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Volume 106 No. 21

WHILE YOU WERE ON BREAK CCSU Hockey Finished Second in National Tournament

CCSU Sustainability Conference

Page 2


CCSU’s A Cappella Groups Page 7

Senior forward Joe Dabkowski scores against Ohio State in their second game of the ACHA tournament.

Kenny BaRTo | The RecoRdeR

the Underdogs Didn’t Win

“They laid it on the line, and they played it as a team and that’s all you could ask for.” - Coach Ben Adams

Page 12

WFCS To Host Metal Fest Page 6

Academic Affairs Committee Approves Vance Chair Melissa TRaynoR The Recorder

Latest Dillinger Escape Plan Album Reviewed

Page 8


The Other Kind of Football Page 11

The academic affairs committee of the CSU System Board of Trustees met Monday to approve requests from the four schools, including finalizing Connecticut’s WNPR News Director John Dankosky as the Robert C. Vance Endowed Chair in journalism. Provost Carl Lovitt, who spoke on behalf of CCSU at the meeting, said that the endowed chair position has been gradually building up to the point where the university is able to hire someone. He said they chose Dankosky because he has a reach in broadcast journalism and a steady background in teaching already. Lovitt said Dankosky, who has been approved for a one-year contract with CCSU, has also taught at Quinnipiac University. The focus of his time as chair will be to teach a course or two in the new journalism major and to support and organize public lectures as well as community

outreach. Journalism professor Dr. Vivian Martin, who was involved in the chair selection process, said that Dankosky will teach “Story in Sound” in the fall semester and a class in the spring. Dankosky also hosts the show Where We Live on NPR’s 90.5 FM. “It was very clear to me that we needed someone more digitized than the rest of us,” said Martin, who also added that his forte in audio journalism might also lead to faculty development. “[Audio journalism] is becoming a bigger specialty that we have none of in our curriculum.” She said that when she first met with him to discuss the endowed chair, she knew that his appointment would be a good fit because their visions for the program were in sync. Martin said that Dankosky is also stopping by this semester to run workshops in the News Writing and Reporting I and II courses, as See Academic Affairs Page 3

Steve Forbes Is 2010 Vance Distinguished Lecturer Melissa TRaynoR The Recorder

The CCSU Office of Institutional Advancement announced Friday that for this year's Robert C. Vance Distinguished Lecture Series, Editor-in-Chief of Forbes magazine Malcolm Stevenson "Steve" Forbes will visit the campus. After gathering recommendations from around the CCSU community, Associate Vice President Nicholas Pettinico said that the Vance Charitable Foundation had chosen Forbes, but also considered a few other lecturers. Forbes' visit will take place on Wednesday, April 28 and will include the headlining lecture itself at 7:30 p.m., but also a dinner for earlier in the day. In recent years, CCSU has brought well-known figures in the

field of journalism such as former CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather and CNN's Anderson Cooper. "When the lecture series was originally conceived in the 1980s... the idea behind the annual lecture was to bring someone in the field of journalism," Pettinico said, but added that sometimes the distinguished lecturer has come from the world of politics rather than from the world that reports on them. "This year, like recent years, we're going back to our roots. [Forbes] still fits the bill of journalist." Tickets to the evening lecture are free for students and can be reserved at www.ccsu.edu/vance2010, where those interested may also order tickets for the reception and dinner at 5 p.m. for $85 per person.

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directions to the newington club: Ella Grasso Boulevard towards Stop & Shop. Left at light at bottom of hill onto Fenn Road. Go 1/2 mile, then right onto Commerce Court.

only 2 minutes from campus



THE RECORDER Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Recorder

Student Center 1615 Stanley Street New Britain, CT 06050 T 860.832.3744 editor@centralrecorder.com centralrecorder.com twitter.com/therecorder

Editor-in-Chief Melissa Traynor Managing Editor Michael Walsh Art Director Geoffrey Lewis Copy Editor Elizabeth Mitchell Opinion Editor Christina LoBello Entertainment Editor Matt Kiernan Lifestyles Editor Samantha Fournier Sports Editors Christopher Boulay Carmine Vetrano, Assistant Brittany Burke, Assistant Photo Editor Kenny Barto


The Recorder is a studentproduced publication of Central Connecticut State University and does not necessarily represent, in whole or in part, the views of CCSU’s administrators, faculty or students. The Recorder articles, photographs and graphics are property of The Recorder and may not be reproduced or published without the written permission from the Editor-in-Chief. T he pur pose of T he Recorder is to approach and def ine issues of importance to the students of Central Connecticut State Universit y. Editorial board meetings for The Recorder are held on Sundays at 6 p.m. in the Blue and W hite Room in the student center.

Highlights of CCSU Sustainability Conference Will Include State DEP Commissioner as a just, prosperous and healthy experience. The Recorder Another major portion of the event is a town hall meeting featuring The Global Environmental Connecticut Gubernatorial Sustainability Action Coalition candidate Ned Lamont at 5:30 p.m. is holding its third annual Global in Alumni Hall. Environmental Sustainability The meeting will be centered conference at Central Connecticut around a discussion with audience State University on Monday, April members about what needs to be 5. done to create a thriving green The main highlight of the event business economy nationally and in is keynote speaker Amey Marrella, the state of Connecticut. who is the Connecticut Department According to GESAC, their of Environmental Protection mission is to support university Commissioner at 12:45 and civic leaders, p.m. in Alumni Hall. governmental officials Marrella's department and all citizens in the is responsible for implementation of the protection policies that promote a of Connecticut’s healthy environment, environment, natural strong economy and a resources and wildlife just society for present and for maintaining and future generations Connecticut’s state as well as trying to adopt parks and forests. a sustainable lifestyle. Marrella was named The event, which to the position in is free and open to September of 2009. the entire general The day-long event, public, is capped by an A Green Economy for Amey Marrella aesthetic performance art a Sustainable Future, piece from elementary focuses on how the country can education majors titled "The transition to a greener economy by Dolphin Industry Tragedy of the redefining the American economy Commons" exploring the concept to become one of sustainable of anthropocentrism, the belief that development. humans are the central and most GESAC aims to empower and significant entities in the universe. teach the CCSU community and The conference will close with its surrounding citizens throughout a free performance by local death the day's discussions with various metal band Engraved, who is also speakers to learn how to ensure the performing at tonight’s WFCS future of the planet can be realized Metal Fest. Michael Walsh

Violent Crimes Have Decreased Despite Many Recent Crime Alerts Daily Illini Staff

Daily Illini | University of Illinois

(WIRE) - Several assaults on and near campus over the past few weeks have resulted in an abundance of crime alert e-mails from University Police, but this may not indicate an increase in violent crime. According to a report released by the Champaign Police Department on Wednesday, there has been a 50.6 percent decrease in the past 15 years in violent crime. In 2009, 217 violent crimes were reported on campus — a sharp decrease from the 439 that were recorded in 1994. The report defines violent crime as including homicide, sexual assault, robbery and assault and battery or any attempts of those crimes. Recent incidents reported in the alert e-mails include aggravated battery in the Pizza Hut parking lot at 411 E. Green St. in Champaign, home invasion and aggravated battery at the 400 block of East Healey Street in Champaign and a sexual assault at the Music Building at 1114 W. Nevada St. in Urbana. University Police Lt. Skip Frost said that crime “is not out of control.” Frost said that after sending out e-mail alerts for the past year and a half, University police are taking the alerts seriously so that students can protect themselves. “People seem not to pay as much attention when we arrest someone as opposed to when we send out a crime alert,” Frost said. According to the Champaign Police Department’s report, crime has decreased on campus by approximately 11 percent since crime alerts were first sent out. But some students said they feel crime has been getting out of hand,

with a few joining a recently created Facebook group called “Where are the Champaign police?” Andrea Gavidia, senior in LAS, said she thinks the amount of attacks on campus is “ridiculous.” “These places aren’t doing enough,” Gavidia said. “Students shouldn’t feel unsafe.” Bunny Boyd, junior in Media, said she feels that there is not much that she can do when it comes to violent crime on campus. “I delete all of my crime alert e-mails because there are so many,” Boyd said. The crime alerts are part of the Clery Act, Frost said, a federal mandate that requires public universities to alert students and staff about crimes on or near campus. “I think they (the e-mails) are very helpful,” Frost said. “Through the media, we have better communication, and we need the community’s help.” Luke Diehl, sophomore in Engineering, said he thinks crime has not been escalating significantly. “It’s probably due to people being stupid and irresponsible,” Diehl said. “I don’t think it’s a larger trend.” Joe O’Malley, senior in LAS, said that he appreciates the crime alerts. “The e-mails are good because they’re making sure that we know all that is happening,” O’Malley said. Frost said University police have also been increasing their patrols over the past few weeks. “We have additional people out on overtime,” Frost said. “We have greater coverage on campus, and we’re working in conjunction with the city of Champaign and Urbana police departments.”

scene @ ccsu A Weekly Stand-Alone Photo Captured at CCSU


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Gubernatorial candidates came to discuss drug policies in the state and their affect on local economy on March 18.

