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Texas-Sized Injustice - Page 4

The Recorder’s NBA Playoff Preview

LIFESTYLES Dorm Dishes 101

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Volume 104 No. 24

Can Students Look Forward to Improved Gym Workout Space? Stephanie Bergeron / The Recorder

Bob Dole Talks War and Elections with Students Amanda Ciccatelli Assistant News Editor

building new dorms and classrooms are a greater priority than building a new workout facility. “In the master plan of the university, five to ten years down the road, there is talk of updating and improving the athletic facility. However, the priorities of the university are the classrooms, dorms and library,” Jones said. “Unless there is a 30-40 million dollar alumni donation, athletics takes the back burner to the other improvements the university is looking to make.” “I think dorms and an updated gym are the most important because it will increase university revenue,” said Lecco. “Classrooms would be nice, but you’re only in them for a short while.”

Former presidential candidate Bob Dole entertained a range of questions at a forum in Founder’s Hall, where many students asked about his opinion about the occupation in Iraq. He was quick to shrug off any immediate withdrawal from the region. “A lot of young people appeal to the vision of a peaceful solution and the idea that we can all walk hand-inhand out of the war,” he explained. “But the reality is, we are there.” While Sen. Barack Obama claimed he could get the U.S. troops out in 60 days and Sen. Hillary Clinton said she can do it in 90, Dole didn’t agree with setting a timetable. He pointed out that the question is not whether to stay or leave, despite poor progress in the region. “I don’t like war,” Dole said, referring to his service during World War II. “I live with it every day. It changed my life completely.”

See Workout Space Page 2

See Bob Dole Page 2

Two Students workout at Kaiser Hall on Monday. Some say the campus is overdue for a new athletic facility. Stephanie Moshier Special to The Recorder Central is a Division I school that makes fitness and wellness a required course to graduate. Looking at the facilities, an outsider wouldn’t think health and wellness is an important factor to the university. CCSU students are concerned as to whether they can expect an enhanced program and accompanying facilities. “The college tries to promote wellness, but how can it when we don’t have the facilities to support it?” asked freshman Erik Lecco. The university has approximately 12,000 students enrolled and roughly 2,000 residents. The

facility space is not adequate enough to accommodate that many students. However, the university is aware of the deficiency of a suitable workout facility, specifically in the weight and aerobic rooms. The problem is that there are no funds or space to renovate or rebuild. “We simply need a new facility. This facility has been here since 1965,” Charles “C.J.” Jones, Director of Athletics, said of the current Kaiser Hall, which has been redesigned and renovated many times since it was built. “[The university needs to] create a new building to house all the facilities.” He recognized that the campus is landlocked and has no more room to expand, as well as that

Stephanie Bergeron / The Recorder

No Education Without Taxation Amanda Ciccatelli Assistant News Editor Ned Lamont, James Stodder and Senator William Nickerson discussed problems with Connecticut’s taxes on Tuesday. “We are a laggard when it comes to economic growth. Our salaries are down. Our taxes are up,” said Lamont. He explained that Connecticut has the second highest property tax next to New Jersey, causing people and businesses to move out of cities and into suburban areas. James Stodder, Clinical Assistant Professor in the Lally School of Management and Technology at Rensselaer in Hartford, explained his study of major tax concerns in the state of Connecticut. Although property taxes are very high, as a percentage of income, they are not considered that “high.” Cities and towns across the state range from low to high income depending on the class of the town. The average cost of a house in Greenwich is $700,000, when a hom-

eowner would only pay 1 percent in taxes. In a city such as New Britain, a house costs about half the amount of a Greenwich home and residents have to pay 3 percent of the property’s cost. What it comes down to, Stodder said, is that the tax rate is dropping and house costs are increasing. On a national level, Stodder concluded that Connecticut is only a low-to-moderate state. In the past, residents used their homes as back-up money. In other words, if a person needed money, they could simply sell their house. “Those days are over,” said Stodder. Education is also a huge concern in Connecticut lately. “We have the best schools on average than any other state, but we are also one of the most unequal states when it comes to the distribution of wealth,” said Stodder. As for college education, Stodder explained that Connecticut is in third place when it comes to granting Bachelor’s Degrees. “We have the best research universities in the world, but our Kindergarten through grade 12 edu-

See Taxation Page 2

Ethics Code Stresses Respect, Responsibility Melissa Traynor News / Managing Editor

Stephanie Bergeron / The Recorder

Ned Lamont pointed out how salaries are down and taxes are up.

The latest version of the fivepage document known as the new Student Code of Ethics, written and compiled by the ad-hoc ethics committee of the Student Government Association, was unveiled Wednesday night as a set of standards for student clubs and organizations. Ethics Committee Chair Ken Barone outlined the five major components of the code as individual rights, representation, respect, responsibility and diversity and equity. Included in the list of ethically irresponsible behavior are the use of hate speech, disrespect and the disregard for personal rights. In addition to definition by negation, expected standards were named in a “golden rule” fashion, recommending that students treat each other with respect and that clubs make efforts to include all. SGA Senator Kelley Fournier detailed the responsibility section and made special mention of an area devoted to conflicts of interest. It is a

See Ethics Code Page 3

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