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My tongue' 1, lht prn f1I a rcal.J, .... ,11cr Tch1lhm 4}:2
The Outrage
Volume XXI Number 5
March 1989 / Adar I 5749
The Ramu Upper Sthool
The Shot Heardround the World hy Jonathan Tannenha user
None pass the watchful scrutiny of Ms. Eisenberg, a.k.a. the napkin lady, without a shud der of ol trepidation.
Scandal Rocks Ramaz by Dena Landowne People ask, "How could such just could not control him or hera 1hmg happen in a place ltkc �C'lf. On Tuesday, March 7, an Ramaz???" There arc two A vi�1tor who wiincsscd the 1nc1dcnt cxpl:uncd. "It happened unidcn1ificd s1udcn1 look a naptheories 1ha1 :mcmpt lo ans�er so quid.ly and m 1hc rush. Ion in the lunchroom without 1h1s quesuon. The first one is . who 11 really was." nobody saw bcmg checked off. TI11s cnmc that 3 student may have 1aLcn 100L place by the familiar table two napkins, and when the numTalya Toledano. :i Junior. cornwhere 1hc napkins arc given out, bcr of napkins given out did nol men1cd, '"I 1h1nk it's :1 d1,;grncc dunng 1he s1.1.1h pemx.l, apcorrespond w11h 1hc number of that any student would -.1oop 10 mar� 'ion 1h.11 infamous while pro.\lma1cly five minutes afler that lc-vcl-cvcn for an cxtro 11:ip1he second bell. There arc many gnd. M>meonc Junrpcd 10 a hasty �111.'" 1l1e adrn1n1s1rn11on 1s rcponcdly "confident 1hat 1h1s rumor. c1rculaung aboul who conclu�1on without considering any other possibd111es. TI1e heinous crime will be �olved," would h,1Ve done such a 1h1ng, .i,.>Jt 11c,,c-�•"'"'""'"'"''a,,......,1sC11..,,h u.1.r> b-.• 1 .Mj""''---but,{U,. .11.n0thcr 1mu1.em. who rethat it was either a sophomore lady simply had her back turned que.s1ed that h1S name not be used, put it, '"This never would girl or a senior wuh a free pcnod for an instant, and somebody (co11tin11rd 011 pg 4) and an impatient appc11te.
The Rann v.ctc play11 1g T.A. lhal d.Jy: Fond mcmoric,; of the game �hall siay In 1hc heam of all who watched them play A'i 1rrasurcd as a pearl Ramaz. m blue and gold a1urcd Each one did sy,,eat- they all perspired When G,I 11,e Face '" stcppc<l up to fire ·nlc shot heard 'round 1he world. Fpr Gil his �kill had ye1 10 prove He'd not yet got into his groove He had 10 learn �me new maneuv• ers, how 1hc ball 10 hurl. Throughout 1hC season his stats "'ere gnm His sholS had ne'er gone 1hrough the nm Until he l3unched• with poise and ,·1m· The shol he3.ld ..round 1he world. But now, now Gil• he had the ball Hts Face was 11gh1, he s1ood up rail. "Go get 'em, Gil." the crowd did call. Each one both boy and girl. 1-fj.,_ wrisl he twisted. anns in place A smile crossed his famous face A,; Gil released 1he ball that aced The shot heard 'round 1he INOrld. A hush fell o ·er 1hc chcenng crowd. None dared 10 even wh1sp'rou1 loud 1l1c audience watched. all awed and y,,owcd As 'round 1hc nm II swuled. The ball dropped down. with 1:.vmhmg �ound And w11h a rhuc.l. 11 h11 the ground. Whm an' what talent !here was found! Gil, Kmg of the Palace, crowned Eternally he'll be renowned Por 1h.a1 one £,,'iol. t"'ar.? 'rviloJ lt.t.- ...-M.
Scandal Rocks Ramaz, Again by Adam Szubin
Seniors around school are constantly debating the problem.
