Elperico 1508 27

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Del 27 de Agosto al 2 de Septiembre del 2015 / August 27-September 2, 2015 | Edición Gratuita / Free Edition

Noticias para: I News for: I Omaha, Bellevue NE, & Council Bluffs, IA



EN LAS CASAS DE OMAHA Por: Liz Codina, Pag. 4



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Del 27 de Agosto al 2 de Septiembre del 2015 |



Precios válidos del 26 de Agosto al 1 de September del 2015

Queso Fresco Fud

Bistec de Puerco




$ 89 Chile Serrano

. 99



Frijol Goya Negro o Pinto en Lata



47 oz. C/Lata

Paquete c/12 oz.


Pan con Pasas





Yogurts Yo-Phoria para Beber

.89 1.29 1.49




Berbida de Frutas Hilland (Galón)



7oz. bottle


9 33 Rollos. Ultra o oz. C/Botella Mega clear .

$ 59 5 1 1




Con este Cupón


Del 27 de Agosto al 2 de Septiembre del 2015 |




Por: Liz Codina

ecibimos informes de niños en primer grado que no puede escribir su nombre, no puede recitar el alfabeto, son muy agresivos, es simplemente perjudicial. No puedo enfatizar lo suficiente que es devastador para los niños,” dice Khari Muhammad, la Coordinadora Principal del Programa de Detección de Plomo en el Departamento de Salud del Condado de Douglas, al hablar de los síntomas que los niños en Omaha están experimentando debido a la intoxicación de plomo. Muhammad añade “el plomo se llama el peligro silencioso. No hay síntomas inmediatos así que todos los padres solamente pueden inspeccionar las condiciones de su casa.” De acuerdo con Muhammad la peladura de pintura en casas construidas antes de 1978 deben ser una preocupación para las familias en el condado de Douglas, “dejaron de usar la pintura con base de plomo después de 1978,” dice Muhammad. Muhammad, quien ha estado con el Programa de Detección de Plomo del Departamento de Salud del Condado de Douglas




desde 2006 trabaja con las familias de todos los orígenes. Ella y otros miembros del equipo actualmente se centran en trabajar con las familias en la comunidad para mantenerlos informados sobre los efectos graves que el pomo puede tener en los niños de la zona. Naudia McCracken, la Coordinador del Programa de Plomo En El Interior señala que las familias tienen que estar preocupadas por pintura que se está despegando, así como la tierra contaminada. El programa de McCracken regala aspiradoras con filtro HEPA a las familias que califican para que estas familias puedan hacer frente al polvo de plomo en sus hogares. “El plomo afecta el comportamiento social, los niños son reservados y no se comunican con eficacia. Algunos de los niños no son más reservados en vez se vuelven más agresivos,” dice McCracken, añadiendo “su coeficiente intelectual es, sin duda afectada, es por eso que se aconseja que se examinen a los niños de edad 1-6 o 7 años de edad. De 1-5 años de edad, su cerebro se está desarrollando. Cuando los niños son contaminados sus cerebros son afectados y ellos no se pueden desarrollar a tiempo adecuado. En los últimos tres años, los miembros del Programa de Detección de Plomo han examinado a más de 17.000 niños. El objetivo del equipo es aumentar esos números


en un 5 por ciento a través de uno de sus inspecciones. El programa ofrece primeras inspecciones en las viviendas, las inspecciones de denuncia, inspecciones de cortesía y re inspecciones. Muhammad dice que el proceso es relativamente fácil y rápido y familias de la zona no deben dudar en ponerse en contacto. Cuando una familia hace un informe a los padres se les pide que lleven a sus hijos a la Universidad de Nebraska Medical Center a hacerse la prueba. “Pueden ir y llevar a sus hijos a UNMC y los niños son examinados gratis, cualquier persona bajo la edad de 7 años puede hacerse la prueba de forma gratuita,” dice Muhammad. Después de que el nivel de plomo en la sangre se ha confirmado los miembros del equipo hacen una cita para inspeccionar la casa. Mientras que un miembro del equipo inspecciona la casa el otro miembro del personal educa a la familia sobre los peligros de la intoxicación por plomo. Muhammad y su equipo hacen hincapié en el hecho de que conseguir una inspección y lograr que los niños en la zona es crítico porque Omaha es uno de los sitios de fondos súper grandes de la nación. Uno de estos sitios es un área designada que ha sido contaminada con sustancias peligrosas y otros contaminantes.

