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OCT. 10 - 16, 2013
heartlandhealing N E W A G E H E A LT H A N D W E L L N E S S B Y M I C H A E L B R AU N S T E I N
News You Can Use: October, 2013
he Good The best news this week is that the annual Mystic Fest is Saturday and Sunday at the Ramada, 72nd & Grover. Free admission. Don’t miss it. Exercise Beats Pills. Great news we can all celebrate, and somehow, everyone knows is true. This was no small research study reported by the British Medical Journal. It involved over 340,000 patients. From the findings, researchers concluded that moderate exercise of only 2.5 hours weekly was equal to medications for heart disease and outperformed prescription drugs used on stroke patients. The study was done in England where sadly, exercise is on the decline and prescriptions are on the increase. There was an average of 17.7 prescriptions for every man, woman and child in England (2010 figures). Even when exercise is better, cheaper and more effective, patients choose drugs with life-threatening side effects. Chipotle Takes on Industrial Food — Again. Who doesn’t love a Chipotle burrito? I know people who, the first thing upon landing in a city on a business trip, look for the nearest Chipotle (Chris?). But not only is Chipotle an honorable supporter of local and wholesome ingredients providing amazingly tasty fast food but they also produce some great educational pieces that are both entertaining and informative. Their newest animated video, titled “The Scarecrow,” has nearly seven million YouTube views. Chipotle is real about real food. Marijuana Stops Lung Cancer. A Harvard study found that the active ingredient in marijuana, Deltatetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cuts tumor growth in common lung cancer in half and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread. It’s another case of science noting the natural healing powers of the green pharmacy that grows around us. The Bad Bayer Resorts to “Bee-washing”. We’ve heard of “whitewashing” and “greenwashing” — trying to paint a pretty picture when one doesn’t exist. Covering up ill intentions with false good ones or making an ecologically unsound corporation appear to be “green.” Well, Bayer Crop Science and the other big pesticide producers are a main cause of our disappearing honeybees. They produce a pesticide that is so devastating to bees it has been banned by the European Union. Now, in an effort to look like the “good guys,” Bayer is spending a pittance in a PR move by building what they call the Bayer Bee Care
Center. Their story is that they are working to find the cause of the dwindling bee population. Their scientists say the varroa mite is a likely suspect. Right. The mite is indeed deadly to bees but it has been around for centuries and has never affected bee populations to the current extent. But neonicotinoids, pesticides made by Bayer Crop Science and others, are new and have proven to be disastrous to bees. For Bayer to say they are looking into honeybee disappearance is like WW II Germany saying they’re fixing a plumbing malfunction at prison camp showers. C’mon guys. The Ugly Pink Slime oozes back into schools. Remember that brouhaha? Pink slime is the stuff from the last dregs of a cow carcass. Imagine jumbling up skulls, spines, skins, bones — you name it — the stuff that is left. Then imagine cooking it down into a bubbling blob of animal fat, bone and protein. Then mechanically spinning it so the protein part is separated out, coloring it pink, washing it with ammonia in a (sometimes successful) attempt to eliminate the horrible bacteria and pathogens and then calling it “lean finely textured beef.” A USDA microbiologist was the one who named it what he thought it looked like: pink slime, saying that it was not “meat” and was actually “salvage”. Up to 70 percent of the burgers in the U.S. were made with pink slime. When its origin and makeup hit the media a couple years ago, public disgust motivated school systems to cancel orders. Who wouldn’t? Well, the beef industry quietly kept making the stuff and while we weren’t looking, school systems began ordering pink slime again. It’s back in school lunches, store-bought hamburger and fast foods. Yuck. $17 Mil in Big Food Payola Fights Food Freedom. Initiative 522 is a proposed law on the ballot November 5 in the state of Washington. It would require manufacturers to simply label whether a food contains genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Heck, we label calories, red #3, sugar, fat, salt and so on. Why not tell shoppers they are buying a bacteria gene inserted into their corn chips? No big deal, right? Well, it’s a big deal to the chemical companies that patent GMOs and the food giants that use their processed ingredients because people may not want fish genes in their tomatoes. The Big Five (Monsanto, Syngenta, DuPont, Dow and Bayer) are among the usual suspect donors fighting transparency. The Grocery Manufacturers Association leads with $7.2 million on behalf of its members like Pepsi, General Mills, CocaCola, Kraft, Starbucks and… Microsoft? Bill Gates is an unapologetic supporter of Monsanto and GMOs, proof that being rich does not equal being intelligent. Be well. ,
HEARTLAND HEALING is a New Age polemic describing alternatives to conventional methods of healing the body, mind and planet. It is provided as information and entertainment, certainly not medical advice. It is not an endorsement of any particular therapy, either by the writer or The Reader. Visit HeartlandHealing.com for more information.
OCT. 10 - 16, 2013
heartland healing
Day of Dignity Oct. 12
Under threat of deportations, immigrants can’t wait BY OSCAR CHACON, GUEST OP-ED
Editor’s Note: On Saturday, October 12, 3 p.m., a collection of community organizations will hold a Family March and Rally for Respect and Dignity at the corner of 10th and Pacific Sts. More information is available at www.heartlandworkerscenter.org.
ny immigrant will tell you that, of all the indignities ravaging the more than 11 million undocumented people in the United States, there is no greater horror than that of watching your young son or daughter cry helplessly as heavily armed government officials chase you down, arrest and deport you while your child screams “Mama! Mama!” or “Papa! Papa!” As immigrant communities and supporters of common-sense and justice-driven immigration policy reform get ready to participate in national mobilizations around the country, we are inspired by a commitment to inject respect and dignity into our national debate about immigrant communities and immigration policy reform. But we also recognize a moral imperative to bring to the forefront of this effort the devastating impact of aggressive enforcement practices on nearly two million immigrant households over the past five years. As we prepare to stand for “Dignity and Respect” for immigrants, we must take stock of the humanitarian crisis within immigrant communities resulting from the systematic detention, imprisonment and deportation of our fellow human beings who happen to be hard-working immigrants. The vast majority of those affected by this enforcement mania are law-abiding individuals who work hard, pay taxes, and contribute in many ways to their communities. Most of those who have been deported, particularly during the past five years, had no criminal records whatsoever. Their only infraction to the law was residing in the U.S. without an immigrant visa. The ripple effects of so many people detained and deported over the past 15 years are deep and long lasting. For Latin American immigrant households, the past 25 years have been a period of systematic humiliation where respect and dignity towards our communities have been sorely missing. The U.S. Congress bears much of the responsibility for this humanitarian crisis whose roots are found in mean-spirited laws dating back to 1996 that deliberately ignored the contributions made by immigrant communities to the wellbeing of the nation. Here, much of the blame lies with Republican Party legislators, but we cannot ignore that significant
numbers of Democratic members of Congress have also supported the ill-advised approach to immigration that has characterized federal policymaking since the early 1990’s. As we take part in the October mobilizations, we must demand accountability from all our elected officials and demand an end, once and for all, to all immigration bills inspired by racist and xenophobic prejudices. We have no intention of letting Congress off the hook. Now is not the time for partisan obstructionism. Truly wise immigration policy reform proposals must be considered and acted upon right away. At the same time, those of us who work with immigrant communities who grapple day in and day out with the humiliation and uncertainty produced by our current immigration policy, must also hold President Obama accountable for his unwillingness to exercise administrative discretion on how this deeply inhumane policy is enforced. It is precisely because of President Obama’s refusal to make better use of his discretionary power that many immigrant rights organizations have kept a steady, active and visible campaign calling on him to put an end to the current practice of detention and deportation of immigrants. During the October mobilizations across the nation, it is crucial to cry out as loudly as we can and to convey our messages in the strongest terms possible on both these issues. On the one hand, we demand immediate action from Congress toward passing just and commonsense driven immigration reform. On the other hand, we must also demand an immediate halt of deportations from President Obama. Both demands are urgent and imperative. From the perspective of immigrant communities, it is very obvious that Republican members of Congress are so far primarily responsible for impeding a rational debate and consideration of wise immigration policy reform proposals. But we are equally aware that it is President Obama who could make a difference right away, just as his deputies did in 2011 when Prosecutorial Discretion was announced, and again in 2012 when Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was granted. Our commitment to the principles of respect and dignity requires us to speak truthfully and denounce those who block consideration of much-needed reforms, and to hold President Obama accountable for the pain and agony being wrought on thousands of immigrant households every single day. Let’s all be there, calling out for keeping families together, and for the respect and dignity that immigrants deserve. ,
VISIONS FROM FIVE MINUTES INTO THE FUTURE • OCTOBER 10, 2013 • The most unexpected new development will be a growing American fan base for foreign remakes of television shows. Especially as a result of American fans, hungry for more "Breaking Bad," turning to the Spanish language version of the show,
US audiences will develop a rapacious appetite for non-English version of shows, including an audience that enjoys the camp value if illegal, lowbudget remakes from third-world countries. These audiences will be called "fanaticos," from the Spanish.
