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“Cut & Paste” Your Way to $1,000 a Week Online Promoting Best Selling ClickBank Affiliate Products Through LowCost eBay Classified Ads.

by Avril Harper™ Chartered MCIPD, Dip PM


“Cut & Paste” Your Way to $1,000 a Week Online Promoting Best Selling ClickBank Affiliate Products Through Low-Cost eBay Classified Ads. Copyright Avril Harper™ - March 2010 All information is provided in good faith and is accurate to the best of our knowledge. This document is for information purposes only and does not impart legal or financial advice to readers who must consult their own legal and professional advisors before spending money or taking action of any kind based on operating a business such as outlined in this document. No part of this course can be copied by any means whatsoever in part or total without the express written permission of the copyright holder. It is the reader’s responsibility to ascertain and abide by local, national and international legal, moral and ethical issues. Every effort has been made to accurately describe and represent this product and its profit and reliability potential. However the author and publisher offer no guarantee that you will make money using the ideas and principles contained in this book. Business profits vary between individuals and are commensurate with time, effort, energy, and due diligence expended by the individual into any business venture, including that mentioned in this book. This book does not ‘work’ for readers, it is readers themselves who make a business work and readers themselves you provide whatever energy, effort, time, capital and work that is required to run any business including that mentioned in this book. This book and other reports and back up advice and assistance accompanying this book must not be interpreted as a promise or guarantee that you will make money in the business mentioned in this book.


Contents Introduction


What You Also Need to Know About eBay Classified Ads.


eBay Classified Ad. Listing Categories


Controversy Over Selling Off-the-Page Through eBay Classified Ads.


Introducing ClickBank


Why Selling ClickBank Products as an Affiliate Might Sometimes Be Better than Having Your Own Exclusive Products at ClickBank


Important Pointers for Choosing Affiliate Products at ClickBank


ClickBank Statistics and How They Can Explode Your Affiliate Earnings


Using eBay Classified Ads. to Promote Affiliate Products at ClickBank


Title – The Most Important Component of a Successful eBay Classified Ad.


Researching Keywords For Your Title


How to Begin Listing Your Classified Ad.


Selling a ClickBank Affiliate Product Off-the-Page


Grow a Mailing List Using eBay Classified Ads.


Sign Up Techniques


Technical Aspects of Growing a Mailing List Using eBay Classified Ads.


How to Incorporate A Sign Up Box Into Your Classified Ad.



Introduction There’s a little known way to make money on eBay that has nothing to do with constantly sourcing and listing new products; it has nothing to do with auctions, and very little to do with actually selling on eBay. It’s called ‘eBay Classifieds’ and it’s one of the most powerful ways to turn a tiny investment into a massive money-maker whether you are an eBay seller, affiliate marketer, or someone whose product or service until now has been sold entirely offline! eBay Classified Ads. are quite unlike any other method of selling on eBay, primarily because they do not actually involve selling on eBay. Instead they were designed by eBay to generate leads (potential buyers) for sales that will eventually take place outside of eBay. That said, however, eBay’s intentions have little in common with how people are actually using Classified Ads. on eBay, as you will shortly discover. The usual perception of ‘classified ads.’ is those small promotions commonly found towards the back of print newspapers and magazines, and they look much like this:

Illustration One _________________ HAIRDRESSERS _________________ Hair Extensions. Best and Cheapest Service in Town. For appointment phone: Mobile Hairdressing Service. Phone xxxx for details.

That definition is only partially accurate because the name ‘classified’ actually derives from the fact these small advertisements feature together in specific ‘classifications’ or categories, such as ‘Hairdressers’, ‘Property for Sale’, ‘Personal’, and so on.


Offline classified ads are usually text based and lacking graphics, they are rarely longer than twenty words, typically they’re priced by the word, and overwhelmingly you will find them squashed alongside sometimes hundreds of competing ads. By comparison, eBay Classified Ads. are big and bold, they can include hundreds of words and many illustrations, and they are not priced by wordcount. Like most of their offline counterparts, eBay Classified Ads. are categorised (that is classified) by product or service type in specific eBay selling categories and, also like classifieds in print publications, they can, and according to eBay’s rules they should be used to invite readers to contact the advertiser for more information about whatever is being promoted.

Illustration Two A typical eBay Classified Ad. looks like this:

Notice the high price for this particular product and compare it to the small cost of listing the ad., currently just under $10 for 30 days exposure, compared to a similar offline promotion that might require a full page or more space in print newspapers and cost many thousands of dollars.


Illustration Three From eBay search returns Classified Ads. look like this:

As you can see, eBay’s Classified Ads. look every bit like a typical eBay listing, be it Auction, Buy It Now, Shop or other traditional eBay selling format. Notice several low ‘prices’ involved in the last illustration, many for products of obviously far higher value, indicating these listings are almost certainly designed to get people to sign up to a mailing list to receive more information about these and other products in future. Note: Under eBay rules you must specify a price in your listing, even if the product is actually a free report, but you are not obliged to charge for the product.


What You Also Need to Know About eBay Classified Ads. * eBay Classified Ads. are highly targeted and very responsive. That’s because people searching for products by keying words into eBay’s search engine are actively seeking items such as you are promoting through eBay Classified Ads. That makes them many times more likely to purchase the recommended product than another person buying a daily newspaper to keep updated on current affairs who merely passes time reading advertisements in his chosen publication. * Online or off the Internet these small classified ads. are rarely used to sell products straight off-the-page except for very low price items. Selling offthe-page means getting people to send money based on information and contact details contained in the ad., to sellers they don’t know and may never get to meet or speak to in person. Buying off-the-page demands a lot of trust, in seller and product, and very few people will send hundreds or thousands of dollars to someone they don’t know for a product described in twenty words or less, which they don’t get to see until it arrives at their door! eBay Classified Ads. are much larger by comparison, meaning they tend to respond better to off-the-page selling than their offline counterparts, and they can generate off-the-page orders just minutes after they appear online. However, as you’ll soon discover, eBay Classifieds can be much more profitably used to grow a mailing list for even bigger profits further down the line. More about this later. A minority of sellers disagree with the idea of growing a mailing list of people who might buy later, they say it’s more profitable to sell direct from a classified ad. and thereby grow a buyers’ only database. The argument goes something to the effect that free reports lead to mailing lists being top heavy in curiosity seekers and freebie enthusiasts who will generally waste more of a seller’s time than will ever be recouped in sales to those people. I have sympathy with the argument about avoiding time wasters, I agree a buyers’ list will always outweigh a list of potential buyers, but somewhere in


the marketing process we have to get people to trust us enough to send that first order and I believe offering free and low cost reports to grow a mailing list is the very best way to accomplish that objective. The simple fact is very few people like to send money to people they don’t know and don’t yet trust and given the choice most people will bypass unknown sellers and place their order with someone they’ve already bought from and trust. That’s where list building comes into the picture by letting you offer incentives for people to sign up to your mailing list. From there you grow a relationship with your list members and get them to trust you day by day. Over the weeks and months ahead you email them, offering advice, answering questions, and occasionally promoting products and recommending they buy. ‘Occasionally’ means not marketing aggressively to people on your list and never letting it appear that making money is the sole reason for your emails – even if it is! The astute email marketer places content above profit in his emails, he provides useful advice for people on his list, he answers questions and gets list members to trust him, and only when that trust if achieved does he throw the odd promotional email into the pot. * eBay Classified Ads. frequently promote products not already available or not otherwise allowed to be sold on eBay. A good example is digital downloads, such as eBooks and software applications which are banned from traditional eBay listings, with the exception of Classified Ads. on eBay.com. * Although Classified Ads. feature on .com and .co.uk sites, overwhelmingly it’s the USA site you should use to sell ClickBank products off-the-page or to generate a mailing list for affiliate products or to promote your own eBooks and downloadable packages. That’s because, as well as digital items in general, affiliate promotions are also banned from sale on eBay.com and .co.uk, again in all but the Classified Advertising sections of eBay.com. Additionally, given that the vast majority of affiliate products are priced in dollars anyway, and geared largely towards the American market, Classified


Ads. on eBay.com will be seen by millions of people in the USA as well as reaching a massive audience outside America. Not forgetting, of course, this book focuses on promoting ClickBank products through eBay Classified Ads. ClickBank products are typically priced in dollars though recently the company made provision for all sales to feature other currency price alternatives. Literally tens of thousands of many different product types and subjects are available at ClickBank, combined with a company that’s second to none for high standards of customer care. Using ClickBank you’ll never run out of quality products to promote on eBay and through subsequent back end selling outside the auction site, and you’ll always have backing from one of the world’s biggest and best marketplaces for digital products. * Using Classified Ads you are not effectively selling on eBay so feedback does not apply. This is a major benefit for people selling products renowned for generating undeserved negative or neutral feedback, such as business opportunities, diet and exercise products, gambling plans and adult products, where buyer expectations sometimes exceed product capability. A good example is a book that shows how to make money fast on eBay, which as most intelligent people know is an entirely achievable objective, but if the buyer lacks commitment or does not read the instructions properly he ends up losing money. The buyer’s to blame but the seller gets the negative, except for sales taking place through eBay Classified Ads. Another example is a diet plan buyer who expects to shed weight faster than is humanly possible and blames the seller if it doesn’t happen. Last, but not least, the gambling book buyer might expect to win every bet from now to forever and will be quickly disappointed with his purchase and may begin hassling the seller. * eBay Classified Ads. cost very little compared to their enormous profit potential. An eBay Classified Advertisement can solicit sales of million dollar yachts and houses or might grow an immense mailing list for high price repeat sale consumer goods. Or, in our case, just one Classified Ad. can grow a mailing list for hundreds of other ClickBank products later, alongside products from other affiliate companies, or perhaps your own exclusive titles. Whatever the product, one-off or repeat selling potential, ongoing profits can be many thousand times more than the tiny price charged for an eBay Classified Ad.


