International Competition Schedule 2024 - Final with Cover

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Dublin (IRL) - 14-18 August 2024

13-18 August2024



CSIO5* - NC / CSIYH1* Dublin 2024


CSIO5*, CSIYH1* incl. 8yo Outdoor


Venue: Dublin - CSIO5* - NC / CSIYH1* Dublin 2024 NF: IRL

Date: 13/08/2024 to 18/08/2024

Event Categories:

CSIO5* CSIYH1* incl. 8yo


FEI Statutes, 24th edition, effective 21st November 2023

FEI General Regulations, 24th edition, 1st January 2020, updates effective 1st January 2024

FEI Veterinary Regulations, 15th edition, effective 1st January 2023, updates effective 1st January 2024

The Jumping Rules and its Annexes, 27th edition, 1st January 2022, updates effective 1st January 2024

CSI/CSIO Prize Money requirements 2024

Longines Rankings – Groups Categories 2024

Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Regulations (EADCMR), 3rd Edition, effective 1st January 2021, updates effective 1st January 2023

FEI Anti-Doping Rules for Human Athletes (ADRHA), based upon the 2021 WADA Code, effective 1st January 2021, updates effective 1 January 2023

All subsequent published revisions/updates, the provisions of which will take precedence.


Approved by the FEI, Lausanne, on 12 July 2024 (V1)

NB: Modifications to the approved Schedule can be accepted until two weeks prior to the Event, provided the closing date for Entries has not already passed; if the closing date for Entries has already passed, the FEI reserves the right to not approve the requested change. Additionally, no change may be made to a Longines Ranking Competition after the fifth Monday prior to the week of the Event. Prizes in kind, to be accepted as prize money to count for Longines Ranking competitions and total event prize money, must be easily convertible into cash (GRs Art. 127).


The Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) expects all those involved in international equestrian sport to adhere to the FEI’s Code of Conduct and to acknowledge and accept that at all times the welfare of the horse must be paramount and must neverbe subordinated to competitive orcommercial influences.

1. At all stages during the preparation and training of competition horses, welfare must take precedence over all other demands.This includes good horse management, training methods, farriery and tack,and transportation.

2. Horses and Athletes must be fit, competent and in good health before they are allowed to compete. This encompasses medication use,surgical procedures thatthreaten welfare or safety, pregnancy in mares and the misuse of aids.

3. Events must not prejudice horse welfare. This involves paying careful attention to the competition areas, ground surfaces, weatherconditions,stabling, site safety and fitness of the horse for onward travel after the event.

4. Every effort must be made to ensure that horses receive proper attention after they have competed and that they are treated humanely when their competition careers are over. This covers proper veterinary care, competition injuries, euthanasia and retirement.

5. The FEI urges all involved with the sport to attain the highest levels of education in their areas of expertise.

The Long version of this Code can be obtained from the Fédération Equestre Internationale, HM King Hussein I Building, Chemin de la Joliette 8, 1006 Lausanne, Switzerland. Telephone: +41 21 310 47 47. The Code is available in English.The Code is also available on the FEI’s website:



Name: Royal Dublin Society

Address: Ballsbridge

Dublin 4

D04 AK83 Ireland

Phone: +353 1 2407200




Showground contact details

Venue name: Royal Dublin Society

Address: Royal Dublin Society


Dublin 4

D04 AK83 Ireland

Phone: +353 1 2407200

GPS Coordinates: Lat: 53.328124, Long: -6.228610

Accessibility details (directions by road, nearest airport / train station): International Trucks should access the RDS Showgrounds via Shrewsbury Gate entrance - GPS Co-ordinates - 53.322842,6.222764.

(IRL) - 14-18


Show Secretary Fiona SHERIDAN

Contact: 00353 1 2407201,

President of the Event John DARDIS

Press Officer Marita CONNORS


Patrick HANLY



Contact: 00353863248089,





Declan CARTY



National Judges may only officiate on the Ground Jury at CSI1*/CSIYH1* and CSIY/J/Ch/P/V/Am Cat. B Events that are not combined with higher level events. National Judges may not officiate outside their home country.

Please note that the schedule has been approved under the provision that all appointed Officials have successfully passed the online FEI Competency Evaluation Test and that as of 1 July 2022, the appointed VSM fulfils the requirement of being listed as Level 1 Official Veterinarian before the start of the event.


1. Ground Jury

Ground Jury President

Ground Jury Member

Ground Jury Member

Ground Jury Member

Ground Jury Member

2. Foreign Judge

Foreign Judge

4. Course designer

Name / FEI ID

Susanne MACKEN

Mary MCGRAW (DINEEN) 10101586

Eilish MULHOLLAND 10076086

Noelle REIDY 10141454

Dervilla CAMPBELL-GRIEVE 10051495

René BILLARDON 10051256

Course designer Alan WADE 10050882

Assistant Course Designer Tom HOLDEN 10051558

Assistant Course Designer Gueorgui GUEORGUIEV 10115231

Assistant Course Designer

David BYRNE 10182201

Assistant Course Designer John DOYLE 10183062

Assistant Course Designer Frank GLYNN 10052398

Assistant Course Designer

Charles HANLEY


Assistant Course Designer Peter GRANT 10062445

Assistant Course Designer James TARRANT 10049548

Assistant Course Designer Colm QUINN 10182755

Assistant Course Designer

5. Chief Steward

Chief Steward

6. Foreign Steward

Foreign Steward

7. Assistant Stewards

Assistant Steward

Assistant Steward

Assistant Steward

Assistant Steward

Assistant Steward

Assistant Steward

Assistant Steward

Assistant Steward

Assistant Steward

Assistant Steward

8. Veterinary Commission

Name / FEI ID

Aaron MCCUSKER 10140765

Cesar Alberto HIRSCH 10049006

Patricia PASSOS 10106028

Gerry MCCLOSKEY 10052734

Rossa GALLAGHER 10114449

John Lithgow CURRIE 10093415

John SLATTERY 10154062

Marie WHEELER 10052736

Janet CURRIE 10095065

Derek MONGEY 10258672

Liz VARD 10063707

Sara LÓPEZ CARRIÓN 10108054

Maria Auxiliadora CARRION

LOJO 10094814

President Veterinary Commission

Member Veterinary Commission

Foreign Veterinary Delegate

Edward O'FLYNN

David Noel MCCANN 10051279


9. Veterinary Service Manager & Treating Veterinarian

Veterinary Service Manager (VSM)

Treating Veterinarian


Peadar O'SCANAILL 10090642



Treating Veterinarian

Treating Veterinarian

Treating Veterinarian

Treating Veterinarian

10. Medical Services

Medical Services

11. Farrier


Name / FEI ID



Vivian GATH 10088802

Tina ROCHE 10089787

IRL FEIPermitted Treating Veterinarian

IRL FEIPermitted Treating Veterinarian

IRL FEIPermitted Treating Veterinarian


Antonia LEHANE


Phone: +353 87 250 2970


10337600 Phone: 00353 87 1736201

IRL FEI Permitted Treating Veterinarian



Horses entered in one CSI star level/category may not enter another CSI star level/category at the same Show. Horses may take part in national Competitions and international Competitions at the same Show only under the following conditions:

Horses may take part in national Events up to two hours prior to the start of the international Event’s Horse Inspection; If the national Event includes Competitions after the international Event ends, either on the same day or on the following day(s),horses having taken partin the international Event may take part in national Competitions only,following the conclusionof the international Event.

Maximum FEI Wild Cards: According to JRs Annex V.


NFs invited with a Team: 7 ( FRA , GBR , IRL , NED , SUI , SWE , USA )

Reserve NFs for Teams: 3 ( ITA , MEX , GER )

Total number of athletes: 56

Number of horses per athlete: 3

Number of Individual home athletes: 11

Number of Teams: 7

Number of athletes per team: 5

Number of individual athletes per NF 0 represented by a Team:

Number of Individual athletes per NF 2 not represented by a Team:

FEI Team Wild Card: Belgium (BEL)

FEI Individual Wildcards: 2

Additional information:

Invitations to Home individual Athletes

Five invitations will be issued to Irish riders by Horse Sport Ireland’s HighPerformance Jumping Director on, or before, the 21st of July 2024.

Two invitations will be issued to Irish-based athletes who have competed outside of Ireland in 2* Grand Prix,or ranking classes at3* shows or above,between the 1stof February and the 31st of May 2024.

The top two athlete and horse combinations in four of the first five Plusvital Premier Grand Prix Series shows - Barnadown Showjumping, Mullingar Equestrian Centre, Cavan Equestrian Centre, Maryville Stables and National Balmoral Show - will be invited by the Organising Committee to compete as Irish Individual riders at CSIO5* Dublin 2024.

Further invitations to Irish athletes will be based on the Longines Jumping Rankings published on the 31st of May 2024 (No. 281).

