The Rambler Vol.102 No.10

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ED: Black Friday ruining family gatherings Pg. 2

Students share Thanksgiving traditions Pg. 4

Student comes from New York for eSports Pg. 7

OP: Veterans need to move on

Ed.D. student’s published author and librarian Pg. 6

Women’s soccer scores first SAC regular title Pg. 8

Pg. 2


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the Rambler

WEDnEsDaY Nov.14, 2018 Vol. 102 • No. 10

Fort Worth joins Rams in well-being pledge

Photo by hannah Lathen Rams can join Willie in his pledge to living a better life. Texas Wesleyan has been Blue Zones certified for two years.


Fort Worth became a certified Blue Zones Community in October, a milestone for the city in terms of health and well-being. The Blue Zones Project is a community movement that encourages people to improve their health and well-being, Alexis Patterson from the Fort Worth Blue Zones Project wrote in an email. “Principles are based on research into the world’s Blue Zones®, areas where people live longer, healthier lives,” Patterson wrote. The first Blue Zones cities were in Costa Rica, Japan, Italy, Greece and California, she wrote. Fort Worth is the largest city in the world to partner with Blue Zones. “Blue Zones Project draws upon lifestyles in those areas as well as other evidence-based best practices, making changes to the places where people live, work, and play to support healthier choices,” Patterson wrote. The Blue Zones Project stemmed from author Dan Buettner, who studied regions around the world where people lived to be 100 or older. “Blue Zones Project incorporates Buettner’s findings and works with cities to implement policies and programs that will move a community toward optimal health and well-being,” Patterson wrote. Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price,

Texas Health Resources and the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce partnered with the Blue Zones Project in 2013 to see if Fort Worth could become a certified Blue Zones community, Patterson wrote. “The answer was a resounding yes, making Fort Worth the largest city to ever partner with Blue Zones Project,” Patterson wrote. “Fort Worth became an official Blue Zones Project Demonstration Site in February 2015 and earned certification as a Blue Zones Community in October 2018.” While the certification is new for the Fort Worth community, the Blue Zones Project had been at Texas Wesleyan for two years. Wesleyan’s Human Resources Generalist Christi Tallent is the chair of the campus’ Blue Zones Committee. “In 2016, we became a Blue Zones committee because we became a Blue Zones University,” Tallent said. “We were actually the first private university to get that designation.” When Wesleyan was working to gain the certification, Patterson wrote, a third of university employees made the pledge to improve their well-being. “The university also adopted Moais, a concept from Okinawa, Japan, in which a small group of individuals comes together to support one another,” Patterson wrote. “Texas Wesleyan formed both Potluck and Walking Moais,

Photo by hannah Lathen Christi Tallent includes taking the stairs in West Library in her routine.

encouraging faculty and staff to share healthy meals and stay active.” Wesleyan also made walking paths and hosts a Purpose Workshop to help students, faculty and staff start utilizing their gifts to help themselves and the community, Patterson wrote. “The university now offers free

 BLUE ZOnEs. page 3

Wesleyan works to prevent flu on campus HANNAH ONDeR

5 Ways to Prevent the Spread of Flu

Last year the flu hit Texas Wesleyan hard, starting in athletics and building up to 52 cases on campus. Wesleyan had even smaller class Symptoms include: sizes, do not enter signs plastered fever, cough, runny nose, sore all over buildings, and a rush to throat, body aches, headaches, get more hand sanitizing stations fatigue, and sometimes diarrhea available around campus as a result. and nausea “Last year we had 52 cases which doesn’t sound like a lot, but for a campus this size that’s a lot,” 1) Stay home if you’re sick. Director of Health Services Anice Don’t share with your peers Lewis-Hollins said. and professors. Get diagAccording to the CDC, there nosed by a health profeswere 30.9 million people with sional. cases of the flu, 14.5 million people that went to health care providers 2) Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer. Wesleyan for the flu, and 600,000 people works to maintain sanitizhospitalized with the flu last year er stations throughout the in the United States. This number campus. could have been minimized if more working age adults had gotten their vaccination. Adults under 65 have 3) Avoid sharing personal items. Keep your environthe lowest rate of getting their flu ment and belongings clean. shots. With flu season beginning this month, Wesleyan has been working 4) Cover your sneezes with to minimize the damage with tissues or your elbow. The flu getting the word out, providing free is also an airborne virus. flu shots, and filling hand-sanitizing 5) Get your flu shot. Even if you stations throughout campus. still get sick the shot makes it “I think last year the word less servere. got out much later and we were more reacting to especially what For more info, check out happened to the football team and athletics,” risk manager Juan Azcarate said. “I think it was more of a reactive situation last year and Graphic by hannah Onder this year we’re trying to be more According to Anice Lewis-Hollins proactive with getting the word and the CDC, these are ways to pevent the flu from spreading. out.” Azcarate said one of the most available throughout campus in important parts of prevention is order to encourage preventative communication. actions. “We work very closely with Anice, “I think the best thing to do is our school nurse, and with Student make sure that you wash your Affairs to make sure that we are all hands and use the gel dispensers,” on the same page when it comes to Azcarate said. “Make a practice that communicating to students and the when you’re going around campus Texas Wesleyan community about and you see one, stop and use it. how to prevent the flu from actually There’s a lot of germs that are on getting worse,” Azcarate said. “It’s all door handles and any other place about being proactive with getting that we actually touch, so the best the word out to students, staff, and practice is to actually be proactive faculty. Starting in the fall is really by washing your hands.” the best approach because you start Lewis-Hollins agrees that it’s getting the word out rather than important to wash your hands or waiting until the spring where it’s at least use the hand sanitizers a usually already ongoing and could couple of times a day in order to become a problem.” create a protective barrier from Azcarate said he works with your hands when you touch your Student Affairs and Lewis-Hollins face. Lewis-Hollis also noted the to keep the hand sanitizing  FLU PREVEntiOn. page 3 stations maintained and

Chastain completes her doctoral degree RACHeLL AGUILAR What does it feel like to finally have a doctorate degree? It feels like having a weight being lifted off of you. At least that’s what Dr. Patricia Chastain says. Chastain, the student employment coordinator for Career Services, had her doctorial defense on Sept. 20 at Texas A&M Photo by contributed by Dr. Patricia Chastain Dr. Patricia Chastain poses with her dissertation University-Corpus Christi. Her dissertation is titled “Examining the chair/advisor Dr. Kamiar Kouzekanani, during her defense in Corpus Christi in Sept. Relationship Between Co-Circular Activities

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and the Development of Critical Thinking Skills in a Non-Probability Sample of Freshmen and Senior University Students.” “Basically it was a study conducted using Texas Wesleyan national survey of student education results to determine if there is a correlation between involvements in a CoCurricular activities including the campus environment, diversity, and higher impact practices such as employment and internships with developing critical thinking skills such as quantities reasoning, higher older learning and reflective learning,” Chastain wrote in an email.

Chastain had full confidence of getting her doctoral degree in educational leadership while she was balancing work at Texas Wesleyan University and getting her degree at Texas A&M between 2013 and 2018. “I knew I was going to finally get my doctorate, but it’s been a real struggle,” Chastain said. “Now I feel like I can reach higher than I reached before with certain jobs or certain employment.” One of the most important things for Chastain is when people will start to call her

 Chastain. page 3

Texas Wesleyan’s Student Government Association passed the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee Thanksgiving Meal Bill at Friday’s general business meeting. The bill was presented by SGA Athletic Representative Lynzie Moore and allocated $500 toward the SAAC’s third annual Thanksgiving meal...

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