Oscar Chacon is the Executive Director, National Alliance of Latin American and Caribbean
OCT. 10 - 16, 2013
am a beer geek. It’s a title to wear proudly, though I might wince occasionally when saying it. Still, there’s no shame in appreciating the subtleties between different beer styles, or even drooling a bit at the thought of an openair fermentation vessel. Ryan Miller, owner of the recently opened Benson Brewery at 6059 Maple Street, is also a self-professed beer geek. It was only ten minutes into our conversation he was talking about the brewery’s new amphoras, a type of ceramic container based on an ancient fermentation style. Designed by local gallery Hot Shops, they’ll be integral in creating many of the brewery’s specialty beers. “We believe there’s only one other brewery in the world using these right now,” he revealed. The geek in me got giddy. This year, beer geeks in Omaha have a ton to look forward to. Infusion Brewing Company, the long awaited craft beer bar from the folks at Crescent Moon, opened on October 2nd at 6115 Maple Street. On the first night, it was a standing room only affair as patrons gathered for their first swig of brewer Aaron Bush’s creations. Back down the street at Benson Brewery, the beer was flowing freely. Maple Street Porter, a lightly smoky yet notably smooth-drinking ale, was found in the
hands of many patrons at the bar. Others enjoyed beer-braised short ribs from Chef Matthew Taylor. Miller said that while they don’t love the term “gastropub,” they’re working at an inventive but approachable pub menu. Of the bar’s 16 tap handles, Miller explained: “Andy [Elliott, head brewer] and I see eye to eye. We’re not into gimmicky beers, but we’re still progressive. Our hardcore brews will be rolling out by year’s end.” Across town in the Old Market, construction is underway for another newbie: Borgata Brewery & Distillery at 1116 Jackson Street. The site, which includes a tasting room, will be home to the first new distillery in Omaha since before Prohibition, and an array of beers that will also be distributed throughout the city. Head brewer Zac Triemert, who some beer geeks might recognize as former President and brewer at Lucky Bucket Brewing Co., described his first Borgata brew, Premium Pilsner, as a “session beer with a golden, bright, thick head, and great hop character.” An IPA will follow shortly after. Borgata Brewery & Distillery is slated to open this winter, but Triemert and Vice President Holly Mulkins recently launched a Kickstarter campaign to help
n The Lithuanian Bakery is celebrating 50 years in Omaha. Founded by Stephanjia and Vytautas Mackevicius in 1963 in South Omaha, Lithuanian Bakery continues to operate from that same location on 33rd Avenue just south of Q Street. The Lithuanian Bakery also has a second location at 74th and Pacific streets. “We started as a corner market and have evolved into a specialty bakery that offers hard-to-find baked
OCT. 10 - 16, 2013
fund the tasting room. Unless they attain their $30,000 goal by November 9th, the tasting room construction could be stalled significantly. By reaching out to the community, Triemert is able to offer several incentives for beer geeks, in particular a chance to brew closely with him during a three-day workshop. This opportunity to learn brewing in a commercial setting is priced at $1,000. Other incentives include $25 for a Borgata Tshirt and $60 for an invitation to an exclusive grand opening party. “Borgata is an old Italian word for ‘family’,” Mulkins said. “We want people to really feel like they’re a part of this project, because they are. Omaha was built on a foundation of family-owned and operated craft breweries. We feel that we, as a city, are bursting at the seams with excitement. In our opinion, you can never have enough good, quality craft beer.” At Benson Brewery, Ryan Miller agrees. “The goal is to be more than just a solid company, but to drive progressive growth in places in Omaha that are going to be meaningful to the city in the future. It’s the soul part of it that really makes it for us.” That’s a sentiment everyone, not just beer geeks, can appreciate. ,
goods like our famous Napoleons Torte and very dense Pumpernickel bread. I’d like to thank Omaha for the business they’ve already given us, and please, come help us celebrate this month!” said Lauri Mackevicius, owner of the 74th and Pacific St. location. To show appreciation to their loyal customers, look for a full month of specials from both locations. n The Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition is working on a new project with LiveWell Colorado on its LiveWell@School Food Initiative. The Omaha
center is helping to develop and introduce a Chef Instructor Teacher’s Guide that will assist LiveWell Colorado in their efforts to train chefs within a school district and implement culinary workshops into a schools chef’s curriculum. In addition, Dr. Dan Schober, a research scientist with the center who has a PhD in Behavioral Psychology, is writing a Chef Consultant Training Manual to be used primarily by new chefs in the program. This manual will work to impart skills used to effectively teach the materials
while building relationships. Research for this project will continue through April 2014. If you are interested in finding out more about the results from this project, please contact the Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition at www.centerfornutrition.org. — Krista O’Malley Crumbs is about indulging in food and celebrating its many forms. Send information about area food and drink businesses to crumbs@ thereader.com.
OCT. 10 - 16, 2013
Debunking the Propaganda Campaign to Kill
Opponents will not get the last word. Real people will.
s 15 percent of the country awaited a bill that would offer them affordable health care, more than 800,000 federal workers were sent home without pay. That catch 22 is better known as the government shutdown – a decision made after President Barack Obama refused to make changes to the nation’s health care law. The Affordable Care Act (ACA), notoriously known as Obamacare, is the elephant in the health care law. This act, in the words of the Obamacare Twitter page - @Obamacare – “opened for business” on Oct. 1. The act’s grand opening featured more than just furloughed federal workers. Just moments
OCT. 10 - 16, 2013
after Obamacare launched so did websites and telemarketers offering to give people insurance information. What may have seemed like a friendly gesture was nothing more than con artists looking to collect information to sell it to the insurance companies. And if that was not enough, while millions attempted to sign up for health insurance on the faulty government website – www.healthcare. gov – scammers were hoping to snag a dollar by offering services to help navigate through the website for a fee. With the surplus of greed and the lack of trust, it is time to put the con artists, scammers
cover story
and “Obamacare: You can’t cure stupid” bumper stickers and T-shirts to rest. This should not be about political parties. This should not be between the insured and the uninsured. This is about my mother, a now entrepreneur, who lost her job, which also meant her health insurance, in May. This is about my 12-year-old brother who is not yet old enough to have a say, but is old enough to know he is supposed to go to the doctor regularly. My family does not have health insurance. But in January they will. Whether you are uninsured or not, this is about all of us. This is about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. continued on page 10 y
orget the sexist Koch brothers-funded ad of a creepy-looking Uncle Sam about to conduct a pelvic exam as a way to convince college students not to sign up for Obamacare. A recent article in Forbes trumpeting a study by the right-wing Manhattan Institute claiming that Obamacare will be more costly than current health insurance plans is a more intentionally misleading attack on Obamacare. The article’s big lie is a sin of intentional journalistic omission. Obamacare hopes to extend coverage to 32 million uninsured Americans. But more than 25 million people will not pay the full premium price. That’s because the government will pay insurance companies as much as two-thirds of the policy’s cost via federal subsidies. For 2014, $16 billion has been set aside for those discounts, to be doled out based on incomes up to 400 percent of the federal poverty level. In 2013, that includes individuals making $11,490 to $46,000, couples earning between $19,530 and $78,120, and families of four making $23,550 to $94,200. How does Forbes handle omitting that not-sominor detail? Its article states, “Subsidies only protect some people. Middle-class Americans face the double-whammy of higher insurance premiums, and higher taxes to pay for other people’s subsidies.” The “some” in that sentence are 78 percent of Obamacare’s likely recipients, or 25.7 million people, a study by the advocacy group Families USA found. This is how propaganda works. You don’t state all the facts. You select bits and build an argument. Forbes’ editors should know better — especially since the publication that bills itself as a capitalist’s tool is whacking a law with gigantic profits for its insurance industry friends. On Thursday, Bloomberg.com reported that antiObamacare forces have so far outspent the proObamacare side five-to-one, with its advertising approaching $500 million. But the tide may be turning in the Obamacare propaganda war. Bloomberg’s source, Kantar Media, which tracks ad buys and trends, said the pro-Obamacare side would spend $500 million as the law is rolled out this fall and next year. That’s part of the $3.7 billion given to states to create and promote their program. And that does not count free media coverage, such as the president’s recent healthcare speeches. Until now, the national media has not reported on the subsidies. But that is also changing. Take this Washington Post report profiling “how eight lives continued on page 10 y
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OCT. 10 - 16, 2013
y continued from page 8 would be affected by the health law.” Not everyone who wants Obamacare can get it, the Post’s first example revealed. That’s because the Supreme Court ruled states do not have to enroll people earning wages under the federal poverty level in state-run Medicaid programs. Republican-run Nebraska is one of the states deciding not to help its poor people get health plans. Republican majorities in red states will prevent 8 million poor from getting help, the Post said, citing an Urban Institute study. But other individuals profiled by the Post show how the subsidies work. A single musician making $25,000 a year looking at the cheapest plan, costing $136 a month, will get a $54 federal subsidy. That brings its cost to $82 a month. The man profiled has Crohns disease, a serious intestinal disability, and told the Post he would welcome coverage. A middle-aged single mother of three, who has a heart condition, could get a $350 monthly subsidy for a family plan based on a $30,000 income, the Post said. Obamacare offers four levels of coverage. The most barebones and cheapest plan would cost her nothing. A slightly better plan, lowering her deductible, would cost her $104 a month. The Post reported that people like these are taking a hard look at Obamacare. Some are worried they won’t be able to keep current doctors, which always is an issue when one changes health plans. But real-life stories like theirs are more compelling than partisan fights, and they are about to become a much bigger part of the media wars. That doesn’t mean anti-Obamcare propaganda is going away. Bloomberg.com reports that groups funded by the Koch brothers will launch several ad barrages. In politics, the side that punches first usually can create first impressions and frame the debate. But they don’t always win, especially if the voices and emotions from real people and their reallife needs are heard. That shift is already starting. You see signs of it in the GOP’s resignation that they can’t stop or defund Obamacare amid Congress’ current budget gyrations. Bloomberg’s latest poll found that half of Americans want the GOP to stop trying to kill the law and fix what’s broken. Even the Wall Street Journal’s editorial page is retreating to old bromides, saying the U.S. doesn’t need safety nets now and didn’t need them in the 1960s when Medicare and Medicaid were created. It may be late in coming, but pro-Obamacare advertising and organizing is getting started. The creeepy Koch-funded Uncle Sam gynecologist ad already has been spoofed online. The Post’s coverage of Obamacare’s subsidies makes Forbes’ article—with a quarter-million page views as of Thursday—look pretty bad. And the Democratic Party is sending out e-mails touting Obamacare’s virtues, starting with getting self-employed people with policies to switch over. “Nearly half of Americans who have individual insurance plans will receive assistance averaging $2,672 to purchase plans on the Obamacare marketplace,” an e-mail from Democrats.org read. Of course, it added, “And Republicans voted more than 40 times to take it away.” — AlterNet by Steven Rosenfeld
OCT. 10 - 16, 2013
This is about America. And Americans deserve to be informed. So let’s take our opinions off the record. And let’s put the actual ACA bill on the record. A downloadable version of the document can be found online.
l You can sign up through March 2014. l Coverage starts as soon as January 1. Unfortunately, the Federal Trade Commission is closed due to the government shutdown. As such, complaints and reports of scammers and con artists cannot be reported.