Kenny Barto | The Recorder


THE RECORDER / Wednesday, March 31, 2010 / NEWS

Academic Affairs Committee Approves Vance Chair Continued from page 1 well as Responsibilities of Journalism. As the chairholder, Dankosky will be paid from, and have access to some funds from the Robert C. Vance endowments for journalism workshops and conferences. Associate Vice President at Institutional Advancement Nicholas Pettinico said that a little over $300,000 is now available, which reflects accrued earnings from the original gift from the Vance Foundation. In 2000, the Vance Foundation awarded $1.4 million to the university for journalismrelated projects, such as the workshops and conferences that have taken place at CCSU over the last two years, and the State of Connecticut also added $400,000, Pettinico said.

During the committee meeting, Lovitt also informed the academic affairs members that CCSU has also distinguished two faculty members as full professors. Dr. Heather Munroe Prescott of the history department, who Lovitt said is known for her work in children’s health issues and societal impact, and Dr. Timothy Reagan of the school of education were recently appointed into full professor status. Committee chair John Doyle said that now is an important time to make these full professor appointments due to impending financial problems down the road. He also congratulated those involved in the CCSU appointments. “Everyone knows what the fiscal situation for the biennial is going to be,” he said. “The door [on professor appointments] is going to be shut. You can bet on it.”

Provost Lovitt presented on behlaf of CCSU on Monday.

Kenny Barto | The Recorder

Health Care Bill Includes Student Coverage Reform Saumya Vaishampayan

The Tufts Daily | Tufts University

(WIRE) - President Barack Obama on March 23 signed historic health care legislation that will extend coverage to an expected 30 million of the currently uninsured. While the specifics of how the reform will affect student health insurance at Tufts are unclear, one of the more significant measures of the bill for students, especially for graduating seniors, is the provision that children can stay on their parents’ health insurance plans longer. “For the Tufts population, because they are already required to have health insurance, the biggest change is the fact that students can be covered by their parents’ insurance until the age of 26,” Senior Director of Health and Wellness Service Michelle Bowdler said. According to Bowdler, this change especially benefits graduate students. Senior Samuel Perrone, a Student Health Organizing Coalition (SHOC) organizer, agrees with Bowdler that this age adjustment is the most significant change for students. SHOC is a Tufts−based organization that seeks to bring a student voice to discussions on student health insurance The bill also bans insurance companies from denying coverage to patients with pre−existing conditions and mandates that almost all Americans must purchase health insurance. Tufts and Aetna Student Health, the provider for Tufts students’ insurance, during the renewal process earlier this year eliminated the pre−existing condition clause in the university’s student insurance plan, according to Bowdler. Congressmen Edward Markey (D−Mass.) and Michael Capuano (D−Mass.), the representatives for Medford and Somerville, respectively, both voted in favor of the bill. “This new law is a win−win for our country and our community, helping to reduce the deficit while helping families save money on health care costs by providing the largest middle−class tax cut for health care in history,” Markey said in a statement released to the Daily. While the new health insurance requirement is a milestone, it may not drastically affect Massachusetts as the state has already covered some of the provisions. A similar 2006 Massachusetts law requires almost all Massachusetts residents to purchase health insurance and provides subsidized or

free health care for those unable to afford it. Perrone added that the legislation will create health exchanges, an approach that has already been used in Massachusetts through the Health Connector. Health exchanges are marketplaces for health insurance in which different insurance companies can showcase their plans. “The Massachusetts connector offers a range of plans to individuals who are buying without employer−based insurance … some plans are subsidized,” Perrone said. “The low income bracket can buy cheap plans from state with pretty decent coverage.” The health care legislation also focuses on preventive care. Beginning this year, private insurance plans must provide preventive care for free, and Medicare will follow suit in 2011. “Preventive care is something that insurance companies have historically not covered and that is really problematic,” Bowdler said. Tufts’ current student health insurance plan does not cover preventive care to a great extent, according to Bowdler. For example, the plan does not cover pre−college immunizations, a form of preventive care. “It will be interesting to see if some of these preventatives fall in student plans,” Bowdler said. A representative from Aetna Student Health could not be reached for comment. While enthusiastic about the bill’s passage, Perrone and SHOC believe that the bill could have gone further. “We all think it’s great. It could have done a lot more, but given the political circumstances it is probably the best we could have hoped for,” Perrone said. The U.S. House of Representatives was forced to pass the U.S. Senate’s version of health care legislation when Democrats lost the filibuster−proof majority in Senate with the January election win by Rep. Scott Brown (LA ’81). After the March 21 passage of the health care bill in the House, the House sent a series of changes to the health care bill to Senate that were encompassed in a budget reconciliation bill. The Senate on March 25 passed the budget reconciliation bill and the House passed it later that day. According to the budget reconciliation process, a budget reconciliation bill is not subject to filibuster in Senate. The bill passed in both chambers with unanimous Republican dissent.

7 30PM Alumni Hall


THE RECORDER / Wednesday, March 31, 2010 / NEWS

Pell Grants to Rise $36B Over Decade Terhea Doaty

The Daily Collegian | Penn State University

(WIRE) - The U.S. Senate passed a bill Thursday that will invest $36 billion dollars over 10 years into Pell grants, increasing the maximum given to $5,550 this year and moving to $5,975 by 2017. Penn State officials said they look forward to the increase in funds available to help students pay for their college education, university spokeswoman Annemarie Mountz said. “The additional Pell grant money will be very helpful to students as students and families struggle to afford higher education,” she said. Cutting subsidies to large banks that give student loans, the bill will redirect money to invest in the grants, which directly affects students and their families. Private commercial banks will in turn be dropped from the federal student loan equation. State legislators applaud the effort to increase funds. “Education is one of our nation’s greatest capital assets,” said Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa. “This bill will make college more accessible and more affordable to students and their families.” Tor Michaels, chief of staff for state Rep. Scott Conklin, D-Centre, said the congressman agrees with the increase in

Student Center Prepares for Last Blood Drive of Semester Melissa Traynor The Recorder

funds allotted to Pell grants. Any time the student population can be helped to achieve an education, it improves the country as a whole, he said. “Clearly we are in a global economy, and Penn State is a very important component in that economy,” Michaels said. “Any time our future leaders have the chance to receive a higher education -- especially those that cannot afford a college education but are bright and able to receive one -- we need to step up to the plate.” Penn State students who use the Pell grant to pay for college are eagerly awaiting the funding increase. “The Pell Grant really helped me throughout my college career,” Dwayne Johnson (senior-information sciences and technology) said. “I think this increase is beneficial because there is more money out there so students who receive it can receive more and people who don’t can begin to receive funds.” Other students who already receive other scholarships are also looking forward to the bump in their support. “Even though I receive an athletic scholarship, it’s nice to additionally receive the Pell Grant, because it gives me extra money to pocket for any additional lingering expenses I may have,” Stephen Obeng-Agyapong (freshman-accounting) said.

American Red Cross' "Save-A-Life" Bus will be stopping by the student center circle for the last blood drive of the semester on April 19, and the student center staff is gearing up now by assembling volunteers. In an email sent out Monday, Student Activities/Leadership Development put out the call for volunteers to run the registration

and sign-up tables in the coming weeks before the drive. The blood drive itself will take place between 9:30 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. and the Red Cross' goal is to receive 160 pints of blood, which they suggest will help up to 350 patients. Students or clubs interested in donating their time and energy may contact Lizz Mulvaney at st_mulvaneye@ccsu.edu. Appointments to donate blood can be made by calling the student center Info Desk at 8321970.



