2019 EQ Almanac

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Pacifi c Edition


“It takes two to make a thing go right, it takes two to make it out of sight…”

DJ EZ Rock

Our first Double Cover, featuring the Phiilippaerts Twins – what

The Equestrian Almanac is all about connections. The right

amazing young men they are and how lucky they are to have

ones, the ones you need on a good day, a challenging day and

each other. While we may not be blessed to have a Twin, we

the best information to “Be Prepared”, a motto made famous

are fortunate as Equestrians to have a community where team

by the Girl and Boy Scouts of America.

work and trusted partnerships make things go right. I dedicate the 10th Edition to my amazing husband Scott

My Trusted Partners

for his patience, love and support of my undeniable passions

Hunter, National Velvet

The EQ Almanac. That’s a lot of Mare to handle and he is

Trainer, Legend Hap Hansen

for family, horses, dogs, friends, real estate and publishing a true gentleman. What a lucky girl I am.

Trainer and Riding Prodigy, Natasha Traurig Veterinarian, Dr. Rodrigo Vazquez Farrier, Benjamin Perez Show Groom Extraordinaire, Lisa Baldasarri Saddle Maker, County Saddlery Sports Coach, Mario Soto

Exciting News for 2020 – Dr. Piper Klemm owner of The Plaid Horse and I are joining forces to present an Atlantic Edition of the Equestrian Almanac to bring you the best of the best from coast to coast.

Roblee Valentine & National Velvet




1 8


5 1. Carly Anthony 7. Monica Ward


9 2. Tim Simpson 8. Eduardo Menezes, H5

3. Olympian Will Simpson 9.Steve McCallister

4. Best Hair in Show

10 5. Steve Bond

11 6. Jo Cho & Custis Ferguson

10. AON Sponsors Equestrian Business Women

11. Ali & Florian Moreno




1 4




5 1. Mandy Porter

2. Willow & Roblee

9 3. Team Germany

4. Ashlee Bond

7. Victor Espinoza, Scott Nelson & Carlos Fernandez


5. Meritxell Fernandez & Harry Smolders

8. Nayel Nassar

9. Team H5

6. Megan Camaisa & Friends

10. Chenoa McElvain








Roblee L. Valentine 858.437.4778 Roblee@EQAlmanac.com






Joshua Miskovsky 619.274.1630 Josh@EQAlmanac.com



S TAFF W RITER Pam Maley 859.619.0028 Pam@eqsol.com

M ARKETING Tamara Solange 818.930.8917 Tamara@EQAlmanac.com


California law applies to and controls all materials contained herein. ORDERING FROM ADVERTISERS: Advertisers warrant and represent that the descriptions of the products or services advertised are true in all respects. The Equestrian Almanac (TEA) assumes no responsibility for claims made by advertiser. TEA makes no recommendations as to the purchase or sale of any product, service, or other item, and publications of any advertisement by TEA is not an endorsement of the product or services advertised therein. TEA assumes no responsibility and no liability for unsolicited materials. TEA has no responsibility for any advertised product or service the purchase, sale, or use of which may violate any law. All views expressed in all articles are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of TEA. All letters and their contents sent to TEA become sole property of TEA and may be used and published in any manner whatsoever with out limit and without obligation and liability to the author thereof. © 2019v by The Equestrian Almanac. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part in any data retrieval system or any transmission by any means therefrom without prior written permission is prohibited.





orn into show jumping nearly every weekend and royalty and steeped its attendant travel make it in the family business difficult as a child to succeed at their farm in the forests of in school? “We were fortunate Northern Belgium, Olivier to go to a very good school and Nicola Philippaerts wear that supported our careers,” the mantle proudly, capably Olivier points out. and humbly; and they work nder the tutelage of their father, they rocketed to the hard to earn it. From birth, their lives were filled with the top in their junior careers. And in 2012, a year after glamour and hard work of show jumping competition at the Nicola won the Falsterbo Grand Prix, Olivier became highest level, as they and their mother Veronique traveled with their father Ludo, a four-time Olympian and show jumping the youngest rider ever to win the CN International Grand legend. And always, at the center of their lives, were the horses. Prix at Spruce Meadows, with Beezie Madden coming in second, and Ludo in third, a proud and happy father. hey were given their first ponies at age five or six, says n 2014 at Gothenburg, the Swedish clothing giant H&M, Olivier. “We participated in many sports: basketball, as part of their move to become a meaningful presence in soccer… but by 12 or 13 we had both decided to devote equestrian sport, approached the twins about a long-term all of our time to horses.” Show jumping at the top levels, even for young riders, involves a lot of travel. Did showing sponsorship. These young men, immensely talented, bright





and articulate, engaging and approachable, with their movie star good looks, were the perfect choice to be the face of H&M. “We feel very proud and extremely lucky,” says Olivier with sincerity. “H&M has been a great sponsor for us.”


ow amassing victory after victory at the top of the international show jumping world, the twins find themselves competing against each other. Do they see that as a situation that threatens their closeness as brothers and good, good friends? Absolutely not. “It’s a huge advantage for us,” explains Olivier. “We challenge each other, and we help each other.” Nicola, in prior interviews has pointed out that “we both always want to be the best, but one time it will be Olivier and the next time it will be me. That’s why we also grow together. You get motivated to beat the other one. You learn from it and you support each other.”


hat being said, they don’t always compete against each other. The London Knights, comprised of Olivier and Nicola, Ben Maher, Emily Moffitt and Martin Fuchs, captured the 2018 season title in the Longines Global Champions League. And, they’re a dual force to be reckoned with in Nations Cup competitions as well. “This year,” says Olivier, “we will try to qualify ourselves for the European Championship.”



ne of the great strengths of the Philippaerts family is having an excellent eye for buying promising five-, six-, and seven-year-olds, and then with time and patience, bringing them up to the Grand Prix level. “By the time we’re competing,” Olivier points out, “we know them very well. That’s important at this level; we know their strengths and also the weak parts.”


raveling the globe to show every weekend is a way of life for Nicola and Olivier. Their participation in the Longines Global Champions Tour takes them to some of the world’s most spectacular cities to compete against the top-ranked show jumpers in the sport. At the close of the 2018 season, Nicola was ranked in 3rd place on the LGCT, and Olivier in 21st. Are they able to enjoy their starstudded surroundings as they travel? “There’s not much time, but for sure, we try to see as much as possible,” Olivier explains.


he twins are hard-pressed to choose their favorite venues. They agree that Spruce Meadows and Aachen, with their technical challenges and big prize money, are the most prestigious, but Nicola enjoys the indoor venue at Gothenburg, competing on the beach in Miami, and in Mexico City as well, while Olivier mentions those and Stockholm, finally concluding that they’re all beautiful.


heir chief partners for major competitions in 2019 will likely be familiar to show jumping fans: Legend of Love and Extra for Olivier, and Chilli Willi and Ikker for Nicola. In addition, there are always some younger prospects that travel with them to compete in the smaller classes as part of their training.



hile show jumping is the most visible part of their professional lives, the family business also involves breeding, raising, training, and selling horses – all of which Nicola and Olivier are very much a part of. The legendary stallion Darco, Ludo’s partner for much of his career, became one of the top ten show jumping sires in the world and the foundation of the Philippaert’s carefully managed breeding program.



ut even with the most careful management, serendipitous moments have their way of happening. A few years ago, Nicola’s stallion Chilli Willi became enamored of Olivier’s mare Legend of Love, and jumped the fence to, shall we say, have a conversation with her. The staff quickly returned him to his own paddock, but apparently not quickly enough. Much to the chagrin of the breeding manager, it shortly became obvious that Legend of Love was in foal. In 2012 Child of Love was born. In due course, she entered the training program, and now at age seven, she’s one of their future prospects – one that their fans will surely enjoy watching. The world has always been fascinated by the concept of the power-twin duo, and Olivier and Nicola are the complete package: talented, engaging, handsome, polite and modest; and the rest of the family is just as charming. One look at their website “We Live Horses” (philippaerts.be/en), and the viewer is totally smitten with these Belgian twins, their parents, their younger brothers Thibault (18) and Anthony (16), their gorgeous lush farm, and their way of life. One can’t help but wish them well, and we at Equestrian Almanac are no different.

nothing works harder than



Watching a top horse and rider at the top of their game is always a breathtaking experience. The partnership, athleticism, strategy and practiced execution of seemingly impossible feats manifesting before your eyes is artful and powerful. Every detail must be attended to, analyzed and executed. From the moment the horse softly steps into the ring, the synchronized efforts of a team produce what every spectator is hoping for, a spectacular, winning ride.

“When the horse you ride is right there with you, mind, body and spirit, it’s a rush like no other” says Olympic Gold Medalist Will Simpson. “Sometimes it takes you by surprise, other times, you gotta fight for it. But when a horse works with you, wants it as bad as you do, well…What a Hoss!” smiles the seasoned show jumping legend. Simpson is the first to applaud his whole team, from his grooms to his sponsors in making sure he and his horses are ready to compete. “Everyone works hard to make this happen, and nothing works harder than good equipment. Equipment is key, the right equipment, FITTED CORRECTLY, allows me and my horse to perform at our best.”

For a rider, there is no better feeling than when all the pieces flow together. Perhaps the most obvious piece of equipment on a horse, the saddle can make or break a ride. More often than not, the saddle is detrimental if poorly designed and ill fitted, and is overlooked by many riders, simply due to a lack of education on what really makes a saddle comfortable for a horse. “Many riders ride what feels good to them, and they pad up or down depending on the horse they are riding. Riders have ‘their saddle’, but few horses have a saddle they can say feels just as good to them. Back soreness due to poor saddle fit is a huge issue in the show ring, from World level on down..” says Dr. Steve Engle, former US Team Veterinarian. “One of the most common things we see watching a horse in a saddle that does not fit is behavior while competing that is written off as a training issue or attitude, like rushing fences, swapping leads or bucking on the landing side.




More often than not, horses are expressing discomfort and pain, and many times it is due to saddle pain.” An advocate of County saddles, Dr. Engle has watched horses transform from un-rideable to adding years and earnings to their competition careers. Married to Olympian Margie Goldstein Engle, he recalls a particular horse they had horrible pain issues with. “Alvaretto was a Grand Prix horse, 15.2 at the wither, but about 14 hands in the middle of his back. So swaybacked you would never believe he could jump at all, but being all heart, the horse produced a massive, tremendous jump. Plagued with horrible back pain, he would be almost evil when having his back examined. Kicking and biting, he made it clear he did not want his back touched. There was simply no saddle we had tried that worked for this horse.” During this time, Margie won a County custom fit saddle while competing on another horse, and Steve (Dr. Engle) suggested they have their win fitted to Alvaretto. Gene Freeze, the owner of County Saddlery was contacted, and Freeze created a saddle for this horse that changed his life. Dr. Engle recalls the change in the horse: “Over the next few weeks and months, Alvaretto’s back changed at least 2 inches in height as he was able to now lift his back and his back pain dissipated dramatically. He went on to compete in seven World Cup events with my wife Margie. He retired sound and solid legged, although still swaybacked as hell..” he laughs. “The relationship my wife Margie and I have with County saddlery began with that horse, and it continues to this very day”. Margie has ridden in County ever since, and counts a huge part of her success to the County saddles her horses use. Her recent horse, 2018 Horse of the Year ‘Royce’ is another testament to the comfort of a well fitted County saddle.

“I had heard a lot about The Dude, he was a crowd favorite and I had seen him compete before. He was known not only for being a fast horse, but also one to buck and play wildly about on course, adding to the entertainment. My husband (Isauro Flores) and I were stabled next to Will, and when The Dude walked by, Isauro, a professional rider and extreme horse advocate, noted the difficult saddle fit conformation of the horse, and suggested to Simpson he try a County Saddle, which he rode on a mare with a similar back.”