For the insured:
Here are a few tips to get you through:
y continued from page 8
If you already have health insurance, Obamacare extends the following: l Free preventative care (check-ups and vaccinations) l Money back if your insurance company doesn’t spend at least 80 percent of your premium on care l No more lifetime limits on how much your insurance company will pay for your medical care l Children and young adults can stay on their family plans until they turn 26 years old
For the uninsured:
l Enrollment launched on Oct. 1. l You cannot be denied coverage for any reason.
cover story
l Be very careful searching the Web. Stay away from sites like healthplans.com and other lead aggregators. They’re charging insurance companies for your information and are nothing but a middle-man. Though the site has had its glitches, apply for health insurance at the government approved website (www.healthcare. gov) or if you know the health insurance carrier you want, you can apply directly to them. l If someone offers to help you sign up for a fee, run! It is free to sign up. l Do not give your personal information to anyone who calls you about health insurance. The government will not be making any Obamacarerelated calls.
l Do not pay a fee for a new or special insurance card. l When in doubt, go to healthcare.gov. The site offers online questions and answers and an online chat. You can also call the toll-free number (800) 318-2596. October 1 should have marked a milestone for the millions of uninsured Americans who are now able to afford health care. However, that day was overshadowed by a government shutdown and a host of con artists and scammers looking to prey on the uninsured. The government must do its part to get those more than 800,000 furloughed federal workers back to work. But for 15 percent of the country – a percent of people who include small businessmen and women, single mothers and recent college graduates – do not let the disasters of the government hold you back from life, liberty and the pursuit of the happiness. If you want health coverage, visit healthcare.gov or call the tollfree number (800) 318-2596 for more information. Applicants who sign up before Dec. 15 will receive coverage on Jan. 1, 2014. ,
OCT. 10 - 16, 2013
“Once Upon a Time in Wonderland” Thursdays, 7 p.m. (ABC)
A companion to “Once Upon a Time,” “Once Upon a Time in Wonderland” reinterprets Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Alice (Sophie Lowe) faces a panel of doctors in Victorian England who don’t believe her stories of an invisible cat and a hookah-smoking caterpillar. They consider her insane and propose a treatment that will bring her back to drab reality. Just in the nick of time, the White Rabbit (voice of John Lithgow) and the Knave of Hearts (Michael Socha) appear, offering to spirit her off to Wonderland. How can anyone say no to a rabbit in trousers and a derby? “Once Upon a Time in Wonderland” is worthy of the “wonder” in its title. Lowe possesses one of the most fascinating faces of the new TV season, with big, sensitive eyes to take in all the strange sights. The cinematography has a hallucinogenic quality appropriate to subplots involving genies and evil queens. If it’s between drab reality and “Once Upon a Time in Wonderland,” I’ll take the latter. — Dean Robbins
OCT. 10 - 16, 2013
T H E R E A D E R ’ S E N T E RTA I N M E N T P I C K S O C T. 10 - 16, 2 01 3
THURSDAY10 Oct. 10
Bourbon Theatre, 1415 O St Lincoln 8 p.m., $12: ADV | $15: DOS, bourbontheatre.com Says LaFarge about his music, “It’s not retro music. It’s American music that never died.” The genre bending, generation blending stylings of LaFarge have crafted a sound that’s as familiar as it is fresh to the listener. He draws from old ragtime, early jazz, country blues and western swing music creating a concoction that takes on a completely different feel from the parts of the whole. This past year, LaFarge signed with Jack White’s Third Man Records and promptly released his, self titled, seventh studio album. America is beginning to take notice with LaFarge pocketing back-to-back Best Americana Album win by the Independent Music Awards, for his album Middle of Everywhere, an appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman earlier this summer and a host of his orginal scores have been featured on both the big screen and television, including HBO’s Boardwalk Empire. –James Derrick Schott
FRIDAY11 Oct. 11
LAURA MEYER W/ JESSICA ERRETT AND TARA VAUGHAN Barley Street Tavern, 2735 N. 62nd St. 9 p.m., $5, barleystreet.com
road and religion. She always calls it as she sees it with keen observations that grab her audiences’ attention and gets them to think about her topics from a new perspective. Not to mention, musically, Meyer rocks it all out with a clear blues influence. Says Meyer, “The first albums I bought were Blue and Are You Experienced. I feel most at home with the blues.” –James Derrick Schott
Oct. 12
Area Shuck’s Fish Houses in Omaha Through Oct. 13, absolutelyfresh.com
This Friday, the Benson’s favorite dive bar will be hijacked by a talented trio of female performers. Two of the lovely ladies, Jessica Errett and Tara Vaughan, call Omaha home and will be welcoming to the stage, traveling troubadour, Laura Meyer. Originally from N.Y.C. and now based out of Santa Cruz California, Meyer’s lyrics roam from political, past relationships, life on the
This Saturday marks National Gumbo Day. Shuck’s Fish Houses promise to be the place to get your gumbo on. Through Sunday, Oct. 13, Shucks will be offering a variety of specialty Gumbos such as Shuck’s Original, Alligator, Root Vegetable, Turducken and Crawfish. Choose three to make a Gumbo flight or order a bowl of your favorite. For a list of Shucks’s locations, visit absolutelyfresh.com. –Krista O’Malley
MONDAY14 Oct. 14
THE LONELY FOREST W/ CUMULUS Slowdown, 729 N. 14th St. 9 p.m., $10, theslowdown.com
Hailing from lovely Anacortes, Washington, indie/rock/pop band, The Lonley Forest, was formed in 2005 after an impromtu raucous garage session inspired the guys (Braydn, Tony, and Eric) to join forces with Van Deusen and his piano-pop. Their music features Van Deusen’s soaring vocals and keyboard melodies held together by Ruland’s expressive guitar and cloaked by a heavy yet limber rhythm section. The band’s previous album, Arrows, has garnered much acclaim following its release on Trans Records/Atlantic Records. NPR called it “one of the best and most honest slices of pop music around.” Their latest studio effort, Adding Up the Wasted Hours, was released this past Tuesday, Oct. 8 by Trans / Chop Shop Records and was recorded by Death Cab For Cutie member Chris Walla. –James Derrick Schott
81834.12 – Omaha Reader – 10-10-2013
The Emily Fisher Landau Collection NO W T HROU GH JAN U ARY 5, 2014
This exhibition is organized by the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
Jasper Johns (b. 1930), Painting with Two Balls, 1971, from the series Painting with Two Balls, color screenprint, sheet (sight, irregular): 37 1/8 x 30 13/16 in., Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; promised gift of Emily Fisher Landau P.2010.122, photograph by Tim Nighswander/Imaging4Art, Art © Jasper Johns / Licensed by VAGA, NY
Curator Gallery Talks Thursdays, October 10 & November 7 @ 6:30 pm
Presenting sPonsor:
Join Karin Campbell, Joslyn’s Phil Willson Curator of Contemporary Art, for gallery talks about the special exhibition.
Major sPonsors: Annette and Paul Smith Douglas County
Free admission. Cash bar opens @ 5 pm.
FREE Family Fun Day Sunday, October 13; 1–4 pm
Contributing sPonsor: Eve and Fred Simon
Framing the Flame: Art That Ignites Thursday, December 19 @ 6 pm Marissa Vigneault, Weston Thomson, and Ying Zhu will each speak for ten minutes about a work that “lights their fire” from the exhibition, shedding light on how art inspires, engages, and delights them, and impacts their own work as cultural producers in the Omaha arts community.
suPPorting sPonsors: Joan Gibson and Don Wurster Kathy and Marc LeBaron Lincoln Financial Foundation, Inc.
Tickets ON SALE NOW and available at whiskeyroadhouse.com, Ticketmaster.com or by phone at 1-800-745-3000.
Additional support provided by KPMG LLP
Free admission. Cash bar opens @ 5 pm.
joslynartmuseum www.joslyn.org | (402) 342-3300 | 2200 Dodge Street | Omaha, NE
I-29 South, Exit 1B | horseshoe.com Must be 21 years or older to attend shows or to gamble. Know When To Stop Before You Start.® Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-BETS-OFF (Iowa) or 1-800-522-4700 (National). ©2013, Caesars License Company, LLC.
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OCT. 10 - 16, 2013
10/4/13 1:13 PM
FA L L 2 01 3 S CHED ULE Oct. 12 / 10 a.m. / $20 Intro To Gaelic Language with Mary Kate Glied Channel your Irish spirit by learning beginner Gaelic words and phrases with Mary Kate Glied.
Oct. 13 / 5:30 p.m. / $50 Omaha Sister Cities Association: Patron Enjoy hors d’oeuvres, whiskey, and Irish dancing at this festive get together.
Oct. 13 / 7 p.m. / $10 Omaha Sister Cities Association Film Screening: Waking Ned Devine Catch this Irish comedy about two friends on a mission to collect lottery winnings.
Oct. 19 / 10 a.m. /
Beginning Ukulele with Mark Gutierrez
For Information and Registration OmahaCreativeInstitute.org Rebecca@OmahaCreativeInstitute.org 785-218-3061
Los Angeles Daily News • •
(402) 933-0259 OMAHA
OCT. 10 - 16,Reader 2013 Omaha
Wednesday, 10/8 1/8Pg(2.4x4.9)
n 25 years ago, a group of young graduates from New York came to the Midwest and performed plays in an empty storefront on 13th Street. Seven years ago, that company was on the brink of extinction. Today, The BLUEBARN Theatre has not only survived but thrived as an artistic organization at a time when many other groups across the country struggle to exist. For Artistic Director Susan Clement-Toberer, the key to the theatre’s success has been its unwavering dedication to its artistic heart. “We try really hard to let our art lead us,” said Clement-Toberer. “Our business practices follow our artistic lead. We will always lead from an artistic standpoint and drive the BLUEBARN ship from a passion point of view.” “We don’t choose our seasons simply because our audience will like them. We choose our seasons because we are impassioned when we read these plays. We feel something. We’re provoked. And we trust our audience to know that if we choose from an authentic point of view artistically that our audience will be thrilled. Their experience in the BLUEBARN seats will be like nothing else they experience in Omaha. That’s where we’ve really gotten our business practices up. We’ve got a small but mighty team that allows us to make sure our art and our business are equal.” Clement-Toberer then smiled and said, “Well, the art will always be a little further ahead.” The key, Clement-Toberer said, is the focus on presenting theatre to an audience that changes their perspective on what the art form is and how it can affect society in present day. It’s also a reason why local actors like Ablan Roblin keep coming back to work at the theatre. Roblin is currently performing in the BLUEBARN’s production of God of Carnage. “From an actor’s standpoint, it’s about the truth of the work,” Roblin said. “I feel challenged in every right way when I work here. I feel like I should be thinking, exploring, and pushing all the time. When it’s all said and done, I walk away and feel like I’ve learned something and that I have grown as an actor. I would imagine that’s the same way the audience feels when they see a performance. They think, they are challenged, the work is true and honest. That’s a unique experience.” —Bill Grennan Cold Cream looks at theater in the metro area. Email information to mixedmedia@thereader.com
roadway show blurbs can be banal and predictable, but not when it comes to The Book of Mormon. Oh, native Omahan Kurt Andersen might dub it “The best new musical of the 21st century” on NPR, but others call it “phenomenally blasphemous” and ask, “Could it be the most offensive show to ever hit the Great White Way?” Maybe the blurb that best reflects this mix came from the New York Times: “Outrageous, profane and surprisingly endearing.” continued on page 16 y
OCT. 10 - 16, 2013
81834.11 – Omaha Reader – 10-10-2013
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JOSH GRACIN DECEMBER 6 Tickets ON SALE THIS FRIDAY and available at whiskeyroadhouse.com, Ticketmaster.com or by phone at 1-800-745-3000.
I-29 South, Exit 1B | horseshoe.com Must be 21 years or older to attend shows or to gamble. Know When To Stop Before You Start.® Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-BETS-OFF (Iowa) or 1-800-522-4700 (National). ©2013, Caesars License Company, LLC.
