The Ramlber, Vol. 92 Issue 15

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September 16, 2009

Vol. 92 • No. 15 ONLINE:

The Rambler The voice of Texas Wesleyan University students since 1917

Theater alumnus wins playwriting competition. A&E, page 5

Student introduces Wesleyan to hockey. Sports, page 6

DNAP first in nation to go online Jonathan Resendez

The online Doctorate of Nurse Anesthesia program is the only one of its kind in the country, and Texas Wesleyan is the only school that offers it. In its second year, the 35 to 42 hour credit program gives students the opportunity to complete their doctorates within two years as a full time student or three years as a part time student. Students access class syllabi, notes and streaming video recordings of

University enrollment increases 3.2 percent

the lectures from the Web. “Students can be in Asia, Europe, Africa or anywhere in the United States and take the class,” said Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez, professor of chemistry and associate director of DNAP. “As long as they have a laptop, they can log in from anywhere.” Students who are interested in the program must be practicing certified registered nurse anesthetists and be registered nurses who have taken specific graduate level courses. Getting into the program is

not an easy task. Rodriguez said that out of 40 applicants, only 16 were selected in 2007, the first year. After the initial paperwork, Rodriguez and Dr. Paul Austin, associate professor and coordinator of research and anesthesia curriculum for the DNAP, set up phone interviews to make the final selection. “Unless they meet all the requirements, they cannot get into the program,” Rodriguez said. The DNAP program is comprised of students from across

the country. Students come from both rural and metropolitan areas, Rodriguez said. The roster includes students from South Carolina, North Dakota, Colorado and Pennsylvania. Rodriguez, who used to work as a scientist for the National Cancer Institute in Maryland, said the program shows how much things have changed in the teaching and learning process over the years. “I never thought it would happen,” said John Martin, director of DNAP. “In 20 years

a lot has changed in the way students learn and the way they shop for the best universities and colleges.” The curriculum is set apart from other nursing programs because of the focus on the hard sciences, Martin said. “No other program that we know offers those,” he said. Lisa Milhoan, certified registered nurse anesthetist, is a GPNA professor as well as a student in the DNAP. “Anesthetists make about $150,000 to $180,000 a year, and they don’t want to lose

that money,” Milhoan said. “The program allows us to take class before or after work.” The way that accreditation is changing, there will be a need for people with doctorate’s to teach, she said. The degree will allow students to remain in the field or they can go into the business or educational fields. “The educational process is evolving, and it won’t be long before everyone is at this level,” she said. “It’s nice being on the cutting edge.”

Admin under water

Jonathan Resendez

The 12th day enrollment numbers show that enrollment is up over last fall. There are a combined total of 3,048 students, according to the office of institutional research. University-wide enrollment is up 3.2 percent over last fall with undergraduate enrollment up 3.2 percent. Undergraduate students make up the majority of the student body at 1,519. There are 795 law school students and 734 graduate and doctorate students. Patti Alexander, vice president for enrollment and student services, said she was pleased with the numbers. “Anytime we’re up over the previous fall, it’s good news,” she said. Alexander said one of the reasons the numbers are up is the strength of student retention. Normally, Wesleyan brings back 80 percent of students, but this year there was a retention rate of 91 percent, she said.

Rachel Horton | Rambler Staff Communications, human resources, purchasing and the grants office are among the offices closed Sept. 14 because of flooding. “Due to all the rain, half of the building is submerged,” said Eric Perez, project manager for First Restoration Inc.

New dean brings diversity to Wesleyan Eunice Nicholson

Dr. Trevor Morris traveled a long and winding road to his new position as dean of Wesleyan’s School of Natural and Social Sciences. After journeying from Singapore to Barcelona to London to various parts of the United States, Morris eventually landed in Fort Worth where he will lead Wesleyan’s newly created school. Wesleyan’s old School of Arts and Sciences split last spring in an effort to get the schools across campus more in line with one another and provide better management of the programs, administrators said. The other newly formed entity, the School of Arts and Letters, will be led by Dr. Steven Daniell, but it is Morris who will lead the studies of science. He brings a diverse background to the table. Although he lived in Singapore until the age of 10, he Photo courtesy of the office of communications found living in Spain more Trevor Morris fascinating. When he and his family moved to Barcelona in

“I want to make the education that we offer relevant to students. I don’t see any purpose in producing students who can’t get jobs.” Trevor Morris

Dean of School of Natural and Social Sciences the 1970s, he found himself in the midst of great cultural transition. He witnessed the transition that brought the people of Spain out from under the rule of authority, and into a democracy. “Growing up in Spain and watching the transition was fascinating and fun,” he said. And so it was Morris’ first hand experience in international cultures that guided him to Texas Wesleyan University where, in June, he was named dean. Trevor is expected to create positive change. “I’m expecting Dr. Morris to establish and develop a long-range plan for increasing enrollments, to explore and develop select graduate pro-

grams and to collaborate with our general education council to develop a comprehensive plan approach for teaching,” said Dr. Harold Jeffcoat, president of Texas Wesleyan University. After completing high school in Spain, Morris attended the University of London, where he majored in astrophysics. After a semester he dropped out. “I dropped out because I was young and studying the wrong subject,” he said. For the next two and a half years the world became Morris’ class room. He traveled through England, Spain and South East Asia taking on odd jobs including working as a bartender and a DJ. All