Although not recognized by ffiO<;I, thl'i problem IS one of UI• mo-.1 1mponancc 10 the Ram:11. stutlcnt body. Some admini,;tra• 110n members ignore the problem m 1he hope lhal 11 will JU�I fade away while othen. do 1101 e\'Cll sec n as a liab1h1y. but rnthcr as an as,;ct. ·n1i,; 1<; ob viously 1hc wrong approach as pasl cxpencncc clea,ly ll lu1:.1r.itcs. 1111,; km<l of thing will not d1s::ippcar nor 1s 11 hdpmg 1he Ramaz community as a whole. In foci, 1t 1s probably lhe wor.1 �md of-.11uat1on fca,;1hle-• a problem wluch 1s nOI viewed :is such A-. the admnmtr.1t1on refuses to address 1he problem, some �lu· dent,; have op1ed to take ma11ers in10 their own hands. A group of Jumors have ,;uggc,;led allcr• natives 10 !he currcnl p:ilh la�cn
m s1oppmg the problem and have even gone so far as 10 propo-.c a complc1ely new 3Jr proJch. One jumor ,;�,d. "This ,s an age-old problem but a brand new amwer is needed. I lhmk thM it might be helpful ir the school did not allow other 1ypc� of such rmions 10 occur Thal m1gh1 d1 ...courJgc �tudents from repealing their d�ds." The adm1ms1rat1on. though. prefer-. 10 view 1he s11uauon III a d1ffcrcn1 light. ..11'.s not all !hat the students arc makmg it out 10 be." an mlm1ms1ra11on member who wishes to rem:un anonymous rc,;ponde<l "11 i,; merely a case of difficuh1c1i 111 conununica11on between !he stu• den1s and the faculty." While the 1s�ue 1s pondered. however, the problem wor�en,;. Occurrences :m:! up 17% from last year and incidents arc even Marling 10 happen umong the
jumor high students. II 1s a dramatic change from 1985. when there was vinually no need for any pamc whalsoc,· cr. Some have reason 10 believe that now llus ,.,_ nol 1he c:isc. The th,rd and s1.1.1h noo" have tx-comc . ha, en,; for thc!>e "opcrn11on� . "11h the vast nmJ0rll) ol incident� occumng on 1he 1wo lloors 1-lowever, no tloorr 11:. -.afc. h 1s even rumored 1hnt 1he cellar has hccn housmg !he 1ns11ga11ors or 1his opcn111on all along. 1111-. rumor 1s being 111• ve...11ga1cd along with a scric-. ol' other suspicions that nre held conceT'tung the student or stu• dcnl� who could be behind 1h1,; tcmblc ,;courge. Srudeni-. arc urged not 10 get mvolvcd in any way.
And Now For Something Completely Different
by Yael Sima Bal�m On Tuesday morning, February 21, at c.1.ac1ly 9.03 A.M. the slime was first dis• covered missing. Students rerumed 10 school after a long weekend und could nol bcllcvc 1heir eyes. or their no1ebook covers which rem,uncd clean
1hroughout firsl period. for n · change, Bccau�e lhis wa.� a school wide ,caudal :rnd 001 jusl an iso• l,ncd mcidcnl. R.1bbi Baksi fell 1he need 10 call in the police 10 mves11gn1e Although a fonnal li�I of su5pcc1.s was unavailable al press lime, an anonymous source from 1he adminis1ra11on dtsclo.scd 1ha1 although they are at the !Op of the li,;t, the CUS·
uxhans are not necessarily the culpnts. One police officer corn• mcn1ed, "They arc 1he obvious choice. Someone must have framed them m order to avoid de1cc1ion." When asked how long he 1hough1 !he invcs11ga110n would lake, Dr. Shudofsky could only remark, .. Unul we rind lhc 1hicf and 1hcn we i.hacklc him." Shudofsky added "I know where you live,"
S1uden1s arc cxprc,;-.mg mixed reactions .:ibout the inc1• dent. Said one s1uden1, "I al• Students react lo absences ways wan1ed ii 10 go :1way. bul not in this way. I hope 11 isn'1 hanncd." Ano1hcr s-1udcnt added. "Sure, there nrc the ad• van1ngcs like bc11er ti.l.ction on 1hc dc.�ls, cleaner elbows," {and lhcn w11h a bh of a -.oh) " but, .
wcll.1h1ngsju,;1 arc 1101 1he same and I don·1 !11111k chcy c,•cr "111 Ix. I ju�I hope that ('JCh and every one of 1he Ramat. !>IUdcnl.s never forgets lhc slime and has ii in their heart.<; 10 reunn a llulc b11 o( slime in them wherever they go. "
Page 2
March 1989 / Adar I 574 9
The Oulr■ge
Letters to the Editor
No complaints. I lhink Iha I prelly much sums ii up.