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OCT. 10 - 16, 2013
10/3/13 2:46 PM
If you haven’t seen the musical arriving at the Orpheum Saturday and running through Oct. 20, you probably think first of the two white-shirted Mormon missionaries, Elder Cunningham and Elder Price, first played on Broadway by Omahan Andrew Rannels. Think endearing, though, and the focus falls on Nabalungi, the Ugandan woman played by Syesha Mercado. She’s the reverent innocent amidst all the comic irreverence. “It’s such a joy to play her,” says Syesha, who “American Idol” fans will recall as the runner-up before a final showdown between David Cook and David Archuleta. She recalls the Idol experience as “a boot camp” after her college preparation in Florida. By the way, don’t expect her to recall if that year’s American Idol tour included Omaha. Not when they toured 68 cities in much less than a year. She was packing her trunk in Chicago for the trip here when we talked about her endearing part in the craziness created by the South Park zanies, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, with Robert Lopez, the co-creator of Avenue Q. She’s been performing the role in the Windy City for almost a year, but the Idol tour wasn’t her first time on the road. Syesha, born in Connecticut to a Puerto Rican father and an AfricanAmerican mother (a former Motown backup singer), traveled in the cast of Dream Girls. Her Uganda role may be more intense, but it’s easier in one respect—only two outfits compared to 22 costume changes for her role in Dream Girls. The discipline and work ethic first instilled at the Manatee School for the Arts in Florida prepared her well for the grind of eight shows a week. And she makes sure she gets “lots of sleep and lots of water.” Her role as Nabalungi places her in a village terrorized by General Butt F---ing Naked, who kills men and forces genital mutilation on women. All the villagers give up hope, except Nabalungi who keeps hope alive, first with her mother’s story of waterfalls and unicorns, then when that story seems to come true as the two missionaries tell her about their paradise. After standing up to her father for the first time, she’s alone in a hut and sings to God of this heaven she calls, “Sal Tlay Ka Siti.” Ms. Mercado had to explain to me that the title isn’t some Ugandan dialect, but the city the missionaries came from in Utah. That’s her big solo, but not necessarily her favorite moment in a role she’s now played more than 300 times. She has the most fun singing “Baptize Me” with Elder Cunningham, the missionary who hadn’t quite gotten around to reading the actual Book of Mormon.
Still, ask many who’ve seen the show, and they’ll first refer to the beauty of her Salt Lake City song. And Idol fans will tell you about a petite Syesha with a voice big enough to wow audiences when she sang that high-octane Dolly Parton song made famous by the late Whitney Houston, “I Will Always Love You.” So she takes care of the endearing side, and the rest of the cast carries the comic burden as contrasted by a Vogue writer who describes “a faith-based extravaganza of jaw-dropping obscenity, hairraising blasphemy and irresistible good cheer.” He
adds, its “dirty little secret is its big heart.” Parker of South Park fame puts it this way: “Mormons are so Disney and Rodgers and Hammerstein to begin with that it makes perfect sense for them to break into song. That’s why, in many ways, this feels like a traditional musical. You’re being cheesy and corny and all—but that’s who Mormons naturally are. “In the end, their spirit of wanting to help wins the day.” It all played a part in winning nine Tony awards and being the hottest ticket on Broadway in recent years. , The Book of Mormon runs 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 12, to 1:30 and 7 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 20, with 7:30 p.m. shows Tuesday-Thursday, 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Oct. 19, and 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 19 at the Orpheum Theater, 409 S. 16th St., part of Omaha Performing Arts Broadway Across America series. Tickets starting at $50 are available at TicketOmaha.com, by phone at 402.345.0606 or at the Holland Performing Arts Center, 13th and Douglas.
n What appeared to be this weekend’s marquee show is now cancelled. Thank you for stealing that Crystal Stilts show, Grinnell College. The New York indie rock band was originally slated to play O’Leaver’s Pub, 1322 South Saddle Creek Road, Friday, Oct. 11. Local band Pleasure Adapter will still play the Eyeball Promotions show, alongside to-be-announced local acts. n Junkstock’s Harvest Edition will feature performances by 11 different local acts during the three-day event, which kicks off Friday, Oct. 11. The sprawling sale takes place on an old West Omaha dairy farm, 319 S. 192nd St. The music line-up, put together by Brad Hoshaw Booking, features the Southpaw Bluegrass Band, Matt Cox, Sarah Benck, Orion Walsh, Prairie Gators, Belles & Whistles, A ll Young Girls Are Machine Guns, Brad Hoshaw, Midwest Dilemma and R ay Michael. Tickets are $5 at the gate daily or $12 for the entire weekend. Visit junkstockomaha.com for more information about the event. n House of Loom’s dance-centric programming is getting a live music twist Friday, Oct. 11, thanks to a live performance by the Eli James Experience. James combines DJing with live drums and holds down the whole thing himself, crafting his own version of the “modern one man band.” James, a drummer, DJ, producer and programmer, conjures up a custom light show that includes his LED-powered Glo-drum kit, which he uses to accompany his on-the-spot DJ selections. n Local hard rock heroes Emphatic will unveil their second major label album, Another Life, with an in-store signing at Homer’s Music, 1210 Howard St, Monday, Oct. 21, at 6 p.m. The band played a hometown show at the Slowdown, 729 N. 14th St., last month and currently don’t have another scheduled local show. — Chris Aponick The Reader’s Backbeat column seeks to cover the local music scene from all corners of the sound spectrum. Whether it’s news of new bands, farewell shows, album releases or special events, the Reader’s music team wants to hear from you. Got a tip? Email it to backbeat@thereader.com.
he musicians that make up the experimental group Man Man play a wide array of musical instruments including, but not limited to, the clavinet, saxophone, trumpet, iMoog Little Phatty, French Horn, bass clarinet, drum set, euphonium, Fender Jazz Bass, Danelectro baritone guitar, xylophone, marimba, melodica and various percussive instruments including pots and pans, toy noisemakers, Chinese funeral horns, spoons, smashing plates, fireworks, and the occasional audience members’ heads. If this sounds overwhelming, it is, but in the best possible way. Originally from Philadelphia, Man Man is rich with a multi-instrumental style centered on the piano playing of lead singer and lyricist Ryan Kattner (Honus Honus). Along with Christopher Powell (Pow Pow), Jamey Robinson (T. Moth), Adam Schatz (Brown Sugar), and Bryan Murphy (Shono Mur-
phy), Honus Honus unleashes a cacophonous symphony of visionary sound on every audience. Drummer Pow Pow is the second oldest and most consistent member of Man Man since the group’s inception. He’s played on every album and every live show, which has to be a testament to Pow Pow’s work ethic and commitment to the group. In 2008, their Anti-Records debut, Rabbit Habbits, seemed to push them further along in their careers than 2006’s Six Demon Bag. The album reached #186 on the U.S. charts. “All sorts of things were happening for us at that time,” Pow Pow says. “We had done that record in three separate sessions between touring all year long [in 2007] with Modest Mouse. Rabbit Habits was our first record with Anti- and was released after tons of national exposure to new audiences. Life in general felt ‘next level’ due to almost an entire year
away from home, working on the record and touring. Rabbit Habits was originally going to be called Hot Topic.” Thankfully, they went with the first aforementioned title rather than the name of a trendy, emo kid retail store. While Rabbit Habbits was a calamity of uplifting jams, their next album, 2011’s Life Fantastic was considered their “darkest” record. The album also marked their first experience working with Omaha’s Mike Mogis of Bright Eyes fame and it’s a big reason they decided to work with him again on the new record, On Oni Pond. “Honus [Ryan] really liked the sound of the Mike Mogis produced Dev Hynes’ track “Devil Tricks For A Bitch” and we had mutual friends that connected the dots,” Pow Pow explains. “Mike and I both really like the production of the late record producer Joe
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OCT. 10 - 16, 2013
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Meek, which was a constant reference point for Life Fantastic. It seemed that this was universe actually connecting the dots. He was interested in working with us since it would be a very different style band/record than most of his previous records. It was fate. “After one record of already working together, we were able to talk production specifics very easily/quickly,” he adds. “We had an extremely focused conversation about what to do with the On Oni Pond demos, one that only could happen after working together previously. We loved working with him on Life Fantastic and it seemed to make perfect sense to work together again. He’s a sonic master.” On Oni Pond was made a bit differently, at least conceptually. “This is the most personal Man Man record for me,” he explains. “Previous records had multiple creative inputs. This was a duo collaboration front to back, which allowed for a more focused writing process. With only two people, it’s much easier to explore exactly what you want to explore. There are elements and sounds on this record that we weren’t able to see through previously due to the former writing process. It’s absolutely refreshing to make a record like On Oni Pond in the mix of our previous catalog. All the records that we make are an extension of us and where we are at the time, regardless of constantly shifting trends. We can do whatever what we want to do and that is as satisfying as it gets.”
However, finishing On Oni Pond was challenging for Man Man. There’s a sense they wouldn’t want to make another record using this system. “It’s actually been kind of hellaciously hectic and not ideal—we had to mix MAN MAN the record while we were on the road,” Kattner explains. “It was definitely not easy, but it helped that we worked with someone as brilliant as Mogis—we knew we could trust him to make sure it worked. But it is really tough to listen to the mixes when you’re in a tour van, or at a rock club, and have to make that call. I’m really excited hearing the record, just knowing where my head was when we recorded, and where my heart was. There are some really beautiful songs on this record. I’m excited to unleash it on the world. “There are some songs that definitely pull you into our world and if you get into what we do, there’s so much more you can enjoy,” he continues. “That’s one of the things that Chris and I are worried about — that people won’t give this record a chance — because I think it can surprise you. We’re not trying to make the same record every record. This one is really dif-
ferent, but it’s still grounded in my head. I can’t really escape that.” Even if people didn’t necessarily “like” the new record, Man Man’s live shows have become some-
what of a spectacle—not quite a Flaming Lips-style spectacle, but a close second. It keeps people interested. “We have fun playing music together,” Kattner says. “And we’re really fortunate to do it as long
as we’ve have and that there’s people that support what we do.” The stage climbing, diving and intense interplay between each member have been the sustaining forces of their career. “We feel like, even four records in, we’re a word of mouth band,” he adds. “It’s the gospel of what we do. We don’t want to get complacent. You have to have the hunger. I don’t know what my marketable skills would be at this point. I don’t know what the demand is for someone who wears dresses on stage and looks like a maniac and sings sad songs.” Man Man has a lot to live up to in regards to their live show, but both Pow Pow and Honus Honus are confident in their abilities to deliver nothing but pure awesomeness. ”You can expect lots of dancing, energy, smiles, laughter, and the wildness. Opening the show is the amazing Xenia Rubinos,” Pow Pow exclaims. ”We have new players in the band, and this is their maiden voyage with us,” Honus Honus concludes. “We’re happy that we were able to work out any kinks on the road and get used to playing together. Mostly though, we just want kids to come out to our show. Not just to see the new material either—for this tour, we’re digging out songs we haven’t played in years. There will be stuff that spans all of our records. It’s refreshing. We’re really excited about it.” , Man Man with Xenia Rubinos, October 11, at Slowdown, 729 N. 14th St., 9 p.m. Tickets are $15. Visit www. onepercentproductions.com for more information.