the while he was busy observing the people and cultures he came in contact with. “Understanding what motivates people … their values and assumptions became fascinating to me,” Morris said. In the early 1980s, now sure of what he wanted to study, he headed to the United States to further his education. Morris earned a bachelor’s degree in international relations from Roanoke College in Virginia in 1984. He then earned a master’s degree from the University of South Carolina in 1987 and a doctorate in international studies in 1995. He taught international courses at USC while completing his education. He enjoyed the interaction with students. “I liked getting students to think critically and to understand most everyone is going through the same experiences,” Morris said. “It really doesn’t matter if you are talking about a country or a person.” In 1989, he accepted a

  MORRIS, page 3




September16, 2009

The Rambler |

SGA president delivers powerful message to all Heath Scott

SGA President Heath Scott presented the follwoing speech to facutly, students and staff at Academic Convocation Sept. 1. On this day, prescribed by custom and enriched by tradition, we celebrate the beginning of a new year. Providence has seen it fitting to allow our distinguished and noble University to open its doors once more. I am humbled by the honor of this ceremony, and mindful of the position I hold amongst my fellow students; a position that I have been blessed to be entrusted with. It is only once, every year, that the President, acting on behalf of the Student Government and representing the entire student body, has the privilege to address both the faculty and the administration of this University. I have spent untold hours contemplating the words to offer here today. Thankfully though, the more I thought, the clearer the answer became. So I ask, for these next few minutes, allow to me speak from the heart… This university means a great deal to me, and I would venture to say, everyone else gathered here today. Being elected president of the Student Government was one of the proudest moments of my life. I have been placed in a position to positively impact the university I so dearly love, and impact it I will… Having been involved in politics for a few years, I have

seen many begin full of ideas and noble intentions, only to end disgraced or forgotten. Neither is an acceptable fate. There is a distinct difference between words and action. I understand this, so hear me now, and hear me clearly: This year will be built on the tested formula of hard work, determination and perseverance. Hopefully summer gave us a chance to renew our determination, reignite our passion, and consolidate our strength, for we will need each of these for the tasks at hand. I ask you not to begin just another school year, but to begin a new narrative; a narrative unlike any other in our proud history. This year can be the single most important year this university ever has, but it will require sacrifice. The end of long hours and sleepless nights may not yet be on the horizon for the price of success is high, but we must be willing to pay that price. Our university is only bound by the limitations we place upon it. There are those here today who might ask, “What can really be accomplished in one year?” I stand here to offer you this answer: If you think small, you will stay small, but if you stop to dream, if even for a second, you can achieve miracles. We are too great to limit ourselves to small dreams. Still, another might ask, “Are we ready to do what must be done to ensure success and prosperity for ourselves and those who will

follow?” I believe strongly the answer to this question is an emphatic yes. We will share in the rewards gained by this New Year, but we will also share in its labor. There is something for each of us to do. There is a part for each of us to play. Together we will

and numerous other areas will be tackled head on by the Student Government. Ultimately though, some of these things will require your help and your support. We all share a stake in the future and promise of Texas Wesleyan. We should strive

SGA President Heath Scott and University President Hal Jeffcoat

march hand in hand on a path to make history. Today, I can happily report that the Student Government is now ready to accept its role in this narrative. The SGA works hour by hour and day by day to advance the mission of this University. All facets of student life will be engaged. Campus beautification, security, school spirit

daily to bring the highest standards to it. In order to do so though, we must come together. The Student Government cannot do it alone. The faculty cannot do it alone, and members of the administration cannot do it alone. A new year brings a new opportunity to initiate strong and healthy dialogue between these three bodies; a dialogue

that is sorely needed. Far too often I feel we are all guilty of just watching out for our immediate self-interest. We lose sight of the bigger picture. We forget that we are in this together. So as I look around, I see not students, nor faculty, nor members of an administration, but a family; a family bound together by our love for this university. Your hopes and desires are my hopes and desires. I promise you. This is why I choose the words “we” and “our” because I’m addressing you – fellow members of this Wesleyan family, and our family is both diverse and strong. From the professor who comes in early and leaves late. To the single mother struggling to get by, but yet finds time to make her classes. Or even the freshman straight out of high school looking for their place in this world. People from all walks of life call Texas Wesleyan home. Understand though, that our diversity in backgrounds, experiences and opinions not only parallels that of our community, but of this great nation. Indeed, Texas Wesleyan encourages individual thought and promotes individual excellence while cherishing unity of spirit. These values will serve to strengthen our resolve as we begin working to enrich the university experience. I believe the fruits of our labor will be self evident even within the first year. Moreover, I FIRMLY believe the difference we make will last a generation.

