El Perico Sep 29 2016

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Del 29 de Septiembre al 5 de Octubre 2016 / September 29-October 5, 2016 | Edición Gratuita / Free Edition Noticias para: I News for: I Omaha, Bellevue NE, & Council Bluffs, IA






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Tiene usted 55 años o más ?

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Creando conexiones entre vecinos de Iowa y Nebraska Patrocinadores de tradución: Catholic Charities y Juan Diego Center


La conferencia incluye: • Intérpretes en el evento • Presentación de taller: Entendiendo la Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA) presentada por Anna Deal, Abogada, Justicia para Nuestros Vecinos (JFON-NE) • Oportunidades para obtener fondos de subvenciones • Intercambio interactivo de información cívica Regístrese hoy mismo en intheneighborhood.org

P R E S E N TA D O P O R :


| Del 29 de Septiembre al 5 de Octubre del 2016 |


the Neighborhood Conference

$570 $550 $440 $405 $550 $560 $570 $550

!PREGUNTAR POR PAQUETES! *Tarifas + Impuestos. Sujetas a cambios y restricciones de fecha*

Foto de Elite Studio Photography


Javier Pulido EN OMAHA



maha recibe por un par de semanas a Javier Púlido, artista plástico mexicano que viene a exponer su talento, con el cual recrea nuestro entorno social para lograr que el espectador descubra nuevas formas de percepción, mediante la pintura, escultura, performance, instalación he incluso video. El maestro Pulido vino prioritariamente para crear un mural que le solicitó la Cámara de Comercio Hispana de Nebraska, el cual fue presentado en los pasados festejos por la independencia de México. Pulido, es un artista que domina los métodos y materiales de las artes plásticas, buscando influir en el público receptor de su obra, la cual a estado presente en México, Londres e Irlanda, donde se ha reconocido también su papel como docente. “Empece a pintar de manera profesional a los 15 años. Como autodidacta, me contrataron para hacer replicas de cuadros bíblicos, renacentistas, barrocos y de muy diversos estilos. Era un trabajo con mucha exigencia de tiempo, por eso tuve que acelerar mi aprendizaje, lleno de valores estéticos clásico”, comentó el maestro Pulido. Su educación profesional ocurrió en la Escuela Nacional de Escultura, Pintura y Grabado (CENART), considerada la más importante escuela en Latinoamérica, en lo referente a las artes plásticas, donde consiguió también una especialización en artes visuales. Una característica importante suya es utilizar sus vivencias y el análisis del medio que lo rodea para trabajar en la ejecución de su obra ya sea de manera individual, o bien, en forma colectiva participando activamente en la creación plástica contemporánea, y exhibiendo su trabajo en diversos foros. Generalmente, su quehacer se orienta hacia la creación, el desarrollo, la preservación y la difusión artística de la realidad sociocultural de su país y del resto del mundo. “Con mi trabajo he criticado al arte mismo y a los vicios que tienen los artistas y el mercado internacional, por que no busco un trabajo que solo se convierta en decoración, sino en algo con una carga conceptual que permita hablar de los temas que muchas veces no queremos ver, pero que existen y están presentes cotidianamente”, subrayó Pulido. Ahora bien, el mundo del arte es complicado. Y no sólo porque haya obras difíciles de entender por el público sino por todo lo que supone consagrarse a la creación del arte e intentar vivir de ello.

Esta posibilidad genera voces discordantes entre los artistas que afirman o rechazan lo factible que es elegir vivir de la obra que se va creando día con día. Y es que la precariedad o bonanza de los creadores no sólo depende de ellos mismos. Hay muchos factores influyentes: la difusión de la cultura por parte de las instituciones, las galerías de arte, la atención del comercio de arte internacional, etcétera. Entre todas esas voces se encuentra Javier Pulido: “Yo he vivido y sobrevivido del arte desde que tenia 15 años. Es difícil vender tu obra por que el mercado internacional hace que como mexicano hables de ciertos temas para ser mas visto y vendido. Lamentablemente, cuando vas contra la marea buscando proyectar mensajes que van más haya de nacionalidades entonces no te prestan mucha atención y las galerías se cierran” Sin embargo, el verdadero artista siempre encuentra puertas abiertas y siempre tiene algo que proyectar en su arte. Actualmente pulido prepara los últimos detalles de una serie de pinturas que presentará en la ciudad de Dublin, en Irlanda. “Estoy preparando también varios proyectos en México, que consisten en una serie de instalaciones donde habló de todos los vícios del arte contemporáneo. Aparte sigo ocupado haciendo pintura y escultura. En Omaha, Pulido se esta preparando para una serie de charlas en universidades locales, en las que figura Metropolitan Community College. Estoy también muy interesado en involucrarme en las diferentes facetas que atraviesa un mexicano en su trabajo y rutina diaria en esta ciudad, para poder plasmar eso en una obra que hable de experiencias humanas, más haya de nacionalidades”. expresó. Por corta temporada, Pulido presentará una muestra de su trabajo en el distrito comercial de la calle Vinton, en la que varios artistas plásticos de la zona se han mostrado interés en participar. En ella habrá varias piezas, muchas creadas por el propio Pulido en Omaha, sumándose un performance que él mismo ejecutará. Siempre con el sello de no proyectar lo folclórico para anunciar que es un artista mexicano, pero que sí abarcando problemáticas propias del suelo azteca. Así, Omaha recibe y presenta el trabajo de el maestro Javier Pulido, cuya conciencia profesional le hace trabajar en proyectos que van más haya de recrear bien una obra, pues esta cierto que para hacer arte debe valerse de elementos físicos y espirituales que permitan la comunión y comunicación con el espectador, que al final es el que le da vida al trabajo del artista.

Javier Pulido. Su obra se presenta en el 1820 Vinton St. del 7 al 21 de octubre. Para más detalles o para información sobre su presencia en MCC llame al 402 515.8487 | Del 29 de Septiembre al 5 de Octubre del 2016 | TEMA DE PORTADA |


2016 - 2017

¿Qué es el Directorio Latino? El Directorio Latino es el único directorio de negocios y guía comunitaria totalmente en Español, para el estados de Nebraska y Iowa. Directorio Latino proporciona a los residentes de Omaha y de sus alrededores, información importante que no está disponible en ningún otro lugar en Español.

¡Exponga su negocio a más de 80,000 personas! .

• La única guía comunitaria y el único directorio de negocios que sirven a los consumidores latinos en el estados de Nebraska y Iowa desde 1999. • Alcanza 60,000 hogares latinos durante todo el año, mismos que se estima gastan $1.6 billones anualmente.

¡LLAME A DINAH HITES GOMEZ HOY MISMO, PARA RESERVAR SU ESPACIO! 402-341-7323 ext.113 • dinah@thereader.com PO BOX 7360 • OMAHA, NE 68107 • Fax: 402-341-6967 4