Del 27 de Agosto al 2 de Septiembre del 2015 |

“Sitios fondo super son sitios en los que no se vive porque están tan contaminados, creo que este es uno de los pocos sitios donde la gente en realidad todavía vive,” dice Muhammad, agregando “todo el terreno al este de la calle 72 ha contaminada.” Si usted o un miembro de su familia sospechan que puedan tener plomo en su casa Muhammad y sus colegas instan a que se ponga en contacto. Se puede llamar al 402444-7825. Si usted no habla inglés y necesita hablar con alguien en español puede llamar al 402-444-4300. Muhammad dice que “muchas veces las familias no entienden la gravedad de la intoxicación por plomo y verdaderamente cómo puede afectar a la vida de su hijo, su futuro, y todo.” Anita Whitney, la Trabajadora de Salud Comunitaria añade “estamos tratando de compartir información con los padres para que sean más conscientes de lo que debe buscar en sus hogares para proteger a sus hijos de la intoxicación por plomo.” “Los miembros de la comunidad no deben tener miedo de ponerse en contacto con nosotros,” dice Muhammad, quien agregó que “tenemos una pasión para trabajar con las familias.”




P.O. BOX 7360 • OMAHA, NE 68107 PHONE 402.734.0279 FAX 402.341.6967 PERSONAL/OUR STAFF

Cartas al editor: editar@abmenterprises.com EDITORIAL/EDITORIAL Editor/Publisher: John Heaston Equipo de Escritores/Writers Team: Leo Adam Biga,

Bernardo Montoya, Marina Rosado, Liz Codina, Penélope León Traducciones /Translations: José Antonio García Edition: Penélope León

PRODUCCION Y DISEÑO/PRODUCTION AND DESIGN Producción y Diseño Gráfico/Production and Graphic Design:

Bernardo Montoya bernardoomg@abm-enterprises.com eventos@periconewspaper.com

PUBLICIDAD/ADVERTISING Representante de Ventas/Sales Representative:

Dinah Gomez, dinahg@thereader.com;


SUSCRIPCIONES Y DISTRIBUCION/ SUBSCRIPTIONS AND DISTRIBUTION PO Box 7360 • Omaha, NE 68107 Tel,/Phone (402) 734-0279 • Fax (402) 934-0709 subscriptions@abm-enterprises.com distribution@abm-enterprises.com

By Liz Codina

e get reports of children in first grade that can’t write their name, can’t recite their ABC’s, are very aggressive, it is just detrimental. I can’t emphasize that enough, it is just devastating for children,” says Khari Muhammad, the Lead Program Coordinator for the Screening Program at Douglas County Health Department, when speaking about the symptoms children in Omaha are experiencing because of lead poisoning. Muhammad adds “Lead is called the silent injurer. There are no immediate symptoms so all parents can really do is look into the conditions of their home.” According to Muhammad chipping paint in homes built before 1978 should be a concern for families in Douglas County, “they stopped using lead based paint after 1978,” says Muhammad. Muhammad, who has been with the Douglas County Health Department Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program since 2006 works with families from all backgrounds. She and other team members currently focus on community outreach to get as many families as they can informed about the harmful effects lead poisoning can have on children in the area. Naudia McCracken, the Lead Program Coordinator for the Interior Dust Program points

