The Rambler, Vol. 93 No. 2

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WEDNESDAY January 27, 2010

Vol. 93 • No. 2 ONLINE:

The Rambler The voice of Texas Wesleyan University students since 1917

Student gets new start at Wesleyan. College Life, page 4

Track and Field coming in fall. Sports, page 6

Rammin’ Slammin’ Fun

Parking an issue during construction Jonathan Resendez

The new fitness center is both a blessing and a curse. While students and faculty agree that the current fitness center is in desperate need of an upgrade, construction for the new facility inconveniences both commuting students and faculty. “I like the fitness center, but there’s going to be more of a parking issue,” said senior liberal studies major Hector Mukweyi. “We’re going to have to park down the street and in the neighborhoods. I have to park on the other side of campus just to find parking for students.” Construction closed twothirds of parking with 50 to 60 spots opening up when construction is complete. Steve Roberts, associate vice president for administrative services and human resources, said with some of the parking spaces opening up near the construction site, the school is taking a “wait and see” approach toward the parking situation. In the meantime, Polytechnic United Methodist Church is offering students more than 55 parking spaces in the lot directly across from the church on the corner of Collard Street and Avenue E. The school is also planning to build another parking lot next to the Baker

Rebecca Moore | Rambler Staff

T-shirts were but part of the festivities at the tailgate party Jan. 23. The event celebrated Wesleyan basketball.

  PARKING, page 3

Meningitis vaccinations now law for new residents

New Wesleyan Web site underway

Conner Howell

New students have to get vaccinated for meningitis before they can live on campus following a state law that recently went into effect. House Bill 4189 mandates that all new freshman or new transfer students intending to live in university housing must provide proof that they have received the Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccination prior to check-in. As the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board informed each school of the bill and its requirements, administrators would design their plan for adhering to the new legislature. Wesleyan Dean of Students Cary Poole said he wrote the Wesleyan policy along the same guidelines as other schools. “I researched several other private schools to see what they were saying,” Poole said, “and kind of borrowed a little of this and a little of that and came up with our own policy.” Poole said the new policy complies with the strict rules of the bill, but it was written on short notice. “We didn’t even here about it from the state legislature,” Poole said, “we heard it through a colleague.” Poole said he learned of the bill early in December and had to have a policy in place on Jan. 1 before the next term. To make sure new students would be prepared for the policy in time, Poole said Director of Residence Life Aaron Hastings called all new residential students to let them know about the required vaccine. The bill itself states that students can decide not to take the vaccination for what it calls reasons of conscience. Student may decline the vaccine if, for instance, they feel it goes against a religious belief. Students must submit a notarized immunization waiver form from the Texas Department of State Health Services to be exempt from the meningitis policy, but the process can take a few weeks to complete. The vaccine is designed to treat cases of bacterial meningitis. Paige Cook, coordinator of health services, said the bacterial form is the more common and contagious type of meningitis spread among residence halls. Cook said students can become more susceptible to the disease because of conditions that weaken the body and

  VACCINE, page 3

Melissa Bates

The Texas Wesleyan Web site is getting a new look, but that new look is a couple of years away. However, a redesign is already in effect for the admissions and financial aid pages. “We started with a redesign of the admissions and financial aid pages first because that’s what new students see the most,” said Bryan Daniel, network operations director. “We’ll be introducing more content in more areas as we move along.” Daniel and his information technology department have been working on integrating a new site for some time, but he said that the new site, as a whole, will take a while. “It’s a multiyear project. It’s estimated that it’s going to take us close to two years to redesign everything and add everything we want to add,” Daniel said. “What we’re doing is really rebuilding, we’re not just redesigning our Web site. We’re really rethinking the whole thing and rebuilding it from the ground up.” He said one of the things the department noticed is that the Web was not meeting student and faculty needs. Included in the project will be changes to the intranet,