* eBay Classified Ads. offer wide coverage at much lower cost than typically advertising in offline media. For example, the smallest classified advertisement in a national daily newspaper can cost thousands of dollars for just one day. When the newspaper is discarded, usually the same day, your eBay Classified Ad. costing just a few dollars is still up and running and attracting visitors several weeks later. * Any mistakes made in offline classifieds can take weeks to amend and cause enormous loss for your business. Make a mistake in an eBay Classified Ad. and you can change it any time of day or night, literally in minutes, without outside help. * Because eBay Classified Ads. promote off eBay sales, there are no final selling fees to eat heavily into your profits, even from high price products such as rare antiques and collectibles or high value ClickBank products with repeat commission potential.


eBay Classified Ad. Listing Categories Let us take a close look at the specific selling categories available at two of the world’s biggest eBay sites, namely the USA and UK. As you can see, although many eBayers promote information products through eBay Classified Ads., there’s potential to sell literally millions of different products and services through the high profile, long lasting, low cost medium of eBay Classified Advertising. In this book we focus mainly on selling ClickBank products on eBay.com, from which you can gain experience for listing other information products as owner or affiliate, before branching later into marketing many different product and service types through eBay Classified Ads. eBay’s UK site is mentioned here because currently some listings are free of charge and have potential to drive traffic to Classified Ads. placed on the American site. First let’s study what categories apply to eBay Classified Advertising on eBay.com and ebay.co.uk

eBay.com These are some of the categories currently allowing classified ads on eBay.com:

Websites and Businesses for Sale Banner Ads, Email, Online Radio, Television Text Links Other Advertising Inventory Home-based Businesses Dating Jewelry Pet Supplies Travel Other Entertainment Hosting Portals, Search Other Internet Businesses Manufacturing


Marketing Patents, Trademarks Retail, General Stores Service Businesses Vending, Coin-op Wholesale Trade and Distribution Other

Travel Cruises Lodging Vacation Packages Other Travel

Specialty Services Everything Else Advertising Opportunities eBay User Tools Funeral and Cemetery Caskets Cemetery Plots Information Products Memberships Impressions, Ad Space

eBay.co.uk Currently in the UK eBay Classified Ads. can be placed under:

Cars, Parts & Vehicles Aircraft Narrowboats/Canalboats Power Boats Sailing Boats Caravans Cars Classic Cars


Agricultural Vehicles Lorries/Trucks Minibuses/ Buses/ Coaches Taxis Vans/Pickups Motorcycles & Scooters Other Vehicles

Business, Office & Industrial Farm Implements & Equipment Antique Tractors Saws Woodworking Forklifts Modern Tractors Metalworking Equipment Construction Lifting Metalworking/Milling

Local Services Artistic & Photographic Babysitting Car & Vehicle Courier & Delivery Services eBay Services Events & Parties Health & Beauty Tradesmen & Household IT/Web/Communication Nannies & Au Pairs Pet-Related Professional & Business Removals & Storage Other Local Services

Home & Garden Residential Property


Controversy Over Selling Off-the-Page Through eBay Classified Ads. Of all the ambiguities, inaccuracies and misunderstandings proliferating on eBay today, it’s those concerning selling off-the-page and linking to outside sales pages via eBay Classified Ads. that cause the greatest confusion. Officially eBay’s rules say you are not allowed to link to any outside site offering products for sale. Contradicting themselves, the company says linking is however acceptable under certain circumstances, or as eBay puts it: “eBay allows sellers to place only certain types of links within an item description. A link is any mechanism used to take a member off of the eBay site, whether static or clickable. This applies to any format used for a link that includes but is not limited to, text, images, logos or icons. (Source: http://pages.ebay.com/help/policies/listing-links.html) Permitted links include: • •

One link to a page that further describes the item being sold in that listing One link to your email address that opens an email client for potential buyers to ask questions about the item in that listing. (Avril Harper – Some eBay staff told myself and colleagues that ‘email client’ means email addresses linked to users’ eBay accounts, other members told us ‘email client’ means any email address, including email address service suppliers such as aWeber and Constant Contact!) Links to photos of the item for sale. (Avril Harper – such as a link to a photograph of whatever you want to sell with your affiliate ID embedded behind the graphic? I wonder?) Links to your eBay Store or Half.com listings (Avril Harper– where perhaps you can offer a report on CD that promotes the product featured in your classified ad.?) Links to your Store newsletter and mailing list names are permitted, provided that your inclusion of the mailing list names does not constitute keyword spamming or violate any other eBay policy Links to your “Add to My Favorite Sellers and Stores” page

15 • • • •

Links to your About Me page (in addition to the About Me icon already provided by eBay) Links to your eBay Blog page Links to your eBay My World page Links that provide credits to third parties.

Non-permitted links include, but are not limited to: •

• • •

Links to websites or pages that offer to trade, sell or purchase goods or services outside of eBay. This applies whether it is a static URL or an active link. Links to sites that solicit eBay User IDs, passwords or email addresses from buyers Links that encourage buyers to place their eBay bids through a site other than eBay Links to subscribe to newsletters or mailing lists hosted outside-ofeBay. (Avril Harper – very specific but does this apply to eBay Classified Ads? Some experts, also some eBay staff suggest eBay Classified Ads. are exempt!)”

Because Classified Ads. lead ultimately to sales outside of eBay, this would suggest PayPal buttons are banned from Classified Ads., along with affiliate links that lead directly to product sales pages, such as the sales page for a ClickBank product, for example, and what ClickBank call a ‘Pitch Page’ which you’ll learn more about later. Unfortunately, no one, currently not even eBay staff will say for certain that PayPal buttons and direct affiliate links are banned from eBay Classified Ads. I know that for certain because I’ve asked the question of eBay staff and outside eBay experts, and I’ve searched blogs and forums and found no definite answer.


Remarkably a large number of eBay Classified Ads. do in fact contain PayPal buttons and direct links to outside eBay sales pages. This suggests the practice is within eBay’s rules or that eBay is turning a blind eye to the problem, or maybe they lack courage to withdraw thousands of listings and decimate a major source of income.


Introducing ClickBank ClickBank is the world’s leading and, to my mind, the world’s most reliable affiliate network. I recommend ClickBank without reservation. Opening an affiliate account costs nothing; once you begin listing your products to sell on ClickBank you will be asked to pay a one-time fee of around $50. Let me show you how to open your ClickBank affiliate account. Remember you will not be charged for this account. To sign up go to www.clickbank.com or click on the following link: http://www.clickbank.com First page you see will be this:

Illustration Four

Click on ‘Sign Up’ here. Next page you see will be this:


Illustration Five

Fill in your personal details down the page. If you don’t have a web site yet, leave this section blank. If you do have a web site be sure to include the ‘http://’ prefix which I omitted from my first application and was later asked to correct my mistake. Next you have to choose a Nickname – if your choice is already taken you will be asked to choose again - then scroll further down the page until you reach this:


Illustration Six

Tick the box to receive communications from ClickBank, they’re always packed with useful information. Now read the conditions just below the box you ticked, then click to ‘Submit’. ClickBank will then send you an email to the address used in your sign up form. There will be a code in the email which you must insert to validate your application at the site you are taken to through the email. Subsequently you will be told your account has been approved and you will be given a password to access it. Make a note of your Nickname and Password and keep it safe where no one else can find it. Now you can close your ClickBank account and log into it any time you like. You log in like this: Go to http://www.clickbank.com This is what you see next:


Illustration Seven

Click here which brings you to this:


Illustration Eight

Add your Nickname to the top box and your Password to the bottom box. They must be exactly as given to you by ClickBank. So if a letter is shown in CAPITALS by ClickBank that is how it must appear in the Login procedure. Click ‘Login’ and you’ll be taken inside your account. So many affiliates consider ClickBank THE world's most important affiliate site, mainly because the company keeps a tight rein on what products are allowed on their site and will quickly remove any product or vendor that falls short of the company's very high standards of quality control and customer care. But there are other reasons also why big earners turn to ClickBank when seeking new affiliate products as well as for selling their own digital download items. The main reason is that ClickBank has been around for several years, they know how the digital product business works, they understand what affiliates and product owners want from a professional affiliate company and they work very hard to achieve and exceed that standard.


