Volume 22, Issue 3 (February 1990) - The Rampage

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My 1on1uc " 1hc- rcn ,,1 .1 ruJ , , .. r11cr


Volume XXII Number J

Third Russia Trip a Success

b� ,ina l'eicher .and Michelle (;rt"t'nbe.r� hnn;\1r, rllghr 106. nov. bo,lHJ111g" \\"1lh J l.i,t flufl) of �i...<.e, anJ f()()Ob)'e-\� 1v.chc rC'p­ rC"cnt,ll1'-C' of R.1111.ll boarded 1he pl.1114: bound for 1hc So, 1e1 Union 1 hc iroup con\1,1eJ of nine 1un1or-... �lu.hJcl UemtJn. Darnel Udlt�. \1tt. hclk Gn·cn�rg. E.. , Iha Gm ..... AIJn ,\ltlfani. z\ I Romm. Juht' Stern, N1n.1 Teicher. and ChJvJ Werber. and their three ach 1-,er�. �h DcC"l.lcc Bcn..-:1, R:1bb1 Uri Gordon. anJ Rabbi YO'-l'l Wc1...cr TIH\ thmJ RJmat tnp lo lhc SO\ lei Union OClurn·J JI :i time ol grca1 h ....1011 .... gn,rilancc All 0\Cf EJ,1cm Euroix people 11tere f1gh11ng for .and 11t1nnin� democracy Thal \ cry \\ eek. Ruman,Cen dcmonstralors had 0'-C'rlhrown the country's Com-

Mid-East Crisis Visits Ramaz b) Lis.a A"'chkcnn�) ant.I (;u)' Beniamino, ltt On JJnu.H) .t, 1hc Jumo, clu,"' 1ool.. p.vc 111 a h"lonc .a l ,,rnulJt11>1l 4..o,nnJ,n,11("<.1 hy \Ir ChJn.ul ., .. ch Jnd M .. U'Jh Pra1Acr ol YcJJ1m 1,m<'I TI,c momrni long pro�rJm dcJh \.I.1th lhc ,\rab f,ra.:h .._nn ihu Ti:n d1fkr('nt UHC'rc,1 �roup" � i:rc rt'pre-.en1ro h, Jppro,inu1c I) 1cn ,1ulenl< .u11.J On<.' r.1t,.uh) tMml,,cr each Thc,c Jruup, 1 11 l ludcd f1\'e �ltJllk l:..1,1c11l countne, [�) f>I Jon.J.m. k.14. t, r.iel. nnd S)rtJ, 11,1,0 ,upcrpo"'cr,. 1hc U S A•nd U.S SR, 1hc PLO. lhe U • onll the mcdm ;\n or­ g:11111..auon called Co111rol ,upcr , 1<;.cd 1 n t(·r a c 110 11, be1v.ecncou111rie-, and recc1 ,ed documcnt.111011 of all ac11on, un dert:U.en TI1e go.:il of 1hc ,1mul.i 110n wJ.-. lO learn about in1cm3l!Orull rt'la11on.-. 1n ::an rnfm nul v.ay E'-C"f) par11e1pant rcce1,C'd :1 foldrr containmg pamphlc1.-. "11h

1nfornu111on pertaining to lhe 1. 1 mula11on 11\clf and 10 each counlq or organ1za11on The game ,on,1,tC'd of 1hrcc �IJl!t'\' prt'par.i11on, in1crna11onJI r;la llon,. ,ind the finul s1agc During 1hr prepJrJIVf) ,IJge CJCh iroup tur1,ul1ed 1he pJmphle1s 10 order 10 llC\.tdc on long 1cm1 .:anJ ,hon lerm tUJIS During the tnlt'mJ 1100,11 rcl:111om s1ag.r. 01¥an11..d 1100, Jrrunged meellnF' "llh C'Jch mhC'r Jnd lflt'd to sign 1rcat1t', Lach �roup �• up J hun-auuaq 10 ,le.ti "11h lh(" ncco�ar) pJrcr• worl A form v.a\ filled 0111 10 llnungc 1ncet1ng:,, ,.,gn 1rea11e-.. or tu rclc-"C' mlormttuon 10 the 1:>rc'\li C11p1c1; ofthe form were scn1 10 the involved pJn1c.s and 10 C0n1rol Cur11ro1', pcr1n 11is1on wali re• qum:d 10 declare "ar or execute 1c1Ton,1 ucL, E,cry fiflcen 10 llur• ty nunutC'S ncv. s bullet ms v.cre aired o"cr 1hcPA system by the Suml11nc rot.ho s1a11on These n e w s briefs informed 1he countncs of evenl.s and allowed them 10 respond acconJmgly

;• ��•�% '!'�"'. -Students Evaluate Evaluations the capital cuy or Estoma.. on Fnday. December 22. :after l""o d:ays or 1ra\ehng The group found thal the' .spmt or l,bt.ny h3d rca hrd f!.\10111:a as well ,\s G1dron Pa_JCn..�on, lhc leader of the Jcw,)h commun11y thrrc ex­ plained. thr Estonians h1sroncaJly h:avc not con.s1dcrcd thcm.schcs. partof lhe Soviet Union. :ind there 1.s a pos..s1b1l11y of rcvoh. Th11i 1en­ s1on ha� ""orr,ed 1hc Estoman Jcw1�h communlly Es1onian Jews. accepted ncuher by the Es­ tonians nor by 1he Russums. feel trapped between lhc 1wo group One Jewish girl noted, '"Th!' Rus• ....ans speak Ru�1an. the Estonians (Contmurd orr pogr J)

Inside this Issue: Extracur­ ricular Update (page 4) Danny Siegel visits Ramaz (page 5)

February 1990 / Sheval 5750

The Ramaz Upper School


Dr. Slone und hill\'. \ludrnl'i'. plan strul"lt' ' during lhc Mid-East Slrnuluflnn Game. In the final ,1.1gc of 1he g.1mc a,,ass1nat1on.... and made u mt',:, c.11:h ori;.u111JUon'li Icade, m.idc a of 1he uuduonum Ill the procc, .. clct:,1ng M,llcment and took que\- Nav�h olxcrvcd th3t each country rt-prc,.cn1ed itself a,. a pcocc­ 11011) from 1hc prt�� .iveh noled rn hi:, clo,1ng lo\ 111g na1ion He mcnuoncd 1ha1 rTmJr�\ the degr('(" 10 "'hich the 1hc group ponr.iying hracl had 10 1-11nulallon paralleled real-life de::il v- 1th many of the actu.il d1plom:acy The p3r11c1pant� problems of a co:1l11100 go,cm)1gncd and broke trca11es. tried to 1ncnL :l\""eh cl()S('d the progr.1m m:m,puhne the med&a, a1u:mptcd (Conu,u�d o" pag� JJ

b) Nina Tcic.htr The aJmin1.-.1rouon's dL-c1s1on 10 n:-place report cards v. 11h anec­ dotal evaluations has generated nuxed n:acuon, Many .-.1udents were not �ttl!li• ficd wuh 1hc evalun11011 fonnal Thcy comph11ncd rhat le:tchcrs J1d 001 fill ou1 the comnicnt." -.ccrion Junior Arash Cohan C'(phuncd th.ll "cnluauons were a sncal)' way for 1he adnunL'11r.U1on to force us 10 v.ork ,n the first and 1hin:J quaners bccau.-.e now the grades from 1hcse quarter.-. will br avenged inlo our ,econd and founh quarter rtpon card grades: �fany fruhmcn had �1m1lar com­ plainu Th<y f<h lh>111 lhc beg,n• n1ng of 1he school yc;ir their grades ....ere low bcc;iusc 1hcy wcrr nol yet accustomed 10 Ramu They were up,ct thot lhc.-.c low grade, "'ould count toward., 1hc1r .semc.Jler grades One fre"hman ,:ud lh:11 "1f 1he purpose of rhc cva.Juat1om, wa, to prevent II bombard�nl of IC\1.5 and (luincs during 1hc las1 week of l.11e firs1 quartc: , 1hrn they failed rn their purpo�. Junior Karen Wogncr noted . 1ha1 .,here wa� not enough 11mc bcl�·cen recr1vtng the C\IUIUUIIOl'lli and the t-nd or \Ccond (1uur1cr io corrccl the m11,111Le, thal the teacher, had po1111cd uu1 11, u) Another cn11c1'im cenlercd on 1� cv:duauon,· vagurne�, One sophoroorr- �,d. I did nol whJt the difference was t-.c1�cen recr1v1ng a ·�uod' or :i 'vt-ry good • TI1c evalua11on�d1d no11tll 0


