The Rambler, Vol. 93 No. 4

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February 10, 2010

Vol. 93 • No. 4 ONLINE:

The Rambler The voice of Texas Wesleyan University students since 1917

West 7th Movie Tavern tops sister locations. A&E, page 5

New senior forward provides more ammunition. Sports, page 6

$7,000 scholarship still available Jonathan Resendez

With the deadline nearing, only four students have picked up applications for the Hatton W. Sumners scholarship. The scholarship offers chosen students up to $7,000 a year, or $3,500 a semester. According to the application, students who have completed 60 hours by the beginning of the fall term, have a minimum 3.0 GPA and

have “a record of participation in campus or civic activities that benefit the university and/or community at large” are eligible. “The Sumners Scholars program is one of the most prestigious scholarships at Texas Wesleyan,” said Deborah Roark, director of grants and research. “Although the financial support is great, our scholars will tell you that the best part of the program is the opportunity to hear from nationally and internationally known

leaders and participate in a variety of policy and leadership conferences.” Roark refers to the Hatton W. Sumners Distinguished Lecture Series, where scholars have privately met with former U.S. presidents, queens and prime ministers, among other notable figures. Cecilia Hill, junior history major with an emphasis in secondary education, was selected as a scholar last April. “The application is the easy part,”

she said. “Getting the paper work, transcript and writing the essay was fun. The hard part is the interview.” Generally, 30 to 40 students apply and the in-house selection committee whittles them down to 10, Roark said. Based on the strength of the application package, about six interviewees meet with trustees from the Hatton Sumners foundation who choose three scholars. The committee asks general questions as well as specific ones pertain-

ing to the applicant’s transcripts, Hill said. The committee noticed she dropped biology twice and asked her to explain the blemishes, which were the result of increased responsibility at work. But being prepared for the interview helps. “I educated myself on the foundation and Hatton Sumners and the rest just came,” said junior criminal

Game Time

Chick-fil-A sandwich selling will continue Jonathan Resendez

Rachel Horton | Rambler Staff Stephanie Darbo, senior political science major and Blu Cru member, prepares for the basketball games. See story on page 4.

‘Blu Cru bleeds blue and gold’

Fans of the Chik-fil-A sandwiches sold in the SUB on Tuesdays and Thursdays are in luck. The sandwiches will continue to be sold until the end of the year. Whether they return in the fall is up to the director of dining servicess, said Jeremy Kirwan, operator of the Chick-fil-A at Ridgmar Mall, which supplies Wesleyan. “It’s all up in the air right now,” he said. “But we are more than willing to [come back].” The sandwiches are sold on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sandwiches cannot be sold past that time due to quality and hold time issues, Kirwan said. Wesleyan enrollment isn’t high enough for a permanent on-campus location, he said. However, a fall return could offer more options. “Right now, it seems to be going real good,” Kirwan said. “Maybe we’ll start offering chicken biscuits during breakfast hours.” Shawn Robinson, SUB store supervisor, said the sandwiches fly out of their hands. “We can’t keep them,” he said. “Some people get here 30 minutes early placing orders.” The orders vary depending on previous sales and don’t sometimes last long, he said. “It’s off the chains,” he said.

Worm caused campus-wide PC issues

Marriage help offered at Wesleyan

Conner Howell

Melissa Bates

Love is in the air, and that love can get a little stronger. The state certified marriage education course, Growing Love in Christian Marriage, will be offered at Texas Wesleyan University from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 6 in the Baker Building. The state of Texas authorized this course as one of many offered in the state providing skills to support a lasting and healthy marriage. The cost is $7.50 per couple. This cost covers the continental breakfast, snacks and a book. Participants can be engaged, married, dating or single. “Some people have even re-

  SCHOLARS, page 3

Rebecca Moore

peated the class just to refresh the information they learned,” said Gina Phillips, director of alumni relations. The GLCM course topics include commitment, communication, conflict management, companionship and lifestyle, career and finances, children and parenting, community networks and compass for the future. Couples begin by answering the In-

  MARRIAGE, page 3

At the beginning of January, a computer worm known as Conficker breached the system network at Wesleyan’s main campus. Randy Boone, senior user support specialist, has been worked to eradicate the worm since its first detection in the Wesleyan system. “A worm is a malicious piece of software that will use exploits on a computer to install itself onto other computer systems and then cause a degradation in computer resources,” Boone said. Unlike a virus, Boone said the Conficker worm, which is a pun on the word “configure” combined with the German version of a well known curse word, uses the autorun features on a computer to automatically spread itself