OCT. 10 - 16, 2013
hey say music is like a time machine... While other kids were spending their Saturdays, summers and winter breaks goofing off with the rest of their high school friends, I spent mine standing behind a cash register at my mom and dad’s store in Fremont, Nebraska. The store was called Fremont Salvage. It was located just north of the Holiday Lodge on a dirt road off Highway 30 behind a couple faceless buildings on the edge of a corn field. The store’s building was nothing more than a large metal shed, a former semi-truck garage with a huge ceiling, concrete floors and no windows. My father’s business model was deceptively simple: Buy low and sell at a price lower than the other guy. His merchandise came from other salvage dealers, various distributors and from discount stores that either needed to get rid of overstock or were going out of business. That meant everything was marked half price of whatever it had been marked, and we’re talking about good stuff and every day staples -- new clothes (flannel shirts, $8; insulated coveralls, $25); motor oil (any brand, 50 cents a quart!); health and beauty aids (Skin Bracer, 25 cents a bottle!); candy (Peter Paul Almond Joys, 10 for a $1!); electronics (Spark-0-matic car stereos, $25!); tools (socket sets from $5 to $25) and thousands of other items (car mats, lots of car mats). Being able to read was a requirement to shop at Fremont Salvage, because there were signs ev-
Film Streams at the Ruth Sokolof Theater 14th & Mike Fahey Street (formerly Webster Street) More info & showtimes 402.933.0259 · filmstreams.org Facebook & Twitter: @filmstreams
erywhere demanding your attention: You break it, you buy it! All sales cash! No refunds, no returns! The management has the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason! The customer isn’t always right, and in fact, rarely is (That wasn’t a sign, that was my dad’s business credo). At age 13 I started running the cash register during the week in the summer and on Saturdays during the school year, not because I had to, but because I wanted the cash, and working at the store was a helluva lot easier than the alternative -- walking beans or de-tassling corn or doing whatever grueling manual labor was available for underage country bumpkins like myself. While my dad and the customers kept my brother and I plenty busy, the hours could drag and often did. At least there was the stereo, right? Unfortunately, my dad wouldn’t let us listen to Rock 100 or any of those “kids stations.” Instead, we were told to “Leave it on Eleven” -- that’s AM 1110 KFAB -- the only radio station we were allowed to play at the store. Back then KFAB was a drastically different radio station than the right-wing hate-spewing Rush Limbaugh-powered America-Love-It-Or-Leave-It all-talk radio station that it is today. Back then KFAB actually played music. And oh what music it played. I assumed the station’s programmer was looking to strike the perfect balance between oldies and “modern” music (This was 1978-1983) while making sure to play nothing that could possibly offend the
This week! Enough Said First-Run (PG-13) Dir. Nicole Holofcener. With Julia Louis-Dreyfus and, in his last starring role, the late James Gandolfini. The Washington Post calls it “feisty, funny, fizzy, and deeply wise.” Museum Hours First-Run Dir. Jem Cohen. Through Thursday, October 10 Last chance! A meditation on friendship, art, and Vienna. A visual feast!
farmer or priest or shop keeper who presumably listened ‘round the clock. That meant long, tedious hours of such rousing hits as The New Vaudeville Band’s “Winchester Cathedral,” The New Christy Minstrel’s “Green, Green,” Bent Fabric’s “The Alleycat” and Johnny Mathis’ “Misty,” next to modern MOR (stands for Middle of the Road) numbers like Frankie Valli’s “My Eyes Adore You,” Little River Band’s “Reminiscing,” Barry Manilow’s “Could It Be Magic,” Neil Diamond’s “Love on the Rocks,” Paul Simon’s “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover,” Otis Redding’s “(Sittin’ on) The Dock of the Bay,” or any nondisco song by The Bee Gees. I’m sure KFAB’s play list probably contained hundreds if not thousands of songs, but somehow over years of hot, boring afternoons, it all began to sound the same. You didn’t so much look forward to hearing the next song as prepare yourself to tolerate another earful of, say, The Sandpipers’ “Guantanamera” or Albert Hammond’s “It Never Rains in Southern California” or Jim Croce’s “Bad Bad Leroy Brown” or Gordon Lightfoot’s “Sundown.” After a long Saturday at the store I couldn’t wait to get home to slap on my headphones and wash the stale taste of KFAB out of my mind… until the next Saturday. Well, eventually my days at Fremont Salvage came to an end. I got a job at Kmart to pay my way through college at UNO and never had to listen to KFAB again. Despite being hugely successful, my
Short Term 12 First-Run (R) Dir. Dustin Cretton. Starts Friday, October 11 One week only! “One of the best movies of the year and one of the truest portrayals I’ve ever seen about troubled teens and the people who dedicate their lives to trying to help them.” -- Richard Roeper
Coming Soon Mother of George First-Run (R) All is Lost First-Run (PG-13) Blue is the Warmest Color (NC-17) Nebraska First-Run (R)
dad sold the store a few years later. And, lo, how the years went by, and along with them, the memories of those long afternoons slowly began to fade... Until a few weeks ago. The Omaha World Herald ran a story about a renegade AM radio station -- Magic 1490. I could care less about the story’s primary focus -- the mystery behind who was running the radio station. Instead, I was intrigued by the description of the station’s content -- “The station specializes in old music, dubbed ‘easy listening’ or ‘middle of the road’ by programmers.” Wait a minute, what? I quickly poked the AM button on my Harman/Kardon, adjusted the antennae, scrolled the digital dial to 1490 and on came “Monday Monday” by the Mamas & the Papas in all its fuzzy AM glory. I was immediately transported back to the salvage store, circa 1978. Sure, I could find these songs on Spotify or Pandora, but they would sound too pristine, too perfect and completely different than that far-away sound that only AM radio can provide. They say music is like a time machine. Every time I listen to Magic 1490 I’m transported back to those dusty days in Fremont with my mom and dad and brothers, days that at the time I couldn’t wait to be over; days that today I never want to forget -- all lived beneath a soundtrack broadcast in glorious AM. , Over The Edge is a weekly column by Reader senior contributing writer Tim McMahan focused on culture, society, the media and the arts. Email Tim at tim.mcmahan@gmail.com.
Alexander Forever Young Family & Children’s Series just $2.50 for Payne Presents Admission kids 12 and under! Walkabout 1971 (R) Dir. Nicholas Roeg.
Winged Migration 2001
I fidanzati 1963
October 12, 13 & 17
October 13 & 15
Fly with the birds in this classic!
Oct 11, 14 & 16
Dir. Ermanno Olmi.
Dir. Jacques Cluzaud, Michel Debats & Jacques Perrin.
2013 Local Filmmakers Showcase
6 films | 7 filmmakers | 96-minute program | Made in NE October 17 - 24 | tickets at filmstreams.org Opening Night: Premiere at 7:30 pm, Post-Party to follow
over the edge
OCT. 10 - 16, 2013
SEND CALENDAR INFORMATION — including addresses, dates, times, costs and phone numbers — to The Reader’s calendar editor. Mail to or drop off information at P.O. Box 7360 Omaha, NE 68107; email to listings@thereader.com; fax to (402) 341.6967. Deadline is 5 p.m. the Thursday prior to issue date.
SENA EHRHARDT, (Blues) 5:30 pm, 21st Saloon. DURTY THURSDAY - E BROWN, 9 pm, Bar 415, Free.
LAURA MEYER W/ JESSICA ERRETT AND TARA VAUGHAN, (Folk/Singer-Songwriter) 9:30 pm, Barley Street Tavern, $5. BARLEY STREET PIPER’S SOCIETY, 7 pm, Barley Street Tavern, Free. LAURA MEYER, (Indie) 8 pm, Barley Street Tavern, $5.
POKEY LAFARGE, 8 pm, Bourbon Theater, $12: Advance $15: Day of Show. NEW MOON SONGWRITERS NIGHT, (Folk/Singer-Song writer) 7 pm, Crescent Moon Coffee, FREE. BIG BAD VOODOO DADDY, 7:30 pm, Holland Performing Arts Center, $25 - $65. SUGAR FOOT STOMP | LIVE JAZZ PARTY, (Jazz) 8 pm, House Of Loom, $5. WICKYBID, BLACK LIGHTHOUSES, BEAVER DAMAGE, 9 pm, Knickerbockers, Contact Knickerbockers for cover charge. REVEREND DEADEYE W/ T. JUNIOR AND SAINT CHRISTOPHER, (Country) 8 pm, Louis Bar and Grill, $6. CROSSFIRE, 8 pm, OzoNE Lounge at Anthony’s Steakhouse, Free. MIRANDA LAMBERT, DIERKS BENTLEY, CHRIS STAPLETON, (Country) 7:30 pm, Pinnacle Bank Arena, $28 $53.75.
SATURN MOTH W/ MANIC PIXIE DREAM GIRLS, HUSSIES, (Indie) 9 pm, Slowdown, $5. BIG GIGANTIC “SKY HIGH TOUR” W/ SPECIAL GUESTS MINNESOTA + BUZZ JUNIOR, (Indie) 8:30 pm, Sokol Hall & Auditorium, Tickets: $20.50 advance / $24 day of show. KEVEN CRUISE W/ DJ ROCK & ROLL, 9 pm, The Sydney, Free. MIKE STUD W/JUSTINA, IAMG, & TREV TAYLOR, (Hip-Hop/ Rap) 9 pm, Waiting Room, $13 ADV / $15 DOS. JEAZLEPEATS AND AZP!, 9 pm, Zoo Bar, $5. GRASS FIRE- AFTERNOON COUNTRY CLUB, 6 pm, Zoo Bar, $5.
TAXI DRIVER, (Cover Band) 9 pm, Arena Bar & Grill, Free.
READER RECOMMENDS SANDY HACKETT’S RAT PACK SHOW, (Jazz) 8 pm, Arts Center At Iowa Western College, $35; Seniors: $31. SPIRALE & KAZTE, 9 pm, Bar 415, $5. MANNA W/ NIGHT CIRCUS, 9 pm, Barley Street Tavern, $5. CITY LIMIT BAND, (Country) 9 pm, Coyote Willy’s, $5. CHRIS SHELTON, (Rock) 9 pm, Firewater Grille, Contact the Firewater Grill for cover charge. AUDIBLY NUTRITIOUS | OPEN-FORMAT DANCE PARTY, (DJ/Electronic) 10 pm, House Of Loom, Free. ELI JAMES LIVE, (DJ/Electronic) 9 pm, House Of Loom, Free. THE HIGHTOPS PERFORM, 7 pm, Jazz, A Louisiana Kitchen, Free. ALL AGES: ACADEMY OF ROCK, (Rock) 6 pm, Knickerbockers, contact Knickerbockers for cover charge. JOHN CREWS & BUCKY MCCANN, (Blues) 9 pm, McKenna’s Booze, Blues & BBQ, Free.