ClickBank is reliable, user friendly, and boasts never to have missed a scheduled payment to affiliates or product owners; I know that's true for at least eight years of the company's existence. Moreover, their customer service for affiliates, product owners, buyers and enquirers is second to none; when you need help you ask for it and you can expect an answer within twenty four hours, sometimes much less. And it's this aspect of genuinely caring for affiliates and vendors that brings the highest accolades for ClickBank because, unlike many other major companies, this one actually sends personal answers to whatever questions are asked and you'll never be fobbed off with autoresponder messages or referred to the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) section because human beings are not inclined to help. However, there are two main problem areas which new affiliates should know about that are inherent to the ClickBank system and have quick and simple solutions. Firstly, ClickBank pays in US dollars no matter where in the world affiliate and product owners live. This means recipients without US dollar accounts must pay banks to convert their dollars to local currency, British Pounds, for example, or Euros. The problem of sorts is that many banks charge the same high fee to convert US dollars to local currency, regardless of dollar value. In the UK, for instance, banks charge about ÂŁ8 for the conversion - about 16 US Dollars - whether your ClickBank check is for $100 or $20,000. Thankfully there's a simple, easy option provided by ClickBank itself, in that affiliates and vendors can set their accounts to release payment only when a specific - usually high - level is achieved, such as $5,000, $10,000, or more. Don't ever worry about not being paid, no matter how high commissions go, the company has proved its reliability, and this one simple step slashes the banks' share of your hard-earned cash. The other problem few newcomers know about is the ease with which ClickBank commissions can be hijacked by unethical affiliates. It works like this: when an affiliate receives a mailing about some new product sourced by you, he or she will recognise the affiliate component of the destination url, and some will substitute their own affiliate nickname for yours and rob you of your commissions for sourcing the product. So instead of up to 75 per cent of the product price making its way into your affiliate account, the


unscrupulous affiliate will pay full price for the product and have 75 per cent bounce back to his own affiliate account. There is little you can do to prevent experienced affiliates participating in this practice but two alternative solutions present themselves: * It's mainly business opportunity seekers and online marketers who understand the ClickBank hoplink, which makes it good sense to target buyers outside the business opportunity field. So instead of always targeting business opportunity enthusiasts, try selling instead to hobbyists wanting craftwork ideas, sports men and women seeking training plans, dog owners needing help to train their unruly pets, young men and women wanting information about dating, parents seeking advice to prevent their child from being bullied, and generally to people having little interest in affiliate marketing. * Offer gifts and bonus items to everyone ordering through your affiliate link, and make the bonus items available solely from you. Get buyers to email you after ordering, ask them to provide their ClickBank order transaction number, then email back with the download link for the bonus items. If the bonus items are good, most people will order through your link, even affiliates who might otherwise steal your profits for themselves!


Why Selling ClickBank Products as an Affiliate Might Sometimes Be Better than Having Your Own Exclusive Products at ClickBank With commissions as high at 75 per cent, the vast majority of ClickBank products generate higher earnings for affiliates than for actual product owners. Which leads many people to ask: “Why bother creating your own products when you can earn more as an affiliate?”, to which all successful affiliates will reply: * It takes weeks/months/years to create your own products; it takes just minutes to find and begin promoting a hugely profitable affiliate product. * The creator is never really sure his product will make money commensurate with whatever time, investment and energy that person spends bringing his product to market. Conversely, affiliates can check ClickBank statistics and seconds later be all but certain that a product will sell and attract high commissions, with few refunds. You find this information in the statistics accompanying product titles within ClickBank’s main marketplace. We’ll talk more about this later. * Affiliates can move quickly between products, as markets and trends change, for example, and it’s very easy to promote literally hundreds of different products concurrently. Product creators, on the other hand, generally take months to add new products to ClickBank, they’re never sure those products will sell, and they face high competition from other creators of similar products. * Creators must forever be dreaming up new product ideas and seeking gaps in the market at Clickbank and hoping their potential product will reach the market before a similar competing product beats them to it.


The first product to fill an obvious gap in the market will attract heavy interest from affiliates and could lead to early market saturation and slim pickings for subsequent rival creations. So you see, it’s usually best to begin promoting ClickBank products as an affiliate, from which to learn about marketing, and use that experience to create and promote your own unique products later.


Important Pointers for Choosing Affiliate Products at ClickBank At ClickBank there’s more to choosing products than just checking affiliate commissions. You need to know how well the vendor’s web site converts to sales, for example, and whether links or other features at the site might innocently, or deliberately, rob you of your affiliate commissions. Most important of all: * You should avoid sales pages with too many outgoing links that might detract the visitor from ordering through your affiliate link. For example, AdSense promotions on the product vendor’s site are a big problem for affiliates, because once your visitor clicks on an AdSense link earning commission for the ClickBank product owner, that potential buyer could be gone forever and with him your ClickBank commission. Testimonials can also lead to potential buyers leaving the page for alternative sites promoting products that don’t generate commission for you. Incidentally, although most testimonials are entirely up front and honest, I have seen others where the active link to a testimonial provider’s site is designed to generate commission sales of higher price products than whatever you are promoting and affiliates are being used purely to drive traffic – without reward – to all of those other products. * Offers of free reports and gifts at the vendor’s site to join the ClickBank vendor’s list do not always include your affiliate link. If there is no affiliate link in the report, your recommendations will benefit the site owner, not you. I recommend you personally join the list to check your link is included in the report or ask the site owner to create another page just for you without the sign up offer. * Invitations to download free reports or join a mailing list before buying the product might earn you commission, but you’ll lose control of many more names than will actually become buyers for the product concerned.


Once signed up to another person’s list, those who bought and those who did not buy on this occasion, can be targeted regularly by that other person for products similar to those you might also be selling, and effectively losing money for you. Unless commissions are really high and preferably ongoing, I recommend you avoid products with sign up pages or other name gathering devices. * Avoid sites with multiple payment options, other than ClickBank and PayPal-incorporated ClickBank links. Other options, including independent PayPal buttons, may mean you won’t get commissions on sales to your visitors. * Go for goods and services that interest you as a buyer or enthusiast. It’s a well-known fact that selling products and services for which you are an actual or potential customer yourself, benefits you as a seller, both increasing your own enthusiasm in the product as well as helping you pass that enthusiasm to others. * Go for high commission items over items of similar quality with lower rewards. That’s because it’s actually just as easy to sell a high priced item as something costing just a few pounds. * Go for unusual or highly specialized items where you effectively become one of a handful of sellers worldwide. * Choose niche markets over general markets. Niche markets are those where buyers and sellers share closely defined interests, such as entering consumer competitions, collecting antique teddy bears, buying business opportunity books, and so on. General markets, on the other hand, are those where potential buyers share numerous interests, say good food and drink, holidays abroad, selecting Christmas gifts for family and friends. Niche markets, by their very nature, comprise people known to be one hundred per cent interested in most products and services related to their shared interest. * Choose products with repeat commissions and high back-end sales potential, where acquiring a customer from just one eBay Classified Ad. can mean selling to that person many times in future.


* Check that products and services are legal and acceptable in all your target areas. For example, gambling and alcohol are illegal in some countries, and advertising is subject to more stringent rules and regulations in some parts of the world, and so on. So advertising material that is entirely suited to say, the American market, might well be banned in another country, or vice versa. * Choose generous commissions over token rewards, especially where products are also in high demand.


ClickBank Statistics and How They Can Explode Your Affiliate Earnings ClickBank gives lots of advice to help product owners and affiliates increase their earnings but, sadly, some of that information can also cause big problems for inexperienced sellers. Statistics featured beneath products listed in ClickBank’s Marketplace cause most confusion, but they are actually easy to understand and have the biggest impact on growing your commissions at ClickBank. ClickBank tells us: “In the Marketplace products are ranked by their ‘productivity score’. To preserve the integrity of the system we do not publish the formula for the score, or the score itself, but we can say that it is a function of these factors:” Those statistics look like this: $/sale: $46.08 | Future $: - | Total $/sale: $46.08 | %/sale: 75.0% | %refd: 70.0% | grav: 313.00


Illustration Nine

You’ll see statistics just below product details as shown here. They mean this: $/sale – This is the average net amount earned by the affiliate for each sale of the product in question. Future – This represents future potential earnings for affiliates for the product in question. Future earnings may come from additional products at the site and from future earnings from repeat payment products such as membership sites. Total $/sale – This represents the sum of all initial sales and later payments such as from repeat payment products. %/sale – This indicates the percentage of sale price received by affiliates, after ClickBank commissions are deducted. It ranges from single figure amounts to 75 per cent commission. But big isn’t always best and low affiliate commissions on high conversion products can generate better income than high percentage affiliate deals on poor selling products.


%refd – This is the percentage of a vendor’s product sales that are referred by affiliates. Some products are promoted exclusively by affiliates, presenting benefits and disadvantages the new affiliate should consider. Products promoted exclusively by affiliates, partnered by a high gravity score, are always worth considering, unlike other affiliate only promotions with low gravity scores which mean few affiliates are promoting those products. The latter might indicate products created purely for affiliate driven sales and may also imply the product owner lacks faith or inclination to market his own product. Low gravity affiliate only products might suggest the creator has not adequately pre-market tested the product. Grav – Gravity - Relates to number of affiliates actually earning commissions from the product in question. The higher the figure, generally the greater the number of affiliates marketing the product. The higher the number, the greater the competition might be for affiliates newly promoting the product concerned. However, those higher figures also indicate the product is popular with affiliates and is probably converting well from visits to actual commissions. Heavy competition is a problem primarily for affiliates sharing much the same marketing methods, such as Pay-Per-Click and ezine advertising. High gravity scores impact little on affiliates using unusual or unique marketing methods such as creating their own free reports to grow a mailing list to promote the product via eBay Classified Ads.