“The first thing Conficker does is infect any portable device connected to the machine.” Randy Boone

senior user support specialist throughout a network. “The first thing Conficker does is infect any portable device connected to the machine and modifies the auto-run files on that device,” Boone said. “So that when a user accesses the device, [the worm] will install the virus onto the computer.” Boone said Conficker’s other modus operandi is through manipulating the scheduled tasks of the computer itself. Normally when a computer is turned on, it runs specific programs automatically through a scheduled tasks

feature. Users also can schedule their own tasks to run automatically on the machine as well. Boone said Conficker will upload its own auto-run features through scheduled tasks and download files from the Internet onto the computer, thereby infecting the computer with the worm. Boone said when users restart their computers these scheduled tasks begin, and the computer is infected all over again. “So we’ve been taking steps to clean out all the scheduled tasks, disable scheduled tasks

and clean out the auto-runs,” Boone said. This means that when students insert flash-drives into computers on campus, they would have to manually access that drive instead of waiting for the menu to pop up on screen. Boone said the help desk services department first became aware of the worm’s presence on Jan. 14, the day after classes started. Wesleyan uses VIPRE antivirus, a product of Sunbelt Software, to protect its system network, and it was VIPRE that alerted help desk services to the breach in security. Barry Simpson, director of help desk services, said the IT department hasn’t pinpointed exactly how the worm originally infiltrated the system, since it could have been

  WORM, page 3




February 10, 2010

The Rambler |

Open policy shouldn’t determine service Wendy ChuckMoore Fain Opinion Opinion editor Editor

“Don’t ask, don’t tell” is a controversial policy implemented by the Clinton administration that has apparently kept our military safe from homosexuality. Those discovered to be of the homosexual orientation, under current policy, are promptly sent home in order to make our military a little safer. President Obama seeks to change all of that. Yes, the hope and change machine is bringing about more hope for homosexuals and more change for our military. Already, I hear the collective groan of the religious right. However, ultra conservative political activists aren’t the only ones opposed to this new measure proposed in Obama’s recent State of the Union address. Some members of the military are also opposed to the idea. Such issues as morale, living and bathing arrangements and good old-fashioned prejudice are cited as soldiers’ concerns for homosexuals joining the military. If contrasting private lives are so detrimental to morale, then how is our military functioning now? Are there not secular and Christian and Jewish soldiers? What about soldiers of a different ethnicity? Soldiers with varying political views? Some soldiers are of a completely different gender. How do they even begin to deal with that? As far as living and showing quarters go, I think the homosexuals have earned our trust. They’ve done a pretty great job so far of

homosexuals “Allowing to say they are gay doesn’t open some sort of flood gate of unbridled passion for anything in a uniform.” controlling their ravenous sexual appetites. As a matter of fact, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the homosexual community, on behalf of all of us breeders, for not savagely raping everyone you meet. Your restraint is appreciated. Seriously, if one soldier attacked another, physically, sexually or mentally, then that soldier should be punished and dismissed from the military. Soldiers rely on one another for survival. They are highly trained to carry out jobs that only a select group of people can accomplish, many times with their lives and the lives of others at stake. It would follow that soldiers who made it through the ranks understand the importance of their work and that completion of said work depends on everyone’s total commitment to the task at hand. Why then would soldiers put their lives, and the lives of their teammates, in jeopardy for brief sexual pleasure? Besides, being shot at isn’t much of a turn on – I’ve never heard of a battlefield fetish. The fact is, homosexuals have been in the military for years and have conducted themselves honorably until present time. Why should this change if homosexuals are allowed to be open about their sexuality? Allowing homosexuals to say they are gay doesn’t open some sort of flood gate of unbridled passion for anything in a uniform. It allows them to


continue to serve their country. Other countries have allowed openly gay troops to serve in their military for years without detrimental consequences. Countries like Germany, Britain, Israel and France (OK, maybe France is a bad example) all allow openly gay soldiers to serve, and they are some of the most powerful military forces in the world (again, excluding France). We are at war. It’s not a popular war, or a “smart war” or a war that makes any sense in any conceivable way except to secure our own interest in oil production and to settle some personal vendetta from the previous administration costing us billions of dollars and, more importantly, American lives, leaving us

in a political and strategic catch-22 that just continues to make us look like fat, bumbling idiots to the rest of the world – and where is bin Laden... but I digress. My point is: this is not a popular war, and it looks like we’re going to be in this unpopular war for some time. We also have an all volunteer military, and recruitment numbers for that volunteer military are at record lows. Given this situation, it would make sense to take any sound minded, able-bodied American willing to serve his or her country regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation. None of these traits have anything to do with a person’s ability to serve their country.