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E"■luation rtpor1.�: is tht new systtm MUtr? me where I in 1hc rla-.s." Some �tudcn1s were pleased by Fre1;hman Mindy A chkcnasy t h e ch :1n ge . Junior Claire agreed l.11at "the evaluauons were LowcMtcin fell 1hat "11 wns grci'lt 1ha1 we d,d 1101 receive oc1ual VCI)' unmfonnauvc." Robbi Don Frankd had mixed grodc._, ycl we s11II lea.med how feclmgs aboul the new sy ..rcm. we were doing 111 each of ourclasllc called the evaluation rcpons scs and 11t·ha1 our truchco 1hougl11 "an t-ducauonal improvcmen1 or us," One sophomore eomo�er the old system of g1v1ng lcucr mt'nled. "f � a.s happ)' to learn how £r.tdcs," bul ocklcd 1ha1 he found II I was dom, m each a.\f)CC'I of all d 1fricul1 10 complete c,alu.:11100,. my ch,,.�, ms1cad of JUSI rcct1vfor many srudcnl\ whom he did mg 11n O\er.dl leucr 1;r.adc .. no1 know v.cll enough


Please Stop Anxiety over Testing b_,- Rost:Sara frintrman and Nina Teicher Prepara11on for 1hc SAT 1s un­ dt'rway. TI1c juniors received their PSAT scores las1 month. und on January 31, a rcprcscnt:111ve of Stanley Kaplun·s SAT Course vu11ed Ramaz. 10 admm1s1cr a dlagnosuc SAT 10 35 iun,ors. PSAT scores anwed I.ale at Ramu 1his year. Usually. schools receive 1hc score rcpons by m1d­ Dcccmbcr. bu1 this year. studcni., did not cc1 1hc1r rq,ons unul :after Winier ,•ac.i1..1on. Although some Junior, studied for the PSAT. col­ lege gu,cbncc coun�lor Dr Eduh llomg docs 001 encourage mtcn.§C pn:pa.rauon. "The PSAT 1s mcanl .. Just 1og1vc sruden1S:m 1clc:a of 1he verbal and m31heml:11cal areas m v.hich they need to 1mpro""c for lhc real S AT." Rabbi Jay GoldminlZ 3Ckkd Iha! lhe PSAT helps fam1h::mzc s1udents with the types of questions lh:Jt appear on 1hcSAT. PSATscorcsnrc no1scnt ro colleges, and urc only seen by 1hc studcnl and lhc col lc!;e guidance officers. ln udd1tton, the �ores arc used a.s ::i qualifying te.5t for Nn11onal Men1 Scholarship awards. Dr Honig sugg.e,.ti: th:al �,u� dcnb review their score n:ports carefully 10 pmpomt the specific <ril..1lls wuh which they arc having J1fficully.For example, .\he sn1J. a (Con11nu,d on pa�, 51

February 1990 I She vat 5750

The UamPagc

Page 2

Letters to the Editor


member wn\l.. by anJ remove them. She wa} �horcly followed by llu: culprit. v,..J,o 1....tlml)' "'al�cd by ,ind pu t new tlyen t1p Cunou,cr and cuno,cr durmg my four•pcnOll lounge �la) I ob�n cd 1h1'iC)Ck conlinul'd MJmc thn:c: or four time, Why WU) !lw.. :1dn11111\tr,111011 member ,o upset by thl' con1cn1 of thellyc�, Who know-. MJybc II had ,omcthmg to do with 1hc con• tentof thcll)er\mes.sagc "O,c:r1hrow your local �o,crnmenl . nov. ,. Who wa, the offending nycr putter upper' I'm nol tell� mg But 1hcrc\ a much mon:- 1m­ ponan1 quc')11on here \,hy 1\ lhcrc not a bulletin board belonging c.,. dus1,dy 10 Ihc <;.1udcnh for th\.'1r ov. n u,;c') S1udc-n1s could u,c such a lx,ard ro po,1 JOb mfom1Jt1on, concen mfo. 1ounng offcr!I, or Form IV e,cn JU'' 10 (ga,p) c.,prc�s 1hc1r own op1niom about ,ome1hmg A public forum of such an ongoing To 1hc Ed11or I "'a' \\1lnc:,, 10 a par11cularl) nJ1un:: could he of gn:at u� 1l1e �hool can spare one bul• cunou, phenomenon on FndJy, February 2 Throughou1 the letm boorJ lllC' adm1111,1ra11on ha� plenty alrcndy And they con ,chool, the bulle1111 board.;; had p1cCC!I or paper on them com• Leep close watc.h 1o malc ,ure tha1 m<"morat1ng the dca1h of Sid v,. Rchm�u,�l'lii Seven DH"I) Words c1ou, From Ill) \ antagc pomt 1n arc kept under cover After all. 1hc ,,,1h Ooor lounge. I ob-.ervcct "c'rc not a,Ling for complete one pamcular admm1"ilr:J1ton

To the Editor ;\ pupul::ir m 1:,.cuncq>1ao11 rc:gJn.llng 1h1, past New Yeur� Al a recent SFAC merting, it ,,as proposed that Ramaz Oa) ha, troubled me It ,.., the f�11,c -cadc bcgJn on slarl a chapter or the Nalional Honor Societ\'. The National b..-l1ef thm o nt:w d.... Honor Society is an organization in schoo·ls that s,�ks to fanuar) I. 1990 lf"c look b;,ck promote academic excellence. leadership qualilics, and .-om­ 10 the ,1an or the Common Em. \H' munit) scnice by recognizing students who exhibit these sec 1ha1 1he )'C'ar 1hat followed I [IC E. was I C.E.. 1101 0 C.E traits. The possibilil) of joining such an organization raises Thu,; 1hc liN decade of the Com• many serious issues. mon Era ended aflcr the ycnr 10, Perhaps the most important issue is that of standards. and the -.crood decade began at According to the rules of the National Honor Societi•, almost m1dn1gh1 on January I, 11 an)one with a 3.0 lB) or higher grade point average is eligible Sumlar!)', contrJry 10 w1dc'iprcad for membership. At least 75% of the Ramaz student popula­ bc-lu:f, the 199th decade v.1II �nd tion meets this requirement. It would clearly be unthinkable after the yc:u 1990, and thl' 2001h to Induct 300 students into an Honor Sociell• in a school of dccndc will hcgan m 1hc )t'ar Ramaz·s size : it would be no great honor to be a member of 1991 �1, any ad,crllst'r, :.tnd such a society. In addi1ion, to exclude a small number or media figure, have c11p1u11t1ed on students from such a society "ould , iolate the Judaic prin­ 1h1) m1.sconccp11on 1l1cy arc. un• fonunately, a year early ciples of sensithi• ty and toleraliun. M1nam Golomb I lorTman