Using eBay Classified Ads. to Promote Affiliate Products at ClickBank First of all you need to find a suitable product to sell, preferably one from vendors providing images, articles and other marketing materials to save you having to spend time creating your own. You can choose a product by visiting www.clickbank.com, and then click on ‘Marketplace’ top of the screen. You can choose your subject and product based on personal preference, product gravity and popularity, competition for the same or similar products being promoted through eBay Classified Ads., also by whatever marketing materials are provided for affiliates, and so on. Once you’ve chosen you need to create a folder on your desktop to store images of the product and other marketing materials provided by your ClickBank vendor, and it’s also a good idea to open a Word file containing your affiliate url and ideas you have for marketing your chosen product. You’ll also need keywords and phrases that people searching eBay might use to find your product and you’ll also need a title and description for your eBay listing. Most of these are available from ClickBank vendors, either specially provided for affiliates, or sometimes you can download the appropriate items from the product owner’s sales pages (you should always ask permission to use items from sales pages). ClickBank offers products from many difference niches, including health and beauty, business opportunities, family and home, social, educational, and so on. So you really could sell hundreds of different ClickBank products concurrently through eBay Classified Ads., as well as generating leads for mailing lists covering all manner of niche market and mass appeal subjects. Let me give you a few quick examples of how to sell ClickBank products through eBay Classified Ads.:


Scenario One Let’s say an eBay seller wants to promote an affiliate information product from ClickBank, but he knows he is not allowed to promote digital download products on eBay except via the Classified Ads. section of eBay.com. Our seller wants to make money upfront and he isn’t interested in growing a mailing list of people to promote similar products to later. He has identified keywords potential buyers might use to locate products such as he is selling, and he has created a title for his Classified Ad. using a selection of those keywords identified from his research. He needs illustrations and a good description for his product so he visits the product owner’s affiliate area and chooses graphics and a product review to use in his eBay Classified Ad. If there are no graphics and no product review the affiliate seller might download illustrations and sales spiel directly from the vendor’s main sales page. It’s usually best to ask permission to do this so that’s what our seller does next and when he gets permission, as he almost certainly will, he keeps the approval letter safe in case problems arise later. Let’s say his chosen product is one people require urgently, such as a cure for some embarrassing problem, making the product less suitable for email marketing and more convenient for selling off-the-page. It isn’t always a good idea to grow a mailing list of potential buyers needing urgent solutions to their problems, so visitors to the Classified Ad. are encouraged to click on the Clickbank affiliate url at the foot of the page and make an immediate purchase. I’ll show you how to do this later. See Illustration Ten for a guide to how ClickBank products are sold off-thepage from eBay Classified Ads.


Scenario Two Let’s stay with the seller in the last paragraph and imagine this time he wants to grow a mailing list for long term email marketing and he knows business opportunity products are extremely popular, and profitable, and they are also very useful for generating regular repeat buyers over many years from a well organised mailing list. Let’s also imagine our seller does not want to focus on selling a specific product from his Classified Ad.; instead he wants to grow a mailing list of people who might buy numerous products on different subjects, such as making money on eBay, profiting from Google AdSense, promoting ClickBank products as an affiliate. He knows the most effective way to get people to become regular buyers is by getting them to sign up to a mailing list and to confirm their agreement to receive more emails later from the list owner. How does he get those people to sign up to a mailing list? Easy, he offers a free report as a thank you for joining his list and he promotes his free report through eBay Classified Ads. So our seller might create an eye-catching illustration for his free report to feature in his eBay Classified Ad., he might also write a long list of bullet points featuring benefits readers will derive from his report which forms the description part of his eBay Classified Ad. At the end of the advertisement he includes a sign up box or a basic email address leading directly to his autoresponder service which subsequently asks people who sign up to confirm their agreement to receive the free report. Once they agree the autoresponder service sends another email indicating where the free report can be accessed. The seller’s recommended ClickBank product might be recommended inside the free report, or the list owner might send emails at regular intervals inviting list members to purchase the recommended ClickBank product. See Illustrations Eleven, Twelve and Thirteen to see how eBay Classified Ads. are used to grow a mailing list to promote other ClickBank products in future.


Illustration Ten Example of Advertisement Used to Sell ClickBank Products Off-the-Page Through eBay Classified Advertisement

GIVEAWAY SIGN. I know this one is selling a ClickBank product directly off-the-page because of the giveaway ClickBank affiliate url I found when I clicked on ‘Click Here’. I have obliterated part of the link for privacy reasons. NEAT IDEA. Once you find sellers using eBay Classified Ads. to sell ClickBank products, either off-the-page or after gathering names, make a note of their eBay IDs and regularly check their listings, see if any are repeated, see how many similar listings occur at the same time. Repeat and regular listings mean sellers are making money, possibly a great deal of money.


Illustration Eleven Example eBay Classified Ad. Featuring Email Address Used to Grow a Mailing List You can grow your mailing list and promote products soon afterwards and for the foreseeable future. You can also invite orders just minutes after someone joins your mailing list as the next few illustrations show. This is what you’ll see inside one of my own eBay Classified Advertisements:

At this point I invited people to sign up to join my mailing list; I have obliterated the address as it is no longer active. When people sign up and confirm their agreement to join my list (called double opt-in), my AWeber autoresponder sends an email telling them where to go to download the free report offered in my ad.


Illustration Twelve Typical Landing Page for Accessing Free Report Used to Get People to Sign Up to a Mailing List

Notice here I attempt to sell a ClickBank product to newcomers to my mailing list immediately they arrive at the page to download my free report. This has always worked very well for me and seems not to be viewed as aggressive marketing which many people dislike.


Illustration Thirteen Example eBay Classified Ad. Featuring Sign Up Box Used to Grow a Mailing List

This advertisement is short and sweet and within anyone’s capabilities. In this particular case very little wording was included in the product description and yet I have seen this same advertisement many times on eBay, suggesting it’s working well and making money.


Title – The Most Important Component of a Successful eBay Classified Ad. All Classified Ads., on and off eBay, have two main components: (i) Title (ii) Body The title is by far the most important component in both online and offline promotions and your title will determine if your advertisement actually gets read or if it otherwise gets lost in the pile of thousands of competing promotions. On eBay the title is possibly more important than for offline promotions. Offline, for example, the classified columns of a major newspaper might contain three hundred ads. in any one category or classification, on eBay they might number in thousands. So in offline promotions potential buyers might willingly scan several hundred ads. for something that may interest them, but they probably won’t scan through thousands of eBay Classified Ads. extending over hundreds of eBay listing pages. Offline your advertisement physically confronts people turning the pages of their chosen publications; on eBay potential buyers usually only see your ad. if your title coincides with words those people have just keyed into eBay’s search engine. So it follows, if your title contains keywords and phrases such as someone has just searched for on eBay, your Classified Advertisement will be returned for those people to view. Without those keywords in your title your Classified Ad. will be missing from search returns. The exception is where potential buyers search advertisements by title AND description which few people actually do because of the overwhelming volume of returns possible from searching this way. Another possible exception to potential buyers searching listings by keyword is where they search the entire category containing your promotion which again few people actually do. That’s because, in larger categories,


thousands of listings may exist for buyers to search through while in reality few people search beyond the first two or three pages. If your product shows many pages later, again your ad. will go unnoticed. So the only way to guarantee your Classified Ad. reaches the maximum possible number of people searching eBay each day is to ensure your title features keywords and phrases most frequently used in eBay’s search engine to locate items such as you are selling. You should also make your titles eye-catching so they stand out from other people’s listings. Asking a question or making a cryptic comment in your title can draw attention away from other people’s listings as long as most frequently used keywords are also included and in context. Something like this might work well where the keywords are ‘Forex trading’:

Do Forex Trading Like a Pro Forex Trading Makes Money. Your Turn Next! Forex Free Secret Trading Tips Those titles will serve as a basis on which to write even better titles and I did not create any of them myself, I picked them up from Google AdWords promotions simply by typing my high frequency keywords into Google’s search engine and studying AdWords featured top and right of Google’s search engine returns. Some of those ads are written by the world’s top and highest paid copywriters and you will find many excellent ideas to choose from. DO NOT COPY other people’s work in any shape or form, just use other’s people’s intellectual property as ideas from which to create your own promotions.


Researching Keywords For Your Title You must create a keyword rich title for your Classified Ad. featuring words most often used to find products such as you are selling and you must try also to differentiate your listings from those of other ClickBank affiliates promoting similar products. We’ll cover several ways to locate suitable keywords, including eBay Pulse Pages where current top frequency search terms are listed left of the page. You’ll find them at: http://www.pulse.ebay.com

1) Research eBay Pulse eBay ‘Pulse’, as in ‘Keep your finger on the pulse’, is adequately named, because it helps sellers spot keywords and phrases people are currently using in eBay search engines to locate products they might want to buy. The Pulse Pages work like this, based on the .com page at: http://pulse.ebay.com which today looks like this:


Illustration Fourteen

These are currently the most commonly searched for keywords and phrases in eBay.com search engines Pulse Pages let you dig deep into categories and sub-categories to locate popular searches for large and small, even miniscule niche market areas. We’ll focus on information products for this example given they coincide with the main product source for this report, namely ClickBank, and also because information is among the easiest and most profitable products to promote through eBay Classified Ads. Information products come within the overall category of ‘Everything Else’.


Illustration Fifteen

Choose drop down menus to dig deep into category ‘Everything Else’ then click on sub-category ‘Information Products’. Next page you visit will look something like this:


Illustration Sixteen

These are today’s popular searches in the ‘Everything Else > Information Products’ category. They are also words you might use in your listing titles to generate maximum viewing potential for whatever ClickBank products you promote through eBay Classified Ads. You can dig further into the information products niche by choosing smaller categories such as ‘How-To Guides’. You can determine which category is best for your listing by studying other people’s eBay listings, but generally speaking I find ‘Everything Else > Information Products > How-To Guides’ most appropriate for my own listings. Using high frequency keywords and phrases in your titles and descriptions guarantees your ads. are returned in listings for similar words being searched on eBay.


