Volume 8, Issue 1 (November 1963) - The Rampage

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This year it was decide d to hold the WELCOM.E FRESHMEN in two separate assemblies . The first one, he ld on Oc tober 17th, was the scholastic p art of the program. D r. Goodside announced the names of those students who were placed on the P rincipal's List · for the ter m -:::.-h .::rl g i -�h.;.-.,, � -t y b g sun gs rson h , ,- rot:J, e�tJ-Ae-, 196�school, and led by Irwin Keller and Harriet Garfinkel. Piano a:c�mpaniment was by Ora h Friedland and Harold Kestenbaum, ass1st1ng D r . president D anny Beller, conducting his fir st assembl�, Kreinen. G. t hen introduced Rabbi Lookstein, t o whom were presented the cand1dates for "Ateret R amaz" by D r. Goodside. R abbi Lookstein delivered a short talk on the three "atorot", those of "Torah", "P riesthood" and "Kingship", and that the crown of a good na me overshadows the m all. D anny Beller then ended the progra m with a discussion about the proposed Ramaz Honor Code .

A G. 0. meeting was held on Oc tober 18, with P resident Beller presiding. Season passes are ---n-ow on Sale for -:$2�00. For the benefit of all those who a re now still enraged over the price of G. 0. membership; this is a reduction from last year's price. It has also been deci ded that the members of the Girls' varsity will pay half p rice for season's passes. A problem has arise n conc er ning the participati on of Ramaz in The social part of the WELCO·ME the Inter-Yeshiva League. Coed FRES,HMEN was held a week later on October 24th. The nervo us Fre shteams are not •permitted to co mmen were marched into the Lower P ete in the league. The debating · M:ERIT S;EM.1-FINA'LIS·TS NAMED School cafeteria where the y met their and Yeshiva Bowl teams are coed Three seniors have been chosSenior escorts and led the school in and the G. 0. must now vote en National Merit semi-finalist s, the singing of the Alma Mater. Supper whether to have only boys' teams and social dancing followed. on the basis of a test g i v e n or no I. Y. teams in those e vents. The perennial highlight of this aflast March. J eff D erby, N. a O m i fair is the skit, written b y the Seniors A new committee h a s bee n Schwar tz and Steve Wassner are and acted out by the teachers. Mr. created by the G. 0. This commitamong the 13, 000 se ni ors in the Ingber was portrayed as a student tee is headed by D avid 1\1\ andlecountry selected for this honor. who is accused of stealing Mr. Rappabaum and will be responsible for port's ruler. Judge Solomon heard The qualifying score was 148 out . secur1· ng d1scou nt s for Ramaz G O LI.a.•] e og. +C::}-k}eT - 1_ C-G·r-A-e-._fa..of . � fell o.w�_stu.d en..___ ·_ ........,-----_te.sJjmuo)( 1 ___.the _ :_ . ,. .:s.s-i.r.:.> __. _ • • 0� � y d t an F Ierman, r. 6 aye p M • heIr d mem u ers . r·h e pres 1 ent---h as a Iso n at·1s ts ,these senio·rs mus t do we I I teacher, Mr. Haber, wh o witnessed asked a ll members of the G. 0. to on their College Boards and have the theft. Ironically, it is the judge participate i n an all-out discount outsta nding school records. Less who has the ruler after the conviction drive, now being sponsored by of Tsv i Tish. than 1,00·0 winners will be chos. the G . O·. We all commend the members of the en, each of w hom are e I191·ble for facult y who participated in the perREMEMBER - IT'S YOUR G . O.; scholarships of up to $ 1, 500 annuformance. They all did a wonderful HELP MAKE IT A GOOD ONE·. ally. ·10 b The presidents of the two Freshmen In addition, ten other senio·rs The RECORD Staff on behalf of cla sses, Judah P·assow and David ?arna, have received Letters of Commenthe teachers and entire student thanked the G.O. on behalf of their dation. They have achieved a respective classes. body would like to congratulate score o,f 136 or higher � They are : Miss Shirley Lerer upon her en­ Charles Ackerman. Aviva Margolis gagemen t to Mr . K almen Eidlisz S T EVEN· COMING Pik Vivian Daniel Beller of New York. Nov. 5 .................. Bowling Party Steve Gro s s Eric Schon No v. 9 ................M-TA at RAMAZ Daniel Siegel Noah Gurock The RECORD exp·resses its sin­ Nov . 16 .............. RAMAZ at BTA Levine Johanan Siegel Jack cerest sympathies to Av i v a ·N·ov. ·27 ........... A1 LUM1N1 GAMES Congratulations to all the win-­ Schwadron of lllx upon the re­ at w·agner n ers. cent loss o f he r brother .







