Brave New World Revamped bv Arthur Rosen
The dream of every Ramaz srudent has been the incarnation of the new
Ramaz building. Members of the upper classes will probably never have the oc
casion to see this luxurious, well-equipped super-structure ...
There are, however, many new things in Ramaz this year made possible by
the acquisition of the 92nd street "Y" Strange as it may seem the library no longer
contains the remnants of a classroom. It is completely devoted to the use of
bibliophiles ...
Further anatomical study reveals that
our hallowed halls have been repaint
Cheerleaders Chosen
Cheering tryouts, looked forward to by all who appreciate our "pep" squad, took place in the lower school on Tuesday, September 18th. Although the decision was difficult due to the fine turn-out, the six open places were speedily filled by Harriet Garfinkel, Barbara Blechner, Rise Fleischer, Ziva Benathen, J a n i e R o s e n z w e ig and Naomi Schrenzel. Returning as 3-year members are Anita Polk and Vivian Trauring.The cheerleaders, co-captain ed by Carol Gould and Andrea Jacoby, are now working hard to try to give Ramaz the loudest squad it has ever had.
ed. Years of scirbbling, doodles, and
Gemorah words have been erased by
the stroke of a brush. The porta I of each rcorn is adorned by a new pastel
colored mezuzah. The over-all appear ance of the school will be maintained
Toys • Books • Stationery
by a friendly new custodian and his
wife ...
1120 Madison Ave. at 83rd St.
The teachers have certainly bene
fited by the refurbishment of Ramaz. They have gained a teachers' lounge
which is divided into cubicles for in
room (or "old teachers room") has
been furnished as a "guidance office",
with a comfortable beach chair for
short naps ...
What can be better news to a Ramaz
sports enthusiast
team! Now we will no longer have to be known only as a weak basketball
team ...
The Junior Varsity looks forward to
another sparkling season, and wel
comes their new coach, Mr. Martin Feinsod ...
Ramaz now have their choice of daily
newspapers. The now
Compliments of
G. 0. Organizes Swim Varsity
with one paper and his English with
the other ...
The "moral tag" attached to this ar
extra-curricular activities. The
will be coached by our own Mr. Hersh
kowitz and will participate in organi zed competition.
Street, the following members were
Freshmen - Joseph Wolferman. Sophomores - Salem Katsh, Robert Pik, Leonard Schoenfeld, Marvin Wolf. · Juniors - Charlie Ackerman, Noah
augurated by the administration, it is
Bokser, Peter Gyenes, David Hammer,
present condition.
From A Friend
at Al Roon's Health Club on West 73rd
ticle is obvious. Since we have bene
up to us to keep the building in its
The Good Humor Man
A new varsity, the swimming team,
Gurock, Steven Gross.
fited from the many innovations in
has been added to the ranks of our
After the tryouts, which were held
The intellectually gifted students in
Mr. Rappaport at Work in The New Teachers' Room
Seniors - Michael Berenbaum, Baruch
Schlang, Mordecai Sivan, Steven Spira.
LISTER CHEMISTS l 088 Madison Ave. Cor. 82nd St.