Athletes may bring one extra horse to compete in the Puissance (Competition No. 12). This horse may not compete in any other competition.

CSIYH1* incl. 8yo

Invited NFs: N/A

Reserve NFs: N/A

Total number of athletes: 56

Number of 5 y/o horses:

Number of 6 y/o horses:

Number of 7 y/o horses: 1

Number of 8 y/o horses: 1

Number of horses per athlete: 2

Number of home athletes: 32

Number of foreign athletes: 24

Additional information:

Each NF with a team competing in the Nations' Cup is invited to send a total of three (3) horses for the CSIYH1* Young Horse 7 &8 Year Old competitions.

The CSIYH1* horses must be competed by team riders.

There will be three (3) CSIYH1* competitions during the Show,with an overall prize fund of €30,000.

Athletes are invited by the Organiser through their National Federation.

One (1) groom per athlete.

Athletes competing as foreign individuals may bring one horse to compete in the CSIYH1* competitions provided that they do not exceed the maximum of three (3) horses, and a ‘Puissance Only’ horse, overall.

Twenty-seven (27) athlete /horse National combinations will be invited to compete in the CSIYH1* based on national competitions.

CSIYH1* horses may only compete in Competition No. 4,7 and 13.

CSIO5* horses may not compete in any CSIYH1* classes.

The Organising Committee reserves the right to invite additional athletes / horses for the CSIYH1* only.



Entries must be made by NFs through the FEI Entry System for all categories of this Event (; Additional documentation can be found at:;

All Athletes and Horses participating in any International Competition must be registered with the FEI; Athletes and/or Horses presentat the Event withouthaving been entered through the FEI’s Online Entry System will be automatically disqualified unless compelling circumstances warrant otherwise.


Entries have to be in accordance with Art.251 of the FEI Jumping Rules,27th edition,1st January 2022,updates effective 1st January 2024.



Closing date for entries: 29/07/2024 23:59 (UTC+00:00)

Last date for substitutions: 13/08/2024 12:00 (UTC+01:00)


Entry fee: 605.00 EUR per horse

Other Entry Fees:

Puissance only - €330

EADCMP Fee: 25.00 EUR (25 CHF) per horse (not included in entry fee)

Total maximum fee per horse: 630.00 EUR

Total Maximum Other Entry Fees:

Puissance only + EADCMP - €355



Closing date for entries: 29/07/2024 23:59 (UTC+00:00)

Last date for substitutions: 13/08/2024 12:00 (UTC+01:00)


Entry fee: 330.00 EUR per horse

EADCMP Fee: 18.00 EUR (18 CHF) per horse (not included in entry fee)

Total maximum fee per horse: 348.00 EUR

Please refer to definition of Entry fees and Compulsory fees in the Glossary of the FEI Jumping Rules 27th edition, 1st January 2022, updates effective 1st January 2024, thatis copied in Section XIV point10.



All other fees must be optional fees and be listed hereunder with the details of the amounts to be charged and approved by the FEI. Only fees approved by the FEI and listed in the approved Schedule can be charged by the OC. Please specify if price per bale or other quantity.


No fees


Fee for manure disposal 40.00 EUR


No fees


In the case of withdrawals after the date of definite entries or no-shows the athlete or the respective NF will be held liable to reimburse the OC for the actual financial loss incurred by the OC (please refer to Jumping Rules Art.251.17) as a resultof the late withdrawal or no-show.

Amount charged 200.00 EUR In the case of a late withdrawal to cover stabling.

€279 per night in the case of no-shows at the Official Hotel (this will also apply to late arrivals at the Hotel).


1. DRAWS Draw #

1 Nations' Cup of Ireland draw Thursday 15/08/2024 11:30



The draw for the Nations' Cup of Ireland will take place on Thursday, the 15th of August at 11.30am inthe RDS President's Marquebehind the Grand Stand in the Main Arena. Attendance of Chefs d'Équipe and the Foreign Judge is required.




Warm-up Arena (Ring 5,Simmonscourt)

Size of boxes 3 m x 3.6 m (at least 3m x 3m)

An adequate number of stables must be at least 4m x 3m to accommodate the larger Horses.


Name of manufacturer: CARO Cardinali & Rothenberger GmbH



Name of manufacturer: TAGHeuer

Model: CP 540 & CP 545

FEI Report number: 22010028A


The FEI may require to be provided with real time results data feed of your event according to FEI requirements; in this case, you and your provider will be informed accordingly.

The Scoring and Timing of the Event will be performed by the following provider(s): (The list of certified Service Providers is available here:

Name of the company Contact person at Event FEI ID Contact email World Sport Timing (WST) Martin PEREAL 10023207


Will you use other technology/service provider(s) at your Event? Yes

Name of company

Equipe AB Thom KERSSIES 10132504


The owner of the winning horse/pony must be invited to the prize giving ceremony for the Grand Prix, if present at the event.

The number of athletes required to present themselves for the prize-giving ceremony ofeach competition is: 8 - Athletes placed 1st to 8th must present for the prize-giving ceremony for all competitions, with the exception of the Nations' Cup and the Rolex Grand Prix (see details below).

The owner of the winning horse is also invited to the prize giving ceremony all International Competitions that take place in the Main Arena.

In the Rolex Grand Prix ofIreland,athletes placed 1stto 3rd will presentthemselves for the prize giving ceremony. The grooms of the winning athletes are required for the prize giving ceremony. The winners of the Best International Athlete and BestIrish Athlete will also presentthemselves in the Arena following the Rolex Grand Prix ofIreland.

In the Nations Cup for the Aga Khan Trophy,the teams placed 1stto 3rd will present themselves for the prize giving ceremony. In the event of a tie, the following will apply; in the event of two teams tying for 2nd place, the team placed 4th does notenter the Arena; in the eventof two teams tying for 3rd place, a draw is held for the two teams in question in the Pocket to decide which team enters the Arena. IfIreland is one of the tied teams, Ireland will parade. The grooms of the winning team will accompany the team.

For all othercompetitions, those athletes placed 1st to 8th mustpresent themselves forthe prize giving ceremony. The grooms of the winning athletes are required for the prize giving ceremonies of Competitions No. 6 (Cashel Palace Hotel Stakes) and No. 12 (Defender Puissance).


At CSI events, and all competitions except for the Nations Cup, athletes are authorised to carry the logo of their personal sponsorin accordance with the articles 256.3 and 257.3 of the FEI Jumping Rules.

The Chief Steward will check that the advertising on athletes and horses complies with these Articles.


Are you selling tickets for spectators to attend your event? Yes

Name of your ticketing provider: Ticketmaster

Web address to buy tickets:


Betting will be authorised by the Organiser: Yes


Transport expenses to be paid by:

Event Paid by Price per km

All Events The Athlete -

Under no circumstances can horses thatare not participating at CSIO5* / CSIYH1* Dublin be broughton the RDS Showgrounds.


The time and date of arrival of athletes, horses and their means of transport must be given to the Organiser in order to facilitate their arrival.

Transport details must be provided directly to the RDS Transport Agent, Bramhams of Buckingham (Ireland) Ltd.


Walking distance: Yes

Organiser shuttle service available: Yes

Public transportavailable: Yes, paid by the athlete

Approximate cost per round trip: 2.60 EUR

The Official Show Hotel,the Maldron Hotel Merrion Road is 2.4km from the RDS Showgrounds,a 30 minute walk.


Entry right to the stable area according to FEI Veterinary Regulations Articles 1008-1009


Athlete 1

Partner 1

Groom 1

Horse owner 2 per horse FEIPassport


Please consider the environment when organising an FEI Event. Please find useful information on FEI Sustainability here:


As per Jumping Rules Annex VI: combined competitions are not permitted.

The scheduling of competitions must take into account mandatory maintenance breaks as follows. In principle, there should be one maintenance break for every 40 starters; at a minimum, it is compulsory to include one maintenance break in competitions with 50-99 starters after halfofthe starters have competed. Competitions with 100 starters or more must have three maintenance breaks.The start list mustindicate when the maintenance break will take place (e.g. after N° 25).

All horses taking part at this Event must be present during the first horse inspection, unless unable to do so due to "force majeure".


Opening of stables

RDS Shrewsbury Gate - GPS Co-ordinates - 53.322842, -6.222764

Examination on arrival

Location: beside the International Stables.


Monday 12/08/2024

Monday 12/08/2024

Opening times of exercise areas Monday 12/08/2024

Horse inspection

HORSE INSPECTION – horses must be presented by nation in the following order; 1. USA



09:00 International Warm-up Arena (Ring 5, Simmonscourt)

Tuesday 13/08/2024 13:00& France, 2. Great Britain & Ireland, 3. Belgium & Netherlands, 4. Sweden & 16:00 Switzerland, 5. Individual Athletes & Irish CSIYH1* horses. NB: Stallions – stallions from all nations will be presented at the end of the Horse Inspection, once all teams have presented gelding and mares in the above order. Location: beside the International Stables. Horse Inspection for 'Puissance Only' horses will take place on Friday 16 August at 10.00 - 10.30am (beside the International Stables).