Will Simpson has experienced this firsthand, while competing his famous mount, The Dude. It is what led him to switching to his current saddle sponsor, COUNTY SADDLERY. Ingrid Brown, MSA certified saddle fitter and Show jumper herself, reflects on the day Simpson first sat in a County saddle on The Dude. “I suddenly found I had lost my ‘rider hat’, and was compelled to put on my ‘saddle fitter hat’. After working with The Dude and determining what would be the optimum fitting saddle, Will took the horse for a flat session. Impressed by the difference in the horse, Simpson asked if he could try jumping in the saddle. I had no idea he meant in the CS104* Nations Welcome.” Simpson later quipped: “That is something you never used to be able to do, just climb on a new saddle you never tried and get around well in a big class. I LOVE that about County.” “ I can’t say I remember the exact course design, but the moment seared into my memory is The Dude coming through a vertical oxer one stride, and scoping over the oxer to then land calmly and carry on down a bending line to a tall vertical, only to have one rail. Changing saddles before such a prestigious class was unheard of.” He expressed to me how he had expected The Dude to land from the massive oxer, buck, drift and perhaps buck some more…and had walked the course over and over anticipating what he knew this horse to always do. Instead the horse had landed in balance and quietly cantered on down the vertical and the distance Will had planned for disappeared. Will saw it for what it was, the horse was comfortable, and it changed the ride. He didn’t suck back, he didn’t buck, but landed in balance and recovered his stride so well the vertical came up faster than expected. Simpson asked if he could ride the saddle again, this time in the Friends of TBird Grand Prix. This time, I was ready for the butterflies. Watching Will Simpson and The Dude in that jump off was thrilling, and his victorious win so very sweet!” County Saddlery is represented in Southern and Central California by Tamara Solange, a Master Saddle Association certified saddle fitter. “The west coast is slow to the party”, she laughs, “County is a HUGE name in Europe and on the East Coast, and it is fun watching the tide turn on my home turf. I expect great things in the next year, and cannot wait to see it unfold. I am ecstatic to be part of the County team.” Ingrid Brown and her husband Isauro Flores live and ride out of Langley BC Canada. www.osjs.com www.jumperprospects.com


Gene Freeze, Owner of COUNTY SADDLERY Hans Hans Hans Peter Peter Peter Edward Edward Edward Gal GalGal has designed saddles for many of the world’s leading riders in all three Olympic disciplines: Minderhoud Minderhoud Minderhoud on onGLOCK’ GLOCK’ on GLOCK’ ss s TRIPLE GOLD MEDALIST, EDWARD GAL OF THE NETHERLANDS, on onGLOCK’ GLOCK’ on GLOCK’ ssToto Toto s Toto Jr. Jr. Jr. Total Total Total US US US



U.S. OLYMPIC TEAM MULTIPLE BRONZE MEDALIST, ROBERT DOVER, U.S. OLYMPIC TEAM BRONZE MEDALIST, LISA WILCOX, U.S OLYMPIAN MARGIE ENGLE, TEN-TIME AMERICAN GRAND PRIX ASSOCIATION RIDER OF THE YEAR Gene is a member of the British Society of Master Saddlers and is the current President and Chief Instructor of the Master Saddlers Association in the U.S. Gene contributes to leading magazines and lectures on saddle design and fitting worldwide and was invited by the University of Zurich to lecture at the Swiss Veterinary Conference to over 300 veterinarians and riders from all over Europe. He has also lectured at the School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University, Wisconsin Veterinarian Center, and throughout Europe. Gene’s overall design perspective has been influenced by his involvement in many aspects of sport horse competition including riding at Selection Trials in the U.S. as a three day event rider. Resisting the trend toward low cost production methods using foam panels and plastic trees, County saddles continue to be painstakingly handmade on our laminated beechwood trees, covered in the worlds finest leather, and flocked with pure wool to maximize your horses’ comfort and fit. As one of the few saddlery companies in the world which actually make their own trees, County sets the industry standard in design for the rider and comfort for your horse. Our traditional methods take longer and require a higher degree of craftsmanship, but once you sit in a County, we know you will agree that the results are clearly worth it. Although we custom make saddles for many of the world’s leading riders, our commitment to quality and detail is reflected in every saddle we make, including the one we have made for you.



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BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY WHEN YOU HAVE A HORSE OWNERSHIP DISPUTE When someone buys a horse a fundamental assumption is the seller owns the horse. And, in most cases the buyer assumes the seller has authority to sell the horse. However, there are many occasions where a dispute will arise in a horse sale because the seller has defective legal "title" to the horse or the seller does not have authority to sell the horse. Many times a horse transaction will involve an intermediary. The intermediary is usually a trainer, a horse trader or someone who is in the business of buying and selling horses. Oftentimes the buyer who may be new to the horse business will trust an intermediary in the horse transaction. Many times the trust is broken because the ownership of the horse is not clear and the ownership of the horse may be in dispute between various persons. By the time the buyer learns of the dispute the buyer usually has already paid for the horse. When a demand is made for a refund of the purchase price, excuses

are made which usually contain some truth but in the end only exacerbate the problem. Once a buyer finds out there is a dispute involving ownership of the horse, the injured buyer usually becomes angry and wants to tell the world how they were mistreated in the horse transaction. With social media, the aggrieved buyer can create a maelstrom of problems for the seller, the seller's agent or others who were involved in the sales transaction. Although this would appear to be a logical act by the buyer, it could create unintended consequences to the buyer. Most states have laws which protect against trade libel, defamation of a person's reputation and interference with prospective business advantage. Truth is a defense to these tort claims, but in practice, defending against a tort claim such as trade libel can be expensive and an

exhausting experience. Social media allows for an immediate and widespread publication of claims against another person. It is not uncommon for an aggrieved buyer of a horse to want others in the horse industry to know how they were mistreated by the other party or persons in a horse sale gone bad. A buyer in this situation must use caution in communicating with others about the problem. In short, if you are a buyer or another person with a claim to full ownership or partial ownership in a horse, before you communicate to the world your problems be sure you know the facts and be careful how you communicate those facts to others. Usually, it is best to consult with an experienced equine lawyer to avoid falling into the trap of committing defamation against another person or committing interference with another person's prospective business advantage.

CopyrightŠ 2019 T. Randolph Catanese, Esq. All rights reserved. Any questions regarding the above can be directed to T. Randolph Catanese, Esq. at Catanese & Wells, A Law Corporation, at randy@cataneselaw.com or (818) 707-0407.

Call Call Call ususus today today today (818) (818) (818) 707-0407 707-0407 707-0407

Whether Whether Whether youyou are you are anare owner, anan owner, owner, rider, rider, rider, breeder, breeder, breeder, or another oror another another equine equine equine professional, professional, professional, youyou will you will need will need need to find to to find an find equine anan equine equine lawlaw firm law firm that firm that will that will best will best serve best serve serve your your needs. your needs. needs. Catanese Catanese Catanese & Wells & Wells & Wells offers offers offers thethe equine the equine equine lawlaw and law and horse and horse horse attorney attorney attorney services services services needed needed needed to solve to to solve solve anyany equine-related any equine-related equine-related problems problems problems youyou may you may have. may have. have. No No matter No matter matter thethe discipline, the discipline, discipline, breed breed breed of horse, of of horse, horse, or level oror level of level profession, of of profession, profession, Catanese Catanese Catanese & Wells & Wells & Wells is is is dedicated dedicated dedicated to working to to working working withwith you with you toyou provide to to provide provide youyou with you with superior with superior superior services. services. services. OurOur Our team team team of experienced of of experienced experienced California California California horse horse horse attorneys attorneys attorneys cancan assist can assist assist youyou inyou all in equine in allall equine equine lawlaw matters, law matters, matters, ranging ranging ranging from from from lease lease lease agreements, agreements, agreements, to equine to to equine equine realreal estate real estate estate matters. matters. matters. Catanese Catanese Catanese & Wells, & Wells, & Wells, A Law A Law ACorporation. Law Corporation. Corporation. 4580 4580 East 4580 East Thousand East Thousand Thousand Oaks Oaks Boulevard, Oaks Boulevard, Boulevard, Suite Suite 250 Suite 250 Westlake 250 Westlake Westlake Village, Village, Village, CA 91362 CACA 91362 91362

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Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: (818) (818) 707-0407 (818) 707-0407 707-0407 Fax:Fax: (818) Fax: (818) 707-1161 (818) 707-1161 707-1161 Email: Email: Email: info@cataneselaw.com info@cataneselaw.com info@cataneselaw.com

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Your Trainer Riding in Southern California is a dream and selecting the right trainer for you and your horse is essential to making it enjoyable and successful. Each trainer will have a variety of training options and here are some questions to ask when trying to find just the right trainer. • Be clear about your training and showing objectives • What is the barn schedule? • How many days per week can I ride or work with you? • How will I be billed for board, training, shoeing and vet care? • What is the cost of care and training at the shows and commissions? • What is the feeding and nutrition program? • How to best insure your horse Once you have chosen a trainer, being a good client will make the training experience more enjoyable. Here are some recommendations: • Respect your trainer’s time and respect other clients • Keep out of other clients’ business • Allow your trainer to do the job you hired him/her to do • Communicate clearly with your trainer and request the same The right trainer for you will be there to answer your questions, hear your concerns, lend a shoulder when needed, give you confidence when you need an extra dose and praise you for doing a job well. And help to make your passion fun, safe and successful!



“Use the Entire Ring!� WESTWOOD SHOW JUMPING Philip Cillis

16924 Rambla de las Flores Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 P: 619.540.6392 philip720@aol.com

Westwood Show Jumping Stables is located at The Rancho Riding Club in beautiful Rancho Santa Fe. Philip Cillis is originally from British Columbia and has been a professional horse trainer for over 30 years. He worked with Show Jumping Hall of Fame inductee Hap Hansen for the majority of his career before opening his own stable 10 years ago. Philip has trained champions in both the Hunter and Jumper divisions, as well as


produced many top Junior and Amateur riders. He is a seasoned Grand Prix rider and has represented the U.S.A. on the Nations Cup Team.



“Just jump the jump!” Born into a non-equestrian family, Hansen started riding when he was 10 years old at

“Use the Entire Ring!”

the Flintridge Riding Club in La Canada, California. He trained under the legendary Jimmy Williams, turning professional in the 1970’s at the Rancho Riding Club. Hansen is the recipient of many prestigious equestrian awards, including the CPHA Lifetime Achievement Award, American Horse Shows Association Hertz Rider of the Year, the Johnny-Walker/AGA Rider of the Year, and Hall of Fame Rider. Hansen now trains and sells the nation’s top Hunter/Jumper horses at his stables in Rancho Santa Fe. In the last five years, Hansen’s students have been crowned champion in numerous Hunter/Jumper divisions as well as qualified for regional and national medal finals. Hansen said confidence is the most important thing he tries to instill in his students.


16332 Via de Santa Fe Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 P: 619.540.2622 hhrsf@aol.com




“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution...” HUNTOVER Huntover

29 Bay Mare Rd. Bell Canyon, Ca. 91307 3211 Wildflower Valley Dr. Encinitas, Ca 92024 P: 818.414.0278 mwbniice@aol.com

Huntover provides hunter, jumper, and equitation programs designed for the competitive pony, junior, or amateur rider. With locations in both Los Angeles and San Diego, our business is renowned for it’s level of commitment to developing the connection between horse and rider. Mark Bone is a skilled trainer, “R” judge, and clinician who thrives on helping his students reach their individual goals. With assistants Korie Sullada, Laura Santana, and Scott Taylor, Mark oversees training at Los Angeles’ Bell Canyon Equestrian Center and San Diego’s


Wildflower Farm. Please call for a tour of our facilities and see how Huntover can help you achieve your goals.