I. Ariela Dubler. do solemnly declare 1ha1 RrunPagc 1s a far su perior pubhcn11on 10 the lowly R:urnfica11ons. RamPagc abo has a much belier Slaff. Sincerely, Anela Dubler Ram1fica11ons Assoc1a1e Ed11or
Dear Ed11ors, Many times dunng class the loudspeaker will accidentally :itay on in class, pcm1i111ng us to hear the"gomgs -on" in the s1x1h floor office. u�ually. this i� m the fonn of classical music. After nboul five or ten minu1es. lhe music stops. However, J would hkc 10 promote the play mg of classical music in class. fl works with the pas1cl walls and creates an even calmer atmos• pherc. It gives a sense of 1r..1n qu1li1y. Maybe 11 should no longer be accidental. Yours Truly, Musically Jnchned
Dear Ed11ors. Oy \'Jy! TI1e inya.n of 1aking mmchah as n second homeroom ha!> cau'i<:d mi: much tzuns. II is mamush becoming impossible to gel a mmya n. Kmdcrlach, tlus is a chllul Hashem! Please use your sa1chel! Sincerely. Helen Steer
RamChops l11e Ram Page has come out every week this ye ar. YouJU!>I m1:,scd 11.
Some11mc earlier this year, the orange blob from !hem fourth noor lounge was caughl m the act of escaping from 11s perch. Luckily. Danny got there m 1imc 10 subdue and replace 11
Quote of the Issue: "... If you are stlll reading this, you can stop now." -Suzanne Belh Ka.ran
11SSJNG-- A v1si11ng eighth gr.tder was lost somewhere on the way to the gym lasl \.'.eek wlulc taking his tour of 1hc bmld mg. If found, please return to 5.A R •.
Ed1ror-m C - h1ef
StudcnL'i from the Upper School have been wondcnng about Ram. Said one "1udcnt, "'I lefl the Upper building to pick up my l1ule sister and Ram let me out. I walked to the Lo�er L,uddmg and Ram opened the door for me." What 1s going on? Is he the fastest man alive? Does he ha,e a twm brother" Or, 1s lh1s JUSI a case of DcJa Vue?
(commuedfrom rwo 1ssue.s ago}
The Outrage hbllslled b) tbe StvdenlJ or !he Ramu Upper School 60 East 781h St. N.Y .• N.Y. 10021 Tel: (212) 517-5955 EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Michael Kellman Suzie Karan ASSOCIATI: EDITOR Lisa Ellcm EDITORIAL EDITOR
Students from 1hc Lower School have been wondering about Ram. Said one s1udent," I lefl the Lower building 10 meet my big sister and Ram let me out. I walked 10 the Upper build111g and Ram opened the door for me." What 1s going on? b he the fastest man alive? Docs he have a twin brother? Or, 1s 1h1sJu'-I a case of DeJa Vue?
went on the tnp. most of them "'ere nffectiona1e as pup pies 'They wouldn't slop fol low,ns u:. around. It wa.,; l,J.:c they·d never seen a human bcmg before," said another student. He continued. saying. " I am cer tain 1ha1 everyone who give� a moments 1hough1 to 1h1s very im portant issue will undcr�t:rnd why 1t 1-t SO 1mport.:rnt lhat 11 ap pears in such :i.n important newspaper." Af1er all, hap1ncss 1s a warm puppy Danny Sadmoff. a senior. commcnti:d... I dunk Jt 1s a wond<..·rful e.,prcs s1on ofRnmaz student comm1t mcnt that they pledge 1hc1r time 10 such an endeavor ... If you are s11II reading this, you can stop now, The point was made m 1he first lme.
Rabbi Haskel Looksteln
Josh Gorfinkle
Debbie Sabb.an Adam Szubin San Wisc
Jon Tanncnhauser -.W..�adtlal
("' L,_1, ', \ ,l"l,
The llui l'lip Does NOC W Your Lotten Aid Opinions. We Could Noc Catt Les9 What You Have To Say. Wo It.re Sick And Tittd OfT•klng AU This Abuse After Each Issue Printed. Shut Up! Thank You. Ed.
The Oulrage ...,,,_ yo.r lelten !NI op.ff <9allflNiUoas. E•er,tllfltc •■11 be lia ed. utters ••Y lie prleled 'l'i me Wll-lleld l./pon R�uesl'.
Shlfra Fein
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htr ii 11t
\\C\ ye.