“My brother-in-law and my are now new stuIt’s a multi-year project. It’s estimated dentsdadhere, and they went that it’s going to take us close to two years through that process, and it was a lot easier for them to to redesign everything and add everything navigate than it was for me three years ago when I startwe want to add. ed,” Hicks said. She said she has found one Bryan Daniel problem. Network operations director “Financial aid has taken the links for Loan by Web off, and you cannot get to it from our site anymore,” she said. “That was difficult because it Wesleyan’s internal site sites,” he said. took three or four days to do where students access inforFurther changes to the what used to take one click mation like courses, sched- Web site will be implement- and you were done.” ule and assignments. ed this summer and others in She said she still finds the Another change will be to the fall. new look more inviting. the e-mail system, a welcome “Later this fall, we’ll also “It puts the school in a change to some. be able to introduce pieces of more professional light, a “I hate Ram Mail,” said our smart phone application more inviting light than it Camille Daryapayma, junior as well,” Daniel said. had in the past,” Hicks said. biology major. “Change that. Shannon Rogers, junior According to Daniel, the I don’t like the format. I just finance major, said the cur- current site has been in use don’t like it.” rent Web site is outdated for about five years, and it is Daniel said they will con- and is glad it’s getting a new indeed time for a change. vert to using Google Apps layout. “Web sites have changed a for Education. “Some parts are very hard lot over the last several years, “We’ve surveyed our stu- to navigate,” she said. “Pro- and Web sites are more than dents on it, and they prefer spective students would find just a brochure for your init,” he said. “We also found it hard to use if they hadn’t stitution or company,” he that most students are by- used it before. [Texas Chris- said. “Really, they’re now passing our system by for- tian University] is right geared at providing a lot of warding their e-mail to an- down the road, and their services and functionality for other account.” look is more professional.” their constituents, and that’s This program will also proMichelle Hicks, senior re- a lot of what we’re trying to vide other services such as ligion education major, said do as well.” document storage, personal she thinks the new format is Daniel said any suggesWeb sites and collaboration easier to navigate. Although tions regarding the Web site tools like chatting, wikis and as a current student she has are always welcome at webblogs. not used the new admissions or 817“Things that you tend to format personally, she is 531-4428. see a lot in modern day Web hearing good things.



January 27, 2010


The Rambler |

Still hopeful that Obama brings change they will be met.” Obama set forth concrete solutions to our looming problems. For Suhasini Yeeda example, he proposed a universal Contributing Writer healthcare package appropriated at $19 billion. Obama’s Treasury Department has set out both qualitative and quantitative plans for debt-stricken families. There is $9 Although many have criticized billion currently distributed to more President Obama’s integrity saying than five million families in the he’s nothing more than a socialist United States. trying to ruin what America stands He has managed to increase for, I disagree. I believe that although employment rates by 10 percent in some issues have yet to be dealt with, just one year. These are the highest he is doing the best anyone could this percentages recorded since December soon into his term. 2007. Hiring has picked up, while Some issues such as regulation worker hours have dropped. of big business, environmental Obama’s major legislative struggle advocacy and gay rights are yet concerns the nation’s healthcare. to be tackled. But the media has A great deal of money is allocated presented these issues as if they have for healthcare reform, and though quick, inexpensive solutions. But he many have said this will bankrupt never said it would happen quickly. us, the amount is only a small perIn his inauguration speech last Janu- centage of the nation’s budget. ary, he clearly stated, “They will not True, Obama has consistently be met easily or in a short span of been hypocritical about expenditime. But know this, America — tures with the healthcare bill, which

he continuously said would further our debt. Transparency is a must, especially in such sensitive areas as healthcare and the economy. I think the main problem with the overall acceptance of this reform in our country is the cost. This goes to show that there are conflicts of interests between the values of money and health. Concerning education, Obama has supplied $2,500 in tax credit to help those families in need to help receive tuition for higher education. He has continued efforts to make education affordable and equal. Historically, those schools that need help the least get it the most. There needs to be equality in our educational system for students to receive the right opportunities to help the future of this country. With regard to the Muslim world, political analysts accuse Obama of aligning himself with Islamic radicals. As many have a distorted view of creating peace with these nations, his speech in Turkey last

year was one of great importance to the future of America. Setting aside wrong acts and coming to a state of peace with the Muslim world will prove to be a great stepping stone. Many solutions are proposed. Many problems are still at hand.

Obama has already accomplished some great things, but in order to really make the American people happy, he has to continue to keep his straightforwardness intact so that it will not be all talk, but rather action.

Guide to the governors:

A closer look at Rick Perry Conner Howell

When you receive your voter registration card in the mail requesting a response, are you sure you know which candidate to choose? After watching the gubernatorial debate on Jan. 14, I couldn’t help but feel a little dissatisfied with the performance put on by each of the Republican candidates during the presentation. This will be the first of three articles taking a look at an individual candidate and providing you with some useful insight to make your decision. First up is the current Texas governor, Rick Perry. If you take a look at his Web site, you can tell Perry came to play. His most effective rhetorical strategy is his comparison of the policies and legislation he has enacted in Texas with the policies and legislation in Washington. One major comparison he makes is in economic development. Perry has stated that the state of Texas leads the nation in the development of jobs and considers creating an environment for job development the “single most important thing a governor can do.” On his Web site, it states that in October and November of 2009, Texas brought in 70,000 jobs while the nation as a whole lost 122,000