You can also use those high frequency keywords and phrases to determine new products to sell. For example, imagine the word ‘recipe’ features almost daily in eBay’s Popular Searches, and ‘recipe’ also features in the title of your Classified Ad. That means, being an almost daily hot keyword, your Classified Ad. will show up in eBay listings, also daily, whenever someone keys ‘recipe’ into eBay’s search engines. And that makes it worthwhile to actively seek products you might not otherwise consider, purely to match eBay’s most common search terms. Further down the page shown in Illustration Sixteen you’ll see something like this:


Illustration Seventeen

These are listings currently receiving the highest number of views on eBay in the ‘Information Products > How-To Guide’ section Notice how often ‘Make Money’ appears in ‘Most Watched’ items in the ‘Everything Else > Information Products How-To Guides’ category. This is a phrase you should also consider using in your Classified Ad. listings for moneymaking products featured at ClickBank. Those most watched items are not necessarily Classified Ads., but they can be very useful as ideas for products to promote through eBay Classified Ads. Click on some of those listings and you will find many products fetching multiple sales in just a few days.


2) Research Other People’s Titles A good way to locate suitable key words and phrases for your title is to study what’s already working well for other sellers using eBay Classified Ads. But it isn’t as easy as searching other people’s auction listings because, for some reason, eBay does not make it easy for you to find other people’s Classified Ads. For example, let me show you what happens when you click on an appropriate high frequency keyword to locate all ads. within the ‘Everything Else > Information Products > How-To Guides section on eBay.com

Illustration Eighteen

Illustration Nineteen shows what I see after clicking on a top frequency keyword:


Illustration Nineteen

Notice there is no mention of Classified Ads. here and you’ll find other traditional eBay research methods similarly lacking. So how do you research Classified Ads. placed by other people to help you promote ClickBank and other affiliate companies on eBay? Let me show you just a few ways to do it, although there are several ways. My preferred method is to click on ‘Advanced Search’ top of any eBay screen and next page you see looks something like this:


Illustration Twenty

Make sure you chosen sub-category shows here. Scroll down to this:

Illustration Twenty-One

Choose Classified Ads. here and extend the search time here. Then press ‘Search’ bottom of the screen which brings you to something like this:


Illustration Twenty-Two

Another very easy way to locate eBay Classified Ads. is by going direct to: http://listings.ebay.com which brings you to this:

Illustration Twenty-Three

Choose ‘Classified Ads.’ from the drop down menu at ‘All Formats’, then press ‘Show’ which brings you to this:


Illustration Twenty-Four

Because only a tiny few categories and sub-categories are designated for eBay Classified Ads., you’ll find most with zero in brackets, meaning no Classified Ads. currently exist for the appropriate category.

Illustration Twenty-Five

Further down the page you’ll find the appropriate spot for promoting information products through eBay Classifieds and this is where we will begin promoting our ClickBank affiliate products. The category we will use


is ‘Everything Else > Information Products’ probably with ‘How-To Guides’ as our sub-category. Those listings show products other people are promoting and what prices they are charging. Note that low prices like one cent usually denote a listing set up to capture names for a mailing list to which to promote the same and similar products later.

3) Search Auction and Buy It Now Listings You can also research Auction and Buy It Now listings for products delivered in physical format, on CD, for example, which are similar to those you might be selling through Classified Ads., especially among ‘Most Watched Items’ on eBay’s Pulse Pages on any country site. Begin researching information products delivered in physical format, especially from Buy It Now listings where you can check number of sales made over the past few days, weeks and sometimes months. A product generating hundreds of sales each month, as some do, is a perfect product for which to seek a comparable alternative at ClickBank for you to sell through eBay Classified Ads. For example, a few weeks ago I noticed two eBooks featured in the ‘Most Watched Item’s on the Pulse Pages at ebay.com. Both were about running vehicles without petrol or gas, and both listings came from the same seller. That person was selling literally hundreds of those eBooks monthly, presumably on CD though I confess I don’t remember, but I do know that many similar and equally good titles are available at ClickBank. This suggests whenever you find a good selling eBook in Auction or Buy It Now listing, you should go search ClickBank for a similar product and promote it through your own ebay.com Classified Ad. You should also study other people’s eBay Classified Ads. for keywords and phrases used in their titles, and for tips and ideas used in other people’s descriptions and illustrations.


But again, be careful or you could be breaking copyright and trademark laws and end up being expelled from eBay.

4) Search High Frequency Keywords and Phrases Outside eBay Here are two good reasons for doing keyword research outside of eBay: * People are likely to use much the same keywords and phrases to locate similar products selling outside of eBay as they are to find the same products on eBay. This means all you have to do is discover what the most commonly used keywords and phrases might be for your target ClickBank product and use them in your Classified Ad. * eBay Classified Ads. respond to searches made outside of eBay, on Google, for instance, and other search engines. This means a well search engine optimized Classified Ad. on eBay might also drive traffic from outside eBay meaning more sales for you. One of the best places to locate keywords used on Google and search engines to find products similar to those you are selling is at: www.freekeywords.wordtracker.com The home page looks like this:


Illustration Twenty-Six

Key in words to describe your product here. So if we’re selling a forex product, for example, we key ‘forex’ in the box and this is what we see next:

Illustration Twenty-Seven

These are keyword searches made daily across most popular search engines and they are worth using in your titles to help your Classified Ads. respond to search engines on and outside of eBay. I’m not sure why the double apostrophe appears at dvd”s, when even one is superfluous, but it might be worthwhile using it in your titles. People make errors when searching and


including those mistakes in your listing titles might lift them high in search engine returns.


How to Begin Listing Your Classified Ad. For whatever reason eBay makes it very difficult to locate the exact place to begin uploading a Classified Ad., even though in reality there are several places to start, including using Turbo Lister and Selling Manager (both available from ‘Download Tools’ inside your eBay account. We’ll consider two methods today based on marketing a ClickBank product although the same basic procedure applies to selling most goods and services allowed in eBay Classified Ads.

1) Beginning eBay’s Front Page Start by clicking on ‘Sell’, top of eBay.com’s home page, which brings you to this:

Illustration Twenty-Eight

Click here to get started which brings you to this:


Illustration Twenty-Nine You are asked to describe your product here for eBay to suggest a suitable category for your listing. I keyed ‘eBook’ into the search box which brought me to this:

I ticked the box here, ‘Information Products > Other’, this being a reasonable choice for ClickBank affiliate products, with or without growing a mailing list. Notice I could have chosen another category at ‘Browsing Categories’ but this is less important that choosing really effective keywords and phrases for my listing title. Click ‘Continue’ and next page you see looks something like this:


Illustration Thirty

Begin entering your product title, description and illustration at the page shown in the above illustration. Remember to include your ClickBank affiliate url or your email address or sign up box at the appropriate spot to direct people to buy the product or sign up to your mailing list. Move further down the page until you see this:

Illustration Thirty-One

Click here and continue listing your product in the usual way.


2) Via Other Seller’s Classified Ads. Click inside another person’s Classified Ad. and then click on ‘Sell One Like This’ at the foot of the ad. You’ll find it here:

Illustration Thirty-Two

Click where it says ‘Sell One Like This’ which will take you to the page where you begin uploading your listing.


Finally Having listed your title and description and uploaded your illustration you’ll come to something like this:

Illustration Thirty-Three

Add your starting price here, start at 1 cent if you are offering a free report and mention inside the listing that you will not be charging the 1c. Important: I personally know people who list a product at 1c, which they intend to sell off-the-page and which obviously has a much higher price at ClickBank. Inside the listing people are invited to click through to pay the correct price at ClickBank, usually a much higher price for the product, which I think is wrong and could be illegal and against worldwide consumer protection laws. For me, if the ClickBank product costs $47 that is the price that should go in the Classified Advertisement. You might wish to remove your telephone number from the listing to encourage readers to use your email address or sign up box instead. With everything in place, preview your listing, make whatever changes are necessary, then click to upload your listing.


Every few days or so check to see your ads. are working correctly then otherwise leave your autoresponder to work on autopilot while you create more eBay Classified Ads.


Selling a ClickBank Affiliate Product Off-thePage Bear in mind it isn’t just ClickBank and other affiliate company information products you can sell through eBay Classified Ads. There are in fact many different products you might sell as an affiliate or product owner through eBay Classified Ads. So you could, for example, promote holidays, web sites, nanny and babysitting services, and so on. But we’re working today with ClickBank products, usually eBooks, which normally get listed under ‘Everything Else > Information Products > HowTo Guides’. One of my first eBay Classified Ad. projects reflected a product I had promoted over several years and it was about making money from the public domain. This product has since been replaced with another title, also about the public domain. The two titles are similar and involve much the same marketing materials, hence the reason I prefer to continue showing you the example that worked very well for me instead of replacing it with a title I am not yet familiar with.


Illustration Thirty-Four Find a product to promote via eBay Classified Ads. by clicking on ‘Marketplace’ top of ClickBank’s home page. Next page use keywords here to locate products such as you might like to sell.