THE RECORDER Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Student Aid Bill is Step in the Right Direction

The Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act, newly commended by the House of Representatives, will bring some definite changes to the way some students pay for college. This act will soon become a law once President Obama signs the bill. The changes it will bring will be distinct, but not necessarily make a huge impact, nor immediately. The bill will enhance federal Pell grants first, which are are awarded mainly to lower to middle income families. A majority of those who benefit come from homes whose annual income was lower than $30,000 during the 2005-2006

year. These grants will expand from $5,350 this school year to a maximum $5,550 in the next school year. This will eventually grow to $5,975 by 2017. The grants will be tied into the cost of living in that 2013-2017 gap, which will be increasing along with the Consumer Price Index. The bill will invest $36 billion in these grants within the next 10 years. Repaying loans will also eventually be made easier. Those who borrow will be able to cap their monthly payments to 10 percent of their unrestricted income after 2014. That will be a decrease from the 15

percent they presently pay. The only other thing is that those who are borrowing through the Stafford Loan Program, as well as parents who are borrowing from the parent loan program and graduate students who are borrowing though the graduate PLUS program will have to sign new documents on their loans. The money for both the grants as well as the federal programs will come from the exclusion of financial support from private banks who are deemed inefficient middlemen. As of the 2008-09 school year, 67.8 percent of students at CCSU received financial aid. While 17 percent receive federal grants, a

Letter to the Editor:

Do Your Research Recently there have been a few articles published in the Recorder that have greatly upset me. It is not necessarily due to the content with in the articles, but more of what is NOT in them. Every student in college should know by now that a good paper consists of good research, this includes articles written for the school newspaper. But research is what I am not seeing in these articles. Yes, they may be opinion articles, but words are weak unless backed by fact. As President of the Student Government Association I make sure that whenever my Senators are going to make motions, that they have research and facts to support such motions. I would expect the same from the Editor-in-Chief of the Recorder when accepting articles. In the “Where’s the Health Food” article, why wasn’t there an interview with one of the many managers of our food service provider, Sodexo. Maybe then the writer could have learned about the Inter Residence Council’s Food Committee that works on issues just like the concern that was expressed in the article or that the Student Government has assigned Senators with the task of assessing Food Service Quality at CCSU. With that research, that writer may have even been able to go from an article complaining about food service to one about how students can make changes in our food service. Once again in the “CCSU Fan’s Make No Impact” and “Hell Hath No Fury Like a Mascot (and Fans) Scorn” the writer doesn’t make reference to research he could have done. Did he talk with any one from athletics, maybe Mike Ansera, who keeps track of attendance at games? He referenced one past experience from a championship game, but that was it. I bet he didn’t know that the other school’s coaches state that CCSU has one of the most supportive fan bases in the NEC, but he wouldn’t because he probably didn’t ask. I myself could have also been a reference, after being part of athletics for four years, of which I was the mascot for two years. I have been to almost every single home basketball and football game since I was a freshman. I can say with absolute certainty, that while we may not be comparable to the Huskies “Dog Pound” yet, we are getting there. It just takes some effort. But to have an article attacking students about attendance won’t help, we need to encourage them. Positive reinforcement works phenomenally better than negative reinforcement; any psychology student on campus could tell you that. Finally I’ll end with the most recent article, the editorial titled, “Focus on the Positives”, an article about the Student Government funded trip to the State

Capital. The issue that arises is that the writer of the article did not contact one single student from the SGA to get more information on the trip. In the end they made an assumption, which as the saying goes, “If you ASS-U-ME you make an ASS out of U and ME”. As President, I have always made time to sit down with students. I have also never missed a meeting with someone from the Recorder; unfortunately I can’t say it’s a high number of meetings. The Recorder has only asked to meet twice this whole year; despite all the times they mention the SGA or a student related issue in the newspaper. If the writer did meet with me, they would have found that we are “Focusing on the Positives”. The students, who attend the trip, get a t-shirt that states, “CCSU, An investment into CT’s Future”. They will also receive a pamphlet of talking points that “focus on the positives” of CCSU, so when they meet a legislator they have something to say. While tuition raises may be inevitable we, as students, can fight to make sure that they are not as high as they possibly could be. The writer also mentioned textbooks as another inevitable cost. Yet had they talked with me, they would of found out there is a committee formed of students and faculty to address the cost of textbooks and find ways to make getting a textbook more reasonable for students. I mean, talk about “focusing of the Positives”, where are all of the positives in the Recorder. I don’t see any articles about how three CCSU students were nationally recognized at a Psychology conference, beating out students from Yale, Harvard, and other major universities. Or how our Education Club goes to local schools to volunteer to help educate students on science, mathematics, etc. Or that the CCSU equestrian club took first place at the Zone 1 Region 1 Intercollegiate Horse Show Association’s show. Or that the SGA just allocated $100,000 to implement the “Improve It” program, which allows students to propose improvements to the CCSU campus and receive scholarships at the same time. So I am calling out every student writer to start doing your research, and if you have done your research make sure to tell us. Sincerely, Andrew Froning Graduating Senior, May 2010 Student Government President


whopping 57 percent use student loans. There are also several different awards and scholarships to apply to, including Pell grants and several different levels of Stafford Loans. Initially, there are not too many immediate negatives that come with the new act. It will smooth out the rough spots that the private banks bring. Lowering payments is rarely a bad thing in the short term and it creates more financial opportunities for students to apply for. It is well known that many CCSU students pay for their own tuition and work through school, and perhaps this bill will allow them to make easier,

smaller payments in the future. Yet, at the same time, these changes aren’t drastic. While the bill could make the financial situation easier in the short term for students, it is not a gigantic boost to the amount of money that those applying will receive. A $200 bump for Pell grants is hardly a significant increase. All of the good intentions are clear, and the changes will be specific, but they aren’t as big as they probably could be. Although it will make a small impact, it is more money than there was before and less of it will be pouring out of students' pockets.

Sharp Rise in Adjunct Professors Has Obvious Downsides Daily Iowan Editorial Board University of Iowa

(WIRE) - The make-up of the nation’s highereducation faculty is in flux. In 1960, 75 percent of college teachers were full-time tenured or tenure-track professors, according to the New York Times. At present, only 27 percent fit that description. Who’s taking their place? Adjuncts, parttime professors hired to teach on a per-course or yearly basis. At the University of Iowa, the number of adjuncts has increased 19 percent in the last five years, compared with a 6 percent spike among permanent faculty. Adjuncts may provide some of the same advantages as professors, but they are treated differently when it comes to pay and benefits. The UI and institutions across the country should do what they can to halt the increase in adjuncts and focus on promoting full-time professors. Professor Christopher Morphew, the chairman of the educational policy and leadership studies department, didn’t label the shift toward adjunct professors as a decidedly negative. “I would hesitate to put it in either the good or bad category,” he told the Editorial Board. “My perspective is that many adjuncts are very good teachers. In fact, I know some adjuncts that are as good, if not better, than full-tenured professors.” Indeed, adjunct professors can be just as qualified and effective as full-time professors. And in many cases, adjunct professors bring a wealth of real-world experience that benefits students. It is in areas that are more tangible, however, that we see a lack of fairness. A recent survey commissioned by the American Federation of Teachers, polled 500 adjunct faculty members across the nation, and the results were alarming. A full 57 percent of those surveyed said their salaries fall short,

and only 28 percent say they receive healthinsurance benefits. In addition, 41 percent of those surveyed said job safety falls short of expectations. Therein lies the problem. While adjuncts may provide excellent instruction, it’s troubling universities are turning to them — and their relatively paltry salaries and benefits — with little regard for the negative implications. “I think the problem comes from broader questions, such as, is it fair or equitable to pay people salaries that are low and not provide benefits in many cases?” Morphew said. “It’s tough to ask people to act like professionals, when in many ways, you don’t treat them like professionals.” The continued lack of support for higher education across this country — and in this state as well — has undoubtedly played a significant role in the slow growth in the number of full-time professors. In a time of perpetually tight budgets, universities rightly recognize that hiring adjunct instructors saves money. And, with little indication that legislators have had it with continued higher education divestment, future students may continue to find themselves in classrooms headed by adjunct professors. But make no mistake about it — this insidious trend should be halted. The individuals seeking and occupying adjunct-professor positions are not to blame for the current situation. Their commitment to education — despite receiving fewer benefits and lower pay than regular professors — should be applauded. But the current situation is unfair both to the individuals holding these positions and the students they educate. Universities should make more of an effort to either produce more tenure-track professionals, or provide current adjunct professors the opportunities for advancement in position, pay, and benefits.

