The Rambler, Vol. 92 No. 24

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November 18, 2009 Vol. 92 • No. 24


The Rambler The voice of Texas Wesleyan University students since 1917

Students reveal themselves at the STD, Aries and Zeta open mic night. College Life, page 4

Basketball team has strong recruiting class, experienced underclassmen. Sports, page 6

93 percent of TWU students pass bar Jonathan Resendez

Only two other Texas law schools received a higher passing rate on the bar exam than Texas Wesleyan this past July. The Texas Board of Law Examiners reported that 139 first-time Wesleyan examinees passed the bar exam. The passing rate was 93.29

percent, beating out all other Texas law schools except for Baylor and Texas Tech. “The Texas Wesleyan Law community – faculty, staff, students and alumni and friends – is proud to celebrate the success of our graduates on the Texas bar examination,” said Frederic White, dean of the Texas Wesleyan School of Law, in a university statement.

First time bar examinees from Wesleyan Law’s neighbor to the east, Southern Methodist University’s Dedman School of Law, received a first time passing rate of 90.99 percent. “Bar exam performance varies from exam to exam,” said Stephen Alton, associate dean for evening divisions programs and law professor. “Our students are working hard, and

our faculty are working hard. Taking the bar is something we take seriously.” With a passing rate of 91.14 percent in July 2007, the recent pass rate is a record for the Wesleyan school of law. Everett Chambers, director of academic support and adjunct law professor, credits well-motivated and diligent students with the perfor-

mance increase. “Students are better motivated after seeing past dips in the passing rate,” he said. Chambers teaches a bar exam review course at the law school. The class simulates portions of the bar and gives hands on experience. “It’s not just an exam, it’s a four part test of skills and materials,” he said.

Program provides laptops to students Stephanie Mejia

Laura Rosser | Rambler Staff

Standing Proud The Wesleyan community celebrates the unveiling of a 5-foot, 300-pound ram statue Nov. 12. The bronze ram was purchased by Student Government Association as part of its initiative to increase school spirit. It stands outside of the SUB.

John Liontos | Rambler Staff

Laura Rosser | Rambler Staff

Leaders at Wesleyan often speak about the need to train students for a global economy. The effort is growing younger. The Generation Hope laptop program launched last month to prepare sixth grade students to compete in the global economy. The 16-week program is the vision of Roy Brooks, member of Weslyan’s board of trustees and Tarrant County commissioner. “Generation Hope is a symbol of the great things that can happen when the community works together,” Brooks said. Generation Hope supports core classroom curriculum, but its main focus is math and science. The classes offered to the sixth graders are digital video production and editing, Web design, robotics and video game design. Dr. Bobby Deaton, Wesleyan professor of physics, helped develop the curriculum for Generation Hope. “The program is intense,” Deaton said. “My main concern is that these are sixth grade students. This program would be difficult even for Wesleyan students.” Participants of Generation Hope will attend classes twice a week on their own campuses. They will also meet

  HOPE, page 3

Burleson campus neighbors collaborate to provide funds Jonathan Resendez

The historic campus isn’t the only Texas Wesleyan campus immersed in a community. The Texas Wesleyan Burleson site is located in the heart of Burleson, about 16 miles south of the historic campus. The city of Burleson, population 34,000, has expressed an interest in higher education by creating the Burleson Opportunity Fund. The BOF is a scholarship collaboration between the city of Burleson, Burleson Independent School District, Hill College at Burleson and other community sponsors. Texas Wesleyan is listed as a 2009 platinum sponsor after donating $500 to the BOF. The BOF guarantees a oneyear, 100 percent tuition-andfees scholarship to students

“It’s commendable for the city of

Burleson to encourage its citizens to continue their education, not only at Hill College and Wesleyan, but at other schools as well.”

Dr. Harold Jeffcoat

Wesleyan President

who attend Hill College at Burleson and live in the Burleson area. In the spring of 2008, a class profile conducted by the office of institutional research listed Hill College as a top feeder school for Texas Wesleyan. Dr. Harold Jeffcoat, Wesleyan president, also believes an increasing number of students who get their associate’s from Hill College are coming to Wesleyan to finish their un-

dergraduate work. “It’s commendable for the city of Burleson to encourage its citizens to continue their education,” he said, “not only at Hill College and Wesleyan, but at other schools as well.” The BOF hosted a fundraiser for its program this Courtesy of Sally Ellertson month at the Premiere Cin- Burleson Mayor Ken Shetter (front row center) joins Hill College students at the fund-raiser. ema in Burleson that raised more than $9,000 from the ceeds from regular priced were sold for $35 and came prizes and a chance to mingle VIP passes alone. tickets and concessions went with red carpet treatment that with a Marilyn Monroe imA portion of all the pro- to help the fund. VIP passes included paparazzi photos, personator.

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