The Rambler Founded in 1917 as The Handout Publisher: Harold G. Jeffcoat

Jonathan Resendez, editor-in-chief Chuck Fain, opinion editor, arts & entertainment editor Conner Howell, college life editor, special projects editor Joakim Söderbaum, sports editor Rebecca Moore, photo editor Rachel Horton, multimedia editor Kelli Lamers, faculty adviser Dr. Kay Colley, faculty liaison

Member of the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Student Press Law Center, College Media Advisers and College Newspaper Business and Advertising Managers. Opinions expressed in The Rambler are those of the individual authors only and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Texas Wesleyan community as a whole.

R ambler Contribution

Please send all news briefs to twurambler@ Submissions due by noon Friday to see brief in the following week’s issue.

Letters to the editor: The Rambler, a weekly publication welcomes all letters. All submissions must have a full printed name, phone number and signature. Confidentiality will be granted if requested. While every consideration is made to publish letters, publication is limited by time and space. The editors reserve the right to edit all submissions for space, grammar, clarity and style. Letters to the editor may be subject to response from editors and students on the opinion page.

Conner Howell Campus Life Editor

jobs. In order to back up his statistical information, under each issue are links to various press releases and news articles that can account, for the most part, for his claim to fame. But during the debate, Perry stated that from 2007 to 2008 Texas brought in 100,000 jobs during that year. When confronted with the fact that Texas had also lost beyond that amount of jobs, he didn’t provide a satisfactory answer. His challenger, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, stated that Texas lost 300,000 jobs this year alone. Yet Perry has brought growth to Texas. People are coming to live and work in the state, there’s no doubt of that. But from my own research it seems that the most encouraging aspect of Perry’s governance is his tort reform. By placing caps on lawsuits, businesses and medical practitioners have started coming to the state due to reduced liability premiums. From a healthcare standpoint, tort reform has its advantages and disadvantages. In 2008, more than 3,500 licensed physicians came to Texas to practice. Since placing a $250,000 cap on non-economic damages like pain and suffering, it has encouraged doctors to come practice in state because it discourages what Perry refers to as “frivolous lawsuits.” However, there is the mat-

ter of the potential neglect the patients will receive from legal representation when a lawsuit does occur. Another argument against the caps is that quality of care could begin to slip as less cautious practitioners, who would normally be weeded out by higher damage awards, practice medicine without much pressure from the legal consequences of malpractice. But the strongest argument is that tort reform really does nothing else but benefit insurance companies, not the patients. Healthcare costs are still high despite the litigation reform, mostly because torts are just a part of the big picture. Yet Perry is a big proponent of tort reform and rest assured that any piece of legislation that would set back such reform will, in his words, “meet my veto pen.” Perry will no doubt make a strong showing. But I can’t help but feel he’s just a part of that “good ol’ boy” system that has been established for so long in Texas. He might have tenure, but what have his policies really achieved? He just perpetuates the same rather than making genuine changes. If all he’s got say in the gubernatorial debate is that Texas is the best state in the nation without really citing anything specific from his eight years as governor, that doesn’t really inspire much confidence in me.

How would you rate Obama’s first year in office?

Lindsay Smith Nurse Anesthesia

“Ineffective. And he lost a seat in Congress. That says a lot.”

“We are not afraid to follow the truth ... wherever it may lead.” — Thomas Jefferson

Hector Mukweyi Senior Liberal Arts

“He’s been taking it a step slower than he said he was going to do.”

Heather Pagano Junior Education

“I guess…decent?”

Address all correspondence to: Texas Wesleyan University

The Rambler

1201 Wesleyan St. Fort Worth, TX 76105 To contact T he R ambler (817) 531-7552 Advertising Inquiries: (817) 532-7582

Beatrice High Housing

“He’s done what he can with what he’s had to deal with and the time constraints he has had to do it.”

Kesha Carter Freshman Sociology “He’s the coolest! He could come up with healthcare a little faster though, ‘cause insulin ain’t cheap.”