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-"' Our cumnl llluslralor, Shtrra Fein, ls currtnlly on slrike.
March 1989 / Adar I 5749
·-- .... --
The Oulrage
Twenty Questions
CUlla)llldw-.tuJ Y011....,_lh<yan:
.. ,.,.._, __ 11-··
l)What 1s that h1Htng noise com mg from the walls? 2)Thc prwacy buuon. Wh.r docs ndo? ))When: ti.a., lhe shme gonc1 4)Whcn 1.J It coming back? S)Hov.• can we prepare f or us return'? 6)601 "lhe language lab. Do you know why7 Does i111yonc know why7 Docs Rabb i Weiser kl'low why1
7)Wh> a.re there 1-v.o v.a.ter fou.nl.3.lns neAt to exh other. 1f the) can't "ad at the \amc umc 8)Thc llurd Ooor s,nl. The . second floor 1ml. Wh) , 9)Why doesn·1 lhc building look hke !hose bluepnnlS on lhe third Ooor office? IO)Where does Ram h"<' 11)Wruu re-,lly goes on in lhe darkroom. anyway? l2)Why don't the windows open1 Who Jumped? 13)Does anyone really under stand lhc swnchOOard? 14)Wh.at do the two A •s m Ramai. s1JU1d for'/ 15)Wha1's for lunch7 l6)Wh,1 do you mean "wh,1 lund of qucsuon was 1ha11"
17JWh) 1> Mr Goer,, ,o 3fr3,1d of people._.. alkmg behind hi, desl? Unluppy childhood 1nc1dcn1, pcrhapi? I 8)Whai doe; he lecp lhen:? 19JWho does he keep lherc? 20)1 low many Cherem1m docs Rabbt Frankel ha\'e now? 0 2l)WhopainlS Dr S1one s IICS for h1m1 22)Why ,s lhlS called 1wen1y ' quesuons 1
by Elana Brown
Ten Plagues Strike Ramaz by Ed. As if the nu cp1dcm1c that rcccnlly ,truck Ramu i.tudents was not enough, It has rc«n1ly been discovered th.it Ramaz 1\ m f or ii more !ICnOus ;ulmcnt or rather plague. Yes. Rarrw has been struck by the lcn plaguc.s. Blood- Seniors who sc:IO�ly donate lhe1n :11 annual K.J blood dnvc.
Shudofsky plurbius laude meridian !
Lice- We do no1 JUSl )C'r.atch our hea,b because "AC 3J'C thmL• ing. Ca1tlc 1)l\Ca�- lncrc had 10 be 3 Jusufic;auon for Sen-mg Turkey b311J and spaghc111 Boils- Z11s. We arc 1ecm1gcrs Hail- All those lcmblc snow1i1onns -.c had th1'- ha�h winter. Locusts- Phoncc.alleB have certainly made the acquaintance of many a rooch while on the c. lcvtl.
Dartrness• Arc you :1fr.11d of 1he dark ., Then you did nOI go 10 gym for the three cb)'S lhal the SC•lc\"el e:cpcncnced a p0"ACr ou1age Oh. "-C mu.s1 nol lea\'e out the mouon dclcctors. Death of the first born-Alas. grndu,:111on.
Q: Wha1?1 Why !here arc al mos1 13 players on lhc: bJ.ske1baH team alone' Oh, I undcrs1and. Yt''ii, go on Mr. nun 1\ Well. as I "A:b saymg. I love the kids here and I thmL 1ha1 all lods their age could learn somc1hmg from 1hc eumple set by I� )OUngstcrs. Q. Alu. When was 1he lbt umc you actually mc1 and talked 10 3 Sludt'nl? A: Thal '-"OUld h:tve 10 be nme1ecn fi(1y JOmClhmg. I can ·1
lh1nk: 1hat I was Saum h nol worth the energy. Of course I al• Wll)'S carry my Ramu I.D. to lei people Lnow "'ho I am bu1 I ha\'c d1'iiCO\crcd ,adly 1hat mo�t busmes�s do no1 consider the Ram:u 1.0 a mjJOr crcdn card Q. Do )OU have any 1ncs'3ge 1ha1 you 'AOUld hl.c 10 ICII the Rama, �1udcn1 body� A· /\. \J)CC1fic mes53gc, no. Ra1hcr an all cncompas'iimg mu,m 1hat 10 me ,s both "AOrJy :md p11hy. 'iublle and )Cl blunt. !tpec1fic and yc::1 applicable m C\Cry po11is1ble c1rcums1ance Q. And whal nught 1ha1 be? A: Be excellent to each other. Q: h that 11? I\· Oh yeah--p.111y on dudc"i!
