Rambler 2-11-09

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The students’ voice since 1917

February 11, 2009

News Briefs


International Studies minor adds competitive edge Seth Nelson

Resume Clinic In preparation for the career fair that will be held on March 31, Career Services on the second floor of the West Library, will hold a resume clinic from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. March 9-13. Students are welcome to create, update or have their current resume critiqued by Career Services personnel.

Union Gospel Update The Wesleyan Democrats announced changes to the Union Gospel volunteer times. March 8 is no longer an available day to serve food. The group will instead be serving lunch March 1 and March 22. April 5 and 19 are still open, but only for cleaning.

ability of diplomas from the university. Focusing on liberal arts, the committee’s aim was to encourage students to work towards this minor by “raising student awareness of the ideas, beliefs and perspectives of other peoples in an increasingly global world,” as stated in the pro-

posal. As for the marketability, the goal is to increase it “by adding important global knowledge, which employers find valuable.” In a November 2007 Chronicle of Higher Education study conducted by Karin Fischer, 60 percent of employers polled say that “recent graduates lacked the skills to succeed in a global economy.” As a result, campuses nationwide started to integrate global concentrations into their curricula. “Internationalization should be a goal for all disciplines and departments,” reported the study. It said that internationalization committees were forming at many college campuses to reach this goal. Texas Wesleyan is one of them. “The minor in International Studies is an exciting new option for students to add additional value and breadth to their degrees,” said Marie Boisvert, Wesleyan’s adviser for International Programs. “In Photo by Gasten Schoonover today’s increasingly international


You could say that Texas Wesleyan University is going global. A new international studies minor was approved for the school Feb. 5. It will provide students the option of adding a worldwide focus to any undergraduate degree program from accounting to theater arts. “The world is getting smaller all the time, and, in order to be effective workers and citizens in the 21st century, students need to have a better understanding of how other people think and what they believe,” said Dr. Jay Brown, assistant professor of psychology and chair of the university’s International Education Committee. The committee was tasked with formulating a proposal for the new minor. According to this proposal, the minor will enhance the liberal arts mission of the school and enhance the market- International students teach others about their culture and customs.

The Hatton W. Sumners Foundation Scholarship will receive applications until Feb. 23. Scholars chosen will receive up to $3,500 a semester and will participate in special forums on public policy and leadership. Preference is given to those studying political science, pre-law, history or social studies. Students from other program areas who have high academic achievement and exhibit a strong sense of community responsibility will also be considered.

Study Abroad Education First, in correlation with Wesleyan International Programs, is offering a webinar for study abroad trips. EF tours representative Liz Greenwell will hold the informational session which can be attended at the office or at the house via the Internet and the phone. Remaining times are 3 p.m., Feb. 18 and 3 p.m., Feb. 19. RSVP with ejohnson@txwes.edu or by phone at Ext. 4965.

Rambler Contribution Please send all news briefs to twurambler@ yahoo.com. Submissions due by noon Friday to see brief in the following week’s issue.

See International, page 2

City initiative focusing on cleaning up Poly neighborhood Rene’ Edwards STAFF WRITER

Hatton Sumners

Vol. 102, No. 4

The city of Fort Worth’s Safe Neighborhood Initiative is giving Polytechnic Heights a cleanup. Started at the first of January, the project is going door-to-door for 90 days and enforcing the city’s ordinances with the goal of making Poly safe and healthy. The city has pooled the resources of several municipal divisions: Environmental Management, Animal Care and Control, Consumer Health, Neighborhood Police Officers, Community Relations Outreach and others to specifically target serious problems that are considered to be directly related to crime. According to Code Compliance Director Brandon Bennett, crime prevention is best illustrated by environmental design. “Boarded up houses and trashed yards bring crime because it says a lot to a criminal,” he said. “It says that no one is watching, and that is desirable for crime. It’s a shame because the residents of Poly, from what I’ve seen, are good, honest, hardworking people.” Poly was one of three neighborhoods in the city chosen because of the high number of complaints that Poly has received, according to Amy Casas, spokeswoman for Code Compliance, and its strong historical staple to southeast Fort Worth. If the initiative is successful, it could ultimately impact Wesleyan. “There’s no question that Wesleyan has a good image in the minds of most people as a good place to go to school,” said University President Hal Jeffcoat. “At the same time, when you drive up the street and there’s bombed out buildings, it’s untidy, there’s trash floating around in a number of places and

