The Rambler Vol. 101, No. 3

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The Rambler

The students’ voice since 1917

Fort Worth, Texas

September 17, 2008

NEWS BRIEFS President’s Kickoff and Benefit Concert Texas Wesleyan pres-

Vol. 101, No. 3

A day of remembrance and friendly discussion

ents the music department’s

Patriot Day sparks campus forum

benefit concert featuring


The Lamaze School of


Singing. The event will be held at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 19 in Martin Hall. Admission is free. A reception will follow.

Wesleyan Fun(d) Day The



Advancement invites everyon to join them for lunch at the Louella Baker Martin Pavillion from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 18. By donating $5 to the Wesleyan Fund, lunch will be provided. Show your pride by wearing your denim and school colors!

See you at the pole This year’s see you at the pole rally will be held at noon Sept. 24. Join other students and faculty on the mall in front of the West Library to pray for the well being of the Wesleyan community and our great nation.

Want to take a dive? Attention faculty and saff: Wednesday night scuba classes are beginning Sept. 17. For more information, contact Pam Rast at (817) 531-4876.

Visited RamLink lately? Don’t forget to utilize the RamLink tool offered to stu-

September 11, 2001; it only seems like yesterday when this blessed nation lost so many in the face of violence and hatred. The seven-year anniversary was recognized at Texas Wesleyan at a forum on presidential campaign issues hosted by Gamma Sigma Sigma. Lt. Col. Rodney Joye, Wesleyan Army ROTC professor of military science, commenced the panel discussion with a soldier’s prayer. The lobby of the student union building had never felt such patriotic and harmonious silence – a silence of remembrance, honoring those who had fallen on that dreadful day. Joe Brown, theater professor, reminded those in attendance that although this was an event inviting friendly and political debate, as they “were doing it in honor of those who lost their lives and in honor of the families and their loved ones.” In what was originally organized to be a Gamma Sigma Sigma rush event, according to President Henna Rehman, the event bolstered political enthusiasm and encouraged the students to speak out and stand up for their views. Of the students in attendance, the more obvious choices to lead in discussing their respective party’s views stood up. Kent Halliburton, president of the Wesleyan Democrats, and Blake

Shonuga, head of the College Republicans, led the dialogue on their parties’ behalf. The first topic discussed was health care. As an issue fresh on the minds of many Americans nationwide, it sparked heated debate. Republican presidential nominee John McCain’s vision for improving health care reform encourages competition amongst providers to match people’s needs, lowers prices to a manageable level and provides a tax credit to cover individuals’ costs. Democratic candidate Barack Obama believes that a national health care plan is available and is in the country’s best interests. His plan includes guaranteed eligibility, comprehensive benefits and portability and choice. Halliburton defended Obama’s plan to obtain “affordable [health care] by increasing availability.” He defended his stance in saying that as “one of 37 million Americans without health care,” he worries about finding the right solution to the problem. Shonuga’s rebuttal argued against the plan for universal health care by reinforcing the fact that “the expense comes out of [Americans’] tax money.” How is the program going to be funded and “where is the money going to

Photo by Gasten Schoonover

Sid Richardson Gym reaches final phases of construction The gym floor was replaced with orthopedically-pleasing maple, and the new bleachers will be a safe alternative to the old ones. The new roomy seating will also feature some stadium-style seats with backs that fold up when needed.

See Forum, page 2

Dora’s got a brand new bag Distinguished kitchen veteran, Ethel Hicks, has faculty dining room named in her honor KATIE SLATEN STAFF WRITER

The Dora’s Residential Restaurant that Wesleyan knew last year went through a little change this summer. Its new addition is the Ethel Hicks dining room, an area in the northeast corner designed primarily for faculty to come, converse and enjoy a nice meal. While the new room was created primarily to encourage more faculty members to eat lunch on campus, it is also playing host to meetings and events. The Hicks dining room is named after a lady who has spent decades working with the dining facilities at Texas Wesleyan. “She has been here for 39 years, through three or four food companies, and has called in sick maybe three times,” said Joseph Barnes, director of food services. “That’s amazing.” Hicks is one of a kind, dining staff said. She knows how to get it done in the kitchen and is very deserving of the honor. Staff also said that the room is a hit. “The new dining area has been quite a success, as many professors and other faculty members have used it since its opening,” Barnes said. A Kiwanis group of more than 25 recently used the new facility. Kiwanis International is known for revitalizing neighborhoods by introducing programs, tutoring and other projects.

Photo by Gasten Schoonover

A new room in Dora’s is intended to attract faculty to eat on campus.

The Hicks dining area is getting so popular that groups within the university are asking to rent out the space for special occasions. In response to the high demand, Barnes said that Dora’s “is not currently renting the new space out to organizations,” but they are willing to work around scheduling to fit everyone in. The cozy and spacious room provides a pleasant and welcoming environment for those who choose to use her services. The Ethel Hicks dining room is open to faculty from 7 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday and welcomes on campus personnel on Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

dents via the Wesleyan home page. Make sure your grades, schedule and degree audit are all current. Don’t forget that Sept. 25 is the last day to remove an “I” letter grade.

Congratulations Wesleyan professors Dr. Katherine Prater and Dr. Thomas Klaasen received the



Award from the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of the United Methodist Church.

Convocation 2008 Photo by Gasten Schoonover

Faculty, staff and students fill the sanctuary at Poly UMC during the academic convocation Sept. 11. Trustee Janie Faris was the keynote speaker.

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