The Rambler
The students’ voice since 1917
October 8, 2008
Fort Worth, Texas
Vol. 101, No. 6
Spring break synonymous with service
2008 Alumni Medal Winners
Students, led by a skilled construction leader, will build a home for an Anarapa family. No experience is required. Members of the local church and EDITOR IN CHIEF the community will work side by side the Wesleyan team to achieve the goal. Special outreach will be extended to the local children as well. The Spring break may seem a lifetime away right now, but the opportunity for a life-changing experience may be closer than you think. The chaplain’s Vacation Bible School is calling for students gifted in singing, music, pupoffice is hosting Wesleyan’s Spring Break Mission Trip 2009 to Anarapa pets and/or artistic crafts. Not your forte? No problem, Childs said. Many children simply crave attention and affection, and the Mexico and is accepting applications romping in game time will require supervision. this month. Trip cost is estimated between $1,700- $1,900. Students will spend March 14-21 This fee includes airfare, ground transportation, housbelow the border serving alongside ing, meals, logistics, spiritual and cultural training fellow students, encountering the materials trained team leader, supplemental health Anarapa culture and making a lasting insurance and a 24/7 on-call doctor. impact on many a person’s life, said Childs asks that no student let cost stand in his or University Chaplain Dr. Gladys her way of participating, as, in her experience, every Childs. student who has desired to go has been able. Multiple “When you go to countries that fund raisers will assist you in covering trip expenses, are not as well off, it opens your eyes she said. to how much you really have,” said The mission center will board the Wesleyan team Andrea Waggoner, junior English for the duration of the trip, and meals will consist of major. “You may not think you are a Couresty of Gladys Childs authentic Mexican food prepared by the mission cenmaterialistic person, but when you see Students work on water pipes on the roof of the McCurdy ter or local ladies. how much you have in comparison to school during Wesleyan’s 2007 mission trip to New Mexico. “Students will have ample opportunity to interact the place you’re in, you realize you with the people from the area,” said Childs. really are materialistic. I sure did! It makes you grateful for what you have.” Faculty members are also invited. The Wesleyan Spring Break Mission Anapra lies on the outskirts of Juarez, Mexico, just across the border Trip is an annual expedition. Past trips include Costa Rica, New Mexico and from El Paso, Texas. According to www.missionontheborder.org, the living Austin. conditions of these people are extremely primitive. They have little running The application deadline is Oct. 27. For more information, contact water or electricity, and many of the homes are makeshift cardboard shacks. Gladys Childs at (817) 531-4461 or gchilds@txwes.edu. Most of the work that is available is for very low wages, which limits the
Honorary Alumnus - Roy C. Brooks Wesleyan Service Award - Rev. E. Frank Leach, BA ’53 Wesleyan Flame Award - Pati Alexander, BBA ’90, MSEd ’97 Young Alumni Achievement Award - Nika Maples, BS ’02 Distinguished Alumni Award - Tamlyn Wright, BA ’92 Alumni of the Year Award - Dan ’68 and Barbara BS ’68 Boulware Alumni of the Year Award - Larry BS ’63 and Carolyn Kitchens, BS ’63 Recipients will be recognized at the Alumni Medal Dinner, which will be held at the Fort Worth Club Oct. 24. Translevesleyan Halloween Party Party Halloween style in the Wesleyan SUB at 7 p.m. Oct. 30. Food, drinks, music and prizes will all be provided by Student Life.
Religious life extends a Wesleyan invite There are many opportunities to get involved in religious life on campus; multiple organizations are here to serve: Baptist Student Ministry - Meets Wednesdays @ noon in the Carter Conference Room - John Aaron and Emily Matthew, directors (817) 451-4110 Ext. 66 Methodist Student Movement - MeetsThursdays @ noon in Polytechnic UMC, 3rd floor multipurpose room - Dr. Gladys Childs (817) 531-4461 Omega Chi - Dr. Jesse Sowell (817) 531-4914 Fall Break Don’t forget that the university will be closed Friday, Oct. 10. The Rambler will not publish the week following but will return Oct. 22.
populace chances of advancing financially.
Web tools make technological advances SETH NELSON CONTRIBUTING WRITER
Technology. It’s become the knowledge and tool that we cannot go about our everyday lives without. It helps us produce a quality research paper, lets us get in touch with friends and even provides us with games, movies and music. Technology at Wesleyan has recently expanded to include things such as BlackBoard, and enhance already existing tools like RamLink and People Finder. “The IT department continues to make progress in becoming more efficient,” said Chadwick Ballenger, director of Wesleyan’s IT support services. This past year, IT revised RamLink and People Finder with the goal of improving convenience and security. RamLink (https://ramlink.txwes.edu) is the primary communication system used by
Wesleyan students and faculty for e-mail, class registration, class scheduling, electronic payments, degree auditing and checking grades. While much of the Web site may still look familiar to students, there is an additional feature intended to benefit those finishing up high school, community college or just wanting to transfer colleges. It is a section for undergraduate applicants under an orange tab. According to Marcus Kerr, chief information officer of Texas Wesleyan University, this new feature allows potential Wesleyan applicants to check the status of their admission paperwork by utilizing the same RamLink technology that the current Wesleyan community is familiar with. When admitted, one can select the major of his/her choosing, check financial aid status and search and register for classes.
Bon Voyage!
People Finder, found under the “About Us” section of the Wesleyan home page, was also changed for this semester. IT increased its security by restricting the usage to those with primary usernames and passwords. Once the name and password are entered, the search begins. For instance, if someone needs to find a professor’s e-mail address, the user types in the teacher’s first or last name, ad selects from a list of similar matches. This tool can also benefit students wanting to connect with classmates. The technology department was restructured
See IT, page 2
Texas Wesleyan Alumni Travel set to sail the Southern Caribbean in 2009
There are more benefits than just obtaining a diploma once you’ve walked that stage and graduated college. As alumni of Texas Wesleyan, further luxuries exist, such as the opportunity to travel around the world with your fellow peers and University President Dr. Hal Jeffcoat. While the rest of us get to catch rays in Texas—or wherever summer 2009 might find you—the Wesleyan alumni travel group will be enjoying the Caribbean sun on Royal Caribbean’s Adventure of the Seas cruise ship. Alumni are invited annually on escapades like this one. “Dr. Jeffcoat usually makes the decision on where the group goes,” said Scott
Couresty of Google Images
Cannon, manager of events and sponsorships. Thirty to 40 participants are expected to embark aboard the
Adventure of the Seas next summer. Past groups have cruised the Mediterranean and
explored the Roman Empire, journeyed through the streets of Spain and taken a musical tour of Vienna and Prague.
Gina Phillips, director of development and alumni relations, remembers the trip to Spain and the lasting impression it left on her. “The beautiful buildings, the gypsy coves and the whole cultural experience made it a trip to remember,” Phillips said. The next voyage sets sail in June with an itinerary that begins in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Visitors will see places such as Barbados and the islands of St. John, St. Maarten and St. Croix. There are currently no specific plans for the overnight stay in Puerto Rico, but Cannon notes that “there will definitely be a planned event that will include everyone.” As far as plans for the beautiful beaches, warm water and fabulous weather that the Virgin Islands have
See Cruise, page 2
The economy has everyone in a pinch. Think tanks offer private solutions to many economic uncertainties and unanswered questions. Page 3
Which haunted house(s) have got the crowds spooked out this Halloween season? Find out on Page 6.