the houses are not kept tidy. All of that creates a stigma, rightly or wrongly, in people’s minds that this isn’t a Photo by Gasten Schoonover safe neighborThe Safe Neighborhood Initiative plans to tidy up the Poly hood.” community by giving attention to code violations. A drastic cleanup could help. While enforcement of codes is typically complaint-based, the Safe Neighborhood Initiative is taking a proactive stance. The officers of each team are educating the community about code violations, health and safety issues, as well as proper animal care. The goals include hauling off junk vehicles, cleaning up trashed yards, fixing fire hazards in homes and securing humane and livable conditions for animals while getting strays off the streets and into safe homes. One area of concern is the health of animals and their livable conditions as well as the abundance of strays in Poly. Joe Brown, a Wesleyan theater and speech professor, said he has rescued more than 100 strays from the area and has mostly placed them in homes of students and faculty. “People will emotionally get a dog without thinking through the time it takes to care for a dog or the expenses,” said Brown. “So many animals in the neighborhood are not kept in fences or, worse yet, they are kept in yards

See Initiative, page 2

Ice storm tests WEMS’ effectiveness Rachel Horton WEB EDITOR

Sparkling white patches of salt on the sidewalks at Texas Wesleyan are the lingering reminders of the recent ice storm the Fort Worth community endured. The storm, now on record as one of the worst since 2003, resulted in icy roadways, the closing of schools like Wesleyan and numerous traffic accidents in the Fort Worth area before finally moving east. It was also one of the first times the university put into action WEMS, the Wesleyan Emergency Management System. Shortly after the National Weather Service in Fort Worth issued the ice storm warning for all of North Texas Jan. 26, the Wesleyan community was notified through WEMS that campus would be closed the following day. WEMS began on campus last semester as a way to quickly notify

College Life

students and faculty of emergency situations. This storm heralded the second time it had been used. Most of the Wesleyan community who registered for the program received a timely message notifying them of the school's closure due to inclement weather. “I was really surprised with how quickly I received the text message,” said Justin Payne, junior political science major. “I got it before I even saw anything on the news or the Web site.” A handful of students however, did not receive notification. According to these students, their registration process had been fully completed all the way down to the final confirmation e-mail, but the notification never arrived. According to IT, the glitch could be attributed to latency in the system or a simple hiccup. Felisa Barnes, Wesleyan's secu-

Get your Valentine’s Day low down from two distinct perspectives. In love or not, Cupid’s arrows fly on the 14th. Page 4

rity manager, said that the university has scheduled a test to occur twice a year. Students and faculty alike are encouraged to review their notification options and select the ones that best suit their lifestyle. You can choose one or choose them all. “My husband [Joseph Barnes, director of dining services] and I are both registered for the system, and when the alert goes out, every phone in our house is ringing," said Barnes. Options include providing a cell phone for text messages, an e-mail address (school and personal) and multiple phone numbers.

Logging on Log on to the WEMS Web site by clicking the link on the right panel of the Wesleyan Web site and providing a Wesleyan e-mail address. Then you will be asked to provide the contact information in which you would like to receive emergency notifications.


Courtesy of Google Images

Students who are registered with WEMS receive emergency notifications and information, such as the news that campus was closed Jan. 27 and 28 due to inclement weather. WEMS sends out two test messages throughout the year.

The Lady Rams softball team is gearing up and taking the necessary steps to secure a place in the conference tournament. Page 5

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