Artículos, eventos, comunicados de prensa, opiniones y/o sugerencias pueden ser enviadas a ABM Enterprises, Inc., PO BOX 7360, Omaha, NE 68107, Fax: (402) 934-0709, o al correo electrónico eventos@periconewspaper.com

out that families need to be concerned about chipping paint as well as contaminated soil. McCracken’s Interior Dust Program issues free HEPA filter vacuums to qualifying families so they can address lead dust in homes. “Lead affects social behavior, children are withdrawn and don’t communicate effectively. Some of the children don’t become more withdrawn and instead they become more aggressive,” says McCracken, adding “your IQ is definitely affected, that is why we advise screening for children 1-6 or 7 years of age. From 1-5 years of age your brain is developing. When you get lead poisoning you are slowing down the growth of the brain so that is how you get all of these developmental delays.” Over the last three years members of the Childhood Lead Poisoing Prevention Program have tested over 17,000 children. The goal of the team is to increase those numbers by 5 percent through one of their many inspections. The program offers first inspections for homes, complaint inspections, courtesy inspections and re-inspections. Muhammad says that the process is relatively quick and easy and families in the area shouldn’t hesitate to get in touch. When a family makes a report the parents are asked to take their children to University of Nebraska Medical Center to get tested. “They can go and take their children to UNMC and have their children tested for free, anyone under the age of 7 can get tested for free,” says Muhammad. After the blood lead level has been confirmed the team schedules an


appointment to inspect the home. While a time member inspects the home another member of the staff educates the family about the dangers of lead poisoning. Muhammad and her team emphasize the fact that getting an inspection and getting children in the area is critical because Omaha is one of the nation’s largest super fund sites. A super fund site is a designated area that has been contaminated with hazardous substances and pollutants. “Super fund sites are sites where you don’t live because they are so contaminated, I think this is one of the only super fund sites where people actually still live,” says Muhammad, adding “everything east of 72nd has contaminated soil.” If you or your family member suspects you might have lead in your home Muhammad and her colleagues urge you to get in touch. They can be reached at 40-444-7825. If you do not speak English and need to speak to someone in Spanish you can call 402-444-4300. Muhammad says “A lot of times families do not understand the seriousness of lead poisoning and truly how it can affect your child’s life, your future, and everything.” Anita Whitney, the Community Health Worker for the family adds “we are trying to get information to parents so they are more aware of what to look for in their homes to keep their children from getting lead poisoning.” “Members of the community shouldn’t be afraid to contact us,” says Muhammad, adding “we have a passion for working with families.”

Del 27 de Agosto al 2 de Septiembre del 2015 |

El Perico es una publicación semanal, impresa los jueves. Se prohibe la reproducción total o parcial de cualquier parte de su contenido sin previa autorización del autor. ©2013 ABM Enterprises, Inc. Articles, events, press releases, opinions, and suggestions may be sent to ABM Enterprises, PO BOX 7360, Omaha NE 68107, Fax (402) 934-0709 or E-mail to: eventos@periconewspaper.com El Perico is a weekly publication printed every Thursday. Reproduction or use of any of its parts without permission is prohibited. ©2013 ABM Enterprises, Inc.




Fotografía: Heartland Workers



Por Abbie Kretz, Heartland Workers Center

Nota del Editor: El Perico está interesado en trabajar con organizaciones locales para informar y educar mejor a nuestra audiencia, lo cual lleva a publicar esta nota.

na batalla legal de tres años por fin llegó a su fin, el 15 de julio del 2015, para tres trabajadores de una planta empacadora de carne local, donde fueron despedidos injustificadamente, en mayo del 2012. Dos de ellos regresaron a trabajar a la planta esta semana, en la misma posición con el mismo nivel de sueldo, con beneficios y sin perder su señoría. La Compañía Greater Omaha Packing accedió a los términos establecidos por el Tribunal de Apelaciones del Circuito Ocho, los cuales declaran que la compañía debe ofrecer empleo por nueva cuenta a Jorge Degante, Susan Salgado y Carlos Zamora, en una posición parecida, con el mismo nivel de sueldo, beneficios y señoría. Además, la compañía deberá pagarles por completo los salarios caídos y publicar un anuncio, en inglés y español, en el que se dé a conocer el caso y exprese que los trabajadores tienen el derecho a organizarse.