6 THE RECORDER Wednesday, March 31, 2010



The Breathing Process headline Wednesday. MaTT KieRnan The Recorder

WFCS 107.7 will host Metal Fest this Wednesday in support of the station and to promote metal bands from around the Connecticut area. The free concert, which will run from 7:30 until close in Alumni Hall, will feature headliner The Breathing Process, Engraved, Attentat and Age of Deception. “The whole reason we’re doing this is to draw more listeners to our radio,” said PR Director of WFCS Nicholas Menapace, who put the festival together. There are connections between the bands and the radio station, with a few members of Attentat attending CCSU and a member of Engraved being a member of the radio station. The concert is expected to have a large audience at Metal Fest, whose Facebook event page indicates that almost 100 people will attend. The last time a metal festival

phoTo coURTesy of KaRen JeRZyK

concert was held was two years ago. Original planning for this year’s Metal Fest started in spring of last year and was expected to be put on during Nov. or Dec., but there were scheduling problems of bands that were supposed to perform. There were many other bands that asked to be on the bill to perform, but there wasn’t enough room for all of them, so the bands were cut down to four. “If I wanted I could have eight of these concerts,” said Menapace because of the number of bands he knows in the local area who’d be happy to perform. Many of the bands that asked to be put on the bill weren’t doing it for the money, but for their music to be heard. The amount of money it took to book the bands wasn’t much because Menapace knew members. “We’ve been excited about doing this for a while,” said Menapace. Tickets to heavy metal concerts at the Palladium and Webster will be given away at the concert.

Community takes note of CCSU’s 'Revealed' Exhibit saManTha foURnieR The Recorder

saManTha foURnieR | The RecoRdeR

This past Thursday more than one hundred works were set up on display by artists like Andy Warhol, Robert Mapplethorpe, and George Platt Lines graced the walls of the S.T. Chen Gallery at CCSU for the opening of Revealed: The Tradition of Male Homoerotic Art. While the gallery was populated mostly by middle-aged visitors from the community, students also stopped by to view the homoerotic art pieces spanning a hundred years that were suspended from the white walls of the gallery. “One of the reasons I did the show was to see the university fulfill its commitment to diversity” said the curator Robert Diamond. He believes that this exhibit is a groundbreaking display of the history of homoerotic works. This is the first time several of Robert Mapplethorpe’s photos have been shown on the East Coast. “If art is comfortable then we are in trouble” a middle-aged man from the audience said at the end of the discussion that preceded the art opening. From bondage to oral sex to erect penises there is nothing conservative or comfortable about this exhibit. Diamond hopes the exhibit is something everyone can appreciate. “I think the intent of art is to reflect on it aesthetically, or emotionally,” Diamond said about the works, which are not just

illustrative works. “I’m really excited to look at it, and I was really surprised that we had an exhibit like this at Central, but surprised in a good way,” said alumnus Laura Mazzarella as she moved from one piece to the next. Stanley Stellar who spoke at the discussion and has several photos on display expressed his excitement to be a part of this exhibit. Stellar started his photography career in 1976 postcards he distributed that depicted a man’s bare chest tattooed with blue birds. “All the art really is created out of the artists desire,” Stellar said. Photographer Mikel Marton from Montreal eroticizes images of men who are a bit more feminized. One of Marton’s photos depicts a man with pink glossy lips wearing a tan fur coat draped from his shoulders and in knee high boots with an exposed behind posing on the floor. While Warhol is known for his pop prints he has several graphic black and white screen prints are on display that have a comic book like feel. “Those seem the most artistic,” said CCSU student John Szeber of Warhol’s photos. At Revealed you will find sketches, black and white photos, and colorful photos of homoerotic images spanning one hundred years. Revealed will be on display until April 22 from 1 to 4 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 2 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, and from 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday.


THE RECORDER / Wednesday, March 31, 2010 / UPGRADE

Restaurant Review

Get Your Falafel On

House of Kabob Now Serving Melissa TRaynoR The Recorder

The addition of this unassuming Mediterranean/Middle Eastern food restaurant is totally out of sync with the surrounding plaza (Domino's Pizza, Blimpie, Underground Deli are located in the same space) but it's a good one. West Hartford's Tangiers is the nearest good falafel. When they first moved in and opened shop last semester, it seemed as if the staff or the customers didn't know what to make of the place. It was carpeted and the counters near the kitchen were kind of awkwardly poised. Today, things are pretty organized; House of Kabob has nice printed menus, a little coffee counter and a spacious-enough dining area. The staff is very friendly and it's good

to see that they're getting CCSU customers while the spring semester is in full swing. One downside is that the food is slightly inconsistent. I've stopped by House of Kabob for falafel about four times, each pleasant, but the food experience can differ wildly. Originally, the falafel on a pita wrap was impressive. But as of late, the falafel has sometimes left something to be desired. At one point, they even put pickles and mayonnaise on the falafel wrap, which is cardinal sin in crossing food boundaries. It comes in relatively neat packaging - clutch for dealing with messy (however delicious) tahini sauce. The toasted pita wrap also helps. The actual falafel tucked in the wrap was almost baked on the outside, soft on the inside like the way it should be. It's not completely hard or crunchy, but it actually has a shape and stays together in a rather compact way. Another huge plus is that they originally folded sauteed onions in with the falafel, which gave it an added layer of flavor. House of Kabob doesn't do this regularly anymore. It's now the standard lettuce, tomato, raw onion slivers, tahini sauce and the falafel. For sides, House of Kabob

offers falafel (pieces only), baba ghanoush, hummus, grape leaves, and french fries. Though its oily appearance is a little startling at first, the hummus proves to be a quality addition. It tastes slightly bland, but in the way that serves as a contrast against the other flavors in the meal. A thick pita pocket is provided as well for dunking. The prices are pretty good, too: $4.25 for the falafel wrap and the House of Kabob has several lunch platters between $7 and $10. Each platter comes with the kabob or vegetarian meal of choice and sides of rice and pita bread. They have burgers and salads, as well as different kabob choices for pita wraps or grinders, all under $7. Baklava as dessert also looks like a good idea ($2.50). Note: The Recorder staff also recommends the chicken kabob on a pita, which comes with tomatoes, onions and parsley, at $4.99.

House of Kabob 1537 Stanley St New Britain, CT 06053 (860) 223-1200

A Cappella Groups Maintain A Friendly Competition chaRles desRocheRs The Recorder

The urge to sing can be strong and sometimes humming a melody in the shower may suffice, but for some people the only way to feed this impulse is to get on a stage and perform. That could be why there are four a cappella clubs at Central Connecticut State University, and there may have been more. “Our advisor has said, ‘Four groups is the cap,’” says Michael Brown, the director of DIVISI, the all male group. “So there’s not going to be any more groups but the groups themselves seem to get enlarged.” It may seem redundant to have so many groups, but their styles differ, even when they perform the same song. “With TGFI (Too Good For Instruments), their an all-female group and we’re co-ed. So no matter what, they’re not going to have girls going way down the octave singing low F,” says Michelle Kayser,

director of the co-ed group The Right Frequency (TRF), about the two clubs both performing the song ‘Falling Slowly.’ “So no matter what, the arrangements are going to be different…. Different people have different visions for what they do and how they arrange pieces,” Kayser says. ACAbellas and DIVISI were the original groups founded in 2005 followed by TRF in 2006 and TGFI in 2007. The Central Connecticut A Cappella Society was formed in 2005. Students not in one of the groups can still join the CCAS. “The goal,” Brown says, “was to spread a cappella music. Central really didn’t have an outlet for a cappella like Tufts University in Massachusetts, their a cappella groups have been around for 30-40 years.” “The society as a whole is great.

It's awesome to have so many groups, because we all have our own style and flair, which makes it

more interesting,” wrote ACAbella’s assistant director, Darcey Lovell, in an email. “It's really one big community of people who all have a common goal to have fun and to make great music together.

Each ensemble likes to show up as a group to support the other ensembles in their performances. We work together in things like fundraisers and collaborations like our welcome back concert each semester.” That’s not to say that there isn’t competition amongst the four. “If I go to the TGFI show, and they blow it out of the water and our show is the next week, I’ll get back to rehearsal and go, ‘Listen guys, we’ve got to step it up because these guys just rocked my face off and we need to be better then that,’” says Brown. “Any group is going to want to be better than the last group they saw.” Each of the groups tries to offer their own style. DIVISI does more gospel. Brown says that having 12 men gives them an opportunity to sing songs that have more power.