Chefs d'équipes meeting at CSIO's (FEI Jumping Rules article 253)

Meeting will take place in RDS Conference Room 1, in the Main Offices of the RDS, adjacent to Tuesday 13/08/2024 18:00Ring 2, underneath the Anglesea Stand. 18:30

Veterinary Meeting

Accredited team veterinarians & individual riders’ private veterinarians are required to Tuesday 13/08/2024 18:45attend. The meeting will take place in RDS Conference Room 1, in the Main Offices of the RDS, 19:15 adjacent to Ring 2, underneath the Anglesea Stand.

Horse re-inspection

Horse Re-Inspection for ‘Puissance Only’ horses - Saturday 17 August - 08:30. Location: Wednesday 14/08/2024 08:30 beside the International Stables.

Competition N°8 - Nations' Cup of Ireland for award of the Aga Khan Trophy

N°11 - International Riders / 128cm Pony Pairs Relay

N°12 - Defender Puissance

Competition N°13 - International 7 & 8 Year Olds (Final)

Competition N°15 - Rolex Grand Prix of Ireland

COMPETITIONS IN ARENA Simmonscourt National Show Jumping Arena Competition N°4

EUR - International 7 & 8 Year Olds (First Round) incl. 8yo


No General classification at the end of the competitions


Overall Prize Money: 1,062,400.00 EUR

Applicable government tax to be deducted from Prize Money (see also XIV.8): Not applicable

In recognition of the expert and vital work that grooms provide to the horse industry and equestrian sport, Cian O’Connor’s Karlswood will sponsor a €10,000 competition for International Grooms at this year'sShow.

The RDS is delighted to facilitate the novel and generous initiative, which highlights the importantrole thatgrooms play within the industry. Two well-known, former international grooms will assess the turnout of horses competing in the following classes to determine the three recipients ofthe International Grooms’ prizes:

• Cashel Palace Hotel Stakes – Thursday 15 August

• Nations’ Cup ofIreland for the award ofthe Aga Khan Trophy – Friday 16 August

• Dublin Stakes – Saturday 17 August

The prize fund of€10,000 will be broken down into three individual prizes of€5,000 for 1st,€3000 for 2nd and €2,000 for 3rd.



Competition N°1 - Speed Stakes

Type of Competition: CSIO5*

Acc. to Article: 238.2.1a

Competition description: Table A, one round against the clock

Jump-off: No

Height of obstacles: 145 cm

DATE: 14/08/2024

Speed/fixed time: 375 m/min

Number of horses per athlete: 1

Number of Starters (Section XIV.9): All invited

Prize money: 7,500.00 EUR

Prizes in kind: -

Total prize money: 7,500.00 EUR Chart to be used: 2 (33% to winner)

Prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 45.00 EUR

Competition arena: Main Arena Practice arena: International Warm-up Arena (Ring 5,Simmonscourt)

This is a qualifying competition for Competition No. 14.

Horses competing in this competition may not compete in Competition No. 2 or Competition No. 3.

Competition N°2 - Minerva Stakes

Type of Competition: CSIO5* Acc. to Article: 238.2.1a

Competition description: Table A, one round against the clock

Jump-off: No

Height of obstacles: 145 cm

Speed/fixed time: 375 m/min

Number of horses per athlete: 1

Number of Starters (Section XIV.9): All invited

Prize money: 7,500.00 EUR

Prizes in kind: -

Total prize money: 7,500.00 EUR Chart to be used: 2 (33% to winner)

Prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 100.00 EUR

Competition arena: Main Arena Practice arena: International Warm-up Arena (Ring 5,Simmonscourt)

This is a qualifying competition for Competition No. 14.

Horses competing in this competition may not compete in Competition No. 1 or Competition No. 3.

Competition N°3 - Sport Ireland Classic

Type of Competition: CSIO5*

Acc. to Article: 238.2.1a

Competition description: Table A, one round against the clock

Jump-off: No

Height of obstacles: 160 cm

Speed/fixed time: 375 m/min

Number of horses per athlete: 1

Number of Starters (Section XIV.9): All invited Longines Ranking Point Group:D

Prize money: 28,200.00 EUR

Prizes in kind: -

Total prize money: 28,200.00 EUR Chart to be used: 2 (33% to winner)

Prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 100.00 EUR

Competition arena: Main Arena

Practice arena: International Warm-up Arena (Ring 5,Simmonscourt)

This is a qualifying competition for Competition No. 15.

Horses competing in this competition may not compete in Competition No. 1 or Competition No. 2.

Competition N°4 - International 7 & 8 Year Olds (First Round)

Type of Competition:CSIYH1* incl. 8yo

Acc. to Article: 274.2.5

Competition description:"Special two-phase".Firstphase Table A not againstthe clock. Second phase Table A againstthe clock, penalties of both phases are aggregated

Jump-off: No

Height of obstacles:7 y/o horses: 140 cm, 8 y/o horses: 145 cm

Number of Starters (Section XIV.9): All invited

Prize money: 7,500.00 EUR

Speed/fixed time: 350 m/min

Number of horses per athlete: 2

Prizes in kind: -

Total prize money: 7,500.00 EUR Chart to be used: 2 (33% to winner)

Prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 70.00 EUR

Competition arena: Simmonscourt National Show Jumping Arena

This is a qualifying competition for Competition No. 13.

Practice arena: International Warm-up Arena (Ring 5, Simmonscourt)

Horses competing in this competition may only compete in Competition No. 7 or Competition No. 13 (if qualified). CSIYH1* horses may not compete in any CSIO5*competitions.


Competition N°5 - Speed Derby

Type of Competition: CSIO5*

Competition description: Speed Table C

Jump-off: No

Height of obstacles: 145 cm

Acc. to Article: 239

DATE: 15/08/2024

Speed/fixed time:120 or180 seconds depending on the length of the course

Number of horses per athlete: 1

Number of Starters (Section XIV.9): All invited Longines Ranking Point Group: D

Prize money: 28,200.00 EUR

Total prize money: 28,200.00 EUR

Prizes in kind: -

Chart to be used: 2 (33% to winner)

Prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 100.00 EUR

Competition arena: Main Arena

Practice arena: International Warm-up Arena (Ring 5,Simmonscourt)

This is a qualifying competition for Competition No. 14.

Time will be allocated the morning of the competition for the ‘Speed Derby Schooling.’ Only horses declared for the Speed Derby are permitted to enter the Main Arena during the Speed Derby Schooling. Riders may school through the water splash / pond.

Competition N°6 - Cashel Palace Hotel Stakes

Type of Competition:CSIO5*

Acc. to Article: 238.2.2a

Competition description:Table A,one round against the clock with one jump-offagainst the clock

Jump-off: Yes

Height of obstacles: 160 cm

Speed/fixed time: 375 m/min

Number of horses per athlete: 1

Number of Starters (Section XIV.9): All invited Longines Ranking Point Group:C

Prize money: 56,800.00 EUR

Prizes in kind: -

Total prize money: 56,800.00 EUR Chart to be used: 2 (33% to winner)

Prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 200.00 EUR

Competition arena: Main Arena

Practice arena: International Warm-up Arena (Ring 5,Simmonscourt)

This is a qualifying competition for Competitions No. 14 & 15.

Horses competing in this competition may not compete in Competition No. 5.


Competition N°7 - International 7 & 8 Year Olds (Second Round)

Type of Competition: CSIYH1* incl. 8yo

Acc. to Article: 238.2.1a

Competition description: Table A, one round against the clock

Jump-off: No

Height of obstacles:7 y/o horses: 140 cm, 8 y/o horses: 145 cm

Number of Starters (Section XIV.9): All invited

Prize money: 7,500.00 EUR

Total prize money: 7,500.00 EUR

Speed/fixed time: 350 m/min

Number of horses per athlete: 2

DATE: 16/08/2024

Prizes in kind: -

Chart to be used: 2 (33% to winner)

Prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 70.00 EUR

Competition arena: Main Arena

This is a qualifying competition for Competition No. 13.

Practice arena: International Warm-up Arena (Ring 5, Simmonscourt)

Horses competing in this competition may only compete in Competition No. 4 or Competition No. 13 (if qualified). CSIYH1* horses may not compete in any CSIO5*competitions.

Competition N°8 - Nations' Cup of Ireland for award of the Aga Khan Trophy

Type of Competition:CSIO5* Acc. to Article: 264.1

Competition description: Nations Cup: 2 rounds against the clock, all riders in 2nd round, 1 rider in jump-off

+ JRs Annex VIII Art. 4

Competition counting for CH-EU-S 2025 for Athletes and Horses to achieve the MERs, providing the course requirements are met.