A11 Honor Society Chapter is 110 Honor

According lo National Honor Society re�ulations. each school or chapter can set itsO\\ n standards for induction. But, at Rama1., what would ihese standards be? If, as \\US sug­ gested at the SFAC meeting. admi,sion were lo be based on liiomc sort of character or religiouslmorul requiremtnl, nho would decide what this requirement \\t>Uld be? How could it be mei? If the academic standards ror induction ,u.·rc lo be more rigorous than the minimum rcquin•ments, lhen the rompeli• lion and pressure that is so pcnashe at Ramaz \IOU Id only be intensilied. Furthermore, \\hat purpose would be sened b,• an Honor Society including perhaps only the top ten studcn� in rach grade'? Top students are a"are or their abilities; to recognize them publicly would only create animosity and di,•ish·rncss. One proposed justification for joining the Honor Society was that each chapttr of the Society must complete one com­ by Sara Wisr munity ,enic< project each )ear. The Honor Society \\Ould llm December, as e\Cry )Car. encourage chesed, it was suggested. Bui Ram•z's uisting chts<d requirements alrudy far ucttd those of the National 1hc 1hrec maJor tdcv1s1on net• Honor Socifly. The impart of the formation of an Honor works each ran shon spo1s wish• 1ng 1hc1r "Jewish friends"' a Society chapter on chettd would be minimal. "'Happy Hanukkah" Whde we :,,3 The conclusion or the SFAC was that the proposal to join Jews rnay be pl-::bcd by and even the ational Honor Socielv would hne to be studied further. proud ol 1h1, rC'cogn111on. 1l11s The RamPage is confident that the administrJlion \\ ill folio" -.ccnungl) 1nnoccn1 grcc1mg h:1.-. the only honorable course and reject this proposal. larger 11npllca11on5 By w1,h1ng .

lrccdom from cemur,;h1p here, arc v.c > 111Jt wuuld be cr:v:y! Eli,ha \V1c...cl Fom1VI To 1he Ed11or Chc-.11mg ,,. a cancer tha115 J.11 too pre,alc111 111 Rama, Once a "'1udrnt bcgm., 10 cheJt, he be come� cn1anglcd 1n a v1c1ou, C)clc 1he more one cheat,. 1he le,-. one lcamc.. the less one learn�. 1hc more one reclc; the need to chca1. In a ccnJin sense. cheaung 1s smul:ir to 1akmg steroids· one becomes fuatc.d on obtammg n:suh.:,. .:md 1hc cnJoyment and grov. th that a� normally a part of ,ru,. procc�s arc ,.acnficed It has been allegC'd lhat the ad mm1s1ra11on ,, responsible- for crca1mg Lhc re,ull\-onenred a1mosphcrc that ha� con1nbu1ed 10 the w1Je,prc:1d cheating 1 11 Ramaz Bur this Is not aI all lhl! case Un11l ,tudcnt, shov. a com­ n1111ncn1 10 !rue learning, rmhcr 1h:111 focusing on l!radcs. !he ,courgc of cheu1ing will conunu� al Ramal Meir Ukcfc-. Fom1VI

Words from the Wise

The Ram Page\} Pa� �, Llllt si....11 or LIit


60 E.. Tllll SI. N.Y., N.Y. 10021 Tel: OW 517.ffSS

, 1ev.crs a "H3pp) 1-b.nuUoh . or a "Merry Chns1m<b," ure- 1hcsc net• works pcrhap� d1scrn111na11ng ag�un\l other rellg1ou� groupf'


Whal does a Muslim thmk \li•hcn h1) o"'n holidays are 1gnorcd1 Do 1he networks ha\C an obl1ga11on 10 wish 1heir "Chme� rncnd�" a �appy Yew- of lhc Dog7 A slm'ilar, and perhaps even more scnous problem an3cs w11h public holiday dtSplays. Should a cuy be pcnnllted 10 spend public funds 10 creel a crcchc m fronl of C11y H,117 WhJI aboul a llanuk kah menorah') Scnous Com111u11onal IS"iuc-. :ire involved do \-uch d1�play-. v1ola1c the pnnc,plc of ��rnt1on or chuTC"h and ')tatc1

Pcrh3ps the t,c:,1 solution 10 this 1ncky and cmouonal 1Ssuc 1s to 3\01d 1t altoge1hcr Perhaps lhe 1elevmon netwoO.s. by w1d11ng an all-encompassing '"Season� Greetings• to members of all religious groups, and government 1ns111u11on-.. by ltmllmg their pubhc d1.'lplay� lo re,11ve llghL, and seasonal )ymbol�. rather than rel1g1ous ont!I. c:tn cmpha.Sl7('" whru 1s sharccl by all groups. while prescn,•mg the d1gn11y and spinI of each rel1g1ou� ob-.ef\'ance

by Jennifer Zwiebel



fhe RamPa'° welcomes your 1Icned lelkn and op-ed contributlo1U. On oc:cuion, nama may be withheld upon request.

Que:t:i"on5 that plague. R� durin� Math t.es�.


The RumP11ge

February 1990 / Shc,· 01 5750

.And the Walls Came Tumbling Down" II

Panama--A Just Cause by Asar llahami The "\mcrican inva,;,1on of PanamJV.·.b a darrng operauon m­ \oh·mg grcJI m,L�. It '-'as feared thJt the Pamunam:rn Dcfr-nsc For­ cc-s woulJ rc.s1st the invasion fier­ c-cly ant.I lhal Noreiga IO)'t\ltSIS \\Ould US<itmblc 1n 1hc full� and \� Jgc- i;uenlla warfare against Amcncan troop� In oddll1on , It "'a� frnrtll thM looung would prevail aft<"r 1hc removal of orcIga ;inJ lhc d1�hanJing of Ihc PJnamnman poltcc force ;111d that Ami:ncan forces v.ould be unable to re,1orc or(�r 111e ,1ake;;. v.crc l11i;h the cmb.1rrassm<'nl of an Ami:r1can fJdurc tn Panama "ould onl) compound 1he 1rnJgc ol :m 11npo1cnt Amcncan 3ml) treated by C.incr·s fi:uco m Iran Out America J,d not fail Panarnarua.n M>ld1c� qu1ck.ly .)UT· rcndcrcJ 10 Amcr1ean troops Nort1£j loyahc.l.l d1J not 3.SSCmbh: in 1hc hill, 10 launch a ountcr.U• IJclr... Amencan troops g::unt'd con1rol of Panama CII)' "'11h only minimal blooJ�hed. and sue• cec<led 1n ms111u11ng a dc.mOC'T3llc governmcm and cstabh.shmg a ,olun1ecr pohce force. At (if')L

P:,,namJn1an J1c1:11or Manuel Noreiga was bchnrd 10 h:ne t� caped. but later turned up 1n 1hc hand� of d1plomauc outhon11c-.: The 10\'tlS1on v.a, a su cc,;"i frorn a public-n:lat1on� poml of \'lew as well E1gh1y pcrcen1 of the Amencan people "iupponcd P�1dcn1 Du h'-;cJcn�1on to inter­ vene m P;:11\Jma, occordmg 10 an J\BC New!'> poll, To ,ome, how­ e,cr, the tn\'Ja!'>11Jn v.·a..� no1 only UllC'Oll"-ll luUonal . but a.l,o 3 v1ol11t10n of mtcrna11onal l,tw The Un11c-d NJuon, and the Orgn.nw1• lion of Amtn an S13.les COO· demned the 3cOon, <'harg.mg lhot Ille' United S1ote, had no ngh1 10 mterfrrC' v.-11h the tnlt'mal :iffom� of a ,o, <'rt"1gn C.LdC' or 10 OC'C'upy a \O,erc1gn ,1a1e and in�tall a twnd­ p1cl.ed puppcl government But the in, 11)1011 had 10 occur The opcrauon wa.s neccsury be­ cause the Un1�d S1atcs ha.s •a ropons1b1lny 10 rn.unf!:un lhc In· tcgr ll) of the PanJm;,1 Canal treat1h,N President Bush said Furthe.mlOrc. the: OC'CUPJII0n WllS not illegal. brcauo;c President Endcra, v. nh "horn Amcncan for­ ces replaced General Noreiga. had been clccu·J by die Panomaman

by A,lya Kushner

Panama: tht American in,a.sion remo,cd a d iclJllorand rntorNI drmocrac). The )car 1989 will long Ix pcoplr in 3 fret' elec11on , v.h1ch Noreiga canceled aflc-r he was mncmbcrcd a� the year of v.orld• ddeatcd. From a simply prJg­ v.1dc frttdom Prei.1den1 Bush tnJt1c poml of view. Amenca had made his con1ribu11on 10 1h1s 10 show ll"i forc-c 1n fo�1gn affairs freedom· he broug_hl peace to the If 1he Un ited Stntes 1s 10 rcmam a Panamanum people E,·en though supcrpov.cr in 1he next decade, II he secured 1h1s pc.ice by nuhUU)' must conunuc to act like one. even mvasmn,Bush had 1he courage to 1f 1h1,; entails military action nnd take "'·h!lt could have been a very ccxtly chance "brcuking lhe rules"