The Rambler |

TEA honors dean Jacqueline Wittman

Texas Wesleyan University received the 2009 Employers for Education Excellence Award by the Texas Education Agency. Dr. Carlos A. Martinez, dean of the school of education, received a gold level award on behalf of Texas Wesleyan University. Martinez and Marcus Kerr, chief information officer, attended the November State Board of Education meeting to receive the award. According to a press release, the award “provides a way for the state to recognize Texas employers whose efforts support public education in Texas and benefit public schoolchildren, their parents and other individuals by providing opportunities for their employees to participate in schools with students.” The EEE Award was created by the legislature in 2007 and is valid for three years, making Texas Wesleyan a winner in the second year of the award. All 11 winners for the 2009 EEE award were in the gold category. Honorees of the Fort Worth gold level include: the city of Fort Worth; Huckabee & Associates, Inc.; Johnston Legal Group; and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. “This award allows the public to understand the large

role we play in the Fort Worth community,” Martinez said. “Texas Wesleyan is heavily involved in Fort Worth Independent School District activities.” Texas Wesleyan President Harold Jeffcoat was delighted for the institution’s recognition. “We commend our school of education for their continued excellent performance,” he said. According to the TEA, to be eligible for the gold level award, the employer “must establish a mentoring program in conjunction with a local school or district for employees to meet with students and promote academic and social success.” Wesleyan met the requirement through projects with the FWISD, particularly Polytechnic High School. Texas Wesleyan was also honored by TEA for its campus outreach initiative to the FWISD with its bilingual teacher assistant program, grant collaboration and countless events. Included in the honor was Wesleyan’s program, Speak-Up, which allows 11 graduates from Polytechnic High School to attend Wesleyan tuition-free. “The gold level award is a university-wide honor given to the institution,” Martinez said. “Others outside the education department are equally critical to our success.”

Ramage Send us your poetry, art, prose and comedy sketches.


January 27, 2010



PARKING continued from page 1

House that will offer 24 spaces. Roberts said construction shouldn’t take long once the necessary permits are acquired. An architect is also involved with the project at the city’s request. “We’ve taken these two steps, and if parking continues to be a problem we’ll find further steps to take,” he said. “With the parking lot costing around $40,000, we have to be careful about spending money so a student doesn’t half to walk a half block further.” Some students have no qualms with finding alternate parking. “I usually find a spot pretty quick, and, if not, there’s parking on the side streets. It doesn’t really bother me,” said senior marketing major Charllote Armstrong, who used to take the tram to class from her parking spot at the University of Texas at Arlington. “I don’t feel like this campus has too many students to where parking is overcrowded,” she said. Ken Dunson, director of facilities and operations, suggests early arrival as the key A campus map shows student parking lots. to finding an ideal parking space. have any complaints about the “I can’t even say,” he said in “Like with everything, the parking because his classes reference to the number of early bird gets the worm,” he start at 8 a.m. parking tickets he’s received. said. “If it was me, I’d arrive Dunson also warns against “There’s more than five. I got early.” parking in spaces reserved a lot of tickets; it’s just bad, Mark Pahyathep, junior bi- for faculty, a lesson Mukweyi man.” ology major, is a commuter has already learned multiple Some faculty spots were student who said he doesn’t times. displaced to the opposite side

of the parking lot, along the south side of the SUB. “It’s a little inconvenient but I’m not complaining about it,” said DeeAnn Day, English instructor and director of dual enrollment.

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slow down the immune system. Conditions such as lack of sleep, high stress levels and excessive partying “equal a lot of students,” Cook said. Cook said the disease can be easily spread through direct contact with another person’s saliva, such as sharing cigarettes and drinks, kissing or sexual activity.

Yeah. We’re everywhere.

The Rambler

continued from page 1

The Voice of Texas Wesleyan University Students Since 1917

“But people are a lot more aware of it than they used to be,” Cook said. Both the La Grande Plaza Clinic on Seminary Drive and the Bagsby Williams Public Health Center on Miller Avenue provide the menactra vaccination for bacterial meningitis on a first come, first serve basis with no appointments. The vaccine costs $20. For more information on the vaccine, contact Paige Cook at 817-531-4948 or

1 out of 3 college students experienced the illness or loss of a family member or close friend in the last year. Talk about loss and help your friends in need by starting a National Students of AMF Support Network Chapter at your school.