“Estoy muy orgullosa con la decisión, pero aún mas, agradezco a Dios que este caso finalmente se haya resuelto después de tres años”, dijo Zamora. El caso comenzó en mayo 14 del 2014, cuando un grupo de trabajadores planeaba organizarse para hacer un paro laboral y exponer a la gerencia sus preocupaciones sobre la velocidad de la línea, la paga y las condiciones de trabajo. Sin embargo, antes de que sucediera, ese día, a las 10 de la mañana, Degante, Salgado y Zamora fueron despedidos. Con la ayuda del Centro Laboral, también conocido como Heartland Workers Center (HWC), ellos pusieron una demanda con el Consejo Nacional de Relaciones Laborales, NLRB por sus siglas en inglés, una agencia del gobierno que protege los derechos de los trabajadores, como el derecho a organizarse para mejorar las condiciones de trabajo. El abogado de NLRB, de la Sub-región 17, presentó una demanda en contra de Greater Omaha, alegando despido injustificado, interrogación de empleados y monitoreo de sus actividades.


Mientras que los 3 miembros del consejo del NLRB determinaban si había base jurídica para estas tres alegaciones, el Juez de Ley Administrativa, quien fue el primero en escuchar el caso, y el Tribunal de Apelaciones del Circuito Ocho, encontraron base jurídica para proceder en contra de la empacadora por despido injustificado, pero denegaron los cargos de interrogación y monitoreo. “Este fallo muestra que el poder de los trabajadores no esta relacionado con el número, sino con la habilidad de organizar ese número y cambiar las condiciones de trabajo, a través de acciones colectivas”, dijo Sergio Sosa, Director Ejecutivo del HWC. “Hoy, estos tres trabajadores nos mostraron, una vez mas, que el derecho a organizarse está protegido, lo cual representa una esperanza para sus compañeros trabajadores, para sus familias y su comunidad”. “Aplaudimos el coraje y continuaremos apoyando sus esfuerzos, así como toda la comunidad debería hacerlo”, dijo Sosa.

Del 27 de Agosto al 2 de Septiembre del 2015 |

Después del fallo, Degante y Salgado decidieron regresar a sus posiciones en Greater Omaha. Su primer día de regreso a la empacadora fue el lunes, 17 de agosto. “Decidí regresar a mi posición en Greater Omaha porque necesito el trabajo. Pasé muchos problemas encontrando un empleo, después que fui despedido en el 2012, y necesito apoyar a mi padre quien se encuentra enfermo en México”, dijo Salgado. “Pero, también regresé a trabajar para mostrar a mis compañeros de trabajo que, con el tiempo, la justicia prevalece”. “Cuando me presenté a trabajar el lunes, mis compañeros me felicitaron por el caso, pues ya habían escuchado la noticia y estaban felices por nosotros”, dijo Degnate. “Solo espero que ellos, y otros trabajadores, aprendan de nuestra experiencia y comiencen a decir lo que piensan sobre las injusticias que ellos ven, porque nosotros, como trabajadores, todos tenemos derechos”.




Maridol Papaya


$ 99



$ 28

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Black, Red or Green Seedless Grapes



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$ 37 Tostadas Mission 22 ct.


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$ 99


Bistec de Puerco


Bistec de Res

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26 27 28 29 30 31 |

Del 27 de Agosto al 2 de Septiembre del 2015 |


1 7



By Abbie Kretz, Heartland Workers Center

Editor’s Note: El Perico is interested in working with community organizations to better inform and educate our audience, leading to this submission.