Jump-off: Yes

Height of obstacles: 160 cm

Speed/fixed time: 400 m/min

Number of horses per athlete: 1

Number of Starters (Section XIV.9): 32 Longines Ranking Point Group: HH

Prize money: 250,000.00 EUR Prizes in kind: -

Total prize money: 250,000.00 EUR Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner)

Prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: N/A

Competition arena: Main Arena Practice arena: International Warm-up Arena (Ring 5,Simmonscourt)

This is a qualifying competition for Competition No. 15.

International Team Competition.

Open to eight teams consisting of four athletes and four horses or three athletes and three horses from each country. Four athletes per team take part in the first round ofthe Nations Cup ofIreland. Unless eliminated in the first round,the eight teams musttake part in the second round with a maximum of fourathletes each.

The starting order in the second round will be in reverse order of total penalties of the best three riders in the first round. In the case ofequality ofpenalties,the teams will retain the firstround starting order.

Team classification following the second round is decided by the addition ofpenalties incurred by the three bestathletes per team in the firstround and the penalties of the three bestathletes per team in the second round. Those teams not taking part in the jump-off that tie on penalties are separated by the times of each team’s best 3 riders in the second round.

€50,000 ofthe €250,000 prize fund will be awarded to the rider(s) with the best performance overboth rounds ofthe Nations Cup of Ireland.

Breakdown of prize fund: 1st €64,000, 2nd €40,000, 3rd €33,000, 4th €25,000, 5th €17,000, 6th €12,000, 7th €9,000.

JRs Annex VIII Art. 4

Selected Nations Cup, Grand Prix and FEI Jumping World Cup™ Competitions must meet the following specifications:

The Composition of the course includes:

Minimum 12 and maximum 14 obstacles;

Minimum one triple and one double combination (three doubles are not allowed); The triple combination must have at least one oxer and at least one one-stride distance either from A to B or from B to C;

Two liverpool obstacles, one vertical and one spread. If the course includes a water jump, a minimum of one liverpool will be allowed;

Approximately 50% of the efforts must be vertical obstacles and 50% must be spread obstacles (e.g. oxer, triple bar, Swedish oxer, narrow oxer etc.). Nevertheless, no more than 55% of the efforts may be vertical and no more than 60% of the efforts may be spread obstacles, including the water jump if there is one (NB: a water jump is compulsory in Nations Cup Competitions, refer to JRs Art. 264.3);

Depth of cups for the top pole: minimum 50% of cups must have a depth of 18 mm, for special obstacle material cups may be shallower (refer to JRs Art. 208.6); depth of cups maximum 20 mm;

A minimum course length of 400 meters with a minimum speed of 375m/min.

At least three of the following five obstacles must be included in the course:

A set of planks on flat cups or a vertical of poles with a plank on flat cups as the top element;

One triple bar;

One wall;

One narrow vertical or spread obstacle with frontal width between 2.50 to 3.00 m;

One gate.

At least three of the following recommended criteria must be included in the course:

Bend or straight line of up to six strides between two single obstacles;

One line between two obstacles should be a forward line up to five strides;

One bend or straight line up to seven strides with minimum three obstacles;

Double combination in a bend or straight line with an obstacle before or after at maximum seven strides;

A related distance bend or straight line of up to eight strides leading to the triple combination or up to seven strides following the triple combination;

One of the combinations must have a related distance (maximum seven strides) with an obstacle (before or after the combination) in a straight line.

Dimensions of the obstacles:

The minimum height of obstacles is:

A minimum number of verticals with a height of at least:

A minimum number of spread obstacles (excl. triple bar) with a height/spread of at least:

One oxer in the triple combination needs to have a minimum height/spread of:

For Nations Cup/Longines League of Nations™ Competitions the above technical specifications relating to the dimensions of the obstacles take precedence over the dimensions of the obstacles established in JRs Art. 264.3.1 and the Longines League of Nations™ Rules Art. 4.11/6.13.

The Course Designer must clearly identify on the course plan of the Competition the specific obstacles that must be included as per the mandatory requirements below, e.g. planks, wall, gate, narrow obstacle, etc.

The Foreign Judge is responsible for ensuring that the course is built to the required dimensions and must confirm to the FEI through the Foreign Judge Report whether or not the course requirements have been met and must upload/sent the course plan including all heights/spreads, obstacle information and distances following the Event.


Competition N°9 - Royal Dublin Society Stakes

Type of Competition: CSIO5*

DATE: 17/08/2024

Acc. to Article: 238.2.1a

Competition description: Table A, one round against the clock

Jump-off: No

Height of obstacles: 145 cm

Speed/fixed time: 375 m/min

Number of horses per athlete: 1

Number of Starters (Section XIV.9): All invited Longines Ranking Point Group:D

Prize money: 28,200.00 EUR

Total prize money: 28,200.00 EUR

Prizes in kind: -

Chart to be used: 2 (33% to winner)

Prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 100.00 EUR

Competition arena: Main Arena

Practice arena: International Warm-up Arena (Ring 5,Simmonscourt)

This is a qualifying competition for Competition No. 14.

The same horse can compete in Competition No.9 and Competition No. 12,exceptfor ‘Puissance only’ horses which are confined to Competition No. 12.

Horses competing in this competition may not compete in Competition No. 10.

Competition N°10 - Dublin Stakes for award of the Wylie Perpetual Trophy

Type of Competition:CSIO5*

Acc. to Article: 238.2.2a

Competition description:Table A,one round against the clock with one jump-offagainst the clock

Jump-off: Yes

Height of obstacles: 150 cm

Speed/fixed time: 375 m/min

Number of horses per athlete: 1

Number of Starters (Section XIV.9): All invited Longines Ranking Point Group:C

Prize money: 56,800.00 EUR

Total prize money: 56,800.00 EUR

Prizes in kind: -

Chart to be used: 2 (33% to winner)

Prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 100.00 EUR

Competition arena: Main Arena

Practice arena: International Warm-up Arena (Ring 5,Simmonscourt)

This is a qualifying competition for Competitions No. 14 & 15.

The same horse can compete in Competition No.10 and Competition No. 12,exceptfor ‘Puissance only’ horses which are confined to Competition No. 12.

Horses competing in this competition may not compete in Competition No. 9.

Competition N°11 - International Riders / 128cm Pony Pairs Relay

Type of Competition: CSIO5* Acc. to Article: 268.2

Competition description: Normal relay, Table C

Jump-off: No

Height of obstacles: 130 cm

Number of Starters (Section XIV.9): 20

Speed/fixed time: 120 or 180 seconds depending on the length of the course

Number of horses per athlete: 1

Prize money: 6,000.00 EUR Prizes in kind: -

Total prize money: 6,000.00 EUR Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner)

Prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: N/A

Competition arena: Main Arena Practice arena: International Warm-up Arena (Ring 5, Simmonscourt)

International athletes are invited to compete in the International Riders / 128cm Pony Pairs Relay. The OC requests that each nation competing in theNations Cup of Ireland, nominate one riderto compete in the International Riders / 128cm Pony Pairs Relay. Those athletes wishing to compete should declare the evening before the competition in the Declarations'Office. The International Riders will be selected based on their Longines Ranking number 281 (31 May 2024). There will be a maximum of10 teams,and the International Athletes will be randomly paired with one ofthe 128cm Athletes.

Total prize money: €6,000.

Chart to be used: 1st €2,300,2nd €1,750, 3rd €1,150. Fastest clear round by an International Athlete - €800.

Competition N°12 - Defender Puissance

Type of Competition: CSIO5*

Competition description: Puissance

Jump-off: Yes

Height of obstacles: 180 cm

Number of Starters (Section XIV.9): All invited

Prize money: 35,000.00 EUR

Total prize money: 35,000.00 EUR

Acc. to Article: 262.2

Speed/fixed time: 350 m/min

Number of horses per athlete: 2

Prizes in kind: -

Chart to be used: 2 (33% to winner)

Prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 100.00 EUR

Competition arena: Main Arena

Practice arena: International Warm-up Arena (Anglesea)

Horses competing in this competition may also compete in Competition No.9 or Competition No.10 other than ‘Puissance only’ horses which are confined to Competition No. 11. Up to twelve athletes not competing in the CSIO will be invited by the OC to compete in the Puissance. (These athletes must present their horses at the Horse Inspection).

€5,000 of the €35,000 prize fundwill be reserved for the 4th jump-off, to be evenly dividedamongst the athletes that jump clear.

Time will be allocated on the morning of competition for the ‘Puissance Acclimatisation’. Only horses declared for the Puissance are permitted to enter the Main Arena during the Puissance Acclimatisation.