ROUND RAMAZ PUBLISHED BY RAMAZ HIGH SCHOOL GENERAL ORGANIZATION 22 East 82nd Street, New York City Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein Principal

Dr. Samuel Goodside Supervisor


EDITOR-IN·-c·HIE1F ................................................................................RICKY COHN AS.SOCIATE EDITO·R ......................................................................N;OAH GU.ROCK Editorial Assistant .........: .....................: ......................................BARBARA SKY DELL News Editor ............................................................................................EVY ARFA Sports Edito·r ........................................................................................STEVE GROSS Feature Editor ....................................................................................RENA EPSTEIN Business Manager ................................................................................JACK GROSS Technical Editor ......................................................................PAULETTE KLEINHAUS E E g y p . . . h .. ditors .. ... . .. .. ......... ...................... ........ ........... t�E����st�V�� Photo ra

faculty Adviser . ........................................................... MR.MARVIN HERSHKOWITZ

Two new features were.jntroduced to Ramaz1tes this year. One is a program concerning an Honor System; the other, the discontinuation of the annual Poetry and Song contests.The editors of the RECORD fee] that the first is a good measure, the second a mistake. President Daniel Beller, in his opening address to the school, outl·ined· a system by which the students would be treated on a higher level. Teachers would not be needed to proctor tests or to supervise free classes.An improved Service Squad would be necessary.These measures cannot become effective overnight but will take several years of carefu l planning.The RECORD recommends these measures that will put Ramaz on a college· level. We urge immediate action by both the G. O. and the administration to accomplish these goals. Each year i· n December, the Freshmen and Sophomores compete in Hebrew and English declamation contests, wh1le the Juniors and Seniors vie for victory in a ''sing." It now seems that last year's contests were the finai ones.The .assembly has been eliminated by the administration.The RECORD feels that a mistake has been made.·Not only the pa · rticipants, but the \vho!e studer1t body looks forward to this informal assembly.A plaque in the lobby was created for the winners of the ''sing." The more gifted speakers and singers will lose the opportunity to dis­ play their talents.The RECORD urges the executive council of the G.O.to try to "recapture'' this program. The RECORD would again like to welcome our new teachers. They are, from left to right: Mr.Dresner, Mrs.Mann, Mr.Orleans, Rabbi Sherman and Mr. Shu­ dofsky.We also welcome Mrs. Steinfeld to the office staff. .

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Form llx is deliberating about a class



The Freshmen are slowly but surely adjusting to Ramaz' hectic pace.We are getting more scheduled tests and .less time 1'0 watch TV.Form 1 afforded the N. B. C. -TV studios the pleasure of their company on October 7th.We en­ joyed the program immensely and we were proud to represent Ramaz . . We had mixed feelings about the opening assembly. We enjoyed t h e singing - except the A I m a Mater. However, we guess a percentage of every class faked it out, so we don't feel that badly1 ...We also enjoyed the WELCOME FRESHMEN and wish to thank all those who made it the suc­ cess it was . ..Form 1 x does not want anyone to overlook its contribution to ihis mo nth' s RECORD; a ver-y-w.e! ! worded ad costing each of us almost two bits ...Now, what do you upper­ classmen have to say about school spirit?




mascot. The president thinks that we should also have a song ... Poetry, poetry, everybody in llx loves poetry ...The name Joey Reimer rings a bell, and not only as president of the I. Y. ...llx is practicing to click their loose­ leaves in unison .Now what should we do• a nutty thing like that for? . . . Congratulations to our new represent­ ative to the Fine Arts Committee. We know how much you wanted the job ... Ramaz' most intellectual class is planning. a trip to where else - G.E. CO·L1LEG·E BOW · iL . Look for us on T.V. Having lunch out will make it a really gala day .. . Whatever happened to alternate testing weeks? ...We just had our second Art lesson; marvelous record, isn't it? ...Did you ever real­ ize that TALE OF CITIE:S is almost 500 pages long? . . . This year we could really sit back and enjoy the WE'LCOME FRESHMEN; sadists, aren't we? . . . Just think, next year we will



(continued on page 3)

RAMAZ < RE·CORD RO·UN'D RAMAZ (Continued from page 2)