Guide to the Governor

Hutchison sounding like a little old lady Conner Howell Campus Life Editor

After two Republican primaries, it’s time to take a look at Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison. Like her archrival Rick Perry, Hutchison offers several years of strong political experience and knowledge. But unlike Perry, Hutchison seems to communicate a much more tempered approach in the policies she wants to enact as governor. Her main strategy in defining these policies, however, is by comparing them to Perry’s. On her Web site and in both of the GOP primary debates, Hutchison outlines inconsistencies in Perry’s leadership in order to bolster her own image. Her phrase, “Well shame on the governor for…” blah, blah, blah seems to make her come off as a little old lady in need of a quilt rather than a potential governor. But this is a tactic that most, if not all, practical politicians employ in their campaigns, but Hutchison needs to rely on more than just Perry’s mistakes to secure the votes she needs, especially since opponent Debra Medina could easily split the vote. One of Hutchison’s main issues rests with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). Though her philosophy on reduc-

ing congestion and improving transportation in Texas is one that is shared among her opponents, she specifically wants to focus on reforming TxDOT. Hutchison plans to implement her reforms through various efforts in budget management, staffing and improving the overall leadership of that department. But the singular initiative that Hutchison brings attention to is her intention of ending the Trans Texas Corridor. Despite its all-encompassing name, the TTC is actually broken up into several individual projects. The need for these projects, according to TxDOT, stems from the fact that from 1980 to 2006, Texas’ population has increased by 65 percent, its road use by 120 percent, yet the state’s roadway capacity has only grown by 9 percent. Since Texas’ population is expected only to continue increasing over the years, the need for projects such as the TTC will only build in pressure over time. In the past, fuel taxes have covered the costs of any major transportation project employed by the state agency, but for these new projects the revenue earned by these taxes won’t be sufficient for the expected costs of such a venture. Through the use of new toll roads, along with other revenue generating mechanisms, TxDOT hopes to fund this endeavor. But here’s where Hutchison takes issue. Hutchison disagrees with TxDOT’s proposal of creating new toll roads. She argues that the agency should be able to pull together the resources they need to improve Texas’

The Rambler Founded in 1917 as The Handout Publisher: Harold G. Jeffcoat

Jonathan Resendez, editor-in-chief Chuck Fain, opinion editor, arts & entertainment editor Conner Howell, college life editor, special projects editor Joakim Söderbaum, sports editor Rebecca Moore, photo editor Rachel Horton, multimedia editor Kelli Lamers, faculty adviser Dr. Kay Colley, faculty liaison

Letters to the editor: The Rambler, a weekly publication welcomes all letters. All submissions must have a full printed name, phone number and signature. While every consideration is made to publish letters, publication is limited by time and space. The editors reserve the right to edit all submissions for space, grammar, clarity and style. Letters to the editor may be subject to response from editors and students on the opinion page.

Member of the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press, Student Press Law Center, College Media Advisers and College Newspaper Business and Advertising Managers.

“We are not afraid to follow the truth ... wherever it may lead.” — Thomas Jefferson

Opinions expressed in The Rambler are those of the individual authors only and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Texas Wesleyan community as a whole.

R ambler Contribution

Please send all news briefs to twurambler@ Submissions due by noon Friday to see brief in the following week’s issue.

roadways through strict reform and tighter budget expenditures, rather than introducing additional toll roads. In a debate she cited specifically that TxDOT had “misplaced $1 billion” in an accounting error and has consistently mismanaged funds. She also argues against the TTC effort on an issue of protecting the property rights of individuals and the public. It states on Hutchison’s Web site that the TTC project would “consume nearly 600,000 acres of our land.” If she’s able to balance her position between both philosophies, Hutchison wants to protect individual property owners from the affects of eminent domain, while simultaneously protecting state property from what her site labels as “unaccountable private interests.” Quite a pickle. But this is not the only issue in which Hutchison uses her philosophy of moderation in order to achieve a happy, neutral balance between opposing sides. In the first GOP primary debate, Hutchison was asked about her position on abortion and whether or not she would repeal the legislation. Her answer must have come off as less than satisfactory, since she was specifically asked the question again in the second debate. As she delivered her spiel on abortion havens and how repealing the effects of Roe v. Wade would only increase the number of abortions in Texas and the U.S., she did bring up a good point. In response to the question of repealing abortion legislation Hutchison said, “I take Justice Roberts … he said he would be very cautious because there is now

40 years of settled law that has started restricting abortion in our country… and he would be very cautious for overturning [Roe v. Wade] for not knowing what is behind it.” That to me is a very valid point to make on such a heated issue. Overturning the rulings in the case of Roe v. Wade may result in people flocking to what Hutchison calls “abortion havens.” But the even more damaging effect of overturning that ruling would be the waste made of all the time, money, and legislation that has been poured into that issue. Forty years of government and social policy just undone on what seems to be nothing more than the whim of one side of the argument over the other. Hutchison is absolutely justified in taking the position she does in her response. Hutchison understands the purpose of legislation. I think she sees the reason for why our system of government operates the way it does. Though she might have the political backbone of a flip-flop, I think she’s smart in the way she plays the game. She doesn’t have Perry’s charisma or Medina’s strict value system, but Hutchison does have the experience and political savvy to know what she can do and how to do it. But that doesn’t let her off the hook. She still has yet to get over her nit-picky, back-and-forth, nuh-uh/uh-uh tiff that she has with Perry. If she doesn’t wise up to his act and stop nipping at Perry’s heels, he and Medina are gonna grab Hutchison by the tail and throw her in the doghouse.