College Life

January 27, 2010

The Rambler |

Wishes of a Father

Through loss, student gains second chance at Wesleyan Amanda Edmondson Conner Howell

David Rai could be compared to many other students starting at Texas Wesleyan this year. He is a full-time student taking 15 hours, a member of the Kappa Alpha Order and is experiencing things he never has before. “There [is] so much stuff over here that I had only seen on TV,” Rai said. “[It’s] exciting. [It’s] new and fun.” However, the way Rai found Wesleyan is a story that began several years ago. The relationship between Rai and his father, Jas Bahadur Rai, was a relatively new one. Rai’s father left Nepal for the United States in 1998, and the only contact they had during that time was a weekly phone call and one visit in 2006. In the summer of 2007, Rai’s father secured visas for David and his sister to come live with him. “We didn’t have really good communication,” Rai said, “so it felt good that I came here.” Tragedy Starting his new life with his father in Venus, Texas, Rai normally woke up at 5 a.m. each day and spent a few hours at work with his father before heading off to another job nearby. But one evening, Rai and his father had discussed taking a few days off. He was still half asleep when his father entered his room before leaving

for work the next day. “He just came to me and looked at my face for some time and then he left,” Rai said. Rai did not know that would be the last time he would see his father alive. The morning of Jan. 6, 2009 Jas Bahadur Rai was murdered at the T.L. Food Store on Lancaster. Rai’s father had planned to take his son to Navarro College in Midlothian later that day to register for college classes. Now responsible for the finances his father left behind, Rai wasn’t sure if he could go anymore. “I knew that I could not afford college, and even if I [went to college and only worked] one job, I couldn’t afford anything,” Rai said. Jim Chandler, pastor at Meadowbrook United Methodist Church, happened to be driving by the T.L. Food Store on the morning of the murder. He decided to call the police department and find out what had happened. He immediately offered his help and was soon put in contact with a friend of the Rai family. When he found out about Rai’s college situation, the church wrote a check for a semester’s tuition at Navarro College. “God has a way of getting people together,” Chandler said. “Strangers are just friends who haven’t met yet.” Rai was encouraged by the church’s gesture and began at Navarro. “After [my father] was gone, it was like there’s nobody for

Photo by Conner Howell | Rambler Staff David Rai is the only member of his family living in the states, but he stays in contact with close friend and Chairman of the Nepal Foundation, Mary C. Carroll. His younger sister Salina attends the Loreto Convent School in Darjeehling, India, through the funding of the Nepal Foundation.

me, but so many people came up,” Rai said, “Then I realized there is always someone to help.” Overwhelmed Although Rai was at school, he was still struggling to pay his bills. He was working 40 hours a week and taking nine hours at Navarro. “It started getting better and it just came down again because the bills were really high,” Rai said. Between car payments, insurance and house payments, Rai’s finances became so

strained that he was forced to take a second job on top of his already heavy load. But not long after the tragedy, Texas Wesleyan University President Hal Jeffcoat learned of Rai’s situation. Aware of his interest in attending Wesleyan, Jeffcoat decided to take an interest in Rai. “I just thought if there’s something we could do, we ought to do it,” Jeffcoat said. He asked Dean of Freshman Joe Brown to look into Rai’s financial condition and see what it would take for Rai to come to Wesleyan. “I said to Joe, ‘see if there’s anything we can do and let me know what you think we can do,” Jeffcoat said. Brown said he first spoke with Chandler and learned of the financial burdens Rai was carrying. “At the time, David was taking [nine] hours at Navarro, working two full-time jobs, making a house payment, a truck payment, helping his little sister who was 15 and just overwhelmed,” Brown said.

After talking to Chandler, Brown said he contacted Rai. “David literally thought he had no way to go to school when I called him and said we want to work with you,” Brown said. Brown learned that Rai had applied to Wesleyan, but his application became lost in the system because of some confusion over his status as a citizen. Once his citizenship was verified and he became eligible for financial aid benefits as an American citizen, Brown said he began to work with Rai’s financial aid status. Wishes of a Father After working his second day at his second job, Rai got a phone call regarding his financial aid. Brown said Rai had been conditionally admitted to Wesleyan and had received a full eligibility package for financial aid. Brown said he discovered Rai could receive financial aid through FAFSA and together with a mixture of internal and

external resources, his housing and tuition costs would be completely covered. “David basically had everything covered without any exceptional gifts from the president or anyone else,” Brown said. Brown said by moving Rai on campus Rai eliminated his financial burdens and reduced his debts considerably. Now living in Stella Hall, working on campus and majoring in computer science, Rai can focus on school and make the most of this opportunity. “I used to pray for it, but I never thought I would get a second chance, because my grades were not so good because I was working so many hours,” Rai said. “But then I got it. It was like no words to say about it; I can’t even explain how great it feels. “Now this college has given me a second chance,” Rai said. “I’m just trying to use it and hopefully get something out of it.”

Spirit Rampage

Photo by Rebecca Moore | Rambler Staff Attendance was high as the Rams took to the courts Jan. 23. Despite a schedule change that had originally said the game would be televised, students and alumni still came to show their support for the men’s and women’s basketball teams.