management’s attention. However, before it could happen at 10 a.m. that day, Degante, Salgado and Zamora were fired. With the help of the Heartland Workers Center (HWC), they filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), a government agency that protects workers right to organize to improve working conditions. The NLRB attorney from Subregion 17 filed a case against Greater Omaha claiming wrongful termination, interrogation of employees and monitoring employee activities. Whereas a three-member board of the NLRB found merit with these three allegations, the administrative law judge, who first heard the case, and the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals found merit with the wrongful termination and dismissed charges of interrogation and surveillance. “This ruling shows that the power of workers is not about numbers., but is in the ability to organize those numbers and change their working conditions through collective actions,” said Sergio Sosa, HWC Executive Director. “Today, the three work-

three-year legal battle finally came to an end on July 15, 2015 for three local meatpacking plant workers who were wrongfully terminated in May 2012. Two of them went back to working at the plant this week after being offered a similar position with the same level of salary, benefits and seniority. Greater Omaha Packing Company agreed to the terms of the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision, which stated that the company must offer Jorge Degante, Susana Salgado and Carlos Zamora their jobs back, pay them back wages and post a sign in both English and Spanish that discuss the case and tell workers they have the right to organize. “I’m very pleased with the decision, but even more so, I thank God that the case has finally been resolved after three years,” said Zamora. The case began on May 14, 2014 when a group of workers planned to organize a work stoppage to bring their concerns about line speed, pay, and working conditions to the





ers taught us once again that the right to organize is protected, which represents hope for their fellow coworkers, their families and their communities.” “We applaud their courage and will continue to support their efforts, as we all should the larger community,” continued Sosa. Following the ruling, Degante and Salgado decided to return to their positions at Greater Omaha. Their first day back was Monday, August 17. “I decided to return to my position at Greater Omaha because I needed the work. I had trouble finding employment after I was fired in 2012 and need to support my father who is sick in Mexico,” said Salgado. “But I also returned to work to show my co-workers that, with time, justice prevailed.” “When I showed up for work on Monday, my co-workers congratulated me on the case, as they had already heard the news and were happy for us,” said Degante. “I just hope they, and other workers, learn from our experience and begin to speak up about the injustices they see because we, as workers, all have rights.”

Del 27 de Agosto al 2 de Septiembre del 2015 |

AGOSTO 30, 2015

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AUG. 29, 2015

| THE READER | toast of the old market




he Old Market closes the summer with a very special event — the second Annual Toast of the Old Market! The second most visited tourist destination in the state and the reserve of Omaha’s unique food and retail offerings, the Old Market is an Omaha cultural icon. Some of the activities and events planned around the Inaugural Toast of the Old Market include:

The 11th Street Festival

Immediately following the Farmer’s Mar-

ket, relax and enjoy the music and fine food and drink offered by Upstream Brewing, Spaghetti Works and Berry & Rye on 11th Street from 2-10 p.m. The Polka Police kick off the stage followed by Luigi, Inc., Hegg Brothers with Matt Wallace, Josh Hoyer & Soul Colossal and the Potash Twins!

Shopping Showcase

Scout the Shops of the Old Market with the Old Market Shopping Showcase, featuring specials, giveaways, in-store events,

unique offerings and sidewalk sales.

Restaurant Taste Tour

Stop by to taste the specials from Omaha’s most celebrated restaurants.

Last Saturday Art Walk

Celebrate creativity in Omaha’s most historic neighborhood from over a dozen galleries, including Passageway Gallery, White Crane Gallery, Artist’s Coop, Images of Nature and more!

Food and Drink Street Specials: Upstream Brewing: ✓ Chipotle Chicken Tostada on a crispy blue corn tortilla $6 ✓ Mini Pork carnitas tacos with assorted condiments $6 ✓ Watermelon with heirloom


tomato, Jalapeno and queso fresco salad $3


Berry & Rye:

✓ Charro Black Beans and Pinto

Beans $3


deev and Ezra Potash – the Twin Horns of Joy according to NPR -blew the doors off Minneapolis’ popular club Icehouse to a sold out audience with the release party for their new CD The Potash Twins last month. One of their first stops on their release tour is the 11th Street Festival at Toast of the Old Market Saturday, Aug. 29. Topping out at No. 9 on the iTunes Jazz charts, the EP was produced by Steven Greenberg, the legendary Twin Cities producer behind “Funkytown.” Their all-star line-up was assembled by Secret Stash Records co-founder Cory Wong, who just jammed with Rolling Stones’ drummer Charlie Watts at the Dakota Jazz Club, including drummer Petar Janjic (Dr. Mambo’s Combo, Nachito Herrera), bassist Ian Allison (Jeremy Messersmith, Eric Hutchinson) keyboardist Tommy Barbella (Prince, Nick Jonas). Earlier that morning they serenaded CBS Minnesota on the WCCO Rooftop as “some of the biggest names in pop jazz.” Their second love is food and their food blog double-stuffed.com has helped land them performances at Cochon 555 in Aspen and the James Beard Award festivities in Chicago. Guided at an early age by jazz legend