Russia Trip a Success (Co,uumrd/mm potr I J ,pcalr.. Est0ni:rn. and 1hc Je....,s spcal. borh • 11lC' group �pcnl us r.�, Sbabbal ,1�'"�l-lU....ns,.cb,�n-­ ing � s,ng,ng with tnan) tonl:ln Jc ....,., Jc:�, ha�c: more rchp100;,; freedom 10 E..,1on1a th:in in Ru\,1:J the rc,ull both of glJ..'00')1 and of the ,uhun.l J1fkttnc� \'.11('1"'-«n blUOIJ .md RU\'tlJ .. The group ,pl lt up on Sund.t) morning \tf\ Bcners �roup. 1.ompn,ing. Romm. B<'rm.m. Jnd Siem. nc"" to \IO'!>CO'-' R.1bb1 Gordon ., group, ,ompri\1n{: GrccnN·rg. \luram and Tei cher .. to VrnmL...:t, .llld Rabb, We1�r•s group. compm, mg B1lhg. Gross. and Wcrbc:r. 10 libllsL L:uer on the three groups new 10 Ros1ov, Lvo't', and Odessa. reip«tJvely The purpose of c.pl111 i ng into (,ma.Ila grouJ)j was to vm1 many ,m11ller c111e s. ra1her 1han con­ centr::ni ng on a kw large centers Because the 1.111c> we-re :unaHcr. 1hc slucknL, kit 1hey v. ere :iblc to make an i mpact on the enti re Jcw1.�h community in tach c,ry by 1eJCh1ng lfebrev. 3nd Judaism

The Mission 5750 partlclponl.S vlsil Rus•lan Je"s in lht Soviel Union, cl aS"-C'S :1nd by or�an111ng Chanukah cclcbrauon�. In fll051 o( 1hC°"-c 111c-<,, 1he 1n h.ab1tant\ seemed 10 fC<'I lhJI al though 1he c\CnlS laki ng pl:,,ce 1n Eastern Europe v.-crc os1oundm g. they did not foresee radical re-.oluuonary ch3nge ,v.eepmg

1he So,,1 r1 L'mon They sc:<'mtd m1crc�tcd 111 1hc group·s op1mon.s of v.orld c, cnfs, and asl..cd the stu dcni... about their 1mpre..s1oos of the mufada nnJ recent events m E.;i,1cm Europe Aftrr "-JX'ndrng a v.cek ap.1rt. 1 h c 1hrt'e snull groups were

reunited m Moscow for one 111gh1 While there. they "•sued the S1ein­ �11:, Y<'llihl\:th, v.hc,c 1hcy hc:u\l Robb, Looksiton speak. They lef1 early the nc ,1 mom mg, but nghl before lheir departure, they �w lb< dnttl El Al n,gh1 from Israel land ,n MO\("{)W A,rpon


Studio Students Strut their Stuff b.) ,\dam S,ubin In rccenl v.ccl"i. the hJll"i of RJm.u ha.,,e he-en dccora1cd w11h more 1h:in the U\ual bullet in and announcement (or JO upcoming ,pon, ,amc \11.; Ellen Ro\Cn, tc.11.hcr ofthe S1ud10 An<. l:1\\, hJ� <..hO\t'O lo hang up \Clecuon,; from 1he por1foh0\ of 1he 1hrce ,1udcnb 1n 1he ,\dv .. nct'nl PIJccmenl �1ud10 /\rt 1. IJ"I\ llJC'<' 'i l ULlt"lll.)­ Gal il hn) ,\dJm <;cheer. and Jen n,fcr Lw1et'ICl-ha.,,c p,d.cd ou1 p1t"cc, of 1hci r nnwo,k 10 ht- ex-

h1b11ed from 1heir portfolio-. v.h1ch wi ll be \C'nl101ht' Pnn1.c1on E..uimma11on Oo.uJ 111 \ b) The order 1n "h1ch their anwork wu ,hov.n wu, n progrc1• s1on from the more rt'ali,11c 10 the more ab,1rac:1 llrn� /.w1('1)(1's anworl. was c,l11h11cd fi�t, fol IO\,ed by [1ny and finJlly cherr In lhc l)J,1, lhc ,dmol\ art d1\pl3)\ hJve hccn rnmpo'(<l of m.:.ny ,1udcn1, ""'°'"- rhc-.c d"· plD) ( \I.tit' lhc fir..i ..;olo e,lubll\ IIUS)Car

llle demi� of Communism in Ea�1em Curopc has been glorified a..; a victory of Western dcmocrauc v11tuc o,·er 101all 1ar,an evil rt'h'-h Amcncans h:l,e read v.Uh • 1hc d111ly reports o f lhe democrallz:mon of the evil em• pircs of the Ea.sL Czecho,.Jovak1a has become free RumAnu1 has deposed its hated 1yran1 Obed1cn1 BulganJ has n,;c:n m pro1esl Will lhece. startling de-.cloprnents las1? What will happen ncxf' The 1m:,,gc of German revelry upon 1hc foll of 1hc Derion Wall and the poss1b1h1y of German rcumficauon 1s a scar) thought. Do we Jc...,.s feel comfonable wuh 1hc rcumticauon of a country that um1ed barely five Jcaidc-s ago 10 destroy us? The cclcbru11on in Gcnnan)' arou!,CJ in me a pang of yearning. a feeling that I ha\'e bctn wronged 'liQmchow. My ances1ors were _1m­ pn.soncd, tonurcd. and murdered b) lhc JL.1 regime. I will neH·r know them. Yc:t the offspnog of my fJm1ly's k.1llc� have now been g1"cn the opportunuy 10 hve m frccdom and in peace. l.hn the young Gcnnan, danc­ ing on the Be.rho \\nll did nor mur­ dt'r my JnC<'>I0rs Their ov.n p.�rcn" and �randp.arcnts ma� no1 ha,e h«n \oa11s. Of evcn 'az.1 ') mpa1h1zcN Do I ha, e lhc nghl 10 wl\h 10 deny 1he\t Jub1l11n1 ) oung people 1hc:1r friecdom.. , I do no1 I cannot .illow m� h:11red for lht' older grll<'rat1on 10 affect ffi) fcchni..; for the )OUn�c:r and more 1nn<x.cn1one W'h at v.111 happen ne).t? Wh:u will h a p p c n 1n A m c r,ca1 1\mc:ncan� for lhe pa,1 45 )Cars ha\C perceived !heir world i n term_, of East ag:,,m_st \VC)t TI11s antagonism has funned the basis of our forc1gn poli cy for the pasl t"'o gcncr::mons These change$ r.usc scnous questions as 10 how "e .:is Jews and as Affl("flcans,arc 10 react 10 a brave new v. or1d.