I chose ‘public domain’ which brings me to this:


Illustration Thirty-Five

Once you find something you like the look of you should click on the title, colored red, to study the sales page for the product. You click ‘Promote’ to get your ClickBank affiliate link or ‘hoplink’.


Having clicked on the title for the product go to the foot of the next page where you might see something like this:

Illustration Thirty-Six

Most vendors providing affiliate marketing materials include a link at the foot of their sales page which very often takes you to download email letters, product reviews, product images, and so on. Click on the Affiliates link to see what is available for affiliates to promote the product and on the following page for my chosen product I find this:


Illustration Thirty-Seven

Notice there are articles included with this product which I can use to promote the product. When I click this affiliate link and at the foot of the next page this is what I see next:

Illustration Thirty-Eight

I can lick here to locate articles which can be used as web site content, also as product reviews.

I can click here and you’ll find an eMail I can adapt for my eBay Classified Ad.


There’s another very easy way to locate affiliate marketing materials which saves time sorting through hundreds of ClickBank products, some with and some without affiliate materials. This method isolates all products with affiliate marketing materials at ClickBank from those that do not have affiliate materials. You find them by hitting ‘Advanced Search’ at the Marketplace front page, like this:

Illustration Thirty-Nine

Click ‘Advanced Search’ here and lower down the following page you’ll find this:


Illustration Forty

Make sure your product sourcing keywords are in place top of the page shown in the above illustration, then click the box here to isolate products related to your search term which also have affiliate marketing materials. For the product I am working with, the affiliate marketing materials page takes me to this:


Illustration Forty-One

These are Free to Use Articles Should I choose not to sell off-the-page this time, I could take some of those articles featured here, combine them into one short report, add my ClickBank affiliate link, convert it to pdf and upload it to an Internet address to which my autoresponder at AWeber will direct people to download my brand new exclusive report.


Illustration Forty-Two Now you need to obtain your affiliate link to include in your free report. Click on ‘Promote’ as in Illustration Thirty-Five and this is what you see next:

Add your ClickBank ID to the top box and press ‘Create’ which brings you to something like this:

Illustration Forty-Three

Make a note of your ClickBank url showing up here on paper or in a Word file.


Illustration Forty-Four This is the email I found from the link mentioned in Illustration Thirty-Eight which I am going to convert to a description for my eBay Classified Ad. listing: ------------------------

Suggested Subject Line {!firstname}, Government Loophole Nets Couple $100K+/yr. E-mail Message: {!firstname}, Government Loophole Nets Couple $100K+/yr. {!firstname}, I want to tell you about a couple I met recently who exploit a government loophole to net more than $100K a year working in the room above their garage. They found a way to create a real business - one that could be sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars. The most amazing thing is that this business can be duplicated by anyone willing to invest a bit of time every day working smart - taking small steps that have a big multiplication effect on both instant earnings and long term residual value. And when I say a bit of time, I mean a bit of time. The husband works an average of 20 hours a week on the business and the wife an average of 10 hours a week. And they are netting over $10,000 a month, each and every month from this small accumulative effort. And before you think it costs a fortune to build such a business, they started with just the two computers that they already had and spent just $112 on a special printer. In terms of starting and building a high value business, an investment of $112 to get started is chump change. And here's the best part. They wrote a complete course showing exactly how they started their business and how they grew it to the money

72 making machine it is today. They cover every step of their product research and development process as well as how they run their office. You won't find a more detailed analysis of how a business is run anywhere else. Heck, they even give you their web site address so you can see exactly what they are doing. They literally exposed every aspect of their business for you to see. So what is the government loophole? And why do you want to pay attention to it? Click the link below for all the details. http://AFF_ID.thanewmedi.hop.clickbank.net -YOUR FIRST NAME P.S. How much better would your life be with your very own business one that you control? Heck, even if you do this part time, What is the value of a few extra thousand dollars to your family each and every month? Do yourself a favor and check out this comprehensive business development course today. It will be the best decision you ever made. Go to http://AFF_ID.thanewmedi.hop.clickbank.net for all the details.

The suggested title is excellent for email purposes but I doubt if anyone will actually search for words used in this title on eBay. You need to make sure your title includes words people actually search for on eBay. Something like this should work okay:

‘eBay eBook: Make Money From the Public Domain’ That title is very rough, it needs improving, but if you look back at eBay Pulse Pages shown earlier you’ll see the title contains several hot keywords, namely ‘eBay’, ‘eBook’ and ‘Make Money’. If I’m still rushed for time or for early testing purposes I might use the email provided as the basis for the description in my eBay Classified Ad. I would make amendments to suit my choice of sign up procedure and so on. And I would also use more attractive fonts and layouts for my description.


When I’m finished, my description, only part of it shown here, might look something like this:

Illustration Forty-Five

The Magic of the Public Domain and a Government Loophole That Nets An American Couple

$100K+/yr. I want to tell you about a couple I met recently who exploit a government loophole to net more than $100K a year working in the room above their garage. They found a way to create a real business - one that could be sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars. The most amazing thing is that this business can be duplicated by anyone willing to invest a bit of time every day working smart taking small steps that have a big multiplication effect on both instant earnings and long term residual value. And when I say a bit of time, I mean a bit of time. The husband works an average of 20 hours a week on the business and the wife an average of 10 hours a week. So what is the government loophole? Find out by clicking on the following link to learn all about an amazing product that will help you emulate or even exceed its authors’ success:

AFFILIATE URL GOES HERE -------------------------


Graphics For eBay Classified Ads. You can download a graphic for your listing by right clicking on the book cover image on the sales page or in materials provided for affiliates, then choose ‘Save Picture As’, and save the image to desktop:

Illustration Forty-Six

Upload the illustration as usual to your eBay listing.

Illustration Forty-Seven

Add your description here which might be similar to Illustration Forty-Five or you could write your own product review. Finally include your


ClickBank affiliate link, and make sure it links directly to the product’s sales page at ClickBank. If you don’t know how to hyperlink your ClickBank url in eBay’s description box, you should write your description in Word and use the hyperlinking tool under ‘Insert’ top of the screen. It works like this: From inside your Word document highlight the word or words you want to link to your ClickBank url, then go to ‘Insert’ top of the screen, then choose ‘Hyperlink’ which brings you to this:

Illustration Forty-Eight

Key in your complete ClickBank affiliate url here. Then go back to your eBay listing and copy and paste your Word document into the description box. When you finally check your listing for accuracy, click on the order link and make sure it leads to the appropriate product sales page. Next click through to the order form for the product to ensure your ClickBank Nickname is properly in place at the foot of ClickBank’s order page.


Grow a Mailing List Using eBay Classified Ads. This method works where the seller gets potential buyers to request more information about a product before deciding to buy. There are several ways to get people to sign up to a list and purchase a product soon or at some future date, even without having a definite product in mind for people to buy immediately they sign up to the list. For example: * After signing up people might download a free report offering a sample of the main product with a link inside the report for them to purchase the full version. * The report may feature on a web site alongside the sales letter for the main report. Like the one shown in Illustration Eleven for one of the free reports I promote via eBay Classified Ads.: * The report might be followed by a separate email promoting the paid for version of the product.

Quick Introduction to List Building This process of building and regularly marketing to a list is sometimes called ‘Autoresponder marketing’ and it represents the easiest way to create wealth even working just a few hours each week, sometimes much less. That’s because, once list building procedures are in place, once promotional autoresponder emails have been incorporated into a traditional database program, such as ‘AWeber’, for instance, the marketer can leave the system to work by itself with just a few short housekeeping* checks every few weeks. (* Housekeeping simply means checking lead generating tools such as eBay Classified Ads. are working; that autoresponder messages are delivered properly and on time; that essential web sites are functioning correctly, and so on.)


So unsurprisingly I recommend you decide against selling off-the-page in eBay Classified Ads. and use them instead to grow a mailing list, primarily because this latter technique will almost certainly generate far greater profits now and for the indefinite future, than the odd few direct sales you might otherwise obtain. You do it like this: * Determine a market, or markets to sell to. These markets can be similar or hugely different, such as people who want to make money from Forex Trading or who want to lose weight fast, they may want to find a long lost loved one or learn to scale the heights of Everest in record breaking time. You could in fact grow individual lists to generate income from millions of people with widely differing interests, and to sell to those very same people potentially for the lifetime of your mutual existence. * You arrange some method of getting people to sign up to your list, sometimes called ‘Lead Generation’, and you offer an incentive for them to sign up, typically a free report or access to a web site containing further information about the subject concerned. Later I’ll explain how you can obtain reports free of charge to use as your bargaining incentive. * Once people sign up, your autoresponder sends another email asking them to confirm their agreement to begin receiving emails from you. This is called ‘Opting In’ and it’s an essential feature of all professional email storage and processing systems. ‘Opting In’ is a means of ensuring you are not later accused of contacting people without their permission, sometimes called ‘Spamming’ which can find you banned from eBay and having your autoresponder service terminated. Confirmation normally takes place when recipients click on a specific link inside your confirmation email. * Seconds after clicking to confirm agreement another email is sent showing recipients how and where to access your free report. Inside the free report they might be invited to purchase the product featured in your eBay Classified Ad. * From there emails can be sent promoting the same or different products, your own or affiliate recommendations, leading to some people on your list becoming regular buyers.