3 Steve Gross

A new basketball season has opened. This year's MJH·S.L looks more evenly probably be juniors. balanced than in previous years. After viewing most of the teams my predictions are as follows: Form lllx looks forward with an open mind to the l 0th period daily.· MTA.: With a well balanced team centering around Palefski and Radin, the Mi11i-Mites should go all the way to· the G·arden. They have experience, height If seems to be the one class where the and speed. I loo•k for Wettstein's boys to run the other teams into the teacher holds everybody's attention court on their way to a 10-2 record. . . . English is followed by another period where at least half of Fo,rm Ill HILi: Two of last season's top scorers, Steve Garber and Dave ·we · iner, return to make HILi a strong contender. Backing them up, are Wein and Neustadter, is wide awake ... By the way, don't be surprised if a Physics student stops both over 6 feet. Lack of experience should result in their 2nd place finish, with a 9-3 slate. you on the· stairs and tells you elephant jokes, or asks you who the present RJJ: The outlook for this year's Raider team is very uncertain. Their basic president of Germany is. After all, ''A team, if they do have one, is experienced.Speiser, Mondscheim,, Feiler and F'eidler rose is a rose is a rose." ... Many of us have all played together but lack reinforcements or1 the bench. Their shortage are finding new aches and pains deof tough re·bounders will cause them tro·uble from MTA, HILi and Ramaz. They veloping in our writing hands, thanks should finish the season with a 7-5 count. to a certain teacher who· requires RAMAZ: Usually the most predictable team in the league, Ramaz does not lo-o-o-ng answers.We s·uppose it's befall into this category this year. Danny Beller, considered by most to be the best --�ccfu·se�a .,._camelnas a lon-g jourrrey b�e-- ---ln·d1Viaual player •in-fne league, leads-·tne Ramaz artack. S,tuie Poaell and Jonny·fore coming to water... . Shor should together score over 20 points per game, while adding rugged rebounding strength.Rounding out the starting team are the Hausman twins, adding 225 D. T. G. . .. The Senior class speed to an otherwise slow team.Bench strength is supplied by Ricky Cohn and appreciates the opportunity to walk David Kahn.A winning season will relieve Mr.H's ulcers and would bring Ramaz outside during lunch.We will use our into the playoffs.The Rams, with or without their mascot, should finish 7-5. parole wisely ...Form IVy is proud of ·ELIZABET'H: W'ith Aboff still around, Elizabeth always poses a threat. This Ricky Cohn for representing us among year their luck should run out.They have a weak backcourt and no bench. Aboff the educated masses of Ater�t ...It is won't be able to win games by himself. Elizabeth - 4-8. very ·unfair t h a t some Seniors can BTA: The only returnee from last year's championship team is Dave Hershcome to school a period late daily.We kowitz. Coach Irv -Forman usually fields a strong team, ·but this year's Yugar should all be allowed to do so . . . squad lacks experience, height, and scoring. Bernie w·einer and Mike Reinhard Ray ·Ward· is still ·wondering why Rav cannot replace last year's big guns.BTA sh·ould wind up 3-9. Bronznick picked last Monday for a FLATBU·SH: Back where they belong, Ramaz' sister school is in for a poor tie inspectio-n ... The 12s math · class season.Nobody has returned to pull off a miracle. Flatbush fans are going to have has convinced Mr. Dresner that hometo revert to· priding themselves on their cheerleaders.With a little bit of luck, the wor-k is given but never collected for a Falcons should be 2-10.. mark..We are sure that he has also disAs stated in the NEW YO·RK POST, our second year in I. Y. is off and covered by now what ''BE:AT HIL.I'', running. New· teams have been formed and some spring sports have already chalked on the side on his attache case started in the fall.Looking back to last year, our biggest success was in bowling. means. S,peakirg of his attache case, We took first place, winning 7 matches and losing only l.Our softball, chess, and he seems to have lost it last week checkers teams· were also in the first division, taking third place in all 3 sports. while talking to a few of us on the This year our teams promise to be even more s·uccessful. The soft·ball team, front stoop ...·w·e had a special class captained by Ricky Cohn, swept RJJ 4-2, after losing to MTA by the sa·me score. meeting last w•eek. President Jack The team's fielding and hitting is much impt·oved over last year. Gross seems to have been impeached, Captain Stuie Podell says that the bowling team seems to be as strong as but we failed to convict him (by one Ia st----ye-ar- ' s. •W-it-h 3 sta rte-r--s-=-f-r-em ��a-s-t -year-'&--G �-s-L+ip�-om P.-�P-S-qt.-ta.cLr:etu.rning_ t-he.-. _ · vore�-=c::-oi nc ide-drv- e,r we tr with- o-o r team should again be first. American History lesson on ReconAlthough the graduation of Fred Goldstein will hurt the team in the sprint struction ... All of the Seniors would events r Captains Noah Gurock, Inky Keller and Ray Ward report that we should like to congratulate our own N. D. G. be able to replace the loss in the distance and field events. upon his becoming the first and hopeSteve Wassner and Lanny Binstock's handballers promise to reverse last fully not the last member of the grade year's sixth place finish with 5 returnees. to write an article for the N.EW YORK Both our swimmers and chessmen are in the midst of a rebuilding process. POST ... The seniors are complaining Peter Muller's mermen have only 5 swimmers from last year's squad.They look about the recent tests that we have very strong in the freestyle and breaststroke events. The loss of David Griffel, been subjected to. October l brought Steve Spira, and Morry Sivan leaves Andy Hausman's boardmen very weak. the New York State Scholarship Exam. Andy hopes that replacem.ents can be found to help Jay Pearlberg and him It was more of an endurance test than carry the team. a test of knowledge.·We hope we will Jack Hausman's soccer team !ooks strong in al I positions. After a forfei t not be disappointed with the results. victory over RJJ, they look forward to the match against MTA. Two weeks I a t e r, we suffered This year, handball has been changed to a fal I and winter sport, vvith our through the PS,AT exam administered first match against R.J.J. The bowling team opens its season on Election Day by the College Board Examinations. against Flatbush, as part of our bowling party. Th·e I. Y. newspaper, put out by We are not looking forward to the Noah Gurock, has already been distributed to the 2400 students in the member December boards but are thinking schools. abo·ut that famous 8th term. BEW'ARE With thanks to Mr. Hershkowitz, Ramaz hopes to achieve a most successful RAMAZ ... Teachers, please, fill your year. water coo I er.


JESS E. G· R0·SS · CO. Insurance





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