Opponumw. qui cffic1ere omma rurbarc cl m1.scere Homm, 1ormen1a admovcrc. de hormnc tonncnts quacrcrc. manus uluma. Tangert: plxarc fclcs! Caput hb1do. fiha procur.uor libido" Dem.us con· sumcrc, focus ad"crsan 1gnav1 nav1gauo. Posulcna deccm 11nn1 langu1dus fiha' Stolidu'l, pcndcrc exrc tns11a 3ppc11110. pcrderc alv1 profluv1um d1C1.1�., REm c:cplorarc 1mmcn\::I mag1str.i schola summa For mrdo adcssc lm1i.1llae. Emmc::n: qu1.squ1lac. Nossss1cr nomcn 1s
Nina. Equ1dem habcre dolor den11um' Vc:cator hebracus 1olcrab1hs pcll1s. Fanna tr.1g1cus expavcscerc. Fur.11 vanus Cur ium res m:uom1 momentr: Acer Ol"1nU5 ,rrecuo Uhginosus pom> opal us. 1errac molu5 ver m1.§! Cub11um oc1on1 scnno cor tex mc:ns:a Addo cu-cum:.10 duccni cgco f3lca1us fera ham::1 g}h3CCCum g}P'() Hae cluomcnac :id:ipcn1hs 1:1Clo pasco ursa e�phc;1110 m.,,1gne 1
lliin Latin Club 1
Interview with the Ramaz Ram: Q· How did you gtt sumcd? Whal led you 10 littk out the �1t10t\ of Khool mascot'! A: Well. 10 tell }OU lhe lllllh. as a l1ule ram I h;ad the l)'p1cal drc-;un of donating my horns 10 the Rosh I 1:1.,hannah cau�. but I soon p.3t� 1h;.i1 stage Ai f ma1un:d and '-IW my fncnd.1 go off to different colkge and profes &1onal learnt I began IO IOt\g 10 become a ma.scot of my O"An tc;un-•any 1nm-JU'iil as long a.s I could symbolu.c 1he sp1r11 of sporumansh1p and the American way. I know It sounds prc1cn1iou, but I dunk that th•� i� what I have achieved here :it R:.mv. While some of my fnends and fom1ly mcmben have gone off 10 more famouJ teams . notably Larry in L.A.. I have found hap- pine�s here in Ramat.. Q: Whal do you lhink of lhe ,1udcnu al Ramaz7 A: Tiu:y llfC ucep11onal young�ters. I know all 17 of lhem quuc well. Q: There arc cum:n1ly 500 sludcnts enrolled m Ramaz. Whal do you mean by 171 A. I h�ve no nouon of whal you speak. I have been al every Ramu )pc>ru game dus year and J have only mc1 up w11J1 17 )tu dcnts. including 1e3111 member,, of COUDC,
Bloom County
".. ./ have been con fused, however. wilh a sheep, a cow and Sa1a11 ... " remember cxac1ly. I thmk the Mudenl's name was llam'l or Haskel somc1hing or other. Q: Yes, 1h11 would expl:un thmgs. Do you enJoy 1hc rccog muon you musl get evcrywhen: yoo go? A: Ac1Ually. bchcve 11 or noc, not 1ha1 many people have heard of me. I have been confu�. however, with a sheep. a cow and Sat::a.n. J lncd expla1mng that sheep do not h11vc horns. cow, have udders and. '-"CII I figu�d that anyone dumb enough 10
· �;p;_1·-·
,, �•,
........... .