K’naan and Wale Rap at Toad’s Friday MaTT KieRnan The Recorder

Underground rappers K’naan and Wale will be co-headlining a concert at Toad’s Place this Friday for a night of rap performances that are alternative in their beats and vocal styles. K’naan’s songs provide an interesting twist to their beats, using sounds from his national heritage of Somalia. Both artists take a turn into discussing politics in their lyrics, as well as everyday life. K’naan released his second album Troubadour in 2009, with the album featuring artists such as Mos Def and Damian Marley. Wale released his debut album Attention Deficit in 2009 as well, containing the first

single, “Chillin,” which was supported by the appearance of Lady Gaga. At its highest popularity it reached 99 on the Billboard Hot 100. Both artists worked together on the track “Um’Ricka,” off the Wale mixtape Back to the Feature. Opening acts John Forte and Tabi Bonney will be warming up the crowd with their equally significant styles of underground rap. K’naan and Wale will be touring together on their Trophey Tour throughout the east coast and midwest, ending in Columbus, Ohio. The doors open at 8 p.m. with the show starting at 9 p.m. Tickets will be running $20 in advance and $25 the day of the show.

ACAbellas, Lovell says, will sing anything from Disney classics to modern pop. TRF, Kayser says, is the only group that can execute all four parts, soprano, alto, tenor and bass, because they are co-ed. Kayser says, “When you are all female or all male you are limited in a certain range and it’s nice for us because we like to branch out and expose our ranges.” As well as being the only co-ed group on campus they also became the first group to have a member whose soul responsibility is beat boxing, something that Kayser calls "liberating." “Our beat boxer in our group would also double as one of our bass voices. So it was difficult at times because if he was beat boxing we would lose that voice,” she says. Most of the groups have beat boxing but they also double as vocalists. DIVISI has several but won’t use beat boxing where it isn’t necessary. For updates on upcoming concerts check CCSU Today.


THE RECORDER / Wednesday, March 31, 2010 / UPGRADE

REVIEWS She & Him Volume Two Merge Records March 23

The Dillinger Escape Plan Option Paralysis Season of Mist March 23

Matt Kiernan

Matt Kiernan

The duo of She and Him, actress Zooey Deschanel and folk musician M. Ward, brings together the worlds of indie music and country for songs that rely on Deschanel’s beautiful vocals heavily and are supported by many different types of instruments, courtesy of Ward. Volume Two is an album that’s just as it sounds, a sequel to the first volume. The indie pop style of Deschanel is channeled into each song, with a voice that’s unique from other modern singers, sounding as if she’s from many decades ago. The first single off the album, “In the Sun,” begins with a catchy piano riff that is played in each break of the song. The song has the wonderfully positive chorus of, “It’s all right/ it’s okay/ we all get the slip sometimes every day,” with the track ending in an equally catchy guitar solo that’s entrancing in its reverb. The opening track, “Thieves,” is an emotional folk song with a chorus that has the words, “That won’t stop me crying over you.” The guitar riff in the song combines a country sound with jangle pop that’s simplistic, but effective with Deschanel’s poppy vocals. “Don’t Look Back,” provides an equally catchy piano riff as “Sun,” and is a less drawn out Dylanesque track. Deschanel’s singing of “Don’t look back or all you’ll ever get is the dust from the steps before,” is followed by a short break of a piano solo. “Me and You” is a countrified song that is all about Deschanel’s singing, backed up by Ward’s guitar strumming and backup harmonies. The lyrics hit home well with the listener with its simplistic message of not needing to care about the trivial things in life. Volume Two is amazing in its implementation of pop music, proving it was a great idea getting the artists of Deschanel and Ward together to make music.

On their fourth album, Option Paralysis, the Dillinger Escape Plan continue their work of creative post-hardcore music to make an album that is emotionally charged in anger and soulful singing. Lead singer Greg Puciato brings a wide array of vocals to the album, singing normally in a passionate voice one moment, to sudden bursts of screaming the next. Lead guitarist and only original member Ben Weinman shreds his guitar with well calculated playing that is quickly paced and performed to perfection. In all of the tracks there’s a division of pieces that run throughout, with many different segments that bring each song to a different stage of verses and bridges. This makes the album complicated, but is evened out by its fluidity and strong arrangements. The album opens with the song, “Farewell, Mona Lisa,” a track that begins with powerful screaming by Puciato that is followed by whispering, child-like singing. The song goes back and forth in ways of singing, holding many different levels of vocal styles. On the third track, “Gold Teeth on a Bum,” it opens quietly with quick guitar and violin strumming that carries into Puciato’s singing. Toward the end of the song, Puciato sings, “Couldn’t you help me/ so that I may believe,” with a mid-tempo pace that is carried over Weinman’s fast-tempo guitar notes. The last song, “Parasitic Twins,” starts with an eerie violin that’s paired up with a lightly played xylophone. Perhaps the most peaceful track on the album, “Twins” shows how much the band can do with minimalistic instrumentation, using Puciato’s vocal abilities to carry the song. The last minute of the track cranks up the loudness, but refrains from having screams, instead having a complicated guitar solo and

The Recorder

vocal harmonies without words. Like other Dillinger albums, Option Paralysis is just as assertive of the musical prowess that the band brings to the genre of hardcore.

Dr. Dog Shame Shame AntiApril 6

The Recorder

Melissa Traynor The Recorder

Despite flecks of sorrow (which actually end up sounding pretty upbeat in Dr. Dog songs), Shame, Shame is really moving in a positive way. Many of the songs’ lyrics suggest a kind of longing, or searching, or tired, kind of settling where the first person realizes that maybe the good days are over, but these heartfelt words are presented against a backdrop of amazingly uplifting stuff. How can you be sad for the whole length of a song when a piano and a tambourine are around to cheer you out of a funk? Though the band seems content not to have gone out on any musically experimental limbs, this record is just standard good. It’s like they don’t need anything special and it really shows that the songwriting behind Shame, Shame is all there. Maybe Dr. Dog just made the album for themselves. For example, the track “Shame, Shame” provides a nice sampling of what this record is about. It doesn’t need any hype. The title track builds really slowly, helped by country guitar twang, melancholy vocals and subtle organ, with a spurt from piano emphasizing a note every here and there. The beat doesn’t exactly pick up, but the tambourine gives it a little more pep than it began with. It’s kind of a lazy love song, if you consider spending more than five minutes blaming your lover for your conforming and falling in love. It’s actually really soulful, which is odd to point out given that much of the record is, but with this track much more so. “Shame, Shame” has even got classy R&B back-up singers for the chorus. The song ends cleanly and without any kind of depressing

tone because the track finishes on a positive note. Closing out the album is “Where’d All the Time Go?,” which brings in a familiar kind of classic rock acoustic and electric guitar and beautiful harmonies. Emotional choruses eventually kind of fold in, but there’s a nice little break and return back to the into sound. Then this explosive, yet simple outstanding guitar solo breaks out for the end of the song. It almost asks to be likened to southern classic rock. Is it appropriate to mention Allman Brothers Band here? Even if just for one song, the similarities between some of the classic rock greats and Dr. Dog run high. The single “Shadow People” also does a pretty nice job as a sound-byte, but it’s slightly different from Shame, Shame in that it sounds a little bit more modern than other tracks. Other than that, the record would be hard pressed to present a really popular hit song, because that’s not what it’s trying to do. Because, if you pull one out, you don’t get the full effect; and Shame, Shame is a great collection of songs that need to be heard together. It’s really impressive that without all of the modern flair, Dr. Dog puts out a record that is plainly superior to many of its peers.

Sick of reading reviews of bands no one has heard of?

Email suggestions to editor@centralrecorder.com.


THE RECORDER / Wednesday, March 31, 2010 / UPGRADE

Calendar 3.31 - 4.7

A neo-noir epic based on horrific, factual events and adapted for the screen from David Peace's series of groundbreaking novels. The Red Riding Trilogy follows controversial stories revolving around the manhunt for the brutal Yorkshire Ripper.

new. Showing a whole new side is actor Michael Cera ( Juno, Superbad) as previously mentioned teenager, who is smitten with a blonde cutie (newcomer Portia Doubleday) who happens to be a francophile. Voila! Cera creates a French doppleganger who schools him in the arts of seduction, from white loafers to radical politics. “Miguel Arteta tinges the mirth with malice. Sweet.” Peter Travers, Rolling Stone.