Soon this ceremony will end and we will no doubt move on with our lives. This day will be but a distant memory. Weeks will pass, then months, then years. 2009-2010 will eventually be judged by those who come after; a verdict of history brought by people we may never meet. What will they say about this year and the people present today? It is my hope they say just one thing…That on this day, and at this hour, something profound happened. Texas Wesleyan came together and changed a university, a city and, God willing, countless lives. As I close, I want to leave a few words with you. Words to a song that I learned just a couple of years ago, but only now have I come to respect and cherish them. I ask that you listen to these words and decide what they mean to you: Hail to thee, dear Texas Wesleyan From the heart I give my praise. In the paths of high endeavor, Fame and fortune crown your days. Streaming forth a line of splendor, Stalwart sons and daughters fair, Living testimony render To the worthy name you bear. Thank you and may God continue to bless Texas Wesleyan.

Get out and live it up Jonathon Resendez

People read about it everywhere, all the time: Be healthy so you can live longer. It’s a lesson that everyone continually tries to shove down the throat of one of the top 10 fattest nations in the world. In June, The Economist said, “People almost everywhere could extend their life spans further just by doing a few sensible things, such as not smoking, drinking only in moderation, eating lots of fruit and vegetables and taking regular exercise.” I think amidst all the health hullaballoo, people forget something – some people live their entire life with no regard for their health and are seemingly immortal. More importantly, these people spend more time actually living life how they want instead of trying to take perfect care of themselves

The Rambler Founded in 1917 as The Handout Publisher: Harold G. Jeffcoat

Jonathan Resendez, news editor Laurence Sheehan, opinion editor Conner Howell, college life editor Joakim Söderbaum, sports editor Chuck Fain, entertainment editor Laura Rosser, photo editor Rachel Horton, multimedia editor LaShawnda Mayhorn, social media director Daniel Bravo, advertising manager Kelli Lamers, faculty adviser Dr. Kay Colley, faculty liaison

Letters to the editor: The Rambler, a weekly publication welcomes all letters. All submissions must have a full printed name, phone number and signature. Confidentiality will be granted if requested. While every consideration is made to publish letters, publication is limited by time and space. The editors reserve the right to edit all submissions for space, grammar, clarity and style. Letters to the editor may be subject to response from editors and students on the opinion page.

Member of the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Student Press Law Center, College Media Advisers and College Newspaper Business and Advertising Managers.

“We are not afraid to follow the truth ... wherever it may lead.” — Thomas Jefferson

Opinions expressed in The Rambler are those of the individual authors only and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Texas Wesleyan community as a whole.

R ambler Contribution

Please send all news briefs to twurambler@ Submissions due by noon Friday to see brief in the following week’s issue.

and live forever. I think living better should include more than a strict physical health regiment. Rolling Stone recently ran an article on Ginger Baker, the ex-drummer for the rock group Cream. Like most cliché rock star bios, the article told of Baker’s drug-addled past and three-packs-a-day present. It brought to mind the stories of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, people who spent their whole lives almost killing themselves to live large and somehow made it. It got me thinking. If the youth of today are taught that sex, drugs and rock-n-roll are detrimental to our health, why are these dinosaurs still around? I am not endorsing punishing one’s own body with unhealthy habits with expectations of living longer; rather, I’m endorsing not

punishing one’s own body with excessive healthiness and strict rules that cut back on happiness. I say skip the gym every once in a while and put in a little more family and friend time. Seek a more exciting life instead of a better picture to put up on your MySpace. The memories will last a lot longer than your six-pack. Don’t get me wrong, health is important. Some students should seek out a little more physical activity just like some students should seek less Internet time. A little bit more social networking, a little less social networking site. As cheesy as it may be, Benjamin Franklin hit the nail on the head: “Wish not so much to live long, as live well.” So relax and live a little.

What would you change about the univeristy?

Kristen Potter senior management

“Parking and better advising.”

Julia Anderson freshman vocal music

“There are too many steep hills.”

Cecilaia Hill junior history

“Parking. I always have trouble parking.”

Address all correspondence to: Texas Wesleyan University

The Rambler

1201 Wesleyan St. Fort Worth, TX 76105 To contact T he R ambler (817) 531-7552 Advertising Inquiries: (817) 532-7582

Dwight Williams freshman education

“Change the mascot to the Packers.”

Conor Mullarkey senior business

“Any problem I’ve had I’ve been able to fix. Even transfering was easy.”

The Rambler |


Financial aid goes electronic Laurence Sheehan

The financial aid office is going into the social media business. Keeping up with most modern forms of technology and media, the Texas Wesleyan Financial Aid office is adding Twitter, MySpace and Facebook accounts. Shanna Hollis, director of financial aid, said the office wants to provide communica-

tion for all Wesleyan students. “It’s interesting how many departments on campus are using social networking sites now.” She used the FAFSA deadline as an example of ways to more effectively inform students using social media. ImageNow has allowed the financial aid office to take its old paper filing system and turn it into electronic files. This will allow the financial aid office quicker access to

The Crimson White/UWire

The U.S. Department of Education proposed a set of regulations in August concerning the use of Federal Pell Grants and forcing colleges to increase the transparency of job placement rates after graduation, according to, an online news source for higher education. Congress will enact these regulations as part of last year’s renewal of the Higher Education Act. For the first time, the Higher Education Act has made it possible for students to receive enough Pell Grant support, an entitlement program and the result of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid to cover them year-round as opposed to just two terms, according to the article. Helen Allen, associate director of student financial aid, said 20 percent of Alabama students receive and use Pell Grants, ranging from $976 to $5,350 per year, depending on the eligibility of each student. “Historically, students were allowed to receive two terms of Pell Grant if they attended full time for both terms,” Allen said.“If a student was not full time, [the grant] was awarded proportionately,for example. If a student is half time then they received half of the full time allotment. If enrolled nine hours, then they received three-fourths the amount of the full time allotment.” Now, if the regulations are enacted, Pell Grants will be awarded year round for fall, spring and summer terms. The Federal Pell Grant changes related to the Higher Education Opportunity Act, enacted on Aug. 14, 2008, reauthorizes the Higher Education Act of 1965 and will help UA students to possibly achieve their degrees more quickly, Allen said. The only down side to the Pell Grant program is that Pell Grants only alleviate some of the financial pressures of tuition.