| Del 29 de Septiembre al 5 de Octubre del 2016 |


Javier Pulido

Photo by Elite Studio Photography


| Del 29 de Septiembre al 5 de Octubre del 2016 | COVER STORY |





acer teatro con y sobre la comunidad “El trabajo nos brinda la oportunidad como ares una colaboración entre el Corner- tistas de en verdad conectar con las personas y con stone Theatre de Los Ángeles y el Great la comunidad en la cual hacemos teatro. EsperaPlains Theatre Conference de Omaha. Michael John mos poder crear un trabajo que sea relevante en la Garcés, director artístico de la Cornerstone Theater vida de las personas de una forma que sea fresca y Company, está cultivando historias del Sur de Oma- emocionante. Yo veo que cuando esto funciona en ha para una obra que está escribiendo para el GPTC verdad es muy satisfactorio”. PlayFest del próximo año y la serie Neighborhood El material para ello proviene de las historias de Tapestries. El dramaturgo/director llevó a cabo un las personas. proyecto similar en el 2015 para la conferencia del “En ocasiones es tan sencillo como sentarse a Metropolitan Community College (MCC). platicar y en otros casos es un poco más laborioso El teatro enfocado en la comunidad llevado a con ejercicios y otras cosas que permitan que nos cabo por el Cornerstone llevó a que Scott Work- cuenten sobre sus vidas”, nos comenta Garcés. “Yo ing, instructor de teatro en el MCC que ayuda a busco a los miembros de la comunidad para poder coordinar la conferencia, se uniere al instituto de aprender de su experiencia sobre la misma para así verano de la compañía. Working, quien también poder escribir una obra que espero pueda adenes dramaturgo/director, practicó los métodos de la trarse en sus verdades y llegar así a ser auténtica. Cornerstone: “Yo aprendí cómo es que ellos partici- Mi intención es poder reflejar el espíritu de lo que pan con la comunidad, sondeando hasta el fondo está pasando hoy en día en el Sur de Omaha al para encontrar sus historias y representan el pan- capturar las voces de las personas y presentar algo orama de la comunidad en su diseño. Yo también firmemente basado en la historia”. aprendí que una comunidad no necesariamente es Garcés se ha empapado del Sur de Omaha. geográfica”. “Caminé bastante, visitando los restaurantes y neGarcés se ha sumergido en la diversidad étnica gocios, comiendo su comida, platicando con las del Sur de Omaha. Él moderó los círculos de histo- personas y simplemente pasando el rato. Traté de rias de septiembre durante los cuales personas de conocer a las personas bajo el mayor número podiversas comunidades culturales compartieron sus sible de distintos contextos. Yo me di cuenta de que experiencias. Ahora él llevará a cabo más sesiones es un lugar muy colorido en cuanto a sus murales y durante noviembre. Eventualmente, profesionales a los vivid contrastes de coloree y texturas. En pary no profesionales compartirán el escenario en un ticular me fascina la historia y la evolución de las trabajo de producción completa que colapsa la bar- diversas parroquias”, nos comenta. rera entre artista y audiencia. Poder llevar a cabo “Aun cuando las personas se mudan, existe una esto es lo que llevó a Garcés a la Cornerstone. clara conexión con el Sur de Omaha. La actitud de


Foto de Elite Studio Photography


las personas parece ser ‘el cambio es lo que sucede y levantadora de pesas en competencias, ella es aquí’. Aunque es un tanto agridulce, las personas propietaria del Diamond Gym y de California están interesadas en lo que está sucediendo ahora y Produce. Ella planea publicar una revista para lo que va a suceder”. promover la salud y la nutrición entre los latinos. El proyecto irá a donde le lleven las historias Aunque provienen de circunstancias difede las personas, pero Working dijo que existe un rentes, cada familia buscó una mejor vida y enfoque sobre las familias de clase trabajadora y trabajó arduamente para ello. Jonyka siente los empresarios. Él comentó que las participantes “una conexión” con las poblaciones de inmicomo Kris Jonyka e Ismara González también hici- grantes y refugiados en el Sur de Omaha. A ella eron referencia a un problema de identidad cultur- le gustó crecer entre la gran mezcla de culturas al a través de las generaciones. en el Sur de Omaha. Jonyka nació en un campamento para perLas vibras amigables del Sur de Omaha recusonas desplazadas en Alemania, después de la erdan a González de su vida en México. Jonyka Segunda Guerra Mundial. Su familia lituana “espera con ansias” observar lo que presenta se asentó en Omaha, en donde su vida se cen- Garcés. González siente lo mismo: “Sí, siento tró en la parroquia de San Antonio. Su culto curiosidad. Normalmente yo no me abro de esta padre trabajó en plantas de empacado y en la forma, pero si ayuda a alguien, entonces estoy construcción antes de abrir el deli-pastelería dispuesta a compartir mi historia. Yo quiero inde la familia, para después tener una tienda de spirar a las latinas”. conveniencia con productos étnicos. A instanLas mujeres tal vez terminen sobre el escecia de sus padres, ella obtuvo una educación nario. Garcés dijo que mezclar a actores prouniversitaria y se convirtió en educadora en fesionales con quienes no lo son “crea un tipo discurso y debate. Durante dicha travesía, ella de alquimia que es muy poderosa. Cuando esa perdió su marcado acento que en su momento química sucede, es en verdad increíble y emole ocasionó tristeza. cionante. Es algo que en verdad me gusta del González batalló al salir de una vida en un trabajo que hacemos”. pueblo mexicano a una vida en una gran ciudad Una lec t u r a públ ic a de e st a obr a i nv it a r á en los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica después a la ret roa l i ment ación a nte s de su pre sentde que su familia decidió emigrar aquí. Ella se ación du r a nte el f i n de sema na del Memor ia l irritaba en cuanto a los roles tradicionales que Day del 2 017. se esperaba que ella siguiera. Su madre sí le motivó a perseguir sus sueños educacionales y Lea más sobre el trabajo de Leo Adam Biga empresariales. Ahora como una fisicoculturista en leoadambiga.com.

| ARTICULO DESTACADO | Del 29 de Septiembre al 5 de Octubre del 2016 |

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8th Old Market Farmers Market


Nominate A Food Day Champion! awards.fooddayomaha.com

Healthy food and healthy food policy is a growing movement in our community and to recognize the hard work and vision of those organizations and individuals leading the charge locally, we’ve created the Food Day Omaha Awards to celebrate our advocates in 5 areas:

w Producer of the Year w Restaurant of the Year w Retailer of the Year w Nonprofit of the Year w Food Day Champion of the Year Please nominate the individual or organization that best exemplifies and represents the mission of Food Day. The top 5 nominees will be celebrated and one from each category will be recognized at Food Day Omaha on October 8 in the Old Market. Working with the public nominations, the Food Day Omaha Awards Committee, a group of 9, will select the final awardees.Â

| Del 29 de Septiembre al 5 de Octubre del 2016 |



P.O. BOX 7360 • OMAHA, NE 68107 PHONE 402.734.0279 FAX 402.341.6967


Photo by Elite Studio Photography




aking theater with and about community is a shared collaborative between L.A.’s Cornerstone Theater and Omaha’s Great Plains Theatre Conference. Cornerstone Theater Company artistic director Michael John Garces is cultivating South Omaha stories to inform a play he’s writing for next year’s GPTC PlayFest and its Neighborhood Tapestries series. The play wright-director did a similar 2015 project for the Metropolitan Community College conference. Cornerstone’s nationally recognized community engaged theater work led MCC theater instructor Scott Working, who helps coordinate the conference, to join the company’s summer institute. Working, a playwright-director, practiced Cornerstone methods. He said, “I learned how they engage with community, plumb the depths for stories and represent the community landscape in the design. I also learned a community isn’t necessarily geographical.” Garces has immersed himself in ethnically diverse South Omaha. He moderated September story circles where people from different cultural communities shared their experiences. He’s holding more sessions in November. Eventually, professionals and nonprofessionals will share the stage in a fully produced work that collapses the wall between artist and audience. Bridging that disconnect led Garces to Cornerstone. “The work gives us an opportunity as artists to be really connected to the people and the community in which we’re making theater. Hopefully we can make work that feels relevant to people’s lives in a way that’s fresh and exciting. I find that when it works it’s really satisfying.” The raw material comes from people’s stories.