5TH DAY: SUNDAY DATE: 18/08/2024

Competition N°13 - International 7 & 8 Year Olds (Final)

Type of Competition: CSIYH1* incl. 8yo

Acc. to Article: 238.2.2a

Competition description:Table A,one round against the clock with one jump-offagainst the clock

For award of the “John Higgins” Memorial Perpetual Challenge Trophy (presented to the winning owner) and the "Corry" Perpetual Challenge Trophy(presented to the winning rider).

Jumping competition for Young Horses (7 & 8 year olds) Final.

Jump-off: Yes

Height of obstacles:7 y/o horses: 140 cm, 8 y/o horses: 145 cm

Number of Starters (Section XIV.9): 28

Prize money: 15,000.00 EUR

Total prize money: 15,000.00 EUR

Speed/fixed time: 350 m/min

Number of horses per athlete: 2

Prizes in kind: -

Chart to be used: 2 (33% to winner)

Prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 100.00 EUR

Competition arena: Main Arena

Practice arena: International Warm-up Arena (Ring 5, Simmonscourt)

Based on points gained over Competitions No. 4 and 7, the top 28 of horse and athlete combinations will qualify for Competition No. 13.

Points will be awarded as follows;1st– 100 points,2nd – 99 points,3rd – 98 points,etc. No points will be awarded to horse and athlete combinations that are eliminated orretire in the firstround.

In the event of a tie for the final qualifying place, all competitors on equal points will qualify. In the event of a withdrawal, the next bestin line will be included. Replacements will be accepted up to one hour before the scheduled start time.

In addition, horse and athlete combinations that complete a double clear round in Competition No. 7 will qualify for Competition No. 13, if not already qualified.

Jump-off (if any): In the event of equality of penalties for first place.

Competition N°14 - Speed Championship sponsored by Lisney

Type of Competition: CSIO5*

Competition description: Speed Table C

Jump-off: No

Height of obstacles: 150 cm

Acc. to Article: 239

Speed/fixed time: 120 or 180 seconds depending on the length of the course

Number of horses per athlete: 1

Number of Starters (Section XIV.9): 25 Longines Ranking Point Group:D

Prize money: 28,200.00 EUR

Prizes in kind: -

Total prize money: 28,200.00 EUR Chart to be used: 2 (33% to winner)

Prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 100.00 EUR

Competition arena: Main Arena Practice arena: International Warm-up Arena (Ring 5, Simmonscourt)

This competition is confined to the twenty five athletes gaining the most points in Competitions No. 1, 2, 5, 6, 9 and 10.

Points will be awarded as follows;1st– 100 points,2nd – 99 points,3rd – 98 points,etc. No points will be awarded to athletes who retire or are eliminated in the first round of Competitions No. 1, 2, 5, 6, 9 or 10.

In the event of a tie for the 25th qualifying place, all competitors with equal points will qualify. In the event of a withdrawal, the next best qualified athlete will be included.

Replacements will be accepted up to two hours before the scheduled start time for the competition.

Competition N°15 - Rolex Grand Prix of Ireland

Type of Competition:CSIO5*

Acc. to Article: 238.2.2a-GP

Competition description: Table A, one round against the clock with one jump-off against the clock (Grand Prix)

+ JRs Annex VIII Art. 4

Competition counting for CH-EU-S 2025 for Athletes and Horses to achieve the MERs, providing the course requirements are met.

Jump-off: Yes

Height of obstacles: 160 cm

Speed/fixed time: 400 m/min

Number of horses per athlete: 1

Number of Starters (Section XIV.9): 40 Longines Ranking Point Group:AA

Prize money: 500,000.00 EUR Prizes in kind: -

Total prize money: 500,000.00 EUR Chart to be used: 2 (33% to winner)

Prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: N/A

Competition arena: Main Arena Practice arena: International Warm-up Arena (Ring 5, Simmonscourt)

40 athletes will qualify for the Rolex Grand Prix of Ireland.

Qualification for this competition will be ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING ORDER (Art. 8.4):-

1. The Prequalified athletes listed below.

2. The best 18 placed athletes following rounds one of the Nations' Cup of Ireland for award of the Aga Khan Trophy. Those equal on penalties for the 18th place are separated by their times in the first rounds ofthe Nations' Cup of Ireland for award ofthe Aga Khan Trophy competition. In case ofa furthertie,the athletes concerned are permitted to take partin the Rolex Grand Prix of Ireland. Only the best18 will qualify regardless ofwhetherany athlete orathlete / horse combination may already have qualified under (a), (b) or (c). (Art. 8.4.1)

3. Further athletes,based on points earned in Competitions No.3,6 and 8 will qualify to bring the total number of athletes up to 36 according to the following formula:- Athletes competing as Individuals and the 5th Team member will earn points in Competitions No. 3 and No. 6. Team athletes in the Nations' Cup of Ireland foraward of the Aga Khan Trophy will earn points in Competitions No. 3 and 8.In the eventof a tie for the 36th qualifying place,all athletes with equal points for 36th place will qualify.

- Points will be awarded in Competitions No. 3 and 6 as follows: - 1st - 100 points; 2nd - 99 points; 3rd - 98 points etc.

- In competition No. 8, points will be based on penalties in the 1st Round as follows:- 1st - 100 points; 2nd - 99 points; 3rd - 98 points etc.

- No points will be awarded to athletes who retire or are eliminated in the first round of Competitions No. 3, 6 or 8. (Art.10.4.3)

4. The four highest placed athletes in the Dublin Stakes, Competition No. 10, not already qualified under conditions (1), (2)or (3)above, will also qualify. In the eventof a tie forthe final qualifying place between athletes in the same category (Team orIndividual), the athlete with the highestnumber ofpoints in his / her category will qualify. Should there be a tie between athletes of different categories (Team or Individual) priority will be given to the Team member.

In the eventofa withdrawal the nextbestin line from condition (3) will be included. Replacements will be accepted up to 2 hours before the scheduled start time for the competition.

The following Athletes are automatically qualified for the Grand Prix at CSIOs, if present as official team members or individual:

4.1.1. The individual Jumping medal winners (Athlete/Horse combinations)of the last Olympic and Pan American Games, of the last World and Continental* Championships (*provided the competitions at the Continental Championship were conducted in accordance with the competition format and at the maximum height of obstacles established in Articles 323 through 327 ofthe Rules for Jumping Championships and Games)and the firstplaced Athlete/Horse combination in the lastFEI World Cup™ Jumping Final.

4.1.2. Eligible to participate in Grand Prix Competitions at 5* CSIO Events are the winners (Athlete/Horse combination)of the Grand Prix at any 5*CSIO Event during the previous 12 months.

All athletes qualified for the Grand Prix, including those automatically qualified must complete, with their Grand Prix horse, the initial round ofatleastone FEIcompetition among those listed in JRs Art.261.4.4 prior to the Grand Prix.

JRs Annex VIII Art. 4

Selected Nations Cup, Grand Prix and FEI Jumping World Cup™ Competitions must meet the following specifications:

The Composition of the course includes:

Minimum 12 and maximum 14 obstacles;

Minimum one triple and one double combination (three doubles are not allowed); The triple combination must have at least one oxer and at least one one-stride distance either from A to B or from B to C;

Two liverpool obstacles, one vertical and one spread. If the course includes a water jump, a minimum of one liverpool will be allowed;

Approximately 50% of the efforts must be vertical obstacles and 50% must be spread obstacles (e.g. oxer, triple bar, Swedish oxer, narrow oxer etc.). Nevertheless, no more than 55% of the efforts may be vertical and no more than 60% of the efforts may be spread obstacles, including the water jump if there is one (NB: a water jump is compulsory in Nations Cup Competitions, refer to JRs Art. 264.3);

Depth of cups for the top pole: minimum 50% of cups must have a depth of 18 mm, for special obstacle material cups may be shallower (refer to JRs Art. 208.6); depth of cups maximum 20 mm;

A minimum course length of 400 meters with a minimum speed of 375m/min.

At least three of the following five obstacles must be included in the course:

A set of planks on flat cups or a vertical of poles with a plank on flat cups as the top element;

One triple bar;

One wall;

One narrow vertical or spread obstacle with frontal width between 2.50 to 3.00 m;

One gate.

At least three of the following recommended criteria must be included in the course:

Bend or straight line of up to six strides between two single obstacles;

One line between two obstacles should be a forward line up to five strides;

One bend or straight line up to seven strides with minimum three obstacles;

Double combination in a bend or straight line with an obstacle before or after at maximum seven strides;

A related distance bend or straight line of up to eight strides leading to the triple combination or up to seven strides following the triple combination;

One of the combinations must have a related distance (maximum seven strides) with an obstacle (before or after the combination) in a straight line.