Simulation Game (Cm,1,nurd/rum pagr I J "1111 a ,10') about a scorpton and 3 frog trying 10 cross the Jori.tan Rl\cr The- '-C0rp1on a�kctl 1hc frog 10 1al.e him aero�-. on his b,ll, The frog n:fuscd, [coring 1h.11 1hc \COrp1on v.outd ,;llng him The �orpton o 'i,urcd the frog that he \\Ould nm '-ling lum. and lllC) procft'llcJ 10 cro,, 1hc nvc:r The ,curp1on ,rnng the frog and both began 10 ,ml. 111c frog a�kcd 1he ,;corrwn wh) he hod ' \tung tum The \Cmp1on repli cJ. 7' lt:U \ 1hc \1 1Jdlc Ei'."l ..

A sample or Adam Schttr '"iart"ork.

The Ramrage


February I 990 / Shevat 5750

Extracurricular Update

Teenage Jewish Ninja Students by Alisa Singer and Harris Luka,ho�

The lln,loncal S11nu1J11on Club "as addrcs"'d on January 11 by J ean Pierre Seibel. a 111 nJutsu cxpen ::rnd the M:n1:;c1 (mamal ans teacher) of sophomore Emanuel Wc1sgrns Seibel 1s a member of t� Shadow� of lga instructors' guild. an orgamzauon of nmios and nmJut.su 1eachers. He 1s the head teacher .it the New York Taiiutsu DoJo. Ninjutsu is a medieval Japanese man1al art. Its prac­ uuoncrs arc called nin111s. Ninj� use four catcgoncs of weapons. including b l aded w e a p o n s . flc11.iblc weapons, staff weapons. andprojcctiles. Nonjuisu also aJ. lows for u.nanned comba.t moves. The U'3d1lional outfit of the ninja

mcludc, a ,hon Jacket. panh, and ,lipper� 1h:11 cucnd 10 1hr l..m.. -cto l.l'cp the p.mb cl�c 10 the skm Seibel alM> d1�U!--�d 1tu: h1s­ iory of lllllJutsu. Next he nnd Wc1sgras dcmonstrnlcd cernun nmJa fighung techniques. The dcmonstrnllon included the use of "oodcn swords. a wooden fight­ ing suck. a bamboo fighlmg �ud.. o metal sword. and d1rtt blnck nmJa st:irs. Seibel and We1sgras e�hibitcd the four ninJa fighting modes: the stable mode. the ag­ gressive mode, 1hc defensive mode. Md the evasive mode. The dcmonstra1ion and lcc1urc were received <'nthusuutically by members of the Historical Simula.­ lion Oub. Club president Dani Shanske sajd, ""The exhibi1ion was. excellent :ind informative."

Chamber Chorus Formed by Aimtt Taub

Many studenrs are 1alentcd singers, but only .a few have the upcncnce and ability necessary 10 Join the Chamber Chorus. Candidates for membc:rsh1p in this challenging group advised by Ms. Caroll Goldberg had 10 pilSS • rigorous voe.al and aural aud111on.. The IS students who were ac-

cepled arc lcaming 10 sight read arvl to sine a capclla. The Ownbcr sang at the Yorn lyun r«Oppressed Jewry on December 6. The pieces sung included '"llus Old Land," an original composition by Mr. E11io1 Weiss. and Maoz Tzur. sung to a melody composed by lhe llal1an composer Marcello.


The College Bowl team racu off against HAfTR.

Bowling for Knowledge

by �Uri■m Hoffman tion is asked. This question 1113Y be answered by any individual On December 7, Ramoi par- member of either team. but team 1icipa1ed in its first College Bowl members may not confer. If a match 3gains1 HAFfR at Ram.u.. ream answers a toss-up question Ramaz lost 170-145, bu1 won iis correclly, it receives five poinlS second match I week later against and is asked a bonus question. Flatbush. The bonus question, also wonh The new College Bowl team five points, is a leam ques·1ion. includes seniors Elisha Wiesel. The response is given by one rcJ> Dov Nelkin, Talya Toledano. =n14tive or !he 1e■m.. Ramu·, Yechczli:el Khayya1. lona1han first IOUnd team included Wiesel, Tanncnhausc,, and Adam Szubin Toledano. Tannenhauser, and The College Bowl compcli• Szubin. IIAFTR took an early lion, panemed after the successful lead in the lim round, bu1 then 1e1evision show, consists of 1wo Rnmaz DnSwercd a series of ques­ fiflecn or twenty minute rounds. tions and led HAFTR 45-40 len Fours1udents from each team may minulcs into the round. By 1he participate m each round. Al lhc end or the round, Ramaz wa� start or each round, a toss-up ques- ahe-ad 9S-4S. Ramaz's second

Ram and Jam

Debating Team Prepares for First Meet

by Arielle Waldman Every week a group of s1udcnts gathers after school in room 702 10 play some music and have a good �me. Senior Elisha Wiesel and junior Guy Bemaminov itz or­ ganized the jam group earlier 1h1s year. Wiesel and Bcmammov117. play electric guitar, Junior Jonah Bossewilch plays bass.and Junior Jeffrey Helmreich plays key­ board. Wiesel is the lead guiunst He plays solos 1n lhc style or Me1all1ca and Ozzy Osbourne. He said. "lkong able 10 play lead guitar. 10 play solos with other people jamming around you. is more fun than 'Cats.' I'd do it again :ind again, and U1 fact. I do. t.very Wednesday." The group's taste runs 10 classic rock. The songs they play include "'Iron Man." "You Really Go1 Mc." and "Sunshine or Your Love.Though II began as just a bunch of lids fooling uround on guil3rs, the Jam group has quickly evolved serious into bnnd. Bcnrnm1no\•1tz rcponcJ, "We arc ii:eroxing sheets to practice from and we 11rc trying 10 3.trange some gigs... The group"s fir<t pcrfor-

by uah f"riedman

Senior and Jammer Eli1ha Wiesel ..-Ith his <l<Clric guitar. m:inCt' was at theRamu-JEC bas­ k<'lball game on January 6. Mose i.1udcnts sn11lc when 1hcy hear the mu.sic COl'ning from the s<'vcnth noor each Wcdnud:iy.

round team included Nelkin, Khayyar. Wiesel, and Szubin. During this round. HAFffi ••· pcricnced a scoring blilZ from which Ramaz never recovered. HAFTR soon ourpaocd Ramaz 10 win by 25 pomts. M r s . Naomi Lcvenbrow, IIAFTR ·s coach and lh< chairman or th< lnler-Yeshiva CoJlege Bowl League. n,mariccd afterwards Illar Ramu. had come the ck:Jiscsl or any team in rwo years 10 buting H A FTR. HAFTR h as p a r• 1icipa1ed in the College Bowl league for si• years. Ms. Beverly GnbclZ. Assislllnt Dc3CI, decided to enter Ram3.Z in lhc league this year. The faculty adviser 10 the Ramaz learn is M r. R o y Angsb"C1ch.

and some even sit in on lhc group's practice sessions. But sophomore Amy Kellner snid, "'If you don't like lhc song 'Sunshine or Your Lov<', · don '1 bother coming."

The debating team held 1L.� first 1wo mcc1ingi on November 27 and December 4. Thiny students 3ttc:ndcd the firs1 meeting. while eighteen studen1s altcndcd the second Andrew Cohen. a :student at Columbia Universiry. addressed 1he team at ,ts r1rsl meeting. Cohen, who is a member of Columbia's debating 1cam, spoke about the fund,mcntols of dcba1lng . He discussed th< sl<ps in­ volved in preparing ror 3 dC"batc, stressing 1hc lmponance or re­ scorch. Cohen 1old lhc group rhat he h3d once spent an en1ire sum­ mer researching one topic ro, a debate. Dr. So.m Gcllens, 1he t eam's facully adviser. com­ men1ed on Cohen's visit. "He was brighl, articulate. and an ex­ pcnenced dcba1er. We arc hies� to have him as an unofficial ad­ vi�r."