How do you feel about gays in the military?

Danielle Bateni Junior Political Science

“A person’s sexual orientation has no relation to what the military is for.”

Daniel Martinez-Torres Junior Psychology

“It makes no difference in performance or patriotism.”

Michelle Johnson Junior Music

“I really don’t care as long as their capable of defending their country.”

Address all correspondence to: Texas Wesleyan University

The Rambler

1201 Wesleyan St. Fort Worth, TX 76105 To contact T he R ambler (817) 531-7552 Advertising Inquiries: (817) 532-7582

David Grant Junior Music

“Knock yourself out if you want to use a gun.”

Ashley Spencer Senior Education

“If they’re serving the country, it shouldn’t matter, race, gender or whatever.”

The Rambler |


Basketball fundraiser scheduled Jonathan Resendez

An infusion of fun awaits Wesleyan’s community fundraising efforts. The Harlem Ambassadors, a professional basketball entertainment group, will face off versus the Cowtown Kiwanis team for the second annual charity basketball game at 6 p.m. Feb. 19 in the Sid Richardson Center. “The Harlem Ambassadors have all played college basketball and have degrees in fields ranging from exercise science to criminal justice,” said Andria Simons, director of client and media relations for the ambassadors. “They perform approximately 220 fundraising games and entertainment events for non-profit organizations.” The Cowtown Kiwanis team includes local leaders and hometown heroes, according to a press release. The game is the result of the university’s collaboration with the Fort Worth PolyWesleyan Kiwanis Club, who split the proceeds evenly, said John Gonzales, community outreach coordinator. “Last year was definitely a success,” he said. “We raised close to $8,000.” According to the Web site,


Rambler Archives

Everyone in the Harlem Ambassadors is college educated.

the Fort Worth Poly-Wesleyan club is the result of a survey that showed that the east side of Fort Worth was underserved by Kiwanis, who focus on children. Wesleyan originally got involved with the club because a Dunbar High School student wanted a key club and Wesleyan was the closest on this part of town,

Gonzales said. The club also supports Wesleyan’s Circle K club and the Bringing Up Grades (BUGS) club at D. McRae Elementary school. Tickets are $5 per person and available through John Gonzales at 817-531-5814 or

continued from page 1

book and the Internet course to match the TWOgether requirements and make it available to couples and churches. “Our course is one of 60 plus courses that are approved by TWOgether,” Hunt said via e-mail. Hunt also said that there is research available at the Web site that shows that states save money by offering incentives to healthy marriages. Healthy marriages increase satisfaction between spouses and strengthen families, as well as reduce crime, reduce poverty and reduce domestic violence, according to the Web site. Robyn Fisk, a Wesleyan alumna and the college and

ternet MIRROR Couple Relationship Inventory before coming to the class. The GLCM curriculum was developed by Richard and Joan Hunt in 1981. The book course, updated in 2001, is ecumenical in nature and is used by the United Methodist Church for its marriage education courses. Pastors have used the GLCM couples book with more than 300,000 couples since its inception. The Hunts recently made a donation to Texas Wesleyan for marriage education, and they wanted the classes to be offered to students, faculty and staff, as well as the general community. Their efforts

were boosted by a government initiative. Effective Sept. 1, 2008, House Bill 2685 provides that couples who attend a certified eight-hour course can receive a certificate for a $60 discount on their marriage license, which is normally $72. This certificate must be used within one year of taking the course. The Texas Health and Human Services Commission started the TWOgether in Texas initiative to inform couples about the opportunity, certify courses and organize marriage education providers. When the initiative was enacted, the Hunts adapted their


continued from page 1

justice major Kristina Roberts. “They were namely concerned with civic duty and community participation.” Scholars also attend a fourday student leadership conference at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas Austin that involves sessions with speakers,

Spring 2010

interactive sessions led by UT graduates and opportunities to network with students from the U.S. and Mexico, according to the Sumners Web site. The scholarship deadline is 5 p.m. Feb 22. Applications are available in the financial aid office and extensions are


February 10, 2010

continued from page 1

transferred in several different ways. “We have our own theories,” Simpson said. “It could have been through e-mail. It could have been through a laptop, Web browsers, infected jump drive; it could have been any number of things.” But despite how far the speculation concerning the worm’s origin may go, Simpson said how the worm broke through the existing security system was because some computers may not have been properly updated over the Christmas break. Boone said every VIPRE client signs in with Sunbelt Software to check for new updates automatically every two hours. What may have happened is that some of the updates required the system to be shut down, but some