“I LOVE. . . Showjumping!” “Your Quote Goes Here” American show jumper Will Simpson is a long-standing competitor at the highest level in the National and International show jumping circuit. Will made his mark on the sportidignis early in his career by venihiliquid setting an outdoor high-jump feet, 9 etur? inches on, Sim molupti beatet quiatinullo consedrecord qui cusofis7 suntio “Jolly Good” in 1985 Cincinnati. In 2002, won theod West Coast League with solorep a score Apitatem aceari temin harchil iquaecto modihe dolestiae et fugiam haruptatur of 91 —adis the third highest total in the league’s history — out of a pa maximum He then editat sinusapient volecatem fugia derum fugia simin qui con100. reperuntur went on win thealiqui Del Mar Prixvoloribusdae four straightmo years in a row. He is acium quitoapiciet conInternational cone lant est,Grand optibus to beaturibusam


Private Trainer

most well knownmagnis for the eos crucial role hemi, played, as part of theetUnited debit optaquas dipsapel sent autecatibus ariaturStates aut utJumping earchil Team, inuttaking hometemporrovit the gold medal at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. Will has latquid la dolupta mo blabor sit, quas volupta quunt qui vitatio to endel represented the U.S in five World Cup finals andestia won nos more than seventy five Grand Prix et quosae corepuditae re, to to optur, occaerit nusciur modiore mporiossum events over theeum course offaceressus. his career. Most recently he enjoyed an unprecedented nine qui voloreptat idem Grand Prix victories HITSiur Thermal in equatin 2015 winter Vel invelique doluptaattatet, simposs repeseason. velendellat.




“Believe in yourself and trust your horse.� GUILLERMO OBLIGADO Woodgrove Farm

16255 Via de la Valle Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 P: 760.815.0731 wdgrove@aol.com

Guillermo Obligado, originally from Argentina, has owned and operated Woodgrove Farm for over 20 years. During his last year in school, Obligado decided to leave law school and move to the United States in pursuit of his passion for horses. In 2004, Obligado attended the Olympic Games in Athens as a reserve rider for Argentina and represented Argentina in the 2006 World Equestrian Games. He has


also placed second in the Barcelona Grand Prix and won five stars at the Spruce Meadows Masters.



“Horses have the ability to make us want “Believe in yourself to be the perfect versions of ourselves.”

and trust your Hegewisch Stables has beenhorse.” operating in Del Mar since 1996. Our mission is to guide and educate dedicated students in order to help them achieve both personal and occupational goals. We focus on discipline, horsemanship, respect, appreciation, and an aspiration for furthering knowledge in both the sport and in life. Our business is family-owned and operated, providing a comfortable environment that is both fun and professional. Our coaches are able to accommodate all levels of show jumping ranging from beginner to Grand Prix. Three languages (English, Spanish, and German) are spoken proficiently amongst our trainers, allowing us to provide services for a wider variety of clientele.


5275 Del Mar Mesa Road San Diego, California 92130

P: 858.699.4301 info@EverardoHegewischStables.com




“When you are on a great horse, you have the best seat you will ever have.” -Winston Churchill Nicole Shahinian-Simpson grew up being known as the “Catch riding kid” for her ability to compete horses she had never ridden before and win. As a junior she won multiple


3855 E. Wasatch Ct. Westlake Village, CA 91362 P: 805.431.6413 simpsonshowjumping@gmail.com

national equitation finals. Simpson has represented the USA in many different world cup finals, Nations cup and world equestrian games. Recently relocated her business to Southern California, travels nationwide and internationally to compete in top level Grand Prix with Silver Raven Farms (Carol Rosenstein) “AKUNA MATTATA” (one of the triplets) which is a homebred Simpson has developed since day one, along with “April Moon” and “Abbey Road”. She will be representing the USA in Xalapa, Mexico in early May in the Nations Cup! As a mother of two she has passed down her talent to Sophie Simpson and Ty Simpson who now compete in top level Grand Prix!



“It’s one sport where the older you get,



sometimes the better you get.” -Susan Hutchison Susan Hutchison, one of America’s most renowned horse show jumping riders, is located in the beautiful Temecula Valley of Southern California. Susan (Susie) Hutchison Stables operates a full service horse training facility with a competitive horse show schedule and horse services available to both horse and rider. Susie also offers select horses for sale. Susie Hutchison was delighted to announce her induction into the 2015 National Show Hunter Hall of Fame, which “honors excellence by providing recognition, education, and appreciation for the achievements of the horsemen and horses who have made the sport of show hunters so rich in history.”

SUSAN HUTCHISON Susan Hutchison Stables, Inc.

34520 De Portola Road Temecula, CA 92592

P: 951.217.3933 sushutch53@yahoo.com




“Winning is a State of Mind.� Mickie Sage Inc. Show Stables trains beginners to experienced competitors and has a commitment to excellence in the foundations


18411 Via de las Flores Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 P: 720.470.0180 mickie@mickiesageinc.com

of horsemanship and traditional training with a lifetime of experience. Along with developing the rider, we specialize in training and competing horses in the show ring with a proven record both inside and outside of the show ring. We are dedicated to helping riders and horse owners reach their goals. We are a full Service and Care training program which offers Hunter and Jumper Training, Showing, and Sales at Lucky Jack Farm in Rancho Santa Fe, CA. Lucky Jack Farm is located is located on a stunning 15-acre site in the heart of beautiful Rancho Santa Fe, California offering a state of the art private horse facility with a country club setting and beautiful grass paddocks. The facility is managed by the highly qualified staff and service of the Mickie Sage Inc. Show Stables. Mickie Sage is a USHJA certified trainer

www. mickiesageinc.com www.luckyjackfarm.com

that has shown and coached at some of the most prestigious horse shows in the country including FEI World Cup Qualifiers, USHJA Hunter Derby Finals, USHJA Pree-green incentive finals, U.S. Pony Finals, and various medal finals.



“There is ALWAYS something more “Believe in yourself

and your you cantrust learn about horses!”


-Joe Fargis

I have been riding horses since I was a little girl. It was very hard to keep me away from the barn. Not much has changed since then. I still have a hard time staying away form these incredible animals. My passion for horses, learning about them and growing with them is something I strive to do. I am so lucky to be able to do something that I love everyday. Horses have taken me all over the world competing nationally and internationally in many countries. I have enjoyed my journey thus far and will continue to enjoy it with these majestic animals. Thank you horses!!

KERI POTTER Private Trainer P: 516.319.6059






“Dedicated to the Hunter/Jumper Art” PONIES

OCEANCREST FARMS Alicia Saxton 760.809.3781 Alysia Lynch-Sherad 760.846.8466 saxton_alicia@yahoo.com

For the last thirteen years Oceancrest Farms has cultivated riders from the very beginning stages to winning on the national “A” circuit. We create a fun atmosphere that is goal oriented and believe that a solid foundation is the key to long term growth and success. Experience the amenities of either of our two first class facilities in Rancho Santa Fe or coastal Encinitas. Whether you have a horse of your own or are


looking to just get started, Oceancrest Farms can provide you with the experience you are looking for.



“Try to Always Find the Good” Truly one of the sport’s most natural talents, French has achieved high performance success in both the hunter and jumper disciplines. From representing the United States in Nations Cups and competing at the FEI World Cup™ Finals over a decade ago, French was also the winner of the inaugural $100,000 ASG Software Solutions/ USHJA International Hunter Derby Finals aboard Rumba. French won the WCHR Lifetime Achievement Award in 2012 and currently holds the title of World Champion Hunter Rider, a title he has won four times. In 2016 French was also awarded the West Region USHJA Hunter Derby Rider of the Year, and the CPHA Pre-Green Incentive Rider of the Year. In 2017, French transitioned from running a full-service show barn to buying and selling, training and competing a select group of horses at home and on the road.


11700 Templeton Road Templeton, CA 93465 P: 650.867.9504 john@waldenbrookfarm.com




“A Family Affair”

Fellers is among the most decorated riders competing on the West Coast circuit. He

RICH FELLERS Rich Fellers Stables LLC 23750 SW Grahams Ferry Rd Sherwood, OR 97140 P: 503.781.0413 srcs6914@aol.com

currently stands among the top all-time money winners at Spruce Meadows. Rich Fellers Stables represents the utmost integrity and quality of training for the horse and rider. We stress horsemanship and make decisions based on what is best for the horse. We have the expertise to develop our riders to the highest level of the sport, but never at the expense of a horse’s career.


We are successful in finding and developing top quality show jumpers for owners who enjoy high level competition.



“A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action becomes reality.” Mandy Porter is a show jumping professional based in San Diego, California. She has appeared on three Nations Cup teams for the United States and has competed in three FEI World Cup Jumping Finals. In 2017, Mandy achieved a career milestone when she piloted Milano to the win in the AIG $1 Million Grand Prix at HITS Desert Horse Park. The season culminated with Mandy


3230 Olivenhain Farms Rd. Encinitas, CA 92024 P: 858.354.6062 acproma@yahoo.com

claiming the title of PCHA Grand Prix Rider of the Year—an honor she received again in 2018. Mandy owns and operates ACP Enterprises and specializes in competing in international and national grand prix classes and developing young horses to the grand prix level.




“You can never work hard enough� BLUE RIDGE FARMS Sean Leckie Sophie Simpson

31053 Avenida De La Vista. San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 P: 775.997.8722 acproma@yahoo.com

Blue Ridge Farms owned and operated by Sean Leckie and Sophie Simpson is located in the heart of San Juan Capistrano. Both Sean and Sophie had great junior careers competing competitively on the East Coast circuits. They moved back to California to start Blue Ridge Farms to help clients reach their equestrian goals in all three rings. They have developed top level show jumpers, hunters, and top equitation horses. At a young age, they have many years of experience at the top levels. Their team leaves no stone unturned from impeccable grooming and management to trainers.



“It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.” -John Wooden Recognized as the pinnacle of training and horse care, Balmoral is committed to creating individualized programs at all levels for horses and riders. Owners and trainers, Traci and Carleton Brooks have decades of experience with many national titles to their names. They focus on creating a specific program for each horse and

BALMORAL Traci & Carleton Brooks

Malibu, Brentwood & Palos Verdes California P: 310.600.1967 balmoralfarminc@gmail.com

rider to allow you to confidently meet your goals. With locations in Malibu, Brentwood and Palos Verdes choose the location that’s most convenient or experience them all. Visit BalmoralFarm.com or follow them on Instagram and Facebook.




“Live with an Attitude of Gratitude.� -Charlebois Farm


100 Ansel Lane Menlo Park, CA 94028 O: 650.854.2607 C: 650.303.2641 @charleboisfarm


Charlebois Farm is a professional hunter/jumper stable with locations in Menlo Park and Saratoga, California. John Charlebois, along with associate trainers, oversees all aspects of the training program for both horse and rider. Charlebois Farm students are prepared to show at local, regional and national horse shows throughout the year. Our focus is teaching and developing riders with a strong passion for the sport, and a desire to improve their riding and horsemanship.



“Create a good corner, get a good jump.” Joie Gatlin-Morley Abey Show Jumping, Inc.’s mission is two-fold. Although we aim to train and teach our students to be competitive at the top levels of show jumping competition, we also find it essential to instill and nurture a genuine love and respect for our horses and the sport of show jumping. Under the expert guidance of Joie Gatlin and Morley Abey, students and horses have earned national championships and top ribbons in every ring. Joie has competed in numerous


31000 Avenida Siega San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Joie: 949.412.7654 | joiejgss@cox.net Morley: 949.306.2779 | morleyjgma@cox.net

World Cup finals, competed successfully in North America and Europe and has represented the USA in Nation Cup competitions. Morley has seen his students qualify and win at Indoors and medal finals, as well as win gold medals at the Young Rider Championships.




“Stay true to yourself and the rest falls into place” SHAWN CASADY San Diego, CA

My name is Shawn Casady and I’m from Midtown, Tennessee. I’m currently based in


San Diego, California. I started riding when I was six years old and I turned professional when I was eighteen. I’ve been competing at the grand prix level since 2010 and a few of my biggest accomplishments are winning the Cleveland Grand Prix in 2013, being U25 National Champion in 2014, winning two Sunday Grand Prix’s at HITS Saugerties along with many other top finishes in 2017, and winning multiple Grand Prix’s aboard Highpoint’s Durango VDL.