“Sometimes it’s as simple as sitting around and talking and sometimes it’s more elaborate with exercises and things to get people talking and telling us about their lives,” Garces said. “I look for community members to provide the expertise about their community so I can write a play that hopefully accesses certain truths and things that feel authentic. My hope is to reflect the spirit of what’s going on in present-day South Omaha by capturing people’s voices and having some really firm grounding in the history.” Garces has soaked up South Omaha. “I took quite a few long walks going into restaurants and businesses and talking to people, eating food and hanging out. I tried to meet people in as many different contexts as possible. I find it to be a very colorful place in terms of the murals and the vivid contrasts of color and texture. I find the history and evolution of the various parish churches fascinating. “Even as people have moved away, there’s clearly a very strong attachment to South Omaha. People’s attitudes seem to be, ‘Change is what happens here.’ While bittersweet, people are interested in what’s happening now and what’s going to happen.” The project will go where people’s stories lead it but Working said there’s a focus on working families and entrepreneurs. He said participants such as Kris Jonyka and Ismara Gonzalez also referenced cultural identity issues across generations. Jonyka was born in a post-World War II Displaced Persons camp in Germany. Her Lithuanian family settled in Omaha, where their life centered around St. Anthony’s parish. Her well-educated father worked in packing plants and construction before opening the family deli-bakery and later variety store featuring

| Del 29 de Septiembre al 5 de Octubre del 2016 |

ethnic goods. At her folks’ urging, she obtained higher education and became a speech and debate educator. Along the way, she lost the thick accent that once caused her grief. Gonzalez struggled going from Mexican village life to big city American life when her family immigrated here. She chafed at traditional roles she was expected to follow. Her mother did encourage her to pursue educational and entrepreneurial dreams. The competitive body builder and powerlifter owns Diamond Gym and California Produce. She plans publishing a magazine to promote health and nutrition among Latinos. Though hailing from dif ferent circumstances, each family sought a better life and worked hard for it. Jonyka feels “a k inship” with South O’s immigrant-refugee-migrant populations. She liked growing up in South O’s mi xed cultura l stew. South O’s friendly vibe reminds Gonza lez of life back home in Mexico. Jonyka’s “eager to see” what Garces portrays. So is Gonza lez: “Yea h, I’m curious. I don’t put myself out there too much but if it helps, then I’m willing to share my stor y. I want to inspire other Latinas.” The women may even wind up on stage. Garces said mixing non-professional and professional actors “creates a sort of alchemy that is very powerful,” adding, “When that chemistry really fires, it’s quite remarkable and exciting and it’s certainly what I love about the work we do.” A public reading of his play will invite feedback before its 2017 Memoria l Day weekend production. Read more of Leo Adam Biga’s work at leoadambiga.com.

Cartas al editor: editar@abmenterprises.com EDITORIAL / EDITORIAL Publisher: John Heaston Editor: David Williams


Equipo de Escritores/Writers Team: Bernardo Montoya,

Salvador S. Robles, Marina Rosado, Liz Codina, Penélope León, Leo Adam Biga Traducciones /Translations: José Antonio García Edition: Penélope León PRODUCCION Y DISEÑO GRÁFICO / PRODUCTION AND DESIGN

Katiuska Tejada Nuñez katiuska@abm-enterprises.com Bernardo Montoya bernardoomg@abm-enterprises.com eventos@periconewspaper.com PUBLICIDAD/ADVERTISING Representante de Ventas / Sales Representative:

Dinah Gomez dinahg@thereader.com

SUSCRIPCIONES Y DISTRIBUCION / SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DISTRIBUTION PO Box 7360 • Omaha, NE 68107 Tel,/Phone (402) 734-0279 • Fax (402) 934-0709 subscriptions@abm-enterprises.com distribution@abm-enterprises.com El Perico es una publicación semanal, impresa los jueves. Se prohibe la reproducción total o parcial de cualquier parte de su contenido sin previa autorización del autor. ©2016 ABM Enterprises, Inc. El Perico is a weekly publication printed every Thursday. Reproduction or use of any of its parts without permission is prohibited. ©2016 ABM Enterprises, Inc.

Eyman Plumbing, Heating & Air


hen Bob Eyman launched Eyman Plumbing in 1957 its primary business was plumbing and drain services. The company now has six divisions and uses such new technology as remote visual inspections and customized climate control systems. Tom Eyman, Bob’s grandson and a member of the family that runs the company six decades later, said he always tells his employees to treat their customers the same way they’d treat their own mothers. “When you treat a customer fairly and go that extra step,” he said, “you often win the customer for life.”

Known as the “fix-it” company, Eyman often gets calls to handle the toughest problems. “We have to be flexible. We’ll work nights, Sundays and holidays because when you need us, it can’t always be on our terms.” One of the hottest technology trends in HVAC is the introduction of ductless heating and air systems. You may have noticed these small, indoor devices installed high on walls in homes, restaurants or office buildings. These systems, Eyman said, offer powerful advantages for your home … and your energy budget: Flexible Solutions Traditional central air conditioning systems force cooled and heated air through ducts. A ductless design instead delivers air directly into various zoned areas of your home.

Trust the Big Red Truck!

The system is comprised of a small-footprint outdoor unit and one or more indoor units that require nothing more than access to electricity. Ductless cooling and heating offers home and business owners a cost-effective way to replace inefficient window units, space heaters and electric baseboard heaters. Ductless systems can even be fit for buildings that currently use ducted forced-air systems. Ductless Saves You Money As utility costs soar, one of the biggest advantages to ductless is found in your wallet. Ductless systems operate on less power and the zoned, room-by-room approach means there is no loss in efficiency. Homeowners may also be eligible for federal, state or local tax credits or utility rebates for the year they are installed. Breathe Easy! Your ducts were clean the day they were installed. And that’s about it. Dust and allergens remain even after cleaning. Ductless systems have sophisticated filtration capabilities that drastically reduce dust, bacteria, pollen, allergens and other particulates in the air. Quick. Easy. Non-invasive Traditional systems, especially in older homes, can take several weeks to install and disrupts your daily life. Duct-

less systems are far less invasive to install.Ductless systems run on small pipes that require a mere three-inch hole. No tearing down walls. No loss of square footage. No mess. Just clean, fresh air. Shrink Your Carbon Footprint! The small size of a ductless cooling system and its zoning capabilities allows for greater energy efficiency. These systems follow ENERGY STAR guidelines, which means they are far more energy efficient than the minimum standards set forth by the federal government. Improved efficiency saves money, of course, but it also helps reduce your total carbon output. And ductless systems use a refrigerant called R410A, which is known for its zero ozone depletion potential. This means the system will have less impact on the environment throughout its life. Energy efficient. Environmentally friendly. Completely customizable to exact, zone-by-zone temperatures. Consistent, year-round comfort. How’s that for a no-fuss solution for your home? “My grandfather would probably be scratching his head if he could see how technology has changed virtually everything in our homes,” Eyman said, “But I know he’d be proud to see that we’re delivering that new technology with the same family commitment to the community. Science is great, but happy, comfortable customers are even better.”


Kris Lager Band Headlines

recently spoke with Kris Lager of Kris Lager Band about his upcoming album, tour, and playing for Toast of the Old Market October 8. When I got in touch with the infectiously positive lead singer and guitarist of KLB, he was enjoying a beautiful fall afternoon, listening to love songs and dancing around his house with his wife on their 3rd anniversary. For having been called away from such an important task, he seemed particularly unperturbed. I quickly learned that this is really just the artist’s neutral mode, and he has been sent here from the future to give you a good day. “I think my biggest sin- you know, preachers and priests are very into confessing their ‘biggest sin’, is not celebrating life. When I catch myself, I just gotta stop and refocus, remember. That’s my motto, you know? Celebrate life. Music really helps you do that. If you’re having a great day and you hear a great song, you remember those feelings when you hear it again. When you’re having a bad day and you hear a great song, it just changes everything.

It changes the energy and the vibe of the day. Music has some amazing power.” Lager and his band enjoy harnessing that power and using it to manipulate your mood. “When you put that positive energy out there, you see it everywhere in life. Suddenly all of this good is coming at you- and you can make that happen or you can turn it away when it finds you. You can smile at a stranger or you can let it slide and miss that opportunity. But, man… smile at a stranger. That’s the good stuff. That’s what we need. That’s what we’re trying to make.” Lager and I discussed his newest album, titled “Rise and Shine”, which he describes as being about rolling with the punches, smiling and taking what life has to offer, and making the best of it. “I really hope people dig it”, is his wordy sell. The album will be out in 4 or 5 weeks, and is an easy listen. Imagine Thanksgiving road trips to the groovy, worry-free jams KLB is known for. It’s sure to take a little of the edge off of the family holiday season.