“With the Pell Grant being $2,675 and tuition being $3,500, I don’t know if people would take advantage of it because it doesn’t cover full tuition,” Allen said. However, the university encourages students to seek out scholarships and loans on campus to help alleviate financial pressures, she said. “The university is excited about this option for students,” Allen said.“Students that are eligible for Pell and would like to attend school year-round will be able to benefit from the program. They will also be able to receive a Pell Grant for fall, spring and summer terms based on their enrollment. This will allow students to possibly graduate sooner than originally planned.” According to Inside Higher Ed, the U.S. Department of Education also petitioned for colleges to allow more transparency in reporting information as a part of the consumer disclosure section of the Higher Education Act. The legislation requires colleges to annually publish the “placement of and types of employment obtained by graduates of the institutions’ degree or certificate programs,” forcing universities to make as much information about the institution public. Jerry Paschal, executive director of the Career Center, said the University already complies with these federal regulations. “At UA, the College of Business and the College of Engineering currently collect first destination data,” Paschal said. “This includes, professional employment, graduate school admittance, part-time or temporary employment,



Called to clean

student records and take up less space throughout its office. The financial aid office is working with the university and the student body to relay any current and up- coming information that will be relevant. Current and future scholarships, loan information and FAFSA deadlines are all updates the financial aid office posts to their new social media forums.

Department of education revises grants, post-college job placement Amy Castleberry

September 16, 2009

military service and those who state that they are delaying searching for a job or going to graduate school.” He said there are several reasons why colleges collect this data. “When each of these colleges are up for a review to continue their accreditation, this data is required by the accreditation review committee,” Paschal said, “If a particular college within a university is ranked by the media, first destination data is one of the factors used in rankings, along with the selectivity for admission to those colleges and other factors.” Paschal also said the information is used as a recruiting tool to show prospective students what opportunities are available to them. “This information is currently on our Web site, so it could be made available to the National Department of Education,” Paschal said. “The information we currently collect is public information, so we would submit that information when requested.” According to the article, many universities are concerned that revealing this type of information could hurt their image and present consequences. However, Paschal isn’t concerned. “Since they will only want composite data, I don’t see this as a problem,” Paschal said. “If, however, they wanted specific information on individual graduates, it may present some privacy issues, but I doubt that will ever happen in our country.” According to both Allen and Paschal, the University of Alabama complies with all federal regulations.

T C B Catering “Taking Care of Business” Chef Todd Brown (817) 821-1621 office

Jonathan Resendez | Rambler Staff First Restoration Inc. cleans up the water damage in the administration building. Crews worked from the evening Sept. 14 until the next morning.


Flu shots available The Tarrant County Health department will administer the seasonal flu shot on the Wesleyan campus Sept. 22. Shots will be available from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Bragan Fellowship Hall in PUMC. Shots are $20. These shots are for seasonal flu.


McDowell to speak The Willson Lecture Series will commence Sept. 14. Josh McDowell, a Christian author and speaker, was scheduled to speak on campus last year but was cancelled due to bad weather. The speech will take place at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary of PUMC.

UCD book available The university will celebrate a new book published by the Texas Wesleyan University Press Sept. 17. Student and faculty authors will be recognized for their work in University Scholars: Proceedings of University College Day at 7 p.m. in Lou’s Pavilion.

continued from page 1

teaching job at Methodist University in North Carolina and then served in various administrative roles at the university until 2006. Morris also served as an adjunct professor at Troy State University at Fort Bragg until 2006. The courses he taught included American government, international relations, comparative politics and U.S. foreign policy. Morris said his positions in administration have given him the opportunity to learn how to solve problems. “People seemed to like how

I handled things and kept recommending me for higher positions,” he said. That same year he was offered the position of vice president for academic affairs at Lambuth University in Tennessee. He served in that position until joining Texas Wesleyan. Morris said he was drawn to Wesleyan because of its liberal arts environment and its Methodist background. He is enthusiastic about his goals and has many plans. “I want to make the educa-

tion we offer relevant to students and relevant to community needs,” Morris said. “I don’t see any purpose in producing students who can’t get jobs.” He said there are opportunities ahead for students studying social or natural sciences. “The globalization of our society is creating needs that are creating tremendous opportunities,” Morris said. “We need to have trained people whether it’s in the technical sciences or the human sciences.”