Dimensions of the obstacles:

The minimum height of obstacles is:

A minimum number of verticals with a height of at least:

A minimum number of spread obstacles (excl. triple bar) with a height/spread of at least:

One oxer in the triple combination needs to have a minimum height/spread of:

For Nations Cup/Longines League of Nations™ Competitions the above technical specifications relating to the dimensions of the obstacles take precedence over the dimensions of the obstacles established in JRs Art. 264.3.1 and the Longines League of Nations™ Rules Art. 4.11/6.13.

The Course Designer must clearly identify on the course plan of the Competition the specific obstacles that must be included as per the mandatory requirements below, e.g. planks, wall, gate, narrow obstacle, etc.

The Foreign Judge is responsible for ensuring that the course is built to the required dimensions and must confirm to the FEI through the Foreign Judge Report whether or not the course requirements have been met and must upload/sent the course plan including all heights/spreads, obstacle information and distances following the Event.




Hotel name: Maldron Hotel Merrion Road (4*)

Address: Bellevue Avenue

Merrion Road

D04 K5C2 Dublin 4 Ireland

Telephone: +353 1 2330 020

Accommodated (bed and breakfast) from 13/08/2024 to 19/08/2024

At the expense of the Organiser

Accommodation (bed and breakfast) will be provided for the Team & Foreign Individual Athletes, Chef d'Equipes & Team Veterinarians only.

Home Individual Athletes will pay for their own accommodation. Requests for accommodation to be reserved for Home Individual Athletes in the Show Hotel must be received by the 22 July.


At the expense of the Organiser

Meals provided from 13/08/2024 to 19/08/2024

Meals will be provided for the Team & Foreign Individual Athletes, Chefs d'Équipe & Team Veterinarians only. Breakfast will be provided at the hotel. Vouchers / a cash allowance will be provided towards other meals.

Home Individual Athletes will pay for their own meals.



Requests for accommodation mustbe sentwith entries.

Accommodationwill be at the expense of the Organiser

Accommodated (bed and breakfast) from 13/08/2024 to 19/08/2024

Grooms of Team and Foreign Individual Athletes will be provided with single room, ensuite accommodation at Ashfield Apartments, UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4, D04 C6K5.

The Ashfield Apartments at UCD are located 3.1km, or 8 minutes by car from the Showgrounds.

A complimentary shuttle service for Grooms will be in service from 6am to 8am and 7pm to 9pm daily from the International Stables to the Ashfield Apartments at UCD. Taxis are available outside of those hours at the expense of the groom. To avail of the Shuttle Service please call Aws Vidal (RDS) on 00 353 87 1710735, or email

Requests for accommodation must be submitted with entries.

Note: Accommodation is not provided for the Grooms of Home Individual Athletes.


Meals atthe expense ofthe Organiser Meals provided from 13/08/2024 to 19/08/2024

A cash allowance of €33 per day for meals will be provided to one Groom per Athlete.

Lorry parking will be available on the Showgrounds for the lorries of Team and Foreign Individual Athletes only.

As the parking facilities for lorries is very limited, Home Individual Athletes cannot be accommodated with parking on the Showgrounds.

In the event thatthe available parking spaces for Team and Foreign Individual Athletes are not filled, parking may be allocated to Home Individual Athletes based on theirLongines Jumping Rankings as ofthe 31stofMay 2024 (Rankings No. 281).

Parking for Home Individual Athletes will be provided free of charge inMarian College, Lansdowne Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, D04 W268.

Home Individual Athletes must reserve parking at Marian College via the Transport Agent, Bramhams of Buckingham (Ireland) Ltd. Email: or phone: 00353 83 4340434.

Note: Electric hook-up will be available at Marian College.

If applicable, Organiser must provide proper sanitary conditions. The showering facilities should be sufficient for both male and female grooms with hotand cold water. Shower facilities as well as restrooms should atall times be in a state of cleanliness.

As much as possible in accordance with the Organisers Guide, Point 4.7.2 - Facilities, Services & Conditions for Grooms



Contact details for Customs Formalities:

Name: Bramhams of Buckingham (Ireland) Ltd.

Address: Johnstown South Athy R93 A6W4 Kildare Ireland

Phone: +353 83 4340434




In accordance with the FEI Code of Conductforthe Welfare ofthe Horse itis imperative thatall Horses at FEI Events are physically fitand free from infectious disease before being allowed to compete.


Required health tests and vaccinations

Horses coming from anywhere in Europe will require “TRACES” or an “Intra Community Trade Health Certificate”.

Horses coming directly from outside Europe (e.g. USA) will require the relevant certificate as contained in Commission decision 92/260/EEC.

Quarantine period

Any queries regarding quarantine periods should be directed to the details listed in the Custom Formalities above.

Specimen Import License applied

Any queries regarding Specimen Import Licenses should be directed to the details listed in the Custom Formalities above.

For questions or problems, please contact your Government Veterinary Services.




Ponies must be in compliance with the Veterinary Regulations Chapter IX to be eligible to compete in pony events.



FEI Veterinary Regulations, Chapter VIII:

Horses participating in FEI Events are subject to injury surveillance protocols; and in the event of fatality, a post mortem examination.


Horses must be fit to travel and be transported in suitable vehicles for the transport of horses. Any government requirements for infectious disease testing and control must be requested well in advance, to ensure that the horse is in compliance by the time ofarrival atthe border of the country where the Event is taking place.Athletes,or their representatives, have the responsibility to comply with national legislation in both their country of origin and the host nation of the Event. Where necessary athletes must contact local government authorities or veterinary advisors for information regarding animal health requirements and transport legislation. Within the European Union (EU), this includes EU Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 concerning the protection of animals during transport within the Member States of the EU.



For all issues relating to FEIHorse Passports/FEI Recognition Cards please contact your National Federation. All Horses competing at FEI Events must be registered with the FEI.

FEI Passports or FEI Recognition Cards (for those Horses with a national passport approved by the FEI) are compulsory for FEI Events.

NB: Horses entered in CIMs and in CSIP in their country of residence are not required to have an FEIPassportorFEI Recognition Card but must be properly registered with the FEI and identifiable (FEI General Regulations, Art. 137.2).

Athletes who do not present a Horse’s Passport and/or Recognition Card, or one that is not correctly validated or fail to meet other passport requirements will be subject to Sanctions in accordance with Annex VI of the FEI Veterinary Regulations and may not be allowed to compete.

NB for Horses permanently residentin a Member State ofthe European Union:all Horses musthave a national EU passport in compliance with EU Regulations to which a FEI Recognition card is applied. The exception to this being Horses in possession ofan FEIpassportwhich has been continually revalidated without interruption.



Horses competing at FEI Events must comply with the requirements for Equine Influenza vaccination in accordance with the Veterinary Regulations.

All FEI registered Horses intending to compete at FEI Events (including CIMs) must be vaccinated against Equine Influenza in accordance with these Veterinary Regulations. The exception being if the applicable domestic legislation prevents the use of Equine Influenza vaccineswithin the relevantterritory.



On arrival atan Eventvenue, all Horses mustundergo an examination by an FEIveterinarian to confirm their identification from their passport and micro-chip (where present), their vaccination status and met the FEI’s health requirements to access the FEI Stables Area.To protectall horses attending events, any Horse with a questionable health status concerning vaccination, infectious disease or other concerns, must be stabled within the isolation facilities provided by the Organising Committee pending a decision on entering the venue. PRs mustfulfil the Horse Health Requirements via the FEI HorseApp in advance ofthe eventwhich will be checked at the Examination on Arrival.


All Horses will be assessed for their fitness to compete during the Horse Inspection. Any Horse demonstrating questionable fitness may be referred to the Holding Box for further veterinary examination. Horses not deemed fit to compete by the Inspection Panel will not bepermitted to compete.

7.5 LIMB



Horses may be subject to examination under the protocol for abnormal limb sensitivity throughoutthe period ofan Event, including, butnot limited to,between rounds and before the Jump Off. Horses may be examined once or on multiple occasions during the Period of an Event. Horses may be selected for examination under the protocol randomly or they may be targeted. All Horses selected to be tested mustsubmitpromptly to the examination or are subjectto immediate disqualification. There is no obligation to examine any specific number of Horses at an Event.



All horses competing at FEI Events may be subject to sampling for the presence of Prohibited Substances in accordance with the Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Regulations (EADCMRs). Horses may be selected for sampling in accordance with obligatory testing, targeted or random sampling procedures. Refer to FEI Financial Charges for details of fees relating to Equine and Human Anti-Doping program (EADCMP), which OCs/NFs have the right to charge to the athlete (applicable for all FEI events worldwide).


Elective Testing may be carried out prior to an Event to check for the presence of prohibited substances. Please refer to for information and details.


Athletes can be tested atany FEIEvent,by the FEI or by other Anti-Doping Organisations with Testing jurisdiction. Organisers will have the responsibility to provide facilities and staff/volunteers to facilitate such Testing if requested by the FEI as outlined in article 22.3 of the FEIs’ Anti-doping Rules for Human Athletes (ADRHA).

