TV & Radio Scripts

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TVC Scripts



The Amante woman is walking in Amante lingerie through a dense outgrowth (a forestlike place). She reaches the edge of the forest. She stops and shouts. Her voice resounds/echoes even as we see shots in quick succession, of different, completely isolated parts of the place she’s in. It is established that she’s in a deserted island. Cut to long shot of her walking through the sands of the coastline approaching a bunch of people, three guys, bare-chested and in trunks. She sits in between them. All of them seem tired and haggard (a consequence of spending a couple of days in the island devoid of regular food, amenities, and contact with other human beings except themselves, perhaps). Suddenly, one of them spots something, has the rest of the gang look over at the horizon. It's a ship! All jump, up and down, visibly excited, and shout themselves coarse. But nothing happens. The ship continues sailing its normal course. They sit down dejected. Now, the Amante woman gets this look of determination on her face. She takes a deep breath and gets up. Now cut to the ship, where we hear a commotion of sounds – of the deckmen running around in haste (as if a travesty’s imminent and they are trying to save as many people as they can). And the ship’s seen steering its course towards the island. The captain of the ship is standing on the deck looking through his binoculars. We can now see the view from his binocular – a bra being waved on a stick/a lady’s hand waving the bra. Product Window. Amante woman. Only you can.


The spot starts off with shots of the Amante woman on a jeep driving through a forest. She's dressed in jungle fatigues. After driving for a while, we see her braking, in an awkward, abrupt fashion. She gets out of her jeep. It is revealed she’s stopped because of reaching a dead end; and a river ahead. She goes to the edge of the river and takes her shoes off. She gets her feet wet, washes her face. While washing up, she hears a cackle of bird-noise catches her attention. A nest’s fallen onto the ground. Close-up of the nest, with fledglings in it. The nest’s irreparably broken. Cut to her mounting her jeep. She starts the engine. We see the fledglings re-nested on a branch, except they’re nested in her bra, the jeep riding away in the background. Product Window. Amante woman. Only you can.

Wipro e.go (Laptops) ROUTE: Out-of-the-world experiences in store for you

e.go TVC Pregnant Gamer Woman The TVC starts with the shot a pregnant woman lounging on a sofa. She is seen fanning herself and looking remarkably bored. Her husband is sitting on the ground, right beside her. He has a laptop open on his lap and he is seen doing something, like typing on it. Someone shouts his name from the inside of his house. He stops whatever he was doing, places the laptop on the table in front. ‘Gets up and goes inside. The woman is alone. She stops fanning herself. Picks up the laptop and goes back to her lounging position. She places the laptop on her bloated belly. Cut to the laptop screen. We see that the husband’s paused a computer game – a streetfighting game. She starts jabbing some keys and before you know it, she is playing the game proper. The game has one kung fu chap fighting a villain. Punches and kicks are delivered by the kung fu chap on the villain. The kung fu character finally downs him, and takes a kung fu bow. The pregnant woman gloats with some satisfaction at this. At this point, her she gets into labour. She shouts for help. There’s a flurry of activity seen in the room. Cut to the delivery room in the hospital. Doctors and nurses surround this woman. The doctorin-charge goes, “Push…push…push”. The woman cries in pain. And when she hollers the loudest, we see a baby flying out in a kung fu pose. The baby lands on the ground softly and takes a kung fu bow like the character in the game did.

Logo and baseline : e.go Loaded with unbelievable experiences. Supers: •

Iron Cage Hard disk protection

Eco-friendly Green Leaf feature

e.go TVC Surfing with the alien The films opens on a laptop screen. You can see a chat window open. A session between the chat-handles ‘alien princess’ and ‘good boy123’ is on. good boy123: and only one more month for my exams now :( alien princess: how boring. Tell me something new good boy123: have I told you how cute you are :) alien princess: :) lol. You’ve done that a 1000 times already good boy123: ‘guess not, “you’re really cute” :) *a big pause happens* alien princess: we should meet [Now we finally see the young chap whose laptop has this chat window. He’s looks surprised.] good boy123: totally! 2 o clock tomorrow at the beach? alien princess: cool. The young chap pumps his fist in the air. Says, “yes!” Cut to the next day. He’s seen walking to the beach. He sees a lone girl standing alone at a distance with her back to him. He smiles and starts walking towards her. He comes near her and places his hand on her shoulder. She turns around. And lo and behold, a real, hot, alien girl is standing in front of him. (She looks like a human being except for certain anomalies. She has the eyes of a normal human being. Ears, slightly pointy. Skin colour is light blue. And she’s wearing a white tunic that really hugs her shapely figure.) She smiles at him. Cut to the chap with a stunned expression on his face. Logo and baseline : e.go Loaded with unbelievable experiences. Supers:

.Iron Cage Hard disk protection

. Eco-friendly Green Leaf feature

VIRALS Note: These videos will look as if they’ve been shot using a handicam. With the ambient sounds turned on. That is, exclamations of surprise, laughter or clapping sounds can be heard clearly.

# Tight-rope Moonwalker (A camera filming a tightrope-walking performance on the beach.) A crowd has gathered around the performer, and an old man is beating a drum and inviting everyone to see the performance. The boy is seen getting ready to go ahead and start his performance. He climbs atop the pole at one end. Turns around and starts walking backwards. After a few nimble steps, he breaks into a glorious moonwalk. The video ends with a shot of an e.go notebook with a snippet from this video playing on its screen. Logo and baseline : e.go Loaded with unbelievable experiences.

# Doodhwaala’s Wheelie This is a video of a dhoti clad, Gandhi-topi wearing doodhwala. He is ambling about in his big, black cycle with containers of milk hung on both sides of the bicycle. After pedaling normally for some time, we see the doodhwaala do a perfect wheelie with the bicycle. He then lands perfectly on the ground and carries on like normal. The video ends with a shot of an e.go notebook with a snippet from this video playing on its screen. Logo and baseline : e.go Loaded with unbelievable experiences.

# Fetch, fish. The video is that of a guy standing on a lake shore. Camera zooms in to his hand. He is holding a flat pebble. Camera zooms out. In one sweeping motion, he hurls the pebble such that it skims the surface of the water in the lake and bounces. One bounce. Two bounce. By the third bounce we see something whizzing by in the distance and the pebble disappearing with it. We cut to a zoomed-in replay of the last bit. In slow-motion, it is revealed that that swishing motion was that of a big fish jumping out of the water, biting the pebble in the air, and falling back into the water. The video ends with a shot of an e.go notebook with a snippet from this video playing on its screen. Logo and baseline : e.go Loaded with unbelievable experiences.

KSDL WAVE (Soap) ROUTE: For the beautiful woman

#The protesters: A college campus. There are a couple of student-protesters shouting slogans. Judging by the writing on the placards, we see that they are protesting against the mess food that’s being dished out in the hostels. They are sitting in front of the hostel administrator’s office and shouting away. They are led by this student, who is the actually shouting the slogans, while the rest of the bunch join in chorus. Hostel ka khaana hai hai Karo tata bye bye. Ek do teen chaar Bandh karo ye atyachaar. The hostel administrator comes out of his office. Looks at the bunch, then at the lady in the centre. Achcha khaana do hamein Idli dosa aur chowmein. The hostel admin. Just shakes his head. And goes back to his office. (In the background, slogans continue.) Next round of slogans is about to be initiated by the lady in the centre, when the guy sitting next to her whispers something in her ear. They all get up and disperse. Cut to a classroom. We see the protesters listening intently to the teacher who’s taking the class. Their banners and placards placed beside them. The camera pans over the whole class and finally settles on the teacher on the podium. It is revealed that it is the same lady who was at the forefront with the protesters; and that she is not a student, but a lecturer. Product window. Wave. The beautiful side of you.