College Life

September 16, 2009

The Rambler |

Equine Psyche

Rambler integrates new Web New club on campus explores the horse-human bond presence Ashley Oldham

Courtesy of Kit Hall

Dixie, Lady Sierpe and Buddy graze at the Hall’s property in Burleson. Andie Massingill

The new Horse Club trots its way onto campus this fall semester with the hopes of broadening the academic scope of Equine Psychotherapy on the Wesleyan campus. Dr. John Hall, professor of psychology, taught a course

on the new field of study as an elective class last spring. “There appears to be much interest in this field,” Hall said. Nine people attended the first meeting this month. “People shared their horse experiences and much discussion surrounded the concept of the horse and human bond,” said Kit Hall, profes-

sor of art. Many activities for this club are being considered, such as trail rides and fundraising for rescue organizations. “What is most important is learning more about how we can promote the bond,” Kit Hall said. In his class last spring John Hall discussed the horses as

“What is most important is learning more about how we can promote the bond.”

Kit Hall

Professor of Art

neutralizing agents for children and adults with mental and physical handicaps. Through the natural human and animal connection, this new therapy allows the horse to act as a mediator between new lessons of cognition and new feats in physical exercise. Facilities in the DFW area already offer this type of therapy. Patients typically spend anywhere from five months to five years with the facility. The training generally occurs once a week for about an hour. The therapist works at the pace of

the client, with specific steps and milestones for each client to achieve. A research internship for the equine program is under way for the fall semester. “Five students are working on building a survey to gather information about local interest and future for this type of therapy,” John Hall said. The Horse Club’s next meeting is at 12:15 p.m. Sept. 22 in room 112 of Nenetta Burton Carter. All staff, students and faculty are invited to join the club. Any questions can be —Become a fan of it on Facebook, follow it on Twitter, watch videos from it on YouTube and eventually befriend it on MySpace. The university newspaper rolled out a new Web site that allows Internet users to stay in the loop of Wesleyan news from the comfort of their computer … or phone screen. The site allows visitors to browse through current and past campus news articles, give feedback and story ideas and watch videos of faculty interviews and Wesleyan events. An online interactive newspaper feature also lets visitors flip through The Rambler’s latest edition with the click of a mouse. “The new Web site is a frontline tool for engaging readers [in ways] other than hard copy news,” said Rachel Horton, multimedia editor for The Rambler. “It offers an interactive source of campus and community information.” The Web site provides an added benefit for those who do not have the opportunity to get a paper on campus, such as alumni or parents, according to LaShawnda Mayhorn, assistant editor and head of social media for The Rambler. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and eventually MySpace accounts are all additional outlets featured on the site that keep individuals connected and involved with the university, said Mayhorn. The Rambler social media sites are offsets of the main site that include status updates and even edited videos. They seek to push users to the Rambler page. “The new Rambler Web site is more efficient for college students because they don’t read newspapers anymore. We get our news from the Internet,” said Ashley Tarrant, junior athletic training major. “The technology speaks more to our generation.”

Students, professors resurrect history club from obscurity Josephine Okoth

Texas Wesleyan’s History Club hits the limelight again after a year and a half of partial extinction. This time it features new reforms, and its revival is led by Dr.Timothy Grammer, new assistant history professor, who is excited to take over with hope of seeing the club soar. The club was founded in September 2003 by Ami Winkelbauer, junior history major, and professors Dr. Elizabeth Alexander and Dr. Brenda Taylor. The objective of the club was to act as a history marker by funding and revitalizing Polytechnic Cemetery. The cemetery was a casualty of limited funds, and to improve and maintain the property, the club sold Wesleyan calendars and encouraged donor funding. Grammer said the future for the club is bright. It is led by students this time, not faculty, a fact he said will enable students to gain leadership experience and involve themselves in planning and organizing university activities.

“We encourage all students attending Texas Wesleyan University to become involved.”

Jessica Norman

President of History CLub Officers were elected at a Sept. 3 meeting. Several ideas were discussed as well, such as visiting museums and showcasing historic films, which would be open to families too. The group is organizing Halloween plans, tie-dye Tshirts in recognition of the 6os course and inviting guest speakers, such as a Vietnam war veteran and former Wesleyan history students. The club will also hold fund-raisers to keep finances and activities running. The majority of the members were newcomers except for Taylor and Alexander. Many were history major students with a few history minors. Amanda Moten, sophomore history major, said she hopes to meet more people with the same interests and

welcomes the chance to participate in activities that will prepare her for her future. The club anticipates getting more people from all walks of life to be part of it. This, leaders touted, will not only enlighten people, but also spark an appreciation of the past in connection to the present. “We encourage all students attending Texas Wesleyan University to become involved,” said Jessica Norman, president of the history club. The next meeting is at 12:15 p.m. Sept. 17 in the meeting room of Dora’s Residential Restaurant. For more information about the History Club, contact contact Jessica Norman at jmnorman@mail. or Dr. Timothy Grammer at or 817-531-4900.