“If you don’t have confidence, you’ll always find a way to not win.” -Carl Lewis

Accomplishing your goals takes hard work, dedication and patience. To gain success you will experience failure which gives you the drive and courage to rise above all and try harder. Being a part of a winning team is about surrounding yourself around

HIGHPOINT FARM Jonathen Yates P: 561.847.1070

Tina Yates

the right people. At Highpoint Farm we strive to encourage riders to accomplish their

P: 480.577.7350

goals while being a part of a winning team. I can contribute my success to my team,

3015 El Camino Del Norte Encinitas, CA 92024

husband, clients, owners, sponsors and of course the horses we carefully select to be our partners.




“Escape the Ordinary become Extraordinary’’ Located minutes from the beach at the beautiful world class Del Mar Horsepark Equestrian Facility is Concord Equestrian Center. It was established by Mark Conley,


Owner and Head Trainer in 1996 as a full service hunter/jumper/equitation-riding

Mark Conley, Owner & Trainer

right at home. With many rings, an indoor arena and trail riding, Concord is a place to

academy and training center. It enjoys the unique experience of training and showing

Del Mar Horsepark 14550 El Camino Real Del Mar, Ca 92140

learn traditional horsemanship and have fun competing. Mark has built his reputation

P: 858.259.1148

believe working hard and being disciplined allow the riding dreams to come true.

on classic English style riding with an emphasis on equitation and jumping. His riders

So, whether you have a horse of your own, or looking to get started, Concord is the home for you.

“Keep it simple, keep it real, make it fun.”



“I’m no stranger to international experience,” said Pearce, who rode for Canada at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, at world championships and four World Cup finals. “But I’m not so much a title rider. I’m 50 years old. I like to go where I can be really competitive all the time. I’m more of a ride-for-the-money and enjoy life. When you constantly chase titles, it definitely has some control of your life. You’ve got to be certain places with the team. You’ve got to go to the shows that they want you to go to. That’s not the way I’ve done it my whole life. “I’ve decided that I’m going to go where I want to go when I want to go and train my horses where I want to train them,” Pearce added. “If that’s not acceptable for anybody, that’s fine by me. My lifestyle and my relationship [with his wife]are more important to me than titles.”

JOHN PEARCE Forest View Farm

Aguanga, CA




“What’s the most important part of your body in riding Your Brain.” Bernie has represented the United States Equestrian Team and reached the top of the sport in all three Equestrian Olympic disciplines. In 2009 he was inducted into the National Show Hunter Hall of Fame. In 2010 the California Professional Horsemen’s


PO Box 1509 San Marcos, Ca 92079 P: 760.522.6060

Association honored him with their Lifetime Achievement Award. In 2012 he was awarded the USHJA President’s Distinguished Service Award. As a teacher and trainer, he is one of the most sought after clinicians in the country today. He served as the West Coast’s associate Chef d’ Equip to George H. Morris, the former Chef d’ Equip of the United States Olympic Equestrian Team. After amassing over 63 years worth of training and riding techniques and experiences with thousands


of horses, his fantastic library of training films and information are an invaluable resource for riders and coaches – www.equestriancoach.com.



“Look. Land. Lead.” Raised in the barn, Natasha Traurig developed her riding career under the tutelage of her parents, Christine and Bernie Traurig, establishing an esteemed foundation in horsemanship at a very young age. At the age of 18, Natasha claimed her “professional” status and continued her education and career under the direction of prominent riders like Mandy Porter, Simon Nizri, and Michelle Parker, and running the sales and development of horses for Neil Jones Equestrian. She has shown in both the U.S. and Europe, but calls home here on the West Coast in California, where she now operates Traurig Tradition Inc., specializing in the development and training of young horses to Grand Prix Showjumpers.

TRAURIG TRADITION INC. Natasha Traurig Training and Sales Carlsbad, California

P: 760.271.9005 ntraurig@gmail.com



PARTNERSHIP IS AN EQUESTRIAN CORNERSTONE. Emily Elek & Piper PARTNERSHIP ISKlemm AN A cornerstone is the chief foundation on

EQUESTRIAN A cornerstone isCORNERSTONE. the chief foundation which something solid is constructed.

on which solid is In the equestrian cornerstones Emily Eleksomething Piperour Klemm & world, are our horses, our passion for equestrian constructed. In chief the equestrian A cornerstone is the foundation on world, sport, and our personal and professional which something solid isare constructed. our cornerstones horses, supporters. I have always had our an endless love our In the equestrian world, our cornerstones for horsesfor and generous support from my passion equestrian sport, and our are our horses, our passion for equestrian family and loved ones. The difficult linchpin sport, and our personal and professional personal professional supporters. to place was and a professional partnership. supporters. I have always had an endless love Emily Elek at Stonewall I found a for IInhave always had anFarm, endless love for horses and generous support from my partnership that has lead to seven years of horses and generous support from my family and loved ones. The difficult linchpin fun and lucrative pony ownership. to place was a professional partnership.

family and loved ones. The difficult In Emily Elek at Stonewall Farm, I found a

Pineapple at the Washington International Horse Show.

linchpin place was professional partnership to that has lead to a seven years of fun and lucrative ownership. partnership. Inpony Emily Elek at


Farm, I found a partnership that Pineapple at the Washington International Horse Show.

has lead to seven years of fun and lucrative pony ownership.


Emily has a terrific eye for a pony and a fountain of experience with them from which to draw. Ponies require a different understanding and mindset, a lesson learned over years of dealing with their personalities and idiosyncrasies. From my first pony (an unbroken three year old!) to the staid, experienced ponies that I have owned since, I have always loved the process of making up and maintaining a great pony. Emily and I share the priorities necessary to good training by respecting the time and schooling program that each pony needs. We believe in building the correct basics of training and trust in young ponies and matching them with their best riders. The pony business that I have created over the past seven years is primarily lease based with some sales animals. Emily and I source ponies from all over the U.S., put them into the Stonewall Farm program, and collaboratively determine their training and marketing programs. As an entrepreneur, I enjoy the business challenge of pony ownership. As a horse person, I love to watch the development of my ponies as they move up the ranks of the horse shows, become more mature, and end up teamed with a young child in the show ring.

Vermont Here’s the Gold in Kentucky.




Stateside Farms, Inc. provides top of the line care and equipment to transport your horses. 858-864-8550

scheduling.statesidefarms@gmail.com www.statesidefarms.com

Let us know how we can accommodate your needs. Providing: • Local & “A” Circuit Shows • Spruce Meadows & Thunderbird shows • LAX & Ontario airports • Private Charters

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Carly Anthony +1 (425) 765-2601 | jumpertief@aol.com @carly.anthony.16




“Your horse’s desire to go forward must be greater than your need to remind him.” Born and raised on a farm in Germany, Christine Traurig began riding before she


16003 Via de Santa Fe Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 P: 760.310.3599 ctetienne@aol.com

could walk. She attended the National Riding School at Hoya, eventually riding and training for the Hanoverian Elite Auction in Verden. In 1982, she moved to the United States with her former husband, Bernie, to assist with his import and sales business. With her long-time partner Etienne, Traurig was selected to represent the United States Dressage Team at the Sydney Olympics, and attended the German National Championships for young horses on Limited Edition, placing in the final top eight each year. Traurig has been operating her business from Albert Court in Rancho Santa Fe, CA since 2005.



“Where mastery is powered by passion and dedication” Steffen and Shannon Peters, both widely known and accomplished within the sport of dressage, are no strangers to the competition ring nor the media spotlight, but what is the story behind their success and what they now call “SPeters Dressage”?

STEFFEN PETERS S Peters Dressage

Today, SPeters Dressage is the name for both Steffen and Shannon Peters training

7070 Black Mountain Road San Diego, CA 92130

business in San Diego, CA out of the Arroyo Del Mar facility. Although both Steffen

P: 619.994.5174

and Shannon run their businesses separately with different clients and horses, they do share in their longtime memories, training philosophies, and in their loyal and experienced grooms.




“In training, we must be encouraged to first establish the principles and only then tackle the details.”

BIRTHE LAUFER Caballos Del Mar P: 858.204.0220 birthelaufer@gmx.de

German born Birthe Laufer is an FEI competitor, trainer and coach. Her background is grounded in the german classical principles of riding and she has worked with top- notched professionals in Germany. Since 2011 Birthe has been working closely


with coach and mentor Christine Traurig who also works out of Caballos Del Mar in Encinitas.

“You will never stop learning no matter how good you become”



Guenter Seidel, a German native, was born in Fischen im Allgäu, Bayern, Germany and moved to the U.S. in 1985. Guenter quickly made an impact on U.S. dressage. Seidel aided the U.S. in winning the Team Bronze medal at three consecutive Olympic Games with different horses: at the 1996 Atlanta Games with Graf George, the 2000 Sydney Games with Foltaire, and the 2004 Athens Games with Aragon. He was a member of


the U.S. Silver medal-winning team at the 2002 FEI World Equestrian Games in Spain.

Guenter Seidel Dressage

The United States Equestrian Team (USET) also awarded him the Whitney Stone Cup

P: 858.775.7022 guenterhseidel@aol.com

as the individual who achieved a distinguished record in international competition while also serving as an ambassador for the USET and equestrian sports. In 2006, he helped the U.S. win a Team Bronze medal at the FEI World Equestrian Games and was the highest scoring American rider on the first day of competition.




“Good riding gets the horse that is labored or behind the leg more on and responsive to the leg and the same goes for the horse that is more flighty, that horse as well will come more on the riders leg” Sabine has won numerous international competitions with young horses as well


El Campeon Farms 999 W. Potrero Road Thousand Oaks, CA 91361

as FEI horses. In 2015, she competed for the United States of America at the Pan American Games in Toronto, and came home with a Team Gold Medal in Dressage. She was recently awarded the Carol Lavelle Advanced Dressage Training Grant and spent the fall of 2017 in Europe doing focused training and competition with her Grand Prix partner, Sanceo. In 2018, she earned a spot representing the US at the Nations Cup, where Team USA won the team gold, and swept the podium in the Grand Prix Freestyle.


Sabine continues to advance her own education under the brilliant eye of Olympian Christine Traurig. “Training horses is my greatest passion.“

Hans Peter Minderhoud on GLOCK’s Toto Jr.

Edward Gal on GLOCK’s Total US


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The Relationship Between Art and Architecture Integrating art with your living environment. Mankind’s instinctual desire to decorate habitat has been with us for as long as the need to have shelter. This creative process has, from time immemorial, given meaning to built spaces. Architecture, sculpture, and painting belong together. Admirably intertwined throughout history—in the ancient cultures of East and West, and in the European Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque periods. For the Equestrian, the artful skill of combining the right Art and Artist – the Architect that can draw and build what you see in your mind and feel in your heart - the expert Landscape Designer creates the joy, passion and freedom of expression, that your love for horse mirrors. Art and architecture have a deep connection that unites them through their design, their designer, and their individual meanings. Both are created using the same organizing principles, the same visual elements, and the same engagement of the senses. Art and architecture both have meaning. They are simultaneously expressive and communicative. The artist “shapes” an object to visually express a complex set of ideas, and the audience receives that expression. Architects create livable or usable spaces, but their architectural structures are also significant beyond their functionality.



7 0 S T O R E S N AT I O N W I D E arhaus.com | 866.427.4287





Gabrielle Benot was introduced to the world of painting at a very young age. Inspired by the decadent beauty of the ancient Roman architecture, Benot gradually developed her own style that she called GUSCIO. Transcending through most of her works, she calls it a “ mystery behind a mystery”. “Color, texture and a freedom of expression of a pure raw emotion on a large scale- that’s intoxicating”, says Benot. Gabrielle Benot is showcased in galleries and in private collections around the globe , and she is currently preparing for a European show that is going to take place next fall.




“I am endlessly inspired by the generous soul and dynamic power that embodies every horse. It’s a connection that cannot be replaced by anything else, but if it’s possible to translate those moments onto the canvas, our living spaces will breathe life because of it.”