3.31 - 4.3 The Third Man @ Cinestudio Hartford, Conn. $7.00 / 7:30 p.m.

4.2 - 4.8 Soundtrack for a Revolution @ Real Art Ways Hartford, Conn. $6.25 / 7:00 p.m.

The second of two films written by Graham Greene on the Cinestudio flyer (see Brighton Rock!) quite deserves its #1 standing on the British Film Institute’s List of Best 100 Films. A mystery that excites both the senses & the brain, The Third Man also works as a parable of a naïve America sucked into the complexity and corruption of post World War Europe. Writer Joseph Cotten arrives in Vienna looking for his best friend, Harry Lime. But what he finds along the way – including his rendezvous with a never-better Orson Welles - is much more than he ever imagined. “QUITE SIMPLY, ONE OF THE FINEST FILMS EVER MADE! The joy this film provides is so magnified when it’s projected in a movie theater that seeing it on the big screen is like watching it for the first time.” – Elvis Mitchell, The New York Times.

"[A] skillfully assembled history of the civil rights movement, with musical interludes. It’s civil rights’ greatest hits: Montgomery, Selma, Birmingham; “Eyes on the Prize,” “We Shall Not be Moved,” “We Shall Overcome.” It’s the kind of film that will have audiences clapping and singing along. And why not? The images and stories may be familiar, but it’s history worth retelling." Mike Hale, The New York Times

here enjoys the same inexplicable immunity to police investigation." - Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times (4 stars)

The Hold Steady are performing Saturday at Toad’s Place.

MUSIC 4.1 Manchester Orchestra @ Toad's Place New Haven, Conn. $17 / 7 p.m. 4.2 Fair to Midland w/ Karnivool @ The Webster Theatre Hartford, Conn. $12 / 6 p.m. 4.2 K'naan / Wale @ Toad's Place New Haven, Conn. $25 / 9 p.m. 4.3 The Hold Steady @ Toad's Place New Haven, Conn. $22 / 7 p.m.




wanted The Recorder is looking for News Editors to begin immediately. Positions could extend through end of semester, if desired. Contact Melissa Traynor: editor@ centralrecorder .com

3.31 - 4.8 Red Riding Trilogy (Parts 1, 2 and 3) @ Real Art Ways Hartford, Conn. $6.25 / Various Times A triptych of films from directors Julian Jarrold, James Marsh (Man on Wire) and Anand Tucker. "To view this gritty, gripping series is to enter a devil's bargain: Watch and you'll never forget." Kenneth Turan, LA Times "Red Riding Trilogy is an immersive experience like The Best of Youth, Brideshead Revisited or Nicholas Nickleby. Over the course of 302 minutes, we sink into a virtual world: the corrupt police and establishment figures of West Yorkshire in England, at the time of the real-life "Yorkshire Ripper." Peter Sutcliffe, the Ripper, was convicted of killing 13 women, and may have killed more. The fictional Ripper

4.2 - 4.3 Youth in Revolt @ Cinestudio Hartford, Conn. $7.00 / 9:30 p.m. Youth in Revolt may begin with a familiar premise (ie; cute but awkward teenage boy in search of willing partner), but in the twisted world of director Miguel Arteta (Chuck and Buck, The Good Girl), raging hormones inspire something

"The film puts a fresh spin on the issues and struggles of the civilrights movement." - Jennie Punter, The Globe And Mail 4.3 - 4.4 Leonard Cohen: Isle of Wight 1970 @ Real Art Ways Hartford, Conn. $6.25 / 7:00 p.m. "Full of wit, subtle humor, sorrow and insight, bootleg showcases songwriter/poet at peak of his stripped-down powers." Paste Magazine "Dressed in a tan safari jacket and playing an acoustic guitar, staring into the night and putting a largely unseen yet palpably present, often audible audience under a spell, Mr. Cohen was a man on a mission and somewhat of a missionary from another world. And, as he sings one dark thought and feeling, his long,

lyrical, at times surrealistic words chasing one another, you experience the ancient arts of the shaman one more time." - Manohla Dargis, New York Times "Murray Lerner's brief but enjoyable Leonard Cohen Live at the Isle of Wight 1970 ... combines his intimate 40-year-old footage of Cohen - mostly performing songs from his first two albums - with shots of the crowd and new interviews with four witnesses, including Joan Baez and Kris Kristofferson." - Peter Hartlaub, San Francisco Chronicle 4.4 - 4.6 The Imaginarium Parnassus @ Cinestudio Hartford, Conn. $7.00 / 7:30 p.m.



Many Heath Ledger fans know that the gifted actor died in the middle of filming The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus. What they may not know is that, in tribute to their lost friend, actors Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell, and Jude Law took on Ledger’s role where he left off, adding a poignant tone to this brilliantly imagined fantasy. Christopher Plummer stars as a London street performer who is locked in a battle with the Devil (as played by Tom Waits). Ledger joins the Doctor’s wild troupe as a magical ringleader, who accompanies any lady willing to pay a few shillings through the looking glass and into the adventure of their own dream world.

CCSU 3.31 WFCS Metal Fest The Breathing Process Engraved Attentat Age of Deception Vaitarna Alumni Hall, Student Center Free / 7:30 p.m.


THE RECORDER / Wednesday, March 31, 2010 / SPORTS


Baseball Wins Game One on Sunday at FDU CCSUBlueDevils.com

Senior Sean Allaire drove in four runs, and nearly hit for the cycle, as the Central Connecticut State University baseball team overcame a 6-0 deficit to defeat Fairleigh Dickinson 11-9 in the first game of a doubleheader on Sunday.

Blue Devils: 11 FDU: 9 Sophomore Mitch Wells added three RBI in the victory. The two teams are finishing the weekend series with a nine-inning game following the first game of the day. Central trailed 6-0 after the first three innings, as the Knights scored one in the first, one in the second and four in the third inning. The Blue Devils answered with a fourrun fourth inning to cut the lead to 6-4. Wells drove in two with a double and Allaire drove in two more with a triple in the inning for Central. FDU answered with another run in the fourth and one in the fifth to up its lead to 8-4. Central answered in the sixth, taking the lead for the first time in the game with a five-

run inning. Allaire and Wells each hit home runs in the inning as Central sent 10 men to the plate. Wells hit a solo shot to score the first run of the inning, and Allaire blasted a two-run shotscoring classmate Richie Tri. Senior Tommy Meade and junior Sean Miller-Jones each added an RBI in the frame as Central took the 9-8 lead. FDU answered with a single run in the bottom of the inning to tie the game at 9-9. The Blue Devils would plate two in the seventh to earn the 11-9 win. Senior Anthony Scialdone and junior Pat Epps drove in runs for the Blue Devils to earn the win. Allaire finished a single short of the cycle and had four hits on the day. He had a pair of doubles, a triple and his first home run of the season while driving in four runs. Scialdone finished the game with three hits while Wells had two hits, including his first home run of the season, and three RBI. The Blue Devils open the home portion of their NEC schedule on Thursday against Monmouth. Central and the Hawks will play a single game on Thursday at 3 p.m., a doubleheader on Friday beginning at 1 p.m. and a single game on Saturday also at 1 p.m.

Sean Allaire had nine RBI on Sunday.

Photo Courtesy of ccsubluedevils.com

BLUE DEVILS’ RUN FALLS SHORT Continued from page 12 ranked fourth SECHL with a 15-11-2 regular season record, scoring a team total of 335 points.

Pool Play vs. Michigan State University

Senior Sara Budrick hit two homeruns in game one.