The Rambler |

Arts & Entertainment

January 27, 2010

Lady Gaga, Beyonce light up the Grammys



Rambler Review: Notable notes from this week This Week in History: • Jan. 27, 1927 - Harlem Globetrotters play first game • Jan. 27, 1964 - Introducing the Beatles album released in US • Jan. 28, 1893 - Edward Mcdowell’s Hamlet & Ophelia, premieres in Boston • Jan. 28, 1956 - Elvis Presley’s first television appearance • Jan. 29, 1959 - Sleeping Beauty released • Jan. 31, 1969 - The Beatles perform last live gig

Photo courtesy of Beyonce and Tina Turner performing at the 2008 Grammys.

Chuck Fain

For one night only, America’s most popular recording artists will appear and perform in one place: the 52nd annual Grammy awards, taking place at 8 p.m. Jan. 31on CBS. Most of America, including many Wesleyan students, are ready to see their favorite performers, such as Lady Gaga. “She [Lady Gaga] truly devotes herself to her work and creates art... and her being sexy is a plus, too,” said Jovan Rodriguez.

The top categories that seem to hold the most sway, and which are held to the last, are Record of the Year (awarded to a song’s performance and production), Album of the Year (awarded to an entire album’s performance and production), Song of the Year (awarded to the songwriter) and Best New Artists (awarded to the artists themselves). This year’s nominees for the big four are: Record of the Year: Halo – Beyonce, I Gotta Feeling – The Black Eyed Peas, Use Somebody – Kings of Leon, Poker Face – Lady

Gaga, You Belong With Me – Taylor Swift Album of the Year: I Am… Sasha Fierce – Beyonce, The E.N.D. – The Black Eyed Peas, The Fame – Lady Gaga, Big Whiskey And The Groogrux King – Dave Matthews Band, Fearless – Taylor Swift Song of the Year: Poker Face – Lady Gaga & RedOne, Pretty Wings – Maxwell, Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It) – Beyonce, Use Somebody – Kings of Leon, You Belong With Me – Taylor Swift and Liz Rose. Best New Artist: Zac Brown Band, Keri Hilson, MGMT, Silversun Pick-

ups, The Ting Tings. Performing in this year’s show are nominees Beyonce, the Black Eyed Peas, Lady Antebellum, Maxwell and Taylor Swift. The performance will also include a 3-D tribute to Michael Jackson, in which Celine Dion, Jennifer Hudson, Smokey Robinson, Carrie Underwood and Usher “will join together, along with the voice of Michael Jackson, in a moving tribute to Jackson,” according to the official Grammy’s web site,

Birthdays: • Jan. 27, 1756 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart • Jan. 27, 1832 - Lewis Carroll • Jan. 28, 1912 - Jackson Pollock • Jan. 28, 1981 - Elijah Wood • Jan. 29, 1880 - W.C. Fields • Jan. 29, 1954 - Oprah Winfrey • Jan. 30, 1974 - Christian Bale • Jan. 31, 1923 - Norman Mailer • Jan. 31, 1981 - Justin Timberlake • Feb. 1, 1902 - Langston Hughes • Feb 1, 1975 - Big Boi Deaths: • Jan. 29, 1963 - Robert Frost • Jan. 30, 1860 - Francesco Antonio Norberto Pinto • Jan. 30, 2007 - Sidney Sheldon • Jan. 31, 1995 - George Abbott • Feb. 1, 1986 - Dick James, Beatles’ music publisher

Decade produces musical masterpieces this song was truly mastered by The Postal Service with a new upbeat Suhasini Yeeda tweak. Contributing Writer 9. Wilco- Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (2002) Folk indie meets what some may call the “American Radiohead.” This album specifically had the best In the last 10 years, this nation has instrumental-voice collaborations of seen terrorist attacks, the death of a any other album I have heard. Fun pop icon and the end of Late Night. lyrics and great beats make for an So, the last decade sucked, but at excellent road trip album when you least we got some good music out just feel like relaxing. of it. Here’s my list for the top 10 8. The Shins- Oh Inverted World albums of the past decade. (2001) 10. The Postal Service- Give Up This is one of those albums where (2003) you can’t find one song on there This laid the ground for what is you don’t love. I still find myself now known as Pop Indie. It’s fun, but humming along to New Slang time meaningful. You can sing a long for and time again. The lyrics, creative fun, or reminisce to this album. Such melodies and fun instrumentals reGreat Heights is probably one of the ally pull this album together. most treasured songs of this album. 7. The Flaming Lips- Yoshimi Originally sung by Iron and Wine, Battles the Pink Robots (2002)