San Diego, CA

P: 859.213.8058 toppsequine@gmail.com Follow on Instagram @kh_topps

Equestrian artist, Kate Topps, grew up riding in San Juan Capistrano. She loves sharing the experience of expression through painting with others and getting to know


individuals who share her deep passion for horses. You will find her often at horse shows painting while watching the action with her faithful dog, Cece.



“Today’s accomplishments were yesterday’s impossibilities.” HAILEY MARIE SULLIVAN Hailey Marie Sullivan San Diego, CA

P: 608.219.2196 haileysullivan5@gmail.com

Hailey is a former Wisconsinite residing in San Diego, California. She majored in Art & Design at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, but after a year of school, her intuition convinced her to peruse her passion for drawing. Moving across the country at 20 years old was risky, but living on the West Coast since October 2017, Hailey has learned the importance of how people are affected by her art, especially those who


own horses. Her focus of the equine composition has captured many hearts and that is her goal.


Franchesca Beau is an impressionist painter and long time resident of Rancho Santa Fe. Born and raised in England, she developed a life long love of horses, dogs, and the countryside. Franchesca divides her time between her two passions; art and horses. She works from her home atelier in Rancho Santa


Rancho Santa Fe, CA


Fe. Her paintings are inspired by the stunning California landscape, especially when the light falls upon it. Franchesca finds herself on an endless quest to capture the beauty and essence of the equine, as well as to portray the depth and character of dogs and people. Please visit her website to view the many paintings available from people, animals, cityscape, landscape, and still life.











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“ Combining quality with innovation to bring you long lasting equipment resulting in much faster, efficient, BRONCO APPLECART HI-DUMP

easier performance for work.”

Brandon Stoll

13758 Willow Rd. Lakeside, CA 92040 619.818.4337 | 619.922.4362 broncoapplecart@gmail.com

I built the first Bronco Hi-Dump 26 years ago for my wife for use at her horse facility. It has been used every single day, 7 days a week, and it is still in use to this day. The Taylor-Dunn cart itself was 8 years old when I bought it to make the High-Dump. The Bronco Hi-Dump was designed to drive through corral gates to easily load manure, haul it, and then dump it directly into a dumpster, speeding up the process and making the job a lot easier. It’s also used for feeding, ranch maintenance, etc.

Dumps into a 52” high dumpster

Dump bed has lowered side for easier loading with a muck bucket or between corral rails for those corrals you can’t drive into

Fits into a 30” doorway or gate

Very tight turning radius of 75”

Can tow a trailer up to 4,250 lbs.

Racks for carrying feed bags, shaving bales, etc...

Runs silent & produces zero emissions



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Eight Dimensions of Wellness Emotional Wellness

Relates to understanding your feelings and coping effectively with stress. It is important to pay attention to self-care, relaxation, stress reduction and the development of inner resources so you can learn and grow from experiences

Environmental Wellness

Inspires us to live a lifestyle that is respectful of our surroundings. This realm encourages us to live in harmony with the Earth by taking action to protect it.

Occupational Wellness

Is about enjoying your occupational endeavors and appreciating your contributions

Physical Wellness

Relates to maintaining a healthy body and seeking care when needed. Physical health is attained through exercise, eating well, getting enough sleep and paying attention to the signs of illness.

Social Wellness

Involves the process of learning how to successfully manage finances as they impact health as well as performance.

Helps you perform social roles effectively and comfortably, and create a support network. This dimension of wellness allows you to not only develop encouraging relationships with peers, but also intimate relationships with romantic partners.

Intellectual Wellness

Spiritual Wellness

Financial Wellness

Involves having an open mind when you encounter new ideas and continuing to expand your knowledge.

Allows you to develop a set of values that help you seek meaning and purpose. Spiritual wellbeing means knowing which resources to use to cope with issues that come up in everyday life.


A A Gentle Gentle Heart Heart To To Quiet Quiet Th Thee Soul Soul Pam Maley

We’re all accustomed to the concept of therapy dogs, and the mere mention of the term calls into our minds a picture – maybe a large retriever with kind, melting eyes; or a small fluffy creature that wants nothing more than to cuddle up on your lap and radiate love. The positive effect that they can have on people burdened with grief, or illness, or deterioration of the mind, is well documented.



But move over, mental pictures, and make room for Peyo, a full-size chestnut horse that does his therapy work in Dijon, France. He makes regular twice-monthly visits to hospitals, nursing homes, pediatric clinics, palliative (end-of life pain relief) units, and Alzheimer’s and psychiatric facilities. As they traveled to shows, Bouchakour noticed that the horse was drawn to people with disabilities. His normally fiery personality would become quiet and gentle in their presence, inviting their touch. After Bouchakour lost someone dear to him, he decided to take Peyo in a new direction. For three years, they trained together to get the horse used to walking calmly on different surfaces, and to get him to take care of his ‘needs’ outside only – yes, he’s housetrained! An experienced show horse, he was already accustomed to being surrounded by noise, and he has learned to turn on a dime in small indoor spaces. Before entering any building, a strict protocol must be followed. Peyo’s mane and tail must be braided, his hooves thoroughly cleaned and oiled, an antiseptic lotion applied to his entire body; and he must wear a blanket. With his partner by his side, he moves easily and without fear, even walking onto the elevator. As he enters a facility, something amazing begins to happen. Though Bouchakour is with him at all times, Peyo is given free rein to go where he wants to go, and to everyone’s wonder, he seems always to choose the patients that need him most, those that are the most ill.

Two times a month, he visits hospitals and residential homes.


Peyo has a partner and constant companion, Hassen Bouchakour, a multiple world champion in artistic dressage. About six years ago, in his midtwenties, he was searching for a new horse to add to his competition string, when Peyo came into his life. It was definitely not love at first sight. Frustrated and discouraged, Bouchakour had finally put the horse up for sale, when things began to fall into place. This was the beginning of what has become a deep bond of intimate understanding between the two.


A silent communication springs up immediately, even among those who can no longer speak. Patients who are often angry and aggressive become calm. Those who have become too discouraged to walk start walking. Patients who don’t speak often find words. It is said that some of the ladies in the nursing homes go to the hairdresser in anticipation of Peyo’s regular visits, so they can look their best when he comes. Totally comfortable with the patients, Peyo will move close to them and give gentle nuzzles and sniffs and the occasional lick on the hand. In the nursing home Orchard Chartreuse, “He’s at home,” says one of the caregivers, Sandrine Bougenot, with a smile. She says that one of her patients speaks very little, and only in Hungarian; but when Peyo makes contact, she speaks in fluent French. In the hospitals, as he moves down the halls, Peyo often chooses the rooms of neardeath patients, eliciting a glow that had long since left their faces. But don’t call it a miracle. “The horse soothes the patients, and awakens things in them that have been buried, but in no case does he do miracles,” says his trainer. In the culture of his homeland, the Maghreb (the northern states of Africa that border the Mediterranean Sea), children care for the elderly. Clémentine Mercier of Ouest-France, in his prize-winning article “Dr. Peyo,” quotes Bouchakour, “My goal is to make people understand that we are not condemned to be abandoned because of an illness. We must not forget that there is always a heart that beats.” In this magical partnership, it seems, two gentle souls have collided.

Bless Your Gentle Souls, Peyo and Hassen

No one forces Peyo to go anywhere...



Dr. Vazquez is the owner and founder of A full-service facility, the hospital provides

Equine Surgical Services Inc. (ESS), a sports

DR. RODRIGO VAZQUEZ Equine Surgical Services, Inc. 6525 Helen Woodward Way Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 P: 858.756.8809 equinesurgical@aol.com

medicine and surgical referral practice. ESS operates out of Helen Woodward Animal Center (HWAC), which is located in the heart of Rancho Santa Fe, CA. just a few miles from the Del Mar Race track. Dr. Vazquez works with all breeds of horses,

SAN LUIS REY San Luis Rey Equine Hospital 4211 Holly Lane Bonsall, CA 92003 P: 760.726.4566 slreh@slreh.com

THE EQUINE HOSPITAL Helen Woodward Animal Center 6525 Helen Woodward Way Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 P: 858.756.4117 ext. 4 equine@animalcenter.org

and hunter/jumper disciplines.



lameness, medical and surgical care to horses from around the country 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The hospital is entrusted with the care of thousands of horses each year, and prides itself on


with clients and their local veterinarians.

The Equine Hospital at Helen Woodward

San Dieguito Equine Group, Inc. is a

Animal Center grants privileges to many


large animal veterinarians in San Diego

located in San Marcos, California. Our staff

Country. Most of our patients are either race

has grown to over twenty team members

or show horses, but we also treat horses that live in backyards and do nothing but return the love that their owner gives. The Center is equipped to perform a wide variety of medical procedures and services and has state of the art facilities and equipment to ensure the best possible care is available to


diagnostics, in

developing positive working relationships

with particular emphasis in the dressage



our equine community.

SAN DIEGUITO EQUINE GROUP 1288 Calle Maria San Marcos, CA 92069 P: 760.591.9952 EMERGENCY SERVICE PROVIDED 24/7: 760.591.9952 sdequinegroup@sdequine.com


including veterinary



veterinarians, technicians,


registered administrative

professionals and support staff. Equipped with the latest technology and diagnostic tools, San Dieguito Equine Group provides ambulatory veterinary services and onsite evaluations in our state-of-the art diagnostic facility.



This high-tech, small animal hospital offers Seaside Veterinary Care, a practice owned

services to all dogs, cats, reptiles, birds,

by Dr. Sue Redpath, is a convenient in-

rabbits, rodents and other exotic pet species

home veterinary service for cats and dogs. Dr. Redpath received her Bachelor’s and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Kansas State University. Before opening her own practice in 1998, Dr. Redpath worked at Cardiff Animal Hospital for eight years and at Colina Veterinary Hospital, a 24-hour emergency clinic, for four years.

DR. SUE REDPATH Seaside Veterinary Care Dr. Sue Redpath, DVM

P.O Box 983 Cardiff , CA 92007 P: 760.632.9444 drsue@drsuehomevet.com


whose owners are seeking the most modern advances in veterinary science. Clients will be pleased to discover all this pet hospital has to offer, including: soft tissue and orthopedic surgery, dentistry, ultrasound, digital radiology, laser therapy, as well

COMPANION ANIMAL HOSPITAL Helen Woodward Animal Center

6525 Helen Woodward Way Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 P: 858.756.4117 ext. 4 equine@animalcenter.org

as preventative and diagnostic internal








Specialists (CVS) is “Special Care From the Dr. Tanaka practiced Veterinary medicine in the Bay area for 5 years at a multi-doctor practice, while also working at the Oakland

Heart”, It’s who we are. It’s what we do. We


Animal Shelter. He then moved to San Diego from the Bay area & traveled weekly to L.A. to complete his surgical residency. Missing San Diego he continued to commute until he finally decided to settle in Encinitas and start a family.

Rei Tanaka, D.V.M

are one of the nation’s leading providers of advanced veterinary services for pets in need of critical emergency care and treatment

301 Santa Fe Drive Suite A Encinitas, CA 92024

of severe acute and chronic illnesses. Our

P: 760.753.6512 santafeanimal@yahoo.com

experienced emergency doctors work as one


board certified team of specialists and


2310 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 P: 760.670.4283

unit to provide the best integrated veterinary care available.



Benjamin Perez 100 FARRIERS Woodward and his team of associates,

Darren Shaffer got his start in the farrier

including Steve Conibear, Nate Zacharias

industry in high school after moving to

and Pete Van Rossum, are based in Encinitas,

Temecula from Downey, Calif. He was first

serving the Greater San Diego area and

introduced to horse shoeing by his friend’s

beyond. Though his main business focus is


Dressage shoeing, Woodward is experienced with

Ernest Woodward Farrier P: 760.579.8667 ewshoe@me.com






barefoot services. He is co-owner of the Southern California Equine Podiatry Center as well as a Chairman for the California

Darren Shaffer Farrier P: 760.533.3257 darrenshafferfarrier@gmail.com

dad and eventually became an apprentice for Jim Carr for three years starting in 1995. Darren has since been serving the Greater San Diego area, including Rancho Santa Fe, Del Mar, Orange County and occasionally Los Angeles, for the past 20 years.