The Rambler |

Arts & Entertainment

September,16 2009


Walter Wykes a winner


Alumnus’ play follows New York success with Stage West win Chuck Fain

Theater alumnus Walter Wykes won Stage West’s Third Annual Texas Playwriting Competition with his play Certificate of Death. The play won the annual Wesleyan playwriting contest Playmarket last fall, earning the new play a formal reading in a New York theater. It featured the talents of several Wesleyan theater students and alumni. The play (which I was lucky enough to attend in New

York) is a farce on contemporary society, its enslavement to bureaucracy and its susceptibility to persuasion. Wykes said he was inspired to write the play after watching The Wizard of Oz and listening to Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon with friends. “When that one scene where the wicked witch of the East gets the certificate of death came on … I just thought how bad that would be to get one while you’re still alive.” From there, Wykes’ imagination ran wild.

The script is 10 years in the making. After its first rejection in the Mark Taper New Works Festival, Wykes said he sat on the script until his decision to submit his script to last year’s Playmarket. However, Death isn’t all he’s dealing these days. “I’ve had 48 separate productions so far this year, including productions in Latvia, India, Sweden, Canada, Ireland and the UK,” Wykes said. More recently, Wykes’ adaptation of Leonid Andreyev’s He who Gets Slapped is scheduled to run at Carl Sandbur Col-

Photo by Wayne Lambert Wesleyan alumni and students join Wykes and Theater Chair Connie Whitt-Lambert (center left).

Alumnus Appling rocks Martin Chuck Fain

Texas Wesleyan alumnus and guitarist Mark Appling, known for his “eloquent lyricism and rich, warm sound,” displays his string-strumming savvy Sept. 18 in Wesleyan’s own Martin Hall. Appling graduated from Wesleyan in 2007, earning his bachelor of arts in music as well as a 4.0 GPA. After Wesleyan, Appling went on to complete a master’s program from the New England Conservatory. Recently, the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY accepted him into their doctoral program as well as granting him a teaching assistantship. His career has crossed paths with some of the most renowned guitarists of our time, including Pepe Romero, Eliot Fisk, Eduardo Fernandez, Alfonso Moreno, David Tanenbaum and Bruce Holzman. His mentor and teacher, celebrated guitarist Eliot Fisk, described Appling as “a gifted young guitarists whose great love of music is communicated through the warmth of his sound and the intensity of his feeling.” Appling’s career has taken him all over the United States as both a soloist and a chamber musician – and now it brings him back to Wesleyan. The concert at Martin Hall is a part of the Sixth Annual Classical Guitar Series and the Forth Annual Alumni Invitational Recital sponsored jointly by Texas Wesleyan University music department and Guitar Fort Worth. GFW is a local organization dedicated to “preserving the

Photo courtesy of Guitar Fort Worth Mark Appling prepares to play at Martin Hall.

traditions of classic guitar as the maestros played it.” The organization consists of professional guitarists, educators and amateurs. Aside from putting on concerts and promoting classical guitar, Guitar Fort Worth also has several outreach programs such as Healing Guitar where members perform for rest homes and halfway houses. They also have several educational outreach programs such as after school classes, programs that donate classic guitars to the Applied Learning Academy of Fort Worth and programs that provide free music lessons to

music teachers. Appling himself is a proud member of Guitar Fort Worth. Mark Appling performs at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 18 in Martin Hall. His program includes pieces from such masters as Ponce, J. S. Bach, Rodrigo, Walton and Barrios. All Wesleyan faculty, staff and students are admitted free with valid ID – admission will be charged to the public. Don’t miss your chance to see one of the premiere guitar virtuosos of our time, and one of Wesleyan’s own, as he fills Martin Hall with music.

lege in Galesburg, Ill., in October. He has also completed two full-length plays in the last few months and is currently working on a third. Still, Death has had a good year. Winning Playmarket allowed it a formal reading this summer at Rattlestick Theater in New York. Next summer there will be another reading, thanks to Stage West’s playwriting contest, which earned him a $250 prize. The reading will take place in May 2010, and there is talk of Stage West adding it to their 2011 season. Along with Certificate of Death, another winning play and a runner up for the contest will also have a formal reading during a Stage West sponsored festival. Stage West is a local theater with a long, proud tradition. Located at 821 W. Vickery in downtown Fort Worth, Stage West has produced memorable community theater for 30 years now – and it shows no sign of slowing down. Stage West is known not only for its quality productions and dedicated fan base, but also for cultivating and nurturing local talent through various youth programs, classes and contests like the Texas Playwriting Competition. Another alumnus, Darrell Bartell, was an additional finalist in the Stage West competition for his script, When the Echoes Whisper My Name. He was also a finalists in last year’s PlayWalter Wykes in Time Square. Photo by Cindy Wykes market competition. Walter Wykes visits Time Square as Death visits New York City.