Lager himself will be hitting the road in December for an extended tour, and will be spending the bitter winter in a warmer climate, writing music to capture that sunshine and take it with him wherever he goes. “I write to lift my spirits”, he explained, “I perform to life everyone else’s.” He is hoping to pack as many of his Omaha friends into his last few performances this year as he can, looking for a big send off before the tour begins. One such opportunity will be Toast of the Old Market on October 8. “Who doesn’t like the Old Market? It’s just beautiful and vibey. Always someone down there making great music, someone serving awesome food. It’s going to be a good time!” Be sure to catch Kris Lager and his band sending you positive vibes straight from the heart at Toast of the Old Market on October 8th. Matt Wallace Fusion Force, Josh Hoyer and Soul Colossal, and Matt Cox and Luigi Inc. will all perform at the event, which takes place from 2pm to 10pm.

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The Rest of the Band Line-up Luigi Inc

is a 5 piece jazz combo located in Omaha, Nebraska. Founded by the late jazz legend, Luigi Waites, Luigi Inc (short for including, not incorporated) has the distinct honor of maintaining one of the longest running gigs in the country, performing over 1850 consecutive Sundays at Mr. Toad in Omaha’s old Market! That’s right, since 1978, the band’s weekly performances have served a mixture of jazz standards, popular music, and original tunes to the Mr. Toad faithful. Although the groups instrumentation and personnel has changed some over the years, Luigi Inc’s current lineup of saxophonist Curt McKean, guitarist Jeff Scheffler, bassist Steve Gomez, drummer Steve Knight, and trumpeter Doyle Tipler have a combination of more than 95 years with the group.

Matt Wallace Fusion Force

was formed in Omaha in 1980 and quickly became the “go to” opening act for famous Jazz Stars touring the Midwest. In May of 1987 they opened 2 shows for trumpet great Maynard Ferguson at The Howard Street Tavern in The Old Market. Six weeks later Wallace would be playing to 25,000 at the Telluride Festival as part of Maynard Ferguson and High Voltage. Matt would go on to travel 70 countries, play on 10 records and appear on the Arsenio Hall Show with Jazz Hall of Famer Ferguson, performing nearly 5000 sets between 1987 and 2002. He will be joined by Duke Riggs on drums, Kevin Lloyd on keys, Clarke Edson on bass and Michael Pujado on percussion.

Josh Hoyer and Soul Colossal

is a project formed in late 2012 in famed blues town Lincoln, Nebraska. For the last 15 years, Hoyer has been very in demand as a performer in his previous bands, as a solo artist behind the piano and as a session musician and arranger. Spending much of his time booking and promoting in Lincoln at the legendary Zoo Bar and beyond, Hoyer is an influential part of the funk, soul and blues youth movement. His current 9-piece Soul band includes some of the areas most revered and accomplished musicians, many of whom have toured nationally and internationally, teach music and are asked to back up bands live and in the studio. The band’s sound and passion come from their deep respect, knowledge of and passion for blues, Americana, soul, funk, and many other styles of music.

Matt Cox

Six-time Omaha Entertainment and Arts Award winner for Best Country/ Americana and Best Blues speaks to the caliber of artist Matt Cox has become in the studio and on stage is being recognized regionally, and across the nation. Cox continues to play shows with an ever-changing lineup of the area’s top talent and a raw energy that reveals the passion and experience that friends share with each other on stage and off.

Sozo Coffeehouse 1314 Jones St. (downstairs) In addition to delicious coffee, Sozo hosts private live music, local art, private events, business meetings, and study groups. Sozo has pool tables and board games available as well!

Artists’ Cooperative Gallery 405 S. 11th St. Bemis a cooperative group of artists conducting education and outreach activities, and maintaining and staffing a gallery in Omaha’s Old Market. It’s a great place to enjoy sculpture, weaving, painting, pottery, photography, printmaking, drawing, friendship and fellowship. With items for sale in every price range, you may easily begin or expand an art collection. Featured works change each month. Opening receptions are usually the first weekend of the month, where you may enjoy fine food and wine while learning more about local art and artists. Visit us on Facebook Twitter Hours: Tue, Wed, Thu, Sun: 12:00 PM – 06:00 PM; Fr, Sat: 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM

Current Exhibit: Featuring architectural landscapes by photographer Aly Owen

The Tea Smith 1118 Howard St. Inspired by the opportunity to share our newfound love of tea, we forged our venture, The Tea Smith. We emulate Old World craftsmanship, using the finest teas.

Current Exhibit: Four artists will share their work in “Artober”. The artists will host a First Friday opening reception 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. October 7, 2016.

Current Exhibit: “Conjured thoughts of animals” by Dawn Smith

Ted & Wally’s 1120 Jackson St. Ted and Wally’s isn’t just an ice cream parlor, it’s an Omaha tradition. Since its inception in 1984, Ted and Wally’s has maintained its stellar reputation by producing endless barrels of high-quality homemade ice cream made from scratch with fresh ingredients.

Iowa Painter Duane Adams has had the idea of doing a series of paintings of “artists at work” on his mind for quite some time. Duane’s new work presents artists working in different media- ceramic, glassblowing, painting, sculpture, and mixed media. “The object of the painting was to show the concentration and the intensity of the artists at their trade. The paintings are not about the artist but about the art of creating.”

Current Exhibit: Featuring Omaha Peace Project’s special installation of 6,829 community-provided origami paper cranes, featuring artist Trudy Swanson

Glassblower Frank Daharsh enjoys working with glass because of its versatility as a medium to express his ideas. Glass has advantages of transparency and opacity, which allow the light to be manipulated through its use of color, texture, and layering of multiple colors and patterns. “Glass is a fascinating medium that has the most challenges but is also the most rewarding!” Painter Hope Dendinger recently visited Rome, The Vatican City, Naples, and the Island of Capri. Dendinger was fascinated and inspired by the rich history, art, architecture, and culture of Rome. This series of work is created with bright colors in an abstract contemporary style that presents the well-known monuments, such as: the Colosseum, Pantheon, Appian Way, Aqueduct Park and The Vatican City. Artist Dax Sterner uses salvaged wood and paint on canvas to create unique works of art. His pieces display a variety of influences and inspirations, from science to science fiction, from the grandeur of the natural world to the strange images in his own head. His use of re-purposed wood is done not only to celebrate the previous life of those salvaged materials, but to also draw attention to the wastefulness of our modern society.

MANGELSEN – Images of Nature Gallery 1115 Harney St. Discover the award winning images of Thomas D. Mangelsen, one of the world’s premier nature photographers. Mangelsen has traveled throughout the natural world for nearly 40 years observing and photographing a diversity of ecosystems and wildlife from all seven continents. Mangelsen’s limited edition prints have been collected by thousands around the world through his Man-

Old Market Artists Gallery 1034 Howard St. The Old Market Artists Gallery (OMA Gallery) is a local Artist CoOp featuring 12 local artists. Current Exhibit: Featuring works by jeweler Darlynn Myers

Gallery 1516 gelsen – Images of Nature Galleries. Celebrating over 17 years in Omaha’s Old Market, they offer limited edition photographic prints, artist proof prints, posters, art cards, and calendars. Stop in today and experience the wonder of nature through the lens of Thomas D. Mangelsen.

Passageway Gallery 417 S. 11th St. This delightful Old Market Co-op Gallery offers original art in different media by local artists. At the Passageway Gallery you will find original works in: Oil, Acrylic, Watercolor, Pastel, Pencil, Photography, Sculpture, Pottery, Copper Sculpture. Wood Carving, Turning and Sculpture.Jewelry, including Silversmithed, Lampworked, and Fused. Enjoy the friendly, relaxed atmosphere at the gallery and meet the artist on duty during your visit. Current Exhibit: Farm and nature scenes by photographer Jeff Henry

1516 Leavenworth St. Fine art is important to the cultural life of a community. In many ways, it is the soul of a place. The mission of Gallery 1516 is to provide a venue for regional artists to exhibit their work at no charge to the artist. We are not a gallery in the traditional sense, we collaborate with the Museum of Nebraska Art (MONA) and other regional museums and galleries to present traveling exhibitions and educational lectures in eastern Nebraska. We also support the arts through the organization, management and implementation of fund-raising activities. In recognition of the importance of the arts to the cultural life of the community, Gallery 1516 was created to provide a state-of-the-art venue for the exhibition of works for Nebraska and regional artists at no charge to the artist. It is a non-profit education and exhibition facility dedicated to Nebraska-born and regional artists. We work together with museums, educational, professional, and performing arts organizations to provide a space, in Eastern Nebraska, for traveling exhibitions, educational lectures, music and more. Current Exhibit: Featuring paintings by Dan Boylan, Nebraskaartist and abstract expressionist