The ADRHA rules are published on the FEI’s website at



Equestrian sports involve inherentdangerous risks.To the greatest extentpermitted by law,the FEIand the FEIEvent Organiser shall NOT be liable for any damages relating to loss of property or injury of any kind to Athletes, Owners, Support Personnel or Horses ator in connection with an FEI Event and the FEIexpressly excludes all such liability.


1.1.1 Personal accident and health insurance

Itis your responsibility as an Athlete/Owner/ SupportPersonnel to ensure that you have adequate personal accident insurance in place to cover your participation at FEI Events and in particular to insure against any personal injury or medical expenses arising from an accident, injury orillness which may occurat a FEI Event.

You should check with your National Federation to confirm if your National Federation’s insurance policy (if any) covers personal accidents and/or illnesses which may occur when you are attending/participating in FEIEvents.

If your National Federation does not have a personal accident/health insurance policy or if the National Federation’s insurance policy does not cover personal accident or health claims, then you should obtain your own personal accident and health insurance policy to cover your attendance/participation at FEI Events.


Personal property insurance

You should also ensure that you are insured against property loss, theft or damage, which may occur at an FEI Event.

Again, the advice is to check with your National Federation to confirm if they have an insurance policy in place, which would cover you in case of such property loss, theft or damage. If not, then you should obtain your own personal property insurance to cover such situations.

1.1.3 Press equipment

Press equipmentand other items left in the Press workroom,Press lockers, the Press Tribune or anywhere on the showgrounds are left entirely at the owner’s risk. The Organising Committee does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage to such equipment or items.Members of the Press are advised notto leave any equipment or personal items unattended.


1.2.1 Third party liability insurance

As an Athlete/Owner you are personally responsible for damages to third parties caused by you, your employees, Support Personnel, your agents or your Horses. You are, therefore, strongly advised to take out third-party liability insurance providing full coverage in relation to FEI Events at home and abroad, and to keep the policy up to date.

The FEIand the Organiser will NOT be responsible forany damage caused to third parties by you,your employees, Support Personnel, your agents or your Horses.

1.2.2 Additional liability information

No additional information

1.2.3 Horse insurance

As an Owner you should ensure that your Horses are adequately insured against any injuries or illnesses they may sustain while participating at a FEI Event.


To be valid,all Protests and Appeals mustbe made in writing and accompanied by a depositof CHF 150.- or equivalent,as mentioned in the FEI General Regulations (Art. 161-162) available atthe following link:


Athletes wishing to school during speed competitions (Table A and Table C) must inform the OC before these competitions begin. These athletes will start firstin these competitions.


If an athlete is uncertain as to whetherthe boots they intends to use during an eventare allowed, they or their representative should show the boots to the Chief Steward for their opinion before the boots are used in training or in competition.

In addition,athletes are to be made aware thathind boots mustbe removed and placed again on the horse’s legs in the presence of a Steward while in the warm-up arena prior to entering the competition arena for certain competitions.(If bandages are used in place of boots, athletes are not required to remove the bandages in the warm-up arena.)This procedure is compulsory for competitions for which boot and bandage control is mandatory, that is the Nations Cup, Grand Prix,and the competition with the highestprize money,and is atthe discretion ofthe ChiefSteward for other competitions.

As an alternative to carrying out this procedure at the time designated by the Steward an athlete may ask their groom to take the boots to the in-gate and place them on the horse’s legs in front of the Steward prior to the combination entering the arena.

The Steward has the authority to intervene if a boot is deemed excessively tightby instructing thatthe bootbe removed and put on again correctly. [Stewards are to note that it is normal for a horse’s gait to be somewhat affected immediately afterboots have been removed and re-placed.]If an athlete or his/her groom refuses to remove and re- place the boot(s) when instructed to do so by the Steward, a Yellow Warning Card will be issued to the athlete in question. Ifitis deemed impossible or unsafe to remove the hind boots in the warm-up arena prior to the combination entering the competition arena,due to an extremely excited or nervous horse, the boots ofthe horse in question are to be removed by the athlete/groom following the athlete’s round upon leaving the arena and inspected by the Steward. This inspection may be carried outduring the boot and bandage control if the bootand bandage control is carried outforthe competition in question.

This procedure does not replace boot and bandage control after completion of an athlete’s round for competitions for which bootand bandage control is mandatory (refer to JRs Art. 244.1).


In the event of any discussion concerning the interpretation of the schedule (in translated languages), the English version will be decisive.


In exceptional circumstances, together with the approval of Chefs d'Equipe, host NF delegate,if any,and the Ground Jury, the Organiser may change the schedule in order to clarify any matter arising from an omission or due to unforeseen circumstances. Any such changes must be notified to all athletes and officials as soon as possible and they must be reported to the FEI Secretary General by the Technical Delegate,the Presidentof the Ground Jury or the Foreign Judge, as applicable.



The Organising Committee reserve the right to use without any compensation due - photographs, videos or any other digital registered picture from Athletes and / or horses, made or registered during the RDS Dublin Horse Show / CSIO5* / CSI1* YH Dublin 2024, for promotional and / or marketing purposes, related to the event.


All horses must be paraded whenever so ordered by the Organising Committee or an authorised Show Officials. Any failure to comply with this rule may result in disqualification from competition and forfeiture of prizes at the discretion of the Orgnanising Committee.


Athlete must not enter the RDS Main Arena without wearing their competition jacket. This rules applies at all timescompetition, presentations and course walks. Failure to adhere to the dress code may result in disqualification from competition and forfeiture of prizes at the discretion ofthe Orgnanising Committee.


Access to the RDS Main Arena is via ‘The Pocket’ Gate only. Anyone found accessing the Main Arena via any other route may be disqualified from competition.


Dogs are not permitted on the Showgrounds.



Event's Category

Olympic Games/WEG

Continental Championships Senior

Regional Championships/Games

World Cup Final

Age of Athletes (Refer to JRs 255)

As of 18th year

As of 18th year

As of 18th year

As of 16th year if height of obstacles max.1.40m (JRs Annex IX, Art. 6.1)

As of 18th year

Nations Cup Final As of 18th year


Grand Prix, World Cup, Nations Cup, Power and Skill, Derby or Competition with the highest prize money As of 18th year

Other Competitions

Age of Horses

Min 9 y.o.

Min 8 y.o.

Min. 8 y.o.

Min. 7 y.o. if height of obstaclesmax.1.40m (JRs Art. 254.1.1)

Min. 9 y.o.

Min. 8 y.o.

Min. 7 y.o.

As of 16th year

Other Competitions if height max. 1.40m As of 14th year

Other Competitions if height max. 1.30m As of 12th year


Grand Prix, World Cup, Nations Cup, Power and Skill, Derby or Competition with the highest prize money As of 18th year

Other Competitions

Min. 7 y.o.

As of 16th year

Other Competitions if height max. 1.40m As of 14th year

Other Competitions if height max. 1.30m As of 12th year


Grand Prix, Nations Cup, Power and Skill,Derby or Competition with the highest prize money

Other Competitions

Other Competitions if height max. 1.40m

Other Competitions if height max. 1.30m


World Cup, Power and Skill or Derby

As of 18th year

As of 16th year

As of 14th year

As of 12th year

As of 18th year

Grand Prix, if not the World Cup Competition and other Competitions As of 16th year

Grand Prix, if not the World Cup Competition and other Competitions if heightmax. 1.40m As of 14th year

Grand Prix, if not the World Cup Competition and other Competitions if heightmax. 1.30m As of 12th year


World Cup, Power and Skill or Derby

Grand Prix, if not the World Cup Competition and other Competitions if heightmax. 1.40m

Grand Prix, if not the World Cup Competition and other Competitions if heightmax. 1.30m


Grand Prix, Power and Skill, Derby or Competition with the highest prize money

Other Competitions

Min. 6 y.o.*

Min. 7 y.o.

Asof18th year

As of 14th year

As of 12th year

As of 18th year

As of 16th year

Other Competitions if height max. 1.40m As of 14th year

Other Competitions if height max. 1.30m


Power and Skill or Derby

Grand Prix and other Competitions

Grand Prix and other Competitions if height max. 1.40m

As of 12th year

As of 18th year

As of 16th year

Min. 7 y.o.

7 y.o.

As of 14th year Min. 6 y.o.

Grand Prix and other Competitions if height max. 1.30m As of 12th year


Power and Skill or Derby

As of 18th year

Grand Prix and other Competitions if height max. 1.40m As of 14th year

Grand Prix and other Competitions if height max. 1.30m As of 12th year


As of16th year to end 21styear Min. 7 y.o.

CSI/CSIO-Y As of16th year to end 21styear


As of14th year to end 18th year

CSI/CSIO-J As of14th year to end 18th year

CSI/CSIO-Ch/CH-Ch As of12th year to end 14th year


As of12th yearto end 16th year Ponies must be registered as ponies with FEI Min. 6 y.o.