OCT. 10 - 16, 2013
music listings
NECTTAR, THE EPITOMES, WHITE NOISE HYPOCRISY, 9 pm, Knickerbockers, Contact Knickerbockers for cover charge. FISH HEADS, 11 am, Loose Moose, Free. COASTWEST UNREST, (Indie) 8 pm, Louis Bar and Grill, $6. CRYSTAL STILTS W/ PLEASURE ADAPTER, ZACHARY CALE, 8 pm, O’Leaver’s Pub, $8. ROUGH CUT, (Cover Band) 8 pm, OzoNE Lounge at Anthony’s Steakhouse, Free. ELSBERRY/PHILLIPS/THORNBURG JAZZ IMPROVISATION, 8 pm, Pizza Shoppe Collective, Free. IGNITE THE BOREALIS (MI), THE CLOCKS, CIVIL DAWN, & THE TOPPINGS, (Rock) 9 pm, Shamrock’s Pub & Grill, Contact Shamrock’s for cover charge.
READER RECOMMENDS MAN MAN W/ XENIA RUBINOS, (Indie) 9 pm, Slowdown, $15. HOOKT, 8:30 pm, The Grove, Free. SOUL DAWG!, 9 pm, Two Fine Irishmen, Contact Two Fine Irishmen for cover charge. MIDWEST ELITE CONCERTS PRESENTS: SCREAMFEST, 2 pm, Waiting Room, $8. THE BEL-AIRS, 9 pm, Zoo Bar, $8.
READER RECOMMENDS TIJUANA GIGOLOS, 5 pm, Zoo Bar, Contact the Zoo Bar for cover charge.
HIDDEN AGENDA, (Cover Band) 9 pm, Arena Bar & Grill, FREE. PANOS & SENTENZA, 9 pm, Bar 415, $5. BIG AL’S 50TH BIRTHDAY BASH W/ ARMY OF 2600, 9 pm, Barley Street Tavern, $5. STRAWBERRY BURNS & HALZ AND OATE, 10 pm, Bourbon Theater, $5: 21 and up | $7: 18 and up. SEX IN THE CITY STAR JOHN CORBETT, (Country) 9 pm, Coyote Willy’s, $15. KARAOKE, 8 pm, Firewater Grille, Contact Firewater Grille for cover charges. PLAY!, 8 pm, Holland Performing Arts Center, $19.00 - $70.00.
READER RECOMMENDS THE SUPER SOUNDS OF QUENTIN TARANTINO X KOBRAKYLE X VJ DINAN, (DJ/Electronic) 9 pm, House Of Loom, Free. COME HEAR THE SMOOTH SOUNDS OF SARABANDE, 7 pm, Jazz, A Louisiana Kitchen, Free. THE INNER PARTY, BLUE ANGEL PARTY, DIRTY TALKER, 9 pm, Knickerbockers, Contact Knickerbockers for cover charge. ALL AGES: THESE FRIENDS OF MINE, EVERYTHING GOES, JEAZELPEATS, 6 pm, Knickerbockers, Contact Knickerbockers for cover charge. ECKOPHONIC, 11 am, Loose Moose, Free.
READER RECOMMENDS THE DECATURES W/ THOSE FAR OUT ARROWS, MINT WAD WILLY & CRAZY EYES, (Rock) 8 pm, Louis Bar and Grill, $5. BURKUM BOYS/TOM BROSSEAU/SEAN WATKINS, 9:30 pm, O’Leaver’s Pub, $5. COSMO QUIZ, (Cover Band) 8 pm, OzoNE Lounge at Anthony’s Steakhouse, Free. SOMETHIN’ PECULIAR, RHEOTRIC, VULSAFIRE, & ANDRE, 9 pm, Shamrock’s Pub & Grill, Contact Sham rock’s for cover charge. LOGAN’S RUN, 9 pm, Zoo Bar, Contact the Zoo Bar for cover charge.
ALMOST CLASSY, 8 pm, Bourbon Theater, $5: 21 and up $7: 18 and up. AOTEAROA W/ FUNK TREK, A FEROCIOUS JUNGLE CAT!, (Rock) 9 pm, Duffy’s Tavern, $5. DILEMMA, (Blues) 4 pm, McKenna’s Booze, Blues & BBQ, Free.
OPEN MIC & SONGWRITER SHOWCASE, (Folk/Singer-Song writer) 9 pm, Barley Street Tavern, FREE. FIRST CUT INDUSTRY NIGHT W/DJ KNOWTORIOUS, (DJ/Electronic) 9 pm, House Of Loom, Contact House of Loom for cover charge. BIG BAND MONDAY FEATURING MIKE GURCUILLO AND HIS LAS VEGAS LAB BAND, (Jazz) 6:30 pm, OzoNE Lounge at Anthony’s Steakhouse, FREE. OPEN MIC NIGHT! AT RED9, 8 pm, Red9, Free.
READER RECOMMENDS THE LONELY FOREST W/ CUMULUS, (Indie) 9 pm, Slowdown, $10. WAITING ROOM MUSIC QUIZ, 8 pm, Waiting Room, FREE. PIANO HOUR W/ EMILY BASS, 5 pm, Zoo Bar, contact the Zoo Bar for cover charge. ZOO BAR HOUSE BAND, 7 pm, Zoo Bar, $3.
READER RECOMMENDS LINCOLN CALLING: FUTURE ISLANDS, 9 pm, Bourbon Theater, $8: Advance | $10: Day of Show. ROOK AND THE RAVENS, DAVE LEVERETT, KING THUMPER, 9 pm, Knickerbockers, Contact Knickerbockers for cover charge.
READER RECOMMENDS JOSH HOYER, (Blues) 8 pm, OzoNE Lounge at Anthony’s Steakhouse, Free. ANDREW BELLE W/ NEULORE, (Indie) 8 pm, Slowdown, $10 Advance/$12 Day of show. TODD SNIDER W/ THE COAL MEN, 8 pm, Waiting Room, $20.
DJESSE JUST JACE BURNWON, 9 pm, Bar 415, Free. CRASH & BURN BLUES JAM, (Blues) 6 pm, Barley Street Tavern, Free. LINCOLN CALLING: BOY, 9 pm, Bourbon Theater, $15. LINCOLN CALLING! FEAT. RUSTY MAPLES, POWERS, DIRTY TALKER, GORDON, 9 pm, Duffy’s Tavern, $5. WARPED WAX W/TURNTABLIST CMB, (DJ/Electronic) 8 pm, House Of Loom, Free. CRATE & CRAFT CLUB | JAZZ VINYL W/ANDREW MONSON, (Jazz) 8 pm, House Of Loom, Free. STRAIGHT LINE STITCH, THESE FRIENDS OF MINE, 9 pm, Knickerbockers, Contact Knickerbockers for cover charge.
READER RECOMMENDS LINCOLN CALLING, 6 pm, Zoo Bar, Contact the Zoo Bar for cover charge.
Festive Fall Music
he 21st Saloon celebrates fall with one more outdoor blues event. Thursday, Oct. 10, the bar will have music inside and outside in the expanded beer garden. Hector Anchondo Band kicks things off at 5 p.m. Dallas blues –rockers Jason Elmore & Hoodoo Witch play at 6 p.m. Elmore was voted “Best Blues” artist in the 2012 Dallas Observer Music Awards. Elmore’s new disc Tell You What has been nominated for a Blues Blast Music Award for Best Blues-Rock Album of the Year. Fine vocalist and harmonica player R.J. Mischo makes a long-overdue return to the metro for a 7 p.m. set. Mischo has been playing since the late 1970s and his most recent disc is Make it Good (Delta Groove). Blind Pig Records artist Sena Ehrhardt plays at 8 p.m. She is touring in support of her second Blind Pig release All In, produced by Grammy Award winning producer Jim Gaines whose credits include producing Stevie Ray Vaughan and Luther Allison. The Minnesota-based Ehrhardt was a 2012 Blues Music Award Nominee for Best New Artist and is up for two Blues Blast Music Awards. Zoo Bar Blues: Lincoln’s Zoo Bar has a great doubleheader Friday, Oct. 11, with the Tijuana Gigolos onstage for the 5-7 p.m. show followed by rockin’
blues of The Bel Airs, 9 p.m. The Zoo participates in Lincoln Calling Tuesday, Oct. 15, through Saturday, Oct. 19, with selected shows still happening during the event. Carolyn Wonderland plays the Zoo Saturday, Oct. 19, 6-9 p.m. See lincolncalling.com for the schedule of the multi-band, multi-venue Lincoln Calling music event that celebrates its 10th year this year. There will be a variety of music styles from 100 bands and DJs at 10 venues including the Zoo, Duffy’s and the Bourbon Theatre. Music & Junking: Junkstock returns to a dairy farm near Elkhorn at 315 S. 192nd St. Oct. 11, 12 (9-6) and 13 (10-4). Junkstock offers three days of thrifting, junking and live music with vendors from five states. Musicians performing include Sarah Benck, Matt Cox, Midwest Dilemma, All Young Girls are Machine Guns and Brad Hoshaw. Admission is $5 per day. See junkstockomaha.com. Music & Junking: Omaha Jitterbugs presents Sugar Foot Stomp Thursday, Oct. 10, 8 p.m. at House of Loom with swing dancing to live jazz from Lil’ Harper Six. Catch Matt Cox at Venue 51, 1951 St. Mary’s, Friday, Oct. 11, 9 p.m. with Dirty River Ramblers. Honeyboy Turner Band plays Havana Garage Saturday, Oct. 12, 9 p.m. ,
HOODOO is a weekly column focusing on blues, roots, Americana and occasional other music styles with an emphasis on live music performances. Hoodoo columnist B.J. Huchtemann is a Reader senior contributing writer and veteran music journalist who has covered the local music scene for nearly 20 years. Follow her blog at hoodoorootsblues.blogspot.com.