Omaha’s Most Established and Award-Winning Ford Dealership


enver, Colorado, was full of blue sky, mountain ranges and a young Wayne Atchley ready to test its limits. Starting as a salesman at 18-years-old with Courtesy Ford, he became its general manager within 10 years — the youngest Ford GM in the country — taking Courtesy Ford to No. 3 in sales in the nation. Detroit took notice. “Ford approached me about buying my own dealership, but I didn’t think there was any way I would ever be able to afford it. Courtesy Ford offered me 10% ownership and I couldn’t even afford that,” recalled Wayne Atchley. “Then they told me about their dealer development program with Ford financing 80% and I got quite excited.” Ford Motor Company took Atchley all over the country, but mostly showed him vacant dealerships in downtown areas. A lost clientele and the costs of starting a dealership from scratch could have cost him everything he worked to save. After stops in California and Texas, Atchley was beginning to wonder what Ford thought we would be able to afford. They finally asked him what he wanted. “Somebody must have been watching over me, because I told [them] I like the people in the Midwest, something that was operational, that I could take from selling 1,000 vehicles a year to 2,000 or maybe 3,000 vehicles a year. Ford agreed.” Moved from downtown to its current location on North 72nd Street in 1973, Sample Hart Ford was Omaha’s oldest Ford dealership. Henry Ford himself appointed the original owner to open the first Ford dealership in Omaha. But just two years after the move, the two sons decided to sell and Atchley Ford was started in July 1975. “I was very excited,” recalled Atchley, reflecting on the opportunity of a lifetime for a 31-year-old. “There were 57 employees and I worked bell-to-bell every day.” That dedication and hard work shows throughout the organization. Wayne Atchley was recognized in 2008 with one of the car industry’s most prestigious and highly coveted award for car dealers -- Time Magazine’s Quality Dealer Award for dealers who hold a firm belief in community service and a dedication to supporting the industry. Today, Atchley Ford holds more customer service awards from Ford than any metro area Ford dealership, putting Omaha’s all-time Ford sales leader in the top 10% of dealerships nationwide, according to customer satisfaction surveys. “We determine the recipients based on a Dealers Customer Viewpoint Scores within their respective Customer Viewpoint group,” explained Ford’s Lindy Kampman. “Each year about 10% of the Dealers nationwide win the award. The President’s Award is one of Ford Motor Companies most

prestigious awards and recognizes Dealers achieving the highest levels of customer satisfaction in their respective Regional Customer Viewpoint Group.” “That award tests every department and every phase of our business,” said Wayne Atchley, “Your customers essentially rate the dealership and if we weren’t doing well, we would not win awards.” When son Zach joined the family business, Wayne couldn’t have been happier. “I am very loyal to our employees and customers. I am so lucky to have a son that’s enthusiastic about this business and who was willing to win our team over.” A legend was lost when Wayne passed away earlier this year. Underlying such high customer service satisfaction is one of the largest Ford Service departments in the state, which has grown substantially since Zach made it a focus several years ago. With a Ford-approved (qualified) service department, parts department and body shop, their technicians have up-to-date training and state-of-the-art equipment to quickly and accurately diagnose, repair and maintain your

Ford, Lincoln and Mercury car or truck. The depth of that service department also allowed Atchley Ford to become Nebraska’s #1 Ford certified pre-owned dealership in sales volume, a title its held since 2002. The company prides itself on a 169-point quality inspection and often spending the extra money it takes to make sure your certified pre-owned Ford stays out of the service department for anything but routine maintenance. The busiest service department in the state and their low, Midtown overhead, gives Atchley Ford the room to negotiate the right price on your new Ford. “It allows us to take deals and stay very competitive while selling a high volume of used cars,” said Zach. Today, Atchley Ford looks forward to serving Omaha from its current location. Once surrounded by other car dealerships, Atchley stayed through the area’s recent revitalization, with Baker’s, Home Deport and Target all anchoring new retail developments in the North 72nd Street corridor. Consistency and top-notch service has always been the Atchley hallmark.


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28 29 30 | Del 29 de Septiembre al 5 de Octubre del 2016 |










Breves Por Penelope León


Por segunda vez regresa el evento “visualizador” enVISION 2016: FOOD TRUCK WORLD TOUR al popular local nocturno Slowdown, ubicado en el 729 N. de la Calle 14, el martes 6 de octubre. Este evento en a beneficio de Justicia Para Nuestro Vecinos-Nebraska, JFON-NE, una organización sin fines de lucro a favor de los inmigrantes y provee servicios legales gratuitos, educación y abogacía para individuos y familias de bajos recursos de Nebraska y del oeste de Iowa. Este evento casual contará con comida de camiones de comida como Maria Bonita, Sweet Lime, Attitude on Food y Big Green BBQ, y un puesto con sándwiches de Omaha Steaks. La Fiesta de Patrocinadores comenzará a las 5:30 p.m. Y la Fiesta Después de la Fiesta será a las 8:00 p.m. con música de Brent Crampton, uno El talento detrás de Little Miss Fashion de los músicos mas respetados de Omaha. POR MARINA ROSADO El costo de los boletos para ambas fiestas es de $75 y los boletos para la Fiesta Después de la Fiesta es de $15. Para comprar boletos vaya al sitio de internet Eventbrite.com, enVision2016: Food Truck World Tour. Foto de Marina Rosado Para más información sobre JFON, visite sus oficinas en el 2414 “E” Street, Omaha, NE ntre telas, hilos multicolores, pa- como voluntaria en agencias como el Centro de tion que avaló su postulación al premio Ne- 68107. Llame al 402.898.1349 o visite el sitio trones y tijeras, Yolanda Díaz se Latinas y el Intercultural Senior Center, Díaz braska Small Business Person of The Year, de internet: jfon-ne.org.



ocupa afanosamente de la producción de los llamativos diseños de su empresa de moda infantil, Little Miss Fashion. Su modesto taller de costura apenas puede contener las vistosas prendas que parecen querer escaparse para llegar directamente a los hogares de las niñas en un día de fiesta. "La mayor parte de mis diseños están inspirados en nuestra gente mexicana, en nuestros indígenas", comentó la destacada diseñadora quien subrayó que el material principal con el que trabaja actualmente "es manta mexicana, únicamente adornada con encaje y en estilo contemporáneo". El gusto por la confección de ropa le viene a Díaz desde que en México, con suficiente destreza para manejar una sencilla máquina de coser y aún siendo estudiante, confeccionaba sus propias prendas "con lo que hubiera a la mano". Su incursión en el mundo de la ropa infantil se debe a que a la par de concluir sus estudios académicos, Díaz aprovechó la oportunidad de desarrollarse en un negocio de elaboración de uniformes escolares por 15 años. Y pese a que en ése tiempo la tenaz modista logró prosperar, algunas cuestiones familiares la orillaron a tomar la decisión de emigrar a Estados Unidos acompañada de su hijo Adrián, cargando un modesto equipaje primordialmente constituido por sueños. Fue hasta el 2004 y gracias al Programa de Microempresas del Centro Juan Diego de Catholic Charities que Díaz obtuvo el entrenamiento y la asesoría necesaria para abrir su primer negocio, La Princesita, dirigido a la comunidad hispana. Un anhelo cumplido que posteriormente, con la visión de una mayor apertura orientada al público anglosajón, se perfeccionaría en Little Miss Fashion. La ocasión surgió cuando encaminada en la manufactura de su línea y mientras ayudaba