As of16th yearto end 25th year for all CSIU-25 comp. As of 14th year if height max. 1.40m (to end 25th year)

As of 45th year

As of14th yearfor all CSIAm comp.

As of 12th year until end of 13th year if competition height is max. 1.30m

Min. 7 y.o.

Min. 6 y.o.

Min. 6 y.o.

CSIYH Per Art. 255.2 Min. 5 y.o. – Max. 8 y.o.


As of 18th year or 16 year for athletes qualified with the same horse

*Art.254.1.1: Horses entered for CSIO2* Events atwhich the Nations Cup is builtto the dimensions setforth in JRs Art. 264.3 for 2* Events must be at least 6 years old; Horses entered for CSIO2* Events at which the Nations Cup is built to the dimensions set forth in JRs Art. 264.3 for3* Events or highermust be at least7 years old.


Prize Money Distribution Chart 1: Prize money distribution with 25% of prize money for the winner updated 04.05.2022 N° of starters up to 11

as the number of starters who finish the competition

prizes, i.e. the prizes foreseen up to 12th place, are then

distributed in descending order starting again with the 1st

placed athlete until there are no more prizes to be distributed.

5 athletes: winner gets prize for 1st (25%) and the other athletes get the 7

relevant percentages down to the last athlete, i.e. 5th place (7%). The prize 8 for 6th (5.5%) is then given to the winner, the prize for 7th (4%) is given to

9 the 2nd placed athlete, the prize for 8th (3%) is given to the 3rd placed

athlete, the prize for 9th (3%) is given to the 4th placed athlete and the prize 10

for 10th (2.5%) is given tothe 5th placed athlete. The prize for 11th (2.5%) is 11 then given to the 1st place athlete and the prize for 12th (2.5%) is given to the 2nd placed athlete.

10 athletes: winner gets prize for 1st (25%) and 11th (2.5%), second placed gets prize for 2nd (20%) and 12th (2.5%); the remaining athletes receive the prize money for their placing as per the percentages from 3rd to 10th place.

Extra prizes for 13th to last place*

* The OC must provide additional prizes for the remaining placed athletes to fulfil quota of one prize per four athletes.

The amount to be given to each of these athletes must be stated in the Schedule.

Same as the number of starters who finish the competition 12 First 12 acc. to percentages be-low; extra prizes for 13th to last*

money Example: Competition prize money = 40’000.-

1 All athletes who complete the competition receive prize money, to be distributed according to the percentages at right from the 1st placed to the last placed athlete. The remaining prizes, i.e. the prizes foreseen up to 12th place, are then distributed in descending order starting again with the 1st placed athlete until there are no more prizes to be distributed. See examples below.

5 athletes: winner gets prize for 1st (33%) and the other athletes get the relevant percentages down to the last athlete, i.e. 5th place (6%). The prize for 6th (4.5%) is then given to the winner, the prize for 7th (3%) is given to the 2nd placed athlete, the prize for 8th (2.5%) is given to the 3rd placed athlete, the prize for 9th (2%) is given to the 4th placed athlete and the prize for 10th (2%) is given to the 5th placed athlete. The prize for 11th (1%) is then given to the 1st place athlete and the prize for 12th (1%) is given to the 2nd placed athlete.

10 athletes: winner gets prize for 1st (33%) and 11th (1%), second placed gets prize for 2nd (20%) and 12th (1%); the remaining athletes receive the prize money for their placing as per the percentages from 3rd to 10th place.

* The OC must provide additional prizes for the remaining placed athletes to fulfil quota of one prize per four athletes.

The amount to be given to each of these athletes must be stated in the Schedule.

In case ofa tie forthe 12th place in a competition with 12 to 48 starters,the prize money foreseen for the 12th place will be divided equally among the athletes concerned.

For Competitions run in two rounds with more than 12 starters in 2nd round: OCs that indicate in the schedule that a specific number (that is more than 12) of athletes will return for the second round will be permitted to distribute the prize money for that competition among all the athletes taking part in the second round, even if the second round is followed by a jump-off in case of a tie on penalties for first place after the second round.


Full details ofany deductions from prize money must be outlined in the schedule. This includes government taxes. If it is necessary for Organisers to deduct such taxes, they must provide participants with an official form indicating the amount of tax deducted.

The tax form must be provided to the athletes upon arrival and returned to the Organiser prior to departing.


The total amount of prize money shown for each Competition in the schedule must be distributed. (FEI General Regulations articles 127 and 128)

For details ofthe prize money breakdown for each competition please refer to the tables atthe end of this document;the Organiser must specify which of the two (2) tables will be used. The total prize money for the Competition must be distributed among the first twelve (12) placed athletes.

The Organiser must provide additional created prizes for athletes placed beyond twelfth (12th) place. The minimum amount for each ofthese additional prizes,for athletes placed from thirteenth (13th) to lastplace, mustbe clearly specified in the approved schedule and not exceed the prize money of the athlete placed twelfth (12th)


*Annex VI FEI Jumping Rules:

Maximum 100 starters per Competition other than the GP.If more than 100 starters are declared, the OC mustsplit the competition into the number of groups required to ensure that there are no more than 100 starters in any group, and provide the same amount of prize money as indicated

The additional prize money provided by the OC is not taken into consideration with regard to the overall prize money that determines the star level of the Event or the Longines Ranking point group ofthe Competition, if applicable.

OCs may apply either of the following methods for splitting the Competition:

The competition is split into the number of groups required before it starts. There may be athletes with multiple horses in each group but all horses of any one athlete must be in the same group. If it is not possible to have groups of equal size there may be a differentnumber of starters in each group;

The competition is run as one single competition and splitafterward into the numberof groups required to ensure that there are no more than 100 starters in any group, and the classification established as follows:the athlete with the best score is the winner ofthe first group, the athlete with the second best score is the winner ofthe second group and so on until prizes have been allocated to 25% of the total number of starters. NB: In this case separate results must be sent to the FEIforeach of the groups,e.g.results for Competition 1a and for Competition 1b (and for Competition 1c ifthe original Competition was splitinto three groups, etc).

In both cases above each group must offer the same amount of prize money as indicated for the original Competition. For the avoidance of doubt, it is the number of declared starters in the Competition, not the final number of starters that determines whether the Competition must be split.

As all FEI World Cup™ Competitions have the status of a Grand Prix, the minimum prize money requirements for the Grand Prix are applicable to the World CupTM Competition.

For CSI-W Events with a Grand Prix Competition in addition to the FEIWorld CupTM Competition,the minimum prize money requirements indicated for the Grand Prix apply only to the FEIWorld CupTM Competition;the Grand Prix Competition at such Events cannotoffer more prize money than the prize money offered for the FEI World CupTM Competition.


*Glossary FEI Jumping Rules: Fees

Compulsory Fee:Compulsory Fees are fees thatmay be charged by the OC forcosts/services notincluded in the Entry Fee. Compulsory Fees,ifcharged, mustbe paid by the Athletes concerned as outlined below. Only the following Compulsory Fees may be charged by the OC, providing full details of the amountto be charged is included in the Schedule and approved by the FEI:

NF fee if applicable

NF medication control programme fee if applicable

FEI EADCMR fee if applicable (OC to indicate in the Schedule if the EADCMR fee is included in the Entry Fee ornot)

Fee forhealth/customs-related documents for Horses if these have been requested by the Athlete.

Fee for manure disposal (maximum € 40 per horse per Event)

Fee forlorry parking if applicable (The fee indicated in the Schedule may only be charged perlorry not per Athlete.)

Fee forelectric hook-up for lorry (The fee indicated in the Schedule may only be charged perlorry,notper Athlete.)

Discretionary Fee:Fees are fees that may be charged foroptional commodities/services thatmay be purchased by an Athlete if he so chooses and that do not affect the equity of the Athlete’s right to compete at the Event or the well-being of the Horse, such as:

VIPor premium parking

VIP table

Extra box for tack or for non-competing Horse

Extra bedding and/or fodder (details to be included e.g. shavings, straw, hay)

Premium stabling (all stabling at the Event must meet minimum FEI requirements)

Entry Fee:The Entry Fee is the fee charged to participate in an Eventwith one Horse and covers the following:

Stabling of one Horse for the duration of the Event (includes cleaning and disinfecting stables before the event, including between Events that are part ofTours,water and electricity in the stables, firstbedding or a fixed amountofbedding depending on the type of event and 24 hour security services forthe stables)

Use of all facilities at the Event (no infrastructure fees may be charged)

Right to participate in all Competitions in accordance with the conditions in the Schedule (no nomination fees or start fees may be charged)

Administrative/Office fees (includes all services relating to administration of the Event and running of the Competitions: data/results/timing services, bookkeeping and accreditation services)

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