September 16, 2009

The Rambler |

Ayala brings hockey to Wesleyan

Joakim Soederbaum

Starting this fall, students at Texas Wesleyan will have the opportunity to represent the university not only on grass, in the gym or on clay, but also on ice. Jonathan Ayala, a transfer sophomore from Robert Morris University in Chicago, is the leading force behind the project. “In late June, Dr. Pam Rast mentioned that maybe we could put a hockey team together at Wesleyan,” he said. “My dad [James Ayala] and I just couldn’t let go of the idea.” Originally a baseball player, Jonathan Ayala went to a Dallas Stars game as a child only to fall in love with the sport. He started playing roller hockey at Breakaway Roller Hockey Center in Arlington before playing for the Breakaway Danglers’ all star team for six years. After playing hockey for Birdville High School from eighth grade to graduation, Ayala decided to attend Robert Morris University in Chicago. ”I received a partial scholarship and played there for one year,” he said. For his sophomore year, Ayala decided to transfer to Texas Wesleyan where his dad, James, works in the maintenance department. Ayala made a presentation to Dean of Students Cary Poole within a matter of weeks after the initial idea was born this summer. He was given the thumbs up by the school, and Rast took on the role of faculty sponsor. Darrell Upton, nephew of National Hockey League leg-

end Bernie Nicholls and a former professional hockey player himself, is currently the main prospect to be the head coach. Upton accumulated 88 goals and 131 assists for a total of 219 points during his professional career. He played for the Fort Worth Brahmas for two seasons before retiring and finding his way to coaching. Upton’s previous coaching experiences include the Birdville ISD varsity hockey team and the Junior Brahmas Midget Major A hockey team. At his side, Upton would have assistant coach James Ayala (Jonathan’s dad) and goalkeeper coach Bill Ivey. “Jonathan has done pretty much everything himself,” James Ayala said. “And he was the one doing the whole presentation to Dean Poole.” Jonathan Ayala has put everything into to motion to form the team. All that is missing are the players. “We are adertising and trying to spread the word on the different campuses,” he said. “I think hockey at Wesleyan will bring something new and exciting that this school has never seen before. Also, there are many hockey players in the DFW area who lack nearby options if they still want to play after high school. By bringing hockey to Wesleyan, we give them a chance to continue playing after high school.” Faculty sponsor Rast is also excited about the chance to recruit a new group of students to Wesleyan. “Since the Stars moved to Dallas, I believe that ice hockey has taken off as a club sport in the Metroplex,” she said. “I

have thought for a long time that the addition of ice hockey here at Texas Wesleyan would attract students from area high schools here to play.” As a brand new organiza-

administration has agreed to cover the $1,200 league fee for this year, a fee that includes high impact insurance for all participants. “As for where we are right

tion. Current members include University of Texas at Arlington, Texas Christian University, Texas A&M and Texas Tech, as well as teams from Louisiana and Arkansas.

Renee Greer | Rambler Staff Jonathan Ayala promotes his newly founded ice hockey team at the President’s Picnic.

tion at Wesleyan, the hockey team will have to work hard to establish itself, and players will have to cover most expenses themselves. “It is unclear how much the players will have to pay,” Jonathan Ayala said. “It all depends on how many players join, if we are able to find supportive sponsors, and whether we are successful in our fund-raising.” The proposal for the team was approved by senior administration this summer. The next step is for student government to recognize it as an official student group. The

now, Wesleyan will be able to step in and cover the $1,200 league fee for the first year,” Ayala said. The fee includes high impact insurance for all participants. “Considering the high risks involved in hockey, the university has agreed to help by making sure that our participants have sufficient coverage,” Poole said. “It is only a one-year commitment assuming that [the team] has enough players to participate in a competitive league.” Wesleyan’s hockey team will participate in the American Collegiate Hockey Associa-

“We are well aware that these teams include some very strong opponents,” Jonathan Ayala said. “I do not expect outstanding results in our first season, but I do expect us to grow and work on building a team for the future.” To be able to participate in ACHA the upcoming season, Jonathan Ayala believes that at least 15 players need to commit to the team by the time the season starts in October. “The ACHA does not restrict women from participating in the men’s division, and everyone is welcome to join

Athletic Training Program sees growth Jacqueline Wittman

The Athletic Training Education Program (ATEP) at Texas Wesleyan strives to develop students capable of supplying the highest standard of care for physically active individuals and prevention and rehabilitation of injuries. Eighteen students, seven freshmen, six sophomores, four juniors and one senior, are currently enrolled in the ATEP. According to Program Director Dr. Pam Rast, new additions have been made for further advancement and commitment to personal attention for each athletic training student. Laura Kunkel, the new clinical coordinator and instructor for the ATEP, comes to Texas Wesleyan from Sioux Falls, South Dakota. She said she’s happy with her new position and role to oversee the clinical experience of all athletic training students. “I am excited about getting to know everyone and learning every aspect of the program while working oneon-one with the students,” she said. Originally from Minnesota, Kunkel received her bachelor’s in athletic training and exercise science from Augustana College in South Dakota and received her master’s in applied physiology and kinesiology from the University of Florida. With a desire to be a clinical coordinator at a more personalized university, Kunkel came to Texas Wesleyan and felt a connection with the abundance of friendliness throughout campus. “I really believe in being a part of a quality program,” she said. “Thanks to the great staff and individual attention provided at Texas Wesleyan, our students have a much greater opportunity for individual growth and exposure to clini-

cal experience than if the attended a larger school.” The ATEP has come a long way and continues to grow and prosper. Fifteen years ago, no full-time athletic trainer was to be found on campus. Rast became the first athletic trainer and instructor to the five students enrolled in the few classes offered at the time. Between 1996 and 2005 the program was built from the foundation. In 2003 the ATEP actively started working to-

ingly competitive. “The reason students choose our athletic training program is because they receive a more individualized education, and no student is overlooked,” Rast said. “With a smaller program, it is easy to keep up with the skill development of each student,” Students in the program are not only completing an undergraduate degree, but also gaining clinical and field experience. They receive hands-