# On a day like today Note: The setting is an enclosed circular space. Space that’s enclosed by tall white screens. Throughout the TVC, images will be projected on the screen. And the protagonist is just walking inside that space throughout the film. The film starts with our guy-next-door walking. We hear a ‘beep’ sound. As if on cue, Music starts – “On a day like today.” And he takes out his mobile phone and looks at it. He’s still walking. At this moment, a Google Talk window pops up on screen. (He continues walking not taking his eyes off his mob.) Hi Hi Lunch at Pascucci? Sure. Movie later? Sure. Chat window disappears. He’s still walking. A projection of Google Maps pops up on the screen now. In a quick typing sequence, he finds the route to Café Pascucci. Map window disappears. He’s still walking. Ahead of him, we now see a table neatly laid out, including food. His date is already there. A projection of the restaurant décor is now seen on the screen. He reaches the table and slips into his seat. He places his mobile on the table. Takes a piece of the food with the fork and puts it onto his mouth. His date does the same. They wipe their mouths. They leave the table and walk together. They walk. The guy’s looking at his mobile and walking. A projection of Google Search now pops on the screen. In a quick sequence, we see on the projection, movie listings being checked and movie tickets getting booked.

Ahead of them, we see two movie-theatre style seats. A projection of a movie is seen on the screen. Both slip into the seats. Just the important parts of the movie is played and the movie ends in a jiffy. The two get up and start walking again. The on-screen projection now is that of leaves in the wind, trees swaying, a full moon etc. They stop at a door. The girl gives him a peck on the cheek. He starts walking again. Except this time, he comes to the centre of the room with a smile on his face. He puts his mobile in his shirt pocket. The whole scene starts getting darker. We zoom out and we see we’ve been watching a Youtube video. When it completely darkens we see the Youtube’s “Replay” button. That goes away and we see “Shalini calling”. Again zoom out and we see that it is on a mobile phone that gets picked up by our protagonist in the real world. He says, “Hello.” and walks away into a crowd. VO: Keep the world in your phone with Google Mobile Apps. Super: Download at

Radio Scripts

SHELL VELOCITA 20 SECONDERS # VO: And now, let’s hear from the collector of the day, Muchhar Singh! (grand entrance music and applause) Collector (proud desi): You know, I started catching mosquitoes when I was ten years old. Sunset, sunrise, school, home, chhath, balcony, colony, bathroom… I was catching them everywhere. My teacher said I good for nothing. But today, I have 5000 mosquitoes in my collection. I knew I’ll be great man one day. I hope teacher is listening. VO: Want to start a real collection? Buy genuine scaled-down Ferrari models at the Shell station today for just Rs.200. Offer lasts for a limited period only.

SHELL VELOCITA 20 SECONDERS # VO: Today’s collector is a gentleman named Stoner Iyer. So Mr. Iyer, what’s your passion? (grand entrance music and applause) Mr.Iyer (Tamil accent): I love collecting stones. I fell in love with them the day Murugan threw one at me in Third A in Mylapore Higher Secondary School. It was love at first sight. Stones from roadside. Stones from seaside. Stones from Cubbon park. Stones from Wilson Garden. Precious stones. Kidney stones. All bombastic stones, I collect. VO: Want to start a real collection? Buy genuine scaled down Ferrari models at the Shell station today for just Rs.200. Offer lasts for a limited period only.

SHELL VELOCITA 20 SECONDERS # MC: Here’s Mr. Na Koon, our collector of the week from Darjeeling. A few words, Mr. Koon. (grand entrance music and applause) Mr. Koon (Chinese accent): I have been collecting finger and toe nails since 1972. Back in those days, people used to cut their nails more often, you know. But times have changed. I wish people would not chew their nails and just let them grow. So I can cut them for a nail-biting finish at the World Nail Collectors Championship. VO: Want to start a real collection? Buy genuine scaled down Ferrari models at the Shell station today for just Rs.200. Offer lasts for a limited period only.

WHITE MISCHIEF IPL PROMO. 30 SECONDERS. # Firang lady singing the following Hindi bit (excerpted from a Sholay song) with a heavy foreign accent: Lut jaayenge, mit jaayenge, mar jaayenge hum! Zinda rahegi‌hamaari daastaan O haan, jab tak hai jaan jaane jahan Mai naachoongi. O haan, jab tak hai jaan jaane jahan Main naachoongi.  MVO: The White Mischief Cheerleaders are back in town. And you can flirt with them while watching the IPL live in hi-definition without interruption. At 1857, 8 pm onwards. Brought to you by White Mischief Holidays and RCESD. Call 40004000 for reservations. Conditions apply.