✓ South Side Fizz Gin, Mint syrup, Citric acid, Sugar and Soda water $6 ✓ Hibiscus Wall Flower Hibiscus syrup, Malic acid, Vodka and Stirrings ginger liqueur $6 ✓ Rye Whiskey & House Made

Cream Soda $6

Spaghetti Works: MUSIC LINEUP Polka Police Luigi, Inc. Wynton Marsalis, the twins were inspired to pursue a career in the performance and education of jazz. Upon graduating high school, the twins moved to New York City to develop as performers and educators.

Hegg Brothers with Matt Wallace Josh Hoyer and Soul Colossal Potash Twins

✓ Cheese Tortellini Salad with fresh basil and tomatoes. Tossed in a basil Balsamic Vinaigrette $2

✓ Penne pasta with herb grilled chicken and pesto cream sauce $4 ✓ Bundled Deal Order both $5 ✓ Red or White Sangria $5

items above together

continued on page 5 y

toast of the old market


AUG. 29, 2015


KANEKO 1111 Jones St. KANEKO is a 501(c)(3), public, non-profit, interdisciplinary cultural organization founded with the mission of exploring creativity across the whole range of human activity – including art, science, philosophy, entrepreneurship, urban planning, and education. Established in three refurbished historic warehouses in Omaha’s Old Market by internationally renowned sculptor Jun Kaneko and his wife Ree, KANEKO was conceived of as “open space for your mind,” a place where thoughtful examination of others’ ideas through a variety of exhibitions and public programs leads us to new and exciting ideas of our own. KANEKO’s galleries are FREE and OPEN to the public Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm and Saturdays 1 – 5pm.

Anderson O’Brien Fine Art 1108 Jackson St. Anderson O’Brien Fine Art, established in 1980, is dedicated to the promotion of regional and national visual artists. We offer project design, appraisals, estate services, event space rental, installation and consultation for either corporate or residential needs. With two locations in the metro, both galleries offer an expansive collection of modern and contemporary art, sculpture, fine art jewelry, and photography. Visit our online gallery or visit us today to learn more about our artists, upcoming exhibitions and events.

MANGELSEN – Images of Nature Gallery 1115 Harney St. Discover the award winning images of Thomas D. Mangelsen, one of the world’s premier nature photographers. Mangelsen has traveled throughout the natural world for nearly 40 years observing and photographing a diversity of ecosystems and wildlife from all seven continents. Mangelsen’s limited edition prints have been collected by thousands around the world through his Mangelsen – Images of Nature Galleries. Celebrating over 17 years in Omaha’s Old Market, they offer limited edition photographic prints, artist proof prints, posters, art cards, and calendars. Stop in today and experience the wonder of nature through the lens of Thomas D. Mangelsen.

Current Exhibit: Award-winning photographer Kat Moser explores the potency of form and the otherworldly aspects of earth and water through her elegant, ethereal and often enigmatic photographs. Moser has studied with photographers Joyce Tenneson, Doug Beasley, Elizabeth Opalenik, and Connie Imbodem and counts among her influences Clarence John Laughlin, Deborah Turbeville, Sarah Moon, and Duane Michals. “This newest collection is both a melding of many of my previous works and an entirely new direction. The images retain my exploration of the feminine form, but dip back into the youthful origins of my concept of women and beauty: dolls, fairy tales, early readers, and the exotica and daring of the female performers when the circus came to town. Like the maturation of early experiences into a fuller life view, creating these images can be a slow process of discovery. They are sometimes years in the making, trying this image with that layer, and so forth, leaving my mind open to the serendipity that can occur when suddenly the right pieces fall together into an image that seems like it was always meant to be.”