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hoodoo blues
OCT. 10 - 16, 2013
ravity is really pretty, really smart, really thrilling, really well directed (way to go Alfonso Cuarón!), really well written (you too, Jonás Cuarón!) and really well acted (much love, Sandra Bullock and George Clooney). Go see it, you’ll love it, but let’s put a pin in all that for a minute, mmkay? Everyone is focusing on the kick-ass “real science” that informed Gravity or hotly Twitter-fighting about whether this is “the future of film” or if it technically counts as sci-fi. That’s great. But what stood out most to me was how the film proves we need The Mako Mori Test. I promise to be quick (psst, I’m incapable of being quick): You likely have heard of The Bechdel Test. It is named after a cartoonist who had one of her characters declare she only watches films that (1) have at least two named female characters, (2) who talk to each other (3) about something other than a man. It’s a quick feminist litmus test failed by something like 95% of movies ever made, which is as depressing as the need for the test to exist in the first place. As it turns out, we need another test too.
n As we still patiently await the day when Hollywood realizes that having ladybits doesn’t mean you can’t write, direct and produce spectacular big-time films, we’ll have to make do with Lunafest (lunafest.org). On Thursday Oct 17 at 6 pm, Aksarben Cinema (aksarbencinema.com) will be showing the Lunafest Film Festival, which will not turn you into a werewolf. Get it? Because “luna” means moon and…nevermind. In collaboration with Woodmen of the World, Women’s Center for Entertainment and NRG Media, Aksarben will show this collection of short films by talented women filmmakers. And, oh yeah, 100% of the net proceeds go to charities, including the Breast Cancer Fund and other local community organizations. So you get to see bad-ass films from bad-ass women while making a bad-ass difference. Be there or you’re no bad ass.
Cutting Room provides breaking local and national movie news … complete with added sarcasm. Send any relevant information to film@ thereader.com. Check out Ryan on Movieha!, a weekly half-hour movie podcast (movieha.libsyn.com/rss), catch him on the radio on CD 105.9 (cd1059.com) on Fridays around 7:30 a.m. and on KVNO 90.7 (kvno.org) at 8:30 a.m. on Fridays and follow him on Twitter (twitter. com/thereaderfilm).
OCT. 10 - 16 , 2013
n This will come as a shock to anyone who reads my writing and thinks “that guy is even keeled and non-provocative” but I get into lots of fights on social media. Mostly, I get furious at people who refuse to think critically about race, class and privilege. I lose a lot. But this time, I have Film Streams Ruth Sokolof Theater (filmstreams.org) backing me. On Tuesday Nov 5 at 6:30 pm, the theater is partnering with the Center for Holistic Development to show American Promise, which is about two middle-class African-American boys who attend a private school. The post show panel discussion is sure to talk about things like how insanely messed up it is that there’s still a huge gap in educational achievement and how silly it is that we think “The American Dream” means you get everything you want if you just really try hard and stuff. It will be exactly like one of my Facebook conversations, only nobody will use a gross emoticon. n Also, real quick, Film Streams will be showing that new Alexander Payne movie, Nebraska, for a special one-week engagement starting Friday Nov 15. Not that anybody in this city would want to watch a film from an Oscar-winning native that’s actually named after our state. Yeah, I’d buy tickets early… —Ryan Syrek
After Pacific Rim came out, people noticed that the character Mako Mori was feminist-ly awesome in a movie that spectacularly biffed on all three Bechdel components. Rising from the philosophical ashes of Tumblr, a user named “Chaila” proposed the Mako Mori Test to work “alongside the Bechdel Test.” A passing film must have (1) at least one female character, (2) who gets her own narrative arc (3) that is not about supporting a man’s story. Gravity plays like a 90-minute affirmation of all three. There’s no plot besides what you know: Astronauts Stone (Bullock) and Kowalski (Clooney) are the only characters. When debris destroys their ship while orbiting the earth, it’s a scramble for survival. Blissfully, the famous, handsome male movie star is nothing more than a prop/plot device. This is all about Stone and her spiritual journey back into a life she abandoned when her child died unexpectedly. It’s not even about her actual fight to survive: it’s about her fight to fight to survive. She must shout down the ghosts of her past while convincing herself that life can have meaning again. There’s an easy reading of the film as one that encourages women without children to reject the patriarchal suggestion that they are somehow “less than.” I admit, I didn’t see what others did in terms of “revolutionary” craft here. Cuarón delivers breathtaking visuals but none are outright groundbreaking. Admittedly, his opening continuous shot is so epic and long it feels like he’s showing off, but Stanley Kubrick was messing with that sort of stuff decades ago. Nothing here is new enough to “reinvent cinema,” so shut it down, hyperbolists. But Bullock’s dizzyingly complex performance in a film that is as thrilling as it is culturally resonant does make Gravity something hella special.
Blue Jasmine B+ A show-stopping performance for Cate Blanchett, who shows no signs of stopping. Prisoners B Icky, taut and thrilling, this is the feel-bad movie of the fall! READER RECOMMENDS
Rush B+ A movie based on a true story about a sport we don’t care about that you’ll actually care about!
The Hangover Part II F One can’t physically be drunk enough to make this fun. Iron Man 3 ATurns out, if you have a script, you can make a killer superhero movie. World War Z CAdapted from the book, in that they kept the title. And barely that. Much Ado About Nothing B Joss Whedon made a Shakespeare movie for no reason. I’m okay with that.
Heading Home Gregory excited about Huskers’ trip to Purdue BY MIKE BABCOCK
urdue is next up for the Nebraska football team. And, it’s safe to say, no Husker is more excited about the trip to West Lafayette, Ind., than sophomore defensive end Randy Gregory. “It’s a big week for me,” Gregory said at Nebraska’s weekly news conference on Monday. The reason doesn’t require much research. Gregory went to high school in Fishers, Ind., a suburb of Indianapolis and an hour’s drive from the Purdue campus. In addition, he committed to Purdue out of high school and would be there now had he qualified academically. Because he didn’t qualify, Gregory went to Arizona Western Community College – at the suggestion of Purdue. The other possibility was Iowa Western. The deciding factor was available “scholarship money,” said Gregory. “And they also had a meal plan. So I went there.” He still intended to transfer to Purdue after his first RANDY GREGORY year at Arizona Western. By the end of his second season, however, he had decided Nebraska was the school for him. He and his dad came to Lincoln on an official visit the weekend of the Michigan game last season, and “I wanted to commit on the spot but felt like I wanted to do it the right way,” Gregory said. “I talked to the staff at Purdue and told them how I felt about everything and then committed here. “Lucky for me the (Purdue) staff got fired that same weekend. It kind of made it easier for me.” Lucky for Nebraska, too. The 6-foot-6, 255-pound defensive end has had an immediate impact, to the degree coach Bo Pelini compared his development to that of former Husker linebacker Lavonte David, another junior college transfer who earned All-America recognition his senior season. “Where Randy was after four games is probably ahead of where Lavonte was at that time,” Pelini said on the Monday before the Illinois game. “It didn’t happen for Lavonte right away. It took him a little bit of time. Obviously they play some different positions, but I feel really good about Randy Gregory. I think he is going to be outstanding. There’s a ton more out there for this kid.”
Gregory has started all but the opener and ranks fourth on the team with 25 tackles, including six for losses and a half-sack. He leads the team in quarterback hurries. He has forced a fumble. And he has intercepted a pass, returning it 33 yards for a touchdown. “Really, he came in and he was ready to go,” said defensive line coach Rick Kaczenski, who was familiar with Gregory from recruiting him out of high school while an assistant at Iowa. “Randy’s just got to get more detailed in his job,” Kaczenski said. “You just can’t rely on athletic ability all the time, and I think sometimes he kind of falls into that. We talked about his being a threedown guy, and I think he’s doing a good job of that, getting better in (stopping) the run.” Unlike most junior college transfers, Gregory has three seasons of eligibility. He missed his second season at Arizona Western because of a broken leg, suffered in the team’s opener. Interestingly enough, that’s about the time Nebraska first contacted him. Other major schools contacted him, too, among them UCLA, Washington and Oregon State. He also drew recruiting attention for basketball; such is his athleticism. However, “at the end of the day, I didn’t want to turn down Big Ten football for MAC-level basketball,” he said. Gregory was among the most prominent members of Nebraska’s 2013 recruiting class. Avery Moss, a redshirt freshman defensive end, had heard the hype but was skeptical. When Gregory made his recruiting visit, “he was only like 210 (pounds) at the highest. ‘There’s no way this kid can play D-end,’” said Moss. “But when he came back up here, he was in the 250 range. So I wanted to see what was all the hype about? I think he’s a really good player.” Gregory originally committed to Purdue because of “the history they had at defensive end,” he said. In particular, he was a “big Ryan Kerrigan fan,” he said. Kerrigan, who now plays for the Washington Redskins, was an All-American at Purdue and a firstround NFL draft pick. “I always envisioned myself out there,” Gregory said. In addition, he committed there because of its proximity to home, so that “all my friends and family could see me play.” That’ll be the case on Saturday; hence the excitement. ,
OCT. 10 - 16, 2013
More Bang
merican Exceptionalism: Which is more characteristically American -- that a Texas company could invent an ordinary rifle that mimics a machine gun or that America’s incomparable legal minds could find a loophole in existing antimachine-gun laws to permit it to be manufactured and sold? The Slide Fire company’s weapon can spray bullets “like a fire hose” from a legal, semiautomatic gun by simple application of muscle, yet an official opinion of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives acknowledges that the agency is powerless to regulate it because of the wording in 1934 and 1986 legislation that otherwise restricts private ownership of machine guns. One gun shop owner told London’s Daily Mail in September that the Slide Fire rifle is “not as easy” to use as a machine gun, but still, “(I)t’s fairly idiot-proof.” Fine Points of the Law (1) In July, a New York City judge tossed out Joseph Lozito’s lawsuit against the police -- even though two officers had stood by in February 2011, out of harm’s way, while a man attacked Lozito as part of a four-murder crime spree. The judge ruled that it was not clear enough that Lozito was in danger when the officers began to ignore him (while they were inside a subway motorman’s booth). (2) In September, a federal jury in New York City upheld an employment agency worker’s claim that she (an African-American) was racially harassed by her boss. The supervisor, Rob Carmona, had insisted that he could not be liable for race-based harassment because, he, too, is African-American and thus entitled to use the “n-word.” The Continuing Crisis Busy Being Superheroes: In separate incidents on successive September days, people dressed as Batman and Captain America rescued a cat from a burning house in Milton, W.Va., and Superman came to the aid of Wonder Woman in Hollywood, Calif.