NO PARKING ACTIVE DRIVCWAY Calendar of Events April 13
Suzie's Birthday
June 8
Michael's Birthday
July 7
Danny's Birthday
July 26
Jon's Birthday
October 26
Roy's Birthday
November 21 Today
Avery's Birthday
Tomorrow The Next Day
Shushan Purim Nothing
The Outrage
Page 4
March 1989 I Adnr I 5749
Rams Busted for Steroids by Josh Prager Aflcr 3 thourough invest1ga110n of the Ramaz Bot"' Da.skct0011 fco.m. 11 was d1-.covcrcd thal the entire 1eamhas been usmg lllcro1ds throughout the 1988-&9 ',Cll.)00 J\pparcn1ly, a large amount of steroid� were brought from Ru.s,la with lo,·c by 1cam mem ber Lonn) Sorl..m Lonny felt the 1c11m could u� all the help they could get Says Lonny, "I felt the team could use all 1hc help II could get" llu� a11,1udc, combined with Lonny"s agg� •mc style of pli:1y. ha,•c lead 10 his being called. "Leaping Lonny Sorl.m." Only one pla)·cr on the team, Jcrrmy Kau., was not m favor of using steroids. Consequently, h< quit the team when offcrt=d I.he drugs. Jeremy commented, "It 1s a bush:>. . chcrpah, shancbh, and o
chlctmah••lt 1s a re.al cmbanb�• mcnl 10 tlu.s Yc�hl\•a • The drugs had ho1h good nnd
fihrn1ed by s1cro1ds can be proud Sa)'i Coach Oulny. ·1 thought II would affect my bo)S
"The drugs had both good and had effects 011 the team." bad cffcch on lhc tc;m1 S1c.,.cn Ebncr''i Jumping ab1l111es 1,1,crc greally affected by tus cons1an1 use: of s1cro1ds Coach Dulny rcmarl..cd, "I ha,c llC\Cr \Ctn :my1h111g l1l..c 11 Lru.t 1,1,ecl in
mo po,i;,tll\C way I thought 1t v.u" a gocxl idea ..
prac11cc, Slt\tn accuk111ally
Jumped O\Cr lhc ba,lct ...,h,lc going for o rcboum.l" Unfortunately. 01hcr plJ)Cf'.i w('rc nol so lud,y. Seth Ader', U$C of steroids has not bu llcd him up as he hoped 111,1,ould In• ,tcad, he ha, J�t grown caller and taller since he fin.I used stero1J�. ·The ultimate msul1 10 the tc:un, hoY.cHr, Is their 8--6 record. or v. h1ch no team m•
Co-Captain Steven Ebner shows ott his newly-enhanced Jumping skills In I game against HAFTAR on Saturday, March 11.
Eyeball Benders 11,csc nrc cxamp_lcs of
Eyeball Benders. They :ire pictures of everyday ob JCCIS viewed from odd
angles. \Vntc in your solutions 10 1hc Ram Page box. Good Luck!
1) Electric Shofar
Happy Purim! 2) Resting place for many Napkin (ro,111111u•dfwm11� I}
tJvc happcncJ ,r Mr F1cnnan \:&S suit aroun<l �
·· t,' ,. /.
Ramaz's Forgotten Team
3) And G-d Said, "Let there be... "
4) The heat is on.
When lhc Ram:u bov. lmg team 1,i;, men11oned, the �,pon,i;,c from most !ioludcnl,i;, 11; one of bc v. 1 ldcm1cn1. 11,e rca,on for that re,pon,c 111; th:ll N>whng 1s noc one or 1hc more publlc11cd spons al Ram:u. Unfonun:urly, m.,,ny sludtnls do llOI rcahle how s1rcnuou$ o.nd 11me con�um• mg 1hc bowling h:am rcall} 1-.. On Murch I, 11115 year. 1hc 1ca111's ,ca-.011 en<kd with an un <lcfca1cd rccon.l "I only v. 1sh more )ludcnis haJ come to 1hc game\ 10 cheer the bowie" on," commcn1cd 1he team cap1am "It was onl) because ur the dcd1ca11on of the learn member. that the bowllnJ; lcam ,�us able 1odo sov.cll '" Team prx11cc.s v.cre held aricr M"hool on MondJl)S fin chc e1gh1h floor. "'The court scc1m
)mall bu1 m actuality 11 con fonn,i;, v. 1th the Na11onJI Bo" I mg A,\OC 1a110n',. s1:1.ndanh.." Many of 1he IC3Jll0 member) h.t,e lx."Cn 1al1ng bowling lc, son, for :u le.isl fi,c )'C!lrs Bowlmg 1,i;, an unponan1 ra�t of their life and as one senior put ii "I hope lo conlmuc m th1 -. vein m college." When a.sled .about nc:0.1 year. lhc coach pcnnted out that v. h 1 lc many or the team's members are -.enioN, there arc a few dommat1ng f1to;hmcn who v. 1ll 1a.kc over con1rol of 1hc 1eam m the com ing years. \