This seemingly psychedelic album will leave you more than just on a high, but truly contemplative. Don’t let the upbeat melodies confuse you; there is a true message in the voice of Wayne Coyne. As you find yourself bopping around, you will suddenly connect to lyrics like “You realize life goes fast; It’s hard to make the good things last.” One of the most poetically beautiful albums I’ve ever heard. 6.Coldplay- A Rush of Blood to the Head (2002) One of the most human albums I’ve ever heard. The combination of truly relatable lyrics and Chris Martin’s voice lead for a sure fire album to listen to whenever you feel like reminiscing, contemplating or even daydreaming. This is a great album, with a great voice of emotion behind it. 5. TV on the Radio- Return to

Upcoming Events: Thursday

Master Works of American Photography: Popular Culture, Amon Carter Mesuem, runs through May 18


Musical Comedy Murders of 1940, Theatre Arlington, runs through Feb. 14 Faculty Voice Recitals, Martin Hall


Texas Wesleyan University Open House, 9 - 12:30 p.m.

Sunday Monday Tuesday

Fort Worth Songwriters’ Showcase, White Elephant Saloon Rhett Butler, The Arlington Music Sanctuary Drink and Draw (Live Art Class), Mellow Mushroom Miss Marcy and her Texas Sugar Daddies, Pearl Give it Up, Dee and Charles Wyly Theatre, runs through Feb. 14

Wednesday The Color Purple, Bass Performance Hall, runs through Feb. 1

Fort Worth Stock Show, Will Rogers Colliseum, runs through Feb. 7

Cookie Mountain (2006) After first hearing Province, I was hooked to TV on the Radio. This album outdid anything I had heard at the time. The lyrical genius behind this band is that they truly tell it how it is. It’ll make you face your demons, worries and joys while simultaneously keeping your attention with their great instrumental talent. 4. Justin Timberlake- Future Sex/ Love Sounds (2006) Former ‘N Sync member finally showed his true talent in this album. Always being in my opinion the best member of that pop group, Justin Timberlake came out showing that not only could he sing, but also he could dance as best as any white kid possible. 3. The Strokes- Is This It (2001) A definite best album for The Strokes. Every single song had the

ability of getting stuck in your head, but in the best possible way. The seemingly new sound of The Strokes caught great attention in this album with their upbeat sounds and straightforward lyrics. 2. Outkast- Stankonia (2000) The beats along with the catchy rhymes were always a sure-fire hit at any party in the 2000s. Not only fun, but also controversial, this albums B.O.B. daringly exclaimed, without question the artist’s political views. 1. Radiohead- Kid A (2000) This album will be remembered as the next best album to O.K. Computer, which unfortunately for this list was released before this last decade. The somewhat creepy instrumental talent and poetic lyrics really pull this album together to be near perfection.

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January 27, 2010


The Rambler |

Successful rival coach looks to establish cross country, track program at Wesleyan Jacqueline Wittman

Texas Wesleyan students will be able to compete in cross country and track beginning next fall. The men’s and women’s cross country and track teams will be coached by Natnael Amare, who came from Texas Wesleyan’s rival, Northwood University. However, Amare is not concerned with school rivalry issues. “Luckily with cross country and track, there isn’t much rivalry like there is in other sports,” he said. Texas Wesleyan has never competed in cross country or track, so rivalry is minimal with Northwood University in the sports. “We recognize Northwood’s cross country and track programs as the best in the conference, but we want to beat everyone, not just Northwood,” Athletic Director Kevin Millikan said. “We strive to be number one through hard work and great coaching. Amare will lead us there.” Amare left Northwood University after six successful seasons. He led Northwood to

Wesleyan week-in-sports

six Red River Athletic Conference Championships in men’s cross country, six RRAC Championships in women’s cross country, six runner-up finishes in women’s track and three runner-up finishes in men’s track. “We hired Amare for his excellence and ability to create a competitive and winning atmosphere,” Millikan said. “He was selected from eight to 10 applicants for his superior work ethic and familiarity with the NAIA.” An alumnus of Northwood University, Amare was a 20time All-RRAC selection and eight-time RRAC individual champion in cross country and track. He became Northwood’s first National Champion in 2000 after he won the marathon at the NAIA National Outdoor Track meet with a time of two hours, 33 minutes, 36 seconds. In 2003, he represented Eritrea, Africa, at the IAFF World Championships in Lausanne, Switzerland. “One of his best assets is that he is not only a great athlete, but a great coach as well,” Millikan said. “His personality and work ethic will be great for our department. He will