Dressage Society.


While working on a ranch in Santa Barbara, he

JIM & JAMES CARR James Carr Jr. Quality Horseshoeing P: 760.803.9180 jcshoeing@gmail.com




Originally from Mexico, Gonzalez got his


everyday at the ranch inspiring him to enroll in school and make the leap into the profession. He has apprenticed with some of the most reputable farriers around and has since been serving the Rancho Santa

JOEL GONZALES Joel Gonzalez Farrier Services P: 760.594.7624 joel985@gmail.com

start in the equestrian business as a groom. He started with Jumpers and later moved to Dressage, working on horses for riding legend Guenter Siedel for five years before becoming an apprentice to Jim Carr in 2007.

Fe community for over 40 years. Jim said he

Gonzalez’s knowledge of and background

is proud to have his son, James, pick up the

with horses set him up to be a natural in the

reigns and continue the family tradition.

farrier industry.

Joel Gonzales

ANIMAL SPECIALISTS 101 Dr. Mark Silverman’s Sporthorse Veterinary Services,




practice located in Rancho Santa Fe, CA,

Dr. Bek Jarzombek is the owner of Giddy

offers a unique combination of ambulatory

Up Chiropractic, an equestrian rider, and

service and clinic facilities. Dr. Silverman

Doctor of Chiropractic for horses and riders.

received his veterinary degree from VirginiaMaryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine in 1994. Today he joins the art of classical horsemanship, cutting-edge therapeutics and the latest technological advancements to provide a well thoughtout approach aimed to prepare the equine athlete for the rigors of performance.


The combination of Bek being a rider and chiropractor gives her work an elite level

Sporthorse Veterinary Services

of expertise.

Chiropractic ensures that

7103 Via Del Charror Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067

nervous system health of the horse and

P: 760.798.4850 hoofdoc@mac.com

includes the brain, spinal cord, and spinal

rider are maximized to 100% capacity. This nerves which give neurological instructions










provides horses



sports medicine, regenerative medicine, strength & conditioning and rehabilitation


This helps to detoxify, expedite healing, increase high performance, and eliminate inflammation to be pain free electrically. The treatment is noninvasive, drug free, and painless. The Electro-Equiscope® has huge benefits for horses, as well as humans.

Lisa Thorp

requirements. Special attention is also given to biomechanics, nutrition, and enhanced performance technology. Trifecta

317 N. El Camino Real, Ste. 407 Encinitas, CA 92024

distinguishes itself from other rehabilitation

P: 858.539.6111 lisa@thorpinstitute.com

with resources that emphasize recovery and


P: 757.408.7177 drbek@giddyupchiropractic.com


benefits. The Electro-Equiscope® is a cuttinglevel to remove impedance in the tissue.

Horse and Rider Chiropractor Serving San Diego & Surrounding Areas


technology and its extremely effective edge device that works on the body’s cellular

Dr. Bek Jarzombek, DC


to all other systems in the body.

John Thorp founded the Thorp Institute showcase


centers in that it provides the equine athlete

TRIFECTA Trifecta Equine Athletic Center 31257 Via Maria Elena Bonsall CA, 92003

P: 760.600.5166 trifecta@trifectacenter.com

performance enhancement with continual veterinary support.


Inside of the Mind of Champion Athletes MARIO SOTO


have had the privilege of having a front row seat observing greatness in the equestrian world. I observe, critique and assist high-level performers achieve an even greater level of success. My clients range from young prodigies to Olympic Gold Medal champions like Will Simpson, Olympian Everado Hegewisch, or multiple award and champion, Burt Mutch all have at least one common goal and that is to be the best that they can be. Not all of my clients have been at the proverbial top of their game, but like elite athletes, they are in search of methods, tools, new ideas or routines on how to deal with issues impeding their success. For those of you who desire improving your equestrian riding, I hope you’ll enjoy this small glimpse into my life as a sport psychologist. I have traveled extensively with many of my athletes of differing disciplines such as dressage, jumping, hunter, equitation, 3-day Eventing, Rodeo, horse racing and very soon Vaulting. In addition to assisting equestrian riders, I’ve had the privilege of working in other professional sports such as the UFC/MMA, boxing, baseball, basketball, volleyball, racing, lacrosse, football, wrestling, and many others. As a teacher observing greatness, I’ve spoken with thousands of people who have shared their stories of struggle and perseverance. Each of these interactions has provided me with fascinating and unique lessons which weave into my lectures. My work in the equestrian world began with an introduction to Will Simpson back in 2008. My immersion was intense


and fascinating because I had no one to reference his work against. It wasn’t until I got to watch him compete that I realized how lucky I was. During my career I’ve been very fortunate to have studied under one of the best mentors and pioneers in the field of sport psychology, Dr. Ken Ravizza. He taught me to quickly observe and notice the subtle things that separate good from great and with Will my time was well spent reinforcing this high standard. Words like “feel”, “finding your distance”, and “putting more leg on” became part of my new vocabulary. For weeks I watched him ride, teach students, and asked questions about his riding and Olympic experiences.


It was several weeks before I offered any advice with one of the first being something along the lines of “Remember to Breathe”. After establishing trust, I’d might see that he was distracted by outside factors just before a show and make a more deliberate comment such as “You’re not present right now so you’ve got to be where you need to be”. Riders are all competitive creatures of habit so it’s pretty easy to notice when one is struggling. Body language, distractions or inability to focus, negative self-talk and hanging onto a mistake tend to be common themes I address and deal with. The language of performance is common. Coaches and trainers use words or sayings coupled with stories as

examples to place an emphasis on a point to be made so that the result is a stronger performance. Regardless of the level, we are we all are searching for an edge. This year alone I’ve done seminars and worked with riders in Texas (2), Penn, Thermal, San Juan Cap., and it’s only the start of the show season and with new mental game students showing their appreciation for the knowledge to help them enjoy what they love to do. In baseball, players must deal with the reality that it is a game of failure. If you are successful 3 out of 10 times at the professional level, you are a potential Hall of Famer and making a very comfortable living. However, this concept of failing 7 out of 10 times is challenging to grasp. In the equestrian world you will fail more times than you will win blue ribbons. How many times have you beaten yourself up because you didn’t place or get a ribbon, carried that “last ride” with you into a ring and sabotaged your opportunity, or failed to enjoy yourself because your ride wasn’t as “perfect”. Issues like time away from home, job or family, logistics of getting your horses there, dealing with grooms, trainer or barn drama, equipment, hotel or rental management, event scheduling, and of course life’s surprises all come into play just as you are about to enter into the ring and create chaos in your head. Sound familiar? Absolutely, especially if you are without any tools or skills to learn how to get yourself out of what I refer to as the red zone. So, as I share with my athletes, I am going to provide you with a few grains of wisdom so you can put your riding and show experience into

a more positive light and outcome. First, remember that you are choosing to be here. There are worse places where you can be. Take a moment to look around, take in what you are so blessed to be doing and start enjoying yourself. Tiger Woods was once asked what he thought of after a shot during competition and his response was, “I take in the sights and put one foot in front of the other until I get close to my ball. Then I start the process of thinking about my next shot”. Take in the sights and have an attitude of gratitude. Second, “Be here and be Clear”. What I mean by this is that once you’ve decided to make the commitment of spending the necessary resources to get yourself here, now make a commitment of leaving your outside world out of the saddle so that you can give yourself the best opportunity for success. Leave your past rides, distractions, and mistakes out of the saddle until the ride is over. There’s a time and place for them and it’s not while you are preparing for your upcoming ride. Third, no one is perfect so don’t try to be. Work on getting better, doing the best you can so that over an accumulation of time, you’ve steadily improved. By the way, how can you expect perfection when you have a 1,200 lbs. variable called a horse that sometimes has its’ own agenda? They are imperfect creatures who like us have bad days so try having a realistic goal and have fun trying to attain it. Perfection is an unfair and unrealistic standard and will only lead to

"Be Comfortable, Being Uncomfortable..." disappointment. Focus on being the best version of you that day, that moment within the ride, and be ok with that. It’s all that you have control of. Lastly, if you are bringing doubt or anything other than confidence and focus into your rides (an argument with your trainer moments before), those thoughts will distract you from doing your best. It’s like having multiple riders join you in the saddle while competing. Take charge of the ring, have the horse know who is in charge of the performance through your thoughts and actions, and then go do what you have chosen to do with a smile. Have a Safe and Blessed Year, I wish you many blue ribbons but even more life lessons. If you see me at a show, please introduce yourself and say hello.


Equestrian Lifestyle - it’s about love, life and learning e fin



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The Horse, A Poem by Robert Duncan





MARY’S TACK & FEED Mary’s Tack & Feed

3675 Via de la Valle Del Mar, CA 92014

P: 858.755.2015 email@marystack.com

“If you have a horse, then you have to come to Mary’s” Mary’s Tack and Feed was started in 1963 in Del Mar by Mary Hammond. The current owner - Mike Mosley - purchased the store in 1976 and built a large wooden building that has become the landmark across the street from the little tack store known as Mary’s. Moving over 30 years ago allowed Mary’s to continue to grow and improve.


Mary’s is presently 12,000 square feet packed with products to outfit riders, horses, dogs, and cat lovers... even chicken owners!




Editors Picks for more... please visit, chopard.com




“We make Customer Service Our Priority.� Equ Lifestyle Boutique was founded in 2010. They offer luxury equestrian clothing, lifestyle wear, and horse products. No stranger to the equestrian world, owner and active equestrian Monica Ward, knows the importance of always staying on top of the latest and greatest equestrian styles.

Monica works closely with European and American Designers to better the quality and

EQU LIFESTYLE BOUTIQUE 2683 Via de la Valle, Suite G704 Del Mar, CA 92014 P: 619.851.4301 monica81271_1999@yahoo.com

relevance of their products. Monica also offers custom, semi-custom, and off-the-rack hunt coats. It will be obvious when you step foot in her boutique that Monica takes customer service to another level and she always puts her customers first.

Alessandro Albanese Weekend Bag / Suitcover


Roblee Valentine

Living and riding in paradise also means it is our responsibility to be informed, have a plan, and be prepared to protect the horses we love. Planning for the worst and only hoping for the best. Plan, Prepare and Prevail.

What a wealth of information I gleaned from Lisah Nicholson, esteemed member of the First 50 Volunteer Team at Del Mar Fairgrounds. Her dedication to our equestrian community required countless hours of training through extensive meetings with San Marcos, Rancho Santa Fe and Escondido Fire Departments, Cal Fire, the San Diego Sheriff, San Diego Humane Society and San Diego County Animal Services. Our deepest gratitude to Lisah, the First 50 Volunteer Team and our dedicated public servants.

“Your POWER is in being feeling prepared, not fearful.”* *The following are all sugestions from the editor, please check with your animal care professionals for expert advice.