Renee Greer | Rambler Staff New ATEP clinical coordinator Laura Kunkel

ward national accreditation, which was issued by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education on Feb. 24, 2007. “It was a four-year process to become accredited,” Rast said. “We have accomplished a lot over a short period of time.” Even though the ATEP at Wesleyan, one of 18 accredited programs in Texas, still is young, it is attractive to prospective students and increas-

on training with athletic trainers Kyle Morgan, Melissa Weeldreyer and Alicia Berry. Coursework in the program allows students to take part in general medical classes taught by physicians, visit off-campus clinical sites, observe actual surgeries and high school athletic trainers and work in clinical settings. Athletic training students also have the opportunity to gain hours of experience with Texas Wesleyan athletics

by working with the department’s varsity teams. With an excellent relationship in the medical community, students at Texas Wesleyan benefit through early experience in the field and are able to build relationships with future employers. “Our students get the opportunity to engage in unique off-campus clinical sites that give them hours of experience and increases their development as athletic trainers,” Kunkel said. The ATEP prepares students who wish to pursue a career in athletic training for the requirements for the Texas Advisory Board of Athletic Training licensing and the Board of Certification for Athletic Trainers (BOC) national certification exams. “We prepare our students for Athletic Training, but they will be able to enter numerous related fields as well,” Rast said. “We have alumni currently working as athletic trainers, physical assistants, chiropractors, respiratory therapists and physical therapists, just to mention a few.” Rast estimates that a majority of the graduates from the Wesleyan ATEP either have or are in the process of pursuing a graduate degree of some sort. “What you do with your athletic training degree is only limited by your imagination,” she concluded. With continuous growth projected by Rast, the program accepts enrolled Texas Wesleyan students who indicate a desire to seek a career in athletic training or allied health professions. The deadline for submission of the ATEP application is May 5. For more information about the ATEP, contact Dr. Pam Rast at (817) 531-4876 or, or Laura Kunkel at (817) 531-7526 or

our team,” he said. According to ACHA rules, undergraduate students must complete at least nine hours per semester to be eligible. Graduate students are required to take at least six hours per semester. If enough players join the team, Ayala hopes to be able to offer on-ice practice twice a week at the NYTEX sports center in Richland Hills and off-ice practice (strength, conditioning, etc.) two to three times per week until April or May. The first season (this season) would be composed of exhibition games played both locally and away as preparation for a true season the following school year. If not enough players join the team by October, Jonathan Ayala will put Plan B into action. “We’ll take the players we have and play in the adult leagues at the NYTEX sports complex once a week,” he said. In that case, the cost for the participating individuals would be significantly less, and the ACHA eligibility requirements wouldn’t apply. Rast is looking forward to the upcoming challenge to establish hockey at Wesleyan. “The sport is great to watch live,” she said. “It’s fast and easily as high impact as football. It may take a little time, but I can see a nice size fan base rallying around a Texas Wesleyan ice hockey team. It’s not just for Yankees anymore.” For more information about the Texas Wesleyan ice hockey team, contact Jonathan Ayala at (817) 713-5435 or, or Dr. Pam Rast at (817) 5314876 or

The Weekly Sports Quote

“He’s a guy who gets up at 6 o’clock in the morning regardless of what time it is.” Louis “Lou” Duva

boxing trainer

Wesleyan Week-in-Sports • The Lady Rams Volleyball team is 3-6 after losing 3-0 at Texas Women’s University on Sept. 9. They went 2-2 in the Lubbock Christian University Lady Chap Classic Sept. 1112. On day one, they beat Concordia University 3-0 before losing to the hosts Lubbock Christian University with the same numbers. The following day they went 1-1 against Howard Payne University (3-0) and Wayland Baptist University (0-3). Starting Sept. 15, the Lady Rams will play at home eight times over 12 days. • Lady Rams Soccer suffered a 2-0 loss at Texas Women’s University on Sept. 11. The lady Rams are now 5-1 and face six more games on the road before playing at Martin Field again on Oct. 8 when they host Our Lady of the Lake University in a Red River Athletic Conference game. • Rams Soccer defeated visiting Bethany College on a rainsoaked Martin Field. Lightning pushed the game back. Kevin Rauch scored the lone goal to secure a 1-0 win for the Rams who, with the win, tied the 16-year-old program record of most consecutive wins (six).

Upcoming Sports




Women’s Soccer vs. Univ. of Sci. & Arts Volleyball vs. John Brown Univ. Men’s Soccer vs. Univ. of Sci. & Arts Volleyball vs. College of the Ozarks

1 p.m. Chickasha, OK 3 p.m. Sid W. Rich. 3 p.m. Chickasha, OK 7 p.m. Sid W. Rich.


Volleyball vs. Belhaven College Women’s Soccer vs. St. Gregory’s Univ. Men’s Soccer vs. St. Gregory’s Univ. Volleyball vs. Oklahoma Baptist U.

1 p.m. Sid W. Rich. 1 p.m. Shawnee, OK 3 p.m. Shawnee, OK 7 p.m. Sid W. Rich.

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