The firs1 debate was held on Fcbru:iry 8 agaonsi Hillel, Central, •nd Bas Torah. Th< topic for this season is nuclear energy. but team members honed their rhetorical sl.:llls on topics including nuclear d1sannamenl. Gennan rcunifica­ t ion, gun c o n t rol, and drug legalization. The te;1m d1v1ded inlo four groups of approxim.alcly fourstuden1s each for practice and research. Sophomore Dani Sh:inske ex­ plained the need for a R3maz debating team. He said. "'There are many students in 1he school. very rew of whom arc 3Ctive m amassing knowledge in order 10 prcscn1 themselves intelligently when speaking aboul something they believe in. The debating team provides a forum for those s1udents motivated enough lo learn how."

Februar� 1990 / Shc-.11 5750

Page S

The RamPagc

Ra maz Sephardim Th rive �1..'Ccnth J mlll) ,111 IIJ, hccn �,1.1hl1,hi.'\I JI It) J(('(llllfllodJIC: cphJnltl ,tmkrw, · r1cct.1' /\l1hou1:h mo--1 ,,udl'nt� come from ,h(\·n.111 ,. 1.11n1l 1i..·, 1hcrc ,, :i ,1gn i fi�Jnl ffilOOnl� of ,1utJcnt1\lotlh �cph.m.lH b,11. l..gruumh. The 11\JJOfll) of lht: \ludcm� ""h1l con,1d1.·1 lhl'm-..chc, Scphar­ J1m are m IJ-.. 1 the product.!I of m1,t'd m.,magt", l1l "" h1ch one pan-nl ,, 51,.•plwrd11.. and 1hc other Jun101 Rcnc� A,hl..cn.11H. ,u,�nb,1um , mother , , Moroc­ can \\)11I< hcr fJlhl'r come..� from f...a,tc:m lump,: She ll'Ch lll.lt �hC' can rdJ!l' tnt'ioth A�hl..cnunn and cphJrd1rn \<n1or Ycche1\...tl �hJ,, ..11 ,..1� , th.at bccau,c or lH.'!I 1""0 henl..11.'!1.•, hi." ha,;, to \...no" Nm ,1tk, ,H 1hc , Jnnu, hJbl-

hot." S11nron Gelband . • ,JU!Uor. apprcr 1..11c, h,, mo1hcr's Egyptian bad.�round �" wdl a, Ju� fo1hcr '\ A,hLc.-nJ11t. upbnng1ng Seph.mhc ,tu1.knh for! a uni quc bond 1 0 their foml l 1 1: s· homclJJHh Junior Jocy ShJm mah ,nid . I ,, 111 nc\l': 1 lorge1 rny hcn1jge ,Ch a S),mm Jew, and I wilt alwJy, If) 10 follow the wa)"' in which 11\) IBlhcrcomluctell h l'.'i hfo as a Synan Jew Shlomo lhrut. h, alw a Junior, rcmarl..cd 1ha1 he '"OulJ rihq &)S be grateful to "rncl for helping 111'.'i father C�Jfll.'. from Iraq 10 Opcra11on 0Jb) Ion Senior D.1, uJ Tab:uol1 feeh a ,irons connection 10 lr.ul I It""� hom then'.' and did nm c·rmgrJle unul he- \li .t, l'>'clve )car, old lie �a,d 1hat 0J1u,1111g 10 ;\mcric.111 life jftl·r fM'-' mg up in km '"J, d1ff1cuh ht-1.JlhC' ol the ,a,1 \UI


rCon1,111,.·J Jnmr f'tl,\f.C I ) ,tu i.k . nt "'ho Jo.:, puorl) o n anJlog1c, 11\J) c11hcr hJ,c lhf­ fo.uh) w11h th<- rea-.omng com­ ponen1 of the,c problems. or m:J,,1mph h.1,e poor ,ocabulaf) ,Lill, \\ hen the- ,1uden1� re- caved 1hC'1r .....on:,. the ;..ollcgt.' ,1<h 1wr. urgC"J them nol to .;h:1rc 1he1r re,ulb "'1th cunou, teacher'\ or lnen..6 'tct a fc'" ,tudcnb com

Women's Tefilah Group Begun h, I A•ah 1-ril'dman On J,,nuJf') lO ._,O g1rh from Fum1, 111 I\ gJthercd m Room JOI at 3 IOa m for1hc fir-1 mec11ng oflhe R.1rn.v \\ om('n , Tefilah Group Junior Julie Siem or gan11ed 1hc: �roup "' 10 m:1Le 1hc girls .t\liare 1ha1 1hev can par­ llt,pale m an en, 1roM1cnt 141'\ere 1hcy cJn feel omfortJblc " The �rvu..e w� led by three ch,11 ..111101 �rtam prJ)en.. such J� La Jd1 � h. ked u "ih ah. and tt.u "chu, "h1ch require an all male m1n},tn, "ere om111cd. "htlc olher prJ)'�r'\ '"ere sung aloud The -.en 1u:··11. pal<' wa. ... lc,.s frcneuc 1han 1hJt ,n the Aud11or1um llllll)Jll MJny pJr11ctp.lllli felt th:.it the \\Omt"n , l<'filJh group allo�cd them to pr.1) " u h grca1cr lav­ ' .lJ)alL Svphomore Rebecca A. f \\r1,� ,J1 d, It \I.a,, "ondcr ul l l m�de me \\ ant r o davrn I fell thnt I belonged • Some srndcnts oppose 1he new 1cfilah group JumClr. Rachel Fcmcrman and Na, a VidomJ1msL1 agreed thnt a women's tdilah ltroup " m1g h1 lead 10 women 1-a) mg Ladd1sh. kcdu.shah, and Torah reading • They •uud that ' w here we have the opportunlly IO davcn m a rnmy:m. Y.C should not Ix: go,ng orf by oun;clv,s." The new tefil•h group's focul• ty leudm include Ms Gnbctz. Dr Ilon,g, and Ms. Armon. 4

iural lllffcrrncc'\ tx•1y,ccn the tv.o c.oun1t1c, The K.1ma, ScphJn.l11n e,tah-­ h,hcJ J ScphJr<l1c mm�an 1�, )C.ir Klll))JI v.- lKl <.on�, from an lra41 ba.. Lgmund t\ 1he ,1udcn1 leader of the mm,.111 lie c, plJmcd 1ha1 thr rnm)Jll Jlluv., Rama, Scphard1m 10 J)r.i) .,u. ord 111g to 1hc1r uaJ111on, l·or O· :imple, m the eph.uJK ntc. !he Pnc,11 ) 8k�\ 1n�( b1rl..J1 Lolun,mJ ,,. performed C"\'CT) 1.Ja) Khnyyat pen.Cl\ c, .i g_nJ"'' l!lt; .iv. nrcnC",� of lhc SephJrd1c. prc,ence 1n RJmJ1 1tu, ha� nMn1fc)lcd H�lf m 1h1.· trcJlntl'nl of ScphJrd,c cu,1om, m IJ,I )C.11" , P,1"0,cr Yom f)un Funlu·nnore .1 Yom lyun 111 Occcrnb<.·r �a, dcd1ca1cd to 1hc phsh1 of Jc'>'· 1,h c.ommun111e, 111 �liddlc F.a,1c-m countne,

The Mission 5750 particip.ant.s :et lht> airporl.

