feels great to know that the student body is supportive of me and thinks that I’m a good representative,” he said. “It feels awesome. I’m so excited.” Dotson shared in his excitement. “This means that my experience here at Texas Wesleyan has been everything I want it to be,” she said. “Queen should represent pride no matter what and be very involved in our campus.” Dotson is the captain of the cheer team, vice president of the Black Students Association and Social Rams and is involved in several other organizations. Kirkpatrick is active in
Jessica Liptak /Rambler Staff
Greek life and other campus groups. Joy Woods, Danielle Cook, Niky Morrison, and Zohal Nayeb were a few of the other Queen hopefuls. “I decided to run to give me something to do,” Woods said. “I wanted to get my face out there.” “I’m involved in the campus,” Zohal said, “and I wanted to get my name out there even more.” Cook wanted to be Homecoming Queen to express her school pride. “I ran for queen because this has been a lifetime experience for me,” she said.
Making Homecoming even better for students were a doubleheader sweep of St. Gregory’s (Okla.) by the Rams’ men’s and women’s basketball teams and free food at the Sub after the coronation.
March is upon is, and that means the student election campaign for student government offices is not far behind in April. The Wesleyan Student Government Association will soon hold elections for the 2014-2015 officers in the 94th year of the SGA at the university. Almost any student can run in the election for SGA offices: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. To do this, students first need to write a petition to fill an open seat, and they must be a participant in SGA for one full year and must meet the hour requirements. “As the 93rd Legislature comes to a close,” said Kelsi Holland, senior sociology major and 92nd SGA president. “I look forward to learning about the new legislature and all the great things they will do.” There will be a meeting held in March to explain each position and the requirements for them. “I think the Student Government Association is a good component to the experience for students at Texas Wesleyan University,” said Chris Windsor, assistant dean of students, “and I hope that our students get out to vote.” In the past, voting booths have been used for students to cast a ballot. This semester, however, student voters have a chance to go green and will be voting online when balloting begins April 14. An online voting system is in place, and it permits students to vote electronically. The procedure is quite simple. Students do not have to register to vote online; they will receive an email alerting them to the voting period. Students then simply reply to the email to complete their votes. All students must follow the rules of the SGA constitution and campus rules of government in order to run for office.
Young, intelligent: Tre Adams surprises classmates Joy Woods
Going to college at any age can be daunting but especially if you are younger than everyone. And that was exactly the case for Clydell Adams III, or as the Texas Wesleyan campus knows him, Tre. This is his second year at Wesleyan. He is biochemistry major and minoring in psychology. He entered Wesleyan at the ripe age of 16. And how did his age affect his college plans? “Honestly, I don’t think for me it would have mattered if I came at 18,” he said. “Currently, I am 18, and I came in at 16. It has been fun, though. I do not go around telling people I am young, but it is funny to see their reactions when they find out.”
Many people would shy away from a university experience at such a young age with all the new things such as navigating campus, transitioning from high school to university teaching style, and even interactions with fellow students; however, Adams was not scared. One of the main reasons he chose to come to Wesleyan is because of the size. “The ‘Smaller, Smarter’ campaign played a big role in my decision,” he said, “and also scholarship and the fact that it was a private institution. I have always been at private schools, and it just felt right.” Adams is involved in the PreProfessional Program, the system which prepares students who plan to go onto professional programs in graduate school.
Newscast Sports Access The Weekender Wesleyan People
“Ann Smith, the director of the program, is actually another big factor of me choosing Wesleyan - I have actually never told her this,” he said. “But she made me feel so at home when I came to visit and talked with her. It was a no-brainer to choose this university because there were so many opportunities available to me through it.” When Smith spoke about Tre Adams, she had nothing but good things to say. “He may be the youngest,” she said, “but he definitely is one of the most mature. He defies every stereotype. He is not just an athlete, but a great student. He wears many hats on campus, and none of them are jilted because he wears them well.” Not only is Adams a student, he also is an athlete - he plays basketball on the boys junior varsity team - a tutor
in the academic success center, and a student leader. People often joke that he is a child genius, but he says he is just someone who works hard for what he wants, which is evident because he made the Dean’s List again last semester. Being so young could be awkward when interacting with other students, but Adams has adjusted. “Everyone treats me as though I am just as old as they are,” he said. “I am a sophomore and when I interact with freshmen, they treat me as though I am really old. I find it funny because I usually am younger than them. Tre Adams has made Wesleyan his home, and the campus is glad to have him. After just two years, there are very few residential students who have not heard of him.
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