Photo Courtesy of ccsubluedevils.com

Softball Splits Doubleheader Against Mount St. Mary’s in New Britain CCSUBlueDevils.com

Central Connecticut softball took game one of the doubleheader with Mount St. Mary’s this afternoon by a score of 9-1. The Blue Devils were led by senior Sara Budrick who had two home runs and three RBI in the game one win. She added a double in a game two loss, and went 3-for-6 on the day. Central dropped the second game 12-1. The Blue Devils are now 9-14 on the season and 2-2 in the Northeast Conference while Mount St. Mary’s moves to 18-11 on the season and 3-1 in NEC play. In game one the Mount was first to score in the top of the first inning on a solo home run by senior Lisa Curreri. The Blue Devils were quick to answer however in the bottom of the first inning when Budrick hit a two run home run to left field to score sophomore Rebecca Mussatti. Junior Katherine Knowles kept the inning going with a single over the second baseman’s head and scored on a tworun home run by senior Jaclyn Logan to left center field, giving the Blue Devils the 4-1 lead before the Mount was able to record an out. Junior Elizabeth Montemurro was able

to pitch out of a bases loaded jam for Central in the top of the fourth inning. The Mount was able to load the bases when junior Nicole Reeder drew a walk and advanced to third on a double by senior Amanda Buckel. Freshman Erin Leddy drew a walk to load the bases for the Mount. Montemurro was then able to get Mountaineer freshman Kelly Hickman to fly out and then struck out sophomore Taylor Beebe to end the threat. Budrick hit her second home run of the game to center field to lead off the bottom of the fifth inning. Freshman Kelsey Barlow followed with a two-out home run of her own making the Blue Devil lead 6-1 at the end of the fifth inning. In game two the lone run for Central came in the bottom of the second inning when Barlow hit a home run to center field. With that home run Barlow is tied for the team lead in home runs with Budrick at four apiece. The Mountaineer offense was led by sophomore Liz Christiansen who was 5-5 with three home runs and two singles with seven RBI. The Mount had 12 runs on 17 hits in the second game victory. Central Connecticut will next play today March 31 with a single game at UConn beginning at 4 p.m.

CCSU came out of pool play 2 for 3, which cemented their position in the semifinals; they won against both Michigan State University and Ohio State University, but lost to San Jose State. During the first day of the tournament, CCSU defeated Michigan State Spartans 9-7. They came out strong against the MSU, scoring with less than two minutes taken off the clock from Stanley, his first of three in the game, assisted by Dabkowski and Jeff Pease. CCSU managed to score twice more in the first to give them the 3-1 advantage heading into the locker room. Their second goal came from senior Erich Stoneman with help from Matt Williams and Jonathan Knobloch, followed by an unassisted glove side goal made by Stanley with 53 seconds left to play. During the second MSU goalie Nick Kuelske allowed for three additional unanswered goals before he was taken out of the game with the score at 6-1. The final goal of the second for CCSU came from Knobloch and Stoneman with less than a minute to play. With the five-goal lead CCSU came out in the third flat. They managed to step it up, with two more goals at 15:51 and 14:46 from Dabkowski with the assists from Stanley and Carroll; the second came from Ryan Paglinco and Eric Blewett. MSU came back with four unanswered goals, three coming off a power play. “It was a mix of comfort and penalties that got us to the final score,” said Adams. “A win is a win as ugly as it gets, but they hung together. They stayed together as a group and

even when it was going bad they still managed to find a way to win.”

vs. Ohio State

The Blue Devils entered the game versus Buckeyes looking to carry over the momentum from the win against MSU. With 17:24 left to play Dabkowski scored the one and only CCSU first period goal from Stanley and Pease. “First time CCSU hockey has ever made it to the semifinals so now after this game we can say we’re one of the top four teams in the country and not many players at any league get to say that at any point in time in their career…and that’s awesome,” said Dabkowski after Thursday’s game. CCSU managed to outshoot OSU, even though they spent extra time in the box. Early on in the second CCSU’s Pease put the Blue Devils up by one with a goal from Stanley and Dabkowski. They briefly lost the lead when OSU scored back-to-back with 3:58 and 3:32 left to play, but the Blue Devils came back strong and 25 seconds later Blewett scored from Carroll and Dane Anderson to tie it up at three beginning the third. CCSU had the four-line attack that they have been honing since the beginning of the second half of the season. Players from every line were stepping up and making the plays, especially in front of Coco. He shut out the Buckeyes in the third, while his team sealed the win with two more goals. At the end of the third, co-captain Mike DiClemente took a hit on the boards and left the game immediately. His arm was broken in two places. “The boys did all the work. I just kind of pushed the right buttons you know, I just pushed buttons and hoped they were the right ones,” said Adams. “They laid it on the line, and they played it as a team and that’s all you could ask for.”

Kenny Barto | The Recorder


THE RECORDER / Wednesday, March 31, 2010 / SPORTS

English Football

A trip to Loftus Road

chRisTopheR BoUlay | The RecoRdeR

chRisTopheR BoUlay The Recorder

For someone who is very familiar with the English version of football, what we call 'soccer' in the United States, when I found out that I had the opportunity to go see a match during my trip with my British Journalism class over break, I knew that this would be special. I have seen my beloved Liverpool F.C. play Glasgow Celtic F.C. in 2004 at Rentschler Field, as well as having seen the United States play Latvia during their “send-off match” before the 2006 World Cup. If you read The Recorder often, you probably notice that a majority of my writing is soccer-based, so it is a passion of mine. Queens Park Rangers, a London club, played their league counterpart Derby County F.C. in the Coca Cola Championship over Spring Break. The match was big, and though both clubs are pretty much out of the race for the promotion play-off, they both still have a bit of a fight for the hope to stay afloat in the Championship. Going into the match,

QPR was 17th and Derby was 18th, with only a point separating each side. We were staying in the Bloomsbury section of London, not far from Loftus Road, QPR's 19,000-seat stadium in the West London section of Shepherd's Bush, and we would only be on the Underground for a short time. We got off of the tube and made our way toward the ground, and then we started to see nothing but blue scarves, kits and jackets...we had arrived. The pubs on the street were filled with blue and white-clad supporters eating their ceremonial pies and drinking pints of what I imagined was incredible beer. Turning the corner, the city atmosphere was gone, and the feeling of a residential, tight-knit community was prevalent all around. We met up with the crowd marching toward the bright floodlights and the excitement built. Tickets were a bit steep, £30 for an adult, and £20 for anyone 21 and under. That's approximately $44 for an adult and $30 for anyone 21 and under. It would prove to be absolutely worth it. The food was very English, to say the least

(not that I expected anything less). Steak and kidney pie with potato chips and a Carlsberg made for a well balanced dinner. Ironically, alcohol is sold at the ground, despite the Football Association (the governing body of English football) having a ban of alcohol at all football grounds. The actual ban isn't the sale of the alcohol, but the prevention of being able to bring the alcohol into the stands. A weird rule to say the least, but it was definitely a cool sight to see fans line up in the tunnel around the stand to eat and get a couple drinks in before the match. The weather was typical, driving rain. The field conditions were treacherous, but nothing that the average English footballer wasn't already used to. The match began with a roar and loud applause for every player that marched onto the pitch. Though, despite the home crowd being much bigger, the Derby supporters came with well-rested voices, as the hour and a half train ride didn't damper their spirits. The Derby Rams' faithfuls sang for the entire match, actually outdoing the home crowd. This wasn't a big surprise though, as with the size of the stadium and the loudness of the local supporters, Derby had no choice. Not that they would have it any differently, though. QPR had the majority of the first half chances, including a flurry of near goals in the first five minutes. The Rangers showed whose house it was quite well in the first half, both on the pitch and in the stands. Adel Taarabt whipped a pass to Lee Cook to get the home side on top right before the halftime whistle, which made the crowd absolutely erupt, a feeling I haven't experienced at a match in years. Halftime came and went, and because of the late goal, there was a buzz about the crowd, and it seemed only a matter of time before QPR got one or two more. Derby supporters were attempting to get their club back into it with the ever-familiar chant of “Come on Derby!,” which was answered with the extremely amusing response from the QPR fans: “F*ck off Derby!” Some of the things said in both frustration and jubilation by the home crowd aren't printable in this publication, but anyone who is a football supporter the world over, just think of some of the most amusing things you

have heard while in the stands, you will know exactly what I mean. Even a string of absolutely awful calls by the referee got the crowd very upset, going as far as chanting “The referee's a wanker” repeatedly multiple times during the second half. The match would turn a bit negative for QPR, as Derby was able to equalize in the 67th minute, from a nice goal from Shaun Barker. The supporters began to worry. Even a small boy behind where I was sitting was becoming impatient, yelling at every little thing that happened on the pitch. QPR had one more quality opportunity with five minutes remaining, which everyone, including myself thought would go in. It was all for naught, as the ball sailed and struck the crossbar. The match ended 1-1, not helping either club in their attempt to finish in a respectable position in the table, but it was far from a boring match. One thing that I realized by being in a foreign place, seeing the supporters on their home turf, is how diehard the fans are. There is something about football supporters when they are in their environment that makes them like no other. The energy is unmatched in any sport in America, and this comes from someone who is probably too much of a sports fan. But sports fans all speak two languages: success and despair. Though the club played well, the supporters were in full-fledged panic mode. One supporter came up to me with a very worried face and said, “We are not out of the relegation battle yet.” Another I overheard saying, “I come here every match and give everything for this club, and yet they still find ways to disappoint us.” These people absolutely love their club. There is just something very special about such a tight knit community that know no sport but their own, and no club but their own. It is incomparable to any sporting situation in America because of this. You don't have to be a huge soccer fan like I am to enjoy an experience like this. You just get taken up by the crowd and can't help but love it. Liverpool may be my first love when it comes to football, but after watching this match at Loftus Road, there will always be a little place in the far corner of my heart that will be for QPR.