In Brief... HINI vaccine clinic on campus Tarrant County Public Health and the Wesleyan health services department are hosting an H1NI vaccine clinic from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Feb. 16 in the Louella Baker Pavillion. The vaccine is free, and the clinic is open to all. career counselor at TWU, took the class last April. She is majoring in professional counseling as a grad student. “The thing that really fascinated me was how we were going to handle our finances,” Fisk said. “It was interesting to see the breakdown of what we’d spent and would spend. My fiancée said he was glad to see that we’re on the same page concerning parenting styles.” The class on March 6 will be taught by Amy Tate-Almy. Tate-Almy is a Wesleyan alumna and works as an inde-


make sure each machine is clean. “But this process can actually be started completely over if one person turns their machine off and it’s infected,” he said. But Simpson said he and the help desk team are continually researching and developing better methods to deal with Conficker and other harmful software that could cause damage to the Wesleyan network that students depend on. And to Simpson, students are the No. 1 priority in killing this worm, because “without the students we wouldn’t be here,” he said.

computers may not have been turned off at all. “What happens is when people get back from break and they had their machines turned on, it didn’t have the updates,” Simpson said. “It powers up the old one, and it lets [Conficker] in.” From that point on, it was a process of identifying the extent of the worm’s spread and eliminating it. Boone said as of Jan. 1, 98 percent of the machines on campus were infected with Conficker. “But as of today, we’re 98.7 percent clean,” Boone said. Boone said there are approximately 1,000 computers between the law school, the Burleson campus and the main Wesleyan campus, and For videos on what to do if that it’s only a matter of time your device is infected, see before help desk services can The vaccine is also available by appointment in the health services department. For more information, contact Paige Cook at 817531-4948. Campaigning begins for homecoming Students interested in the homecoming court can begin their quest. SGA will place ballot boxes around pendent contractor teaching the federally required personal financial management course for the two Fort Worth bankruptcy trustees, as well as working as a counselor for the Depression Connection Team of Fort Worth. Tate-Almy also serves on the Alumni Board of Directors for Texas Wesleyan. “I believe people should take this class because they’re going from being a single individual to being a family unit, and they need to learn how to handle a lot of new responsibilities,” Tate-Almy said. “You

campus the week before homecoming and hold elections during the week’s festivities. Homecoming week runs Feb. 22-27. The king and queen will be announced at the basketball games at 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Feb. 27. For information on running, contact SGA at or 817-531-7550.

also have the opportunity to have serious discussions before marriage about topics ranging from money, sex, past relationships, communication and children, to name a few.” To register for the class couples must RSVP to Tate-Almy at and send the couple’s names with the $7.50 fee (made payable to Texas Wesleyan University) to Attn: Chaplain’s Office, GLCM, Texas Wesleyan University, 1201 Wesleyan St, Fort Worth, TX, 76105. Participants must attend the entire course to receive credit.

not granted. Tara Cates, financial aid secretary, said most students wait until the last minute to turn everything in. “Every time we do this, everyone waits until the day before and day of, then we get the desperate phone calls saying, ‘Can you please make an exception?’” she said.

Hear music of the highest caliber performed by Music Department students and professionals throughout the year. Your tuition helps defer the cost of these many high-quality events and virtually all are free of charge! Join us at any of these occasions for a rewarding musical experience, and get what you’ve already paid for!

Friday February 5 - 7:30 pm 14th Annual President’s Honors Concert Martin Hall Tuesday February 9 - 7:30 pm Joint Senior Vocal Recital Caitlin Fanning, mezzo, and David Gast, tenor Martin Hall Saturday February 20 - 3:00 pm SAI American Music Concert Arlington Heights United Methodist Church 4200 Camp Bowie Blvd. - Ft. Worth, TX Sunday February 21 - 3:00 pm Greater Fort Worth Community Band Henry Schraub, director Martin Hall Thursday February 25 - 7:30 pm Faculty Voice Recital Julie Whittington McCoy (soprano) Keith Critcher (piano) Martin Hall Friday February 26 - 7:30 pm Guitar Fort Worth Johannes Moller, guitar Martin Hall Tuesday March 2 - 7:30 pm Faculty Guest Recital: Melanie Hadley, piano Martin Hall Thursday March 4 - 7:30 pm Guest Faculty Recital: Carole Fitzpatrick, soprano Rob Barefield, baritone Eckhart Sellheim, piano Arizona State University Martin Hall Tuesday March 9 - 5:30 pm Joint Student Vocal Recital Leslie Elston, tenor Michelle Johnson, mezzo-soprano Martin Hall Tuesday March 9 - 7:30 pm Senior Recital Mary-Margaret Meyer, piano Martin Hall Thursday March 11 - 7:30 pm Combined Jazz Band & Wind Ensemble Concert Dr. Bryan English, director Martin Hall Tuesday March 23 - 7:30 pm Koebbe-Dunn Duo-Piano Recital Jessica Koebbe and Lori Dunn Martin Hall