Artists’ Cooperative Gallery 405 S. 11th St. Bemis a cooperative group of artists conducting education and outreach activities, and maintaining and staffing a gallery in Omaha’s Old Market. It’s a great place to enjoy sculpture, weaving, painting, pottery, photography, printmaking, drawing, friendship and fellowship. With items for sale in every price range, you may easily begin or expand an art collection. Featured works change each month. Opening receptions are usually the first weekend of the month, where you may enjoy fine food and wine while learning more about local art and artists. Visit us on Facebook Twitter Hours: Tue, Wed, Thu, Sun: 12:00 PM – 06:00 PM; Fr, Sat: 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM Current Exhibit: Three artists show results of their latest artistic explorations in “Pieces of Minds.” Duane Adams of Griswold, Iowa, will show a series of paintings based on recent travels to the Mediterranean. “The architecture fascinated me,” he says, “from the relatively recent construction in Istanbul to the ancient city of Ephesus. My work is concerned with the play of light and shadows on the subject matter. The range of textural qualities of the various surfaces presented a painting challenge that interested me.” Margie Schimenti of Omaha often works with found objects and construction materials. Her favorite themes are cityscapes, self portraits and nature. She will exhibit mixed-media pieces about New York City buildings in this show. Pete Wroblewski of Arlington, Neb., has been sculpting for more than 25 years, working primarily in bronze using the lost-wax process.


AUG. 29, 2015

Old Market Artists Gallery

Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts 724 S. 12th St. Current Exhibit: Brandon Ballengée (b. 1974, Sandusky, Ohio) is a visual artist, biologist, and environmental activist currently based in New York. Ballengée creates artworks inspired by his ecological field and laboratory research. Since 1996, a central focus of his investigations has been the occurrence of developmental deformities and population declines among amphibians. Ballengée holds a PhD in Ecological Understanding through Transdisciplinary Art and Participatory Biology. His work has been exhibited throughout the USA and internationally in over twenty countries.

Farrah Grant Photographs 1105 Howard St. Lower Level Farrah Grant Photography is located in the heart of Omaha’s Old Market District at 1105 Howard St (lower level). Sessions take place in the studio, on location downtown or a combination of the two. We are pleased to offer a full line of archival quality products to showcase your images. For full product and pricing information, please contact the studio.

Garden of the Zodiac Old Market Passageway

| THE READER | toast of the old market

1034 Howard St. The Old Market Artists Gallery (OMA Gallery) is a local Artist CoOp featuring 12 local artists. Current Exhibit: Brad Williams: “I am an Omaha-based Photographer who loves to photograph Landscapes, Cityscapes, Architecture, Wildlife, and Railroads. I strive to show every subject in its best light. I work full time as a Civil Engineering Tech. and photography is an ever growing small business. It would be great to be a full-time Photographer some day, I have chosen to grow my business slow and steady through quality work and long lasting relationships. I learned photography using film cameras (35mm, Medium Format and 4X5 Large Format). Learning on film was an awesome exposure that I am really glad I was able to experience. Spending time in the darkroom exposing a print, seeing your image appear before you in the developer is like no other. Today I shoot digital photos. While playing around in the dark room is more enjoyable than sitting at a computer, the time and expense just doesn’t make it worth it. ”

Omaha Clayworks 1114 Jones

Passageway Gallery 417 s 11th St. This delightful Old Market Co-op Gallery offers original art in different media by local artists. At the Passageway Gallery you will find original works in: Oil, Acrylic, Watercolor, Pastel, Pencil, Photography, Sculpture, Pottery, Copper Sculpture. Wood Carving, Turning and Sculpture.Jewelry, including Silversmithed, Lampworked, and Fused. Enjoy the friendly, relaxed atmosphere at the gallery and meet the artist on duty during your visit.

White Crane Gallery Old Market Passageway Lower Level

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