PLAN Put Your Emergency Kit Together which includes: A halter and lead rope for every horse at corral/ stall/ pasture Identify your animals with: Your Name

Your Phone Number

Trainers Phone Number

Horse Color & Sex

Veterinarian Name and Phone Number

Address of Farm or Ranch where your horse is boarded

Picture of Your Horse

Microchip Information Medical Information Including All Medications Dietary Needs Including Hay and or Pellets and Supplements First aid items for you and your horse: Bandages


Wound Cleanser

Saline Solution



Barn Medical Station I.C.E. Ultralite Emergency ID Tag marystack.com

Fire Protection Gel for Animals marystack.com



PREPARE Pack Evacuation Site Essentials: Three Days of Food, Water, Medication and Electrolytes (for horse and rider) Evacuation Stall Items: Blankets Flashlight

Fly Masks


Buckets for Feed and Water

Duct Tape

Clips for Stall Doors

Portable Radio with Batteries

First Aid Kit for Humans N95 or N 100 mask (for smoke, dust) Phone Charger and Change of Clothes Stethoscope Normal Horse Temp 99.5ยบ-101.5ยบ F Regular Pulse Rates: 32-36 BPM Respiration Rate 8-12 breaths per min. standing

The phone number for information during fire emergencies in San Diego 2-1-1

Miller Buckets 8 quart marystack.com

Farrier Tool Kit with Bag statelinetack.com

Hay Bale Protector Bag marystack.com

PREVAIL There are Two Types of Evacuations

VOLUNTARY EVACUATION (known as VE) and MANDATORY EVACUATION (known as ME) If you get Voluntary Evacuation notice and you have horses/ large animals, THAT MEANS GET MOVING slow and steady to your planned and open evacuation center. Some locations may not be available or open so having many options is suggested. Showpark is the first place to check for availability. If it is full or unavailable, Del Mar Fair Grounds might be an option depending on the time of year. Fiesta Island may be an option if the city activates it or if it is requested by the county. There are many different facilities in San Diego County to check, Ramona Rodeo and Fair Grounds, Lakeside Rodeo Grounds, Riders Field in Fallbrook and other horse ranches out of harms way. Having many plans in order is exceedingly important. VERY important, as during VOLUNTARY EVACS there are NOT HARD CLOSES. A hard close means you cannot use that road or go back to certain locations. This way you can make as many trips to get more horses out to safety (evacuation center) as needed. Also helping with traffic and wait times while moving horses.

PREVENT Putting Your Plan into Action

TRANSPORTATION If you are in training, your trainer already has a system and multiple plans in place – and it’s good to know before a situation arises so that he/she can do their job and not get excessive phone calls while making critical decisions. Should you have your horses at home, check and maintain your truck / trailer regularly making sure it’s always ready to go and never let your tank get less than half full. If your trailer is an open or stock style make sure there are no shavings or bedding in trailer and be ready to help others. Practice loading your horse if you do not regularly trailer out. If you do not have a truck and trailer, make sure to have a relationship with a reputable horse transportation company that has instructions to pick up your horse. I highly recommend John McAndrews from Stateside (858864-8550) or Bob Hubbard (951-369-3770). Please have a buddy system if you leave town, notify your neighbors.


When horses are set loose it can impede our first responders tremendously. Loose animals running down roads is not safe for anyone.


If you can stay where you are and out of harms way, this is an option. Clear of brush, trees and anything flammable. An arena or dry pasture are ideas. For more information please contact your local Fire Dept and speak with them about that.


“Don’t be fearful, be respectful of Mother Nature and be prepared. In riding as in life, forward is your friend, so go get ready and then enjoy another brilliant day of riding in beautiful San Diego.”

World Class Equestrian Events westpalmsevents.com




May 29 - June 2, 2019 Murrieta Equestrian Center

July 4 - 7, 2019 Huntington Beach Equestrian Center

July 10 - 13, 2019 Huntington Beach Equestrian Center



FLINTRIDGE AUTUMN CLASSIC September 25 - 29, 2019 Flintridge Riding Club

October 2 - 6, 2019 Murrieta Equestrian Center




April 25 - 28, 2019 Flintridge Riding Club

April 30 - May 5, 2019 Del Mar Fairgrounds

May 23 - 26, 2019 Murrieta Equestrian Center




August 8 - 11, 2019 Huntington Beach Equestrian Center

August 21 - 25, 2019 The Horse Park at Woodside

August 28 - September 1, 2019 The Horse Park at Woodside




October 9 - 13, 2019 Del Mar Fairgrounds

October 16 - 20, 2019 Del Mar Fairgrounds

October 24 - 27, 2019 Del Mar Fairgrounds

© ESI Photography





MD BARN MASTER SILVER SPONSORS Absorbine | Adena | All-In Removal | Aurelio's Pizza | Electronic Vet | EquiFit | Equis Boutique | Evil Horse Brewing Co. | Griffin Ranch | Horseflight | King Miller & Associates | Mona's Embroidey & Engraving | Neue Schule | Nicker Nickels | Perfect Products | Showcase Properties of Central Florida | Stal Hendrix | Take2 | Tri-Eagle Sales BRONZE SPONSORS AAA Executive Limousine & Towncar Service | Aden Brook | Farm Credit of Florida | Hodges Badge Company, Inc, | NJK Show Jumpers, Inc. | Parma Company | Trilogy at Ocala Preserve HITS produces 56 weeks of USEF-rated shows around the country each year in Thermal, CA; Ocala, FL; Tucson, AZ; Culpeper, VA; Chicago, IL; Saugerties, NY. For information on Sponsorship Opportunities with HITS, please contact Chris Mayone at: Chris@HitsShows.com.




Roblee Valentine

Concierge Broker

At EQ International, we understand that buying or selling a home is more than just a transaction it’s a life-changing experience.

That’s why our team is dedicated

to providing exceptional, personalized service for our client family. We take great pride in the relationships we build and always work relentlessly on the client’s behalf to help them achieve their real estate goals. Today’s buyers and sellers need a trusted resource beyond what may be gleaned from Internet advertising sites to guide them through the complex world of real estate. EQ International has earned its reputation as the trusted, “Go-To” source for everything Equestrian as well as for its extensive real estate experience giving clients a significant advantage when looking to acquire or sell horse properties, commercial ranches, farms, beach, mountain or desert get-aways. DRE# 01952522

Danielle Cotner-Morse Equestrian Expert DRE#01965377

“I am so incredibly fortunate to have a healthy and happy life that brings me joy, purpose & passion - that I can bring to my clients each and every day. As a Concierge Brokerage, our foundation is simple. You deserve focused care, time and attention that begins and never ends.” All while connecting you with the best professionals and providing a five-star, VIP experience every step of the way. Our philosophy is simple: there are no problems, only solutions and we love to create unique and successful marketing solutions for our Buyers and Sellers. Your Property will have its own television segment produced and featured on Southern California’s Luxury Listings aired on the CW, International exposure in EQ’s privately owned and published luxury publication, the Equestrian Almanac and Exclusive




EQ VIP Rider’s Lounge at top rated “A” circuit horse shows throughout Southern California and the Desert. Mike Solorio Real Estate Advisor DRE#01831419

Brett Dickinson Rancho Santa Fe Partner

Pacific Sotheby’s International Reality Director of Global Marketing , Asia DRE#01714678

With the education, experience and knowledge of my hand selected team, regardless of budget or real estate need, the experience of acquiring or selling your real estate will be a synchronized dance that is joyful. Where service begins and will never end.

If you’re unsure about how to talk to your kids about money, you’re not alone. Whether they will inherit a little or a lot, you should talk. But how much should you share? And what should you tell them? We’ve been advising families for more than a century and can provide insight, guidance, and educational tools to help. Download our research Navigating the Wealth Transfer Landscape at wilmingtontrust.com/nextgen.


Saint Andrews The Farms

“Picturesque Views from Every Room” Beautiful Custom Home Designed by Rancho Santa Fe’s Dena Gillespie. This home is in Meticulous Move In Condition and is located in The Farms with expansive views of the golf course and mountains from every room. This home has beautiful unique architectural details with curved walls, coffered ceilings and wooden rotundas. Walls of picture windows let in beautiful lighting and frame the views throughout. Private Pool, Putting Green, Sand Trap overlooking 12th Fairway.

One Private View Acre, 5,937 SQ FT

Stunning Formal Living and Dining Room

3 Bedrooms, Office, 1 Optional Bedroom, Guest Suite, 4.5 Bathroom Home

Fabulous Kitchen that opens to a Cozy Family

Level One: Beautiful Master Suite, Executive Office

Room with Bar and Breakfast Nook with Soaring Views

Two En-Suite Guest Rooms with Optional Fourth Bedroom

Level Two: Private Entry to Self-Contained Guest Suite with Full Bath and Beautiful Patio

Offered at $2,695,000 Wake up to a Magnificent Sunrise peaking over the Mountaintops from the comfort of your elegant Master Retreat, Breakfast Nook or Beautiful Poolside Patio overlooking the picturesque 12th fairway. It will be hard to choose whether you would like to begin the day on a beautiful walk around the neighborhood with friends or get ready for your golf match, a day of shopping, a stroll along the beaches in Del Mar, a fun day at the Famous Del Mar Thoroughbred Club, ride or bike the Pacific Coast to Crest Trail or just sit back and Relax with your favorite book and get lost in the expansive views from every room. For the more Adventurous, Saddle Up at one of the Fabulous Stables in the area that offer all Riding disciplines or head to the Mountains for a day in the snow or downtown San Diego for a Night at the Theater.

Brett Dickinson

DRE#01714678 Rancho Santa Fe Partner ยบ858.822.9699 brett.dickinson@sothebysrealty.com

Roblee Valentine

EQ International Concierge Broker DRE #01915178 858.437.4778 roblee@EQIntRealEstate.com


Charming Ramona Ranch

Amazing Views and Location

“Rancho Santa Fe Lifestyle at an Attractive Price” Exceptional Equestrian Estate, Multi Generational Compound or Vitners Dream… Breathtaking Views, exquisite attention to detail by well known interior design firm, Luxury Ranch. Fantastic Location, privacy & views that go on for days. Lovely Ranch Home on a quiet Flag Lot that creates a WOW arrival experience to this country yet city and beach close oasis. 4 Master Suites, attached Studio, Guest House or possible Tasting Room. Nearly 5 usable view Acres. The quality is evident the moment you arrive. Don’t miss this Private Paradise, with abundant Well and City water available. Sumptuous Master Retreat with View Deck

Arena, Round Pen, Two Large Horse Corrals with Shade and Turn outs

3 Additional En-Suite Bedrooms

4,684 Square Feet with over 4 Acres of usable flat, land

Attached Deluxe Studio, Guest Quarters or Tasting Room

Move in Condition

Offered at $1,173,000* The well on property currently produces quality and plentiful water that is both drinkable and ample enough to take care of the house and all irrigation. The property is connected to city water as a back up or to support additional water needs. There are 2 pastures each with a 24x24 pipe corrals with 12x12 metal cover on each to provide shelter from sun and rain. Round Pen with high grade sand on property. The entry has a beautiful hand painted wall with planting area highlighted with soft light from the skylight. Attached Studio/Guest House/Separate Office with approx. 1100 s.f. has a separate entryway, vaulted ceilings, loft and kitchenette. Oversized three car garage and... *Buyers Credit for Pool, Barn or Desired Amenity

Mike Solorio

DRE#01831419 RealEstate Advisor 619.843.7200 mike.solorio@EQIntRealEstate.com

Roblee Valentine

EQ International Concierge Broker DRE #01915178 858.437.4778 roblee@EQIntRealEstate.com


Kenyon Ranch

“Private Ranch Resort� This European Masterpiece is an Architectural dream sited on 9.98 magnificent, very private view acres with additional adjacent lots available. A Ranch Resort in itself, the compound consists of three parcels and 6 Residences. The Grand Main, Residence is a 6 Bedroom , 6.5 Bathroom work of art with each bedroom featuring imported European fireplaces, 16 inch wood plank flooring with wood peg nail detail, oversized en-suite bathrooms with imported tiles, sinks, and antique built-ins from Europe with expertly finished, walk in closets. The Master Retreat is a home in itself, with office, sitting room, 2 fireplaces, his and hers separate full baths, walk in closets, graciously oversized bedroom overlooking grounds and private patios. Stunning Gourmet Kitchen with fireplace, cathedral ceiling in Family Room with Fireplace tall enough to stand in, sunny private reading room, 2 offices, formal living and dining room, mud room, commercial size laundry room, 3 car garage with unfinished attic above, potting shed and water feature and fountain entry over the bridge to make a beautiful first impression as you welcome your guests.

