Wednesday, October 29, 2008
NEASC Visit Leaves Administration Optimistic
Melissa Traynor Editor-in-Chief
Central just reached its latest 10-year mark in its accreditation process with an on-site team visit last week and the school is feeling relatively positive. Every publicly funded college in New England must be accredited every 10 years by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, the region’s accrediting service. The NEASC team appeared on campus over last Tuesday and Wednesday to assess the university on a set of 11 standards spanning from faculty and students to public disclosure. The team, headed by Particia Meservy of Salem State College in Massachusetts, came to evaluate the school and meet with the preparation team who put together a self-study and presentation. The self-study that was prepared over the last two years and completed in August is used to analyze every different aspect of life and work at CCSU, without hesitation to admit weaknesses, said Provost Carl Lovitt. “It just has to cover everything,” he said of the report that took the university preparers two years to complete, “though there were some things I was a little nervous about telling them.” He added that 2007 was a year of turmoil with incidences stemming from material published in The Recorder and the no-confidence vote in President Jack Miller. In response, CCSU addressed its diversity issues and appointed a Chief Diversity Officer and Lovitt believes it was a positive way to approach the matter. Another area of concern that surfaced during the year was advising, and questions were raised as to whether the university could be doing more for students. Lovitt said that advising falls under CCSU’s standard six, which describes the university’s characteristics of student development and services. As an issue that had been linked with advising difficulties in See Optimistic Administation Page3
CCSU Looks Forward to Obama Presidency A Lack in Confidence in McCain-Palin Ticket Melissa Traynor Editor-in-Chief
Amanda Ciccatelli News Editor
The results of a recent poll by The Recorder have indicated that Democratic nominee Senator Barack Obama from Illinois is the clear favorite at CCSU and he leads by an over- 43 percent margin. The poll, which was conducted from Oct. 13 through Oct. 27, was sent out via email to Central students and collected over 830 responses; 71.6 percent favored Obama while 28.4 percent leaned towards Republican candidate Senator John McCain. Though these results demonstrate a stronger support for Obama, the numbers are consistent with national predictions for the 18-24-yearold age group vote. Harvard University’s Institute of Politics are more likely to prefer Obama with 56 percent of their support compared to McCain’s 30 percent. The IOP’s poll’s results also concluded that more young people while be “definitely” voting for Obama.
However, some CCSU students who didn’t participate, but responded to the poll via email said that they are voting for third party candidates. A group of student expressed their view that third party candidates should be represented in the poll and they would like to see support for candidates outside of the two main parties. “The media has completely disregarded all independents running, including Ralph Nader who is holding over 5% of votes in polls and is on 45 ballots,” student Kim Sprong wrote. “There are more than two choices in this campaign and I believe it is important to let people know that there are options… The two-party system will never be dismantled if independents are blocked out.” CCSU student Eric Bert also sympathizes with Independent candidate Nader. “I have conflicts with both parties,” he said. “Nader is kind of a neutral guy and he doesn’t have some of the funding that the other parties don’t have, which is unfortunate.” Several students indicated that they will be voting for Bob Barr, the Libertarian candidate for President See CCSU Polls Page3
Student Veterans Receive Drop-In Center in Willard Jane Natoli
Lifestyles Editor
The Veteran’s Drop-In Center officially opened on Monday giving Central’s student veterans a place to congregate and get to know one another. After working for 30 years to acquire a Veteran’s Drop-In Center at Central, the university has finally reached their goal. CCSU President John Miller kicked off the grand opening with a speech of gratitude towards the veterans. “Everybody knows on campus there are problems with space and a lot of needs. Until we are able to get some of these new buildings built, it’s really difficult, but I think this is extremely important for us to have found a way to achieve,” said Miller.
Volume 105 No. 9
Miller along with the Veterans Affairs staff is proud to have built a place specifically for veterans. Central veterans can spend time together in the drop-in center and discuss issues that are important to them. According to Commissioner Linda Schwartz, the Veteran’s DropIn Center was a result of the summit that happened a year ago at Central. She thanked President Miller for his hospitality and commitment to the veterans at Central. Only a week ago Schwartz spoke at the Pentagon, specifically she said, to Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. She spoke about the reality that war and the military will never go back how it used to be run. “We are never going to have big bases and facilities that take into consideration all of the needs of our men and women in uniform. So we are on
the cutting edge of a new way to serve these men and women,” Schwartz explained. “Knowing a drop-in center is being opened on campus makes me feel extremely happy and welcome here at CCSU,” said Michael Bareiss, President of the Veterans Appreciation Organization at Central. “The transition from military life to civilian life is not easy and having the drop-in center on campus where [veterans] can hang out and do homework between classes is a great feeling.” Bareiss, a Gunners’ Mate Second Class Petty Officer, was on active duty in the Navy from July 2001 to July 2005 and made two sixmonth deployments to the Arabian Gulf with the Washington Battle Group. After being honorably disSee Veterans’ Center Page 2
A poll by The Recorder found that CCSU students favored Sen. Barack Obama (71.6%) to Sen. John McCain (28.4%). The numbers at left are out of 832 votes.
Drive Aims to Keep Kids Warm this Winter with Donated Coats Amanda Ciccatelli News Editor
The First Born Church in Hartford, Conn. will be holding their first annual No Kid Left Cold coat benefit where over one hundred winter coats will be presented to disadvantaged children and their families on Saturday, Nov. 15. CCSU students are encouraged to donate a coat or two The purpose of No Kid Left Cold is to make positive changes in the city of Hartford and to help families in the Hartford community who are suffering from the economy’s condition, which may leave families without warmth this coming winter. No Kid Left Cold aims to bring hope to families who are in need and give at least one hundred children winter coats to keep warm through the winter. Lattoya Hales is a member of the First Born Church who was appointed to be a part of the marketing aspect of No Kid Left Cold. “It’s not something I saw myself in, but with this particular initiative it really grabbed hold of me,” she said. “It is just an amazing process and it really is for a good cause.”
“We are giving away new coats and accessories to them since we know these families can’t afford them,” Hales explained, “especially with this winter coming up and the gas prices and the many other things that they have to think about.” Anyone can donate shoes, scarves, hats, gloves or other accessories to help keep warm. Leading up the event on Nov. 15, there has been a process of seeking out the disadvantaged children from the Hartford elementary school system. “This is specifically for elementary school kids,” said Hales. Over one hundred children from the Hartford elementary school system have already been selected and will receive the donated winter coats. “We choose the children depending on the need within the family members,” explained Hales. Other members of the Church aided in the selection process by visiting the schools to speak with human resources center personnel. They are similar to social workers in that they have access to most of the information about the families and children because they work directly with them. See Keeping Kids Warm Page 3