September 10, 2014 Vol. 98, No.8

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WEDNESDAY September 10, 2014

Vol. 98 • No 8 The voice of Texas Wesleyan University students since 1917


INDEX Opinion 2 News 3 Campus 4,5 A&E 6 Sports 7,8


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By Stephanie Darbo

Does the Rambler have a comment on why the Director of Housing was fired after completing what appears from an Alumni standpoint to be the most successful Move-in in years? Why would the University give a staff member a President’s award last year, allow her to be featured in a news story, publish information about the success of student housing and then fire the person who made it happen? I’m actually not a student, but rather an Alumni from the class of 2012. I was a Resident Assistant during Sharon’s first two years at Wesleyan and judging by the person I knew then and her deep love for the school as well as the students, I cannot imagine she would be capable of doing anything worthy of being fired. I was also part of a group of students serving on the Student Government Association with Heath Alan Scott who interviewed Sharon before she was hired. She made the commitment to serve the students if selected and I believe she did that better than any Director of Housing before her. Please take some time to look at the recent Resident Assistant training pictures and see how much she has been adored by her staff. Take some time to interview past Resident Assistants and residents who lived in the dorms before and after she arrived. This is a big loss for Wesleyan.

GSAwelcomes new students with pancakes By Susan Smith

The Gay Straight Alliance hosted pancake dinners Aug. 25-28. Dmitri Nelson, GSA treasurer said the purpose of these dinners was to allow students of various sexual orientations to come together and see that they weren’t alone. “The GSA is somewhere I can go and not be judged,” she said. “It’s a safe place where I’m free to be who I am without being discriminated against.” In the future, the GSA hopes to participate in the Q-Cinema Film Festival Oct. 10-13 in Downtown Fort Worth.

Lambda Kappa Kappa is leasing a house on campus. Check the history on the next issue

Wesleyan’s Student Life invited new students to Ram Up before the start of the semester. Photos by Paula Justice

Ram Camp 2014 welcomes new students Paula Justice

More than 250 new students attended Ram Camp 2014 on Aug. 18-19. The yearly tradition kicks off each fall semester with the purpose of welcoming students to Texas Wesleyan. The two-day event, including activities and games such as Ninja, Hunger Games and other icebreaker activities makes the 2014 Ram Camp the largest one to date. Nikaila Morrison, senior Ram Camp Leader, was one of many student leaders who worked to

arrange the event. “[This year marks] the best Ram Camp ever,” she said. On day one, Ram Campers participated in activities geared toward introductions and identifying commonalities. Day two, “Messy Day”, was a mixture of mud, water and sweat. Sydney Mitchell, transfer student from Saint Mary’s University of San Antonio, Texas, thought Ram Camp may not have been worth attending. “I wasn’t going to come,” she said. “But my orientation leader convinced me. And I’m glad I came.” Messy day games included the

popular mud tug-a-war, where competitors strained to keep their respective teams from being pulled into a mud pit. Another game challenged competitors to fill balloons with shaving cream and pop them with any body part, other than their hands. Still, Ram Camp wasn’t just about playing games and getting dirty. Camp leaders also discussed high-risk behaviors and challenges associated with the first year of college through an event called Reader Theatre. Through theatrics, Ram Camp leaders shared personal experiences with the hopes of promot-

ing respect, diversity, equality and leadership, some of Wesleyan’s core values. “It [was] fun,” Mitchell said. “My group [was] always busy.” This Wesleyan tradition encourages new and transfer students to come together and familiarize themselves with not only each other but also their new campus. Camp leaders expressed a passion in coordinating Ram Camp, saying through Ram Camp, they were able to meet people and develop lifelong friendships. They encouraged this years participates to do the same.

Sexual assault has become growing issue on university campuses across the nation Paula Justice

One in five women and one in 75 men have been sexually assaulted while in college reports the Center for Disease and Prevention. Consequently, campuses are required by federal mandate of an amendment to the Clery Act, Campus SaVE Act, to implement prevention training before Oct. 1. In compliance with the Clery Act, Texas Wesleyan is scheduled to begin faculty informational sessions on sexual assault, on Sept 25. Staff training will be announced. “As part of these new requirements, and in support of our con-


tinuous efforts to create a safe and secure campus, the director of security and dean of students will offer information sessions for all faculty, staff and students next month,” said President Frederick Slabach in an email announcing the training sessions. Although Wesleyan has presented campaigns, such as “No More”, which focused on domestic and sexual violence, the SaVE Act will offer a new approach in specifically addressing the issue of sexual assault. “Our on-going efforts to address and prevent acts of sexual violence and gender discrimination will also include: online training for students; monthly campaigns to promote a healthy, safe and secure campus; and

resources to stop and remedy any occurrence of sexual violence,” Slabach said. The Clery Act, named after Jeanne Clery, a 19-year-old rape and murder victim, requires colleges and universities that receive federal funding to disclose campus crime information, was amended on March 7, 2013 to include the Campus SaVE Act. The Act, intended to promote action and prevention of sexual assault and rape on campuses, also focuses on enhancing victim’s rights and providing campuses with educational programs. President Barack Obama responded again, on Jan. 22, by issuing a memorandum addressing college students’ safety against the emergent

problem. “It’s up to all of us to put an end to sexually assault. And that starts with you,” President Obama said in a public service announcement. In “The White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault”, the task force is called to identify and distribute the best prevention practices, to encourage victims to report offences and to promote public awareness. The memorandum and the supplemental report follows President Obama’s 2010 call for governmental support of sexual assault victims. The report, “Rape and Sexual Assault: A Renewed Call to Action” outlines the statistics on rape and sexual assault in the US.

Sexual assault, page 3

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