M ission 5750 Participants Speak at Assembly b) Arielle \Vaidman

The n111c 1un1or� "ho pJr11c1pJled in M1,,1on 5750. chc RJma, lnp 10 U1c S0"1c1 Unu>n. plamed 1ha1 1heu IC'Jchcr, hjd SAl w11h pnva1c IUIUI"} or 1ale ,poke aboul 1.hc-11 c,pencncc, 1n been ohl 1 ng 1hc-rn about their prc-rara1ory cour.c, The Kaplan Ru,'13 at :in ..1,..cmbly on J jnua.r) �ore, cour,e \COi a n:prc�i.'nlatl\'(' lO 2J Some Fonn V ,1u1.kn1,; ,tud1cd R.:ima, 10 adm1m,1cr a prac11c-c Rabbi Mayer �·t o,Low 1 1, . m1c11-..el) before 1hc PSAT. bu1 IC-.! m order to rccn11t ,1udl"nt.; for l lcadmastcr of the Lov.cr S1..hool. many rc-ponC'd 1ha1 1hcy kl! hltk 1hc cour..c Mo,;,1 01 lhC' 1u111or. opened 1hc :i..,�mbly 1-ic ,p<>kc or no prC'�,urc ,;,urroundm� lhl' "'ho took 1hc t.ba�no\llC' test s:ud ahou1 h1\ return to his childhood 1esi II was rumored 1ha1 :i number 1h:u Lhc) 1001 the 1e,1 onl) for homC' v.hcn: hi\ father '>'3.S shol of bo) � bc-1 on thc- ,con.� thC')' prJCUCC, :lnd "Cf(' noc IOIC'rCSlcd by a,.J� dunng 1hc Holocau,t "ould rcc el\· e 1n enrolling 1n the Kaplan coul"\c Tht choru�. led by �h Coroll 8u1 mo,1 �,udcm, adn111 D,inn) TJubcr s:ud. " l 100k the IC'-1 Goldberg. 101ned R3bb1 t-.· to, th.ii the SAT 1> a very 1mponant bc..-c au,;,c I had nothmg bcner 10 low1lL m smgrng un old R�,.1iln 1n1 Man) Jun10� �pare for 1hc du • melody ""hale ;,hde� of MI\\IOf'I 5150 werc Jhown. Ftc:shm:tn An Roth s:ud 1lu1 Rabb i Mo.slown, .,. prc..cn1a11on "'' •h " v ef) mo, mg and .showed a Ql'C'Jt deal ol cmo11on " ex1 cach o( lhe nu..- ,1uJc:nts \It. ho v 1 ,11ct.l !he Sov1e1 Union ,pol..c Julie Stem J1-.c-u'-S<'d the fc:Jr, ::-.he had tell bcfort anwrng Ill Ru,�1a tha1 \he �ould nol be able- 10 communi a1c- wnh or relate 10 the Sm- 1c1 Jev. , Damcl 81lhg de�n\xd a game of 00,letb..LJI 1ha1 he pl:t.)Cd with Ru,\lan teenagers Chava Wcrlxr IJllcd about her h.-clings upon rt'lummg to the Uniltd Stales and her conlmumg romm1trnent 10 thc cau� of SO\'ICI Jc'" I)' She explamC'd "'hy she cho� 1h1,: �ub1cc1 for her addrb!,, '" I '"an1cd to say �mc1hing 1ha1 was more th:rn 1u.:1 onmhcr stOf)' oboul Ju,1 :motht.'f refu"iCnik ma Tc1chcr dt".SCnbc(I the exp,encnce of tea hmg 1he Danny Siegel hu '4Tll1tn cxlc.n.,hcly about the Importance of Hebrew :1lphabc1 to a group 1Jf �l\'lnJ: tzcdakah and being • "mitZ\'oh htro." )oung adults In 3dd1tion t-.·1'


Deedee Benet. '-'tvJ accompJn1cd 1hc �,udcnb d1scu.;scJ 1hc plight of the �1, rcm,11n1ng Pn')()nen, of Con�1ente Rejc11011) 1 0 the program va.r,c<.I Junior &ther Gross \:lld� "If the ru.\Cmbly m�p1rcd one per ,on 10 be Jllt\'c rn the So\'1et Jewry rnovemen1. 1hen 11 '" l h wonh'" lute " Rabbi Rubin. "'ho hi.,r; v1s11ed the Sov1c1 Union, sn1d lfuu ht" did no1 thrnl 1h<- p11r 11c1panl"i 1n M1,1;;1on 5750 would be able 10 convey 1hc 1mp,1ct 1he So"1c1 Union had on them " Out aflcr 1hc program. he (ch I.hat "1ht average Mudeni go1 a p1nurc" of Jcw1,h life 1n the Sov1cl Umoo from lhC' speeches 01he'"' d11lo1grecd The as scmbl) "wa,, :i v.ailc of 11mc," unior Mt hael L 1 ple sa,d J Sc-nJOJ"\ MJ)U llarak arlll Dahha Lhler --.,1d 1ha1 the p�ram " wm, tt'p('lllt\e II I\ lll14'3)'1i. the- Clt8Cf ),,}me lh111(? c,cf"\ )e�r" Rabb L'n l,orJon 11 tacu11, Jd, 1-..er 1u �l1\.,1un 5750. feel, 1h,n the con tent uf rhc ,peel he� "a, nol bonng. bu1 1h..11 1he mc1hod of pre,cn1.11,on "j:i. monoionout. '"lne INlh ,., U1a1 the \IUdcnL, here 3re 1mp0t1cn1 dnd cannot 'II �u1c1 I)' through nn assembly l11e, need M>me lorm or intc1TUp11on Ill l<.'cp them 1n1c�1t"d, he ,;,,aid \Vha1 '4C ha"C' IO a..d.. oun.clves " 3� lhc MUlknts n.--s1le"i� �cnu.se lthe cnu'-C of Sov1c1 Jc"ryl 1sn t 1mpon:uu. or nrc the.) n.:�tle , be cau.sc they can'1 s1: ,11II for .:, mrnull!"I""'

Tzedakah, Chesed, and Mitzvah Heroes by Lisa Rolhman

On Jonuary 25. Dnnny Soeg<I, a no1cd aulhor und lcclurcr. poke 10 1hc cnurc s1uJcnt body on 1hc 1mpona.ncc of 11cdak.ah. chescd proJCC�. and m1uvah heroes. Siegel began his prcscntaoon by ex.pla1111ng that Ins comm11mcn1 to chescd comes from h,s fomoly background He s:tod tloat bccau"iC of insuffic1cnl funds, h1.s g.rand(athcr was unable IO p:ty fOf two relatives' pas!age to America and that these rcla11vcs l.11er pcnshcd ,n the 1-lolocaust Siegel 3.I.SO s.a1d that he drew lnsp1ra1ion

for IH"i worl.. from lus f:11hc1, a the aud.1cn<'t: 10 .bsumc rc,;,pon­ doctor, ond from his \lstcr, who s1bth1y for each of these prOJCCh, was born wuh cerebral pal,y l ie celling 1.hc Mudenh. "'You have 1hc said 1ht11 1he gool uf tudak.ah 1.; op1...-utumt) to change hund n:ds of "so 1hat someone will be there fOf ll\cs.... anyone in need." The mam 11edalah proJCC:-t thal Siegel out I med \ anous chc"i('d Siegel propowd \l,• as 1he rollcc­ and tiedakat, proJcct.s 1h01 �l u­ llon of funds 10 provide a bone­ dcnls could u.ndcnake, includrng marrow transplant for Ah.;on 1he 1ntroducuon of pets 11110 local Atlas. a Jcw1,h scudcnt from nursing homes. the purcha� of W11shmg1on. D C b:lllhng canccr hsrgc-prtnt prayer books for Junior Tamara Nussbaum wris gp­ synagogues. and the installauon pointed ch.111rn111n of a Ramu. of amplif1c:11ion systems 111 commute(' 10 cOllt'CI S I 00 for synagogues and Jewish com­ Atlas. Siegel lumsclf contributed muni1y centers for the hearing-im­ S20 to this fund, In accordance pwrcd He chose volunrC"en from with the T�mudic 1dca. 1h111 C",en 3

tzc<blah-collt('tor 1s obhg,Hed 10 give of h1( own rcsourceb 10 tzcdo�oJ, Sophomore Relxcc:i A Web., found Siegel's cmhu'9a�m "en• . hghtenmg . Jared Mml.off. Fonn VI , added, '" h's a ,·cry honorable thing thnt he's doing .. Junior Jud11h Wc1,( "llS m1prcs.sccJ wuh Siegel 's Sl)le '"I-le tncd to be as fncnt.lly a� possible, lo rcla1e 10 " tttnngc group,· she said. One freshman ...aid, " Hc tncd to mole u1- foc i lilc onc of1hr gU)'S."