leyó en el Omaha World-Herald que se buscaban mismo que orgullosamente recibió el pasado modistos para la Omaha Fashion Week. 2 de mayo en Washington, D.C. "Es la única vez que puedo decir que la Curiosamente dicho reconocimiento le fue barrera del lenguaje me ayudó", aclaró Díaz entregado por la también mexicana, María quien al ponerse en contacto con los orga- Contreras-Sweet, Administradora Nacionizadores, en vez de decir en inglés "I design nal del US Small Business Administration for children", dijo "I design for little girls", lo (Agencia Federal para el Desarrollo de la cual se interpretó como que niñas de 13 a 15 Pequeña Empresa de Estados Unidos): "Fue años podrían lucir sus atuendos. una experiencia increíble, ser la primera muSus interesantes bocetos fueron aprobados jer y la primer latina que lo logra en el estado inmediatamente pero cuando Díaz envió sus de Nebraska, dos minorías en un premio". muestras, comprendieron que se trataba de Razón por la cual la Alcaldesa de Omaha, moda infantil y la condicionaron a encontrar y Jean Stothert, uniéndose al festejo extendió preparar a sus propias modelos. una proclamación para declarar el 3 de mayo "Lo más difícil en este negocio es entrar en el como el "Día de Yolanda Díaz". gusto de la gente", afirmó Díaz quien hasta ahoAgradecida por tales distinciones, Díaz ra se presenta con regularidad en zulily.com y prosigue su camino, sorprendida de alcanzar sus clientes han ido aumentando. mercados jamás imaginados como Alemania, Para Díaz, un buen diseñador "tiene que gracias a que la tecnología "hace el milagro" buscar su identidad " y así lo ref leja em- de abarcar otros continentes. pleando la manta de colores que evoca sus Segura de que como inmigrante hispana, raíces mexicanas: "Me ha traído mucha "cuando uno no tiene dinero, cuando no hay suerte el hecho de ser latina". recursos, a uno le sobra ingenio, porque soY aunque creativamente hablando, nada de- mos inteligentes, emprendedores, porque tiene a la notable modista, si han habido oca- somos capaces", Díaz finaliza los detalles siones en las que ha tomado medidas extraor- de la colección del próximo invierno que se dinarias, incluso ayudada por sus familiares en caracterizará por el uso de manta afelpada México, para sacar una nueva producción a la en faldas, chaquetas y abrigos. venta. Apoyada por agencias estatales y locales, "Una de las cosas que pract ico es no senDíaz ha obtenido varios préstamos para finan- t irme cu lpable de mis errores en cua nto ciar la adquisición de equipo industrial y por a l negocio, e incluso en mi v ida persona l. supuesto, de telas, acatándose a las regulaciones No t ienes que f lagela r te por los errores code importación y exportación que no conocía al met idos en el pasado, a l cont ra rio, apreninicio de su carrera: "Lo cual es complicado so- der de el los, enf renta rlos, seg uir adela nte bre todo cuando no conoces los métodos, pero y nunca, nu nca rendir te", concluyó la depoco a poco vamos aprendiendo. En nuestra stacada empresa ria. comunidad y en nuestro estado, hay muchos recursos disponibles y muchas organizaciones que Little Miss Fashion ayudan a los pequeños negocios". 4601 S. 50th St. Una de tales organizaciones es Midlands 402.714.1221 Latino Community Development Corporayofdi@yahoo.com

| PERFIL DEL PERICO | Del 29 de Septiembre al 5 de Octubre del 2016 |


Dos candidatos se postulan para obtener el puesto legislativo del sur y centro de Omaha del Distrito 5. Este distrito esta comprendido entre la vía rápida J.F. Kennedy y parte de la 480 en el lado este, la calle 72 en el lado oeste, Harrison St. en el lado sur, y al norte limitando con la calle Grover, Marinda, Martha y la avenida Poppleton. Mike McDonnell, un exjefe de bomberos, y Gilbert Ayala, trabajador de una tienda de comida y restaurante, esperan tomar el asiento del veterano Senador Heath Mello. Mello está al término de su puesto y anunció en agosto que se postulará como candidato para obtener la alcaldía de Omaha. McDonnell, 50, recibió el apoyo de Mello y se llevó la mayoría de los votos en las elecciones primarias de mayo. McDonnell recibió 2,036 votos, cerca del 76 por ciento. Ayala obtuvo 641 votos, cerca del 24 por ciento. McDonnell quiere enfocarse en tres temas: seguridad pública, educación pública y trabajos. McDonnell dijo que sigue platicando con los electores para decidir sobre las políticas necesarias que se deben ajustar y las propuestas de ley que presentará o apoyará. Ayala ha vivido en Omaha por 3 años, quiere cortar gastos y regresar el dinero a los contribuyentes. Se opone permitir la mariguana o aceite de canavis como medicinas para quitar el dolor, y dice que permitirlo seria un “caballo de Troya” que llevaría a la legalización de la mariguana. Está en desacuerdo con la Suprema Corte de Justicia sobre el aborto y la legalización del matrimonio entre el mismo sexo.

Recientemente, Araceli y David Murillo bautizaron a su pequeña Catalina Galilea, en la iglesia católica de Santa Ines.

Caylee Murillo celebró sus quinceaños con una misa en la iglesia de Santa Ines y una gran recepción en Council Bluffs, IA., donde bailó y se divirtió rodeada de familiares y amigos. El doctor Jorge F. Sotolongo está a unas semanas de comenzar actividades en el nuevo Centro Quirúrgico, de calle 24 y Vinton, llamado “Centro de Cirugía del Sur de Omaha”, donde tendrán las especialidades de ginecología, manejo del dolor, podología y estética. Para más informes llame al 402.504.4071.

El grupo Clave 402 presentó a su nuevo integrante, Luis Olague Tica, a cargo de la tuba. Para contrataciones de este cuarteto, llame al 402.370.7087

Maria Silvia Guzmán celebro 8 años de vida. Felicidades.

El pequeño Francisco Alejandro Rios, fue bautizado en la iglesia católica de Santa Ines. (En la foto se acompaña de su padre y hermana)


| Del 29 de Septiembre al 5 de Octubre del 2016 | FOTOGRAFIAS DE EVENTOS SOCIALES |


Briefs By Penelope León

YOLANDA DIAZ The talent behind Little Miss Fashion BY MARINA ROSADO


Photo by Marina Rosado

mong the many fabrics, multicolored threads, patterns, and scissors, Yolanda Diaz is hard at work on the eye-catching designs of Little Miss Fashion. Her humble sewing workshop can barely contain all the striking clothing that has been grouped by size - it seems as if they want to escape to reach the homes of little girls for a special event. "Most of my designs are inspired by our Mexican people, by our indigenous communities," said the designer who highlighted that the main material she's using right is "Mexican manta, uniquely decorated with lace in a contemporary style." Diaz started making clothes ever since she was back in Mexico as a student, when she already showed her skill with a sewing machine. She made her own clothes "with whatever I had on hand." Her start in the world of kids fashion began soon after she finished school when Diaz took advantage of an opportunity to work creating school uniforms for over fifteen years. And even though she did very well during that time, family issues made her decide to move to the United States along with her son Adrian, with a modest piece of luggage full of nothing more than dreams. Even though Diaz had to work many jobs in the cleaning and manufacturing businesses, she always hoped to one day own her own workshop where she could create clothes for little girls. It wasn't until 2004, and thanks to the Microbusiness Program of the Juan Diego Center of Catholic Charities, that Diaz received the training and advice needed to open La Princesita, her business aimed at the Latino community. Her dream came through when she expanded her work to a wider range of clients with Little Miss Fashion at 4601 S. 50th St.. It happened while she was busy with creating her collection as well as working as a volunteer at agencies such as the Centro de Latinas and the Intercultural Senior Center. Diaz read in the Omaha


