The Rambler
The students’ voice since 1917
Fort Worth, Texas
November 12, 2008
Vol. 101, No. 10
NEWS BRIEFS Moving on up to the south side West Library Sale Scholastic Books are halfprice during a sale in the Orientation Room on the first floor of the library. All books, games, posters and trinkets are half off the list price, so consider shopping for young ones you know. The sale is open 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Nov. 17 through Nov. 20 and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 21. WEMS The Wesleyan community has enhanced its automated communication technology with the launch of Wesleyan Emergency Management System. Access to the system is available at the historic campus, the law campus, and in Burleson. In case of an emergency, time sensitive information can now reach students, faculty and staff in a safe and secure manner. WEMS asks that everyone log into the database to provide their contact information. Once registered, information can be sent directly to your phone. Flag Football Didn’t get to enter a sevenon-seven flag football team? Contact Assistant Dean of Students Aaron Whaley to enlist your team for the upcoming four-onfour league. Games will be starting soon. Game times and scheduling to be announced. Contact awhaley@txwes.edu or (817) 531-4871. The Menaechmus Twins
Wesleyan bookstore set to move location next semester ALYSSUM POWER STAFF WRITER
Ever felt like the university bookstore could use an upgrade, maybe some more space and more material? Well it seems you’ve got your wish. Texas Wesleyan’s bookstore is scheduled to open in its new location at 3008 East Rosedale in February. The new location is currently owned by Townside and was once home to Mods 5 & 10 store. It is part of an old strip center across the street from campus that is being redeveloped through a partnership between Wesleyan and the city of Fort Worth. The new location is designed with high ceilings, windows and 3,500 square feet of space, almost double the size of the current location in the Sid Richardson Building. The increased space will allow for more displays loaded with more merchandise. “Moving the university’s bookstore will anchor change in the area,” said Steve Roberts, associate vice president for human resources at Wesleyan. “It will open the area up for more active retail essentially benefiting the area.” Students like Christina Rueda, a junior mass communication major, look forward to the change. “I think the bookstore moving is a good idea,” said Rueda. “Most university bookstores have a wider selection, and we should too.” Photo by Gasten Schoonover The use of the bookstore’s current location is undecided at this time, The new bookstore will move into a bigger location, allowing a more comfortable administrators said. purchase. Follet will soon have 3,500 square feet of space to hold their inventory.
Common links, common goals and common sense Learning Communities bond freshmen with each other, faculty and university TIARA NUGENT
Allen Henderson to obtain a Title III grant from the U.S. Department of Education. Wesleyan received the funding in October of last year. Learning Communities are increasing in popularity at colleges and universities across the nation, said Roark. The societies vary in composition, as some campuses build their learning
At Wesleyan, each community consists of EDITOR IN CHIEF 18 students enrolled in a freshman success class (also known as GST) in addition to two academAs the arid summer drew to a close and the ic classes. This fall, students had the choice of collegiate portals swung open, 206 freshmen either English 1301 and a religion class or the interspersed Texas Wesleyan’s campus. combination of Intermediate Algebra and a busiAlthough all were greeted with the personalized ness course to satisfy the academic requirement. attention and instruction Wesleyan is In order to set students up for success, reputed for, intimidation was not elimithe three-member faculty team compared nated. Following academic advising sestheir syllabi prior to the start of the semessions, 92 of those students accepted ter to avoid exams and major projects placement in a pilot track of Wesleyan’s being due on the same day. Learning Community. In addition, faculty also avoided Designed to aid freshmen’s transition scheduling the 8 a.m. class slots when posfrom the narrow halls of high school to sible. the widespread college campus, Learning With the help of strategic course timCommunities join diverse groups of stuings and particulars, Joe Brown, director dents by placing three common on their of freshman studies, hopes to create a schedules. Seeing the familiar faces in bonded freshman community that will, in multiple classes helps put the novice colturn, enhance students’ grades. lege students more at ease and build Another goal of instilling Learning friendships. Photo by Gasten Schoonover Communities involves strengthening the “Learning Communities are all about Programs such as Learning Communites and freshman advising rate of freshman retention, said Roark. relationship building – both with peers help those new to college adjust. The office of institutional research reportand faculty – and student success,” said ed freshman retention was 63 percent this Debbie Roark, director of grants and research. communities within specific majors while others fall, as compared to the 70 percent small, private The program’s debut at Wesleyan is a result take the linked courses approach by coordinat- universities typically land. of Roark’s collaborative effort with provost ing course content. See Learning, page 2
Lady Rams atop the RRAC
Theatre Wesleyan and director Connie WhittLambert present this classic Roman comedy of mistaken identity. Showtimes are at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 1315 and Nov. 20-22. in the Thad Smotherman Theatre. There will also be a 2 p.m. performance on Nov. 23.
The element of freshman retention TIARA NUGENT EDITOR IN CHIEF
Guardians of the Shears Congratulations to the newly-elected Guardians. Founded in 1938, Golden Shears is one of Wesleyan’s oldest traditions recognizing students for their academic and extracurricular leadership. New Members: Elizabeth Fleagle Kent Halliburton Britni Hollar Amber Rayhorn Claudia Rojero
Early warning:
Courtesy of Jose Valdez
The newly-crowned champions of the RRAC defeated rival Northwood University to earn their spot in the NAIA national tournament, which will be held Nov. 22. The opponent and location are yet to be determined. Page 5
Wesleyan is working hard at one of its main goals: getting freshmen to stay in school. Over the course of the fall 2008 semester, the university increased publicity of and expanded its still young Early Warning Intervention Program. “Studies say that within the first three weeks of school students decide whether to come back [the next semester],” said Dr. Kathy Prater, director of freshman advising. “We have to reach them early.” Around the third week of the semester, every faculty member on campus received an early warning form via e-mail. Prater encouraged the faculty to complete the form for any student displaying “at-risk behaviors.” Several typical behaviors of a struggling student were identified on the form, including being habitually late to class, excessive absences, sleeping in class and failure to complete homework. Students appearing preoccupied, overwhelmed or anxious also arouse alarm. A letter explaining the program and its goals accompanied the form. Prater reminded that faculty is the first line of defense for students at risk of dropping out of college. “When I first started in freshmen advising we had a freshman retention rate of around 50 percent,” said Prater. This fall, the freshman retention rate hovered at 63 percent.
See Warning, page 2
College Life
The election is over. The people are in place. What now? Page 3
GST class produces a documentary to be shown at 2009 orientation after conducting an eggs-periment. Page 4