* People must be allowed some means of removing their contact details from your list. Using professional email providers like AWeber, they can do this by clicking the ‘Unsubscribe’ link at the end of every email you send. * BEST OF ALL, people on your list can be sent information and promotional emails at any time of day or night, all of which are stored in your mailing list programme to be mailed out at specified intervals. Every email, taking thirty minutes or less to create and store online, can be scheduled in minutes and sent at specific intervals to everyone who joins your list today, tomorrow and potentially for many years to come.


Sign Up Techniques Of many ways to invite sign ups from inside an eBay Classified Ad., I personally consider the following most effective:

Illustration Forty-Nine You could include just an email address in your ad. which would look something like this for a product focusing on making money from the public domain:

Claim your free PUBLIC DOMAIN PROFIT REPORT. Email me at: publicdomain@aweber.com

(That email address does not actually exist so please do not try using it)

Illustration Fifty You could use a sign up box in your Classified Ad. looking something like this:

Either option should work well and you could try both and use the one that works best for you. Email database services such as AWeber and Constant Contact provide detailed information on how to apply both of the above techniques.


Accessing Free Reports to Grow Your Mailing List Let us talk now about free reports and other incentives you can use to induce people to hand over their email addresses. Most importantly, these free items do not have to be big or have high commercial value, but they must have high perceived value to encourage people to sign up to your mailing list. Let me give you a few ideas for obtaining a free gift for you to give to people who use the sign up box inside your Classified Ad. to sign up to your mailing list: * Write your own report. Half a dozen pages will do as long as the report contains quality information and does not leave people feeling cheated or duped into joining your list. * Combine articles written by other people and available from online article directories. Make sure the directory allows you to use articles this way, or contact authors direct, and ensure also that links are active in resource boxes featured in your free report. * Resell rights items are perfect for the purpose and many also come with excellent graphics and sales letters from which to build your Classified Ad. * Some ClickBank vendors provide incentives for affiliates, such as brandable reports (with your ClickBank link embedded), articles for you to convert to pdf format with your ClickBank order link included, etc. * PLR – Private Label Rights – items can be combined and turned into pdf format with active links to sales pages for your recommended products. * Public Domain items – typically describes creative works which have fallen out of copyright or perhaps never were copyright protected, and as such you can use them to create your own books and reports without legal implications. * A big bundle of items can be compiled from all the above sources and turned into a package of reports. Big bundles with high perceived value can form a compelling reason for people to sign up to your list.


Using Free Reports and eBay Classified Advertisements Is a Great Way to Grow Your Mailing List The reality is that few people purchase a product on first inspection, by direct linking or follow up email. People like to gain confidence in sellers before they buy, they like to ask questions; they need time to consider making a purchase. Alternatively, your email recipient might be on a tight budget today but they might be able to afford your recommended product next week perhaps – if there was some way to contact you later which is rarely the case for products sold off-the-page. That’s because people rarely keep ads. promoting products they might buy sometime soon; but they may buy sometime soon from someone who takes their contact details, sends more information about the product, who also answers their questions and treats them with respect. This is where having a sign up box beats selling off-the-page for virtually any product or service, subject to exceptions mentioned later.

It Really Doesn’t Get Much Better Than This Having a responsive mailing list, not necessarily a massive list, is a lot like having hundreds of gold bullion bars in your local bank vault, and it allows small marketers, like me and possibly you also, to bank thousands of dollars every time we create a quick email and blast it out to our list. So it makes sense, doesn’t it, to double the number of names on our lists, then double them again, and again and again and again, even if that means working full time at growing your list and locating new products to promote for almost guaranteed high daily profits. ~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~ Confession: I personally promote to my mailing list up to three times a week without my readers ever thinking I’m being greedy or accuse me of overmarketing; in fact many of them write to thank me after every promotional email I send. I do it by promoting a product one day, next time I tell them about an article they can read at my site where they’ll also find a product recommended alongside; another time I’ll direct them to a site featuring my latest newsletter also with product or products featuring down the page. ~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~/~


Why Sometimes You Should NOT Grow A Mailing List The experts say 'The Money's in the List', but that doesn't always mean they are right. I can think of several reasons NOT to grow a mailing list and at the same time you could make more money, more regularly, than all those experts frantically seeking out new list building techniques. Taking ClickBank's excellent stable of quality eBooks and other digital download products as an example, this is why I think list growing can sometimes be counterproductive for affiliates or product owners selling through eBay classified ads. (and elsewhere): * There may be too few products available to warrant making regular mailings to a specific audience. You won't run out of products to sell to eBay enthusiasts, or online marketers in general, for example, but as a ClickBank only affiliate (like me and many thousands more people worldwide) you wouldn't get too much mileage out of a mailing list of potential belly dancers (just one ClickBank product), people wanting to overcome their fear of spiders (currently just one ClickBank product) or desiring to sell autographs on eBay (currently nothing suitable on ClickBank). * Potential buyers might have an urgent need which, once resolved, takes them outside a specific marketplace. They may, for example, want to remove warts quickly or cure bad breath or get over a death in the family. Problems like that don't last forever, hopefully, and just one good information product might be all your person with a problem really needs. These people want to buy right away, they do not want to join a mailing list that might, only might, address their problems in the hopefully not too distant future. * It isn't good to have all your eggs in one basket. So, for example, say you've grown your list to promote purely books about making money on eBay, or AdSense, or AdWords. You work for months, building a list, making good profits, then all of a sudden one of those companies loses popularity or is overtaken by a rival company and people on your mailing list lose interest in your product range. What might happen for example, if


ClickBank drops a specific product or marketplace category, the very one you spend your working life marketing, what use is your mailing list then? Do not think that is an extreme scenario because similar things have actually happened, such as when Yahoo closed its auction site, ClickBank dropped some data entry and mailing list programmes, AdWords stopped advertisers promoting sites selling ‘fake’ aristocratic titles and doctorates, eBay banned sales of digital products. Taking a more diversified approach to product selection circumvents most such potential problems. The choice to sell upfront or grow a list is yours EVEN THOUGH I PERSONALLY RECOMMEND YOU FAVOUR GROWING A MAILING LIST wherever appropriate.


Technical Aspects of Growing a Mailing List Using eBay Classified Ads. Much the same procedure applies for growing a mailing list as applies to selling a ClickBank product directly from the page in an eBay Classified Ad. This time, however, you are asking people to sign up to download a free report before deciding to purchase your chosen product, in our case from ClickBank. Your free report might be a review of the ClickBank product you want them to buy, or you might write a report covering numerous different subjects and designed to subsequently promote many different products within an overall subject area or theme, such as business opportunities, for example. Right now you need a report and somewhere for visitors to sign up to your mailing list, also some means of capturing names and email addresses of people who sign up to your mailing list. Once signed up and their email addresses are stored in a database, you can send promotional materials to these people for many months or even years to come. Let me take you through an actual worked example using AWeber’s autoresponder service. You can sign up for a free trial of AWeber’s service at: http://www.aweber.com Once you sign up for the paid-for or free trial version, you will be taken to a page that looks much like this:


Illustration Fifty-One

Click here to begin compiling a new list. Next thing you see is this (notice beige coloured alerts top of some pages point out tasks the list owner must carry out before his list can begin gathering names):


Illustration Fifty-Two

Add a name here for your list. Add a description here, which only you will see. As you will soon see your list name becomes an integral part of the email address to which you can direct people to sign up for your free offers. This means you should choose a name that reflects your report or the product you will subsequently be promoting. For the current worked example I will call mine ‘M2R’. I chose the name because I intend to promote my own book Make Money Tearing Up Old Books and Magazines and Selling Them on eBay, or ‘M2R’ for short.


Illustration Fifty-Three

This now becomes part of the email address I can use in my eBay Classified Ads., and elsewhere, to get people to sign up to my mailing list. This can be done without actually adding a sign up box to a web site and it works very well as you will shortly discover. So my email address for this mailing list now becomes M2R@aweber.com Notice in the above illustration when I suggested a name for my list I was told the name was available. Should someone already be using the same name, the area coloured green would have been pink instead and I would be invited to choose another name for my list. At the bottom of the same page you see this:


Illustration Fifty-Four

Notice I have added the email address from which my emails will be sent and to which replies will be forwarded. From the same page I choose to ‘Save List Settings’ at the top, and ‘Save’ just under the location where I provide my reply address. Next page I see looks like this:


Illustration Fifty-Five

I have not previously added information to this section so I will leave it untouched and return to the top of the page where I click on the drop down menu just below ‘Current List’ and highlight the list name just chosen, in this case ‘M2R’:

Illustration Fifty-Six

Having chosen ‘M2R’ the system takes me automatically to this:


Illustration Fifty-Seven

Next I need to customise my verification message which goes out immediately after people sign up for my free report and it asks recipients to confirm their agreement to join my list and begin receiving emails from me. I get there by clicking on ‘My Lists’ and choosing ‘Confirmed Opt-In’ which brings me to this:


Illustration Fifty-Eight

You can change any of these standard messages by clicking on the appropriate box beneath ‘Click to Edit’. This process of asking people to confirm agreement to receive my emails is known as ‘opting in’. I know from experience that the ‘Subject’ line must make it very clear that a response is required from the recipient, so I can’t for example say something like ‘Buy My Book Now’. I am not sure why the rules are so strict, I only know they are strict, and AWeber will check your verification message before allowing you to gather names on your list. Next illustration shows what my new verification message looks like:


Illustration Fifty-Nine

Finally I click on ‘Save Confirm Message’ lower down the above screenshot which brings me to this:

Illustration Sixty

Leave this feature ON for reasons mentioned alongside.