Thursday March 25 - 7:30 pm 7th Annual Fisher-McDonald Duo-Piano Recital John Fisher & Bruce McDonald Wesleyan faculty Martin Hall Saturday March 27 - 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Texas Wesleyan University Youth Duo-Piano Competition in cooperation with the Fort Worth Piano Teachers FORUM Martin Hall Tuesday March 30 - 7:30 pm The Virtuoso String Quartet and Faculty Soloists On Wenlock Edge - R. Vaughan-Williams and other selections... Joseph Davisson, tenor Dr. Bryan English, trombone Maria Harman, flute Keith Critcher, piano Martin Hall Friday April 2 - 7:30 pm Guitar Fort Worth Rene Izquierdo, guitar Martin Hall Friday April 9 - 7:30 pm Stephen T. Barr Memorial Concert Stephen Beus, 2005 and 2009 Van Cliburn International Piano Competition competitor Martin Hall Sunday April 11 - 3:00 pm Greater Fort Worth Community Band Henry Schraub, director Martin Hall Thursday April 15 - 7:30 pm Wesleyan Singers/Chamber Singers Concert Dr. Jerome Bierschenk, director Martin Hall Tuesday April 20 - 7:30 pm Faculty Piano Recital Jessica Koebbe and Ilka Araujo, piano soloists Martin Hall Tuesday April 27 - 7:30 pm Wesleyan Chorale Concert Vivaldi’s Magnificat and Mozart’s Vesperae de Dominica Dr. Jerome Bierschenk, director Martin Hall Thursday April 29 - 7:30 pm Senior Instrumental Recital David Riddle, horn Martin Hall


Saturday May 8 - 7:30 pm 13th Annual Wesleyan/Highlander Jazz Festival Dr. Bryan English, director Martin Hall Sunday May 16 - 3:00 pm Greater Fort Worth Community Band Henry Schraub, director Martin Hall

For more information, visit The Music Department on our promotional webpage at music/index.htm or call 817.531.4992

1 out of 3 college students experienced the illness or loss of a family member or close friend in the last year. Talk about loss and help your friends in need by starting a National Students of AMF Support Network Chapter at your school.



College Life

February 10, 2010

The Rambler |

Measure of Blu Reviving spirit, attendance in Wesleyan athletics Jonathan Resendez

While the University of Texas has its Horn Fans and Dallas Maverick fans are “rowdy, proud and loud,” Wesleyan has its own group of sports fanatics. The Blu Cru. Founded and funded by the Student Government Association, the Blu Cru is comprised of about 20 students whose main goal is to increase school spirit while getting a rise out of the hometown and opposing athletic teams. The Blu Cru made its debut at the men’s basketball game when Wesleyan faced Huston-Tillotson Unviersity. “It was crazy, madness,” said Heath Scott, SGA president. “We were bouncing off the walls, and students came up to me afterwards begging to be on the Blu Cru.” A few hundred dollars were used to buy T-shirts and face paint for the group which hopes to have lanyards and head and wrist bands soon, Scott said. The group’s inception is the second leg of a campus-wide SGA initiative to boost school spirit, he said. Kevin Keathley, senior religion major, said the Blu Cru aims to encourage the Wesleyan team and act as a nuisance towards opponents. “When the opposing team shoots free throws we start yelling, and I’ll make crazy

Conner Howell | Rambler Staff Heath Scott, Amanda Moten, Kevin Keathley and other members of the BLu Cru get pumped as they swarm around University President Dr. Harold Jeffcoat at halftime at the men’s basketball game Feb. 6.

faces to try and distract them,” he said. “Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.” Hoping to create a name for

themselves, Keathley said the Blu Cru’s presence is probably disconcerting and annoying to opposing teams.

Members said increased school spirit remains their goal above increased attendance at games. “The ultimate Blu Cru will not only be able to instill support for Wesleyan athletics but school pride, spirit and of course fun on campus,” said sophomore history major Amanda Moten. “It would be really cool to have enough people to where everyone doesn’t have to show up and we could have smaller Blu Cru squads,”Moten said. Moten also said she hopes the basketball games are only

the beginning and that they can eventually branch out to the other sports. Trent Sandles, freshman English major, echoes the thought. “A lot of our teams are top in the nation,” he said. “But not a lot of people know that or get involved.” The Blu Cru prepares for games by spreading the word and meeting an hour beforehand to hash out a game plan. “We’ll meet up 30 minutes to an hour [before] depending on the magnitude and go over the routines, yells and huddles

we’ll do,” Sandles said. Moten said the group discusses what did or didn’t work from the previous game and to remind each other about their purpose to be extreme fans. “The opposing team is never going to enjoy the obnoxious fans,” she said. “But our faculty, players and coaches have told us how much they appreciate us.” Sandles said the Blu Cru is beginning to make headway. “We’re seeing a little more school spirit but it’s going to take time,” he said.

