The Rambler
The students’ voice since 1917
Fort Worth, Texas
October 29, 2008
Students honored long after days at Wesleyan
Dead End....
Jazzed up for Halloween
Haunted hallway spooks students
The Jazz Combo, directed by Dr. Bryan English, will perform its annual Halloween concert at 7:30 p.m Oct. 30. The evening will include a concert consisting of widely known jazz ensembles and will be followed by a reception. The event is open to everyone, including children. Don’t forget to contribute to the haunted evening by showcasing your best costume; the best will be recognized with an award.
Student Life Forum Join SGA as they extend their forum schedule to include Student Life and Residence Life. All students are welcome at 6 p.m. Nov. 11 in Wesleyan Village to discuss any issues regarding student life, procedures and rules. Pizza and drinks will be provided, and SGA will also host a double feature movie night in the courtyard immediately after.
Student Union loft renovation Student Government’s fall project has been selected. The SUB’s second floor loft, adjacent to the Carter Conference Room, will be renovated in a commitment to increase activity. Organizations are encouraged to gather their members and participate in the project. They will be compensated with T-shirts commemorating the event and will also be given a canvas that will advertise their respective organization. It will then be on permanent display. Leave your legacy on either Nov. 15 or Nov. 22. Sign up with Michael Chaney in Student Life. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Photo by Gasten Schoonover
Student Life has been overcome by the lingering spirits of the dead the whole month of October. Sticks and stones and skulls and bones leave no light but the grave’s delight. Swing by the SUB and see for yourself...if you dare.
The Texas Wesleyan Alumni Association recently announced the 2008 Alumni Medal Award recipients. These honorees, their guests and other dignitaries – including the board of trustees, previous recipients and major donors – enjoyed public recognition of their accomplishments at a formal banquet held at the Fort Worth Club Oct. 24. “We accept nominations from the campus community and alumni,” said Gina Phillips, director of development and alumni relations. “A committee from the alumni board of directors makes the final decision.” The Alumni of the Year Award, awarded to an outstanding alumnus or
See Medal, page 2
Proof that it can be done: Dean Frederic White of Wesleyan’s law school reflects on his journey to ascension EUNICE NICHOLSON STAFF WRITER
As a young boy, Frederic White spent countless hours at the local library in Cleveland, Ohio. Each week his mother would buy him a new volume of the encyclopedia from the local A & P grocery store where she shopped. He read every volume, A through Z. White applied the same A through Z weekly approach when reading the dictionary. “Reading is the coin of the realm,” White said. He believes that knowledge and insight gained by reading is priceless. White joined Texas Wesleyan this summer as the fifth dean of the school of law. He hopes to bring strength of knowledge, experience in teaching and a passion for people.
White said he believes it is very important in the early years of college for students to develop good reading and study habits. These good habits form the foundation for the rest of a student’s aca-
“ I judge people on how they treat people who they perceive to be less than them ... My wife calls me ‘Mr. Justice.’” – Frederic White Texas Wesleyan University School of Law Dean and Professor of Law demic life. Reading is what inspired White to write stories that led him to consider studying journalism at college.
In a recent interview with the Fort Worth Business Press, White said studying law became his focus instead of journalism when he attended a student demonstration to protest the Vietnam War in 1968. White said he was impressed with the lawyers that were on hand to help with legal issues students might have had at the demonstration. “I was actually accepted at the school of journalism the same day I was accepted at law school,” White said. White received his undergraduate degree in political science and law degree from Columbia University in 1973. He was admitted to the Ohio Bar the same year. Shortly after that, White practiced municipal
See White, page 2
Promoting human rights through unity, demonstration CHUCK FAIN STAFF WRITER
Sixteen years ago, Wesleyan’s Student Government Association almost denied the formation of a human rights organization on campus. With the help of Jake Schrum, then president of the university, the group revised its constitution and convinced SGA to green light the project. It was the G.L.E.E. Club, or the Gays, Lesbians, and Everybody Else Club. Today, G.L.E.E. is now GSA, or Gay/Straight Alliance. Although their name has changed, their goals have not. “The focus is more on human rights than on sexual orientation,” said Joe Brown, faculty sponsor of GSA. Equal rights for all people, gay and straight, is the main goal of the GSA, as well as creating awareness and dispelling ignorance about homosexual, bisexual and transgender people. The GSA mission statement, found on myspace under TW GSA, says its purpose is to “promote a positive and inclusive atmosphere for all people.” In the past, GSA has participated in and organized several humanitarian events such as College Day presentations, promoting awareness and toler-
ance of transgender people, educating on the difference between a liberal and a conservative Bible and highlighting the intent of groups to rehabilitate homosexuals, which produces overwhelmingly disastrous results. They have also represented Wesleyan in the Tarrant County Pride Parade and have several members heavily involved in gay/lesbian churches in the Metroplex. This semester, the GSA has seen active participation in its sponsored events, and it has even more planned. “We really want to focus on activism this year,” said GSA president Liz Cumpton. “We want to help others in the community… and provide a support system for those who need it.” GSA will partner with Soulforce, a national peaceful protest group, to stage a demonstration at the South West Baptist Seminary for their exclusion of homosexuals, some of which have taken refuge at Texas Wesleyan. Wesleyan’s GSA will also participate in the National Day of Silence on April 17, 2009, an event that raises awareness about the hateful intolerance of LGBT (lesbian gay bisexual and transgender) people. Last year’s event, according to dayofsilence.org, was held in honor of Lawrence King, a
See GSA, page 2
Nice to meet you, Mr. Forbes
Graduating in May? The registrar’s office is currently accepting applications for spring 2009 graduation. Take time to review your degree audit with your adviser to ensure that all components are in place. The deadline is Nov. 3. Applications received afterwards will be assessed a $100 late fee.
Vol. 101, No. 8
Photo by Debbie Roark
From left, Tiara Nugent, Martin Garcia, Tiffany Hanzik, Steve Forbes, Jonathan Towne, Robert Meyer and Natalie Wayman
Wesleyan's Hatton Sumners scholars kicked off their year by attending a luncheon with business giant and former presidential candidate Steve Forbes at the Hilton Anatole Oct. 23. University President Hal Jeffcoat and Grant Director Debbie Roark accompanied the scholars to the event. Following the luncheon, the scholars met Forbes and were able to ask questions concerning his speech, the status of the economy and any other relevant socio-economic topic.
Rams basketball is ranked eighth in the first preseason NAIA poll and heads the pack in the RRAC’s coaches poll. Page 5
Hungry and on a budget? The cool and hip Purple Cow might meet your expectations. Page 6