World-Herald that fashion designers were needed for Omaha Fashion Week. "It's the only time I can say that the language barrier helped me," said Diaz. When she got in touch with the organizers, instead of saying "I design for children" she said "I design for little girls" which was understood as if her outfits were designed for girls between 13 and 15 years of age. Her interesting drawings were immediately approved, but when Diaz sent in her samples, they realized she designed for little children and they commissioned her to find and prepare her own models. The little girls walked down the runway like professionals, and with that they "opened the way for other designers for children to step up a couple of years later.” Her creations caught the interest of famous online store, Zulily, with whom she signed a deal in May 2012 for them to sell her extraordinary collection that included 20 different styles for outfits with leggings, cotton blouses, and spandex. "The hardest part of this business is getting people to like your work," said Diaz, who regularly features at zulily.com, increasing her client base every day. For Diaz, a good designer "must find his/her own identity," and this can be seen on the colorful manta she uses which evoke her Mexican roots: "Being Latina has brought me a lot of good luck." And even though nothing stops her creativity, there have been times when extraordinary measures had to be put into motion, even so far as requiring the help of her relatives in Mexico to complete a new lot for sale. With the help of State and local authorities, Diaz has secured loans to cover the purchase of industrial grade equipment as well as fabrics, always adhering to the import and export regulations she did not know about when she began her career: "Which is very complicated, especially when you're not familiar with all the procedures, but you do learn as you go. In our com-

FOOD TRUCK WORLD TOUR The second annual enVISION 2016: Food Truck World Tour returns on Tuesday, Oct. 6 to the popular downtown nightspot, Slowdown, located at 729 N. 14 St. near TD Ameritrade Stadium. This event benefits Justice For Our NeighborsNebraska, a nonprofit organization welcoming immigrants into our communities by providing free, high quality immigration legal services, education and advocacy for low-income individuals and families in Nebraska and western Iowa. Learning opportunities regarding immigration issues will be available at the enVISION 2016 event to help the public catch up on the significant immigration developments during the past year. This casual event features food from local Omaha food trucks, including Maria Bonita, Sweet Lime, Attitude on Food and Big Green BBQ, plus a booth with sandwiches from Omaha Steaks. Doors open for the Patron Party at 5:30 p.m. A public After Party follows at 8:00 p.m. with music selections from Brent Crampton, perhaps the hottest DJ in Omaha, spinning a unique mix of tunes in a transcontinental dance party. Tickets are $75 if you would like to attend both events or $15 for the After Party only. Go to Eventbrite.com and click the tab enVision2016: Food Truck World Tour for tickets. For more information about Justice For Our Neighbors-Nebraska, visit their offices at 2414 E Street, Omaha NE 68107. Call 402.898.1349 or visit the website at jfon-ne.org.

munity and our State, there are many resources available for us as well as several organizations that help small businesses." One of said organizations is the Midlands NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE Latino Community Development Corporation, DISTRICT 5 CANDIDATES which endorsed her nomination for the Nebraska Small Business Person of The Year, which she Two candidates will compete for South Omaha proudly received on May 2 in Washington, D.C. and midtown voters in Legislative District 5. The award was presented to her by Mexican Maria Contreras-Sweet, National Administrator This district is bounded roughly by the Kennedy for the US Small Business Administration: "It Freeway and part of I480, 72nd Street, Harrison was an amazing experience since I was the first Street and Poppleton Ave. woman and the first Latina to receive the award Mike McDonnell, a former Omaha fire chief, and in Nebraska - two minorities in one award." Gilbert Ayala, a grocery store and restaurant workIt is because of this that Omaha Mayor Jean Stothert declared that May 3 would now be er, hope to take veteran Sen. Heath Mello’s seat. Mello is term-limited and announced in August known as “Yolanda Diaz Day.” Thankful for all of this, Diaz continues to work that he is running for mayor of Omaha. McDonnell hard while being amazed of how she’s managed received Mello’s endorsement and commanded to reach markets she would have never imagined, such as Germany – she’s thankful for how technol- a strong lead in May’s primary, where he took 76 percent of the vote to Ayala’s 24 percent. ogy “does wonders” to reach other continents. Knowing how, as a Latino immigrant “when you don’t have money, when you don’t have any reIf elected, McDonnell wants to focus on three sources, we always have our creativity, because topics: public safety, public education and jobs. we are smart, entrepreneurs and very capable,” said Diaz as she put the final touches for her McDonnell said he is still talking to voters to next winter collection that will use manta in decide what policies need to be adjusted and what skirts, jackets, and coats. bills he would seek to introduce or support. “One of the things I practice is not feeling Ayala, a Republican who calls himself a “strong guilty for my mistakes, be them in my business conservative,” wants to cut spending and give or my personal life. You don’t have to f lagellate yourself for the mistakes you’ve made in the the money back to taxpayers. He is opposed to past. On the contrary, we must learn from them, medical marijuana or cannabis oil for pain relief face them, move on and never surrender,” con- and said permitting them would be a “Trojan horse” cluded the great business person.

| PERFIL PROFILE | Del 29 de Septiembre al 5 de Octubre del 2016 |

Little Miss Fashion 4601 S. 50th St. 402.714.1221 yofdi@yahoo.com

leading to the legalization of marijuana. He also disagrees with U.S. Supreme Court rulings on abortion and legalizing same-sex marriage.



Usted está invitado a este evento de la organización MYLPA, que consiste en un almuerzo y conferencia “Somos El Futuro 2016”, ofrecida por la representante Crisanta Durán, líder de la mayoría de representantes en la Cámara de Colorado. Asista para disfrutar de un delicioso almuerzo y escuchar acerca del ascenso de esta líder en la política de Colorado y aprenda cómo nosotros, como latinos y latinas en Nebraska, estamos obligados a hacer lo mismo. Al mismo tiempo, podrá permanecer en 3 talleres de post-almuerzo. De 11a.m. a 5p.m. Para más información, llame al 402.215.4504

You are invited to MYLPA’s Somos El Futuro Bruncheon and Conference 2016 featuring Representative Crisanta Duran, Majority Leader of the Colorado House of Represenatives. Attend to enjoy a delicious brunch and hear about Majority Leader Duran’s rise in politics in Colorado and how we as Latinos and Latinas in Nebraska are bound to do the same. 3 post-brunch workshops. From 11a.m. to 5p.m. For more information call 402.215.4504 OCTUBRE / OCTOBER 1 GUACA MAYA NIGHT CLUB - 5002 S 33 ST. EVENTO MUSICAL CON LOS JUNIORS MUSICAL EVENT WITH LOS JUNIORS Asistir con sus amigos para cantar y bailar al ritmo de la mejor música de este trío local, de género sierreño. El grupo Codigo-4 estará compartiendo escenario. Además, disfrute también de una mezcla musical de DJ Gato. La entrada será de $15. Las puertas abren a 8p.m. Para más información llame al 402.733.3440

Attend with your friends to sing and dance to the best music of this local trio, of “Sierreño”. The group Codigo-4 will be sharing the stage. Also, enjoy an musical mix of DJ Gato. Entry $15. Doors open at 8p.m. For more information call 402.733.3440 OCTUBRE / OCTOBER 7 OMAHA CHILDREN’S MUSEUM - 500 S. 20TH ST NOCHE FAMILIAR / FAMILY NIGHT Museo de los Niños de Omaha invita a la comunidad a visitar sus instalaciones y disfrutar de sus programas diseñados para los “pequeños reyes y reinas” de la casa. Y para empezar el mes, el museo ofrecerá actividades divertida para que sus hijos disfruten. Este viernes el museo estará abierto hasta las 8p.m. Para más información llame al 402.342.6164

The Omaha Children’s Museum invites the community to visit their facilities and enjoy their programs designed to the “little kings and queens” of the home. And to start this month, the museum offers a fun activity for your children to enjoy. This Friday the museum will be open until 8 p.m. For more information call 402.342.6164



La biblioteca pública del sur de Omaha le invita a participar en las clases de ciudadanía Bilingüe. Este curso de 12 semanas le ayudará en la preparación para su examen de ciudadanía estadounidense. Salón de conferencias B. Debe llamar a la biblioteca del sur para inscribirse en estas clases. Requisitos: Debe ser capaz de leer de forma moderada, escribir y hablar Inglés. Para más información llame al 402.444.4850

Omaha Public Library - South branch invites you to participate in free Bilingual Citizenship Classes. This 12-week course will assist in preparing you for your U.S. Citizenship exam. Conference Room B. You must call the South Omaha library to register for these classes. Requirements: Must be able to moderately read, write, and speak English. For more information call 402.444.4850 TODO EL TIEMPO / ON GOING LATINA RESOURCE CENTER - 5122 S. 31 ST. CONSEJERÍA FAMILIAR


¿Tiene algún problema en su familia? El Centro de Recursos para Latina ofrece asesoramiento para las mujeres. Permitales que le ayuden para que juntos puedan superar sus problemas. Todos los servicios son gratuitos. Para más información, llame al 402.898.6760

Do you have any problems within your family? The Latina Resource Center offers counseling for women. Let them help you and together overcome your problems. All services are at no cost. For more information call 402.898.6760 LUNES A VIERNES / MONDAY THRU FRIDAY SOUTH YMCA - 3010 R. ST. PROGRAMA DESPUÉS DE LA ESCUELA


Si usted tiene niños entre 5 y 19 años, y están buscando algo que hacer, entonces puede inscribirlos al Club Después de Escuela, en el YMCA del sur. Este club ofrece un ambiente seguro para los niños de 3-6p.m. También proporciona refrigerios, juegos, actividades y cenas. Sólo 25 centavos por día para poder participar. Hay personal bilingüe. Para más información llame al 402.731.3999.