represent Texas Wesleyan and our new programs very well.” Recruiting has started for the programs as Amare is looking for student-athletes who are willing to work hard and are in school for the right reasons. “I am committed to my student-athletes and their success,” Amare said. “I want to win the conference championships and take the teams to nationals.” Amare said new programs bring along challenges, but he is prepared to face them. “I am going to strive to make sure the new programs reach the same level as the Courtesy of the athletic department other athletic programs at Natnael Amare Wesleyan,” he said. “I hope to host the conference champi- Worth. Training days will “I am looking forward to onship this year.” consist of the women’s team being able to compete in Amare also wants to host training first, followed im- track,” she said. “I am excited high school meets to attract mediately by the men’s team. to get started and win chamstudents to Wesleyan as he Cross country training will pionships.” believes it is good for future begin at the end of May this Along with recruiting, Amstudents to see the campus. semester. are is currently working on Cross country will start “Students are really excited hiring an assistant coach and next fall with men running an to have a cross country and will have one in place by sum8k and women a 5k. Indoor track program on campus,” mer. track will begin spring 2011, Amare said. “Everyone who For more information followed by outdoor track wants to be on the teams will about the Texas Wesleyan from March to May. have a chance.” cross country or track team, Competitions and training Sophomore Diana Lopez contact Natnael Amare at will take place at Trinity Park is very interested in the new and Gateway Park in Fort programs.

Upcoming Sports

• The Lady Rams Basketball team (10-5, 6-1 RRAC) earned a close, 64-60, conference win against Jarvis Christian College Jan. 23. Kristi Alexander led the Rams with 12 points. • The Rams Basketball team (14-4, 7-0 RRAC) beat Jarvis Christian College (9274) in confernece action Jan. 23. Jeremy Smith led the Rams with 19 points.


Time/Place 5:30 p.m. Sid W. Rich.


Women’s Basketball vs. Huston-Tillotson University Men’s Basketball vs. Huston-Tillotson University

2 p.m. San Antonio


Women’s Basketball vs. Our Lady of the Lake University Men’s Basketball vs. Our Lady of the Lake University


Baseball vs. Southwestern Univ.

2 p.m. LaGrave Field

7:30 p.m. Sid W. Rich.

4 p.m. San Antonio


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Bobby Bragan

Wesleyan grieves loss of long-time supporter, friend Joakim Soederbaum

“Mr. Baseball,” Bobby Bragan, died Jan. 21 at the age of 92. Born in Birmingham, Ala., on Oct. 30, 1917, Bragan has long been considered Fort Worth’s ambassador of baseball, joining the Fort Worth Cats’ organization in the 1940s. Bragan represented Philadelphia Phillies from 1940-42 and Brooklyn Dodgers from 1943-48 as a player. The infield-catcher missed the 1945 and ’46 seasons to serve in the U.S. military. In the ’47 season he made his only World Series appearance, after which he became a player-manager for the Cats, leading them to two Texas League regular-season and one playoff championship. Bragan later worked as a major league manager for Pittsburgh Pirates, Cleveland Indians, and Milwaukee/Atlanta Braves before becoming the president of the Texas League in 1969. “I first met Mr. Bragan in 1969,” University President Dr. Harold Jeffcoat said. “He was the Texas League president, and I played for the San Francisco Giants’ minor league team in Amarillo. I made the All-Star team and received my MVP medal from him.” Thirty-one years later they would meet again. “In 2000, he was the host of the Wesley Sunday Bible class at the First Methodist Church,” said Jeffcoat. My wife and I became good friends with Bobby and Betty Bragan.” Having moved to Fort Worth upon retirement, Bragan also founded the Bobby Bragan Youth Foundation in 1992. The foundation’s purpose is to encourage middle school students to become better scholars and community advocates. So far, hundreds of deserving eighth-graders from the Metroplex have received college scholarships from the Bobby Bragan Youth Foundation. Bragan was also a supporter of Wesleyan. Renovations of the Polytechnic United Methodist Church were made possible through his donation, and students, faculty and staff can visit the Betty and Bobby Bragan Fellowship Hall in the church. “Bobby Bragan did not only support the community in general,” said Jeffcoat. “He was a substantial supporter of the youth and Texas Wesleyan in particular, and we will always appreciate what he has done for us.” Both Betty and Bobby Bragan received honorary doctorates in the field of humanities from Texas Wesleyan in 2004. Sources include Fort Worth Star-Telegram and Texas Wesleyan archives.

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Courtesy of the special collections of the West Library

Bobby Bragan

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