Page 6

February 1990 / Sheval 5750

The RamPage

Ramaz Triumphs over Frisch, 57-49 by Jonathan Tannenhauser

shooting" in 1hc final mmu1cs Senior Seth Ader wa,;; the high The Ra.maJ Boy._· Varsity bas­ scorer. w11h 21 points. Ader hit kc1ball 1cam beat Fr1-.ch on ntllC OUI o( 11 foul shots. January 28. 57-19 Rama1.'s win wa-. especially The Rams were losing ;11 sigmftcant becau� the Rums had halft,mc by ,c-,cn po1n1s. but lo-;! to Fnsch m each of 1hc1r four JUntor Sammy Ra")coff opened the prev1ou,;, cncounrcr-. Only one 1lurd quant·r \\uh"� con-..ecu11ve 1c:1m membrr, seni or Donnv po1nh Dunnp 1he fourth quarter. Fur�,. h.id C\Cf ,1.nn a gam� 1hc Ranh ouhcored Fmch 15-1 .1p:am,1 Fn,ch Malach ,aid th..i t, bec..1u,c of ,, hat ,cmor S1c-phcn �cau,c uf the lnllcr nval ry bc­ Mabch dc,t nht•d .1, ''c.:,cclknl h,c1.•n R.im.u and Fn,ch. 1hc 1t�am dcfcn�I\ c pl.1� I I\." ,.11d that lh\." \\,l"-' n:-Jlly up for the game" A, kC) lo 1hc R.m1,· c1gh1 po1111 mar­ a rc,uh of 1h1.� ,,1n. Rama, 1, no"' gm of \ ICIOf: \\ a, th.it thC) "ran tn '-CC'0nd place. lx-hn,d �I l'A, for ta-:1 brcak;:. ,111tl "on: (1u1 · "11h a n:<..ord of 6-3 Fn,1. h Frt-.ch Semo, \l,1llht.',\ H1lt11I... record 1� no" -l-5 ;:11tnhutt·d 1hc ,, rn 10 "clutch foul


he Sam Gyenes emorial Shabbaton and Tournament will e held February -10

Rams Defeat Hoyas in Exhibition, 63-49

half H igh scorcN for Rumaz m­ duded sophomore Ehud Marcu,;.. The boys' vars11y b:1.Sketball wi th 14 pomts. and se-mors Donny 1e:1m defe:ued 1he Manhattan Furst and Seth Ader. who ea.ch Beach Hoya� by a score of 63-49 �ored 13 Team member Stephen m an exh1b1t1on game. After fall- Malach sai d. "h was rough and mg behind by �ven point;;; early tough (The HoyasJ were big in the second quar1er, the Rams guys But for the first ume. we scored 19 consecutive po ints a.nd played well as a team. and thai's 100k a 39-27 lead by.;;� • h c;,,;<. n.;d,.o.. f 1.h:;, < ;c"' ;;.hv'-'-w "'e -'w o• ;;.n;;. ·"------, by Behir Sabban


Boys' Varsity Basketball




Girls' Varsity Basketball


Boys' J.V. Basketball


Girls' Volleyba!J


Girls' J.V. Basketball


Rams Overtake HAFTR Hawks at Palace, 75-66

h)' LawrenC"t' Zul·ktrman

The Rama1. boys· var;11y bas­ lctball lc.1111 beat 1hc HAFfR 11,nd., 75-66 on Febroary I Seni or Donny Furs1 scored 28 JlOlll l'-, mcluJmg 1hrcc lhnic-pouu ,ho1,. and sophomore Ehud Mor­ cu, and ,1,•nior Ste-phrn Malach c.omh1ncd for �5 point,; 11; -\I--TR ·-, lugh ;;;con:r "a" Stc,cn Blc.:1cr. w11h IS point, In the r1r,1 qu,mer. R.1mJ1 bmh \l'H'll poml le.1d\ on 1v. o -.cpar..ite occa,1on,. hut ended the quartl'r 1tcd w11h I lr\FTR In tl1r ,ccond qu.trlcr, l'..iLh tcnm ,cor1.·d 'il"\Cral f.11..1-hrcak. ba,.k.ch Fur,1 1111 a 1hrcc pomtrr a1 1hc end of lhl! h..ilf to put the R:um ahe.1d JJ-29 ll1c Ram, kepi up 1hc1r ,;olld. fas1-pacc play 11, the second hJII ond h11 key foul ,hots 10" ard� tht' end 10 ;;;ohd1ty their victory ·n,c wrn tool- 1hc Ram, 10 7-3. plarinp: them in cxccllcn1 pos111on for chc league- playom 1-1,\FJ"R ,, con�1dercd 011c of !he ,;irongc�t tc..im" m Ihe ye.. h1vo league

The ifomaL Karns.

Congratulations to Dana Federbush and Atara Gorsetman on their splendid performance in the Taka Radi Tiles Championship

Super Bowl Quiz by Shlomo Haruch

The San Francu,co 49cn. cru:-.hed 1hc Denver Bronco� i n Super Bowl XXIV. 55�10. We challenge our readers to take llus quiz and find ou1 how much you really know about 1he Super Bowl QUESTIONS I) What was the Super Bowl called before 11 was called 1he Super Bowl'! 2) \Vluch Super Bowl was 1hc fir�t Super Bowl to be played on ort1ficrnl turf' \VJ11ch one was the firs! IQ be played i ndoors., 3) Which ream was lhe firs1 "wild ca rd" team 10 wm 1hc SuJ)l'r Bowl'! 4) \Vho wos the only head coach to� in a Sup:r Bowl m h1ti first season as head coach'! 5} ln the biggest upset m Super Bowl lu�IOI)', lJ1c Jets' defense held Bal11more scorck�.s unul la11: 1n the fourth quaner. Who were the New York li nebackers who ancho�d rhe defense? 6) The longes1 scoring pass in Super Bowl history came m Super Bowl XV to a recewcr who had not notrhed a TD reception oil season. Name him. 7) Who has more TD rcccpuons than anyone else m Super Bowl h1s1ory? 8) What s1ad1um has been the site of more Super Bowl games 1han an)' other? 9) Which 1eam holds lhe record for the most consecutive Super Bo� I appearances? 10) Who was the first running back to be named MVP in lhe Super Bowl? 11) One Super Bowl team had a quarterback who played on an NCAA championsh i p baske1ball team and a coach who played on an NBA championship learn. Name the 1eam and the players. 12) The star of one Emmy Award-winni ng 1elcv1sion sl1ow played in two Super Bowls. Who is the star. what 1s the show, \.\h1ch learn did he play for, and m which Super Bowls? I J) Who was the firs1 athlete lo compete m I.he Olympics and then play m a Super Bowl? 14) Who wo.s the only man 10 play m the Super Bowl and box profess1onally7 15) In 1hc New York Jc1s' upset victory 111 Supct Bowl Ill. Joe Namath was quanerback for all bul one dn,·e. Who rcpli,ced him during this drive? ANSWERS I) The AFL-NFL World Champ1omh1p Game 2) Super Bowl V m Miami's Orungc Bowl, Super Bowl XII at the New Orleans Superdomc 3) Oakland. Super Bowl XV 4) Don McCnITeny. Bulllmore. Super Bowl V 5) Ralph Da.ker. Al Atkinson. Jn<l Lnrry Grantlmm 6) Kenny King 7) John Stallwonh 8) Orange Bowl 9) M,umi IU) Larry Csonka 11) Joe Kapp and Bud Gram, M1nnc!<.ola, Super Bowl IV 12) Ed Mannnro. f-11\1 S1rcc1 Blues. Minnc�o1a. Super Bowl<: VIII and IX 13) Bob I-la yes 14) Ed ·Too Tall" Jones 15) 8:ibc Panlh

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