A night to remember

Yeah. We’re everywhere. But start here:

The Rambler

The Voice of Texas Wesleyan University Students Since 1917

Rebecca Moore | Rambler Staff The annual 14th President’s Honors Concert Feb. 6 features 11 select singers performing a variety of classical music pieces throughout the course of the night.

The Rambler | Angels possess people in Legion.

Legion fails to inspire Conner Howell

Much like the other biblically-inspired, apocalyptic film to come out this year, the title Legion implies the overall story. Floods of angels come to bring devastation to humanity, since God decides humans are no longer worthy of salvation – again. However, the archangel Michael (Paul Bettany) rebels against God’s will in defense of humanity’s saving grace. What is that saving grace? It just so happens that it comes in the form of an unborn child of a waitress named Charlie (Adrianne Palicki), who works at the aptly named Paradise Falls diner. It’s so good it must be providence. But providence certainly didn’t do casting for the film. The hapless owner of the epic-fail diner, Bob Hansen (Dennis Quaid, Mr. G.I. Joe himself), comes off as a weak rendition of the old man with broken dreams. The even weaker link in this acting chain is his son, Jeep Hansen (Lucas Black), who’s just such a nice guy and who wants to be with Charlie, but he’s too much of a weiner to do anything about it. The remaining cast members deliver equally shallow and forgettable performances as they hamper the actionoriented pulse of the film through their emotionally trite scenes of figuring out if humanity deserves salvation when the audience already knows the answer is yes. If the point of Legion was to answer that question, then I’d recommend watching The Passion of the Christ again. Throughout the rest of the movie, Michael and the diner patrons fight off hordes of angel-possessed humans until the baby is born. This should be the big payoff to having to wait through the half-baked drama cooked up by this “talented” ensemble, but the action sequences just come off as noisy and anticlimactic rather than exciting. The concept of faith in a time of doubt is a subject I’ve touched on before. But this movie makes me want to go agnostic with the way it portrays God and the relationship He has with His creations. At the end of the film, Michael shoots down from heaven to stop Gabriel (Kevin Durand) from smiting the child with his almighty mace. Gabriel, of course, can’t understand why God favors Michael again and Michael says, “You gave Him what he asked for, and I gave Him what he needed.” So, if you’re having a bad day and think that God isn’t listening, don’t worry. According to the heavenly archangel Michael, he’ll get over it.

Arts & Entertainment

Feburary 10, 2010



Movie Tavern makes movies marvelous Jonathan Resendez

Everyone might as well forget about the other Movie Taverns in Fort Worth. The new West 7th Street location has them beat. Located about 15 minutes away from Wesleyan in a posh retail area, the West 7th Movie Tavern is more like the Angelika theaters in Dallas than either of its Hulen or Ridgmar counterparts (minus the Indie films). Parking wasn’t an issue, even on a Friday night, but it’s wise to buy tickets online beforehand – several of the new releases were sold out for the primetime showings. Moviegoers are treated to a mammoth King Kong movie poster as they travel up the two flights of elevators leading to the box office and bar dining area. The indoor setup, along with the balcony tables that The new Movie Tavern in Fort Worth is a night’s worth of entertainment all in one place. offer killer views, give this theater a classier feel than its ounce Tavern Tanker) and a menu of Chili’s-esque restaurants, while the sister locations. that caters to regular and eclectic food quality is a bit better. For those Student tickets were only $7. That’s tastes. Drinks range from $4 domes- who splurge, the six item dessert $2.50 cheaper than a ticket at the tic beer to a $32 bottle of Merlot. menu only costs $26.50 combined. Rave Theater in Ridgmar Mall, and The cash-strapped college student The best thing hands down about the Movie Tavern offers the same might consider eating something this Move Tavern is the seating. It high-quality DLP projection. beforehand or sharing something has comfortable leather seats that The theater has a full service bar with friends at the theater. However, recline slightly and have cup hold(yes, patrons can bring their 38 the food prices hover around those ers along with a swivel table to hold

Jonathan Resendez | Rambler Staff

the food. The staff is friendly, if not a tad slow in bringing orders (which is common at all Movie Taverns). Overall, the theater has my vote for best place to watch, drink and eat in Fort Worth. Everything was clean and enjoyable—including the bathrooms.