Now I wait for AWeber to accept my confirmation message or inform me about changes I must make before my list can go live. Once approval arrives I can begin using the appropriate AWeber email address to create my eBay Classified Ad. Next you need to determine a product or range of products to promote through your eBay Classified Ad. We have covered this decision making process elsewhere so we’ll skip that for now and begin creating an incentive for people to sign up to your list via your AWeber address inside your eBay Classified Ad. This is actually very easy and you could create dozens of eBooks every day to generate traffic to your web site or blog and add links to products and services that either belong to you or which you are promoting as an affiliate. Once done you can turn your basic Word files for the books into pdf files with active links to various Internet sites embedded with your affiliate links. Alternatively, you could offer your free incentive as a report or course that gets delivered inside follow up emails sent from your AWeber account. This is easy to do and means you don’t have to create pdf files and upload them to the Internet. The report itself can be just a few articles you have written about the subject or product you will be promoting inside the pdf file or from directly inside your follow up emails. You could if you wish use other people’s articles but only with their permission. You can also use articles or reports from plr products or from the public domain. You could also write a review for the product you are promoting and use this in your pdf file or as the content for one or a series of follow up emails to people who sign up for your list. Alternatively, you could have reports created for you quite inexpensively by freelance writers at www.elance.com My pdf reports all fit into one basic template which comprises just three pages in Microsoft Word. All I have to do is insert the body of whatever I have just written or taken from the public domain before turning this template into a pdf file which is then uploaded to my own web site. Those three pages, all shown in Illustration Sixty-One, were created in Microsoft Word, into which I flow my text for a product review for a book, in this case about Selling eBooks on eBay.


Illustration Sixty-One Template Page One

Insiders’ Guide to Selling eBooks on

eBay http://www.selling-on-ebay.biz You Have Master Rights to This eBook and you can distribute it in any legal and ethical manner.


Template Page Two

Insiders’ Guide to Selling eBooks on eBay by Avril Harper, Chartered MCIPD, Dip PM Copyright Meander Press 2009

All information is provided in good faith and is accurate to the best of our knowledge. This document is for information purposes only and does not impart legal or financial advice to readers who must consult their own legal and professional advisors before spending money or taking action of any kind based on operating a business such as outlined in this document. It is the reader’s responsibility to ascertain and abide by national and international legal, moral and ethical issues.


The text and other features of the free report are inserted between pages two and three of my template.


Template Page Three

About The Author Avril Harper is an eBay PowerSeller and has been writing business opportunities books and articles for almost twenty years. She has authored several books on the subject of making money on eBay and also offers a large selection of free to download books and reports at: http://www.avrilharper.com Her books include Make Money Tearing Up Old Books and Magazines and Selling Them on eBay The Insiders’ Guide to Making a Full Time Living Selling Vintage Topographical View Postcards on eBay Avril has hundreds of articles and tips about making money at www.avrilharper.com

You can add your own product choices here.


Formatting Your Report Once your report is finished you need to hyperlink specific points in the report to the product you are recommending. Next you need to convert your report to pdf format. PDF format is compatible with all computer types, even Mac, and is the very best way to ensure every new person on your mailing list can open your report, read it, and click on one of your affiliate links to purchase a recommended product. I personally use Adobe Acrobat’s own product for creating pdf files but it can be expensive for new business owners. Thankfully there are many locations online where you can convert your Word file free of charge into pdf format, including: www.primopdf.com www.dopdf.com www.cutepdf.com www.freepdfconvert.com When your pdf file is ready you need to upload it to the Internet ready for list members to download after receiving one of your follow up emails from AWeber or other appropriate delivery service. There are many places where you can store your files online free of charge or you can pay for your own hosting space and domain name. I always use my own hosting space simply because it looks more professional than using free space which always comes with lots of promotions for the company providing free space. Nonetheless, if you are stuck for cash you can upload your files to the following locations free of charge: www.mediafire.com www.xm.com www.freepdfhosting.com


Creating a Follow Up eMail Now you’re ready to create a follow up email to send people immediately they confirm agreement to accept your emails. You do it by logging into your AWeber account, and next page you see looks something like this:

Illustration Sixty-Two

Make sure the appropriate list features here. Then click here and choose ‘Follow Up’, which brings you to this:


Illustration Sixty-Three

Next page you see looks like this:

Illustration Sixty-Four

Click here which brings you to this:


Illustration Sixty-Five

Add your email title here. Something like ‘Here is the free report you requested’ will do nicely. Add your message here, which will be either a simple mention of the location from which to download your free report or it could be a complete product review for whatever you are recommending. Make sure the link to your download page or report is active by studying the message via the ‘Preview’ box. There is another box further down the above page where you add the same message as used in the box above. This second message goes to recipients using basic text format emails. Move down the page and you will see this:


Illustration Sixty-Six

This is where you click to save your email after which you’ll be taken to a location where you can check your message by sending a copy to yourself. Once you like how your message looks click to ‘Queue’ and the email will go out immediately someone confirms acceptance to receive your email. Now you need to promote the free report from an eBay Classified Advertisement. The process is very much the same as that shown earlier for promoting a product you want to sell directly from your Classified Ad. You may remember our example featured a book about making money from the public domain and the description we used in that advertisement looked like this:


Illustration Sixty-Seven

The Magic of the Public Domain and a Government Loophole That Nets An American Couple

$100K+/yr. I want to tell you about a couple I met recently who exploit a government loophole to net more than $100K a year working in the room above their garage. They found a way to create a real business - one that could be sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars. The most amazing thing is that this business can be duplicated by anyone willing to invest a bit of time every day working smart taking small steps that have a big multiplication effect on both instant earnings and long term residual value. And when I say a bit of time, I mean a bit of time. The husband works an average of 20 hours a week on the business and the wife an average of 10 hours a week. So what is the government loophole? Find out by clicking on the following link to learn all about an amazing product that will help you emulate or even exceed its authors’ success

AFFILIATE URL GOES HERE ------------------------This is where we placed the ClickBank affiliate url for the product which linked directly to the product owner’s sales page. Today, for the purpose of getting people to sign up to our mailing list for a free report about the product we need to include our list’s email address (or a sign up box) at the same location. Something like this should suffice:


Illustration Sixty-Eight

The Magic of the Public Domain and a Government Loophole That Nets An American Couple

$100K+/yr. I want to tell you about a couple I met recently who exploit a government loophole to net more than $100K a year working in the room above their garage. They found a way to create a real business - one that could be sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars. The most amazing thing is that this business can be duplicated by anyone willing to invest a bit of time every day working smart taking small steps that have a big multiplication effect on both instant earnings and long term residual value. And when I say a bit of time, I mean a bit of time. The husband works an average of 20 hours a week on the business and the wife an average of 10 hours a week. So what is the government loophole? We have a free report about making money from the public domain which you can download by emailing us at the following address:

XXX@aweber.com ------------------------XXX is where the appropriate list name goes, such as M2R as part of my list address at M2R@aweber.com


How to Incorporate A Sign Up Box Into Your Classified Ad. Let’s say instead of using that simple email address as shown in the last illustration, you prefer to use a sign up box. Personally, I have tried both and found no appreciable difference in sign up rates between the two. Should you fancy the sign up box option you’ll find the process described here pretty much similar for most email delivery service providers, including aWeber. You can create your own sign up box using point and click tools at your email marketing service, something like ‘Join Our eMail List’ or ‘Send My Free Report’ is good. You can also play around with fonts, colours, and so on, and you can preview before saving. Once you’ve designed your sign up box, aWeber calls it a ‘Web Form’ you have to incorporate it into your eBay classified ad. You start by going inside your account at aWeber, or other appropriate mailing list service, until you see this:


Illustration Sixty-Nine

Click on the list you want to use for today’s exercise, then click on ‘Web Forms’ which brings you to something like this:


Illustration Seventy

Click on ‘Publish’ which brings you to something like this:


Illustration Seventy-One

I find the HTML version easiest to use so I obtain the code needed for my eBay Classified Ad. by clicking the right side option which brings me to this:


Illustration Seventy-Two

Right click in the box here, then from the drop down menu choose ‘Copy’. This will store the code to memory ready to insert into the html section of your eBay Classified Ad. listing. To do this we need to return to the area where we stored the description for our product in the eBay Classified Ad. It looks something like this:


Illustration Seventy-Three

I want my sign up box to go about here, just after my description. I begin by choosing the location I want my box to appear, in my case by placing the arrow just below where my description ends and then clicking on the centring tool here. Next I click on the HTML button at the top of the description box which brings me to this:


Illustration Seventy-Four

Your mouse will still be positioned inside the box and all I do now is right click, then choose ‘Paste’ from the drop down menu, which brings me to this:

Illustration Seventy-Five


Then I click preview just below the description box shown in the last illustration which brings me to this:

Illustration Seventy-Six

I can change the shape and font, also the colours of my sign up box by clicking inside the sign up box and making whatever changes are necessary. Then I continue listing as normal. And that really is all you need to do to grow a huge mailing list using eBay Classified Ads. Now you leave eBay to drive traffic your way while you set to work creating more Classified Ads. to sell more of your own or other people’s products at ClickBank.

Finally Thank you for reading, I hope this book helps you grow an amazingly good income from placing Classified Ads. on eBay. If you wish to contact me any time for help or advice, please do so by emailing me at avril@clippingsfactory.com

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