If you have kids from the ages 5-19 looking for something to do, then get them enrolled in the South YMCA Afterschool Club. This club provides a safe environment for kids from 3-6 p.m. Also, snacks, games, activities, and dinner provided. Only 25 cents a day for the program. Bilingual staff. The afterschool club allows kids to stay off the street and hangout with friends and loved ones and still have fun. For more information call 402.731.3999

La Semana Binacional de Salud (SBS), es un esfuerzo de cooperación entre la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, a través del Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior, los Consulados de México en Estados Unidos y la Secretaría de Salud. Este evento tiene como objetivo mejorar la salud y el bienestar de la población migrante, fundamentalmente mexicana, que vive y trabaja en Estados Unidos y Canadá. Los eventos son organizados por redes integradas por agencias y organizaciones comunitarias con el propósito de llegar a las personas más vulnerables y necesitadas, especialmente a las que carecen de seguro médico. Los principales temas de salud que se cubrirán este año son: enfermedades crónicas (diabetes, obesidad, cáncer), enfermedades transmisibles, (VIH, tuberculosis, enfermedades de transmisión sexual e influenza), acceso a servicios de salud, salud mental, salud de la mujer y acceso a seguros de salud.

The Binational Health Week (BHW) is a cooperative effort between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the Institute for Mexicans Abroad, the Consulates of Mexico in the United States and the Secretary of Health. This event aims to improve the health and well-being, of mainly Mexican migrant population, who live and work in the United States and Canada. The events are organized by networks integrated by agencies and community organizations in order to reach the most vulnerable and needy population, especially those without health insurance. The main health issues to be covered this year are: chronic diseases (diabetes, obesity, and cancer), communicable diseases (HIV, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases and influenza), access to health services, mental health, women health and access to health insurance. For dates, times and locations please see the schedule of activities.

Eventos comunitarios pueden ser enviados a ABM Enterprises LLC., PO BOX 7360, Omaha, NE 68107, Fax: 402.934.0709, o al correo electrónico: eventos@periconewspaper.com Community events can be sent to ABM Enterprises LLC., PO BOX 7360, Omaha, NE 68107, Fax: 402.934.0709, or sent by e-mail to: eventos@periconewspaper.com

| Del 29 de Septiembre al 5 de Octubre del 2016 |



clasificados trabajos / bienes

CUSTODIAN College of Saint Mary is seeking a custodian to perform custodial duties. Hours are Mon Fri, 6am – 3pm. For additional information and to apply for this position, please go to the College of Saint Mary’s employment website, www.csm.edu/employment/ EOE STUDENT ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT College of Saint Mary is seeking a Student Accounts Assistant to work as a member of the team in the Express Center. The Express Center serves CSM students, faculty, and staff as a “one-stop shop” for student accounts, financial aid, cashiering, and registrar. For additional information and to apply for this position, please go to the College of Saint Mary’s employment website, www.csm.edu/employment/ EOE PAID IN ADVANCE! Make $1000 A Week Mailing Brochures From Home! No Experience Required. Helping home workers since 2001! Genuine Opportunity. Start Immediately! www.WorkingCentral. Net (AAN CAN)

ESTAMOS CONTRATANDO Trabajadores de producción Tiempo completo (horas por día) Beneficios completos Buen salario Oportunidades de avance ¡Aplíque HOY! 3717 Calle L (debajo del puente) 402.731.2584 Tonya x100

TENDER HEARTS CHILDCARE HELP WANTED : Childcare Providers Apply in Person

Inside Living Faith Church 12315 Westwood Ln

o Claudio x102

AIRLINE CAREERS begin here – Get started by training as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 800725-1563 (AAN CAN) COCKTAIL WAITSTAFF Full and part time cocktail waitstaff needed, for our VIP lounge at our state of the art training facility. $10.00 per hour plus tips, mostly evening hours. For more information, visit OmahaJobs.com. SE VENDE O CANBIO POR VAN: Equipo de DJ Completo, Luces, Mixer Bajos, Bosinas, Cables, Microfonos y mas! $4000.00 (402)216-9640. ALL AREAS ROOMMATES.COM Lonely? Bored? Broke? Find the perfect roommate to complement your personality and lifestyle at Roommates.com! (AAN CAN) CASH FOR CARS: Any Car/Truck 2000 -2015, Running or Not! Top Dollar For Used/Damaged. Free Nationwide Towing! Call Now: (888)420-3808 (AAN CAN) A-1 DONATE YOUR CAR FOR BREAST CANCER! Help United Breast Foundation education, prevention, & support programs. FAST FREE PICKUP - 24 HR RESPONSE - TAX DEDUCTION (855)403-0215 (AAN CAN)

Metropolitan Utilities District is seeking qualified individuals for the following positions:


MAKE THE CALL TO START GETTING CLEAN TODAY Free 24/7 Helpline for alcohol & drug addiction treatment. Get help! It is time to take your life back! Call Now: (855)732-4139 (AAN CAN) $$GET CASH NOW$$ Call (888)822-4594. J.G. Wentworth can give you cash now for your future Structured Settlement and Annuity Payments. (AAN CAN) KILL ROACHES - GUARANTEED! Buy Harris Roach Tablets with Lure. Odorless, Long Lasting. Available: Hardware Stores, The Home Depot, homedepot.com (AAN CAN)


| CLASIFICADOS Y BIENES RAICES | Del 29 de Septiembre al 5 de Octubre del 2016 |

Visit mudomaha.com/about-us/careers to fill out an application. Applications will be accepted until the close date of the position. Resumes will not be accepted in lieu of applications. Employment contingent upon results of a drug screen and a background check An Equal Opportunity Employer “Minority/Female/Disabled/Veteran/Gender Identity/Sexual Orientation


edificio en el sur de Omaha

2314 M St Hay mucho espacio para un negocio cerca de la calle 24... abogado, aseguranza, iglesia o cualquier tipo de negocio -Area de recepcionista -7 oficinas -1er piso, 2763 sq ft -2nd piso, 2500 sq ft info@latprostudios.com 402.215.5106

115 N 36 Street, $165,000

Edificio comercial con 6 oficinas con teléfono, estacionamiento, muebles y mucho más

3029 Arbor Street, $234,500 Duplex con garaje - bien listo 2 recamaras por duplex

4506 S. 26 Street, $114,500

4 Recamaras, 2 Baños y Garaje

402.215.5106 mmora@nebraskarealty.com

HEARTLAND WORKERS CENTER Construyendo Una Comunidad Que Trabaje Para Todos...

Nuestra Misión

Trabajamos para mejorar la calidad de vida de la comunidad Latina en Nebraska.

Nuestros Programas Desarrollo de Liderazgo Derechos Laborales Participacion Cívica

4923 S. 24th St. Ste. 3A Omaha, NE 68107 402.933.6095 hwc@heartlandworkerscenter.org www.heartlandworkerscenter.org

| Del 29 de Septiembre al 5 de Octubre del 2016 |


Solucionadores de Problemas


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Lesiones en el Trabajo

• Accidentes de Auto • Compensación para los Trabajadores

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Preserving historical traditions of Latino music in Omaha, Nebraska

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