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February 10, 2010


The Rambler |

Rams fall to Oklahoma City University Jacqueline Wittman

The Texas Wesleyan Baseball team lost to third-ranked Oklahoma City University in a doubleheader Feb. 6, 6-4 and 18-0. In the first game, the Rams started off strong as both teams remained scoreless until the third inning. Junior pitcher Kody Thiebaud kept the Stars guessing, not allowing any successful hits from the start. In the bottom of the third, senior outfielder Ryan Jacobi started the scoring for the Rams. Leighton Rush, senior shortstop, and Nick Schrock, senior outfielder, added backto-back doubles. The Rams led 3-0 until OCU answered in the top of the fifth with two runs. Mark Purser was the first to score

for the Stars after the Rams committed an error. The Rams responded in the bottom of the fifth when Jacobi stole second, scoring the last run of the day for the Rams. OCU trailed 4-2 but took the lead and the win with three runs in the top of the seventh. In the second game, the Stars came out strong and took the win, 18-0. Starting pitcher for the Rams was junior T.D. Huett. Freshman Jacob Lyons came in for relief in top of the first. With a three-run homerun from infielder Matt Presley, the Stars totaled five runs by the end of the first. The Rams remained scoreless as Stars’ pitcher Mike Richard never cooled down. The Stars had six runs in the top of the third, leading 11-

0. The Stars kept going with five more runs in the fourth. Infielder Kirk Walker and outfielder David Grellner finished off the match with two runs for the Stars in the seventh to take the 18-0 win. In the NAIA preseason baseball coaches’ poll, OCU was picked by league coaches to finish second in the Sooner Athletic Conference after No.1 Lubbock Christian University. OCU tied for third in the NAIA World Series last year and has the most wins in college baseball since 1991 with Florida State University. The Ram’s split a doubleheader against top-ranked and defending national champions Lubbock Christian University Feb. 7, losing the first game 2-1 before securing a 1-0 win in the 10th inning of game two.

Jacqueline Wittman | Rambler Staff Ryan Ragsdale with a hit against Oklahoma City University.

Jamel White’s fire power adds to success Jacqueline Wittman

Jamel White

The Texas Wesleyan men’s basketball team continues to build on its success after adding transfer forward Jamel White to the lineup. The new Ram has made an immediate impact on the team. White, a senior forward transfer from Oklahoma City University, was a late sign-on to Wesleyan on Dec. 18. “White and Terrell Henry have joined the program, and having them in the lineup has made a significant difference,” said Head Coach Terry Waldrop. “Our goals are still the same, but Jamel has added another dimension to Courtesy of Athletic Department our success, on the offensive end. Jamel is a 3-point fire

power that we were lacking. He brings a lot of confidence to the court.” White was named Red River Athletic Conference Men’s Basketball Player of the Week for Jan. 25 to Feb. 3. For the week, he averaged 30 points per game and scored a seasonhigh of 37 points in a win over Huston-Tillotson University. White played two seasons at the University of Nebraska prior to attending Oklahoma City University. In 2005-06, he was named to the Big 12 All Freshman team, averaging 8.7 points per game. As a sophomore, he averaged 9.3 points. White was heavily recruited but chose Wesleyan to finish his senior year. “I felt a mutual connection with the coaches at Wesleyan,” White said. “I am proud to be part of such a successful team and great program.” White said the chemistry of his teammates is something

Wesleyan week-in-sports • The Lady Rams Basketball team (14-6, 10-3 RRAC) picked up a pair of conference wins against Texas College (Feb. 4) and Paul Quinn College (Feb. 6). • The Rams Basketball team (17-6, 10-2 RRAC) lost to Texas College (Feb. 4) and beat Paul Quinn College (Feb. 6). • The Rams Baseball team is 2-3 after losses to Oklahoma City and a split with Lubbock Christian University Feb. 7.

“Jamel has added another dimension to our success. He brings a lot of confidence to the court.”

Terry Waldrop

Head Coach

he never experienced before. “All of the guys get along on and off the court,” he said. “Our chemistry carries onto the court, and we know how our teammates play and what they can do. We are all thinking alike and want to win.” White is from Brooklyn, N.Y., where he grew up with LA Clippers guard Sebastian Telfair. “Sebastian has opened many doors for the people from our hometown,” White said. “He takes care of his responsibilities in basketball and life, and I get a lot of advice from him.”

After Wesleyan, White plans to play overseas and then return to take a chance in the NBA. The 10th ranked Texas Wesleyan men’s basketball team had a home court winning streak of 32 games. The Rams lost their first home court game in two years against Texas College on Feb. 4. The Rams have an overall record of 17-6 and 10-2 in conference play. The Rams will play at Southwestern Assemblies of God University at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 11.

Upcoming Sports




Women’s Basketball vs. SAGU Univ. Men’s Basketball vs. SAGU University.

5:30 p.m. Waxahachie 7:30 p.m. Waxahachie


Baseball vs. Concordia University

noon LaGrave Field


Table Tennis: Texas Wesleyan Open

Sid W. Rich.


Women’s Basketball vs. Univ. of Southwest Men’s Basketball vs. Univ. of Southwest

5:30 p.m. Hobbs, NM 7:30 p.m. Hobbs, NM


Baseball vs. Tarleton State University

3 p.m. Stephenville

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