OCT. 10 - 16, 2013
weird news
(The West Virginia pair were performing at a function when they noticed nearby smoke, and Superman and Wonder Woman were posing for tourists’ tips when a passerby got belligerent.) In July, another Superman tackled a shoplifter on the streets of Sheffield, England, where he was appearing at a fundraiser. (However, less elegantly, two Captain Americas and a Spider-Man brawled briefly in May over access to a contested, lucrative Hollywood street corner.) Our Freedom to Doze Off, Now in Danger: The training technology company Mindflash recently revealed a feature for iPads that prevents student inattentiveness during an online course. Facial recognition software notices a user looking away (or, worse, falling asleep) and thus pauses the course at that point until the eager learner re-engages the screen. (Mindflash assured reporters that the program has more serious uses, such as treatment of autism and Alzheimer’s disease.) For people who believe that “rave” parties’ music is too faint, an August event at England’s Liverpool International Music Festival offered a solution: The DaDaFest program featured an ear-crushing sound level especially staged for deaf people’s dancing -- since they can “hear” only by the vibrations saturating their bodies; the nondeaf should bring earplugs. Among the performers: deaf DJ Troi “Chinaman” Lee, who claims he easily feels distinctions in his mix of hip hop, R&B, reggae, dance and electro swing. In an epic failure, according to Madrid’s El Pais newspaper, a 20-story condominium building (“InTempo,” likely the tallest residential edifice in the European Union) in the resort town of Benidorm, Spain, was hastily upsized to a planned 47 stories, but a series of architectural mistakes and developer bankruptcies has left it limping, still 65 percent unsold. Most notably, El Pais discovered in 2012 that the then-current design made it impossible to build an elevator shaft to go past the 23rd floor because of space limitation. (The architects resigned, and unconfident developers were forced to turn to financing from one of the shakier banks in the country’s feeble economy.)
COPYRIGHT 2013 CHUCK SHEPHERD. Visit Chuck Shepherd daily at NewsoftheWeird. blogspot.com or NewsoftheWeird.com. Send Weird News to WeirdNewsTips@yahoo.com or P.O. Box 18737, Tampa, FL 33679. Illustrations by Tom Briscoe (smallworldcomics.com).
Oh, Dear! In a YouTube video, reported by the political website RawStory.com in August, well-known tea party activist Jerome Corsi elaborates on the biblical importance of child-bearing and implores followers to “(hold) the line” on the principle that “(s)ex is about the procreation of children.” “(S)ex is not about fun,” he says. “If you want to have fun, read a book, go to a movie.” Evidently, Surgery Is Kinda Boring: A 36-yearold patient is suing California’s Torrance Memorial Medical Center, claiming that anesthesiologist Patrick Yang decorated her face with stickers while she was unconscious and that an aide took photos for laughs, later allegedly uploading them to Facebook. Dr. Yang and the aide were later disciplined but remained in good standing. Some hospitals (not Torrance Memorial yet) prohibit cellphones in operating rooms at all times. Bright Ideas According to his road manager, pioneer 1970s musician Sly Stone (of Sly and the Family Stone) has a lot of “real interesting ideas,” including once trying to hire “ninja chicks and clowns” for his security entourage. Stone’s latest brainstorm, reported London’s The Guardian in August: form a musical group of albinos, which Stone says “could neutralize all the racial problems” that plague society. “To me,” he said, “albinos are the most legitimate minority group of all.” In the concluding race in September of the Rally de Misiones in Campo Viera, Argentina, it was important for drivers to complete the laps even if they had no chance of winning, but near the end, driver Sebastian Llamosas experienced a throttle malfunction and began coasting, still about a half-mile from the finish line. However, in a move reminiscent of actor Slim Pickens jumping on the atomic bomb in “Dr. Strangelove,” Llamosas’s quick-thinking partner Mauricio Sainz jumped onto the open engine and accelerated the car by hand while Llamosas steered the final distance.
Oops! (1) Klaus Eder, a 25-year veteran team trainer for Germany, working its World Cup soccer qualifier match with Austria on Sept. 8, had a rough time despite the players’ 3-0 win. Rushing onto the pitch during the game to treat player Marcel Schmelzer, Eder first tore a muscle in his left leg and then, as he fell to the ground, broke a finger. (Schmelzer’s injury was comparatively minor.) (2) Dallas police officer Antonio Quintanilla was the victim in an August incident, but handled it by the book -- even though what the perp had done was urinate off a balcony at 3 a.m., onto Quintanilla’s head. (Because the bladder-reliever did not know that Quintanilla was a cop, he was given a nonarrest citation.) Quintanilla also calmly helped a colleague investigate the crime scene -- locating the “wet and humid areas where the urine had fallen,” according to the police report. Perverts on Parade A 35-year-old man was charged with sexual assault in Solvesborg, Sweden, in July, for allegedly following a 50-year-old woman home, apparently intending to flash her. After she made it safely inside before he could expose himself, she noticed some noise at the front door and found that the man had stuck his penis through the door’s mail slot. A News of the Weird Classic (December 2008) One of the world’s best-known strategists on the game of checkers passed away in November (2008). Richard Fortman was Illinois state champion six times and in the 1970s and 1980s published a seven-volume handbook on rules and tactics. Many people now considering the game would be astonished to know that, as in chess, there are masters and grandmasters, international rankings, that experts actually study historical opening moves and endgames, and that some play, move-by-move, via the U.S. Mail. A New York Times obituary noted that Fortman played as many as 100 games simultaneously, and won games blindfolded. Until the end, according to his daughter, Fortman spent “hours each day” playing checkers online. ,
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weird news
OCT. 10 - 16, 2013
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OCT. 10 - 16, 2013
ay goodbye to the Sun and hello to Mr. Moon. The night of the year starts soon. All things of culture are born at night. This year, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aries is next Friday, the 18th. In three short days after that, Mercury will move retrograde for 3 weeks. Get as much done as possible before then, and be prepared (for the need) to keep your sense of humor. More clues next week… That’s the rumor. Peace and love shall conquer all. There are no mistakes. Our earlier, so-called “mistakes” provide the vocabulary for our creativity. —MOJOPOPlanetPower.com g LIBRA (9.22-10.21) “I AM BEAUTIFUL.” It’s your time to shine! You’re here to share the music that is your life. You have to attune to and make music with one other before you can play ensemble. Your ruler Venus just entered fun-loving, philosophical, optimistic, adventuresome, gregarious Sagittarius, in your 3rd House. Wouldn’t you love a short little trip with someone special? Who came to mind? Who do you love? Who are you wintering with? Who is it you want to “kith”? h SCORPIO (10.22-11.20) “I AM DESIRE.” Take care of it now! Mercury retrogrades in your sign in one short week and a half, moving from the middle of Scorpio back to the beginning — suggesting that you pause and review all of the month so far. What happened around the 8th will show up again around the 29th, and (hopefully) be resolved by Thanksgiving week, with the 3 times that Mercury kisses Saturn affecting your outlook on (your) maturity. Now, get back to business… i SAGITTARIUS (11.21-12.20) “I AM FREEDOM.” You’ve got a little psych test coming up next week, when next we speak. After the 21st, you’ll have 3 short weeks (Mercury retrograde in your 12th House of Scorpio) to figure it out in time for your/another (BIG!) domestic situation to likewise come/fall apart at the seams, as your ruler Jupiter retrogrades in your 8th House of other people’s money on November 7th. Perhaps it tran$late$ a$ money to fix $omething around the pad? Think of the Mercury retrograde on the 21st as a/the pop quiz. j CAPRICORN (12.21-1.18) “I AM STABILITY.” Check out Scorpio (above) for your timetable (of love — or is it “just sex”?). When/if you’re dealing with a Scorpio, lest you forget; they invented revenge, they are the strongest — yet the weakest — of all signs, they are enigmatic and hypnotic, and they are totally consumed by anything magique — including your love. If you love them and they you, then they’ll do anything for you. k AQUARIUS (1.19-2.17) “I AM HUMANITY.” You should unexpectedly enter the arena around lunchtime on Saturday the 12th, as the Moon enters Aquarius ’til Moonday afternoon. The Sun’s transiting your 9th House of higher education and travel. Perhaps a trip for educational purposes? Maybe you’re supposed to fall in love…and if you’re already in love, maybe they need a break too, before the seasons shift and take over? Use it/’em before you lose it/’em. l PISCES (2.18-3.19) “I AM ALL LIFE — NO I’M NOT.” That statement can be taken in 2 ways — just
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planet power
like everything (else) in your life. The emphasized Moon moves into Pisces on Moonday afternoon and then opposes Mars, which is entering your opposite sign of Virgo, in which it will be sojourning ’til December 7th. Beware of anything mechanical, and any weapons, fires and tools that can cause accidents. Maybe you’ll fall in love with a fiery redhead? Maybe you are a fiery redhead? The odds are 50/50… a ARIES (3.20-4.18) “I AM A/THE HEAD.” Mars moves out of regal Leo into legal (brownies?) Virgo on Tuesday, the 15th. Time to put what you’ve learned/ surmised/gathered from the higher-ups since September into play in your everyday world, to work on until they call you back up to the BIG HOUSE once again. You know they will…and they’re always so thrilled and gratified when they know someone (you?) actually listened to ’em. b TAURUS (4.19-5.19) “I AM LOVE.” Please read Scorpio. With you, it’ll either show up as opposition or partnerships. Is there a sexy Scorpio out there that “trips your trigger”? As a Taurus, you are an earthy Scorpio, and they’re a watery Taurus. Both of you are like squirrels who will do anything to “get your nut”! Can I get an “amen”? Well then, ask your friends. They’ll let you know what the MOJO knows, and I just told you so. c GEMINI (5.20-6.19) “I AM THOUGHT/COMMUNICATION.” Mercury, your ruler, is retrograding in Scorpio (please read Scorpio for your tempo) from the 21st ’til November 10th. Study life and death — before they knock on your door to study you. When you answer the door, look death in the eye and ask ’em what they want. That’ll get their respect. ’Cuz “cryin’ won’t help ya. Prayin’ won’t do you no good.” (From “When the Levee Breaks.”) d CANCER (6.20-7.21) “I AM FEELING.” Hide ’til the Moon enters Aquarius late on Saturday (the 12th) morning. Do something unexpected for a change. Don’t tell anybody about it before you do it. Why? ’Cuz the easiest way to lose/waste energy is from out of your mouth. Kick major booty, sailor, on the Full Moon in Aries on the 18th, and for the following 3 days. I’ll explain why next week, when next we speak. e LEO (7.22-8.21) “I AM ALL-PERVADING BRILLIANCE.” Well, you’ve taught us like the little children we all are — compared to your magnificence, Your Magnificence. In your mind, you must let the children now go their way (Mars moves out of Leo and into Virgo). It won’t do them any good for you to live their lives correctly for them. All you/we can do is love them, feed them and then send ’em out into the world… It’s all very beautiful — when it works. f VIRGO (8.22-9.21) Well, here comes Mars. Whenever Mars is involved/transiting, one should wear red to get ahead and green to remain serene. Please read Gemini, above. Then read Scorpio; the sign of the mysteries of life and death, sex and regeneration, within which Mercury will be retrograding, starting on October 21st. Take care of as much as possible before then, and then make sure your communications are succinct — especially with your relatives, brothers and sisters (3rd House) — and expect to redirect and keep your sense of humor. ,
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