Appreciating the Other Game of Football Michael Walsh The Recorder

My experience and knowledge of English football doesn't stretch far past my days playing in my town's youth league, a few games of FIFA 10 and a handful of televised viewings. But there was something extraordinary about my visit to Loftus Road Stadium in Shephard's Bush, London to see home club Queens Park Rangers take on the visiting Derby County. Coming from a lifetime of supporting North American sports, particularly baseball, American football and hockey, there was something absolutely refreshing about the experience of taking in another culture's game. The supporters there just get it. It's their game, it's their

club and it's their way of life. There didn't seem to be a soul inside that stadium that didn't understand the process. And that dedication to their club became evident right from the kickoff. Fans would cheer and jeer at the most minor positive or negative outcomes. A good clear? That player gets a respectful applause. A good scoring chance? The stadium erupts with a rowdy response. The referee makes a poor call in the other team's favor? You might want to cover your child's ears for a few minutes. In American sports, I've found fan bases of both major and minor league teams to be a mixture of diehard fans, those who will applaud when a defenseman on their hockey team makes a nice keep in at the blue line on a power play, and casual fans, those who will run to buy a pretzel when Alex Rodriguez is coming to the plate with the bases loaded late

in a game. But the QPR supporters all seemed to understand. Etiquette and knowledge were first rate inside Loftus Road Stadium. It was a refreshing alternate to the businessfirst sports model North America has adopted. And even though the Rangers play in the Football League Championship, a step below the Premier League that hosts some of England's best clubs, the fans stick to their blue and white striped players through thick and thin. The club finished 11th last season and currently sit 18th this year, not far from the threat of being in the relegation pool. The team hasn't seen the Premier League since it was relegated in 1996 and has spent time since then playing in various tier two leagues. This kind of passion is hardly rivaled anywhere else. More than just the atmosphere of sitting among the 12,569 devoted

and energetic supporters on the dreary and rainy night impressed me. The game itself was more exciting than I imagined, with QPR dominating play the majority of the game. After a few misses and huge saves from the Derby keeper, the Rangers finally netted one during stoppage time at the end of the first half. It sent the crowd into an absolute frenzy, one that I could not help join. I found myself becoming more and more fond of the Rangers and their fans throughout the rest of the game, and it's not because they share their name with my favorite hockey team, the New York Rangers. With a raucous crowd and supportive chants soaring through the stands, QPR struggled to keep the lead, giving up a goal to Derby. You could feel the unease of the dedicated supporters around the stadium as the referee made a couple of

questionable calls that infuriated fans young and old, leading to the use of a few expletives. The game eventually ended as a 1-1 draw, a rather unsatisfactory result from an amazing experience. Fans filed out of Loftus Road Stadium and into the rain before departing into the rather quaint neighborhood surrounding it. I admittedly won't become a diehard fan of the game or the club from one lone experience. What I have gathered is a new respect and engagement level for everything the game of football means to the people that live and breath it. I'll most certainly be tuned into this year's FIFA World Cup and I'll mostly certainly play FIFA 10 more often than before, but I probably won't return to many soccer games unless I'm lucky enough to head back to England.

THE RECORDER Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sports 3/31


Kenny Barto | The Recorder

BLUE DEVILS’ RUN FALLS SHORT Brittany Burke & Kenny Barto The Recorder

The CCSU club hockey team made history by grabbing the number two spot at the ACHA Division II national tournament the first weekend of spring break. Moving through pool play, the Blue Devils defeated Michigan State University on Wednesday, March 17 and Ohio State University on Thursday, March 18, where they locked up their position in the semifinals. They fell to the San Jose State Spartans on Friday. CCSU faced University of MarylandBaltimore County Saturday morning, but let the championship escape their grasp when Davenport outscored CCSU 3-1 with two streaks of four unanswered goals. Despite losing the final to Davenport University, this year’s CCSU team made it farther than any other team in CCSU history. “This is the best team in Central history,” said Head Coach Ben Adams. “There’s only one way to go from here.”

CCSU vs. Davenport Panthers (Finals)

Davenport swept all of their games, winning five in a row to give them their third ACHA Division II title in three years including the 12-4 victory over CCSU. “This is a team that wins national championships,” said Adams. “It’s tough when you don’t bury your opportunities and you give them second chances.”

Inside This Issue:

The Blue Devils struggled with the highpowered offense of Davenport for the entire game, but had the game tied at the end of the first period thanks to another great performance by freshman Ryan Stanley, who scored nine goals in the tournament. “This gives me some confidence going forward,” he said. “It’s definitely rewarding because of all the work I put in during the off season.” CCSU could not keep up with Davenport in the second period, however. The Panthers scored four goals in a row before Thomas Carroll scored on a slap shot from the point with 1:31 left to go in the period. Davenport quickly answered with 11 seconds to go to put the score at 7-3. Davenport continued to pile on the goals, and with the score at 11-4, the game got out of hand. Goalie Greg Coco froze a Davenport shot with just over three minutes remaining when Panthers defenseman Adam Gillikin got too close for comfort. Blue Devils enforcer Carroll shoved Gillikin away, and both players eventually dropped gloves and fought until all three referees were able to pull them

he fell just short in the voting for tournament MVP. The Blue Devils received the title of runner-up for the entire ACHA Division II, which consists of over 180 teams coastto-coast.

CCSU vs. University of Maryland Baltimore County (Semifinals)

apart. CCSU’s Rob DiClemente was thrown out for unsportsmanlikeconduct, and both Gillikin and Caroll were thrown out for fighting. “This is a game that runs on pure emotions,” said coach Adams. “I don’t condone it by any means, but I understand where [Carroll] was coming from.” Davenport added one more score in the last minute to give them the 12-4 victory. Even with the loss, two CCSU players brought home individual awards due to strong performances in the tournament. Dabkowski received second team alltournament honors with three goals and seven assists. Stanley received first team all-tournament with his nine goal, six assist performance;

Softball Splits Weekend Doubleheader Page 10

The national championship game was CCSU’s second game in the same day, having faced the University of Maryland-Baltimore County at 8:15 that morning. “I haven’t played two in one day since pee-wee or bantam,” said Dabkowski. “But, this is what the 7 a.m. practices are for, so we’re ready.” The Blue Devils came out strong against UMBC, who received the number one ranking based on their pool play performance. Within the first eight and a half minutes, CCSU scored three goals, one by Butler and one by DiClemente with Stanley assisting on both. Stanley scored the third goal on the power play, assisted by Carroll and DiClemente. CCSU led 3-0 at the end of the first, and continued to build their

momentum. Stanley scored his second of the game with 14 minutes remaining, which was CCSU’s only goal of the period. Coco had no problems with the early morning start, and continued to shut out the UMBC offense through the second period. UMBC finally buried one of their opportunities early in the second period, and followed up with another four minutes later to bring the game closer to 4-2. CCSU would not roll over, however, as Brett Holmes scored on a beautiful back-door pass from Dabkowski with seven minutes left in the period. Three minutes later, Stanley scored, and hats rained down from the CCSU crowd for the second time in the tournament. “Stanley is a horse,” said coach Adams. “He’s blown everyone else out of the water in scoring, and he’s just been great for us.” With the scoreboard reading 6-2, Carroll forced a turnover in the defensive zone, and passed to Dabkowski at center ice, who started a breakaway giving CCSU their seventh of the game. “[Stanley and Dabkowski] have been strong all tournament,” said coach Adams. “Those were the guys that we needed to step up, and they definitely did.” Dabkowski ended his senior season as the goal and points leader with 24 and 47, while the injured DiClemente lead the team in assists at 33. CCSU ended the season See BLUE DEVIL’S RUN Page 10

Baseball Rallies to Beat Fairleigh Dickinson Page 10

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