WHITE MISCHIEF IPL PROMO. 30 SECONDERS. # Firang lady labouring over a popular Hindi tongue-twister with a heavy foreign accent: Khadak Singh ke Khadakane se Khadakati hain khidkiyan, Khidkiyon ke Khadakane se Khadakata hai Khadak Singh. MVO: The White Mischief Cheerleaders are back in town. And you can flirt with them while watching the IPL live in hi-definition without interruption. At 1857, 8 pm onwards. Brought to you by White Mischief Holidays and RCESD. Call 40004000 for reservations. Conditions apply.


# Ajit (the cheesy Ajit tone): Mykal, tum maal leyke Versova pahunch jaana. Agar rastey mein puleese dikhey to baaju waali patli gali se nikal leyna. Wahaan tumhe ek ganda naala dikhega. Uss naaley ke oopar se chhalaang marke ek deewar ke paas pahunchna. Deewar pe chad jaao aur jump maaro. Par dhyan rahey, neechey bahut saare kuttey mandraate hain; so run for your life. Daudte daudte agar tumhe meri peeli Mercedes dikhi to tu bach gaya. Nahi dikhi toh… tch… tch… tch… VO: Looking for the perfect escape? Win a dream getaway with 5 litres of Shell international quality fuel. Hurry! There are 25 holidays and many more exciting prizes to be won every day. Conditions apply.

SHELL PROMO. 30 SECONDERS. # (Sound of cicadas heard at nightfall) Jai (the Amitabh Bachchan baritone): Sunn Veeru… theekh raat dus baje tu zor zor se chillayega. Jab Jailor saab hamari kothri kholkar andar aayenge, my unki bandook chheen loonga, aur tu unko peecchey se gudgudi karke chaabiyaan chheen lena. Bas phir jail ki baahri deewar tak pahunchhne ki der hain. Deewar ki doosri taraf Dhanno khadi hogi. Uske baad, azaadi Veeru, azaadi! VO: Looking for the perfect escape? Win a dream getaway with 5 litres of Shell international quality fuel. Hurry! There are 25 holidays and many more exciting prizes to be won every day. Conditions apply.


# The Gym Bag (Personified as a stickler for cleanliness.) MVO: I’m a gym bag. And I have something to tell everyone who treats me like his own personal dumpyard. I mean… I don’t mind you putting t-shirts, pajamas and trousers in me; but the dirty underwear… is that really necessary? I mean, if you don’t like wearing them, what makes you think I’d like to smell them? Would appreciate it if you stop the practice of carrying yesterday’s chaddees in me. (Pause) And ya, yesterday’s socks too. MVO: Shell presents September Surprises. This week, buy fuel at a Shell station and you could win an Adidas Gym Bag that doesn’t talk. Offer closes on September 7th. Conditions apply.


# The Ferrari. (Personified as an exasperated teenager.) FVO: These boys na, I tell you! Drooling like yuck! They’ll try anything to get close to me. And why, why do they always want to take a photo with me when I’m not looking!? Is that any manners, tell me? Just because they want to be seen with a Ferrari like me?! MVO: Shell presents September Surprises. This week, buy fuel at a Shell station and you could win a Ferrari scaled-down model or key chain, but not a talking Ferrari. Offer closes on September 7th. Conditions apply.


# The Dinner Set. (Personified as a hi-fi memsahib.) VO: Good day, Mrs. Tea set. Charming weather, don’t you think? Just ideal for some society gossip, if you ask me. By the way, did you know that Mrs. Sharma’s dinner set is having an affair with a Russian salad? (Giggles) Imagine. I mean, I’m a dinner set and I wouldn’t even dream of it after 20 blissful years of marriage. Tch Tch. MVO: Shell presents September Surprises. This week, buy fuel at a Shell station and win a classy but silent Art D’ Inox dinner and tea set. Offer closes on September 7th. Conditions apply.


# The Home Theatre System. (Personified as an old, complaining geezer.) VO: I just don’t deserve this treatment! And after all my experience of being a Home Theatre System, all my owner wants to see is saas bahu serials. Not even a half-decent movie. It’s plain disgusting. I’m fed up of this monotony. I wish I could play something of my choice some day. MVO: Shell presents September Surprises. This week, buy fuel at a Shell station and win a Philips Home Theatre System that’ll play all your favourite movies without saying a word. Offer closes on September 7th. Conditions apply.

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