Offered at $6,900,000 - $8,400,000* Impressive Resort Pool with Slide, oversized Spa, Venetian style bridge overlooking pond and waterfall, Tennis Court, Pool Cabana with Catering Kitchen, Commercial sized Wood burning Pizza Oven, additional outdoor kitchen, bedroom / dining room, fireplace and full bath. First Guest House is a beautiful 2 Bedroom/2 Bath with attached 5 car garage. Second Guest House is a Large One Bedroom residence with elevator and 10 car garage. Third Guest House is a 2 Bedroom/2 Bath home with Office. Fourth Guest Quarters is an efficient 2 bedroom/2 bath unit with attached 6 car garage and finished attic. Equestrian paradise with 2 separate Custom 8 Stall Barns each with 4 In and Outs, Nice Sized Arena, wash racks and room for Grand Prix Field or large western cow horse area. RV Garage, Equipment Garages, Hay Barn, Trailer Parking , this Private Resort has it ALL! *Price range reflects current stage of construction.

Marian Edwards “Miki”

Pacific Sotheby’s International Realty DRE#0169397 760 644-4433 Marian.Edwards@sothebysrealty.com EdwardsHomesTeam.com

Roblee Valentine

EQ International Concierge Broker DRE #01915178 858.437.4778 roblee@EQIntRealEstate.com


Historic Hollywood Hideaway

Offered at $975,000

“Tubb Canyon Preserve”

Step back into Hollywood history and much needed tranquility on one of the most famous ranches in beautiful Tubb Canyon. This charming Adobe ranch creation is perfect the way it is or has enormous potential for the most creative and inspired. Just two hours from Los Angeles or San Diego, you can have your own hideaway, invite friends, kick back, party and enjoy nature. Exactly why it was one of Hollywood’s favorite hideaways but so close to home. The home is a historic U Shaped Adobe with two separate living quarters that adjoin onto an oversized bar/kitchen, great room with dining and conversation areas. The spacious kitchen/bar/ gathering and breakfast room enjoys forever views in both directions, and brings back the vintage charm that warms our heart. Put on your PJ’s or your Gowns and have a feast with friends that could last all night or Craft, Paint, Work, Create, Collect.... and have outdoor junk art contests as the Hollywood elite entertained themselves. Adobe walls create peace and quiet, perfect for reading and not watching television. Write, Sleep, Think, and plan your next adventure.

Mike Solorio

DRE#01831419 RealEstate Advisor 619.843.7200 mike.solorio@EQIntRealEstate.com

Roblee Valentine

EQ International Concierge Broker DRE #01915178 858.437.4778 roblee@EQIntRealEstate.com


Historic Barn Property

Offered at $14,500,000

“Magical Family Memories�

This irreplaceable home is comprised of three historical New England barns that were re-imagined and rebuilt on 12.3 pristine acres in Greenhorn Gulch. Originally constructed between 1750 and 1850, the barns have been painstakingly restored to honor their original details while inviting the comforts of modern living. Every inch of this spectacular 5-bedroom, 7-bathroom, 19,191 square foot property has a story to tell. From the covered bridge leading to the master wing to the custom silo staircase, you will not find another like this anywhere. Modern amenities include an underground drive-through garage, wood shop, wine cellar, indoor BBQ, elevator and sunny porch with seasonal pond. Listing provided by Rob Cronin, courtesy of Keller Williams Sun Valley Southern Idaho. | robcronin@rixonandcronin.com 208.622.7722

Roblee Valentine

EQ International Concierge Broker DRE #01915178 Buyers Representative 858.437.4778 roblee@EQIntRealEstate.com


Rancharrah Reimagined

A Rich Legacy Takes Shape Every great place starts with imagining what is possible. In 1937, casino magnate Bill Harrah arrived in Reno and changed its landscape forever. The perfect place to call home – Rancharrah a place close enough to the action yet its own private oasis, surrounded by pristine natural beauty, warmth, style and casual elegance. Here, among the towering trees and stunning views and lakes, From intimate gatherings to lavish parties, the biggest names in entertainment were frequent guests at Rancharrah.

A picturesque drive over the Evans Creek bridge reveals a breathtakingly beautiful private and serene 20-acre setting, ideally located within walking distance to The Club and The Village. Making this Equestrian Village an amazing amenity and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The 52,000-square foot climate controlled boarding and training center, turnouts, feed, mechanical out buildings, room for many additional stalls, and arenas for all riding disciplines with access to the 56-acre Bartley Ranch Regional Park trails. Ensuring Rancharrah Equestrian Village will be regarded as one of the finest private Equestrian Clubs and Venue in the world.

Private Offering, please call for more information.

Listing provided by George Berkey, #B100167, George Berkey & Associates.

Roblee Valentine

EQ International Concierge Broker DRE #01915178 Buyers Representative 858.437.4778 roblee@EQIntRealEstate.com

Lake Arrowhead Palisades Lakefront Storybook Vintage Private Paradise

“Storybook Vintage Private Paradise” European magnificence with impressive lake views, privacy and exquisite finishes by the meticulous owner with remarkable vision. Cozy European chalet with 3 stunning bedrooms and baths, easy access to parking pad and private single slip deep water

Roblee Valentine

EQ International Concierge Broker DRE #01915178 Buyers Representative 858.437.4778 roblee@EqIntRealEstate.com

boat dock. Spacious viewing deck, inspired chef’s kitchen with all Wolf appliances, outdoor entertaining granite lounge. Just 113 miles from Rancho Santa Fe, you can escape to your own lake front paradise to check in with yourself, your friends and family and leave the everyday details the moment you enter.

Offered at $1,850,000

Listing provided by David Vail, BRE#01136916, courtesy of HK Lane, Christies International Realty.

Lakefront Family Compound Rich with Hollywood History

“Lakeside entertaining paradise.” Stunning Lake front masterpiece, the impressive main residence includes 7 family suites, elegant great room with massive fireplace imported from France, expansive lake views, radiant heating, chef’s dream kitchen, all season family room with glass ceiling and upstairs playroom adjacent to 6 bed Bunk Room, complete with fire pole for a quick midnight snack. Music room, tennis court catering building and Four Bedroom guest house. Beach, 2 private boat docks with 4 slips. The ultimate reward for your hard work to share with family and friends! Listing provided by David Vail, BRE#01136916, courtesy of HK Lane, Christies International Realty.

Offered at $14,250,000

Roblee Valentine

EQ International Concierge Broker DRE #01915178 Buyers Representative 858.437.4778 roblee@EQIntRealEstate.com

“All our Dreams can come True, if we Have the Courage to Pursue Them.�

Represented Seller

Represented Buyer

Represented Buyer

Represented Seller

Represented Buyer

Represented Buyer

Represented Buyer Represented Buyer

Represented Buyer

Represented Seller & Buyer

Represented Buyer Represented Buyer

Represented Buyer

Represented Buyer

INSIDERS GUIDE TO LIFE IN THE RANCH Rancho Santa Fe, 6,200 acres just north of San Diego and four miles inland from the Pacific Ocean, 20 miles from the San Diego Airport, -Never incorporated as a town, but as a Covenant- with its own Security Patrol, Golf Course, Country Club, Top Rated School District and magnificent Trail System. The San Diego area has always had massive appeal due to its mild climate, proximity to academic and research communities, its golf courses, world class horse trainers, facilities and horse shows but in recent years, the big story in San Diego has been the rise of the biotech industry. The Rancho Santa Fe Association limits the lot sizes of all properties to between one acre to nearly three acres (depending on where the property is located). The lot restrictions have helped to maintain a rural feel where you have room to roam, privacy and a wonderful sense of community.

Rancho Santa Fe Association

Each Homeowner enjoys a Social Membership at the RSF Country Club

1. Office: 858.756.1174 2. Security Patrol: 858.756.9966 3. Clubhouse: 858.756.1182 4. Golf Pro Shop: 858.756.3094 5. Tennis Club: 858.756.4459


You will have 2 Mailing Addresses

1. Use your physical address for UPS, FedEx, Amazon and deliveries. 2. Recieve regular USPS mail at your P.O. Box. Please present proof of residence and apply in person.

Utilities Water Santa Fe Irrigation District 858.756.2424 Olivenhain Municipal Water 760.753.6466

Electric SDGE 800.411.7343

Natural Gas, Propane Ferrell Gas 888.337.7355 Pacific Coast Propane 800.307.0058

Waste Management EDCO 760.744.2700 Waste Management 760.929.9400

Internet/Phone/TV AT&T 800.310.2355 COX 760.599.6060

Dining, Local Favorites Fine Dining

Coastal Cuisine

Delicious & Casual







858.756.2424 marketdelmar.com 888.770.6920 marineroom.com

858.755.2002 Jakesdelmar.com 858.792.0476 pacificadelmar.com

858.759.0747 thymeintheranch.com 858.756.1921

(RSF Village and Del Rayo)







858.792.9090 pgrille.com

858.454.4244 georgesatthecove.com 858.756.1123 ranchovalencia.com


858.314.1900 addisondelmar.com

858.481.1001 sbiccadelmar.com

FIDELS, Little Mexico 858.755.5292 fidelslittlemexico.com

858.755.6600 redtractonsteakhouse.com 858.756.1131 theinnatrsf.com

GOOD HORSE KEEPING Rancho Santa Fe Covenant has one of the finest private riding and hiking trail systems in the country. This is one of the main reasons that our area is so special, in that it binds us together as a true community and does much to reinforce the rural character that we all cherish. Rancho Santa Fe Association has approximately 50 miles of interconnecting scenic trails that meander throughout the Covenant. These trails are reserved for the private use of Association members and their accompanied guests and are designed to take advantage of the beauty of the Ranch as well as for ease of access for its residents. Horseback riders, walkers, joggers and walkers with dogs on leashes are welcome to use the trail system. Members are encouraged to pick up a trail map and a copy of the trail rules at the Association office.

ANIMAL KEEPING REGULATIONS in the Covenant of Rancho Santa Fe 40.01 Scope and Purpose. The following regulation is established to control the keeping of animals in Rancho Santa Fe. 40.02 Necessity of Permit. Neither horses nor bovine cattle may be kept on any lot until the lot owner first obtains an animal keeping permit from the Art Jury. The owners of all lots containing horses or bovine cattle who have not obtained animal keeping permits prior to the effective date of this regulation shall promptly obtain such permits prior to any change in the number or conditions of the pre-existing animal keeping on the lot. In addition, the construction of fences, structures and other animal keeping facilities requires a separate construction permit, subject to the Art Jury’s review pursuant to Article III, Section 1 [Paragraph 46] of the Protective Covenant and Chapter 31 of this Code. 40.03 Minimum Lot Size. The minimum lot size for keeping horses or bovine cattle is two (2) gross acres. 40.04 Maximum Allowance. The maximum number of horses and bovine cattle permitted on property zoned as residential Class A, B or C by the Protective Covenant (“Residential Property�) shall be one animal per gross acre. The Art Jury has the authority and discretion to (1) limit the number of horses and bovine cattle kept on any Residential Property to a total of less than one per acre and (2) determine the maximum number of horses and bovine cattle for all properties other than Residential Property. The offspring of any mare or bovine cow will not be counted among the total animals permitted until such offspring is weaned, or reaches an age of eight (8) months, whichever is later.

40.05 Residential Requirements. Horses and bovine cattle on Residential Property shall be kept only for the personal pleasure and benefit of the owner. The operation of a horse training school, boarding or breeding stable, riding club, horse show, or any commercial operation is prohibited on Residential Property. The raising of horses or bovine cattle for sale is not considered a commercial operation. No horses or bovine cattle may be kept on any Residential Property unless an occupied residence exists thereon or within the contiguous single ownership, and the property owner satisfies the Art Jury that such animals will be adequately watched over. 40.06 Waste Disposal. Owners of animals or those responsible for their care shall remove the manure and other waste from animal keeping areas or facilities as often as necessary to maintain them in an inoffensive and attractive condition. 40.07 Storage of Organic Materials. No property owner shall store, or permit to be stored, upon his/her property such quantities of decaying organic material, manure compost material, feed, or bedding for animals as to constitute an injury or nuisance to the property of any other property owner or to the community as a whole. 40.08 Separation. Animal keeping facilities and areas, other than pastures, shall be located in such a way that in the opinion of the Art Jury, the placement achieves both high artistic result and minimizes nuisance to adjacent residences. Animal keeping facilities and areas shall conform to the following minimum separation requirements.



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